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>Official WoW News

>THE WAR WITHIN - July 23rd!

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>Summer Trading Post

Previous: >>485887331
/wowg/ OP pastebin: https://pastebin.com/hVutVN5J
first for tattoos are for fags
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Post some BUILT Bimbodoreis
Garrosh and majority of Orcs confirmed faggots.
There is a ton of faggot bara porn of Garrosh. Everyone knows he's gay as fuck.
That's cause women are too fucking weak for him.
What a based lad.
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>hating on 'strasza posting
god i want to fuck garrosh in his tight ass while he berates me for being an inferior race
Finally a good post.
Man, I'd be down at least once just to see how rough he'd be. I mean I'm not generally into rough, but curiosity gets the better of me.
I'd expect to be knocked unconscious at some point.
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Your irrelevant bitching turned the thread super gay.
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yes its all my fault the reprobates itt regularly relay how much they enjoy all kinds of degenerate media like tattoos, futa, trannies, bl*cked, f*mboys, trannies, cuck shit, trannies, furshit, trannies, and loli
all me
thats my problem because you MORONS refuse to use the appropriate boards for those topics and instead use /wowg/ as your very own roll of toilet paper.
Yes, you brought it up.
Glad that's covered.
cope seethe and mald
in that exact order
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>xiv with rmt problems: just make money worthless when it comes to player power, ez
>wow with rmt problem: lol monetize the bots by selling the token
wish blizz wasn't so jewish
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Nobody understands your black meme
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>Tattoos are the same as porn
I hate nu-puritanism like you wouldn't believe. Easily the most insufferable zoomer trend possible. Please touch grass.
>the attentionfag had to take over the op
god i hate troons so much it's incomprehensible
95% of tattooed people are gutter trash tho
Which major character is gonna die in The Last Titan?
At this rate Warcraft is just going to be associated with Assumi and Jaina porn like Overwatch is with its characters
Thats TWW
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whatever your favourite character is
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Orc is sad
sad sad orc
Orc so sad he no eat with spoon or fork
>"a family of seven and I only got two of them, the rest ran off..."
that's probs the orc that killed the Windrunner brother, poor guy
Probably one of the ever dwindling amount of male characters
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Where is it?
>and I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
>the dreams in which I zug zug are the best I've ever had
>Sad Orc
I don't think Assumi is really that well known outside of gooner circles.
And well known or not, relevant in 2024 or not, Monara should be the face of WoW R34 by rights.
never heard of her before i started visiting this website
and i dont know who the fuck monara is
sounds like a league of legends character
She'll be born as The Last Titan, then in a twist, die. The world is doomed.
In a big desperate attempt at survival, they open a portal back to Alternate Timeline Draenor because its the only other living world that isn't a complete shithole. We start to settle Yrel the fuck down with her alternate timeline Army of Light until she points out that the Draenor did in fact get hit with an Old God tumor that the Void Lords tossed out randomly through the galaxy, and we have to ally with them because the Draenor and Orcs obviously know Draenor as a planet better than us and the one singular continent we were on. There's an Ogre clan following Cho'galls example and starting to take over, letting that God's influence spread over a good chunk of the planet.
The Azeroth immigrants have to fight the parallel timeline void influence if they hope to start anew.
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ummmm ban evasion? same person that made op had posts deleted last thread
ummmmm phone posting?

POV: You don't play the game.
holy seethe
Monara is for oldfags, and besides, the guy who made that oc is a sniveling little faggot anyways.
Yeah, nobody ever ban evades in this thread.
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tbc-wotlk era 2D buttslut femdraenei (non-futa)
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>Every post deleted is a ban
Since I know you're a retard I planned ahead and took this screenshot. Sorry I beat you to making the OP I know that really rustles your jimmies. Sneedthe and talk about WoW.
Am I the only one who doesn't even really like Monara? I dunno, she just never really clicked with me. Maybe it's the overly whorey, clueless personality.
>planned ahead and took this screenshot
What's a beginner tank class that a panda can play?
Prot pally is pretty straightforward and never dies.
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Liked her at the start of being naive, and progressively being keen to initiate herself and/or playing along with advances.
Progressively the one-off pics got less and less appealing. Bit too much of a slutty development, bit too much in where her sluttiness was taking her. Anal from a Gron, yeah, cool...
pandas cant be pallies I wish they could
Oh I didn't see panda
why does this shit take so fucking long.
I constantly have to reset the bnet launcher or toggle the download limits on and off to get more than 30kb/s for updates
(you) issue, it's always ~20 MB/s for me
Pretty much, yeah. She started off cute but it's just not hitting for me.
for like all of DF when i first launch the bnet launcher I get normal speed and then it nosedives after 30 seconds until I restart it again and I got no fucking clue how to fix it, only have this issue with bnet
Of the 3 that pandas can be, blood DK is the simplest. The rotation is simple, it's easy to keep bone shield up, and death strike healing is reactive so you don't have to predict incoming damage spikes as much
>beginner class tank
ah yes, a tank that flops over in two seconds flat when you don't know what you're doing, a perfect beginner choice
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So are any of the specs getting a complete redesign in TWW? I haven't been following it and I can't be arsed to read 5000 lines of greentext patch notes.

Talking like stuff on the scale of warlocks demon revamp a few xpacs ago, shit like that, or is everybody pretty similar to live?
I love blood but yeah it's probably the hardest tank, maybe tied with Brewmaster. Anything else is more forgiving
dunno about others, I don't play inferior classes
Blood DK is fine. There's more blood DKs in every key bracket until 20+ which obviously a new player isn't going to need to worry about. It's also like 20 apm less than warrior
you will absolutely get folded as a dk in a +20 (now +10) if you don't know what you're doing. recommending it to a newbab is just lol
not a real measurement of difficulty, especially on a tank
By the time he got to +10s he wouldn't be new?
I haven't played in years is the game shit or is it fun ? I'll be honest I mostly played vanilla and I'm aware socially it'll never be as good as it was, but I also played MOP and I had a lot of fun with the big raids. Anyways been thinking of getting back into it but I've heard so much bad about how things have turned over the years that I don't really know if it's a good idea. I get that I might get biased replies but if anyone can tell me what they like/don't like maybe?
you could cruise on a vengecuck to a +15 this season on a similar skill level that would top at maybe +7 when playing blood
pick literally any other tank but blood if you're new to tanking, unless 90% of your effort is aimed at raids and m+ is just an afterthought
>is the game shit or is it fun
it's fun if you play no more than one, maybe two months per patch
SL was a low point but they made a lot of positive changes in DF, and the biggest pain point - weekly chores - has been almost entirely removed
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I have not played OG in awhile but when I did they still had bots advertising gil sales in every city and even automating the MSQ to generate gil to sell
>Admits the schizo lives in his head
Nice self own retard
I didn't say there's no RMT in xiv, I said that gold is fucking worthless in xiv when it comes to player power so there's no real incentive to have more than like 10m per savage tier - something anybody can easily do.
Compare it to the insanity that were legendaries and the endless fucking recrafting in shadowlands
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i really wish they'd get rid of this useless clutter on the character select screen already
maybe it will be less obnoxious with the warband character select screen, or better yet maybe they'll remove this fuck awful feature outright
Next xpac is looking really strong since it's the first time they're adding major new features that aren't just temporary xpac exclusive stuff. Probably no better time to get into retail as we are now past the dark age of BFA and SL.
I played multiple pservers with different era content after I quit in Trannylands.
It got old and you just start to miss the qol improvements, also knowing there's not gonna be any new meaningful content.
TWW looks good so far, it has all the new shit that Trannyflight added, but without the queer shit.

Also what helps is to just stop being a tryhard and play what you find fun.
he works at riot now
It is yuck BUT if there's one positive at least Gill puts on effort to be presentable. They're always going to fall short on the goal because you can't erase your bone / body structure but I will respect them trying to be as passable as possible vs some balding troons who don't even bother shaving.
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hfw i plappe she
has anyone noticed that in Azj-Kahet, they copied the AYO WOW Gz. IT'S LIVE IN THE TWO'S. OM, GAAAANG SHIT.
the only thing about azj-kahet is that i wanna f***ck a harronir
Tranny game
>blizzniggers fucked up mists
they're really going all out on the "you WILL pull only one pack at once" in TWW, huh?
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worg posted
imagine being proud that your in game currency is worth less than toilet paper
you trannies are something else
Hunters, monks, affliction got major changes afaik
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>bro the raid is about to start and I still haven't bought the consooms, holy shit I need an emergency token
If you need to buy gold in wow in this day and age to afford consumes you must be doing something wrong
anyone who actually plays the game can afford consumables easily and any proper guild will provide them
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fancy seeing you here
Worg plapped
hey there. Do you by chance have realy young daughter you could introduce me to? i would like to see how do little vulpera girls handle tauren.
That's how you had to run dungeons in vanilla and tbc
what's she up to?
Anyone else changing mains in TWW because of Hero Talents? Havoc main since BFA but the new trees are so awful. Thinking of rerolling to Outlaw or Arms.
I just want arcane to be nerfed not to see another half-season where every retard and their mom does sub-tank dps with it before going back to frost
gold WQs are there waiting for you
i dont get hero talents
couldnt they have just made them regular talents without forcing my character to be a dark ranger or whatever on my characters that are very much not dark rangers etc?
Im gonna put her in my lap
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Slava Ukrajini!
Just use the other tree bro
They're already struggling to make trees with viable builds they don't need to make things worse by adding a bunch of extra shit you're forced to waste points on
Because they needed a big new "back of the box" feature to market the game to casuals and seasonal players. Saying "continued improvements to talent trees" is not that exciting to anyone who doesn't already play the game. Saying "NEW hero talent trees!" is more likely to get somebody's attention. Personally I don't think expansions need new features, just content and polish. DF removed more than it added and it's been the best expansion in years.
Nope, still going to play warrior because mountain thane looks sick. Will also play my mage (sunfury) now that we have warbands
every new feature in TWW is old shit with a fancy name to pretend it's brand new
Is there any easy way to get Raid Finder appearances like in Season 3 or did they just forget that everyone was happy that they could turn dreamsurge gear into tier?
Heavy class fantasy and flavor, following many Warcraft archetypes.
My issue with the class fantasy stuff is there was nothing stopping me from larping as a dark ranger before, but now if that turns out to be the best spec then I kinda have to be one even if I'm playing a mechagnome or some dumb shit. Like I'm all for cool visually impressive abilities, I just don't wanna get pigeon holed into a narrow set of fantasies to choose from when before I could be whatever I wanted with the right transmog
It's not really heavy class fantasy when you have shit like DK turning Blood Boil blue and some others that barely have any cosmetic changes
Hello? Your mounted combat?
Yes but if they did that they wouldn't be able to sell it as a new feature
>also play my mage (sunfury)
That's very original, I don't think anyone else is considering that spec right now
>That's how you had to run dungeons in vanilla and tbc
there's a reason why vanilla dies two months after people stop leveling
i hate to tell you this anon but there are at least tens of thousands of people who play the same race/class/spec as you
I play a 0.5% spec in m+
I can't wait for hero talents.
Some bitches are going to make guides about how this tree does 1% better than the other tree, and everyone is going to play the chosen tree, and people are going to shit on you for playing the other tree, it's going to be so much fun!
so you're playing a shitty class on purpose because you think choosing an unpopular spec gives you bragging rights on the internet
>people are going to shit on you for playing the other tree
I've never actually seen this happen. I've been raiding and pugging non-stop for 5 years and I've never seen anyone called out for playing their class wrong or picking the wrong talents or using the wrong covenant. Most people don't know how to play their own class, let alone any other.
>on purpose
So it's sounding like if I want to play an easy tank I can't be a panda...
it hasnt happened in pugs but I used to play with someone who would research how to play my class just so he could tell me im playing it wrong when all we were doing together was casual shit
I really have no interest in watching 40 minute youtube guides and reading multiple articles on how to poopsock minmax so I can do content I have no plans on doing
Every spec in WoW is easy to learn, hard to master. The differences between specs don't even matter until you're doing the hardest stuff in the game. Just pick the tank that you like the theming of the most.
For me it's about fun and the cool factor, I'm not a minmaxxer. And sunfury is both fun and cool. I mained a warrior throughout DF.
Too late, I already won this argument.
I wish the character selection screen had 5 dudes instead of just 4.
I would like farseer and totemic to be reworked.

