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Duel Links Speed General #2465

Exosister when?

It’s Dumon >>484186796

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is a Mobile and PC game that uses the Speed and Flush Duel formats. /dlsg/ focuses on the SPEED duel format of the game. Classic yugioh anime discussion also welcome.

>New Player FAQ
>Datamines Drive

Current Events
>Action Duels PvP

Upcoming Events
>Tag duel Tournament
>Sherry is added to the gate
Dumon unlock

Useful resources for info on Legendary Duelists, Skills, decklists, events, etc.
>Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
>Official Duel Links Page
>Yu-Gi-Oh! Probability Calculator
Exorsisters among out first wave of Monster World duelists, make it happen!
Is that gay?
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Monster world...
Yes, 99% of all girl archetypes is yuri.
These Action duels are so cringe. But I'll have to endure for the gems.
Shark anon post decklist
we will never get monster, tag force, or cross duel world will we
Only if Konami wants this game to stay alive past this year, if not we will anyways but in the form of Duel Link 2.0 VR
>Duel chinks is getting a permanent Classic mode PvP
Why does Konami love those chinks so much? They also got the proto-Monster world (Gate for monster duelists)
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All the bugmen in China play mobile slop that's the world's biggest market which is why everyone tries catering to them, pretty sure the ow characters aren't gays over there too for that exact reason of them wanting China money same with posters showing minorities on them an example would be the nustar wars poster and the black panther one as well where the actors face is completely hidden or straight up removed or resized to show them less.
A whole fun side of Yusaku they could have explored but of course they chickened out. Wasted potential.
Does DLM still do Gem reports?
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Duel links fucking sucks. how do people still play it
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I just got FTK'd for the first time :) I didn't know you can kill a player as soon as the game starts. Why are these cards not removed btw?
usually they have shit consistency, like a 20% chance of doing the combo if you don't have handtraps
The chance of success is irrelevant, no? If it can happen then there's a problem
actually it is relevant. if you vs the same deck 10 times you will win 8 times
Ehhh I don't think that's true or even relevant at all but you do you.
>decide to play my petdeck in the event
>go 1-12 where the only win was against a tachyon player that only opened 2 monsters
>only other time I came close to winning was against a shiranui player who had double kiteroid for my lethal push on 0-cards in deck
dis sucks mane
Do you also cry when you brick and the opponent has a full board?
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You're right. We need to ban Catapult Turtle, Synch Realm, Vengeful Servant and Sparks immediately. Just imagine the synergy with Mayakashis!
10 game win streak in legend should be instant KoG

Agree or disagree?
>full board
FTKs don't need a battle phase lil bud. The "gameplay" is you watching your opponent play solitaire until you get a defeat screen
you're crying about losing to a deck with bad consistency that probably has no turn 2. you think you lost at the coinflip but no, you lost when they won the coinflip, they drew the right cards, and you didn't have a hand trap.
that is essentially the same as bricking turn 2 against a full board of negates and backrow except most meta decks have heaps more consistency and don't automatically lose it they fail the coinflip
Damn I wasn't gonna even bother with the event, but the sleeves and mat just fit PK so well I gotta.
You're being a pussy over losing to a deck that needs to get lucky to win, what ftk was it ?None of them have a more than 20% win rate and that's if they go first he got lucky thats it just queue up for the next guy.
Some people actually enjoy it, myself included. You just have to ignore the flush months and it's still decent.Though if you gave me the choice of axing it for a brand new game I'd do it in a heartbeat.
>that is essentially the same as bricking turn 2 against a full board of negates and backrow
>bad consistency
Read my posts again before responding :)
Post ftk deck or it didn't happen
You lost to a deck that lost its last 8 duels in a row. They are meme builds. If we banned their cards a bunch of shit no one uses would be banned for a deck that rarely wins
i play ftk in pvp events
Anyone else getting connection errors and duels freezing right before you either win or lose?
Happens this patch
No wonder FTK cards are still around. Look at all these coping shit eaters and this is only 10 or so replies in lmaoooo
post kog
Shitter cope you lost to a deck with a worse win rate than yours lamo
Every problem in Yugioh exists because Yugikeks love slurping Konami's cum.
Gamers in general have already been conditioned/groomed to eat shit and enjoy it no matter what online multiplayer game you play. Like a predator grooming kids situation but even worse 10x because at the very least, pedophilia is a stigma while multiplayer online games are seen as a hobby
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I love the Obelisk Blue uniform
I'm indifferent towards the Ra Yellow uniform
I hate the slifer red uniform,bunch of slackers
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Zexal uniform mogs all others
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I understand that you hate creativity and any thing that isn't unga bunga, but banning FTK cards that aren't OP is an anti-yugioh mindset
Exodia and burn cards have existed since the beginning, LP and the phases of the game are pretty much designed to allow alt win conditions that aren't unga bunga, and FTK decks have even appeared in the anime
FTK decks are almost always trash and there are an endless number of ways to make them, trying to ban them would remove a solid chunk of the card pool for no benefit at all
and I don't see how an inconsistent FTK is worst than a guaranteed turn 1 board full of negates, which is every modern deck that isn't FTK
since you hate modern yugioh, I have found a few alternatives for you and they address every single gripe you might have
>if you hate being unable to respond
anything that isn't yugioh
modern yugioh has cranked it up to 11, but it has always had strats based around not letting the opponent play
Jinzo has existed for a long time
>if you hate win conditions that aren't battle related
the pokemon card game has prize cards which are only won by killing the opponent's pokemon
this is perfect for unga bunga enjoyers like you
>if you hate creative decks
poker, uno, old maid, and other games that use a single deck
>if you hate bad luck
chess and anything actually skill based
actually, chess doesn't have any of the things you might hate
you should just quit yugioh and play chess instead
>FTK decks have even appeared in the anime
Irrelevant. A bunch of cards in the anime don't translate to its games 1:1. That's also why rules were made so the game is fair for everyone. Or else literally nothing would be banned

