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Previous: >>485173236

>Ellen Character Demo - "Uniform, Shark Tail, Scissors"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOW8XhUce38 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDjLXFAgsmA (JP)

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I (JP)

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began" | Zenless Zone Zero
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s (JP)

>ZENLESS – Tiësto x Zenless Zone Zero

>Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rFgS0ia0 (JP)

>Release date:
Out NOW!


>Official Twitter Account:

>Redeemable codes (claimable only in-game)


>ZZZ stickers
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Unprotected sex with Nicole for 10,000 Dennys
Unprotected sex with Nicole for 10,000 Dennys
Unprotected sex with Nicole for 10,000 Dennys
She would not be that happy
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S-She's finally here! How do i make sure i won't scare her off?
Nekomata made for dping with your sibling.
zzzbwos we lost they got men
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what's wrong with this fat cat
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If you deny incest you deny the purest love!
Bros holy shit Chapter 3 story is so fucking KINO. Im so fucking upset at jewhoyo that in this game they add a skip button and not Genshit or Snore rail.
Whales who max refreshed every day since launch are starting to hit 40 so we might start to see real builds soon
Should we be worried about the new wuwa characters?
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I have C3 Nicole with her Sig and want to use Anby, what's the best dps to pair them with? I have C3 Anton and his Sig, Neko, and C1 Billy
What should I be buying, everything from both ranks? Help
Also make the music louder holy shit I can barely hear it
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Umm mihoyo? You forgot to censor Grace's tits here, now I'm too horny to play.
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No more gacha until you eat your spinach.
Should I keep this account? I am giving up on the shark girl...
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>just realizing the proxy is supposed to be an Operator from those old Matrix movies
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Is the Moon ok?
Spinach causes kidney stones unironically, don't eat it
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Hunts are fun, can't wait for the coop mode to be released
>lee expy
i hope he is not voiced by that faggot matsuoka again
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billy if youre SOVL
I can give you a tutorial account with C1 Rina and Ellen guarantee if you want
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Even if I have Lucy and Piper for her?
Surely you have a better reroll than Nekomata, she's the worst S rank in the game bwo
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What does the N stand for?
When are we getting a good story
So where are those free 180 pulls?
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Welcome to the cunnybro club.
Nvm, I am retarded and didn't read properly, the buffs transfer upon quick assists/chains
How does wolf stack against ellen? I assume ellen is better since she's limited
>edging saves you from offing yourself
really makes you think
IN for incest
literally me
are we getting any event in 1.0 that is not permanent or log in based?

love the combat OST in this game, especially themes 2, 8, 10, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25
so fucking good
Paimon lost... (in the portable onahole category)
>maid cafe
She's not THAT kind of maid, damn Japs, mooooo
it’s actually IN
as in Wise cums IN her fertile womb
>I can give you a tutorial account
how would that work?
The wolf isn't a dps
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Is Miyabi going to be ice dps?
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Maid bootycall...
You forgot Soukaku
Dead game
Dead general
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I just clear all the levels with lycaon-corin duo.
what kind of maid is she
damn this really is persona 5
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shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark shark
I want Belle to give me a blowjob....
It's actually not that far-fetched
Finally... I've been waiting for Lucy fanart since her initial leak...
You forgot to switch to your /wuwa/ tab bro
How do I exclude Lycaon from my pity rolls? I don't want him to brick my account when I lose my 50/50
Persona 4 did the whole TV thing first.
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Hoyo is terrible when it comes to difficulty. I haven't had any mission in which any of my characters was even close to dying, but I still can't 3 star some quests because the enemies are huge HP sponges that need a specific element.
there’s really not a single song in this game yet that hasn’t made me groove or headbob. shit’s hot. also love the song in Ellen’s music video on the toob.
i clear all the levels with billy his ult do big dmg and starlight never dies haha lmao
Wise wake up she's been doing that every night while you sleep why do you think you're always tired?
Why do you think she has you go to sleep first EVERY TIME?
If you play as Belle then Wise becomes the more aggressive sibling
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>the only time hoyo put effort in a game everyone hates it
Come on now, they are not that old...
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forgot pic
she'd get powercreeped by miyabi soon..
>enemies are huge HP sponges
You just don't know how to deal damage
This is my first gacha game and looking at all the stuff I need to rank up W Gears and Discs gated behind this dumb battery system is really putting me kffthw game. I want to level up my characters but it feels like the game is forcing me to stick with the same 3 characters forever or waste materials.
>I-if you need,
Shitty translation.. unforgivable
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Where to find Shark GF?
This but also Soukaku
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So which of the girl is for (You) other than your gremlin sister?
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They stopped putting all the money on paid shills and put it towards the working staff for once instead
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I kneel Mihoyo, I didn't give a single shit about Koleda before but the Chapter 2 ending was pure kinography.
I love this game so much bros.
retards cant appreciate real quality and just parrot faggotubers shit opinions
Nah you just gotta do this
You need to be switching characters more mid attack too, you can have everyone out at once smacking if you time it right during animations

You're probably missing out on a ton of damage if you only ever have 1 person smacking (unless it's buffed Corrin sawing)
I'm stuck in the lvl 30-36 do nothing inter-knot hell might as well
Soldier 11
I think some people said the value is bad and you better keep your money for mid-game when you eventually need tons of it to actually gear up your characters.
ugly alien
it has universally positive reviews and the ecelebs will pretend they liked it all along in a month or so
normies are retarded and can't form their own opinions
Be thankful that leveling is the only thing that's gated behind stamina. In older gachas even story would've been gated.
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Hi zzziggerbros
Can you post more images that can be used as emotes like >>485180185
And widescreen background art like >>485180453
I need more of them to finish something I'm working on, I'm poaching art from the threads but there isn't a lot of OC yet
why do all these people say the game is easy? im so fucking confused about the mechanics?
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>Get Ellen
>Have Furfag and Soukaku for metafaggotry
>Love my Amby too much to drop her
Does Ellen work well with Amby/Nicole?
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But all the girls are for (you), their trust levels progress you into "basically" dating them by the end.
Welcome to the modern world.
>xiangli yao
he doesn't even look anything like a chink jesus it's all gonna be like this isn't it
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Please help, I'm retarded!
Just got myself some shaaaaaaaark, and I don't know what w-engine to use on her (not rolling on a weapon banner, fuck off).
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Bro, if a baby qas born when the first Matrix movie was released, that baby can legally vote, shoot guns, drink, and collect nude pics of Lucy now without asking for sauce.
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definitely pushing her buttons alright
The maid ulting is fucking funny, wtf
damn she’s getting straight into the naughty talk what a keeper
So are they, that's why they're coping by pretending that mechanics don't exist
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Imagine the smell
>Genshin hangouts

