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Needs more Neechang edition

/gbvsg/ NA tournament 9:

Sunday July 14th at 2:30 PM PT/ 5:30 PM ET

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2185278056 (Congrats grimnir-anon)

>Older Tournament VODS:
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby
To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ Rooms
Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
>Upcoming DLC
>this week's F2P rotation
Gran, Nier, Charlotta, Cagliostro
>Latest Patch Notes
>Steam page
>south americans:
>Twitter hashtags
>Match replays

Previous thread: >>485216126
Narmaya standing paizuri...
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Neechang up in the OP!
should've nya'd it up
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your top EVO competitors sirs
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desu... why don't scooters have seatbelts and airbags?
fucking bitch dropped my order
1 starred
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Cygames will NEVER put this in anything but the gacha.
Anyone wanna play?
I would but I'm about to watch porn with my mom. I should be free in like two or three hours though.
LOL no
I wanna doom post and shit myself violently.
maybe after netherlands england
Only if you have the big meaty
I'm eating lunch.
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and the captain of the holy knights version?
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Just finished my daily ranked hour
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thanks for reminding me of the onahole reviewer who burned his dick off.
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turn off your FUCKING bloom
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Ggs anons ty for games.
I can't.
No, I am not going to fucking mess with game files in order to do so, if there is not an option in the settings menu then it doesn't exist.
based retard
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that's my whore wife
If you're NA I'll hop on and play for a bit.
Yeah, Im west NA.
Sure post lobby. I'll hangout for a bit if I'm not too shit.
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there is no Vas player here to give me any advice isn't it
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some guy who runs a onahole review site used some armpit flavored lube or something and developed a seemingly incurable burning/rash. basically killed his dick forever


I can't wait to play granblue at evo!! I love fantasy rising!!!
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rip my man
there used to be vas masters
but they may be long gone
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>the armpit lubricant
did he an hero
why has his twitter been inactive...
pitfags, footfags and pubefags should be shot
I like corn
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He posted an update at the end of april saying he didn't but who knows since then.
Shakespear could never have envisioned such a tragic tale.
I know somebody whose Fantasy won't be Rising for a while.
That's the pic I made.
he got the real deal though
fucking a real life armpit must feel like fucking sandpaper

Wait, are you serious? Why the fuck would you want to play this game? Are you stupid or something?
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I'm a figure mode appreciator
issa fun game
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I love that little "GUHUHU" laugh that Anila does in some of her intros and outros.
sheep noises
such as?
I lost to a fucking terrible player, I unironically got randomed out and got tilted
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Goofy sounding bitch
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I don't know where he got that from but I like that anon who posts "OTOTOTOT" alongside a pic of of Anila's intro
I think Djeeta might be the cutest girl
>but her va
I don't care
I quite like it when they give Gran emotion, they should keep doing that.
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Stop maining Anila. Next you'll probably say "I love short stacks"
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I love shortstacks
I think we should have a Gran and Djeeta art like the card design
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I love shortstacks
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Don't switch sides you nincompoop
Nier has no sauce.
nier is canonically 5'0.
is this not a short stack?
Stack, where?
niers modest stack.
Nier's moderate stack
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GGs anon, those were some fun games. I keep falling for the U moon everytime lmao
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Thanks for the games Katalina anon. Was slowing wondering who the master rank character was going to be looking at all the S+ ranks lol
I felt like you bopped me for doing it 80% of the time though haha. I know it leads to heavy damage so it does stick out when you end up eating one. That move is just fucking silly like most ults I guess.
But why did you post a child?
Would you sniff her anus tho
this heat wave might actually kill me

sayonara, gbvsg...
nyo... the meaty is so close
I have her and Ferry but I didn’t have a chance to play her, didn’t realize it was already 4 lol. And yeah I tried to get it as much as I could but I’m very bad against shimmies or just run ups, I react with grab 90% of the time so I eat that full combo every time. Narm is rough in the corner but you were also doing very good keeping the pressure up. Keep climbing brother.
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Don't give uppu
hide in and sleep in the walmart kizzington
with its cool pleasant air conditioning
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Y-you can't post those kind of onions!
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give us your steam account before dying thanks
Any NA gamers?
That is also me
I LOVE Aoi Yuuki!
im a native american
I'm an American, native.
I'm not American.
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Fuck yeah neechang is the shit. Will have to fight that Ferry too if we ever play again. She destroys me for free and I need more experience. You take it easy anon!
I LOVE Aya Hirano!
I just farted.
I don't.
In fact I HATE Aya Hirano.
Aya Hirano loves you, and 3 other men.
I may not but Aya HIrano but I love anon just as much.
I see what you people are doing...
You keep talking about Aoi Yuuki and Aya Hirano, hoping we will just forget what Djeeta's VA did... but I'll never forget.
For sure, I’m usually around in the open lobby I’ll make sure to pick her if I see you. And thanks, you too. I’ll have to play Narm too the ditto is fun
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You will if you know what's good for (you)r chastity
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here's your next guest character bro
fuck you dont activate the part of my brain where commercials are archived
whos gonna win this week anons?
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Stop it I don't want to flashback to waiting for commercial breaks to end so I can watch more Dexter's lab.
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Headpats. Maybe even kisses.
Look I am going to need you to buy sockem boppers and call miss cleo.
There is no bigger dopamine rush in this game than walking back and forth for 5 seconds to build 100 meter and then doing 22H delta clock SSBA.
Feels like some Third Strike whiffing normals to build Geneijin shit.
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there is no club, but please get rid of that fucking vader helmet lennox.
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Literally what did Percival mean by this?
Is he actually a villain? Why would the holy knights be an impediment to him?
>Is he actually a villain?
its a jrpg so charlotta is the evil one
But... forever righteous...
nyou say this but miss sexy holy knight captain appears to be exorcising a ghost by asphyxiation
dats my retarded gran
Gran is way too honest for this game.
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hows /ourguy/ going to do at evo?
cool color choice
Gran is bad, not honest
Djeeta is a lot more honest than him, but she's a great character
How is gran dishonest.
Do not say + on block 2m.
I think he is going to say it Anon.
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plyus on blyock 2M
top 8
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Are you ready for mama?
Random u.boot into infinite damage
and while thankfully it's punishable unlike many others, it's still just a fL punish that you'll most likely need to RS to get decent damage off it
People have been hyping up Vikky/Sandy/Versussy for so long that it almost feels like they've been announced already.
I'm hoping they announce someone completely out of left field at Evo just to surprise us.
yeah Poseidon
I don't know why but I feel worried they might just up and move someone else in her place and move her into Season 2. Maybe I just want her so bad it's making me think stupid shit.
How do you not have air conditioning or heat pumping in current year it's only going to get hotter each year
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uboot leads to worse damage than other u starters while being a guaranteed punish on block.
its also a c.l/medium starter on multiple characters.
>need to RS to get decent damage off it
and how much damage does gran get off an ult boot without raging strike?
I still have to finish the last chapter...
Haven't played in a couple months any updates on 1.50?
>how can this be dishonest if there are things that are MORE dishonest
do ultitards really?
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>do ultitards really?
yeah because its an honest button.
pic related is a dishonest button.
It will be playable at EVO, so maybe we'll get more info then.
be less obvious.
Sure is a desert of grans despite having such a dishonest button to carry him.
this character is gonna flop
nobody asked for them
nobody wants them
0 fanart
0 hype
oh and to make matters worse they ensure season 2 will be full of fags because they'll count it as a female character spot
Oh yeah EVO is strangely early this year nice
I asked and I want them
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I always like running into fellow Sheep fans in ranked. It's nice to know I'm in good company.
u.boot leads into a shit ton of damage. the fact other u starters lead into even more and some are even safe doesn't make u.boot not stupid
>its also a c.l/medium starter on multiple characters
is it?
U Fireball is really good uh.
artorias? your amphetamines?
yeah, it's -6
Post main and if you think that they're going to be buffed or nerfed in the meaty patch.
dang artorias shid on granblue
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>The only way to beat hava moving,pressuring,counterpoking, and fuzzy mashing with 66L is to move,pressure,counterpoke, and fuzzy mash with 66L
I can't believe Ladiva bro went grocery shopping and never came back to play
why do south americans love Vane so much
This game is a poor joke of a fighting game
hes aryan
m-make a room or tell me to join the lobby
I like the commentator who says SASERUKA every time he does the dp kek
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ok im good for 30 minutes in the lobby

