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Visual Novel General #6513

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>485087675
>courtin' cowboys
>sorcerer's choice angel or demon
which one should i get
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ass stitch but plap mom
Nuke Argentina
has this place gotten more dead since I left or is it just my impression?
3 months vacation
its particularly dead tonight
amerimutts are sleeping so it's quiet now but wait a few more hours and it'll be all back to endless white noise spam
gangbangge with long scenes?
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Do imoutos really?
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>turning pages
>changing hair color
>Chihiro's novel text
Kino quadruple wombo to drive the point home. The VN never really made any mention or reference to this part of her novel, why the fuck did they leave it so impossibly vague
pls respond u tards im really indecisive
le shaft animation
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Yes, except back then it was good and not just trying to shove as much movement on screen as it possibly can to appease zoomer brains. 'gatari was a mistake.
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Should have called the thread chinpo edition
no one knows what the fuck you are talking about, i assume it's some gacha so i didn't reply to you out of disgust
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Why do you think about chinpos all day?
anon's a pink
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they are visual novels
what about Blood Domination or My Burning Heart?
I love traps the most !
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This should replace the
in that meme text comparison image
>has boobs
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I love NTR the most!
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>he doesn't know
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It was absolute peak. What do I read next? I've read Umineko, Fata Morgana, Raging Loop, what's the next peak for me to read?
<angry flat pink noises>
judging by your teenager taste
You might want some chuunige bro deadass fr
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losing Sawasawa was the final nail in the coffin for VNs
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Is this the VA simp thread? I love Haruka Sora.
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Hmm, my expectations have been subverted. Renai Royale is better than Koikari so far
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based retard lover
The bakage dev going over the top on bakage was actually a good idea. Before it was kind of cringe but now it's so out there it loops around to funny
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Miyako's Miyakos
We must have different tastes because for me renai royale was like 99% cringe.
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Noel my love
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the face of a cuck
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We LOVE older women here
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the retard energy is too strong
Noel my love
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AI sloppa is getting better by the day.
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>recontextualized their brief fight, flipping over who's mad at who
>actually had MC2 call out MC1 over his indecisiveness in work and life
HOW and WHY did the VN attempt to make a big plot point about the MC being indecisive but never actually fucking addressed it in any way?
It's so fucking bizzare like the VN has had massive scenario holes for no reason. Im 99% sure there were no cuts by the fanTL (they would have to be enormous) but its getting so weird im starting to consider DL'ing an OG JP ver of the game just to CTRL through it. Insanity.
pants on head retarded
is this just straight NV general
where do i go for BL recs
>eat the bugs
I shan't
>>>/jp/blog or wait until the chuunifags wake up
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>The French were the real monsters all along
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trying to get a fujo (liberal arts degree) I want to sex into vns, are these any good or should I just tell her to get into BL stuff
I saw this in Higurashi....
I wish she didn't get Lizified
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Nasu will sneak in a Noel route in Red Garden, trust the plan
what do fat imoutos smell like?
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advertiser-sama don't look...
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What about Arach's route?
imoutos and fat
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Already planned
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>dango phone card MVP as they pull an actual 99 to 0 countdown
Pure cinema.
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flat chests are the best!
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So I got my copy of the Switch version of Muv Luv in and Unlimited is still unlocked from the start alongside Extra, disappointing
you wouldn't a salami
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Good moooooorning!
Made for gentle paizuri
consider the people who read it already on a different platform
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Good Morning Sir!
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look at how flat she is
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I would even a Salami cat
he looks like hes gonna get raped by these 3 thats so hot
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I love Karen
>strongly recommends
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I was the maou in my past life
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Any VN about parenting or being a guardian?
Komaki my beloved...
wiith or without hscenes?
What are the all-ages options?
sex scene where
What 4 stereotypes will be used in a next yuzuge? I believe there will be a mandatory imouto/relative heroine and the gosling heroine that leaves two spots for something original, what could it be?
an actually good heroine hopefully
pure guary and used goods
are there no good yuuzuge heroines?
every game has at least one
name them
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closest thing I can find
>be in the h gacha
>no sex scenes
2 g-bombs werent enough
hime, shizuru, miu, shirley, nene, murasame, ayase, natsume, amane
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I love traps the most!
femcel heroine and sports tomboy heroine. Ojousama heroine in sub route
Childhood friend
Azusa, Murasame, and... Nah, that's the end of the list. I forgot that all the new Yuzuge are mediocre imitations of past glory.
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I love NTR the most!
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>gosling heroine
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It's amoebic dysentery. No doubt about it.
mommy gf
is that a ttgl reference?
tragic. TDA shouldn't have been all ages
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if TDA wasnt all-ages we would have very awkward manlet sex scenes thoughever
>Ellen is literally a head taller
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How would you handle this situation?
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Not him, but thanks for the mega.
I will now coom to Marimo-sensei.
Muramasa, Fata Morgana and DDLC were the peak.
What do I read for my fourth VN? I feel like it can only go down from here.
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the fact this kino hasnt got english release is crimminal after all these years
Maybe stick to /a/nime, newfriend.
it's the gainax pose
isn't ttgl the only good thing gainax has made?
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we're on the cusp of an AI translation revolution, all VN will be translated in our life time. We will even get day 1 releases so the JOPs cant bully us anymore
Maybe on planet where gurren lagann doesn't exist.
I don't even know what's bait anymore
>Fata Morgana
holy bandwagoning faggot, read at least 10 more visual novels to acquire taste
why do people read Fata Morgana?
ttgl is gurren lagann

