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What WWE superstars are YOU hoping get added as part of the recently announced WWE collaboration??
>/codg/ died gain
Bros, we need serious help
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I don't really keep up with any wrestling, but I wish they would put Rick the Stick Bugenhagen in but he's retired
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The Ring General will bring prestige back to /codg/
Chad Gable, Rey Mysterio, Rhea Ripley
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I want a big strong WWE man to destroy MY ring uwu
But fr tho, time to grind, slept in til 1pm today lololol
Why is this general so dead now holy shit
I have not found this anywhere online but in Moon the QED effect just caused decompression in the Labs, it even had the moon announcer girl say it out loud.
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cod game for this feel?
I mean just look above. It's all skins, skins, skins and nothing else worth coming back to.
how about they add some fucking fresh CONTENT
skins are not content events to unlock skins are not CONTENT features from previous games is NOT CONTENT
Just say you're poor
Sorry pal. Best shg can do is drip feed png camos and worthless aftermarket kits.
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Lmao, not even during MW22 Season 2 was it this dead around here.

Well done, Slophammer.
Halo 4
I'm replaying the original MW3 campaign, and in the mission where Soap dies, why would Soap believe Makarov that he knows Yuri? Makarov is a master manipulator, and it could have easily been a way to get them to stop trusting each other, and considering Price almost shoots Yuri (based on Soap's last words) it could've worked.
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so how many times did this general die just this month alone? 3? 4?
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the same will happen with bo6 you niggers only speak when you want to argue thats it you dont talk about content you dont talk about the game because you dont own mw3 because you are a streetshitters from india you dont speak about maps best weapons best builds fuck all reddit is better than this fucking general you all fucking suck

also p.s. the battle pass is not fucking WWF they done the same trailer shit for Gundam they will be bundles, the BP is going to be something different
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A few
Since the general is up I'll take the opportunity and ask is stat anon still here? I wish there were some updates to that guide of his...
>muh stats
Just use the mcw or horus lmao

This season was the one where i stopped playing entirely because of fomo burnout. Tried xdefiant out today and ngl the movement is pretty dogshit but i like everything else
point proven fuck this general im not coming back here
Just let it die fag, there's nothing to discuss.
they just added a good new 6v6 map like two days ago
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The fuck is this? Counter Strike custom maps? Sludge fags wtf.. KEEEK
>new content that's unique is LE BAD!
its fun to play stfu
Kek. underage shithead
I meant unique for CoD retard
We're all too busy playing the game to keep the thread alive actually
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>the same will happen with bo6
As to be expected from a game made by TreyACK.
>you dont talk about content
Non-existent low quality filler ""content"".
>you dont talk about the game
Yeah, no shit, lol. There is nothing to talk about except how much it sucks, and even that got boring real quick.
>you dont own mw3 because you are a streetshitters from india
"You is brown because you no play my tranny gayme!!" Top fucking kek, keeping seething retard.
>you dont speak about maps
90% recycled trash and the rest is also garbage.
>best weapons best builds
Same stale meta we've had for x weeks/months.
>reddit is better than this fucking general you all fucking suck
Of course you Slophammer-glazing tranny feel more comfortable over Plebbit, kek. Go the fuck back, faggot.
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True. It's unique in the sense that this is a new low for cod. No textures, no decorations. Just a barebones map layout a retard could throw together using a counter strike map maker. This is what you sludge faggots keep calling "content".
/hg/ is laughing at us
I haven't played since season 2 mwiii. Any new ground war maps worth coming back for? How many have they added now anyway?
I don't think they have added anything.
There's 2 war maps though, lmao.
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Is the AI monitoring chat even a thing? I've called someone a nigger pretty much every game since I got it and haven't gotten warned or banned once.
It most certainly is but you'll need to get reported by someone first.
There are some legalities involved here I suppose.
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>/codg/ 404'd
>just this week
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About to do the last mission of ACT 1 in zombies.
Anything I should know beforehand?
MW3 is honestly good.
It's a waste of time. Everything in MWZ is a waste of time, especially since you can just jump straight to whatever mission you want without doing all the ones before it.
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That's not what I asked for, anon.
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/codg/ lost this war years ago. Your posters are broken, scattered, hunted, defeated... by me. I wish I could tell you it was difficult, but it wasn't. We are one step ahead, ALWAYS. The general is already under our control, soon the board as well. /hg/ and the discord share the same goal. We fight TOGETHER to honor the Will of Quantum Troll. But... without challenge I grow weary. Lost. Alone. But... here you now stand. This is my last fight. A true test of legends. Our story will outlive us both. SET A FIRE IN YOUR HEARTS, /codg/. BAAARE YOUR FANGS. FIGHT HARD. Die well.
>/codg/ lost this war years ago.
Bro you went Free to Play and still flopped
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Movement-professionals are teleporting behind my teammates.
Nice aim assist you got there
>watched some new footage of Delta Force game
>not bad I guess but it looks a lot like Battlefield 2042 and also has "operators"
How fucking hard is it to make a decent shooter without multiple layers of faggotry?
This man lets his cat shit all over his trailer.
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>I'm gonna shmooove and knife hi-ACK
>Ok now I got him-ACK
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Not a fan of the SVA, but, I like nature. This mastercraft is a 10/10, can't stop using it!
I like Gunther but COD can go fuck itself into oblivion.
Pretty sad what the franchise has become. COD4 and MW3 were the best ones.
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>Level 850 players go negative
We need Kevin Nash in this game
his own fault for trying to knife again, instead of a grenade
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>Movement-professionals are teleporting behind my teammates.
More of this match. 1V1 situation with the Teleport chad...
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>Not a fan of the SVA
>This SVA is 10/10
why would you use meta guns in hardcore? what the fuck is wrong with you? are you that bad in core?
>get two kills with breacher drones
literally how