i cant believe he was held at gunpoint at the grocery store i just cant believe it
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>the big meaty nerfs mid tiers and does nothing to Siegfried
Post GBVS matches
And yes, GBVSR>GBVS, but GBVS has its merits.
man, overdrive looks like it's even more dogshit than the dogshit we have
>normals doing chip damage
holy kusoge
Chaoscalibur animation looks a lot better in Rising, but why did they downgrade Karma so hard?
It had a cool warp effect, now you can barely see shit
That's because it is.
If they just added rollback to vanilla instead of releasing Rising we'd be complaining about Overdrive now.
Well, actually not, because no one would be left playing the game.
I honestly have zero expectations for 1.50 to significantly improve the game Cygames clearly doesn't know what they want out of Rising
The low damage Granblue is known for
overdrive is a worse mechanic than any single mechanic in rising but overall does less damage to the game then rising shit does.
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am I semi-screwed if someone blocked my charlotta high altitude demon flip stab? (+0 to -2)
there is no safe way out of this if they throw me, right?
you can block and delay tech or delay mash, just as if they were +2
All Rising mechanics are good additions and serve to fix the glaring issues with the original (and fighting games in general)
this but unironically except for 66L
I'm B rank btw not sure if that matters
Nyo, your rank has nothing to do with the correct opinion in >>485565921
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>lose my turn no matter what
it's so over
maybe I should just pretend like I'm plus and keep mashing like usual
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ggs again anon, thanks for playing. i always have a ton of fun playing you.
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>get matched against Charlotta player in Ranked
>he is using the Oni club weapon thing
>get combo'd
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I love Nier
issa nice weapon. they should add more special effects/sounds for them.
good matches as always
thank you Desu for taking those drop kicks for me
you can do that if you start DPing when you are minus. you can condition your opponent to never take their turn.
I feel for that anon who didn't get the pass because her club didnt make bonk sounds and then Cygames patched it and added bonk sounds next patch
Oh, I didn't know it didn't have those originally
Man that's fucked, for him I mean.

>they should add more special effects/sounds for them.
nyou cyan't reveal thyat.. thyat's supposed to be my secret trick..
ha. I only ever DP after blocked H Ball
maybe I should add this to the list while fighting tallfags
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Desu... let's go to Quiznos...
I swear Quiznos shut down multiple times now. How is it still a thing.
Theres still a few floating around, theres one near me and its always empty and the owner has like one worker only every time I go. I love Granblue Fantasy and Ferry!
What in good heavens would convince someone to forego Firehouse Subs for... Quiznos
Probably the only DLC character I'll get besides Bea, until a sale anyway
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Some people like to eat complete slop.
See: Subway

and Jersey Mikes is the official sub shop of all respectable skydoms.
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A decade or more ago they were the superior alternative to Subway. They've been undead for quite some time now.

Pretty much everything else beats Subway presently, though.
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>kat is good
kinda funny how Nier got the best templates
like her chibi on the open lobby one
the shaders are so different looking here, is this not possible in rising anymore
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Man, the first notes of Lucifer's theme are fucking PERFECT, especially if you don't skip the intro and you are playing him on 2P side, but unfortunately the whole thing falls off hard after that.
Anila and fewwy wat too low
This Anon is right, Anila and Ferry are absolutely S+
Also, as much as I fucking hate Nier, her theme is also superb.
Vira needs to be in a higher tier too.
I actually really like his theme but his rising version sucks. it NEEDS the lyrics
"Your fate is over retard" simply isn't acceptable language for a song in 2024, sorry.
I like my whore wife theme, it's funky.
Katalina's doesn't even sound like a character theme I was legit confused at first why was some mall music playing
Lowain theme is peak for lobby "Last Match!"
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I like Fox music... it's cheerful and puts me in a good mood.
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A B or S isnt bad i just like some more than others. i only like the first part of viras theme.
fox toes put me in a good mood too.
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The exhilarating energy of Zetas theme is what made me play her, so it's always S+++ for me.
Viras theme is underrated.
But it's nice to someone appreciating Vane's theme, the most honest heroic song.
I'M GAAAAAY's lyrics are too distracting to me.
mmmnyes, that too but that's a different conversation...
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I find it kinda amusing (not in a mocking way) how much of a large ass foot fetish this artist has yet he still manage to make good artworks.
While we are talking about OST,
Ares theme should be mandatory for every Grand Final match.
Oh, and they should ban Weight of the World.
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kek yes
I fucking love his Granblue/Guilty Gear costume swap pics, and I DO like feet, but I also find his perspective manipulation to make the feet look that fucking big a bit too much.
This one is a bit more measured.
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We will 100% get another Eternal together with Vicky.
Sandal is there to shill S2.
Could S2 have another 6 characters?
The instrumental short ver of Zero they did for the v2 fight is still kino.
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mmmm nyo
so what's the play here
try to low profile with 2M?
preemptive fM?
mash cag f.h
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No, I don't think I will
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>no nier
Why did you swap Bubs and 2B?
>Anre on rotation
Holy fucking rare
they know nier is about to claim 4/5 spots at evo agai..
is this some joke im not getting
bwos...I can't get out of C rank...there is noone to fight with
They don't.
its 8 am
nah ah
it's 9pm
korea niggas...
They do in overdrive
That sucks. I had no issues getting up to s+ on a free to play account in NA. There were two bots in b and c but were still more real players.
Basically just be a 300 ping menace.
No. 2B has far and away the best theme in the game, and Bubs has one of the worst. If not the worst.
Yes, but not out of it.
Beelzebub's theme is actual earrape. The singer sounds extremely whiney
so what
that vas died from getting chip killed by bubs mashing normals
Yeah the singer's voice is really what does it in. Sounds like one of the weaker tracks you'd hear on a Disney soundtrack.
Stop saying this
>relink in the top 20 best sellers on steam
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it's jap time and I use it to hide my actual timezone
Maybe you shouldn't have sharked them all away.
Okay, and?
i like this game
What different things would a talking Narmaya plush doll say when squeezed?

