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Previous: >>485870369

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


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>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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First for Phrolova!
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my JLB
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>1.3 is black shores
>1.2 is...
when are we busting scar out of prison? Doesn't 1.2 not have any story quests?
Post your favourite wuwa.
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Jue predicted this
So... will we ever get good events again?
Even a parkour event like in 1.0 would be better than increased drop rates.
Jinhsi's pee...
All good games have a little sister incest cliche.
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This is the true leaks for 1.2
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The revenue situation for wuthering waves looks worrying. This brings immediate concerns on if investing time and money into the game is worthwhile, due to the fact that poor revenue means poor support and an early end of service. In contrast, Mihoyo games are extremely successful, and have been praised for their excellence in character design, mechanical finesse, and strong support and attentive responses to the community from the developers. ZZZ is just the latest game from Mihoyo to have "hit it out the park", and in light of the revenue situation for Wuthering Waves, I'm going to concentrate my playtime and spending on ZZZ. It simply is the most rational decision.
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Wuwuwawa wuwon~!
name 5 good games like that
>Changli's breasts shrink slightly every time she dies
If only it were her whole body. If she dies too much she becomes a loli.
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Jinhsi will be sad if you pull for Changli instead of her
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Why are /gig/trannies trying to install this narrative that Wuwa is "abandoning waifufags" and "pandering to women" now when we're getting 4 female banners in a row + leaked female characters coming right after? Stop projecting your homolust onto Kuro, this is a waifuchad game just like PGR.
Honestly they need to sexcreep verina and encore. Jinhsi was good but not quite.
Skip or brick
We don't have 5 good games.
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Pulling both. simple as.
sorry zhezhi you're skipped
Yao is first on 1.2 anon.
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Best sub-dps/teammate for havoc rover based on your experience anons?
>San Hua
Skip, I would pull if she was a healer with interesting mechanics.
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>All this talk about Rover's seed in the main story
>In PGR (You) have a daughter with a villainess
Bros, is Phrolova gonna steal Rover's seed?
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I'm going to pull both because i'm a manslut
how do I blend in with the /pgr/bros
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>get staggered when casting yinlin's forte circuit
>nothing happens but all resonance drains
nice game nerds
Okay she sets up teleport beacon, for what purpose? It doesn't do any damage?
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She's a hybrid character no? Like those the most like Jianxin and I love the painter aesthetic so I'm gooooooonna briiick
in their pgr general? Just ask questions and if they are not playing at the moment then they will answer.
Cameramen with sunk cost mentality think everything is like Genshin, they have been conditioned to be cucked and get very upset when it doesn't happen.
Best ignore them
Tear of thermis
I used yinlin-havoc until today
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1.Imouto Paradise 1
2. Imouto Paradise 2
3. Imouto Paradise 3
5. Hoshizora no Memoria
Yeah, and just like PGR we won't have a choice but to accept it despite how awful the circumstances are. Might be kino.
I'm rolling for Jinhsi until I max her merges because she's a cute.
Is Wuwa still popular? I am nervous because no one posts revenue charts anymore
Looks like she will work well with Changli too, they will buff each other and Zhezhi has Concerto Efficiency in her tags. Combined with the (changli buffed) off field DPS from her ult she looks really nice
>attack right as you're getting hit instead of dodging
>wow wtf nice game!!
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Stop entertaining bait and obvious falseflags
we don't get revenue charts till the first of the month thoughever
I also use Havoc/Yinlin/Verina currently but in ToA Jinhsi really wants both Yinlin and Verina so I'm trying to build a separate team for H.Rover
I don't disagree but we are going to be forced to let Yao homolust us in his story. Other than that you are right.
vns aren't games, silly
This should be swap cancellable, would be a massive brick otherwise
Easy skip
Is this not amazing numbers? It's literally more than my other niche gacha games. Why the doomposting bros
Danjin by far
>not a hag
easy skip
/zzz/ is laughing at us again bros...
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>Battle Cats
how the fuck is this game even getting this much revenue
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it died on its best country japan after zzz came out, jinshi barely pull revenue lmao but is not going to die is gonna be top 10 anyway, you keep playing what you enjoy, i just find funny how people mock genshin for the glasses girl and 2 weeks later we get one here
There are new instanced areas, isn't one of them the prison?
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>patch 2.3
>walking through the streets of Jinzhou with Yangyang
>small girl with teal hair and golden eyes bumps into (you)
>she is a bit scared but then she looks up and her face brightens up
>scream so loud Jinhsi hears it from the magistrate palace
>cut back to Phrolova smiling on top of a building
Ever heard of falseflagging?
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Zhezhi is a Jihnsi sub-dps:

what she does for Jinhsi is:

20% deepen skill buff from outro

Coordinate atk for 7-21 seconds

15 Energy from passive talent, proc by outro

You WILL be rolling, right?
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>it died on its best country japan after zzz came out, jinshi barely pull revenue lmao but is not going to die is gonna be top 10 anyway, you keep playing what you enjoy, i just find funny how people mock genshin for the glasses girl and 2 weeks later we get one here
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>this will save WuWa
Yeah ok. Nobody is rolling on special needs girl with tiny heads. What's with kuro's obsession with realistic proportions? It's an anime game.
Yeah the incest bait is strong in this one but the game is shit.
This one is weird because the mc only met his/her siblings once (for now) and got his/her memory wiped after the meeting so it's just pure bullshit also the game is shit.
Didn't play.
Who? (don't tell me you're talking about Sunday and Robin)
>Tear of thermis
Didn't play I'm not a woman so I can't speak on it.
Very mid. Not 5* worth.
two of mankind favorites pastimes
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Post brutal moggings
The brush is neat, but everyone else is meh.
more like lingyangs slut
No, towerless like myself don't need to roll for supports. I can skip every support/sub-dps banner thankfully.
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You know what's better than cats "battling" each other?
Changli Zhezhi Verina sounds comfy
yes we, im not a one game cultist, i play mmos on pc to not only gacha lmao so the trivalist fights are hilarious like you have no idea, mocking a plain character like emilie and getting one ourselves was fucking hilarious, i think wuwas emilie is even worse at least she has the arquetype gimmick with her to carry her sales, no one lese does what she does, 1.2 is gonna be a hard skip for me
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I'm saving for the entirety of 1.2 at this point...1.3 better have something rollable
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>implying i rolled the ayaka bootleg in the first place
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If this dude isn't free, I might pull for him. Cyborg robotic arm is just too cool
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>inb4 Mona is hot
fascinating thesis.

