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shitty dead game edition

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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I love you, Anon
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i was checking Riot's track record for the past 2 years and it's not pretty
the fuck went wrong at that company?
I had the opposite of this
I had an egirl streamer on Lucian while I was playing Nami, I was playing out of my mind hitting every single bubble and dominating lane and she kept glazing me on her stream (she was also a Nami main autofilled on ADC)

unfortunately of course she is a retarded femoid who can't live without attention so we lost because she went afk during a game ending teamfight talking to some incel in her chat instead of just killing everyone when she was turbofed
that game still makes me seethe to this day
this did not happen btw
Stay positive /lolg/!
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OCE sucks. should I move to NA or EU?
we are full
euw and na are full of timmylows
eu is 300 ping, na is 200 ping from oce
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Still streaming.
yeah but what if i just like move countries lol
still don't care
Thanks for the (You) kind stranger!
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you can move in with me and we can get married
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i was checking Riot's track record for the past 2 years and it's pretty
the fuck went right at that company?
bait is supposed to be believable
jaded retards need no apply
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T H I C C irelia!
I unironically agree with most of that albeiteverthough
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I hate that they forced Sona to only have a healslut build now, all forms of fun have been drained from this champion
>Just sit back and press W, coinflip the game with your 0 presence and also make your ADC seethe

Give me AP back, give me REAL Surelyas back
>>but if he was actually good
>>>no global sunstrike
>>>only 3 spells at a time
>>>pathetic "cc"s
>>>dogshit utility that cant even match him
>>>literal copy paste of nami w but gives him le mana cause his a cuck compared to invoker
>>>cant even lane and needs massive hand holding
bait really used to be believable
if you genuinely think thats good then you are the king of slop slurpers, dont even @ me nigga
ignored the rest of your shit simply because of your dogshit opinion on hwei
I can see it....
Reminder to report and ignore avatar/signature use.
Then you're genuinely retarded. Just Milio's comment was enough to confirm it's a troll
why is her asshole off to the side
flopfag when he writes "failed design" under each champ without any explanation and expects everyone to agree
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sona is soft

... oof
can someone explain to me why the enemy support picks karma every time i pick twitch? ive picked twitch 5 times in the last month and its a karma on the enemy team every time
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i was checking Riot's track record from the supposed golden age of champs and it's not pretty
the fuck went wrong at that company at the time?
karma w reveals stealth/invis and shes a battlemage so she can "tank" you a bit
doesnt matters tho, karma players are braindead and dont understand that max E is the best play so they max q instead and you just run them down like the dogs they are
This, despite also being bait, I actually agree with. The only successful champ from this era was Ekko
Bring back CertainlyT
so he can add more "failed designs"?
the only failed ct design was Kalista
it's criminal how little art/goonery there is of xayah
dogshit retard nigger champ

Pretty good record if you ask me
Absolutely everyone was shitting on the fairy tale era of champ design back when it was actually happening. Do you retards really think it was the golden age now?
its not even a failed design, shes constantly played in pro scene, its just that the majority of playerbase are handless and cant play her correctly
so does ksante and zeri yet they are failed designs
sorry it's them rules
Is anyone grandmaster+ and can tell me how you figure out the grandmaster+ level 1 strategy
>not challenger level 1 strategy
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>it's criminal how little art/goonery there is of xayah
its mostly cuck stuff relating to raquan
you just flip it
im movin like stalin rn
socialist schmovement type shit
I be moving like pablo escobar's (aka. Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria aka. El Doctor aka. tarzaned) bags of coke up the US border if ykwim
youre both just niggers, stop pretending
steppin like adolf
literally all of those are fine
nah she's failed in the sense it's too gamewarping and a constant balance headache
the rest of his champs are popular and fine without being overbearing
so what crakka as bitch
I be playin dat league of legos n sheit cuh dont ever call me nigger doe coz u gonna suffer the reprecusions nigga
I be down 120 k on child support but I still be balling harder than your mommas ever will
get the fuck off my shit pussy
nah, shes not gamewarping
you want gamewarping? look at zeri
every august champ is a failed abomination that warps the game
kekko, gnar, zeri, belveth all of them have bs mechanic, are uninspired garbage and warp the game around themselves without being fun for anyone but the person that plays them
yet that disgustng weasel is still at riot and certainlyt is in the basement prison for some reason, actual cocksuckers at riot right now fr fr
Anivia is the best example of how being unpopular makes you literally immune to nerfs, she's broken and hovering 53 to 54% winrate permanently, design wise she literally instantly wins the game if there are more than 2 melees on the enemy team but hey its le funny froggen bird so she has to be balanced because you play against 3 each season
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Dance for me my puppet.
zoe is one of the most unpopular mages and had her one-shot niche completely removed because it was too dogshit
warwick is one of the most bugged champions in the game
aphelios had to be nerfed gorillion times and is kept weak intentionally
zyra has no place in league, going from mid to support to jungle and had to be reworked
akali? not a constant balance headache? not gamewarping? gtfo retard
ged de fuk oudda my face wid yo yeeyee ass lingo bullshieet nigga
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Targon has many shitty and boring champs if you think about for a sec.
i have a hard time naming fun targon champs
uhhhhh taric? zoe? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aur-- no, definitely not uhhhhhh leona maybe?
>zoe is one of the most unpopular mages and had her one-shot niche completely removed because it was too dogshit
untrue, right now she is niche (still decently popular) because this is one of the worst metas ever for her, but she has a dedicated steady playerbase
>warwick is one of the most bugged champions in the game
not a design problem
>aphelios had to be nerfed gorillion times and is kept weak intentionally
esports, and aphelios problems come mostly from the fact he gets 2 items worth of stats off leveling up his QWE passive, which is something the balance team forced by constantly buffing it to the point he gets 33 lethality
>zyra has no place in league, going from mid to support to jungle and had to be reworked
Zyra got reworked because she was good, immobile mages have been basically removed from mid due to meta changes, and the current Zyra rework (which has been in the game much longer) wasn't his job anyway
>akali? not a constant balance headache? not gamewarping? gtfo retard
balance headache? in the last 3ish years akali has been buffed 3-4 times and nerfed once (and it was just a skill level change because her surikens were oneshotting in bronze). you complaining about Akali because she goes invisible in your silver games doesn't mean she's an actual problem

