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Previous: >>485676245

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

>Builds/Account Stats

>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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that nigga is 39 years old btw
Stay positive /lolg/!
those are fake docs retard
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>my tank doesn't tank
>my assassin doesn't assassin
>my carry doesn't carry
>my support doesn't support
my team only acts as a team to deny surrender votes together
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had any doubts?
>have played this shitass game since like 2010 or some shit
>have a VERY good sense of if the match is worth playing out or not by around the 18 min mark
>intuition gained from thousands of games tells me this match isn't worth playing
>only way to win without considerable stress and luck is for the enemy team to literally AFK for the next 10 mins to allow us to catch up
>would rather lose and just get into the next game (not like I like chink behavior, i just don't feel like sitting through watching the enemy team have fun)
>ff vote
>people think its a rage vote or some shit
>its not like anyone pings anything any more, or every /mute all's regardless
>stuck in a dead match for another 12 mins for no fucking reason
They should reduce the FF timer in accordance with the more the discrepancy between the teams grow, just don't announce what that metric is so people don't abuse it.
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my ezzy be poppin in the emmy lads
I can feel my fate turning inshallah

weird that he has 2% lower winrate than kai'sa, yet he feels way stronger than that pile of 525 aa range gimmicky no bitches no laning garbage
hi endless losersq
>tanks are le bad
and other things retards say
Some dork was chimping out about mid Ez a few days ago, wonder if he's ripped his hair bald over Ez still.
good evening anonymous
idk about ez mid but he feels strong as shit bot
More skill than a Cait so I'd accept that.
good evening to you too
when should i be taking barrier/heal as an adc do you think?
ez is the most fun adc and one of the most fun champs in the game
not wrong
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if there was an option like "are you sure you want to leave this match? you'll lose twice as much lp for this, but you won't take a queue penalty" I'd press 'yes' and leave without thinking twice. just let me queue another game
it depends on a ton of factors but mostly you should look at laningphase
heal is pretty good if your support is an engage meatshield and you guys want to like fistfight perma with the enemy's all-in comp too because you can kind of kite it out with your range and use heal when you aren't ignited
barrier is better when the enemy just wants to burst you and you guys are poking or you have an enchanter with heal etc.
but I'm not an expert on s14 split 2 meta
I mean he is one of the most difficult adcs
>essence reaver is now a tristana item
thanks!! ill keep that in mind
The biggest pain point for me not wanting to play this game (other than Vanguard) is not having an option to voluntarily wait in a longer queue to guarantee the ONE role I want. What's the point of having a preference choice if the game is just gonna autofill me after every 2 games?

What the fuck?
I would GLADLY wait for 20 mins to ensure I get the role I want instead of waiting for 7 minutes to play a 26 minute game in an autofill role. At least if I get the role I want I'm having some sort of fun.
I was joking about buffing Tristana...
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wuuuuuut da hell is this supposed to be?
quiet clearly a scroll
>ez mid
Try Jhin mid, dude is a fucking monster.
was it august or phreak who said that?
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Which champion gives you AGP activation?
Do your friends know you play her for this reason?
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Convince me to not do it
I don't even have anything besides Gladiator Draven and High Noon Lucian in mind, but I save too much money every month, feel like I should spend some of my coming paycheck on some useless garbage
I won't be playing either one mid
bro buy some shitcoins at that point
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any female adc
I have enough of those
Thake that money and put it into your savings account.
You'll thank me later.
everyone who plays seraphine wants to be her and everyone knows it
why should i convince you not to spend your money on something you want? it's your money, do what you want with it
you can gift me some anon
I save 4k euros every single month mAAAAAAAAAAAAAte
I just need to pig out like a typical piggie, just once
Thanks baby girl, that's all I needed to hear. Send me an email and I'll buy you some pretty skins
pig out then nobody gives a shit
Ahri, Tali and Shyvana
>shyvanna triggers agp in some anons
Then why even ask unless you're humblebragging or some shit? Buy what you want.
I am a sad little man who needs assurance
buy something else
buy booze
I'd rather have 430 dollary doos or whatever you tea-teeth use in my bank account than give a chink company any money.
someone legit needs to coach me, I think I'm good at the game for the most part both mechanics and macro wise but I must be missing some thing from my gameplay
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Have you ever thought that you're single, fat, balding and smelly exactly because you keep posting about your fetishes on League of Legends general, and that nobody would miss you being gone?
Give it a honest thought before you fall asleep jerking off to your imagination of being a sex toy.
Bronze 4
Hi anyone from NA want to play arena
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you only need a coach to go beyond Masters, until then you can climb by learning content on the internet about the game on your own, if you can't it's because you're not as good as you think you are
no, I cannot
I understand macro, I practice micro, I can't work with people I've never interacted with before champ select
>pick nasus
the cane
>thinking booze is less of a waste of money
its a complete waste but a cooler waste
It truly is a mystery...
donate to me so i can make league of legends my career pls
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Victory awaits
>drinking is le cool
are you 14
How will you spend the donations?
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Jinx was a genius. Frighteningly smart. I don't think she wanted the Jews to die, but she just couldn't prevent it. Jinx was mortal, but a genius. An incredibly strong mind and finally met her own death by jumping into the unknown - tired of life. Jinx did not want hatred, but unity. How fucking brave do you have to be to dare to stand behind your own people? Jinx has to humiliate each of you, because there is always that guy somewhere who has the qualities of Aatu. It reminds us that what it takes to be a top dog, and we are not there in the markets to guide the people in a good direction.
She went from Tank girl to Jolyne Cujoh. Idk kinda lame honestly. I liked her more when she a diet harley quinn on drugs.
are you a balding manchild
i look like this
>considers buying rp for 400 euros
what do you think?
just buy some cool legos nigga, it's the same shit ong
no drinking does that
who /ahp/ (autohitlerhilia) here?
normies drink and they arent bald, balding manchilds dont drink and they are bald
>normies dont go bald, age like milk and get fat
go outside lmao
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>Walk mid
>See this
How do you respond without sounding mad and low elo?
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xth for my hotwife Syndra!
What is the best Cho'gath skin?
>age like milk
back to el reddit fag
>nigger #27399392 using the ahri whale skin to as an excuse to post his salary
Laning into Vayne top is only somewhat bearable because you can gank her to oblivion, so when my jungler picks shyv basically saying she will never gank in a million years, I don't get to play the game.
Staying in lane to "play safe and farm" is pretty much the same as just AFKing. Still not playing the game either way.
Same LP loss either way one is just over two times as fast.
What did he mean by this?
hit a nerve?
why would I respond?
get roleplayed
Gentlemen, yeah people might find the "le gentlemen" humor cringey but I think in this irony-poisoned hellhole the internet has become people forget that sometimes you're allowed to find things funny without needing to crucify yourself over it
no, why? you speak like a normalfaggot
take her boots off and have sex with her sweaty feet
that riotberg games can suck my balls
You gotta.
B A S E D.
vayne players look like this?
garbage, i don't want humor i want a cool look
how about good old-fashioned rape?
Rape is for low elo with no rizz.
there are many coaches out there for a decent price
Battlecast then
>queue up
>having a good game, fun time
>random player (ALMOST ALWAYS JUNGLER OR SUPPORT) has a mental breakdown and solo loses the game

Kill every s*pportoid and J*ngleoid.
Oh well, then I'd complement her and mind my own business.
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beg her to let me eat her pussy then cry and stomp my feet like a 4 year old if she says no
I get the feeling lolg is not too fond of Junglers
the zaned is a real one but the rest can die of aids like the coons they are
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I play Soraka because she makes me feel like a girly, submissive support trying my best for my teammates!