Instead of ancestors being a proc its a 5 min cd where you summon a healer, wolf and an elemental that attack and heal for a duration. the spells that used to proc them now reduce the cd instead. When they fade they buff you for 12 sec giving 5% mastery, haste and crit.

Totemic boost all totems by 50%
Surging totem is a 3 min cd and is attached to you, it will cast various spells and become more and more powerful, however it will grow in size and lower your movement speed and haste until you put it down, where it will go crazy like Convoke the Spirits, as well as giving you a haste and speed boost for a few sec.
>try to check the RP scene again on Argent Doofus
>Stormwind is filled to the brim with milquetoast second life dragthyr roleplayers
>Duskwood is again infested by Bane and its tranny guro cult
>Most guilds are spending 95% of their time on Discord bubbles that siphoned every social aspect out of the MMO side of the game
>The only rare character concepts that dont look like fetish self-inserts are either in said Discord guilds and dont ever log on or play once a week on Horde

Is Moon Guard also like this? A second life-tier furry, futa and scalie troglodyte hellscape?

Avatartrannies don't need to respond, you're part of the problem.
>A second life-tier furry, futa and scalie troglodyte hellscape
that's what RP is and always has been
>play on sex pest servers
>cry about sex pests
do yuros really?
He's bored, he gotta forge drama out of nowhere over a self-made problem.
This but unironically.
stop going to goldshire
>list 4 different avenues for rp
>"stop going to the 5th that wasnt even mentioned"

ok retard kun
it's because the download is p2p in the background
please understand, blizzard is too small and poor to afford real server that will let you download their patches
there's plenty of good rp in wow. yesterday i ran into a party of 10 RPing in stormsong valley
>New gear & bags
>Teleport to your home city
>Clean up quest log
fucking WHY??? and you can't even opt-out of this
The worst part is that this giant section and prompt returns after 2 months even if you decline it now.
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>Finally check out Warlock hero talents
Well that settles that. Pretty much every talent there looks really powerful and fun. Looking forward to that.
Good night /wowg/. You better not use the internet irresponsibly or I WILL find out.
and the gear and bags it gives you are almost always worse than what you already had
and it dumps your entire inventory into your mailbox
it's a garbage feature

your irresponsible digital footprint should land you on a register you retarded futatranny
yeah warlock is looking insane in tww
>instant seethe reply
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new warcraft movie soon brehs
But why did you have to include a link to it though?
Does it still prevent you from being able to unlock heritage armour on that character or was that fixed?
i always come with receipts :)
That was actually just something someone made up and it wasn't ever actually true
Yeah that's something sane people say
blizzard is very desperate with all those "new/returning players" features but they clearly are extremely clueless and just add random bullshit to see what sticks
so far nothing helped, and their big push for new player experience (exile's reach) backfired so hard that I won't be surprised if it gets removed during their next big "new player experience" revamp
I find even the most demented asylum scrub more sane than the average roleplayer that commissions erotic fanart of their characters and then plaster them on the internet

exhibitionist freaks and autists
>plaster them on the internet
Upload. The word you're looking for is upload. To a porn website. For porn. It's not that deep.
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The receipt in question:
>DF removed more than it added and it's been the best expansion in years.

"1946 best year for jews since 1932".
> Tier Set Bonuses will no longer work
But why
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>acts like a normal person on twitter
>makes his character automatically trigger SafeSearch on google the moment you search for it
yup, sanity on full display here
go attentionwhore in another general lmao
>goes to bed
>instant seethe reply
I'm not even Maye you delusional weirdo
They need to redo the racial starting zones but they can't be fucked doing that and would rather do shitty one-size-fits-all solutions to save money. Not that leveling to 10 in a revamped starter experience then getting sent off to chromie time is really that much better anyway but it beats exiles reach
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*teleports away*
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Oh my god, he's got a rule 34 tag that he himself has linked here several times unashamedly!
The fucking horror!
>the avatartranny maldquad crawls out of the woodwork the moment their fellow gooner gets blasted for being a degenerate attention whore

keep it coming xerries
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>i always come with receipts :)
But what does this have to do with World of Warcraft?
holy shit it made it to top 5?
Hm. You were right.
Please reply to the posts you are referring to so your post will get filtered as part of the chain thank you.
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posting wow related
How hot them Gilnean dogs this morning?
Nah maggle, he doesn't believe in double standards. Nobody should filter him, just the people he has an issue with, cause his seething is nowhere near as annoying as... an image.
why did a bunch of people all decide to watch the warcraft movie for no reason years after it came out
>he thought he could kill the main character of warcraft
always in heat
finally a good post
i would know
it is my post after all.
Cause we remember it as being okay, and everything else new on Netflix is garbage. Felt like watching something.
>criticize class design
>sounds like you don't like x-class buddy
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Seems a bit chilly today
You're an idiot. Exile's Reach is a much better intro to the modern game than going back to some rank Cataclysm zone with 2004 textures. There are lorefag reasons to prefer those zones and I have a lot of nostalgia for Elwynn and Durotar but they're not good to quest through.

The biggest problem with the new player experience is that it still throws you into BFA (soon to be DF) to level up. Why not just put new players into the newest expansion pack (that they presumably just fucking paid for) and have all the content scale? DF certainly has more than enough quests to level 10-70 if it was an option, and even if it didn't and you ran out of quests at 45 you have dungeons and WQs to get the rest of the way. I'm assuming TWW will be the same but nope gotta level up in last year's expansion first and then drop all these plot threads halfway through to move on.
is there a mod to replace the dracthyr model? Every time i think about coming back i remember these things.
It was gone from Netflix for a while then came back. I think there was a blizzard promo post for it too unless that was just a Wowhead article and they made the image for it themselves
Exile's Reach is soulless feminist niggerslop. You get absolutely zero sense of your race's history, culture, and place in the world.
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yes we do love word salad in these parts yum yum word salad buzzword on top of buzzwords
>Why not just put new players into the newest expansion pack and have the content scale
That's honestly a really good point and is an actual long-term solution to the new player leveling experience problem. Have a level 1-10 tutorial leveling zone (ideally one for each race as it should be) then send them off to whatever the latest content is. No more having to explain to new players how old expansions work or what chromie time is.
From now on I will be mad that blizzard isn't doing this
I care about game design, you care about black people.
post your panda instead brainlet
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no shant
Not but there is a mod to give your dracthyr giant hyper tits with no physics and a horse cock (I assume)
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exile's reach will be gone
holly said midnight is going to have "mindblowing features". I don't see any on this list
because you're looking at potential tww features
she referred to the trannies still working there committing suicide while working on these features
>Itemization overhaul
fuck that sounds awful. there's no way they would pull it off right and would scuff the whole expansion it gets put in.
>Exile's Reach is a much better intro to the modern game
No, you're an idiot. Exile's Reach is the most boring and bland intro to World of Warcraft. Niggers and women aside, it's a fucking bright green grassy island with some trees - you can't be more unimaginative than that. In a game full of wondrous zones and fantasy landscapes they decided to do the most basic design for something that sole job is to convince new players to stick around and spend money on the subscription. It's so out of touch it's unreal. Old racial starting zones did 100x better job at captivating new players to stay and play the game while Exlile's Reach gets dropped half way through because of how boring it is.
depends. reforging was cool
game needs legion style class weapon appearances 2.0
hint: remix is a testing grounds
WoW has truly run out of Break Glass In Case of Emergency options.

>All major lore locations have been explored
>Sargeras has been fought and defeated
>Old popular characters have already returned - Illidan, Arthas, etc.

Apart from player housing, is there a single long-requested feature they could possibly add that would bring players back? Because I cannot think of any. The return of class halls would be popular but not enough alone to boost subscriber numbers.
Alexstrasza sex minigame
They need to bring back/preserve that feeling of entering ashenvale for the first time or taking the deeprun tram as a dwarf and discovering where the humans live. That feeling wears off and did even in vanilla, but new players who don't know shit could still have it if blizzard would let them, and they sure as hell can't have it on exiles reach.
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this will save wow
>All major lore locations have been explored
theres the other side of the planet unironically

>Sargeras has been fought and defeated
can and probably will return at any moment

>Old popular characters have already returned - Illidan, Arthas, etc.
I rather we get new ones who arent Lilian Voss, Jaina, Anduin, Baine or Thrall
give me a new faction war with interesting characters after a 80 year time skip or whatever
housing would just kill the last vestigates of the MMO side of the game, rather they revitalize this shit genre with something that can return the multiplayer and social aspect to it to the point itd kill Discord tranny communities that are related to WoW
dont ask me what that could be, they made vanilla WoW with a crack team of analysts and psychologists who'd devise their systems to be as addicting and parasocial as possible, they can try that again
>All major lore locations have been explored
>We still have never been to Tel'abim to fight the Monkey King with our new playable Hozen and Gorilla allies
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When you stuck to the winning game (WoW)
Literally me.
Exactly. Imagine being a completely new player and creating a Night Elf hunter and then:
- being dropped into magical purple-ish giant fantasy forest forest full of interesting areas and incredible structures after watching 2 minute introduction about your race's current struggles that you will be able to help solve.
- being dropped into some generic island after generic shipwreck (that's so fucking cliche) while being on some unknown mission for some orc/black woman you don't give a shit about.
No wonder there aren't any new players in WoW.
Exlile's Reach prepares you to run from quest to quest at light speed.
>I rather we get new ones who arent Lilian Voss, Jaina, Anduin, Baine or Thrall
blizzard are never going to drop anduin/thrall/jaina etc, they are the main characters of worlo and are very marketable
She needs a knot
tel abim
If the Last Titan doesn't have playable Tuskarr WoW is over and will never be good
SL had such good dungeons and class trees, I loved the game until korthia hit. Nathria had great healer fights and SoD wasn't that bad either, but I felt like the expansion should've ended there.
yea its pretty bad. every new player should start with it's custom introduction (like the old ones) and put everyone through the same questline, no sharding or chromie time or any of that shit, to take them through the entirety of wow, somehow
>theres the other side of the planet unironically.
Yeah but the problem is we know absolutely nothing about it. There is no name that will fire up the neurons and get people interested again like Zandalar or Kul Tiras would have in 2018. The Other Side of Azeroth simply will not pique enough interest.