And yes it's creative but that also doesn't mean it shouldn't be removed from ranked games (in non-ranked games they should be ok because those are just for fun) just because it's """""creative"""". But it's ok, you're a shiteater so you're completely used to the taste of shit over the years, god forbid even decades of it being shoved down your throat with a smile on your face. I've seen your kind many times
Can't imagine being this ass blasted over your first ftk
post your rank bro I wanna see what kind of shitter cries over weak ftk's
yeah, lost a couple of games just because of that
Hey retard, if I used Yugi’s skill for Exodia and go second, there’s a chance I can draw 4 pieces of Exodia in my starting hand and the 5th on my first draw. Do we need to ban Exodia? Or do we not sweat potential FtKs that are statistical anomalies?
>Do we need to ban Exodia?
Might as well. Even if the chances are abysmal, it enabled future FTK behavior and FTK cards to come out. You need to start with the roots

Just remember, "muh statishtics" is nothing but cope
don't play card games then
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5ds duel academy*
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Should I swap thrasher with another meilias? Often I start with sowing or generally dead hands so my options end up being meilias+benghalancer or meilias+dryatrentriay
Also general advice would be helpful
It's Aki that makes it look good.
Why do you have 2 dryas and cosmic? maybe cut on those and just 1 sowing and twin, add 2 more maiden, the spellcaster handtrap and debunk for pesky sacred beasts.
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>Why do you have 2 dryas and cosmic?
That extra dryas saved me more times than I can count for sunseed twins' effect, since sunvines require loci to be summoned, cosmic as well came in clutch quite often
>maybe cut on those and just 1 sowing and twin, add 2 more maiden, the spellcaster handtrap and debunk for pesky sacred beasts.
I'll probably have just one sowing and add 2 maidens then, if youre referring to effect veiler I dont have it, thats why I'm using ghost mourner, and sacred beasts haven't been a problem yet
Thanks in either case, I'll experiment further
Have a glue eyes player moment as a thanks
>watch opponent build their full board
>don't draw the out
WTF how is that gameplay? I'm just watching my opponent play solitaire until I get the lose screen?
the best advice I can give is either play a better deck or use sherry and mix sunavalon with fleur
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I love Shiun'in Sora!
>use sherry and mix sunavalon with fleur
Unfortunately I missed out on the second run so no skill nor necro synchron for me
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Akiza looks weird when she doesn’t wear her hair horn thing
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Not getting Aqua's human version was a crime against humanity.
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I love Sora.
Ban Exodia
Ban alt wincons
Ban burn cards
Ban Jinzo
Ban anything that says "negate" or "your opponent cannot"
Ban the anime too gay shit that only brought us garbage like x*z p*ndulums and l*nks
>leaves fusion and synchros out of it when they're just as bad if not worse with unresponsive shit like super poly
Erm yikes
Super Poly is fair and balanced thoughoweverbeit
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YOUR boss monster?
MY fusion material!
*summons obelisk*
*summons water monster*
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Hello friend.
Quantum is hosting. Sky striker vs Evil eye
They are talking about a tie? How come??
>everyone in the chat hating on Evil eye
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I don't have time to watch but I hope my wife wins it all.
Why are you letting everyone look under your girl's skirt, bro?
Sky sissies...not like this...
Yoink that fag Servile
Buy an ad quantum pubes the only eceleb we shill around here is HIM
>he's live
>but streaming MD
Why even live...
RayeBros. It's coming home!
I refuse to learn the clusterfuck that Unchained plays are. I'm leaving for food until this match is over.
I want to see Roze's panties too.
Wait, how did a Seiyaryu made it there? I wasn't paying attention.
I don't think her model is out for sale yet. Still, I think she wears short shorts under her coat.
What's with that sissy playmat on the Rokket player's side?
>Chat randomly turns into portugeese
I forgot how much favelamonkeys love this game.
What about HER?
I love Serena's Serenas
Blue eyes bros...it's joeover...
They should hit those other top tier decks more.
Oh no, it's not. Kek
Man, I'd build rokkets only to play Seiyaryu but I don't think it ever actually gets summoned?
>DL players are mostly spic, favela monkeys or Ahmeds
Fuck rokkets then. S
>Palestine player is using Yubel
He's going to get thrown from a building. It's not worth the risk.
I think that was a replay for gems
Still some Palestinian out there is sticking his head out just to play Yubel. F
Sky striker gods, we got these Blue eyes cucks by the neck. We got this.
Damn. We were so close, Sky striker bros. But the match ain't over yet
I fucking hate wightprincess like you couldn't believe it.
>Sky striker might actually make it
Raye truly never dies.
Blue eyes cucks in shambles.
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>noticing only now
Damn, that was humiliating. I don't think BE bros will ever recover.
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>it isn't worth it
Let's go Raye bros. Show these dragon cucks who's boss.
That is one cute cosplayer.
Looking good so far, SkyStriker bros...
>those perfect Beatrice sleeves
>ruined by the Duel Links logo
>Didn't activate the levi
not bad
He had another one.
Wightprincess please!
I want to comission art of Raye thanking Whightprincess for saving her all the time.
>capcha: rktt
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Early celebration theme
I find it fun that no one is cheering for Rokkets. Kek
I hate rokkets but I want them to avenge the BE chads.
>Duel room is buggy
Indie company please understand
Because everyone hates incomprehensible combo bullshit.
My bad, I turned my microwave on to make some popcorn
>it's actually over for the sky striker bros
uh oh
Raye made a stinky in her diapers
wightprincess has saved my ass so many times, I don't get how people ever played the into the void version
And here I was going to post an upclose of Raye's panties to celebrate.
>Actually jynxed it
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>Not 13
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why buy an ad when you guys do it for free
kys frog troon
French from quebec arent frogs, we're the based version of french
>get sent to the gy because I didn't let injecton fairy Lilly give me the jab
I don't think so cunuck
Fuck, this is beyond unlucky. I'm 100% sure Konami rigs the pulls so you don't get missing cards on your already build decks.
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>Visible nipple
>Blue board
It was nice knowing you aniki
That's his male side tho
Monster world defeat sprites should include this.
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That’s my wife so it’s ok
Rape uni marry corn simple as
killing people for that is pretty based actually
sex room
Yubel can’t be a wife
Are you implying because she has a big demon penis that she can’t be my wife?
moreso the fact that's she's fused with a man
Female voice + female body + boob. Not a man
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no anon I mean she's literally fused with a man
Your month just ended,no one cares
The end of speed duel
Is this EOS for duel links?
buy an ad
paper speed duel just kept reprinting dm and gx. duel links is all the way into vrains
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Blue Angel getting tossed up by Girag
I hope so. Duel links 2 soon.
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>really like Queen's design and CEO character
>Vrains writers would rather give Blood Jobpherd and JOBhman 9000 duels
>Queen finally gets her "time"
>jobs in 5 minutes, loses her status, never appers again
Vrains was the gayest season by far.
exclusive to china
It's so strange how uninterested the TCG was as a whole with playing Speed Duel format when it's the region that enjoys slower retro formats the most. Speed only held on this long because the battle boxes where such great nostalgia bait that sold well to casuals, but nobody actually wanted to PLAY with them.
Paper speed duel was supposed to end like a year ago so this is long overdue.

