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>Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection:

>Origins Portrait Rips:

>Origins Font Fixes:

>EO3 "Liberating" Mod
PC hair version:
https://pixel drain com/u/AwKKreQ8
Switch hair version:
https://pixel drain com/u/mNu4HEeH
Edited portraits:

>Beginner's Guide to the Series:

>Etrian Odyssey Resources (Mods/Patches, References, Data Dumps, Calculators, QR Codes, Skill Sims, etc.):

>Etrian Odyssey Art Books:

>Etrian Odyssey FLAC Albums:

>Etrian Odyssey Lossy Albums:

>Nexus balance patch mod:

>Document containing some resources and information

Previous thread: >>483757453
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What triggered the sudden murder?
Fucking Shoguns with Keishaku, I swear to God.
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>every post was deleted
They were all mine, sorry
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not enough princess
dunno but all the replies got deleted for some reason
literally fucking ded
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Mods are drunk
I wanna fucking beat her up so badly holy shit
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Maybe we should get some drinks, too.
Is it homemade?
why is sloan lvl 30 but the rest is lvl7?
Sloan's a crutch character NPC in the Bravely Default 2 prologue before he gets killed.
I think the artist even has the levels right, like the party should probably be at around those levels in the actual game if they follow the story beats directly. Sloan deals over 600 damage in one hit while the rest would deal around 120-150 damage in one hit at best at that point in the game.
Not >ded, we were executed. Mods need to chill with the kaishaku spam
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We are already halfway done through the year so halloween will be here in no time
So he's Sensei from SaGa 2
EO Next this year bros
Are you sure about that?
>they deleted every post EXCEPT the OP
this isn't the first time it's happened but holy shit
why does it happen though
They got filtered when they attempted to play the games.
Because they do it for free
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What the fuck happened to the last thread? Lots of >ded sure, but that's mild compared to all the other shit (sometimes literal) on this board
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Someone personally hates etrians.
Could someone explain to me how LUC factors into ailment/bind rates? Any formulas out there? Specifically EOX, but if they're all similar, that'll work too.
the rough idea for nexus and 2u, they share the same formula, is that if you're using a skill which does damage and can inflict a bind it's 2x(damaging stat) and 1x LUC, so a ronin gets more benefit in infliction by raising STR than LUC for example, but a class that uses only infliction without damage like a hexer or farmer uses 3x LUC

this is notably different from the good way that eo5 handled it, which was 1x(damaging stat) and 2x LUC
This kind of thing happens when the OP gets banned, but it’s definitely overkill
As the previous OP, I can confirm that is not the case this time
just think of it like a 0.5% increase for every point of luck you have above the enemy's luck
Understood. Thanks Anons!
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op was the chinese shill in the american game industry thread. fucking hilarious
What are you on about?
I can feel it, six will come out soon.
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I'm doing EO1 6th for the first time despite having beaten the game twice, and holy shit what a fucking garbage stratum. I didn't grind at all and I can beat every single encounter with auto battle on, but the whole place is just trial and error. Do you see these 50 teleporters? Go into all of them and find out which one is the correct one!
>lion hoplite
Why is every hoplite design so fucking good?
Before Arthur the Hoplite existed of course.
>I can beat every single encounter with auto battle on
>I can beat every single encounter with auto battle on
It means I can beat every single encounter with auto battle on at least on floor 26, and not the crabs those fuckers are too resilient
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translate pls
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If you live in AMERICA please fill out the ATLUS Survey, there is some questions in regards to Etrian Odyssey(Due to Vanillaware) and other properties within ATLUS itself. They might be trying to understand what fans would like to come to PC with Etrian Odyssey Mystery, or the other games in the franchise.

ATLUS does listen to these as Persona 3 Remake won the survey results, and Atlus has introduced DLC fans asked for in their last survey poll's.

There is also key questions of how ATLUS should handle their games moving forward with Expansion Pass, if they should do re-releases or DLC Expansion Pass. These are some key questions especially if you buy other products in ATLUS themselves as well as Etrian Odyssey. I answered with DLC Expansions rather than re-releases.
*PC and other platforms.
i dunno i got to the part where they lkeep asking for your playtime and i dont see where this is going
yeah sorry i love eo but im not going that survey
>i like the color
this is just asinine
>question asks about games you know
>have to check every box in the list because they aren't asking about anything obscure
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yes I am a 35 year old high school student, don't laugh
I can't answer this truthfully
please atlus
just a crumb of etrian odyssey
4chan is literally listed in like 60 questions from then, go ahead
just imagine
This survey is really weird and I don't know if it's because of the boomerisms or bad translations.
>Lumping Riot Games, EGS (called Epic Games), and Steam with other subscription services and asking if you're a member
>Purchasing Apex Legends
Among other things
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>bottom right
I need monk loli butt.
>they know
The teleporter floor is one of the worst things ever. Postgame encounters are cool though, made me level some new classes I otherwise would've passed up on. Great music in that whole area too, especially the battle theme
Last time I did an Atlus survey I was rewarded with years of nothing and a digital only release of the one game that wasn't even new. Why even bother at this point.
Tell them your the le epic hackerman known as "Forchan"
>just spent like 2 hours filling it out
>hit submit, get "error 104"
I have no idea if this shit went through or not but that is some goddamn bullshit.
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>40 minute survey period
Well I just finished filling it out again, it gave me a "thank you, please close your browser" message so I think it went through. Either way I'm not filling this shit out again, they should put a timer in the corner or something. There's a lot of dumb questions in there about how much time you play each day. I asked for SQ6 obviously so hopefully it'll happen.
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I asked them for SQ6 on PC at a reasonable price and without denuvo.

Then I told them that the origins collection pricing was an embarrassment, and that the DLC portraits being sold after the pre-order period is shameful. That them shoving persona everywhere doesn't instill confidence in their other brands and that that combined with the pricing made me not buy their release at all.