>can and probably will return at any moment.
I agree but it will surely not be anywhere near as interesting or hyped as it was the first time Sargeras appeared. A 13-year wait to see Sargeras for the first time simply cannot be matched.

>I rather we get new ones who arent Lilian Voss, Jaina, Anduin, Baine or Thrall.
give me a new faction war with interesting characters after a 80 year time skip or whatever.
I agree again but my point was about bringing old players back, and old players will not be interested in new no-name characters.

>housing would just kill the last vestigates of the MMO side of the game.
I disagree, in previous MMOs I have played with housing, there were constantly people in cities advertising house tours and you could actually meet loads of people and spend hours exploring their houses. I think if WoW introduces houses but makes them purely cosmetic - so no auction houses or mission tables like garrisons - it would reinvigorate the social aspect of the game.

Either way I think even housing will be too little, too late to save this game.
what revolutionary class comps do you think we are going to see today in TGP?
>Yeah but the problem is we know absolutely nothing about it.
I maintain the idea that more Outland to make up whatever other continents that Draenor -surely- had would be much more interesting than 'the other side of Azeroth'.
Especially since people want more Ogres, Arrakoa and such. 'Outland' itself is enough of a hook, even if we know jack all about the planet beyond the one continent we explored in two different timelines.
what was it
evoker mage priest dh and?
NO you chud, new player has to be CHAMPION that saves the WORLD right after they hit level 10!!! This is important and valid. Blizzard market research showed that by doing this they empower marginalized groups, and it's heckin important to give oppressed people a voice!
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Forgot about that, I do think a K'aresh expansion would be good and playable ethereals would be very popular.

Destroyed lorewise. Would have been interesting to see it before its destruction but I doubt it would bring a huge amount of players back.

>tel abim.
Would be fun but if it ever gets added it will be a meme zone as part of a South Seas expansion with Hiji and Plunder Isle, which I doubt will ever happen.
im going to make a wild guess that it will be
vengeance dh
shadow priest
and resto druid

did I win something?
>when we opened a portal to Azeroth in the Maghar scenario another series of portals opened on the other side of Draenor, but similarly led to the other side of Azeroth too
>ogres, arakkoa and other weirdo races ended up in our timeline and established their kingdoms/clans/empires across unknown continents

there, done
my heart :)
I think it's possible you might be connecting two unrelated issues, quite possibly because you are American and are suffering from political brainrot.
The champion stuff started in earnest in cata, which is well before the woke stuff became a big thing in WoW (this is the expansion that put Garrosh in power, had him tell Sylvanas to shut her mouth while calling her a bitch)
Yeah make a night elf on moon guard and come to Darnassus with all your gear off to win a prize
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I agree, they should have planted the seeds for this years ago though with hints and glimpses of other Outland continents to get players hyped for the idea. If they announced an expansion tomorrow set on a shattered ogre continent or something it would be completely out of nowhere.

I do remember some talk when WoD was announced that they might use alternate Draenor for future expansions because in the trailer it said New World: Draenor rather than New Continent. I know it seems obvious and straightforward because Draenor is a new world, but some people took it to mean we would get future expansions set on new continents in alternate Draenor like the ogre continent.

Also now that you mention it, playable arakkoa and ogres would be a Break Glass in Case of Emergency Option but I still doubt Blizzard would do it, and if they did do it, they would mess it up somehow.
What if Draenor was the other side of Azeroth all along
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that makes no sense
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I've always even just said the Goblins in Area 52 haven't launched the Rocket they were planning to explore the Nether with. Have them discover a close enough shattered continent, open up portals for their profiteering of new and weird resources, and then we discover the plot threads that were just left hanging and/or ignored entirely from the past. Namely stuff like
>Arakkoa summing old god looking motherfucker from somewhere in Shadowmoon Valley (another continent?)
>The Shadowmoon Clan wielding Void magic, which we know consider a separate threat to Fel and whatever Gul'dan did
>Cho'gall and his followers having Void Magic and a master BEFORE coming to Azeroth
>Orc clans just as violent or moreso that claimed dominance elsewhere

It's much more believable to make shit up with the fuel they've got just sitting there than to keep finding new continents on Azeroth, which the Draenei can now see all of from fucking orbit, and continue unnecessary plot threads like
>"Deathwing had a big secret underground lab for some reason!"
Literally everything they need to kick off a vastly more interesting 'new' story is just... sitting there!
They had all of DF to train new people and refine their skills, so TWW has to be better. There's no way it cant be worse.
I want an expansion set on one or both of the moons, and there should be a quest where we meet that intelligent raptor and her babies from the cata azshara quest. Add a race of anal probing crop circling take me to your leader ass aliens
Just merge with Starcraft shit at this point, the Old God minions and creations are practically looking and turning Zerg-like anyway.
Not to mention created by a big evil master in the Void.
Blizzard famously has terrible pay and loses all its talent to riot and the various ex-blizzard studios who never release anything. There's no turning point where the team is now experienced and can make something good, it's a revolving door of new devs who have absolutely no idea how this ancient spaghetti code engine works and most of the people who knew how it worked are no longer at blizzard
I agree and to be honest I think the major mistake from Blizzard was doing a cosmic setting as their first expansion.

John Staats revealed in his WoW Diary that the first planned expansion was set in the South Seas but Blizzard scrapped it due to being unable to add more zones to Azeroth because of tech limitations, so they decided on Outland instead. I honestly think they were originally planning on Outland being a very late addition, probably 10th expansion or something, maybe like what Legion ended up being. In that case, they could have gradually increased the scale of the setting and the threats from expac to expac so it goes from low fantasy fighting pirates > mid?-fantasy fighting undead > high fantasy fighting dragons > high-er fantasy travelling to different realms through portals > space fantasy travelling to different worlds through spacecraft.

Instead because the very first expansion has you travelling to a different world, fighting massive demons, spacecraft - Exodar, Tempest Keep, etc. - Blizzard has basically no choice but to have a lower-fantasy, more grounded setting for the second expansion, hence we went to Northrend. It seems to have been this way ever since with the whiplash from fighting a Titan at the end of Legion to helping farmers in Kul Tiras at the start of BfA.

What could have been. Oh well. It is still fun to theorise about these things and how they could have done them differently.
You can see Azeroth from the top of Black Temple.
>I honestly think they were originally planning on Outland being a very late addition, probably 10th expansion or something
1. There were unfinished Outland assets in the game from launch, you could even get into an unfinished version of Hellfire by glitching out of Deadmines
2. All of the popular important lore characters from WC3 except Arthas were hanging out in Outland.
So the question is; who put that giant mirror in the sky, and why?
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Here is a question I have never seen answered: if the Mongrel Horde idea went ahead instead of Warlords of Draenor and ended up being the expansion after Pandaria, what would the new continent have been? There is nowhere lore-wise that would be an obvious choice, and I doubt it would have been alternate Draenor even with Garrosh as the main villain.

Maybe a new continent like Troggia or Koboldland or something? I wonder.
I wonder if they planned that with any correlation to how part 2 of Rexxar's small campaign in the WC3:FT had him find a few random portals to sectioned off portions of demon infested Outland.
Apparently random cultists and shit were just able to casually open up their own portals to Outland.
The two issues with the scope of the game have been
>them using the game to just throw and kill off as many lore characters as possible for the first decade before slowing down and realizing there wasn't going to be a Warcraft 4 to give them more content (until they hit the panic button with Legion and fast forwarded through lore even more)
>expansions always demanding new continents to take place on, making the world feel more and more implausible and disjointed and weakening your connection to the original lands that had material for several games
new version of the mage tower
and not some half ass procedurally generated generic shit like torghast or delves
It's over, this time for sure
Midnight and TLT are getting to be set in Quel'thalas and Northrend respectively
>expansions always demanding new continents to take place on.
Yeah, I think Blizzard could solve this by having cities as entire zones, or even as entire continents/landmasses. Suramar City seemed like a step in this direction but they have not bothered with cities-as-quest-hubs since. Something like Kirkwall from Dragon Age II could be great - an expansion set in a huge city the size of the Broken Isles or another continent, with a few outdoor/wilderness areas here and there to break up the monotony.
>but they have not bothered with cities-as-quest-hubs since
city of threads in azj kahet
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I will never get over what they did to Kael'thas.
looks just like a personalami
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eh, not quite
yeah. if it was personalami she'd have a cock
And she would be a cat
similiar if anything
its the wider face and how the eyes are drawn from my perspective
it's the perfect movie for background noise
Do any of the remix raids have separate lockouts per difficulty or are they all one per day?
I just use noname animations for that
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what do you think their reunion in Midnight is going to be like?
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>Make back-to-back three of some of the greatest trailers in gaming history with the villains/characters explaining their histories and motives and showing a sympathetic and understandable side to their cause.
>Used Show & Tell so even if you mute the audio you can still clearly follow the story and the characters.
>Proceed to never use this format ever again.

Why? I do not understand.
what detracted from all three of those trailors were the colossal lore rapes present in TBC
WoW is dead you retard
If you don't start doomposting right now I'm gonna fuck you up
I don't know their hierarchy in terms of who exactly directs the contents of trailers and cutscenes between the writing team and the actual in-game cinematics team but it's become obvious they're overly obsessed with chasing personal tech breakthroughs rather than prioritizing more grand visual storytelling. Every trailer and cutscene HAS to have long closeups of the characters so we can see how they've improved the lip syncing and facial animations or show how they've fixed a clipping issue
they are gonna hug and have a nice family time, bliz can't do anything else
Based desu
that would unironically be nice desu
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the plap within
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Sorry chud, the soul saga is about elves
Normals and heroics share lockout. Mythic SoO doesn't, so you can do it even if you've done normal/heroic on the same day.
Its going to be Alleria and Vareesa screaming at Sylvanas about how she betrayed the Alliance and how the two of them have to make up for the whole elven race by serving the humie cock. And Sylvanas is just going to roll her eyes.
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Loli goats are better
is there any r34 with this elf slut?
Thanks pal. I've done every raid on heroic today but I'm only 400 so I probably can't get invited to Mythic Siege.

>no DFC
kek, dumb mutt is still avatarfagging. Remember to report lads.
just lewd for now
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Just apply to all mythic groups, maybe you'll get lucky. Whenever I make a raid and I get enough 200k+ people I just invite whatever lowest ilvl applies to boost them.
wtf is dfc?
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I hate elves and dragons so much.

Back in my roleplaying days it was common knowledge to avoid blood elves because of how weird they were. Theatre kids seemed to be drawn to playing blood elves. And whenever I saw some absolutely dogshit opinion on the forums, it was a blood elf female posting it, every single time. Always written in that snarky, condescending, passive-aggressive way. I have noticed also in recent years that night elf players nowadays seem to be exclusively trannies and other leftists.

