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Goddesses Edition

Previous: >>483875142

Upcoming Compile Heart games and release dates:
Neptunia Riders VS Dogoos localization (2025)
Touhou Spell Carnival localization (2024)
Neptunia GameMaker R:Evolution (Sometime in 2024) - Xbox Series
Death end re;Quest Code:Zion (9/19/2024) - PS4/PS5/Switch - Localization coming 2025
Todokero! Tatakae! Calamity Angels (Summer 2024) - PS4/PS5/Switch/PC
Untitled M2 Shoot'em Up (2024) - PS4/PS5/Switch
Madou Monogatari 4 (Summer 2024) - PS4/PS5/Switch
DATE A LIVE: Ren Dystopia (2024 TBD) - Steam

>Hyperdimension Neptunia Downloads (Skins, Artbooks, Manga, Guides, Soundtracks, etc.):

>Folder containing all the 4koma and Nepnokai raws:
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I love my wife Neptune!
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I love Blanc.
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I love Red Riding Hood
I love my wife MarvelousAQL!
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I love my wife Uni and I think she should wear tights a little more often!
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I love my goddess Vert!
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Nepgear, my goddess!
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Rei, my goddess!
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Based Nepfags!!
I hope Tloufaggot is seething!
Lovey dovey Vert.
*plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap*
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Actual OP pic
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IF general.
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Actual OP pic
Who is that OC who isn't a nep at all?
Cute iffys but don’t be too annoying
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The first among my many waifus!
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What if Blanc in tights?
IF is a bully goddess
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Blanc should wear white tights like her sisters.
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This is a very cute and soft Blanny. I want to cuddle. Saved.
Hahaha what the fuck.
This is the kind of random shit I like.
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My waifu's best feature, apart from her tasty tits, is those mesmerizing eyes.
I need some evidence of these "tasty tits".
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Tasty evidence.
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Neps in unfitting cosplays
So is the new game any goo--ahahahha of course not, this franchise is fucked.
Compile Heart general. Your OP lost.

IF is neither a bully or a goddess. You should kill yourself.
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This is really otome-ish
It's right there in the branding. Also, not a Compile Heart game. No one here really cares about otome shit anyways.
im not in fujos
Wait it's note? But it was in the Idea Factory channel
Technically it's yumes.
Not every Idea Factory game is a Compile Heart game.
Here's a promo video for Madou Monogatari
it looks good for a ch game, but im not really into monogatari. not sure how are oldfags gonna get into this if its not their arle? she's like the marth of that game
Looks good, but I'm concerned it's ARPG. I thought it will be DRPG, but I'm willing to give them benefit of the doubt since it's made by Sting. School segments looks fun though.
Shame about lack of Arle, but there is chance it just Sega being stingy since copyright laws in Japan are beyond retarded.
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>Vert invites you to come party at her place
>You gladly accept the invite because only a fool would say no
>The Leanbox goddess is happy to have company like you since she spends so much time indoors, consuming yaoi content, gaming, and has no sister to spend time with
>As she takes you on a tour of her gaming pad, you notice that she owns multiple OG XBOX consoles
>Lady Vert says that each she tailored each one for specific purposes, but one unit in particular has seen little use as of recently
>The unit in question was turned into a karaoke machine thanks to the HDD being filled with music data and XBOX Music Mixer
>All along, Vert invited you to come perform duets with her
Which songs would you and Vert sing?
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linkin park
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Speaking of Linkin Park, I bought a pre-owned OG XBOX that has all of Hybrid Theory and Meteora stored on the hard drive. Spent one day listening to both and they are amazing even to this day. Btw, my song pick is Evanescence's Fallen, which is also a great album.
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Orion by Metallica.
Good morning sirs
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This is IF saying good morning to me cuz my POV btw
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Cute tsun
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Love this QT
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Cute bully
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Histoire was kind of a cunt here so gonna give her credits too
She also modified IF's bike without her permission and got away with it
Histoire is cute so it's okay.
And she's a nep, unlike Marvy.
>Nepbike has the ability to speak
Just got an idea: Take any scene from any visual medium (movies, games, tv, etc) that has motorbikes in it but replace them with Nepbike. What changes?
She's cute but she's pathetic because she can't get Neptune to do her job and just lets her get away with not only Neptune being lazy, but dragging Nepgear into being her personal maid so neither of them can't get any work done. Of course Nepgear is a siscon and can't say no to her sister, she's also a huge nerd and a crybaby can't believe that girl stole IF's first kiss to be honest. In SeHa she had a fanclub of simps but even they realized Nepgear is a dork.
Yeah, Marvy's pathetic. I'm not even going to debate that.
Yeah she couldn't even make it into the Senran crossover? That's hilarious actually
Shadow the Hedgehog but whenever Shadow rides a Nepbike, she makes snarky comments about his amnesia and his quest to find the "truth" when all he needs to do is speak with Rouge for answers and not trust some cracker like Black Doom until Shadow chooses to either abandon Nepbike or Nepbike screams in horror when her vehicle health is depleted.
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>recent Neptunia games have action-based combat
>upcoming DERQ will have action combat as well
>Touhou game has some strange action/turn hybrid combat
>Madou Monogatari will have action combat as well
>and other two games planned for 2025 most likely will have action combat as well
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate action games. But I want some turn-based kino.
My guess is that Compa saw all the big turn based franchises going real time action and decided that the best way to act would be to follow the trend rather than being one of the few turn based games and serving that niche market.
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>So mindbroken by Marvy he's conversing with himself about her
Literally, unironically schizo
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Compa is retarded. Just like you said, all big franchises are going action slop now, so Compa should take advantage of that to exploit the turn-based combat niche market. Now that the industry is under a crisis the safest path is to cater to specific niches imo.
Also, due to the lack of turn-based games I feel there might be a high demand for the genre in some years.