you wanna actually bring some points or is this just some redditor going REMEMBER LE TRUE STEALTH? DAE CERTAINLYT BAD? I HATE YAUSUOYO XD
>this is one of the worst metas ever for her
when you have the worst metas for 4 straight years in a row, it's a failed design
if your character crumbles when he's played at the highest efficiency, it's a failed design
>because she was good
because she was unbalanceable, failed design
>balance headache?
trust me bro her design is good don't mind the fact that she got half of her release kit removed it's not a failed design
>Zyra rework
you mean changing the passive and leaving the rest of the kit exactly the same as it was is s2?
forgot to honor big daddy blitz for hitting 500 hooks in a row im such a disgusting nigger
>immobile mages have been basically removed from mid
brand, syndra, lux, xerath, malzahar, viktor, anivia, ziggs???
today i will reach plat
Cancer lane bully
Most overloaded support in the game, there was never a time in league history where he wasnt top tier
Backwards boomers that think a lot of text = super complex, hes actually quite weak unless his numbers are over the top
Pedo bait but innovative kit
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Is going to bed. Thank you for visiting my stream.
zyra is an aryan champ
how do i play gwen without losing lane.. she has a terrible laning phase..
turn on your monitor
what do i even do against a champ like sett.. if i hit him i die..
don't hit him
that will be $350
but then how do i win lane, he just punches me and i die
bro I know it's a hard concept for niggalows to learn but you aren't supposed to win every lane matchup
but gwen is a lane bully so i should always win lane
>when you have the worst metas for 4 straight years in a row, it's a failed design
completely false unless you only consider popularity being yasuo/zed. Zoe waxes and wanes between low pickrates like now and metas where she's top 15 most played mids
>if your character crumbles when he's played at the highest efficiency, it's a failed design
are you retarded? Aphelios problem is literally being too good at high levels
>trust me bro her design is good don't mind the fact that she got half of her release kit removed it's not a failed design
the only thing she lost was some extraneous things such as Q healing at max energy and true stealth, and that's the difference between good designers like CT and shitty ones like August, CT lets the balance team balance the champs after he's done with the design while August stays on top and sabotages them because his epin filipina waifu can not lose her hyperscaling or infinite movespeed without him throwing a shitfit

calling akali a failed design is reddit brain at best, yeah bro more pre rework aurelions and ornerinos please
350 dollars just to get called a niggalow by roach jewish
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I miss KDA bros...
different anon here
what do i if my pick gets beaten by 90% of melee matchups unless i play literally flawlessly mechanically and also in terms of fundamentals
Is this game still alive?
BR server, quickplay sends me into queues of 10+ minutes and normal game picks send me into queues of 30+ minutes.
I dont wanna play ranked and my smurf is just as fucked what the fuck do I do
who tf is that champ
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shhh... kai'sa is still sleeping
the 24th highest wr in EUW Gold top lane 14.13
so either kled, volibear or irelia
if you lose 1v1 on either of those to 90% of characters i think you're just dogshit and should uninstall tbqh
>Popular top laners rn
sub 50% wr matchup
sub 50% wr matchup
sub 50% wr matchup
sub 50% wr matchup
sub 50% wr matchup
sub 50% wr matchup
43% wr lmao
37% wr...
sub 50% wr matchup
47% wr
sub 50% wr matchup
sub 50% wr matchup
sub 50% wr matchup

You will see one of these toplaners basically every match of league of legends and theyre a bad matchup, you might be being a bit harsh. Like yeah sure, if the player piloting them is trash/doesnt have enough matchup knowledge you can beat the shit out of them but an actual top main that mains 2-3 champs cannot be beaten.
gwen kinda sucks in lane and in teamfights.. how does this champ have such a high wr..
Because youre meant to second pick her into a tank or a melee comp. Shes exclusively a counterpick and youre lowering her winrate by blinding her.
so shes a bad design garbage champ??
>Akali is a failed champ
By what metric
neither of those champs fit this cute chart of yours (using lolalytics) so just git gud lol
why the fuck are you using lolalytics instead of op.gg you mongrel
there aint no way there are opgglows in lolg
this has to be bait
crazy how ahead of its time zyra's kit was
because you're clearly inbred
roach jewish attempting his jewish tricks once again
dont use opgg goy its bad for you goy
What is a failed design to you?
opgg told me that I should start moving crack in malmö to counter gwen
riot games:
>we've dumbed down akali as hard as we could over the course of years and removed most of her release kit because it was too broken
>akali is good design
op "free palestine" gg
they aren't wrong
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what champs does he play?
how do i trade as gwen.. she cant engage or disengage well..
op "W genital mutilation" gg
op "6 million is a fake number" gg
>He believes the holohoax
op "brown pride world wide" gg
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op "سيتم إبادة اليهود" gg
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>designed as babby's first toplaner
>one of the best toplaners in low elo
>one of the best toplaners in high elo
please remove this cringe champ from the game riot
Either a character that had to be reworked so heavily it's basically just an entirely different champion at this point (Mordekaiser, Volibear), a character that's so utterly unpopular nobody plays them even if their fantasy is something that is known to appearl to player (Naafiri) or a champion that is just such a gigantic balance nightmare they have to be kept unusable for most of the playerbase or risk dominating the game at certain ranks (Azir).
168 champions in the game and this nigga chooses to cry about GAREN
5 Role challenger tyler1 (miles more accomplished human and player than you) complains about garen as well.
name 1 champ oompaloompa1 hasnt complained about
op "assalam aleikum habibi do you have 20 dollars" gg
jew mad
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>spend one billion hours in practice tool, perfecting my irelia, riven, twisted fate, fiora and gangplank
>some 45 year old father of 5 picks garen after drinking 5 bottles of corona
>wins the lane
high skill ceiling bros... we lost
this is a public statement to the cia agents monitoring my client if you dont make queue pop within the next 30 seconds and make my teammates instalock and give me a 10 second long loading screen im going to finish what thomas matthew crooks started
finish this bbc nigga
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>switch from adc to jungle
>go 14-6 in my first 20 games as jungler
The problem really never was my skill, ADC as a role is just fucked
posting reddit memes
It's a twitter filename and I got it from discord.
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>high mechanics champ

>low mechanics champ
>after conditioning my opponent to act in a certain way and calculating all possible outcomes and mind-reading them I fire a carefully aimed skillshot at the location they will be to secure my victory, should it miss I die immediately
be my gf
mage abusers really believe this shit LMAOOO
mages are amongst the most mechanical champs
bro stop my sides are already in orbit have mercy
niggalowest post itt
yes that's mages
draven is axetually the most t mechanical champ in the game because you have to right click on people then onto the floor
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>anti draven meltie incoming once again
>0 mentions of draven before the meltie once again
this nigga got gapped in pisslow xd
Well relative to other marksmen yes he is.
the dravenfags itt are just incredibly insecure and easy to bait
fact is that a draven main can first time any champ in the game in ranked and do well whereas if like a magebab first timed draven they would go 0/30/0
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real shit
cut to endless hard inting on sona
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i hate this niggerfaggot elo so fucking much
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>high mechanics champ
>grr this garenTARD pushes AGAIN, i can't do my Butterfly Butterfinger Nestle cancel into Genshin Impact ult combo. hmm if his jungler is gonna go for a forklift driver dive, i can maybe juggle my abilities into a Pepsi finisher wait he flashed and Q'd m--ACK!!

>low mechanics champ
>uhhhh the lane pushes towards him i think? 1 2 3 4... 1 2 3 4 5... yeah i have more minions uhhhh he's low hp... he flashed ummmm maybe 3 minutes ago? yeah fuck it *flash* *Ignite* *Q* *E* *W* *R* damn nice, thank God enemy jungler is botside, time to take 4 plates
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chu was sayin?
as a magebab I agree, you're essentially suffering 2x every game and in return learn the game 2x faster. But I wouldn't be able to handle so much pain, so I stick with comfy ability spam and actually have fun. And when I want to sweat, I can always just pick my daughterwife Zoe.
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Bard is the best design, anon.

