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Previous >>485092236

>Falcom Games
>Pastebin (aka music)
>Extra Stuff (guides, downloads, undub patches)
>Games, mods, saves, pre-patched translations
>Translation patches for Hajimari, Oath in Felghana, Kuro 1 and Kuro 2

UPDATED: 07/06
>Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak II is coming out in the West in Early 2025
>Ys X: Nordics Releasing in the West on 25th Oct by NISA in both English and French
>Popful Mail Coming to Switch eShop Next Week
>Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Being Released in the West by XSEED in Early 2025 on NSW, PS4 and PS5
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- WebCM2 is released
>The Legend of Heroes: Kai no Kiseki -Farewell O Zemuria- website is updated
>Leaks of Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternate Saga port/localization in development
>The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II coming to Switch on July 25 in Japan
>Falcom Announces New Tokyo Xanadu for Series 10th Anniversary
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This is an Agnes-free thread.
begone agnesfags.
Elainechads we won and we will win again in Kai
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>Kai endgame
>Agnes finally professes her love to Van
>The game then gives the player the choice to either return Agnes' feelings or coldly reject her
I hope Falcom does something like this.
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Caochad really broke Ronnie haha
this but while Agnes is cosplaying as a cake
Judith is the best girl. I wanna get her pregnant so bad.
she was pregnant once but the producer who knocked her up made her get an abortion
That producer? Me
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How can you not love this busty lil' cutie?
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I don't self insert so I have no interest in vapid whore otakubait characters that only exist to lust after the protagonist.
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The destruction of the world probably happened during the Great Collapse. Luckily, Creha has a Re-Genesis plan.
See, all mysteries solved.
Did they ever explain where her and vans power ranger suit comes from?
haha... please look forward to kuro no kiseki 4
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Nope, but they all but state that Grimcatz is related to Epstein.
where can I get Assorted Grains? I can't find them
Judith has some gadget that was made during the same time period as Genesis (which is why it's assumed Genesis reacts to it)
fundamentally it seems to have very little to do with Grendel (who is an actual separate being apart from Van and not just a suit)
We barely know anything about grimcats, aside from the fact that it was used for 3 generations with the help of device similar to genesis. Grendel is explained to be Van's shackles that separate him from vagrants-zion, but we still don't know its origins, as well as Mare and Van's origins and how they are connected.
same, i looked it up and all it says are "item drops and shop"
I would have sex with Geisha Ronnie
someone post the Daybreak VA list again, I need a good melty
>he plays the kiseki series and says this
hmm maybe sea of stars is for you instead chud?
why do they keep talking about van like he's 50 years old
fucking anime
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Azure had the perfect building/battle system. They should have kept it that way.
I'm surprised how many of the towns from Kuro 1 weren't reused in 2 and seemingly aren't being reused in Kai.
what could be reused? Creil? Edith and Langport were reused
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I think it's because he has many "ossan" hobbies.
>people smoking an orbal vape
this game has to be shitting me
>Take something from real life
>Use a generic IRL design for it
>Slap the word orbal in front of the name and just call it what it's called IRL
Yep, it's Falcom worldbuilding time.
tharbad basel and oracion are all only in kuro 1
I liked Basel and Oracion, but pls don't bring tharbad back...
guys please... where are assorted grains...
tharbad is back in Kai
shut up you orbal schizo.
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McBurn = Prof Epstein (50%)
Campanella = The Grandmaster (50%)
Tita's dad = 1st Anguis (100%)
5th Anguis ("The Sinner") = Pope of Septian Church
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Inn in Tharbad
oh god they're gonna make you do that fucking desert again arent they

SkyI&II: Transhumanists, heretics
Zero: Satanic child-raping cultists/politicians
Azure: "Bankers", transhumanists, elite cabal
Reverie: Globalists, AI

