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Tips for being a good taichou:
>Deer friends, cute and gentle
>A busted doorframe or two is not that big of a deal
>In KF3, small and fluffy, new friend Hyrax is here!
>These things are related to elephants, somehow?
>She arrives along a physical fitness test event!
>Did you manage to nab that free 4* during tanabata?
>Shiserval wild release challenge approaches, make the busted even busted-er!
>In kingdom, Royal, Rockhopper and Emperor penguin banner is up!
>No code this time, I think

>Kemono Friends Kingdom
>Official Twitter
>Kingdom Mate Codes
https://pastebin.com/E83JZa8Z (embed) (embed)
>Spreadsheet of KFK Friend skills

>KF3 PC Version and Mobile Version
>Chokotto Anime
>Official Twitter
>KF3 Friend Codes
https://pastebin.com/Jjh09inL (embed) (embed)
>Guide and Skill Sheets

>Model Viewers
>Moose-Taichou's Repository
>Moose cache backup

>Previous Thread: >>482754470

>Tip of the day:
Beware mimic friends: Crafty ones that pretend to belong to a class or order they dont. My precious cat friend, seagull, warned me about them.
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Fly with Japari Airlines, Taichou
I don't trust birds enough to fly with them
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Unfortunately for you there are no other airlines in Japari Park.Enjoy your beef-chicken lunch, Taichou
I'll just stay on the mainland
Reject plane, embrace boat.
>>No code this time, I think
where do you find them in the first place anyways?
They have a facebook and I think they'd post it to twitter if they have that.
Traveling Japari Airlines to a hotel with 2 birds by your side...
Sounds like a really bad time..where is my emotional support cat when I need her most?
>2 birds by your side
>theres only 2 seats
>16 hour flight to Japari Island
this is gonna a rough ride..
both seats are for Taichou, the birds can just fly themselves
Coyo is up to something.
Is it something sexual?
Is pigtail a girl this time
does it involve her lewd tummy
Oh god, they look so fucking cute with those outfits
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Deer are cute! Cute!!!
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Everyone's parodying the deer anime now. Have the deers finally won?
It's finally time for deer to take over. For them to go from ignored to beloved by all!
moosechou was right all along
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Bottom heavy Friends.
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Big dogs!
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Cute dragons!
Turns out it's a love hotel and the birds are excited to learn about this...
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Where is our bird anime???
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She was wondering if she could play the English release of the horse game on stream. Some Coyodachi challenged her in Tekken with horse costumes too.
Neat I wonder if she can get perms to play on stream
Gururu played it a few times so hopefully Coyo can too. She likes the music and knows a lot of the voice actresses from Imas.
Solid then perms shouldn't be an issue then, maybe she needs to rework her schedule a bit.
why would you need permission to livestream a game, on your youtube channel thats for livestreaming games.
Mirai is putting way too many restrictions on Friends, she needs to be stopped. What next, you can't fluff and huff their fluffy tails? Ridiculous!
the japanese are very strange
If you get copyright stricken 3 times you lose your channel, subscribers, and monetization. The odds are pretty low of actually receiving one, but when your salaried support staff depend on the channel they will be very cautious.
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Forget the deers and horses, I'm still waiting for my white flat brat
Japan also has no laws about Fair Use. Everything has to be approved several times over.
What made an otherwise good cat become like this?
>good cat
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Duh, to attract more taichous obviously. Everyone loves exposed tummies!
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Finally put together that full kemo_dull folder so that it can be backed up by the taichou who said they're going to do that, sorry for taking a while to get around to it and please let me know when you've gotten that done!
There shouldn't be any files missing, but if there are whenever an initial first pass of downloads is done I can make some quick adjustments to pass along the last few files since I know it was getting close to capacity when only a few PSDs were left.
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Ehh, you're not too bad, Taichou
I don't think I wanna hugged by weasel...Chevy though she's fine.
why does a good girl like the mini fake deer hang out with such a bad girl
She's supposed to wrangle Weasel but that never happens
Quit hugging me
You smell like pee
Embrace the stinker Taichou
how many posters are here actually
Only so I could carry her into the shower and bathe her with all the scented soaps and stuff so she'd stop stinking (and maybe was slightly fluffier to hug too)
Well she does need it
Just did the 100 stamina quest in KF3 for the ShiServals. Christ that is terrifying. Take out both Shisha ASAP, because they WILL oneshot whoever they attack. Momma cat is the next thread, and then bear. Bring a mix of green and lime green friends who're able to do heavy damage. Obviously, use either/both ShiServal if you have them. If you can get Kirin to help, then do so because extra chorus attacks to take down the Shisas is valuable.
Not as many as there used to be sadly
Well let me just check the IP counter...
I don't think that was very accurate because after the thread is up for two weeks phone posters and people with non static ip addresses would be counted multiple times.
I can almost identify the core 10 users who make most of the posts.
which one am i?
She needs to show her fangs more. Those terrifying chevrotain fangs.
Her animal looks so goofy, I don't understand how they made her so cute for the game.
How in the world do you do the 100 stamina quest? Half my team is dead after 2 turns and I can barely dent them. None of the other 100 stamina events before were nearly this hard.
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Only 2 days for Kingdom anniversary, taichous!
Her animal is cute but it looked like it should be the baby of something else. At least her body type is another excuse for a cute one piece dress with indeterminate panties.
Are we gonna get 100 rolls for the sake of the game still existing?
>indeterminate panties
Ah yes shrodingers panties the best kind of panties, we may never know if she truly is nopan or not.
we'll get the fabled tsuchinoko rerun not
KemoV’s next big collab is playing with some Sanrio girls on a Rust server. Coyo will be there for as long as she gets stand not playing Tekken.
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Sexy flat nerds.
I can take flat or a dork, but both?
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Big. Fat. Coon.
Why is Fennec looking at her like that
i wanna hug her so bad
Sleepy bird...
Fixed for you.
arai-san is not for sex
Unless you're Fennec
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there's literally a spot for her to link with arai though?
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Birds stacking!
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Look at the horsey's big beautiful eyes
Oh that's nice I never really noticed them before...
Guys is this real
>white with black stripes
i wanna se a black with white stripes zebra aka tanned with lewd tanlines
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The zebras are cute and deserve more love
They have it rough out there
A giant slug friend!
i can see it
her toes?
yes, her cameltoe
But she's a zebra!
Yes but she also has a camel toe
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I thought she likes Taichou too.
taichou alone in the male hotspring as the Friends loudly chat about the size of their boobs on the other side...
It's a different kind of like...
We prefer the term ungulate cleft.
zebra's feet are too erotic...
tanlines would go good on her for sure
kissing a friend on the lips!
Here I am. Kinda late because of work.
Still got around 14 gb left free in my account if you want to back up something else.
Sweet, thank you! With that everything should be caught up, only thing weird I'm noticing is that the dull folder seems to have some weird issues about decrpytion or something along those lines alongside a few files in there but other files work just fine. Guessing that might just be something where the files need a little to wait before they're fine though, so I'd give it a day before checking again just in case.
For now everything should be fine, and that's going to let me mess with mgmg and dull's folders with a little more confidence so that will help a ton.
Next step with ensuring backups are fine is going to be sorting everything out in the doujins folder to check what is and isn't missing so I guess be on the lookout for that, but I'll probably handle that some time mid next week since it's just a lot of looking at doujin names I have and referencing the folders.
Otherwise, everything that's most likely to change is now well backed up thanks to you!
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Japari Airlines. Delivering the best air travel experience
*pisses on you*
Why are mustelids bad girls, what in sandstar decided to make them like that?
>what in sandstar
Being stinky trigger happy pissers, taunting and attacking animals bigger than them, "dancing" like epileptic retards while hunting, being so horny they can literally die by hormone poisoning unless they fuck and making a bloody mess with tons of bites and scratches while fucking are things mustelids commonly do in the wild. Sandstar only turned them into cute girls but all their "bad" behavior comes from their animal instincts.
I just learned "Itachi" means weasel in Japanese, so why is there no art of Weasel in an akatsuki robe?
Sandstar could've ignored that or changed it to be cuter and yet it kept it!
There are only a few, just like with dolphin fanarts for Iruka-sensei
You have my attention please
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The last PPP relay stream is up with Princess.

