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Previous : >>485210253

>What is Brown Dust 2?
A tactical turn-based JRPG that combines the classic gameplay and storytelling of the genre with the visual appeal of modern-day titles.

Download: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/
PC Download Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neowizgames.game.browndust2&pli=1&gl=US
1st Anniversary Roadmap: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/news/view?id=2503
Justia: Reclaimed Destiny PV : https://youtu.be/qEJOtn2LTWw?si=v6BXm90tlhPYO1Bq

>/bd2g/ Resources
Resource Kit: https://rentry.org/bd2kit
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/M1ySuJEF
Progression Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtruzowr
All Service Cutscenes: https://mega.nz/folder/vmgW1Lhb#9GWTEK3Z7I_VDDdx-kp7yQ

>Current Patch
[Patch Notes]

>Codes (valid until July 18th)
Redeem: https://redeem.bd2.pmang.cloud/bd2/index.html?lang=en-EN
will we ever be able to use any OP images that arent the 3 same ones on repeat
panic bake sowwyz
Remember the retard that said bd2 went full gooner after Diana?
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incoming summer event is the real anni
I think the roguelike would have been the anni patch but it wasn't ready yet.
Pp justia worst banner I've ever pulled on fuck you John
they don't want to shoot all the bullets at once i guess
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Finally John u bastard
Your fault for making bad decisions.
Worked out in the end 258 for +5 with 4 off banner
Do you have idol gran HD animation does it actually show her areola or not
>does it actually show her areola or not
pussy lips are the best you're gonna get in this game
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Beating Angelica with Angelica!
self child abuse
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>pay attention to base Lefi skill animation
>a fricking david's star
>day ruined
why is she floating?
I don't know, she ascended after a reset and got stuck there.
Bwos, resetting for Rou dodges is tiresome...
Why not use your +5 pp Justia? You did get her, right anon?
Are those... nippies
Nipple nippley nippies?
BOOBY nippy bippies?
They were right tho?
Nta but pp justi really isn't worth getting unless for some strange reason you value pvp over pve.
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Loen soon. Anyone not saving for her is either gay, trans or mentally unhinged. She will be peak onesan sexo
I'm getting a free copy from my daily pulls and saving my tickets for summer angels
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>I'm getting a free copy from my daily pulls

Anon, I...
I teared Samay and Arines costume without thinking first. Am I bricked?
Samay bricked. Arines is useful though .
My cute tigerwife.
Newglutti here, Are they only giving out codes during anniversary? No codes during normal season?
What about Elpis?
Well, they also gives out codes when they do livestream
Went ahead and picked up Misteltein, ~125 pulls
Why is this cat our mascot?
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She cute
That's why people here don't suggest rolling for weapon unless you have a lot of rolls saved up or really likes the character
i got Misteltein in 150. i got Nebris Weapon in 20 so i guess it evens out a little
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That's incorrect, BD2 mascot is Rou.
That is true but I swipe so it's okay and I was willing to go to 200.
Are they eventually going to add full set exclusive ur for characters?
>people here don't suggest rolling for weapon
as always, leave it to 4chan to be completely retarded
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Her peach
Because gacha gear is just a URIV with a one more stat
Imagine throwing 200 pulls for a 45% atk bonus which you can easily get with buffers
What's wrong with that statement exactly? You should never roll for weapons unless you really like the character or absolutely want that one extra line worth of stats over UR IV gear
Don't do it....don't end up like me...
I have similar numbers and 3 dupes (Schera, Angelica, and I forget the third) kek
You should always roll for meta character's exclusive gear.
>absolutely want that one extra line worth of stats
You mean the one that gives you 45% atk or 90% crit damage? Do you really think that isn't worth it?
Maybe I was wrong. You're not retarded, you're acting in bad faith and giving people bad advice.
You're a dumb whale, it isn't worth it for a most of the people.
NTA. It's worth it if you have the rolls. But yeah, It might not be a good idea for newer players. Having more costumes / skill options is still priority
Also, you only need to roll the UR weapon once and you're done. They don't require dupes. You can still get unlucky of course
Eleanor playable when? ONE PERFECTO PLEASE, JOHN
What sucks is that exclusive gear is very FOMO, if you don't pick it up during the rate-up banner you might not get it for years since there's nothing that would help you aim for a specific weapon, no 6-pick weapon banner, they don't give weapons in the PvP or thread shop, the UR ticket is a huge scam.
For costumes you have a huge range of options, monthly selector, dust shop, thread shop, PvP shop, passes they run now and then, 6-pick banner if you're desperate.
Gear also improves more than one costume so if the character has a lot of costumes like original Justia where getting her sword buffs up at least 4 costumes you use in PvP it can be more valuable than a dupe on one costume.
In the end it's still gacha, if you get lucky it's good, if you get unlucky it's bad. I got new Justia's sword in 10 rolls so it was an amazing deal, I got Eris' sword with mileage on 200 pulls so it was a huge loss. Not like having to go to 200 with no rate-up costume drops is a good feeling either. Just get lucky.
>gear banner
I will never brick myself like you
FOMO is dumb
Eleanor who?
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It's more the reality of missing out than a fear. If you don't budget for a weapon while you have the chance it will be extremely difficult to change your decision later without huge luck (rate is now 0.09% for a specific weapon on the generic weapon banner) or massive whaling.
You also don't know how often it'll run since they run the weapon banner with each new costume or rerun. Anyone that's a day 1 player and not a massive lucklet should've got Angelica's weapon already since she had a dozen banners and re-runs, so anyone that rolled for her weapon on her first pool party banner likely got fucked by getting a dupe later for free.
But with the new Justia you have no idea, she could get a rerun or she could not, she could get another costume with a rerun of the weapon banner or she could not since tears remove the cooldown so she's a 1 costume complete character like Zenith.
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Oh no isnt this the EOS collab you guys talk about?
No idea what game that is bro, but yes the Persona 5 collab is the herald of doom. Guaranteed EoS in 1 year.
>EOS collab
That is Nier first and foremost desu, luckily for everyone that IP is completely dead.
It's JOEVER . BD2 turn when?
John would never
Loen left her exclusive at my place the last time she came over for sex. That stinky whore needs to come back and pick it up.
Id rather a Nier collab for 2B
I would rather an Eve collab
Unironically, isn't Nier one the the franchises that's fine with having their characters portrayed in a lewd way?
Eve online? Wasn't that from long ass times ago?
How about Stellar blade? A fellow korean game?
Nier is super boring thlough
Blue Archive please JOHN
I know where John lives. I intend to blackmail him into getting a few things for this game. Anything you guys want me to get him to add to the game?
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Ask him about the new Zenith costume he promised at the anniv live stream
Zenith's fat fucking ass can't fit into any costume
Her OG costume is lame...
Zenith's already has 0SP, No cooldown, focus target and 5 chain (Free crit in FH)
What else can her new costume offer? She's already great
Fucking rerun where John. I want to pull for her weapon
Is Zenith's fat ass on pub for me to recruit?
AND she's flat
Literally perfect body type
> >>485456507
push up bra
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Bros... I didn't win after linking to this thread with a screenshot... I guess it's confirmed, John hates us.
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Outrageous proportions.
I think Layla fucking sucks!
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Bratty child... giving me all this I tier gear...
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Pic related got me to just over 700% crit damage. Do I Buy Yuri in the shop and monthly upgrade her to get +2 and use her for Fiend hunt. OR is this a bad idea? Other costume is +1. Won't bother with fatty since I'm saving tickets for Loen.
t. lucklet
t. John Dust
instead of fast food they should be URs lol
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FAQ says to buy UR gear + 27 upgrade tokens from event shop, what these upgrade tokens are?
Superalloy Lignite?
Yes, Yuri is god-tier
Congrats on the pull as well
David has no star.
Bro? your comprehension skills? isn't that the only option with 27+ counter besides abilllity pills?
It is absolutely worth it for core damage characters. You have no other way to get that +10% damage output. Obviously don't roll for buffers weapons.
I thought about that, just wanted to be sure. Thank you
Be nice to newcuties. Their lives are tough.
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Finally reached 100. Which characters should I level next? I'm thinking dj miku and eleaneer.
>level 1 Loen

Kill you're self bro. Rafina, Sylvia and Ventana are all great.
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Yeah. And loen too
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Not a bad impulse roll, had 6k spare medals and thought I'd gamble.
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I rolled for Lathel weapon as a treat
>2 weapon pick-up notification
>>Yay, even a freebie
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Oh no, poor you
I keep forgetting to do my pvp. I do one battle to finish the dailys but then forget to do the last 39 battles at the end.
Why doesn't Rou just impregnate Yuri to show who's the boss?
Does the bonus %hp from collection work in pvp?
Yuri, Ventana, Angelica all 700% crit damage. Still can't get enough to beat level 10. Am I doing something wrong? My teams are Zenith, Teresse, Ventana, Yuri and Diana. Team 2 is Celia, Eclipsu, Fatty +, Refi and Angelica.
>My teams are Zenith, Teresse, Ventana, Yuri and Diana
Ventana kinda blows here.

