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Previous: >>486054671

>Ellen Character Demo - "Uniform, Shark Tail, Scissors"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOW8XhUce38 [EN]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDjLXFAgsmA [JP]

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo [EN]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I [JP]

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began" | Zenless Zone Zero"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 [EN]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s [JP]



>Official Twitter Account:

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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The best girl is (You)!
Where can I redeem this?
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Oh wow you actually got rid of the expired codes. Nice
where's Wise Weiss?
>Wise just got out of the shower
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PSA: store promoter matters, each gives different rewards in addition to the dennies.
Bangboo 18: nothing
Heddy: W-Engine batteries and Bangboo software patches (both C tier)
Sjal: bangboo software patches (A tier)
Travis: idk yet
Agents: tactics chips of their element
can i use lucy with ben and koleda with koleda as the damaging unit?
I hope we get at least one more Ult like this.
>I will now say what most Baggots dont like to hear. I speak japanese and ive seen how BA rose to power and why. After Priconne fucking died it left a vacuum which BA either with luck or sheer calculation took advantage of. Certain banners were released and more sponsored art comissioned and the japanese slurped it up. Many play BA because there just is not a better alternative that panders to them. And here comes ZZZ. It checks the boxes it needs to check for the japanese audience. Its basically made for their market. BA will stay strong, but ZZZ is just one idol v-tuber loli group away to completely take over japanese Otaku. You dont have to believe it. But this is what will happen over the course of the next 6-10 months.
Any of you cucks believe that? Lmao Blue Archive is Godzilla and ZZZ is a little nigger about to get Hyperlasered.
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stop posting cats
start posting cats
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I'm building Anby to the max no matter how powercrept she gets!
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Closest I've got is this
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>he rolled a literal mutant freak instant of this
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noted, thanks for your service staffboo
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imagine the smell
the idols will need all 3 for a concert ult
Ben is the damaging unit in that scenario. Not joking
I will pull for all characters. I will buy all the topups. I will get all the bundles. DaWei and Waterkuma deserve my money.
Same burgerbro.
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Interesting if obvious falseflag, anon. Let's see if it pays out.
>trademark mihomoslop femboy
She looks boring
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Football's not coming home lads...but this sex cop certainly is.

Zenless Zone Zero
i could believe that, yes
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Nicole must stand there for a week now, I need my achievement.
rwby is so shit
Based. I'm gonna wait for her S version too.
and two of them is a 5star while the last one is a 4 star that is useless if you don't have the other two and her signature weapon.
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
I wish this general never pointed out how far apart her eyes are... literally ruined the character for me
generally I'll get pissed off at one and drop it and pick up another
he GYATT mogs me...
>Lmao Blue Archive is Godzilla
thats what they said about gbf...
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Best time to build all the Hares is now, while they are all still good. Don't miss out on having fun with the OGs before it becomes painful bros!
you say that but the moment you get another stunner you ditch her
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Same Anbybro
Not really, Koleda doesn't have the motion values or steroids to be a talent damage carry. Koleda + Ben on a team is pretty much pointless, you don't need a Defense character AND a Stun character, that doesn't make sense.
Koleda+Lucy+Piper is a very competent team
>We jobbed again.
Explains all the drunks roaming around my street
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Funny how, even with Fanart events every month, Genshin and Star Rail just can't achieve the same... it's almost like the designs have to be good too.
Schnee anal though
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What Minigame should they add to the Arcade later on?
(obviously Flappy Bird, i know)
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>he rolled a literal mutant freak
I'm not rolling Miyabi
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She looks like a standard character.
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shes not tall tho
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i dont have piper...
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Bitch, I swear.
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There are evil Corinposters ITT
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People still have no clue.
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Qingyi banner fucking when?
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really? where?
Bunny Toki i believe was shard with commissioned artists and there was a small drama on how they got to see the design before it was public.
All competent gacha devs would do the same though, you want to hype a new character and its basically marketing cost to commission and generate interest for your new character.
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The bottom of this poor sharks shoes has the same mark as her tail.
Does someone have that image with the recommended A rank engines for each character?
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Billy C6 will become hidden meta where he just sits back and shoots. All we need is a phys support that boosts basic attacks...
5 weeks
the Ayuka of ZZZ
It works for story missions but in Shiyu Defense you're going to struggle a lot unfortunately. Lucy or even Ben would be a better DPS here