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pengii punish
Dangerous debiru, ready for action
is petting the kot a part of the experience?
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I insist that she, and her dork partners, have the best swimsuits ever
It's still very neat that this got to happen
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Moose bird's hashbrowns
She's gonna get too fat to fly if she keeps eating those
>72 mil damage
Jesus Christ, I can't even break 9 mil.
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Kingu Shesha
In the end we got... nothing...
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Heavy-hitter bird
I would do bad things to the fluffy one
It can't be that bad if she's the one tempting you..
Art with her and real Moose together when?
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Have this one with something similar
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It may not be quite the same but it's great seeing more deer art thanks to the deer show!
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In an ideal world we could have both short and tall Friends instead of everyone being locked to m for mini. Any reasonable taichou would recognize this fact
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I understand why the fandom draws the owls like this but it's kind of crazy since their cannon cup sizes are basically the same.
If I had to pick between ALL friends being either big or small, I think I'd go with small
having a small jaguar or moose might be a bit odd, but I'd less so than having a big weasel or otter
some friends are better small, some friends are better big
It's pretty funny, especially when in Tatsuki's KF and stuff they were basically the same height.
Guess the mental image of a dependable assistant does a lot for chest size
You're right to some extent, but on the other hand especially with friends that have extra large features like moose's antlers I can't see them working small very well either. I guess unless you do something like meesechou's loli moose but that's basically cheating
Small and portable.
I know some people dont like the idea of certain friends being tiny, but I personally find the idea of someone like moose challenging you to a fight while being more than a head shorter adorable.
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Only media where their height is different is KF3 and only one where their breasts are different size is Kingdom.
(Mimi head feathers are longer so she looks a bit taller then she actually is sometimes.)
Would risk it with
I feel like if you want those big Friends to be tiny you have to sorta scale the other aspects of them down too though
I cant belive they had tits in the anime.
I feel like Ive been Mandela'd
Both owlets should have the chest size like the one on the left. I'll help the one on the right by rubbing her boobs, I read in a book that it helps the boobs grow when rubbed twice a day for at least 10 minutes.
This was written by Professor
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Devilish Friend
It's pretty funny to see, one of those cases where the mental image the fans get changes so much over time from the reality of it.
taichou wake up
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Which friends know what a dick is?
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Not this gay snek that's for sure!
This dork is too cute
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Clumsy bird
It's like the old boomer humor from Macross.

"She has a bust of 85cm. It will expand when unwrapped."
I'd assume maybe obviously former male mammals would probably be the first to at least know what taichou's thing is
thats pretty much only the birds and they dont normally have a...you know...
Anon, I have some bad news about deer...
no, i just think every friend is better with big boobs
even the flatties
ESPECIALLY the flatties
and lion too
and Emperor Penguin