If my survey isn't automatically discarded for telling them to fuck off then I hope some intern reads it and gets upset.
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I get all my gaming news from For-chan.
why is fang so tiny?
How does she have time to play games when she's so busy in the labyrinth?
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her labyrinths are shorter so she gets to slack off in the airship during travel
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Too much rolling around.
Me to, mostly because I'm lazy
Unfortunately I think there is something where if you take like 2 minutes longer to fill out a question it assumes you are a bot. So you may need to get your criticisms ready and written out, copy and paste then press submit.
Say 4chan. Let them know we are loyalists.
Yes it's sad and true, but i think they are curious about their audiences interests. Perhaps Studio 0 from Atlus is thinking of some new franchise ideas with it.
I was just joking about that, I use gematsu though sometimes I might hear about something here first (like this survey for example). If gaming news shows up on 4chan then I'll obviously verify it to make sure it's official.
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do you have to unlock the extra classes again when you do ng+ in 3 and 4?
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Don't remember how 4 works, but you keep your classes in 3.
I think 4 is the same, though then you run into the issue of no early game Drive Blades and such
>not using the ragelope model from the game in all it's 3ds glory
wasted opportunity
>Dozens of worthless questions just so I can tell them at the end to fuck off with persona/metaphor and tell them to make more EO/SMT (DeSu 3 fucking when?)
I'm not even from burgerland but fuck 'em
>DeSu 3 fucking when?
Never. Next question
don't worry metaphor flopped we will get more etrian games soon
Look at that disgusting old hag (26 years old) trying to look young, what a clown Teach is
So that's who Teach is. I was wondering why they kept getting referenced in these threads.
>buccaneer is known for it ability to do high damage
Etrian 6 will come out in 2 years
It isn’t even out yet
Could you go and be a retard somewhere else?
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I'm drawing the whole fucking floor 27 as I look it online fuck this stratum and fuck whoever designed it he can go eat a dick
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Inferior princess
second inferior princess
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Good princess (left) bad princess (right)
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This is a princess I would fight and die for.
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The best princess
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People follow these two into battle btw.
she grants people passive hp regeneration just from standing near her of course they follow her around
Only when they're liberated
bump before bed
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>classic dick mapping crawler
is there a way to switch back to 3/2 or 2/3 party formation mid-battle in eo3 after the front row dies? I can only seem to switch people with one another, not to occupy an empty slot.
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And that's EO3's main story complete, time for post-game
Ice wall made the final boss pretty easy, though I almost got tripped up when my party nearly wiped after the boss confused the entire party, but I was able to recover and spam prevent orders to stop that from happening again. Ygg monk is pretty fun and pretty good when his attacks don't miss, and stun attack farmer is shockingly great for random encounters and some FOEs. Probably my favorite EO so far despite it being easier than the previous ones I've beat.
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>loli game
That's right. All my "loli" posting has payed off.
That's just how the DS games work. 4 was the first to introduce full line reorganization in battle.
EO1? That floor is actually semi-fair if you take the alchemist/survivalist FOE detection in mind. Now floor 29 on the other hand...
You can really beat EO3 with anything as long as you have Arb + Hop, huh
Arbalist is where class design peaked
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For my court mandated community service, I have to routinely bump the etrian odyssey general with my image collection.
Does the AI think “Teach” means Edward Teach (aka Blackbeard)? That’s interesting, despite being wrong.

(If this is a genuine question, Teach is the blonde Protector from Etrian Odyssey 1.)
What subclasses did you use for your characters?
yeah me
>check bin
>tons of discord file links
>no longer available
>Let's Take the Whole Day Off
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Needs correction
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Prime rape meat
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I didn't use front mortar, I mainly used snipe+sharpshoot so arb wasn't super great. She was the most useful early-midgame but lategame where farmer struggled to hit binds as consistently she struggled, and by that point the yggdroid outdid her damage. I did give her zodiac sub for the charge skill which did allow her to nuke stuff for stupid damage sometimes with elementally charged snipes/sharpshoots.
Also it is incredibly fucking annoying that strange sneeds procs after sharpshooter, UNLESS something's already bound, then sharpshoot goes last. Very weird and annoying.

Hop does make it near impossible to die to anything though yeah

Prince/Monk, Hop/Ninja, Ygg/Monk, Arb/Zodiac, Farmer/Glad
Before I unlocked ygg I used Glad/Arb (just for extra accuracy), pic related is their stats before I retired him.
me in the background
you're cute
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I don't think fluff is THAT small
yeah she's way smaller
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imagine getting filtered by that
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I'd say that Nexus is fun up until Petal Bridge
From the next lab onwards its a slog with lazy maps which is why I guess most people burnout before they even finish the story
Who is this semen demon?
Swashbuckling is such a fucking trap skill lol. 26 fucking skill points to get a 65% normal attack damage boost.
>Swashbuckling is such a fucking trap skill for main class bucc lol
ftfy. Swashbuckling is actually really good with a Shogun or an Ygg sub bucc with full crit equipment and a weapon with elemental forges
Can you get away with not using a fortress in 4? Which class would work best with a fortress sub?
Ygg/Bucc hasn't impressed me, although I invested a bit in bot skills when I shouldn't have. Still, it's a lot of points to ultimately get, what, a 300-400% damage skill? And because you're so reliant on stacking multipliers, you're really unimpressive until you've gotten to the last 1-2 multipliers you need.
You don't need to have one if you don't want one.
Pretty much - >>486187436 they’re handy but not required for anything.

For the second part - subbing in Fortress is a bit of a weird one, because no matter what you do you’re going to get a character that’s a lot less tanky than a real Fortress, so redirecting all the attacks to it isn’t really that safe. And if you invest enough into the fortress side of things to make it sage, you might have as well made a Fortress with the other part subclassed anyways.
So more often than not your goal isn’t to make a party tank with it, but just to make whatever character you have more individually survivable.
In that line of thought - I did a Bushi/Fortress and that worked pretty well. You get the fortress’ mace skills out of it too which can be nice.
I found them to be quite useful from the moment I retired my party (level 40).
If you retire at 40 you get enough sp to max Swashbuckling, Lady Luck, Data Mining and put 6 points into Overheat. You're pretty much set with that, all that's left is max Limit Boost, put some more points into Overheat depending on how much you can handle the damage, get a good rapier with elemental forges and crit accessories.
In general, is EO3 the hardest EO to play completely blind (ie no guides, no advice, no skill testing and reloading) or did I just have really bad luck with skill investment? Not post game but stratums 1-5. I killed the last story bosses for armoroad and deep city with 2 different parties, but it was really hard to do each time. The second party struggled the most actually, mainly due to me going for the shortcuts on the ng+ and no quests, leaving them underleveled. My first party had really shit dps and the other one had shit healing due to no healer monk and only a princess sub. Neither parties had actually reliable binds nor status aside from sleep. I didn't have nearly this much trouble with any of the other mainlines, aside from the original eo2 which I didn't play, though I did play eou2. I even almost beat the original 1-5 stratums of eo1 without using immunize at all because I wasn't aware of how broken it was until I got stuck at the boss of 5 and cheated in some advice out of frustration, a thing I only did twice playing EO games (the other being with eo3). Of course, I spend my skill points like a tard going by just what sounds cool, but for example I remember how in eo5 I had a pugilist with a single point in that electric punch skill, and it kicked ass even in that state. Or like how the eou2 fafnir elemental saber skills were still useful with low investment. I wasn't sure what to get in eo3 because the class skills are so random and what little investments I had barely paid off until like halfway+ into them. And the prereqs seemed so steep too. I'm not saying eo3 parties are weak, I looked at some videos after having beaten stratum 5 (I usually go up to the end of 6 but it was too exhausting in that game), but how do I put it, I feel it's harder to eke out as much usefulness out of essentially random skill allocation in 3 than in the other ones.
Sure but you're talking about close to two full stratums after you've unlocked subclassing, and then you have to grind up again (which costs as much XP as grinding up to 50). And the Jolly Roger is readily available at that level and it's by far the best rapier you'll have access to, and getting elemental forges on it is a bitch.