eva is ttgl for losers
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Imagine learning an entire language just to read eroge and then AI happens.
They probably won't even go to Japan to use it.
the gainax pose scenes are always kino doe
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What do you recommend?
you mean very kino H scenes and I wish she was even taller
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Truly an improvement in every aspect, Poyo never existed in the novel
and all from this list
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kokoro no kagi
Is Shiravune our enemy?
based tag for blacklisting
SakuUta is lgbt?
Anything not made by NTRahara and EVN devs is a good start.
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luv this pov. All -ge should have such CGs
I can fix her with my ch*npo
cute hoodie
do you make a review for every VN you read
Yes, on /vn/.
I'm not THAT mentally ill
Only in my head
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I post reviews on /vn/
Not wanting to share your experiences with others is a sign of being a schizoid
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Nega pure gyaru
>post my reviiew on /vn/
>be called a retard who missed the entire point of the VN
>can't fix her with my zako
god damn it
No, why would I?
only if it continues to live rent free in my head, prompting me to vomit my thoughts on it.
Scaji believes you can't fix lesbians.
there's nothing to fix, wdym
t. homocuck
a new moege just flew over my house
Thanks NekoNyan!
isn't it better to know that you were mistaken than to live in ignorance indefinitely?
>be called a retard who missed the entire point of the VN
literally half of the muramasa readers
yes, and? men having sex with men is hot, so i support women having sex with women too
this is just like my NTR vns
TSF vs TSF combat always makes me feel sick. Its the apocalypse and people are throwing away their lives to kill eachother and not the BETA. I will NEVER forgive the French
if I never read a moege I could live in blissful ignorance
terrible writing
Why is the blonde grabbing her hair like that? Is she okay?
when does ever17 get good? im fine with slow builds but this is ridiculous
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Women just seem to like grabbing their hair for no reason.
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When will I get a Murasame upgrade?
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this is why you dont field female soldiers but unfortunately most of the men are dead
The angel looks meh.
>men trying to write women
>uhhhh uhhhhh period??!!!
So just like real women.
what are periods really like sis? share your experience with the class
Actually pretty spot on. My gf was super stressed last month and induced a second period
there are real women in the military right now who serve while having periods
it doesn't make you comatose ffs
This, I hired too many men to gangbang her at once and apparently it was way too stressful even though she said it would be okay... and then she got three periods! I was hoping for none.
yeah and they're garbage at their jobs and just get raped by their superiors all day lol
wouldnt you just put all soldiers on birth control in the first place? only thing worse than a soldier on her period would be a pregnant one
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Newfag to vns
Does anyone know any JVNs like Katawa Shoujo? Just looking for a comfy school romance with choices
>only thing worse than a soldier on her period would be a pregnant one
what about a soldier who rapes other soldiers
that's pretty bad
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Thinking you say?
Douzo, lad.
women can't rape
it was a kiss like lightning
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where the hell are my donuts
I don't want to know the gory details
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Try the Fruit of Grisaia.
Play Grisaia as someone already suggested
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>apocalypse happens
>college still isnt free
god bless the USA
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Read some shitty vn first so you can really appreciate that grisaia is like one of the few great vns in the last 20 years and you wont find the same reading experience often
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>referencing Shinkai sky from VN OP as the VN OP starts playing
Peak adapting.
>the diary scattering scene and MC's decision to gather the pages
Kino. Film. Cinema. The entire theatre.
The adaptation was the VN I wished to read. The VN was the slop I had to endure.