>Giving up metre for the entire round to do chip damage on normals
Sounds fair to me.
>Ay Caramba!
>Eat my Shorts
>Do the Bartman
It would make a lot of farting noises
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I have like 250hrs on "Free" Edition
relink was cool but didn't they just not make anymore new updates and stoppped give it more content?
This will blow zoomers' minds but there was once a time where games didn't get new "content".
You bought the game and that was it. The game was just... the game.
Not every game needs to be supported for 10+ years.
>expansion packs weren't a thing
even in the 90s games had new "official" content added in free patches
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that's bullshit bwo
got hit by his back foot
Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising.
aiiie buff raging strike to be +15 always
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that's BULLSHIT bwo
holy BASED
And? Any character in the game can do this. Delta clock wasn't even relevant there.
he needs it.
>counter stance against Imma slide
This fox has confident
Huh, wonder why the beafag feels called out, weird how that works
bea provoking post
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>And? Any character in the game can do this. Delta clock wasn't even relevant there.
i thought that post was about the bea being goofy and going for close heavy..
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I hadn't played in almost two months until a few days ago. After playing against several Bea players, I have to say that she seems to be pretty mid right now. No idea how she was pre-patch.
dont look up archives of this image
She was easily top 5 on release, she was insane.
Now she is indeed quite mid.
fgg poster
I wouldn't mind the horse poster as much if he actually talked about the game when he posted, instead of just dumping images from an unrelated franchise.
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I really like Vas's delayed attacks
too bad most players seem to know how to handle them
I don't
i like the horse poster
he plays the game he is just tsundere
Well that's nice for him, but he doesn't show that in his posts.
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pretty sure one of them is the TO, but yeah.
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horse posters bear the heavy cross of keeping the thread from archiving
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There's nothing really to talk about in game aside from yelling about nerfs
anyone wanna play eu? i am a lowly yellow square master..
oh.. this is why no euros are attending evo..
euros?? your arete?
you dont want to fight 600 niers out of 1300?
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and they have Bread

Get fucked, Bel player.
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>filter to gbvsr
>it's a bunch of randoms other than the usual suspects
>free top 8
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shes gonna get too fat
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how do I cancel Vas' kino walk?
hewios... diabetic...
Probably with the block button
I think you press down
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you beat the game
you've won.
the crane game is over now.
I take whatever victory I can get.
Does the color actually indicate anything?
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yeah, red and yellow orbs give more than one prize. I forget which one gives 3 and which one gives 2.
blue and green orbs only give 1 prize
yellow 3
red 2
You have it here, the reason why we are losing so many players.
yeah it's pretty much over. They have made some vague statements about maybe considering doing stuff if there's demand but realistically all that's just PR and it wasn't intended to be a live service game.
Day 1 idiots get FUCKED I will enjoy the exact same content for a FRACTION of the price during the winter sale.
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it's over
now I have to play Vas in lobby to keep my B-irginity intact
>I will enjoy the exact same content
Aside from not being able to do multiplayer quests with people so you'll have to gear up 3 bots instead.
people will be buying the game when it's on sale too
>He doesn't have friends
4x copies at 85% off is very doable
wtf this game is dead af now. last I played it was hanging on consistantly at 1k and now it can't even hit 500. tf happened
people stopped playing the same reason you did lil bro
Will play today, but not for long, because work
Vira players be like:
>"yeah my bottom 10 character has an invincible reversal that carries you from corner to corner, it's no big deal"
Game is almost identical to how it was at launch so it's getting stale.
Frustration at the top tiers going unpatched for so long.
Stiff competition from SF6 and T8.
Lots of people who liked vanilla and are upset with the new direction that Rising took.
The devs spitting in the community's face with the emergency Bea nerfs, a very popular and beloved character, when there were other characters who clearly deserved it more than her.
Put on the suit and get serving
Not gonna post off-model garbage.
Being on Bea's model...
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>Lots of people who liked vanilla and are upset with the new direction that Rising took.

I'm still a bit jealous of people that actually got to enjoy playing GBVS for most of its life. Was such a rough time for me with the netcode and no one really playing it locally in my area.
Seeing as the playerbase is dead, there's no way that we're getting a second season, right?
Player counts don't matter, sales do. GBVS did worse than Rising but still got plenty of DLC due to remaining players slurping everything up, and a lot of the remaining Rising players are still buying the characters and season passes
I have seen games with double digit daily Steam users continue to get DLC because of people buying it, including a ton of people who don't play the game except when the DLC drops so they can use it for five minutes then go back to not playing
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Gbvs was better in everyway compared to rising. They really tried to capture that strive audience
>I'm still a bit jealous of people that actually got to enjoy playing GBVS for most of its life
There's no need to be lol it was the most insipid shit you can imagine.
Nigga vanilla was boring as shit and there's a reason no one played it and Rising has more than 2x the number of entrants at Evo
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>and Jersey Mikes is the official sub shop of all respectable skydoms.