Meanwhile, for the same amount of TP you could max out just about any DPS subclass's main attack, sleep mode to spam it, and have room for HP up or whatever else besides.
Look at this disgusting old hag (26) trying to look young and hip I hate her so much holy shit
I’m an EO noob, but it sounds like you made things harder for yourself in some respects (2 parties, no healer, etc.) I will agree with you that EO3’s status and binding classes aren’t as straightforward as Dark Hunter & Hexer or Pugilist & Harbinger.

I hear that Sea Battle bosses are a good source of EXP in EO3, how much of those did you do? A few more levels and skill points might’ve been what you were wanting.
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She's not a hag yet, anon
I did almost everything (quests, sea bosses, FOEs) until the stratum 5 boss with the first party, and they came out in their low-mid 50s, but the party composition was so hilariously bad that the deep city boss was still challenging. Then I immediately started a ng+ where I did nothing but dash for the shortcuts with the new second party, so they were in their high 30s/low 40s by the end of stratum 5. I had to actually grind them up to high 40s to beat the armoroad boss, and I had to use almost all 60 items I had to do it. It was fun, but they actually had trouble with everything the entire game. I actually stumbled onto the ninja/zodiac dark ether combo blindly on my first party, so I was always able to spam all I wanted late game. The second one had to eat amritas for breakfast, lunch and dinner on every big boss. Thank god they're so easy to get in eo3.
Look at 'er go
eo3 is pretty easy to fuck yourself up in with party building yes, probably the easiest to make a bad party out of any game
So it's not just me. That's nice. Maybe I should spoil myself silly this time and make the most broken party I can for one last true ending run which is apparently a thing. I was hoping there were only two endings, but now I gotta go through the thing again.
Yeah bushi/fortress was going to be my plan, any specific skills you recommend?
also I know some of 4's skills are bugged like dancer's speedboost, are there any others I need to avoid?
I think EO3 gives you a lot of rope to hang yourself with. There's a lot of creative stuff that you can do that ends up being weaker than the standard fare. And usually you have to build your entire team around it or it's garbage. If your Chase skills aren't triggering 3+ times per round, they're weaker than just spamming Quick Shot.

It's always been true in EO but EO3 is the kind of game where entire classes can be trap options.
Teach is eternal
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looks like i explored all of hall of darkness guess it's dragon time
>entire classes can be trap options
It sure feels that way. For example, I had an yggdroid on my second run that I wanted to use only yggdroid skills with. I initially figured I'd use the rocket punch, rocket head, then defrag to get rid of the binds so I could use them again, and repeat. Turns out it was a horrible idea because the damage was terrible and I had to waste a turn. Then I rested the guy and thought surely the chaser bots wouldn't be garbage since I had a zodiac for them. And they were just bad. You know what it ended up as after I rested it again? A monk sub for spamming breakfire fist. Literally the only offensive skill it had aside from rocket head for tp regen. It was okay in random encounters but it did like 40 damage per hit (so 120ish total on average, with bad accuracy) on some bosses, which forced me to just use items with it in those cases.
>People keep getting filtered by Yggs
On a serious note, for an Ygg/Monk you need to max Fist Mastery, Overheat and Ascetic Deeds, you probably missed one of those because there's no way you were dealing so little damage.
And when it comes to the Ygg's bots they have the same stats as the Ygg so you need to give your Ygg TEC equipment to make them do better damage; you don't even need to spend that much on TEC because Bots have insane damage numbers for a TEC-based attack (170% at level 10)
must lick
They're good numbers but it's more because the bots stick around. 170% on its own isn't great off Ygg's awful TEC. It'd make a good subclass for a monk or zodiac though.
I had a few points in those but didn't max them, I was traumatized by my initial rocket punch/head idea where I maxed overheat early and definitely didn't expect to lose that much hp every turn. Also it wasn't all that bad, it did about 100-150 per hit depending on mob most of the time. It's just that some bosses have resistances to fire/bash(is that what breakfire fist deals?) I guess.
Good to know about the bots. Thanks!
the most effective party you can make casually is hoplite/ninja, zodiac/buccaneer (limit boost elemental limits), arbalist/gladiator, monk/sovereign, and the last slot can probably go to shogun/buccaneer with limit boost swashbuckling using a mainhand gun offhand katana in the back row because you can use katana skills with no damage loss doing this and generate loads of limit on normal attacks
Thanks! Will prolly follow this to a T then. I'm guessing hoplite/ninja is for bunshin line guard, arbalist/gladiator in the front row for berserker vow/front mortar and monk/sovereign as a general healbot/buffer?
arbalist/gladiator can go front or back depending on the situation, you don't always need to be using front mortar

hoplite/ninja is for bunshin line guard but also bunshin elemental walls because the final boss of the true route is a nasty little freak who can toss out any elemental party-wide AOE so you can use two at once as a safety net if you want

monk/sovereign is a general healbot/buffer yes, the monk class skill stacks on prevent order from sovereign
Off the top of my head I don’t think there’s any bugs like that here.

I would recommend leaning away from the Shield skills for the reason I said above. There’s maybe a build that abuses Vengeance Bash (imo probably a Fort(Bushi)) but Blood Surge and Shockwave don’t count as damage to build up the multiplier so it’s worse than it first appears.
Bolt Strike is weaker than the Fire/Ice Bushi skills, but it does let you hit all elements so it’s good to have. Holy Smite on the other hand is really good imo - with Bushi damage output the lifesteal you get is going to be really solid, so it lets you not be afraid of Blood Surge self-damage half as much.
A couple points into Iron Wall and HP Boost, boring as they are, are also really really nice to have.

On the Bushi side of things - max Charge. Put points in Defiance, Power Boost and especially Blood Surge (they all stack) though go careful on BS so you don’t kill yourself if it levels too high - though that’s less of an issue with Holy Smite.
Endure is good, but you can probably leave it at the 2 you need to unlock Auto-Surge. Same with Deep Breathe - you’re less reliant on it - so just enough to get Surge Mastery.
Multi-Slash is nuts and might be where you end up late-game, and the Elemental attacks are solid too, especially if you have a Runemaster with you (turn 1 - Charge + X Rune, Turn 2 - Move RM to front line, and use Elemental Attack)
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you can smell this picture
...and it's stinky
god 4 floor stratums are so COMFY
The most random Etriam merchandise is that dominion expansion with etriam characters
It smells like... Jealousy Mine
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dangerously cute
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alchemist is alright, the others feel off
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Sticcs and stone may brake their bone, __________________
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imagine wanting to fuck a literal stick haha that'd be so weird!
wanted to reply to >>486275480 but I'm a bit retarded
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I have farmed a second Shinryuu on my eo1 ds save
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I'm not typically a big fan of traditional turn-based JRPG combat. Are there any notable outliers in the series for combat? Any cool twists on how its done? Which EO would you guys say has the best combat, or if there aren't big enough distinctions, then simply the "best" game overall?
3, 4, or 5 are the easiest for a new person to get into, however these games are quite traditional in their turn based game play. You've got your damage dealer classes, your damage mitigation classes, healers, ailment users, etc.

