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Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.craftegg.band
IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/バンドリ-ガールズバンドパーティ/id1195834442?mt=8
APK: https://apps.qoo-app.com/app/4847


Bandori Live Finder app

Infodump: https://pastebin.com/BaSPtAga
Song of the "Day": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayGkBjNKKXA

Previous Dream: >>482852397
Won't forget Bko (tentative)
She had to be in charge of picture taking
And cropping out Uiko for her collection
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1-B's steady 2cm increase will be a fire of its own
Like steps
They must have a very responsible teacher to have been so neatly organized by height
Banished to oblivion like ribbon Arisa and many other friends.
Do not fear Obliviko
HANAZONO inspired her to return to her band
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Mu wouldn't speak evil anyway
She might deliver an evil message instead.
Little Arisa will cry from that one
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I can believe they got more than 5 likes this time.
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I can't help but notice how tiny 3d Doloris is now.
Accepting tall cool Doloris is part of the worldview
Do that with Chu
PAREO's constant praise has served as the most powerful propaganda engine on Home Street
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Yes Pareo
Incredibly well balanced fuuny healing group
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It was national Kasuday
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I wonder if today is also POPYday
POPY Party
That's probably her creation day in the lab or something.
She was rescued from evil Dr. Chu's laboratory by LOCKman
LOCKman's e-tanks are infinite today
Parkour Kasumi idea
Timing the song release with Kasumiday would have been cool too but
Arisa would double cry
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ANON SHANGHAI was a big hit
Ann will have to set her sights on ANON GLOBE next.
There's a long way to go to match Hina
るん galaxy~
New kino of popipa drops
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We missed わんにゃん day
Add it to the long list for consideration
Evil cats weren't satisfied with just having the other 50 days
It should be seen as a day of peace
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Tie Kasumi is a wonderful thing
Dumb noisy Wanon
POPY generated it herself
If Wanon attended an English boarding school, she'd just be Wan
Umiko and Raana secretly constructed woofmeow day for a joint bothersome attack on Takiko.
Don't tell Marina that Kasumi's party is at RiNG
Arisa's birthday line was extra cute this year
Occupying Parking Lot Circle to set off some birthday fireworks~
Angry Yukina will make a rare appearance if anyone does that at a cat spot.
No loitering
Unless you're a cat
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Slow paced healing over time
Take a heal nap
Their combined powers slow the surrounding time to a halt
They need to hang out with Rimirin more often
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If only Saki weren't a high enough level to learn explosion.
Make her forget
Teaching the carrier pigeon fly and cut~
Same as Musual
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Takiko is bound to get plenty of weird cool art while following in her mentor Sayo's footsteps.
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Umiko is following her own mentor
Dumb protagonist skill
I can believe she was friends with Hinako
Guriguri being one of her 30 bands checks out.
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Reliable Akos
Labeling those is just responsible
It could have been anything
A scratching post even
Don't do that
Successor to the acorn stash
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Surprisingly the gap between Chisato and Eve is even larger than Saki and Nyamuko
Hopefully that doesn't get in the way of art with the big cat tossing her around.
That's why the mystery box is appealing
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Big cat and little Mu
I hope artists noticed the stage staff doing the VIP Monster dance during the Lucky Fes performance
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Ran's evil declaration that cats like her more.
Burn your medleys
I've mastered l*zy medleys
But remembering the dumb ads is still impossible
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If only the attack on Blue Ran resulted in such an unbelievably cool photo as well
I'm not even surprised when a new cool day appears on the cult calendar
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Bovilionis is Blue Ran?
Anon is talking to ghosts again
Ran and Risaface
I can't believe the last supernatural event was already 11 months ago
It's the perfect time of year for investigating a secluded horror village.
Visiting for the sake of music video location scouting could be a great excuse to see scared Saki.
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The evil mint twins already had a small argument over new student Tomori
Raana probably holds the immune to horror cat skill
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Reread the haunted Lisa mansion
Tomori is so dangerous at times that her ghost resistance will probably be slightly higher than Ako's was in that event
I forgot that one was a spooky event
Other than Sadako Rinrin
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Me on the right
She'll have to settle for a funny animal or Rider mask at the festival.
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There's probably a fierce debate going on someplace over who gets to go with Oblivionis.
Nyamuko in charge of goldfish catching
Their jewels are already color coordinated like a proper masked group
Green Mu is the strongest
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Sleep it
Hibernating through melty season is a genius idea
Something something HOT LIMIT
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Chu writing one of the top summer anthems of Home Street is pretty funny given she's such an indoors cat
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Little fairy
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Don't cry, Lisa!!!!!