damn i love their cheesesteaks
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I know for a fact Brazil alone has more players than Asia, let alone the entirety of SA.
Feel so robbed that we didn't get a lobby or a grandbruise server
Time for the 'yips
It depends. Rising might not be the best source of profit for Cygames but they're currently trying to settle their brand in the western market. They've been promoting Relink and Rising in conventions too.
depends if the contract is already signed or not, for all you know it could be a DnF duel where, despite only having 8 players worldwide, they're still churning shit for it.
>They've been promoting Relink and Rising in conventions too.
What fucking for they're not doing squat for it, what is this insanity
Low tier Metera... beating 2B... how is this possible...
So what? Most people in this thread have been in /fgg/ already.
Thunder strike me before I ever seet foot into that haggard place.
You're all dooming but we'll very likely go back to healthy numbers with the big meaty
My guess is that's more of a way for them to say
>Hey look, we also make REAL games, not just cheap gachas for otakus!
yeah I'm sure it was perfect
I am positive its players were happy and had a sense of community and not just complained all day like they do today
I'm sure of it
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You know, if suits at cygames doesn't want anything to do with relink anymore after the absolute maelstrom of shitfuck it went through for almost a decade, I can't exactly blame them, but for fuck's sake
/ournarmaya/ on stream
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Yeah, dooming sucks. Let's hope for the best!
I wish, man.
I just think that it needs a push from above for it to get back on track honestly.
>GBVS did worse than Rising
By what metric?
which one..?
So long we'll have mentally challenged beaten wives like Merp, we'll be fine and keep getting shit.
picrel kinda fits perfectly for people who don't like Rising but still come here or play everyday
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It's the original intent of the picture but I find it quite polyvalent, in the present case it's whatever these island monkeys are trying to do giving me a headache.
>25 in EU lobby
Yeah, don't like dooming either, but this is not a bug number.
I doubt it. We'll get more players for like a week or two and then it'll be back to the current number.
Standard EU tournament
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>wtf why does x character's 2h hit behind him!! so broken!!
just don't press a button tardo
All 2H moves should be air blockable
>getting beaten up by a competent Vane
This is not supposed to happen.
>stream chat rules literally say not to complain about nier and sieg
what the fuck
Strive was in dire straites for awhile sitting at like 1k players before the large balance update that added johnny, and then resettled at a healthy 2-2.5 concurrent and have been going strong since
just start saying how much you heckin LOOOOOVE nier and sieg
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>dire straites
>sitting at like 1k players
The lowest point ever was in November 2023, after they added Johnny. The patch right after that in December was the one that finally nerfed HC, and then the numbers rebounded a lot. I think Elphelt/ABA/Slayer all being really popular DLC has helped keep the numbers up too.
>sitting at like 1k players
Was it? Lowest I see is 2.5k
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mmmmmmm nyo
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Is this fighting games in particular or just video games period? I feel like it's so rare to be around people that are more positive about what they play or enjoy.
First to 10 in another fighting game?
why another fighting game? can't stop jumping?
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>214H.H clashes with the opponents attack and sends me standing to eat a combo
Thanks, best reversal in the game.
Yes 3D fighters don't have jumping unless it's a meme move so I greatly excel in those. Scared?
Versus community was 10x better than the putrid shit that Rising has devolved into
look at that ass
My only contact with the Versus community is that faggot who keeps whining about Rising in this thread so I'm a bit skeptical about your words Anon...
i don't play 3d fighters. do you want to win a ft10 on the chance that i have one of those?
>vas doing the meme walk twice just to get killed
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I don't actually want to do anything but post useless stuff here
Works on me.
>424 in omega strikrs rn
itso ver...
>Imma Scam-
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yeah it was im glad you understand
Huh, that's pretty good for a supposedly dead game.
>the little crabs bounce up and down in the background when you slam into the floor
>vanilla was so good just held back by netcode
>nobody played it offline even when it did start showing up
yeah yeah
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wtf I can't believe neechang is dead. Why she lose?
Too honest for this game.
pyon toki is svvedish for dogshit
you didn't say i was wrong...
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>Nightmares of getting 2H'd out of moon flip everytime.
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Hey Belial-fags, wanna explain something?
he did this twice
in casual queue
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Every day spent knowing that draph women are not real is a day spent in misery.
ggs was me
not real yet you mean, anon
tick tock human females
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GOD I hope you are right...
bap bap bros...
>most people
nah, only mentally ill faggots hail from that general.
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>evo stage
>only 500
/fgg/ is fun if you filter the resident namefag retard
3 years after the game launched with delay based netcode. your pathetic attempts to pretend vanilla wasn't doing well are laughable
thank god talking about nier is against the rules
blatant identity, priority and perhaps even competency crisis
i hope chris g does well at evo
i hope you do even better!
there is a warrant for my arrest in nevada so i cant.
turn yourself in, kizzington
w-what did you do...
I'll take the fall for you
Wonder if that made Arcsys more wary of being contracted for other projects that may flop. Perhaps we will only get a Season 2 like the original Versus
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But you need THREE TIMES the amount of people for a single match.
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If the game stops receiving DLC and we never got Tikoh or Kokkoro I am going to MELT
Ape DLC for an ape playerbase. Making hard characters actually good is a sin because the idiots will feel doubly bad getting schooled by a character they can never hope to play.
>My only contact is with a disgruntled player
Yeah, no shit it's not positive you goddamn retard.
how do those shoes work?
2B sucks
they give me immediate access to toes for lickies
evo trailer leak (real)
coping ratcel
That's... exactly my point you retarded cunt, my only contact with the fanbase has been negative so as far as I know the fanbase is negative. What did you think you were adding to the conversation here?
Incidentally, if YOU are part of that fanbase then you are not helping their case, maybe most of you truly just are a bunch of obnoxious retards, fuck off.
God I hate trannies
Goddamn you are stupid. Why the fuck would you expects players who got fucked over to still be nice? Even when we gave Rising a chance, all we got in return is big pile of not giving a fuck about improving the game from Cygames. Then you have obnoxious retards who have never played Versus, yet will swear up and down that Rising is better than it. When something you like is beaten, raped and then populated by worthless retards who eat shit and reward stupid developers, I'd like to see you keep a positive attitude.
Don't worry your pretty little head though, if the big meaty is a shit patch, you won't be hearing from me (and many other players) anymore.
I am not reading this angry, retarded rant.
Piss off.
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holy chimp out, are all versus players like this?.....
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EVO trailer will be Rat's costume for Jitta.
I did this
Thanks for proving my point lil troons, now go back another battlepass like the retarded drones you are.
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Gbvs was 1000x better than rising. Anyone who claims that nierblue strive is better is just salty that they missed out on the good times
I can't believe FKHR deleted all copies of Versus when Rising came out
stop shitposting with babu
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we NEED more zodiacs
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Retards really think that people will tolerate delay-based netcode these days.
Delay is not inherently bad
Rollback is not inherently good
twinl lolis never ever....
>Delay is not inherently bad
True, if the opponent lives within a couple miles of you then it's better than rollback
>Rollback is not inherently good
False. Rollback is inherently good, as the positives vastly outweigh the negatives.
he really is a pathetic being all around but posting my babu pics with his abhorrent posts particularly bothers me
djeeta sitting on a big cock
>>Rollback is not inherently good
>False. Rollback is inherently good, as the positives vastly outweigh the negatives.
I fucking hate that shit where you press something, or interact with the opponent in any way, then for a FRACTION of a second you see the attack hitting (sometimes even the round ending) only for the game to revert to it not actually hitting and messing up the whole thing.
That alone makes it incredibly flawed and it never happened with Delay.
>and it never happened with Delay.
yeah because on delay, you hit the button and it never came out which was an objectively worse outcome.
Nigga, not everyone accepted matches with 1-2 bar connections.
Any time I played SFIV or Tekken 7 and refused to match people with less than 4 bars I got FLAWLESS matches.
matches where you see an attack hit and then not hit is a match that would have been 4f of input delay on delay
yes because again, as the other posters said, delay is great if you live down the street from your opponent. rollback is infinitely better for 95% of the rest of usecases. you can also tell when something stupid happens due to network trouble instead of gaslighting yourself on whether you pressed a button. it looks stupid, its frustrating to realize this shit happens but it was still happening under delay as well.
As that >>485657867 anon said, your input would've just been eaten in delay on the same connection. Rollback is inherently good, the only negative is a slight delay online, even if the opponent is your next door neighbour, the positive is that you can play in low delay against people across the country.
>Any time I played SFIV
I know you are larping or have a very selective memory because I also played sf4 and experienced the fun of delay based rubber banding even on good and local connections.
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Dude is trying to play the old game good new game bad with Rising so hard that they are trying to downplay how shit delay based is. Why is this happening. Someone start a grand bruise lobby
>Dude is trying to play the old game good new game bad with Rising
Nobodies is doing that. Delay is the reason nobody wants to touch Versus anymore, especially not in the era of every fucking game (except Virtua Fighter) having rollback.
Vanillatroons simply can't argue this point, every time they try it just ends up in an incoherent melty
From what I've gathered, yes. At least if you only count versus players as the people who can't let versus go, because otherwise most versus players became rising players.
Versus players really don't help themselves at all, just look at the absolute waste of a human being that rage about versus in this thread. Outside this thread you have Nekotech. And would you believe it.... Nekotech is a tranny.
Surely some healthy bunch.
Good, I read like 1/5 of it and I instantly regretted it.
All the shitty matches I got in SFIV were because I was tired of waiting and accepted the match against that random Brazilian person even though I knew it was going to be horrible.
Literally, literally all my green bar connections were excellent. 5 Bars were rare but virtually indistinguishable from offline.
This was on PS3 btw, PC was worse for some reason.
I played on 360 like everybody else at the time and know this is nonsense man.
There is a reason there were no were barely any netplay tournaments.
We are not going to pretend sf4 had good netplay just because you hate the state of granblue/rising.
I know you won't put down the delay based crackpipe at this point but jesus.
People still unironically play SFIV on delay netcode, if people liked Versus that much and dislike Rising that much they would do the same.
Vanilla vs Rising and Delay vs Rollback are completely different conversations.