Malphite players never build tank. It's always the annoying AP build!
>daughterwife Zoe
Kill yourself pedo
she is literally 3k years old how could she be your daughter?
stop playing aram dumbass
is viego high mechanics or low mechanics?
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how many times do i have to buck break you?
diagnosis: draven derangement syndrome
patient is so far gone he mentions draven out of blue in entirely unrelated conversations
treatment: lower dosage of aram games, lower dosage of support games, 5 pills of "GitGudderin" before each 4chan post and a one "THESE ADCS ARE BROKEN IN SEASON 14 - LAST ONE WILL SHOCK YOU!" video by Professor Akali, Skillcapped, Dobulelift or Druttut each day
you can't mention my champ ever or you're obsessed
gwen is.. too hard..
everyone in toplane just outtrades me and i do no damage at all or anything..
Toplane is just a shit lane in general, god know why I never see that place on low pop in quickplays.
on quinn in ranked i almost have a 10 game winstreak now, its very fun but i cant for the life of me win lane on gwen or at least not int like 5-6 deaths..
I fucking hate this dark skinned nigger game i've played like 100 Cho'gath games in Arena and i've never gotten Raid Boss once how is that possible?
>"skillshots are peak mechanics"
>complaining about draven
yup its niggalow hours
This game is a pale virgin skin game played by cucks only
>play "fuck you illaoi/mundo/malphite" champ
>lose when not counterpicking
ain't no way bruh how dis possible bruh
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God, I hate Faker dicksucking so much, it's unreal.
stop playing an asian videogame then
Should I play the game?
if south koreans are so good at league then how good would north koreans be
Sure go ahead.
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Laure is literally begging for cock with that outfit
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Alright, quickplay time. Lemme just change the boot order...
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insane mental edge over my pisslow opponents
I will play this and I guess finish my placements which will be bronze I think.
nvm got a yuumi support, i'll just play normals and arams. thank god for the sanity check.
hes right though
bro can my team not get comp gapped so I can play the game one time pls? hehe xd
1 game played today, 4 dodges
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Good morning /lolg/
at least they try new shit instead of boring egirl champ#27 and melee statchecker#41
whats wrong with milio
nigga ur gold comps don't matter
holy shit the toplane "pick something so boring ur enemy starts trolling to entertain himself" strategy actually fucking works lmao
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>boring egirl champ#27 and melee statchecker#41
NA /lolg/ is truly this stupid and low iq i guess uh
a pure copy of invoker has no place in league because punishment and opportunity windows are much different. I dont play hwei desu but I have tried him a couple times and I thought he was a very tasteful iteration of a combo mage for league. That fear is not a weak cc by any stretch of the imaginiation either it shuts down divers hard
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>whining in arena
Ban him
Yesterday people were saying Brand players were 12 so it's ok? Make up your minds.
how come everyone agrees that the balance is dogshit but the moment you blame the person responsible for balance (phreak since he's design lead) people are like "lol bro i bet phreak also flew over ur house XDDD"
like i love this culture in videogames where devs are perfect and you can't blame them for doing shit poorly even when it's their literal job description
how did this balding cunt make le jumping rocket girl into a must-pick
cant handle the bandle
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i was checking Riot's track record from the
>beginning of time
and it's not pretty
the fuck went wrong at that company at the time?
What's the point of a burst champion when I can play Corki, autoattack someone twice and deal the same damage as a Leblanc combo which takes longer and has a cooldown? And is also useless on anyone that builds tanky too.
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Milio powercreeps basically any enchanter whenever he's any good and he's one of the most passive and uninteractive champions in the game.
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>In high plat and emerald elo now
>people still can't fucking group up
Just how low is the average league player's IQ? Why the fucking hell is every elo impossible for people to just clump together in a ball and 5 v 5, it's the most basic of fucking teamwork that requires 0 thinking so why are people absolutely incapable of fucking doing this. From bronze to emerald, this game still often comes down to which band of retards can clump together more often and somehow all these retards can't figure it the fuck out. Why can't people just group up?
support is the only role where otping a champ is considered inting and completely unviable because most supports have like a 30% ban rate
how to fix arena:

Make it so you get only the Prismatic Augments
remove trashy prismatic augments such as Wisdom from the pool
Promote good gold and silver augments such as Bread and Butter to prismatic tier
all peel champs are by that logic uninteractive. Is a jinx braum duo where the braum just sits jinx all game and counterengages just as bad?
>jungler invades and gets himself killed
>blames me for not leaving a full cannon wave under my tower to save him
>team hovers heavy ap draft
>early pick ad then tab out
>come back once draft is done
>4 ad with a thresh supp
why are people like this
this never happens
so going full AD is now worse than going full AP?
jungle motherfucking diff in this bitch how do you not have prio bro are you wintrading?
Always has been
Sissy champ with sissy skins.
Whats wrong with that ?
Braum can be engaging + you can interact with Braum's skillset by knocking him back and CCing him.
Milio is essentially a bunch of items on the ADC in the same way Yuumi is. There's a reason why most enchanters have got reworked throughout the years to make their skillsets more interesting to play with and against, Milio is also getting changes because of this.
Makes my peepee very big and hard.
Tfw I wanted to get a breakfast bowl from chick fil a before I sat down to play league of legends but they’re closed on Sundays
What do I do bros
Not at all, in fact a full AD comp is much more likely to win than a full AP comp. A full AD comp once they have LDRs can still kill tanks fine, a full AP comp won't be able to kill anything if the opponents buy simply one MR item.
The ideal comp is full AD with liandry jungler because liandry is the only good AP item and it means they can't
lose some weight nigga
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Make breakfast home.
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am not fat and also I’ve been making breakfast at home
Today was my day to eat out ;_;
I’ll just eat at home again…
eat me out fatass
no care
My too
Gwen players need to be feminized and enslaved to serve cock
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2 years ago, full AP sona with lich bane, ludens, predator rune, and ghost. Running around at 800MS, drifting through the jungle like a hunter with a ravenous hunger for ADC tears

Take me back
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I wish Renata was a more interesting champion... I love a lot of things about her design and personality, but they put all her power budget in her W and R, which makes her feel lackluster compared to other enchanters.
Her spells are slow, short range, big cds, deal little damage, don't have dumb ratios like millio/karma/janna, Q doesn't even give that much cc, W only increases movement speed towards enemies, E is too slow and manavore to ever be used offensively so it's just a shitty lux shield, and if you only hit 1 person with R, instead of incapacitating them you actually give them a free as steroid... and her passive is stupid no matter how I look at it... she really lacks versatility, she's very straight forward and very powerful in extremely rare scenarios. Basically unless you're in pro play and you're Keria this champ does not exist.
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>norra coming to tft
surely they will bring her to summoners rift, right? Just like the other yordle guy? Right?
>non-chink set
This one is going to be good again.
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too early for a stream?
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>hover Morgana, adcucks seethe and ban her so you dont play mage
>hover Brand instead, more crying
>agree not to play Brand as long as they calm down
>instalock Xerath