Lore-wise, dragons seem to fit the Theatre Kid archetype.
>Rarely venturing outside their own groups but somehow ruining things for everyone else when they do.
>Look completely outlandish and weird.
>Believe themselves to be superior than everyone else yet 90% of their day is just relationship drama.
Cannot stand them. Dragons were much better back when they were quest mobs. Knaak should never have been allowed to write about WoW dragons.
delicious flat chest
draenei futa cock
yea if i post real part of loli set i am getting vacation
>Knaak should never have been allowed to write about WoW dragons.
Was he the one who introduced the idea of dragons being sentient/talking in WoW?
I remember reading day/night of the dragon and enjoying them desu.
She could push some fat logs out of that ass
wtf stop it!!!
>Cannot stand them. Dragons were much better back when they were quest mobs. Knaak should never have been allowed to write about WoW dragons.
based and true, Bolvar did nothing wrong
her ass definitely parses 100 on wowlogs
its funny how you autistic spams dawntrail hate threads all day on /v/ when the next WoW expansion looks like total dog.
Yeah it's suspicious and pathetic how /v/ loves WoW but hates OG
why care what random idiots on net say about anything? they all just want to provoke fight and angry responses.Just play what you like.
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you reap what you sow, buck
Yo buddy, I think you got the wrong general. /xivg/ is two blocks down.
Then again, pretty sure you /v/ posters are afraid to be in there.
i'll show you who's boss in this thread
wow won
you lost
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Is now a good time to start playing WoW? I haven't played since the end of Wrath. I know everyone shits on WoW these days but I just want to play a game where I grind mobs and get gear. Or should I get Diablo 4 instead?
you can grind mobs and get gear with far fewer caveats and hoops in D4 than WoW
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Meet the new Lead Quest Designer for World of Warcraft.
Until you need to farm uber uniques and specific stats on items then you wish you never played. Also walking on mounts fucking sucks in that game. You get stuck in every pebble.
world of slampigs
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Once again, the Internet seeks the firing of the man who held them all back. Only for it to backfire on them.
i dont read quests
Good, at least now, when future quests start to have fags and troons in them, I know what face to assign to my disgust.
Why is it always a smelly looking white woman or "woman"? Where are the black queens?
I'd rather take bland writing than completely murdering old lore, thanks.
Danuser won
He fucking won
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Anon... he was the one that gave them the go-ahead to do whatever they wanted as a morale booster after 2021
Look at this soulless demon
I think bland is not the problem with those kind of people, but the forced wokeness
play Last Epoch or Path of Exile
>the man who held them all back
pic unrelated
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Is it really feasible to solo shadowlands raids currently, or is this something to probably wait for lvl 80 in War Within to do? Blood DK doing Sephulcher of the First Ones on Raid Finder with explorer's plate crafted gear, and I got smoked by something in the first boss.. Doing it for the greatboots since afaik it's the only good-looking shoes for troll.
>stay away from da voodoo mon
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WoW needs an enormous facelift and I'm tired of pretending the artstyle is carrying it. It's not. The fidelity is grossly inconsistent between expansions, characters still have club hands and club feet for crying out loud.

At least push it up a little bit more, it doesn't have to be some HIRE THIS MAN-tier Unreal slop. Just make it better within the style of the game.. y'know, like Heroes of the Storm or something? Fantastical, colourful but 'better' in almost every sense. Specifically character models in that case. Even particle effects. I don't care if that means Pavel, 27 from Vatnik Oblast can't play it anymore on his PC scavenged from 1998.
play a dps and you can solo most sl stuff up to heroic with i500+ with the exception of gimmick bosses like kelthuzad
the shittiest part is that loot drops are extremely rare unlike mythic where 4 pieces drop no matter what.
>>Most guilds are spending 95% of their time on Discord bubbles that siphoned every social aspect out of the MMO side of the game
I have yet to hear why this is bad outside "waaahhh I am scared of discord, what if somebody asks me to join voice"
I've acquired a bunch of online buddies through discord that I've kept with now and then, which would be largely impossible through guild chat in one game most people play very infrequently
You can solo LFR or normal but the raids are not tagged legacy loot so your chance of getting an item are the same as your chance of getting personal loot.
>Is now a good time to start playing WoW?
Yeah, prepatch soon which will give you started gear for the next expansion in August. You probably wouldn't have time to do much of the DF endgame unless you no-life it.
>I know everyone shits on WoW these days
Asmongold viewers and ex-players shit on WoW. People who actually played it regard DF as one of the best expansions of all time.
>just want to play a game where I grind mobs and get gear
That's not really how it works, you get gear from raids, dungeons, vault and crafting.

Dunno about Sepulcher but I solo'd Normal Nathria last week on my 527 monk with no trouble. But it's not really worth doing because those raids don't have legacy loot yet (i.e. you don't get a raid's worth of loot to yourself, you get 1 player's worth of persona loot). You can probably find transmog runs in the group finder, or start your own.
Wait until TWW comes out, SL raids are piss easy at 80
blizzard needs to purge these subhuman scum. paycheck thieves hijacking this IP to spread their degeneracies and mental illnesses. as long as even a single one of them remains, wow will remain rotten
got a while to get to that, oof.
>droprate/loot rules make it unlikely anyway
yeah I'll probably just wait then. Thanks.
>That's not really how it works, you get gear from raids, dungeons, vault and crafting.
Gear doesn't drop from mobs anymore? I don't care about raids and dungeons or any of that shit. I just want to explore the zones and do quests and shit.
Also, any other alternatives for actual boots for Troll that are easier to get?
I dont agree. new expansions and new areas can have updated models and graphics, but putting that shit in the old world borders on blasphemy.
Wow isn't ugly or outdated it has a timeless art style that mogs the crap out of the clay sterile cuddle-and-kiss crap we got in SL/DF
I can't think of an MMO where you don't have to do instanced content to get good gear. Idk, maybe Runescape or Albion or something else sandboxy?
>I just want to explore the zones and do quests and shit.
You can do that if you want but you'll run out of stuff to do after about 100 hours. The endgame of WoW is dungeons and raids (unless you're into RP or PVP).
i think the world boss in zereth moris drops lfr gear, and it might drop the boots youre after. if they arent the boots youre after, you can probably use the catalyst to turn them into sepulcher gear
I never said good.

I'd rather RP or PvP than do raids. Should I wait until the prepatch to sub?
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>make it better within the style of the game
Impossible these days.
Just look at the new models and tell me it doesn't make you vomit.
>I have yet to hear why this is bad outside "waaahhh I am scared of discord, what if somebody asks me to join voice"
>"Discord bubbles that siphoned every social aspect out of the MMO side of the game"
its right there you knuckledragging troglodyte
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For comparison, I went back through the credits for each expansion to find out who the Lead Quest Designer was for each one.
>WoW: N/A.
>TBC: Alex Afrasiabi.
>WotLK: N/A*.
>Cata: N/A*.
>MoP: Dave Kosak.
>WoD: Craig Amai.
>Legion: N/A.
>BfA: Eric Maloof.
>SL: Eric Maloof.
>DF: Helen Cheng and Maria Hamilton.
>TWW: Dani Merrithew.

*For WotLK and Cata, there was no Lead Quest Designer but there was a Lead World Designer, which was Alex Afrasiabi for both, so I have included him in the image for those expansions.
With everything being account wide in TWW and guilds being server wide, there's not really a difference on having alliance and horde characters on one server or having them separated, is there?
It will probably take you a few days to level 1-60 before you can start Dragonflight stuff, then another few days to get to 70, so start whenever.
Prepatch is just a catchup gear event, if you don't care about endgame or prepping characters for TWW then it doesn't matter too much.
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I just realised I got the Shadowlands and Dragonflight logos mixed up.

Picrel is the fixed image.
its like everything wrong about current WoW art and design seems to have been expelled from HoTS to make it a soulful, nicer rendition of everything thats Warcraft
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some lobotomized retard fuck really looked at perfect legion dryad models and decided to do a model update.
whats worse, they actually looked at this fucking abomination and went "I did a good job!"
fucking retard infested company
exactly, the only people into roleplaying are social rejects. you'll never find a normal person trying to roleplay, because they can just be themselves to have fun instead of having to pretend to be someone interesting
Kosak had his problems but I think he was the overall best for quest/narrative design
I know it's fun to meme up Afrasiabi as the based Iranian rapist his track record and his interviews all show he was one of the chief advocates for just killing characters off and destroying places for sheer shock value not caring if it was ultimately a retarded decision later
...but you can trivially join those bubbles.
it's like saying guild chats siphoned off every social aspect out of mmo because people don't speak on local chat
Looks like a real woman.

Looks like deformed anime shit imagined by some 14 year old incel with a porn addiction.
TBC and Wrath was mostly metzen. The rapist would just show up to meetings, he first got heavily involved in the lore in WOTLK with Garrosh and made him into a mini Hitler I guess and then tried to do a hitler redemption arc in Cataclysm but Metzen used his powers to have garrosh look like an asshole. For some reason he blame cossack for this and got even angrier at him when when he was promoted to lead dev guy. When He finally got power in BFA/Shadowlands he made sylvanas retarded.
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>Looks like a real woman.
lol lmao
>lives in a region where xer only sees women with a resting tranny bitchface

no wonder thats real to you retard kun
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I disagree. Kosak may have been good at a flowing narrative but the narratives themselves were bad. Pandaria was the one expansion where they needed to be as serious and cool and so on as possible to avoid the Kung Fu Panda and Looks Like A Game For Kids accusations. Who did they give this task to? Dave Kosak, responsible for the goblin starting zones and Cata Azshara. Now I liked those zones but Kosak was absolutely not right for Pandaria. I think Afrasiabi would have done it better and would have presented the pandaren as a bit cooler and less of a meme race.

And while Afrasiabi was terrible as a Creative Director, I think as a Lead Quest Designer he was great, maybe the best. He was responsible for Cata Silverpine Forest and Stonetalon Mountains which to this day are some of the best questlines in the game.
>Gear doesn't drop from mobs anymore?

Not really. You get gear from quest rewards though. And world quests
graphics dont sell games to anyone besides the most vapid and mentally unwell
they havent been able to optimize this massive fucking game in 3 or 4 expansions at best and upgrading would only make that worse
You still get random green drops as well as the rare/treasure drops, at least in TWW.
if you don't care about the gear being good, random mobs still drop boes with random stats. but those are vastly outclassed by even low end dungeon or world quest gear
>The most vapid and mentally unwell
So the vast majority of WoW players?
I never understood the "Afrasiabi ruined Sylvanas because Kosak ruined Garrosh" when Sylvanas was basically irrelevant under Kosak, even in 7.0. What I wonder is who made the decision to kill off Vol'jin because in the alpha he originally lived and gave a pretty heavy tease that he was going to Zandalar which would set up BfA even more
Cata and Mop are my favorite expansions questwise. Wod is also good.
It's always been cope by Danuser apologists.
Afrisabi is one of those alt right im a white aryan indian looking nazi types. You understand that his overall purpose in WoW lore was too glorizie fascism?
not really, no
if your character isnt on the dominant faction you will just have a less active trade chat more or less.
They only really figured out quesing in WoD and then impoved it in Legion and BFA. Those are the three expansions with good leveling. Then in SL it went to shit again.
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>People were surprised the Ashbringer pfp user on the forums, turned out to be a rapist chud who hates women.
L m a o
>classical radio
>Nat Pagle Fishing Dailies

Yeah boys, we're gaming
Yeah I never believed this either. Leftists believe it because they are actually spiteful enough to do that kind of thing. Afrasiabi never struck me as the type of person who would deliberately ruin Sylvanas and drag it out across three expansions just out of spite. It also makes no sense because Afrasiabi was responsible for Cata Silverpine Forest in which Sylvanas was portrayed very sympathetically and it had some of the best writing for her in the history of the game.