OK m8
You having a bad experience cancels out me playing smooth matches, sure, let's go with that.
I feel like we are living in different realities or something. Even 4 bars had noticeable delay in SFIV everyone just accepted it. Yeah SFIV and Blazblues netcode were decent for the time but that delay was always noticeable and made it hard to take online too seriously.
its more like you are telling the world shit tastes good and everybody is looking at you wondering why the mental asylums are gone.
Well, this isn't news. The namefag (one of them) that says that Versus > Rising has always said delay is better than rollback. He has also said that he in NA played against someone in Japan in delay and it was fine
He also says that Overdrive was a good mechanic
It's Street Fighter, no shit it'll have players, fuck, Rising is barely beating it in players. Comparing the Grandfather of fighting games to a niche series is beyond stupid.
>He has also said that he in NA played against someone in Japan in delay and it was fine
no way lmao.
People also played Xrd on delay netcode even after XX got rollback and after Strive release.
My point is that people would still play and host tournaments for the game if they cared that much about it.
if this thread is anything to go by the population has a schism on whether overdrive should be legal or not.
.....SF isn't the only old ass game with players
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>He has also said that he in NA played against someone in Japan in delay and it was fine

Oh wow that's pretty crazy. What was wrong with overdrive btw? I didn't really have anyone to play GBVS with by the time that update hit so I never really got to play with that mechanic much. I'm a bit in the dark on how those last changes effected the game.
Bruv said delay isn't inherently bad oh my days
Here's the thing, Xrd is noticeably different from XX, SFV/SFVI are noticeably different from SFIV. Versus and Rising are so similar, that if you put them side by side with the HUD disabled, most people would struggle to tell the games apart. If Rising was say. an air dasher, more people who be playing Versus to get their fix.
shut the fuck up, post zeta tummy
overdrive is a mechanic that gives you invul on startup, then puts you into an install state where, your normals do chip damage, you do more damage, you take no chip damage, your UOH was slightly faster, and have access to super.