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That reminds me, Misaki's message for Kasumi's birthday this year was great as well.
Genius Takiko is just adding more valuable days to the calendar
Scam idea:
Increased scam rates at LuckyFes'24
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Don't face your phone towards the stage or else
Ads should give a discount on scams since you're basically paying Kidani by watching them.
They secretly gave Tanaka toy handcuffs
She happily accepts Monica's first sponsorship without reading the details too clearly
Panel 2 - She's playing a child in a Takara-Tomy ad
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Beat up
Such a beautiful friendship
Mu is a physical comedy specialist
Team up with ninja Rimi to form OMμRice
It was LOCKday
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Rock's present this year is incredible, and Ako even remembered Kasumi's sister
Asuka will one day get as much screentime as Harumi.
She should start learning bass
I can't believe they remembered TRICK, BERRY, and PAT
BERRY sweet
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Nyamutube donations will belong to the cult treasury
Unreasonable oppression
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Please don't use the bonfire to fry poteto.
Clearly Sayo has been absent from events lately because she's focusing on her backlog
She fell into the scam game hole
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With Lisa's thing dealt with the next events will be about saving Sayo from scams
They could use a clown break
Haneoka's haunted clown
Too bad they never remembered to open the Chu lounge for beautiful birthdays
It could probably fit all four of LOCK's forgotten friends
I think the dumb mansion had a whole one scene before being sealed forever.
Dr. Chu's Fortress boss rush~
Ako needs to drag ROCK into the .exe faction.
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Crayji wolf
Crazy wolves are the natural evolution of mad dogs.
If those two swapped both Chu and Takiko's reactions would be the best.
Umiko's latent drummer energy at work again
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Handsome girls
Capify LOCK
I don't think I've seen that often
Or ever
Won't forget that time Rokka timelooped to defeat hecklers.
An evil keyboardist was behind all of it
I can believe Saki broke up CRYCHIC so they wouldn't be affected by her past evil deeds
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Ruining the good name of keys was most villainous behavior
the horror
Every time
Ran would say that's unfortunately usual or something like that.
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It's still Poppin' day somewhere
Revisit the rare Arisaful version of that one.
Brush attack
Mu's top priority as a little doll is to be brushed and wear nice clothes.
Getting all covered in dirt while sneaking off to the farm makes her a very bad doll.
A variety of doll lines is important too
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Spray for bugs again
I thought it was time for Spirit, but it's barely been 10 days since soil
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Recharge your ▽
Panel 2:
Umiko dumping water on Taki's head
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Dumb gyoza constellations.
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Hungry cats
S𐐬yo has the look of a real master
Tomori's lifelong cultivation~
Event ends in twenty four hours.
It was weird combination for possible mixed event TV day.
Give Uiko those reflective triangle things
I can't believe dumb MC Ano won
I always assumed moving pictures weren't eligible.
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Little dolls
Evil Kokoro as the former owner of Doloris
Clearly a weird callback to when people thought Charlotte was in a cult.
Hopefully there will be another era of wild yet fun speculation with the next major story development.
Can't even remember what band won the thing~
They were absorbed into the system
FullMooN remained ROCK
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S𐐬yo will think the gyoza star is amazing
The creation myth for those certainly involves Mocagami
PAREO levels of genius
They even resemble her dolls
I guess I can't complain about those not existing now with them putting out the funny big head dolls.
Rimi in charge of doll fight choreography
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Dumb cute Yukiclown
Ako should remember her normal sister one day too
But she only recently reunited with long lost Nyamuko.
Next week's TV must be about the Rui and Takiko event
My belief in the perpetually upcoming mixed MyGO event is unshakable
Rui should help out the garden
The chairwoman must be a big comedy fan.
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Event ends in five hours.
Tomorin just hasn't been the same since breaking up with Saki
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Pandas are clearly just a super promoted piece
Today Tomori will impress the cat by pointing out where Hinantius is located.
Don't miss your all-purpose Rinrin stamp
Event ends NOW!!
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Very relatable clone thoughts
Reshaping the heavens in the image of a cat is up next for Yukina
All the lights in the sky are cats
Those are just super tall Nyamuchi's glowing cat eyes
Saki art is cool today too
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Responsible (un)reliable leader
Marble statues of Obliviko will be on every corner
Implementing that explains everything about the delay of Circle customization.
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Responsible use of Sumimi funds
She may want to take Yukina's throne from the Black Shout days as a hand-me-down
Take Roselia's combined Pico form
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Space songs
Space songs are just a stone's throw away from sea songs.
That's why it's the sea of stars
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Properly scaled Chu doll
The secret sixth plush in Pareo's collection
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I should have followed anon's wise advice and tried to get that one voiced.