1: refi, hlathel, celia, rafina, newjustia
2: diana, yuri, teresse, zenith, agelica
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Olstein isn't ready to be a granddad yet
level up everyone to 40 for LN
Thanks anon, I'll juggle and try again.
I hate it when I have to think
Fuck this FH, I'll just unga bunga and see how far it takes me
We all agree that Rou is the new mascot now, right?
Which rafina?
t. newcutie
if by mascot you mean the little whore bitch public cumdumpster, yes
Pregnant Rou
Rou turning into an oppai loli with saggy milkers
Game club. If you don't have her then throwing in arines is probably your next best option.
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PP yusti is now an excellent battery when built she generates 6 sp plus has a 4 no hit guaranteed plus attack increase. bricking yourself for eventual no reset 3 try only tower without her built
Counterpoint: She's fat and ugly + Summer costumes that Origami risked his career for soon
yes there's rarely any codes outside anni/half anni so don't expect that gravy train to continue. but if you do all the stupid dicksword things and social media things monthly you can bank some easy tickets/gems
you forget maybe 50% of the player base are incredibly poor 3rd worlders for whom spending $10 would break financially beyond repair. there only advice ever is save, save, save
>Backpack Filled with I-Tier gear
Too real
newglutties don't understand how wiggle carried these threads on his back for months...
Enlighten us
you could just say your poor without making excuses
>fat and ugly
If you're a faggot, I guess.
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Guys, i'm only a week in, not seen much and dont know much.
My only question, is it possible to get spooked by Medic Teresse? My dick twitches everytime i see her
Yes you can get spooked by her. If it makes you feel any better, I'm almost a day 1 player and have never been spooked by Teresse, or her shitty costume either.
check your costume selector banner, if you can pick it, it can spook you
Yes. Only ones that can't spook you are limited units (Summer justi/Schere, bunny Cecilia/Eclipse, collab units, etc)
Got it bwos, thank you and pray for me
*Brutally Lathelseeds you*
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When there were sub 50 ips per thread and sometimes only 1 actual post per hour.
Wiggle would bump the threads when they reached page 10.
Sometimes a tenth of a thread would be just wiggleposting.
He can now finally rest.
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any new code?
Don't forget to claim your daily torches
3 times and it still hasn't worked. Are you sure this is real?
wtf it's on my roof
just tried it and it works
I'm officially announcing Teresse as Brown Dust 2's official top tier waifu. 2nd place award goes to Dalvi and 3rd place goes to Bernie.
Wiggle is Brown Dust 2's Official Mascot and top tier Waifu
Holy shit taste
Yuri doesn't use crit dmg as her weapon mainline btw. If you run the calc you'll see that it's better to use either flat atk/% atk (depending on your glove) because Idol gives Crit dmg as well (based around idol b/c it's the stronger costume)
Works on my end
>Which characters should I level next?
lvl 100 Kry
Crit dmg cap is lifted though. Now what?
Does he know?
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>crit dmg cap being lifted is somehow relevant to her optimal damage
like please just fucking please read the post and use basic comprehension skills. nobody fucking said the build doesn't work b/c the cap on crit dmg is 700, just because you can have 1000% crit dmg doesn't make that the optimal build that's what the calc is for so you can find the right balance of crit dmg and atk stats
my lvl 100 Kry is the strongest alongside my lvl 100 Wiggle, I killed the boss with 1 hit
reported for cheating <3
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Think this is as far as I will get this FH, gonna start farming Fire Crystals when the FH starts, hopefully I will do better in the next FH.
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I forgot to do my homework again...
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uhm ma'am
1 week left
She's the sadist sister after all
She seems more like a white woman that fuck dogs
would she sit on my face?
She fucks her doggies
Only if you're a good doggy
I thought like 90% of players were korean/japanese...
god I want to breed ALL the browndusts 2s
If you're not dumb and f2p/conservative about rolls then you should wait and see if you get the exclusives in the free rolls before deciding to +5 a costume. The exclusive URs makes a huge difference. I would argue that there's no point to +5ing a damage costume without the character's UR
Why does the fiend hunt team building screen not have any of the filters?
Gotta look through it like a caveman still.
naw he's retarded, this is the guy that houses all of SEA & Africa in his head rent free and thinks he's the biggest spender the world has ever seen paying $400 a month
It's just ~10% damage, ~15% if it's crit damage.
when you hit the upper limits of builds that extra line is more than you can squeeze out of your other pieces combined. Going from a 20/24 to a 22/24 costs 600k-2million powder for around 4-6% damage spending on the piece
i dont wanna eat coom...
I've been going through this Fiend Hunter guide and it's slowly becoming apparent, as to how shit light actually is. We need some light magic dps users soon. And a phyical one that doesn't rely on Zenith. Justia's fucking shit too, 5 sp and 1 turn cooldown. What was John even thinking.
I haven't followed the reply chain so I don't know if I agree or disagree, but if you're deciding between an extra costume copy or exclusive weapon, I'd say get costume.
The damage increase is usually equivalent or better at lower dupes, plus costume spooks are much more valuable than weapon spooks.
>t.seamonke the post
Taking in all of my sp every turn... damn fat pig...
Next light character will probably be magic damage.
I wonder if they will make it a single chain to ease floor 2 of evil castle.
When light season is over, pigstia won't be able to hit 1 mil anymore and everyone will have to use Ventana again.
>he doesn't use full pot PPigstia to generate the sp for Titstia
>Ventana again

