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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)
I thought this was scat from the thumbnail
I played with Ooki Himaa this week and when I said I knew them from mentions /here/, they referenced not wanting to be associated with this general.
What did you do to drive away one of the only people in /xivg/ who can actually play this game, clear all content and parse well?
Actual answers only.
I request viera to be posted
Can someone post the graph of DT spoken dialogue
/stretch NOW if you care about your health
I request you fuck off as king of alexandria
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cute chocoball
I demand sexy lalafells.
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You obtain a rarefied dark mahogany log .
You obtain a rarefied dark mahogany log .
You obtain a rarefied dark mahogany log .
The effect of Revisit has restored 817 GP and granted 6 integrity to the gathering point.
ty baby
What is it?
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>genociding your entire race and then reducing their minds to infants compared to your own because some shadow nigga from the future said you'll become a mommy goddess in the future if you genocide everyone.
Remind me why we worship this bitch
I don't like calling femras at all. I always confuse the scales on their face for actual shit particles.
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A little busy mitting for my health at the moment.
Yeah, Light sis here. Whats wrong
Bros I did it... and I got weapon coffer with 28 somehow.
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i dont work, i don't have sex, and i play ffxiv all day. guess what race my character is.
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Gock, Chaos.
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>Short hair
She's shit

I kneel to noone and not you but you are worthy of admiration and acknowledgement
she's my hot mom

congrats sis
I've cleared this fight 5-6 times and I still haven't gotten a coffer, I got the spear and scythe but I don't play those
>no sex
Male anything
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>thinks about cazsting blood lily on you instead of the boss
Only simps and normies like Venat. Or edgelords who fully accept she's a genocidal maniac who did it so she can gain ultimate power. Venat being affectionately treated by the story was when I saw the writing on the wall, lmao.
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it's monday
middie monday
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What about em
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lemme know when brio up thx
big tits
>uses bloodwhetting and inner release
>starts to fell cleave you to death
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ktisis works if you wanna preview fantas there
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My lalafell may be min-size, but his sword is max.
femra 100%
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not using xiv launcher
when anamnesis
not applicable sorry
pick the short hime cut hair trust me itll be epic
>friendly reminder that when you ERP you're sexing up either a troon or a neckbeard every single time.
100% applicable to you especially
you dark midnight charcoal tar baby motherfucker
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THIS is what peak content looks like
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And nothing gets me off more than knowing my gayness knows exactly how to get those fags off.
>Friendly reminder that when you pretend to be something, you're not that thing.
Anon finally coming to terms with 'pretending'. He's a little retarded, but he's got spirit.
i got sick the first week of doing this
how do people stomach doing it all the time to level up jobs
>Venat being affectionately treated by the story was when I saw the writing on the wall, lmao.

She goes "henceforth, he shall walk" and gets covered in black goo and Answers is playing while she struggles to walk and it's meant to be like a Jesus on the cross moment and I'm sat there going "uhhhhhhhhhhhhh". Total failure on the writers/cutscene directors part.
who are you quoting
>fuck up twice
>someone asks "are you okay?"
why do people do that?
Tranny monday
This is common sense.
Even the fattest unlikeable broad can get a lay and doesn't need to do ERP. And if it is a woman it's unironically harm/snuff/or vore RP that they can't do IRL
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my femra looks and acts like this
>I only like pretending to suck cock, I swear!!!
>Go to texas town
>no southern accents
give me the neckbeard, at least he has a functioning penis

not real content
I don't make the rules
if it's not savages, unreals, exs, or erping with some random miquote you found at a vene, it's not content, and will never be acknowledged by the council of femra and malezen
land of the tacos not land of the trannoids
hail zarool ja, woke lamat is not my dawnservant, she is not the vow of reason, she is an eorzean plant
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She was EVERYTHING to me...
But her feet don't reach the pedals...
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Because writing shouldn't be that hard, brainlet.
very hard to look at
go back and try again
Because they cant shittalk, so the closest thing they can say to it is some passive aggressive thing like that.
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What is the expansion with the best storyline? I just reached Shadowbringers, I should be in for a treat, right?
To know whether or not to talk shit about you on other platforms.
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they want to know whats wrong with you
you can't do good pulls, you can't mit, you can't call when you're using your invuln, what IS wrong with you
Last time I checked sundering multiplied the number of lives by fourteen.
They're warning you of the imminent BUSTAH WOLF
heavensward then shadowbringers then dawntrail then endwalker then stormblood then a realm reborn
Based. I'm surprised there are still people that don't assume we're all faggots.
Shadowbringers is the best expansion, if not tied with Heavensward for the story content.
>Sorry haha, I only have two fingers on my right hand and I'm 50% blind in one eye, I'll try harder : )
Solid fiddie
^Seething troonra mad at their betters.^
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is that import beer
i don't care if it's a fat dude or a tranny or miss universe on the other end of the screen
i just wanna pretend choke on their pretend cock as my pretend catgirl
that makes sense, thank you
Dawntrail :)
you know i'm right
you're applying the fantasia as I type and send this message
Then you checked wrong, dipshit. By Ascian/Ancient standards, that was just as good as death. Literally all of them express how horrible this is. And hilariously Venat let many of the Asians live for no real reason. So they got to suffer immensely then come to the source and fuck us over because mommy goddess can't be fucked to finish what she starts.
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>expansion with the best storyline
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Thank you, FC submarine
is it trancin time already
i am
a gay hrothgar
It's easier to larp and erp as a fem with better results. At the end of the day we both have penetrable holes and a mouth that wants to suck cock
I'm sticking my dick in there and cumming in your pants.
my dalamud keeps crashing whenever i do crafting related things like desynthing or crafting... is this the game telling me to stop being a bitch and go farm ex?
"You mean ERP with one in FFXIV?"
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When are the mods coming back, I can't play the game not looking like this
catboys aren't real... carboys though...
Same to be honest. If I had the chance to know someone I ERP with for months and months on end, I would never care nor ask a real life pic reveal or anything
I genuinely, with all my being and soul, dont fucking care if the catgirl or femra Im breeding is a hispanic dude wearing Metallica t shirts or not
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They should have sacrificed everyone to Zodiark.
They did not deserve another chance after fucking up this bad.
She also immediately got the idea to leave the star after grandaddy Dragon INVADED OUR STAR and she bent over backwards to house him here while also developing the plan to leave FUCKING OVER ALL OF THE SHARDS ANYWAY if the plan didn't work.
Her removing herself from the lifestream is basically her pulling a hitler in the bunker.
Why don't you have a seat, right over there?

Actually I mostly wear ACDC stuff if it's dadrock
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logging in
penumbra status?
god i wish carboys were real
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Describe your emotional state during this cutscene.
dead forever
now begone modbeast
>just wanna pretend choke on their pretend cock as my pretend catgirl
Do you like gocks?
Yeah but I don't get turn on by female characters, they look like ass half of the time
I will never forgive SE for ending Save the Queen prematurely
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Posing is all you need
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when are they gonna add this outfit in the game argh
Alt-tabbed and browsing /gif/
mommy :(
Why is that liquid black? Was it supposed to be blood?
I demand sex with lalafells
More like solid anon
>its another cutscene that could be solved if your character just attacked instead of standing around
there sure are a lot of them this time around huh
Literally never. It's the necromancer fit from ShB, so it's iconic in that way. YoshiPissShit said that necromancers are too mean and evil, so we will likely never get the option for WoL be it aesthetic or gameplay.

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>Comfy jazz music
>Hammer from people crafting
I don't make modbeasts, I just want glamourer and some light attack animation mods
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They really did this for the final trial
Holy fuck I want to punch her face so bad
my character is so cute in his cyberslop gear doing the cowboy town sidequests
If you don't have a dick you can just log out again with your yee yee ass haircut.
If you do have a dick, breed my elezen while abusing her belly taunting how her fit abs will soon sag and be ruined by your many kits.
Punch her muff, bits and pull at her ears choke her out putting your thumbs on her windpipe call her all kinds of names leave her a single mother...
Do as you're fucking told, cunt.
I wish I were fem. Lusting after straight cock is tiresome
reapers are mean and evil though they literally use the bad guys to fight with
MSQ may be shit, but the zones and environments in this expansion are largely on point. I think the only zone I don't care for is Heritage Found.
Bigger problem with this is that Venat/Hydalyn fully knows how Final Days actually work and that entire universe apart from Sundered Etheirys protected by Zodiark is dead and gone.