D-Don't go to /sp/, englandbros...
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the porn is good
Mihomo's "commissions" are a joke, you essentially sell your art for a chance to get pennies. Yostar has been actively buying artists and doujinkas since their AL days.
>.t level 32 who has no clue what the fuck he's talking about
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I can't do any more hollow zeros...
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It's over (real)
I don't like how she has huge ears but no tail
doesn't matter, looks like a hag, its a hag
dont worry miyabibros
i am still hodling
slander and insults will not sway my resolve
bikini skins when?
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When I et to use 2 teams, will the game also require 2 Bangboos?

I'm trying to figure out if I should tripple down into the Sharkboo, or of I should also spend on a 2nd Bangboo for the 2nd team.
We can see your pussy Nicole! Zip it up!
Massive retard, give me ANY argument for why Koleda or Ben can deal relevant carry damage
>shizo is pushing the "BA paid fanart" cope on ZZZ
Threadly reminder, star rail got zero fan art for six whole months thanks to honkaifags.
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I tried using the EN va for a bit after it got shilled as good here and fucking hell people's standards are low. Atleast with JP when they repeat lines over and over I can just zone it out as moon runes. Also Koleda EN sounds like fucking BART and Ellen has zero fucking power to her voice. Her ult line is pathetic compared to her JP
I don’t remember star rail having this much content on launch I’m still doing stuff
>miyabikeks once again SEETHING about Ellen's popularity
that sid from ice age ahh bitch is UGLY
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Rina enjoyers around?
cute sprite
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Damn Brat, she needs correcting
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Wisebros... they're laughing at us...
and Anby is getting horny again...
I looked.
I'm sorry.
Yes you need 1 per team.
Yes, but she'll be less effective than most attackers when it comes to straight damage.
yes, she's cute. I bet she's so soft
ZZZ has a shit ton of content on launch. If they keep this momentum with the new weekly events we'll be gucci
>and Anby is getting horny again...
F-from what? Burgers?
How important are bangboo dupes? Am I safe to target every element of S-tier bangboo or should I just focus on 2 of them.
I bet you don’t even know her name
She has a very appealing design, but I'm just a sucker for blonde hair and purple outfits
What's the ingame lore behind mindscaoe cinema? Is there a hot canon reason why im getting to see lewd pics of these girls?
post team
>First of all, drop GBF cold turkey. You'll thank me later.
Almost dropped it one time, but wanted to force myself into 2k for my prime ele gw. KMR finally giving something good for above reignited my spark and honestly, I'm fine with laid back daily and going hardcore during gw - pretty much staying only for the crew.
I gonna keep playing genshin till Shneznaya at least, but pretty much got everything I wanted and don't think future can surprise me.
HSR is probably first one to go, because still I don't feel it (good gacha luck is the main thing that kept me going so far).
I still enjoy Wuwa, but not much time to explore.
>oh no
Already sink way too many years from my life to give up right now there are also decent odds for me going to Japan for World Championship next year, sooo.
Have you actually played and leveled up Ben? Have you used his guard counters? Have you seen his passives? If not, shut the fuck up.
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Genuine question, tell me what you find appealing about her design.
Hugo Vlad on the last comic scene of Lycaon story looks like a blonde Laharl from Disgaea
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>Miyabifags weak bullying turns to bite them in the ass.