I think my friends know I'm AGP because I also only play female characters in every other game.
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You're just like me for real.
Genuinely every lane can blame junglers honestly and Riot keeps pushing the biggest changes to jinglers every year too, I guess it's expected for the role but at the same time unnecessary because it's already kind of a stressful role apart from the pveing (can still get invaded).
I think Jinx and Jinxposter are for lewd
if you are blue side, should the toplaner just take the bullet and fp?
ofc this doesn't apply if there are broken ass champs open but otherwise the enemy toplaner can just 10th pick his champ and I think toplaners don't care as much about enemy picks besides their lane opponents
I guess because Shyvanna has a "transformation" aspect and she's kind of a tomboy aka masculine but also feminine.
loch ness
You get the "Broccoli Baron" title.
>tfw grinded all the way up thinking I'll get the scroll icon.
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which one
they're all made for me.
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rent and living
maybe some event passes
any choice other than sera is objectively wrong
is kai'sa grabbing seraphine's ass
Non of them appeal to me.
every time i come back and try the game again riot has managed to make the balance a little bit worse
we're now in a strange situation where mages are there to deal some chip damage, tank items have been inflated to a degree it's not uncommon at all to see them rocking 4k hp and 200 of one resist on 2 items, which has caused an ADC arms race where ADCs have the dps to kill that but also have the burst to two shot anything not building full tank. i remember there was a durability patch yet everyone is getting two shot these days
what a company. the best part is i imagine they'll be scrambling around wondering why the fuck their game is on life support anywhere outside of china and korea
Thought you were gonna go pro or something, that's a no from me
how do i get dark star chogath
>consistently extremely strong role
>highly important despite being not really fun for most players
>not difficult to play
>actively impacts every other role every game
not surprising people dislike it
Graves is such a fucking broken subhuman champion
Insane damage and that amount of tankiness is crazy and should be fucking gutted
me on the left
cute punkin
it's also artificially difficult to master because riot feels the need to change everything every couple of months
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I love Lissandra!
confession: i actually prefer niggerporn spam to trannies' discord talk
im done for tonite my client crashed anyway
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why are the animators so slow?
Ye same, ty for the games and take care
We know anon
yeah you made that clear plenty of times before
That's pretty hot desu
>I'd rather have AIDS than cancer
yeah ok
because it's funny
some faggot discussing how he gets "agp" from playing the game isn't
we know
youre in the minority and everyone dislikes you as much as that retard and more than the trannys you autistically drone on about
how is it funny
nothing funny about it you retarded freak
what's hot about it?
what about nigger dick pictures makes you giggle?
>because it's funny

The absolute state of loweloggers.
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imagine being like "jungle isn't...le fun" because when the creeps damage your character your brain gets overwhelmed
what about overweight balding men pretending to be women makes you giggle?
it's funny in a meta sense, since you can see the stages of him being more and more mad when you look at the thread as a whole
going from his usual "prelude" to shitty edits to porn to porn with mass replying
Neither of them are funny and both genres have ran their course.
>Anons chatting, pretty chill thread
>Thread utterly devastated by Finnish black porn spammer
*Utterly silent*
Now you answer me what's so amusing about black penises.
I'd rather have my agp activated from looking at female champs rather than staring at nigger dicks, but suit yourself.
You're never here to talk about the game you insufferable faggot. Every single general you just mope and cry and seethe at people while NEVER contributing to any discussion. So yeah big surprise you prefer it when the thread is unusable due to nigger spam. Drop dead.
This thread has a couple of unhinged obsessed haters, we saw it during the pre-vanguard starfish lover era.
Just purchased my first skin.... after 12 years of playing this game. I've recently got out of neetdom by getting a job and my time has now come to pay Riot back for all the thousands of hours of free entertainment they have given me
masterful bait
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My first skin wwaaaayyyyy back in the day was Fiddle Me Timbers when I was a teenager. I miss those days. What skin did you get?
pic was made shortly after author got baited and fed the troll
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Ni hao, next you will tell me vanguard is actually good for you.
I will not take the vaccine, I will not play meta, I will not install the chinese spyware, I will not clap when a porn obsessed psychopath spams the thread with interracial porn, and I will not buy the 500 euros skin.
he's at least partially right, AGP basically isn't real anyway, and attributing faggotness to playing XYZ video game character is cringe
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I'm literally Soraka
>poppy support
Damn I love those lips.
Nice lips but shave better next time.
Soraka troon looks like this???
lucky Azkanaa
>discuss le game
>wait for a reply
>get nothing
>everyone is too busy discussing if briar flopped
Now that I've got your attention and you're inclined to reply to me to stick up to my strawman argument, explain to me why Aatrox fell out of pro play meta, and what are the consequences of teams treating K'Sante as something to be counterpicked with Zeri rather than another blind pick that doesn't require a specific answer.
I genuinely do not know about Ksante's kit to really comment on it, these new champs disgust me sorry.
what size shoe does Briar wear?
She doesn't.
I wonder if my lolg crush is around...
while being two great questions, /lolg/ is too low elo to answer (including me), sorry
The Brair guy? Just add him in the game then ask his discord so that you can contact him more.
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wanted to play some chill niggalow games before sleeping but my coon teammates had other plans
I've done 2 placement games and also got bronze, god ranked is just too miserable to commit.
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on my other acc I got plat 3 with low emerald mmr
Well whoever that guy is, just add their ign and do the same or just reply to them and ask for their ign and your intentions etc.
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How are you getting placed bronze here and plat in another account?
Guessing the leolin one is a fresh one and the other was your main?
Regardless I thought high elo people enjoyed stomping lows.
id kiss those pits fr
no, I have around 5 accounts in emerald at the moment
the other one was fresh bottled but I chillgamed like 7 normals on it 2 months ago and went 2/1 in soloq (didn't even finish provisionals) and now it's emerald mmr
I didn't really want to hitlerstomp pisslows I just wanted to play a kassadin game on a random acc before going to sleep
ill donate to u
Have a good night.
based based based
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Which one of you guys etc
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>What skin did you get?
Great choice.
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/lolg/s for this feel?
my highschool crush was like this. i still stalk her on insta to this day
>page 6
5 more pages and this piece of shit general that has nothing to do with the game in the OP finally fucking dies
please make it happen
I don't know lolg people to say anything.
In terms of champions probably something like Shyvana and J4. J4 because all he does is play with swords and train or watch people cause a fuss over the mages which is close enough.
How often do you take a pause from league and for how long? I think I'm finally burned out
>page 2
what did the schizoposter mean by this
ezreal and zoe
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Sona's tits.
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I take a break from this game frequently multiple times a year because overall it's the same shit over and over but in time it just gets worse and the devs and players slowly alienate eachother out.
My longest break from this game was probably 2-3 years because of life stuff and recently 1 year because of more life stuff. I can also take a break for a week or two or a month depending on how things go irl.
Literally just stop playing this game and you'll realise how much more spare time you have now that you're not time sinking so much into this game, you also get reminded of other things you needed to catch up or pick up on that you wanted to do, etc.
You only come back when you get the itch or need to ignore the real world again to save your sanity. There isn't even prime anymore for you to remind yourself this game exists every month, all you'll need to do is unfollow and get rid of all the league stuff that would make you miss the game and it should be smooth sailing. Etc.
gotta hand it to riot, pve is really fun on lillia. love running around the jungle at mach 4
please do a bunny lux
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I love Diana. What program/prompt are you using?
vg vs vg was better than this
>get "counterpicked"
>enemy is obviously not very experienced
>stomp him
better luck next time, kiddo
im making cummies
make sure you bring enough for everyone, anon
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>Enemy mid picks Tristana
>No skin, 2 games played total
>Utterly shitstomp them
No better feeling.
god i love shitting on retarded meta abusers
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how has riot gotten away with making pretty female characters? why hasn't anyone tried to cancel them for not making every girl a fucking ogre?
>every pro play match has Corki
>sub 50 wr in every elo
what's the catch?
Q max has 50% winrate
retards just keep maxing E even after it got giganerfed because the game tells you to
are you fucking retarded?
look at the 10 last released female champions and tell me they're sexy. I DARE YOU.
What the fuck do you want?
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your balls
sure, tell me a hot woman champion right now
not clicking that no sir
jesus christ wiggums not again
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Playing Sylas in Naafiri is so shit, damn dogs get in the way of my chains, and E-W-E2 is extremely risky because of her Q1-Q2 near one-shot.
what kind of pizza do i buy for tonight
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Post cute slop of your favorite champion.
I was thinking pizza too. Chicken BBQ?
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Since when. It's the adc or top lane 100% of the time who ints and mentally breaks and throws the game as hard as possible. Laners need to blame themselves more often rather than committing to split all game or follow around taking games because they got diffed.
lick lick
This image is so cute
>An ally has been slain.
>Enemy double kill!
don't look bot don't look bot don't look bot don't look bot don't look bot don't look bot don't look bot don't look bot don't look bot don't look bot
i need a lolg bf
Good wife.
I'm single.
10 times out of 10 when you hear this it is because of jg diff.