in fact there's surprisingly many of non-bird friends that are colored like males of their species, or show personality traits associated with males, but since they're friends they're all girls. tomboys are olev and if they act casual around me like a dude bro would that's even better
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I like this art but....
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Ghostly bird
Its different for birds, even the males dont have -that-
Corkscrew penis
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>he doesn't know
Poor poor taichou...
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Touch sebaru's ass
How is her tail sweating?
She's completely drenched, so she probably just left a river or pond.
japs normally cant draw an ass for shit but i am pleasantly surprised
can i headpat her too?
good, I for one prefer when asses aren't draw for shit
What do you mean?
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It's so good. The best of both worlds really
nips suck at drawing butts
Syumo’s art makes me want to see all Friends as late 30 something Japanese ladies.
Yeah but how? It’s not something I really have noticed before, not saying it isn’t true though.
It's fzr/tzr's art that does that for me. I feel like he does that stuff well
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Bizarre exception
Moose bird's club!
I know she's a bird but dressing like that is a bit...
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Deer season! We a deer for every need!
Finally, more deer art...
How do you think things would fare in the plains if Moose and Lion's team members got swapped?
Taichou must be tired
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Singing fishes!
Remember to never let your guard down around birds
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Silly dragon!
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cute bat signature
Why did they give her such a lewd outfit
Soaking wet Friends!
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At least your game is still alive, Taichou...
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Shut up birdphobe! They're always watching (you)! Now, where's the dumb dog?! It's late for the daily cuckening!
That kid is gonna go places. Specifically, Python-neesan is gonna take him to Heaven
They better give us a compensation package for the anniversary they completely missed
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Upside down bird!
All of KemoV are lewder than their source material.
Are you implying heaven (death) or heaven (pleasure)?
Are you a gaychou or what
Getting pegged by Weasel while fucking Chevy in her ass!
i was implying the latter (pleasure) but I won't rule out fainting through overwhelming pleausre, the kid is young so probably doesn't have the stamina to compare with a mature Friend
The Japari Park medical wing (and the lawyers) will never allow any death at all within the grounds of the park or as a result of the park staff or Friends actions (other than the celliens but they're arguably not even alive until they are like Cerval or CQ, i kinda like those two would be a shame to see them die)
Well the whole problem Kaban had to solve was Moose being stupid with her leader ship so considering Loin could beat her 3 times out numbered I think Lion would be sweep with that many people under her command if she actually gave a shit.
While it's easy to say it was just Moose being dumb, I feel like that's oversimplifying a lot when a contributing factor was her strategy being charging forward with Friends that don't mesh too well with such a strategy.
Aurochs and Oryx at the very least might be able to handle her plans a bit better, whereas a lot of Moose's team was much better at defensive stuff and other things that aren't just running in a straight line due to the weight of armor, stamina, etc.
what a silly cat
Throwing Ruller Cell under the bus lol.
Eight wings two fangs all friend
You're forgetting her butt fangs
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I actually forgot about her but that's why the "like" is there, because I knew I'd forget someone
but why
because they're homosexual
With a bird though?
Sex with birds is real thing in Japari Park, Taichou
Owls are good birds, they deserve sex and won't take advantage of Taichou during it
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Coyo extra sex
Let’s not go that far
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Slytherin Friends!
go that far
Why is she american
because Coyo is American
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Tanned penguino!
That's one greasy looking bird, Taichou better get some Dawn dish soap and clean her off!
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She literally has the American flag on her outfit
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I like the old design in a vacuum but as a coyote it does not fit at all.
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Her first design was more of a wolf variant.
i want the middle one to cast "molest" on me
I could see it working depending on the type of coyote/region it's from, but coyo's modern design is definitely more akin to the image of coyotes in general
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>Victory animation
>She does a very short mime skit before taking a seductive pose
Sandstar can't keep getting away with this
Sandstar will keep getting away with it though, and taichou will like it
>taichou will like it
But what if he HATES IT!
Do you want to be embraced by the sticky secretions from her hand glands?
any bober friends?
Taichou might say that, but deep down...
Well I guess that's true, Taichou is a very weird human...
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I wanna touch those legs
He's super weird. He goes around calling all the Friends he encounters stinky and gross dumb trash eaters but also looks at them lewdly and is probably going to look at those same girls as potential romantic partners down the line
She has a devilish outfit.
>Oversized sweater
>No skirt, shorts, or pants
>Bare legs
>Leg warmers
Absolutely sinful. And Father, forgive me for I would sin again and again
They tried to put her down... but they couldn't!
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Moose is invincible!
Didn’t the assassin use a pistol? I don’t think that would even kill a moose if it hit the head.
>Little baby gun goes off
>Bullet hits Moose's antler
>*TWING* sound effect as the bullet ricochets off
>Moose looks around with a blissfully oblivious smile as everyone races to cover for her
Bro stop with this character assassination, he got this job because it was the only opportunity that paid above the poverty line that he could get with his zoology degree. He didn’t know he was going to deal with this harem shit.
She is part of the Bull Moose party.
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They always drew her so large dispute being one of the smallest fox.
Can this be explained???
It's simple, that artist is the opposite of those taichous who want all Friends to be small.
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Birds... Singing...
her spirit is large
Tags: Corruption
Gone from a good girl to a gyaru
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For me it's Wombat
no taichou would actually want being twerked to dead... right?
Imma be real with you Toki
This song will not attract a mate
not me, because I don't want to die
doesn't seem like a bad way to go though
She's a pervert fox and encourages it.
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I love lewd friends!
Can you really call them lewd if it's inherent with them? Seems redundant
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Nobody mentioned snek day...
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You have a valid point
No one likes sneks
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Summer cocks!
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Singing dog!
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This thread is deader than Kingdom
I'm gonna squeeze this brat when I login into kingdom later
you mean Beaver? she's got a nice beaver, and the sight of hard wood gets her excited.
Does this sound like a small fox to you?

also her ass literally smells like vanilla
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That artist likes to draw them BIG. I'm actually surprised he's still making kf related art after all this time, and not blue archive like everyone else with art style similar to his.
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Not quite true. Just look at this pic related he made a while ago.
Coyo and Gururu need to do another drawing stream together.
She might be small in stature, but they're always big in some way with him!
It's unfortunate, wish that more taichous posted even if having a slower thread is comfy to some degree.
Doesn't help that actual taichou work is exhausting
The vtubers stream everyday tho
I wish there were more KF artists who knew how to draw big breasts like this.
>squeezing Weasel
She is full of pee at all times, taichou, squeezing her might be too dangerous
>at all times
Even after being thoroughly squeezed?
Sounds like a challenge but after dealing with foxes weasel is no match for me
By the sounds of it she's a big bag of piss
Taichou is asleep so he won't be able to see this post calling him stinky
I am not stinky.
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cute dork
Why she sweaty?
Going to be real this is way less of a big deal if they are a friend instead of a animal. Like sure there is more piss in a friend but all it's going to do is like run down her leg compared to a animal sparying it everywhere.
Knees weak
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True, but there are quite a bunch of other artists that draw some very good titties. A lot of them likes to draw huge ones, so I guess that artist is in the middle in terms of size
Wish there were more cool Friend game projects
Have you played Kemono Friends Opening day and Mega Serval?
Cat pants!
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Taichou thought he hired goons...
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give them spears, they'll be dragon dragoons
Yeah those ones are neat but naby ever finished one of their projects
Looks like KF3's getting more story soon. No events are up right now, which is such an odd feeling.
Turns out he hired gooners
Wow, so weird to see this artists draw something remotely lewd. He is one of those that had stayed "clean" for the longest time, but it is a paid request so it's understandable
It's funny, his skeb is actually no nsfw right now despite what his pixiv request allows. Used to be NSFW enabled though really early on
How are you supposed to survive this?
White Dragon looks so out of place here lol.
Any predictions of where the story is going?
I haven't been keeping up with the story since nobody is willing to translate it or give a summary. The twitter post says something about a fossil though, so maybe we're gonna be fighting a new kind of cerulean? There's no major antagonist anymore since we took down Queen.
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I mean they have done lewd stuff before just never fully nsfw.
Next villain is Hikari because I don’t like her
I know that, just think it's funny that he has that weird difference between platforms. Wonder if he actually would've been willing to go all the way but his price jumped pretty high
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Love the dork... touch the dork!
I really wish there was more fan writing in the KF community. Anyone know or any good ones???
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Mirai tells to you that your job today is to get this Snek a swimsuit since she doesn’t have one yet.
What are you getting her and can you even make her wear it?
>Give her alcohol until she passes out
>Strip her naked
>wait, what was I supposed to be doing again?
I guess skinny dipping now.
Or whatever gets Mirai off your ass
With enough coins I'm sure she'd wear anything
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White dragon think she can tease Taichou with out consequences because she is less developed then her sisters
But what are you going to make her wear?
The only thing a flatty like her should wear, microbikini
(with benefits)
sukumizu, specifically one of the school style ones with a white rectangle for name right on the (lack of) chest to highlight it (not being there)
I want to worship Tsuchinoko's feet
I want to remove them. She'd be better as a Lamia.
>KF3 PvP
>So many teams, even the "easy" teams, have Coelacanth
>My all red team is actually struggling against easy teams if I can't take out Coelacanth in one turn
Christ, why is the fish so powerful? And how do you build her to be that powerful in the first place? It's crazy.
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Wrong outfit dumbass
What if Gururu paid for that herself?
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based lamia lover
fish oil omega-3s
shiny golden athletic competition swimsuit a size or two too small for her, just enough to show the goods, also golden flipfops
I dont think she would appreciate having her legs ripped off.
No need to go that extreme. Her entire body's made of kemonoplasm. Imagine a pair of sandstar-infused gloves that allow you to just mould her legs into a proper snake body like they were clay.
how are you supposed to beat the clock in kingdom?
I'm trying to beat the last boss in sandstone dunes 7, but he keeps locking all damage and never unlocks it
he is supposed to unlock and take all of the damage he took while locked according to his info, but he never unlocks so he takes no damage and I run out of friends to catapult and lose
>he doesn't know
Taichou can't beat the clock.
I beat my clock a lot especially while playing Kingdom since I’m a necrophile
I was told that Tsuchinoko can easily clear that stage so I never touched it in the hope she'll return eventually.
Not really a fan of PPP
What's wrong with the Penguin Pegging Project?
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Silly bird refusing to wag her tail
a shame, we'll have to make an example of her before other Friends get the idea of rebellion
Don't be mean
New KF3 update.
>Heart icon on the title screen shows how many friends you have at Nakayoshi 10. The more you have, the more bonuses you get.
>Need higher tier materials to upgrade friends, such as bells and ribbons? You can upgrade them now.
>New mastery titles. I'm not sure what I unlocked since translations don't seem to make sense. Pic related.
>New Friend: Eland. Elands are a type of antelope native to Southern Africa. The name "Eland" comes from an obsolete term that translates to Moose, so technically, we have another fake moose!
>New story missions, which means a ton of free urchins. Also, reduced stamina for the story quests; 5 stamina per quest.
>Event mission requirements; Log in (up to 10 days), Complete battles (up to 100), perform Kemono Miracles (up to 30), Participate in Shiserval Dojo (up to 7)

