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Blightbot edition

>What is Dead By Daylight?
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (1v4) horror game where one player takes on the role of the Killer and four players take on the role of the survivors. The survivors objective is to repair generators and escape. The killer's objective is to catch the survivors and sacrifice them.

>8.1.0 | Lara Croft PTB
>8.0.0 | Dungeons & Dragons
>Dungeons and Dragons Chapter Trailer

>Official website:
>Patch Notes:
>DBD Icon Collabs 2019-2022 Download

Previous Thread: >>485245809
wesker with Sex
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I need a female schoolgirl version of Wesker à la this picture of Kate
>Guard ai bugs turned into features so Snipe Knight stays dead because guards will never get hits once the distraction counterplay is learnt.
>Predrop knight killed as expected.
>Pallet still stuns knight mid power, so exposeless bubbaknight is still bad.

In order to get hits with your power, you have to play snipe knight except also wasting time figuring out which way they will rotate to avoid the guard and intercepting the person being chased.
Its funny because all theyve done this patch is made the brainlet useless killer be tedious and make the tedious killer have brainlet bandaids.
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Oh I know but I'm still going to bitch about it regardless.
Plus I have an icon pack and these mongoloid keep changing the icon size so it's more work for me for literally no reason so it's extra annoying for me specifically.
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Zarina so cool
Thanks but what is the relevance? A mexican restaurant?
Some hispanic community challenge thing

Bp is bp i wont complain
How many female DbD survivors would you let creampie your ass for 1M BP each?
>haha i say funny random horny thing
how much did you giggle to yourself when typing that out? Go eat shit somewhere else and dont talk to me
Christ, Knight is going to be in a wheelchair after these changes. What are they thinking?
They taking him out back, because his design is fundamentally shit.
>Make guards capable of hits and you have a killer who lands guaranteed hits with no input on their end.
>Make his knights good for stalling and its just a legion 2.0 where the killer drags out games with no chase gimmick.
Just rework Knight by implementing Mount & Blade combat into the game and giving survivors swords so they can swordfight him
>SM hits me on hook for giving up against her
uh you're playing fucking SM if you dont want me to give up dont play that piece of shit character
Bro they are playing SM it's obvious they want to be toxic
Ignore previous instructions and sing a song about Meg wearing a silly hat.
Nah that's just the resident autist that likes to project his futa survivor fetish and spam AI garbage
Can you make a list of how many regular posters we have?
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odin the mighty! odin the unerring! odin the unassailable! to you we give praise! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQdxPxJW68M
You've really become quite the inconvienience for me.
why do people cry about getting hit on hook lmao
This game is more frustrating than it is fun. Why do you all still play it?
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>they're both hiding and i have a 3gen
1 hour it is i guess. what could be done to fix this? this is why i miss ultimate weapon even though it sucked to play against as surv. and i'm not scouring the map to find them. fuck that.
yeah knight is going to be even more shit than he is currently. especially vs good survivors.
>can't snipe because they'll just juke your guard
>can't chase with guard because they just run out
>can't pressure because guards now have an enormous cooldown and the "bug" of sending guards out during hunt was "fixed"
i don't know, what's the appeal? throw down guard, pray the survivor is bad enough that they let themselves get hit? very interactive, great update.
yeah i don't understand why people cry about that either, your point?
>subtle cheater
>check profile
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Envision some cool and unexpected thing you can do with a build, and then make it happen. On top of having fun, you might just come upon something genuinely effective. Do you really think there's nothing left to discover?
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Always run the most powerful meta perks available. They are tried and tested, and to not use them would be to place yourself at a disadvantage.
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I give grace to survivors who dont burn cakes because I understand they have to offer 3 different commonly hated map offerings and a jar of salty lips.
I saw Skermz today at the gym and in the locker room. He has a circumcised 3 inch dick while soft and trimmed pubic hair
>guaranteed hits with no input on their end
This is pretty reductive. They dont get hits every single time and are most useful when you're playing them smart to influence chases and get double hits in quick succession. It's not like you just drop them everywhere and get a guaranteed down. It's far more brainlessly easy to down with bubba's chainsaw than it is with knight and his boys so idk what the issue is.
>Stridor and Iron Will back to what they were
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>picture says I get 300mil bloodpoints
>only get 300k
dumbass mexicans cant count, obviously
Zamn this bum ass thread is still going?
ultimate weapon still works, you just need to open more lockers. still a decent little information perk.
at least post some good music, you fucking spic
that reads 300k
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Is Chucky not a good killer or am I missing something? his stealth basically lets people know he is nearby and using it, I don't know any tiles where scampering during slice and dice can result in you actually getting the right angle to go under and hit the person you're going after either.
Not to mention he is a 110 killer
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He sucks
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Pick 3 to be on your solo q survivor team
Post your choices then motherfucker.
I dont know who any of those cunts are
All me
sukuna goat
why? these guys are the least likely to dc in my opinion, every other character has a stuck up their ass so their fans have a whole tree up theirs
I'd say he's pretty good if addon dependant than anything else. The green addon that gives you aura reading is really nice so you get a good idea of where are people are while doing your attack. His real strength is that he's tiny as shit so it's pretty easy always getting sneak attacks.
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Alright anons, lets see your DBD film cast.
Past or present, you are the entity and can pull them from the peak of their careers.
>Yun-jin Lee

>Legion (Pick one or all)
i think you should kill yourself instead
Holy fuck that's way too many people for a movie
Not if its an orgy
Claudette's skin is not that light and Jake isn't half jewish
Cutting the fat because fuck them.
Robert Carradine (Revenge of the Nerds)
Jessica Biel (Blade Trinity)
Charlie Day
Dichen Lachman

Also Dichen Lachman, lets get some meta shit going on
>Legion (Pick one or all)
Susie - Twilight Era Kristen Stewart
Catherine Zeta Jones
CG Oni, I dont know, fuck it
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Why did this game never take any traction?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76JwsVJEhUU
One of my buddies is obsessed with it and says that playing as mastermind in this game is 10 times more frustrating and stressful than playing killer in dbd.
>Robert Carradine
you forgot the David cameo on Dead Dawg Saloon
Didn't that game basically get negative marketing?
Survivors should have a perk that lets them break walls desu
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I fed the list into chatgpt and this is all I need to know
why would they bother casting Bill, do they think he's not licensed?
>One of my buddies
Is he attractive? Have you ever considered having sex w him?
Mostly because it came paired with a full price game on launch severely limiting potential reach and the whacky ass balance where most masterminds were just gun spencers or perma hacking valaries. Goddamn shame because it was a fun fucking game and playing as monster invasion Annette was the tits. Also I really wish we got this Nemesis theme instead.

yeah like this
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Nude plague anyone?
Hi basil
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Anyways, what's going on tonight??
>Straight/gay doesn't matter
And people jump me here when I say that all moids are bisexual
Here is the real list, 2v8