post holograms
holy esl
cat girls?
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I swear I've seen those tits from somewhere.
Also ignore the unrelated text on the image
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>zzzoopag is on cooldown right now
>cast from back when genshin was decent
Now post wormeru or wormtaine.
>realistic proportions
no girl looks like this irl, kuro is the opposite of genshin with tiny heads vs body proportions, pgr models looks way worse the more you look at them, sometimes arms and legs look out of place
ZZZ is 2 months newer and has models of aps2 game? What happened
find a better pic to represent the left
>and just like PGR we won't have a choice but to accept it despite how awful the circumstances are.
The build up to meeting your daughter in the PV is absolute kino, I can't wait to see this in global.
Why is She smiling at me like that?
Based changlibro
Someone post cat Changli
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No but I will get cubeman his weapon.
I played both games, and like holy fuck! I remember all of the ones on the right more than ones on left.
left has so much sovl
right looks like aislop
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I want a Karyl in game so bad
i mean can you deny what i said with numbers? the pic i post was from today, jinshi is still doing less money than yinlin and dark gura from zzz already mogged her with 4 times the revenue, is rover, again japan is wuwas best country so no excuse here saying is chink numbers etc.
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Yeah i’m rollan’
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chudcharo bros where is our damage? out dps'd by yangyang??
Only if i get Changli in 50/50 hopefully in a 10 roll also
if only encore is a cat, she's already dumb so she only needs the ear
>Genshin out for 4 years
>Wuwa for 2 months
I wonder why anon.
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>i mean can you deny what i said with numbers? the pic i post was from today, jinshi is still doing less money than yinlin and dark gura from zzz already mogged her with 4 times the revenue, is rover, again japan is wuwas best country so no excuse here saying is chink numbers etc.
We need more ammunition because we can't keep using Changi forever bwos...
Should I roll for jinshi dupe if I want changing also? 35 gold pulls + 15k asterite rn
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Why her eyes so big
Jiyan's girl is looking fire
no especially since her dupes are trash until s3
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Why are you doing this? Wuwa was released in 2024, while ZZZ was released in 2016. You do know that there's an 8-year gap between their models and game engines, right?
>open /wuwa/
>nobody talking about wuwa as usual
one copy is enough
>bricked myself with calcharo and the BP broadsword so I skipped jinhsi because if i got her signature it would be a waste of the BP sword

>bricked myself by leveling chixia to 80 so im also skipping changli because they do the same thing
>because i skipped jinhsi im also forced into skipping the glasses girl
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Objectively speaking, every gacha except WuWa is shit.
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I don't care about your ZZZ
changli and chixia are used in the same team retardgod
you dont need jinhsi to clear toa anon
>we, us, our
>abhorrent post
>Want Changli
>Jinshi is also fun as fuck and I want her too
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You know why it's called ZZZ?
Because playing it makes you go zzzzz..... zzzzz..... zzzzz......
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yapyap is clearly doing less there though
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>booba monster
Unironically Taoqi(Wuwa) and Ayla(PGR)
I feel bad for Miyabi, but her and the TV epitomize everything I hate about Mihoyo. They won't make drastic changes to their model/structure simply because of sunk-cost. You get mediocrity as a result.
Comfy Yanger
Is there a way to farm 1-cost ATK main echoes that doesn't involve running around the world map for hours on end? Tried tacet fields and that shit barely drops 1 costs. Any devs listening?
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she's staring into your soul
Use 3 inferno raider
Does she need ER as a sub-dps or will the usual c.rate/dmg, atk and havoc dmg suffice?
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When are we getting 5* DEF scaler?

I played Noelle in Genshin.
I play Taoqi in Wuwa.
All I want to do
Is build DEF and unga bunga
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Pink cows love
run around sea of fire for like 10 minutes anon, there are like 40 cost 1 over there
i don't bother with them anymore, i just get them from merging
Why is Rovers dick so small?
Is the biggest action combat gacha atm
Mihoyo games are GREATLY boosted by china i wouldn't take that chart seriously if you wanna know what people in the west, KR and japan are up to
You build her for 100% damage, she doesn't need any ER
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Alright sounds good
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Looks creative and fun
What are people are complaining about?
my sides
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Fast swimming mechanics let's you observe jinshi as rather well and after conducting a detailed study I have concluded that shes not all super thin. She is, in fact, kinda thicc.
Well fuck, didn't know ZZZ had hammerhead sharks as well
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She has a handful of tits
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Lv 80 fully levelled characters, cannot even beat a Lv 70 boss...
It is Ok, I will never make it to the 3rd abyss tower.
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Okay guys, you had enough fun in WuWa. Now come back already.
bro just dodge
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>5* DEF scaler
>verina/encore type of body
>axe user
Can we have a broadblade that looks like an axe as their unique weapon?
it's alright bro i'm shit too, im just here for the girls
post your hologram clear zzzurfagot
I tried to learn their pattern but I am an idiot. Furina keeps on dying and then it is over
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It’s been a while since i’ve had strawberry milk
jade like beauty
Yeap. It do be a shame but people will eat the turd anyways not like it matters what people complains about
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I love her animations, Kuro made her elegant in everything she does.
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Defense scalers are a trap.
>esl still going
lol fuck off to your zoo
Is the late game all about perfect dodges for every move? I cannot do this.
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thanks a lot anon
Yeah that's pretty much it.
It's just hoyofags seething anon.
Don't take it seriously.
>back to the zoo
this will never not be funny to me kek
sorry bro but combat execution demands a little bit of perfection. It's not really a mobile game, it just "runs" on phones
Yeah i can remember characters from 4 years as opposed to 2 months. Which is speaks a lot about the state of things.
which tower is this ?
Ehhhh 21/30 is good enough for me
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kek I remember this.
>wonder what happened to this guy
>look up channel
>quit genshin and only makes wuwa content now

YOINK my streamer now
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I thought that one anon was memeing but they really do have to buy a knot membership at some point, how are you not embarrassed?
>hurr durr ESL genshit retardation

She also wants Dreamless as echo, regardless of whether you have havoc Rover or not. Crownless is just too slow.