Luuumaaooo, should've stayed low mothafuckaaas
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Nah. I got my stunner on another team, my Anby will stay. ANBY LOVE
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>only after Firefly the game started getting fanart regularly
The pattern here is so obvious.
Nips just want to draw cute girls, it's that simple.
autistic for justice and swords
big fluffy ears. if they add another ear fluffer I will abandon her in an instant.
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Favorite NPC you'd like to be playable?
For me it's Orlenda
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>mindscaoe cinema
the more dupes you get of them, the better you can imagine them naked in your head
Anon are you from one of those country that has a total of 10 mahjong players so they just need you for international representation? Still pretty cool if you were to go.
Fully enhanced A Ranks will outperform some S Ranks of their respective elements. You're better off getting a different Bangboo instead of rolling dupes on an S Rank; at least this early on.
based honestly. fuck mihoyo and their lies
Didn't HSR launch with all of Jarilo-VI's story content, or am I misremembering?
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Uh oh, I think something just awakened inside of Corin
She looks so awkward. Like a plain, regular girl who just happens to be a sword autist and they forced into a hime cut and a cool uniform to be marketable. But she just wants to be at home and train with the blade and maybe think about Zhu's melons.
Made for pinching and sucking
I like fox girls, I like katanas
I hope she opens up and is less autistic
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Do I HAVE to use Ben with koleda
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>almost go broke to hire Victoria Housekeeping
>the maid just sleeps all fucking day
What's her problem?
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What's Anby endgame exactly with all those börgers?
Does she intend to become ZZZ's very own electro-pork?
Very important, once you know what your general team comp is going to be you should pull exclusively for the most compatible Bangboo until it hits 5*.
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Damn cat...
>Roll an S finally
>It's the furry werewolf again
god damnit, just give me cute girls.
All of Jarilo-VI and a third of Luofu.
Fuck, now she's actually starting to look cute to me too.
Bangboo power is dependant on two key things:
>Their stat spread
>their chain attack time
Rocketboo for example has higher base attack than every other S rank Bangboo except Revolvboo, and has an extremely fast chain animation. His passive of boosting anomaly build up (which a lot of bangboos have) is far superior to most others.
Once you have two S rank bangboos to compliment your two teams for Shiyu, I would just save the rolls entirely until the newer ones get added and you can select them. There are 4 different bangboos we've seen before that were taken out of the game including a racecar boo, a securiboo, FBIboo and one other I cant remember now.

I seriously wouldnt try collecting different element ones right now, its pointless unless you'll be using them right now, bangboo rolls are far more precious.
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how will anticestfags ever recover???
needs to be punished with nonstop nipple teasing for hours
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Could someone please post all of Jane's webm's?
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Listening to post hardcore with my emo shark girlfriend.
>cartoony business man runs away after chapter 3
>well what a big waste of time i hate that guy so much
>he escapes to the outer lands where its 90% likely the biker faction hangs around
i didnt expect them to be shown this fast in the story, now i really want that story update to at least have playabel caesar/lighter/burnice in the story already.
Marrying and impregnating Nicole to prevent her from receiving red packets.
why are her tails erect.
Also I don't find her face weird at all, she's cute
They cannot.
Simple as.
>Miyabi isn't a literal mutant freak
Bro...? I want to roll Miyabi, but saying she's not a mutant is just dishonest.
That's not good enough. My penis demands it to be canon that i'm actually seeing their real lewds and it demands a canonical reason for it for immersion's sake ofcourse
Every country is kinda joke in Europe, but mine is still one of the bigger ones if we consider players in the ranking. We have a lot of people who wish they could come.
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I have cleared literally everything available, shiyu 10 included
wat do
should I go back to real games?
Including Herta that seems like a lot more content than ZZZ has right now.
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tail erections are real
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Don't let her shy act and her pretend stuttering over DM fool you. She is a trained seductress.
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>instant of this
I want my cat bullet.
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Do zoomers really?
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doesnt count, homo
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Rina's agent story soundtrack was really good but I can't find it anywhere
>shiyu 10 included
That isnt everything. Where are your Shiyu 11-17 clears?
Corin would never
Can I see your team setup for 8 and 9? I'm struggling over there
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>saw lucy at Lumina Square
>she talked to her old piano teacher
>teacher commented on how she dresses up like nowdays, instead of cute dresses from before
>asked if her dad allowed her to be like this
Damn i want to know her backstory
Have you done all the hard story missions? I still got to do those since they don't give up I never bothered
Why has she got ricketts?
Cute fox girl with giant ears but ruined by the lack of tail. Nice hairstyle
Simple but effective outfit, the armored arm adds enough flair.
Cute ghost companion
Japanese steel