3rd costume for my wife?
Light is hard carried by yuri as a dps and the other good ones are just supports. I'm not getting baited by nu justi right before limiteds. That's a rookie mistake. They intentionally make new characters good for the fiend hunter they release with as a fomo tactic.
All in on Loen. I don't care about anyone else. Unless John does me a solid and releases Apostle Blade or Ceres.
Who is this "Mr. Day" Sacred Justia keeps thanking?
My point isn't that it shouldn't be a decision about giving up the UR exclusive for a copy of a costume. The decision of rolling for a costume should be influenced by whether you have the UR or not. I agree for most f2ps it's not worth rolling on the weapon banner, but that sentiment is downplaying how important it is to have the UR, which imo is as important as being able to +5 a damage costume.
Who needs uniques when you got a weapon like this?
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This guy spits on us all.
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Yea why.....
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You don't need them but they're nice to have.
I can hear the whale sounds all the way over here.
It's actually the opposite, I don't think a single top ranker/whale has an SSS, it's all in the hands of shitters
>You don't need them but they're nice to have.
This, if ftp just hope to luck into them via free pulls or save heavily and only pull the ones you absolute desire. If I was ftp I'd avoid them except meta characters or potentially limiteds/collabs only. Even then as a spender I've still got like 5-6 of my exclusive 5* UR's on free daily pulls so it does happen.
This is for pushing last night scores and going beyond 10 in fh, which is whale territory and mostly pointless. I highly doubt anyone here is doing that. You could clear anything else in the game easily without uniques.
>implying that's not my weapon.....
Reading comprehension esl
If you don't have your wife at +5 and with optimal unique gear, you don't love her. She will leave you.
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I do, because a unique BBS is better than SSS
sure thing seamonke, your entire prior post reads like jealous seethe
Please don't waste precious Brown Dust 2 posts on fighting, we don't have as many as we used to..
Ever since the schizos moved on to their next gacha it hasn't been the same
>logged me out again
Getting real sick of this shit
thank god for ZZZ release mogging our anniversary and drawing away all the schizos
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One of my wives spooked me to +3/+2 and spammed her UREX gear until I gave up.
Speaking about UREX spammers, I'm getting a lot of Lecliss gear lately...
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my entire guild is trying to clear level 10 d1 in fh... although trying being the operative word here I think only half of us can do it
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This is my best weapon but I have her costumes at +0
you could've been a PvP chad. Low key her base costume actually does a shit ton of damage when teared she's honestly not a bad investment. Very tear heavy though
naw the light units are really good they're just all tear whores
>6 SP every 7 turns
just auto attack at that point
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My first 700%! Hope to get her weapon next patch.
Not bad at all next is to keep that cdmg while adding another 500 matk
My Justia sword won't go above BBS, go on without me bros.
C.dmg% limit was upped because of Loen. She hits 700% in no effort.
It helps Angelica the most, it was a stupid limit anyway since by 700% crit damage you're already reaching diminishing returns versus attack.
whats the golden ratio for this game ?
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Not very lucky with crafting lately, but I'm still fairly new to the game, so seeing my magic team slowly shaping up feels nice.
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stat caps were upped because they were arbitrary numbers that couldn't be hit at the beginning. They removed it for niche situations like base Refi. It is still never optimal to go up to 700% crit the only unit in the game that can support that amount of crit is Sylvia, Loen loses damage if she gets to 700%, you need to shift more stats into matk
It's character specific, use the leddit excel or just be me and use calculator and a text file and multiply your attack with your crit damage by hand (add extra depending on base Refi buff availability or self-buff like Yuri).
>UR IV all slots
I'll check the calculator when I'm luckier
She has like 40% m.res? Kinda low.
Please no bully, it's my 3rd month of play, I wish I could cap both offensive and defensive stats.
You need just URIV with no hp in the hat and armor slots, this will get you around 100% def/m.res. And since the def cap is 90% you can even cheap out a bit by using URIII in one of the slots.
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>Use all 40 Ancient crystals from the event shop
>Desperate attempt to craft some good gear
>Rest is shit

I'm kinda stuck crafting venoms for a month now, best ones I get are III (a single IV so far). Figured fixing my damage is more important.
name a more iconic duo than
>That desperate for Fiend damage, I might roll for Nun
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>for a month
lmaoooo you're here forever newglutti, you need up to 12
you niggas would suck dick for 3 miserable tickets
meant for >>485509003

no but I'd suck 3 dicks for 1 miserable tear
>ebonics gorilla is back
tears aren't even that rare bro what are you even doing
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lol i love how people in this general don't play the game but talk like they do
Is it better crafting in batch, or do you craft the moment you get your 5?
nah I'd do it for free
Always craft by 1 unless you're crafting some SRs for dismantling.
I'd give 3 tickets to have my dick sucked
700% Angie here. If all her damage is based on enemy hp, should I bulk up magic attack? I've just got another node and my crit damage is more 750% now. If that's not the case, what should I try to throw the excess crit damage into? pure defences?
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I often dream and fantasize about raping the fuck out of a gluttis throat, first i would chain the dirty blue cunt to a radiator for about 5 month until it is nice and malnourished only throwing it old chicken bones from KFC, after that i would lower its self esteem wy whispering in its ear that it has no friends and nobody liked it, after a few hours i would pump the 'utti full of red bull and duct tape its mouth back until i could see the open, hot,,moist, pink, wet, tight love gullet, hoy a stick of butter in for lube then wedge the filthy cunt between my bed and fuck the shit out of it, spraying my hot, wet, creamy, nutritious ball snot deep into its gut as it digests instantly for nutrients.
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yusters yustis
Magic attack is pointless on her except if she's not using a costume and hitting with a basic attack which might be relevant in very niche PvP situations.
Now that the crit damage cap is removed stack as much crit damage as humanly possible on her.
damn bros I forgot fiend hunter was today for this dead ass game
any good homework I can copy?
>crit damage cap is removed

I've been doing 700 for Fiend hunter. I had no idea the cap had been removed. Guess I'll try for sky high. 800 if I'm lucky. Thanks
I got the new Justias UR weapon from a free draw
Is it worth rolling for her as a new player?
This is like my 3rd UR from free draws and i've only been playing for about a month
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Newglutti here. What do I do with 3 swords? Any bonus or is it waste?
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Good luck with that bro. I haven't seen anyone use the same team yet. You'll be fine as long as you have +5 Teresse, Zenith, Ventana, Yuri, Fatty, Diana, Homo Lathel, Angelica, Refi and Gamer Rafina. ALL max teared.
>6(!) URs
>he got the chosen one
Aieee, I kneel...
Dupes are useless, keep them as a memento.
Gray fucked everyone in that pic
Try exploding
>141 draw points
>wasted luck on 3 swords when it could've been the costume or 3 different 5* URs
Why would he explode?
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>The Chosen One

John my levels of seethe are reaching critical mass.
>ispering in its ear that it has no friends and nobody liked it
holy evil
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Thoughts on my wife, Diana?
Brain let here.
I don't understand how the Fiend's instakill skill works.
John should make it easier to swap gear around, it's the only reason why I don't take endgame seriously
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Warlock hands typed this post. This is why all warlocks must disappear!
Are the presets not enough?
extremely autistic
dotgg has good boss guides. Stall boss to build up buffs. Trigger condition skills the turn before it instantly kills you
Her butt claps when she jumps
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you get whipped after certain turns. Then, your next team comes and continues until they get whipped again. It's not that hard.
It claps when I plap.
It's a classic enrage mechanic - you get wiped if you can't kill a boss in time
Venaka's twerking ass
lol but his effective pull is basically 1 bustia sword, everything else is worthless.
I'd seethe over 'chosen one' but I laugh because I personally know how bricked pulling multiple of the same weapon is. Where's our fucking weapon thread John?
I mean the thing the dark fiend from the event does when it kills several of my units in the second turn.
1st turn have everyone take the hit except you're buffer. Turn 2 have the buffer stay on the right while all the other 4 members form a line of the furthest left side to avoid being murdered.
click on the fiend while still on your turn. see what it's going to do to who on it's next turn. move your characters as necessary and sacrifice who you may have to, ensuring your others survive. simple as
which bd2 girls smokes the most joints
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Ventana bros Apple print bikini when?
all the pawgs
>yusti eats so much because of the munchies
deepest lore
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Any guide for crafting? I'm so confused. I'm getting pretty violated in chapter 8-9, and I need gear.
I went through the whole process a few days ago. Stick to crafting R gear because it's far cheaper. Upgrade the IVs to +9 and then refine to stats you need. Dismantle all of the lower quality crafts for mats you can use for refining.
Alright I'll try to grind out some R gear.
we need a refine all button
naw we need a 'craft, upgrade to +x, and dismantle' button and it should be in the multiples of 10,000
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it's over
Lathel protects his chibby wife
That didn't stop me from getting a +5.
are we getting a new banner tonight?
Fiend Hunt.
Yeah, Fallen Angelica, alonside the FH.
ah thx. So nothing special this week. I was hoping for the next batch of summer units.
how do i find these character portraits? i looked through my folder but they were not there.
What's the FH strat?
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+5 on daily once again I can always count on them
fatal harness. its an ability from a costume
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Another one
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reporting hot time active right now
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My base Angelica is +2...
I love how the wording of fiend hunter skills changes every time
Truly small indie company
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>Yet another fiend that gives 200% property so diana's value goes down
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FUCK i thought you assholes were memeing when you talk about hot time. i did a 10 roll just for the hell of it
Oh i'm sorry, I was wrong.
It gives 350% PROPERTY DAMAGE to your team.