so none
>tv shit
This is worse than hallway simulator
I get a stiffy when I use Corin’s ult…
The one you have equipped is her best f2p option and you can get extra copies from the engine shop
lmao even
that one is your only option really the others have specific dmg tied passives
If I want Miyabi, is it better to just skip Ellen?
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As a /m/an I liked it a lot
I'm starting to feel Corins damage potential
what's her intended weapon? what do I use meanwhile
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What's her name in chinese?
If it's Lin, I can see her hair being the L
Chapter 2 is already better than genshin and star rail in their entirety
Kiana is on it
Why aren't their legs hairy
I unironically think the TVs have crazy amounts of effort for something so mid
e-whores will try to make dramatic statements since that's how they get to eat. In the end it doesn't matter because people with normal jobs (or neets) who are actually playing the game will continue to do so if the game is fun.
This battery system is fucking gay. Am I eventually going to be fucked out of upgrading new characters because I run out of chargers?
the girls are for the obligatory male in their team
news flash buddy
you'll need those mats to level your characters too
>human legs
what the fuck
/zzz/ cytube already?
The /gig/ one still has broken emotes by the way.
The Matrix movies are closer to WW2 than to the present day
does chapter 3 unlock lucy/piper trust page?
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Hes Fin-ished...
Let me guess, you would prefer wandering aimlessly around a procedurally generated field
The 5 star I have is Soldier 11 who requires 20 years of fgc experience. Only alternative is Anby which is cuck shit. I wanted Grace's saggy hag body.
it's shonen kino
check the op there's 2 drive links filled with emotes
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W-what's going on in the background?
Do you really like the mumble rap?
every character has a weapon designed specifically for them you will get hers sooner or later use starlight engine in the meantime
first gacha?
Yes anon it's a gacha you need to do your daily stamina runs to upgrade the characters. Thankfully dailies are pretty short here, should be like 5 minutes a day
first gacha?
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devs listened
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i like the TV's a lot I just think they fuck around and make it too slow.
Thing is I want to speed up but also be able to hear characters talk. Really what they need to do is stop taking control away from me. I don't need you to pan over to the obvious object just let me fucking move.
>wuwa cunnybaited me
>just going to hag and fags from now on
I'm sorry that I ever shat on you guys...
>the boxer from floor 9 of the abyss has so many parry triggers that all 3 of my team were constantly out and engaging.
you’re talking about the battery energy? it recharges at a constant neverending rate. that’s the time gating system of most gachas
using your energy is part of the daily login routine on every hoyo game
>didn't get Butler
Its so over for me
There are times where I have no idea where the damage comes from.
I love that we'll never get a female furry, just kemonomimi girls (despite fem furries existing in universe)
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>WW2 ended 1945
>Matrix released 1999, 54 years after the end of WW2
>the movie is 25 years old in 2024
are you from the future
I am use starlight, but which one is HERS?
How popular is this game in Japan?
thank you for outing yourself as a neanderthal
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here bwo
So what you can see their skin through it. Where's the hair
Yes? at least I can see my S character's ass a bit longer as opposed to only being able to see them in battle
Anon you get to pick which exact bangboo drops, it is not possible to not get the one you want
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fuck imagine how much sexo art we lost
>Fairy accidentally searches "kill yourself"
>that one girl who talks about jumping off from buildings (she talks about parkour)
Why are there so many jokes about suicide in this game?
>Finishing applying shock
>Finishing the stun
>Parrying a lot
Probably only available once we actually meet them in the story in 1.3 or something
not so much when it’s in low-fi TV mode, but when the combat beat hits it slaps
bro its a genshin clone it would always be just hags and fags
Did people get turned into animals because of the ether or what?
very true
It's "hero" in Russian.
Its not damage numbers
that’s not based only on damage.
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See, they both start with 19 so they're closer
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dumb bitch
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>The /gig/ one still has broken emotes by the way.
I know, it's because we're hosting the emote files on catbox and it's rate limiting calls to server
It is, no joke, the only file host I found that lets you hotlink to the images directly. GDrive doesn't, Dropbox doesn't, it's all done so you can't use them as discount fileservers
I may genuinely pay to rent a file server just to host this at this point
thank you for eating chink slop
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Is the gremlin good, bros?
Also what Booboog do I want to roll on if my team is red gremlin + Ellen + ice oni?
It's like everyone agreed that shorks are now the meme animal
Yeah time gating always sucks in gachas, it's awful how everyone is already used to it
truly a zzzigger game
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What genshin has far more top quality potatoes. Especially the upcoming one from Natlan.
>around a procedurally generated field
is it actually procedurally generated? maybe i haven't unlocked that version but it seems like the hallow zero missions are the same layout very time
I didn't pull for the shark, and I'm hoarding polychrome. What are most likely the next agents? The cop and catgirl?
its called housekeeper
I would rather have time gating than having to grind shit 24/7 like granblu
I like it for dungeon navigation\
I don't like it when they wiggle around TV boxes because they don't feel like making assets or cutscenes
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Should we be worried?
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It hasn't really helped me.
over a decade of shark week will do that
It's relatively tedious and at times complete shit but you'd have to be retarded to think that It doesn't have far more effort put into it than most gachas.
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>teammates can be sus
Grace really got fucked over the most by the censorship, even Nicole got it better.
>just did the 3v3 bangboo commission
>random chink dress with no personality
>cunny cop
Sup, how much are Ellen accounts going for nowadays?
>ai generated chinese vs soulful chinese frieren
i think we got this in the bag
old man and long time mmo player and can confirm gacha timegating is a much more respectable way to live your life rather than spend 16 hours a day farming
and it took them 4 years for that and theyre still the minority
The Grace tit NUKE is seriously still what pisses me off the most about the game
It's like a very small blackpill every morning in my morning cereal
wow im refunding
Soldier 11 timing is so easy with the sound queues
left looks uggo
robocop cunny uoh
you never upgrade more than 3 or 4 characters simultaneously, dumbass
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This one is a must of course
>Finally make a slightly colorful design
>It trails off into white like every other design they have
And "people" defend this shit
How long is WuWa gonna be stuck in notChina slop for?
>wuwafags don't even realize how hard they're getting mogged
cop is next (with ben and nicole), nobody knows after that
to be honest, I think better shaders would help as much as the old cleavage.
>grifter ecelebs are only now learning about disorder being broken
>a whole 2 days after it was already being abused /here/
>they now have to shill a loli as being broken to their normalfag fanbase like they did with Nahida
You love to see them squirming back.
You need 6 for Shiyu bro
The japanese don't like ZZZ and it won't breach the japanese audience. It's genuinely over.
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I'm talking about open world games, but I fully expect there will be random TV stages later because it's so obvious
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So this is Kuro's response to ZZZ...
Are B tier engines really that bad event at 5 stars?
One of them gives crit rate and the other flat 20% attack dmg increase.
She's fun to play, but you don't want to use her with Ellen/Oni, because you'll lose her 35% bonus chain damage to stunned targets
WuWa chick unironically looks AI generated kek
>Stirrup stocking
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I am strongly motivated to roll for the fox.
So what's the point of this daily log in website? You just open it up daily and get free shit?
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Remember to save!
You're playing a gacha game lmao. AK, Limbus, FGO or whatever the fuck you pretentious retards think is creme de la creme of gachas is still slop.
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Genshin would never.
holy shit these names... I'm so glad I quit a month ago
Unless you unironically like lolis.
This fucking game needs more hags
lycaon MOGS that kirito looking homo
I fucking hate chinese gacha for this reason. If it was a KR/JP company there would be 0 censorship.
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let me guess, you need more?
Forever, that game is perma china
>Create a generic western knight man
>still chinese name
>chingchong and linglong
nice one kuro
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When do you unlock notorious hunts?
Oh not the most generic characters even imagined by a Chinese mind. Now it really is over
Carried drastically be higher glasses, without them she's boring
>he doesnt know
youre staying there forever bro the whole game world is a chink world
you need 8 for abyss
>but I fully expect there will be random TV stages later because it's so obvious
i hope so i actually like the tv section, it would just be more fun if they made a fuck ton of tilesets binding of isaac style
>atsu got exposed so they had no where else to put the money, but back into the game
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>tectone made a video that zzz revenue won't be high
>His chat celebrating WuWa will btfo zzz in July.
>Mislead chat so when revenue comes out he can milk the drama