I'll start chapter 4 later today prob. Wish we had good charage like this
literally any moege from the moechart in the first post
>Wish we had good charage like this
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dont you dare
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date your student council president
how come we can never date the vice president?
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is this true shrimpbros?
That's why I've never eaten shrimp.
She's frustrated that her oniichan is popular
do you want to date a faceless woman?
You can actually date the vice president in that vn too.
picked up
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What am I in for?
I look like this.
VNs where you treat the physically imposing heroine like a puppy and call her a good girl and make her subservient to you and she acts like your guard dog and maybe wears a collar and leash doko?
Magikoi S - Margit
majikoi and tsujidou i guess
FGO Barghest
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11 years ago
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Ochiru hitozuma
Steiner said it made him cry.
>boss was yelling at me at work
>feel like shit
>plug in my earphones and listen to EMIYA theme
>immediately start to get pumped up again
People saying that fiction can't affect reality are morons.
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>>boss was yelling at me at work
>>feel like shit
oh hey Lilia is finally back
shut the fuck up you feel like shit without anyone yelling at you, faggot. Go hug grass, its the only thing that wont run
white woman love
>physically imposing
>boss was yelling at me at work
>feel like shit
>Slice boss in half
not even the best returnee
Imouto's menstrual blood...
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>>boss was yelling at me at work
>>feel like shit
>imouto isnt already pregnant
what are you doing aniki?
>that achievement
big oof
Maybe being a neet isn't so bad after all.
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please stop yelling I won't mess up the big mac again
>big oof
novelvis where you're a wagie and you cum on a burger then give it to the female customer
Happy birthday to my two wives!
>my boss is an ok looking tomboy'ish lady around 30
>feels like shes too nice to me sometimes
I dunno if she thinks im retarded or im ticking off some maternal instinct shit because I act like a helpless manchild, but its pretty nice I guess.
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big woof
What moege VNs don't show you is the MC years later becoming a salaryman slave who doesn't see his heroine of choice & kids and gets yelled at by his black company boss
and the NTR doujin that ensues soon after
reminds me
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>my boss is a sassy black woman
>calls me King at work since I'm the only one who doesnt fuck up ever
There is a hentai ova where you're a wagie and you cum into a coffee which solves throat problems of a TV announcer.
Hello, KING!
She's 10, anon...
ges where you command a naval fleet of famous historical ships but the ships are hot women instead?
There aren't enough heroines who genuinely enjoy taste of cum, I can think of only one that vampire from biman.
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What do you think of my cosplay, /vn/?
one dimension too much
ge where you fuck your boss and swap the power dynamic
having to tolerate middle manager sociopaths is the worst part about wage slaving, we should be legally allowed to fight our bosses at least once a year with no consequences
post bussy
that's a man right?
>get beat up by your boss
What now?
come live with me
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Never post this fucking whore in here again anon, please.
delicious loli cunny
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Ciconia news doko
2 more weeks, i'm cautiously optimistic
You already got news. r07 has 0 interest in working on it, he's given up and is using the "I can't write about war while there's war going on in the world!" excuse.
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Naima's delicious loli cunny
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thank God I will soon be a NEET again
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I like how they have child size fatigues
Which EVN is this?
Me after reading marmaladege
>he works at chuuni.inc
Anon, what do you mean you're "posting on /vn/"? That computer isn't even on and you haven't paid your electricity bills in 5 months
we call them nip sized
I've been in this place for so long I could "post on /vn/" with a piece of paper and a pen. Just have to write down 200 white noise posts
who is this vee enn?
Guys... Have you seen the news??! There are some gruesome murders happening in Shibuyaヽ(°〇°)ノ
I love you.
oh yeah? gimme a kiss
what did you think about the changes to the end of chihiro's ark in the anime?
it flopped
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I love Karen.
I flopped
love games where the heroine states her bust size as though her tit circumference is an integral character trait
Way better than the VN's ending and perfectly fits within the "there are no miracles just the result [...]" Himura talked about, the "fairy tale" part of the game's title and themes of moving forward.
I don't really know what the VN was aiming for with its ending, its just a weird kinda entirely pointless reset, while the anime's very clear in how Chihiro's "saved" and as hopeful as ch.1 and 2 endings. Scattering the pages was such an obvious thing to do to elevate the whole thing its really weird the VN didnt come up with it lol
Maybe her portion in ch.4 somewhat fixes things but so far the VN was btfo in pretty much every aspect.
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some characters are basically just boobs
agree, most peole think the vn end for the arc was better, but i just dont see how
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
And Chihaya is pretty nice, too.
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We love pinks here!
What's the next big one?
do we love tan browns here?
*smoooooch* thought it was Mana for a second, is her cousin
Too small
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They do? Weird. The VN just feels nonsensical.