It's not particularly gimmicky outside of intentional unconventional subclass usage found in 3. If you're looking to maybe get weird with your classes then try out 3, but you only unlock that option halfway through the game.
building the most unnecessarily overkill team possible. autism
killed dragons on repeat with no healing, only survivalists living in the moment
When is 6 supposed to come out?
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Release details here.
5 and 2U have the best combat.
That's two votes for 5 so far, so I'll look into that. Thanks!
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it's very traditional but because all the games are pretty challenging it isn't mind numbingly boring like most jrpgs
Should be Shin Nagasawa
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long ricky
I thought you meant the creature designer. I don't know who comes up with the encounters
Mating press princess
>creature designer
no, that anon thinks coffin demon is cute
le rillylomg girl
You gotta kill the ghosts in one hit. Until you’re at that point they’re super annoying. Boost atk, lower their def, and depending on whether that’s a bird or a dog use target arrow on the non-ghost things (i.e. Coffin Demon-chan) so the bird doesn’t attack the ghosts and kill you accidentally.
Not that one.
I too wish to MP Hime-san
why is she so :3?
princess prerogative
For me it's mating pressing a buccaneer, any one of them is fine but preferably one of the big titty ones.
For me its ronin
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...any of them?
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make him blush like >>486260616
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the fuck is she eating
Artstyle seem like Himukai, but also not. It is him?
I can't reverse search shitty twitter images anymore it seem.
It is.
car lice
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I found out recently that EOV also uses the 2x Primary Stat + Luck for ailment infliction as well. Which explains why Chain Blast is so broken.
wrong, 2u and nexus use that formula but eo5 uses 1x primary + 2x luck which is why earthlain is such a good inflictor
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me irl
No anon, he's right. Nexus inherited all of the formulae from V. Not like it really matters anyway because most primary infliction moves are 3x Luck and Earthlains have the highest raw luck + second highest strength and Celestrians have the highest true luck post racials along with int.
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They've used this in 2U, V and Nexus
aScore = (aStat * 2) + aLUC

If the skill being cast is a STR-based attack, aStat = STR.
If the skill being cast is a INT-based attack, aStat = INT.
Else, aStat = LUC.

A = [(aScore + 76.5) / ((dLUC * 3) + 76.5)] * 10

IR = Skill's infliction rate

If A <= 2, B = IR
If A > 2 & A < 50, B = IR * A
If A >= 50, B = IR * 50

C = B * Resistance * Difficulty Factor * Modifiers

Resistance = Base Resistance + Accumulative Resistance
Difficulty Factor for players is 1 on Advanced, and 1.2 on Basic. For enemies, this is 1 on Advanced and 0.8 on Basic.

If C is greater than 1500, then set it to 1500.
Then roll a number between 0 and 1000.
If that number is lower than C, then the ailment lands.

While in Untold, the check is
A = [((aLUC + (aTEC * 2)) + 30) / ((dTEC + (dLUC * 2)) + 30)] * 10
okay now tell me if etheric charge works on EM Barrier
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Ah, yes, naruhodo
seeing a Fang so happy maks me angry
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happy Fang is best
Smug is close though, even if it is the operatus mundi
etriams with power armor
how would etriams fare in exploring a post nuclear wasteland?
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Post the most legendary of skills
>The lp that ruined any discussion of EO2
Thank God the remasters made more people actually play EO2
on one hand I use those lp's for skill data but I also would want all opinions/comments cut out so I can see the raw data for myself and make up my own mind about what skills to use.

For some reason wikis don't include any of this info
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freshly watered etriams
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don't bully
Imagine impregnating a wildling.
They dont wear pants, so its easy to imagine that.
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Bold of you to assume their animals haven't gotten to them first.
while they surely have lots of "fun" with their beast buddies cross species impregnation doesn't work. It takes a human to knock them up.
that's not what my japanese picture books tell me
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>making babies with Wildling onee-san
I wish this artist drew more lewds
Just use your imagination, you should have it well trained by all the etriaming
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We all know that the next stage is accepting death.
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never give up
next stage news any day now
I've been trying, but it's hard. In 11 days it'll be six years since the announcement with zero news since.
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nebaa gibu apu
The lp was partially right but still filled with a lot of bad takes from people who only really stuck with cookie cutter teams. The JP wiki and 00s era gamefaqs boards had advice for properly using alternative teams.
is any of it accessible still? i'd really want to read how people viewed the game back then
etriam but Thunderbolt Fantasy
Imagine impregnating a imperial
Instead of a labyrinth, you're exploring the wastelands between the two countries, but every boss is already dead or half-dead because of Shou.
I should really finish watching that
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etriam but hakumei to mikochi
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Stupid Shoguns, we can still keep going.
/eog/ can't talk about anything other than EO3 for more than five minutes
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Since I'm spoiling myself, I figured I'd ask a few questions then. I got through most of the game with your party up to the true ending story boss and I'm about to fight him. They're now all level 43, limit spamming sure is powerful. But I wasn't sure what to invest in past their low 30s, they all have about 10-15 unallocated skill points. The hoplite/ninja is straightforward, but what do I do with the rest? I have the hoplite and monk in front (the +100 hp +5 stat medal helps the monk's survivability) and the other three in the back. The monk has maxed form qi, 5 points in protect order and its min prereqs, 2 in healing, 6 in refresh, 2 in unbind, 1 resurrect and that's pretty much it. I'm guessing I max protect order and max attack order? The zodiac has no spells, only maxed singularity, dark ether, ether charge and the zodiac elemental damage+ skill, along with maxed limit boost. I only use her for nuking with elemental limits. I'm guessing I should get spells? Should I max a star or balance three? The shogun had a gun and a katana with 1 point in second sword all game because I screwed up and misread that part thinking it had to be a literal sword, I guess another gun would have been better. Maxed swashbuckling and limit boost. She's my mumyouken spammer that only uses the attack command as she can use the limit every 2-4 turns. I'm guessing I should get katana skills now? Or do I invest in second sword and get a second gun? And do I forge atk+ or str+ into the weapons for more damage? I have most forge hammers. The arbalist, I'm not sure what to do after maxing double action. Should I go for charge, maxed front mortar or berserker vow?
Atk for skill users
Fire, Ice or Volt for normal attacks/chasers (stack the same element)
Tec for tec attacks until you reach 99 Tec where you prioritize TP or some other utility stat.
EO3 has fewer floors than 1 & 2? What's the catch?
Each stratum had 4 floors instead of 5 in exchange of making every individual floor more well designed and bigger than the previous two games
And also to compensate for the sea exploration, since that is basically another stratum on itself
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monk/sovereign should just be getting to at least halfway in the buffing skills and making sure to go reach ad nihilo