August will mind break a lot of people won't it.
I love how fucking dumb she is, I hope she has a scene with Anby where they create a autism singularity
after chapter 2
It's fucking tragic, especially since she's my favorite unit so far
Motherfuckers putting her right after Zhu Yuan... I just wanted to get the cop duo, but I'll have to swipe for it (or just hope the game flops and they give more freebies to attract people)
this filtered THOUSANDS of twitter users
I want to fuck them both. China is winning the game hardcore, it's soaking up all the monies and all the coom from the entire world.
christ, why did they even bother marketing it globally
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Left looks way better kek. I swear lolifags have no taste.
Zhu Yuan looks better than both though.
>old lady calls bangboo "sus" in Lumina Square
>black people love the game for the music
>white people drop the game for the music
>Asians split between "modern westaboos" loving it, and all the rest dropping it
What was MHY thinking?
I do not want open world ubisoft collectathon slop, this game throwing you into a stage to actually play the game and then back out to play pacman for 30 seconds is better
why is this general full of eceleb posting, is this mihoyo thing or just shitposters running to ruin new gacha general
looking at this image gives me the same feeling of bad chemical smells opening the thing I bought that was too cheap to be true that took 2 weeks to ship
Same, but I fear Fox won't show up for a while, given how she's Ice as well. Otherwise they may make Shark Whales angry and you don't really want to make whales angry
After you do the prototype machine commission for Belobog.
kek saved

Lolibot's art looks like shit compared to her model

What people? The fake western weaboo/otaku?
I'm chinese and even the chinese name spam of wuwa is tiring to me.
>watches e-cancer
You already were mindbroken
The WuWa chick looks awful, no way she's a 5*
Wait, is the W Engine Anby gets in the tutorial not her actual weapon? Did I just waste resources leveling this fucking thing?
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Which Agent is a virgin?
Which Agent is a whore?
Which Agent is a romantic that only loves one person?
don't TV has a speed up feature?
absolute Cinema 6/6
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She's taking a couple shot, with me.
BASED and hagpilled
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>Character has shoes
>FeetGODS still winning
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Can I get a really QRD on what I get if I start playing?
I saw something about 140 free rolls but I felt like it was some advertising gimmick.
I've been playing Azur Lane a while and I'm sorting of sick of it, and I got sick of Blue Archive really quickly because the gatcha was kind of brutal.
Is ZZZ worth picking up? And if so is it emulator friendly, or is a good phone a must-have

Thank you
I remember playing some cheap taiwanese gacha years ago, its characters were based on different foods iirc and it was called Food Fantasy. Even that had more polished designs than this slop.
pity (You)
what music?
It does and there's a tutorial popup that tells you what button it is
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That makes sense. I just don't know whom to pair up with Ellen and Shoukaku, then. I think I actually want the furry wolf for them??? Fucked up if true.
Say something in Communism
Anby is a virgin due to her pure autism.
Nicole is a turboslut who gives blowies in the alley to escape her debts.
Billy has a celebrity oneitis and will die a virgin as a result.
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me on the right
I don’t care if Japan doesn’t like it
Everyone having these names really makes you understand you are not the target audience
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...Why are people here so fucking disingenuous?
You can dislike a game mechanic and still acknowledge that effort went into it, Jesus.
>6 chink characters in a row for 3 entire patches
kuro want to surpass floprail really bad huh?
>wuwa forced rivalry
bwo they are not even the same type of games
>there are """"straight males"""" ITT that won't pull for the hebecop
it's still ass slow to skip the awful dialogues
My god Belle's run looks so fucking retarded
It is
Anon that's a hag
I gotta save for Miyabi bwo
so if i don't have lycaon, use my 300 selector on him? i have ellen m0w1 and m6 soukaku. i also got lycaon's w-engine along the way.

i really wanted to play soldier 11, but didn't get her. got rina grace anton for team 2 i guess. wanted soldier 11 koleda lucy :[