Suck my fucking dick you right click chimps, your main character syndrome wont stop me playing what i want
We already have Bunny girl at home
Highest ive been is Emerald 2, and sometimes it just incredible. 5 of us grouped, we catch one of them, its now a 5v4, almost certain win - then the jungle leaves to go farm raptors while hes FULL BUILD ALREADY. When we demand to know why, just get a stream of spanish. Disgusting
Yeah, I hate Gwen player.
They always spam emotes and type lewd shit in chat, trying to make me horny.
They should all get raped.
>>hover Morgana
completely appropriate reaction from an ADC to a game lost in champ select
people with a brain don't pick morgana, and a brainless support is just 15 minutes wasted, might as well give yourself a small chance to win if you lock in something mildly useful
>que support
>dont support
>be a rude low iq nigger on top of all that
>talk about main character syndrome while doing all these
you look exactly like that picture retard
>get into lol
>start watching league content
>get depressed and stop having fun
>play top
>obj is up
>drag 3 people to me
>my team are not doing the objective at all
very nice
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Soraka, my cute wife!

Drink coffee that's mostly milk and honey. Breakfast is not that important.
How do we petition back old Aurelion? New one is too braindead to main unironically.
They wont revert anything. Lazy bastard company.
>I pick a shit champion
>team is mad I picked a shit champion
>I chimp out like a nigger
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>play jg with chat on
>play like shit and get constantly tilted by my cunty team mates
>play jg with chat off and everyone muted
>play better, get my ganks, clear my camps flawlessly, get most objectives in relative peace
almost like you should disable the chat
>but muh information
i guarantee you that if you are bellow gm the info you get is almost useless, they either ping way too late or type to late or dont do it at all
having chat on = sabotaging yourself
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Aurelion will get unreverted to his former glory while also being S tier
He will get turned in to an anime girl.
Will you take the price?
Bird looks exhausted. All he has to do in his life is pick up mice. Spoiled bastard.
Why do people find Morgana so mediocre?
Other champs do what she does but better in terms of cc and whatever. Eg: Leona. I can only imagine Morg being relevant for champs like Pyke, Thresh or Blitz but playing against those champs require you to simply walk away.
there is nothing wrong with going full AD actually
going full AP is an auto loss
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i want the norra yuumi bot lane to be real
shes not that bad, its the players that play her
from bad itemization (liandry first item instead of zhonya) to bad positioning (staying behind pressing q) to bad spell usage (2 waves under tower? i better w the ranged minions) makes her insufferable to play with
in euw the champ is exclusively played by shitters and spanish people and spaniards are insufferable to deal with which makes the situation worse
Her ult is decent, shield is ok, but the pool and passive are near useless - Its all about the binding. And while the binding is really strong if it hits, it suffers from being slow as fuck, extremely telegraphed, super predictable, and she's nearly powerless without it. Lets say someones running at her, she Qs, they flash. Now what? Bitch is dead. Which is a shame, because i love her design, but she cant do enough to really be viable. The only saving grace is her shield cucks bullshit hook champions

10/10 design
10/10 lore
10/10 skins
10/10 voicelines
10/10 porn
3/10 gameplay
Fuck off tranny
I like bullying the shit out of toplane but same can't be said for playing bottom, who's the best for that type of gameplay in mid?
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reminder that Nami is cute
>Lets say someones running at her, she Qs, they flash. Now what? Bitch is dead.
isnt that every mage however
Only bots post here friendo
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>Fuck off tranny
Then have fun with the new and improved NuAsol, monsterfanbro..
In terms of support I guess mage supports like Brand and Xerath. Maybe even Shaco and Yuumi if you're one of those people who wants to give both the allies and enemies hell.
As for adcs, I can't really say, perhaps Cait and Draven because both of those are quite strong, I know people who play those types also enjoy Samira. Maybe Twitch if you enjoy psychological torture on the enemy.
Digimon is the superior game.
>Shit on Darius top as Shen as usual
>He's 1/3
>His first two deaths were a gank and a river fight
>Third was just me 1v1 outplaying his meatbrain ass
>He roams and just walks bot and gets a triple because my bot lane and jungler are robots
>"You're boring so I'll just kill your team instead"
>"Good job you realized you can't beat me and needed to fight the robots instead good for you"
Every time man.
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>find this in your kitchen
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Why didnt you R your team?
Probably call the cops to kick them out of my place.
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pedos down
>>"You're boring so I'll just kill your team instead"
Chad. He got bored of you crying to jungler mommy for a 2v1, so he just went bot and evened out the chances.
Your assmad "g-good j-job darius-sama, r-run away!!" is pathetic.
game is so boring all the players suck dick
like actually
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I grinded 2 new accounts and all I got were orange essences so I guess that's what you'll get too.
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champion shard + orange essence
got dam i hate my team mates who suck dick for a living
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Wrong, thankfully.
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holy fuck we did it reddit
10w10l finally... home...
that feel when you get 5 platings because the enemy janna is going on epic play making roams but still lose because you can't position or hit spells and you are still down 4 motherfucking drakes because the enemy adc is just that cracked
wp yiyi no re bot (adc) high diff
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thats... worse...
Yeah sorry idc about freeloaders and I'm not interested in women.
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Jayce is 125 ME, right? Bets?
No, it's a good skin, I like it. I have over 9000 OE anyway.
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cocksucker nigger fake game i gotta play autofill top half my games fucking faggot im playing sona support secondary again fuck faggot game stupid cocksucking game making me play autofill role every game cocksucker nigger game gonna play sona now instead to get free LP then fuck top lane

to top it off it put me against a smurf Riven what a joke
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I don't have a Cow in my Kitchen. I have a Goat.

But can she get this cute?
There's like a billion skins, I'm not gonna guess any further.
in that case, congrats
>rumble skin
>lilia skin
classic steelmental post
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Wrong again, sad!
Fairly good drop, too bad Kog'Maw is not Monarch.
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whoa, remember that we need her feet pics
playing with bad players is the most tilting event in a video game
your team is full of shitters while the enemy team is playing perfectly in sync. i wouldnt mind it as much if the enemy team also got a shitter or two but it never happens
Good taste
and they all play the same champs
>2:02 estimated
>queue pops at 5:40 (as I start typing this post)
oh wow I can't wait to play this match out
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These anime watching zoomies have no chance against us boomers
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Not yet. She's not ready.
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>superior mastery chest