Funny boss to put out after the Diana banner.
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John you bastard two 5* on free pulls both 300 threads
What the fuck I can't beat 5 with +1 Justi.
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2nd painful free 5* thread
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The boss buffs you with 100% attack and 350% property damage while debuffing itself with 150% damage taken. If you can't beat it with pigstia then the problem lies between keyboard and chair.
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bwos im so sick of off banner ur gear
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>four costumes on
>3 I'm interested in, 1 I don't want
>get the one I don't want in the daily
Well... 10 tickets is 10 tickets...
kek, I just realized how massively efficient is to buy torches now. I'm an idiot, but at least I still have time to get all these crystals.
only up to the 20th reset
FUCK john
Is it possible to reach the vulnerability phase of the boss with all the buffs it gives? I have tried to but the attack buff doesn't seem to last enough to get both Property Damage buffs and the boss' vulnerability.
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was able to get to stage 6 with a +0 PP angela but i think this is my limit
going to keep going tomorrow, no clue what i will do with team 2 but i do have a +2 or 3 yuri so it should go that way.
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still hot
>50 rolls
>got Yuri, Venaka and New Justia weapons
That was pretty great not gonna lie.
I also got the homonculus skin in my free pull.
>108 rolls in gear banner
Enjoy your carrots for the next 13 days.
Wtf I suddenly like Sier?!?
Make sure you spit on them before sticking them up your ass.
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>tfw regarded
is angelica bad for this or am I too much of a sleepy retard right now?
Pretty fun fiend hunter
I'm using her on my weaker side but new Justia is doing most of the work.
Unfortunately you can't double vuln and the transition is acting a bit strange (team switch skips the atk up effect.) Got to lvl 8 and will go further later as now I have to think.
bwo your celia? I wouldn't use the migglet here, pretty sure you could also run lathel instead of ventana and then use her for the second team with that migglet
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refinements hot time is on
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1 SP short :^(
If you have costume selective up + threads, it is well worth it to take gamer rafina up 1 more to reduce sp.
don't listen to these anons telling you to use resources, at level 5 the likely problem is your costume rotation, post text of what you're doing on each turn (including which ones are triggers) and post your costumes through last night
also if you're having issues with SP, Layla is a good fit onto the justia team. considering your Lathel is not +5 i would recommend you replacing him with her and see if it helps, but she'll need a separate set of gears which is hard for newgluttis
Check the OP
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or you could just redo last turn and auto attack with one of your units to nuke this round
NVM THAT'S ROUND 2, why are you event trying to nuke on round 2 lol, newgluttie, read the boss' abilities, you could honestly be doing nothing but positioning your justia to get buffed until the end and nuke on the last two rounds
This boss is fucken gay and annoying. That's a teared Justi too wtf looks like you need +4 Justi just for the 1 turn cooldown. Fuck you John for making a whale fiend hunt.
swipe or stop bitching
Your comps are ass.
What the fuck is teresse doing in there? Buffing matk of Angelica?
One of your comps should be diana, lathel, celia, rafina, justia which shold do 200m by itself.
Honestly, it's probably worse than that and you aren't sp managing well or timing bursts correctly either.
Wrong general
I prefer the other underworld queen

>>485554217 is right, you guys suck. People jerk off about how solved this game is & how everyone just does the same thing for FH but it's really not. We have a week and people put a lot of time to figure out what rotation works best with their account, what supports go well with their gear etc. The basic ideas are the same but everyone has to tweak their setups a bit and eak out every bit of damage. Things like making sure you're using all the SP given to you, not overcapping SP, and managing the turns to fit burst windows are important.
>no physical light dps
Are +0 PP Angelica and Jayden good enough, right?
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What the fuck?
So to do level 10, I need 168 million damage?
>clear up until level 7 day 1
>level 8 is days 1+2
>level 9 is days 2+3+4
>level 10 is days 4+5+6+7
So i guess this is a no if i got ignored?
New Justia is one of the most powerful units in the game. However she's not limited and we're expecting a limited relatively soon.
Can you still get dias from dispatch?
Yes. But the chance are low as always.
Is the Anniversary Relay pack worth it? Kinda wanna get it for the extra tickets and the paid gems for the selector banner.
I managed to clear level 6 by copying a whale clear of level 10 but since I lack bunny celia and my diana is crap it started falling apart halfway through team 2 so it won't work on level 7...
Fixes itself when you open the game again.
Which girl would be OK with watching me jerk off to her and maybe cum on her
No she's not. She's mid as fuck.
roll for her, she's good.
Pride, this one fh. Wow, so many uses
the less you write the more intelligent you'll seem
No counter argument, you lose.
Layla is pretty great for this boss, free sp + decent dmg.
Is it really worth refreshing torches for the event exchange? At a glance it seems like it is because the gems seem to pay for itself, but I'm not sure if I'll still be getting the same rewards later on.
Not sure I'll be able to hit level 10. Pretty much everything going into the first team as other light DPS are +1 at most without enough crystals or tears to use on them.
I apologize for calling this a cuck game some time ago, Now I'm hooked, should i build for One shot or chain damage? or is that totally dependant on the enemy?
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Any good team for Angelica? My Justia team is doing pretty mucha all the work but I'm missing some damage to get level in the final day.
newglutti here
i dont fucking know if im doing this right
the guy has a million health, am i really meant to kill this thing with just my level 30 dudes??

is this just impossible unless im some oldglutti who has max level everyting? this isnt fair
Not really, the gems end at level 20 and you'll get to level 20 with normal regen, however it's a better time to buy torches than any other if you do want crystals which most people do. It's buy torches now and get something back for it or hope for some other torch event which might be significantly farther in the future due to us getting a torch event now.
Thanks. I failed to read that the patch explicitly "fixed" the chance to abuse the event for the free gems.
Damage carries over between days and you also get rewards just for attempting jt each day. You dont have to kill it
it's almost like an optical illusion but for me it's worth it. think of it like this: if you don't buy the torches and you did the event from the beginning you can easily get everything and end up with some good free diamonds. If you do buy the toches you are basically paying 20 diamonds per 60 torches instead of 170, since you get back 150 diamonds for each full clear. You're basically buying torches with diamonds that you would have anyway, the difference is that you buy them now, get loads or crystals and it doesn't hurt so much since you're basically getting 150 diamonds back. the thing is, this only works until 20 clears, afterwards you don't get any more diamonds.
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so what you're saying is, i should just keep fighing it, slowly chipping at its health and just retry after i get party wiped?
is that what fiend hunter is about?
that's why you need to gear up for FH, read the skills, and don't just rush damage in every turn, you gotta play it smart.
It saves your highest dmg on a level and then you just sweep until the boss is dead. Then you manually fight the next floor.
i dont have gear im literally still doing the story packs
so do i wait a day to try again? i dont have an option to quick battle right now
if you're on level 3 today, and you deal let say 500k damage, tomorrow the boss will have 500k less health and you can quick battle and automically do 500k more.
I'm starting to get convinced. After the 20th, the diamonds get replaced by cooking materials right? Are the other rewards still the same? I'm contemplating refreshing just to get more gold ores.
after the 20th attempt there are no more tickets, just 10k gold and the diamonds square gets replaced with a carrot. think of it like this, I just bought the torches because this time it doesn't hurt so much and you only pay 20 diamonds for them and let's be honest, everyone needs fucking torches, crystals and tears are the true endgame content here
I am quite desperate for materials right now. Guess I should take this opportunity to stockpile on some. Cheers anon. Guess I'll throw a refresh here and there.
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i... i dont get it... this game mode is confusing
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My cute tigerwife is good for this fh.
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Any tips for comp 2? Is Angelica +1 +1 neon better than Ventana +1 +0?
>PP Juti has evade twice on her skill
>use it
>she doesn't evade at all and eats the hit on this Fiend Hunter
do skills not count in FH?
PP justi pullers got baited by the trash translation, she evades 4 hits and dies like the useless pig that she is
if you don't have more light dps' (yuri/ventana) i'd get rid of arines and layla and go full chains

just do your best today and wait for tomorrow to quick battle, when you defeat this one go fight the next one and try to get as much damage on it as you can, it's mostly an end game mode, just clear as much as you can and get free tickets
>eats your fucking face
Now what faggot, pay respects to my wife.
4 HITS and not 4 ATTACKS?