tnsr likely next month and minikui mojika in 2 months
>tnsr likely next month
no reason not to believe the translator
Got some nice recommendations on /v/.
Mashiro's mom has got it going on
Like what
redditkino probably
animamundi is pretty good so far
maybe blog it faggot, literally what game
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roru rumao
I can't wait for you to frogpost about it while using some teenager slang.
why is this boy trying to kiss me
I bet they recommended ace attorney and danganronpa
here we go again
those are good doe
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animamundi dark alchemist
it's only on my desktop so im not playing it super super frequently
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my pink wife
I know the title, found it on vndb, just neve heard of the game before, haven't seen anyone talk about or blogpost it ever despite it looking somewhat interesting
Maybe I should play this but the final part is probably a never ever
oh maybe i will blog about it then
i've only just started it but it's pretty cool, it feels very dated but in a nostalgic way
Oppai daisuki.
it'll release eventually I think. Besides it ends on a good enough point that I havent really cared much if it'll get the final part or not. Its a fun ride
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>it'll release eventually I think
I don't know man
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RIP please be daijoubu but its muv luv so its daijoubu
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woman (white)
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Should main characters in a VN be actual characters, or a blank slate for the player to self insert as?
I prefer to self insert into actual characters that I can relate to.
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My untranslated all-ages NBR imouto
NBR-NTR imouto*
is she white?
No, she's German.
If I'm able to self insert as a 16yo Vietnam veteran then you can also do the same
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She did nothing wrong
yandere imouto
>friendly but struggles socially
>low self worth
>wants to do good and help people
>wants to feel loved
>when he's upset he can get judgmental and mean and short tempered but it just causes people to treat him like a child which makes him more upset
>comfortable working in a solitary way (i.e. gardening or fixing things)
>is somewhat autistic
are these relatable traits for the average VN reader do you think?

can straight men self insert as gay men if the story is good enough?
Blank slates for moege, actual characters for anything else
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For me, it's more of
I prefer the MC to be an actual character so that he can actually make a difference in the story, but there are times where my enjoyment is reduced because I wouldn't make decisions like the MC would
jerk it

that's fair, I wonder if there's a good way to compromise by offering the reader/player a range of choices the character might make so that they don't feel pigeonholed into a specific single direction even if they are still limited
Protagonists should always be actual characters and nip works do themselves great disservice by using stock passive dull nice guys as MCs.
u mean 80% of jap men don't have severe amnesia?
I can only self insert if the mc is fat and retarded
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Can I fuck the mother in the main game? Or is it in the fandisc?
That's a child
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post bakas
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Don't call my mom a child!!!
>I wonder if there's a good way to compromise by offering the reader/player a range of choices the character might make so that they don't feel pigeonholed into a specific single direction even if they are still limited
In the future, players will enter their own dialogue for the MC (keyboard, speech to text) and the NPCs will use AI to respond appropriately
i will kill myself before this happens
may as well just sleep and dream all day
>Can I fuck the mother in the main game?
yes, she has a mini route.
>Or is it in the fandisc?
I haven't heard about that, but it would be very welcome if she had a scene in the FD too
>yes, she has a mini route.
In the official English release? VNDB says JP only.
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>In the official English release?
>JP only
not the case for the JAST release
What was the one manga where people were losing it about NTR because the MC's dad fucked the MC's mom
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lol I was curious about something regarding Ef releases and checked the separate - official - one. Seems its straight up missing the hilarious murder suicide bad end. Censored shit kek glad I picked the fanTL release
*sigh* looks like it's up to JAST once again...
ge where your childhood friend is also your maid/servant from a young age?
>Fruit of Grisaia
What's the best translation? Is the steam version fine? I've heard they tend to fuck up with VNs
I didn't notice any issue with the Steam version
is the steam version of Sorcerer's Choice ok? it looks like there's a patch for it but idk how to do that
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take your imouto on a date
No thanks I will date the tsundere class rep and make her blush
Is sightseeing a city with your onee-san considered a date? I mean we did go to museum then to restaurant and I took her home after everything. But it did not feel romantic at all I mean she's my sister.
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Interested in a version of this where the childhood friend thinks she has no shot at getting you over the other heroines so when you choose her she's in disbelief
>Just looking for a comfy school romance with choices
Hatsukoi 1/1
ge where your platonic relationship with your older sister ends when both of you get extremely drunk and make a mistake and things become awkward after?