Where exactly were the people of Eorzea supposed to flee?
what dynamis world is the best to move to?
This music sounds like SHIT
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I was making breakfast....
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first person POV in FFXIV is a trip
Does this femra like male middies (me)
how long does it take to max out fates in every dawntrail area?
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I only fuck lalafells, but finding cool ones is hard. I might swap to femras at this rate. 80% of lalas are "uwu wholesome chungus pet me".
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millions of console players filtered
I don't understand why is reasoning for no necros is that they're evil, but scythe wielders using a ghost to attack somehow aren't evil
>hahahaha fuck off
>Nah fuck off game
>I'm not going to feel sad for a genocidal whore
>hahahaha oh man Endwalker is such trash
>FFXIV will never be good again
can you make breakfast for me too
Got whiplash from the DK jungle beats
can you recommend any other good QoL plugins?
Big Band is based
I want to agree but I feel the zones are really really missing that 'fantasy' feel.
Idk why everybody hates on the expansion when everything beyond the story is pretty good
And that's a good thing
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>Noah gets assassinated/kills himself off-screen and Lyon just bails the fuck out while everything collapses
I'm still waiting for him to come back
Despite that I was still really satisfied with it as a whole
Lyon's trio of rag tag Garleans is some of the best characterization of them in the game despite having like three scenes together
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Had to cut my stretching short because Snake spawned...
Sure if you don't mind mediocre scrambled eggs with toast and bacon
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Does the male and female viper have the same idle pose?
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Pictured is me, a gamer
And I wish you feel happy no matter what you are
Post him
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>there are officially more female hrothgars on Seraph than male hrothgars, roes of both genders, lalafels of both genders, and elezens of both genders based on observation of the limsa aetherite
How long will this last, do you think?
keeper of the moon
Don't look at me. It unironically was Yoshi who said he couldn't see the WoL taking part in evil things which is the source of my own argument. I was personally pissed because this was in response to potentially getting necromancer after the heroes gauntlet in ShB. Reaper appearing definitely makes it look like Yoshi just plain says whatever the fuck lmao
>trancers are back
Imagine basing your entire personality about thinking a bunch of fags with Greek names who can't take responsibility for their own actions are the coolest characters to ever exist
I was actually talking with a friend about this yesterday but they do in fact have the same idle pose. It's a little weird since every other job gives male and female different idle poses
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I think I'm in love
built for fat nigger dicks
Post your favorite catbox that proves this
VPR is a shitty afterthought of a job so it's to be expected
Wrong. New jobs (EW and onward) don't. SGE, RPR also have same idle poses.
>he doesn't know hes erping with a neckbeard or troon
You just described venat.
She left an SoS running for 12000 years and aped off of the work of her betters keeping zodiark alive and kept that shit a secret from everyone saying her "blessing" is all we needed
Imagine defending genocide because your cock got hard.
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I had this experience and everyone called me a weirdo for not liking Venat.
You play a sub cargirl too?
no RPR and SGE are different, they look about the same but theyre still different
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>oh no the big honorable Mesoamerican king man died and we need to put his daughter on the throne!

I already played this expansion Square.
Sex with this cat
Idk what the fuck a trancer is, but if it means no mommy issues, then I guess I'll take it?
>shitty afterthought job
topping damage charts just behind Picto. I think they gave it a lot of thought. They thought the players of FFXIV deserve another pile of shit.
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What is dawntrail's obsession with calling face 2 youthful anyway... It's the second time it's happened.
Honestly the more i think about it the more this seems to be the case
I've spoken with him in voicechat so we both know
>blantanly reusing qitana ravel dungeon for tender valley

jesus christ squeenix you already ran out of ideas?
No. I've tried subbing, but I just can't. Idunno how bottoms do that shit, but I can now totally relate to the girl getting fucked on bed while she scrolls twitter or plays vidya. Being the one who gets railed is so fucking boring.
>Idk why everybody hates on the expansion when everything beyond the story is pretty good
I mean... 50-60 hours story is BIG part of the early expansion experience and it is mandatory before you get to do anything else.
My femezen personality?
You know that song silhouette by kana-boon? It's pretty much that.
Why didn't they give VPR's saberstaff idle a /cpose
Talanji is better then Wuk Lamat but Gulool ja ja is better then King Rastakhan
Reminder when you read hentai it was created by a man
b-b-b-b-but funny snek!!!
>It unironically was Yoshi who said he couldn't see the WoL taking part in evil things
We already had WoL committing genocide in DT so this clearly isn't the case anymore
Hopefully forever.
Story is mandatory in this game. That means it lives or dies by story. This was a decision CBUIII made.
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Maybe wol-sama is the stupid one... He mistook this youthful catboy for the one we were supposed to be rattling for gil
Apparently for faggots it's really good and they cum like motherfuckers from it, but being the fucker is still the way to go, 1001 ways to fuck someone
i genuinely beleive this game's code couldnt handle two different cposes depending on weapon state. frankly its fucking impressive that the swords can do what they do now
Young cats look different in Murrica
We are so winning middie bros
also hey
Did anyone save the venat futa x femezen woL art that was posted earlier? I forgot to save or bookmark it...
Fems love being lusted over but rarely enjoy sex
i am fat fuck femlala who has been on two day drinking and stuffing my face binge
god it hurts to turn around in my bed
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>Lizard people
>Let's make them meso americans
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idk, last I heard, fujos became a big chunk of the writers or something. Though I'm unsure of how true that is.
>job balance
>bug quality checks
>content design

Now you know the cost of having good content. This is not sustainable. DT WILL resemble EW design by 7.2/7.3, mark my words. The casuals have spoken and they would prefer if the game was much easier, had better music, and was written with higher expectations. They keep the lights on and you don't, thsts just how it is.
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Do you think the real Sphene had sex when she was alive?
I would forgive the genocide in DT if it allowed me to become a necromancer. A REAL ONE. NOT THIS LIMITED JOB CRAP.
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>music bad
shbaby nigger detected
You niggas and this "Muh genocide" bullshit. What are you supposed to do? Let the code ghosts consume existence? Stop trying to force moral relativity on this shit. Endless bad and us good, end of discussion.
EB status?
o-oh yes sir okay sir, i liked the scene itself well enough, "you have to have bad times so you can have good times" isn't exactly a novel message but i thought it was put together and tied back into answers from 1.0 pretty well considering none of it was planned in advance, also the vibe of it reminded me funnily enough of a creation myth like a religious explanation for why bad things happen except this time the events are historical
what clothes did you wear mostly during DT?
I though Endwalker had one of the best storylines? Is it really worse than DT? From reading here it seems like Dt tells the worst story ever (apart of ARR obv)
currently EB'd to this pack of pork rinds
we have had like 2 above average extreme trials and one passable expert dungeon you are getting way ahead of yourself
no she was pure
Yes. With me. Nonconsensually. Multiple times.
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This was me
bikini and fishnet
My lalafell looks and acts like this
L take
Post more light mommy I BEG
It was cool on the first time, now it is just disappointing.
It ain't fair. Where's my ugly neckbeard to play with?
Ghosts had their time in this world.
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i wore my prepared glam for the first 5 levels
switched to gachimode then cyberslop
then the af gear and now the tome gear
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I think it's neat
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>Idk why everybody hates on the expansion when everything beyond the story is pretty good
Because the MSQ is 99% of the reason I play FFXIV.
dc and eb status?
Nigga forgot the tech we got with omicrons and allagans is strictly superior to Tulal in every shape, way, and form, specifically dealing with data manipulation which is what LM is. Basically it would've been a normal but tragic choice if we didn't know computers existed. But we do. And they do. So we could a easily offered a solution. Or fuck me. At least tried.
Sorry bro but im playing a male character
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NTA but I agree. I get horny and I like pleasing my partner but I almost never orgasm during sex. Doesn't really bother me though, it lets me focus on the top.
I thought it was a cool enough cutscene but also kinda thought they censored the blood to be black goo. (I still dont know why its black goo)
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Nope, females have the far superior one.
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Say what you want but the ZODIARK TRANCE page is kino as fuck
Obviously Genolt is Gerolt, but is Shale a shard of someone too? Will I find out later or is it irrelevant
Yeah, that's why I only jerk off while reading Ane Naru Mono
Not him but EW rushes everything to deliver a barely acceptable ending. It has horrid pacing, but because it managed to stick the landing and not be a complete dumpster fire from start to finish, no one was ever allowed to critique it. People were way more critical of SHB and willing to hear out critique even though it tells a much better story overall despite falling into familiar pitfalls of XIV MSQs.
You're right about there being a better alternative but with the options you're presented at the time its really not much of a choice. All of that said why the fuck didn't we contact one of several big brain aether know-it-alls and engineers like cid to think of something?
Agreed, not gonna sugar coat it, shit sucked
>job balance
this is retarded, you're retarded
>quality control
Malera /eatpizza was the best thing
>content design
This feels really premature