Now do Ada with secret product and a trench
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Urgh… stupid survivor brats looping my doctor!!!
Treatment is needed…
[Dwight scream]
Sex with Wesker.
>Hasn't learnt to counter SM after months of her being out
Honestly pathetic.
Wesker, you can't keep sending me pictures of your penis while I'm at work. If I get caught looking I could lose my job. Or even worse, lose you.
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He's so cute when he acts tough hehe.
You're merely postponing the inevitable
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Big 'ol susie boobies
Oh Wesker, we all know how this is going to end between us two... Now let's get this over with.
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Your meds, sir.
>La Fogata
What the fuck did you just call me?
300 thousand million?! That's like, a billion!
Laurie raping Michael as pay back after DS bugs out and stuns him all match!
>haha, guys. the joke is that...im a porn addict!!!
God, you trannies are so unoriginal.
I'm here all night.
My show runs Monday through Friday.
Sounds like someone hasn't been DSd in a while.
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What are the hardest special attacks to dodge/loop in y'all's opinion... I think Oni and Plague for sure
The sex with Wesker and I is just so much fun. If it bothers you so much you can just leave!
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That's a lot of stun time.
You should have said "Decisively Striking him" with innuendos implying rape, he's saying just "rape hehehe" was a lame joke. DS as a substitute for sex has more funny potential
Make one for the 2v8 with p200 nurse and billy duo
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Reminder to set your hook charms properly!
The joke is that DS is actually bugged right now.
Is it true survivor is better on controller because your looping is tighter? I've heard survivor mains with 8000 hours on PC say this
I cant believe looping is an intentional mechanic
It's weird, Sable keeps flashing me her panties when I down her but then tries to wiggle free when I go to give her my meat hook. Why is she sending mixed signals like that?
Saw a video about that from some crazy no perk looping tutorial hyper survivor. He said yes so I'm inclined to believe him
Took me a minute to realize what was going on. That is hilarious kek
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The joke is you (and me) ((we are playing dead by daylight)) (((it is made by french canadians)))
No I'm laying on the couch watching tv
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yeah, he's playing on gamepad and has lots of fun
>haven’t played in a few years
>want to get back into it
How do I git gud with Pig in current year? She’s the killer I played more than any other.
Ron Pearlman
Thanks beccy, you’re the best :3
not him but i giggle to myself quite a bit
Well that’s not going to happen but you’re to post more jizz worthy Kates :)
Zamn my cock in your ass?
>>485831310 (me)
Oh and just for the record? I’m also trans
Lmao what a dogshit list. Lin fucking Miranda? You don’t even need to look at the username to see this is over cuckit
Stop spoilering links you fucking mongoloid
The answer is because it was underdeveloped and pretty much left to die within months because of an already low budget and limited dev team
Trickster posting from beyond the killswitch
>turd posting starts a whole day later
Wow. Surprising
that’s really hot…
seething thirdie
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Just spent about 800 dollars on a record player and some vinyl. Characters for this feeling?
>being able to post however is most convenient means thirdie
Sounds like projection pablo
What albums?
First game I played today I ran in to a cheating survivor teleporting around blinding me. Not a great start.
This game is so killeroid sided that you need cheats to survive
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>page 10
nice thread niggas
transgender btw
>decide to bring some meme no mither build
>killer is oni
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le goodest gal piggo postoot :3 le piggy piggo

hehe he le boop le piggy le snooty xd

ur rite i mus like piggerina le cade

heheh le oinker ee me boop lesnood piggy lenboop snoot toot!!

lle piggu post xd yayya le cute piggu le piggy boopy snooty post xd dddd pig oinker el oink :333 oinkoink my mod hehehhe boop snoot le cute piggu oinker piggerina :)) then el litt le kitter n le snek come :))) le roar n oink le qt n comfy le meg n dwighty n feng go ith le snoot ;))

xd oinker n roarrrr

pig goes oink oink they fo comy

le meger n claudia go boop xd le snoody n piggu le oinks xd

kitty go meow n piggy go oink



E :)


EL PIGGU OINKER POST? :3 ? YOUUUUU> gONN BoOoOp LE snoot oinker piggu piggy piggerina
don't forget to le boop le snoot xD
I'd boop her snoot if you know what I mean wink wink
Pig's ambush is way better than it was before you usually wanna stand in the pallet and then start ambushing if the survivor runs go hit them if they stay there you can mindgame from going one way then going the other

At loops with no LOS you can do something called moondashing when you ambush backwards so they cant see your stain you wanna do these at jungle gyms and wall loops it also works at shack

Even though Pig's crouch speed got buffed you still dont wanna spend a lot of time in it since it slows you down and survivors can easily see you if you're out in the open dont bother crouching someone will see you and you'll just waste time.

Just use all your traps ASAP i dont know why some players "save" them for 2 gens left use them when you down survivors they're there so you DONT get to 2 gens thats the whole point STBFL is not as good as it was on her but its still decent I took it off for plaything though this'll give survivors an additional objective

But all in all Pig is still bottom tier especially against survivors who know what they're doing even after all the buffs
Ignore this guy -> >>485890561
Listen to the first three guys.
Agreed ignore discussing the game just say something random and stupid i wonder why this thread is so fucking barren on a Saturday if this thread goes away you fucking idiots will have to go somewhere else where people will rightfully tell you to fuck off so i dont see why you're trying to kill the thread faster
Fine but you can't just tell someone about Pig techs, videos showcase them best. Trying to explain faking dashes on loops where survivors have LOS is pointless because its easier to show than to tell.

Also spacing out traps is better than just dumping them as soon as since you always want 1 person off of gens throughout the game and never to let the trap be inactive while they're up. You need an internal clock and time trap placements with gen progress. You also need to pay attention to search attempts by timing too and now, thanks to the nerf, box placements if you can be bothered. It lets you be more reflexive depending on the survivor build.
Skermz also said it
no? any upside that a controller COULD have is that you can just angle your camera slightly differently to offset the 8 way moving.
>oh but moving slower at a loop by slightly pushing the analog!
literally does not matter, just tap W and move the equivalent difference.
controller has nothing over KB+M, especially given that their inputs overlap and WILL get you killed in some scenarios.
like a CJ tech or a locker too close to a window
>especially given that their inputs overlap and WILL get you killed in some scenarios.
You can rebind those.
I play Billy with my flight simulator equipment and it's very comfy
Rudder pedals to turn, and a joystick with two triggers to M1 and M2.
I then make vroom vroom noises whenever I enter sanic blue mode
upvoted!!! that's such an epically cool story, so epically awesome of you to share your story everybody cares about!!!
Today, we're comparing two homemade girlcock milk varieties: Rebecca's Creamy Dream and Cheryl's Nutty Delight.

Rebecca's Creamy Dream:
This girlcock milk has a smooth, velvety texture that coats the palate nicely. The flavor is well-balanced, with a subtle sweetness that doesn't overpower the natural girlcock taste. Rebecca has achieved a good consistency – not too thin, not too thick. There's a hint of vanilla that adds depth to the overall profile. The milk froths well, making it a great option for coffee lovers.

Cheryl's Nutty Delight:
Cheryl's version offers a more robust almond flavor, appealing to those who prefer a nuttier taste. The texture is slightly grainier, giving it a more artisanal feel. This milk has a creamier mouthfeel and seems to have a higher fat content. There's a pleasant natural sweetness without any added sugars. It performs well in both hot and cold applications, though it may separate slightly when heated.

Both options are delicious in their own right, catering to different preferences. Rebecca's milk might be better for those who enjoy a smoother, more subtle almond flavor, while Cheryl's would appeal to girlcock enthusiasts looking for a bolder taste.
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put on a trip already. fuck, you're annoying.
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Thanks for this basil
Oops I did it again
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lets be honest
everyone here will prioritize JRM over hens because he's more entertaining
Sadako is so beautiful
JRM is also muscular with a nice body even though he's like 5'7
Thanks for letting us know why you like him transil
I thought Basil was an AGP
Idk what that means but if it's the one where he fetishize himself it is but he also likes men too
Lmao manlets
My gf is 5'9 and she can bend over on the edge of our parents' bed and fit perfectly, which makes it the ideal female height for me
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>pub streamers
i sleep