Cold Steel: Plot authors
Probably just a stopover on the way to Elsaim.
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kuro: white people
Think this specific place is in Elsaim though.
Are Falcom the only ones who do this only one character is voiced per scene thing? I swear no one else does this horrible shit
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This must be why they're being so scant with the news releases. Most of Kai is just going to be a rehash of Kuro 1's plot and locations with a few new things sprinkled in like Anchorville and Ikaruga's mountain territory.
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This is the same building on the inside by the way. Also the same one where you see Lapis in, the one where you see Kevin threaten Campanella.
ESL moment
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Reminder that they are trolls who do not care about Liberl, they nerfed the Liberl cast in Reverie and only put half of it in the game but filled it to the brim with characters like Toval who only exists to get punched in the face.
Agate got a completely crippled craft set
Whatever you want to believe
>now ESLs are complaining about "decade"
Holy kek next they're going to say they've never heard the word "dozen"
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I think there's a large mob of low-IQ people and gay-ass gaming "journos" who are on an unholy crusade against round-baed games (except Pokémon), and when Falcom finally gives in the only interesting thing of the remaining Trails series will be Elaine's and Agnes' feet.
You don't even speak the correct version of English.
Keep crying.
Thank you for proving my point, you uneducated fool.
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>I'm right because I said so
Keep crying.
I would have sex with Ilya
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Not even on the top 50 hottest kiseki characters, you have very low standards anon.
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Why does this child have such a thick butt?
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imagine the tightness... Van should just convert to Arusha and impregnate Feri.
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What's the point of quests when you have the "!" symbol show you where you have to go?
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Just as Agnes planned...
>he doesn't want to have drunk, sloppy dirty sex with Ilya after a night of drinking only to awake in her apartment at 7:30 because of her loud snoring
When did you realize you were gay?
Shizuku wife?
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Watching the Kai trailer I had to realize that their favorite character and worts protagonist (Rean Schwarzer) is in the game.

To cap it off, Campanella has Lelouch's Geass.
>that their favorite character and worts protagonist (Rean Schwarzer) is in the game
What's worse is that Kondom himself admitted that he knows that Rean is an attention whore black hole and that they almost didn't put him in the game because of that issue.
14 is legal for them, i would do that in a jiff.
>You meet a fucking giant armed and armored to the teeth in the middle of nowhere.
>Are you here for a stroll too?
Lloyd prime was fucking hilarious.
alright but when does she get plapped by mcburn though
>nooo why aren't my powercrept jobbers the best characters in the game?
i wonder.
Emma when???
Yeah, you're a lawful pedophile. Still a pedophile.
We need another Anguis from Liberl

1 Liberl (dead)
3 Crossbell
1 Erebonia
1 Calvard

Fire - Vita
Earth - Novartis
Mirage - Mariabell
Steel - Lianne (?)
Space - Weissman (?)
Time - Harwood
so were your ancestors
I mean, I don't think anyone really cares about the label so much as the legal consequences, so that's fine.
Yes, and?
People will look at you like you molest toddlers if you date a 16 year old in countries where it's legal.
Rean's PoV after he loses again
My super sniffer is ready.
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2023 game, by the way.
The Daybreak combat system is growing on me, but not in the same way as the other games. It's fun beating up 60+ enemies per area and activating SHART SMELL to S-Craft an entire group of stacked enemies. It's just way too fucking easy.
if you play the game with your eyes closed you don't have to worry about the graphics looking bad
Rough sex with Alissa.
Odette's bush under her panties
did they get the same guy who voices olivert to voice sherid in the dub lmao
bit on the nose nisa
At least saw fit to make it impossible to get any free, or nearly free, refills on CP. Inns don't do shit anymore.
i think its okay as a baseline and i enjoy it but it feels like it needs like 4 more iterations to be good and honestly from what ive seen from kai they havent really done a lot to add to it meaningfully
Toval is a Sky character. He's also pretty based so shut up.
fuck kuro
i play this game because i like the combat but specially BECAUSE WAIFUS
i hate trannies
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I love Na-chan and La-chan!
why do you think westoids had anything to do with this
because i've seen so many FUCKING westniggers complaining about muh harem muh anime tropes on *eddit
i am dropping this series till they go back to appealing to self-insersterchads like me
btw recommend me another series with cute waifus
You don't really need it since just smacking enemies a few times gives you full CP, and then killing enemies with an S-Craft give you back like 75% of the CP. Not to mention they only cost 100 to use.
csfags do be like that
Sword art online;)
Does the combat in Kuro 2 make me use my brain even a little bit, or is it just as braindead.
i havent used my brain in kiseki since ao
they nerfed the s-craft spam so you just nuke everything with arts, it's the same.
I wonder what they'll do with it in the next arc. Probably rip off whatever Metaphor ends up doing, haha.
dont worry bro
kuro is flopping so hard niggers at falcom are bound to realize and double down on harem and cute waifus in the next installment
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>give yume the connect events instead of paulette
Uh, Kondom? Why are you pandering to the p*dos?
you should play persona 3 reload anon! all the waifus are very breedable hehe

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