games are decided by which jungler is smart enough to spam gank bot over and over again. unfortunately that game your jungler is a fucking retard who doesn't realize that spam ganking bot is freelo
>good wife
>i'm single

Dumb slut.
>ugly penis on lolg
every day this general gets worse
8 times out of 10 I hear this before either of us have finished our full clear
we need to go back
ugliest peen I've seen
it looks like it gets neglected in favor of your asshole
real fucking pink and too clean
Cute cock and nice balls, dude!

I bet you also ask for people's opgg so you can belittle them for their elo.
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i want to duo with my lolg bf
Thanks anon!
I want a lolg gf to duo with.
whos that?
>Cute cock and nice balls, dude!
there are fags who unironically opened that knowing its a dick pic
Anyone want to play normals reply with IGN i will invite you. NA Server
>fags like dicks

shocking news
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Post yours and let's laugh at it together.
Fags, cute boys, maybe a couple women. I won.
>a couple women
i thought it would be league of legends related
Stop falseflagging me, thanks.
are you the one that posted the pic? it looks like you
what league of legends champion is your favorite besides diana
How about you fuck off and stop trying to convince people to post their genitals online? Just cause you're a faggot doesn't mean its okay to do that
which league of legends champion is this
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I use to post my dick on lolg before
fun times
Stay positive /lolg/!
>it looks like you
you familiar with his cock anon? studied it you said?
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Champions for THIS feel?
I look like the champions I main
>cant report the post for nsfw on blue board because he didnt actaully attach an image
when are they gonna update the report option to include
>linking to off-site nsfw porn
it's the same thing and its cancer
hope you get banned.
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i guess some people don't like cocks
That's why the men here pretend to be sissies and girls
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>BBQ chicken pizza
>Online attention
>Working from home
Opens League of Legends.
Time to play.
>anon learns what a straight man is
you can be straight and like cock
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how could Olaf give me agp? also im literally him in real life
I look like yuumi irl
meow for me
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Tfw no yuumi gf.
tfw no vel'koz gf.
only pros are retarded enough to die to shit champions like corki
koreans have some weird obsession with corki. i actually don't know why
imagine a vel'koz girl giving you a tentacle job
>Tentacle wetly wraps around your balls and tugs them gently
>Suction cups suckle on your balls for added benefit
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Where to find a qt stoic ninja sensei to teach me the ways of balance and equilibrium?
Seek a user here that goes by Azakana. He is very mentally stable.
if you're a woman.
good to know I only have the 2nd smallest dick on lolg
you should be happy with your dick anon, if its not ugly like that one and not a micro 1-3 in you are bing chilling
id suck that dick he uploaded
youd suck any dick
I posted it. I want my dick sucked.
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i would too
what do boobies feel like?
i would offer my boipussy to Riot to keep Arena on forever
you'd give up your asshole for free
id have to kiss you first, is that ok?
what about your wife's?
I knew sorakafags were cum guzzlers
just like zed players are piss guzzlers
Uh oh you already used two dodges today dodging a Yuumi mid and a Zilean Jungle!
Now you have a Jhin support haha but you gotta play with him because dodging is TOXIC.
Now you play out your Riot mandated lost game and have fun. xD
Only if we hold hands.
YES it is finally mine
lick lick kiss
Nice job g
woah you're blowing up
do whites play this game anymore?
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Diamond 1 game quality be like:
i'm a good girl
I need to get drained. NA?
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woooooo go seraqueen!
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we love you!
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>i'm a good girl
yes :)
IGN or no dick for you.
i look like this but i dont say this
am i respectable with 7266 points in Arena?
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I know, not making it easy on you. Maybe I can give you a little hint though.
i swear EUW is more active in the middle of the night than during daytime
Champs for this feel?
no my name is David Salvador Mena-Garcia
>I'm AGP because I also only play female characters
this does not automatically mean AGP
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pointless non-challenge accepted!

>yes please
>boy toy's wet dream
>lolg incarnate
>probably smells bad but nice face
>case closed
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reminder that Nami is cute
And soft.
i hope you are who i think you are
because you deserve 10x that
that's what, around 20 subs?
you're big, man
who do you think I am?

no subs
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>Smolder briar lux jinx seraphine
>Malphite nunu diana cait zyra
Some games are an easy dodge
bro is the king of agps
sometimes I feel like streaming and then I remember
>league of legends
because he isnt spamming 24/7 and his spaztic hater isnt on nearly as long as he is

if any of that was different I'd hate him as only slightly less than bbcfag but less than the dude who throws a tantrum every time the raka nami shit goes on in thread
Its still extremely cringe that theyre allowed to erp in the thread
its more cringy to waste hours of the day complaining about it when you can just ignore it like everyone else
specially since they dont do it to the extent of obstructing the thread like the spammer does
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I'm proud of you, anon!