soldier 11 best girl
I don't pull for dykes, no matter the body type
I'm not rolling on a 4* design bro
Animalistic, soaking wet and unprotected sex with Rina for the dual purposes of pleasure and procreation
They'll be moving to another region soon enough
It's already hinted that the MC will go to the Black Shores (none of the characters from there have Chinese names so far) to gather more info
I love Soldier 11
I don't know why but the way she talks on her story mission is very cute (JP dub)
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I'm Singaporean Neoliberal Capitalist.
I love cunny
Yeah this is why I can't ever give this game any money, even if I'm not a hagfag, this is just tragic
it is but i still cant figure out what visual changes she gets
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Dangerously Based.
You guys are slow
>soldier 11
>almost all of them
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Anby. Equip Puffer Electro on Ellen, then your routine for bosses is stun them with Anby > Rally banner with Soukaku > Ult with Ellen and she melts the rest of their health bar in 2 seconds
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I see they went with palette swapping Section 6's worst member. Bold choice.
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Why the fuck does Tectone care about gacha revenue to begin with? Does he own part of Hoyoverse? How is that his business in any way? Are these people so bored that they spend their time watching graphs go up and down?
it's marketing you have to play the game and complete content to get most of the pulls
you only get about 60ish freebies (split between limited and standard) not counting the bangboo (sidekick minion) character which gives you about 100 or so.
hoyo gacha are usually seen as greedy, you get about 1 5 (SSR or whatever) star a patch f2p (and it will 50/50)
What did he mean by this
>Is ZZZ worth picking up?
As someone who already burnt through all the content, it's not
We are still in honey moon phase thus the traffic
Oh shit you're the cytube anon from /gig/? how you liking the game so far
I'm looking for a third toon to give a trust event to because I omly have Nicole and Anby. Qrd on Billy? Does he become anything other than a retro nerd?
>140 free rolls
you have to complete everything for it basically. so yeah it is just advertising because it's just mission rewards and stuff mainly
>gatcha was kind of brutal
don't know how it is compared to zzz but it is still very stingy
>is it emulator friendly
there's a PC client you don't need an emulator, also on PS
The selector is months away. Just get the character you want.
um... that's not a burger
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Stop liking little girls
Repeat after me
honestly i’d be rolling on her anyway for Ether and because her attack animations are cool even if it wasn’t for the BODACIOUS ass & crotch
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I beat the game.
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>something something throwing stones
>something something glass houses
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>he thinks the TV segments suck
ur on 4chan
What did she mean by that?
If you like hip hop, it's the game for you. If not, you will probably drop it quickly.
I hate chink characters, nuff said
If she's a ghost, and you impregnate her, and she delivers a ghost baby, is it still considered birth or an abortion?
well dont they like it
wish the lolipop was cigarettes instead. damn chinese censorship
Use it for Soldier 11. You can replace Lycaon with a Rina build for distortion procs, especially if Ellen is has C1.
>ITT yts calling trap hiphop because they're mentally stuck in 1980
Yeah I love a lot of the systems in the game, this is one of the great ones.
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>just your standard gacha "move your units in the stage" thing like in BA, but with more visual flare
>Everyone is seething and pooping their diapers
You do nothing but outing yourself as newfags.
Bet you never even played any other gacha game besides genshin or hsr.
No you didn't you shitty brat
japan hates zzz lol
Anon he doesn't care, he doesn't even care about any gacha he plays. He's milking retarded gachafags for views and money, there's nothing else to it.
>Anby, S11, Grace
>Nicole, Rina
Damn, they should've made her black-haired like she looks to be here. The dull green really doesn't do it for me.
she can’t wrap her lips & tongue around and slobber on a cigarette
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>He thinks russia still retains any of its Communistic past
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I beat the fucking game again.
I will never roll for a character with a chink name. That's the reason I can't play Wuwa btw
But this is.
they know their audience (me)
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wtf is Grace giving the machine a handjob?
fox girl comes first
Is that a fucking spade on her belt? Fucking chinks I swear to god.
Roughly when did you guys get enough rolls for Ellen 50/50. I'm lvl 24 just started Chpt 2 and 46 rolls till pit. I want that teenage maid pussy so bad.
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How does she get away with having her whole ass check out?
You have to first understand that streamers aren't people. Streamers are a living algorithm that changes based on their audience's needs.
It's why Tectone went from the biggest Genshin/hoyo whale on the planet to someone who hates everything they do overnight.
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You just know Wise does henshin poses when alone or when with Billy when no one is around
ya, but she's come across as even cuntier if she smoked <3
Because everyone in this game is already dead and everything takes place in a virtual world
I got mine in 34 rolls
whats my cope ellen comp if i dont have furryman?
Nah like 50% of the characters have black hair. The green hair is the best part. I have black hair fatigue already.
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wuwaniggers failed to boot genshin or hsr off after months, if not years of shilling so they're just coping with "beating" zzz
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they should really, really, really, change her to electric
Soldier 11 fans exist?
>these names
and a chingchong pingpong to you too
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I got the cunny seed.
I fucking love this game.
This is so fucking stupid
>implying belle doesn't have a stash of wise doing poses
She looks like she doesn't moan in bed
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I mean look at this it is machine POV with your legs spread as she gets ready for CBT
Anby and Soukaku.
I fucking love Soukaku's jp voice phone call, it's hilarious
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I fucked up the N without realizing, here's a better rev.
it represents gambling, retarded westurd
Holy Gen X
you gotta go pretty far to get into hard pity territory for sure
don’t forget to start doing Shibuya Defense and all your non story commissions and all that kind of shit
>doesn't want to eat spicy noodles on a date with their autistic soldier 11 gf
as long as you have soukaku you will be perfectly fine, and she's also fun.
Come back to wuwa bros ZZZ is a flop
im level 32 and i got enough for one 50/50 already (did 40 rolls already and have 10k primotapes)
yeah I wonder why a member of a biker gang would have an ace of spades...
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I hope you like having the dolls shoved up your ass and mouth while doing it
literally I don't see a differance
Grace feet sex
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>literally holding burger in her mouth no hands style
Holy shit that girl is ravenous.
Based that's nothing, I will now play your game.
Chain attack does not count towards proccing starlight engine right? Not sure how to easily get the effect for my dps for the burst damage when I stun with my stunner to go chain stun > support > dps
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Any good teams with these characters?
I just got the cunny seed.
Why does she have arrows pointing at her chest?
>armpits still exposed
>people pretending to like this music so they don't look racist
Soldier 11 is both fun to play and I vibe with her autism. Love sending her out flanked by the loli squad.
we should be pushing the limits, not going back in time though
as much as the game is pretty solid for a mobage, it's still a corridor cleaner, there are almost no ways to see characters outside of fights
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single space vs double space.
S11 Lucy Piper is literally meta yeah.
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Breed with HAGS.
Best DPS in the game
Even better than Ellen
nice spook at 50 ish pity
was hoping for grace or rina but this is also good
Yes, Soldier 11 and the two biker lolis is one of the best teams in the game
When the imposter
What is her path? Attacker? Do we know?
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Shhhhhh... Let the first actual sovlful hoyo gacha filter hoyoniggers.
>VA: So you okay? Getting your hands dirty like this?
>Text: Your reputation is getting stained. How are you holding up?
the music is dogshit. even wuwa music is better
I like a lot of the music unironically
Have your support be the last chain attack so your DPS can quick assist from them
I actually think internally this must also have been the most hotly discussed nerf.
I think Anby thong was the least controversial, while for Grace a lot of the guys must have been like
>seriously??? her cleavage? Why, she's a hag, what's he problem?
Alas, they must have lost to HR roasties
S11, Lucy, Piper
oh cool that's better nice job anon
Besides the obvious S11 (or corin if you like her) Lucy and Piper comp, you can run Anby, Nicole, Billy/Anton for the second team
>jazz backing track is now jazz
black-bros...we've been reduced to hip hop producers and backing track makers
Can f2p reach 34 today?
any mods yet?
duality of man
i unironically like the music and i am racist
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>he has a lisp
It will get even worse since wuwa 1.2 and zzz 1.1 will release on the same day
It's so mediocre, I wish it was either better or worse. Either make it on the level of Persona/TWEWY proper or give me full on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6plVf2T6AOo for a laugh instead of halfassed ONE DAY OR ANOTHER DAY
i like the music, theres one i can't fucking find online but it was a during one of the big construction site robots
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I'm so fucking shit at the snake minigame that I got carried by Billy during the story questline
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I wish we had another A rank stunner alongside Anby, the other 2 being S ranks really fucks with making a second team
I can enjoy the music because I'm not obsessed with niggers 24/7
how do I unlock the Empty Characters on the select screen?
>*bass booms*
gets me going every time
im a millenial who grew up on snoop dogg, three six mafia, eminem, koopsta knicca etc yes i like rap
rewriting things late in production without being able to rerecord the lines, it's not really surprising. It'll happen less with patch updates
>Lycaon is the only male in his group
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Are these good units? I just started
Why are there so many physical dps?
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I challenge anyone who says the combat is too easy to fight this asshole on floor 9 with a level 40/30 team
that's just placeholder, they will be filled with the characters from the next limited banners
The OST is okay overall, though I really like the battle themes
>anby used to wear thong
i will kill xi jin ping
Is it it more valuable to lose out on dps chain attack for the boost? I'm assuming maybe not for base starlight?
i got some insane input lag on that quest for no reason like am i not playing with and against ai?? unless...
Yes! People who primarily play gachas and are gacha hoppers are mentally ill
Piper is a pseudo stunner because phys anomaly increases daze damage
No they aren't bro but I'll pay you 5 bucks for that account
just stop trying to parry it
they're okay
He also talks with a lisp and is voiced by a gay man. He's a fucking faggot so all your maids are pure. Except for Corrin, the little nasty ho.
>giant fucking health pool and shit characters = difficulty
fucking brilliant how they did the transitions every time you get into a fight fight fight fight. little things like that make the game extra memorable and addictive
Well for trash mobs it doesn't matter they die too fast anyway, and for elite/bosses then both your DPS and support will be able to chain attack, so it's fine either way
Why are you reposting my screenshot I posted on facebook?
This bitch keeps coming up on my phone with that embarassing ad:
When this bitch is one of the most generic cunts in the game and isnt even relevant a single time past her introduction aside from creaming over the dr disrespect insert . MIhoyo could show every female NPC in sixth street and it'd be a way better ad.
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I leisurely lurked on Bilibili and apparently there's a very popular stream of that one infamous Honkai 3rd bunny girl MMD under the ZZZ category and it's causing some drama again. Man, why are they like this
Technically everyone is racist, some people are just naive or don't want to admit it.
Hey, watch it. How is Corin a nasty ho huh?
Have you considered people don't want "standard gacha" filler between the actually good combat?
Imagine playing DMC and every minute they unload the map to do a pizza eating minigame.
>Soukaku with signature
yep, seems to be a skill issue on your part buddy
Anomaly seems stronger than stunners? I don't know maybe Piper is just cracksd
Oh look, it's the wise and smart chinese guy number 7541616.
Yeah bro that guy from hoyolab's pulls were pretty good
No the problem with those is that they don't have the regular parry and dodge tells the game gives you prior to encountering one
You don't have to use a dedicated stunner. Physical units make enemies stun easier, anomaly units do DOTs, then you have weird ones like Neko where you actually don't want the enemies to be stunned at all
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Shut up nigger.