zodiac should absolutely have spells, single targets are strong enough and access to the binaries is good. the prophecies aren't necessary with hoplite walls but having quick elemental output is a good idea especially for postgame

personally i enjoyed using shogun/bucc with five-ring sword spam from the backrow because it still does full damage if you have a gun in your main hand due to indicating that your damage source is ranged and i believe this did not change in the remaster

you probably want to start maxing all of those, but charge would be the best first idea because an arbalist has limited TP and you do not want to blow through it when they are low on levels
Yeah, the link to the jp wiki should be there in the pastebin.
it's in the google docs
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Whats the best designed class
I could take her easily
on a date
etriam but Kinnikuman
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Once dead twice born
Not a single game has a good second stratum
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That was useful, thanks!

Thanks again for the tips, I managed to beat the true ending story boss. I covered fire/volt with the hoplite's maxed walls, but the ice attack and the occasional phys ones ohkoed my arbalist and shogun. Fortunately he didn't use those that often, and I managed to catch 2 ice attacks (one charged to boot, it'd probably wipe me if I didn't get lucky) using aegis defense with the shogun. I wonder how people are supposed to deal with him without a hoplite/ninja, sounds like hell especially considering the sideffects of his fire and volt attacks.
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Will you be watching her new anime?
What’s your issue with the Jagged Reaxh? Rock pushing is fun, and I like the music
Misty Ravine is fine apart from being too small even by EO4's standards.
but the auburn thicket is great
2, 3, and 4 all have good second stratum. V's isn't bad either. The only second stratum I'm not crazy about is 1's.
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Need a chinese gold digger wife
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Master of Necrololicon
Does anyone know what happened to the last thread?
Janny felt like having a conniption fit I guess
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Deep Ones ate all our posts in an attempt to extract emotional sustenance from them.
I dislike ronin
No. I will probably enjoy the H doujinshi though
I could beat a dark hunter in a fight
Pictured here: an etriam moments before getting fully bound and Ecstasy'd
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Or perhaps you'd prefer being put to sleep and cleft in twain by Soul Liberator
Why's that?
EO3 has some top-tier tomboys
EO's important charm points
I need 6 NOW
cute girls
flat girls
About to start a new Etrian playthrough. Should my party be all boys, all girls, or a mix?
Cute flat girls
my favourite is 2 guys 3 girls, but 1 guy 4 girls is also okay
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Cute girls, especially this one.
How do Adventurers even die if threads exist?
Squirrels also exist.
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Rabbit ears
Only Pimitive Jungle is a bit disappointing since it's more green forest but it still has nice music, especially the original version which has some lovely subtle flourishes that aren't there in any other version of the song. The rest are generally good with Auburn Thicket (original) and Jagged Reach being the best.
The thread only works if you use it out of combat anon… you still have to win the ambush fight
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Smug slut
when is 3 untold coming out?
I'd honestly be okay with Untold 3 if it was like 2, I dont care about the set characters plot but adding the extra NPCs and changing up some mechanics would be a fun refresh
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Me on the left being used as a pillow
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Okay, time to roll.
1-5 cute girls
6-0 mixed team
me on the right
>Misty Ravine and Jagged Reach
report back with roster
Okay, as requested, here’s my team
>Gladiator: Male portrait 2
>Hoplite: Male portrait 1
>Monk: Female portrait 2
>Zodiac: Female portrait 2
>Arbalist: Female portrait 1
Never got very far into EO3 before so I’m excited to give it another spin.
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I should mention I’m pretty bad at these games, so if anyone has advice I’m happy to take it.
Buccaneer is the best class in 3 because quickshot always attacks first.
thats a pretty solid line up, you should be fine
Thanks. I figure I’ll be fine for damage, survivability, and elementals, but have some concerns about the complete lack of binds/ailments. I got away with it when playing EO1, but I assume EO3 is more complex.
I wonder what's the artist's other twitter is.
I saved some images that he/she? posted then deleted within hours of Rance Buccaneer.
Binds/ailments aren't as important in EO3 barring several lategame/postgame fights considering how much the damage multipliers are calculated with skills. Formaldehyde also makes conditionals easy to get, and you can farm for them in the postgame too.
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People don’t like Misty because of the teleports
JR is fine though
>People don’t like Misty because of the teleports
How? They're so easy to map out in it and you shouldn't be running out of number icons for them anyway.
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Honorary etriam
>tfw want to have Octoja on my team but he has nonexistent mdef and shit speed
These are the same people that complain about Eridanus in Strange Journey.
Environmental puzzles like teleports or sliding tiles are always peak dungeon crawling.
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Unironically love B29F
B26F is also good, but the rest of the stratum is god awful.
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she owes me sex
The worst part is the big central square where you have to wait for the fucking turtles to move out of the way
She definitely owes me sex, I pay taxes
Can I exchange this princess with another one?
depends what is in stock at the princess store
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we currently have blonde available as well
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Can I have this blonde?
out of stock for the foreseeable future
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Guess I'm running a party without one.
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dragons are cool
If only the in-game map was able to handle that much warp autism. Ruins the entire experience.
I prefer them hot
Need a draGOON gf to GOON with
mint>yolk nougat>blueberry>vanilla>strawberry
Go back to SA
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Very cute
Need zodiac wife
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I hate Ugoira so much anons.
>Actually just worse Runemaster
What the hell is wrong with Nexus?
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EO gods are there any other great dungeon crawlers? It's so hard to find good ones. I don't like the usal candidates like Dungeon Traveler.
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I'll shill Starcrawlers like I usually do
its a bit easier than EO though
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I can't tell who the artist is supposed to be from the signature in her hair
saucenao found it, artist is ReiS
minibros where we at
Labyrinth of Yomi (good, a little confusing at first), Demon Gaze Extra (tropey anime, wierd gear gimmicks), Wizardry (the OG, get the newest one if you didnt own an Apple II back in the day), Labyrinth of Refrain ( a little edgy, and party management in odd)

If you own a 3DS, and have it hacked:
Unchained Blades (solid, interesting mechanics)
SMT Strange Journey (VERY SMT, but feels similar)