I think that while Afrasiabi was good at self-contained questlines for zones, he was bad at overarching narratives for entire expansions which is why the overall story was all over the place when he was Creative Director from WoD to BfA.

As for why they killed Vol'jin off, I genuinely believe it is as simple as faction balance. They were worried that Alliance players would be in uproar if their leader died and the Horde leader survived, so Vol'jin had to go.
HAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit they brainwashed you real good.
Odd how the game gets worse and worse, the more chuds they fire.
Trying to make sense of anything related to the start of BfA is a fool's errand. If you try consuming all media related to it (in-game content, short stories, cinematics, etc.) you'll feel like a complete schizo as you realize you're reading like 3 rewrites of one story that randomly jump between one another
It just looks so uninspired and lacking any form of care or creativity. The texture is too smooth around the collar bones and navel, there's no feminine definition, what's the point of the bicep bracers? Why are the horns so little? Why are the eyes green? In fact, why is ALL of her literally just green and brown with just a little bit of weird blue/cyan in the hair?

It looks terrible. The torso is too long, the breasts look intentionally undersized, the hands look intentionally OVERsized.

What a fucking mess.
He was clearly a fascist, rapist. His story beats he added all throughout the game were just too glorify fascism. That's why early cataclysm seemed weird with the goblin racism, the racial purity shit, garrosh being some sort of hitler but getting things done.
Maybe he wanted to tell a story of how Reinhard von Lohengramm's dictatorial route leads to short-term gains and a long-term loss.
I think he wanted the Cataclysm story to be Hitler but what if he Won? Then The next expansion would be Hitler Garrosh but what if he conquered the world? Then the next expansion would be Garrosh hitler but what if he conquered the Legion?
night elves but what if they genocided?
but the things you listed dont glorify fascism, they were clearly displayed in a negative villainous light
when Garrosh was racially purifying zones it was shown in a good light. When Garrosh was racially purifying Orgrimmar and Undercity and being racist it was shown as good and helping the economy. When Garrosh was calling Sylvanas a bitch it was shown as good.
Fascism was still put into the story. If he wasn't a fascist why was there fascism in the story?
I hate how they gave them piercings and other metal shit on their head/ears. Doesn't fit a dryad at all
Oh you're baiting nvm
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>He was clearly a fascist.
>His story beats he added all throughout the game were just too glorify fascism.
>That's why early cataclysm seemed weird with the goblin racism, the racial purity shit, garrosh being some sort of hitler but getting things done.
>leveling my first guy through remix
>run into a bunch of people with 'remix' in their names
do you get a free namechange at the end of this or something? also the quests are pretty good, way better than DF. got that addon that changes the quest UI and it's a pretty nice experience.
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>do you get a free namechange at the end of this or something?
No. People are unimaginitive retards who see all their characters as themselves and typically have one name they go by online. It's why there's such a push to make everything account-wide. Nobody is attached to their individual characters. They just want to pump.
probably will be able to trigger a rename once transfers open
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huts made of shit
A lot of remix characters will just get deleted or used as one more character to roll for drops with.

No one is really taking them seriously.
I plan on leveling a bunch of alts in case I want to try them out in tww and personally I couldn't imagine having a name like that in case it ends up being my main. Would suck to drop cash just to change it. Also should I get to 70 first before rolling an alt? How does the alt cloak xp work if I have +250% experience gain right now?
If so then that's clever.
What annoys me to no end are the people who just have 2 or 3 letter names like DXF or some stupid shit.
Reminds me of the barcode names from Starcraft or League of Legends, like dude you aren't some MSI professional player no one cares about your shitty New Player Server Tauren Druid.

The fuck is the point?
idk how to answer that anon, go watch the boys and draw your conclusions on whether creators can display certain sets of values without actually believing them
or stop trolling w/e
>when Garrosh was racially purifying zones it was shown in a good light.
citation needed
>When Garrosh was racially purifying Orgrimmar
it was shown entirely in a negative light as he came across as as unhinged retard whos pushing away his own allies
>and Undercity
yeah because the Forsaken genocided the Horde
>being racist it was shown as good and helping the economy
no, citation needed
>When Garrosh was calling Sylvanas a bitch it was shown as good.
it was received well by the players who werent Sylvanas simps but it was simply a way of emphasizing that hes a dickhead

I like how retards like you forget that different questwriters (divided by zones) were following a different textbook for Garry's portrayal, with your examples actually lining up with his transformation into a cartoon villain (pushing others away, belittling them, antagonistic towards those who were meant to help him lead the Horde) while his portrayal in Stonetalon was an outlier as described by the devs who worked on it

he was actually a schizoid character by design and youre shitting your pants and trolling over falsehoods
We all know why they make female characters more masculine
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mfw when
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Humies owe their civilization to vrykuls and elves.
those guys with the meme 3 letter names almost always seem to be the worst type of sweats in pvp/m+ too. shitters quick to babyrage and ragequit. really does give the impression that they think they're an up-and-coming esports god that's just unfortunately stuck in elo hell lol
went out like a champ
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step on me
why did jaina only kill the elves in dalaran? is she racist?
She looks like she fucks Elemental Proto Drakes made of Earth
He is with Varian playing with Ursoc in the real afterlife now
probably for their guildmates to recognize them or something. also most aren't playing the remix to level characters they're just there for mounts and stuff. most will likely delete those characters
>use multiple variations of one name
>not constantly asked to change my name in disc to match my character
its that simple, really
The War Within is going to be the Phantom Menace of WoW. Some people will appreciate the artistry and direction Blizzard is taking the game, and others will just call it shit because there's a black elf character (Jar-Jar).
Do you know you can make this very same post without your avatar attached?
What does your avatar bring to the discussion? Absolutely nothing.

>WoW needs an enormous facelift and I'm tired of pretending the artstyle is carrying it. It's not. The fidelity is grossly inconsistent between expansions, characters still have club hands and club feet for crying out loud.
>At least push it up a little bit more, it doesn't have to be some HIRE THIS MAN-tier Unreal slop. Just make it better within the style of the game.. y'know, like Heroes of the Storm or something? Fantastical, colourful but 'better' in almost every sense. Specifically character models in that case. Even particle effects. I don't care if that means Pavel, 27 from Vatnik Oblast can't play it anymore on his PC scavenged from 1998.

Now that I have removed your avatar from the equation, i will acknowledge the content of the aforementioned statements.

#1 WoW needs an enormous face-lift. Oh, really? So them saying "we are gonna give the game a graphical update over the course of the next 3 xpacs" just completely went over your head. huh?
Just say you don't play the game. In fact, i already know you don't. All you do is post the same 4 images of your character, occassionaly ramble about the brawl stuff, and then never log in to actually play.
If you would have paid an ounce of attention to blizzcon, you'd know your concerns are being addressed, and FYI, the people that made HotS? Passion project team, passionate devs, the lead dev? He was personally responsible for how thicc Alexstrasza was, he had statues and figures of her around his desk-space amongst other cool nerd-shit. Now he wasting in away in Hearthstone i believe.
You get what you fuckin' deserve. Next time you want to make a post that has been addressed by blizzard themselves, how about kicking up a stink on the offical forums instead of avatarfagging on here with your stale take.
she has a nice voice in game, nobody will give a shit
>we are gonna give the game a graphical update over the course of the next 3 xpacs

What could they possibly do in the three expansions they have announced, though?
>The War Within: No graphical revamps. Leaked patch content is Undermine and Ethereals so likely no revamps there either.
>Midnight: Confirmed revamp for Quel'Thalas only - max 3 zones revamped: Eversong Woods, Ghostlands, and Isle of Quel'Danas.
>The Last Titan: Return to Ulduar, possible revamp for Storm Peaks, likely revamp for Ulduar, but there will probably be new underground zones.

Being very generous that ends up with maybe 4 zones revamped, which is basically nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Here come the Phantom Menace babies with their historical revisionism again. The prequels sucked, everyone who saw them at the time who wasn't 4 years old like you said they sucked, and they still suck now that you're a nostalgic 20-something loser.
>but please keep talking about ecelebs and dumbass drama
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i have an announcement
wow won.
that's the announcement.
Is Oracle viable for Disc? Seems like the damage of Voidweaver alone would make it the superior hero spec.
everyone's just waiting for midnight to play ethereals
>Graphical update over the next 3 years
>TWW looks literally just like SL or DF
>They'll change a few zones i.e Silvermoon to just look different and not actually upgrade the visual engine
based and lunchpilled
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Pretty sure they are updating stormwind and ogrimar and this is only the beginning, by the way.
>Being very generous that ends up with maybe 4 zones revamped, which is basically nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Yes, because they decided to do this in the middle of starting a 3xpac "saga" so we are lucky they are doing anything at all. If other devs had anything to do with it, we'd get another 100 lgbt summer chairs instead.
>putting words in my mouth
okay retard
>but please keep talking about sex sex sex sex sex i cant live without feet and sex and no pussy fr fr ong 100
>Personally my character is from the undermines and, being a dwarf, he build a rather medium sized space ship to go into outer-space and find the asteroid the void elves inhabit, once there he plapped all the void elf mommies because he is just that much of a giga chad (see: rape) am i right dudes, anyway that was a good talk about WoW now time to discuss my daily life for the next 50 threads.
>btw guys did i mention i love rape? it's so moral and cool. (attaches pic of my avatar to my post)
t. (You)
>SL and DF
Yes these expansions look good. No terraformed mountains taking up 100% of the edge of the screen or placed right in the middle of the map with stretched 400x400 texmaps on them. Very cool thanks for agreeing with me buddy.
>Not upgrade the visual engine
Haven't heard all the cries for "WoW2" lately? Cue: Tarissland
ret bros, avenging wrath or radiant glory?
wish i was as mad as you ngl must be nice frothing at the mouth
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>being a dwarf
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The Horde and it's players are fucking cringe and always has been.
Nice post, Anon, great job! Now we need to rally the men, send word north and south, call up the Lords to help us find who asked.
Castle fucking sucks
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for realz
She's not an elf + i want her shield
Fortress enjoyers ww@
This post is okay according to malding-kun but posting characters from WoW in the WoW thread is extremely verboten
>first the androgynous dragons
>now the tranny dwarves
blizzard needs to stop adding dei races.
How are they tranny dwarves?
>waaah stop being a big meanie!
fem earthens have the beard
Yeah but at least we're also based unlike Alliance who are, frankly, just boring.
Look at the ears, friend
>androgynous dragons
guewehefeheghehegegehehee... h-heyyyyyyy
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That's it? I was hoping for a more robust answer, related to Earthen having no set body or identity, no gender, or being able to redesignate their role, etc.
The only LGBT shit I noticed leveling was one female earthen memorial mentioning having a wife. There definitely has to be more out there but it's not as in your face as the first sidequests in Waking Shores being for gay dragonkin followed by your profession tutorials being for a gay couple followed by the gay centaur sidequest a zone later etc.
every "major" character in tww is a woman.
And that's a good thing
thrall anduin?
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How quickly will they "leak" Midnight? the only hype patch in TWW will be Undermine
>Midnight: Confirmed revamp for Quel'Thalas only - max 3 zones revamped: Eversong Woods, Ghostlands, and Isle of Quel'Danas.
You're a dumbass. They are 100% going to do Zul'aman as a zone, and likely restored Plaguelands to throw the Forsaken and deus vult Lordaeron rpfags a bone
>Look at the ears, friend
clueless clown
next year. they need material for the blizzcon
Noice, I'm in the background
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>BlizzCon 2025
>Metzen walks on stage
>"BlizzCon are you reeaaaddddddyyyyy?"
>Crowd erupts in cheers, applause
>Metzen holds up three fingers
>Crowd goes silent
>"Body Type Three, shipping with The Last Titan in 2026.".
>Metzen leaves
>Ion comes on stage to talk about systems.