As opposed to inferior mastery chests?
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come on, we need to post something
Please stay Midbeast, Australia needs you
League of Legends doko
Better question yet.
Pool party legendary Qiyana skin do to the freaking ko?
Git Gud and stop losing on purpose to fulfill your sissy fetish
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3/3 games today are autofilled in secondary role what a great matchmaking system
They'll have to pay for that.
just get good at the secondary role bro
lucian is cancer
I mean, new players aren't joining and old players know they're getting screwed and are playing it less or leaving so it's basically the devs fault.
Is there a way to know when was the last time someone logged in?
how are you so bad at your main on a smurf account
I have 100 IQ how the fuck you want me to do that. Retroactively make my parents be lawyers instead of business owners?
You are so trash it’s unbelievable
She has a skill expressive kit
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kek, thanks riot but I am an inter that ints half the games
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they are, but we need more
That's so many lost games..
Feed me
yep my negroid jungler split map topside to camp ornn vs kayle instead of ever coming bot blitz twitch vs soraka jinx
it is what it is
40 games gold 1 "fresh" jungle acc
zilean and seraphine are champs made for redditors
the biggest neck beards
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Lmao who the fuck is actually playing this game still since Vanguard?
Be honest, what the fuck is wrong with you?
>I have 100 IQ how the fuck you want me to do that
just play more games with the secondary role bro
Reddit hate both
zilean is pretty chill
im good at support (better than mid but its boring desu)
top is dogshit at
maybe adc is less dogshit than top with miss fortune but very variable and the role is kinda torture, one mistake youre done for the game
I don't even main Soraka and I can play her better than this.
Kek, I report every retard like you
both faggot tier always have been
Just don't want to think about life atm, s'all.
Games feel numb though yeah.
have u tried jungling
you're my favorite ritualposter
What are you talking about? I'm having fun with a friend.

In a little while!
too rare role gives you jungle every game
im sure your ebf loves having a 10% wr with you
since i started betting in league i lost $700 and made $1k+
not bad not good
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ok, I'm waiting
Just hard carried a game on Darius. AMA.
Gambling always felt amazing, I used to win so much as a child and knew when to quit once I got my pile of bounty.
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Look, I know you're my favorite Orbiter, but he isn't my e-bf because I'm not gay. I know it's hard for you to understand simple things but Soraka is my Wife.

Ok you might have to wait a little bit longer.
I wish I had a mentor to teach me about economy or finance or probability, many missed opportunities.
if youre not gay why do you flirt with men on lolg?
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>yfw you carry
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sure, in the meantime I'll post some Sona feet pics
the more pictures of qiyana on the computer the more i literally look like her irl
Unfortunately Shen ultimate has a cooldown.
I mean good on him for realizing he had no chance of winning against me and his only chance was to look for gold in the 0/5 jg/bot
I played correctly, nothing I can do about my team being robots. That's League.
How big is your cock?
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Um, Shen ult is kinda a big deal.
>plays the bitch role
>only hits on another man here
you're so deep in the closet you have to claim to have a wife so people think you might be straight
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>Feet pics

It doesn't seem like her expertise if you know what I mean.

But I'm not. So no.
dude if you make out with dudes and have sex with them you cant just pretend you arent gay
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lol but I don't. So, no.
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some freaks will pay a lot for those
but you flirt with men here
as far as im concerned youre one of the gayest posters in the general
i love talking to my team like i'm the main and only character
I love Lissandra!
Why do you only interact with one particular man on this board then?
bitch has 5 kills doing that damage
I want to have hot steamy sex with Ashe and have plenty of Aryan nordic children with her
this except I do it behind your back before you and your aryan nordic babies are now mutts
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Sona does not like this arrangement.

Still no.
bbcuck's ekko just raped the bongs
>posting another champ other than your wife
hoes ain't loyal
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If adc is le bad why do I see 3+ of them picked both in pro and in my own games?
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too late, I have the pics so it's either a ransom or OF money
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how come the players are so shit and retarded?
Playing with 9 strangers.
there are only 3 adcs in this picture everything else is a glorified spell caster
We abort the mutts, that simple.
Tell that to your friend snowbunny
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Don't worry, bro. I post other champs all the time, and no one ever knows.

Uh oh. You got her angry now. Time to run.
is lissandra the only decent waifufag?
Lissandra is a fucking block of ice you retard
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yeah, I'm gonna bounce when I'll get my money
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA this game is miserable.
if you were half as loyal as him you wouldn't be so mad
I read last week he was one if not the guy who'd ask people to post about how league women would kill him so perhaps the whole ice cream breast milk thing is just a facade.
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I was just shitposting.
Really baffling how there are people out there who unironically believe that though.
can you play hwei as adc??
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Uhmm ziggsCHUD...? What the H*CK do you think you're doing?
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we're so back
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Bi-hourly reminder adc lives serve no purpose and as such should be eliminated from the rift.
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Oh god, she got her killer outfit on! Wait, are you a pimp now?!
Feed me
>guro fetishist
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no, I'm just selling pics and healing crystals
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Your mistake was being born a m*le y*rdle... don't blame me... blame yourself, or God...
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Welp, here comes Judgment.
be my gf
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whoa whoa, calm down please
whos playing aurora when she releases