No, in some cases dodging is even a DPS loss if you can parry instead.
Or if you have i-frame moves you can also avoid damage while dealing damage.
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bwo you are cooking... now I want it... gimme my presea...
I recommend ZZZ, it's a good game, and it allows players of all levels to enjoy it.
I love Wuwas in casual modern clothes
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Even worse, it is this
It is Ok, I will come back with Lv 90 characters. One day I will pass it
Should've showed up within 40 pulls then, bitch.
How do I dodge his laser homing shots?
No you also have to parry
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What about this?
holos are harder than the tower. Aix is still giving me trouble at holo 5 after 1.5 months.
How do more skilled players enjoy it? I'm shit at wuwa but it's fun bashing my brain in until it works (or doesn't). ZZZ is only for low skills no?? Good players have got to be bored of the mashfest and QTE spam?
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I wish Cowqi wasn't trash since I'm a massive Narufag
I was led to believe they were summons. If that's all they do, then it's a hard skip.
Not really but you gotta mix it with parry cus we on the clock during these fights and doges are not always the best option if you wanna giga pump
That guy is not too hard but the camera tracking for the fight is terrible. If you have jinhsi she is an absolute cheatcode for that fight tho
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I can't do any of the tower/holos but I won't quit unless they make the Main story impossible for shitters like myself.
Is this why they're so angry at us? lol
Thanks anon. That is comforting to hear.
Isn't he resistant to spectro?
Aix is also a massive filter in tower hilariously enough, most people in this thread have been skipping it to bruteforce mid tower with Jinhsi instead. The grab and homing lasers can still instagib you even at level 80.
Well, the grab is a massive DPS loss even if your char doesn't die from it.
There's no fucking way
Yeah but she can kind of just overpower his resistance, not to mention she can grappling hook float above him
It's 1 guy posting it...
And i think he's just copy/pasting reddit or twitter comments.
yeah but jinhsi is a walking nuke
Wuwa requires a significant level of skill, while this is a positive thing for gameplay, it leaves many people unable to complete standard content. ZZZ allows everyone, from sweats to more casual players to enjoy things equally.
We shitter gonna stick together!
>from sweats to more casual players to enjoy things equally.
Nah that's what I'm wondering. How do sweats find ZZZ fun? I guess they make their fun in like 10 second runs or handicap clears?
bros.. explain it, i wanna laugh too
it reminds me alot of Project Zomboid. The combat is easy to understand, it just demands perfection (at higher level holograms).
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Welp. I need more frames to avoid being damaged or grabbed
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they probably could sometime in the future but I doubt they'll give her a pink hair when encore exists in that same body
I am guessing that will be the meta like 0 cycle MoC clears kind of shit right, just do it asap and that will be the sweat content
it's called self-humiliation ritual
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>It's a fact that zzz has more in depth combat than wuthering flops
Good grief kek
Damn. The problem is the later tower need 5 energy, which is almost impossible unless you run a cope team for floor 3
Does Havoc MC keep up with limited DPS like Jinhsi or is it gonna be a waste of resources?
Sweats definitely do not think ZZZ is fun. It doesn't even have the "benefit" of other Hoyo games - teambuilding and autismmaxing. The game is severely limited. It has a small roster, most characters have buffs based on element/faction only, and the best DPS is in a league of her own. There's basically no wiggle room to play around, whereas Genshin does have a lot of dumb shit you can do with reaction teams even if it's suboptimal (burgeon teams, taser teams before hyperbloom, using Bennett or Xianyun to turn anyone into a DPS etc) and HSR is turn-based and has 0-cycle as a way to sweat.
ZZZ has nothing.
Doing the endgame underleveled/undergeared pretty much. Which is like trying to do Tower of Adversity week 1.
Yeah i ran calchudo and yangyang for floor 3 so i could use Jiyan on aix, still only got one dorito.
yeah probably won't be an exact copy but I need my axe lolis
I wish I didn't learn this...
The hoartoises! They're vibin'!!!
Havoc MC is very good but jinhsi is in another level. you can easily get 3 star clears on either tho
I'm nore than happy if you would like to give us your more casual players, anon. You don't want to play a game with people that are bad at it right? ZZZ is available for all players.
Nobody can do what Jinhsi does, but Havoc Rover is a beast. Give him an ER battery like yangyang and an outro buffer like danjin and hes even better
I Used Food buffs, def buff food and turtle.
Uhhh pardon my retardedness but what does the "Naru" stands for? is it narmaya?
But what if they instead just played a game that gave them more combat options haha...
>hit by one attack
>skill level: nnovice
Cheeky cunts
Not allowed to play anything that's not made by their favorite multi billion dollar corporation
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Yeah, a lot of people just give up on clearing Aix since you can get 27/30 by getting 1-2 stars on it and trying to clear the mid tower instead, whereas if you blow all your supports on Aix you are fucked for mid tower.
I managed to get 27/30 by clearing with Calchud but it made it more or less impossibel for me to personally 6* mid tower with Jinhsi since I need Verina and Yinlin to have enough DPS with him, then I have to cope with Mortefi and level 1 Yuawnu for Jinhsi.
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Thank you anons, Jinshi did it, but she was almost dead, the other 2 are dead.
>rolling for meta
no way fag, I'll get her because I like her
I'm assuming they already beat the endgame here. The combat in ZZZ is still fun on a brainrot level.
man fuck you. now I want to build Taoqi after seeing nee-chan's similarity with her
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>the other 2 are dead.
So encore brute force for floor 3 is Ok?
I do have HMC but my finding is that she is really weak. Sometimes can't even clear floor 1.
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Based nerd fucker
>Sweats definitely do not think ZZZ is fun
That's fine, I was just letting that anon know that since Wuwa is only for the hardcore playerbase that there is another game available for Him.
Oh right food buffs exists.
>if you have 10k dollar pc you can use havoc rover liberation to kill some of the trash mobs and deal damage to mourning aix
rumao pay to win trash
Yeah, I can actually probably clear Aix with Encore too but my Encore is still level 70 since I've been using all my waveplates to prefarm for Changli and I kind of abandoned her, but I plan on running her with Changli eventualyl anyway.
Encore is pretty good, somebody posted a video of her solo clearing Mephis in the last thread.
I have been sleeping on anko then. Time to build her! Guess that means I am getting Changli too.
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Any cute Femanons want to be my cosplaying Anko GF?
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It was even better in the CBT
>Skill: Issue
I'm glad that we are the skill gacha, hopefully all the bads leave so Kuro doesn't make the game easier. The game being more popular in Korea is a positive sign.
I play both and desu that game is more for the characters themselves than the gameplay and i'm very sure that's why is getting attention at all.
Lets be real we can only hit the dmg sponge who barely is a threat to you for so long till it becomes really boring. in zzz im on the loging for 2 mins do daily and logoff stage already and it only took me 3 days to get there

BTW do i really, really need verina to clear this shit on 3 star ?
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Based on powercreep gacha law one:
If Jiyan, Jinhsi, and Xiangli are on the same tier (s tier) as DPS,
Then there will be a character above them soon (SS tier) as DPS.
Thus you must save for that character.
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I just completed Danjin's last reso chain. Is there now a significant change in her core gameplay? Or will she now do a fuckton of damage?
As long as you leave story content and some events clearable for shitters like me. There's bound to be some high difficulty event or raid-boss-like content at some point but outside of those events pls be ez.
She isn't trash, people are just trying to play her like every other support which doesn't work.
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Sex with the magistrate
>Still no Taoqi
Is it over for me?
same playstyle, you just want keep her low hp but you do it anyway to unleash 120 forte
She now does acceptable damage. Don't expect big numbers unless you've also heavily invested in her.

She works as a DPS because her damage has no downtime. Not because she has amazing multipliers.