Save this post for when it happens.
never ever, homo

>Ion: This time......... it will be different.
>The crowd erupts with ovasions
>crowd begins dilating
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Lo and behold, an actual tranny at BlizzCon 2011. Imagine going back in time and telling people that this would be the average World of Warcraft player in 2024. Grim.
When they showed female Earthen with beards, I had a feeling I knew why. However, Tolkien’s female dwarfs made me think at least maybe there is some merit to it.
dial 8
They would have done it in 2004 with the original dwarves or in 2018 when they added Dark Irons, if the purpose of it was to be an homage to Tolkien.

They are doing it in 2024 purely for ideological reasons. It is simply convenient for them that they have the Tolkien excuse to fall back on.
they will add trans elves in midnight
>midnight this
>midnight that
you "people" are GAY
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>Dear World of Warcraft Community,

>After an incredible journey spanning over a decade, I have decided to step down from my role as Game Director of World of Warcraft. This decision has not been easy, but I believe it is the right time for me to explore new opportunities and challenges.

>Working on World of Warcraft has been the honor of a lifetime. From the early days of designing raid bosses to leading the team through numerous expansions, I have cherished every moment. The passion and dedication of our community have always been a source of inspiration for me and the entire team.

>I want to express my deepest gratitude to the talented developers, artists, and designers at Blizzard who have made this game what it is today. Your creativity and hard work have brought Azeroth to life in ways I could never have imagined.

>To our players, thank you for your unwavering support and enthusiasm. Your feedback, stories, and adventures have shaped the world of Warcraft and made it a vibrant, living universe. I am confident that the future of World of Warcraft is bright, and I look forward to seeing where the next chapter takes us.

>As I move on to new endeavors, I will always carry with me the memories and experiences from my time at Blizzard. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey.

>For Azeroth!

>Warm regards,

>Ion Hazzikostas.


>sanctum of domination transmog run
>group is filled with fem elf hunters
>sepulcher transmog run
>group is filled with male human paladins
>Danuser: Ion, did we just?..
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>it's real
ooooooooooooohhhhhh boooooooooy
Anyone here ever feel paralyzed by choice? I've been staring at the character creation screen for the last hour and I can't decide what class I want to buckle down and main, they all have their drawbacks. For example, I love the class fantasy of guardian druid, but I hate the pressure that comes with playing tank. I've never tried a healer before, but I also hear that healing in WoW is much harder than healing in FFXIV, the only other MMO I have experience in.
im spam refreshing wowhead
your full of shit, it aint there chief
It looks like the work of a student/newbie struggling to 3d model and getting lost in retarded details (like the deer fur or the leaf veins or the weird bracers) while losing sight of main design. Just incredible how atrocious it looks compared to the Legion dryad model. Probably another busywork project to justify someone's job before so they wouldn't get canned, like the action bar gryphons.
TWW will be THE alt friendly expansion so go wild
You have to find the courage to stop caring and just do what you think will be most fun.
We should be able to challenge the tendies vendor for a duel and of we win we get 1k extra tendies
anon there won't be shit to do in tww so you'll have plenty of time to cycle through alts before picking a main
Explain how TWW content is any different from Legion, BfA, SL and DF. Pro tip you can't and i'm sure all these expansions have more playtime than the ones that came before
femboys arent gay
Blizzard has just put out another official statement.

>Dear Blizzard Community,

>I am excited to announce my return to Blizzard Entertainment as President of Blizzard and Game Director for World of Warcraft. It is an honor to rejoin this incredible team and reconnect with the passionate community that has always been the heart of our games.

>As I step into this role, I want to share some significant changes that will shape the future of World of Warcraft. After careful consideration and listening to the feedback from our dedicated players, I have decided to make all lore from Battle for Azeroth (BfA) onwards non-canon. This decision is rooted in our commitment to delivering a cohesive and engaging narrative that resonates with our community.

>In line with this, I am excited to announce the reinstatement of Garrosh Hellscream as the Warchief of the Horde. Garrosh’s leadership and vision for the Horde have always been a defining aspect of our story, and we believe his return will bring a renewed sense of purpose and direction to the faction.

>Additionally, we will be replacing the current Body Types system with traditional gender options once again. We understand that these changes may come as a surprise, but we are confident that they will enhance the overall experience for our players. Our goal is to create a world that feels true to the spirit of the franchise, and we are committed to working closely with our community to achieve this.

>Thank you for your continued support and passion for World of Warcraft. We look forward to embarking on this new journey together.


>Alex Afrasiabi
>President of Blizzard Entertainment
>Game Director for World of Warcraft


I cannot believe it.
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>oh boy I cannot wait for the story to feature badass new horde characters like Kiro and Mayl-ACK

Playing Horde in the modern day is truly is a cuckolding and humiliation ritual experience.
are they going to address the mop issue? i havent logged into remix for weeks
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Ulan Highmountain shows up for barely five minutes before getting killed off and yet is somehow a much cooler and more interesting character than Mayla is.

Hate this trend of killing off interesting male leaders so they can be replaced by their flawless girl-power daughters.
How else are women supposed to lead?
can I do heroic remix raids if I'm not level 70 yet? is there any benefit to doing heroic vs normal?
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Mayla was literally only invented to give Baine a love interest.
But given how much they cut his plotlines from expansions, no wonder she's probably easily the 2nd worst Horde leader in character development.
You can. The benefits is more bronze and purple gear with more stats. You will be a corpse for 90% of the run though. The slighest whiff of raid-wide damage and you're 1000% overkilled.
>Removing women
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Hey /wowg/ what do you think of my tattoos? They were doing a 3-for-1 deal at the tattoo parlor so I loaded up while I could.
>player with bimbo in name applies to my key
instant invite
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>>oh boy I cannot wait for the story to feature badass new horde characters like Kiro and Mayl-ACK
Don't worry, it won't.
Blizzard have now realised they have killed off every interesting Horde character like retards, so the Horde doesn't exist anymore outside of Thrall.
Now it looks like they are trying to turn Alleria into a main character as well (based).
>You will be a corpse for 90% of the run though
Well you weren't wrong. I got in a heart of fear and random stuff just one shot me. One guy was doing millions and millions of damage to everything and then rezzing me or summoning me lmao. I got some epics though and a lot of bronze.
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Not true.
>Now it looks like they are trying to turn Alleria into Sylvanus
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Yeah I have no idea what these guys are on about. I got my Illidan tat nearly 8 years ago now and people love it, everyone wants to take pictures when they see it.
you really think they are going to do the same thing to alleria after the universal backlash they got for ruining sylvanas?
They already are doing it so yes.
>He thinks the sudden Alleria focus is because they want her to be a main character.
>Not because they're going to make her some void beings vessel at the end of War Within, for the Siege of Silvermoon.
Unironically already writes itself, given we know Xal'atath and Alleria have their rivalry. And the 11.2 raid looks to be Ethereal themed, with Locus Walker being the one to point out Xal'atath's connections to the Ethereals in the Harbinger questline.
War Within shall end with Alleria getting Voided and leading the siege on Silvermoon.
Metzen wants his light vs Void for Midnight, what's the better set up than Turalyon fighting the void to get his wife back?
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I wanna play rogue but it has so many buttons oh god what do I even press why did they make it like this
That just isn't true, she is clearly being portrayed as a hero rather than a villian.
Alleria will get mindbroken/puppeted by Xal as opposed to Sylvanas's choice to be bad, but she will still "go bad"
it doesnt really have that many buttons, there are just a lot of cds. some of which you can macro together for convenience to reduce total keybinds
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>druid AFKs for a couple minutes
>guy has a meltie and votes to kick him 10 times because his leveling dungeon is taking 10 seconds longer
so 2 more weeks for Alleria too?
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Could you imagine. Alleria going to the Sunwell and letting in void monsters?
Ha-ha. Surely they won't write something like that, yes?
Sylvanus isn't shit because she had a villain arc. She is shit because she is Sylvanus. No point arguing with you when Blizzard will prove me right in a few months anyway.
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Completely delusional, see you at the end of TWW.
god i wish i were my dracthyr
im glad youre not a dracthyr
completely justified. don't queue for a multiplayer game when you have to constantly go afk.
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>moonguard trash
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every day i thank god for that anon not being his dracthyr
Why do I always see Amerigolems having Horde tatoos done, but never Alliance tatoos?
mmm... now that's badass
the alliance symbol looks lame as fuck
you're not wrong, but I wouldn't exactly call those horde tatoos good looking lmao
and you took a screenshot here to show this, why?
just kick the moonguard trash
>the people who play the bad guy faction and unironically scream FOR THE HOOOORDE at public events are autistic freaks
More shocking news at 11.
Azeroth is a light being
>they made vanilla WoW with a crack team of analysts and psychologists
now I KNOW your post was full of fucking shit newfag.
Oof, the main character is triggered
alliance players are trad and the last line of defense against the brown menace
He's right THOUGH
Is Sylvanas' old bow available to players or did she just throw it in the trash to never be found again?
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It's over. Lore Daddy Confirms.
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9 more days.
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she drops her bow as a legendary weapon in Sanctum of Domination, is that the one you want?
don't think you can get the one she had prior however
>1 view
>29 seconds ago
Youtube recommendations truly are a gift.
"Hey could you give me a hand with this?"
What's the best race to play to get easy whispers for kinky fetish ERP?
yeah i wanted the one she was using when she was warchief since she has a new one now
Considering Turalyon is canonically chilling in Silvermoon whenever he feels like it already, Midnight will likely be the deathblow to Red vs Blue desu.
Midnight will make Helf/Belf neutral so yeah
Which specs are getting major reworks in the pre patch? Without the hero talents
rape, made for sex, bvilt to bear my offspring
how many children will she have with Anduin by the time TWW is over?
What a chad, he just goes where he pleases
why was Arator in Silvermoon City? Dont the Blood Elves hate half elves?
As many as she wants
Holy shit
Because despite him being a Half Elf and his mother nearly corrupting the Sunwell, Alliance characters need to be shown favouritism.
will we get playable ethereals in midnight?
probably due to the fact that both his parents are heroes who saved the entirety of the blood elves twice during the second war
the real answer is that red vs blue is bad now and factions can no longer exist
midnight is going to have a new class. blizzard likes to alternate new races and new classes. sl was the exception
It's hour highest chance of getting Ethereals. Tuskarr is also likely with TLT going back to Northrend.
I think you're forgetting the point that Alleria got exiled from Silvermoon.
Arator even bothering to live in Silvermoon, despite neither being a Blood Knight or the fact his mother is exiled he has no longer any horde relatives after Sylvanas fucked off, makes little to no sense.
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I love the Goblin aesthetic so much. They are just so much fun to be around.
Still hoping we get some sort of void caster new class so they can stop pointlessly injecting void shit onto spriest.
>I think you're forgetting the point that Alleria got exiled from Silvermoon.
That doesn't change what I said though, regardless of the fact that she has void aids now Alleria is still one of Silvermoon's greatest heroes.