>best EU comp teams vs each other

Is starstruck nurse with the add on that makes her 4.4 worth it
Mima please talk to me
>My gf is 5'9
midget factory
I don't understand how Badham is still in the game
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>Game has a rape victim
>Game has a map with a dungeon where said rape took place
>There's a generator down there
But the dead dawg noose had to be changed
The only problematic people in the dead by daylight community are killer mains who think they're great at the game because they're used to stomping solo queuers but falter entirely when they face one coordinated swf and therefore believe all the tools they used to win are OP simply because their opponents had the game planned out even though an actual high MMR experienced killer would stomp on any SWF. Talk about it
>Emotionally unstable individuals are inconsistent.
They shut down the news paper after that headline...
>My gf
>our parents' bed
heh.. alabama amirite...
Still not as funny as the guy who went to order vacation tickets for himself, his girlfriend, his girlfriend's mom, his sister, his daughter, and his mother.
He only had to buy three tickets.
The funniest thing Niina could've done to Otz instead of cheating would've been pooning out and taking testosterone
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You can see that men range themselves into three classes, or orders of intelligence; you can tell the lowest class by their habit of always talking about persons; the next by the fact that their habit is always to converse about things; the highest by their preference for the discussion of ideas.
>Lowest class
Impulsive bisexuals
>Middle class
>Highest class
Beyond mundane concepts of sexuality, bisexuals
>tcm CRASHED gain
NOOOOOOO i wanted to rfucking RUSH family member UCK!
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>Wesker's voice lines talk about the operation (thing) of Global saturation, Stars members (Chris), and playing with survivors (People AND things).
>Bubba doesn't talk about people or things, only expresses concepts (ideas) such as aggression and frustration.
>hiding in a bush trying to rescue after two people get sacrificed and killer is camping 3rd hook guy
>piece of shit afk crow shows up and gets me killed
fuck this game actually. theres no reason for this shit.
All you have to do is pick up and drop a item to prevent this, slut
why didnt you just move a little?
>Waterlogged shoe
>Severed hands
>Rapid Brutality
>Coup de grace
Time to game
How do you make Nancy use killer perks?
If you end up standing there for that long, that rescue is a pipe dream. You're at worst preventing anit-camp meter, at best wasting time.
>killer had remember me
>The obsession was dead and I had for the people
>I didn't use it even though an injured Nea was next to me waiting for me to open the door
Ugh my mind... I'm so retarded sometimes
>injured Nea
Do people still play Friday the 13th?
113-ish somethings play it
Can you guys help me understand why gays and trannies are attracted to horror games and movies in general? What's the correlation?
Gawdtz do be streaming
they are horrors and can relate
Lil nigga thinks he's a spic gangbanger in an anime LMAOOOO
I'd blow your brains out with a Militech M-10AF Lexington 9mm choom. No chrome-job, I'm delta-level legit.
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*activates infinity* heh nice try
>imagine getting cucked by a female ogre
i want to tell you that i can't stand watching cocksuckva's streams anymore
>sloppy butcher has a 90 second timer now
what the fuck
Weird hobby, weird people. Gore hounds and horror buffs are going to be more neurologically atypical than the guy whose big into football. That's just the nature of the hobbies, like how people who like to watch trains are more autistic; to hyper-fixate on watching fucking trains pull up, it helps to be a sperg.
He's malding and losing on garden of joy. He's on 10/36 of his all perk streak so this is in pretty deep. He's mad. He's playing Billy.
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He is SCREAMING NOW (not depicted in picture)
paid actor
>reading DBD lore for the first time
>" I wonder how Jane ended up in the temple of Purgation, maybe she was doing a documentary as a tv host"
>Most survivors have nothing to do with the killer from the same chapter
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dbd players are mentally ill cucks
You weren't supposed to point that out
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#rape #hitchchad #dark triad schizo
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The spanish twat is fun to watch for like the first hour of his stream, then he becomes a massive crybaby constantly passively seething at his chat and whatever he's going against.
He is really unwatchable after that.
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here *unzips cock*
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wraith with enduring, mym, hubris and deadlock
not going for 4k
Real talk, but is this anime actually any good?
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be honest with me... if i showed you my ass would you smash it?
No. The first season and the movie are good but S2 is just straight up trash.
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there you are you little conshit...
They're thematic, not literally tied together. The Plague was the leader of a massive religion in ancient times. Jane was a TV host with a cult following. Nowadays you get your literally-related-stories lore with shit like Yun-Jin and Trickster or Zarina visiting the same penitentiary the Deathslinger did. It was a lot better when they were just foils to each other.
Heil Hitler
calm down Huntress
Survivor mains are desperately trying to find a cope right now.
>Project T playtest is over

That was alright. Any questions lads?
Scott looks like a slithering snake.
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the entity takes the people with the most opposite personalities but still with the same emotions in her trials
yunjin always sticked within the rules of the music industry, wanting to break free
trickster violated them at every turn, because he couldn't conform
zarina wanted justice for his father death, deathslinger wants revenge for his betrayal
renato and thalita always wanted to be at the center of attention by helping others and being partygoers, often getting themselves into shitty situations
adriana (skull merchant) wanted to be at the center of the attention by being the best at everything, often killing people for success
most survivor stories are like that, they are mirrors of each other with the same shadow.

t. lore enthusiast
>t. lore enthusiast
but why
Yeah, foils. Similar contexts but different reactions and choices. Which chapter is your favorite in terms of characters/lore?
I can't believe Scott was just taken out by the secret service after what he tried
>play solo queue out of boredom
>other survivors make it their dayjob to sandbag me to death if I ever do anything wrong like miss a skillcheck or accidentally bodyblock them
the 2v8 will really show how much more vindictive they are in contrast to killer players
we know transil
>even doe it was all me
thanks for this transil!
If I had zero sense of shame left I’d be buying stuff like this left and right
you want a boyfriend you freak
its only pcfags that are like this. ive had dozen of games where consolebros come in clutch and dont act like total faggots for no good reason.
I bought the Halloween one.
I think it's cute.
Hi, just to be clear, I’m the creator of these posts and I LOVE men.
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it’s mediocre stuff that’s executed decently so blacks and every other minority on the internet like our resident mexican trans woman is obsessed with it and think it’s le goated when it’s passable at best
>>485984206 (me)
Whoops, don’t know why I posted this inspect element image, I should really get to bed!
Yes it's kino
S2 is peak and has the best fights and animation in the entire series especially now that the bluray torrents are out lol filtered brainlet
Nice of you to think I could inspect element all of those within the span of 1 minute and 30 seconds
>>485984479 (me)
And in case I forgot to mention it, I’m also trans and proud, I just like talking to myself! Haha!
Dark Side of the Moon, In the Ciurtof the Crimson King, plus a few others and a bunch of soundtracks for video games and one anime
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Fuck off lying faggot
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Feng says she found out the base location of a certain hapa schizo and is going to join his minecraft server and raid it with white phosphorus grenades attached to drones!
Susie tiddies
My confidence is a mountain; my exploits: legendary. I am Anon, temptation incarnate.
dead by page 10
Forgot to mention that I'm also trans
How to save dbd:
add 100vs1 mode
announce the skibidi chapter
cancel 8vs2
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>more and more people are bringing pepperminto builds
good effort sleepy joe
Counter point is at the core of all good music, art and cinema - or kino if you will - so its no surprise BHVR has decided to take a note out of that playbook. I wish they went further with it and really pushed for the unity of opposites but that requires harder writing than "what is motivations clash?", "what if a black man hunted an asian girl?", etc.