While we're on it, the graphic update was good, female hrothgar look extremely rigid, mannish, and ugly

Overall, 7/10, hope savage and ulti are good
>my lalafell looks like [a child]
yea we know
I think the black goo is meant to be despair surrounding venat but she perseveres anyways
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It's not the first time. The theme matches the climate that lizards thrive in.
which rDPS should I level first in DT
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my maliddie looks and acts like this
idk it's kinda cringe, but i wish i had the "manchild babyrage" edit or whatever it says
can't find it again
What's the trance page
Take me there.
>it's meant to be like a Jesus on the cross moment
Not sure where the hell you got that idea from.
I think she's Ysayle
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I should play Nakai again.
Vile looking cat from a 40yo tranny manlet
Many such cases
fieldcraft leves fucking suck
>job balance
Same as it's ever been, parsebrains want to pretend there's a difference between jobs when they're all the fucking same
Great (minus Smile)
>bug quality
Same as it's ever been
2 things
>is sonar still a plugin? i hate using fucking discord for hunt shit
>how the fuck does splatoon work? there's nothing here
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why am i helping a loanshark again bros...?
waking up as a malezen is tough some days
Shadowbringers and especially 5.3 patch is the peak
The bar is just that low after years SB+. The raid will be thecreal determiner, but I'm also not expecting to see anything cool during normal like how the trials saved everything interesting for EX.
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Dancer always
It just feels WEIRD, man. Don't even look at it through moral relativity. Look at it as a writing device. We left the chekhovs gun an expansion back and it woulda fired GREAT here.

Then it didn't. Why the fuck bother with this theme?
The point of the quests is that he isn't a shark
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it her
I meant to say that zodiark trance as an ability is a kino concept
same bro
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my wife Sophie Yumitori
Venat milk...
How about have Scions at least attempt to explore alternative options before going through with the Final Solution? If Endless programming is problem, perhaps Omega could do rewrite? Is it possible to move Living Memory to Ultimate Thule where Dynamis could power them without requiring them to consume souls?
If some "soul aether" -that hasn't existed before DT- is somehow this unethical and problematic, what about our relic weapons and jobstones? What are the ethical implications there?

You are faggot if you think anyone should accept their character being happy murder innocent people without trying their best to explore alternatives first
NTA, What exactly was the interesting stuff in the ex to you? The line mechs in 2 was the only standout one to me
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Did Elpis get the graphic update as well? It looks better than I remember.
Cool. I'm femra.
Why? Just goto place and whack log with food buff. Occasionally use the one that makes it easier to succeed. If you're talking about how stupid the interface interaction is, yeah, that's from the dawn of the game.
Yeah; no animosity. It's just an unfortunate fact of life for a majority of people.
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that is very touching...
>Is it possible to move Living Memory to Ultimate Thule where Dynamis could power them without requiring them to consume souls?
they tried that for centuries with no answer though.
and i dont beleive its the smartest solution to just let them keep killing millions of people until they figure out what to do. Kinda reminds me of the ascians when you think about it
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No matter if it's 7.x or 8.0 One we go back to Eorzea I want the first NPC we meet call us Danservant's Champion instead of Warrior of Light just to see the forums explode.
Ah understood thanks
idk but I wouldn't mind a loanshark like him
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page from an alt universe comic where wol has all his pre-sundering memories and hates venat or something idk i never read it
got connected to that one anti-venat group (literal astroturfer discord btw) at some point cause it was funny to do so, but i don't think they're particularly passionate about it
i dont think these tattoos ever look good
>i dont think tattoos ever look good
Why did he use comic sans for what is otherwise pretty cool art
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Tell her to change her outfit immediately and that we don’t tolerate glam theft around here or the ‘cord is going to mass report her. That’s Sophie’s ‘fit and we won’t stand for glam theft around here, unlike you unpopular losers we actually have standards and respect for others in the ‘cord.
Does it need to be a GPose or what's the angle here, anon.
>i dont think
I would say machinist if you're party finder, but brd is better than your other options in single contribution and buffed rn. Dnc if you have a really dependable melee you play with regularly.
>kills venat.
>Doesnt figure out where meteion is
>dies anyways
wow what a great panel
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they give no xp
Constant party dot and the wild charge nail was really cool, as was seeing levitation again although that itself isn't new.
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Cause it's a comic? Duh!
stay mad nigger they look like shit
*touches chest with hand*
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I was pissed off that was the direction the story went in. I felt like Venat's character development wasn't earned at all. The writing had her just piggyback off your achievements to seem like she really struggled to become this messianic figure. It was cheap and lazy and I didn't like it in the slightest.

I tend to heavily dislike time loops in fiction because characters will behave in unbelievable and inexplicable ways just to support the plot. They make decisions no sane human being logically would just to justify the time loop or otherwise the plot can't exist. It's bad writing and then they added a memory wipe on top of that. How many levels of Deus Ex Machina are we on now?
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I want to sex Venat
lemme grab ur titties
Spare the Loli kill the hag.

Seriously. What a great panel.
What world?
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m-my character is male...
>2 quests into the caster role quests
>Tepeke mogs wuk in all aspekts
>wol actually relied on
do not have sex with your mother
gigachad trancer
cumbrain venat truther
Really makes you think.
Femhroths, how musky are you?
What lvl are your gatherers?
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>dt msq so boring, flat, and bad we're going back to the well on trancers and endwalker shit
this is the most damning indictment
I haven't finished them all but caster and tank role quests are solid.
Wanna meet up, maybe talk a bit and see where things go?
Also what's your opinion on having your tail pulled
90 91 90
Bro is unaware
>Not sure where the hell you got that idea from.
By playing the game.

The entirety of Endwalker is about trying to get you to care about Venat/Hydaelyn the same way people see Jesus.
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Do not sex my mommywife
mf... this guy has an EB
What is the trick to finding gay malelalas? They're all after fucking mommies.
Sex with Venat
>a story is only good if retards have nonsense arguments over it
Minfilia and the rest of the scions of the seventh dawn literally worship Hydaelyn throughout the entire MSQ.
You missed the bigger narrative purpose of the Endless if you genuinely think the story should have bent over backwards to insist they're alive or to save them.
bro i have nearly 30 ex2 clears and have not seen the mount once fuck these wings the one time i actually want an extreme mount it doesn’t even drop aaaaaaaa
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Yeah I’m thinkin Kong wins yet again
Akiyama forma de Tural
look for a malelala doing /playdead
Them dressing like faggots.
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He cute
I fail to see the problem
when not even trolls are willing to stump for new story content you know it's shit
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Sex with who?
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blank faced the entire time just like the rest of endwalker besides the moenbryda's parents consoling urianger scene
I can't tell if this is serious, but I'm gonna keep an eye out.
Wins? This nigga is banned. He lost, it’s over.
Pegarian Id
work on your new account dude
why are XIV players so obsessed with genocide to keep bringing it up for no reason
He already bought another account.
need to go on a transbian date with this jp cat
It's just showing she went through some shit. It's not that deep. Sounds like you just got a chip on your shoulder about something.
Venat is a horrible piece of shit who acted only because it'd give her power over the sharded chimpoids that now populate all the worlds. I would still absolutely nut in that bitch like my life ends in an hour holy fuck
i like you better when you're posting pictures of your fiddie so i can jork it
and sending creepy messages to my fiddie about your syncshell so i can call you out for being weird
You're such a fussy bun bun dude
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The hallmark of retards trying to argue for free moral wins
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because my wol committed it (and that's a good thing)
>The entirety of Endwalker is about
damn that's crazy
because genocide is fun
>mods are back
>posing is back
Yep, FFXIV has been saved. We’re finally allowed to play FFXIV, the world’s best and most popular MMO with over 30 million players. Not only does FFXIV let you plap ‘n goon, but it also lets you be superior to Reddit by liking Woke Lmao.
He buys accounts? That’s pathetic.
>free moral wins
I'm pro genocide, give me my moral win.
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Is that Kong? I can see why people would mistake me for them. Also
>Ass and Tits too small
>Eye color
>Skin color