There's an anon who hangs around with a more comprehensive list, but those are the ones that I feel are most similar to EO
Don't listen to /smtg/fags and play Strange Journey Redux.
Play it on Expert, don't buy March to Death and it's a way better game than og Strange Journey.
Womb of Grief is one of the best dungeons Atlus ever made.
I'm retarded and thoguht iqdb was using saucenao, thank you for this insight
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Thank you looks interesting.
I played yomi, liked it dropped it for whatever reason.
I think demon Gaze is very bad.
I can't get into Wizardry. I really tried. Same with eliminage.
I'll look into unchained blades.
I played through smt sj and don't like it. Very overrated imo.
For-chan, no!
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I might be blind too
meant for
I dislike arbalist
I dislike any class that can't wear heavy armor
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I dislike classes that dont owe me sexo
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none of them owe you sex. You need to purchase their services like everyone else.
bnuuies owe me sexo. Especially Jenetta.
But she's so cute...
It's one hell of an outlier skill considering how they normally work in 3. ONE point in mastery?
where else would it be? you have to have some skill early in the mastery tree.
Normally the early skills are filler garbage.
I guess that's true
instead you have chases as filler garbage
In what game are chases actually good? (Not a rhetorical question, I actually want to know)
Pretty much every game they're in except maybe 1.
they're pretty good in one but as single hit skills they aren't really a full build, and it's more the issue that they have other good skills to use instead
Mostly you just grab a single point in the volt one since alch can't one shot an iron crab
Is that right? My Landy in EO1 just spammed Allslash, but in hindsight I probably could’ve built a chase team, since I also had an Alchemist and a Troubadour.

Responding to >>487067270, how would you set up a chase team in EO3? Is it better to chase physicals or elementals?
the best chase in 3 is shogun's warrior might, which is the only reason I call bucc's filler. I don't know how good bucc chases are (but I think they're probably decent enough to make work if you want) but I know warrior's might is one of the strongest teams.
Buccaneer is the best class in 3 because it is low investment
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Yggdroid is the best class in 3 because it is a cute robot
Jagged Reach... Home.
>Thank you looks interesting.
let me know what you think if you give it a whirl
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me on the left
looking good
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take those off
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7 cute girls
EO5 bros, which classes would you use with races outside the class’ default race?
Therian pugilist
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I had a lalafel Dragoon and a human Dragoon
>double Dragoon
I kneel
Impact Brawler I assume?
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It wasn't a very fun party to be honest, but it worked except tyrant, insert cycling dragoon sticking a stick in the wheel image
Why’s that? I never played EO5 (past the demo), but bringing a tank for the final boss is never a bad thing, right?
Eternal Tyrant has Grudge Miasma, which basically takes a portion of all damage dealt while it's active and then blows up your entire party with it. Dragoons can spec into cannon instead of shield for big damage.
Single Turn Dance Oracle
Because of the way the ailment/bind formula works therian's are actually a bit better at using ailment/binds moves that also inflict damage - so pug and deathbringer are better as therian.

Things that use only luck (like clinch, botanist smokes, necros stuff - ailment/binds moves that do NOT deal damage) are better off as earthlain or elf race.

Elf race can replace brouni entirely with little to no consequence (put them in the back row) in exchange for higher damage output, higher luck, and more TP.

Brouni's do have good unions and do decent enough as shield dragoons.
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Fluff is an ice type and has trouble with the intense heat.
How does she handle Golden Lair?

(Unrelated Q: which element do you like best for Runemaster?)
Volt is always the generally best ailment with the least enemies resisting it in pretty much every game, and it has galvanic on top of that. Ice is next mostly because glacier, and then fire is last. It does have aoe for randoms at least.
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remove fang
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Ice because why else would she have that fluffy winter hat?
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Hi, EO3 noob here again. Almost done with B4F, anything tips for Narmer? Is it worth it to forge Volt on my weapons, or should I just forge Atk?
Optimal team for any game
Front: 3 tanks
Back: healer and backline attacker
>t. >>487045907
you shouldn't even need to bother with forges that early, are you not using a zodiac or something
spam Volt Star, Volt Barrage, Line Guard and whatever attack skill you have on your Glad; Monk should focus on healing when needed. Volt Barrage is specially useful when Narmer burrows underground.
My Zodiac does have Volt Star and my Arbalist has Volt Barrage. The question was more for my Gladiator, who will inevitably run out of TP and start doing regular attacks. I want to know if the extra bit of damage is worth the 100en cost to forge his sword.
it doesn't really matter much since after you lower Narmer's hp to half he'll run away and you'll be able to rest in camp before fighting him again.
Yes, if you have the money and materials then volt forges are good for classes like arbalist and gladiator that will run out of tp quickly. You should rest mid-fight like the anon above said but they're still good to have.
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official fluff ass
She owes me ass
Sorry I’m too busy staring at Fort Mounds
Zodiacs in Nexus are an amalgamation of 3DS era quirks with their own thing from 3. In any case, they still behave like in EO3 where you want to prioritize Singularity and Level 5 Etheric Charge (not 6 due to TP issues) instead of levelling up all of their offensive skills. Bringing a Sovereign along for arms synergy is also important since Fire/Volt/Ice Arms works well with Ether Shot and the Binaries. Later on around midgame, don't forget to pick up Etheric Boon, ignore the retarded anti synergy that is the 0 TP on spell cast skill and remember that Shogun is arguably their best sub.

They would have benefited from slightly higher modifiers or something but from my experience with their 4chan patch, it doesn't take much to make them go from solid to really powerful with a couple number tweaks, so w/e.
On the note of raw inflict scores in 3;
Earthlain: 441/349/489
Celestrian: 344/442/414
Therian: 433/257/375
Brouni: 243/383/297

Racials are what really messes with things. For example, Celestrians get two luck based skills which causes them to overtake Earthlain as a pure luck inflictor. Therian beats Earthlain for Str based infliction but their inferior luck makes them more susceptible to ailments and gets in the way for Clinch usage. Brounis are just bad in general as inflictors.
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No, fluff butt is sacred.
Post the bird and the dog and the wraith’s stats too
Hawk: 490/450
Dog: 400/420
Wraith: 474/438
Int scores are pointless for them but I do believe Str and 3x Luck are relevant.
>Nightseeker’s flat butt vs.
>Runemaster’s dump truck
It’s over, Nightseeker bros. Total fluff victory
Huh. Hawk is actually pretty good at their stuff then. I guess they can’t equip things themselves to boost the numbers, but not bad by any means.
Necros are evil
>create a super grindy retire system in EO2
>remove one of the sources of exp because lol
it's not like you need that many levels for anything
at least resting takes away 5 levels instead of 10
That's true but it still sucks to see them dangle that level 99 in front of you and give no proper way to grind towards it.
etriam but Nyaruko-san
etriam but DRPG
etriam but cromartie high school
Get up, FOE, you're in my seat!
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The animals also get a 1.5x stat multiplier from having a Lv. 10 Whistle. Very good infliction scores
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Earthlain - Fencer, Dragoon, Pugilist, Reaper, Grave Shaman, Smoke Brouni
Therian - Chain Fencer, Cannon Dragoon, Impact Pugilist, Deathbringer Reaper, Masurao, Rover, Invoke Gods Shaman
Celestrian - Warlock, Necromancer, Smoke Botanist, Mana Oracle Shaman
Brouni - Heal Botanist, Heal Shaman, Shield Dragoon