you don't really have any real usage of meter in vanilla too, so overdrive was basically something you could always go into in every round.
Name some old ass games with delay that still gets 100+ players then, I'm curious.
And before you try, don't bother listing arena fighters please.
mmm nyo
That's a thing?
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bros? gran has an indicator now..
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mmmm zeta tummy licka
our captain is not getting any meaningful buffs is he
>relevant opinion
Pick one and only one.
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I see, that sounds like a very overwhelming mechanic. Only one character could be in OD at a time right?
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wait I'm actually pogging, one of the things I wanted for the big meaty was to add +1 special to 3 specials characters and I don't even play any of them
Until we know more, I'll assume they just made his 5U level easier to see.
Bea is not fat.
open up fightcade
post a screenshot of the home page with the games
bwo its just your u sword level.
That's just a 5U meter to make it clear on what level he is I bet.
All girls are bi.
isn't this a nerf? gran players are almost always gonna be more aware of their charge level than their opponent
why is katalina bathing with the boys...?
>All girls are bi
correct, why is kat up top
someone post Nier's dirty panties please
I highly doubt characters are getting another special move that would be a good idea and Cygames is readily allergic to those
>djeeta WILL get buffs
>her 5U WILL be useful
i'm not looking forward to it
if they are recording stuff on 1.5 due to the sword bar on gran.
someone could check nier got any kind of damage nerf by doing the same combo in that tweet and seeing if it's any different
stop grabbing me
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Rage uninstalled 3 months ago after my faggot friend fucked me up in Alpha 3. Still, last time I checked, the most popular games on fightcade had rollback, which is why I specifically asked for old games on delay that still gets 100+ players.
Zeta grabbing all over Bea seems out of character.
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Fine. I'll do it myself.
Show of hands, how many of you are still actively enjoying this game?
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uh oh...
Everybody got served a steaming turd of a fighting game who would enjoy it
Me. Hype to see the changes and the new grand bruise stage
i hate this game so much i play it every day
I was like that for a bit, but I haven't played since mid June. Fuck this game. You guys are alright tho.
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i might be a few pixels off but it seems like an actual (very very slight) damage nerf
That was me with Overwatch, no idea why I put 1.5k hrs into a game that made me seethe so much. Genji was just that cool I guess.
I have a lot of fun whenever I play. I don't play every day so that probably makes it more enjoyable but there's way more good things to enjoy than bad. People keep talking about the bad balance but it seems normal to me when you look at the other current fightans. I got into Rising coming from Strive and this game is way better than Strive.
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Yeah. As with anything competitive, it can be frustrating, but that's more about my own skill than my gripes with the game itself.
I still love Rising but I don't enjoy ranked so i don't play it as much.
if it's a scaling change, it would have a bigger impact if they did the actual optimal combo route for 2M instead of the one from the guide
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I wasn't enjoying it for a while because I was playing badly, but that's more about me than the game. If I feel like I'm playing okay then I still have lots of fun even if I'm losing.
It's night and day to Strive where I rarely enjoy my time there regardless
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It's not confirmed that this is 1.50, though
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I am.
Playing Anila is literally some of the most fun times I have ever had with a fighting game.
Some... specific matchups in this game piss me off, almost regardless of who I'm playing but that is just fighting games.
It's also not confirmed that this is the only change. Honestly, had the damage being exactly the same it would mean as much as it means right now; not a whole lot. It really is a bunch of nothing but I guess people are just bored
but hey, if it makes them more hopeful for the big meaty, I'm all for it
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Nier is not getting nerfed. She still has to balance out her 13 stocks and has a long cool down to replenish 0 stocks so it's fine.
Hitting Desu takes away one stock.
That makes Nier 50% less cancerous
It really is that simple.
hitting desu makes nier start shitting and pissing uncontrollably for 3 seconds and puts her in a counter hit state
I hate rising
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>Playing Anila is literally some of the most fun times I have ever had with a fighting game
I am of the opinion that a lot of fun in Anila comes from general aesthetics.
Throwing sheep at people, the faces she makes, her sounds, etc., because if you were to look at her kit from an entirely mechanical point of view, she isn't that ground breaking
>the writer's barely disguised fetish
All the doom posting almost got me to buy strive in the steam sale.
But I chose to believe in meaty.
its by and large the most enjoyeable fighting game that's currently supported
i have issues with the game, especially the balance but i have fun when i play more often than not
It's pretty funny how thirsty y'all are for any sort of good news.
>specific matchups
Whomst do you hate queen?
Someone had a massive amount of fun animating her. Don't play her, but still enjoy watching her just do things.
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Doomnier LOST
are you still here, buddy?
I shidded my pantsu desu, after everything I did for them I shidded and pissa'd my pantsu
Yeah, I am taking the whole thing into account: her intros are funny, her voice lines and voice acting are funny, her music is fucking perfect, and it all comes together because of the absurdity of throwing sheep at people and riding sheep and ramming them.
Just yesterday I learned that the sheep in 236U just go straight through Siegfried's projectile and will hit him if you time it properly. Absolutely ludicrous.

>Someone had a massive amount of fun animating her.
Absolutely, you can tell.
I feel like most of the characters had a lot of love put into their animations/effects/sounds. Anila is kind of a notch above thoughbeit.
Any sort of news, images and videos of Bea's reveal had everyone at the edge of their seats and look where we are today lel. This patch will change nothing since 4chan players overall are the bottom of the barrel players when it comes to fighters.
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Join the tournament

Nigga please don't.
But anyway, Vaseraga vs Lowain, Ferry vs Nier and Lucifer vs Bea are some of the most unfun experiences I have ever had playing videogames, holy fuck.
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Look at how much bea did for granblue.
and what did you do... you shidded on her!
you are talking about yourself, sir
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Yes, this is still soul - the fighting game, and it would be a shame if it gets disregarded or mismanaged for stupid reasons.
Shut up faggot.
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>4chan players overall are the bottom of the barrel players when it comes to fighters.
/gbvsg/ is unironically the best Granblue community I've come in contact with.
Say whatever you want about this place, the rest aren't much better.
>Lucifer vs Bea
What is wrong in this one? Yes I am retarded.
Honestly, that might be ME being retarded but basically, much more often than not Bea overwhelms me before I can gain momentum and reduce my own cooldowns. I have a hard time opening her up and she gets command grabs on me all day long, among other things.
>it would be a shame if it gets disregarded or mismanaged for stupid reasons.
It already has
deserved you heels wearing homo
get pegged by beaGAWDS
Ah its all good anon, I just wondered if there was some ultra specific shit to luci that made it terrible outside of the usual.
I'm hoping they adjust her command grab in the patch.
I mostly agree with but I have more positive words for 4chan players that will actually play. Most of the people that will join a room come off as ok people.
Can't wait for /gbvsg/ EU/NA tournaments to become an AWT Silver Event.
i did bwo...
>Vaseraga vs Lowain
There are people that contribute a lot to the general but don't play and there are (((people))) that are so damaging to the gen they contribute negatively BY PLAYING
You can't doompost something that already killed itself through sheer incompetence and squandered a golden opportunity after everyone gave it a fair chance
she would get compensation buffs for that
>and there are (((people)))
Negative existence here.
>he's not confident enough to wear heels

Yeah, unlike the other 2 I think this one is mostly on me. I do think Lucifer struggles in general against characters who can rush him down, but I definitely need to learn my tools better for that matchup.