guess maid rubia is still it
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Forgot to paste the image.
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Tried mashing two vids together but meh... Each FH I feel more and more like I'm just too dumb for this game.
please explain, i spent a lot of mats gearing her up and stuff wtfd
Evasion does not work on fiends.
it honestly isn't a good idea to follow videos or guides if you don't have the same costumes/upgrades, most of it comes down to sp and rotations, so you not having a +3 zenith for example is a big deal when it comes down to it

FH is something you gotta be preparing for weeks prior, not having the nodes on ventana/zenith/cat eris will diminish your damage by insane amounts, so if you are pretty casual about it you'll never beat level 10 and beyond

it takes a lot of time to build a team for it, so don't just expect to pull the newest unit to tackle it down (it helps but you also need to have good supports) and +1 diana is just not enough

keep working on your roster and come back stronger, I believe in you bwo
Too many variables... But I'm still not surprised, since all Korean games expect you to treat them like a full time job.
thinking about yuti
her pink nipples
delicate white porcelain skin
perfectly pink butthole
John know white girls are just the best, expecially with a fat ass
well, tbf this is the where whales get to shine, there's actually no point going beyond level 10, and with 7 days to tackle this conent, all you gotta do is hit the minimum damage requirement, which is not too high for this FH

I remember when you had to crit fish rounds and reset as needed to achieve higher scores, they did improve on those systems so you didn't have to spend as much time on it, back then quick battle wasn't a thing either
I'm done with this shit. I spent more time shifting aroung gear than anything else.
Is fucking gamer Rafina that good? You did 100 million more dmg than me and the only character I don't have is the stupid gamer orc.
guys why would they do a rerun of Maid Impossible but not have a rerun of the maid Lia?
do they hate money?

i dont know who this nun is, and i dont like her!
NTA but yes she's pretty good since 100% damage amplification with some chains in 3x3 is really strong for fiends. But it's probably a gear difference since it wouldn't really double your score, the amplification is aditive with weakspots not multiplicative. She's still fiend hunter core with celia, diana/refi, etc.
She's pretty good, since even enemies with 0 DEF take extra damage. My homo lathel is +5 and my PP Angelica +3, those probably are the difference bro. Also,gear and potentials.
Man, my 2nd team is so scuffed. But yuri is pretty great even though her target avoidance sucks for this. She can't get the 200% property damage buff on the last rotation, not sure it's worth skipping a attack to get it.
How do you avoid the silence to use that 200%pd
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Looks like i can only clear up to lv 10 this time too
I regret skipping her everyday
front the main unit and put everyone else in the backline, it's a 3x3 front pattern attack
ah shit i thought i needed to get hit to get the buff thank you i already did my runs but now i think i can do a lot more damage
Why cat or gray instead of gamer rafina?
You're telling me you're retarded? I'm sorry for you.
>3rd month playing
>still no yuri
>still no zenith
Guess I'll be taking level 7 completion only again
What's the season after light?
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>New Loen and Levia
>Most likely fire season after this
I'm fucked. I don't have maid Lia
not having zenith for FH is tough but this is one of the few hunts where zenith ain't that needed

even if you had them, with only 3 months in, you'd probably only clear up to lvl 8 anyways
every time anon posts this im reminded its not out yet
whats taking so long JOHN??!
It's next week most likely
Get ready
Alright guys genuinely the game caught my eye but how is the gameplay like? I know it's a gacha so it won't be deep but is it engaging enough? Also the story because the animations are tempting me but I need something more to hook me. So yeah any of your thoughts would be appreciated
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>200k powder on pigstia's new sword for nothing
Only my wife Ventana can save me now.
Strategy RPG that's 20% about solving puzzles and arranging your units optimally, 20% autistic inventory management and gear optimization and 60% looking at lewd cutscenes.
The story is allright, it tries to be a classic JRPG and mostly succeeds.
Not a self-insert pandering game, there's no (you) and half the girls are literal whores.
Thanks for the response, the fact there isn't a self insert means the story can be good. How are the rewards and rates for the gamba? Do you have to swipe almost all the time or can you get by with grinding?
Story is decent. it's like your usual old school JRPG
It's gacha so you either get lucky or get fucked.
>half the girls are literal whores
Just the way I like it
It's on the very generous end and you're pretty much guaranteed to get every character (costume rather, it's a bit complicated) but there's a duplicate system where you want to pull them as many as 6 times for power upgrades. Obligatory whale ranking modes and a PvP mode which is mostly autopilot and can be safely ignored are the only places where dupes matter and the only rewards are mostly epeen titles for top 100. If you're not the type to obsess over that kind of thing you'll be just fine F2P.
Nta but if you started like a month ago, you would be in the 300+ tickets territory right now (because of anniversary) 1 ticket = 1 roll. Game is pretty f2p friendly and the fanservice is much better than the likes of Nikke desu. Not Last Origin levels but quite there.
Only reason to swipe is if you want to do well in PvP or FH or other "end-game". If you just want to play the story then there is no reason to swipe at all as the story is all doable without dupes/weapons/etc. PvP swiping will be heavy, FH swiping is fairly light. Other end-game I don't know as I haven't engaged with it much.
grinding is possible, but everything will take longer and after seeing some anons rates I genuinely think some account seeds are bricked from creation
Story is ok, but really contrived at points. It gets better after ch 7 and in the character packs, but later chapters get more serious and have less banter
>and half the girls are literal whores.
Don't forget the guys being manwhores too.
Thanks guys and anyone who might respond after I'll try to start later or tomorrow! Have a good day
Rate is 1.5% with a 200 hard pity. Rebate shop offers monthly dupe for a costume you already own, as well as other options [any ssr of a certain element, monthly featured costume etc.]
The discounted packs usually work out to around a dollar a roll if you are going to swipe. The value pack is a little better than this (monthly) Current packages are better value than the usual
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Sword of Convallaria looks kinda good bros
Then again it's by made Singapore devs
I don't like 8 bit pixel meme games, a big part of BD2's appeal to me is the quality background art and sprites. Might still try it but it feels like it's going to EoS in a year so might as well play some real games instead.
My experience with Singaporean game is rather bad. But i'll still check it out later since games with turn based tile tactics genre is rather scarce.
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Eye correction
This FH finally convinced me to tear BRefi. Not having the 3x3 grid sucks ass.
Too much dps and not enough buffer. Get Diana from the pub bro
>Lv60 G.Rafina +3
>Lv60 Yuri +3
What am I looking at
Highest in arena is Diamond1?
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Can only go so far without proper setup
But too lazy
Isn't Refithea better with Celia? She doubles her chain count
Refithea adds 1 chain which is the same thing bunny Celia does, so it takes her from 2 chain per hit to 3 chain which isn't as big of a relative improvement over boosting some other chain costume. They can still be optimal together, depends, on this fiend hunter probably not.
>10 tickets on Angelica
>Don't get her
>Craft UR gear
>Both I
>Do daily battle
>Forgot to setup