You can still enjoy the game!
be my gf
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i think he earned that much by being skilled with banana(s)
what's the secret to pick only 3-5 champs and no more than that? I can't stop myself from picking like 20+ every single season and I feel it's one of the reasons I don't improve
Built for anal
personifying with your picks
Such a cute girl! Such a cute anon! She's a sweety! Such a cute hole!
would posting my dick make it more likely people will watch my stream?
I posted my dick before and it didnt really effect it
did riot change annie's age? i swear she was 12 at one point, now she's 9.
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>Miss my ult and hit someone other than the carry
>They panic flash backwards into the carry anyways so the carry gets feared+blown up
Soraka, my cute wife!

And warm.
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your wife is very sexy
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It's the legs. Her legs are too sexy for League.
i want to hump her leg like a dog
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anyone playing NArams tonight
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Blood Fish needs to wake up.
me :)
Briar hole!
its a little late but maybe its gaming time
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Remember to report your duo for typing to much :]
a 39 year old man made this post.
Wohhhhh that Samira is insane!!!
she is far closer to 900 than 9 chud
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Briar love
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are you thinking of zoe?
You know that Samira has a huge cock.
zoe is like a billion years old dude. chille
wait, so i can fap to zoe without feeling guilty?
you forgot tall?
That's not how you wear shoes.
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>Sona Seraphine shit on
Good, good.
Reminder Azakana was Kyoppi's irl lover.
What did Riot mean by this?
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She's no longer tall...
>womanlet goat
its sorover
dang, almost as short as an old timer goat.
>just crushed a full box of toaster strudels while winning lane
champs for this truly gluttinous feel?
wheres my lolg crush
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Yes, but she's still very cute. So I'll live.

And the only reason why they're short is because of their bad backs! They'll still be taller than Soraka if it wasn't for that!
She owes Yone mains a hug.
Is there any 4chan board about weed specifically? Someone that plays league should know.
uh sometimes on /fit/ a thread can get going but usually one side of the echo chamber takes over pretty quick
Boy I love how Riven can just mash Q through bone plating and outtrade anyone
just activate counter strike bro like wtf are you doing
not sexy
feet = safe horny
boring jeet
cougar. not sexy
not sexy
furfag shit
eh ok
your waifu is trash

the last champion with any sex appeal we had was Samira
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miku if she had tits
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Wakey, wakey, sleepy fox
Wait a second are you still up?
Ahri, let's go!
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then you lose your 5000+ viewership on twitch and are forced to stream to 200 people on youtube for 5 years until you finally retire from league

i am truley sorry for your lots
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Thanks anons! <3
>suffocated between nami's fish tits
K/DA ALL OUT Seraphine Indie
I just got home anon I was out doing nerd shit
I’m afraid to play league I tilted and went down to e2 38 lp or something
Who has the best ultimate skin?
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You can't deceive Shieldy you clown fuck. Only good clown is a dead clown get fucked
Idk, am i?
>someone types (role) diff in all chat unprompted
why do this unless someone was talking shit beforehand
easy feedback i guess
hes right though
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>I fucking hate shaco.webm
Tilting shaco players is always a good time
Only funny if he was blaming his team.
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Anon I just got to see this and you’re flattering me
Thank you…
I could only dream ): but I probably have to find work again soon and then my streaming career will be over
Not in all chat but I think its a pretty safe bet he was doing it in team chat
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this image is peak uncanny valley ngl
Did he disappear or something?
but who will take up the streaming mantle
he streaming rn
ok guy but being this fat for this long is just embarrassing
Boooringggggg. He used to play assassins and Diana.
The comparisons between Sona and Miku date back to League's beta, it kinda just washes over me now.
its not too late
Sona was designed for ENF
>economic crisis starts
>brown flood of champs will seemingly die after the arcane granny
Really makes you think. Seems like having niggers in your game is a luxury belief for easy money times.

Maybe riot will, finally make Ku Klux Kled skin
If I get more people more consistently then I can continue to wear it for u anon
Maybe I’ll even do a LATE NIGHT sesh (if people would watch)
She cute.
>akali in human sandbag execution instead of slow slashing
life is suffering
being burnt alive is the only way I could ever atone for my sins
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sounds good
If I fondled and squeezed Nami's air sacs, would it choke her?
embarassed nude female (male)
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don't think so
But dude... her skin is the same color as poop?
Gwen/Seraphine clear
Sorry bro but Nilah is the scat fetish character. She's built for it.
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wtf is vex autistic
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hiya lolg, I hope you're not up late like me
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she might be
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Game discussion?
no, thanks
Gonna be a slow weekend.
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no m*therfucking tilt homies
only up up up
big win around the corner
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these players are so trash
Lux because it's got a lot of transformations and such. I like the ice one the most.
>Have to take urgent shit during loading screen, come back at 1:45, 5 games with a 15 minute timer before i can join and ranked restricted. CANCER UPON EVERY RIOT FAGGOT EVER also -28 Lp
the hitbox on briar R is the dumbest shit in the entire fucking game
what else did you expect?
who is the mom
Lashequa Washington
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>80% chance that jg is some autofilled rando every game
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took a break from this game for a few weeks because I got addicted to daggerfall but maybe I'll come ba-
>ranged top meta
okay I guess I'll wait a bit longer. Not like anybody missed me anyways. Or like I'd ever get out of gold playing top lane
>Not like anybody missed me anyways.
this is true. good riddance toptroon
please don't be mean to me
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>>ranged top meta
wait really? I haven't seen a ranged top all week
in high elo it's getting spammed
just a matter of time before the NPCs in my gold Elo start to copy
they are playing all sorts of stuff. Not just the conventional ranged top laners but also things like smolder and Kaisa
sowwie for inting
does lolg still like sissies
I like people who talk about league
Talk about LoL.
how about you start?
league of legends is a game made by riot
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For gay men
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It's crazy how people think drawing something like this is acceptable but then again this is only done because people complement their work to be nice which is kinda devious in a way because they're ensuring those people will never improve hence cutting out any competition, crab in a bucket type stuff you see in /ic/ a lot.
people are always improving and stuff, i dont think its bad to draw something like that, if artists never finished any pieces till they felt like they were good enough that wouldnt be good either
you just gotta hope they wanna improve still
It's just what people do in this game, I think typing stuff like that and ez game is engrained like how people here probably envision a wojak when someone says onions.
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now start whining about champion pics
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Chosen of the Moon.
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the hell? that's news to me
everyone starts somewhere
>people are always improving and stuff
Depends, some people never do after years and years, there is that guy in /3/ who's been doing 3d modeling for like a decade and is known for being a prime example of stagnation.
Also someone can not finish their piece and can still have made a decent thing going, like a good sketch but not finishing the coloring.
Also someone thinking about how they're not good enough is what every typical artist goes through but some use that to strive for improvement and grind which is good but then again you can draw a billion times and still not improve because you're trying to learn wrong etc.
League of legends, can't believe some people have been silver for the 6th season in this game.
>Sylas support
>He says "Malz ult is such bullshit"
>As if he doesnt have a malz ult that's twice as good
Sylas players contending for most retarded players I see
Slayer / Assassin cucks ALWAYS have meltdowns over Malz R. Pay the 1300 tax and you win.
>can't believe some people have been silver for the 6th season in this game
all me
league players are some of the biggest hypocrites known to man. it's actually kinda of fascinating. why do they hold such lopsided standards? who knows
bad day gets worse
>AIslop came back
please fuck off to /trash/
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>Noooo!!! I don't wanna see Sona's boobs!
that looks nothing like diana
as per usual with AIslop, zero effort to make it even somewhat close, just "durr diana (league of legends) 1girl"
avatarfag on my team? ff @ 15
don't stop
your father stopped caring
lucky shotas
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i dont wanna play jungle again
pick Nunu and just gank non-stop
taking jungle camps is entirely optional
>3 nexus hits away from winning the game
>team suddenly stops and goes to do drag
>then they keep getting picked till we lose
No. No, nope. I don't care how iron you are, this did not happen. GIve me the replay file.
I could see this happening. Low ranks don't know how to end games.
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you callin me a liar?