Dishonest champ, deceitful tactics...
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Forfeit your life
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I enjoy playing Xayah and have grinded up some BE's to play her upon release.
Will play on practice tool or bot games as to not crowd or annoy people.
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what do u think akali smells like after she assassinates someone
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Annihilate Lux.
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the q buffs were 100% justified, being level 3 and not being able to last hit FUCKING CASTER MINONS with a raw q after a tower shot tilted me out of my mind. the e buffs however i think will push him into OP tier and people will be justified in permabanning him
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yes but its a very boring lane (similar to seraphine) and you have no kill potential because you need to constantly Q+E the wave to farm so it leaves little room for you to harass unless you have a supp that can harass really well in which case you look for pokes with Q+Q, level 6 you have good kill potential
he has no mana issues with W+E
for the majority of the laning stage youre looking to Q+E the wave and roam with W+Q
for runes you go full scaling with first strike as main and gathering + manaflow band
wont recommend unless you have a team thats filled with physical damage and you really need magic dmg, even then there are other picks that work better but hwei is not that bad can work
he has some unplayable matchups tho so be warned, twitch/lucian/trist straight up fucks him up and hes not that good into hook supports like pyke/blitz
tanks in mobas will always be a meme
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So this is what Mage Sona looks like...
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I'm a little racist (antisemitic) it seems.
assassins are also a big meme
That second clip was cool... kinda makes me wanna play zed... too bad he's an edgy chud and he always reminds me of that riot crimer cancelling the LoL classic project...
I get turned on when my ADC flames me…
t. adc freak
i think you might actually have to be insane to think your team is going to do anything
it's coming home it's coming home it's coooming home
where's your soraka pic?
Tanks in this game are the pinnacle class. They do enough damage to 1v1 90% of the roster on equal gold, many of them they can 1v1 even while being behind on gold. The only reason it's not common knowledge is because 1. people don't pick tanks often since they're boring 2. tank players are bad (which is particularly bad since top laners in general are bad and they're even worse) 3. In solo queue people always get fed enough off of unnecessary mistakes to disregard the rules and conventions of the game.
I drank 3 beers
is consuming 2 shots then queuing up in niggalow the move? (Y/n real quick)
really disgusting how i visit xivg randomly to see what other vg threads are like and the first thing i see is arya making the exact same type of posts they did here farming clout in a different general
al;most threw up in my mouth at the sight, imagine the sheer level of degeneracy needed to conduct such behavior
you could at least come up with a new gimmick, its the bare minimum to do if you want to consider yourself a human being, yet you choose to lazily repurpose old content just like the so called plutocrats you always whine about you never actually cared about principle or morals you are just a fake ass hypocrite and politics was simply the veneer you chose to wear to try to appear sophisticated when all you were doing was just virtue signaling and waving your shriveled phimotic dick around like it meant anything
how shameless
this is directed at you too qkm
pls develop some standards
fkng euros man
>visit xivg
stopped reading there nigger. how about you stay there
at least he has the decency to stay there NIGGEr
perma ban euros
>fkng euros man
they are literally turkish
it's a euw thing. meri did the whole attention whore thing in the runescape general before they chased him out
hmm yes natards are famous for not attention whoring online and not being high on fentanyl while posting on 4chan real shit
I think I'll just get drunk and queue kassadin in niggalow while typing slurs in allchat until I pass out
thats literally just your alt
It's more like he's the one copying xivg's style of writing, not the other way around, it probably wasn't even him
you reminded me of the cursed anal post again
>rumia wakes up
>thread goes to shit
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>the posters i milked my dick off were.... trannies from xivg
Sounds like someone has a bad case of post nut clarity
do not queue euw pisslow (idk the exact elo yet)
im the good guy
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Bark Better died for tristana mid + pedophiles on jg, supp
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sunday eveining in euw niggalow
(enemy supp picked malphite before he could)
nah s14 niggalow is crazy
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what in tarnation
riot is gangstalking me and sending paid actors to make me demote
imagine if you could flame and troll the chat
Keep playing :)
not playing anymore,just came here to say that social media is full of people quitting the game/taking a break
is s14 really that fucking bad? i mean i know i quit because every 2 weeks the game is turned upside down for the sake of """player engagement""" and matchmaking + autofill situation is so fucking retarded that i want to vomit every time i think about it
can you actually see/feel the decline?
>playing only arena in the recent past
>decide to boot up a regular game
>quickly reminded why I had stopped playing this game before arena came back
I can't believe people (me included) unironically play SR
>anime character
>is total aids
100% of the time
In diamond+ my queue times have doubled. It's not just me that's experiencing it, was watching another diamond streamer complaining that it never took 6+ mins to find a game in diamond before especially not in prime hours
your inner sissy is showing...
>his x
>her x
How you know bot lane is a loss from champ select
Who's the easiest to play late game champ? And who is the hardest to play late game champ?
Should I shit up some ranked games or stay on aram only? Can I get banned for playing poorly?
>have like 50 autofill protects because leavers every game
>only ever fill because nobody plays jng anyways
why bother
aurelion, azir
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>stream five hours
>end same lp
Welp anons at least we had good viewership today
Ty as always
briar thighs and feet on my face
im tilted but I have developed enough self control not to spam slurs on /lolg/
lolalytics has the same match count overall as previous patches so there arent a lot of people that are quitting
but they made some really shit changes, 3 split season is awful, refusing to create prisoners island for shitlords has made normals and quickplay unplayable, emerald elo is a complete disaster and the head of the balance team is a shout-caster thats delusional, egotistic and retarded at the same time
high elo might be losing players but low elo is almost the same
overall its not looking good, if they fuck up the system thats supposed to tackle soft-inting then its pretty much fucked and will start the downward spiral
a stronger man than me
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Does Anti Heal even work on Vladimir? Had a guy build it agai st me and easily went back to full health when I was low.
balance the game around team fighting with fags is booooooooring game design
playing around his Q counters him more than grivos wunds
i told you to not post the fucking vore shit danny
So how do you fight a Vladimir late game? Hard CC?
come on start talking about the game I want to laugh at some really bad opinions
What's the build for lifesteal Fiddlesticks?
try playing zyra against him it's really funny
>just stop fucking doing krugs because they take to much time
>win rate skyrockets and I go from silver to plat
Is this the freelo strat?
which game mode is high iq?
Are there any fun/strong champions "forgotten" by Riot?
riftmaker + blackfire torch + spirit visage + redemption + dawncore
tft ofcourse!
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>be me
>Iron 4
>wukong otp
>play sup because it sucks ass everywhere else
>queue up
>jungler asks what the fuck a support wukong is
>bot laner immediately jumps to my defense saying it's an awesome pick
>bot laner proceeds to hard carry the entire game
>waits for me to respawn before leaving the base, shoots the honeyfruit for me, we recall together, calls me babe and stuff every now and then
you are such a coon
did you suck his cock afterwards
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nigga was so mad that he transcended space-time continuum and wrote even after leaving the lobby
he spammed AT LEAST 50 fistbumps throughout the game and I didn't miss a single one
sadly no but the offer is there
homie came back just to drop the nigger word :joy:
main: grasp > font > second wind > revitalize
secondary: transcendence + scorch
that's why I didn't rep him
keeping the hood nigga code respect
how the fuck do you come back to a post game lobby lol