You can filter out some of these if you want the absolute best of each combo in your team but in some cases, the differences boil down to union preferences or minor optimizations so it doesnt really matter outside of not letting a Brouni be a Smoke Botanist as the other "bad" combos are pretty obvious where as a player can accidentally do this one since its a native combo.
Me on the left about to molest the one on the right
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Somebody should edit etriam faces over this. Teach in the center, Mediko on the left, and so on.
Why does she dress so slutty again?
She can charge more, and more customers
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are we huuuummannnn~
or are we daaancerrrrrr~
Big fan of Dancers, one of the most versatile classes out there
I'm a huge fan of the beat dance. Nothings more unga bunga than 25 turns in one turn.
Dancer and 2U Princess are my favourite classes in the series.
arbalist is where class design peaked
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>beat a four mortal hunter gangbang easily
>wipe turn 2 to a random one on the next floor
Why is etriam like this
Front line or back line for Dancer?
One in the front, one in the back.
>DOUBLE Dancer
Based, I kneel. I’ve always been a one-character-per-class guy, never tried doubling up.
5 dancers - 3 front, 2 back.
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She likes it in both the front and back lines. On a more serious note, it really just depends, she can work fine in either row and you can manually adjust the party formation each turn. It depends on who you want receiving her buffs since only her line is affected. She can survive in the front row just fine and can help with offense, she does have a sword for a reason. Offensive dancer obviously needs to stay in the front if she's chasing with rush dance.
etriam but Chaosic Rune
if i get to the final boss but don't beat it i still beat the game right
(Sword) Dancer / Nightseeker is a pretty nutso combo, especially once you start adding chase/trick dances in the line from other dancers built up the same. And if you forge them with stun equipment…
If I where in etrian I would just grind the first stratum non-stop.
is there ever any reason not to use hexer/ronin in EO2
I'd be a farmer and make trillions of dollars every day risk free
I didn't use ronin on my chase team
Makes the game two easy
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I could easily take a princess
A nice ass can compensate for flat chest, but a flat butt can never compensate for nice rack
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You're welcome to try.
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I can understand you liking butts over tits if you are an actual monkey
made for sideboobjob
i'm glad etrian understands drill hair supremacy
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I like both small butts and small tits.
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does Aht have a weird animal cunny or a human cunny?
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Small but is fine, even great. But flat? No
EO featuring guest artist
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If Seeker-chan's butt in the artbook pic above is considered "flat" then that's good for me too.
What happens in this situation? Does the quest end or does it continue with other dialog?
I believe it ends and you get less rewards
We need more examples before making a judgment
Which etriams have no-ass?
I dislike ronins
>disliking a katana class
delete this
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I thought it was two in the front, one in the back?
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how many party members can you reduce it to before the game becomes too difficult? considering some challenge runs for eo1-3
You only need 3 party members
Depends on what "difficult" means to you. You can solo most all EOs, you just have to be willing to grind and play very boringly
What are the most fun teams/builds in EO4 and 5?
Not necessarily optimal, just fun.
I had a good time in 4 with double chain fencers, hound rover, warlock (I think the elemental spec) and a botanist
Shaman would probably be more optimal than the botanist but I felt like I wanted the pure heals and was already proccing a lot of chains
Me on the right
the most fun team in 4 is landsknecht/runemaster link blaster, dancer/nightseeker stun spammer, nightseeker/bushi damage cranker, runemaster/imperial consistent elemental damage, and arcanist/nightseeker ailment god with 2dagger
I'm not a regular here so before I say anything else, what does /eog/ think of EO2U?
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Arianna is the best
I know you can beat EO1 with 2 party members, it's not actually that difficult since you're getting more exp onto your two characters, and that game is totally fucking broken when it comes to being overlevelled for stuff because of the formulas
/eog/ LOVES the untold games, they are absolute TREASURES
2U is an easy top 3 game in the series
Practically everybody loves the Untold games, but there are a handful of autists that totally despise them and they make sure you know by spamming the thread from time to time But that happens with every game in the series so...
U2 improve pretty much all the complains the first untold game had.
The cooking minigame was neat and it was a shame that it didn't return for EOV. The cooking there felt so half-assed.
looking good
Alright seeing as EO2U seems to be well received here I'm here to complain a bit.
I'm not sure why but I just don't really enjoy this game everyone told me this would be untold 1 but better except I'm just not having fun. I initially wanted to quit playing after beating scylla but decided to move forward and I'm just tired of these copy pasted bosses where you get a gimmick of "boss summons adds which waste your time" it's like I'm playing an MMO or something.
The combat just generally seems to take a lot more time in other EO games I've played, why is everything such a HP sponge? I've build the story party as offensively as I could I always stack damage increasing buffs yet everything is just a wall of hit points.
Right now I'm at 24F and I'm having second wave of regret piling up telling me to stop playing because I feel like postgame will just double down on everything I don't like.
For the record I've completed EO1/EO2/EO1U to postgame/superboss so this isn't my first time but I can't tell if I'm not having fun because I played enough EO games already or is EO2U is just off.
2U expects you to utilize grimoires and varied damage sources to get around diminishing returns.
For example, instead of stacking Attack Order + Bravery, it wants you to do Attack Order/Bravery + Prelude. Are you using Fantasias and/or Circles properly?
Additionally, its important to note that some of the stronger offensive moves are in places you wouldnt expect. For example, an optimal story team has Chloe and/or Arianna contributing to offenses via Link Order/Ailing Slash and even Flavio joins the team once Hazy Arrow gets going.
>2U cooking
>Has its own menus.
>Can do it in town.
>Gives a wide variety of effects to mess around with.
>Each recipe lovingly drawn for the Vanillaware food fetish audience.
>Ingredients are an additional bonus from normal gathering nodes.
>5 cooking
>Awkwardly uses the games' usual textboxes.
>Have to go to a campfire in the labyrinth to do it.
>Nothing but a handful of HP/TP/revive recovery. Admittedly effective, but boring.
>Again, just textboxes.
>oh thank god a new gathering spot i'll be able to upgrade my gea-LOLNOPE IT'S JUST FUCKING FOREST WHEAT AGAIN IN THE SIXTH STRATUM
seriously what happened there. They had the perfect template to copy-paste going forward and they just throw it out and take ten steps back?
We'll never know what really happened with the development of 5 and Nexus.
I doubt my setup is super optimal since I don't like running skill calcs or reading guides for first time but my setup is
fafnir with delayed chase/force charge with elemental sabres
flavio with multi shot/sagittarius
arianna with link order
bertrand just tanking uses shield smite once in blue moon
chloe healer/support 0 damage
Buffs used attack order 17 / warmight 15 / vital shut 9 grimoire
I know that buffs have diminishing returns but I still used all 3 to get as much damage going as possible.
I didn't invest in circles because it seemed like story party has too much of mixed damage going on to make it worth it, fafnir is cut/bash + elements and flavio is just pure stab I didn't think it'd be worth it but I'll admit I don't know the mechanics in depth I just invested in skills by feel.
You're supposed to diversify your buff/debuff types. For example running Warmight + Attack Order + Vital Shut all together barely does anything especially for Faf.
This pic made me wonder.
What if your etriams had some sort of flaw in their character like a smoking addiction
You need to supply them with their addiction or they will perform worse but smoking too much will also hinder them
>diversify your buff/debuff types
And how exactly am I supposed to do that with story party or even know you're supposed to do that? The only reason I even know about diminishing returns is because I was told by some other anon, nothing in the game points out to this other than maybe suspecting that numbers don't add up because they certainly don't.
You or other anon mention fantasias but how am I supposed to get troubadour skill on a party that doesn't have one? Am I really expected to just use the random trade grimoire system until I just so happen to get the right troubadour skill?
Or how is elemental circle supposed to work when it's only active during one turn and you can't use link order and a circle with the same person. Either I don't get something or the story party just doesn't work together all that well.
>People keep getting filtered by 2U somehow even when using the story party
i don't like 2u because I don't like having to pick between classic and story
I want to play classic but get all the story
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I would never have that problem because I wouldn't allow a smoker in my party
I'm strongly against story mode and the Untold games are the only ones I've refused to buy because of it. They're good on classic mode however. I don't like the grimoire systems in them. It's particularly awful in 1U but they did improve/fix it in 2U. I still hate the RNGy gacha-esque implementation of it. It's better than no extra skill system at all though.
But what if every member had a random fault
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their only fault would be being addicted to working out if physical class or studying it smart class and to my cock since they all would be females
Strange looking lady boner
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1000 hours in paint
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translate pls
>how it feels to play a quickshot build
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>pick arbalist for my main team
>don't get what the big deal is
>put a single point into giant kill at lvl13
>outdamage the rest of the party combined
what in the fuck
Why did you wait so long on Giant Kill
I expected my class to need some abilities to be decent which is how I approached the previous two EO's and that turned out to be wrong
Welcome to Arbalist, where Giant Kill is pretty much the entire reason you use the class
2U is one of my favorite games in the series and i think it's what all remakes should strive to be; a completely different game from the original, yet one that compliments the original perfectly. I love 2U and 2 and appreciate how they are polar opposites in a lot of ways.

