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#1837 - Anvil edition

Halo Infinite's 12th Battle Pass, "Anvil", has launched

Halo Info:
>Latest Community Update (6/20)
>Latest Infinite Update (6/7)

Halo News:
>Bungie and Creative Assembly veteran developer Dan Gniady hired as lead designer for next Halo game
>Infinite Update addresses Nvidia graphics problems
>Operation "Anvil" teased for Infinite

Previous >>484632310
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You are currently browsing /hg/ thread #1837

>Previous Threads
>>484632310 | #1836 - America
>>483869515 | #1835 - Orange Skies
Nice art
The Endless has arrived
Oh hey cool! The Plasma Launcher is back.
>it's a rocket launcher skin
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>six day thread
It's dire.
Escharum and Atriox should be swapped
Infinite is done.
>Infinite is done.
I wish.
Unfortunately MCC is significantly more dead.
Claim your Monitor-fu
MCC is done too, but Infinite is only "alive" in that it gets quarterly balance patches and a shop refresh every month.
>MCC is done too, but Infinite is only "alive" in that it gets quarterly balance patches and a shop
and an actual playerbase that makes it easy to actually get into games.
Believe me, if MCC had the playerbase Infinite had, I'd never leave it, but as it stands I can't get into a match in most game modes. Infinite usually takes under a minute and that's with the match Composer set up to my liking.
my wife
She's MINE
Exuberant SLUT confirmed
Wow you just did BOTH of them.
Fucking savage.

The only thing that's l8 is you getting Exuberant Onlyfans' sloppy seconds
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I always liked this big guy
Taking Ilsa Zane's virginity RIGHT NOW
wait that's a monitor?!?!?!?!?!?!
Nah he beat me fair and square
I'll have to settle for Infinite's short-lived girl monitor if she's still available
>Infinite introduces the monitor of Installation 07
>she has one short curscene before getting HARBINGER'D
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People still play 4?
Not in any summountable number, but more so than CE and 2 sadly.
To its credit it does have some decent action sack modes.
But over two thirds of the playerbase in MCC, if not more. are concentrated in Reach and 3.
>Halo Infinite's 12th Battle Pass, "Anvil", has launched
I just finished this. What's next?
The 13th battle pass in 3 weeks.
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Sometimes I go back and watch the trailers for old Halo games and map packs. The Defiant Map Pack trailer for Halo Reach was one of my favorites.

Reach DLC is soul
Why couldn't Reach Firefight give us a single map with a regular Warthog?
Too OP?
Good question though.
I believe Installation 04 had one, I totally forgot about that map.
ah yes
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cute cute tana
tana tana cute cute
this is it
the last /hg/ thread
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What did he mean by this?
>go from conservative to right wing grifter with a failed political career #193
The Marty Army is at the ready to storm the White House and enact the 1000-year Marty Reich
It's time to finish this fight
Right now?
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The Covenant has fallen billions must die.
I am HALO MUSIC GUY! Please vote for me because I made HALO MUSIC!
I-I-I didn't want to be a politician anyway!
This shouldn't be an achievement
It's autistic
Just say you're mad that you're bad
All you need is one semi-competent person to carry you.
Case in point, Dank is getting hard carried by Pacha right now.
so moody
>Dank literally making it harder by fucking up the strats
is there a stream?
>he isn't in the Exiled Discord
oh, nvm then
I thought it was /hg/ related
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Well done boys.
So you beat the Halo 2 LASO
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Why did they remove the carpet?
bottom looks objectively better
It cannot be stated how absolutely soul-crushingly awful Halo 4's launch was back in the day

>Halo CEA and H4 revealed at E3 2011
>April 2012 Game Informer reveals first details about Halo 4's multiplayer and it's so bad everyone thinks it's actually a joke.
>Less content than Reach
>Loadouts, perks, universal sprint, Infinity Slayer with weapon drops and no weapons on map
>No asymmetric gametypes, but no symmetrical maps
>The only symmetrical maps in the game are Haven and the Pit remake that's released over a year after launch
>Perks are either meaningless or stupidly broken
>DMR dominates the meta because of reduced bloom and the launch BR taking 5 shots to kill
>Gametypes include:
>Infinity Slayer: Get kills to earn drops of completely random weapons meant to emulate killstreaks
>Dominion: Territories
>Extraction: Assault that no one understands and AFAIK never appeared in Halo 4 matchmaking until the MCC's overhaul in 2019
>Regicide: Juggernaut but not really
>Oddball: The same as always but with ball throwing, the only good mechanic in all of Halo 4.
>Sprint ruined Map and weapon design.

Spartan Ops replacing firefight, every new gamemode being awful except for Ricochet, which is the best gametype in the entire franchise stuck in the worst game. The MCC version that you can play now is absolutely NOTHING like how the game played from 2012-2013


>Turbo Update
>4 had some pretty cool gimicky gametypes (extraction, dominion, ect) that weren't added to H2A or H5
>Legendary Slayer fixed Infinity Slayer, a year after launch
Max Hoberman added the warthog and ODSTs to Reach firefight. Sadly, almost all of Halo's history has been 404'd
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Reminder that Max Hoberman designed Multiplayer, Interface, and Online for both Halo 2 and Halo 3. Max was so happy that people played Halo 2 for so long that he thanked them by making more maps. Not only that, he helped port H2 to Vista and added the server browser.

>Lots of folks are asking us in direct terms, “why make maps for Halo 2, when Halo 3 is just around the corner?” Well, because we love Halo 2 and we love our fans. They’ve continued to play Halo 2 solidly for three years, in vast numbers, and we owe them it
>I worked on Halo 3 after I moved back to Austin, and also helped with Halo 2 for Vista, but as these games moved further and further into production that work dried up. I want to be making games more than anything, so Bungie hit me up on the idea of making Halo 2 multiplayer maps and seeing if I could build a team capable of that type of work.

Later on he worked on the Defiant Map Pack DLC for Halo: Reach and Halo 4's DLC maps then, when requested by 343, modded Halo 4 to create H2A MP and 6 map remakes for the MCC

-Max Hoberman dishes on Halo 2's crazy development

-Max Hoberman on Halo 2 Vista

-Max Hoberman on Halo Anniversary

-Max Hoberman on Halo 4

-Max Hoberman Halo 2 Anniversary interview - Sanctuary

-Max Hoberman Halo 2 Anniversary interview - Lockout

Sage Merrill was the lead sandbox designer for Reach and it seems like a lot of people have certainly taken issue with some of the changes
So who exactly is the dream team we want working on the CE Remake?
>Joe Staton (writing)
>Max Hoberman (multiplayer)
>Marty O' Donnell (audio)
>Paul Bertone (writing)
>Marcus Lehto (art)
>Luke Timmins (dev tools)
>Michael Salvatori (audio)
>Chris Butcher (technician)
>Hao Chen (nice water)
>Jaime Griesemer (sandbox)
>CJ Cowan (cinematics)
>Shi Kai Wang (3D art)
>Nathan Walpole (animation)
>David Candland (UI)
>Tyson Green (gameplay)
>Michael Wu (art)
>Adrian Perez (dev tools)
>Damian Isla (AI)
>Mint Blitz (quality assurance)
>HaloFollower (animation)
>Ruby of Blue (campaign)
>Weaver900 (firefight)
>Rejected Shotgun (vehicles)
>Michael Schorr (forge)
>Me (Alpha tester)
Who else? I know I'm missing a ton of people but the Halo 2 Vidoc doesn't have their names and not sure how big some of the guys in the Halo 3 vidoc really were. And isn't there an anon here working on a mod? You could join the team too. And maybe some anons can join the team as Beta testers. You have to take it seriously though. Don't just spam escharum, endless, or random discord insider jokes on your submitted bug reports, we're trying to make a proper Halo game here.
Marty failed to realize that the vast majority of the republican voterbase is boomers like him and they never played Halo and his platform is literally the same as the rest of his competition so there was no reason to vote for him
Advertising is against the rules.
Please post the sopa
You know, that brazilian meme
We're white.
>Frankie Philosophy: "Humans aren't forerunner."
>Max Philosophy: "Wouldn't it be awesome tho?"

Frank O'Connor: Coming up with a sort of spectrum for a map pack is a really is a really straightforward business at a very high level. You just say, "What do we already have, and what do we need to kind of flesh things out?"

Max Hoberman: Everyone on the right side is working on super top-secret stuff I can't talk about, and then everyone over here is also working on super secret stuff that I can't talk about.

Max Hoberman: Certain Affinity, we're an independent developer down here in Austin, Texas. We're about fifty people now.

Dan Ayoub: That team has a lot of experience with the engine, a lot of experience with Halo. Incredible Halo fans obviously because so many of them have been involved in the games before.

Max Hoberman: On Halo 1 I ended up doing the user interface. Halo 2 I shifted to development. Halo 3 I was multiplayer online lead.

William Fox: So right from the get-go we worked really closely with the publishing team at 343 to identify maps that would make sense in the context of Reach.