What is likely means is papa Konami told them to wrap it up because it’s time to bring Flush to the west
It was suppose to end FOUR years ago. The battle city box was going to be the last hurrah but it sold so incredibly well that they kept making more speed duel boxes for several years. I wouldn't be surprised if they keep printing reruns of speed boxes even after the format is discontinued.
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no it wasn't.
>I want to rebuy all my cards with a Cross Duel tier system
Oink oink
I kinda liked the boxes because the early ones were the first time certain vanillas got an English print. And the later ones gave a lot of cards secret rare foil that they never would have got otherwise
Now that her cards are being printed she has a sliver of a chance to get into Duel Links since Vrains is so short on characters.

Funny how many duels Blood Shepherd got and they still haven’t printed his cards. While Queen gets one, using an archetype infamous for being one of the worst in the entire game and hers make the cut
Gimme the code for the be deck. I have returned a few days ago after 2 years.

How bad is current meta btw? What should I dig?
Code: 00115kbksgwx

In the current meta you want to play 2-3 copies of Skull Meister to stop Unchained and Sacred Beast fags, it's also good against zombie decks.
Also you should dig for at least two copies of IDP (Ice Dragons Prison) and Crackdown each.
6 more days of this shitty ass event huh
it's one of the better gem mines, suck it up
Celina sexo
Durbe will be our reward.
Celina looks sexier with her hair loose
Hot stuff coming thru
If you expected any woman in ygo of all franchises to do anything this far into its 6th series I don't know what to tell you.
She looks like a goddamn tranny. Vrains has the WORST female designs.
>Allure queens just got consistency support
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I-I-It's normal to have a deck this small it's speed duel 20 cards is fine...
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>it's true
Holy. What a blessed day
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Blue girl is trash. We want blue angel.
Wrong. 6 days is tag duels
This isn't a skill rank, it just tells you how likely you are to have losing hands forced on you.
4 star shitter cope
Get to 5 stars, retard.
Why is there no tier 1 according to the TPC
>tfw playing meme roleplay deck that loses just often enough to keep me in 3 star and reset my revenge bonus
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>play event
>Against eternal troon so I just set pass
>He miss plays and uses super poly on his monsters thinking he could yoink my set monster
>Scoops immediately
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Hi where am the Dumon?
Sounds like it's a fun time to play rogue decks on the ladder.
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No it doesn’t. The toilet paper clowncil omits that part where all the “tier 2” decks still shit all over everything else, and even decks they won’t tier like Battle Chronicle can still mindlessly destroy pet decks
B-but Raye got to the finals in yesterday's quantum tournament...
No tournaments today?
Host your own and we comment here.
it's amazing how it's been literal years and the TPC is just as much of a joke as ever lmao
what do (You) think the tier list should be then
if there's no tier 1, rotate everything up a tier so there is one
this idea that "all the best decks in the game are tier 2" is retarded
Daga dameeji wo uketemorau!
>rotate everything up a tier
Sounds stupid
>if there's no tier 1, rotate everything up a tier so there is one
based retard
You only want there to be a tier 1 so you have something to bitch about
I'm a yugioh player. I'd bitch regardless. like I am right now about there being nothing in tier 1 :D
Honestly I don't have much to complain about. I'm having fun.
Same but fuck Shaddolls
Shien's Spy is so good in Sacred Beasts
This and zombie world
This and borrel link
these and Fleurslop
Sex archetype?
It's called traptrix
I fucking hate digging for rares. RARE DREAM TICKET WHEN?
your box chips bro??
here's your dream ticket, bro
your brain sis? box chips don't work for all boxes? are you retarded?
your patience bro?? it'll join the card pool eventually??
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Necro bump
We fucking won.
yeah no views for you
Im gonna save you guys a click here,it's shilling that ADHD riddled animation waifu gachaslop called zoneless zero or something ,some Indian is playing it I clicked off almost immediately but thats what i got from the 2 seconds I saw
That gave me a bump in my pants
i remember the good ol' days when worm poster would post top xex and the only thing we complained about was neos beat down
I miss that sexy saffira
Why the fuck are there two dead duel links generals
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Romin banned for being too sexy
Beyblade lookjng shit
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Speaking of Saffira
that people who keep making threads have autism
Who are those even? That's not saphira nor her human form.
Those hips tho
I watched
God gives you a dragon Loli and you question it?
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I want to see more art but found out those only show up in that new art.
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The squared chest makes it look more like a male or gender ambiguous entity than the usual waifu dragons
>dragonmaid player is a tranny lover
of course
Can Balerdroch not respond to getting yoinked by the unchained link 2 and 3 or did my opponent missplay?is it because he can only respond after the effect is activated and Balerdroch is no longer on the field to do anything?
in english please, Pablo
Ayo dis Balerdroch nigga lacking frfr. Is the beta im playing against from r*dditstan or something cause he dead ass did not respond to my cards on god. Is it cap think it's because Balerdroch is in Ohio now or what?
Is that English enough for you?
I really want to use lava golem because most decks these days end their turn with lots of monsters on the field, but every time I swap my kaijus for him I only ever run into sky strikers until I swap back
I almost never run into sky strikers when I use kaijus
how can I add lava golem to my deck without konami knowing?
I think he's saying that the design's closer to something like Astral than a saffira or the maids where its absolutely waifubait
I can kinda see it with the chest shape but it does have a slight curve to its hips too.
I'll wait on the lore explanation before saying either way
Aye caremba
I wasn't 100% sure but yeah, 3x Scythe is the play. Turn 1 popping their starter plus getting a 2600 atk body has almost always won me the game.
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Cross Duel world...
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Stop bullying rookie players
does trying to surrender make anyone else's game bug out?
when I click surrender the game will freeze up for like 20 seconds before hitting me with the "find a stronger internet connection" error
Do you play any staples? I put 1 droplet and 1 IDP but i feel like this deck is brick city even without staples.
Yes it's happened since the Dennis rerun
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This has been my most consistent build. The only questionable slots are Toy Vendor and Fluffal Rabbit.
If I run less Fluffals I never seem to draw enough. 3 Patchwork is bricky. I have never found it more useful to discard Bear for Toy Vendor than it was to use Bear for the fusion, so yeah Vendor and Rabbit can probably get cut if you wanted to try staples.
What they took from us...
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Yubel is a demon hallucinated by judai. It only exists in his mind. It's like the demon of socrates. it's not that different from yugi and the pharaoh.
Finally pulled my second Mind Control. Nice.
New to the game, how to get trade materials? I tried checking the new player FAQ but it 404d
>trade materials
Oh brother. Who's going to tell him....
>trade materials
if you mean R, SR and UR Jewels and attribute stones to trade in cards from the card trader:
you have to talk to the card trader to dismantle your dupes.