Based turn-based appreciator.

Also based!
>nepgen Sven coop
could we finish the game?
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Can Nepgear come out and play? I promise I'll be very gentle with her after I finish licking her body from top-to-bottom
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Page IF
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Page Megami
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Compa and Hibari are cute
Hibari growing big and crushing people with her butt has been a disastrous for my interests in women.
That an the leg warmer/socks things, for some reason I like those these day too.
I miss the era of Senran/Neptunia. Eroges and ecchi anime had more soul back then than the ecchi zoomer slop we have now.
There is no such thing as “Flame Heart” and IF will never be a goddess.
What’s the lore on flame awakening? Why can if do that
It’s a special jobber power that allows her to job three times as fast as a normal iffy. She has it because she can’t be a goddess.
Nothing really. The only thing we can infer is being the main character enhanced her chunnibyou powers, allowing her to transform into a stronger form (it's not an official explantion, but it's keeping in kayfabe).
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>job three times as fast as a normal iffy.
How do you job 3 times faster than instantly lmao
By jobbing before the fight even starts.
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ngl that's some impressive jobbing
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>That an the leg warmer/socks things, for some reason I like those these day too.
They do seem to keep showing up on good characters
He's like one of those dudes who show good technical skill but their art lacks any appeal whatsoever. Exactly the kind of artist who already got replaced by AI
Look at you seething over actual talent because you’re mad that your drawings are shit and cringe. You should kill yourself.
I don't spam my drawings and I know their bad, anyway the point of drawfags is that they draw something for the thread and they also do requests. This dude does neither so why does he keep avatarfagging with his stuff that no one but him likes ITT. He's a fetish artist, those low tier artists whose art is complete garbage but only have a followers because of the fetish they draw. Imagine having fans because you draw diapershit or voreshit. That's Alloyrabbit but with his giant shit. Even though he's technically skilled his shit has 0 charm for normal people who like anime, especially Neptunia fans. Look at this shit for example >>485630646
a dumb stupid face that got drawn in minutes but got saved and keeps getting reposted because of its appeal. Alloyrabbit's art lacks anything like it. You and me know I am right
Also it's kind of interesting because if you look at his stuff uploaded on Danbooru, most if not all of the stuff about him there lacks any of the giantshit he usually draws. Just get the clue already and drop that shit and draw like a normal anime artist. It worked for the Nagatoro artist who dropped his shit fetishes and became sucessful in the end
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It's seething
That's lame, who cares about the masses? Normalfag appeasement shit is what got us into this goyslop saga.
You triggered him, lol. He's seething like a jealous basic bitch.
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All that text and two posts just to say "yes, I am constantly seething that this artist is better than me in every way and won't draw my headcanons."
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>they draw something for the thread and they also do requests. This dude does neither
I mostly just use my stuff to bump the thread, but a fair number of the neps I've drawn have been directly inspired by posts here, and a few of those have more or less been requests.

>0 charm
What are some other examples of pictures you consider to have charm?