That time some Lowain player kept zoning me and replenishing his life every time I got him down to like 20% life or so I nearly had an aneurysm.
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If Bea wasn't so grossly overpowered on release she would have been the best DLC release so far and all the hype would have been warranted
I am not entirely sure what point you're trying to make
>meanwhile me in December 2023
Yeah, it kind of sucks ass that the patch might not even come out in January, but at least they most likely will nerf Nier and other top tiers in February. It's a long wait, but it will be fine I'm sure.
bubs already wears 1 inch+ elevator shoes
when is he getting the heels in his bp outfit
Doomnier gave up.... it's over...
Explain? I have no idea what you are talking about.
>4chan players overall are the bottom of the barrel players when it comes to fighters.
we have a lot of good players
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Will my Mom also summon bahamut for her ssba?
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I hope she has a
>a vicious looking command grab
>more health than average
and I will main her.
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i fucking hate apples
>I'm hoping they adjust her command grab in the patch.
Jesus, she already got nerfed enough. Now people just want her to have no unique tools at all.
>”make command grab slow enough to react to”
>”make her H fireball launch so she hits combo limit faster”
You people won’t be satisfied until she’s Gran with worse buttons.
ah yes clearly the problem with this version of rising was Gran's 5U being too hard to discern
having a command grab and being above average at everything else is explicitly belials domain.
Do you have confirmation that this is the only thing they are working on?
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This took me a second because ESL but yes, same.
how about you hold your bitching horses until you see the patch notes jesus christ
obviously there will be more changes than only the meter display
there's a resident tranny that is a blight on this general
where is our saudi prince to give us a 250k tournament
It would be really funny though if that was the only change Gran got
2m is now +2 when at maximum distance
it wont be, im sure every character will get a bunch of changes, even the ones that are balanced and really dont need any.
There will be horse at EVO
I still don't know what Grans 5U actually does.
Even worse with Djeetas special button.
he was not talking about their skill level
it's basically his 4th special, he can charge it over time, or spread the charges out after cancelling into it from his normals. the reward on hit gets better the higher the charge is. it's the thing he fishes for frame trapping with when he has you in the corner because at higher levels it has invul and causes wall bounces on regular hit
You don't play the game, fuck off
>horse hater is back
>have higher level U
>get an hit into boot in the corner
>go for the usual combo
>5U bounces them out of the corner
this happened more times than I'd like to admit
I play everyday
granblue? fantasy? versus....

Did they fix the game yet
Nier is getting a 0.5% damage nerf, the game is saved.
I like horses, that nigger doesn't like Rising, he can fuck right off
Everyone should have at least 4 specials and 2 alternative specials. 3 fixed specials like Katalina are basically a cruel parody of a shell of a character.
katalina players be like "oooh this mcdonalds sprite is spicy"
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Horsposters are always welcome.
both characters could activate OD at any time as long as they had 100 meter.
Once in OD you only lost it after:
-being hit 3 times
-using super
-od ending naturally when your meter depleted.

if both players went into OD then chip was entirely removed from the game until someone got opened up 3 times
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is there a cooler in there because they're dinner?
Shroedinger's cat is in there
Every time.
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How the fuck did you time that reply with me getting home? lol I'm really not sure how I would feel about OD coming back. Something about dealing with a mechanic like that every round seems like it would get a bit tiring. Then again I liked V triggers in SFV.
V-Triggers were fun
nobody likes OD.
I also just got home
the most egregious aspect was that almost everyone had a true setup leading into a meaty OD and the activation dealt damage/guard crushed meaning they couldn't punish you for doing it. imagine just being checkmated in corner by an opponent poking you with safe chip normals that could also just hit confirm into super whenever for the round.
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djeeta does just fine with 3 specials, kat and gran just need a couple buffs and the top tiers nerfed

doing well with kat gives you an amazing feelings, you're fighting all these characters with bullshit gimmicks and overpowered tools with extremely conventional tools.
I dunno why but I find her painfully hot outside that armor. She is straight up gorgeous in that alt costume in Rising too. I wanna come back to playing her some time but I admittedly find her plain.

Wait was it the kind of guard crush that knocked them on their ass for a free hit or was it the extremely long block stun kind of guard crush?
(You) are not immune to hot lady knight
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you right
I NEED Vira to sit on my face and berate me.
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Oh I know. Her swimsuit did me in when I started the gacha forever ago.
sorry says here you're getting zooey.
Nyo... Zoi is not for degeneracy...
I dont make the rules, you are getting face sitting and extremely awkward attempts at social interaction.
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You know what... that's an absolute win either way desu

Is this a good doujin?
Can't hear those social attempts at interaction if I'm under Zooey's cheeks
There is no good Zooey doujin, it's all NTR shit because shes with people who aren't me.
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Saturday July 27 @6pm EST Anon Arena will be hosting a GBVSR tournament! All are welcome.


If you have questions feel free to ask.
wtf two tourney
the legendary global tournament...
So who do you guys think the EVO reveal is gonna be?
Seofon for sure.
>Global tournament
Are you retarded? Also take off your trips.
Either mom or rat
I want rat because I need to see a bunch of murricans lose their shit over a 14 year old rat with exposed tummy shaking her ass
but I also want mom because I want to play her
Mom is kicking off S2 for the story update.
The Eternals are in rotation leading up to EVO. It's Seofon.
Do I win a golden golshi if I win this shitshow?
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Imagine if we had gotten Mai instead of Dix.
She would look PERFECT in this game's visual style, but instead she is going to get RE Engine'd...
When they want to make characters pretty they can, and there's no fucking way SNK's Saudi overlords are letting them make Mai anything but a 10/10.
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I mean, I guess... Wilds is going to be a piece of shit nu-MH but that, new handler girl or whatever looks good, it's true.
>I want rat because I need to see a bunch of murricans lose their shit over a 14 year old rat with exposed tummy shaking her ass
We've needed some advertising but this... might not be the kind of publicity that's good for the game.
Another curveball like 2B
What's the worst that could happen?
its the best actually
long block stun kind
you were like +30 on activation
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Here's your new guest character, bro
please Sarasa
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>global tournament
post it
My wishlist for the patch:
* Nerf Nier
* Buffs and nerfs among other characters should work out so that Bea’s position on the tier lost doesn’t drop.
That’s all I want, the rest doesn’t matter.
We need more men
What's the point of this 6 months later into the game's life span?
FKHR please...
Hope you guys enjoy it.

It'll be fun.

It's a name not a trip. Also global tournament would be fun.


Post what?