If you mean a true crafting system inspired my Master Duel, like "how do I convert three dark holes into a crackdown":
lol, lmao
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This stuff. Ah, the conversion thing is at the bottom of the screen, I assumed it would've been among the rest of the trader options
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rosemary my beloved...
Why do they milk us speed players so bad? The MD ones can dismantle while we get jewed out of all our money.
Post reaper OC
reaper OC
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unchained is not a zombie
Bro your Zombie World?
>squared chest
Am I the only one seeing that obvious underboob?
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Holy shit that was it,zombie world is always on the field so I just assumed it was when any monster activated their effect regardless of type and I popped that with their spell card and had skull Meister on hand to stop the bitch that plays it from the deck from activating another one.
How do you get out of this?
force a draw
Did she get any fanart?
Surrendering doesn't count towards rewards
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Bullying girls with small breasts world...
Bullying aoi enough to let me get her pregnant so her breast get bigger world...
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Didn't they show her adult form?
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Now there’s a world I can get behind
Yes and it sucked
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Yes and it is cute
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>Green hair are for sexo.
More like nuda
Merge back together
Stupid retards
why do some borrel decks have decode talker?
This, wtf.
Kys, mergeautist.
Aoi was taller than then though
finally got a playset of wightprincess' sky sisters
I need to breed all green women
I can only focus on whays on the right.
now go win a tournament and stop blue eyes from dominating
I've been queueing up for hours and haven't played against a blue eyes in kog yet. I wish I stayed in legend just so I can gatekeep them
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Monster world...
I looked it up, apparently Aoi and Alexis are the same height(5'6) while akiza without her heels is 5'4
When do my stars go up in the PvP event?
I have a 6-game winstreak and I'm still locked at 2*. I switched from my Gradius petdeck to my dice petdeck, let me rank up so I can stop bullying people that don't know how to play an opening.
What's your pvp rank
You have to play a lot of games.
Geez, that's always a bummer.
Gold. I can't be assed to play against tiered decks or Unchained stuff until I get better cards than a free Stardust Dragon to negate destruction or deal with Ice Dragon's Prison. I could probably get to Plat with Ogdoadics but I just want this to use my gimmick dice deck in this event in a tier where it doesn't just roll over people that have to read thier cards.
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OCG stories world...
I had a dream last night that we got monster world
When are we getting the new episode? It was getting interesting.
I wish I had dreams that good.
I was getting gay* you mean
None that I know of.
Next week, brother.
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A draw is simultaneously a win and a loss.
This event is so fucking boring. Basically the gold ladder with gay action spells.
I like the get poly action spell. Helps to get out chaos ancient gear immediately
I swear at one point someone posted fanart of her with a fat ass but I can’t find it anywhere
Is it worth it to get 3 crackdowns? I'm digging through the box for monarchs and got the UR in 30 packs and I'm debating whether I should reset or get a playset of crackdown.
How many times have you beat your dick to DMG over the years?
I saved it but it's lost in my unorganized folder somewhere
Will mind control get hit anytime soon? I want to get 3 for my Performage deck but I fear they might hit it and I already am stretching my budget to get two.
>Is a card that will only see more play going forward with the rising amount of skills that let you return a card on your field to the deck to activate it be good
We probably won't see any limits to the limit 3 oink cards any time soon,they're a safe investment for now. Stuff like AFD getting limited to 1(is fair given the bs it can cause and anyone having more than 1 copy is a huge retard with zero hindsight) those cards shouldn't see any hits soon.
no idea. I only seriously cared about her in the early days of the card game and when DM was originally airing
Oof. They better be a good investment for at least half a year more.
honestly not that often, generally its the anime or tag force girls for me
I have schlicked to my personal DMG futa fanfic
I will kneel to you if you find it