Friendly reminder that, for easy Miracles, use Bald Eagle with her animal photo. She builds MP super fast.
When I said upgrading materials, this is what I meant. I worded that poorly. This part is for Kemono Miracle, Wild Release, and Nanairo (the rainbow seeds that upgrade older friends).
>Friendly reminder that, for easy Miracles, use Bald Eagle with her animal photo. She builds MP super fast.
Any other friends/photos with a significant miracle boost?
Can't get the Urchins from the 1st and 5th story mission because they only have two rounds so my friends kill everything before building up enough MP.
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Japari sweat! Dhole's favourite!
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It'll depend on what you have, but here's all the photos that I think will be good for it. The photos on the bottom give MP every turn if you're in a specific field or time. If you have them, try to find a map at a specific time and zone.
>Snow, Ocean, Desert,Nighttime, Jungle
The three star photos above the bottom row are crazy good if you can make use of them.
>Dhole and African Wild Dog = stay at 100% stamina to gain MP every turn. Use a tank friend, like Blue Whale or Arai-san, so that aggro stays away from Bald Eagle if you use this.
>Bald Eagle + Blackbuck = MP every turn if stamina is above 50%. Unless you're doing hard quests, this is just overall good if you don't have other photos.
>Whole squad = Restores 2% HP and 2 mp every turn. REALLY good when doing low-difficulty missions and paired with the 100% hp photo above.
Not pictured, but friends' photos can help as well. If you have said friend, upgrade their animal photo and put them in the team with said photo equipped.
>Black-Tailed Gull = 2 MP to all allies per turn
>Black Rhino = 2 MP to all allies per turn
>Brown Thoroughbred Horse = 2 MP to all allies per turn
>Bald Eagle (obviously) = 2 MP to all allies per turn

There's probably better photos, but just on a glance, these are the ones that seem best to use if you have them. Ideally, you want as many of the listed friends as well since that's an extra 2 mp per turn for each friend. Turns include the start of new waves, so if you have all of the mentioned friends and do quests with three waves, that's easily 26 MP at minimum. Check the wiki with google translate if you want to try finding more/better options too.
Thanks, I think I got it now.
Couldn't find the "Order!" photo at first since the updated version looks drastically different.
Yeah, I wanted to use all the upgraded photos, but the wiki didn't have Order's upgraded look. Luckily, all the story photos are ones everyone should have by now anyway. Good luck on the miracles, taichou.
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Smelly fruits!
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Moose bird's flight service!
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I made this rough infographic for you KF3 taichous so you can do that 30 Miracles quest easier. Even if you don't have the mentioned friends, you'll likely see them pop up as helpers from other taichous because they're so good.

If you have Witch from the Puyo Puyo collab, then forget the image and just do this;
>Have Witch and two other friends in the party (One of yours, one from another taichou)
>Witch's passive kicks in, which requires you to have 3 or less friends that are not knocked out.
>Her passive will generate 110 MP, filling her bar. That's a free miracle on turn 1.
This is why those terrifying teams crop up in PvP as well. Her passive is the entire point of that comp.

Otherwise, the taichou's advice with Bald Eagle is solid if you are a lucklet and don't have many good friends.
What a smart taichou
Very clean looking infographic too
Giant otter about to put on a Burger King crown.
why is she such a meanie
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One of the other girls on the Neko Server sang a little "Welcome to Youkoso" when she met Coyo.
Did a coyote care? I do like that V-tubers but they pretty much seem to give as much of a shit about Kemono Friends as other v-tubers do about their “lore”
Well, she's literally writing welcome to youkoso on her house in the picture....
It's practically impossible for people to remain in character all the time when they are in front of an audience every day for hours.
She’s one of the few English speakers on the server and was a bit nervous so that was a nice ice breaker.
>get to 50 Friends with miracle lv5
>get to 100 Kemo rank 6 Friends (the green rocks IIRC)
>get to 50 photo pocket 8 friends
I’m not saying they have to be in character or whatever just that it’s pretty clear that most of they don’t give a shit about Kemono Friends and probably didn’t even know what it was before becoming a part of KemonoV
I don’t blame them, I mean they probably wanted to be V-tubers/idols and that’s what KFP wants so it’s win win. Glad we have but they are basically unrelated to any other part of KF.
Chipmunk cared
This image is wrong. You get Coelacanth to full MP as soon as the fight starts, holy shit.
Scratch that, I think the white serval user had some of those pay to win photos from the store. Subsequent runs without that specific white serval only got me to 63 MP on turn 1. Got me hyped there. Image is accurate then.
Damn Taichou who took the filling out of your Japari bun? They all care about Kemono Friends in their own way like Hululu organizing the PPP relay which even revealed that Genet is a terrible pervert for Emperor Penguin. Usako also has interests and acts like what you’d think a bat woman would be like. Coyo is clearly as dumb as a coyote too.
coyo may be dumb but she has a cute tummy
Dumbass crying
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What is your guys opinion on Barn Owl.
I got attacked by one as a kid. I remember going outside for some nighttime event, past my usual bedtime, and suddenly something got super close to me from above. As a kid, I was freaking the hell out because it was "something" I didn't know.. My dad swat it away, and I was fine afterwards. So, I'm a bit biased here from past experiences.