Remember to read Lily Lisa
Celebrate Summer
Wait a minute, it didn't even start today
Save my reminder for tomorrow
In the meantime please consider rereading the first lyrical Lisa event for obvious reasons, but also so you'll think about Kokoro's drawings while listening to her newest song.
Early announcements are made for trickery
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Fuuny Umibear
Still waiting for Rose-lisa~
Pretend the flower crown is made from roses
Pick 「ガラス越しのスペクタクル」 while you wait
Takiko needs to reclaim her middle school headphones for optimal lily sharing.
As the composer it wouldn't be too delusional for one to claim she does that with her lyricist, especially while on the train together.
She'll share with Ann through an amp instead
Responsibly send her a text message only containing the mp3
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Swap Swap
Don't let Saki see that
Ano possessed Tomori is basically CRYCHIC Saki.
I downloaded this game a week ago and now I am addicted
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Out of season Macarons aren't helping the DEAD HEAT.
Season reversal would work fine if they included some frostiness.
Falling for the monthly ticket grind against my better judgement~
There's some kind of event to be made out of Afterglow escaping the heat and Yukina wanting to visit the koalas again
Home of the drop pandas
Takiko is probably supposed to be the cool one but it's way too easy to imagine her doing silly stuff with Yukina
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Yukinya's baguettes won't lose
Add bread battles to the possible team live ideas.
Won't ever forget the destruction of raincoats
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Evil cat
just got back to bandori... can't help but think of Kumiko whenever Misaki speaks
There must be something in the water today. Possibly toothpaste.
That's a BioPanic
At least Rimi can't leave before saving Home Street from that
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Which band will cover Yasuke ya naikai(Isn't that Yasuke)? I think Pasupare(AyaxMayaxEve) would suit this song. Bushiroad won't mind covering anti woke song.
Rimi calling for a full evacuation of Home Street~
Eve playing Asscreed shadows with Maya. Eve would like Yasuke who has best bushido with big black nodachi.
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Wrong phones
But merchandising is important too
Bandori must release on steam.
Nap forever or let it explode instead
Takiko has to build up courage with each headphone type first.
I secretly forgot the story reminder, but I guess it counts since I remembered yesterday.
You'll still have time to post the cube reminder
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Go nuts
Mana's cute doughnuts will be the unsung heroes of a future development.
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Umiko was slightly too late to save raincoats
Raincoats put up an incredible fight given how heavily umbrellas feature in our main content
WANNESS umbrellas are a perfect rain shield
Won't forget Sayo's rain dance
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The event provided an unexpected yet very potent 咲2 recharge
Sakis are inseparable at this point
Honorary 咲3
Hopefully Sakiko tags along next time both student councils hang out
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Yes Pareo
Pareo clearly has access to plenty of natural Chu doll ingredients as a keyboard maid.
An abnormally realistic horror idea
I did still want Pareoween, but maybe something less horrorful
The perfect season for the escape room group reunion.
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Penguins melt in the summer
Mocas are known to do that too
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S𐐬yo should send over a nice juice basket as thanks for briefly covering for her.
I'm tired of this
Umiko will receive a complimentary package of top Taki stalking material.
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A photo everyone knew would inspire this sort of art.
I was going to say how Umi-like her photo op was, but that does a much better job.
Panel 2:
Borrowing the costume for all those comics where she wears one
Proper panda suit world building
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Saki is weird today again
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Cute exclusive promotions are evil
Chinese Raanya looks even taller than Umiko
Secretly confirming her growth spurt next year
Takiko will shrink instead
Do a Pico episode where select characters get reduced to Fusuke height
But then you'd have to have a sad ending where Chu has to return to normal Chu size.
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End it on a sweet note with her saying something about only fitting in PAREO's arms at her regular size.
Speaking of sad, they'd better keep inviting Misono to play now that they made up
Harumi has managed not disappearing well
No matter what happens I'll miss her evil schemes a great deal
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Guard wans are everywhere these days
Keeping evil cat activity in check
Who is watching the watchdog?
Or something like that
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Umiko's all-seeing eyes might be my 2nd favorite behind Sayo's
Sayo eyes were tainted by kdhrbrain
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It's impossible to believe the cat would occupy so little of the bed.
Kicking Takiko in the face would be very believable.
I just noticed they don't even have the 星4 dupe ticket this time
Hopefully after realizing it was dumb
The cube is really more valuable, thus it's more evil to include it.
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It took me too long to notice the swap swap earlier.