AFD only got hit because its box is coming up to the box chip rotation soon. Mind Control is a long way away from that point
I won't go for crackdown then
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kogged. I literally just went from plat 5 to kog in a day just won like every game with this broken fleur skill and aleister lol.
Based SlopGOD
I don't recognise this character
Should I spend 50 bucks on the current deal or a prostitute?
>Possible chance of an std
>Or feeling like a whore yourself
Your choice really
It’s cool she is clean
Spend it in Master Duel instead
Spend it on the prostitute. The post nut clarity would reveal to you that you can still buy the deal after.
She's leblanc
Now you see her, soon you won't
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ghost girlfriend
Yusaku's bitch.
Durbe hype is flowing through me.
Monster world...
That's a human
man, annas theme is such a bop that it makes me wanna play her deck but it's too much of an investment
why did God curse me with love for anime decks
Not if she has powerz(tm). 1200 atk should be enough to rip the average normal adult male apart.
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How much ATK/DEF would an average person have if a well equipped soldier only has 800/800
(you) canonically have 2000 atk and can solo most =<4 star monsters
100/100 atk/def for the average college age twink that dwells here
You with isekai bullshit world powers*
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Surely we could at least beat up a Kuriboh
I could never hurt a kuriboh
people running about is 600/600
on one hand, they are running away and not fighting which would probably lower their attack value, and they might be malnourished because of the poor treatment that leads to the rebellion in the other cards in that story
but on the other hand, it is a group
there are 7 people running from the soldiers on the card and one dog
a single individual in that group has less than 100 attack while running away and malnourished
the Novox priestess that prays for ritual monsters has 50 attack
she likely doesn't exercise or do strenuous jobs, so the average villager would probably be stronger than her
but she is also likely to be well fed compared to people running about
I would say the average villager is somewhere between 40 and 100 attack points depending on their job, if they are malnourished or not, and if they are willing to fight or not
the average medieval soldier might exceed 100 attack however, since only 3 of them can make a group with a power of 600/600 flee
I've checked dgayed site and kinda lost. Why does no one play gagaga deck anymore? I spent a fortune for this deck back in the day. Also it is strange to see no DDD here. What's going on? I haven't seen the current meta I'm on bronze 5 or something like that.
>Same stats as a trained ninja
>Why does no one play gagaga deck anymore
Because it's not 2021 anymore.
Blue Eyes chads run the game now.
>unchained is tiered without a mom said skill
Hope.....there's hope
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Add cathy to duel links
Big Shield Gardna has 100 attack and seems to just me a muscle man who found a shield
Next box might have xyz slop considering dumon is coming and since we have all his cards minus his ace what xyz focused archetype do you think they'll throw at us /dlsg/? My bet is on time thiefs with redoer being the bundle or zoodiacs with drident(and her big booba)being the bundle card.
Zodiac is too cancerous even for the current state of the game. I'd say we're more likely to get the rest of the Traptrix girls.
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Anons, when will HE be add to the game?
We are overdue for a skip month so next month will probably just be a pickup box for Star Seraph and Satellar
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Manga world...
I want the sexy slider red teacher first. She played Archlords I think?
Slifer* darn autocorrect.
I want to fuse Sora's cock with my ass
>here's you're pile of bricks, enjoy the easy KoG
I can't believe eos sisters won speed duels is dead.... physically.
They are?
Yes, can't remember if it's going on hiatus or if it's permanent though but for now it's dead yes if only they didn't print battle city cards 40 times in a row.
Speed duel 2.0 bros. It's our time to shine...
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Anon it took over 20 hours but I found it
>Want to play borrel
>Refuse to dig that shitbox for the red-eyes
Guess it just isnt for me
Who makes these edits??
can't unsee goatse
Post ripped yugi grandpa
Am I still able to hit DL Max/KoG with Resonators??? Did they release new Jack support yet?
Anything can kog at the end of the month our very own coperetard is proof and no he's not the main character or kaiba so he hasn't gotten any support since last time.
I hope you're having fun in the event.
I sure am, when I can meme effectively