This but without a nakiend ideally
Steam is shit and the nudity is censored
Any VN with a shemale heroine?
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I dont have one, stop asking me
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iku! iku! ikuuuuuu!
*chinpo miruku comes out*
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I dont wanna fight best girl. Sucks that her route barely explores the deeper aspects of the story. Im only in route 2 so far
good VNs with heroines like the Tsujidou onee-san, but with a real route and blood relation doko
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love lemon
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thanks for reminding me how trash the new bleach animes were
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Can I get some?
why do nips say that first kiss tastes like lemon?
All the VN MCs ive come across have been some variation of:
>edgy faggot
>dense hothead faggot
>lazy faggot
>asshole with a heart of gold
Do any exist with MCs that are sensitive young souls without them being pushovers to w*men? Preferably with bishounen looks.
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>sensitive young souls
the fuck is this mental retardation?
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Why are you asking /vn/ about first kisses?
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Surely you guys had to kiss at one point in your life.
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Where did you hear this? I've never heard that before.
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Haruki from WA2
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You spend your time reading translated visual novels, you should know basic english.
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I've been hearing this trope for over 20 years now, how new are you?
I've avoided WA2 because i've heard its heavy on the love triangle drama which usually isnt my thing, but I'll note that down anyway, thanks.
Recommend me your gayest Trap/femboy VN
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What VN is for me?
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trap yuri garden
More retardCHAD MCs like Rance or Jun?

Ayakashibito MC isn’t a bishonen, but fits characterwise
why dont we ever get more Lump of Sugarges.
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Why does moechart have a filter just for VNs "Suitable for 12-year-old French Girls"
It's an old /vn/ reference
Hey at least he looked at the stuff in the OP like a good boy
some geezer trying to establish the all-ages future said that visual novels should be suitable for 12 year-old french girls, it means there's no h-scenes or adult themes.
>12 year-old french girls
VNs of this type may or may not also feature girls loving girls
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>the all-ages future
rip hand of all ages poster
its the gayest things i have ever read, the least gay route is the trap friend route where mc gets toped and creampied by his trap friend, and im not even joking
Why does the version of Dies Irae that everyone played have cropped art?
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>mfw newfags are itt
There's a lot of oldfags here too, like me. And yes, I am pretty sure I am an older oldfag than you.
the version with the most content (amantes amentes) is the PSP version with the cropped art. Acta est fabula has h-scenes and higher resolution art, but you don't get the sidestories in that one. So you have to pick and chose which version you want to play, since there isn't any one perfect one. Most people just end up going through AA and then ctrl-skipping to get the h-scenes from Fabula after
>some geezer
It was the Moenovel CEO.
is this a dick measuring contest?
I literally haven't even joined /vn/ yet, I am the newest newchad of all time
We are too niche to be gatekeeping at this point. The only way this scene will thrive is to slowly allow newcomers to join the medium.
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>newfags found /vn/
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But I like newfags, I like it when they're reading yuzusoft for the first time and are still excited about it.
Moege just feels like a waste of time desu
Are the side stories really that important that people choose to miss out on the intended visual experience for them? Seems like it makes more sense to go through Act est Fabula and do the side stories between routes or after.
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I miss the all-ages future bros...
how new is new to you, fag?
Anyone that has been on this general for more than 11 minutes is officially an oldfag IMO.
If you haven't read everything in the recommended section of moechart you're still new.
Yeah some people do it that way. But yeah, you definitely don't want to skip them if you're reading it. You also technically get a little more out of the AA -> AF order because they rewrote a couple scenes in AA to replace the H, so you can compare that with the H scene version, which you wouldn't be able to do if you're just skipping through the entire route in AA for the side story unlocks.
>not only am I still new, I haven't even begun to get old
yes, they explain some important or interesting stuff plus the h-scences are independent from the story(i.e they don't have effect on it) and you can easily tell if they happen because the story will sidetrack a little

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