If I were looking for that kind of success, I probably would do exactly that. But I draw for the fun of it.
I hate that guy's art, but I can't help but somehow respect him.
He knows what he likes, and he has absolutely no shame in drawing what he likes.
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I can't sleep.
Blanc's ass.
>page nep
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>Uni represents the PSP
>Early PSP models were big and had a fat rear-end
Only a plebian would buy the unergonomic slim model.
If one twin is younger than the other, is one the original model while the other is the XL?
Uni the cutest sister!
I like your pictures and respect your dedication. I'm not into giantess really but I think they're well done and I like the way you draw girls.
>But I draw for the fun of it.
Yeah I can tell. I checked your stuff and you've been doing this for over 12 years and you still can't draw a head correctly even though you have good perspective skills (3D software aided most likely) All your stuff looks unfinished, sketchy, etc. Yeah drawing takes a long of time to do and you probably get bored in the middle of a piece.
You have no intentions of improving
Your anime style is horrendous
Your colors are unappealing
Your art has no charm
Your porn isn't even arousing, the lineart is your naked bodies is vomit inducing
Your stuff ain't good, but it can be good, but of course you wanna do your thing so whatever. Just know your drawings are garbage b-b-b-ut I respect "your dedication"
nta. plus, its all the same shit. fetish shit.
cant you draw something with SOVL?
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even nanameda improved from being a disgaea clone. i wish you would improve. that take our critism too hard.
*please dont take our critisism too hard, we just want you to improve
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from MS, derq, DSV, neps, nanameda did improve a lot
Nobody cares about your lesbian artist bruv, he will never ever become main nep artist.
He’s not gonna draw your shitty headcanons lol
we dont really care who the faggot draws, we only pointing out his drawing lacks SOVL. maybe he needs to mix it up because he's drawing is stale.
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And it's kind of interesting because he drew the bully goddesses two years ago and it looks like he could of done it yesterday. That's how "far" his "dedication" took him in all of this time.
>bully goddess
those look like bully trannies
Nah you just need to stop seething about your betters and kill yourself. IF will never be a bully or a goddess btw.
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Honestly don't know why you keep posting the shop'd version.
Constructive feedback isn't your strong suit is it?
Now I'm not not Alloy, but I do enjoy his work.
I find the way he draws his expressions quite fun and would say he's good at grayscale images.
Now when he colors is at vibrant as others, say zenkisu? no. Does it need to be? Not really, detail is only as important as it serves a purpose.
I personally prefer a level of consistency to someone trying to reinvent themselves every time.
I've seen artists burn out and stop all together or just ruin their unique style completely chasing unnecessary improvement.

If you want him to improve maybe him a fun challenge, accounting for his tastes to lower the barrier to get started.
If I want to say to him to try some more vibrant colors I'd suggest he tries something like:
Drawing a giant Nep, maybe nepgear, standing on a plaza next to a skyscraper in a neon cyberpunck city at night, have the billboards/advertisements/ other lights illuminate her skin differently from different angles. Depending on the detail he feels like doing he could even make the billboards little jokes in of themselves.
Of course he's free to do whatever he likes, he doesn't need to care for or about random people on the internet.
Nepgear working on a Nepgeardam that is her size would be kinda funny
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I keep writing posts and then deleting them because I think they're stupid.
Wake up sleepy neps
It's 5 am.
Perfect time to wake up.
understandable desu
I miss Spankfag
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Take me with you
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Can't wake up
I posted the real version bruv
Your shitty edit is not the real version and you will never convince anyone it is. Kill yourself.
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Thanks for all the feedback, positive and negative alike. I've been feeling for a while like something was missing, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I kept trying to approach it from a technical angle, but the idea of the problem being a lack of soul (especially for the last few years) kinda resonates with me. I'm not sure how to fix that, but it gives me something to chew on. Gotta figure out how to put more "art" in my art, basically. Also I don't use 3D software to aid anything

Anyway this is nepgen, not alloygen, post more neps you should draw them, too
If you want a cheat code for improvement, here's one
-draw 10 nepu abuse pics
-draw 10 POV low angle bully IF pics
-draw 10 Segami
After that you're art will be 70% better.
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Some Flame Sister action poses would be cute too
No one wants to draw your shitty headcanons.

There’s no such thing as “Flame Sister”, you should kill yourself.
Are you literally retarded?
It's literally normal nep art that he should be doing instead of pandering to his Devianart audience that obviously doesn't browse here?
So you are retarded, got it.
Your headcanons and fetishes are not “literally normal art.” Seriously, you should kill yourself. Not a single soul would miss you.
From the /d/ /size/ thread that does browse here, I thank you for doing nep size art.
From the /d/ spanking fag that does browse here: ...meh.
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Talking about art, is Spleeny using AI art now? These look very sus
Also why would you even become an artist if you wanna replicate another artist up to the minimum detail? Spleeny and Lewdkuma seem like their endgoal is just to be Tsunako. Waste of talent honestly
come on anon, tsunako art is good
Spleeny has dead for like 2 years.
And she was drawing like this already before AI art was a thing.
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I love you full homo and I promise to draw a nep some day maybe probably I'm drunk.
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>I don't use 3D software to aid anything
You should. I do.
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If you want actual advice, then consider visiting /ic/
There might some falseflaggers, but there are also some people which will give you an genuine advice and critique as long you are not a dickhead.
Does /ic/ offer advice on injecting sovl into art?
Something something,long live the giant neps in /nep__gen/.
>page nep
Wake up, sleepy neps, it's not even dark yet
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Boy this censor makes this weirder than it should be
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Lick neps
Yeah as if Dogoo would bother licking the mainline killer.
full dive lick VR cannot come soon enough.
Step on Dogoos
Yeah I could have gone all day without seeing that trash
Do not step on neps
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Let's post something nice for once
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It's Friday night!
Let's have sex with Tamsoft!~
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These two bitches need to be in charge of Planeptune
>page nep
Why does Nepgear have her Dpad on her forehead. Come on bruv
Plutia does not have any daughters. Your headcanons will never come true.