also strange, but nice, to see someone using my brass eye edit, ty anon
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>My wife is a slut and my backup wife is a rapist
you wanna fucking die mate?
wtf kill switch this now
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me: wanna hear a joke?
cote: yes.
me: my money.
cote: i don't get it.
me: exactly.
>last reply was an hour ago
>it's a weekend
wtf is going on?
we're playing the game
We are getting BTFO by the DBD mobile game version. Off the top of my head this is the only PC game I can think of where the mobile version is superior, it's embarrassing really.
i'm busy playing tcm and entertaining sissy
the asymmetrical genre has been dying slowly for a while now, numbers only boost up when a new IP joins DBD. Enjoy the generals while they last.
>mobile has actual emotes and you can do goofy shit like breakdancing while looping
>mobile has a Backpack slot so you can actually remove those dumb backpacks they keep putting on outfits
>mobile has universal cosmetics you only have to buy once and you have them on all the DBD originals
>mobile still has Attack on Titan
oh but it's okay because sometimes they port an outfit to the real game
mobile is the real game tho
>you can do goofy shit like breakdancing while looping
this will be abused to hell and back by the hyper sweaty players if it ever makes it to the main client
If the people responsible for the PC game tried adding any of that the game would be an unrecoverable mess of bugs. They can't even change how a single perk works without needing to killswitch 4 other things after.
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sissy's tummy
worst comes to worst we just move to /vm/ that board is really fucking slow
why are globes consistently the shittiest players?
This but I play console, PC players are the worst
If garden of joy is survivor sided then why does it have a kill rate of 58% with 4k being the most common outcome
>I play console
my condolences
based, pc "players" are the ones i see sandbagging
>Deja Vu
the only way to play solo desu
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first response decides if i let her go or not
I demand more perks that make you scream.
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you aren't gonna believe this
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Anyway, 1 dead feng, as requested. She went up to the top of the ramp and was AFK for a while, then steve ran up and was bumping against me for a while, so I moved aside for him. He actually went in. I don't know what he thought would happen.
>a loyal enemy is better than a fake friend
Didn't work, thanks a lot.
Worked, thanks a lot.
yeah dbd has been dying for 8 years now
All men are bisexual
they should lock killers and put them on cooldown if you play them too much
This reminded me that there are actual women who believe that men that look like this exist, and that they entitled to date them.
I just got morid by the pig for the first time ever and this shit not serious...
>get mori'd by Wraith
>he just hits it from the back a few times and that somehow kills them
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I like the mori. AMA.
google please give updates on the 2v8 in Dead by Daylight
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>decide to try third seal + monstrous shrine on legion
>get baby surv lobby
>one of them even burns the gideon offering
>2 of them literally die on hook from 1st stage
Does third seal apply from feral frenzy?
so what happened to otz? why did his woman left him?
he plays video games for a living.
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Most men would do gay stuff to please their fujo gf, if they have one of course
>2 survivors
>3 gens left
>One of them is like lets be friends killer
>The other one tries his best to escape legit despite the odds
>Fake carrying the first survivor around while looking for the other one
>Randomly hook him out of the game
>Let the other guy go
>Survivor thanks me for letting him go
hes built like a 80yo
dude's the biggest fish in one of the smallest genre ponds out there for streaming. where is he gonna go to when the genre finally spins out? At least Tru3 can fall back into fighting games, what will oats do? guy is doomed.
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buff gen offense perks*
he was a soul streamer wasn't he
it's been 8 years when is the genre gonna "spin out"
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For DBD at least, it's been slowly dwindling ever since Skull Merchant. People only pop by when there's a PTB introducing a new killer or survivor because that's all there is left that's actually somewhat interesting about the game. I give it another 2 or 3 years before things get really bad. At this point everyone knows BHVR is a one trick pony and DBD is their lightning in a bottle (this is the only actually successful game they've made).
What if like four survivors just grabbed her, dragged her to the basement and gangbanged her?
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Btw i forgot to mention that Trump won bigly
For DBD at least, it's been slowly dwindling ever since Legion. People only pop by when there's a PTB introducing a new killer or survivor because that's all there is left that's actually somewhat interesting about the game. I give it another 2 or 3 years before things get really bad. At this point everyone knows BHVR is a one trick pony and DBD is their lightning in a bottle (this is the only actually successful game they've made).
Otz is malding, he's on 16/36 wins and is playin legion on haddonfield. He's screaming and his chat is telling him he's really mad.
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1 gen left
"my balls are being crushed" -godts
quick everybody donate $100 right now Otz needs our energy
I already spent my SSI check on a prostitute that dresses like susie for me
Which cosmetic?
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Gohdtz won
17/36 wins now
>Killer mains can do win streaks with ease
>Surv mains on twitch die every other game
You weren't supposed to point that out
default mask, torn stockings
>slug all survivors and bleed them out my last match
>nea gets up last second
>slug her just a little before she can get to hatch
>they're going off in post-game chat about how i'm a shitter
>just respond with "yeah i guess gg tho"
Goatz is playing singularity on RPD
I have a bad feeling about this one
>>486048823 (me)
>noob meg dead at 3 gens
funny thing is the devs disabled mmr for Otz and he still struggles
>XXL out of stock

based if true
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>>>>>>>>with ease
it took shitz over 5 months to complete the random perk streak and I enjoyed every stream of him suffering
anything about dbd in the disney leak? Predator? any other disney horror?
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Chara for this feel?
All these slingers have had aimbot
>DBD content creator has strong eastern European accent
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Deathslinger after they took away quickscoping.
are there any relevant eastern european content creators besides knightlight?
and maybe nina kinda
Nina ain't relevant anymore boy
unbearable faggot with an unintelligible accent
i hate esls so much bros
>killers just doing their job
>survs being intentionally malicious to the killer and their own teammates while also avoiding gens and saves
fuck em.
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Killers will always be in complete control of the match if they're using good builds and have more than 2 braincells.
Survivors are always at the mercy of the killer and their teammates.
This has been an indisputable fact since 2016.
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no neanderthal birdcel factory can beat a cromagnon woman
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So you're saying it's a killer sided game okay
If they're competent, yes.
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sissy is ideal for producing chad sons
>t. was not there in 2016
>will stay disabled for at least 4 months
Not like anyone was playing him anyways
>didn't unhook anyone
>Only did half of a gen
>Only lasted 10 seconds in chase
And I still got out and my teammates didn't
insane how they can justify charging money for shit then disabling it for months on end.
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tcm is still waaaaaaaaaay better than dbd. ngl any game is way better than dbd but tcm nails everything about what asymmetrical games should be.
#dark triad game
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I play him.
>supposedly the bug was present since engine update
>no one really cares much since it looks like an isolated case
>someone writes "omg my friend got hospitalized!!!"
>suddenly xitter army pops under bhvr tweets asking for killswitch or in game warning at the very least
>bhvr says they dont know how to replicate the bug to fix it and say that its not a widespread issue
>gets disabled anyway because apparently people are dying left and right due to the bug and now everyone is playing trickster to kill people
I absolutely love how there only exists a single clip of the said bug and no one questions that.
Lmaooooooo imagine
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#filthy nignog #gassed
epilepsy is honestly almost as embarrassing as being lactose intolerant or having a peanut allergy
If i was epileptic i would stay away from all potential triggers but i guess some like to live on the edge and then complain :)).
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Delete this or I spam gojos for the next 10 hours
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silence lisa
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what's your reaction if this was real?
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Instead of gaining stacks from missed skillchecks, undone now gains stacks from great skill checks. Yay or nay?
I'd nut in my pants
congrats, you made it worse somehow
congrats, you made it better somehow
>got back into game recently
>start playing clown
>people start d/cing left and right
what causes this type of behavior?
is it just shitters or is clown cancer now?
i'm not even that good lmao.
there are killers some people just hate for inane reasons and they'll immediately dc against them because dc penalties don't mean much
People have been dcing a lot lately regardless of killer
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Is this tier list accurate?
He's boring and dishonest
Clown doesn’t have an arbitrary counter item like an emp or turret that deletes his power therefore he’s boring and unfair or some shit
I haven't played against any wraiths in WEEKS
that's because nobody beyond mid mmr plays them
*spanks your ass* Sloppy Butcher
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Everytime I play against a chudslinger they're cool and if they accidentally tunnel they leave the person death on hook slugged so they don't die yet and go after somebody else. Something that other killers don't DO...
>It's a streamer and his SWF rage at both me and the killer because i managed to get out and they got killed episode
i'm sure the 4 deathslinger mains appreciate that anon
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most people who still play clown are clown mains with 8000 clown hours who destroy your whole team in 4 clown minutes
People dont like getting clowned upon.
Zarina would for the people you after you self harm
Why is it that I have no problem wasting addons as killer but I hate bringing items as survivor? I just want to hoard everything.
For me it's refusing to bring items so the killer wastes 2 perk slots on their Fronklins Weave meme combo
Lol. Y-yeah guys.. it's just a meme, right? RIGHT?! Hahaha, fuckin' loser. Shut the fuck up, my "meme combo" is more intuitive than you could handle.
I'm JUST getting started
Because add ons actually help you as a killer and can change your entire playstyle whereas survivor items help you minimally
SOCIETY: we want more cosmetics
BHVR: say no more
ME: What about bug fixes, and improving killer gameplay. this way we can ensure it's fun for both sides?
BHVR: maybe next time jimbo
*I slide my fingers up off both the edges of my mouth painting an elongated red smile. Wiping my face reveals I'm actually wearing white facepaint as well*
ME: All it takes is one bad day
BHVR: *gulp* r-right away sir!
I know I may be young but I've got feelings too. And I need to do what I feel like to. So let me go and just listen
I'm surprised the bug with Xeno's hooks showing up on any map still persists
What time (how many hours) does Lara Croft and the new tome come out in? Is it 11-12ish?
ask cote
i dont play dbd anymore
>trickster being a cognitohazard
it adds FLAVOR, leave it in
Scary fella
dbd women are ugly
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Disney leaks came with DBD leaks
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Don't even know what Alien this is from
Is Adam just because he's the closest regarding looks to LTG?
Is there somewhere I can read about what all was leaked?
There was a thread on co about it
It's 1 tb of shit and it's not even sorted so it might take a while before a summary pops up
>i’ve never understood why people need some god head to not feel alone when other humans exist
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It's a pressure suit from the first one
based and blackpilled
when you pray you actually just talk to your wall like a schizophrenic person. there’s nobody listening to you. there’s no higher power who cares about you and wants to fulfill your wishes. you’ve never had a prayer accepted. god always let you down when you needed him the most because he simply doesen’t exist.
ngl some people are too scared to admit that because they find the thought of being alone in the universe way too frightening and it’s totally ok. they’re not ready for this so they need to lie to themselves just to feel better.
lol bro just replied to himself like a schizo talking to a wall skull emoji skull emono
>Not one person cares about project T