Also i've been drinking heavily tonight, /eog/, and i want you guys to know that i love you all, appreciate the times we spent over the years, and hope you're doing well.
I hope it's a celebratory drink and that you're doing well yourself
thanks boss, hope you're doing good too
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poor girl, if she ever gets an itch on the top of her head she'll never be able to scratch it
She could just run her head against something
like my dick
etriam but Dra†Koi
etriam but Boktai
etriam but elona
etriam but therian mating press
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even here???
If you use ronin in 2 you didn't beat the game
I used ronin, hexer, gunner
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say that to my ronins face
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They are mandatory in any play-through of 2/2U.
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I saw this while scrolling and I swear I saw the satellite as Loss
I can see that.
>try any of the original EO1 starting classes in EO2
immense disappointment
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Interesting, but when did Arcania get potato access?
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>Suddenly Horizon out of nowhere
I love Kawakami's autism.
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wait a minute... the EO3 innkeeper is a boy?
If it makes you feel better, he apparently has a sister that looks just like him.
Ronin is easiest member of the cookie cutter team to bench.
it's call "A man's Inn" for a reason
>How am I supposed to diversify my buff/debuff types
Didn't you notice that Fafnir had both Vital/Mind Shut? What about Chloe having a global def down for everyone to take advantage of?
How about letting Arianna generate a Circle Grimoire and passing it over to Chloe/Flavio/Bertrand?
>Story party doesn't have much synergy
Fafnir feeds Arianna's link order
Flavio feeds Chloe's war edge moves
Bertrand keeps them alive
Chloe can pass War Edge Mastery to Faf so he can use staves because the +Tec bonus benefits his Waves
Eventually, Chloe transitions into a Barrier bot for ailment spammers but at that point, Flavio picks up the slack with Hazy Arrow and Fafnir gains the ability to do stupid shit like degenerate accelerate combos. Circles start showing up, if you have a free Compression grimoire then Arianna and IIRC Fafnir loves those for free damage etc.
ok enough about the "meta teams" or the "OP party comps"
give me your WORST teams
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weird sticc
Sticc sexo
I don't know about worst, but how about a meme V comp where you run bad Class/Race pairs (like Celestrian Pug and Brouni Fencer)?
3 rovers, 1 Necromancer, and 1 Bunker Dragoon
any party that uses hexer in 1
>Celestrian Pugilist
Brouni Pugilist is worse because Brounis have the worst Str and Vit. Celestrian would eventually just turn into a Clinch bot with Cardio + Imbue since that gives them the highest race Luck in the game.
I mean Brounis have worse Str/Luck. In fact, Brouni is the worst at every physical class outside of like Shield Dragoon and Deathguard Reaper.
I know, I just like the idea of a boxing elf more than a boxing potato sometimes
etriam but Liveman
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etriam but Redman
etriam but Blueman group
etriam but Rapeman
It's dang a lang time
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etriam but Pepsiman
Hexer has stinky poops btw
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Ragelopes are supposed to land confusion not fear
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Is ricochet in 2 really that good or is the dude from the let's play as autist and he looks?
etriam but Devilman Lady
Which version of 2 are you talking about?
DS? Yes, Ricochet is good but like almost every other skill in the game, you have to max it out or get it to near max first. The next best alternatives in the charges require you to bring a Troubadour along to maximize their damage output.
Untold/2U? No, Charged Elements are better.
>Is ricochet in 2 really that good
yes but as the anon above said, you need to max it to be that good.
>is the dude from the let's play as autist and he looks?
also yes
I dunno, I'm using the binding and elemental shots and I'm doing better with them than with ricochet. Maybe it's my terrible luck but I never seem to be able to land more than 3 shots. I don't think I've ever seen 5 shots actually
Binding Shots got shadow buffed in the HD Remakes, they're not particularly good in DS.
How many points did you sink into the respective skills? Are you tagging weakneses/resists?
If you're not building for Charges, Gunner doesn't need more than 1 point in Fire/Ice/Voltshot for elemental coverage.
How did they get buffed?
They made it easier to apply ailments if you keep failing.
Hexer really is the closest thing to a mandatory pick in EO2.
I used ronin, hexer, and dark hunter why was the game easy as shit??
got it, that means 5 hexers must be the best team.
isn't that in every game since 1? or did they increase the fail-rate-increase?

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