Dan Ayoub: It was great because CA was crazy passionate, like these guys just showed up with a huge list, and it was more a quest of "Okay, well we can only make so many of these, so you know let's get to ones that we think kind of fit the fiction, fit the flow.

William Fox: There was a lot of exploration and a lot of collaboration between the two groups.

Max Hoberman: One idea that came to mind was "Wouldn't it be awesome to have a multiplayer map that you can see the planet getting glassed below you?"
>Dan Ayoub: That team has a lot of experience with the engine, a lot of experience with Halo. Incredible Halo fans obviously because so many of them have been involved in the games before.

Why didn't they just hire CA/Max for Halo 4 and 5?
>Certain Affinity added an extra challenge, though. Along with needing to create a beautiful hi-res version of ten-year-old content, they also wanted to take things to the next level by introducing friendly AI. They had been toying with the idea since the Defiant Map Pack but didn’t have time to implement it then. Designing a Firefight space is different, and more challenging, than designing a Slayer map because of all the stuff running under the surface. Among other things, you have to set up flight paths for AI drop ships and script complicated events while making sure they play nice with each other. Most of the time with Unearthed was spent making it Firefight compatible so with that out of the way, Certain Affinity then had more time to experiment. The most important part was making sure the friendly AI functioned almost as well as the enemy AI. Of course, we couldn’t make them too smart, or they’d simply play for you. So they now help in convincing and useful ways.

>If we’re being honest though, there was failure before success—the process has not been full of pink hearts, yellow moons, orange stars, and green clovers. Halo Fest, in fact, had some builds where the AI did not want to cooperate. They would start at the defend tower, and throughout the weekend, they decided to stay stationary on that platform. The night before Halo Fest, Chad, who was checking over everything, noticed the peculiarity and said, out loud, “Why isn’t the ODST moving?” The ODST must have heard him because he answered with a point animation toward the Covenant enemies. Hard to argue that logic.

>Max Hoberman: We were looking at Lockout, specifically. What are some of the characteristics about Lockout that we think are so fun and how can we take some of those and do them in a completely new map? Something that really pulls infantry together in a really tight environment?

Max really loves Midship and Lockout.
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>still hasn't been renewed for season 3
Uhh Showsisters? What the FUCK is happening
>Why didn't they just hire CA/Max for Halo 4 and 5?
They did.
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The final game mostly bakes lights into the lightmap. The baked environment lighting does store dominant light direction (and "ambientness"), but only very coarsely, and of coarse it compresses all lights affecting a point into a single directional source. The dynamic shadows cast by objects from the environmental baked lighting also lack self-shadowing.

Halo 2 does support local light sources with high-quality dynamic shadows
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What's the Halo equivalent of this?

You can't be posting that, Tavult.
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5 > 2 and I'm not joking.
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2 bros. W-We can’t refute this….
2 feels like shit to play. There's no directional damage indicator and you can't scope in mid-burst with the BR.
Infinite exposed a lot about 2cucks because it's the first game in the series to have a BR that has hits hitscan but not insane magnetism. And what do you know, they can't do it.
>which halo is the most populated
>on MCC it's close between 3 and Reach
Reachbros stay winning
The beta shots look worse desu.
The Reach AR looks goofy with a black screen.
>The Reach AR looks goofy
Didn't need to say more than that.
Yeah, you're right.
>The brown guy is reach
Subtle. Kek.
HAHAHAHA yeah sure
You think Halo would be better off if instead of getting halo 4 and 5. We just got infinite as Halo 4? Prometheans are gay as fuck and lame to fight, story in 4 and 5 was gay. Infinite has cool as fuck brutes and shit front and center and arguably the best gameplay in the series, plus it's the only one to do boss fights right
Because reach sucks
Saved you 30 minutes
filtered post above
did i ask?
another filtered post above
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>As MASTERCHIEF talks, the WEAPON looks concerned and scared. On each word you can feel the pain of Atriox's blows
what da
I think I want you dead.
My hero Masterchief.....lost?
Escharum did say this in the Legendary ending.
I don't think the TU DMR was any more centralizing than the base game one. The DMR's bloom doesn't matter at any range where the AR can be sprayed.
Reach a shit
...on opposite day
You’re wrong.
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Is this the halo thread?
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Not watching that but for me it was everything Title Update did.
What the fuck is even happening anymore
that's... a lot of dolphin porn...
This meme is still making me laugh
fuck off
phonefags BTFO
Amerilards about to have their first female president lmfao
I'm happy meme magic will make her an unelected diversity hire.
Marty O'Donnell was just announced as Trump's VP turn on the fucking TV
Sisters, this is our leader

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im excited for the halo 1 remake
I'm excited for you to die you worm
It would make me happy
Shut up you fucking parrot
why are you so mean
I haven't had anticheat on all year. Do people play Firefight on the custom browser?
lmao what the fuck
is 343i high?
the CEmake WILL be operational...
THEN you will have your Switch Ultra Port
We already know from leaks that the word Switch isn't in the name
>Leave Atriox to me.
the dwarves are leaving the mines
the fuck do we do
dwarves don't exist
dwarves do exist as do hobbits, and they're all on zeta halo
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dab on em
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you wanna go get a quick session? get a quick crossfit?
nah, this never came to be
just like the rhinos
Infinite put in a dabbing animation for the grunts an entire 5 years after people stopped dabbing.
Dabbing will always be funny to me

One of the big updates that Apple made in 1999 for the Mac was OpenGL for accelerated 3D and 2D graphics. The game that they used to show it off at Macworld 1999 was Halo, which Bungie was developing for the Mac platform. They originally stated that Halo was planned to be released in 2000. But yes, Microsoft stepped in and decided to buy the game franchise and turn it into an Xbox exclusive.

Bungie wanted to leave Microsoft after Halo 2.

>Halo 2
>Halo 3 + ODST (ODST was originally planned as H3 DLC)

Bungie finally got out after Reach. Bungie left MS to join Activision who wanted Destiny to be CoD in Space


Forerunner Saga novels feature Frank O'Connor's OC Didact

Halo Anniversary was the Halo PC Gearbox port with random assets from Halo 3 and Reach (AR/pistol use H3 assets and the rest of the weapons and vehicles use Reach assets. Covenant are Reach assets and Flood are H3 assets)

TU Update ruined Reach

Halo 4 was a Reach mod that copied CoD ("We're not chasing Call of Duty or Battlefield" insists 343 Industries.)


Kinect and Xbox One launch ("Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to stay connected; it's called Xbox 360")


Halo MCC was BROKEN. H1 and H2 were based on the PC builds and not the original Xbox builds. They completely gave up on it in 2015 until they were forced to fix it in 2019 to release it on Steam.

Halo 5's campaign is what you casually joke about prior to launch about horrible plot points that would never happen and think "there is no possible way they would go that route of doing things".

Halo 3 and Reach Xbox 360 Servers were shut down for no reason

Halo 6's 10 year plan was a lie and they abandoned it lol


>Infinite exposed a lot about 2cucks because it's the first game in the series to have a BR that has hits hitscan but not insane magnetism. And what do you know, they can't do it.

What is the most competitive and balanced Halo MP?
>Halo 4 was a Reach mod that copied CoD ("We're not chasing Call of Duty or Battlefield" insists 343 Industries.)

"I've never worked for Infinity Ward, or Respawn - for years I bet they were asked similar questions about how it's like the multiplayer system in Halo 2 or something like that," franchise director Frank O'Connor told Eurogamer when asked about the new system's similarity to Call of Duty. "We're not chasing anybody else's tail - all the pressure comes from inside."

"What we do take very seriously is changing player habits. So rather than chasing Call of Duty or Battlefield and trying to do their thing and doing it poorly and doing injustice to it, we're trying to do our own thing, and do something fairly original but still something that's completely compatible with the Halo universe."

"Halo's not Call of Duty," O'Connor continued, "Halo's a sandbox game about really emergent things. A lot of things that worked great about Call of Duty - and don't get me wrong, I was addicted Black Ops all of last year - they do player rewards really well. We're not trying to do the same thing, it's as simple as that. We're trying to do something else, and to push our game forwards and not theirs."

Both O'Connor and creative director Josh Holmes acknowledged that the change could prove controversial amongst Halo's community. "I expect a variety of different reactions," Holmes told Eurogamer, "One of the great things about Halo is we have the ability to support a variety of different play styles and play lists, create experiences that cater to different player types and community desires."

"We've a tremendous amount of respect for Bungie and for the universe that they created, and yet we do want to take our own unique view on Halo and on where we want to take the franchise is in the future. It's about finding the balance so it's still Halo yet still feels fresh."
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>I was addicted Black Ops all of last year - they do player rewards really well. We're not trying to do the same thing, it's as simple as that. We're trying to do something else, and to push our game forwards and not theirs

Will Halo be shelved now that MS own CoD?
You mean 1?
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>After Halo shipped, a lot of people assumed they knew what Bungie would do next. "Of course they'll do a sequel to Halo," went the prevailing wisdom. "They'd be stupid not to capitalize on the success of the first game. And there are so many loose ends to tie up. Yeah, there's definitely a sequel in the works." So it may not come as a surprise to you, dear readers, that we formally announced Halo 2 at X02 in New York City this morning.