tl;dw Gaming server hosting providers who use the latest intel cpus experience frequent crashes and random slowdowns (e.g. less tick rate, packet bursts). Could explain why server quality took such a nosedive.
play gacha games instead
It's over
>only 16 new posts during 9 hour period.
It's over isn't it.
until October. I really liked the last few cod games even vanguard if you believe it, but two modern war games in a row was snore. They're gonna make the same fucking mistake again and have the bo2 remaster be 2025s game. You need to mix it up every year. Add future games back into rotation.
I'm rich
MW2 felt bland but MW3 continues the same trend. Flooding these games with clown skins does not equal 'fun' or 'cool' in my books.
Of course some retards on this thread might argue otherwise.
>page 10
Jenny... Save us...
>BOSex will have the same TTK as Cold War
Do you know how long it took us to neutralize your greatest franchise...?
it was the closest to actual sexxo operators we've had in a long time to be fair. they'll never actually make something crazy sexxo but they cooked some stuff.
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>>BOSex will have the same TTK as Cold War
320 millisecond time to kill on the Ames in BO6, not touching that slow killing dogshit :D
>page 9
Let it die.
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Does anyone know what this sight is called?
AW Gen, it was added for free with the Bal assault rifle
GamePass refugees gonna flood /codg/, enjoy the quiet times, while they last https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DYMTQgDdso&list=LL&index=1
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Absolutely OPTIMAL
>sniper tryhard can't hit anything
Probably a copetroller bot whose AAimbot didn't work at that range, kek.
This scope sucks and it's fucking ugly. Why does every AR owner use it irl?
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Powerful and brave...
Thank you! We like MWIII ;) ;)
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Treyarch going all out with the arg this year. MW3 flopped hard frfr nocap ONG!!!!!!!!
Uncle Sam is pretty kino tbf
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Just a meme, glowies.