Absolutely based lad, I am kneeling as we speak in your direction
My autism is without equal I scrolled through thousands of images from January to June to find it
I can see her asshole
You're welcome
Dream ticket?
Damn fiends look like THAT?
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*sees your deck*
I’m not surprised the 5 inches got your attention. Take your time, I know it can be a lot to take in
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Miyu unlock never ever.
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She never even played once. Wtf
I think there's a bonus exp campaign. It's a good time to farm characters for gems.
Nice. A reason to undust this game.
How do you already not have all characters maxed at this point just by playing normally?
Because obly begun playing again this year after a long hiatus.
I'm gonna kill myself I only have yubel and supreme king Jaden left to max out then I'm out of gems
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I love my wife
Need big onee-san to come to duel links
dude is too busy fighting the god hand, give him a break
Nice try Konami, never getting into my gem banks
Konami? Oh no, I'm just the average incel Joe that lurks 4chin(tm).
Buster Blader fucking sucks. Why did they give that fucker so much attention
Yugi played it, we'll get a Celtic guardian skill and deck in due time if flame swordsman of all cards got a dedicated archetype
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SEX with Rin.
>for the third time in a row the 2 SRs I want to get are among the last 6 packs left in the box
I fucking hate this game.
Classic Duel Links. Kek
Why can't I summon Bloom diva? I want to use the fusion substitute and the melodius on the field. Am I missing something? Surely the still is all you need to summon the card and I don't need to dig through boxes to fulfill that mission.
Surely the skill is all you need*
cards that are fusion substitute only work for a monster specifically named on the card, so no, you can't use it for bloom
You need to either go into a box to get a Melodious Maestra or you have to cheat her out with Temple of Kings (Odion level up reward). It's dumb, I know.
They didn't give him enough attention. His new skill doesn't let you play his archetype pure. You need fleur slop to get anything done consistently.
God, what a pain in the butt.
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Monster world...
Itty bitty titty world...
Pit world...
Fang world...
Side ponytail world...
Zettai ryouiki world...
Torn thighhighs world...
I can fix her world...
Chain world...
Bondage world...
>get lethal on opponent
>opponent gets lethal on me
Small indie company prease understandu
Exposed tummy world ...
She wouldn’t be unchained at my house
charmers cute
>worst charmer
No thanks.
I didn't post the earth one thoughbiet
>become shaddol
>become nekroz
What happened to this tomboy and the earth one?
They're having seggs with me
even with the dark man and the light one?
>Biggest booba
Least complicated way to come out of the closet right there.
gotta take one for the team
Are you me?
Twas I. The author of these posts
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Monster world...
That shit always made me mad, ever since I tried cheating fusions out in WCS 2008.
>so much attention
It has 2 skills designed to facilitate Dark Paldin and neither of them are good for Buster Blader/Destruction Swordsman decks. Master of Fusion forbids you from using 2 of any card (except Dark Spellcasters, so DM) and Bane limits you to Buster Blader/DM or 1*s. You can't even summon Buster Drake with Bane. There's no such thing as a Buster Blader skill, only thinly-veiled DM skills to bloat the skill list. Fleur is a better skill for Buster Blader than the so-called Buster Blader skills.
anon was right. I really need to hear raye's voice
infernity support when
Too much PTSD from the TCG/OCG. Hopefully never.
Never those gay cheaters should repent for their crimes in the TCG/OCG
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2 weeks, we are getting a field spell that will allow us to set the monsters on the spell and trap zone
I HATE Mondays. Decks for this feel?
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Cumming on her flat chest.
Monster world...
That won’t make her boobs grow
Shouldn’t we be getting new world leaks soon? We are almost at the August update list
When does Konami do their live panel? Thats usually where the official news comes from
They sure are building suspense this year.
The last week of August
EoS world...
Can't want for Duel Links vr.
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Necro bumping...
wtf does the last stage of the event have a million boxes? i dont fucking wanna duel the same 2 decks for 3 hours straight...
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Arc-VI World
Is Durbe coming tomorrow?
Tag duels first then him
Does she moan loudly?
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Everytime I go for game when things seem to be over instead of setting up my board more since I don't want to waste the opponent's time they pull out some shit like Kiteroid or Alghoul Mazera and drag the game out for several more turns. I'm just going to combo all the way next time even if they have an empty hand and nothing activatable in the GY
Cute muddled moans
Uh sis your monster with an armadas effect?
Worst design in vrains if not the franchise (this obviously doesn't include flush that shit isn't ygo)
I want to duel and beat her and then fuck her right in the dueling arena.
But pits tho
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Best YGO World soon
i cant believe i spent the last 2 hours doing the event...
You posted the best ygo season there's not a single bad design here
I just let it die, needed 2 more runs on the last floor but couldnt give a fuck about it. This game is really starting to bore me, spent a ton of time and effort into a perfect traptrix deck and it's still utter dogshit that got powercrept even before being avaliable. It loses 8 out of 10 games in legend, and I don't feel like playing retarded shit like sacred niggers, tachyon is suddenly kinda popular again too so ranked is fucking unbearable if you don't have a top deck, I'm just gonna forget this game for a couple of months
Sera soon trust the plan
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this is the deck, as far as I'm concerned, it can't be more minmaxed, it's literally "The" Traptrix deck but still loses to anything except other dogshit petdecks, unreal garbo.
I've tried another 24 cards variant with 13 traptrix creatures and 11 traps, one more bottomless for a total of x3 and another trap hole nightmare for a total of x2 but it bricked too much.
Just have fun anon,taking this game seriously is borderline insane you don't want to be like me and the other schizos that kog early every month just duel a bit every day and you won't go crazy it's just 4 packs anyway.
I've kogged 5 times so far, x3 Madolche x1 S-Force and x1 Live Twins, wanted to try and kog with Traptrix but it's just fucking impossible, not even kogging with Madolche back in the BLS meta felt this bad.
I wouldn’t mind necro bumping those hips if you know what I mean
>blue eyes player uses 2 traps and 1 spell on my Chaos Giant
It never stops being funny
Thank God servers are down I can finally stop queueing this fucking awful game
No one's forcing you to play when the servers aren't down anon
it really has declined in quality this last couple of years... current meta is just grindy and/or floaty slop all around, not that I miss floodgates... sigh
Yes they are please send help I can’t stop the dark ma
wtf crowdstrike took down duel links too???
Leaks in 30 minutes predictions?
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EoS bros.... we won ...
>not a single leak
It’s Joever
>try and kog with Traptrix but it's just fucking impossible
What is this blasphemy with my cute and funny plants and insects. You lack faith. And handtraps and floodgate traphole. Shed that chain hole and add protection such as forbidden lance or grail. Fear not reaching the 30 card limit and add skull meister for that is this season's meta.
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Anna LOVE!!!
yeah you're probably right, chain hole made some very funny interactions and gave me clutch wins but is too situational overall. I tried a 24 card version but it was too bricky, oh well.
Anna sloppy paizuri
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>here's you're legend 2 climb bro
>Sevens cleared once
Uh anon, something you need to tell us?
someone edit the "tag" into "shag"
yeah sacred niggers are a blight, not quite like tier 0 tachyon back then but still very OP with their bullshit pot of greed field spell that makes his unga bunga 4k faggot invincible.