gold elo
>Smurf brags about their main account rank
>"Okay so you're down here because you're either banned, or you can't win at your "real rank" you brag about so you gotta dodge the MMR system, take your pick"

This enrages the smurf
This is so funny, the eternal jungler.
epic reddit reply
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Truth hurts
They broke down and tried to play therapy session pity party.
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i earned my fishy fish fishdish
The fishy fish fishdish was a lie
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yuumi is cute
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>volibear being the dumbest gorilla lowiq npc
its either him or a warwick, usually
Summertime sadness
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I'm feelin' electric tonight
Cruisin' down the coast, goin' about 99
Got my bad baby by my heavenly side
I know if I go, I'll die happy tonight
Oh, my God, I feel it in the air
Telephone wires above are sizzlin' like a snare
Honey, I'm on fire, I feel it everywhere
Nothin' scares me anymore
(One, two, three, four)
you wouldn't believe the absolute war crimes I am forced to witness in this game
how do you play janna? I need a very concise rundown on the champ (emerald elo)
>lux/morgana support locked in
you just know the player behind the screen is severely retarded
>down 6 kills
>even cs on every lane
>down a turret and 4 plates
>somehow ahead 1k gold and bounties on mid and top
Is the betting mafia rigged LCK in favor of gen g?
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>play jg
>wanna healslut for a bit
>go back to jg
wtf bros
I've stroked twice to Seraqueen already and It's only a little past noon...
stop playing enchanter supports the in the current meta you retard please dont grief your adc by locking in the most useless shit you can possibly lock in. Play Leona, Naut, Blitz, Thresh, Galio or Tahm and you get FREE LP. IT IS LITERALLY FREE LP IF YOU HAVE A TANK ENGAGE SUPPORT ON YOUR TEAM AND THEY DONT. ITS FUCKING FREE SO JUST PLAY IT GODDAMN IT
ban lux like everyone else you're so mad about it.
or morgana like everyone else who doesnt ban lux and cant deal with dommy mommies in their sissy lane
Based. Keep us posted.

jg is the only role that matters
Passive - gives movement speed to allies facing her direction, she can also pass through units which I think means no minion blocks. Aas and w damage get bonus damage with ms.
Q - knock up (doesn't work on unstoppable I think), it helps with disengage so if a rengar jumps from the bush you can q and cancel his engage animation mid way through causing him to not land on your adc prevent him from doing any mele damage and burst. Animation cancels also work with auto attacks. Range depends on how long it's being held and released.
W - grants movement speed but I think if you use the bird to poke you lose your bonus ms.
E - shield, it also grants bonus ad. If you use it and slow or knock up you get lower cd on it. You can also use it on turrets.
R - it knocks everyone back and heals people in the dome, prevents an all in so is an AOE animation cancel like your q but in this case a displacement instead of knock up, you can also use this to push low HP enemies to your adc. I think if I can recall if you r the enemy into a wall it stuns them for a split second.
>dommy mommies
morgana is the most useless character in the whole game
there's legitimately zero reason to pick her ever
slowest projectile in the game on Q (fucking ROOT)
useless W on support
redundant E
the single worst ult in the whole game that takes forever to activate
nothing redeemable about this character. you're playing for the other team if you pick morgana support
>muh jungle
outclassed by ANY ap jungler. even amumu.
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Play Senna if you want to win, best supp out there.
>lord dominik's regards
from there on you can build anything and still do tons of damage
if ahead you can go hubris and edge of night
if behind you can build mortal reminder instead of lord dominik's; then go serpent's fang and then go eclipse.
how do i play yuumi?
you get on top of that big fat ADCock and you start sucking like the good little kitten you are and get carried
super simple
>Play one of the most broken disgusting champs in the game
>Play Janna
Your Trundle and Lilia scores reflect that its a champ diff and not a role diff

i wanna be a yuumi main
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I like good Yuumis.
I love scarra. He is not a zoomer that overreacts for content, he is not a OTP, he just plays the game and voices his thoughts about it. I hope he stays in league and doesnt go nack to TFT
His hair is crazy tho, when he takes off the headset you can see how bad it is
You don't
Runes are Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Absolute Focus, Gathering Storm, Font of Life, Revitalize. Summoners are Exhaust + Heal if scaling ADC or Exhaust + Ignite if early game ADC; Items are 1st Back Dark Seal + Fairie Charm; 2nd Back is the Bandleglass Mirror with Control Wards, 3rd Back Kindle Gem with Oracle Lens and Controls Wards and on your next back you get your Moonstone Renewer Powerspike. Now check who is ahead and you stay with them. Go Michael's second item, finish Mejais and build the wardful watchstone. Ardent Censer if your partner is an AD champ, Staff of Flowing Water if they are AP, Redemption if they are a tank/bruiser and then finish the vigilant wardstone.
>nigga avatarfagging as yuumi-tier easy female champ
>acting like he's a top
ayo what the hell bruh XD
dis nigga seriously be erping in da thread as if he don't imagine sucking a dick every nite
dogshit fucking build and senna can't be blind picked atm the buffs are on their way tho
I like how amumu tears auto clears camps for me but I also like making fun plays and dueling/invading… there’s no jungler for me is there
>having a big cock
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Stay positive /lolg/!
T-three times...
I <3 playing jungle.
are people really building those cuck items on Lillia instead of Blackfire Torch and Riftmaker
Is there a more broken top laner in the game currently than Shen ?
truly the most iconic ritualpost on lolg
not even the same champ you poser
I thought he was deadbeat atm.
Kayn? I always presume his clears are easy and with the wall walking hes free to invade.
why are they like this
Am I supposed to play the red one if I actually wanna win?
You're supposed to go whichever one you get first.
That is not correct.
Yes it is.
just played my first game of Samira, I pressed random buttons in the general direction of the enemy and finished 10/1. beginner's luck?
>enemy team locks in mundo, sejuani, orianna, zeri and naut
>my kayn goes blue
I am gonna start banning him so that my inbred junglers don't pick him.
Jungle is not so straight forward as to only go red or only go blue, you'll have to see your team and their performance to determine the direction.
>teamfights are auto won if Zeri dies
yeah let's go red, great plan
What are the farm and scale carry junglers?
Graves is my main, love him, can just feel annoying when we have no cc or engage, you basically have to wait in no man’s land for the enemy to engage and rape ur assholes… what else scales really well? I tried Viego, Nocturne, Shaco, Warwick… all of them are boring and except Viego fall off a cliff at 25-30min…
that IF is doing a lot of work
>go blue kayn
>walk through walls at 600ms for 10 seconds
>giga flank and oneshot Zeri
where is the issue
you are supposed to farm points for the form you'll be needing depending on the match to begin with
True, but even if you end up getting the "wrong" one, you can't really afford to have to wait 4 minutes until you're able to play the game properly.
>most useless shit
aren't enchanters the highest winrate support class?
why does every support have over a 50% wr, that doesnt make any sense
Looking at this list it seems like mages are least preferred. Enchanters and tanks seem fine.
playing support = coinflipping better adc
out of the top 5, 3 of them ar enchanters. seems fine to me. also
>leona 52% wr and S tier
is this why the bitch gets so many legendaries and prestiges
she's the only female engage support
Also I've been feeling like playing Rakan again, I'll try it 6 hours from now. Playing Soraka or Zyra hasn't cut it lately.