She's kinda like Soukaku in that she's very simple but effective in it's execution. Something they failed to accomplish for the two last members.
>shiyu 10 included
>wat do
Bro, your Shiyu 11-17?
Also work on your Trust: time. We had Billybros who mogged that a few threads ago.
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She has no ass and still jiggles a lot, how is that works?
Come back to Wuwa
Corin wearing only bandaids
Which part? the battle theme or the exploration theme? the battle theme is already on yt
>bangboo metatrannies
>noooo you have to pull dupes and use these bangboo or its a brick?!!?!?!???!!!
>I use nicoles bangboo because I use the cunning hares and it’s cute
>i like builderboo when he gets in the drill lol
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>Fully enhanced A Ranks will outperform some S Ranks of their respective elements
Do you means a 5* Penguinboo maxed level will outperform a 5* Sharkboo maxed level?
That sounds really strange.
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her mom has like 6 tails, or maybe its their family trait to only manifest the tails when they use their special powers or sth.
>body built for bedroom but sex is mid
which agent?
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>Victoria Housekeeping is staffed with trained assassins
>and Corin
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children exist?!
what do bangboo dupes even do?
Its obvious she's the rebel ojou sama that loves bossing people around, she always compliments piper when they're together in a team
You still have Shiyu 17 and H0 Nest Ascension 11.
I keep getting jumpscared by the builderboo thinking it was an enemy
WTF is this stage that everyone is posting?
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>corin is too scared to walk into the store and talks to herself, trying to memorize correct way to talk to the sales worker
Wtf Corin is literaly me...
increase calcs
Bongkeks? What happened?
is that jut a gif button? What's the Keeb name anon
>retard who "doesnt care" has to insert himself and get angry
The "lady" doth protest too much, methinks
That’s what I do and it’s my best team. Just do koleda Ben Lucy
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We jobbed...again...
The battle theme
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It's time.
I hate all those spades on her outfit, knowing waterkuma's history.
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oh nyo...
knot giving you bombastic side eye
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She's tha joker baybee!
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>people talking about which hype Attacker or elemental squad they want
>me wanting to make a full Defender team
Did you try searching "Rina story battle theme" on youtube before lamenting that you cant find it?
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how come everyone is in love with corin/lucy/piper/shark/anby/11 but no one cares about funny cat?
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how did they make it so small?
Goldfish ass bitch got her eyes farther apart than the goatse pic hands
that describes all hags
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Same she's just too cute.
I literally can’t wait to use Lighter, Caeser, Lucy team. I bet their Bangboo will ride around on a little motorcycle too.
>Koleda after asking her for hours to suck my dick
i just finished this quest a few hours ago
kino, i love belobog
Yes, all I get is "Rules for Wanderers Lost"
Go to bed, Maple.
The duo cop on Sixth Street is cute, I hope we get to more of them
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Is RAID really that popular?...
one particularly annoying stage because of a short timer that doesn't stop when you pick up resonia and large enemy scatter.
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Saving every coco image
>Wtf Corin is literaly me...
>S11 wants me to time her basics
>Shark wants me to build up her stacks
Where are the simple S-rank DPSes that don't want me to play minigames and why do I not have them on my account?
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I care about brickomatia, I use her as my DPS along with Nicole and Anby while I wait for Zhu.
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Someone made Ellen's phone wallpaper.
They said not to repost it but that's dumb so here you go
Funny cat has the downside of being the worst standard character in the game. Doesnt mean shes unusable, but that shes worse than everyone else. Her C1 does make her way better, but then you have two Nekomata rolls that could have been someone else.
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>no ass
when shinyu resets, zzziggers?
Is there any official art of Anby without her baggy jacket out there?
Yeah, but from where is it? I don't remember having trouble with any of the stages so maybe I missed it?
is it possible to beat shiyu defense 10 with level 40 characters?
End of month
Bwo your Piper (A (Actually S tier))
all voice packs are predownloaded. you're probably downloading just font changes.
chapter 2 combat challenge
>repost raping someone
get shark c1 if you dont want to do stack minigames
>how is that works.