>I think I can assume that anyone reading about Halo 2 on Bungie's own Halo site probably knows the basics already. You already know Halo 2 is the sequel to Halo. You already know Halo walked off with a ton of rave reviews and Game-of-the-Year awards. You already know the bar has been raised and expectations for a sequel are high. You already know Bungie has no intention of disappointing anyone.

Halo 2: Announced
Paul Russel (Bungie) wanted "Halo"
MS wanted "Halo: Combat Evolved"

>Artist Paul Russel had another name in mind, one that was not popular among the team: "Halo". Despite the lack of internal enthusiasm, "Halo" stuck. Microsoft, Bungie's eventual publisher for the game, bristled at the title. Shooters didn't have names as cryptic, religious, and god forbid, feminine, as "Halo"; they had violent, pithy monikers like Doom, Quake, and Counter-Strike. But in an act of independence and vision typical of the studio, Bungie refused to budge on the name. Eventually, Microsoft came up with a compromise: a subtitle

When using the tool Assembly to analyze and mod the maps of Halo 1, the Master Chief is explicitly referred to as "cyborg," so yeah, I'd say that was the original intention. Similarly, the Arbiter is called "dervish" in the Halo 2 map files

>The engine's history began in Bungie's Pathways into Darkness, according to developer Chris Butcher:

>The [Halo] engine is a direct-line descendant of the 1992 Pathways into Darkness engine originally written by Bungie for 68000 Macs using MPW and C. Not much remains except math functions and overall architecture, but the engine definitely has old roots. The path of descent runs through PiD to Marathon to Myth to Halo. In recent years it has shifted away from being primarily a player-driven renderer to being primarily a world simulation.

Something closer to Halo would later evolve from Myth. In a Jason Jones interview, he says:

>Halo didn't begin as a strategy game but the engine it uses started out that way. The engine Halo uses began as a next-generation Myth terrain engine, with polygonal units.

There are two main groups of engine generations where the asset pipelines and features tend to be more similar to each other:

>Halo 1, Halo 2, and Halo 3/ODST;
>Bungie: Halo Reach, Destiny, Destiny 2
>343: Halo Reach, Halo 4, and Halo 2 Anniversary MP
>343: Halo 5 and Halo Infinite
>Halo 4 was a Reach mod that copied CoD
I don't like 4 either but don't be stupid. By this logic, Halo 3 was a Halo 2 mod.
>By this logic, Halo 3 was a Halo 2 mod.

It was.
Halo Infinite is a CE mod.
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Frankie loses a hair on his head every time he lies
>Halo Infinite is a CE mod.

Isn't it a new engine?
>Greg Bear: Cryptum, the first Halo novel, and so anyone who’s a Halo fan is going to enjoy the collaboration between the people in [Microsoft’s] 343 [division]—Frank O’Connor and Kevin Grace—and myself and my son Eric who consulted on this, in addition to a lot of other key people, artists and creators at 343 to help construct the origin stories, not just of the forerunners but—as it turns out—human beings as well.

>Frankie: I was always doing little tiny incremental things with development throughout, but where I really started working on things going directly into the game was Halo 3, when I worked with (engineer) Damian Isla on the terminals that explained the deeper lore. So I was doing more and more story as we got towards the end of it, and as we started Reach, I got the chance to actually write the script.

>Frankie: Most of the books for the last two years have dealt with building backstory for Halo 4, rather than fixing canonical errors or mismatches. We've bought ourselves a little bit of latitude with the terminals in previous Halo games. We knew that the fiction was going to evolve when we were writing the terminals for Halo 3.

>“Every novel that you’ve read in the last couple of years, every comic book, the Terminals in Halo Anniversary […] everything is feeding directly into the story for the next Halo trilogy.” [Frank O’Connor, Halo Fest 2011 – Halo 4 Panel (2:50)]

>Frank O'Connor or Frankie, is literally a member of Resetera and regularly posts tons of self-hating anti-white garbage. Frankie also confirms he wrote most of the story and script for Halo 3 and Halo: Reach

He lied about the Halo 4 DLC debacle. He promised a full, detail explanation on what happened with MCC that he gave FOUR YEARS later and only after being conrtantly reminded of it
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Reminder that if you didn't play Halo (halo_01.10.12.2276) running in 5.1 surround sound speakers on the original XBOX then you didn't beat the game. Confirmed by Marty
No, they lied about that. It's a modified version of 5, just as 5 was a modified 4, 4 was a modified Reach, etc.


So does Master Chief still has the Librarian's space powers or what?
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Imagine fucking up the story in your series SO BAD that you had to have TWO scenes in which a titular main character dies.
I'm glad they never had Chief take off his helmet because those face animations look horrendous
>I'm glad they never had Chief take off his helmet
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hey do you guys remember when they made a halo tv show where he only wore the armor for maybe 10% of the entire two-season run lol that was epic lmao
And the covenant had some human girl as a member or something. And MC had sex with her while Cortana watched?
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Original Xbox.
32-bit 733 MHz Intel Pentium III processor.
233 MHz Nvidia NV2A GPU.

i don’t know if you watched season 2 but that human bitch in the covenant is the show’s reason for why arbiter causes the great schism and turns on the prophets. paramount arby is a simp.
green green green green green green
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Why would you watch season 2?
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because i was hoping it would be good. it’s an improvement over s1 (which isn’t saying much at all) but if s1 is a 2/10, s2 is like a 4 or 5/10. in total the show is 0/10 if you’re deep into the lore.
Why would you still be here after Bungie's swan song Reach?
Which Halo would be Bambiettas favorite?
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Reach because she's a jobber
because i liked 4 and not everyone here is a bungie fanboy. ODST is the all-time worst halo game and they made that, so.
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She needed to be teamed up on, no one could 1v1 her. Also
>Bambietta disrespect
My HOUNDS.....dinner is served
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She's the 2 > all poster.
Like her, 2 is the weakest of the group despite how much it's talked up, and they're both getting raped to death.
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>weakest of the group
My HOUNDS....Bambietta was the leader. And none of the girls dare even TRIED to do shit when Bambi was in fighting condition. But I wonder about the others tastes? God I love my wife
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>Melee hand-to-hand combat only:
>Liltotto > Meninas > Candice > Giselle > Bambietta
>Using Blut:
>Liltotto > Giselle > Meninas > Bambietta > Candice
BambiCHUDS kneel to their UOHverlords
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This Bambi disrespect will not stand, she's the type to beat ALL halos on legendary. A true fan, a GAMER. The other girls are posers
Liltotto hard carried Bambi through Halo 2 LASO.
....on opposite day
Been playing through reach with the mythic overhaul mod, pretty damn fun. Anyone try the one for 4?
Oh. Right. Forgot about that.
New game announcement any day now...
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My name is Atriox...
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bambi-chan so cute
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Set a fire in your Walmart
it's over
Has been for a while now
5 > all
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I won’t forget you as long as I live.
When was the last time 343 added a map to halo infinite?
It's been 84 years
Too many filtered posts from yesterday. /hg/ must have been raided by the usual suspects.
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Why are Elites always subordinates fo Brutes but no the other way around? Why are Brutes always in charge?
they're not really working on Halo Infinite anymore, they're already working on the next Halo projects
everybody knows
Can't wait for the new /hg/ Civil War to be between CEmake bettors and Halo 7 bettors
343 has had THREE chances to bring halo back. Can they do it with a fourth? Do they deserve a fourth chance?
Because Brutes have the BBC (Big Brute Cock)
343i should be dissolved imo.
That being said, this is essentially a completely different studio now.
>the usuals
>the final /codg/ post before archive
why is it always russia?
Damn I just saw a clip of MoistCr1t1kal saying sprint is the reason why modern halos "suck ass". Such a powerful unique position. Sprint is the reason Halo is dead, not the fans gatekeeping and gaslighting potential new fans by making sure if you don't agree with the current opinion of Halo then you're a piece of shit. Halo needs to never advance it needs to always stay the same as the version when I was a child. This is why COD won btw. They don't appeal to fat nerds who grew up with the franchise. They actively make improvements to movements and work to gain newer younger fans instead of trying to appeal to older fans who will whine about anything no matter what. Halo "died" when they abandoned the Didact story in the games to appeal to obese old fans who cried.
Remember when people trashed Infinite Warfare? The trailer came out and the internet decided it was bad before they had a chance to play it when it was actually pretty good. That's when the obese faggot fanbase left COD and when COD had its revival. Infinity Ward didn't pander to the old obese mentally ill tranny fans, they continued to make the games they wanted and what happened? The children who grew up with Infinite Warfare are still playing COD and it's on the level of fortnite maybe even more popular.