Yeah! The shining gold designs
Let your inner spark ignite
Find your treasure, glowing bright
Reaching for it, and taking flight

Like it or not, at least you tried
Chin up in yourself, confide
No doubt fate's on your side
You're chosen, so enjoy the ride

There are things you can't control
Fortune's fickle, that's this world
Embrace the result, stop keeping score
That's the essence, life's true goal

Not just trials, and battles tough
So take enjoy in simple stuff
Even when it's getting rough
Take it easy, having fun is just enough
Everything about Zzz is low effort slop. I can't think of a single aspect of the game that is even slightly original.
bros...why isn't it just the same thing repeating over and over again?
no edit btw
how can you tell it's signature?
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I use my stunner more than my attacker.
If there was real jazz in this game I'd have nothing but praise for the OST, I muted it, put on my own, and it was a much better experience
she gets knotted every night
>still mindbroke over the bunny girl incident
holy fucjing BASED Dawei i kneel
it has been like 6 years
He carried me too, and I kept running into his giant snake and exploding myself, but he never talked shit to me.
the latter
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Oh yeah.

It's time to fap again.
The bitch has bags under her eyes because she's up all night pleasing her masters to avoid getting fired for her shit performance. Unlike Rina, who fucks for purely professional reasons.
Lycaon is a professional. He's more likely to put them into chastity belts than fuck any of his employees.
but anon it's
It's so
I thought that the game was well optimized but dear god Lumina Square sucks balls.
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>Doesn't want enemies stunned
She's this game's Clara
Her tail is glowing
If you have soukakus sig it does that + her horns glow too
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Same but I'm happy because Anby is my favorite
asian hip hop is nice though
I don't get the forced hype around Zhu Yuan, she looks like a generic fucking NPC. It's almost as bad as the fox faggot in star rail.
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>months away
because you can clear the ten hour tutorial by mashing
some people won't engage with mechanics unless forced
this >>485182690 I hate niggers but the OST is pretty cool
first time this shit hit i soi faced hard and might have even said ooohhhhhh damn
>the fucking bangbro bopping
>the music going yeah the shining golden signs
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I was making a joke but thanks...
Why there so many shitposters at this time ? It always get calmer later in the day
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I love this music, it's like im playing a persona game.