Go back to wuwa, Basir.
When people nowadays say that, they mean she doesn't have a disgusting tumor hanging off her lower back with Squidward thighs.
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Chapter 2, Combat Commisions
By getting good.
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I guess your youtube is just bricked then
On S11's team, but I still don't get how to play these two together effectively.
>roll dupes
nyo I'm a poorfag and I'm saving for lolicop
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I'm never using Lucy again because she has a Spanish name.

The Spaniard are lazy fucks who cheated their way to victory. I know they did, it's in their DNA.

British ZZZ character when?
I like her, and I was hoping if I lost the 50/50 on ellen that it would be her or S11 or grace
unfrotunately i got rina (better than KNOT i suppose) who i dont really find appealing
Kek, my bad for thinking having an ass nearly 2x as thick as your waist along with wide hips isn't enough
probably with a perfect team ellen and soldier 11, they're the only characters i can see having the damage to do it at 40, or anomaly shenanigans
most dps minigames can be overcome by just pressing the special button to build stacks, use other character in the team while they charge their special, this applies to shark/11/zhu
you barely have to play the rythm game if you stagger ult/chain attack/ex skill
She's Brazilian bwo
whens 1.1 coming out I have no more content
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So I know you have a limit of 3 invites per day, but I also see agents just chilling around town for trust events. Do these random encounters also have a daily limit, or is it possible to farm trust by advancing in-game time and hoping you get more of them?
Found it, already have it cleared. I was searching in the story mode challenge stages. Can't see clear info on regular stages sadly
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If only there was a good, simple DPS you could use...
It would be even better if they were free...
Fluffy ears
Nice tits
Slanty eyes
Looks like she would smell nice
Hime cut
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Content tomorrow
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This retard hates fun
>British ZZZ character when?
The fat pig dude might come soon.
Lucia is a Latin name you retard. The fucking Roman's already had Lucia's walking around.

It's coming home oh no no noo
>ult/chain attack
Do these also give infusion to basics? I thought only her EX-Skill did to her next 8 attacks (2 full combos).
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Do some rudimentary disc levelling (not a lot) and get good.
Its a very good challenge. It also gets way easier once you have level 50s, S rank/A rank disc spreads that youve levelled though.
Yes they have a limit. Its not always one per character, but it feels close to that. On rare ocassions ive passed a day and found a couple more events for the same character.
But after 2 days (not including the day you started on after the daily reset) you'll have exhausted all of them except Inky
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>Ayaka expy
>retarded face model
i enjoyed it very much, glad i got koleda from standard early
It literally is lmao, ty
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You're making me start to want her.
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Why am I attracted to this?
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What brand of Cat Detector is that?
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Good taste? A loving heart? Ryona fetish?
Cope, the good guys won
Zenless zone zero.
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>shark has torpedo tits
Terrible taste? A black heart? Savior complex?
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>invite Ellen to watch some video tapes
>she agrees and visits the store
>we sit on the couch enjoying the movie
>suddenly feel weird smell
>excuse myself and go to check around
>don't remember ordering any sushi last week or any seafood
>why does it smell like spoiled fish the-
>notice ellen is sitting with her legs slightly spread
Fish people, not even once.
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We should seduce the ethereals not kill them
I doubt that we're going to the Outer Ring immediately.

I feel like that what's most likely going to happen is that the Proxys will establish some connection with Piper and/or Lucy to take them, but then the plans are interrupted by something happening with the Bringer guy that's not unlike what happened with Khors but unfolding in real-time. There'll be more Cop focus for the section, and shit will escalate greatly to the point where Section 6 will need to intervene.
Only after things have died down will it become even more apparent that getting the answers from Perlman is critical to figuring out what's going on; and then we go to the Outer Ring.
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You ARE practicing the weekly bosses until you can no-hit it. Right? R-right?
I don't care about footie, but I'm glad to hear bongs got cucked again.
is it even possible to s rank all shiyu defenses with lvl 40 characters? my hands are starting to hurt
wtf i've only just noticed the Ethereals have pervy faces, image ruined.
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my fuarking heroes
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What the FUCK is Ellen's EN voice?
It sounds like it came straight out of Family Guy or some other low quality american cartoon
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if you paypig like 6 ellens and s11s plus their signature weapons sure.
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It's the opposite, huh?
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Why are these porn artists so focused on making the blank slate self-insert (literally (You)) black men with HUGE round asses? Isn't the focus of the image supposed to be a hot girl getting railed? Seems kinda gay to me.
cute, simple and humble
>I doubt that we're going to the Outer Ring immediately.
We won't. 1.1 is leaked as introducing a expanded police station area. So we're getting another police Interlude like you said. I just hope they will actually make all of these things build-up connecting to getting to the Outer Ring.
Literal retard here how do I turn monochrome into polychrome or encrypted master tape?
will S11 try to kill anby when they inevitably meet?, will anby show her real powerlevel then?
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I think Corin has ronya submissive fetish I that made my DIAMOND!