Halo meanwhile has always had the obese tranny fans who are mad that newer games dont have the same feeling as the games of their childhood. Its been happening since Reach. That's impossible btw as you aren't an impressionable kid anymore. Halo could've been popular still if they kept advancing the series instead of pandering to loud internet trannies who will always complain btw they are the same people who trash modern COD but of course they are an obese minority so COD is doing better than ever despite them whining. Unfortunately 343 didn't immediately ignore these losers so now they're too deep. The people whining are still playing Halo btw they can't leave but they'll continue to whine and keep potential new fans away from the series.

Shame how it goes. But that's how the internet works. Never appeal to the internet it's how you actively ruin your franchise.
Infinite Warfare had bad floaty mp
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It's up
I don't get why sprint is so hated, I just played through halo 2 and 3 back to back and started Reach and I don't feel like sprint changes up the gameplay at all. Just let's me get around quicker
find the halo...........win the war..........
maybe halo would have been popular if they released with actual content and good netcode instead of releasing literally one of the worst AAA FPS in decades
have a nice day halobros
Happy Friday :3
A HALO character that everyone will discover is underrated
What's there to be happy about fag
It's Friday
Reminder that if you didn't play Halo (halo_01.10.12.2276) and Halo 2 (1.00.5849.12) running in 5.1 surround sound speakers on the original XBOX then you didn't beat the game.

Reminder that if you didn't play Halo 3 (Retail Build 11855), ODST (Retail Build 13895) and Reach (Retail Build 11860) running in 5.1 Dolby Digital and DTS on the original XBOX 360 then you didn't beat the game.

Confirmed by Marty
>instead of releasing literally one of the worst AAA FPS in decades
nice retcon. halo infinite always had solid gameplay, it just needed content.
>muh netcode
shut the fuck up. git gud. cope. sneed.
it's over
ah, yes yes, it all checks out
now all we need is the authentica-
lol. dude is irrelevant now.
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why would you be subscribed in the first place?
Guys can we start the threads with a land acknowledgement from now on? I think it's important to recognize that we live on ancestral aboriginal land.
>it's the best deal in gaming
name a better one
day 1 exclusives plus online plus the whole catalog for 2+ years for around $65-70
>plus online
We acknowledge that all of us live and work on traditional territories of a multitude of First Nations across Turtle Island. We acknowledge the contribution of our First Nation brethren past and present and that they are the eternal caretakers of this land.
So can you name a better one or not?
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The best deal is buying games on sale and not needing to worry about being able to play them month to month.
>month to month
yeah that would be weird. Luckily nobody with a brain does that. My game pass is stacked up until 2026 and I won't pay for it again before that.
>he can't name one
as expected
>month to month
on top of that, he apparently has no idea what he's talking about.
Do you use windows 11 also? lol
That yearly sub isn't going to mean anything when a game is removed next month.
I'm not subscribing to Netflix but for video games.
I like to own my games.
I enjoy having consumer rights.
>hurr durr you don't own digital games!!!?
yes you do dumbass. such a retarded argument.
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Oh my fauci...
Reach... a good?
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Been playing some reach with the mythic overhaul mod. Pretty fun, more guns like the OG br and halo 4 lmg, you can pick up fuel canisters and throw them like in infinite. Weapons feel better and like you can actually use more than plasma pistol plus DMR on legendary. More blood too, plus some cool gore effects
>shoot a jackal
>blow off his arm and some chunks
>>hurr durr you don't own digital games!!!?
>yes you do
You don't. Steam have said you can't leave your games in your will when you die, for example.

GOG is better though because they do let you leave games in your will:
>You can't bequeath your Steam account to your loved ones when the sad day of your passing comes around, at least not without breaking the TOS, but it turns out you can leave your GOG games to someone
>he didn't stack his gamepass
is this the console equivalent of not knowing how to install a game that isn't from the steam store?
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>shits on Halo
>gets fucking eviscerated
we. won.
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I never got what his character was, either way he's been BROKEN
BRsissies been real quiet since this one dropped
How badly has he fallen from grace?
cheated on his wife not once but three times
the three time champion
I meant his audiance and income
Dunky was right
more like dookie hehe
good album
this general is over
Idk, I just know he's been getting banned everywhere and removed from games he was in
>not mentioning Jason Jones
>not putting Jason Jones at the top of the list
>he pays for gamepass at all
Nothing is worse than this desu
>So who exactly is the dream team we want working on the CE Remake?
not the original boomer team, that's for sure.
Let it go.
I took that pic
nah, I did
You've been done
He's done you

You've done him
He's been done
>the most popular review on seXbox is a fucking food analogy
it is SO over…
imagine being so fat you look at video games and see food
About to play some 'each before bed bros
it's over
also Sigmund82
also Neirn
also Chaosdroid2
also Rentaroo
I've been in a good number of internet forum circles and I'll unironically admit Red's rise to power from nothing is one of the more impressive ones I've ever seen. It was a multi-year effort and he straight up took himself from the streets of obscurity to headline of the entire general.
It's even more crazy to me therefore that he's wasted it as much as he has.
I mean, just look at the state of things. Nobody plays. There's no real sense of community. It has just... slowly gone all away.
And on top of a
it all, it will all go mostly undocumented. Nobody will care about /hg/ when it's gone.

also Power House is a shit map and you wouldn't care about it at all if it wasn't in the beta.
the real RED abandoned /hg/ years ago.
The replacement has been a puppet of the real people now in charge.
>/hg/ politics

get back to arguing about req packs vs Infinite's store
Retards will say reqs were better because of Halo Cycle nostalgia but at least with the store the entire game isn't built around it.
in a vacuum reqs are better
the problem is they make up the actual monetary infrastructure of the game, so literally everything is just reqs.
Infinite meanwhile can simply have the store exist as it's own thing that the publisher profits off of while the game gets more content.
>req packs
Never played H5 but weren't those loot crates that had armour and cards that you could use in warzone to give you vehicle/weapon variants of varying overpoweredness?
>it will all go mostly undocumented
yeeze destroying the wiki was a modern day library of alexandria
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Why didn't halo have the staying power that cod had?
Halo is Infinite, endless even.
What's Frank O'Connor up to now a days? Auto-erotic asphyxiation? He seems like the type
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Paying fat women to step on his face
At night, employees would report seeing him lock himself in the closet, followed by the sound of him kicking the closet walls while groaning along with vigorous meat-like slapping noises. He'd often leave the office forgetting his belt.
marty is a jewish faggot promoting noahidism to the goyimite gentiles. fake cuckserative pissrael loving jewish nigger. fuck him and his overhyped music, hes melodically deaf compared to musicians like stewart copeland.
death to your jewsus camelfucking christ, death to your nigger demon yhvh.
marty is the talmudic jewish nigger prophet promoting nigger worship cult to the covenant, dangling grand jewish promises of the afterlife over their retarded heads. only fucking retards fall for this scam. marty is trash, jewish nigger blooded shit.
The Sprint war has returned, and this time Sprint is winning.
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Cortana is not fat. She just has a fat ass.
Wasn't he one of the first people to abandon Halo? Why would he want to work on the reboot. Even if he did sign on, he might just take an extended vacation somewhere or he might sneak in Destiny gameplay mechanics because he's bored. He also let Bungie become nu-Bungie.

Even during the dev commentary playthrough for CE he didn't say anything the whole time, he just let Marty and Joe Staton talk about what they worked on. What does he actually do though? You don't see him programming or designing anything, so maybe he's just an idea guy? Or maybe he focuses on the business/administration side of things, so that's why we barely see him.
And by the way, not just saying that to bash on the guy. But all those names listed earlier are based on what I've seen in interviews and vidocs. Everyone in those videos shows what the guys are working on so that's why they're there with their main 'job' in parenthesis. But I legit have no idea what Jason Jones does. He's there but they never show him working on anything. Sometimes he's at a computer but they don't show what he's actually working on. I guess we could add him as a figurehead for moral support/morale boost, but I don't know if I trust him working on anything, considering how early he abandoned Halo 2. And we never saw him around after that.
He won.
it's over.
You’re wrong
If you want to post it with sound you could just post it to >>>/wsg/ then post the link to the file here

Like this:

she's an XL shirt size in 4
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To a nigga that's played them both,

Do the Shin Megami Tensei series have any similarities with the Halo (combat evolved mainly) series? Maybe aesthetic wise?

Or they couldn't be further apart other than both being video games.

I had a really weird dream about both of them.
Maybe similarities with the Marathon trilogy? I haven't played any bungie game ever.
Why I'm subscribed to Xbox game pass ultimate:

>I'm coping
>I'm coping
>I'm coping
>I'm coping
>I'm coping
>I'm coping
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I miss OPI gang
why would I do that
>you look at video games and see food
Pizza, Doritos, Mountain Dew, Monster Energy Drink and Hot Pockets.
>he's still seething
ponies stay mad
Because then people might actually visit the link to the video with sound
Halo is done
…being bad. CE remake will shake the very foundations of the video game industry.
Halo status?
A daring synthesis
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Are f*males Halo?
Halo looks like THAT?
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Bros my mom is telling me to get off halo I'm literally situationally disabled.
HALO. Not for angels.