Eyedori DLC: Expressiondori
Get in hotdog formation
Alternate universe where the cult gets fuuny Fantasista art
Mu's funny masquerade curry dance
Marchen Saki
Saki as the master whose film wasn't understood has high comedy potential
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Little Mu
I hope that's not the last we've seen of the cute PV dolls
Give the FIRE BIRD more attention
Evil Mu trying to get closer to Masshi merely to do terrible things to her dolls
Dumb FIRE chicken
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Same as usual Aiai
Yukinya rarely gets to show off her artistic talent.
Chisato drawing cats
Yukinya drawing dogs
Tell Harumi and Nao that kind of rivalry is good for album sales
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I know anon has been waiting for a Sayo cap charge
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Well behaved Mucat
She's one of those ghostly cats that randomly appears as a tripping obstacle.
Evil cats do that on purpose
Risa should be forced to speak in dumb rhymes when wearing a hat
Leave the fresh rhymes to Chu
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Putting fresh thyme in Chu's salad~
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A fast way to get locked out of the penthouse
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Umiko seems to be a carrier of the lucky trip skill
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Umiko doesn't give the impression of somebody who makes mistakes or has lucky accidents
It's relieving to know they'll never run out of cool Latin words for Mujical shows.
Cooler idea:
Combining Latin and German for their December live with Roselia
Scam idea: Slap a Tomori PNG on a Japanese dictionary cover and sell it for triple the usual price
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Chu is always more pointy than you'd expect
Pointy Chu with Lilychu's voice
Be nice to your funny clown dogs
Pink dogs all do that.
Don't forget your day late Panorama reminder.
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I can't believe they didn't pattern her clothes with cucumber flowers.
That would be far too bullyable
She should wear that as Mortis
The fear of death will stop any bullying
Take a Munap
Is that a pokemon name
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There are a lot of contenders lately, but Misakibear might be unrivaled when it comes to caps.
Clearly hats should have subbed in for raincoats
Caps and umbrellas will be useless once Sayo uses her rain dance again
Popipa's big wave~
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Pick the ▽ wave
The new scampass outfits seems much more reasonable than the funny melon dress.
Reuse the orange melon as a very weird pumpkin
Saki as the master that gets bullied by her dolls
It was Takiko and Ruiko TV day
A mixed event would be lovely but I believe the next MyGO and Monica lives are coming up
I could easily believe Rui has plenty of information about the legendary Maki in her database.
Rui's facial recognition will immediately identify them as sisters.
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They forgot to have a summer festival instead
Maya is going to terrorize the battlefield with her new alchemy enhanced tank.
Seeing Maya happily working on her hobbies is already terrorizing my heart.
Cheerful Mashiro, a long awaited guitarist recharge, and Touko menacingly holding something crazy is good too.
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Dumb Rui fishing
A happy little cherry fairy will attack her instead
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Ano speeds
Saaya's camera obscura is capturing spirits again.
S𐐬yo has been in charge of camera'ing lately
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Start inviting Umiko to the weekly radio
Umiko at KING's school would be wonderful as well
The sea of Mothforest
I understand the appeal of sea wear a lot more after noticing Takiko's slightly embarrassed expression and imagining what Umiko may say about it
Invite Nyamuko to the radio
But then just make it a normal show
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That's just Nyamutube
Yukinya mistakenly subscribes and downvotes every video for not having cats.
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She'd never get past Risa's parental filter
The password is just Yukina anyway.
Irresponsibly slacking on guard duty
Securing the naproom~
I almost complained about not adding a new song to celebrate the 6th live, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.
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Complain first so they can preemptively fix it.
I hope they'll do another one with Raanya on vocals.
Become a 人形
Easily audible Saki
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Pareo could have a future in home security maid work
Pursue the battle maid job tree.
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Rare Mumato
Cucumbers must cede the spotlight to tomatoes and eggplants going forward.
Veggie representation has come a long way
The cucumbers can’t help their feelings, if they like the way they’re made
I wonder why the eggplants can’t be happy in their shade?
Mu's cute secret poetry notebook
Weak little prey joining forces to defeat a big predator cat.
Petition for official Sakisquid goods
Won't forget るんcat goods
Hina would want them to freely spread throughout the universe not bound by any merchandising contracts.
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hina love
Dumb Chu channeling her natural Chu-like form.
Little mice won't be safe next snake year
Snakes right after dragons seems redundant
They should change that
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I always expect Ann's day of concert message to end with an えいえいおー!
Takiko would aggro
Remember to get your official protein bars signed at the Kidani booth for extra power.
Premieres in one hour
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I like that there's a clear consensus on using Anotails
Pinks are obligated to become twin tails.
Evil Mr. Bear
S𐐬yo's taste in stamps seems a little nostalgic.
>tfw 0 MyGO five star
Should I bite....

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