I unironically rerolled until I got Taoqi, took 15 accounts.
Yeah, If I have to watch the story on youtube that will be the point where I drop the game.
best i can do is 2:47 left on aix
maybe after i upgrade havoc rover next week with more boss materials but not sure if i can 30 star the abyss after
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Give it to me straight. Is HMC actually Ok?
I'm pretty sure they will do the same as PGR, make the hard content optional and give you infinite hp in the story boss fights. That way people that have skill issue can still enjoy the game.
nahh this guy's just too good wtffff
Changli banner is coming bro
this time you'll get her for sure
>same low hp gameplay
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So who is with Camillya? HMC? Danjin?
the thing that boters me the most is that even after you perform a perfect dodge the counter attack deals shit damage and even ends up being a dps loss
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Well if you are worried check out ZZZ, it doesn't have a judgmental playerbase, everyone is welcome to enjoy the story and gameplay equally.
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>I can't...le cook!
Haha so funny xDDD East Asian humor is so original and fresh!
Just burst and echo then switch out? Or use her CA dps phase?
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There's no need to be upset
If they lock even a single roll behind difficult content I will uninstall
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Depends, if she's a DPS (which is most likely) then Danjin
They already did. Uninstall now.
if they cared about combat options they would play a real action game like ninja gaiden, not a fucking mobile game
Use the entire kit
Resonance skill -> Attacks during the skill's phase -> Resonance Liberation ->Echo -> Swap out
Time to uninstall bro
bye shitter
But isn't her attack phase single target?
This but unironically. That's why I quit. I wanna roll for waifus, I don't want fucking hard content locking away gems from me. Gameplay in gachas is the most overrated aspect.
Casuals btfo
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Just get gud niggas it's not that hard
Check out ZZZ if you have the time, Kurogames are very famous for making gacha you need to be a nolife Korean to be able to play.
gambling addict just go to a casino if all you want is rolls.
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>Kurogames are very famous for making gacha you need to be a nolife Korean to be able to play.
lmao what
I suck fucking shit at action games and I'm still playing wuwa
Do you retards think this entire game is hologram 6?
stop shilling for free, already ran out of content?
If you use heavy attack and start umbra phase some attack can hit multiple enemies, then you conclude with the big scythe attack that hits multiple before going on with the kit. It's not like Jinhsi that nukes everything around but it's serviceable
>Check out ZZZ if you have the time, Kurogames are very famous for making gacha you need to be a nolife Korean to be able to play.
I guess we will have to wait for a havoc favored abyss for her to shine
This. I just ignore the holograms. I'll go back and curbstomp them once I have fully built teams. You barely miss out on anything anyway; the rewards aren't that great. I don't mind a game having challenging content for people that like challenges, because I can just ignore it and enjoy the parts of the game that I do enjoy.
>the meta is
>char lvl > weapon lvl > skill lvl > echo lvl
>my retarded ass for some reason went skill lvl instead of prioritizing weapon lvl for jinhsi
Unironically bricked. go on without me bros.....
>zzz releases
>content is shorter than entirety of wuwa's 1.1 patch
No I did that too..
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entitled fomo f2p players are the worst cucks. they want to put in 0 effort and still get the same rewards as anyone else playing more seriously. they refuse to miss out on 1/3rd of a pull because they 'deserve it'. worst brand of player.
you're joking.. right?
Do you guys use/eat foods to buff yourselves before a hologram fight or just go fight it without any buffs?
Wuwa is for hardcore players, letting people know that there are other options removes them from your game and stops them from ruining your gaming experience.
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he's beyond joking, he's straight up lying.
ZZZ has main story quests for nearly every major faction in the game at release, as well as a bunch of character story quests and a bunch of other shit, only showerlets have completed everything
I'm playing zzz already, that's what I uninstalled wuwa for.
Why are you playing a gacha game you retard? Go play a real game you fucking faggot. Get the fuck out of here.
Of course I use them. What am I gonna use them for otherwise?
Yeah, if I'm right under the requirement to clear it on time, otherwise I skip.
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Bros I'm rank 50 and used up all my energy refills
Ah no fucking wonder I'm getting timed out all the time
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Maybe I shouldn't build Danjin after all...
for the mix of gacha elements + gameplay? that's literally what a gacha is you imbecile monkey?
>wahh I only want to roll roll roll girls stop making the game hard
you clearly don't want gameplay
>I'm playing zzz already, that's what I uninstalled wuwa for.
oh it's just a retard bye
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Just have sex with her daily
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>it's a wuwaggers finding out why PGR flopped episode
edging to still animations of (furry)characters during the tutorial for 6 hours does not count as content knotslopper
>furfaggots coming out of their zoo
wtf they doing here? already on login impact?
>it's a zzz yiffer clearing all launch content because there is barely any
>now he has to shitpost to pass the time
At least PGR has a kiss and confession scene where 95% of gacha doesn't.
What the fuck are you talking about?
>Wuwa is for hardcore players
In that case Kuro needs to change their marketing, I started playing for the characters and story. They should have made it more clear. I won't bother you guys anymore.
Xe probably a cuck faggot and wouldn't appreciate it anyway
PGR flopped because it's a worse HI3rd with males, what does any of this have to do with you being bad at video games?
This game is piss easy and has no skill requirement whatsoever yet you're still complaining, consider suicide
>play jinhsi in illusive realm
>suddenly no longer want to roll for her due to the eye aids caused by her electro attacks
Will changli be better for me?
Also yinlin was fun af in illusive realm, too bad I only started playing this game recently
Nigger the "main story" for the factions are 1 hour long total at most, you just get Lv gated out of them so you dont rush it too quick
I like skipped patches. It's nice that there is no one I want in the foreseeable future.
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>Filtered by gameplay
Do gachafags really?
Not really, he have a daughter with the villainess so he's automatically a chad.
lmao even
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That didn't happen in the canon timeline. sorry.
I never said they were longer than one hour
but saying it's less content than wuwa 1.1 is a straight up lie.
We're stupid, we're not all playing wuwa exclusively and ignoring all other gacha
Yes you're stupid
>Not really
I'm not talking about MC retard
this is one long ass melty
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I can't login.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Fuck off Vonnegut, nobody likes you.
Also stop cosplaying as a Death Stranding character.
That feels so girls' last march
I'd dump my mortgage into a cat dancing game. Kuro, get on it.
Wait, PGR is that hard?
uhm im pretty sure ZZZ is much smaller content wise tho. it took me 4 days to beat all except 1 stage of shiyu defense
Now i login do the daily that takes 5 mins tops and log off it is a small game so not sure what you are talking about
What did you do to get banned?
you get to play her in the story for a bit, so find out soon i guess
Take your meds then faggot.
50 GB download btw, for less content than wuwa's 1.1
It's dead, Jim
Yeah, and the game shames you by putting your score next to your guild mates to force you to pull for the meta characters hilariously. It's great if you are a hardcore actionfag though, that's undeniable.
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>we have the product for you
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So Changli is a main DPS and not a sub dps like all the retards are saying right?
even the snowchad update mogs zzz lmao
Sure but the game is playable by everyone, no matter why you play gacha you can enjoy what it has to offer. Eventually the story in Wuwa will gatekeep players unless they are very skilled.
She is a support, her rotation is too long
She's a mediocre main DPS like Calcharo
She works better as a subdps to buff your actual DPS (which doesn't really exist yet)
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im thinking Zhezhi will turn her into a main DPS and meta trannies will seethe
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> for less content than wuwa's 1.1
wuwa 1.1 added one main story quest, a handful of sidequests, one explorable area, and more roguelike with 5 more stages and a hologram
release ZZZ has 60 gorillion main stories and 20 stages in the simulated universe equivalent and a billion sidequests
This is to be expected, since it's game release vs .1 patch
I get that we hate all other gachas here but why tell straight up lies?
HOLY... what game is this???
Her role is to buff Fusion damage, so she is a support for Encore.
Why do you need someone to tell you how to play the game?
I guess I will be skipping jinhsi and waiting for changli banner to test her out
I dont think I will get to meeting changli in the story for quite a bit and there is only around a week left of jinhsi
Why would you think so?