This is no place for subtlety, no place for pity. This is a place where aliens want to turn humans into a bad memory. A place where strategy matters indoors and out, where your weapons and vehicles are both human and alien. You face opponents who have never known defeat, who laugh in alien tongues at your efforts to survive.

This is suicide.

This is a place for carnage.

This IS Halo.

why does he look like this
I’m here to get pussy, BITCH
Cock of Doody
Six Black Cocks
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not gonna lie bro
that's pretty fucking cringe
Yeah, crossfit is super cringe and their treatment of veterans is despicable.
Everyone knows Jaime (and for good reason)
But Max's importance in gameplay and multiplayer is incredible.
The things he was involved in in the development of Halo amaze me a lot.
>Sage Merrill was the lead sandbox designer for Reach

No wonder I remember that name, that fucker was the lead gameplay designer on Destiny
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Jaime would never allow sprint in Halo. Thanks Sage for killing Halo.
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What's she thinking about?
about how she likes to fuck little boys
>Those names...
Man, how many pre-reach developers are left at Bungie today?
Leaving aside some big names like Letho, Marty and Joseph
The other day, out of curiosity, I was watching the end credits of vanilla Destiny and most of the og team were already leaving or had a secondary role.
>>Mint Blitz (quality assurance)
>>HaloFollower (animation)
>>Ruby of Blue (campaign)
>>Weaver900 (firefight)
>>Rejected Shotgun (vehicles)
>>Michael Schorr (forge)
>>Me (Alpha tester)
Are you fucking retarded?
Do you have proof of that?
please be bait
it came to me in a dream
Sex with me (her loving loyal husband)
She's like 50 years old
Hags are in these days.
the crunch of an elite's skull
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they just tried to kill atriox live on TV
I don't know why Microsoft hasn't just axed 343 and hired CA to make Halo
Doomed concept and not his idea. He just wanted to work on Halo more. Would have been held back from being actually good by virtue of being live service BR.
Atriox tanked that. BITCHviator needs better aim.
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Whoever shot at Atriox snipes like JJAB, just saying.
It's over.
The person filming that video is an idiot
it’s joe staten, dude
his name is tygerpacha.
not clicking your pp grabbers
Escharum is my favorite halo character. You could tell MC was afraid of him
So apparently Halsey canonically considers Master Chief attractive? Isn't she like his mom?
frank wrote that
Holy based...
Frank O'Coomer should be shot like a rabid dog.
hailey tier post
we LOVE frank here
MC didn't afraid of him, he just felt bad about his home planet being destroyed so he figured he'd let Atriox get a few free hits on him to give him some kind of consolation. I think Chief felt partially responsible for what happened to the Brutes. I think it's why he kills them out of necessity and to save humanity but doesn't have any real animosity toward them. See how he treated Escharum. Chief is just trying to do the best he can with what he's got.
Political violence has no place in our democracy.
-Mint would break the game playing around with the physics and make sure the devs know about all the bugs
-HaloFollower makes 3D animations so he has experience
-Ruby has done all the Ruby Rebalance mods so he knows how to properly balance the game (as long as he doesn't get too crazy with it like recently, but his older work checks out)
-Weaver900 made the best implementation of Horde Mode in ANY existing game so far (Ultimate Firefight mod for Halo 3). You definitely want him working on Firefight.
-Rejected Shotgun has done all those major sandbox and vehicle mods with the mod tools. He has a firm grasp on vehicle design and game performance/quality, he doesn't just slap shit together and call it a day.
-'ForgeLord' is responsible for Halo Infinite's Forge. We definitely want him working on it. He just needs to make sure there is a toggle to turn on beginner-friendly controls so it can be like older halos where you can mess around in forge with friends.
-(Me) I love Halo and would also love to test out the latest builds and report bugs so the game becomes better over time and feature complete on release. If somethign major is broken I'm gonna throw a tantrum until it gets fixed. That Halo game is not shipping broken or missing modes on my watch.
So who exactly is the dream team we want working on the CE Remake?
>TygerPacha15 (writing)
>shadehaloxz (multiplayer)
>AdjacentBias (audio)
>LORDxPINGAS (writing)
>JJAB91 (art)
>Unknown Kai (dev tools)
>IJ999 (audio)
>Kabuskini (technician)
>About 7 fish (nice water)
>Rentaroo (sandbox)
>DJ Orwell (cinematics)
>SGT Skylor (3D art)
>JingleBaZa (animation)
>herr andrew (UI)
>boypilled (gameplay)
>Tackel Kryze (art)
>THE ONE BIG RED (dev tools)
>dankcucumber (AI)
>Mint Blitz (quality assurance)
>Eternal Jobber (animation)
>MisterB1ueSky (campaign)
>Wizards0nly (firefight)
>Bobinator141 (vehicles)
>Sneed2582 (forge)
>(You) (Alpha tester)
Who else? I know I'm missing a ton of people but the Halo 2 Vidoc doesn't have their names and not sure how big some of the guys in the Halo 3 vidoc really were. And isn't there an anon here working on a mod? You could join the team too. And maybe some anons can join the team as Beta testers. You have to take it seriously though. Don't just spam escharum, endless, or random discord insider jokes on your submitted bug reports, we're trying to make a proper Halo game here.
boypilled and tackel and me in the closet
Make the following changes and then maybe you might be onto something:
>TygerPacha15 > Lil' Pacha (writing)
>AdjacentBias > Mendicant Bias (audio)
>JJAB91 > Zeronis (art)
>boypilled > girlpilled (gameplay)
delete this.
>have an avid 2tard write the CE remake
lol no
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343 industries is a good name. They were supposed to be the caretakers, the custodians of Halo. But they fucked it up.
If you like Reach but hate the 343 games, you’re a hypocrite and you’re full of shit. Virtually everything that people hate about modern Halo started in that game and it’s all Bungie’s fault.
Reach was a finished game thoughbeit. And didn't have a cluster fuck story so bad even the devs had to just give up on it and drop it. Infinite could've been pretty damn good if the campaign wasn't abandoned and the game was finished on release
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Reach started with the fucking of Halo's artstyle too.
Like, what the fuck is this?
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The 2fag is getting uppity again.
Reach didn't have dogshit flood levels, which are what almost ruin CE and 2
>And didn't have a cluster fuck story so bad even the devs had to just give up on it and drop it.
That's because it barely had a story or characters to begin with.
elites' beanie toes :3
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Would have been received positively if it was a separate mode like invasion or warzone.
It skipped the flood part and just made regular dogshit levels.
Holy shit is that Rise of the Spartans
Swap me and Wizards. I don't know as much about campaigns as I do firefight.
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I wouldn't have minded if it just let you choose your weapon. Remove the distinction between primary & secondary, then put the Plasma Pistol and Boltshot on the maps.
I really liked Halo 4 multiplayer, including loadouts
the cycle strikes again
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>sees halo post about sprint
>people sys "sprint must be in every halo game, because every fps game has it"
>also "but but but your are super soldier?! argument
Follow the trends, but Halo will never recover.
unfortunately I mostly play Big Team so I kind of have to sprint
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Sprint is better, it means I can run to a vehicle quicker, which makes the game less tedious

Also I can evade a tricky situation more easily, which I think makes things more enjoyable
>"""unfortunately I mostly play Big Team so I kind of have to sprint"""
>because vehicles are useless
>because teleporters got the rope
>because man canons are misplaced
>because map design is shit
The maps are enlarged to account for sprint, so you're still having to run the same distance to a vehicle. It doesn't make it any faster. If you remove sprint, you balance the game around it, so the maps are smaller, which means the vehicles will also be closer to you. Sprint also makes vehicles less effective by letting you close the distance too fast to hijack or plant a grenade. It's bad enough you can steal vehicles or knock them back willy nilly with easily available equipment you don't have to fight over. There's already too much mobility for Spartans. Remove sprint but give them back their jump height.
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>Also I can evade a tricky situation more easily, which I think makes things more enjoyable
Jaime was right.
>Sprint is better, it means I can run to a vehicle quicker, which makes the game less tedious
Placebo effect. The maps are bigger and you belive they are the same size from H2-3. CE has huge BTB maps, and that's something you can feel.papt
If you get caught in a 'tricky' situation in means you weren't in a good position to begin with. So you shouldn't have a get out of jail free card after making a risky decision you shouldn't have. You should assess the risk before making a tactical decision like that. And with Infinite's equipment, it makes it even easier to make dumb decisions and get away with it.
when you're playing on a map that big, that 4% increase makes a difference.
Even for simply getting in a vehicle you want or getting to a power weapon, you're only putting yourself at a disadvantage otherwise
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>4% speed just to make cod movement
Black Ops 6 is coming soon. Soon can your sprint fetish be a reality with the Max Payne movement.
>The maps are enlarged to account for sprint, so you're still having to run the same distance to a vehicle.
Vehicles aren't always in spawn locations

>If you remove sprint, you balance the game around it, so the maps are smaller, which means the vehicles will also be closer to you.
Blood Gulch was massive, Sidewinder was massive. Getting to a vehicle on a map like those is quicker with sprint.