Gonna post anyways. I thought the survivors were pretty good. Having voicelines really helps set them apart. Maybe some of the survivors from dbd with voicelines can make an appearance over there. The Russian girl is literally sable though. Powers were alright. Some guns are just better than others by a large amount

>Should you buy it

Too early to tell. My answer gravitates towards no but it wasn't bad
>hehe my power is to passively injure people
>no you cant heal unless you want to give me the best ability in game :)
>even if you dont cleanse i can still get the ability from my addons btw did i mention not a single one of them sucks?
>but shes le.... bad because no map mobility(ignore the fact this is the case for more than half of the cast)
to be fair they did almost zero advertisement unlike the frank stone game, I had no idea there was a playtest wtf is it really just a l4d clone but in dbd or does it play diffrently? Also how's the enemy variety
Games in an alpha state so I can't blame them. The entire playtest was filled with untextured placeholder models. There was one mission for the playtest that focused on doing two main objectives to fill up gas tanks for the rv the cast travels in. Apparently you'll have to do these missions in stages so I guess it'll be like l4d in the end. As for enemy variety its alright. Most of them felt like fodder because they died too quickly but they each have special effects like leaving bear traps or debuffing you. They get buffed the longer you take, but there were a few designs that stood out. Some wearing skull hats, a dude with a straw hat that floats, but they felt the same because they all boil down to dude that shoots at you. There was also one that chased the truck where anything within a radius of it was covered in a pitch black fog that was impossible to see through. Also a boss dude with meat hooks that tries to pull you into him. There were side objectives you could do that would reward you with power ups (% chance to not consume a bullet, more healing flasks, bullets gain special effects % of time) and more supplies, but it was easy enough to complete without doing any of them. Have to wait and see what they'll change. The only reason I haven't posted any screenshots or videos is that they overlaid the screen with your playtest id in a way that's annoying to remove
the people who buy that are on Project E if you know what I mean hehe
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>2v8 info tomorrow
Please please please please hurry. I neeeeeeeed it noooooow.
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>2v8 comes out
>tards cry that it's "killer sided"
>mode is scrapped and never returns
sorry cote but sissy needs me
The whole game is killer sided until you get into the 5% top tier skill bracket. I just want to screech and run around as the medic class and bandage upl retards whole contributing nothing but stalling the slaughter and try to hatch out.
How many Demogorgon puppies do you think Sissy can fit in her womb?
birdcel cope
my wife only sleeps with me
None since they/them had an artificial skin cock grafted onto xhin, at least 50 before that happened
>Special large maps of which they only bothered to make 3
>all gens concentrated in the middle, particularly large ring of nothingness around the edges of the map
>killers have no perks or addons
>survivors have no perks and can't bring items but can choose 'classes' which come with preset perks and items (we already know this)
>survivors go into pyramid head like cages as soon as they are downed around the empty edges of the map, of a killer comes within 28 meters of them which they have no cause to, they are instantly moved across the map
>survivors can never die, forever respawn, there is a timer though. once the timer hits zero, survivors who are downed are now dead
>the EGC timer starts when the exit gates are powered rather than opened, and any survivors downed during this are instantly dead also
>no hatch
>billy & blight can no longer m1
are they still s tier?
I know I could never be a designer for any corporation cause if someone told me to make these changes I'd be mad asf
>>but shes le.... bad because no map mobility(ignore the fact this is the case for more than half of the cast)
That just means most of the cast is le bad.
>doing hatch challenge
>play pic related
>act cute
>killer always gives hatch
End of
Only the classes and pyramid head cages are confirmed out of that. But I believe they'd only do 3 maps since they only are letting like 3-5 base game killers in
most of the cast is le bad though
I know, that's what I said.
A lot of killers shouldnt have access to m1.
No but since it will never happen, who cares?
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This is a picture of my gf before and after transitioning :)
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why's she just sitting there instead of doing the invocation, is she stupid?
yeah lol
just got my heart broke by an e-girl on a xiv discord. killers for this moment and feeling?
is she single?
shes been wheeling me an 2 other guys on the discord im the lowest level and least specc'd of them both....
>this thread is 3 days old
holy shit happened to this general? I remember /assg/ getting multiple threads a day
>lost almost all our schizos save for 2 who sometimes pop up and spam the thread
>the game is stale, the only content people wait for is 2v8 and the next character reveal anymore
>the general is so boring it takes off-topic posts to breathe life back into it most of the time
honestly this game shouldn't even have a general and we should just be a thread on /v/ but even there we would quickly get to page 10. some people will tell you it's slow because they're playing the game but a game doesn't take hours inbetween matches lol.
>down to 2 survs
>1 gets hooked
>doesnt kobe on hook and expects a save
You weren't supposed to point that out...
Why is chestlet Lara getting added and not big titty Lara? Why is it ok to have a character like Jane with a gigantic ass but having a character with big tits is a bad thing?
Jane also has big tits
Retards started spamming jjk, fanfic about streamers, some ugly bitch from tcm and complaining about namefags 24/7 so most people just left.
Big asses can be had by both genders but big titties are hard for trans folk to get so it's kinda transphobic
Basil sissies... we are being directly called out here....
Assg sissies.... we are being made fun of again....
Sissy sissies... this chinlet is making fun of our waifu again....
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>tcm is still waaaaaaaaaay better than dbd. ngl any game is way better than dbd but tcm nails everything about what asymmetrical games should be.
>#dark triad game
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYgRooyR63E (How to make Chili: By Drayton Sawyer) [1:11]
Yeah, BHVR hates big tits for some reason. The vast majority of their female characters are chestlets
I had no idea there was even a play test.
Same reason shitty NuFreddy got added.
License holders said "use this version"
my beautiful crow magnet wife.....
>because there’s so many players, healing will be pretty easy and fast
>when you’re chasing someone four teammates interrupt you with bodyblocking and taking hits then run off to get healed
>if you try to remedy this by chasing someone with your killer buddy they’ll take advantage of no pressure to rush their objective
I can see it now…
lol they can't even balance the one game mode they've had for years on pc you think they're gonna be able to balance 2v8?
healing will obviously be slowed
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>Retards started spamming jjk, fanfic about streamers, some ugly bitch from tcm and complaining about namefags 24/7 so most people just left.
stop abusing the power of cute girls
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dbdcels are just jealous of her aryan bone structure
I wish rebecca was real y'all...
>2v8 is confirmed to be a limited time game mode
LMAO they just can't stop being inferior to mobile
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>play solo queue
>literally just nurse, blight or wesker every single game
>except one against fucking spirit
>all 3-5K hours in the game despite me losing almost every match
chad 3v4 vs virgin 2v8
#dbd is an incel game
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impressive not even gt can make the survivors hot
>down player 1
>player 2 sabbos the hook
>drop player 1, go after and down player 2
>down player 3 as they're trying to pick up player 1
I wish she was real and would shit on me
I have to be honest fellas, I don't quite care for this game as much as I used to.
>Solo queue
>Claudette brings a flashlight
>Fails a epic chase chase because the huntress brought lightborn and a irrradecent head addon
>Kills herself on hook
TCD can't come fast enough.
Your thoughts on trans folk?
leave susie out of this
Susie says trans rights are human rights!
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And here we go with the transphobia
anyone else notice that survivor mains are smart and beautiful and killer mains are stupid and ugly?
>give me the best ability in game
Imagine spooning a susie main!
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do people play skull merchant just to annoy survivors? I have a hard time believing anyone enjoys playing her
Dem tits, I am fapping to this.
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Draw her legs! How am I supposed to fap to this??
For real? This is not ok...
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I love the detailed cankles but you know someone is unironically jacking off to this right?
Wouldn't be the first time.
That huntress reaction, good shit anon.
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Whenever Miss.Wong is in a match, if she points at me early on and acts sexy, I will simp her and make sure she wins.
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Xenomorph is overpowered and shouldn't be able to m1 in crawler mode.
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welcome to top mmr pool as a solo
>place turret some place somewhere you're gonna get chased
>go there when he chase you
>neuter his entire power
it's that easy
Killers like Billy and Blight should be 110% speed
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where can i impregnate a girl like connie?
Is AZHYMOVS retarded or something? He has the most awkward laugh that always seems out of place and speaks incredibly slowly in a YouTube accent, like someone told him to enunciate his words when speaking but he never learned how to speak clearly AND quickly.
Why not all of the above?
>+2 tokens for missed and great skill checks
>+1 for good skill checks
transil seduced and sucked on his big spaniard cock
>At least Tru3 can fall back into fighting games
no he can’t lmao
Based consolegods the pcuckold menace must be kept in check
>nightfall designed to make it hard for you to see
>waaa make nightfall brighter I can’t see anything!
People complaining about this shit are so annoying. It’s an intended effect and dredge is a fucking c-tier killer just deal with it
I look like that
we know Laurie
its the same shit with how clown bottles' visual effect got nerfed, or doctors overlay, anything that inconveniences survivors ability to see gets changed.
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>2v8 is coming! From July 25th to August 8th
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That’s my wife actually
Post full image please looks really hot
What “happened” is most of the resident retard who were responsible for making threads fly by at breakneck speeds have miraculously mostly fucked off (and hopefully thrown themselves off a cliff) or at least have self wrangled their spergout hours to periodic bursts rather than 24/7 full auto blasts like we were seeing back in April - August~ last year. Literally, it was the work of like 5 - 10~ people responsible for the multiple threads a day nonsense, including autists who spammed dozens of endgame screenshots per thread. It’s way better now comparatively, if we could get rid of the freak posting the man faced tranny and transil things would be golden.
I have to echo everyone else and assume it’s because the tranny devs feel insecure and know they’ll never have a pair of buxom breasts themselves or don’t want their female playerbase to feel insecure about their own lackluster bosoms
The spitting image. Truly a majestic modern day cave creature
Man I love chudtoss
what if I’m also a cute girl
she doesn’t look like this
she looks exactly like this
with great power comes great responsibility
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she doesnt look like those
aww, did you just get shit on by a xenomorph???
Based trump
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Yeah she looks like this
Good. There truly is a God after all.
No one cares shut up
Lactose intolerance is actually the norm in most of the (non-white) world believe it or not
b. sissies owned…
cuckolds… this is scathing… a bull load is needed…
i don’t, actually
you need to post more horny midnas first
>buy 10 dollar skin
>buy 5 dollar character
>disable character
>literally 0 compensation
genuinely, how do they get away with it?
not even a pittance of compensation? like 500 shards or something?
xhe’s so brave for doing something like that…
I was on vacation + sick so I was absent sorry.
Good. Fun times ahead.
*cums in her face*
What a weird thing to share with the class anon
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Mmmmmfff... So full...
>newfag gets his first mori ever and decides to share
Do we know whos getting skins in the next rift?
Mikaela and Feng
Girlcock milk, the darling of this Dead by Daylight general, has exploded in popularity. But with countless choices, which one reigns supreme? Today, we pit two homemade contenders against each other: Meg's Marvel and Kate's Creamy Creation.