If they get turn 1 the skill makes the deck hyperconsistent so they ALWAYS end up with 1 crow and 1 veiler in hand, 4k hammond in filed with something else, field spell, continuous spells and even a slot for crackdown/any retarded stun staple, quite a hard board to break.

Then if they get turn 2 they just steamroll because again, the skill makes them hyperconsistent. Fucking dogshit archetype
Time to farm those gems since I'm broke and the restaurant is taking it's time to take up...
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I wish God card got broken skill as good as those fag
uhm.. ra?
Sacred niggers looks like Chinese bootleg Egyptian Gods, I thought they were the same cards at first, specially Uria.
I hope Slifer gets one that adds it to your hand and gives you a second normal summon with no deck restrictions aside from maybe the extra deck
that is all I need
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Time for the most neglected god trio to get some support
Dennis McField: Fucking Pedophile
why is Zushin never included? he is a god card too
is he even an adult already?
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Nothing wrong with that tbqh
Tag force world NOW.
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Kek. Who has the spikiest hair in yugioh history?
I think it’s hard to top Yami Bakura on spike volume. Yugi still takes the cake for general shape, it adds like 6 inches to his overall height
Tag Force world NEVER EVER
Tag Force 8 NEVER EVER
It will come in the form of a sim gacha. Cross duel already exploited a lot of quasi-tag force date sim elements.
Tight and petite.
No chest fat no erection for me.
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It's unreal how bold they were with that game.
I hope this ugly fatso is ready to get cucked to oblivion by Durbe next week.
Odion bros... we made it...
I can't wait for Rio's lines when dueling Dumon.
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robin isn't even a playable character...
Because he fucking sucks.
Why is Anna obsessed with Yuma? I remember that her whole lusting for him was a mistake of hers confusing him for other kid by the end of the episode. Did she revert to her original self in duel Links?
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She mistook him for a boy she used to have a crush on, but ended up developing a crush on him even after that up all in her debut episode. Later episodes still have her crushing on him, the two where they tag duel together especially.
Me and My Wife
Anna a cute.
Damn. But she's supposed to have a crush on me, red hat man....
Won’t have any. Rio and Shark still don’t know they are Barians
Do we see that hypnotized rio look just like when tachyon came?
Made me diamond.
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Holy shit /dlg/ is dead, i still play this game but rarely come here. /dlg/ really died when master duel came out huh...
we died when we kicked out rush sisters...
I was still around for that, i really dont get why. Its still under the same game. 2019 duel links is a memory a deeply cherish...
welp the game is fucking dogshit atm and I mean the actual game/app
>anywhere from 20 seconds to 1 minute in the lethal blow because of weird disconnect bug, you can even lose your legit win with this retarded shit
>partner bot in tag duels takes 20 mins to do a fucking turn
>some missions are bugged so you can't level up worlds and essentially be soft locked out of gems that you rightfully deserve

I'll be back in a month or 2, this shit is whack rn bye bye niggers
Konami pls give more cydra support...
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I have duelled faggot chronicle jew eyes over 200 times in the last 3 months and I am fucking sick of it
Using old decks with no overpowered skills feels like shit, they need to nerf these skills faster...
I barely see any now and all I see is sacred beast slop. kinda miss playing against battle chronicle
Updates when?
dead shit game son, gg wp no re
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I miss 2019 duel links so much bros...
Yes but that’s just lifted from the anime. Zexal world has not treaded any new ground ever since the Barians showed up. I guess if you want to be technical, Girag’s baseball tournament duels had Cathy swapped out with Anna. But other than that, it’s been 1:1 retellings
Because it’s not Yugioh and no one here wants to see discussion of a dead format no one plays
This but 2021 duel links AND the twitch duel links community
It's pretty much the same still, isn't it?
>six samurai
Are there no youtube dl community?
What about these r wars?
I'll take the center one
I meant Jadehex, Sazzuna, that other girl who streamed on twitch.
I want to go back to whenever it was that Desperado was meta. I missed out on that
good news is you can always go back to it on youtube
so many DESPACITOOOOOOOO clickbait videos
left, right, centre
in order
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Boobs too small..
I hack Vrains and set all female chests to IRL levels
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>Unchained Soul of Anguish can Sphere Kuriboh back to the hand to use twice
>eye bags
This event is too easy.
>Other Source
>Lifetime Mission
What a hell is that suppose to mean?

And also,
>During this Duel, you can Normal Summon/Set "Chronicle Magician" or a Normal Monster with 2500 ATK or DEF without Tributing, also you cannot Normal or Special Summon an Effect Monster with a Level, except for Spellcaster-Type LIGHT/DARK monsters of Dragon-Type LIGHT monsters.
>You can use this once per turn on a turn where "Chronicle Sorceress" or a Level 7 or above monster is Summoned or Fusion Summoned. From your Deck, add 1 "Successor Soul" or Quick-Play Spell Card with "Dark Magician" or "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" in the Card name to your hand, and send 1 monster to your Graveyard from your Deck/Extra Deck that isn't an Effect Monster, and that doesn't have a monster of the same name in your field or Graveyard.
What were they thinking? It's not one, but two broken effects.
I'm returned player with 0 gems. My every deck is useless I can't dig enything else since every meta or even strong deck require sets of 2-3 UR cards from multiple boxes. I climbed up to the gold rank without any problems. But now people run this BE bullshit and other crap from top tier meta. It's not like I can't climb further. No, my winrate still good. My problem are idiotic matches where I can clean up my opponent's field and then he just swarm his field with 3000+ ATK beatstiks on his next turn. Not fun. Stupid.