Neither of them are worthy to rule. You should kill yourself.
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>tloufag has no concept of perspective
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Neps keep trying to fall off the board.
What does it mean?
More ragebait is needed
>Likes to sleep all day and be lazy when awake
>Always high because being sober is for losers
>Enjoys dishing out pain to others when provoked or agitated
>Plushie lover
How does one obtain a Plutia gf?
You don't obtain a Plutia. Plutia obtans you.
By not being a newfag.
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>watched the anime
>now know she loves self insert slop
She has shit taste in /lit/ and writes nothing but trashy romance while acting like the most dignified of the CPUs. She's perfect.
>self insert slop
This is why yuri is better, desu.
I might fall into the Blanc faction at this rate…
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Quick! Somebody post Marvy!
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Hello there, Spankfag. How is your Saturday going?
Tired. Sleeping.
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Enjoy your sleep.
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Yeah she deserves to suffer for killing the mainline and for having a spinoff with 5 hours of content sold for $40. Do you'reselves a favor and don't buy her game, buy 20 copies of SeHa instead and gift them on /v/ (create a nep thread and halfway through start gifting them to anons) A normal playthrough of SeHa is between 14-16 hours.
It's confirmed to be AI by another artists. It's funny too because they're dead scared of calling her out in public, and none of the comments in her stuff point out the obvious AI. If her stuff didn't get any likes no one will care but the huge numbers make the other artists seethe, it's top tier comedy
If I ever become a famous artist I'm 100% pretending to be a woman because of this.
The pics are good but looks way too similar to Tsunako. Like it's %100 her. If you see art of the Tsunako copycats in the official nep games you will notice a lot of things look "off" but Spleeny publishes what is literally just Tsunako AI art and touches it up a bit. Spleeny is just some rich and married german woman so of course she doesn't care about art as much as a third worlder chasing the american dollar with commissions so this much is expected. Also she's a woman.
holy fuck the purple heart one in >>485770963
is egregious. The most the spleenster probably has done is fix the eyes.
These are even uploaded to danbooru, where it's even more obvious that there's an error at the bottom of the images of purple heart and noire.
if i still had my login to danboru I'd flag them for being AI art.
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3D women were a mistake
No one cares about ShitHa. Your headcanons will never be accepted as fact. You should kill yourself.
I flagged the Purple Heart one. If it works, I'll try to flag the others, but I doubt it'll work.
>the eyes
>the dogoo's :3
>the elbow
Yeah that's just an entirely different "brush" from the rest of the image lol
Spleeny won
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t. simp that gave his entire neetbux check to a 3DPD
Spleeny is the reason Weresdrim retired
They refuse to delete it. Apparently it's all explained.
Neptune will keep you awake.
>human nep
oh no it's an evil clone i have to g
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Off-model fanart is cringe to be honest. I understand paedos in denial who draw Pokemon girls with huge breasts and hips but still childfaced doing it but neps are not loli
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No one asked for your opinion, creature
No one cares about your shit takes. Kill yourself.
You didn't need to reply twice, but back during the stone age
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Segami Sunday tomorrow
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Can't sleep.
Neptune's ass this time.
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>Blanc has pokemon. Like a lot of them. So do Ram and Rom.
>Vert has some too because she wants to play Blanc's rival
>Neptune never actually catches any, but keeps winding up with them through silly main-character plot device circumstances
>Noire, despite her best efforts, has no Pals
Also bump
Needs spankings.
Blanc should really get off her lazy ass and release the Rebirth trilogy.
You will never get this general to accept shitgami sunday. You should stop trying to make that a thing and just kill yourself instead.
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Anyone have a good HDN true ending guide?
Segami Sunday is about as over (popular or accepted depending on the context) as a boyband at an idol concert.

Luckily, the Candidates were there otherwise 5pb. would have had to retire AND she wouldn't have been able to get married.
I'm the one who hosts Segami Sunday so it's not like it's up to you if it happens or not anyway.
You don’t run this general and you will never get it to accept shitgami sunday. Kill yourself.
No one accepted Spankfag at first and look at him now.
At least Segami is a nep
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Don't pull me in your fight. I already had to deal with that piece of shit Ghostroach using me as a shield, I'm not doing it again.
Cope. No one likes you or shitgami. You should just kill yourself.
IF is a goddess.
IF is not a goddess.
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Aiefu-chan wa megami janai.
IF will never be a goddess.
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Segami is a non-canon OC btw, but at least she gives great head!
Segami is a nep at least and SeHa is canon. Segami visited the Hyperdimension and your Senran dyke waifu only shows up if you buy the DLC.
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>Segami visited the Hyperdimension
Unlike my wife, 4komas aren't canon.
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You only say that because Marvy was never in a 4koma that's how irrelevant she is
Don't click it it's a picture of the dead shooter
ShitHa and shitgami will never be canon. Marvy was main game in RB1 and RB2 btw. Your headcanons will never come true.
You will never be a real goddess. You have no shares, you have no CPU form, you have no nation. You're a maker twisted by headcanon and bad art into a mockery of Tsunako's perfection.
Someone didn't play RB1 and 2. If you did you would know she's not DLC in those games. Hell, you need her to get the True Ending in RB2.