Horrid taste. Stick to group content.
the fact that they drop 1 totem per clear is criminal >>485193546
Sure if you'll join a PF with me to kill Valigarmanda I want the mount bro
My opinion on that is sounds pretty painful tbqhw/u
>get major glowup thanks to model update and a few tweaks
>catboys won't leave me alone
yeah, it's peak
only faggots hate on it
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Is the implication from the clothing that she was blacked in eorzean? Mixed messaging.
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Which job for a 10+ feet catgirl that leave her simps half dead and unconscious after long and violent breeding sessions
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Wow media illiteracy is out in full force today
I want job-specific dialogue in cutscenes
I want to tell my pet ghost to eat someones ass
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disgusting slimy 2'1 scaled hands typed this post
erenville's about to call me daddy the way I fornicated with his mom
i'm going to hit you
why no one calls me a warrior of light in dawntrail
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blep :3
Worse than stormblood
>+10 foot catgirl
its right next to the cope machine.

Erenville gonna call me daddy with the way I fornicate his ass.
Better than Dragonflight
Making any attempts at all=/=bending over backwards
You may be willing to swallow this slopt uncritically, but I won't. Hiroi is hack that deserves to be fired for this garbage. It seems like Ishikawa was the only competent writer they had
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The lack of responsibility content creators are showing by not correcting the record is astounding. They NEED to educate and shape public opinion. Trans lives are on the line.
>God, I fucking hate Ancients - I miss having mortal concerns and mortal struggles, instead I gotta clean up this fuckin mess made by a depressed biologist that missed a semicolon in his biological computer
scions and a few other individuals aside nobody knows you are the warrior of light
you're a short shit on everyone else's screen
i am awake
here u go senpai
Better than The War Within
what the hell is a warrior of light esse
I'm amused by the fact that we stopped the world from being consumed by flame and thunder and these savage-taco fucks apparently never heard of me. You can't retcon that kind of shit. I wanna level the whole country just for the flagrant retardation.
>worse than the best expansion
well obviously
maybe when we have all the content it'll finally surpass it
I really don't understand why we went back to 1...
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>and sending creepy messages to my fiddie about your syncshell

I have never in my life run a synchshell. For the longest time I didn't join ANY synchshell at all because I was paranoid about randos uploading files to my PC and I left every single synchshell I was a part of just before Dawntrail because the plugin is laggy.

You are someone who has never spoken to me in game, or you'd know I only directly pair with people.
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Not at all. Proper hygeine is good for you, anon.
we need more BEST BOY in the msq
or at least in the discussion on here
what did you like about him?
what is he up to?
will he return?
why is he so based?
That's true, hope we'd aspire for a bit more than that
Cope machinist then?
Scolar, in order to study all the coping mechanism? Be specific
The people that matter have my mare, couldnt care less what literal npcs see or think tbqhwyb
sex with this femlala
SEX i say
no its not
Let me know when glamourer is back so i can pretend to be a cute catgirl while still being a stoic man to the public eye
Because fantasy genocide turns me on
omw to eb you.
there are people in Eorzea that have never heard of WoL too
mass communications simply do not exist so most people don't know shit other than some stuff was happening and then it stopped
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Erenville is the best boy because he attracts both those who want to peg him and those who want to try and impregnate him since he's that feminine
anon you should show off your cute catgirl to all of eorzea..
the first two extreme trials of expacs always give one totem i think but they should just give us two desu. ex2 just feels sooo lonnggggg zzz
no one knows who we are in tural. words of our deeds in eorzea didnt reach far
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good morning
meant to say linkshell, which you have absolutely messaged me about
>The people that matter
then maybe you should ask them
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The final days wasn't affecting anyone beyond Thavnair and Garlemald capital. A couple blasphemies popped up in Eorzea and Othard but they were dealt with discretely while everyone went about their lives not even knowing that doom was at hand. Complain all you want but that bad writing was already set in stone during EW.

Going "yeah it was kinda scary but we lived and now we forgot how to farm" is not gonna cut it.
didn't tural have finals days? tell them I literally saved them, I'm a warrior of light
>what job
my mistress
I would honestly have taken funny Daniel back over the DT MSQ
Lying piece of shit. Nobody was there.
My future milalla wife
I haven't done it yet but that's a damn shame. I want its wings more than ValEX because the music is cooler
SE clearly hates us
this was the entire premise of the role quests, too
I say this with a heavy heart anon, but you got filtered. The one part of the story that was decent and you were too stupid to get it, not that I blame you for being too checked out though.
Nyo.... i must stay hidden
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women see a bloodthirsty 13 foot tall non conventionally attractive monster with 2 heads and decide they want to fuck it
>Modern Aesthetics - It Takes Two
fuuuuck you yoshi
Fuck your expansion
Millennials think not being able to eat avocado toast every day is "literally genocide". Biggest drama queens in existence.
Why is grinding for experience to level up other Jobs so fucking slow and difficult to the point where it feels like having a shitty soul breaking mind raping office job in Japan?
I'm there
My angle is that I want to start my day seeing a gay hrothgar doing gay things
Brax x Roxas western AU
Tags: betrayal, rape, two men, yaoi, NTR, theft, cactus insertion
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>The final days wasn't affecting anyone beyond Thavnair and Garlemald capital.
I'm not even saying you're wrong. I'm just saying if this is true, because I remember it affecting the world. I'm unsubbing. I'm sorry, that's so braindead retarded. "THE APOCALYPSE IS HERE. THE WORLD IS DOOMED. GERMANY AND INDIA THE ONLY AFFECTED ZONES."

what. how does that not sound stupid to you people?
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watching this while gathering and crafting
it's crazy how much good voice acting adds to a story
Is EX1 or EX2 easier? I assume its 1, considering Zodiark ex was piss easy?
The Final Days was also explicitly only really happening in Thavnair and kinda sorta happening in neighboring regions or Eorzea, and was established in ShB as not being something that hits the whole planet all at once, so it's very likely that we solved it fast enough that it actually never got to Tural
>It's just showing she went through some shit
It's forcing her down the players throat and trying to make her a universally beloved figure even though she genocided her race.
there are people in here who wanna fuck the machinist robot why is this so strange
EX1 is easier
“non conventionally attractive” is always the funniest way to describe someone’s appearance
i mean it makes sense in this case but when people whip that out irl i think it’s a lil crazy. like hey youre a little weird looking but id fuck
I heard EX2 can be danger dorito'd so maybe that one is easier. Don't know personally though
EX1 feels pretty easy
>malezen called my femezen cute
we are SO back, Dawntrail is the best expansion
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He was pretty based
>why are XIV players so obsessed with genocide to keep bringing it up for no reason
Venat committed genocide.

No, I will not stop bringing it up just because it makes you uncomfortable.
I rarely ever invite people to the linkshell
and whose hair is that
Women see an alpha male apex fratboy and they immediately discard all they thoughts about women's rights and patriarchy. This isn't new.
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Blows my mind this is canon. It doesn't even make sense. Maybe I'm getting too old for this shit game.
they were affected first because of the towers built there. it would have spread across the whole star over time if not stopped. they literally explained this
"Remember when I said I wanted to die, too? I meant it."
Kino character, choosing Zenos's biggest fanboy as host was even more hilarious
Bard is kind of tempting just for glams… does it still have the weird song timing stuff to it?
Please respond, I tried crawling the archives back but couldn't find it
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Okay wait, so…it’s the best MMO, right? AND it’s better than WoW? And wait, get this, it’s ALSO hated by Reddit, so we’re finally allowed to like it?