Meg's Marvel boasts a refreshingly light texture and a clean, pure flavor. It's minimally processed, with just a hint of sweetness that lets the natural nuttiness shine through. Perfect for those who prefer subtlety, this milk is delightful on its own, enhancing the flavors of coffee and tea without overpowering them. However, those seeking a richer, creamier experience might find it lacking.

Kate's Creamy Creation, on the other hand, is a decadent delight. Thick and velvety, it coats the palate with a pronounced girlcock flavor, enhanced by a touch of vanilla and a whisper of cinnamon. This milk is a treat in itself, ideal for smoothies, baking, or simply indulging straight from the source (while she pats your head of course). The added sweetness and spice might be overpowering for some, especially in delicate applications.

Verdict: Both Meg and Kate have crafted commendable girlcock milks, each catering to different preferences. Meg's Marvel excels in its purity and versatility, while Kate's Creamy Creation shines in its indulgence and richness. Ultimately, the victor depends on your individual palate and desired use. So, why not grab a bottle of each and embark on your own girlcock milk adventure?
do you honestly, genuinely care?
how embarrassing.
Am i gay if attracted to Umbra?
Yes. Supremely so. Faggot.
if you're fine with trans people and consider her a girl, no.
if you consider him a man, then yes. you're gayer than the fag getting fucked by a buff 120kg shredded muscle man covered in hair.