Of a tournament? Because it's fun.
I'm willing to accept the kamen rider guy but you need to put in at least 3 cute girls.
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i cant find it
What stupid goddamn question.
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what are the kats doing?
they're in heat.
Going on a roadtrip with the boys tomorrow and I’m making a playlist of Granblue songs to play in the car.
I think I’ll leave out Vikala’s theme.
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>frog croaking noises
The sound effects guy really got some mileage out of those frog noises huh
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Remember when they nerfed bea's damage?
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Why does Bea get a buff for getting her shit kicked in?
it's canon
Why is it even possible to knockout Vaseraga then?
it's pretend fights between friends
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Well I wish Bea would pretend to not get delta clock.
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Bea delta cock...
these society fellers keep causing problems huh
the big meaty......
Be honest everyone, you just want this "big meaty" hoping your favorite character will become the next prepatch Beatrix even though you spent weeks asking for her nerf which eventually happened. Just admit, literally just admit you want to win matches easily. Just come clean and be honest that winning feels good and it's normal to want a S++ character.
I see your point but... nyo
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it's over
i can't play bubs anymore
Yes, but I also want Nier and Six players to suffer.
You could always go all the way up to 999 and just pretend it's the same number, upside down...
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>no discount during the Steam summer sale
>40% off on PS
What the fuck are these retards even doing?
Guess PlayStation is the main platform...
Is there information on console player numbers?
Steam is having a fighting game sale during EVO
I assume SOMEONE has it but I don't know, honestly.
Based on pure anecdotal evidence from my own matches I've always imagined there is a slightly bigger amount of people playing on PS than on Steam.
Steamdb says July, but the image itself says August. If it is July, it would coincide with the PS store sale.
Tekken better go on an actual decent sale. Not buying that slop for more than 35 bucks.
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I'm not buying it at all until she gets announced.
evo is usually in august, so that is probably why
evo this year is unusually early
Sony ruined EVO
No I want a legitimate and balanced fighting game not a disgraceful mockery that burned all the bridges and likely future endeavors after this EVO
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Make sure to buy Under Night during the sale everyone! You were all berry berry nasty to us day 1 but we'll take new players!!!! Yay!
I already played undernight and undernight 2 isn't actually a sequel, it's just another title update
Good advertisement, very cute. I will consider the purchase if the discount is significant.
Under Night 2 deserved to die for launching as it did shit didn't even have an application symbol fuck outta here
That girl with the giant gauntlets is cute but I'm not sure if she alone warrants buying a full game...
Rising is still one of the best contemporary fighting games to play despite the doomposts
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She's super genki. Take a look at a few vids of her
Rising is ironically the best supported and presented current fighting game but also thoroughly failed as a fighting game
I wanted to buy it on launch but decided not to after that shitshow and now it's too late to get it since there are barely any players.
It's a fun friend game. Same with Samsho. Don't need to put hundreds of hours in to enjoy it.
Look at how flat she is goddamn that's hot
that goes to show how important a launch is
rising had it good but nier stayed way too strong for too long
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flat, tummy, pear shape
I wish she wasn't in under night
this but Eliza instead
except i'm not buying it, just fapping to her rule 34
>It's a fun friend game
Sure, but all of my friends only play Tekken and the few EU players that are still online would wipe the floor with me.
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does granblue have any flat pearshaped fertility goddesses
Cag sorta (but not really)
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Probably one of the Harvin girls
>prepatch Beatrix
>implying there's a difference now
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shes mid tier now
Insane image
I need to EAT this pear.
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What the FUCK is this?
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I would join but i am cursed to work saturdays
Hit 2 i think was the name some nexon game
I would've liked to but I'm cursed to work on Sundays.
Doctor I think my penis is swollen I need you to inspect it
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Bea is cute.
Balance is fine outside of N*er and S*eg.
Game is fun and will only get better after evo.
What about Seox?
What about Cag?
What about Grimnir?
Cag is obnoxious as shit but she really is no Nier/Sieg/Six
Wrong. It's her players that suck, evidenced by the fact they all tried to switch to other top tiers and not a single one managed to make it work.
There's like 5-7 characters minimum that need to be kneecapped what is bruv even saying
nerf them all yessir. belial deserves to be number 1 again!
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its always Seox Seig Nier and a 4th wildcard character in this thread is grimnir that crazy?
he's belial/djeeta level not nier/sieg level
Cag and Grimnir are better than Seox and Sieg, they just have shit playerbases who can't fathom playing defense without a meterless reversal so they mash BC and lose half the time for it when their fraud offense gets blocked. Not quite Nier level though.
dont not reply to me with that nonsense
nier sieg > seox belial > djeeta lance > zeta bea cag > 2B grimnir
Living in denial isn't healthy
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I would be delighted if this resulted in a Zeta mirror somehow.
Never gonna happen.
lance is top 3
bea is top 3
I fucking HATE Beatrix
But I still want to eat her ass donut.
belialGAWDs, we deserve to be top 1
Cag and Grimnir are both dumb and have insane f. Hs but they're nowhere near Six and Sieg level.
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lmao, no. I want a more tightly balanced game. Just because you wanted your FRAUDrix to be left alone, doesn't mean everyone is as much of a bitch as you are. Faggot.
My flatulent neechang…
I used to constantly ask for them to remove mash-to-tech and make throws better, but now that I play Bea, I hope everyone else’s throws stay crappy because her only selling point right now is being the only character with a throw that actually works.
delay 2l
You definitely shouldn't be able top tech with M+H, and I say this as someone who accidentally techs throws while trying to BC quite often.
>being the only character with a throw that actually works.
What is the difference between her command grab and Ladiva's or Vaseraga's?
You can say it about Ladiva too.
All of Vas’s command throws have lots of startup.
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>no new bars in today's combo
>12f startup
those characters sacrifice something for their command grabs.
Uno doesn't get a guaranteed punish on parrying 2H antiair?
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how he gonna eat all dat
goenitz cancelled 2H into spot dodge, otherwise jubim's j.M would have punished it
jubim probably could have punished the spot dodge after landing but wasn't fast enough
alpha male sigma grindset hypno..
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thank you
im crying
Bread noooooooo
ult skills shouldnt chip
how is she so powerful
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Is there any option to keep the audio playing while tabbed out for this game?
The portuguese combo visionary...
Go to C:\Users\"YourComputerName"\AppData\Local\GBVS\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
Open Engine.ini and add this to the file:
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this is the end...
1 active frame lmao
Of course you dodged the pink square S+ next door to shark some newcutie instead
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hankering for some golshi bread right about now
my oven broke
nyes i do that all the time..?
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>s rank lowain top 8ing
Anyone has a link to the frameviewer mod? The SF6 thingy
it's the same mod as the hitbox viewer
why is uno blue
Oh, this one?
omg anon you can't ask people that
smurf cosplay
uuuuhmmm bro? can you not?
Grim is so fucked up
I agree brother, death to blueys. damn blueberrys taking our jobs, their only job should be a counter weight for the noose industry
issa mid tier
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