Round up around, spit out
All over
Rhyme like a rolling stone
Comin' a crowd
Watch out, they move, they diss you loud
Guess what this sound, it bombs whole ground
(So round up)
Don't ease your pace, 'cuz enemy's brutal
Moment of truth, There ain't no truce
You're the only one, one world, one love
But the battle goes on, Shadows of Mass Destruction
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Any good team comps for this roster?
Knot lvl: 24
Been thinking Soldier 11, Piper and Soukaku.
that's unironically great.
She just takes cock with visible pleasure on her face, sometimes dropping comments.
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Your definition of good design is probably this thing on the left >>485181303
biggest retard itt
You are too based to listen to gacha OSTs anon, I'm sorry
the saars are awake
Because it's the evening in SEA right now.
>can't parry for shit
>getting btfo on this challenge stage
>go to gym and lift
>come back
>parry everything perfectly
wtf bros
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Does anyone else want this game dead by next month?
It is the only decent game Jewhomo made but these guys are scummiest gacha devs and very stingy with premium currency. Dead game means free gib
Did you spend polychromes on the standard banner because that is the one actual unironic for real way to brick your account
Reminder that Da Wei almost got stabbed over this. ZZZ exist as a HI3 replacement to spite these people.
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>Yeah how am I a nasty hoe
Except that's literally what DMC1,3 and 4 were like. Or are you forgetting shit like the forest """"maze"""" and the dice minigame?
some of us want to play as the police faction. like futuristic beverly hills cop
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Please seek a man in your life
Belobog commission themes are fucking kino
lol you can never know
is soukaku useful without ellen or the dog?
I have her c6
Just like Souls Games, just increase the damage of the enemies!
>butler from pity
>etherboo in 20 rolls
>rocketboo in 30
are the rates good or am I just lucky?
lmao this game garbage music is nowhere near any Persona OST
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But I did. Just learn boss patterns, dodge and parry and whittle it away. Everyone is 40 except Lucy and Furry who are 30, W engines range from being level 40, 30 and 20. B team especially is lacking in W engine upgraded. Will try floor 10 after I get everyone up to level 40 with level 30 w engines
she plays nice and has a big ass what more do you want
Same Anby is also my favorite
https://youtu.be/_uCWRWxetMc i love this song
Apparently S11 Piper and Lucy is meta
I got the cunny seed too and they told me that
she's the best support in the game, so yes
S11, Piper, Lucy.
Corin, Anby, Billy.
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Soldier Piper Lucy for Disorder team
Anby Nicole Corin for Stun DPS team
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>play game
>suddenly ass
retards are gaslighting themselves into think the music is good because of sunk cost.
>B clear
what's the point, you will have to clear it at S later
put Lucy instead of Soukaku
Holy shit. Soukaku sucks to play.
That's blatantly false, stunned enemies take double damage, that's way more than what her buff provides. Besides, you can just use your support skill (non ex works as well) to trigger her quick assist
you say that like i'm not going to swip my card gir zhuyuan anyways
You're literally there, be the man of her life.
How bro how the fuck cant you parry a massive flashing light with clear sound indicator
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>belle lets all the guys except for wise into her bedroom
oh no
You have to EoS Hi3 first.
this shit never gets old. i always make sure to WIPEOUT with Anby, she’s even better than Nicole
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damn this thread is moving at light speed for this time of day, wtf... this game really is pretty popular damn
Guys guys hear me out with this one
Which zzz girl is most likely to give me morning kisses every morning
This is important for my future pulls
that's every yakuza game and /v/ laps it all up
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>but I did
>has the best team in the game with the signature bangboo and another s rank dps on the other side
>B rank
The A rank meta queens of this game AND they make reddit seethe.
skill issue
she doesn't
Why do everyone in this game dress like a prostitute?
Yes that includes Wise and Belle
skull issue
I like that she's a bit plain, almost feels unusual for a 5*.
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>t. never got in the zone playing sekiro
parrying is a state of mind bro
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Hi retard, im saying that the generic women in ZZZ are better than the gadget bitch, not that Wuwa is better.
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This game is fucking with my brain.
Tiny girls are fucking sexy.

i should NOT be attracted to this
hentai artist
Just like Billy and his harem
did you just find out this is a cuck game?
none of them, your sister forbids it
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Open your store!
I need to rent a videooooo!!
how did they manage to have both her EN and JP voices be so sexo
Kek it already was my favorite ost from the beta, I was listening to it for months while waiting for the game.
I didn't expect the lyrics and they actually go extremely hard
clearly, the straps are showing above her skirt
you can mod it back in though
shit taste
new tech dropped
>4 days old game
>sunk cost
Don't use words you don't know the meaning of, brainlet.
Anby if you smell like burger
chill issue
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>Soldier 11
I'm sorry for your loss. Your account looks just like mine
where do you live where bears are prostitutes
should I build nekomata or not? shes my only dps
>You have to EoS Hi3 first.
They would kill Genshin first before that. HI3 is the only game and fanbase mihoyo doesn't hate
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Learn how to play her. You're probably spamming. She's actually really fun if you know how to play her.
don't look up zenless zone zero lead artist on google dot com
she has her bedroom open at midnight sometimes :)
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It's over Belle
Onii-chan is taking HAGstocks
How long until they introduce S ranks that can jump and fight mid-air?
Belle. She'll cut any other bitch who tries.
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>Oh shit you're the cytube anon from /gig/?
>how you liking the game so far
It's very good, but I need more pulls for Ellen and Soukaku
Surprisingly stingy launch for post-Genshin mihoyo
This but unironically. Chink lickers have to slop everything.
I might actually roll Changli C2 after seeing this
why do the japs keep drawing lucy and nekomata wtf? where are the HAGS
yes she's great
you don't know it either. keep listening to chinkslop
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this is a woman of legal age there is no problem being attracted to her
Endless Construction Day- Day.
>one day in annuda day dicked around and *bangboobonics ensue*
Everything is okay except whatever this fucking mumble rap shit is supposed to be.
Even during the puzzles in those games, you're still playing your character not a completely different game mode. Also the time you spend fighting before moving onto puzzles is much longer than ZZZ, where most fights end in like a minute before it's back to the TVs.
They're still the worst part about DMC, but they're not as pace-killing as TV exploration(except 4's dice, fuck the dice).
yes, assault is the best element right now
always chain before your DPS, if she's on the field then always use EX, it hits a LOT
Kiana expy doesnt come out for a couple years
Why can't I like both?
>sunk cost
The game just came out. Are you stupid?
>y-y-yo- *sharts*
this is literally impossible on keyboard
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>going to blockbuster when I was a kid and renting Buck Bumble for the N64
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My favorite
You can just not play the minigames in Yakuza if you don't want to.
>characters 5-15 levels below recc level
>W engines in an even worse state
>lol why didnt you s rank it
You havent even gotten to floor 9 yet buddy
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Since when were high schoolers this developed?
>still 0 images on r34
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holy fuck slow down thread... I'm gonna discipline you otherwise
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Why do you play stuff you don't like
Bangboo uses the same 1% for S ranks like the weapon banner.
Character banners have 0.6% rate.
Testosterone is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural.
God I fucking love the gym.
Belobog Industries means investing in victory
nicole had mindbreaking sex with wise while belle listened from the other room
p-please...come back to wuw......ack
>these guys are scummiest gacha devs
They know ZZZ is DOA so they made sure no one can get the first 5* without spending money
The game is quick cashgrab. Doubt you'll get free currency once it is dead
does he really say dicked around? that’s what it damn sure sounds like
>searching for loli on r34 sites
it's not, press right click - left click - space really close together, i'm just starting to get the hang of it but it only took like 5 minutes
they put growth hormones in the New Eridu water
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I kinda like it 2bh famalam, but there's no way that could match up with Qingyi
They look like they suck cock in the alleyway for 20 dollars
Any lucklet / whales played the pure electric team?