PS: pls send Park if you must interrogate me.
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>asshurt chudjak.png reporting posts attacking orangedaddy again
>even the ones favorable to him because too autistic to understand nuance
lol, lmao even.
Haven't played CoD in a week bros...
Heh, kiddo, I'm playing Doom 3 instead and enjoying every moment.
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dont doubt him again, he wont miss next time
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He just needs to call a professional...
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we know just the guy...
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they expect one of us in the wreckage
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>mason not in BO6
>he's been off the grid since 1989
>BO6 reveal in progress
>BO1 timeline merged with WZ timeline, now merging with ours
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Says who
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tell me not to use it
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>game so trash no one wants to discuss it
>sludgetards have to bump their shitty generals until fall
And the best part? They're doing it for free!
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I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe.
This particular brand of cheats had a big banwave just couple of months ago. Are you sure it's safe to use now?
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>people are cumming over a skin that was already in the past game at launch but Slophammer is giving you the privilege of buying it for $15 bucks
Codsloppers deserve the assfucking they're getting right now lol
Skinsfags suffer from stunted brain development. More news at 5.
Battlekino won for being the actual casual fps where you can turn off your brain and have fun
>poorfags still crying
Just say you're poor
I'm getting nostalgic for cold war
I miss Jenny
jenny left because some retards here played zombies with her and made jokes with her like as if she's a dudebro and not a thin skinned female
What's even funnier is that despite these shills bumping with their shitty random replies whenever a thread is about to die, we're now at what? 5 dead threads in a row? The absolute fucking state of this trash game, lmao.
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>ywn be Hudson
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Is it over?
Jenny... Come back...
Not true, I played together with Jenny even during MW2. Never told anyone and she blocked everyone else she knew from /codg/.
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Hudson? Is that you?
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Man I really want to level some guns but I don't want to spend 70 dollars, it sucks so much.
Just say you're poor
>page 10
>almost page 10 again
>worthless bumps
Let it die.
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>"heh, Warzone 2.0 is so stale, IW RUINED this game dude! Can't wait for Sledge and Raven to save this game!"
>"dude Warzone 3.0 is so stale... because uhhhh... they didn't listen to streamers! yeah! that's the issue! Sure they gave us movement back and reverted all the unpopular changes we hated, but uhhh... they didn't listen hard enough to us!
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We're still getting bundles
>Last 10 BP levels
You will NEVER own fine silver!
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just bought this game
why are killstreaks so easy to spam
this guy called in like eight gunships
why are gunships giving him MORE gunships?
he also called in a DNA bomb and at least two mosquito swarms
why is this okay?
Buy some bundles. It'll increase your skill :)
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God Bless America
I decided to play a round of search today and the top player on the other team was an aimbotter quick scope fag with a lightsaber. What is this dogshit?
>page 10
Blackoks 6 beta waiting room
Jenny waiting room
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Yooo the Butthole is fire. Character's gloves are animated, has a Dragon Ball Z looking death effect. Gonna have to use the nerfed Taq Evolvere though...
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Dang I don't use SMG's because I like staying far, being difficult to aim at... Gonna make the LMG work, even if it's nerfed ;)
another gimp suit for retards
It's a cheater, my friend.
One guy had literal 6+ kdr since MW19 but after reporting him in MW3... not so much anymore.
Don't remember the account name any longer.
I find this hilarious though, he had the most impossible stats and was never banned before now.
Just report that guy and go on. Game's filled with cheaterinos.
Rise and grind codsloppers.
I barely touched it. I need to finish the season pass, or at least unlock the Pathfinder skins. Either way, I've got serious grinding to do.
>game constantly throwing me into matches where my ping is sky high compared to everyone else
it really is a tossup now if I get a playable lobby or not, thanks sledgehammer
>page 9
why does sledge keep getting blamed for things IW/3arc started?>>485784147
I thought streamers still hated SBMM/"EOMM"
Probably a reverse booster/dual booter (or whatever they call people who buy two consoles in order to get easier lobbies).
You just have to wade through all the smurfs when you first start out.