>2,4k attack
Bros, I think I'm done with PvP. Being at the top is nice, but It's meh and focusing tears on PvE Sounds more relaxing/chill
pls stop hurting other frens
That's sad you can't clear 7 with a +5 justi
very tragic innit
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>and focusing tears on PvE Sounds more relaxing/chill
Bro... PvE is sweatier than ever, you have to beat fiend 10 today if you want a chance at top 100.
How do I stack 12 chains without Refi?
184 million enough for 10 or nah?
Should I paypig and whale on the Anniversary packages? I keep getting gaslit by the supposed increased value they have over the regular ones BUT I have no clue how much quantified progress I can speed forward by buying them. Like how much time they would save? It's not like I'm getting a hundred tickets for 17 quid for example, how would this help as opposed to staying F2P? How busted are paid Dias?
I was tempted to buy one for Nebris of all chars but she's off the plate now obviously
I'm using Yuri, Angie PP, and then Zenith after to get the 12 trigger.
Bunny Celia. Oh, you weren't playing back then? tough luck.
>have leaderboard
That's PvP tho.
why is pp angie doing only 5m damage...
Is it worth it to +1 Gran from pvp shop or should I just save it for next shop costume?
if you're spending your daily 40 cocktails you should have enough to buy every costume and even the UR ticket if you're doing good
idol granny dupes can be kinda pointless because her shield just gets schera'd, but lately more people started doing other things so it's getting better. For example, I switched from schera to just nuking with +5 venaka and a fat hp +5 granny is the one thing stopping me, while other grannies die
Mind posting your team? I got a +5 Venaka myself.
I'm already getting around 50~#
So if I focus on getting gear for PvE (Venomous ring ASA x15 ) I could start holding my spot better. Been crafting lots of 90/90 Both Magic res/Def res gear and that takes a lot of time and resources.
Can you really get 18k points from arena every month even if you consistently have 10-20% win rate? Yes I'm that SHIT
Relay (10 free ticks for free after buying a pack) and the login track package (with crystals) are good deals. The rest is between meh and scam value.
>40x(let's say if the points you get from losing is 10) = 400 + 200(pass)
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I haven't thought about it seriously yet, I just took my old team and swapped +0 Eclipse to +5 Venaka after I got her, and stopped opening with Schera dispel. It's not doing as well as I'd like, only 75-80% winrate in sapphire
I thought the pass is going to expire soon? Is it permanent?
Thanks, I don't have android Lecliss, but I could probably put my +1 Granny. I assume Roxy is +5/+5? Mine is just +1/+1.
Kinda permanent, you get the new one after it expired once the new update released.
base +5, succubus +2. I don't think base gets used a lot in these matches, so you're fine with your +1 succubus, she'll do her job
Lecliss is very, very good, I lost count how many matches ended with just her standing. I guess the counter granny can do similar things but I never tried
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How do I improve this (beside the obvious gear upgrade)? Is there anyone I should change? My goal is to hit 26M
Anyway to check when we started playing? I think I started on the last day of Colab banner but I'm not sure. What date is Colab banner last day again? I wanna record the day I started playing all my gacha.
There is a login counter in achievements. You get a cheevo every 100 logins I think.
Bring in Samay as another buffer and kick out Vangod Gray. See if that helps.
will do
Work on your support bonus, it's your biggest increase after Refi. Give every unit you don't use full SR3 +9 gear, it's a cheap and fast way to get ~450% bonus. Toss 10 refinements at each, slime/exp up units with lots of costumes/ones that you own the URs of. Give Lathel your best gear.

And don't listen to the guy above, buffers do half their work in LN so a 3+ hit costume will already be better than bringing Samay.
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idk who maintains the asset pack but its missing pic related. it has regular dj venaka, but not this version
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>mfw I realize +5 ninja rafina is what you need to get in FH ranking
I'm so bricked...
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You okay?
I'm rarded
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>both Eris +0
wtf there is no new fh guide on dotgg?
There is.
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Help me build my second team. I do have 1.5k yellow rice lying around but I was going to wait for a double event. Seems like that is not going to happen though
>not under news
>not under guides
>under BOSSES
That's stupid
it's always been like that, retardbro...
First, replace Arines with Celia so your Yusti team can trigger the 12 chains skill
Other than that, you're kinda fucked cause no bride refi to enable angelica to do anything. Move your main team to team2 and just build sp/chip damage with layla in team1
That's cool, then it has always been retarded.
>get stuck on 6
>check some guides
>+5 Justia, +5 Yuri, +5 Ventana
Sure thing
>Other than that, you're kinda fucked cause no bride refi to enable angelica to do anything. Move your main team to team2 and just build sp/chip damage with layla in team1
That's what I figured, thanks. Too bad.
I got Idol Ventana from my free rolls. Is she only useful for fiend hunter? I don't have her snow white costume.
On this fiend hunter idol Ventana is mostly used to attack buff Snow White so she won't be very useful alone.
You can use Idol Ventana to 100k score on Evil Castle floor 2 if you can't do it with the new Justia but it needs strong stats and teared Zenith.
>less than 10m off lvl10 threshold again
Roll for pigstia bro.
What's the minimun damage required to clear lvl10 this FH?
Newfag question. Is this game good?
I spent 200 pulls and got her +0
what is rou used for?
t. newcutie
It's bad, we are all playing it ironically.
The dailies are short enough to get through before the post nut clarity hits.
I think it's the crit chance in one of her costumes
For 50% crit buff and chains
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no Pigstia?
>For 50% crit buff and chains
why can't my Rou do that
But you don't need crit buff on FH because you get 100% crit rate?
Better c.dmg% gear for Angelica solved it
50% buff is from Red Riding Hood costume and chains are from Spirit Claw costume
It's for Neon dot crits, I don't know what else to put into the 5th slot
>Red Riding Hood
it's so over
Loen next week right? Do we get anything else?
Retard here. I do use Idol Yuri before her other costume in fiend hunt, right?
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>you only needed 32mil damage
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>on FH because you get 100% crit rate?
>Have this unit to die to C1 in order to trigger C2 right after
C1 and C2 are the buffs the field gives you? Thought those ran on chain hits
>Cherry Blossom
Nvm I am tarded
Crit is guaranteed after you stack 5 chain on the FH Boss
It's different for an each boss, it was just 75kk for Berserker
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Someone save me bros. Team 1 easily does 100 million + damage. Team 2 is so embarassing I barely get 30 million out of it. Any ideas? Ideally I'd want to get rid of Justia since she really isn't doing much damage.
If you want to get rid of justia then make team2 full magic, add B Helena or elpis maybe?
Someone to chain so justia does damage?
To boost angelica's matk which does nothing?
add layla for battery and extra hits
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Should I even bother with this FH?
Where should I spend my rice to get mats to level up my crafting skill, through making R gear, the most efficiently?
Craft N circlets
Craft I circlets
You shouldn't need to use rice, the passes give fuckloads of boxes of materials.
>t. illiterates

I'll try Layla or go full magic if it comes to it. Thanks
Craft G circlets
bro your +5 Angel Justia with Mistletein?
she's Diana/Refi tier as long as physical is a viable option
You guys are so funny
it depends which ones. the $17 log in one with crystals is good. the step up value ones where you get paid dia and +10 tix free after every step is good. the lucky draw if you buy all 5 is good. the regular 'anni' packs are not very good. I bought everything except for them as a frequent spender. there's no use listening to poor retards who tell you never to spend because they can't fathom spending 10 dollars or those who tell you buy the monthlies only. as the monthlies are OK yes but you are limited to 3 buys of each and that's it and those dia will run out fast. do not buy the paid step up like there was for venaka, nebris now yusti. in fact the lucky draw you can buy all 5 steps for $40 and use the 5* selector ticket to pick new yusti for less than it would cost you trying the 'step up'
I know teehee~
Violating Schera...
what skills should i be maxing out first?
alchemy, crafting, diana/olstein gather skills seem like the obvious ones but after that?
How F2P friendly is this game?
this fiend hunt is an abnormality though, there has never been a more tear heavy FH and lots of people seemed to have invested in Light because Ventana/Yuri are such strong DPS. I think starting from nothing, you'd have to use 15-20 tears to get close to 'optimal'
Very. Only time you get fucked is when the gacha deems you unworthy. If you're smart, you can easily balance the books without spending a penny.
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>If you're smart
Does this mean I'm retarded?
>get +3 S.Justia in 200 pulls
>okay I'll end up getting 1 more for the FH
>spooked by useless shit like Olstein, Nartas, Anastasia
>200 more pulls for one (1) more S.Justia
Fuck me, now I only have 700 pulls left for gym Loen + summer limiteds. Why are these banner rates so shit lately?
Refi and Celia skills, Search, Sprint, Eclipse's portal maybe
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yes, but we all are in the end for playing gacha.
This means you'll be lucky on a next banner you'll be pulling
Hoarders get the rope
Those are both retarded ideas.
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Layla paid off, Rubia brought in the chain. Don't knock'em til you tried 'em. Still better that Justia.
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I hope this is enough for lvl 6...
>hurr durr
if his Justia deals no damage then it's better to put someone with more hits. more chains = more damage for Angelica, plus you can cycle more costumes with the extra SP from Layla's attack.
Bro just use Layla.
So, rubia paid off.
>if his Justia deals no damage
Then something is seriously wrong, like not getting her hit with the buffs, or not chaining so she crits.
>So, rubia paid off.