Not seen videos of it
>anton rina grace
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Is she correct?
>Rerolled all weekend and no Ellen
>Starting to wonder if I'll even stick with this game even if I get Ellen
Is this insanity?
I'm just trying out FOTM bwo
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If you use soukaku's normal buff after the enhanced one does it override it?
>make belle the cutest girl in the game
>wise is just...wise
Why tho, not even a homobait, he's literally just wise
Yes. Just play the fucking game retard.
>talk to old lady
>she calls me sus
Please don't tell me they fucked with the translations
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>succ with Nicole
>chain to Soukaku
>chain to DPS
>everything dies in a cold swirl of fuck
Why does Nicole get to keep hers?
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Bovine growth hormones have a huge effect on the youth of today
the hags are kinda underdesigned and lack all personality
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r34 paheal actually has plenty of loli arts but their search engine is dogshit. I only use it if I search through artist name
This game wont die but jewhomo is the greediest gacha company, expect not being able pull for a limited atleast for 85 days.
pay me
no, every design is good in this game so you would have to roll for every female char
I am feeling that way about Corin lately, damn does that child have sex energies
>Butler instead of BeloCHAD bangboo
how anybody can hear this shit and say it’s bad is beyond my understanding
I had an older goth cousin that looked exactly like this at 16, it's how young me learned about tits
She's fat, divorced with a kid now, and uses coke
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all of my screenshots are of the npcs...
>implying belle doesnt join in to dp nicole
she has to pay her debts somehow
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it's too late for you to hit a guarantee with Ellen, you'll have to pay up either for an account or just for rolls
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I love Nicole's massive titties
>HI3 was mostly grounded combos
>they release part 2 and it goes aerial
>ZZZ is all grounded combos
Why did they regress anyway? You'd expect ZZZ to pick up where HI3 part 2 is.
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uh what the FUCK?
i can switch to my PREVIOUS character?
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Post ellen's cinema page
Like some retards were saying before, you can dislike some features of the game while still enjoying the game
I love the battle and character designs but absolutely hate TV shit and the slopmusic
you can get 30 polys from an event page
you can also get 120 polys by checking in for 5 days (not worth doing afterwards)
that's almost one whole pull bros
You sure show those mobs.
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>1st choice
Based Wise cunnyCHAD
You could have saved her...
Male abuse is real stop raping me Belle
Yeah i'm retarded. I'm playing Koleda with Lucy and Piper!
i hope they add jumping into the game
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Shark is fun and fast.
since a long time ago? When I was in highschool there were a couple of tall girls and one of them had huge tits.
Why can't these dumbfucks pirate the videos like everyone else?
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how old are you gramps
qinqyi makes my dick explode
so yes she is factually correct
Lol you’re not the first KBM player to get mindblown by this
never play a controller game with KBM
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don't you literally have to fucking sprint constantly for her best attack
how do i do this on controler?
Why isn't this game on xbox?
why cant u switch characters with 1 2 3
they're saving it for powercreep obviosuly
But you can't parry to your previous character
It's a bit annoying
China and Japan also have slang. Ripley's believe it or not!
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I wonder how viable this is on Ellen considering that the bonus isn't tied to element and seems pretty powerful.
Piper has stinky armpits
Don't sniff it
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She's of course still wearing a thong right now
She just always forgot to put on her bike shorts too
RIP to a comfy era.
Just wait until they release zzz Z
Some things are worth dying for
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my god
Anon the guy in the video is playing on keyboard
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>new piper detected
>target acquired
its set in the future so the old ladies are the zoomers of today
Air juggling isn't powercreep unless you can do it to large enemies that are hard to stun on the ground
So how old are Belle and Wise? That old pic of them from old eridu times already makes them look teenage, so are they like ~25 now?
L1 and R1..?
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Holy shit new agent leaked!!!!!!
Sort of, but in reality you just use her dodge attack to skip the running.
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The song here fucking slaps like how Belle gets slapped by Wise's cock every morning
Are the weapon cores worth it to burn currency on?
I use blue oni and shark girl, and their cores are in the banner.
Nice bulge
you can though..?
it's her 2nd best engine
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Can we just agree that Belobog is the best faction?
Her combo is just sprint > charged dash attack > 3x basic > sprint
Or you can prefarm to full stacks and switch to your stunner, get the stun and then get a big burst phase
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>Wise always keeps his eyes at head level when talking to Nicole
How does he do it?
She would have saved this game..
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BOOOOOOO I've been really enjoying Ch. 3 too
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>belle looks angy
I thought it was a joke
Belle, what the fuck
Pubsex is cracking down on that shit.
I'm playing it with C1 Grace but haven't got a second team together for the harder parts of the Shiyu Defense missions yet