She does not benefit from liberation damage boost. Currently only Chixia fully benefits. But it's Chixia, so don't expect much.
anko still better than chixia
Editing log.ini
I am Indian
They'd have Jinhsi + Zhezhi tho, so they wouldn't have lost anything
Everyone's hyperfocusing on that one outro buff to say SHE'S A SUPPORT which is the opposite of all her kit. If you're trying to support with her she'll be worse than the fucking 4*s.
Next you'll say Danjin is a support
Yes? You're comparing 4* and 5*. Of course Encore is better.
Does she have a particularly good synergy with Changli? No not really.
this zzz furry is seething so hard over the truth lmao. 50gb of 0 content for patch 1.0. sad
They will simply outro buff eachother. Changli will make Zhezhi's off field summons stronger, Zhezhi will buff Changli's skill damage. With proper switching it sounds pretty fun
yea I'm thinking Changli is a brick
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Concession accepted, I guess. That was quick.
She is a DPS for my cock (Deep Pleasure Sucking)
>Changli will make Zhezhi's off field summons stronger
That's where you're wrong because once you switch Zhezhi out the buff is gone.
>Zhezhi will buff Changli's skill damage
Sure, but there's Taoqi, too.
She has two massive bricks I will look at whole her student nukes the tower
back in your cage zzzoo animal
don't you have better things to do than falseflag
It has alot of content, and unlike Wuwa it can be enjoyed by all types of people. You will never be gate keeped by the story in ZZZ.
i agree with you, 1.1 was nice, but it's unfair to compare it to a full release obviously
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Zhezhi's tags lists her as Concerto Efficient, and you sure zhezhi will lose the buffed damage once her liberation is cast? I still think the off field DPS with skill damage is enough to keep her in a changli team.
> 60 gorillion main stories
It is very short could be 1000 million quests and it wouldn't change the fact that it only looks long cus you get time gated over and over.
>20 stages in the simulated universe
How does it matter it is the same game mode just on different difficulties so basically recycle the maps 16 times.
>billion sidequests
most of them are talk to NPC A and then go talk to NPC B and then the quest is done lets be real.

Why is anon being so disingenuous do you niggers think people really didn't play ZZZ we know is a kusoge only there for the coom bait and nothing else
I like Chixia.
That is all.
Rope all zootroons
>The incoming Resonator has their Fusion DMG Amplified by 20% and Resonance Liberation DMG Amplified by 25% for 10s or until the Resonator is switched out.
Don't they just have to release a fusion Danjin with 23% fusion amplify and Changli is completely useless for Anko?
Sounds retarded to build Changli for Anko when she could get supportcrept by a 4*
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Hell yeah brother, I'm falseflagging so hard, I'm even playing wuwa. I'm that good.
Don't you have some animals to molest, sho sho get away from here furryfaggot.
>Sitting next a car
>Dressed like a slut
>Waiting for a customer
Yeah Nicole is a fucking whore.
idk, it took me a week to get through zzz compared to 4 days for 1.1, but i'm not gonna shit up the thread arguing about it here.
holy shill hours
>and you sure zhezhi will lose the buffed damage once her liberation is cast?
If you switch back to Changli or another character, yes the buff is gone. Also Zhezhi is heavy into basic attack damage according to her current kit. I doubt she benefits much from Changli's liberation amplify.
Obviously Wuwa is far superior in gameplay, however if you aren't exceptionally good you will eventually be stuck. ZZZ provides an entertaining experience for players of all skill levels. Wuwa being the hardcore action gacha is a good thing.
Changli making fun of my 4 inch pecker...
Sho sho get away from this thread you animal fucker.
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they paid to spam my mobile yt with zzz ads, now they pay these random faggot anons to shill zzz all day in /wuwa/. what's their problem?
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>hardcore action gacha
Changli won't accept my small dick, I will have to pull for the magistrate to secure an heir.
they do it for free.
uuuhh bro???? you're holograms 6s that account for 4% of the game???
Post holos
50GB download but zero content left, now it's just a giant folder of furry FMVs and sound files
Kuro should make every open world enemy level 120
I sort of regret getting the monthly sub for zzz because the game can feel like a chore
Mihoyo really has an issue with pacing. I felt this alot in genshin when I played and this one too
You feel constantly stressed to maximize your stamina use and leveling up for better mat farming
I don't feel this pressure in wuwa at all and the game really lets you take things at your own pace because the content just rewards you playing better rather than having the most meta characters
Does this make sense? I don't know
that's even fucking worse
>the filthy animal is still at it
lol hoyodrones really do all this humiliation ritual shilling for free
Bros I bought another round of passes the server will stay up for 2 more months
So how much are they getting paid? There's no way they're doing it for free
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This general really is becoming a reddit hivemind where if you criticize wuwa in anyway you get called a furry, huh?
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>Editing log.ini
Wtf? They ban you for doing the .ini fix now?
low effort bait hoyoshill,not even wroth a you
>the content just rewards you playing better
Of course, because it is the skill based gacha that Kuro is well known for, but most players aren't going to be good enough to clear all of the holograms. In order to respect Kurogames vision I feel we should direct players of lower abilities to games like ZZZ instead.
It's genshitters who jumped ship and think that having a fairly hard side content makes the game hardcore
To be fair that is every general. People do not have these discussions in good faith for either side. They just want to shit on whatever they think is lesser.
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>not even wroth a you
they are, they legit think defending a multi billion dollar company for free makes them ""spiritual" investors or some shit
just laugh at them, imagine wasting their satuday shilling some furry game on 4chan
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>zzzoo animal has nothing left to say but can't let the cooldown sit so it just resorts to tagging posts with no text
sweaty bitch
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>not even wroth a you.
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Remember when 70% of the thread was a zoo for zzzoo fags waiting for their game?
Do you really think a wuwa player would talk shit about characters and the game itself by just saying "muh ntr, muh homo banner muh 1.2 is shit muh game is dying muh I prefer playing zzz"
If someone has an issue with the game he usually make a detailed post about why.
Do you really think Jinhsi would accept a small dick? lol
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Don't look gookbros.
>If someone has an issue with the game he usually make a detailed post about why.
and then get called a furry/shill anyway
>no one bit
>now same fagging
You are a furry cat worshipper. Don't deny it.
Lmao did that happen to you anon?
You seem to be salty for some reason.
You retards will never stop responding to trolls will you. Honestly you deserve having your threads derailed like that. I'll be back when /wuwa/ is comfy again.
My pet made Her just for Me so yeah, your damn right she will take my 4 inches.
Gonna cry about it huh....
nobody asked
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I did it bros, I finally got Jinhsi's weapon. Luckshitted at 60 pulls. I've been scouring the world map for every bit of asterite, I can finally relax and take it easy from now on. I was certain I'll have to swipe for it.
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>clearing Firmament exploration
>46% done
>check back on the thread
>zoo player shilling for hours
bro go spend your saturday actually playing the game you're shilling so hard. posting off-cooldown like this is sad.
i asked
Why are you here if you do not like the game?
Is it confirmed that the fag next patch is free? I might grab the standard gauntlet instead of the gun if that's the case.
Kek I remember watching whales trying to hologram 6 and they kept dying over and over again
Feels good to actually have a functioning brain that doesn't spend thousands of dollars on gacha just to lose due to skill issue
just because you got filtered doesn't automatically means that braindead gameplay is better
also GIT GUD
Whether people bite or not they're always going to be camping here anyways
You only missing 6 wavebands and R1 for your wife now
You know what to do
nobody likes airportfags. fucking leave if you're leaving, i'm not your friend and i don't care.
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I like the game, I am literally playing it right now.
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What do you mean you don't already have it for your monk?
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It IS reddit
Where do you think all those redditors went after hoyoshills chased them away from their home sub?
/wuwa/ is literary 24/7 redditor on redditor warfare, nobody even talks about anything, it's just 2 redditor camps fighting all day
>also GIT GUD
I understand your frustration, having casual players ruining your game experience is very annoying. My solution is to let them know about ZZZ, so that they leave you alone and play a game that can be enjoyed by everyone equally.
You know what
It was comfy when it is still /wwg/
nice bwo
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>responds to self
>brings reddit out of nowhere
Oh, this reddit?
but ZZZ has superior combat
sheesh grats. Is so nice not have cursed 50/50 in the weapon banner
Only leaked to be, just hold your box/rolls and wait, but unless you use aalto or chixia it might be a while till you have some gun user.
but... that's impossible...
But you're supposed to use her as a grouping support with the healing gauntlet...
>reposts and spamming
what do you call this mental illness?
nah hybrid moonlit set with 5* gauntlet go brrrrrr
>be part of hivemind or u hate gaem >:((((
2 iq
you will confuse the bot that way
Hoyodrones. Same ones that are probably in this thread volunteering full-time.
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do i really need to farm another fusion set for changli
No, Wuwa has objectively better gameplay, owing to Kurogames wanting to make a Hardcore Action Gacha. I wouldn't recommend playing Wuwa unless you are exceptionally skilled. If you aren't then games like ZZZ are perfect.
Just reuse your existing one?
ZZZ has way more build variety, which makes combat more fun
>ZZZ has way more build variety, which makes combat more fun
Indeed, but it also makes sure not to prevent players of all types being able to enjoy the story and content. Eventually you will be unable to progress the story in Wuwa due to the difficulty being intended for Hardcore players.
What the fuck kind of retardation am I reading lmao
the funniest shit I've read all day
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>me when i see a melty happening live
>Eventually you will be unable to progress the story in Wuwa due to the difficulty being intended for Hardcore players.
Good, so the thread will be hoyocuck free.
I can't wait to see that.
What do you do in this situation?
Invite her to watch next time
>they can spawn enemies now
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Getting Kokomi vibes from her.
Invite her to join us next time
Her effects are so good wtf
She looks really fun. Pls let me luckshit Changli so I can roll for this
Go look for my painter wife Zhezhi
Any reason to save up on energy cubes?
the ink swipes look beautiful, homo GOD combo video when?
for being an action game the combat in ZZZ might me the worst I have ever played. Like the constant switching, button mashing and damage sponges... it was so incredibly annoying,
Oh yeah, this looks much more promising than the earlier stuff with nothing on the field.
If you want to get any character up fast in the future
My nerd wife looks so good
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looks fun
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'A game made for everyone is a game made for no one'