Do you wish you had any blueprints from the mobile version?
They have some nice prints, check the Ice Drake variant's ironsight, I know it doesnt justify the price but the quality is quite good
Which guns are considered kino for codm? Which guns from mw should I use for an experience close to the pc version on mobile? They have grau as val kilo hdr spr stuff as such
Post your GRIIIIIINDin songs.
Hello indian pooface
Shit music taste, also you can't hear footsteps. Very low IQ and KD move
How trash will MNK be in bo6? The input balance in current game is so fucked I dont want to play it
get hype
Jenny is coming back for this.
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>We need some bait to draw out Saddam...
>Park, glad you volunteered!
Raffed hard.
>Gunther shit tallked poor people on tonights episode of Monday Night Raw
How many bundles does he own? Do you think he bought the fine silver?
Is this some gay porn star? What this has to do with Call of Duty?
WWE wrestler iirc
We are so back. I like MW3 but BO6 I feel will be the best COD since Cold War, possibly even since BO4
Bro bo4 was one of the worst of all time kek
>10 days of BO6 beta
So is this because the download file is 300GB and they want everyone to have time to download it, or they want people to get bored of BO6 before release? 10 days is too much
BO6 maps have too much shit on screen. Too many details, shadows, and items.
>But muh graphics
Have fun not seeing enemy players that are sitting or laying down
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Derelict(map) looks dogshit
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Avalon is a pretty map, looks like it came from the Uncharted 4 game. However, still too much stuff on the screen. Easy to hide randomly
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Dark hide & seek, Alien Isolation looking ass map. Might be playin Nuketown 24/7 on this game foreal tho, core maps are so ass...
Nah no SBMM and classic prestige system alone are enough to blow any other COD after out of the water. Also maps were great and I actually liked the increased health
You need to understand trailers always have color grade applied to them.
Don't worry, you will get your low contrast and bland visuals because it's based on MW3 anyway.
>too much stuff
It's has the same frequency of assets as any previous CoD. Open your eyes.
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BO6 will be kino, MW3 is kino!
>Have fun not seeing enemy players
Just learn about the maps, bro.
that's an insufferable faggot
Everyone who kills me becomes a faggot homosexual
What is your excuse for not playing in 4:3 aspect ratio?
Why should I
If you need to ask, you don't need to know. Perchance.
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The horrible UI works better in 4:3 aspect, lmao...
Especially the title screen is much better.
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Some people want to stretch 4:3 to 16:9 but I'm not fan.
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Much easier to read than 16:9. Great job, Activision.
That's never an insurance because they put big names above them
The 4:3 sperg made me remember how I hated 16:9 at first because I was so used to 4:3. Maybe I actually should go back
I'm actually testing 4:3 because I was playing setting up some old DOS games and playing Doom 3, kind of used to 4:3. Was curious to see if CoD even works this way but it did (needed to edit the config file though).
16:9 is great at reducing UI clutter in most games but otherwise not so sure if it's that useful for gaming.
>lvl 769
>lvl 310
I came back after quitting before season 2. Actually having fun again
This is it... it is finally over.
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here's your (modernized) stg 44 bro
>page 10
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Key art!
desperation season
You're poor. You will never own fine silver
kill yourself bundle fag
I'm rich, you're poor.
>almost page 10 again
what did you expect from a dead general only kept alive by a mentally ill paypig
Is cuckhammer incapable of designing a weapon thats not absolute dogshit visually?, they have TONS modern weaponry they could copy but they decide to do this horseshit, dont even get me started on the fucking aftermarket parts.
Just say you're poor
Just say you are mentally ill
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If I was mentally ill I wouldn't be a leader of the dairy industry nor would I run a successful cider mill and window cleaning business on the side. You are poor.
>valera is back
i will reinstall your game
valeria is cool but it's pointless because she's on kortac, and kortac already has the best character in the game: izzy
AI art representation
I need valeria skins. I'm so ready for this.
That one just looks kinda like her default. I will not settle for anything less than a latex skin
Latex skins would be amazing. Bring back the black cell stuff. Put the robot skin in the store. If they put a mask on her face I'm going to be mad
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based coomers
Still mad about them nerfing firecracker's whooty a few days after the skin left the store.
>page 10
You are posting your skin purchase on a fucking internet board thinking you are hot shit, and you are a cucksole player too, of course you are mentally ill.