But yes I agree that him living there is retarded regardless.
Midnight class will be the Paladin equivalent for Void
genuinely don't know which class/archetype fits the theme of midnight. i think we're also going to get ethereals.
Why are chuds so obsessed with wanting the game story to be about extreme racism?
Gnolls for Horde and Tuskarr for Alliance has been a long time coming.
If shadow priest exists then there is no reason for shadow paladin to not exist
Because it forced the player to think about things instead of the game already doing the thinking for you. If you go on a quest where it's just already understood that everyone is happy and you just need to clear some bees from a garden to make them MORE happy is different than there being a sentient race attacking a farmstead under a horde banner due to the fact that they are suffering from extreme hunger and lack of resources -- therefore culling the attacking force leads to moral gray areas which aren't clearly defined.

This drives intrigue and discussion.
"Bees bad, pls go kill"
"Horde bad, and are always bad, pls go kill."

Even if you don't care in terms of the impact of this, you do subconsciously make decisions based on information.
TWW- no class, budget ARs (Earthen, Harronir, ???)
Midnight- Void Paladin + Class Skins
TLT- Northrend themed races: Vrykul, Tuskarr and Nerubians (the kind from TWW)
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You people don't seriously think you're getting Void Paladin, when Cloth is the only armour type without a Hero Class, or new class addition.
also no new trolls to punish Baal and the Redshirt Mafia
"I don't think we want to get rid of that faction identity at all," Maria emphasized, "I think that that's important. And I know that things that happen later in The War Within — we'll delve into some of that. But at the heart of it, the philosophy is more about friends being able to play with each other."
>some other big thing from that list
>new clas
>new race
>return of class halls
>new race
>random slop
post tlt
>graphical/engine update
>player housing
>And I know that things that happen later in The War Within — we'll delve into some of that.
holy shit total Night Elf eradication confirmed
I hate the ElvUI minimal look. Is there a way to disable almost all of it in favor of the default WoW UI? I just want to know if it's possible to use only a couple of the features. I really don't want to look through all of those stupid settings and I keep putting it off. Just a small spoonfeed, please.
any tasty sloppa?
housing will probably be Midnight as it has a few different biomes and civilizations in the area (Lordaeron/Elf/Troll)

world revamp is probably after TLT or it is a Kalimdor expansion
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>He thinks he's getting new races in Midnight
>He doesn't know that Taunka will be a neutral race of Tauren in Last Titty
they will all be killed
just discard it man. its heavy on memory and it looks like shit
Night Elves wished they looked like this. skinnyfat purple freaks.
don't think so. a couple of months before the launch of dragonflight ion said in an interview that player housing won't happen until they do a serious engine update
Which ai did you use for that one?
Why end Red v Blue?
we need cool and sexy races. we got
>the scalie race in dragonflight
>the boring dwarves in tww
we need something cooler than cows
>GimpyTheAce is actually coming back for The War Within
bros, SODchads are laughing at us, they just got a brand new dungeon. Classic+ is confirmed and will take all the devs from retail. its over
>tight stomachs
>skinny fat
>brand new dungeon
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call me when they release the first week molten core numbers
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Because they shark jumped like 400 times and there's no fucking way to keep things interesting with something that's been going on since 1990 without altering or throwing out the formula.
Because as shown in BFA the modern playerbase is genuinely too insane to handle an Alliance vs Horde story that features murders and invasions. it can be a boring cold war kind of thing but people arent satisfied with that and its too difficult to write for modern writers
I already did quite awhile back. I was just thinking about it and was curious if there was any way to make it look not as shitty and minimal. Thank you anyways.
Shadow/Void Paladin sounds so fucking cool
You fucking prick. You fucking arsehole. You disingenious cunt. Fuck you. Fuck you, gimpytheace. You fucking, lying, fucking cunt. No, I fucking didn't, you piece of fucking shit. Fuck you for saying that. Fuck you, you absolute fucking idiot. Fuck you, you cunt. Fuck you for saying that. You fucking piece of shit. Fuck you. Get the fuck out, you prick. Fuck you. Listen to you. Listen to your fucking words, you absolute prick. Fuck you. Fuck you. Get the fuck out, you prick. Get the fuck out. Coming on to my fucking chat and telling fucking lies like that. Fuck you. Get the fuck out. Who the fuck do you think you are, you fucking prick? What the actual fuck? You arsehole. You fucking arsehole. Get the fuck out.
Peabrains don't realize that SL and DF are the kind of high quality stories you get when you totally abandon factions. Alliance and Horde are so baked into the DNA of the worldbuilding that when you replace them all you have is discount Avengers saving the world from villains who are all copypaste "wants the world soul!!!" hacks
Your thread is like 9 rows down, retard.
not mine i saved it from the thread
that works for XIV thoughbiet
this is for you >>486078037
Because XIV didn't have Red vs. Blue shape their storytelling and worldbuilding for 2 decades
well they did for probably the first time ever what wow was doing every expansion/every few years, which is go to a new place, and create a new story as you go
and look how that turned out. troontrail is worse than df
I don't think RvB was the peak of Vanilla, the best part were the different player race zones and questing lore. I would be fine with them getting rid of factions (they wont) if it meant a return to racial lore focus (they might)
>Have the war with Garleans end basically off screen, so they could focus on OC ascian bs.
>Endwalker's post launch story and Dawntrail are some of the most ridiculed plots the games had.
Yeah idk chief.
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the exodar for alliance
silvermoon for horde
trust the plan
We can still have villains emerging from within horde or alliance without throwing the factions at war every time
I don't really get why they keep baiting an XIV MSQ scion party type thing in marketing when Thrall and Jaina aren't even in TWW, they fuck off after a few quests. Do people really get that excited when they see Thrall and Jaina or what
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these zeev peasiantes are beating off over a war with garloids?
The Blood Elves are Playboy bunnies, and for me, it's embarrassing. There's no denying they're supposed to be Playboy bunnies. You don't have the option to hide them in the game. For me, the more over-the-top sexy female races, and having one which is literally a Playboy bunny is taking that to the ultimate extreme. WoW feels like a Korean shovelware game. It feels like a Korean mobile game. I find that a bit weirdly embarassing, and it's massively overly sexualised and I don't like that. "There are worse games out there" isn't a good excuse. "I can't believe my next door neighbour-murdered his entire family. Well, y'know, Hitler was worse." Just because there are worse examples of a bad thing, it doesn't make the original thing worse.
>war with garloids
sounds a lot more interesting than the aborted fetus they got right now
think danuser's baby, but then also got run over by a tank
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>Warlock & Warrior talent revamps look really good
>Fire Mage also looks good
Uh oh. I won't be able to decide...
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>Do people really get that excited when they see Thrall and Jaina
Some people do
alliance players are trad normies and wouldn't get a retarded video game tatt
why not all 3? with warbands, warbound (BOA) gear it will be easier than ever to maintain multiple chars imo
hey joshie how is your image related to your conundrum
>Do people really get that excited when they see Thrall and Jaina or what
Yes, because they are some of the most recognizablecharacters in the entire Warcraft universe.
Of course Blizzard is going to keep slapping their face on everything
The game that matters the most in Warcraft franchise is WC3 and that game is about Horde. Since only WC3 makes people feel strong enough about it to get a tattoo, they get a Horde tattoo. Alliance is a soulless golem faction.
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Won't I still have to play the classes I want to gear though? Like I can't just play my warrior for instance and get gear for a warlock right?
>Warrior pic
>Talking about Warrior
(You) will never be a janny.
I unironically think Metzen is a giant coward for not making Thrall and Jaina a thing. They have had chemistry for decades now. Speaking of that, Thrall in general has been such a disappointing character since WC3. It's a shame because he had so much potential. Now he's just an impotent old orc with a nobody family that no one cares about.

And don't get me started on cat-lady Jaina. Such a shame.
mmm, cropped stuff always hits
Look bro he paid a lot of money for his ugly art pieces, he has nobody else to show them off to but us, so he's going to keep doing it to make himself feel better.
>post pic
>gets an instant seethe reaction and a samefag
how is he so powerful
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>ywnbaj drivel
>uses every miniscule chance he gets to avatarfag with his menagerie of futanari OCs

this is not a community youre a part of, go to discord if you want to be validated

its AI slop
>WC3 and that game is about Horde.
I'm curious, why do you think the game is about the Horde when it features four different races/POVs?
gooning in
>Won't I still have to play the classes I want to gear though? Like I can't just play my warrior for instance and get gear for a warlock right?
you can. look up warbound gear, it can drop from anything you do, but at slightly lower ilvl
so say you do a delve at max difficult which drops idk 570 ilvl. you can get warbound gear at 565 ilvl or something that is boa. then you can pass that around and it wont become soulbound until you actually equip it
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templar/rider/conduit of the celestials > your gay spec
w-what about archon???
>get shit on for being a fag
>shit your pants and post literal furry porn
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Struck a nerve I see.
I particularly love the changes to Unhinged. Instead of a random target it's your current one, and instead of just two Mortal Strikes it's much more. I bet this works exceptionally well with accelerated Bladestorms by way of Imminent Demise on the Slayer tree.
Oh shiiiiit, that sounds pretty good. I can't say I'm super excited for Delves, but maybe I will be surprised and they turn out fun. Interesting.
what is it with you clinically retarded basket cases and feces? want me to smear my vulpera shit on your flopping man boobs? kys woman. get shit on by me.
>I can't say I'm super excited for Delve
it doesn't even have to be delves. warbound gear can drop from any piece of content you do as bonus personal loot. m+, raid, even outdoor shit
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>Warbound gear from M+
I hope there's a way to choose what gear you get from this. I would hate it if I do M+ and a piece of Mail warbound gear drops and I don't play any Mail classes. Or if I'm specifically trying for Cloth gear I can have it explicitly drop that.
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ywn be a vulpera
you have no friends
your parents hate you
thats why you stan for futafag itt
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Is it worth ressubing RN? im not buying the expac just yet but i kinda wanted to get my wow fix...
>ice cream
take any more estrogen and you'll be my bitch for real. have a cry Sophie and mash that report some more. u fat cunt.
>ghost reply
>frog image
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For retail / modern WoW, not really. Expansion's almost over and you'd at most just be doing questing or a few dungeons.
You may want to try Classic & Season of Discovery as they just had a new content drop.
Who's Sophie?
fuck the horde and fuck firepaw
With War Within releasing in just over a month. Don't let Blizzard distract you from the fact, despite all the countless Warlock lore there was, they went made based Hellcaller, it's design and lore fluff around Satyr just for the Night Elf fans.
I always used to think Kael'thas was (sadly) the biggest cuck in WoW, but now I'm starting to think Ji Firepaw maybe be an even bigger one desu.
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can someone explain blood dk in dungeon to me? i havent played since legion where i mained blood dk and they were genuinely unkillable in m+. now i see people saying that they can get globaled or one shot. is this actually an issue if all you care about is getting the highest level of loot and not necessarily pushing past that? (in legion it was +15 i think its different now?) i kinda wanna main dk again in the new expansion but not if theyre a liability in m+.
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The mother fucker did irreparable damage to the franchise that nearly killed the game. I'm glad he redeemed himself slightly with Dragonflight, but I'm glad that he's out the door after the shit he did.
which wc3 character left hasn't been raped beyond repair?
Jailer was so fucking based just for picrel. People were just not prepared for that level of kino.
Rokahn because they do nothing with him
Baine because he's irrelevant
Nazgrel because he was stuck on Outland for years
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Forgot pic
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>sat on his ass in Oribos for the entirety of SL being LE SAD
this was too fucking funny, pure humiliation ritual
What happens when ya forced to have your storyline cut time and time again to sate Alliance fans
Like they couldn't even give him a side quest just to move his ass from that exact pixel? Could get him to collect bear asses in ardenweald or something idk.
Rumour has it, he was originally supposed to be involved in their original plans for a zone between Korthia and Mortis.
Ultimately, him and his Tauren spirits having something going wrong in the afterlife plot got scrapped whenever they scrapped that missing/possible Drust Zone.
So while Thrall got his little moment to interact with his mother in Korthia which was probably the original plan, Tyrande got her girlboss I'm going to die plot and Jaina and Uther got their coming to terms with what happened to Arthas in the same patch. Baine was just a causality in the expansion getting rushed and having to skip to the very end, with the very obvious rewrites that the expansion suffered from and they gave the Tauren spirits a line in Grimoire as pity.
Ahh.. Baine, the eternal sitter
Garithos technically
Maiev's probably the most fucked over Nelf character narratively.
She got turned into a schizo in a book and was murdering night elves in Darnassus, which was later brushed over in game.
not in the game so it doesn't matter
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>his crush told him to fuck off
>joins the horde
>gets a beat down
>now his mission is to destroy pandaria
>same guy to gave him a massive beat down now stabs him in the back
>get another beatdown and gets put in the middle of the city to get executed
>enter Sylvanas
>firepaw now is forced to bend the knee
>devs forget to add you in the cutscene