Remember that before trying to shill your little turd game you furry faggot piece of shit
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Final impression from someone who's UL63 in Wuwa and Knotted Rank 45 in ZZZ.
>Combat in ZZZ is ok once you actually reach the endgame but feels simple and derivative when placed next to Wuwa's
>ZZZ has a more convenient daily/stamina system, Wuwa has a much more sensible gacha system
>Dont give a fuck about the story I spam skip in both games
>Wuwa has much better character models while ZZZ has a literal rat girl coming out next patch who says "Cheesed to meet you" when adding her to your party
Overall Wuwa is a much better game imo but ZZZ isnt bad for a secondary gacha
So everyone fucking flying is the new norm now after Jinshi? Wtf
ANIMAL FUCKER IS BACK he's gonna shill his zoo again.
first wuxia slop?
Jonhsi + zezi = 100% air time
>'A game made for everyone is a game made for no one'
Agreed, which is why people who are bad at the game should just leave. play ZZZ or something else instead.
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>he doesn't cultivate
Cultivation Game
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Wuxia kino...
Zhezhi zhisters, we won
See, you can make a airborne based move even without the jump button, watch as ZZZ steals this.
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bwo your RIDER KICK cube lasers brawler?
This game feels 95% identical to Genshin. Even the tower thing feels the same as Spiral Abyss.
I'm pulling because shes very cute, but I do want to see combat.

I don't see how her teleport forte would do anything other than be annoying atm
No shit, and we're 80% genshin refugees, anything else obvious you want to know retard?
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You can have your wuxia shit as long as I get my hillbilly region.
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Don't open
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looks so good, now waiting for homo GOD combo showcase
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why are americans like this
If she had thigh highs instead of that fullbody whatever the fuck that is she would be fine
16 gallons of cum
Only because it's a battle arena that works as a dps/character check for your gacha purchases (same as MoC and whatever I expect ZZZ to have), on the tower you can change equipment freely, change teams freely, you don't need to worry about ult energy and HP at the end of the round, you need at least 3 teams instead of 2, there are multiple buffs (and you don't pick a side buff every floor like genshin).
Look at this pitiful junior, unable to cultivate. Has eyes but cannot see Mt. Tai.
no outside threat so they self-destruct out of boredom
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First word that comes to mind?
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Jinhsi's mom
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I am so tired of being raped
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>I am so tired of being raped
I hate shy nerds
Damn that's hot
Kill all hagfags.
Roundhouse kick a hagfag into the concrete.
Crucify filthy hagfags.
Defacate in a hagfags food.
Launch hagfags into the sun.
Stir fry hagfags in a wok.
Toss hagfags into active vulconos.
Urinate into a hagfags gas tank.
Judo throw hagfags into a wood chipper.
Twist hagfags heads off.
Karate chop hagfags in half.
Trap hagfags in quicksand.
Crush hagfags in trash compactor.
Liquefy hagfags in a vat of acid.
Eat hagfags. Dissect hagfags.
Exterminate hagfags in gas chambers.
Stomp hagfag skulls with steel toed boots.
Cremate hagfags in the oven.
Lobotomize hagfags.
Vaporize hagfags with a ray gun.
Kick old hagfags down the stairs.
Feed hagfags to alligators.
Impale hagfags on a lance.
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Am I the only one who thought Abby was a boy?
wtf did I do to you??
Why does her head look empty with that pic
Any cute Femanons want to be my WuWife?
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Nyooo yapyap just overclocked. How will we save her?
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If she overclocked will she start laying eggs?
Find her a mate so she doesn't become another Mourning Yap
What if she was an aggressive fujo nerd that openly ships you with Jiyan?
Bro, please answer me honestly, what makes one ask this?
>show flashes of her being young with sex hair
What was the point?
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Long distance relationship has no future.
Oxytocin can only be released by real human touch.
Bro just go out and find yourself a woman...
And good luck because the majority of women are whores
Every fan artist omits her wrinkles, making her 20 years younger.
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Only if you look like this
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I don't get it
no, you're the retard. there's a reason people don't like chinkslop and wuwa embodies that sentiment. everybody looks and acts the same, all the fucking names are variation of xixiixi ququq and zhzhzhzh. it's like genshin was stuck in a modern liyue forever.
That's a (you) problem buddy, I don't have a problem with names.
You should visit a doctor and get your brain checked grandpa.
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look at this fucking disgusting fujo ass stink ass nerd