Pathetic faggot lmao
>*lays big console bundlemeat on the poorsissy's face*
Begin scheduled service.
any boomers in here remember saug wielding crash?
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I have more money than you. You are poor and I am rich. I can afford bundles and you cannot. Cope
the morrigan tracer pack should have been for a specgru operator so that we could rock it together with callisto's witch skin

i wish this stuff would occur to them
I agree. I almost didn't buy it for that reason
>Me waiting for 2025 after hearing about how dogshit Blops 6 is going to be
what are your guys' thoughts on omni movement? will it make the whole game retarded?
I'm optimistic but it'll take a lot of getting used to
can someone do a bogdanoff edit?
>it's another fucking 25 longshot kills camo challenge
those fucking suck. I'd rather have something like get 10 headshots in 1 life
I go to HC, pick an angle that gets reliable Longshot traffic and camp all game. It's not fun, but it goes pretty quickly
That's what I'm doing but CoD maps are not known for their vast long range kill possibilities.
Did you buy the Deadshot Daiquiri Kontrolfreeks for the EXCLUSIVE Deadshot Daiquiri in-game charm or are you poor?
fuck the tranny jannys

fuck no i use mkb
Just say you're poor
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150 Health needs to go. Not possible to kill multiple people, if they're facing you.Uninstalled
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>Upgrade PC
>Get matched with blatant cheaters
Which console should I switch to, for turning off cross-play? Online games are terrible on PC.
>here's your (modernized) stg 44 bro
Looks like an aftermarket meme-kit painted black
reminder that mw2>mw3
>reminder that mw2>mw3
MW2 had big tits Nicki, that's the only cooler thing about that game
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We enjoy
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Game represents modern vidya: mobile tier monetisation, bland, only appealing to mentally ill ocd paypigs.
They don't need to put in any effort. Every single weapon model in this game has some shitty plastic shader. MW19 on PS4 looked ten times better than this turd on PC now.
cod MP meta ?

i wanna delete cunts
Season 5 Roadmap today? :)
yeah should be a couple of hours
superi, Kar98
Rhea Ripley!
>1000000 perk colas
>they choose deadshot
Oh the irony
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Season 5 roadmap
It's over....
2 new maps
3 cel shaded maps
2 guns 1 melee 1 crossbow
wwe battlepass
echo endo event meaning anime somehwere
furry event fuck that
no idea who the classified operator is
final story mission
new dark aether
paintball mode
spear infection
events look fun

fun looking season
>zombies updates are in-season
Also I can't believe they're adding the keltec p50 to the game.
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What bundles will YOU be buying??
The classified operator looks like it's the ugly new crow.
actual dogshit season lmao
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You say that as they add the undisputed WWE champ Cody Rhodes. This might actually be the BEST season!
im not trailer trash so i dont care
Cody and Rhea can do their finishers against back-turned opponents so that probably means their finishers are their operator finishers.

Dunno what Rey's supposed to do...
Making that argument while playing CoD is hollow.
good thing i dont play anymore because of how shit the series has gotten over the years, keep consuming the garbage anon
So why are you in this general then?
Cody is going to look like the SPECGRU version of Homelander...
Valeria! I also want to try the bow.
I already have Val from MW II, will this be separate like the two Snoop Doggs? Because that would be shit.
Probably just an additional skin for her.
Just say you're poor
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i hope these samurai outfits are in the battlepass
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blackcell of the samurai we are so fucking in bros
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holy fuck im looking at the blogpost and this season is fucking stacked
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is this..a mode? where you hit a car with hammers?
Read the blog post.
Why does CoD bring the fucking STG44 in every fucking game? Doesn't matter if it's set in the fucking 1800s or the far 2500s
Season 4 ending with a whimper
Season 5 announced with a wet fart

MW3's cooked
Iconic? It's not THAT frequently seen.
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The M1 Garand and M1911 are more iconic.
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this actually looks really nice
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>That silhouette
It does actually.