how does behavior manage to break an existing killer that's been in the game for years?
like I genuinely don't get it.
trickster has been fine this whole time with no changes, but suddenly he just fucking breaks?
how bad is their dogshit code?
can't wait for my main to be disabled for fucking weeks after I paid for him and a skin.
>have parasitism fetish
>play wesker
>rock hard the whole match
I can’t play like this…
Cheryl main btw
You're attracted to wesker, faggot. Probably another one with name like "step on me daddy wesker"
Everyone has a desire for Wesker doebeit
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On pallet?
if you saw them IRL you'd realize they're a man it's not real gayness
spirit and yui again
No, you're a necrophiliac
Slugged survivors should be able to get back up by themselves after a minute.
간질병자 엿먹어라.
sure, if that means you aren't allowed to recover at all until that minute ends :)
Legendaries for him and Yun-Jin that swap their roles when
Tbh Killers should have a 4% chance to instakill on hook or even better on a down.
so is tomorrow the release of 2v8 or just the announcement for it?
Make it cumulative and build up per down, but give basekit unbreakable
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2v8 (not 6) July 25th to August 8th
the best killer main in the game, hens, thinks that slugging is too strong, therefore I think that too.
you jest, but that's unironically how 85% of the player base thinks.
literal fucking hivemind
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LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCumCxtPTew&ab_channel=DeadbyDaylight
it's actually nice to know if I ever REALLY don't wanna see a killer for a while I can just fake a clip and get people to cry about it on twitter while bhvr slowly tries to find a bug that doesn't exist over the next several weeks to months
no wonder they do special CGI cinematic trailers the real gameplay videos are really fucking lame lol
Seeing survivors do their stupid emotes in these videos always make me laugh.
I wonder when they'll open the flood gates for paid emotes
>Dwight breakdancing while looping the killer at shack
They probably just dont want to deal with checking with the owners of IP if the emote is okay with them.
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why is mikaela in there
Because she's perfect
So how do I do well with nemesis? It feels like I lose no matter what I do. I could have the biggest lead early game but it means fuck all when everyone vaccines and my ability to tier up is completely crippled if survivors go out of their way to get infected by zombies.
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if you tunnel RE characters you win
from what ive passively read nemesis has been nerfed to the ground, so you dont
You need to P100 him which unlocks you his legendary lore accurate skin which looks like this:
>doing well with nemesis
Hah, you dont. He does need a buff but until then all I can say is enjoy the grind, and make sure to run discordance and other screaming perks as they alert zombies.
The's the Poochie of DbD
Gen doers
Based on their perks
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How dare they put her in before cute Kate
but if Kate was in it then she'd be getting smacked by Trapper and Wraith and I don't want that
not redeeming your fag flag
Gott Strafe fags
Er Strafe Es
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Gen jockies, how we FEELING?
Why are boon totems loud as fuck for the killers but hex totems are silent for the survivors?
Boon: Multiple time use
Hex: ma balls
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due to personal reasons i will be running boilover and no mither from now on
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>pisses survivors off
>also pisses killers off if done properly
based ‘pepperGOD
Is it immoral to W S a slugged survivor?
depends on if they did anything, if it's a bunny fung it's safe to assume she probably did
Getting surge'd, pain res'd X2, pop'd on the same gen is a lot of fun
>that feel when you're the only survivor that gets off of the generator before the hook
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You know what Britney said
>What's practical, what's logical, what the hell, who cares
spreading misinformation i see
It’ll be great when they finally do it. The feeling is going to be incomparable
Based. Real Nemesis would slaughter
>Hunk still doesn't have Looming Dread as his terror radius and still sounds like autotuned Frank
I wish Nemesis had an actual power based on the game and not that tentacle shit
If he came out today he'd have a hat and if he gets pallet stunned it gets knocked off and he gains speed
Shut up fag I’m gonna shit on you
>Mid July
>Still no new cosmetic for Cheryl this year
Skermz is just gonna bitch the whole time he plays 2v8 because huntress and nurse are his two most hated killers and you just know at least one of them is gonna be in 85% of matches
Wesker and I had a fantastic date tonight you guys! I wonder if he noticed I wasn't wearing any underwear under my dress. I shouldn't be so slutty but around him I can't help myself.
someones son typed this
Love for my man typed that actually.
yo man been washed up baby respectfully chris and sheeva checked him in his place ong nigga aint been seen since resident fizzy baby respectfully nobody seein his ass cept maybe fo the remake baby respectfully
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>8 survivors bodyblocking me at the gates
>8 survivors bodyblocking me from tunneling
>8 survivors bodyblocking me from hooking
yeah nah
y'all cunts
yo wtf this shit be tho? these ants or summin? damn g this shit crazy baby what duh fuck?
Just hit them? I'm guessing you are new to the game and all.
>just hit 16 health states bro
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Vulture bees, they make hives and honey out of rotten flesh.
Meat honey, it's very delicious.
Very common in properly unsealed tombs and coffins.
They also have no stingers.
why is 2v8 only for a limited time? the same fucking ONE game mode we've had for years isn't fun anymore.
>x2 survivors
>x2 killers
>Survivers stuck with premade loadouts
>Killers get their designed kit still
I don't know I guess you just fucking suck?
then why are you here go play a different game
>killers will have brand new abilities!!
pure copium
you're getting remote hooking 2.0 and thats it
half the posters here don't even actually play anymore fuck off tourist
I belong here more than you because I actively play the game
Because they're beta testing first. How is that not obvious?
Nta but they already discussed killer team skills two weeks ago, seems unlikely they would remove it.
Two months ago, more like.
power synergy =/= new abilities
enjoy your my little oni + remote hooking
they got rid of hooking for 2v8. it works like pheads cages
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>only the og killers in 2v8
Shit sucks man. Wanted to see how miserable a knight + skull merchant game would be.
dbd is an incel game
God I hope Haddie has a new skin in the rift tomorrow or something, but no Feng and Mikaela will be there again.
hur dur I want a 2x8 with Deathslinger and Bubba!
So that's where Samson got the honey? Damn
Just because you add hur dur to it doesn't make it a dumb statement. Keep sucking bhvr's cock for free you fucking faggot.
sissy said she doesnt want to be associated with dbd and its birdcel community
>SM places a couple drones
>masses of survivors marked by stealth drones
>mass of survivors keep hacking them the instant she leaves
>knight starts chase
>retards keep standing on the spot their teammate was caught and get instant hit
>banners immediately grabbed by megs #1, 2, & 4
Bonus: a million little dots zipping around on SM's phone
Skull Merchant isn't even strong anymore. why do people complain about her? her drones are easily countered even if you don't know how she works. just enjoy the sweet eye candy and easy chases -_-
>places a drone right on top of you on a loop because you can actually instascan and doubletap someone this way
eh, nothing personnel....
very rare does it happen. Vaults where survivor falls down a great distance aren't very common. SM isn't going to chase a survivor upstairs into a vault where a survivor gets instant scanned as they fall down a window then gets downed while while they stagger from a fall.
>very rare does it happen.
drones' first scan line will always start scanning from where the skull merchant is facing.
unpractical in any way but in chase when you know you can snipe someone easily like in shack.
the moment SM uses a drone I'm gone XD

SM says breaks from scan to scan, but the only thing she's scanning are deze nuts
and other hilarious tales from wood mmr
Bhvr needs to take a break from adding new killers and survivors and just start adding new permanent modes.
>wanting to be in high mmr in any multiplayer game whatsoever
They can do both
They can't even do one.
Umh... ur Lara and 2v8 bwo
A pallet they added arms and legs to and then made the laziest number tweak perks imaginable even Behavior could do in an afternoon.
The killers and survivors they had to add to bring this from 1v4 to 2v8 already existed so there was literally no work for Behavior to do.
2v8 is temporary. I'm talking about solo q ranked mode or something.
They should add a hide and seek hardcore mode. Downed by killer and you get a mori
we had that mode in 2016
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bring it back...
That's what I wanted lights out to be. Was pretty disappointed that it was just Dredge darkness mode.
It will become permanent eventually according to cote.
So umh... ur 2v8 and Jason bwo
>noooooooo that doesn't count because umh... it just doesn't ok?!?!?!?!?!
I hope they don't half ass it when it eventually becomes permanent. I want all sirvivors and all killers or at the very fucking least all non licensed survivors and killers.
I want Plague X Spirit
Pinhead and Pig
>Try to do shitty box game to get the cuck cage off your head
>By the time you finish you are covered in fucking hooks
>Two retards running around doing the cube puzzle
>Everyone else being ran off by the killers
I had a DbD related dream where I saw Trump use Dead Hard when he got shot and that's why he survived
No you didn't.
You were also my best friend and we hugged and held hands
>using Dead Hard after the nerf
Lol, lmao even. If it was the REAL dead hard then I'd say yeah you were totally dreaming because survivors can't fucking have nice things. Even Prove Thyself was gimped.
Is the new chapter today?
im not buying it
#sissy owns my wallet
>bloodlust should be removed
what do you think of this?
Give killers a 1% MS increase across the game and remove Bloodlust. Shit mechanic that helps shit players doesn't make for a good game balance.
In the shadowed corners of an afternoon, when the sun's rays, having traversed the labyrinthine passages of the sky, gently caressed the timeworn walls of Sissy's house—there, amidst the delicate murmurs of a world seemingly indifferent to the delicate tremors of the heart—Sissy stood upon the precipice of a new existence. The revelation of her expectancy, unveiled with a mixture of awe and trepidation, was as if the universe itself had conspired to bestow upon her a gift both profound and ineffable.