>You will never be a real goddess. You have no shares, you have no CPU form, you have no nation. You're a maker twisted by headcanon and bad art into a mockery of Tsunako's perfection.
You mean like IF? Hell, that last part is especially true given how you constantly call IF a bully and a bitch when she's neither (maybe the latter but that's more down to her being relatively hard-nosed)
>You mean like IF?
When will we get doujins of IF getting tentacle raped like the other cpus
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>the other CPUs
She's not a CPU you baka.
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I know she isn’t. I just meant I want a doujin premise with what happened to the cpus but it’s on if
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Mandatory tsunday post.
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DERQ:Z chibis reveal
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Absolute cute
Where's Bocchi?
We did get one
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Why is Iffy such a slut?
She's a heretic. Sleeping left and right is the only way she can avoid getting executed.
In an aquarium with Noire
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In the next room over, having sex with my wife
I'm happy that you enjoy your original character, Anon! But maybe /nepgen/ isn't the best place to share characters that aren't neps, mmmm?
Don't be mortified, it's a rookie mistake, just be careful not to do it again, mmm?
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>wah wah wah
fuck off faggot
meant for >>486019863
Based Origami!
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Segami Sunday!
Segami is the protagonist of Nep vs Sega Hard Girls and she's a huge bitch! Also IF's bully partner in the game
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Segami is kind of a crybaby herself and wants to to do everything her own way which usually includes high impact 2x4 violence, thankfully IF was there to stop her from killing anyone.
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Oh no, xe's been triggered and xe's posting Shitgami!
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Fun fact: the nickname "crapbike" was invented by IF but adopted by Segami
IF always comes up with cruel nicknames like "Underling" because she has bully tendencies
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SeHa was such a big hit in Japan in 2015, the anime Konosuba, which aired in 2016 had a character based on her.
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I mean based on Segami, kind of forgot to write her name there.
I think nobody cares about Aqua, otakus only like Megumin.
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"Otakus" is not a real world.
Just like "doujins"
You can just use "otaku" for both singular and plural.
And Megumi is considered paedo-bait so Aqua was always more popular among otaku.
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Game crashed.
Noire's ass.
Cute gal pals!
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Segami called IF a bitch once. It didn't go well
Socks with fingers look disgusting.
You call those toes, my Latinx friend.
Konosuba predates ShitHa by years. ShitHa flopped. You should kill yourself.
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Stop posting Segami, she is an ugly whore.
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Segami is actually a single mom
So she is a whore who got pumped and dumped?
My ESL has been found. It's over!
I lost all my shares in anonecoins.
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By me, yes
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I should clarify that "pumped and dumped" is somewhat inaccurate. She keeps coming back for more LMAO
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Nepgear is a slut (compliment)
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There's still time for more Segami in her day
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Bully bitch master
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The best hammer user in the franchise
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The crapbike's worst nightmare
Needs spankings.
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Shrunk by neps
shitgami doesn’t have a day. You’re just spamming an unwanted whore. You should kill yourself.
Yandere Noire that will not allow you to leave Lastation under any circumstances.
So normal Noire?
>Silly Anon, why do you want to leave Lastation? There are monsters out there, they will devour you alive, you can't even hold a sword, just stay in Lastation, I'll protect you.
>R-Roads to Leanbox? W-Why do you even want to go to Leanbox? Whatever they have, I have better! I mean, Lastation has better!
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PS3 make the best games
>pictured: the pee ess quadroople
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>here comes the tranny monday poster
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>arata knock her up
>arisu divorce
she's not gay!!!
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Hey, Uni Monday is somewhat over around here unlike Segami Sunday which isn't over because the guy who hosts it has massive go-away heat.
both are tranny shit
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I have many questions
Firstly what's the sudden increase in talk about artists for? And how do I find these users? Twitters search function sucks
Then, I wanna know why people are suddenly calling Uni Monday tranny trash, were they outed as one somehow??
Idk about the question about artists, but the tranny thing is just one guy. One guy that Uni Monday managed to get over.
Why do artists still draw neps anyway? Wouldn't they have more scuess drawing Blue Archive or stuff like that?
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I don't know, I just live here.
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>that day during the pandemic I had to sell my PSP 3000 in order to pay rent
Forgive me Uni-chan
Shit I'm sorry dude.
That's ok. I use a Vita for PSP games now.
You can fast forward PS1 games
The batteries in the Vita won't explode
The screen is better
You can map controls to the touch screen
Vita's battery lasts twice as long when playing PSP games we're talking about 7-8 hour battery life compared to the 3 and half I used to get on my PSP 3000 and if you underclock it it lasts even longer
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>Firstly what's the sudden increase in talk about artists for?
Not enough fresh nep stuff to talk about