Season 5 looks solid.
It's just an operator skin for her. Just like Soap had this season.
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hey faggots is there any gun in mw3 that uses this ammo?
WWE saved /codg/
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>Dunno what Rey's supposed to do...
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New prestige camo. Animated
Oh that's probably going to look great in motion. I'm going to need to grind up a few choice weapons.
damn that looks good
weakest season so far
Eh, fair, although they were both in AW alongside the Stg 44 as well.
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See picrel of >>485830570
Are these cel shaded variants included in the normal playlists? What a great fucking way to ruin the tone and purpose of this game.
Sure they are fun on their own, that's not my point. It's just a big disconnect.
no i dont think i will faggot
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Yes, you will, retard cucksucker.
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Would be funny if they let you make a transguard abomination with the gunsmith. Oh wait, it's already there. lol, lmao even.
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>command the battlefield with this .50 Cal conversion kit for the RPK. Slow yet powerful with a high-capacity drum mag, this kit is your enemy's nightmare
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Blank sector?
is that supposed to be the reloaded season sector or is that usually the one below it
SlopAI still working on it, should be done when the Season is out.
I am quite happy that Cody is in.
Also, why do they release season 5 if none of the stuff from MW3 is going to be useable in Black Ops 6? Seems like a waste unless they will support MW3 a lot longer.
im gonna be really sad to see mutation go after S4 ends, as cheesy as some of the mutated abilities were the game mode is a lot of fun overall
That's the season 5 reloaded sector with the spear in it.
Its especially weird since Warzone will be using the same engine and gameplay as Black Ops 6, so they'll be fully upgraded and setup for the animations and rigging and shit.
most people play these games for longer than the single year they get support.
Calling it now: they're going to prevent you from equipping it to black operators because das rayciss
Bro I regularly try to play ffa on mw2 and vanguard and can't find matches unless it's peak time on weekends
I'm still holding out hope that the next few collabs will transfer to BO6. Either way the skins will stick around in warzone (for now)
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>another humiliation ritual where normies who don't give a shit about CoD are forced to by activision for wages
Are they gonna talk about campaigns lore and development or just boring dogshit like esports and all that.
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Ghostface returning for BO6 confirmed?
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>Blackcell is another hooded bag-over head covered nobody
V4LER1A was so much better... And Spawn, Io had style at least, MW3's blackcell "original" operators are so boring
v4l3ria, io, stasis and copy all serve the big reckoner meat, sorry mw2sissy
copy is a female? I thought dupe and copy are the exact same operator
One is FtM the other is MtF
>*lays dupemeat on the copysissy's face*
a cheap knockoff......
sledge went full retard, too many glowing lights in their design
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What would you do?
>Get matched with a clan
>Never met them before
>Weeb flags
>They try flexing
>Saying "don't be scared"
>"Don't back out"
those aren't weeb flags
They had anime profiles on Playstation
>What would you do?
Leave, the game is shitty enough with randoms.
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>>What would you do?
I stayed but could not get a kill. They are level 850 tryhards.
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do any of the CoD games support 8000Hz polling rate? is it all that arxe connected WZ 2.0? I'm not seeing it fuck up Vanguard, but I can't say it's working.
>What bundles will YOU be buying?
Everything except Samurai
where is the zombie gameplay of blops 6
Buy everything - or are you poor, anon?
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>Matched against a team
>They run together
>Shield player helps them
>Can't kill anyone
CoD is hard for a solo player.
how much of a pathetic fucking freak do you have to be to post your shitty copetroller webms like you're some mlg l33t pro
holy shit, it's true when they say money can't buy love
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>Enemy terrorizes teammates
Why so mad he did a good job fucking up this pathetic squad
*lays the webmeat*
I love outplaying shield fags that think they are invincible with that piece of plastic
I watched videos like this and there's something I want to ask, how do you have the patience to stop and wait all the time? Like what fun is that, at least you don't sit in the corner.
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>how do you have the patience to stop and wait all the time? Like what fun is that
It's not about patience, it's a fighting style, a technique!
>Enemies attack my home
>I defend it
>They get irritated
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Movement king got 60+ kills in TDM...
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>take a step
>not about patience
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>>not about patience
Nope. Positioning is the answer. Avoid typical headglitches, win 1V3 fights easily. Be in a better spot. Pick the better spot quickly
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is the game meant to be this jagged and blurry? if not, which setting do i have to adjust to fix it?
1. Throw your shitty ass PC in the trash
2. Buy the GOAT console XBOX SERIES X
3. Be happy
4. Buy all the bundles
5. Be even happier
1. clean your cat's shit
poop 10
Turn off realtime reflections at least.
Polling rate is handled by the operating system, retard. And yes, it's useless. Do not listen to some youtuber because they are mostly retards too. Unlocking your fps in this game does nothing because the tick rate is so low anyway.
>input latency
Only retards think they can notise 16 ms when the whole networking revolves around massive lag prediction and routing connections through multiple states/countries.
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>Reminder that on July 29th, Call of Duty: Classic will be delisted from the Xbox 360 Store, meaning it will be gone for good on Xbox as it is not part of the backward compatible games. The DLC of Black Ops III on Xbox 360 will also be delisted.