She is also very easy to play, her engage goes through minions which is better than a Naut q, also her level 1 q kills off early wards and makes invades a piece of cake.
*only white female engage support
rell is half white
rell is a white female
Rell is fun but she is so incredibly slow and deals no damage compared to Leona, also her spells cooldowns are longer than Leona's who can just stun you every 4 seconds. If they wanted to balance Leona her stun should be 12 seconds or 18 because it's also point and click, where as hooks at least require some thought.
rell is an ugly negroid with an afro. At least Nilah is a sexy nigger
Nilah is brown because Indian.
Some Indian girls can be cute.
>shaco is a better support than yuumi
>leblanc is a better support than thresh
>zyra is a better support than rakan
>camille is a better support than swain
>neeko is a better support than renata
supportsisters, not like this....
shaco support is garbage that's only picked by shaco mains
leblanc support is a meme that requires the player to have above average iq (rare)
zyra is a support
camille support is old news that nobody gives a shit about anymore
neeko support is garbage against engage meta
could've been her dad was white and COLONIZED
your father status?
Indians are Asians, South Asian specifically, what's wrong with what I said?

Swain was released as a Midlaner but his new design is flawed because immobile and what not. He wasn't supposed to be support but I guess Riot will just keep reworking him till they either give up or actually give him a kit worth playing in his intended role. Visually he's tight because it at least fulfills a niche.
Shaco and Leblanc supports are a meme though seem fun.
Very unlikely considering the amount of BMWF couples vs WMBF
rakan is fun especially when you have an aggressive adc with good reaction timing
riot is progressive
It's fine if I don't have an aggressive adc I usually just shield passive adcs and help them with the farms and then go to the enemy jungle or mid to ward and such which helps others. I enjoy how flexible he is in terms of gameplay and mobility.
They ship Ekko x Jinx for a reason
I think in the writings Ekko HAD a crush on Jinx but he was too crazy for him so he dropped it though I may be wrong. Black characters during Lucian and Ekko times were written better.
what your main says about you
*She was too crazy and unstable for him
pretty sure he has a voiceline that goes something like
>I HAD a crush....until she started talking to her guns
im bronze 2 improving!!!!!!!!
Yeah he's supposed to be a boy genius type so dodging a bullet (literally) makes sense since it's the smart move.
bismilla mishmalahashamalishmillah la ahraman ommani heblevette mashallaharaja akhim er rahman er rahim
lp gains await
Everytime I read this I think of some Arab in a run down haunted asylum revving up his computer to play league because that's his only source of light and distraction from things knocking in the building, just him mumbling wallaaahhh as some grey dust blows from the PC fan and the locking screen pops up.
I wonder how effective semi-tank Senna is.
that's literally me
Presuming cooking up a feast for the footy tomorrow.
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where is he
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>Lux has... le skins
Only for big black men.
If you go 0/3 in lane against a lane bully you should have the option to DC without a penalty its a waste of time and the most miserable top lane experience of all time(in normals)
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I just won a game where I went 0/3/0 in lane though as Shen vs Vladimir
nobody cares
nobody mentioned winning
nobody mentioned vladimir
your post has nothing to do with the one you just replied to
atleast you managed to attach your ign to your irrelevant post, well done
Ranked is different, youre playing for LP, nobody cares about normals
>playing draven leona
>afk farming for 8 minutes straight bc my leona is transgender and wont go in
>leaves to roam
>get a 1v2 double kill immediately
>my leona now decides that it was the reason i won lane
why are support players like this?
Probably meant you stacking for so long for it to be collected in the end with a kill was worth it which helped winning the lane.
>>afk farming for 8 minutes straight bc my leona is transgender and wont go in
the leona prevented you dying chud. put some respect on her name
>draven sissy thinks xhe did something by auto attacking minions for 8 whole minutes
when will they learn sisters?
yo guys what attack damage carry pairs well with heimer dinger support blind pick? :)
Bring back the old stopwatch recipe, old liandrys, galeforce, everfrost, etc.
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ezreal, stand behind and cs with just q i has a 1150 range so its impossible to get caught and the heimer will lose his mind 2 minutes in
brother heimer is my support
4 games today none of which lasted more than 20 minutes
two 15 minutes surrender for my team two 19 minutes for the enemies
wtf is wrong with matchmaking
I play Xayah with any supports I think, even had to for a heimer support. She's fairly reliable to lane solo and not give a crap though the heimer will take your cs so you may want to play a champ that works well on a low budget.
@EUWchads of lolg, let's play some normal games together!
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ezreal, stand behind and cs with just q i has a 1150 range so its impossible to get caught and the heimer will lose his mind 2 minutes in
the enemy team doesn't have a heimer
It's because flipping games are difficult in general these days so people give up easily and go next.
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>topnigger picks nasus
>dies 50 times in lane to ornn
>i as the adc now have to deal with this 1k armor 10k hp monstrosity thats 6 levels ahead of me and can assassinate my entire team 1v5
>beg for ff literally on my hands and knees
>topnigger types "we win late"
should it be permabannable?
>lose 1 too many placement games
>perma stuck in gay retardbaby-nigger que

Nice system riot.
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ezreal, stand behind and cs with just q i has a 1150 range so its impossible to get caught and the heimer will lose his mind 2 minutes in
no there's definitely something wrong if you have three losing lanes every other game and the other way around the rest of the games
amumu is LIDERALLY??
Yeah its called losers que. Time to crack open a new lvl 30 and reroll those placements bubba.
Just how things are with this game, atleast it's not like 8 losses in a row like what other people complain about here sometimes.
what kind of person would you want your jungler to be?
not kayn
Somebody like me.
every single game in niggerfaggot season is decided in draft
if you have 5 gold monkeys vs 5 challenger changs but the gold monkeys have thanos comp while changs have ultimate bravery comp the goldies will absolutely rape and roflstomp them
I mean personality-wise.
For sure you picked the wrong ranks to illustrate your point but I feel you nonetheless.
Hahaha it's just I'm going to farm until 15 minutes that's all
Try to play safe until then :)
Sincerely, Lillia main
A chill guy who comes when you ping Drake or rift because sometimes I leave my lane specifically to hold his hand and help him with his objectives. Also some map awareness would be good, sometimes the jungle suicides doing drakes alone when the team needs to team fight for the drake and we end up 4v5ing, then when we lose the jungle gets mad saying "why didn't you do drake I prepped it!!" Or something.
I permabanned lillia for 2 seasons since release already and I am more than happy to permaban her ass this one too. Fundamentally broken bullshit faggot champ + unfun + OP + furry subhumans
I came 3 times in just 3 hours, what's happening to me?
Whats your discord or IGN?
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To what?
You're cumming nigga
>low budget maga memes
not looking good lads...
Maga stuff has ran its course, a lot of memes are dry as hell thesedays, can't recall the latest new meme that was at least funny.
What the fuck kind of gay retardbaby nigger-post is this shit?