I like her. I'm a sucker for masks.
>get assaulted by a Friend
>fall in love
Every time...

ayy lmao
this is going to be the plot for shikoripa next doujin.
She's such a violent asshole I love it
It should totally be one.
Actually, it'd be pretty funny to turn those sorts of animal experiences into lewd mini-doujins, wonder if I'd be able to get a decent one out of almost getting run over by my friendwife one winter
wtf ur wife can drive a car?
I mean Spikoripa did this but I don't know of anyone else who has.
What do you know, Taichou is an M after all...
The 2 female KF fans are probably feeling really left out right now by you calling captain a man when they are never gendered
>an M
Do you mean a Morbius?
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She can do anything!
Cute. Definitely a little different though, since it's more of just translating a photo instead of a full scenario. I guess with creative liberties it wouldn't be hard though, like with my story it could go from some guy scaring a moose to Moose pushing a shota out of the way of a car and nursing him back to health or something like that
>The Kirin Blessing required to reach level 200 is 4800 x 100 people. If you assume that the Kirin Blessing is roughly 0.13 per yen, it comes to about 3.7 million yen.

Jesus Christ. That's almost 1.4m Dominican Pesos, or close to 23.5k USD. The reward is only a title, too.
Is this about reaching level 200 in KF3?
Yeah I don't really don't know why somone has not done this yet.

I guess all the popular friends aren't ones you are around that offen. Like for most of the fanbase you aren't going to find a Serval or a Shoebill in your back yard.
Like if someone was to make a collab doujin about irl stories it would probably be a lot of Arai pigeon etc.
Yeah that's pretty true, not to mention depending on the region it'd be a lot more of specific Friends rather than a variety depending on what animals are more acclimated to human activity and stuff there.
Would be neat to see for sure though, something like turning that experience I had into a lewd comic would be fun to see
Silly Friends!
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Move to your seat, Taichou
That new boss theme, god damn. KF3's soundtrack is just so good overall even all these years later.
>Only missing Mimi Serval and Black Serval now
>Know that the Hello Kitty collab will never come back, so my collection will forever be incomplete
A short-lived victory after literally spending all of my urchins...
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limited time events and fear of missing out is why i will never ever play a gacha game
Hello Kitty collab was a mistake doko. I rather want tezuka collab is back.
Dire is putting up signs in the Rust server that Kemono Kodo is now on sale
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Friend riding cocks!
This is the weirdest time stand fetish art I have ever seen. Like it’s clearly still a fetish but it’s not like anything really sexual or humiliating just like confusing. Like a trickster god. Dhole breasts are nice though.
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Why don’t ceruleans do this?
if celliens started sexually molesting friends, the friends would start sexually molest the celliens
and celliens dont wanna be sexually molested
Who wouldn’t want to be sexually molest by a friend?
only something evil like a cerulean
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Looks like Sand Cat will be in Gabyo’s next doujin.
Do you think desert friends like Sand Cat and Fennec still like going to the pool and putting own swimsuits or are they against it?
water is a precious commodity in the desert so being able to have so much water you can swim in it would probably be a culture shock
Taichou should hold desert friends tight so they don't fall and drown, or just let them lean on his body for support, it's not like the friends will take advantage of being so close to Taichou or the water covering what's going on below it, right?
What would they wear ? Normal clothing since they are used to swimming or would they have Taichou pick out a swimsuit for them ?
cute cat
Is this one of those doujins?
There’s at least 10 that are cosplayers. At least one is so dedicated she became the fish.
Too dumb to try it, otherwise they would have already won
I spent way too long thinking about how this is one of the rare instances where it would be hotter if kemonoplast didn't just phase through clothing, because then Dhole's butt would be hanging out back there.
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Friends would lose...
Isn’t this also true for Dhole normal dress too though ?
Normal one would be designed for her tail.
I mean doesn't her tail still go though her dress?
I recognize that font...
Wonderful reply.
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Is that game any good?
Yes, because that's how kemonoplasm works. We're talking about if it didn't.
I don't know if Anon recognized the game specifically, or just the RPG Maker font.
The game is Monster Girl Quest Paradox - it's a good game for the story, humor, and gameplay.
Whether it's a good *H-game*, depends on your tastes...
Every H-scene is femdom.
There's a variety of girls and fetishes, so it's hit or miss.
The MC is always pitiful in H-scenes, but some girls are nice.
Some girls are not so nice.
Don't hesitate to ALT-F4 out of a loss scene.
If you're going to play it, definitely read the VN first.
(see replies to >>486774305)
No I am saying that Dhole's tail goes though Short-Beaked Common Dolphin dress isn't any different then Dhole's own dress.
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Yeah I was wondering if the game it's self was good or not.
I don't really mind femdom but they designs don't really do it for me. Not to fault them but I guess I am kind of picky when it comes to designs for lewds, or maybe I just like KF's designs for lewds so much that everything else seem worst. either way it's a me problem.
The only really H-games I have played are koikatsu, visual novels and that one Kemono Friend one so I am kind of interested in trying a RPG. If you have any other suggestions for h-games I'm open ears.
Once the Friends get heart eyes then it's truly over...
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For the longest time I thought this image was that Serval got stung by a bee or something and had a big lump on her face like those images of dogs with bee stings but today I just now realized that it's her tongue licking.
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Curious, what about KF designs particularly interests you?
The way the animal patterns work with the clothing?
Anyway, MGQ's designs vary heavily.
KC and FRFR do some of the best IMO, but I don't know if there's any "KF-esque" ones.
These come to mind, I guess:
>Sea Dragon Girl (Uminoyama)
>Sparrow Girl, Rabbit Girl, Vouivre Girl (Neko Manma)
Dolphin's tail is bigger
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It's pretty funny to see in contrast with the other time stop images you see out there
Dhole's tail would still have to go under and pull up her dress though. Also they should have panties they also get in the way but in that image set you don't see them wear any so I guess they just forgot to put any on that day.
I respect and fear the man whose fetish is trolling.
We need more of this.
Like what?
Funny KF art.
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It's birding time
I know that, but what sorta situations would you want to see that fit into that area?
Haven't seen any art yet of friends falling down stairs.
They are trying to stop us.
But that's mean...
Would you rather fall down some stair or randomly have your clothing swaped with your friend?
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She told me she is wet so I dried her off.
we need more art of little Friends being fucked into submission, this franchise is very M pandering
Kemonomimi and monstergirl franchises seem to pander to the M, and so do a lot of gachas, I don't know why.
Maybe it's because of all the herbivores in Japan?
t. also an M
I mean a clothing swap wouldn't hurt a Friend or myself
It's simple.
Animal strong, strong animal girl cool and hot
IDK what if it's gross though.
I agree with KF being very tame (which I like) but IDK about most other Gachas and being tame.
Bro this is already 90% of the art that is made for KF now adays can't I have this one thing.