he's an idiot
Cata cokelore is so trash man. no idea how gilneas turned out as good as it did in that shitty expansion
uh bro are you talking about lorthemar?
lor'themar was the one doing the backstabbing, not getting backstabbed desu
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>Not in game.
They directly reference those events in Legion, with proceeding to swiftly brush it off after.
To further go into Legion, Maiev who's reason for being captured by the Legion in Val'sharah was because she was trying to get Illidan's body back.
She's then proceeds to not be there for the moment Illidan is freed at the end of Nighthold, but then a patch later in Tomb of Sargeras, she promises she'll hunt Illidan where ever he goes in the Cathedral dungeon.
To which proceeds not to be involved in the Tomb of Sargeras raid, which ends with Illidan ripping a hole into reality and bringing forth Argus above Azeroth, which if Maiev was written in character for, would've killed him for.
She then proceeds to not commit to her statement from the patch earlier, staying on Azeroth for no reason as Illidan fucks off to Argus without his tard wrangler and the rest of things he does is history.

Then to top it all off, the Nightwarrior storyline was originally planned to be given to Maiev in BFA as compensation for her not doing anything in character post Cathedral in Legion. Before they thought it would better fit Tyrande because she's a main character and thus Maiev became a boring Darkshore warfront boss, which they confessed to in an interview prior to 8.2

The girl's gotten better treatment in Hearthstone, than she has in wow.
Lor'themar is a fucking chad in comparison to Firepaw
Lor is probably the best male character in the Horde and that's very funny considering
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You thought years of plot armor was free? It's time to pay the piper
not a high bar these days
there is no-one left, that's like a participation trophy at this point
Objective list of good remaining racial leaders

Horde: Lor'Themar
Alliance: Greymane

thats it there is no one else left
Is the fastest way to get the Garrosh token things just to join a normal every day?
>racial leader
Who's going to tell him........
Lol. Dumb furfag.
Is Turalyon considered the human racial leader or is it still Anduin?
Do you consider Varian/Anduin, or Bolvar the Human racial leader in Vanilla?
do mythic twice and heroic once and you'll have all bones needed
you get 10 bones from mythic. 4 from heroic 1 from normal. fastest way would be to do mythic and heroic to clear the vendor in a few days.
Tess is cool

they need to do something cool with Tess, Shandris and the Forsaken council but they are taking way too long
Trick question.
It's Onyxia
i lied, you have to do mythic 4 times
I would say it was Bolvar in Vanilla, considering he was flagged as such in game for honour/pvp purposes, which now that I think about it Turalyon it too desu.
>they need to do something cool with Tess, Shandris
Such as have sex with me
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>Tess is cool
uh oh melty
vengeance for zuljin
Well I think it's officially considered to be Turalyon until Anduin replaces him in a few expansions, if he doesn't go the way of cata Thrall and becomes a pure neutral NPC.
Like how Saurfang was considered the racial leader of the Orcs post Garrosh, till Thrall came back. But for pvp purposes, Thrall isn't the target dummy in Orgrimmar, that's Rokahn.
Sounds good, I'll just mindlessly apply to mythic groups and hope someone carries my low ilevel ass.
Biggest problem with characters like Tess and Shrandris, by extension the council as well is that WoW stuff suffers from it's racial main character mess.
Tess and Shandris struggled for the longest times always basically having to be supporting cast for Genn, or Tyrande (or in Shandris' case what ever relevant main NPC there is) whenever they show up on screen.
Council also suffers from not really getting much to show off with the other 3 members, cause they prefer pushing Voss and Calia.
Now Tess and Shandris are the leaders of their people, if the devs can actually restrain themselves from bringing back their respective parents, they might get shit to do
Hes what Bolvar was during vanilla aka placeholder
they definitely are setting up turalyon for a garrosh kind of thing, though it will be done with kid gloves
>ok i'm back i'm ready for the throne now
>FUCK you kid we LIGHT now i'm mad cuz you didn't save my DEAD WIFE
Reclaiming Stromgarde was a good first step. Perhaps there are other holdings of the old Alliance that could be secured.
>Implying Void corrupted Alleria won't just kill Turalyon, forcing her to step down.
>This results in the 2 actual racial leaders for each faction, Captain Fareeya and Magister Umbric to get pumped up in relevance.
yeah I'm sure blizzard are going to kill off alleria and turalyon after people cried for years asking where they were
could you imagine the meltdowns?
horde cope
the light will NEVER be used as a villain and the mag'nigger orcs were actually the evil guys all along
>Captain Fareeya
Finally, a racial leader who's done less than Gelbin.
more like Void Alleria kills herself to kill Xal/Dimensius, keeping feminazis from crying about fridging/Sylvanas 2 but Turalyon lets it make him a little psycho and pissed because he thinks Anduin could've saved her

there needs to be some reason why Turalyon wouldn't hand everything back to Anduin and that fits the bill
>there needs to be some reason why Turalyon wouldn't hand everything back to Anduin
I mean, the reason is obvious? The man probably doesn't want it.
>I'm still mad Illidan killidaned my chandelier.
>try to make a fem nelf character
>get too horny to finish choosing her appearence
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>its another lorelet suggesting turalyon, unironically the most morally good person in Warcraft, will suddely turn LE BAD
I know it's probably too much to ask to read the two WC2 novelisations, but perhaps listen to either the A Thousand Years War audio drama or read the latest short story before running your retarded mouth.
>tfw you have a retarded mouth
it's over for me
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Turalyon turning evil probably won't happen.
Turalyon dying as he tries to save Alleria? More likely to happen, cause that's already happened in Visions of N'zoth
it doesn't matter how many d-list characters you fly through because they all can't be anything but super peaceniks with no personality but "FOR AZEROTH!" and will never have a chance to do anything notable because all cutscenes now consist of characters either mumbling to each other ending with a quiet "for azeroth..." or talking about the need to work together before ending with a loud "FOR AZEROTH!"
>silently clenches fist while "secrets of azeroth" plays
Yeah that could realistically happen, though I'm not sure if Blizzard would have the balls to do that since killing him would piss a lot of people off.
They seem confident in at least to be willing to kill of Human characters when it comes to Alliance. Other races not so much, but given Metzen's in charge of the narrative and was the one who personally designed how Varian went out? I wouldn't put it past him to do the same with Turalyon if he felt it was a good narrative choice to raise the stakes.
>They seem confident in at least to be willing to kill of Human characters when it comes to Alliance
Now that I think about it, the only "notable" non-human Alliance character that has ever died has been Fandral Staghelm.
As for humans, there has been Benedictus, then Rhonin then finally Varian, unless I am missing someone?
tbf, what makes the most sense lore wise isnt exactly probable these days when it comes to the writers
Bovlar technically died for a bit between Wrath-Gate and ICC.
Amber Kearnen got axed off in Legion to kick off the Rogue order-hall.
Taylor also got axed off in WoD, but that was more in response to them killing off Nazgrim an expansion earlier. Despite then bringing Nazgrim back in Legion and Taylor's now sorta stuck as a ghost.
Could make an argument for Tirion but he's more neutral leaning, despite his Alliance origins.
There's probably more.
You're not wrong, but as far as Turalyon and Alleria's characteristation has gone post re-introduction to the story, they have been fairly true to their original depictions, albeit they haven't really done much post-Legion.
Tirion, Bolvar, Greymanes Son, Khadgar maybe
How do we fix the alliance?
more femworg story characters
or the Horde
Alliance is in a good place tbhthough
Horde is in shambles and needs focus
I know exactly how to do it, but I'm not doing your work blizzard.
Make Tess a worgen.
this, Alliance still has good characters left
Blizzard killed almost all the cool Horde characters off
they're also sexo
More worgen
more worgen and vulpera on alliance
write characters for men
Will anyone be rolling a drac for the other classes? Mage Dracthyr feels like kino theming and druid would be cool
I was going to say no but having soar would feel pretty nice...
I might have if they weren't skinny twinks. Dragon warrior/paladin would have been cool.
Well for starters we need there to be an ummm.. war? Maybe with umm... the horde?
This. An alliance means nothing if there's no war or threat of war. Right now the Alliance is basically an economic union like the EU or something which is boring as hell for a fantasy setting
>"I don't think we want to get rid of that faction identity at all," Maria emphasized, "I think that that's important. And I know that things that happen later in The War Within — we'll delve into some of that later"

unironically what did she mean by that?
it feels wrong
at that point why even have race/class restrictions
its not wrong for them as it was part of their lore day 1 that they do have other classes and the evokers are just a special unit
The war within becomes the war without
>fuck things up
>when players complain just say "well we think we didn't do that, the players are just too dumb to understand"
many such cases!
She means that at some point Thrall will monologue about friendship or some gay shit and she thinks that counts as horde having an identity
how did you get that from that answer
Whats going on reddit
sod lost
dawntrail lost
Turalyon is gonna rape a fem goblin and start a new war
i was thinking about making a warrior but it really depends if i can have 100% true visage form
can't rape the willing
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>dragon warrior/paladin
it's disgusting how they utterly botched a long-awaited dragonkin race. only blizz could manage a bungle that bad. crazy part is that just about all art, from fanart to official makes them look more menacing than the uncanny shit we got. also giving them the twitter dragqueen humanoid form was a mistake.
With big beautiful naga for both factions
das rite
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And nothing of value was lost
No they aren't
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>Things you can say about Death Knight but NOT Paladins
What if Turalyon becomes the first void paladin fighting alongside a lightforged Alleria or something like that
Can anyone post the Remix leveling "guide"?

New bread.
its not a / its 2018-05-11
based and true

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