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Another game in D1 where I get MVP (check opgg) and my support is 9th place. Another game where the algorithim tries its absolute hardest to make me lose.

Just ONCE, and i mean ONCE I wish it is my support that carries me. I know that is an impossible ask though.
I mean bro, at least the retard is right there where you can keep an eye on them. Would you rather lose every objective cuz the retard was jungle, or halfway through the game deal with a 12/0 unkillable vlad cuz they were your mid? Best to keep the retard right there botlane under your thumb.
I want trump to win, not in a maga way, but in a war in ukraine sbmerged the whole world in inflation and maybe cheeto man could have prevented this, he seemed cool with russia
I wonder how much money our politicians laundered to Ukraine/Israel. I stopped keeping count after 200 billion. Crazy how they dont even give a fuck about hiding the corruption anymore.
the US loves selling weapons, it's just what they do
Except she wasn't... There were moments in the game where she wandered mid and stood there doing nothing while Lucian zoned me front turret. Then she had the audacity to ping ME for losing turret when she didn't come.

Another time, she had 3 of the support item ready to proc. She doesn't do it when I'm clearly wanting her to do so and the enemy backed. ONLY WHEN Lucian shows up she attempts to clear the CS like her brain just died for 20 seconds not knowing what to do.

If I played support and did that 100% GUARENTEE WE LOSE. Others, can magically win because the algo likes them more. Its just pathetic at this point how riot gatekeeps me from Masters.
I wish they didnt sell them to jews who are donated hundreds of billions of my tax dollars thoughever
honestly it's true very rarely does the support carry their adc but in this scenario you're playing a glorified second support to your team
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my placements are complete for this season. I got d3 10 lp. My last game tristana mid left the game, but I don't know why. We ended up forfeiting around 10 mins.
I don't think stopping the war or lessening the feed in the meat grinder will reverse the inflation let alone stop it, it's being going on for years, even back when he was in the office he did those money repos.
To be quiet honest I think war would genuinely help the rich and powerful because even the average normal sees things are getting miserable and wars always help excuse large wealth transfers whilst culling the population before they begin rebelling (though this will only be the case if people starve).
Though I don't know much of war, economics, politics or history.
League of legends, Buff Cait.
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She doesn't even play Sona lol she just wanted to to grief me. I'm sick and tired of supports throwing a tantrum whenever I point out if she just picked Alistar the game would be over in 3 seconds. Its why I started playing support for a bit.

I outshield/healed the Sona and also did more damage. What else do you want me to do?

Also really funny how the algorithim assigned me 2 D3's and this support while the enemy was full of D1's and D2's. Funny how that works huh
yes, wars are a great excuse to rob you blind
Who hurt you?
>aurelion sol
defend this lolbabs
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>white men are scared of some deer
I'm not being inted on purpose
>I'm not being inted on purpose
I'm not being inted on purpose
>I'm not being inted on purpose
I'm not being inted on purpose
>I'm not being inted on purpose
I'm not being inted on purpose
>I'm not being inted on purpose
I'm not being inted on purpose
>I'm not being inted on purpose
I'm not being inted on purpose
>I'm not being inted on purpose
I'm not being inted on purpose
>I'm not being inted on purpose
I'm not being inted on purpose
>I'm not being inted on purpose
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you're all niggers
>you're all niggers
you're all niggers
>you're all niggers
you're all niggers
>you're all niggers
you're all niggers
>you're all niggers
you're all niggers
>you're all niggers
you're all niggers
>you're all niggers
you're all niggers
>you're all niggers
you're all niggers
>you're all niggers
you're all niggers
>you're all niggers
you're all niggers
>you're all niggers
stfu and hit FIND MATCH again nigga
every game is winnable
>every game is winnable
every game is winnable
>every game is winnable
every game is winnable
>every game is winnable
every game is winnable
>every game is winnable
every game is winnable
>every game is winnable
every game is winnable
>every game is winnable
every game is winnable
>every game is winnable
every game is winnable
>every game is winnable
every game is winnable
>every game is winnable
every game is winnable
>every game is winnable
every game is winnable
>every game is winnable
every game is winnable
>every game is winnable
every game is winnable
>every game is winnable
I am actually very well informed about such topics and you're quite accurate with your assumption. The status quo of constant growth is unsustainable and they are desperately pumping inflation to delay the inevitable bubble pop. They have no other plan, the elite class that is, besides their patholoical need to keep increasing their wealth and efforts to establish some form of total population control before we face an imminent global humanitarian crisis of never before seen proportions. Long story short they will never tell us how bad overpopulation is. Or how we face total food shortage. Think climate refugees by the tens of millions into USA and Europe from SA, Africa, Middle East, India, ect ect. Notice they dont even bother pushing that impossible meat shit and bug protein anymore? They have totally given up on offsetting the famine. And right when all of that is at it's peak? Guess what happens next? Oil runs out.
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I just have to play more I guess
and I will win
500 more games and my account will get unbricked I think
where did you get that idea from?
damn nigger I think I should've played better
is hecarim the most similar jungler to lillia who should i pick up as a secondary when she gets nerfed next week?
I've never played him but he sounds pretty similar yeah. Except that he's ugly of course.
my topside kind of went 5/40 last game haha
that was me sorry about that
np bro, I hope you collected a fat paycheck for that wintrade
keep grinding king
its even worse than you think it is
we wont even get to the point where we lose all our soil, that should be the least of your worries
we already have places going above 50 degree celsius, not in the middle of nowhere or desert, LITERAL CITIES going above 50
we wont even get to that part, were past the end game; the shitstorm just needs to hit the fan
league of legends supports are niggers
riot games is testing me today
imma need a weekend nword pass real quick
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cancer game
dead game
almost two minute queue time on a weekend
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matchup fot this feel?
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I can't do it
I'm so fucking sick of this company
ksante vs ezreal
>omg two minutes in queue, dead game
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i legit don't get what the point of Orianna is anymore
she has no range
she has no damage
she is one of the few champs in the game that go OOM even with tear
she has no movespeed
she has no burst (oh no please don't hit me with your WHOPPING 250 base damage R please no your R and W is almost 400 damage at level 10..............)
her ball literally moves slower than most champions in this game
she has NO range, it bears repeating because this is the squishiest champion in the game and her only way to deal damage involves a spell with roughly 700 range

like holy shit she is such fucking dogshit. the most pro play ruined champion ever, everything she is is a way to waveclear early on and a shield + movespeed on whoever is doing well
Top lane is so miserable. One mistake and you dont get to play for the rest of the game as long as your opponent knows how to push an advantage.
it's not peak hours yet, it's too early
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Norms would still be a 40 second queue just a few months ago on week days
kayn top vs any tank