And I like my returned player bonus: about 500 gems and bunch of crappy tickets. Very nice of you Konami.
she looks so sick and tired
do you guys play md? what rank are you?
Nope since I hate watching 30 min combos.
no, im a straight male
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That cake looks toxic
I dropped MD a month in because I was busy with other things + shit initial format
now I have reverse FOMO where I missed so out on so much shit that I can't be fucked to get back in
although I'm thinking of maybe coming back when the PHNI raidraptor support drops since I have the deck built already
that game is even worse than duel links, and that's saying something
Finally got KoG with Fluffals. Aside from Sacred Niggers and Fleur Zombies/Fleur Buster Blader everything else was pretty easy to beat. Most of the loses from plat1 to KoG were bricks.
New support when?
based fluffal chad
what duel links info are (You) hoping to be revealed
Next Celebration/Structure since we already know the next character
Next super mini/character
>In general
Next world release, if applicable
Flush getting removed
cringe nigger

based aryan
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What deck will let my opponent know I'm a registered sex offender who got beat half to death by the last person he tried to molest?
could use a new maindeck monster
Traptrix because cunny
could use my cock
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nibirusisters... we won
he is coming
this ain't master duel retard
they literally just announced Nibiru in the next box
post deck
great another pay2win card that is basically a better version of a limit 1 field spell
ZexalCHADS won
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Combo bros...
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can't wait for the super busted skills that will catapult those decks straight to tier 1
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ok Konami was faster
>schizo ramblings
At least it's not Ash so I won't quit the game
what does it say??
>it's gonna be locked in a selection box
Legible enough
thanks anon, cool stuff
IIIbros won
he'd probably the best dude to hang out with of the zexal crew
He'd probably try to be friends or some gay shit like that
>having the Battlewasp dudes VA there
Kind of a niche choice for an event, isn’t it? Maybe the next Arc V unlock?
>we can pick a prismatic version of any Zexal character ace
Which are you picking? I’ll probably get Gustav Max
>any Zexal character ace
most of them just suck. probably galaxy-eyes.
nevermind, galaxy-eyes is in a pick-up box
Gimmick Puppets will be good when we get the new support so Giant Grinder wouldn’t be a bad investment
gustav max is not on the ticket.
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utopia is also available
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5ds ticket is just lol. black rose is probably the best pick
yeah fucking konami this event sucks donkey dick, 1 SR dream ticket for speed, another for rush so it's worthless, no UR dream ticket for speed. YAWN FUCK YOU KONAMI
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the four number monsters that trey's skill adds to the extra
>wake up
>my boy trey will be tier 2 at least
keep dreaming
im picking tg
either Giant Hand or Dyson Sphere
holy SHIT why does the tag ai take 30 minutes to do a suboptimal play
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>8 prismatics
Fossil bros...We can finally use a handtrap...
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OCG stories new chapter has been translated
>Classic monsters showing up
I guess the magistus belong to the broadest lore in Yugioh, the one spanning from the very begging to still today.
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OCG stories world coming out this year, PLEASE.
>Loli rilliona doesnt look like verre
What's the meaing of that??
What's it do
we all saw your post bwo
Sex is finally in town.
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Flush your format
>Endy x Artemis
So, it's Aleister x Verre next?
Verre is Rilliona as already a magician while the little rilliona barely managed to do some magic, of course their appearances will vary drastically despite being the same physical age.
Rilliona is so fucking sexy man.
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>lets you set up Atlandis turn one
Neat, but I’m not sure how useful that is
>another chronamally skill that doesn’t give an exception for Shark Drake
Trey bros...not like this...
>HE said Komoney should attract new players by adding crafting and telling them DL is not a scam
Lol lmao even
>and telling them DL is not a scam
that's just false advertising
They should kill this shit game and add crafting to Duel Links 2 instead.
Tag Force won the dead contest
What contest?
The dead contest.
>he remembers us
I feel blessed.
Duel Links 2 would be Cross Duel gacha tier. Konami knows they fucked up making DL too generous
>Konami knows they fucked up making DL too generous
stop smoking crack you delusional retard
Nah, Master duel proved crafting is the way.
Dumon and his wife soon
That's not Rio tho?
Holy fuck. Flush is dead, kek.
Tell us something we don't know already.
literally only redditniggers who were hardstuck at silver or below for years on the speed mode enjoy that smoking dogshit called rush.
>fusion confirmed
Geez, finally an extra deck mechanic.
>no new world leaks
Is it Joever?
Galaxy-type might imply that its Go Rush coming since it was a type added in that show specifically for the protag and a few others of his race
>more flush shit
Umm no thanks?
yeah, another rush world would be fucking horrible, EoS soon hopefully before that happens
RushGODs win again
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cyberse was added years before vrains
hey guys remember when
>legend 1-2: cakewalk
>legend 3-5: anal rape simulator
do you guys really want abyss splash
The smaller the boobs the better the girl
>he's getting closer to kog? send the assassins
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um.. GUYS
I think your Paradox Brother has autism
>still no niggers of perfection
People are still not playing it, retard >>487082842
I am
>he doesn’t immediately notice his rhymes aren’t being reciprocated
kek the banter between all the dm partners. sovl
We know that already. You can even check their card usage and starter basic cards top the list because people only ever touch it for the evemt rewards (gems or tickets)
Yeah, it's pretty based.
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Monster world...
Strings unlock when?
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Tori support when?
I certainly can attest to that.
Will we ever get any upskirt pics of this figure? Raye upskirt pics came out even before it got released.
Because no one cares about tori. They should have made a figure of Anna instead.
Has it even been released yet?
I was tired of these lame anime figures. Glad they are focusing on monsters now.
They are??.
No free gems for you, so never.
Yeah, I'll post the pics in the next thread.
New thread early because I need to speel now.
I bet she looks really dumb in 3d when not viewed from the "correct" angle.
I'm sure the sculptor found a way to make her look good from all angles.
>early thread retards at it again
At least you didn't fuck up the OP this time, retard.
It makes sense to me since the other characters are either too old, too irrelevant or homosexuals.
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Extra Linking from one tit to the other
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Specterchads keep winning.
And here I was wondering why no one was making a new thread.

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