More of a 50/50 thing. Rubia can't sustain the chains without Layla bringing back some sp from the fiend.
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I can get another 25% crit damage if I swap her armor. Doing that takes Yuri to 675% crit damage. Is it better to go all in on one, or balance them both out for this Fiend?
in the last turn you can only buff 1 character, give everything to that character
I crafted SRIV hat and armor with full c.dmg% rolls for this, it's really cheap.
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>Is it better to...
you know who would be perfect to answer that question? the calc, and it can even take your buffs into consideration
what do you mean by the calc
I have only two items that let me recruit a 5 star at a pub. How do I get more of these things without resorting to wallet-kun.
Wallet-kun is awesome tho. You should rely more on him. He's pretty reliable guy.
do the newbie pass, then buy them with the evil castle currency, wait for events, daily login rewards.
you can upgrade 3* -> 4* and 4* -> 5* contracts in the shop
they're usually log in rewards
John you must stop...
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just bought both monthly packages lads
Are people seriously having trouble with this FH? Just roll for P@W.G.stia and attack it over and over while activating the conditionals. It's braindead.
I've been giving it the R4+9, wokring on the SR
I just started when the collab happens bro...
You are doing the dodging filters thing again. Enjoy your 3 days.
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>forgot to do my BA dailies because I was doing the FH
The gacha life is hard
Swap my main dps team to 2nd position. Somehow doing more damage. Is there any reason for this in Fiend Hunter or am I going insane?
Thats why you always start with the gacha that resets the earliest
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Newglutti here, what triggers the stun on FH monster deadly attack( the one that ko the team) I was expected him to kill me on that turn but dunno how he kinda stuns himself before using that finisher and I got extra turn to damage him
I want to fuck a newglutti's mouth
1st conditional: 7 or more chains on the rightmost weak spot
2nd conditional: 12 or more chains on any area
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Glutties are not for sex
>2nd conditional: 12 or more chains on any area
NTA but, it doesn't have to be on the central spot, does it?

And another newgluttie question: those 12 chainups have to happen in the same turn? I was struggling to trigger it yesterday and I suspect that's the reason
Glutties are for crushing into them and making them cease to exist that way.
Forcing Refi to give anal birth using glutti enema.
They are for glex
>it doesn't have to be on the central spot, does it?
no, any spot works
> those 12 chainups have to happen in the same turn?
yes, that's why everyone is zenith/celia.
>12 chainups have to happen in the same turn

Yes. Old Glutti here. Our secret is to use Zenith,Celia and/or Refi to stack chains. Celia is 7, Zenith on top takes it to 13. Refi adds additional chains. There's also other fall back options. Pirate Rubia, but she's expensive to use.
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Thanks anon
You're me?
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Yeah I managed it with Refi then
>Pirate Rubia
She's MIA...
It's official. Loen and I are engaged.
it's official
Loen's tits are my paizuri cumdumpster
It's official. Loen is an ugly fat bitch.
>Sweatier Loen
>Chain stacker
>Increases enemy incoming magic damage by 300% for 10 turns
>2 SP cost

Get ready to eat those words you fucking ingrates. Loen will be the new meta.
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>the right most weak spot
you sure
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No level 10 for me. What about you lot? I want a wind fiend. Liatris is so good, I barely have to try.
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11th day newglutti progress
post more lia gif
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No bunny celia is suffering.
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>What about you?
If someone posts homework without zenith then I'll bother
If someone doesn't then I don't care

Made it to like lv6 on my own and way too lazy to make my own homework for this FH
>11th day
Say sike, please...
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Can't beat lvl5 send hlep
>newgluttis devastated by a 11day old babyglutti
How's your tear status?
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Umm... well...
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>298 rolls and only +1 Justia
>+2 at 308 rolls
>then this at 318
I thought this banner was cursed, but it managed to redeem itself.
Budget build might be Arines/homo Lathel, whichever buffs attack highest. Gamer Rafina, Rignette, Yuri and Celia.
Torches were the real wall all along...
crit damage is retarded and should be removed from the game
Bro what are you even doing? We've got Limited Teresse probably coming soon as well as hyper sex Loen.
Can someone explain to me what is C1 C2 on FH that you guys keep talking about?
just swipe bro?
it feels like john dust is convincing me to quit with that lineup
>S1 S2 ...
The order in which the monster activates it's skills
>C1 C2 ...
Conditional skills that activate only when certain things happen. These most of the time make the monster take more damage.
I am pretty sure that "Free 109,748" will be enough for any limited character.
I did 40 pulls on pool party Justia yesterday when some anon said it was hot time to roll. Threw in 40 pulls to only get a Pirate Rubia. Nearly wrecked my account.
So we change team right when the "cool time" appear?
Nah, you automatically change team when the monster instakills you. The S1-C1-C2 etc are more like advices on when to setup buffs for the turn where you can do big burst damage
What do you mean?
Not that guy, but I've got a surplus of Tears now. Currently on 8. Torches are what's truly lacking now.
>Not tearing your 4*s
I had to give up early on FH (~185 million dmg), I have too many challenges up at the same time right now. The gacha life is indeed hard.
People have a lot of tears but don't have torches to spend them
Saving all my tears for Ceres, bikini Ceres and Nurse Ceres, bro
what about them torches bwo
>Not that guy, but I've got a surplus of Tears now. Currently on 8.
I have like 15.
I usually focus on cheaper early stat upgrades for multiple characters instead of spending 2 week to get 3 teared skill on just 1 costume.
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I didn't need to see this
I can't even clear Lvl 3..
t. 500.000 diamonds stash, 0 banners rolled
I've pulled 240 times I'll have you know.
cheer up bwo. Next fiend hunt, fatty won't be able to carry. This guy won't be getting that far next run.
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Day 1 account buyer here
Can someone who has her snap an image of what gamer rafina does or just tell me? fucking shut out bug still exists and I can't even view costumes long enough to check
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I'll have more than 11 days of logins next run...
nvm that I found her in the popular costumes tab
You still won't get much further. Level 9 will more than likely cripple your teams. 10 will kill. Fiend hunter is all about gear. Costume dupes only go so far.
>enhances your [...] decision making abilities
more like enhaces your money wasting abilities...
John's probably gonna release Apostle Nox first... Blade bros it's over.
First and last because I'll grief his house in minecraft if he dares
Do towers reset?
Zenith is carrying you hard, too.
There's no way I'm getting any further than 8 by the end of the event.
only Pride
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Managed to cook up a decent pp Angelica/S.Justia team, missing a good deal of dupes and pots (B.Refi +2, pp Ange +3) but it's okay for a Yuri and Ventana-less team I guess.
+2 is the sweet spot for the new Pigstia, right?
Doing better than me. my main damage dealers aren't even above +2. Only Angelica and she can't carry. +1 On Yuster but I'm skipping now for the limiteds coming up. I might try again with a different setup. Level 10 is only 3 tickets, so it's not all bad.
Anyone else have the guild chat completely empty and sent emotes/texts not showing up?
i am assblasted bwos
Restart the game
Tried this three times, it didn't work. It did show messages earlier today.
compensation tickets john?
I'm also same boat level 8 currently w/about 140m I just can't build a strong enough second team to clear
I have similar characters. What's your order of the turns/skills? Just some basic scheme, I will try to figure out details.
How good is Vanguard gray (+1) for this? I'm desperate to try anything. My second team barely does a fraction of what my first can do.
My Pigstia is doing all the work since she needs to do some exercise. PP Angelica and Ventana helped doing the last bit of damage for level 10 clear.
T1 Diana aura/sp
T3 Diana-PP Ange-Base Gray (6 stacks total), other two auto above Diana
T5 Filler with Neon Ange while in Diana's aura's range, rest auto for sp
T7 PP Ange from sides, 5hit Celia for C1 + base Refi for cdmg buff
T9 Diana re, B.Refi, B.Celia, fallen Ange
T11 Nuke