the steel pipe is rhaast form
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It is so painfully easy to NOT DIE in this game that if you ever get double digit deaths it should penalize your LP.
You can make it higher tolerance for Baby champs like Sion Yorick and Tryndamere so they don't shit their diapers at being dropped to their real rank.
Please and thank you Riot.
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uhhh where's your jungler? top bab?
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>be me playing Kayn
>get hard cucked by Lillia
>guess I’ll ban her instead of Sett for the first time in 50 games
>Enemy Top picks Sett gets Gorillafed 10-0 1v5s us
>we ff20
>Next game hover Sett during ban phase, my Top says he will firstpick it and not to worry
>goes 0/5 against a trolling Rammus and starts taking my jungle camps
Im in losersq aren’t I?
she's intended for teamfights not every mage needs to be a baby-tier 'roots and burst you xd' or God forbid, a """battlemage"""
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jungle gets 5 second queues in norms kek
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Media dem stämplar oss Foxtrot, mannen, jag dör för min liga
Han endless sitter i plat
0 lp flat
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speak american you fucking terrorist
I rape your family nigger
I hitlerstomp your ugly niggalow face ingame
>double ranged
>caitlyn and lux even
that's a top tier fool proof bot duo, how could this even happen? lp penalty is not enough these people need to die, post haste
s14 humiliation ritual
what if these are good defs
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Getting drained by these two, jealous?
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I agree her range should be bigger and maybe the ball movement a bit faster but I don't think she's dogshit, she plays with her team quite well.
total jävla niggerdöd
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>4 days until aurora
I don't think anyone recommended you play Jinx with that Heimer support.
Welp! After 4 months of being off league I'm jumping back on. I'm planning on playing the fighting game and just realized yesterday that it will most likely have Vanguard so I might as well come back.

Any major fiasco's I missed? I'm assuming the prime deal is gone?
Racist champ
was not me, I'd never type that
>there are poeple in this thread who waifu girls that canonically do not wear underwear
>canonically do not wear underwear
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I waifu you and your mother, do you wear underwear?
Prime deal is gone yes.
Nothing much happened with vanguard except drop a few people from here. Threads are slower but quite comfy. You didn't miss anything in terms of the game though Riot did confirm killing off a super smash mini project a day or two ago. You're just in time for the pve event and a new champ to be released sometime soon.
also na doesnt have norms or vgs anymore..
No but you can start it.
my skeeo schedule is too fucked for vgs
Fix it.
ive considered hosting na vgs but with how slow the general moves these days I highly doubt theres even 9 other people to fill them
gays are coming they are legion
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Don't need more
why the fuck did my teammates go 5/49 tho?
I still don't get it
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this hits hard these days
>>get hard cucked by Lillia
just go blue idiot
having a wife and a kid helps with not giving a fuck about a stupid frustrating anti fun video game i guess
All of this said I actually reserve an undying faith in the indomitable human spirit. The inexorable imperative to persist, to ensure, and to proceed onward into the unknown. How could you possibly quantify or begin to rationalize what caused the first life form on earth, slapped together by the random churning of primordial soup, to live? That first life form as basic as it was poorly constructed must have experienced the full and crushing weight of isolation alone amid infinity. Yet for no discernable reason it refused to die, and not only that, but multiplied bravely into both time and space unknown. And with that as the substance from which all of us once originated how could we ever again know death? Just as a bowl constructed of clay will never be a metal bowl, or glass bowl. It will always be clay. So too are humans only capable of that one central perogative: to exist.
my lolg crush made me blush
>it's weekend
makes sense. unironically mb for queuing up and letting my team int me
I think there is more to the human soul than what people think but we're just living in a scientific result based age in which it dismisses that side of the spectrum. There are still a lot of things to learn about this world although it's crushing to wake up every day and be reduced to a number I've come to enjoy the absurdity of life.
>leona support
>literally never goes in
>I engage when they are under turret
>we lose
>never goes bot again
time to run around the map and see where I'm needed I guess
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In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.
I must tell you that I have been blessed with visions of the future. And proven to others to a level of detail utterly beyond coincidence the truth of these visions. While others must struggle to retain their faith I have been shown undeniable proof that God exists. He is beyond the limitations of time and space and moreover is aware of us, and takes interest in our lives. Believe this or don't, but I have proven this to 2 others so far and will continue to reveal this absolute truth to others as needed for the rest of my life. I am a prophet of God, and I am anointed the exclusive right to translate the full word of God unto my fellow men. I share this with the greatest humility I am able.
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TY P face (:P)
The game is free. Why would anyone buy accounts when you can make one free??
what the fuck type of seller is this
same but now he's ignoring me...what do I do...
Now imagine that you have someone that plays ranked but let's say per say he would like to type NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER and run it down per chance ode per say if perchance that would pop up as a let's say desire per say
One I've used since you were in primary school and has never failed me after like 30 accounts
uhh g2 sisters?
>higher quality discussion about spirituality and religion than about the actual fucking game
do you guys think auroroa will be flexed supp as a wombo duo? imagine aurora ult E you and mf/samira just drop R gg
Probably is, a lot of players who are insecure in X champ and play support or adc to be safe.
>30 accounts
holy niggalow 2 digit acc number pls don't @ me anymore
enjoy your aids infested accs nigger
just tuned in and they are ahead 3k
I slap you with my cock, behave
they are also down 3 drakes with no frontline meme comp
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because you'll have to level it up to play the real modes which is already boring by itself but also the matchmaking during that process is a diarrhea of people from different elos that think they're "hardstuck" because of feds sabotaging their main account and have inflated egos as a result
they will use their gold advantage to secure the next drake
The screenshot you posted is "mine" t. >>485923265
Isn't that absurd? You're like a spiritual fanboy
Oh. Rankedniggers. Opinions discarded.
see? ez
it was your finest work, big fan
Who? Asking people to read your mind is stupid.
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>Oh. Rankedniggers. Opinions discarded.
more like they used KC retardation and mind controlled them to stack vs brand
>Enemy Tahm rushes HeartSteel
>I stop playing to trade and just start last hitting and blocking his HS proc with Shen W
>He doesn't get a single stack until he gets ganked and dies almost 5 minutes later
Lmfao get benched
I steal every penta I get the chance. Do they have any repercussions against me?
Ok but what is this image supposed to tell me?
>2024 /lolg/
>only posters are trannies and cobsons
>threads take an entire day to hit bump limit
What went so wrong?
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>emperor of hats
i kneel
niggerposter scared everyone else off
blame the posters and the players not riot for actively killing the game
what the fuck kind of zoomer shit is a cobson
I don't know how or why but kayns are so boosted by their champ it's not even funny every kayn I've had on my team is useless and legit plays like he needs to be 3 divisions lower. why is this?
humble. I realize the higher the ego the worse the player. if someone is bad we can at least still win by directing them with pings if they are humble enough to listen
>weekend league
I don't want to play with the 10 year olds and stoners, sorry
zed rapes her so hard she can't even lane against them
I'm gonna try to play her some more on pbe later. I only got to try her once and with a shitty build
if we're told in advance when the next vgs will be I would make it to them
how did they do that!

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