Yep, I’m thinking FFXIV is still on top with the Dawntrail expansion. Take that, Bobby Kotick.
You can't everything too easy, that's no fun
The towers weren't the beacons for the song, which is what caused the apocalypse and abominations in the first place. In fact, the towers were such a nothing thing that really only existed to introduce tempering and then solve tempering immediately. Sorry for forgetting it was anything more than another one of ZenoFannys "we're doing this because its RANDOM and SCARY". *stabs u with spork*
It is stupid, but you're not allowed to say anything bad about EW or you're a trancer wowbuck shitposter barry wannabe discord troon.
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Emote when
If they make it 5 bucks they'll make millions from nightclubs alone
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I am
a femlala pictomancer who can look at a man and then paint what I think his woober looks like
and then I make it real and I sit on it
>Dawntrail is so shit that the entire thread is back to ShB / EW story discussion
>why did the weird emotion-based magic energy source not behave in what I think is a logical manner
I think you might just be too autistic
On a superficial level, perhaps. Early FFXIV may consider her to be a goddess or deity of some sort, but by the time we get to Endwalker there's no worshiping of her among the characters. The main characters all learn that she was just a person whose personality and memories ended up in her primal. Besides, it's the plan that ended up working.
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I rolled a fucking 4
Weekly thread reminder
can you stay on my woober even when i get up and walk around
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>tfw a strawberry lalafell just shotgun blasted me flower petals
It's the little things that I love about this game
Why are femlalas like this and why are they the only straight female race
Fandaniel/Amon/Hermes are the sole reason I liked EW.
and yet you liked my fiddie enough to be weird about it
1 is considerably easier because it doesn’t have projection of triumph. i hate those aoe snapshots
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Why do you have to defile such an adorable picture with such thoughts?
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>Lv 91 gathering trait saves your expansion
Holy fuck I love this
Both easy with a little tricky parts sprinkled in briefly
You didn't find your resolve yet
I wish Wildfire would hit in an aoe in pvp
>Bringing up Dynamis
leave. i dont talk to trogs.
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Why hello there, do you need any help with your quest? :)
Ty frens, I shall get my tomestone gear ready and beat up this bird. What strats do people use on Crystal? Is Hector back?
Wait is THAT the item? A fucking present box? No whistle, no horn, no key, not even a feather because they're wings? Eeeeuuuuuyyyiikkes, folks.
I've never been weird towards another middie.
I wonder why...
average lalafell player mindset
How are you bucks coping with trannytrail?
I can even form a sensory connection to the painted woober so you can feel anything that's done to it.
*Excavator* *Drill*
it's just easier for shitposters to have retarded fights over because there's the tiniest bit of moral uncertainty to it
DT is too clear cut for that so they have nothing to work with
i wouldn't be surprised if it was originally intended as a way to not have to update old zones (weather conditions are defined per-zone, e.g. old sharlayan has an entire weather type just for that one cutscene with the apocalypse weather)
but yeah all the role quests go like "yeah it's not that bad here yet but we've had this one blasphemy hey come help us chase it down for 6 quests why don't you"
based woober mage
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viper idle pose is goofy as hell on both genders
Some of you have never been in the korean mmo mines and it shows.
Akemi you're a BLM pro, right? You know what you're talking about? I can trust your opinion as absolute authority on BLM? Are you placing leylines early in these EX fights or just doing the basic opener?
Lost all my respect for Yoshida and Kate in a week, still recovering.
hector is SO BACK
I didn't know Kate was gonna be lore consultancy for this expac. I woulda sat this one out had I known. She clearly doesn't fucking know anything.
its alright
>Her plan worked so that excuses her methods
You people are evil. Pure evil.
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If you had respect for Yoshida after SB you are unironically a cultist.
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>You didn't find your resolve yet
Inshallah I will beat you with the handle of my scythe Akemi Susano
If 2024 has taught me anything
"Consultation" is a DISASTER for video games
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It's worse than you think
How do I meet this femlala to have my woober measured and prepped for this sorcery?
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definitely not me, I'm leveling too fast... all of my jobs are 70+ with one at 88... I'm in stormblood
/pet /pet /pet
Most of us know what a KMMO is and don't play it for that very reason. Why do I have to critically think for half of you blithering fags?
Yoshi has been riding his rockstar dev bullshit for years. He still talks about ARR like he just saved the game yesterday. He's a hack who got lucky once, but SE fans are cut from the same cloth as Nintendo ones.
are you serious? leveling up jobs is such a piece of cake bro cmon alliance raid roulette literally just gives you a level for free everyday
my ears have gone upet... for so long...
Yoshida got exposed as overrated. FF16 passing like a fart in the wind, 6.x patches being horrible to go through, and DT being what it is, I didn't realize he was so mediocre until just now.
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Uklamato >>>>>> Lyse > Shit > Burning Garbage > Wuk Lamat
Prove me wrong.
anywhere that isn't an enforced hugbox has a pretty lukewarm opinion of msq at best
Her doing nothing = Zodiark demands more and more sacrifices until everyone is dead anyway. Obviously the virtuous ending.
They could earn more by selling experience booster items instead. This is a blatant and malicious use of Judaism.

Making money = A form and an act of Judaism.
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for red mage at lvl100
is the aoe stuff (veraero/ impact) gain on 2 or needs more?
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NTA (Not the Akemi) but I usually pre-pull leylines (might need to undo my muscle memory on that one but whatever), for EX1 I found that moving it to under the targeting reticle arrow, AM'ing to someone to dodge the initial icicles then BtL'ing back to Leylines works pretty well
they're the same character
Koana bros...
>Localizers are the beating heart of this expansion.
Does this actual monkey even realize what he said? That's not a good thing.
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>Not gonna get into it
sign of a losing argument
PLD shotas are the best
>no dialogue option to confront sphene about the fact that all these people died and their experience of consciousness ended already
Aren't the official forums supposed to be an enforced hugbox?
Oh how wrong you are. The troon VO's delivery and woke localization colors the character in the extreme.
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No DC travel
>leveling up jobs is such a piece of cake
>alliance raid roulette

So as long as I avoid and ignore criticism for doing a shitty Job as a DPS I can easily do alliance raid roulettes?
that'd be Krystal Ka'andi@Balmung who is decidedly NOT a xivgger (but is instaloss bait)
so why are you skinwalking, anon?
they don't delete negative opinions like reddit
>Aren't the official forums supposed to be an enforced hugbox?
There's a reason why Dawntrail is mixed on Steam, it pissed off A LOT of people.
not gonna convince an AI until you beat the shit out of it of course
What he's saying is that Kate has more power and influence than a localizer.
Zodiark didn't demand more sacrifices? What? There was one half needed. This provided a shield that did NOT require more sacrifices. HE wasn't a fucking blood god, lmao. The idea was to buy time to solve the song and then return those lost to Zodiark to the lands. Something done with willing sacrifice.