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Kind of on a side note but if there was a ton of fan service in official KF stuff it would make the friends a lot less attractive to me in my opinion.
90%? Hell no. Most of it is bigger Friends preying on little Taichou. Occasionally you get similar size partner stuff. Big Taichou is rare as fuck and usually reserved for faceless / ojisan crap that I don't want.
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Friend Stranding!
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What being a taichou does to a motherfucker
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Strange good looking and BIG bird
If it's intentional, taichou being ever so slightly smaller is a pretty funny detail
So you want actually Taichou fucking small friends not just any art of small friends?
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Friends with little clothing!
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Silly dog!
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Dumb pup
Cute Friends, white pants!
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Huge cope, there are like 4 women who have cosplayed Kemono Friends in the last 3 years and for every female cosplayer there are 10 male ones.
There are like 5 female kf fans that aren’t cosplayers and they all live in Europe I don’t think there is a single one in America.
Just accept women don’t like this lower shit lol.
Sadly that is the case. At the very least we have that pretty good looking gal that cosplayed as coelacanth
>lower shit
*loser shit and got farada finger from eating too many Japari buns.
It’s true and you know it.
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Hehe this bird is so good actually
That mutt should just hand taichou over, she clearly stands no chance
Why is she chanting mama’s name?
IDK there some is art of this.
Do people in the East view gulls differently?
Like everyone I know hates them. Isn't really much of a choice brtween her a Dhole and her personality doesn't really match the animal. Is there something I am missing?
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I know Japan has an entire shrine dedicated to seagulls.
So they like them?
It's a minority though, especially not the 90% Taichou was proposing before. I'd like more of it. I'm an M, but I also like little Friends.
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Something needs to be done with her.
Hmmmmm I don't know if I believe you I am going to need some proof
Imagine having to clean that.
If you visit and a seagull shits on you, you get a special wooden medallion commemorating it.
Love dumb but cute little ideas like that. That'd be like getting a medal for having a deer lick you at Nara
Bird fans are so crazy they celebrate getting shat on.
Still not a fan of sea gulls
There’s a new one that did Oinari Sama and one of the otters. She has some nice Japari buns.
I haven't seen that one yet.
you should post an example
This is getting a true
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I think this it?
neat booby otter
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Bird with a braid!
Stupid dog gets her taichou taken from her for the 194581876th time
Dhole gets so many Ls ;-;
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You now remember when Sega tugged at our hearts
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I don't like sand. Its coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
Wonder if it would've been poor taste for them to actually finally introduce the unused menu character swapping mechanic there/after her return
To use if you turn the option on it perm kills Dhole and you can't use her anymore.
Sorry Dhole, but I want my Friendwife on all the menus...
It plays a really loud dog whimper then explosion sound effect when you select it.
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I think my Tsuchinoko plushie is getting my allergies worse.
Grrrrr dirty girl.
Maybe I need to stop pushing my face on it and hugging it every night.
Anyone know how to clean her?
uh that looks like it needs washed
a lot
the middle face color is not the same as the rest
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Cabby bappy coco doggie has been steamed and will soon be fried and eaten.
>Anyone know how to clean her?
is there not a tag with instructions or something?
I would assume drycleaning, but IDK
I may have toke this photo to look way worse then it actually is it’s mostly just the lighting trust.
you sure?
it looks kinda like how my old pillow does
I think I am just going to put her in the washing machine because it will be funny. I have dried cleaned her before but I think she most have gotten some cat hair on her or something (probably from Sand Ca) because I sneeze everytime I hug her. You might say I should just stop doing that but uhhhhhh
taichoo is allergic to cats...
The middle of her face doesn’t look that bad irl but her chin is kind of not looking to hot. Idk why though out of everywhere. Maybe she is just getting old.
Yeah and to black and bunch of other minor stuff. Nothing related to food or even really that big of a deal but enough to be a constant annoyance. This is why I work with reptile fiends.
cappy is so good
Hard to say, but that's purely just cause of her size. With my Friendwife plushes I followed one of those fumo cleaning guides where you scrub her with a toothbrush and all that sorta stuff, but at that size I feel like things such as squeezing her dry might be a little harder
Then again I'm only just making the assumption she's huge cause I remember there being big ones for Tsuchi. If she's normal sized it shouldn't be hard to just follow one of those guides
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Eh, i like seagulls, but i actually prefer male friends version of seagulls than original version.
Why does the one on the right still look like a (very tomboyish, punk rock listening) girl, when it's supposed to be a guy?
Do I open the door?
Kinda scary...
yeah that's tsu_TxT_rakko who also does very cute Friend art
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today I did stop 7 instead of 10 on the splendor express because I've been neglecting my edging albums
She is one of the big ones.
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Silly cock!
Why is she so tiny
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To ask for her help to fight the bird menace
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lol yeah, there are some artists that have designed some good kemono lads, but they still look feminine.
Where are her pants?
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I really like this artists male fox because they actually look like normal dudes not beef cakes or femboys.
why does she look like that?
fried chicken
Dumb bird needs to be more careful
With a headshot from the jungle.
We breed them to be dumb
Which friend would be the best to go to a water park with?
probably otter, down for all the fun rides and will makeout with you on the lazy river
Definitely an improvement if you want cooler looking dudes
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Based on what I've been reading online if you're concerned about her being really dirty a dry cleaner might be the best option then with her size.
If you think it's only a surface level issue though then the whole scrubbing with a toothbrush and stuff that fumo cleaning guides recommend might do you well, though you might have to use a fan or something to help her dry afterwards so she doesn't get all gross cause you missed a little bit of moisture
It's definitely a fun little process
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Yeah you can see in this photo she isn’t really gross just well loved. I have cleaned her off a bit before but I need to do a big one to wash her up. I also want to buy another since you can never have enough Tsuchinoko.
Cute, best of luck in cleaning her up!
stop playing with your worm in the dirt Taichou
Weirdos, but cute ones
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What does this mean lol.
Taichous sometimes call snakes "worms" for some reason.
Especially Tsuchinoko, who is referred to as the "weird wriggly worm".
Oh I thought they might of ment something else….
Speaking of anyone know of any Tsuchinoko dakimakuras, if there are any? I want one, no need one.
>Insisting Friends are absolutely not for lewd
>Spend an inordinate amount of time on an AI-generated picture of Alpaca getting spitroasted