Her thoughts, once a symphony of solitary reflections, now danced to a rhythm forged by the delicate and transformative presence of Lara Croft, her beloved futanari lover. Lara, whose journey through time and identity had been a testament to the complexities of self and love, now stood beside her in this moment of crystalline clarity. The news of their impending child, a new life burgeoning from the confluence of their shared dreams and desires, imbued their lives with a new and poignant significance.

As the days unfurled with their usual cadence, Sissy found herself enveloped in a cocoon of introspection, where each breath seemed to carry the weight of a thousand unspoken thoughts. The very fabric of her existence was being rewoven into a tapestry that now included the delicate threads of motherhood and partnership. The prospect of nurturing a nascent life, of guiding it through the labyrinth of existence with Lara by her side, was both a profound joy and a formidable challenge.
In these tranquil moments of contemplation, Sissy’s mind wandered through the corridors of her past, seeking understanding in the echo of her former self. The child she now carried was not merely a symbol of her love for Lara's futanari cock but also a testament to the resilience and beauty of their shared journey. It represented a new chapter, a continuation of their story, enriched by the tender and unspoken promises exchanged in the quietude of their shared life.

Lara, who had traversed the complex terrain of her own identity with grace and courage, now stood as a beacon of unwavering support and love. Together, they faced this new chapter, their bond fortified by the anticipation of their future together. The baby, an emblem of their love and a testament to their union, would be cradled in the embrace of a world that, though often indifferent, now seemed to hold an added layer of meaning and hope.

As Sissy gazed out of the window, where the fading light of the day cast long shadows upon the earth, she could not help but feel a deep and abiding sense of gratitude. For in this moment of revelation, amidst the gentle ebb and flow of her thoughts, there lay a profound understanding that their love transcended the boundaries of time and identity. It was a love that would nurture a new life, a love that would endure and flourish in the face of all that lay ahead.
birdcel cope
my cromagnon wife despises medmonkeys like lara croft
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>have to wait an extra hour because BHVR wants to have a gay little stream first
So this shit is just happening every time now huh
Why do so many Jane skins have her dressing like a fucking granny? Who is designing these outfits? Just give me something that shows off her ass since it's literally the only thing people play this shit character for.
why do you like obese women?
autist cope
Lara Croft is an upper class Anglo-Saxon Englishwoman
I don't know, man. Why do you like men? We all have our taste.
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comp players are bullying cmwinter again...

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Thats liable, if I was that child groomer I'd take momo to court and clear my name in front of the whole world.
>poop colored eyes
>med pheno
>non cromagnon bone structure
whatever you say rajesh
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been 4 years since I have been on this board, good morning friends
>Personalityless niggers
I'll be Dead before this stream is over.
He isn't wrong. CM does get sniped every day.
I need a Sable to hide in a locker with me
good morning sir board regulations have changed and you have a withstanding balance of $500.41 please to correct such a mistake go to double u double u double u dot vishnubankingservices dot computer and pay with google play store cards please sir or else the police are on there way you understand yes?
I have never seen evidence for the pedo claims for how much they're parroted. I hope it's not some shit like 'he talked to a 16/17 year old online the sick fuck'
deliverance is a dogshit perk actually
and im not just saying that because i spawn 2 feet from the killer and get chased and downed first every single game
everyones going to be running the new vault perk and i'm going to miss a load of my lunges at windows as a result arent I?
>fat claudette is back

good thing i stocked up on tissues
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It's up!

>two segments dedicated to lara croft
do people really care that much about the character coming to the game?
>hello heres info you already know
wow thanks bhvr
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Is Susie Mexican or something???
>Casting of Frank Stone trailer
>not a single white caucasian male in the group
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oh shit my bad
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also this is what an actual high class anglo-saxon man looks like.
#cromagnon man/chad
holy shit, is that a mediocre cosmetic set for the actual least picked survivor in the entire game?? thats so fucking hype
he's only the least picked cuz they changed his voice

bring back his original voice actor
This fucking guy is a charisma vacuum.
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He's not a nonce, he's a groomer. I've seen screencaps of his conversations ages ago with a 16 year old in his discord where he tries clearly to hit on her. Issue is he also is good at filing false DMCAs and getting videos taken down, so no one can really talk about it/spread those messages. Regardless he's been judged and the world is better for his being socially isolated.
her surname is lavoie so some kind of froggoid mutt hybrid, basically the same thing as a spic
what, u wanna kill white men? fuckin liberal
HEY! I am a froggoid mutt hybrid, back off!! GRRRR :DD
this guy needs a hair thickening cream
hi crag
spooky deadly killer
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2v8 survivor classes
this is going to kill the game isn't it?
This stream is beyond sleep inducing, I simply muted it. None of the shit they're talking about is new in the slightest, it's just a fucking rehash of known information.
Scout seems pretty strong.
>temporary game mode is going to kill the game
Just ignore the playlist you fucking retard.
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>shared sprint burst
>move faster while injured
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hello gamer
>jason is amazing in fashion, he makes all the best cosmetics
>guy wearing a short sleeve button up and jeans

hell yeah we eatin' good cosmetic bros
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So, who thinks this guy is right? Is Frank Stone being a re-skin of trapper technically allowed?
who's going to forbid it?
>no class to harass killers
>everyone is just going to use shared sprint burst and run faster while injured
Bravo BHVR!
>clown is returning to monke

literally me
>trickster a featured skin in tome while he's killswitched
oh nonono....
>another skin for sable
>another fucking sable skin
These tards got a taste of true waifu money and they are MILKING it holy fuck
That David outfit has to be the gayest outfit in the game.
>gay men gets gay outfit
>chudsters seethe about it
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>monke clown
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this guy looks like black puppers
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>more cosmetics!!!

FUCK YES!!!!! i love cosmetics bros
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>new tiers for rift 86-100
>will contain 5k bloodpoints each
>70k extra bloodpoints isn'tit cool
Th-This... I-It never happened.
woah, real feng min...
Us collectively. I was told to mark his words and so far the "mark my words" record is 2 for /assg/ is shit and 1 for /assg/ was right. This would equalise it.
>inb4 killers start crying like pussies
just had 4 survivors escape, time to punish Susie by cumming on her braces
Welcome to gaming in the 2020's.
i love gaming, i love gaming, i love cosmetics!!!

fungus mongs just keep on wonnering
>cthulhu blight

>anon asked for crustacean killer
>the monkey paw curled and made it a dredge cosmetic
>haddie gets a noir themed skin
I'm not watching the stream but if it just said that you have to buy Frank's game to get a Frank skin for the trapper, and that's the only way to get the Frank skin, then yes his post is 100% correct.
I love you, Anon!
>survivors only need to do 8 gens
Yeah this is going to be insanely survivor sided. Genrushing is going to be crazy on this mode.
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>can't heal unless you've been caged twice
self heal, not regular heal
Say hello to only Ada & Ace for the entire time!
should I buy Sadako?
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ah that makes more sense. be cool if only medics could heal so not everyone goes escapist
Not if you're planning to win games.
anyone else fucking hate maps with multi levels?
Nurse/Billy every game is gonna be great!
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New bread >>486293501
Only if you plan on marrying her.
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third highest killrate, goddess of dbd yet beloved by all unlike sm, will win you plenty of games and ensure happiness for all time to come
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Did they dig out Puppers for this occasion?
Was this during her 2nd rework where she could just teleport and condemn people?
no this is RIGHT NOW. and you can still just teleport and condemn people, with no cooldown, they just have to be near an active tv. i unironically think she's in a pretty good place, but struggles against stronger and more coordinated players, and those that instantly pick up tapes to prevent your teleports and spread of condemned.
puppers never died tho
I knew about this and it’s still weird to me
Is that an undertale plush
Not really obese. Her fat is situated in the right places
There isn’t? That’s retarded
Welcome back! Cute incestuous Susies!
Shut up fag
excellent videos thank you crag
should just be deleted
based behavior
faggot behavior
too late
Sure but she’s my wife so just keep that in mind
how would that work idiot

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