Team2/T13+ is just S1>C1>C2>Nuke where you can either H-Lathel+GRafina on T13 and then again on T19 if your SP allows or you otherwise just sp manage and go all-out on T19. I'll post an image next thread, probably won't get it done before reset though
How many evil dragon blades do I need? I only have 2 IV
Depends on how much gacha gear you have, most physical exclusive gear are weapons with only a couple of exceptions (Lathel and Rafina).
wait there's a summer event after the summer event
im confus
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Bros I'm having a really bad day, I need a 5* pick me up on reset
Please give me your energy for what is to come
So Angelica's tears don't actually do anything for actual damage on Fiend Hunt since it caps, right? Getting an extra 2% max HP damage won't actually add anything since I'm already hitting the cap with basically every one of Angelica's skills?
That's not how it works. The difference between each % is quite big, especially now that she use more than 700% CDMG.
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I can't take 17M out of my ass in 30 minutes. GG
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bwo...why didn't you do your homework...
Just use your wallet bwo
we got some chara but I cant even do level 6 bwos... teach me your way
I remember hearing there was a set 20k damage cap for %HP attacks. How does it actually work?
I need a zenith rerun asap man fuck this shit
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I remade the guild. Please join, also add me as friend. Nuns are great.
Basically Justia does 90% of the damage. First team does 10M damage and she does the rest. I use Lathel's buff after C2 for maximum damage, that's it.
son of a nun, he actually did it
>Being Newglutti and getting my ass kicked on pack 10 and barely got to 11
>Get to craft gear until UR and now I'm effortlessly destroying pack 11
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hot period...? More like GAY period
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>wake up
>have a coffee
>put a frozen pizza in the oven
>by the time its done the reset already happened
>that means my day is already half way over
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Idk what to do...
>fight someone from my guild in PvP
it was a newgluttie from mesugaki
i sure love spending 2 hours auto hunting to use my torches and rice
Don't even joke about that anon
havent joined any guilds yet
am i missing much? other than the fags who made a discord
Guild chat broken for anyone else?
don't tell me... you don't know?
Yeah, probably can't push another 20 million. I seem to be doing better than other people who have much higher + on their buffers at least.
My pp Yuti is now +1
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If you know that then you know his name and you know what needs to be done.
50k gold a day and some emotes to wake up to every day
try getting better gear and upgrade outfits
hmmm nyooo
i joined the guild some anon was advertising here. 7 members, not even any emotes to wake up to. no shitposting
i dont, but you could tell me. this game is shit at explaining things
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>hmmm nyooo
no emotes anymore cause john killed guildchats
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Guild chat is not working atm.
This particular thing was very clearly explained.
I wonder if people were sharing bad things and john had to nuke it
joining cute Japanese guilds and asking for nudes
John I am unable to coordinate my goon sessions like this. I demand 10 draws as apology by tomorrow morning.
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>I'm unironically doing less than damage than yesterday and not breaking the threshold for level 10
kek, sometimes it sucks to be a brainlet
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should i use my powders to buy diana? people say this costume is good
Glad its for everyone, I typed tits in guild chat and everything got nuked, thought it was just me
>guildchat nuked just before I was gonna release exclusive sloppa for my guildbros
i will add that i have no fucking idea what property damage is
why would you only do that for the guild? you realize more than 30 people are in the thread right? and that more people here would appreciate your sloppa than just in the guild?
You can buy her from chapter 10 pub. And you should do that. And you also should powder her because Diana is used in basically 95% of PVE content so you should aim for +5 Diana eventually.
You should buy it just for that animation of that glutti licking her tits
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or you fuckers could just tell me
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mmmmm nyo
newglutti from yesterday here
okay so a day passed
NOW i can quick battle
so i just do this repeatedly until he dies?
This was me for the first 2 days...
If you genuinely don't get better scores on the repeat battles (or just don't want to bother with that hassle), then yes, you can just do quickbattle.
However, the moment the enemy is dead and you're fighting against a higher level, you have to fight manually again.
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He tanked that btw
Bwos I only have Wiggle on pvp defense but no one is attacking me so my rank doesn't go down for easy wins.
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Are there any bonus stats benefits to a character that has multiple costumes or is it just that you get to choose between one more skill?
None only the cotumes that you currently have bonded
Do you get attacked more often if you have a better def win rate or is it just higher ranks? I've been geting over 30% wins for the past few seasons, but see 150 to 200 def battles which ends up keeping me in dia
The HP cap is what is used for the max HP, not what your damage caps at. So if an ability says "50% of targets max HP", and the target is has more than 20k HP, it will do 10k damage (before crits property bonus, chain bonus).
56% win rate in dia but less than 10 def losses per day so my rank just keeps going up.
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Nyot like this
>am i missing much?
The only thing of note right now would be the new guild achievements for daily checkins.
Elemental bonus damage.
That was me at first. ~45% atk, ~55% def. Then I made a better attack team and now I hit Sapphire 1 almost every day and my def rate dropped. I always come back at reset to see my rank fell to dia 1
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>>485694563 (Me)
pic related
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has the anon who owns the link with all the guilds name updated it yet?
we still need to put the link in the OP, no clue why we are not doing it.

for now guild just get 50k a day but when the first guild even start it should be worth more
you can just make a new rentry with your edits and post it in the next thread
If you're still here:

I just use him for his 5 (10) chains. Boss doesn't seem like a heavy hitter so there isn't much attack on him for Vanguard to scale off of.
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how did you get this picture of my wife?
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why not use base refi turn 1 for more sp?
I always feel bad for my opponent in pvp when they have oldglutti limited units but my newglutti team wins turn 1
>0.48% of the playerbase is keeping John afloat
i kneel whale chads
Are you taling about the percentages? That's just the collection buff from owning the costumes
I still haven't joined a guild.
Why our game so DED? Anni didn't help at all.
>only have +3 pp Justia after 200 rolls
>including pity exchange
should I keep rolling or will the new limiteds in August be better?
>more than 100 people in the /vg/ guilds
>dead game
You think 100 people is a lot kek
100 in the general is over twice the amount I thought there were before guilds
>he bought
oh no
I also have +5 on all 4 collab units and +4 pp schera. If you arent rolling for limiteds that are meta in a niche, why are you even playing gatcha games?
i heard this game hhas orc and ogre ntr. i like to self insert, is this the right game for me? i much prefer when (i) am in the game and all of the characters love me.
bro the threads used to last almost a week what more do you want, summer limiteds will bring more as well
No. There's no self insert in this game.
There is no self insert character. One of the skill cutscenes shows a unit getting aroused by their video game character being gangraped by orcs a la Demon Sperm
i genuinely believe guilds killed the thread
as soon as one of those retards makes a discord for his epick guildies and keeps it private, like 30 IPs disappear from the thread
i said the n word
is this game ntr?
what's wrong with discord faggots going back to where they belong?
>there is no self insert
(You) are Jayden.
so its ntr
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no self insert
but all the girls will show their ass to (You) on the home page and they will never interact with any male
except Schera but she's exclusively a buttslut and Yuti doesn't actually like Lathel, just his blood
Can't get cucked...
Gets no pandering either...
bakeanon abandoned us
anons i just really dont like ntr and it sounds like this game is ntr. i know there is octopus ntr
Anyone else field skill got messed up? For example I press Lathel's skill and Celia shows up with her absorb instead. Press Rafi's skill and Lathel shows up with search. Celia activates Rafi's skill. How do I fix this. Re-pinned the skill doesn't work either.
It's an optical illusion
>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam.
humiliation ritual
Have you tried not posting spam
finally went through


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