Did you even play the game lmao
Zodiark trance wife and Sphene simp husband
Nigga why and how do you know this cats government
Yes, yes I am the proest of them all
I'm placing them like normal for the opener, no need to hold (at least for ex2, I don't remember ex1 it's been a few days). I only delay them a little when my potion is coming back up, otherwise it's drop right away
*flaps wings away to safety*
>this actual monkey
that's koana's english va (and gurfurlur and hunmu and zereel), i'm not really surprised someone from english localisation defends english localisation
half the people in them barely press buttons, if you actually try at all no one will notice you
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Bakool Ja Ja is the beating heart of Dawntrail and he will be back for the post-MSQ storyline
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>Warrior of Lamat
>The Promised Legend
>Cosmic Collector
how many times did you die on the run where you nabbed the mount
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THE OFFICIAL FORUMS in 2024 are a largely unmoderated shitposting zoo. Someone posted pics of himself in a doggy kennel and the thread stayed up for several days. I firmly believe that anyone who went there would be able to find something funny.
>like reddit
Reddit fucking hates Dawntrail's story
Still a localizer and a pretty fucking bad one at that. I hate this company so much. Why give power to this rando.
>so why are you skinwalking, anon?
i am not
i just post lewd stuff i see on twitter
No fucking way theres a japenese version to this. They must HATE her over there
koji's original sin, handpicked successor
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When are we getting the next live letter so we can see Yoshida cry on stream?
literally everyone in there is on autopilot bro as long as you have a pulse ur good
because the last time they gave a random foreigner power they got Koji and everyone loved him
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please don't do this, i wouldn't be able to play the game without passing out from being rock hard all day looking at all the fiddies and catgirls wearing that.
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two mieras...living together...saying yes to running a shop together...
when someone stands in the same spot on balmung with the exact same search comment linking their art commissions for years, people tend to know who they are
no more stream, the game goes EoS
what if world travel sufficed
You'd think the japs with all their pachinko would understand the concept of "gamble".
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Hey guys, GM! (That stands for good meowning, it's like good morning but with "meow" like a catgirl. Isn't that cute?)
I love transgender people and all of our trans friends here in /xivg/! All of you are so totally valid. I'm glad trans sisters finally have some in-game representation with Wuk Lamat's amazing VA.
>Google Translate tier wording
>bad photoshop text removal
It's a quick and plain Google Translate image autoedit. If it was actually Japanese they'd likely use ヒカセン instead.
Dawntrail's soundtrack? Bangers.
Dawntrail's dungeons? Nailed it.
Dawntrail's zones? Incredible.
Dawntrail? A massive success.
Dawntrail's story? Ruined by Wuk Lamat and her tranny VA.
ok, world name? meet me at uldah
Got called a transphobe for playing with jp voices today
(I've been playing with jp voices since stormblood)
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She/they won. You lost. Get over it, wowbucks.
you know what's better than transgender people?
transgender people who can act
It's 4 months until the next patch, so maybe 3 months from now they might surprise everyone and deign to address the criticism, but most likely they're going to keep radio silent and keep pumping out mediocre trash from now on.
Faggot, troons are not valid. YWNBAW
Proper pronouns for that is "it".
Please be respectful.
0 but I dropped my enochian like two or three times lmao. Even during the opener because I was staring at someone else
Well, I'd sooner prescribe just saying hi normally but https://files.catbox.moe/gjcpy5.png
Gathering all the troons together, putting them in a camp, and having a massive orgy with them in final fantasy xiv
I've officially lost my patience and started to skip cutscenes
you guys are fucking retarded on average what else is new
you go to an expansion area(s) that are explicitly north/south American and not Japanese/Asian in any discernable way and you'd expect the localization to actually be good enough to the point where you can tell Wow This Is Not Fantasy Japan Or Japan
Be fair, the story is shit for more reasons than just Wuk Lamat.
More or less what I do as well, I just noticed last night that the first puddle bait goes away by the time you finish the third and that's what my main issue with the timing was so I might try using them on CD and manip back to them instead of a 10ish second delay. Don't want to waste retrace in cast I need to move to other side of areba right after.
I see, I see. I only cleared EX2 once so far but it seemed like everyone was holding 2min during the chains part but early leyline timing makes me think BLM can get their burst out during it instead of waiting until after it's resolved. EX2 definitely feels easier for BLM than EX1 apart from that.
wukong... le MUTT!!!!
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Sphene, the Endless, and the final zone were rewritten to make her a more sympathetic character, that's the only thing I can think of. Wuk brings up finding another way a grand total of once, to which Sphene responds there isn't one and everyone drops it. Quest entries in Living Memory state that Cauchia's plan to delete the endless before the fight is meant to try and convince Sphene that there's no reason to steal souls even if you fail to beat her, yet noone mentions any of this in the final battle or the cutscenes around it, in fact there's lines in the final battle that imply Sphene is completely unaware of their deletion, which doesn't make sense for the one in control of the entire zone.
they thought blowing $140 million on The Spirits Within was a good idea, this company is retarded and genuinely should not be able to continue existing, but they're hard carried by owning IPs that people love despite coming up on decades of mismanagement
Hi thank you. Will you be a trans ally by giving me attention and praise and ingame headpats and calling me a good girl in vc?
duuuuude sick burn!
youre worrying too much about it nobodys going to care if youre not doing well and they are going to be too scared of being reported to say anything if they do notice
wuk le shit
can you click that off?
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I roll Need on all items.
Is my internet good enough for this game?
Think hearing Wuk Lmao's voice cracking every other sentence triggers gender dysphoria in xiv troons???
let's start a petition to change wuk lamat's voice actor
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I want to bite the blue Veena's cheek so bad in this quest.
woke letroon died multiple times in my duty support and i carried while "she" ate dirt anyway
not feelin too inspired by someone who dies in normal content
what are the new IT pairings?
Yeah it literally does for me
You can do that yourself, just swap to any other language VO option. All of the others are actual women.
why are people shitting on the VA? I think Wuk Lamat sounds okay in japanese
adding wings is the sign of dying mmo
Shit is so fucking cringe.
>during the chains part
Oooo, see that's the part I was thinking of when I said I delay them a little for my pots since I know it lines up a little funny around that time. I'll have to try running it again to see the best time for dropping it
AI and Art
but I like english dub
>Think hearing Wuk Lmao's voice cracking every other sentence triggers gender dysphoria in xiv troons???
That'd be rich
Say it for the chuds in the back, sisters.

Even in Japanese, she's smothering. Honestly, even if they castrated, delimbed, and threw Sena out to the glee of the most sadistic 4channers, it wouldn't save the expansion. The character itself is just so fucking burdensome and that's not addressing everything else.
Her JP combat yells are really cute and powerful, shame theyre attached to a dogshit character
>Mount tilt
>Motion sickness
You don't get motion sickness from your character tilting in 3rd person and the camera remains static you lying fucking attentionwhores.
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>eu/aussie hours
>eternal melting over trannies
>na hours
>c@ and femra melties over hrothgals getting all the attention
Man i didn't even see this my first time going through the trial and i was already off put by her busting in at the end of the fight. So lame
t. winglet
Yeah. I get leylines back near the end of Mountain Fire (reverse cone fire TB) and I'm not sure what to do with them there yet, maybe some depraved shit like I had to do in P12SP1
BLM gaming is fun desu
Its got some problems but Wuk being so prevalent during the second half is what really brings it down. Should have left the rift hopping baddie from another reflection to the rift hopping heroes that have saved 2 reflections already.
think really really hard about why they would hate her
my moonie has the stinkiest steamiest armpits on xivg
was it really that bad i played during shadowlands and never bothered to resub
>metacritic deleted negative reviews by bots so chuds are reviewbombing harder
Dawntrail is a 7/10 at worst
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This is perhaps the only place I can say what's on everyone's mind with the awful tranny VA. Watching my considerate normie fiends try to step around the minefield of saying that it's bad but also not be a bigot is painful.
yeah you do
I changed Tuliyolmao's music to Gangos theme.
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Every time I read of Wuk from here and hear her dialogue it all comes across to me as some writer's pet, and now this.
Tell me true, /xivggers/, is Wuk some horrid character or are her horrid traits shown in earlier expansions with different characters but they stick out more here because of the new race, tranny VA and general discussion about said tranny VA?
I thought it was cool as hell and that Venat is a legit great character
she's just like me fr
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I wish I was at home playing Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
She's mexican?
Face 2 Hhetsarro men...
Referring to the fat load of semen i busted on her face
so youthful...
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That's it Ms Sudoku you're getting Frontline tunneling privileges now
Where's DC travel? I want to play with Americans...
Opinions on limsacats?
I can now start my day ty
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Reminder that we were defying our OWN mortal limits without any help from other people except Dynamis at the Endwalker end fight. I don't need her inspiration to kill shit
The voice acting is just bad