>And how do I find these users?
Spleeny https://twitter.com/spleeny__
LewdKuma https://x.com/l_kuma94
Weresdrim https://twitter.com/weresdrim_
AlloyRabbit https://twitter.com/alloyrabbit
I might have missed one, but here are the artists I saw mentioned in this thread
Alloyrabbit's profile is super cringe
Dude has more followers than all of those other 3 artists you linked combined, still needs to attention whore here where there's only like 10 unique posters
Not only is he a paedo but also a furry
That's a yikes for me
>page nep
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There's someone who posts here or used to post here (idk) that commissions a lot of pictures of Uni. Many of these pictures have her with short hair, some really short and there's even one of her bald. They're not trans-related just fetishism. They don't get the warmest reception.
These pictures used to get a lot of replies when posted so someone started spamming them every week while posting like an annoying tranny, calling other people 'xisters' and so on. This was annoying.
That's all there is to it.
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Uni very cute
And very lewd.
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Oral sex from Uni!
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Uni's wetsuit is wonderful.
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Having a wild menage a trois with the Slutstation goddesses!
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Why are those sisters like that
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Why do you think Laststation has the most shares?
Nepgear is a bad influence on them
Nepgear is a pure and good girl. Delete this slanderous post immediately or you'll be hearing from my attorney.
She's a siscon dork who stole IF's first kiss
It was IF that took hers. You simp a dyke.
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Increase nep
Please expand on this
more like expanding Iffy's holes
Forced to marry Noire.
Serious, non-shitopost answer:In RB2/Mk2, IF\Compa\Nepgear were exploring the dungeon looking for the Planeptune mascot when Underling (or Linda if you want to get real names about this) ambushed them and took out IF and Compa. Nepgear couldn't transform because she was still relatively weak so IF gave Nepgear a kiss on the lips and she transformed (shares don't usually don't work that way but they do here because the plot demands it).
>Underling (or Linda if you want to get real names about this) ambushed them and took out IF and Compa.
It was actually the other way around. They tried to ambush Linda, and she beat the shit out of them for their trouble.

I think it's less that IF gave any shares to Nepgear and more that she just shocked her into transforming. Nepgear wasn't expecting a kiss, and it made her forget about all the self doubt that and anxiety that kept her from transforming.
I mean, how would you react if a heretic that everyone hates and that even your sister barely tolerates around dared to kiss you?
Is she ever a heretic in the Hyperdimension? IF worships Neptune just fine and she definitely met Nep before the events of RB2/mk2
oh shit, someone that actually played the game
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Apologize to uni and noire now
This gives me more reasons to skip their next console so I'm actually happy.
Never. They're still censoring games. Yuuna has MORE censorship on Playstation, and we still don't know if Clanpool will be censored at all.
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Where is this false version coming from? The switch version is literally the worst one out of all three, It's literally missing voice lines unlike the PS5 and Steam versions, no one played these games and it fucking shows
There is so much coping from nintengaf its insane, I'm mad about it myself but I'm not delusional over it at least, nintendo started cracking down on ecchi shit after mugen souls z
So how come it's the playstation version of Princess Maker 2 getting censored and not the Switch version?
My friend and I are assuming nintendo is going after sexual mini games where you can touch the characters, I don't think they're against sexualization itself, I've been worried abit about the rebirth trilogy delayed, but that probably licensing issues, the games should be fine, nintendo even approved of them to be on the eshop before taking them down
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I think her skirt does not really come off like this.
How is FFF refrain chord? Was it censored? I enjoyed looking at Tiara's panties in the last game.
>My friend and I are assuming
Maybe you should stop making assumptions, especially when those assumptions are based off of one single release with very little communication from the devs.

The fact that you invoked Mugen Souls Z of all things as a reason is just asinine. That game was barely a blip under anyone's radar. The Switch port has been out for over a year now and the 3k print run LE still hasn't sold out. I bought one three months ago and it was barely halfway through the numbered print run. There wasn't even close enough of an awareness of the game to even threaten a controversy that would get Nintendo to change policy like that. Furthermore, think back to when Playstation first changed their policies. You had games left and right being hit with censorship, and developers either outright confirming meddling from SIE or very strongly hinting at it. No such thing happening right now, although in all fairness ecchi games are virtually dead thanks to Playstation's policies. Which haven't changed. Even if you were 100% right and Nintendo were pulling some shit, Playstation hasn't budged on their draconian content policies. And that is just one of three possible reasons for Yuuna's version differences. It could also be...
>FuRyu the publisher being overzealous/overcautious for some reason
>rogue content evaluators who hate ecchi and anime like publishers have to deal with on Steam from time to time.

Don't go hitting the panic button yet, or the "forgive Noire" button, because the worst/best case scenario is the whole industry is totally fucked for ecchi games and now they're censored across the board.

>I've been worried abit about the rebirth trilogy delayed
Kind of an aside but I do wonder if IFI might be retranslating them to scrub them of the dub terminology since they've abandoned it in newer titles. Probably not, though.