>*nose bleeds*

>*glasses fog up*

>*retarded fujo smile*

>*stink ass rancid ass stinky yeasty pussy explodes*
you clearly get off on this
So who do I pair Changli with if I don't have Encore? I have S2 Taoqi and S2 Chixia.
You've been on the internet too long retard
Lose your coinflip to encore
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Gentlemen. Post Chixia.
>he's so assblasted about the glasses-wearing cutie that he has to write a whole-ass fanfiction to justify his butthurt
Your faggotry and lust for cocks know no bounds.
Chixia benefits from Changli the most
Changli benrfits from Taoqi the most, but you'll likely play Taoqi wrong and have energy issues
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Zleepers aren't sending their best are they.
Meanwhile I'm trying to decide on getting the normal SSR gauntlets, or rectifier next. What do you guys rec?
She has hairy leg, which mean a guy larping
>you'll likely play Taoqi wrong
Don't you just do counters with her Forte?
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>wuwa = high skill gacha
>all new characters releasing are airborne, cheating half of the bosses mechanics
if zzz had a deeper combat like wuwa it would destroy it within days but the super casual combat is whats killing it for me
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I only have 1 chixia pic
this is only true for jinhsi who gets pseudo ranged attacks in incarnation and can hit things while way above them. changli can't do it and she's the only other character with a midair combo in the game
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I wanna lick Chixia's abs
Not only that no. You very much want to trigger Taoqi's intro a bunch to build concerto. Requires someone with very good concerto on the team.
Pay no attention to the cameraman and his hoyocc crush
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Latest Chixia i could find
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>>all new characters releasing are airborne, cheating half of the bosses mechanics

wait until we meet the same fate as PGR where new boss bypass shilled mechanic
My beloved Phoenix wife...
I'd assume Verina/Taoqi/Changli would be the best team but even then I don't see Verina carrying Taoqi intro wise more than once per rotation.
>every character is lingyang
She doesn't love you. She only loves the taste of your semen. As soon as she sucks you dry - she will move on to the next man.
Yeah you have to do a weird quickswap playstyle if you want to run Taoqi with Verina
Ideally you'll have Sanhua or Danjin to charge Taoqi
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This artist makes the cutest Jinhsi expressions
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Fuck man, the zzzoofag actually got me bro, their shill work after all
It actually make me want to reinstall PGR to get the free S-rank Alisa
Furry faggot didn't deserve shit in this general
shut the fuck up, idiot.
just post the chixia chibi folder and nobody gets hurt
Alisa is meta af, go get her + we get the glowie skin for free.
All of your are gentlemen and scholars.
I might return to pick up BRS but before then, nah
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Is it possible to run wuthering waves at 720p fullscreen instead of 1080p fullscreen?

And why are the graphic options ingame so fucking bad and confusing when this engine is known for being highly configurable and easily customizable?
Really anon?
Do you live in the early 2000s?
It should, if you have problems just put the resolution in the engine.ini
change scalling in your gpu settings and play in fullscreen or just change your monitor resolution
I'll try that out then, thanks.
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/zzz/ is laughing at us...
I overslept what'd I miss?
bro its 2087 how long did you sleep
>zzz general has some schizo constantly shitposting about wuwa and trying to pit everyone against wuwa
>wuwa general has the same schizo constantly shitposting about zzz and trying to pit everyone against zzz

well that's pathetic
Don't care didn't ask.
Let them chimp out.
Our game has better visuals and gameplay.
They can't win anyway.
What they gonna do?
Compare our characters with their loli and furry lmao?
more kino >>485923886
It's the same person anon.
Hell it might be you.
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how do i get my last few pulls?
finished all events, explored map 90-100%, cant find missing ones.
Holograms finished out of the ones i can beat.
Tower done.
Shop cleared.
All quests done.
Nah it's not me and I'll be gone in a bit to continue enjoying both games like a sane person so you it's none of my problems
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Have you used the exploit yet?
use THAT...
>urge to get s1 jinhsi
Must resist...
I'm not a pussy.
it's not worth it ez skip
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>the """"criticism" in question
zzz bros are laughing at us again...
Don't change ini files
Apparently one anon got banned itt
Animal fuckers are back they're gonna their zoo once again.
I hate rectifier gameplay, they don't know how to make it fun. She looks like a bigger clunker than Yinlin.
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Looks really pretty, too bad she is coming right before my second wife camellya.
See if you have any rainbow coral to convert?

Also you'll get a few in the next few days from dailies. if you have the monthly it'll be easy. If not well you better pray you get it at like 67 or finish the rest of the exploration.
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I'm glad I pulled for dragon girl, honestly she looks so over the top when she's standing on her sword and firing orbital lasers into people. I also love you can back to back, jue the echo, the enhanced forte skill and the utlimate, feels like i'm tien just spamming tri-beams at people.
it's really going to hard for them top how smooth she feels.
I failed to resist her charms...
They are going to cope here about it which is pretty bad to be honest.
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Yeah she's fun.
I like the animation where she walks down from her sword, it's kino.
Firstdaybros, newsistes, I think without a trace of doubt and I say with utmost pride that we won wuwa.
wuthering waves sucks
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anon, I need your help again!
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Full doko
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oh nvm
it wasn't there for some reasons, but it's here now
post the full one pussy
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Hold Inferno Rider echo then quickly click Start Challenge.
After Chixia went far, click start.
Now your chara is outside the wall.
Use verina or encore orange prism echo to shoot from afar.
(that anon can't aim the prism right lol, it's supposed to be easy)
After the prism hits the tempest, quickly go to the water where Verina or Encore is drowning (swimming).
Only Verina and Encore can drown because they are loli.
If not a loli, keep dodging the attack until Tempest stands where the loli drown by chance.
I don't know the mechanism, I relied on luck.
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Just what did you do, anon...?
I used some of my leftover rolls to get s1 after getting her weapon.. event hough i said i wouldnt roll for cons i lost to her charm and did it anyways
Jonhsi can barely clear the tower right now
She will be a giga brick when she doesn't get a gorillion extra damage
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I’m just excited to see where the lore and other regions go from here, and more cool looking levels like >>485916798
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Just 8 days more, anon.
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I've been mainly lurking on and off today wuwabros because I wanted to rest my wrist from all the gooning and gaming i've been doing this weekend but this is the dumbest most onions comment I've seen all day.
>Sure but the game is playable by everyone, no matter why you play gacha you can enjoy what it has to offer. Eventually the story in Wuwa will gatekeep players unless they are very skilled.
It's barely as hard as a DMC game, you just need a modicum of hand-eye coordination and a working frontal lobe to figure out what to do next in this game, how the fuck will you ever get yourself gatekept from the main story unless you're literally an orangutan that got out of the zoo and in your quest to get back home, you accidentally installed wuwa instead of ZZZ where you faggotanimals truly belong??
I see it
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no but seriously you have no idea how badly I want to fucking rape Baizhi
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the only thing about the echo system that objectively sucks is that we are timegated with the tubes. other than that, its been far far far easier to get an echo set up and running compared to the RNG grind of genshin/star rail/korean mobages. i have been farming the same.arrifacr domain in genshin for a month and i still dont have a single mainstat piece that i have been fishing for. i.dont even care if its a.cope piece ffs. im not being picky. meanwhile, in wuwa, it can be a bitch to get the appropriate mainstat at times but in my experience its been nowhere near as bad as with other games with similar systems.