Like completely aside from the awkward androgyny it’s just bad, not hard to not be a bigot about it at all
Do you even play the game
part of the npc EB patch, 7.35
She's some fake latin bitch living in the rich part of Cali pretending she's 'culturally connected' while eating avocado toast. I'm not even being a boomer. She tweeted about that, lmao. She was stunned by the concept of things being cheaper when you do things YOURSELF. Clearly high IQ.
yea we'll probably see spleen again in the patches
It is, I'm enjoying the change of pace from melee which I usually play. I've had them come up during the second mountain fire and it was some odd cadence of hard cast in safe cone - instant in leyline as I moved - hard cast in safe cone. So long as they're placed in the middle anyways.
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genocide catgirls
>I don't need her inspiration to kill shit
you do now
Warrior of Light? you are washed out and old news
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Just look at this strapping young lad..!
I am a femlala who has started a war that will only end with the NA pvp community being completely destroyed
she’s not even mexican actually she’s just a white person from los angeles lmao
My malezen sells femra slaves at the Jeweled Crozier
How much?
It's like a 5 degee tilt, how are you getting motion sick from your character tilting 5 degrees but you're fine with flying a mount and going up down left right and everything in between?
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Can I impregnate you while you do this?
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we got wings multiple expacs in a row
How much for your finest face 1, good sir?
My femezen buys them by the dozen
while yeah, the voice acting is ARR tier and not to par compared to other characters, let's be real here for a moment, even if we got a good VA for woke lamat, the over all quality of the msq would have remained the same. you're still spending 75% of the story doing nothing
LF subs @Light
Don't say silly things you don't actually mean.
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that sounds pretty good, I'll try that later
Here's that miqitten I was telling ya about
time to retire old man... Wuk Lamat will carry on your legacy
Do what you must, just make sure Brian Ricardo gets caught up in it.
Holy fuck, how did this get okayed?
This is like fanfiction tier shit , bottom of the barrel AO3 self-insert OC tier cringe
How did a billion dollar company okay this
like a submarine...?
we didn't kill any of her actually living people thoughever
I mean it
Him, and the hroth engineer. I'd let them both take turns with me.
>reddit hates MSQ
>/xig/ hates the MSQ
>official forums hate the MSQ
>JP social media hates the MSQ (only opinion Square cares about.)

Wonder if Yoshida will ever bring it up or if Turd Promise just never shows up again.
I don't think I've ever meant my words more in my life.
I am ready to install the mod for the first time to replace only the voice actor of wuk lamat
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Lmaoing at Koana getting whitewashed in this gpose
Can your femezen enslave my fiddie instead please
I wish he had more story involvement. That face, that voice, that thigh window...
too much Wuk wanking in the second half. It made perfect sense for us to stand back during the rite, we were just there as an escort. But she did not need to be front and center the entirety of the second half. Ereville and Krile should have been at the forefront any time Zoraal wasnt on screen. And Wuk shouldnt have been in living memory at all.
>only twitter likes it
It's hilarious how they're more contrarian than we are at this point.
do you have no text version of this
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i thought ff14 was suppose to be the good story mmo
>literally multiple times throughout the ancient section of EW says that it was a slow, gradual process and why they didn’t take it as seriously as they should have until it was too late
why wasn’t it affecting the whole world though???
yoshida probably barely looked at wtf they were doing this expansion and is secretly already planning to work on another game like FF16
yes, but she puts the fake femra horns on your fiddie during sex tho
0 oversight, and any internal criticism that IS levied is viciously attacked as "transphobic" rather than acknowledged.
Ponder the aroma
4chan hasn't had an original thought in almost a decade, it's not really surprising
I doubt it's because of the tranny VA since the story was probably set in stone long before. I also don't hate her character, she's okay... just pushed WAY too hard.
>The Song consumed the entire world quickly after the collapse of the shield when it came to the Ancients
>Us, a fraction of their power, intelligence, even raw EXISTENCE, just get more time and can prepare and the world is consumed slower for no reason beacuse yes?
I don't give a fuck if it's canon. It's still retarded.
they will probably just make her disappear like they did with lyse
people just simp for Bakool Ja ja on twitter and its 50/50, people either love DT or dislike it
The character is just as shit bad in Japanese, the acting is just better
Why cant we interact with these?
Twitter hasn't even finished Stormblood. They just sit in Uldah and venues Gposing and saw Wuk had a trans VA.
It involves him, John Darksouls, Akira Hawk, Setsuna Yuki and Suhr Zarek
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>tranny so mad he has to shitpost as a real woman since he will never pass as one
a tale as old as time
no social credit
Glad to see everyone knows the true rulers of Eorzea and FF14.
I realize that the patch story is already written months ahead of time, but I REALLY hope that the backlash is so goddamn hard that they scrap it and bin wuk instantly
It's funny because that retcons how it was portrayed in SHB Amaurot where it was treated as this cascading fear that quickly spread across the world as their creation magics were unbound and manifesting on their own.
Because CBUIII are run by hacks who don't know what an RPG is anymore.
people also think FF7 is good
people don't actually know what quality is
woah... i love those...
Small, independent company
i cant take the fucking mickey mouse small settlement theme seriously
if you were leader of a continent wouldn't you personally investigate why there's a sudden a fuckhuge displacement of reality on your territory that radically changed everyone caught within it and then also turns out is where your long lost brother is planning to overthrow you
>simp for Bakool Ja ja
I love how that guy has a fanbase, hopefully this means we get more of that idiot
FFVII is dogshit nonsense only second to Kingdom Hearts and I hate that I have to pretend IRL that it's not.
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For me it's Zoraal Ja
If whacking it's what you need to do to get out of bed in the morning, more power to you anon.
I liked msq but wuk lamat is the worst character in this game
and her voice is painful to listen to
How do I bind my PS4 Controller so I can mount?
My hotbar has a mount on it, I bound it to my Keyboard with a normal bind

I go into Gamepad and I cant bind any hotbars, IO just want to press LT to mount up, how do you mount on a controller on PC? wtf? you have to cycle through your fucking buttons or what
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Oh, that would explain it. Will experience it myself in like 5 years.
>get trial 2 and 3 back to back in roulette
>both times revive the entire raid with healer lb3
>0 comms
that's IT
Damn I didn't know the WOL used THAT mentoring technique...
My husband told me that anyone that hates Kingdom Hearts writing is someone who has no fun left in their heart.
they wouldn't like it if sena wasn't the voice actor
Good, I believe we will enjoy each other company, in a submarine of course ......
People deadass forget everything that happened before. I feel like the major problem with expansion and community is that both treat like this is the first expansion ever. We have lore. We have stuff that past. I don't give a fuck what Endwalker retconned with it's shitty writing. In SHADOWBRINGERS, the consumption of the world happened exponentially.
>gets demoted to fucking guard work standing next to his siblings grave
Holy shit he did NOT deserve this ending
hey buddy, stop using logic, this here is a doomer circlejerk, keep it movin'
>long lost
It was like 3 days between finishing the rite and the bubble appearing. Also no, i dont think the newly minted leader of a nation that was just attacked should go off galavanting into an interdimensional anomaly. Assign some people to do it while you fix your shit that was just attacked.
never hire trannies again
Tuliyollal... IS LIGHT!
PvP Femlalas lost.
MNK Maliddies won.
Don't hurry too much Dragonbro and give her a chance, if you don't set your sights on hating her ass from the second you see her you're probably going to have more fun.
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Tranny here. I’m okay with this if you let me be a neet in your house
That's not really a literary defense, but your husband is allowed to enjoy bad writing. I personally play and read things that have joy AND are written good. Mindblowing, but you can have both.