How far I've fallen. https://files.catbox.moe/38hx9u.png
Surprised it was able to get moose and Lion along with the cafe having moose on it
This specific model struggles hard with having multiple characters in frame, so it took a lot of iteration and making the most of the tools available.

Here's a less lewd Jagaa I did much earlier when I was experimenting with backgrounds: https://files.catbox.moe/66qy4g.png
Yeah it’s annoying to get A.I. to do stuff like that.
What do you use?
Do you have any of Sand Cat or Noko?
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No, I haven't done all that many Friend pics. Mostly been trying to give form to all my OCs.

Last one 'cause I don't want to spam the thread with AI slop, and I need to go to bed anyway.
Which friends are milfs and which friends are hags?
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Silly bird!
Bruh. friend are free to be lewded or not unlike ceritain media franchise
Blue Whale
Blue Whale is the only friend that is treated like a mother.
Most friends with makeup. Examples include Makami, Saltwater Crocodile, and Komodo Dragon. Not all friends like this though, as some don't look like old hags. Young friends with makeup like Black-Tailed Gull and Great Hornbill just have thematic extra colors on them, rather than looking like old women who want to try looking young again.
Addendum; I forgot about KemoV. Jungle Cat is referred to as "Mama" as well, so Blue Whale isn't the only milf. This is funny because her design outside of KemoV looks no more mature than friends like Serval or Dhole.
KemoV's Gururu referred to regular Jungle Cat as her precious daughter.
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How could you not mention her?
Because she are irrelevant friends taichoo
Wish we had more milf Friends, like some of the giant extinct animals of the past
She is more of a hag then Saltwater Crocodile.
Despite AI slop being shit it's neat to see what it can do I guess
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Coyo's Tekken streams are full of Friends.
>s2 bag
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Thank you so much for these posts, they help quite a lot!
Meeting Friends at the Japari Lodge...
What are you going to do? Maybe have some hot coco by the fireplace?
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America has good representation in Kemono Friends! USA USA USA
But do bongs have good representation?
Keep her warm all night, that's for sure
Wow so kind of you.
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Why is she upset????
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LITTLE fins!
Even if it weren't so nice, it's important to teach Friends how important bonding is in such a position!
yup! glad you gave them blankets to sleep in
shared blanket
Weasel warming the pool with her pee for taichou.
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Get in, Taichou, we are going to Fluffy town
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Will (You) pinch Dhole's cheeks?
>weird issues about decrpytion
Yeah, I was gonna comment on that since I noticed the next day but I totally forgot to post (lot of work kept me busy) but just checked and it seems that everything is fine now, so no more worries over that thankfully!
Ah my precious little devil... and it's strange that I don't remember seeing this ransu image of her before. Doesn't seem to be recent too
evil cat
Checking the Dull folder right now it seems to still have some issues with that, though mgmg's folder seems perfectly fine.
Not sure exactly what would fix the issue though, I've never dealt with it before.
chill Taichou, it's my kink
I think it stuck in this fan box but is free to access. So it’s not in his Twitter but it isn’t behind a pay wall. Maybe this is the reason why she is crying.
Ah goddamn it you're right. Just checked loading it from another browser without login in and it shows that error. Who knows what the heck is causing it and why it didn't happen when I checked while logged in. Oh well, guess I'll have to transfer everything from scratch and hope that does the trick
Yeah, it's pretty weird. Hopefully it gets fixed this time around
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Silly bird!
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Silly cats!
why is this dumb kot using two microphones?
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I love this birdo and her 'like looking at garbage' stare
four ears.
all the kemovs have built in mics
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It is softlocked, Taichou...
I don't know why she's so mean and stuff but it's hot
A bird denied her paper airplane...
She seems very displeased with Taichou and his requests...
god moose bird is hot
>tfw no kingdom anniversary event
>forgot my pic
2 year anniversary for sure, believe in the plan
It really is amazing comparing the differences between the KF3 team and the Kingdom team.
because even birds are disgusted when Taichou is into them
as it should be
Is she hot?
Kingdom truly was the death blow...
Looks like next up in 3 is an alt White Lion who's seeking something extra creamy...
Also Eland, who seems kinda cool
>alt White Lion
The dangerous sleeper is now even more dangerous.
Friend tummy exposure is too powerful a weapon.
It's crazy how much cat bias exists in 3...
She is cute with the new outfit though, I'll give them that
i don’t like her because all her fans are annoying
What? But she's just a slightly cuddlier cat...
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>Come back from vacation
>Japanese Wolf has a new power level to unlock in KF3

Praise the Friend God.
My Friendwife must grow ever stronger.
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god imagine if those safety shorts weren't there
All Friends that are truly loved deserve maximum leveling
I feel really bad cause I've been so busy I've been behind on that stuff myself, but hopefully soon I can fix that
What sorta music would Friends listen to?
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Friend Music made by birds
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Remember who is the king of Japari Park, Taichou
how do i delete someone elses post
God put us onto this planet to protect and care for his beautiful creatures
Humans are the most godless creatures on Earth though.We're deformed monsters.
>Bodies are horribly inefficient
>Spine is bent in a weird way to help us stand up, but is worthless otherwise
>We walk plantigrade, which is a severe drawback to speed and efficiency
>We lost our gripping toes as well, gorilla grippers be damned
>We lost our body hair and have to make supplementary objects to do what literally everything else can do naturally
>We are susceptible to diseases that don't even affect animals
>We manufacture our own diseases to die by
>We hunt and kill for fun, which led to extinctions and population declines
>We horribly disfigure animals for our own amusement. See; wolves becoming pugs and wiener dogs, cats becoming hairless and retarded, and so on
>We disrupt nature on a grand scale for just the slightest convenience
If God put us here, then that was his biggest mistake because we're defective as hell, and following that, it means God is defective because we were "made in his image". Plus, if God exists, then Australian Devil wouldn't have incurable eye cancer.

Nature is weird like that.
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I can see them from here
When new friends added again? I hate alt-friends banner Taichou.
Eland just got teased, have a little bit of patience
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Friendly stinkers!
Fat american spy not so sneaky after all...
I liked Toki.
She can't even hide her chest from behind.
Pick a seat
5. The amount of pillows nearby means a cozy rest.
7 seems pretty tame, though I guess if I wanted to feel really nice 8 would be optimal
>pretty tame
Maybe if you bring nose plugs.
Thanks to my powers of allergies those foxes won't be a problem for me at all!
3 because i want my flight to be incredibly annoying (not boring)
>5 8 and 3 already picked
guess im taking 6, hopefully gaming with Red will make the flight go by faster
Gaslight Toki into thinking she is in the wrong seat and then poke Arai-sans ears all flight.
are we not allowed to pick the same seat?
I'll pick 5 and sit on the other taichou's lap then
I haven't sat on someone's lap since I was a child, so it might be fun
>are we not allowed
i assume so, but maybe thats my autistic ass wanting to make a challenge for myself to make it more interesting of a choice
because, assuming all the numbered seats are empty i'd pick 5 or 8 too just like the other guys for much the same reasons, but that's booooriiiing
go ahead and pick 5 or 8 bro
even if others have already picked it, you can still sit on the other taichou's lap just like me
I don't mind letting you sit on my lap
You gotta make these more difficult, I don't see a reason to not pick 8. What if one of the options would land yoiu right inbetween arai and fennec?
8 is also really good
1 because Hululu is so kind and would tell you fun facts or nice stories and then sing you a song.
4. Serval's energy and White Lion's sleepiness cancel each other out.
Kind Friends are good, but wouldn't you rather get groped?
>1 - pilfers any food you may have had and any you will get, apologizing through mouthfuls. you'll also hear the two curry devils demand your peanuts as tribute because they are wise
>2 - tsuchinoko will fold up into her hoodie and make that screee noise when provoked. arai-san will be a certified seat kicker and try to steal your peanuts through the seat. fennec will think it is cute and funny
>3 - no sleep, ears bleeding
>4 - serval will constantly try to climb overtop of you to see things outside the window while kaban fails to pull her back
>5 - suffocation
>6 - ezo will play singleplayer games on a nintendo switch with no headphones the entire flight and pretend to not hear your requests for volume control and will ignore requests to play
>7 - will silently judge you the entire time you move to sit down and intensely stare at you while you sleep or look out the window
>8 - also suffocation
The real trick with the Tsuchinoko seat is to order an in-flight drink, then she'll mellow out.
Won't do anything about Arai-San kicking your seat however.
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7 easily
Honestly if you can avoid the suffocation bit 8 feels like you'd be sitting between two old ladies talking about a bunch of teas and other drinks like that. Probably would be sweet, but it might be a little hard to get sleep sitting between them
I want 2
Hug Tsuchinoko the whole ride!!!
Arai is annoying but hopefully Fennec will handle it.
Owls might be fun to talk to and if they get annoying I will throw them out if the plane.
They can fly if they really need to get where ever we are going.
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A lot of KF fans need to take Caracal advice.
Not being a "slunt"?
I don't understand...
It's short for "Slimy Cunt."
KF fans need to go on a diet and Cerval need to stop being a slimey slut.
the foxes are stinking up the entire right side, Toki is loud as fuck so being as far away from her as possible is ideal, so 1 is probably ideal and you could have a nice chat across the isle with Kaban the whole flight, but I'd rather sit in 2 and tease Tsuchinoko the entire flight
Is Kingdom FINALLY dead?
I don't think you can say it was alive past the first few events
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Since the Japari Park has such a vast gender disparity the changing rooms were built undivided. This has been a HARD problem for Taichou.
How would you guys deal with this sexism?
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Silly bat!
people don't talk about her enough, probably because she has heavy lesbian vibes
for me it's Poporu