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We are so fucking back, it's like I never left.
Gayest nigger award
fistbumping is like holding hands in game
if you fistbump randoms youre a slut
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someone explain this build for someone with a limited brain like me
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Why is Gwen so unpopular in 2024?
He wanted to lose the game
>have fill protect
>put mid/fill
>get jung
Am I stupid? I figured that would mean 'I just want mid'.
>Select option that says "fill me anywhere"
>get filled anywhere
You are stupid.
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the braum experience
>while having a little checkmark that says 'we promise to give you a spot you ask for'
You did ask for jungle. You asked for it by selecting "Fill me anywhere".
>queues for fill
>gets fill
>why did it fill me
naw i play him cause he le cool dragon
Am I fucking shadowbanned? I cancel the queue as soon at it hits estimated but I haven't had a queue pop in 10+ tries now in fucking plat4
what elo are you? because you are really stupid.
Never been the same to me after E range nerfs. Also true damage removal fucking sucks. Now I have to build void staff to actually deal damage to MR stacking toplaners.
>true damage removal
are we playing the same game
>objectives voting flopped
>fistbumps flopped
What's next for League's visual fucking clutter?
fuck off tyler
in game edating service
That 50% true damage might as well be zero since everyone with a brain can sidestep her Q. She needs that 100% back.
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champs for this feel?
what do we actually think about janna mains
>8 min queue in diamond on a weekend
"Whichever team has more tanks wins" is kinda boring as far as metas go
>top was mean to me so now i'll ignore a 10 hp malphite and do grubs
junglers don't deserve to live
me on the left
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xth for my hotwife Syndra!
whats double of basically zero?
bro is playing in niggalow
>full stack team vs four stack and (You) in toplane
Name a more hellish fucking lobby
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remember her shy uwu is an act. don't donate to girl with a body count in the hundreds
That was niggerlow, the last game bunped me to niggalow
holy shit i basically hard int as briar but i've still won 4/5 games somehow
it's so weird being out of the drivers seat
i want to fuck your wife
everyone wants to hold my hand then...
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Yes please! She really does need it.
She gets really pissy (at me) if she doesn't find someone to pound her into the bed.
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>Get fed and pop off
>Dont really do anything
Is this anyone elses ADC experience
I'd love to use your wife as well, I think I missed the chance to add you sometime in the past
post your discord erps
youre a slut for letting them
Briar butthole!
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Feel free to add me then!
My what?
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literally me also cool niko
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Briar won
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Oh, so you want this fixed?
That'll be $500 + tip
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nawwww bruh this lil nigga done thought he caught a nigga slippin (SKULL EMOJI)
tempted to add this anon...
My nigger, nice one
the spammer and him are a tranny couple
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Do it!
Are there bigger faggots in this game than the ones who mute themselves at the start then unmute every time they want to type just to mute after again?
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They made Briar kinda stacked in her Anima skin
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she's a growing girl
>want to communicate to niggers that they are, in fact, niggers
>don't want to listen to their monkey noises
think about it.
Wishing c to all the troon cucks itt
I played with a TF that muted/unmuted maybe 3 times a minute just to type. I thought he was joking because it was so ridiculous but that tard was serious. Very funny though
have you not found someone already
is this true
>Briar won
won what
dropping a discord tag should result in an immediate permaban + ip range ban
just sayin'
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the game
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NTA but my heart
low t beta cuck beta snoy male with non existent sex drive post
obviously male hands typed this
This might be the single worst general on /vg/.
What the fuck is going on?
yeah male hands that are on 800mg tren and a gram of test bitch
Faggot hds irl
why do posts like this only show up when there isnt any bbcspam
you're still low test white beta cuckold
hi guys i lost a game of league of legends.
it was very close but our jungler was 1/6 xdd unlucky
okay xir
turkish actually so
Trannyah game
>int 5 deaths
>farm for 38 minutes
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what flavour of ice cream would you like?
Can you realistically carry with Jarvan?
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Because despite BBC poster being the worst of the bunch, it's still fucking terrible. Only normal generals that I have seen is /d2g/ and /gsg/.
That's what faggots think they look like but they are still, in fact, faggots that can't grow a spine to listen or type back.
they should take their erp to pisscord
w-where does she get the milk anons
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You can't milk those
>you have to read my essay on why i chose to farm krugs instead of taking the dragon!!!!
jungle dog has c very sad! lets ff
I enjoy chatting with other anons though!
oh yeah did you try it bitch
Kill yourself
which anon talked you out of killing yourself?
I legit had a game where all of my 4 teammates used /deafen at the start then unmuted themselves to talk to fucking nobody. Shit was funny as hell and they all looked like clowns screaming at walls. This is the future of gaming that you chose.
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this is the antithesis of sexy.
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Can I get some good luck...? This will be my 9th Masters promo. Please... if any of you queue up in the next 5 minutes, please just let me win. I'm so tired.
this is the peak of sexy.
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good luck my queen, I believe in you!
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lods of inting today looking OK
Why do all adcs take barrier now?
ghost got nerfed and heal has been ass for a long time
serious question
who is trying to carry any of these shitters on this game?
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>No one cares I unboxed an ultimate skin
gwen was complaining calling mundo a broken uncounterable champ lol
As far as ultimate skins go its not the most popular
disgusting gwen player or no shes not wrong
Why does every time TB Skyen reviews a female skin, he goes apeshit?
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also least unhinged lee sin
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now that we have a monster food skinline, what are the odds we get takoyaki velkoz. or better yet dango vel?
>He bought the $500 skin
Yes I'm not poor
Any prediction on when Dark Star Cho'gath will become available again?
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Holy finally! I did it :)
nice pull. I got lucky and pulled soul fighter samira from an orb, but I don't even play adc
>Wasting $500 when your account can get banned for saying a no no word
congrats babe
$500 is nothing
>banned for saying a no no word
Unlike you, I can control my emotions like an adult and not actually type anything
>want to avatarfag my waifu
>some nigger keeps posting nothing but cringe images of her
would cave ur head in with a bat irl if I ever met u
good evening my love
I already got masters like 10 years ago
Who is your waifu?
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my love
needs a fucking lobotomy
this game is not good enough to play more than once per day
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Except its 5x more difficult to do so now then before...
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Congrats! Always nice to see more lolgs make it to master
>$500 is nothing
yeah sure it isn't bezos
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if I post some tranny porn how long do I get temp banned for
asking for a friend
Crazy how consistently you can get carried if you play a broken safe waveclear champ and do nothing all game
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too big
>[Advertise on 4chan]
isn't he boosted?
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>play zoe support with cait
>he gets barely any cs, I BM her every time I steal a kill (3 times)
>he tilts and starts soft inting
>he ends up 0/5/3 and half the cs of brand
>our kassadin goes: hey cait, support isn't working so well for you, try playing her as adc"
>he tilts even harder and gets chat restricted
>we lose the game
>I get 3 honors at the end of the game, 10/4/7
i fucking love this game
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Too much blood