>Sprint also makes vehicles less effective by letting you close the distance too fast to hijack or plant a grenade.
Sounds based to me, any driver that can't evade those moves needs to git gud

>There's already too much mobility for Spartans
I like more options for mobility. It's satisfying when you learn how to use those tools effectively.

You still have to engage to get kills of course, but you just have to be smart about when you're going to engage, or when you're going to run for cover.

>CE has huge BTB maps
Yes it does and that's why I find it frustrating playing that game when it doesn't have sprint. You see a vehicle that somebody has left in the middle of the map and it takes ages to walk to that vehicle.
>he can't play CE without sprint
filtered zoomer
I hate Sprint in Halo, bit I'm not going to put myself at an objective disadvantage.
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>he has to sprint to reach a power weapon
Maps are not longer like Lockout, Beaver Creek, or Valhalla, where you had to fight for the weapon, before you picked it up.
>Vehicles aren't always in spawn locations
That doesn't mean you should get a free vehicle. It's not supposed to be safe out in the open, that's why you need to secure the area first before gunning for a vehicle.
>Blood Gulch was massive, Sidewinder was massive. Getting to a vehicle on a map like those is quicker with sprint.
You don't need to get to a vehicle quicker, you need to get to a vehicle safer (by making sure the area is clear of enemies).
>Sounds based to me, any driver that can't evade those moves needs to git gud
Vehicles can't suddenly stop and avoid things like infantry can. You can even jump over vehicles to avoid them. You can't claim they need to git gud if you already have an advantage over them as a lone Spartan. You're just given a free kill or vehicle depending on the equipment/weapon you have. The vehicle is stuck with what it has onboard, usually requiring two spartans to be effective.
>I like more options for mobility. It's satisfying when you learn how to use those tools effectively.
There's other games like Titanfall and Apex Legends for mobility. Halo is balanced around vehicles and infantry. If you give the infantry too many options then you get something like Halo 4 or Halo Reach where vehicles are mostly useless. Even in Infinite the game tends to favor infantry because you can bypass most of the vehicles' threats or kill them on the spot with power weapons. More mobility promotes getting into danger more often which you shouldn't be doing as infantry, your play should be more careful on foot and it should be the vehicles with more mobility in the open, otherwise what is the point of vehicles in the first place if you can just kill them so easily because you have more options than they do.
Other than a Scorpion, what exactly is a threat in Infinite in terms of vehicles in BTB? And even then, it's only a matter of (short) time before you kill that Scorpion, especially when your team knows it's there. It's not going to regenerate health without someone giving up their equipment, which can be bypassed anyway with a well place rocket or sniper shot to the driver. You can just keep spamming grenades at it too from safety.
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She opened fire and shot the Rookie in the back of the head - killing him INSTANTLY!
>but but but your are super soldier?!
These same people defend every gun having bloom and recoil.
>he has to sprint to reach a power weapon
on BTB maps if you don't Sprint you're not getting a power weapon.
Hell, you won't even get the starting base BR. 9 out of 10 times someone Sprints and slides to get it.
Is there really no way to add a secondary weapon to the HUD?
I disagree with the guy you're arguing with but
>useless vehicles
we did not play the same game
The revnant and banshee are guaranteed running riot machines if used correctly
reddit game
edgy post
zoomer meme video
vehicles have been useful in every halo game
an individual vdhicle is at its most vulnerable in 4, but even there that game is so stacked with constant vehicles that it becomes easy to get right back in one.
The Warthog is no longer a Running Riot machine like it was in 3, so people equate that to it being useless. Despite the chaingun still being stronger than any handheld weapon.
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>on BTB maps if you don't Sprint you're not getting a power weapon.
Again. You have to sprint to get a power weapon instead of fighting the enemies first.
>but but but my teamate will steal it from me reeee
Only faggots like these in the video will quit the game instead of helping for the control of the power weapon.
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Maybe he was experiencing really bad lag since he's in Australia.
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uh oh spartansissies, what's our response?
Why are brutes so strong? It's honestly kind of scary....in the books a brute even punches a marines head right off his shoulders....
I don't really trust the average halo fan to know what's best for the gameplay. I've read people unironically say assassinations ruined the game flow of Halo. The like 3 second long animation just to flex on someone if yoy sneak up on them ruins halo...even though halo popularized tea bagging. People are retarded, it is funny imagining them seething online when they get killed
>If only....le sprint wasn't in the game....I'd be good at it!!!
"light" vehicles like warthogs, ghosts, choppers, falcons, and mongooses should have health tied to shields.
"heavy" vehicles like revenants, gausshogs, wraiths, scorpions, and banshees should have their own health pool.
who is he quoting
Halo Infinite is NOT Halo

This is just some shitty cash grab scheme that absolutely pisses on the legacy of Bungie and turns it into some crappy ass fortnite-type game that FORCES you to spend your hard earned cash on predatory mtx microtransactions!

I remember the good old days of Halo! When you had to WORK for Recon in Halo 3. When you could mess around with your friends in forge mode all night. Now, Recon is locked behind a battle pass that you can’t even earn through challenges, and forge isn’t even in the game at launch!

We need to make our voices heard. We can’t let 343 DESTROY this franchise with their Dark Patterns and their Cat Ears and their FOMO store!

Take a stand against the whales that fund this horribly made mess of a game! Don’t let anyone who spends money on this game get away with playing the game peacefully until Microsoft finally returns the series to the rightful hands of Bungie!
In what direction can they go with the next halo? I want to fight more covenant, not robots or anything
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tis simple.
No, I said I find it frustrating, less enjoyable to play
>There's other games like Titanfall and Apex Legends for mobility
There's Halo 5 for mobility, and I like it
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>mogs shitfinite
>Halo isn't Halo
>2 isn't 2
>green isn't green
>Halo isn't Halo
Yes. How hard is this for you to understand?
>4 isn't 4
>black isn't black
>hot isn't hot
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>4 isn't 4
4 is 6.
Cool picture of 8 Halo games
We don't use that word here.
The next game will be called Halo 8 because Reach is a main series game
The next game must be about ODST.
Halo 1 and Halo 1 CE
Halo 2
Halo 3 and Halo 3 ODST
(Not) Halo Reach
Halo 4
Halo 5
Halo 6 (Infinite)
Moving on from Reach to halo 4, gonna use the mythic overhaul mod since I really liked the one for reach. Tried playing halo 4 vanilla before and never could finish it
What the fuck is reach?
That's a good list of all the Halo games that were worse than Reach
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How did he become such an unfunny fag?
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cor2na > 4tana
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tana>>>>whatever the abomination in the show is
>page 10
This is dire….
ODSTs are reddit
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>halo infinite dev stopped during 2022
>2023 and 2023 was external studios finishing maps etc because of their contracts (some forge maps were rushed because lack of time)
>devs were depressed to work on content because they knew "players wouldn't like it anyway, so why bother?"
>devs were depressed to work on content because they knew "players wouldn't like it anyway, so why bother?"
this makes me feel bad for shitting on them but then i remember they thought it would be a good idea to release a game that had like three modes at launch after 6 years of development.
ODST 2 when?
>shitfinite isn't getting updated because they know it's not worth it
What even came out in 2023? Firefight?
>nighterlev called out
way too many fucking words. not reading.
>280 people
>only 30% are game related
What the fuck do the other 70% do? Legit what is their job if they aren't working on games?
200 social media handlers?
i think so yes
managers, pr, i don't know what else
2023 is when pretty much everything released. DMR, Firefight, most of Forge, and the 3 equipment they've added. No doubt every bit of that was already in the pipeline.
>/r/halo jannies deleting posts about the bathrobe's twitter thread
WE! Know. PDF.
go back
Just saying that loadouts don't belong in matchmaking, but there's no reason loadouts shouldn't be an option for customs. In fact, not only should loadouts exist for customs, you should be able to create individual player options per loadout.
This alone would open up the possibility of unique custom games from literal Team Fortress or other class based customs and may more
>schizo is back after so long
Did someone talk about Masterz or something when I wasn't looking
Matchmaking has run its course, it's time to replace it with a customs browser with some 24/7 servers running regular modes.
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i clicked on this and four command boxes opened and closed right away should i be worried
she's white and european actually
it was nighterlev this time
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My journey is at its end…
Thanks for the memories halo and Xbox(fuck Phil and mattrick. Hell Fuckk all their leadership!)
proud of you mister staten!!
Counter Strike 1.6 servers?
Why do so many Warthog drivers insist on driving boarding distance when attacking enemies? As if they think the turret is a shotgun on wheels.
If you want to be a good driver, remember the turret has some range and you will do a lot better by keeping a distance.
Which ionofag is this, it's not Yog right? And B1ueSky prefers Gardenia, so it can't be him
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Reach a good
It's over
I would but 99% of gunners are retarded apes who can’t see or do shit against enemies even when I mark them.
>shitter link
I can't read shit
Sorry I buy shit when it hits a sale
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>Pee Poo Pee will only supervise
>pajet and woke company will make it even worse
Halo is absolutely dead.
We're about to lose to splitgate again
Splitgate 2 is going to be a shitty Overwatch clone.
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>marathon 2 is now free on steam
Tremonius was just announced as Atriox's VP pick. The Banished are finished.
yeeze hug
Is it any better than the first one?
what da scallop
>spartan body
>heavy armor
>light armor
reach sissies, your response?!
I fuck heavy w/ heavy armored voice 2 spartans.
If they came to hear me kek, they will be disappointed.
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infinite sisters... what went wrong?
Xbox property
The players are all on ElDewrito.
gabe newell is a fat faggot, he is not santa claus, he is not jesus, steam is reddit, and you will never be a woman.
this isn't halo this is titanfall 2
But how does this affect the MartyArmy?
yeeze is so cute >///<
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tana's tanas
yeah that's why i summarized it
i wasn't too fond of the first game artstyle even if there was some goofykino, but the new artstyle seems too much for me
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Excuse me i just played halo 3 on MCC for the first time in a while and my aim is literally following the enemy players around like i dont even have to touch the controller and the screen will follow them around