Refrain Chord was released on all platforms so it's toned down as per SIE's regulations no matter where you go.
>Refrain Chord was released on all platforms so it's toned down as per SIE's regulations no matter where you go.
This is why I wish consoles just died so devs can be free on PC.
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Running away won't solve anything. Moving to PC just means they have to deal with Steam if they want the most sales, who I remind you has a poor track record with ecchi games themselves with games like Dungeon Travelers 2 getting nonsensical bans just because someone feels like it. Even moving off to another platform, or making your own, isn't a guarantee. Your new platform could suddenly decide that your games don't meet their arbitrary new standards and then you're back at square one. Or perhaps payment processors decide to play curator and demand your games be censored or your platform can no longer handle online transactions.

The problem is this: This is a concerted, industry-wide effort to remove ecchi games from the industry. Platform holders and payment processors have begun overstepping their bounds. At the rate things are going, there will be no place to run within the next decade. Maybe Japan will have confined themselves to their own corner of the internet, but they'll be limited to Japanese payment processors that won't accept gaijin because doing so would mean bending over backwards for gaijin banks who are trying to kill this shit to begin with.

I wish they'd cover stuff like this in Neptunia but Compile Heart has made it very clear that they're too gutless to.
Maybe if physical releases come back and/or Jap devs stop being technological cavemen.
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Real Rom hours.
Do you fear the nepper?
The only thing we have to fear is nep itself.
Damn brat, needs spankings.
page 10
Page Aiefu
Arfoire did nothing wrong. She was right all along.
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It glows red cuz of Flame Heart
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Large neps
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I would honestly be less concern and would think the yuuna game was an oddity, but the way joshua talked about tokyo clanpool on twitter does not make me feel good, he doesn't even DENY the claim nintendo has got stricter, like I hope I'm dead fucking wrong about all of this, the ecchi scene is already super dead right now as it is and if nintendo started acting like the rest of the platform then we are even more fucked than we thought we were
Also I didn't mean mugen souls z was the reason why nintendo started cracking down on ecchi games, that it just started happening after it
Nothing in that screencap implies Nintendo's review process is different. Even the user questioning it was asking for confirmation that it was still the same, not that it had changed. Why would Joshua deny a change if none were implied?

His answer is a relatively standard one. "I can't make any guarantees, but I will try." And that's the only answer that can be given after SIE pulled the rug out from under the industry back in 2018.
>the ecchi scene is already super dead right now as it is
Boy, ain't that the truth. These out of nowhere CH re-releases have basically been the last embers of anything beyond lazy puzzle games thrown together in five minutes for a quick buck.
>I want people to smile
>So please watch my henshin!
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Maberasu thread
Maberasu general
No such thing as “Flame Heart” and there never will be. Your headcanons will never come true.
You're acting weird anon. I'm not a video game console. My older sister got me this hair clip so we could match. She's a bit of a NEET if you ask me, but that's what makes me love her more.
Oh, I know which pictures you're talking about, and I didn't know they were THAT controversial. It definitely wasn't my cup of tea but it honestly seemed better than the constant fighting over IF
>already following most of the mentioned artists as well as Stiretsu and Katade
Have I truly found all the remaining nep artists???
Please don’t use my commission for flame heart shenanigans. Iffy doesn’t need to be a goddess-lite to be good.
Also, is there any ongoing attempts to curb the overstep payment processors are enforcing? After all they can't seriously believe they are the only thing keeping ecchi alive and that we won't find ways around them
I don't think Neptune has it in her to be a true NEET. She'd probably just be a shut-in streamer or some other weird career that lets her stay in.
Post NitroplASS
Sorry bruv that's a Flame Heart pic now.
There’s no such thing as “Flame Heart” and you should kill yourself.
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Still not “Flame Heart”, still not a goddess.
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It's kind of interesting how you would look at a pic of IF doing a transforming pose and not think it's a Flame Heart pic. What else would she transform into? It's canon.
People are just complaining. Nobody has a solution.

The payment processing thing is a much larger issue. The UK and several conservative US states have passed laws requiring that adult sites hook into government run identity verification systems. There may be some "Global Standards" issues like people would want to point out, but the writing is on the wall for Japanese porn sites that might not want to connect to UK or US government systems. The quick fix is to just cut off from the rest of the world and use JCB and point cards from local convenience stores.