I made the Jinx useless and enabled my Irelia and Talon to succeed? They would have died at critically points in the game if I didn't shield them
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Love Morde
Don't worry man they're gonna increase the health threshold on Warmogs to a number that Mundo already clears first iteming warmogs now anyway.
still yet to see a game where no one cries about another player
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"bro". you meant to say "bro"!
anyway how are you, anon? get some good games in tonight? my session just started myself
loving this bro romantically
of course Im gaming
this game has to be balanced around bots
>duo told me he/she is a tranny on HRT

Half of me is like ok cool, anyway. The other half wants to block all communication. I feel kinda sick
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Anyone want to play together?
are u na or eu
sure ill add u but im hopping off for the night whats ur tag
Heartrender #WoWg
Love Briar
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looks like its time for a little gaming
>apologizes for his mistakes
>tries to fix his errors
>enages and listens to the community often

>doubles down on his mistake
>tries to gaslight you into thinking you're the one in the wrong
>makes you type "dearest karthas"
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How do I stop dying so much as Pyke?
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Look I know I'm not amazing but is bronze elo full of smurfs? It actually feels harder than other ranks. Terrible teams and smurf city.
not really, i feel like if im on the right champion (quinn) i can pretty much carry or at least make my team not lose by keeping waves pushed
Feels hard to do as support when I set up kills for the adc but they are constantly 1hp and on the back foot.
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where's your bf? is he off work yet?
seriously what the fuck is wrong with jungle players?? are they even playing the same game??
take a break from the internet. it'll be good for your mental health.
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wow smolder
it's a jujutsu kaisen reference.
anon my dads being deported and I can't talk or visit him till its over
nothing matters, just keep movin
anon, some broke bum on the internet keeps restreaming me and doxxing me.
nothing matters, just keep movin
>botlane donates 8 kills early to the enemy hypercarry and jg
>does nothing when I come to gank for them
because you decided for the team we weren't going to get any
naut is in every single fucking aram
what have i become
everyone i know goes away in the end
i will let you down
i will make you hurt
this game would be cool if it was balanced and not 1 sided every game
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I have never won against a smolder bot. I don't know what it is about them, they always run away and poke me like little bitches I can't do shit about it. Hate this... this... gay dragon f*g...
I love nuns
hey man listen sometimes u just have to flop ur bbc out and start spawnkilling the enemy team in their nexus just to let them know wassup namsayin cuh?
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im going to play with Anivia with Swiftness boots.
imagine being a roleplaying faggot
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>Lose every game when I'm autofilled
>I finally get mid and play my main
>We in
Wow! Big shock there Riot!
you cant just know how to play mid, you need to learn another role too
Yeah I know, but I also can't carry as support good enough
so is gwen just like a splitpusher or something..
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That's not possible,
which character is even good in this game?
just play rammus or tristana and you auto win games
when you fags get married make sure to post your registry to lolg
scaling split push toplaner
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it is possbile, you can even touch her
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>queue adc
>have 1 bad fight level ( nobody died and traded sums for sums )
>support rageflashes
>tells me to rope myself
>walks mid and sits afk under tower
>jungler starts flaming me and tells me to come discord
>toplaner adds me after game and tells me to hang myself as well
im the biggest victim in league of legends history
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Is this ok?
I love loising to silver 1 plasyers when i was emerald in 2022!! with shit matchkaing afks etc etc et c triolls
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no, don't do that
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Wake up Fox!
Thanks anons!
so many faggy champs balanced by faggy devs
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told you! you can touch her, not make a dental inspection
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This is better.
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I want to be in the middle SO badly
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yeah, you also get to keep you fingers
you gay?
my lulu just typed that i have "full stuff" instead of saying im full build
why are support players so fucking cute bros
anon you can fit maybe 1 but you can fit both!
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>Captcha is AGPAT
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I'll find a way
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Now if only she can bite a banana.
Play quickplay and check if you wanna deal with ranked. I've been feeling like playing ranked time to time lately until I realise I don't really want to timesink for the numbers go up gimmick. Though to be honest arams don't feel that great either.
Also no you won't get banned for playing poorly as long as you don't type and run it down.
I mean yea adc is useless as fuck >>486051979
this game I had to be 10 times better than my lane opponents to not lose but people will say that adc is broken because the adc with the better supp went 10/0 against another adc in their game
not hating tho, ppl should just get that bread. if every botlaner in lowmaster is seraphine/sona/mage etc. player then maybe riot fixes their game
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Who said she can't? Just don't hand feed her.
all these players either have downs or are faggots
if you play soloq you are not human, simple as
and theres not even a reason to play, every game is filled with the most disgusting individual role gaps in the history of gappening
no one ever wants to play norms with me..
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Can we feed her this?
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5 years playing this game

I am Plat 4 (Silver 1 pre-emerald)

5 years playing this game

I am Plat 4

Because my parents aren't lawyers

Because my brain is slow and stupid

Because my parents aren't doctors

Because my parents had children at 36 years old

So now I am Silver 1 after playing for 5 years

Also look at this soulful trolling
who even are you, na?
I want that victorious chroma
do you need help?
Not necessarily.
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croissant? only with some cola
My biggest weakness was my decisionmaking IRL. Now I am at the mercy of FATE. I curse my genetics for this poor path. Tehee.
>croissant with soda
Actually disturbing.
croissant is great with soda (sparkling water)
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exactly, you already hate me and you dont even know who i am..
just say who you are
why even bother you're just going to make fun of me
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how do you do less damage than a poppy support that was afk for the last 5 minutes
why is every champ the reincarnation of a god who could tear the whole map in half or some sort of black magic abuser meanwhile adcs are just some niggas shooting guns or throwing axes
yeah I'm not even gonna pry anymore keep crying about it
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Let's go.
We do love a good hunk, yes.
youd just say you werent gonna play with me lol im not stupid
youre such a fucking pussy
be my gf you little bitch
okay post your ign then
that is another random guy btw, I said I'm not gonna reply and i wont fuck off
now kiss
sorry im na..
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nigga ur aint funny
only lame niggas say that shit
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>posts ign
>everyone still refuses to play normals with him
who is this I keep seeing this name posted
nigga u aint ready just stay in ur lane
Is Evelynn supposed to farm like Yuumi jg? What Im I doing wrong? Seems like I have to take 30 seconds taking red buff.
i would but im na..
>you mean HUNKules
how do i even play gwen good.. do i proxy? she doesnt seem to win most trades at all and she doesnt scale very well..
have doctor parents that had you before age 30
Thats my pic, thief!
she's just so unintuitive..
challenger euw player goes by 5 different names here
he went pro to impress some random tranny here but got denied for another trans
it's easy to tell who is who and you still messed it up
all you had to do was look out for the bpdposter and then everything is obvious
yup parents had you past age 30
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botlane duos for this feel?
>twidledee and twidleHUNK
garen and darius
Severe mental illness is a requirement to be able to enjoy either of the botlane roles.
Thresh Lucian? Draven Naut?
Can we hold hands?
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Sorry, I just enjoy the male form.
esl are just naturally cute
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I miss Tales of Valorant so much, it's unreal.
He probably was French. Being "Full stuff" is a french idiom.
hwei and milio
How do you call a situation when you 1v2 and your teammate stands nearby, doing absolutely nothing useful to help you out in the west?
In Russia it's called "taking pictures" as in "gg i get dove soraka is taking pictures pls ff", it's pretty powerful
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I got all of them saved. That's peak soul.
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Yeah. At least the internet did it's job and saved his work.
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That reminds me. Are you still a part of his Patron?
fresh bake needed
lawyer parents

30+ parents

the game was rigged from the beginning

genetic trash
i have to remind myself this is a game for children
mfw no one talks to me but the schizo niggalow
nigga calm tf down lebron grew up with a single mom
hi anon i play gwen..
do you want to look like her too?
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I think gwen is really cool to have in one's champ pool. what drew you to try her out?
notice how much better the thread is on weekends compared to monday
no comment..
i heard she's a lane bully and i like quinn 'cause she's a lane bully too i heard, i think im a bit slow for gwen though she's like yasuo but harder..
what champs does he play?
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yes, it's ded though
she's more of a late game champ but there certain matchups she can be a lane bully in, like against tanks. I practice her once in a blue moon, but she's tricky and melee champs are not really my forte!
Tragically, the man who claimed to have encountered the Sirens met a suspicious end. Four weeks after his initial story surfaced, he reportedly died of a heart attack under circumstances that raised suspicions of foul play. This fueled speculation and conspiracy theories, suggesting that powerful forces might have silenced him permanently to prevent further revelations or embarrassment.

Josh McHonnagan, a prominent figure with ties to unknown interests, found himself embroiled in a scandalous situation involving a supposed leak to newspapers. To suppress the damaging information, he allegedly paid a hefty sum of $30,000 in hush money, aiming to keep the details from public scrutiny.
sona seraphine probably

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