did 343i actually fucking put extra strong autoaim into the old halo games and basically ruin them all forever because they wanted to appeal to retarded zoomers who cant aim or something?
are you using zero deadzones?
with zero deadzones, your aim will drift slowly assuming you have a good controller, which the game will read as you inputting aim, which will kick the auto-aim on
like i know halo had aim assist where when the reticle turns red it reduces the sensitivity but that only slows the inputs you continue giving it, it doesnt make it move on its own

this is literally making the reticle move around on its own to follow enemies

no its at the default 5%. i have aim control set to classic too. and even if that were the case i was pretty certain it wouldnt move around at all on its own it would just slow down your inputs until you leave the threshold to have a red reticle

this is literally moving around a shit ton following people

i have played halo 2 and 3 for thousands of hours with all kinds of controller settings, for almost 2 decades now. nothing like this has ever happened and it isnt at all how the regular aim assist works from my understanding
its not doing it anymore so i guess i am just going insane
That's always been a thing. Maybe it's more pronounced at higher framerates, but moving targets have always dragged your reticle around.
bloom was also always a thing
>bloom was also always a thing
Kind of, but not how it was in Reach, and never on semi-auto weapons. Tapping the trigger, regardless of fire rate, would retain accuracy.
Keep sprint
>kind of
no, not kind of
It always was there
Different titles have utilized it differently the same way different titles have utilized melee and vehicle physics differently.
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/our guy/ act man just got btfo.
He should really learn from Marty's mistake and stay out of politics.
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Not again...
>no, not kind of
>It always was there
With a different function and implementation.
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>ruins infinite’s firefight in your path
343 really can’t do anything right. the bomber grunt AI in the bungie games usually only started to do that when the rest of the pack was getting killed and it was their last ditch effort. they would also make a certain noise as an audible warning if you couldn’t see them on your screen or radar. in Infinite, they just randomly do it out of nowhere without warning. it’s complete bullshit.
And don't forget they don't have an arm/activate time for the grenades too. You can melee a grunt and instantly explode out of nowhere because 0.01s before it died it entered the suicide behaviour state.
i miss the Q+Y arc
they were so cute together
tav's a homewrecker
>instantly explode out of nowhere
halo infinite’s firefight mode in five words
>make two posts for the sake of one
>viewers have to open a new tab
webm with sound link is more convenient for people
You shouldn't don't care what lazy retards do or don't do
only people with initiative matter
it really isn't hard to install an extension
Isn't this guy an actual cuck?
He is an atheist cuck fag built like a physically disabled gnome. Also Halo
Thankfully Halo
unfortunately no
Lmao yes
He had to pry his wife off of some guy's face live on stream
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bnuuy gang
Is this Halo?
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thankfully this isn’t true.
How do anons feel about adding Halo Infinite weapons to other Halo games? Is it Halo or does it make the games less Halo in your honest and incredibly humble opinion?

I think you're a faggot. Post your reddit username so I can dox you.
poor anon made the mistake of mentioning mods, now Someone's gonna get all uppity.
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Mods have been Halo since Bungie officially endorsed them in Halo Custom Edition, which is older than Halo 2.
Mods ARE Halo. To refute this is to officially expose yourself as not being a true Halo fan, as well as being an official Halo hater.
Mods are gay and dilute the true HALO experience. Dont try to debate I will ignore all of you traitors
Mods are gay only because there's no Cortana or femSpartan nude mods but countless furry futa elite mods.
Im not surprised
Explain Forge. Forge is an official modding tool. Even 343 likes mods and released official modding tools for MCC/steam workshop. Both Bungie and 343 actually agreeing on something. Mods are what brings the Halo community together. To deny them is to deny Halo. What diluted Halo was 343 hiring people who never played or hated Halo to make Halo games. What dilutes Halo is anons trying to keep sprint in the game when it really should have just been a one-off thing, not the future of the franchise.
You think we'll get these types of reactions for Halo 7's announcement trailer?
People can do whatever they want, but campaign overhauls do not interest me in the slightest.
Campaign overhauls are some of the best types of Halo mods. It's like playing a remix or bonus dungeon but for the entire campaign. Especially with all the new vehicles, weapons, and AI encounters. Playing the vanilla gme is great and it already has tons of replay value with skulls and difficulty levels, but this is like taking it a step further on steroids. Just makes the game feel so fresh. And what's great is that all the base gameplay and physics are intact, so it's not like you're playing a completely different game like Titanfall or Call of Duty. It's still Halo at its core with the base Halo gameplay.
Bro 343 supporting mods is the perfect argument that modding is indeed NOT HALO
Only from the usual suspects.
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Even if it means restoring cut content that Bungie originally intended to be in the game but was forced by Microsoft to abandon their true vision?
The Unusuals are forcing an anti-mod narrative. Don't let them.
Reach was going for le realistic military aesthetic. I guess that's what a banshee would look like in "real life"
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I thought this guy was Indian.
>le picatinny rail all the things in the 26th century
It's funny, 90% of 343i's designs have been put in the bin but Reach aesthetic still lingers.
Man, why do some players have no situational awareness or memory? If we're getting backsmacked at our own base on spawn, that means they're already at our base and we don't have to go rush out to meet them at theirs. Why are you running back toward the enemy's base when they're already here farming our spawns? You just end up getting shot in the back and letting them steal all our vehicles. Let's secure our spawn before we all blindly rush back out into the meatgrinder. Come on, man, get it together already.
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You think we'll be able to play as Cortana/The Weapon at some point? Maybe for Halo 7?
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Bungie is such a good name. They started on a high note and then the cord broke during the jump.
>The Halo series developer 343 Industries will only supervise the development of future entries in the series, as Microsoft is reportedly not confident in 343 internal developing anymore.
We did it
We outlasted 343
Should they even be supervising anything though? Their supervision is what caused most of this trouble in the first place.
Thankfully, this isn't true.
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I see Trump surviving assassination has the Halo 5 fans upset wow really makes you think
boys are the best
it's an alright show, overrated honestly.
Just got word from up high. It's over.
nothing ends :3
have a great day and night guys i mean it
go fuck yourself
The Shift is happening
>Literally who?
Jez is also wrong all the time btw
...Somehow... Chieffag returned.
you too!
trips of truth
yeeze sneeze
Slowest. Thread. Ever.
this is so sad ;_;
how do we get new friends to play halo with us?
we need to prostitute yeeze out.
it's the only way.
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2401 Penitent Tangent my beloved
this is the 2,999th yeeze mention
>July 16
1. Fortnite
2. Call of Duty (MWII/MWIII/Warzone 2.0)
3. Roblox
4. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
5. Minecraft
6. GTAV (Xbox One)
7. NBA 2K24
8. Elden Ring
9. Apex Legends
10. The First Descendant
11. GTA Online (Series X/S)
12. Madden NFL 24 (Series X/S)
13. Overwatch 2
14. FC 24 (Series X/S)
15. MLB The Show 24 (Series X/S)
16. Destiny 2
17. Rocket League
18. Forza Horizon 5
19. Red Dead Redemption II
20. Valorant
21. Dead by Daylight
22. FC 24 (Xbox One)
23. Fallout 76
24. Fallout 4
25. Ark: Survival Ascended
26. Madden NFL 24 (Xbox One)
27. PUBG
28. Farming Simulator 22
29. Starfield
30. MLB The Show 24 (Xbox One)
31. Halo Infinite
32. The Sims 4
33. Sea of Thieves
34. War Thunder
35. Diablo IV
36. XDefiant
37. NHL 24 (Series X/S)
38. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
39. Call of Duty: Black Ops III
40. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
41. Warframe
42. Assassin's Creed: Valhalla
43. Baldur's Gate 3
44. PGA Tour
45. Skate 3 (Xbox 360)
46. Fall Guys
47. WWE 2K 24
48. Day Z
49.The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
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I've thought about coming back many times but Infinite is shiiiiiiiit. Halo 5 when?
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ODST 2 when?
>1. Fortnite
>2. Call of Duty
>3. Roblox
>5. Minecraft
>6. GTA V (11 years old)
>7. NBA 2K24
>9. Apex Legends
>12. Madden NFL 24
>13. Overwatch
>14. EA football
>15. MLB The Show (Sony game)
>16. Destiny 2 (Bungie game owned by Sony)
>22. EA Football AGAIN
>23. Fallout 76
>24. Fallout 4 (single player game)
>26. Madden NFL AGAIN
>27. PUBG (7 years old)
>28. Fucking Farming Simulator
>29. Starfield
>30. MLB The Show AGAIN
all beating Halo Infinite
and MCC is so dead it doesn't even make the list period.
>Infinite beat by Farming Simulator
>MCC beat by Skate 3
Skate 3 will beat Infinite. Mark MY words.
Halo hater
why do you hate halo?
it's dead
stop it
Get some better quality bait then.
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>halo hater thinks not hating halo is bait
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>he hates Halo
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>10 year
Halo 5 MCC would save the franchise.
*doubles your installation size*
A small price to pay for Halo's success.
halo... it's finished
No, I think we’re just getting started.
remember to shower before bed, bros
you’re supposed to shower in the morning, dumbfuck
that's why your bed is stinky
I live in rural Australia and the idea of not showing before going to bed is horrific.
nasty ass
alright, here’s what’s gonna happen, 343:
>you’re gonna remove the House of Reckoning and Live Fire maps from the game
>you’re gonna nerf the bipbaps in Gruntpocalypse
>you’re gonna add Firefight modes that are not king of the hill
comply with this or i’m filing a lawsuit
>House of Reckoning
I actually kinda like that in firefight. The cliff one, live fire and the ODST forge map (because it's broken as fuck) should go away.
the halo 2 zanzibar map should be removed, too. it’s faithful to the original but the hill placement where it’s inside the building is absolutely horrible.
house of kekoning sucks dick. it gets fucked by black guys.
I like Live Fire because it's a change of pace from the other maps. I'd like to see Streets in Firefight too.
live fire’s a perfectly fine map in pvp but it’s kind of a nightmare in firefight because of these fucks >>486242654. they’ll come around the corner out of nowhere when you’re in a tight area and then all of a sudden three teammates are gone. it’s very annoying.
grifter thread
buy an ad
343 never recovered from this bombshell.
I saw it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9NimgUEK8A
Why are WE getting raided by culture war creeps?
is liking boys woke?
This is just how Halo discourse is outside of highly-moderated spaces.
Marty's failed political career made it worse.
can you call it a career if all he did was scam campaign donations from retarded bungiebros and put no effort into actually running
People saying "h-h-he wasn't serious!" are coping.
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shut the fuck up retards
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No, thankfully!
>marty had an easy ticket to respected elder statesmanship by being the writer of the fucking Halo OST
>destroys his career and then his legacy by being a stubborn diva who can't stop listening to fox news
>Now just tweets barely veiled comments about how minorities and gays are destroying our fair country and how we need a Big Strong Man to set us straight with a political career that utterly failed to start