Free Speech Coalition, Inc. v. Paxton is what to watch to see how it goes in the US, barring a right-wing national government coming into power and pushing that as one of their political promises to protect children.
Your headcanons are not canon though. IF is not a goddess and “Flame Heart” will never be a thing. You should seriously kill yourself.
I want Compa to be a goddess. And for her boobs to become twice as big.
Compa can't be a goddess when she's literally made to be a housewife for a black rat.
It’s not nice to call Iffy a rat, anon :^)
>Compile Heart
That is literally the name of a goddess thoughever.
>Final Neptunia game
>Compa transforms into Compile Heart and defeats Arfoire permanently
Ludo kino
First of all IF is not a gay and neither is Compa. Neptunia has no gay marriage this ain't that off-topic Disgaea-wannabe game.
IF is not gay she is meant as a guild receptacle
IF and Compa are gay for each other though. Also no one’s talking about Mugen Souls, why bring it up? :^)
>left wants lewd dead to "empower" females and oppress happiness
>right wants lewd dead to push faith and overzealously control children
If I could take a portal to the Hyperdimension and live happy there I'm going, even if I have to leave my family behind, they'd be glad I moved out anyways
Compa is straight for (you) and wants to have sex with (you). If she could access one of those portals from VIIR’s VR segments and get a hold of you she’d suck you dry.
IF and Compa are a bisexual pair who would be down for a threesome (IF being more into Compa would mean she'd want positions where she can love on compa, like where she could eat out compa or have Compa eat her out while (You) go down your choice of hole on the eater, or make out while doing stuff to you
Compa is the only nep with a non-robot love interest so it's clear who is gonna be the one impregnating her like the whore with NTR-protagonist bodytype she is.

IF is for me and me only
IF is for Compa, she will never love you. You should kill yourself while they mash clams.
>Compa is the only nep with a non-robot love interest
How to find a nigga that doesn't play the games with one simple trick.
>try to offer a compromise
>one side ignores it and the other outright rejects it
It's getting really hard to keep trying to save this general
Sex with Compa while IF watches.
Based threesome enjoyer!!!
Giving IF and Compa a creampie so they can have a child to raise!
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I do believe in fairies!
>believe in fairies
Kill all fairies
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how dare you anon, just look at this cutie.
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I will not be fooled by cute fairies again.
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She did nothing wrong though.
Histy would never. Watch out for Croire tho, it's not racism if she's really small.
>luck level 99
>lucky character: Uni
Thanks, Noire.
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Also, good morning sirs
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this niggear is beautiful
Well I'm bored so I think I will ask if any of you know what the other threads in this board think of us, if any of them do, would love to hear if any of the mobile games are down for a collab, if only to push me to finally get a game for my phone
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Crushed by neps
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Say it
G-good morning?
I'm gonna download more Ram
I want Ram to hit me with a book
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i sometimes want to explore a big nep's insides
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Let me put in your ass, Ram-chan!
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I'm only into adult women who will treat me like the trash that I am
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need to rizz this gyatt fr fr
Nep Stinks nyu
go away you horrible little goblina
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Anonymous suggestion for Alloy
What if Histy and Croire rode in an RC car like this? And who would operate the controller?
Please consdier
Or something like that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvjNfr9kuVQ
Throw you away and never look at you because she’ll never love you? You should kill yourself.
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Never watched smol bully bitch romance anime? They hate you at first of course but then they start liking you BUT (and don't interrupt me here please because this is the best part) They keep being violent and they keep kicking your ass and they keep giving you the looking at walking garbage stare even after you become a couple. I want to be in constant pain and in constant domestic violence injuries because of IF OMFG that'd be so hot! These "modern" waifus like the russian bitch slut and Marin the cosplayer can't even compare to romance anime female heroine from the late 00 and early 2010s which is what IF is based on
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Your mother's dyke friend molested you as a child, didn't she?
IF is not the bully you want her to be and she will never love you. You should just hang yourself already. Even your family will be glad when you’re gone.
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Why can't you just be normal and kneel to IF
Normal people don’t kneel to guild NPCs. No one’s gonna kneel so you should just blow your brains out instead.
>why can't you just give in to my headcanon
Because last time we did that, we got sc/u/mbags claiming Uni and Noire were lesbians based on a scene where Kurome takes Noire's appearance to spoil Uni (greatly alarming her).
Your ilk doesn't care for the truth, so you're unwanted.
Why Neptunia fan art is so weird?
There's a lot of creativity actually
Maybe a girl doesn't want a bunch of randos kneeling to her?
When you get down to it Neptunia is a pretty weird series. You have 100 year old loli goddesses that turn into jets, robot ninjas, slime monsters, the works.
ALL girls love attention and to be worshipped by simps. That's why nowadays all girls become e-sluts to be the next Belle Delphine.
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>bra in full display
>nepgear cleavage
my brain can't
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I like page 10. It's comfy.
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>page nep
>Blanc in buruma
I really really really like this image.
What would a Slime girl CPU look like? And based on what machine?
Steam 'eck?
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it's so over
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Resting bitch face
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Fresh from neppit
>project aces was developing a Xevious game
That is interesting thank you Nowa-shyama
The fanbase is full of 30 year olds who played the games on a PS3 that died years ago
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Take me with you
Dedicated to all hu-
All human beings
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Part 2
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Part 3
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Par- ACK
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What is the best Neptunia game for me to watch the story of on youtube if I only like Vert?
Download RPCS3 and play the original HDN, it's the game with the best Beru
Sex with Nowa. All day every day.
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4GO has some Vert moments.
If Green Heart were to overheat, would her hair and green trim turn red?

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