This is the absolute fucking logic of XIVniggers. "You thought [X} was bad? Wow! You must be sad and angry all the time!" No? I just have standards.
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Even Levequests are about her
She is very clearly the writer's pet
she has 7000+ lines which is 2x everyone else, there are only 3-4 levels of MSQ where she is not present, she is the only tank in trusts besides graha tia and cannot be avoided in trusts since they made her a DPS as well.
JP players hate her too and she has an anime VA so it's not the tranny hate.
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I love this guy
when can i go to crystal to pump my femra wife full i cant play the game after if im stuck on there
cc doko
I was referring to the 30 year time displacement for zoraal ja
I'm starting to think my husband was right...
I'm not a femlala but I want a certain maliddie to meteoplap me...
>feel like the major problem with expansion and community is that both treat like this is the first expansion ever.
The writers do as well with how often they repeat things or outright ignore them.
>claims to have standards
>posts in /xivg/
Do you think he has two...you know...
if he's a woman then why does he call himself trans
The writers will butcher him too soon enough
Please look forward to it
imagine if he had just been the main character and his character development lead to him being dawnservant
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>Wuk Lamat XIV: Wuk Lamat
This unironically. Trannies are a social danger and often perform pathetically when compared to any other demographic in the workforce. They are only useful as a diversity hire. And Sena is a pretty good example of what I mean.
rare banger akemi post
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Thank you, but be true and be fair, how much should I consider JP dubs when I hit DT in 10 years?
their mental gymnastics are endless, anon
if he masturbates, who does the stroking and is that gay for the other head?
Although the price depends on the individual slave, typically they go

>Face 1
Due to their beauty and submissive behavior, the demand of face 1's is high and even untrained ones tend to be at least a hundred thousand, the priciest can be even tens of millions.

>Face 2
Glubra are rather stupid and unskilled, but many people enjoy their looks and buy them as decorations or pets. Cheapest are a couple ten thousand gil, and the most expensive ones a few million gil.

>Face 3
Gentle and typically obedient, face 3 are suited both for household chores and activities in bed, especially due to their handlebar horns. They often go for half a million or so, their price is quite stable.

>Face 4
Femra of face 4 are fierce and have a hard time understanding their position, even while chained. I rarely have them with me, and the ones I sell are often a few ten thousand gil at most.

The finest I have in stock right now is 15 million, a fine beauty snatched from the Sui-no-Sato. Lightly trained, collar and chain included in the deal. Further training can be arranged if you prefer to not do it yourself.

I'm glad to have you as a customer, madam.
I hope not, I googled "lizard penis" yesterday and was mortified
I hope we get more of him and less of wuk in the post patch. Bakool is fucking great
>hire a tranny for the worst story ever
>never have to do it again and can claim to support trannies down the line without using them in actual ludokino
>how much should I consider JP dubs when I hit DT in 10 years?
People blaming trannies for wuk lamat when the real issue was letting fucking FURRIES infest the company. I fucking told you retards furry freaks are always bad news
I've always played with JP Dub since ARR wasn't that great but I would advise to give it a shot. Some are really allergic to it since "Muh weeb" etc but if you don't mind, check it out. I find Wuk's English voice quite a detriment to my enjoyment of the character, so I'm glad I play with JP dub.
On one hand, I get where he's coming from; you need to have space in your mind to enjoy things for their sake, free of all the variable context around them.

On the other hand, I think judging people so heavily for how they enjoy media is pretty silly. Your husband knows only 1 (one) singular fact about someone, and THAT'S enough to judge them? Come on
I'm so sorry for missing this response! Thank you for the insight though. I'll try to keep an open mind whenever I hit DT in like 15 years though, but all this bodes ill a bit.
But as another Anon said, I should give her a chance.
O h . . .
>the worst story ever
you've never experienced anything actually bad if you think that
Trannies and furries are both sides of the same coin
Both subhumans
yeah I know you did, because I said the same
look at wow and vulpera
The writers get replaced or shuffled per expansion and there is a brain drain on XIV where anyone good enough gets pulled off it and put on another game.
So yeah, Ishikawa doing 2 expansions back to back was really the outlier, most of the time they just leave a bunch of hooks in and the person assigned bulletpoints out the next expansion at the x.1 stage and makes sure to leave enough hooks fo rthe next guy.
We finally have our own version of Nathanos
wasn't that guy a literal self insert?
Bakool Ja Ja could suck on both of my wol’s breasts at the same time, kind of cool to think of
What if Zoraal Ja was voiced by Billy Zane and seemed the power of Darkness
Traps are 4chan culture. Go back to fox news boomer
ok but what IS wuk lamat's tax policy though
does she maintain a standing army
what do they eat
whorde nathanos apologists = xiv trannies
yeah that's true
>our own version of nathanos
This is what I mean anyways. It's not like I'm miserable in fiction. It's just that DT, and KH, make a regular exercise to challenge your disbelief. It ruins a lot of the immersion. The story is schizophrenic and made up as it goes along. I start to get confused, frustrated, and irritated with the bevy of inconsistencies when the game can't even respect the rules it itself has placed. All I got from this "husband" is that they feel superior because they can turn their brain off. Okay? I do that too. I just can't do it always...
I believe so. But I hope Wuk meets the same end Nathanos had.
>face 3 are half a mil
finally a way to spend 10 million gil
Based malera
1 taco and 1 creampie each, to foster unity.
I can't play with JP dub because I know JUST ENOUGH Japanese to recognize that the subtitles don't match what is being said for most of the voiced cutscenes.
She is an anime style ruler, anything relatd to real world shit is just hand waved
like Koana wanting to make roads and trains and shit but how do they make roads in the mountains without vastly changing the landscape and fucking it up for the locals?
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>another missed reply
Thank you, I'll keep it in mind in 20 years for my DT playthrough.
The writer took a character who already existed but had done nothing in a decade and made it his self insert simp character
>All this DT hate
Le sigh more hate from the brownoids.
they constantly identify as trans but if someone else calls them that they piss and shit their pants
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Is Wuk Lamat the Korra of FFXIV?

Is Dawntrail the Legend of Korra of FFXIV?
Or, at the very least, lose the idea that "They belong to a minority that evil bigoted meanyheads on the internet are oppressing them for" is a full substitute that enables you to throw out "Are they capable of *properly* doing the job they're applying for?" from the hiring checklist.
>release a paid expansion and not featuring best girl for more than a couple of minutes
square enix consistently making shitty decisions
>does she maintain a standing army
no she wants peace so no armies
average xivg post
>Your actions are not forgiven. You will need to work to make amends for what you did once this is all over.

What actually happens:

>Forced to stand at the single most traumatizing spot in his entire life for months on end by his new King&King.

Poor guy.
What if he was voiced by Billy Mays and had a SlapChop?
We have been a dying mmo for 14 years.
As a somewhat weeb, I understand. Though I rather like understanding what they really said, even though it pisses me off how much it got changed in the (((localization))).
they eat her fat hroth cock
taxes make people unhappy so no taxes (Koana goes behind her back to put in a progressive tax system)
nah, just the guards
you are 40
They have to speak to Wuk Lamat
an NPC who was just a quest mob was picked up, made important, and was beleived to be a writers self insert
>Expansion meant for brownoids
>Brownoids are mad
I think this means its a bad expansion, champ. If it's not appealing to even them.
Wuk Lamat is still better than Chromie, Alexstrasza or the Jailer. Keep seething, wowbucks.
euroid hands typed this post
I didn't understand your post the first time and I'm not going to reread it
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Twilight is better written than Dawntrail
Was ja basiert ist
>what do they eat
tacos, obviously
I take solace in the fact that no matter what happens, she will never have a worse impact on the game than Sylvanas did on WoW.
I don't care if you took a shit in the neighbors bowl. Don't piss in mine. Have some self-respect, lmao.
The writers should be beheaded live for this betrayal.
Wow my culture feels so represented rn
I want to be Hihimi's wife, irl.
honestly SE listened to ALL the feedback which is the problem
I saw feedback from retards asking for all of thi
>we're too powerful, the WoL worship is so annoying
>yshtola is too present and fake dies every time
>we need a low stakes story
>what if we just affect another country's politics to help them out
>let someone else be the MC other than WoL
and so on, it feels like they basically took all that feedback and put it into some AI synthesizing and out popped DT, which is scary but actually how this game has been for a while.
>wahhh I hate being left out of raids
ok we removed cross class skills and homogenized kits so anyone can do any content
>I'm still getting left out
ok we homogenized the damage and made the variation relative to utility you bring so no one is too good at a fight
>but my burst is so hard to line up
ok we standardized the 2 minute burst
>wtf why is there a homogenized 2 minute meta????
None of the devs have the balls to stand up to the players and say "you don't want this no matter how much you say you do"
yes it was. I play both ffxiv and wow and wow is in a truly pitiful state right now and has been for the last 3 expansions..
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>817 GP
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