why did he do it?
>why did he do it?
I think all the "MARTY IS GOAT" comments and people sucking his dick went to his head and made him feel important.
Failed to realise that the Halo fandom isn't solely located in Nevada I guess.
Calm down Nighterlev
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your parasitic jewish nigger family will be consumed, I'll cook your children on my grill.
you're not untouchable, one second of unity and you parasitic nigger filth are worse than dead.
damn if marty lives there then no wonder he's so bitter all the time
farty o'donnell just shat his drawers
we know who the fuck you are. die slow jewish nigger filth.
marty's jewish nigger friends.
Marty's actually retarded and I hate that reddit was right about him.
Irregulars won.
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Micheal was always the TRVE composer for halo. Marty was just the kid that said the joke louder.
That line could have been so cool but everything after reach was pig feed.
marty (along with michael) made some of the greatest vidya music of all time. he’s allowed to do whatever the fuck he wants as far as i’m concerned, he’s earned it.
we know he sis a good job with Halo
he's a schizo now tho so we're still going to make fun of him
Jason Jones needs to answer for accelerating Marty's dementia.
it's over
Has been for a while now
I miss yeeze
How many Regulars remain?
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How does she do it?
>Halo (Macworld)

>Halo: Combat Evolved

>Halo: Combat Evolved Custom Edition

>Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary

>Halo Paramount Plus TV Series

>Halo: Combat Evolved Reboot
for trans leeches
Which Halo takes the most skill?
Highest Skill Ceiling: 2
Highest Skill Floor: CE
Lowest Skill Ceiling: Reach
Lowest Skill Floor: 3
it's endless

do you even know?
>Halo: Reach
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>eight day thread
>only news is there's no news
Has it ever been more dire?
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me in the middle
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this but swap reach and 3
bloom filtered more people than leading BR shots
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It's over.
kek i just remembered the flippant flipping out episode
Highest Skill Ceiling: 3
Highest Skill Floor: 1
Lowest Skill Ceiling: 2
Lowest Skill Floor: Infinite
Take it from a professional reg.
Why does no one play 2
they call it halo 2 because you can only play it twice before wanting to kill yourself
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i was just bumping the thread fyi
getting a lot of nostalgia for the post halo 5 drought right now. I wonder why.
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This is the last thread.
See you all in three years.
cute, wanna bang?
it always sucked
who sucked? did they cum?
Abatementy0g, All of None, An Actua1 Dog, Azoedud, BantuMgrtn, Czarchasm00, Danlamdae, dankcucumber, DareArms6257, Eternal Jobber, EpicTommyGun593, FutaCatGirl, General Hazard, Kabuskini, herr andrew, Ij999, jailbird20022, JJAB91, Jaxelo, j king345, JonCollector, Jungle Bob9515, Kesh on Hend, Hectorl0, PurpleHaze4796, Mombasa Minute, Mad L3prechaun, manbearkid01, Nighterlev, Neirn, NekoNoodle, Nes0beri, QQx0, ReliableScroll1 Robeman1990, Scaly, Sigmund82, Solar Flip, Southall99, The One Big Red, OOX of Flames, TygerPacha15, TylerKA24DET, Undead0rb, Unknown Kai, Voidals, Vortigaux, Wizards0nly, YeezeID
sleep well halobros
good night
The Halobros on the horizon
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night night
Thanks, you too
Would be a shame if Flood interrupted his fine vacation.
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Sleep well.
which halo character has the juiciest most plump butthole?
your infinite spartan
Buttholes are not Halo. Leave.
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>Buttholes are not Ha-
I retract my statement. Buttholes are INDEED Halo
>8 day thread
It's never been this over.
Don't worry we are getting the campaign DLC very soon
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No because it's the show
thank you
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Why has chief his helmet off?? This is in fact NOT Halo
He has not taken the creed.
How many of them still play? And where TF is droid?
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nobody important
>Don't worry we are getting the campaign DLC very soon
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when you extrapolate out the nostalgia factor that would resonate with something like an MCC package and factor in the state of the brand right now, it makes sense 2 would have the smallest playercount.
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>extrapolate out

Man, 343 is really dropping the ball with Halo. They could be doing so much more with the universe like this.
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>extrapolate out
So if I’m making custom MTG cards for halo shit (of which includes preconstructed decks), would the Anodyne Spirit be more of a Covenant thing or a forerunner thing? I know it’s a forerunner ship, but it also holds great significance in the Covenant empire
this looks low quality
>covenant war
lol no
Why are you making Marjorie Taylor Green cards?
Imagine being gifted such an excellent chin only to be stuck with that scnozz
God has a sense of humor
cool it with the antisemitism, kids
Halo is for everyone
lol it’s magic the gathering
As opposed to Parammount Plus's low quality? This looks more like Halo.
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>"Halo is for everyone"
Bonnie pls
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Halo is like sex. You know it when you see it.
kind of yeah
it looks like shit made by a bunch of high schoolers in a green room
not you, conserva-worms
Do you prefer the Halo Paramount TV series?
I never watched it. I could tell it was crap from the first trailer.
But even from that the budget difference between that shit and your fan project you're shilling is night and day different.
new bread
Why would you expect some fan work to have a bigger budget than a big company like Paramount?
That's like saying Reach and ODST are bad because they're low budget. Not everything needs to be big budget. Paramount has way more budget and definitely looks worse. They can't even design Elites properly and they make Masterchief's armor look like loose, cheap plastic despite having more budget to work with to get the look right.
>Why would you expect some fan work to have a bigger budget than a big company like Paramount?
I wouldn't. I would expect them to not force a project that exposes the limitations of their budget and means and instead work within the reality of their situation.
What these amateurs have done is gone full retard and tried to create something on the battlefield and as a result the uncanny valley has been cracked open all the way into being a full scale canyon.
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