It's smooth sailing so far though, looking forward to seeing how it shapes up once Rina has some real Res Pen stats from disks.
why does a robot need clothes...she has nothing down there...right?
You absolutely can
The only thing you can't do is a support forced quick assist backwards, it only goes forward
hsr character design
only has eyes for his sisterwife
depends on the execution but at the very minimum it would get perceived by the players as powercreep
like 5-15% less then her sig but it heavily depends on how much field time you give her
you’re gonna get conflicting opinions here
in my opinion yes it’s better to spend the currency on weapons rather than rolls. that being said, I’ve done both
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>implying we don't already have boomers talking about ohio bops rizzing their skibidi sigma
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Belle drains Wise dry every morning
So he doesnt think about other girls
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my nigga anton
Qinyi has way more character but I'll get them both for cop kino anyway.
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>dresses like a slut
>is actually pure
How can imoutos ever hope to compete?
Neat. Shame It's not a character though but oh well.
Look up what Belle means in French.
assualt + ether spam is literally better than ellen, in terms of damage and the future of your account (rolls)
if you rolled ellen because she makes your dick hard then thats ok
Hotaru SEX
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In-game story they are the strongest cast by far. Though Hares are cool too. I was only somewhat disappointed with how boring they made Victoria Housekeeping.
Time to finish your HSR events
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>Oh these Bangboos are so cute
>North's exploration mission comes up
I didn't expect this game to go for that topic with the dumb mascot characters.
Holy fuck how are you people this far
Is he the obligatory dude in the police team?
So I need to keep rerolling...
>look at her boobs
>belle makes him sleep on the couch for days because of it
Not worth it...
>ate breakfast
>Already end of thread at 700+ posts
that or stop being poor
He's gonna have a Brazilian wife and three kids.
>pay phones and CRT TVs everywhere
Which country are we in?
Belle keeps him in a cage
>You need to find the Phantom Thief
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Juicy lookin' tail
Could have just played the game and gotten her from the ingame rewards.
She wants to suck his cock too since he saved her when she was a kid
Me on the right
How can normoids look at this comic and not immediately picture them fucking?
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hes an npc
>>belle makes him sleep on the couch for days because of it
fuck, is that why you have to sleep on the couch sometimes in the story, it's always after he interacts with female agents
By playing the game. Hollow Zero gives a shitton of KL XP.
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I can't even keep up
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stop, you're going to make me roll for weapons
sisterwife is polygamy thing you're thinking of wifesister.
brazil with chinese characteristics
no he’s the shady Police Chief politician Promare reference
Belle doesn't want to fuck wise
You can stop now
Fast threads mean more troons in the general. you call tell by the amount of shitposting
Nigger Joe
And Ben Nigger...
>those wise/belle cutscenes in ch 1
Yep, I'm joining the incestbros
grace is a sex friend at most. she's too robosexual for a real relationship, imouto shouldn't be worried
I mean they actually do fuck
>stop, you're going to make me roll for weapons
character glows when using their signature weapon
Ah, but I want to fuck Belle... as Wise.
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Holy fucking gigachad. Pubsec won.
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Someone make a thread
What if I rolled Ellen because I want to make use of my C6 Soukaku, who makes my dick hard?
I blame Twi'leks for this
she doesn’t have to want to when she already does so daily
Unironically a mecha-musume with an install would be perfect for this game.
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I came to piper! I can't believe it
Just give up Grace.
>assualt + ether spam
what team is that
we ride until page 10 or image limit!!!
why are there a thousand different things to do in the game
just let me fight the fucking enemies instead of drip feeding it inbetween a thousand different side tasks
what the fuck
The feeling is mutual
Weis wants other men to fuck his sister
This guy probably has Erectile Dysfunction by the amount of "he was great in the past, now he's just a faggot" comments everyone makes about him
Fireflop should stay in Honkai Shart Rail.
how are we faster than fgo on their anniversary
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I've got some tasty meat for you, Ellen Jho
if you agreed with Heddy about taste in kinos you'd have already seen Belle flip her shit
The man wants escape. Please, someone marry that girl. She's milking him every night
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Belle has a filthy mind
you WILL play bomberman and you WILL like it
when do i unlock the actually hard hollow zero
>NooOOoooOo give me less things to do I'm my game!
This is what you sound like right now
anyone remember where the third hollow observation data is in the bangboo golden town mission? this takes way too long and i dont wanna do it again
is there maybe one in the big ass maze with the sos signals? is there a point to rescuing them all?
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god i hope i get her
>how are we faster than fgo on their anniversary
new game? /hsrg/ was faster and look at them now
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I will pretend to be a bike so piper will sit on my face
>see people shitting on game
>they say wuwa is better
huh? Genuinely wtf? I played wuwa on launch and i cannot see the appeal of that game. Biggest turnoff was the presentation, it felt sovlless. This is coming from someone burnt out with genshin. What gives?
comparison with Belle version
he's zhu yuan's hero
he was an actual gigachad in the past but the hollows changed him into a corpo cocksucker
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Is every faction have money problems? I hate how close the story hits...
Is Billy a full blown robot or just a dude in armour?
fgo is easily the worst gacha currently in existence. Nino Kuni: Cross Worlds makes that game look fun and not predatory.
Swarm Disaster / GnG style hollow in 1.3 surely
>page 4
its in the top left of the maze very close to the red sus thing
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shit I didn't realize that
He's a full blown robot
Your first shill campaign?
I believe in you! Treat her well.
Does wise look angry like Belle or nah?
there is one hidden after the top left sos signal it doesnt show up until youre right next to it
>just eat the noodles
>just drink the coffee
>just play the VR game
>just scratch the card
>just spend hours upgrading w-engines and characters through the same dogshit UI that mihoyo recycled from honkai impact EIGHT YEARS AGO
fuck off
the usual shitposters
Why would anyone need lube? Only gays need those.
thank you
More like second hand embarassment
> i dont wanna do it again
I hope you didnt do any of the work nodes bro..
>get the furry on my first limited roll
so does this game give enough currency to pity once?
Thicker for silicone onaholes and thinner for tpe imo.
Nobody outside of mutilated mutts associate lubricant with sexual things.
Belle takes it up the ass.
Yeah your shark is guaranteed now, enjoy her bis team
kek, holy fuck
No, they already showed that one
Holy kek is that expression real lololol
poor belle needs a hug
Why is Belle like this?
Go seek another man, let my nigga Wise be free
>another furry faggot
>Piper stays a fucking century on the field post tag out
>You can have both her and Corin spin to winning on fuckers at the same time
I need a third physical Beyblader.
that was already my 2nd time through (i failed the first time because I set everyone's health to 0% like a smug dickhead and died near the end)
this time I just collected all the lucky cats and did the last work node and then doubled it a bunch
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I want to fuck a cat so bad
I don't get it. Is the joke that Kojimbo put an adult woman posing as an underage girl in Peacewalker?
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>every faction has money problems
>(you) have money problem as well
Yeah, pretty reallistic, alright
>belle opens for a hug
>wise gets second hand embarassement because she looks dumb
>wise opens for a hug
How much did kuro pay ecelebs to shill the shit out of wuwa? It's honestly baffling to see them dickriding it so much and of course the zoomers agree with them by default
..............its ok idc
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>Billy: Manager, you sure care about me!
>Belle: Not really...
Such a loyal kawaii imouto
welcome to mihomo gaming, if they are not jewing you in their gacha by basically forcing you to soft pity at the very least to even roll the characters you want (need to roll the weapon too btw) they will jew you by forcing you to waste your stamina if you want to build more characters than just the accepted meta characters. At least, based on my limited time with the game, there is no absolute cancer mechanic like fucking random rolls on artifacts in genshit.
So Zhu Yuan and Qingyi aren't Chinese names?
that's Nicole's schtick
It’s hard to properly enunciate human words when your mouth is completely different shape
Remember to do storyhard before ranking up, they go from 30 to 38 :) :+1:
Chinese names are immersion breaking. I don't want to be reminded I am playing bootleg anime game from china

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