not being able to feed level 0 echoes for exp does suck. let the sweaty tryhards grind echoes all day if they want to.
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S1 jinhsi or changli?
I want Jinhsi to rape me
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Both, buy pakeji
I played genshin from release to 2.7? (i think) and I have to say that I've built more echos for characters here in wuwa faster than I've been able to build artifact sets for characters in genshin... I did BP and welkin for Genshin and I did BP and monthly astrites here for wuwa as well...
The fact that you can hunt the mainstat non-stop probably helps. I think a lot of people here forgot how much of a slog actual artifact-grinding is from the beginning in GI.
lmao retards were doomposting this just a few hours ago
now it's proven to be KINO
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jinhsi's seems a bit stronger to me for an s1
is she a dps
Bruh I literally just got a 19cd and 9cr on my 1cost that I was farming for Jinhsi just a little shy from the max rolls.
HOLY FUARK!!!!! But she's a megane and I don't roll for meganes sorry.
>ANOTHER rectifier unit
this game is so dead
there is literally never any point in getting dupes over new characters unless you really like the character you're getting dupes of
zhezhi is a way bigger damage boost to jinhsi than her s1 and you can use her in other teams too
going to S1 is literally useless, only exists to pad out the sequences so you need more dupes. they're both like a 2% increase or some shit
As expected she looks great in combat.
Still gonna skip.
>make cute femcel
>give her tranny color scheme
what did kuro mean by this?
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>Amerimutt brainrot
Trying to hard, get owned retard, wu won.
>schizo fanfic
>schizo headcanon
What did anon mean by this?
we need the whole set right away....
do we know Zhezhi and Xiangli kits?
Is this gonna be Wuwa's homegrown meme? The blobs?
Do we know if zhenzi is first half or second half of 1.2
Seems she is going to be in the second half
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genshin and star rail have tranny-color coded characters too. i dont like it there either.
There's Jue posting as well.
Trannies don't own light pastel colours any more than they own rainbows anon.
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>60 on the standard weapon banner
I think I'm punished to go to pity every time now because I got a 2 5* reroll.
the blobs are an ancient touhou thing
don't look them up
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Just google xiangli's it's all on google at this point
Need more New Federation lore. I'm a sucker for schizo science based societies.
so uhhh is the guy free?
>letting trannies take up so much space in your head rent free that you have a melty when you see colors
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wtf I like Genshin now??
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For me it's Verina putting her ass in my face evert third attack.
free homo GOD
Screw you guys I'm going to Snowbreak a game for white heterosexual males.
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My rerolled account has god tier limited character banner luck but abysmal weapon luck. Both standard and limited.

Account seeds are real
Just give us a single gun 5* John Kuro.....
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and im sure if there were a dude with a rainbow color scheme absolutely nobody would be calling him a homo. stop gaslighting.
i'll never get over the genshin artstyle. it doesn't even matter if oyohim goes back to making good designs because the ingame models are permanently stuck as potato faced creatures with eyes that take up half of their head
Is the femcel supposed to be a support or some kind of DPS/sub DPS?
i fucking hate wuthering waves so fucking much
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Since changli's slated to not be as op as Jinhsi on release, I'm starting to think jinhsilets will forever be bricked if they don't roll for her soon...
>earlier thread people were mentioning how hoyo it's generating all this fake hype over zzz
>hoyodrones came out of their zoo to shill snoozegame
BA sub DPS, outro boosts skill DMG, ult summons coordinated strikes
I had godly luck with early 50/50 wins on two characters and two weapons and now I'm sure my luck is going to shit for Changli.
Glacio yinlin that buffs skill.
I rolled for jinhsi cons on release... I'm sorry changli.. she made me her husband now
off model and cringe
tits too big
you're the only who got gaslighted into equating traditionally cute feminine pastel colors with disgusting troons
what's next? all cute tomboys with short hair is associated with troons too? kys
I was expecting her to be limited Verina, thank god she's just glacio yinlin
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it grew because I impregnated her anon. stfu and appreciate greatness.
It's gonna be fun when they realize that Changli suffers from the exact same limitations and problems as Calcharo and you cannot simply unga bunga with her.
They would be calling him a homo. My point is that they shouldn't because THEY have been gaslit into thinking rainbows and pastel colours belong to the freak brigade. They do not not. No matter how much NGO's and governments push that shit. They only have ownership of it if people behave as though they do. Simply stop doing it and the association that has been artificially created in your mind goes away.
Make her dragon tits bigger.
desu the current event that requires players to beat the lv125 elites is a good indicator on whether this game is worth their skill level. They even allow players to abuse the perfect dodge %dmg exploit.
I want to fuck this thing
Men used to wear pink and purple shit back in the past and it used to not be considered gay/tranny also this >>485941495
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For me anon, she gets the exact vibe as yinlin. Hag succubus, good sub-dps but not really as gamebreaking as Jinhsi. at least that's how I peg changli's place in the game right now... Maybe she'll be a pleasant surprise like Jinhsi.
I'd rather hit 60pity every time than losing 50/50 everytime
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Nothing screams white heterosexual more than Verina's cunny.
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>mfw I get Monument of Condolences as my daily again...
but she's a sub-dps meaning she'll have to be in the same team as anko
Yinlin is THE best subdps in the game. They're not the same.
Changli does not work as a subdps because her rotation is too long. You ideally want her as a main DPS. Which is a problem because she also does not have the numbers to compete in that role.
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get mogged
why does she wear the colonoscopy bag
Don't compare our Jade beauty to a literal slut anon.
Why would you pair her with Encore? Just because the colors match?
Sanhua is better for Encore
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Nah nigga you gotta try way harder than your zoo game
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enjoying your free 5* homo showcase wuwakeks
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homo GOD*
being bricked never felt so good
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Enjoying your upcoming knotted lolis (canon btw just look up waterkuma's art) and furries?
Fucking animals.
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still waiting for the real nigga to show up
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Nigga he dead
smug elfy spotted
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You wish mihomo had a Genos filthy animal
this looks better than Pela's animations...
Xiangli Yao/Yinlin are going to be the next absolutely broken teamcomp.
Easily outdamaging Jiyan and Jinhsi.
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BIG TITS > small tits
should i switch my selector to the abyss surges for this nigga? I've got static mist up there now but have a R2 cadenza thats pretty useful
Why are they giving a limited for free this early
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i spent two minutes dodging, they most likely fixed the insta-kill exploit.
His moveset looks alright except for that sliding kick at 1 second in, it looks really goofy.
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We get a useful character, you get
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Jinhsi in Illusive Realm is insane
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What color is your free 5*?
they're not jews
hoyo really warped perception of relationship between fans and devs
Have you tried Taoqi or Baizhi? they're surprisingly fun.
>release the only 3 star character in the game
>give it away for free
mihoyo is really something else
Still no constellation for her btw.
Literally useless.
I did in the previous one, Taoqi especially was fun stacking up shields and shatter effect.
I should try them again, i love this game mod.
kek ex genshin fans are really the best at parrying sunk cost genshin fans
completely forgot about this collab flop
But small tits can get you closer to her heart when you hug her
Big tits give milk, and milk is good for a lot of things.

Also I can hear the heart from the back too.
2 star ape with 87/211, is it time to get a CD jue and be a critfisher?

Also need to beat floor 3 with havoc team to free encore to clear heron...but no stringless

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