there's that one guy who does endless yuri with her and golden tabby
>lesbian vibes
Non-issue. Beaver and Prairie Dog are the #1 lesbian couple and everyone loves them. Fennec is hard gay for Arai, and everyone loves her. Maltese is just called lesbian because she hangs out with Golden Tiger, but the reason they're together is because they both have a thing about being judged by their rare appearances. She just wants to be seen as an ordinary girl, but everyone compliments her looks other than Golden Tiger, who also faces the same face value judgement.

Personally, I like Maltese Tiger's design. She has an appealing color scheme that's calming and easy on the eyes, and her voice fits her perfectly.
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She's also one of Coyo's favorites.
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It's over...
You think she has a dick?
I think because of lack originality both that friends design (thanks because their design was inspired by sailormoon) lack of fanservices on both(especially on tabby) and there lack of doujin or lack spicy art on both (just one artist doing that regulary even then it's just Yuri thing, no diversity) that make maltese and golden tabby are not so popular
Anyway tho, i just set Golden tabby Tiger as my assistant, because i love her (and fuck the Dhole by denied her claim as captain assistant).
>But she is lesbian/yuri, taichou.
I don't care, i set her because i love her personality, and most of friends are have yuri tendencies anyways. If i'm so upset with lack of (you) pandering, i could have leave KF long ago, but there i am right now.
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they feel more utena-ish to me, personally
You guys are acting like Golden and Maltese are some obscure friends when they are still like in the top 20% in terms of popularity.
It's nice that you like the tiger, but man the more you try to blame everything on yuri the more you just sound insecure
Yeah, there is a bunch unpopular friends that probably din't get their light day
>Nexon Tachikoma friends (not KF3 ones)
>Schromburgk's deer (that extinct deer friends)
And many more.
List all friends by popularity.
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>hence proving my point.
well yes, i don't like yuri thing (including supposedly yuri bait) but i fans to KF (due to admire with animal thing (i'm nerds with the animal including the sponge) so i'm willing to tolerate it.
Enough yuri talk without providing uncensored visual proof of such claims. Godzilla friend in a game when?
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Forgot the image
>proving your point
What? Your ESL makes any supposed point incomprehensible, all that post says is that you're clearly insecure about girl on girl stuff with how much of a fuss you're making
oh no my model city, i was gonna play wargames with it but now the clumsy lizard went and ruined it
Bro you are in a franchise with only 2 males characters one being a kid from the most hated installment in the series and the other a 60 year old man who is cosplaying Ness’s dad. You’re just going to have to deal with yuri.
>Gaslighting taichou, until taichou like Yuri again.
Why? Let's agree to disagree. I don't like yuri but i don't care with other taichou preference, But if you suddenly complaint about why some friends are more popular than other, then don't just complain it, but commisioning artist to draw you're favorite friends or learn to draw.
>Conveniently forget the taichou, or the MC character from the nexon game (Towa).
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(Preemptive response, the captains are never gendered as they are supposed to be self inserts and are ambiguous in appearance and language as such.
I know there are unnamed staff that appear to end make in the manga which are unnamed, along characters that can be implied to exist such as Kako’s dad but we are really scraping the bottom of the barrel here.
Towa is a fan made name and they are never gendered let alone even seen ,see above.
I know there is also concept art of a possible male lead but that never went anywhere. You can choice Jinri to be male in Kingdom but everyone just uses feminine pronouns either way so the decide literally doesn’t matter.
What are you even saying at this point dude? Get over it
I don't care if you like girls kissing or not, you whining with every post and then trying to act like you're making some profound point is annoying
>1. Coyo
>2. the rest
>Popular friend
Pick one
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damn it's the fun police
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This is a huge cope.
She is probably in the top 7 atleast now.
Nana you do know some Friends are born to wear bikinis right
underwear and bikinis are two different things
Yeah but Ezo purposely toke off her clothing to annoy the play character, she isn’t born like that.
cleavage is cleavage and skin is skin
It’s O.K. to wear a swimsuit at the sea it’s not O.K. to walk around in your underwear.
What's the new max level outfit look like for the new lion alt?
Pro tip for taichous doing pvp in KF3; Serval (the normal one, not her many offshoots or clones) is superbly powerful in pvp right now. Since this "season" is set in the savanna, Serval grants ALL of her allies the ability to survive with 1 hp. Meaning, none of your friends can be one-tapped. If you see a team with Serval as an option, consider doing another enemy team instead to avoid this.
Park staff hates Friends stealing potential partners
But this fox is Nana’s partner.
It'd be cool if we could see Friends in other settings that aren't just the park in its prime or the park after disaster
We have never seen the park in it’s prime, predisaster is eternally stuck at being set right before the park opens.
I guess you're technically right, although that doesn't change my point much. I'd love to see even further back personally
>The park in its prime
>Every month the staff have to deal with the legal fallout of triple digit counts of shota kidnappings.
So having serval it's actually big plus in this pvp season?
Very. Can't really suggest photos or other friends, but Serval alone is absurdly useful.
Lustful lion!
No ERF was sleeping in her underwear when the protagonist came to wake her up and refused to get dressed until Nana came along. I thought Friends regrow their clothing after a while so do they have a time limit for sleeping nude until they've been redressed by Sandstar magic?

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