oh no no no...
And nothing of value was lost
okay tourist
>New BO6 Zombies teasers are out there
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what is going to happen to all the cod league skins being sold on the store when black ops 6 is out?
will they be removed or what?
i kinda want to buy a few but not yet
They remove them.
from the game? completely?
They stay only in Warzone, the will not work in the BO6 multiplayer.
not even in mw3 or mwz?
thats fucking diabolical mate
Ace is a shitter who force reeds himself Poopy xdefiant because he's poor and wants Ubisoft money
Your skins will keep working in every MW3 mode.
And they'll keep working in the new Warzone.
They will not work only in Black Ops 6's multiplayer
>Call of Duty's bloated system confuses players
>Xbox's stinky Gamepass tiers confuse players
Time to go multiplatform and kneel to Ps4
Xbox won, keep seething.
I'm rich
okay thanks
you're not
Post your bundles and fine silver
>Xbox won
**Fable also available on Ps5
>*No exclusive Call of duty content on Xbox
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wasn't there supposed to be a double exp event
or have i dreamed it
Season 5 is looking like complete dogshit
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Sledgehammer can you please fuck off with those melee kills without being hit challenges?
They're peak antifun design.
Bro I am so sick and tired of being M&K, I think Ima just break down and buy controller. I KNOW for a fact that I lost 9/10 of my gun fights because the other guy locked on to my face and I was just floundering around.
yeah its aids
use the hammer, it's the easiest melee weapon to use
I think I'm done with CoD multiplayer until BLOPS6 releases.
it's why I still play Vanguard, the aim assist wasn't like that then
Goodnight /codg/, you better still be here when I wake up.
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>enemy team's lowest kill score is 37, highest is 92
>my team averages 13 kills
>my team also can't see enemies right in front of them
This is the infamous "skill-based" matchmaking?
Would be cool if you got more than one kill
>This is the infamous "skill-based" matchmaking?
If you're doing good for a couple of games, you get weak teammates. The matchmaking doesn't care that they'll get stomped and have a bad time, as long as the good player is "nerfed" by not getting help from his team
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>4 AM
>1V1 Rust playlist
I wonder who's on there in the morning. Movement demons, or quickscope gods
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No looping streaks in BO6. Only one set per life, resets on death
What‘s the reasoning here? Just protecting noobs? We have SBMM for that? I hate this shit
>If you're doing good for a couple of games, you get weak teammates
This is such a horrible matchmaking system if their original idea is to make something skill-based. Do it like CSGO/CS2 where your ranking/elo determines what teammates and enemies you get. People at the same level as you. That's how a proper skill based matchmaker should work.
Yeah, I think I'll play some DMZ tonight with the bois.
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Life has been so much better after uninstalling this piece of shit game. And season 5 doesn't offer anything interesting. Two "new" guns + two new maps. So much for "bestest content ever". LMAO! I'll just keep clearing my backlog and be comfy while you sludgesissies hopelessly try to keep this shitty general alive.
Play anything else but if you must play an online FPS the 360 era CODs have people playing on every platform.
Is the DMZ's squad making skill based? I won't lie, I'm pretty good in the game, but every time I play with randoms and watch them in spectator mode, they usually play on consoles, move like bots, their aiming is extremely slow and they approach enemy players with the slowest walking speed you can achieve on a controller. I can count all the decent players on one hand I've played with in a squad in my entire playtime and I'm like Lv. 875.
Seasons 1 & 3 were the only good ones anyway also
>no carryover
dead game
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>tfw enjoying reading classic literature more than MWIII/CoD/vidya in general rn
Am I finally free? Have I ascended?
It's great to have some variation every now and then. Reading is comfy but phones and instant access to retardation has changed this habit for me at least.
You have finally lost it.
>defending a shitty port of cod1 on console
you are the tourist retard, play the real game

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