I wanna punch her so bad
they all do, yes
I just hope outer ring will have all kinds of different environments. One trailer showed a desert highway I think, with the biker gang.
I prefer other designs.
Herta was like an hour iirc.
main story-wise I think it's about the same amount, thing is ZZZ has story quests behind level walls. I don't remember if HSR had those.
I don't think HSR launched with character stories though, and ZZZ has a lot of them already.
The Warcrime Squadron

Soldier "If it's black I shoot it in the back" 11
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>EN voice
be a normal human being and play gachas as God intended, which is - with JP voices
The idea is that it is generic, the focus is on the more complex and more designed character, if you're looking at the man shaped blank slate more than the hot actually designed girl that is a (you) problem.
Cry about it. Winners wins losers lose
>What the FUCK is Ellen's EN voice?
Pretty nice, just a bit too aggressive for her character.
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I can nohit butcher and puppets but the crane amalgams timings feel too off to me, though it doesn't matter even at level 50 they hit like pillows
Tap on polychrome + icon on the top right of the screen.
But it's not worth it, buy the pack on the store.
it does make sense one half of the cop story to be interlude and the other half to be another interlude after chapter 3 indeed, with the later focusing on rrat/shieldbro
i think chapter 4 will be outer ring, and section 6 cutscenes/story will just be relegated to more hollow zero unlocks at higher proxy (like it already is right now)
>Rina's Agent Quest Chapter 3
What the fuck this should've been Rina's backstory. Why is this delegated to an NPC AGAIN?
Anby is more bottom heavy with her thick thighs, while Soldier 11 is more top heavy with her huge tits.
I missed the mark by like 20 seconds probably, last guy survived with a sliver of health left
I'm just waiting until tomorrow and IK40
I forgot how much fun Billy is with dash attack dash attack dash attack I want to build him properly now
first hoyo game?
what's the right stuff to rank in order?

EX > ult > assist > basic attacks > dodge

sound right?
Keep an eye on which arm he uses and move AWAY from that side.
Ellen should have had a ponytail.
Never NEVER let Corin land a hit on you, for one, it'll hurt, and for two, she may end up enjoying the sensation of causing pain, itis imperative that abusefags and masocucks are KEPT AWAY FROM CORIN.
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Yeah yeah fucking loser. You cheer for a team that cheated their way to victory. Really speaks on your personality.

I'm glad zzz will never add a Spaniardtard in game because nothing good come from that country.
Depend of the character
>burgers go into ass
>ramen goes into tits
note it down females
>delegated to an NPC
Hoyoshit always does this for some reason
S11's is really the only good one of these isn't it... I guess it's because she's the only one who doesn't show up on the main story so it actually needs to revolve around her for once
Give it to me straight. Do I roll for ellen?
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With M2W1 Ellen at level 40 they never get around to hitting me. They're frozen or dead.
ESL please.
Depends on the character. Post who you're talking about or the team in general
>england lose in the Euros
What a wonderful day, so how’s everyone else’s evening been going?
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Correct, Anby is surprisingly thick.
i don't care about her past, her future is with me and our 8 children
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but I do like nagatoro: forma de gato
Rina's character is already strong enough that she doesnt need immense focus. Also you learn a good amount about Rina from her dialogue especially around her puppets, it also taps into her potential fears for the future. Will Rina become an "old granny" slowly losing her sanity because of her profession in the hollow? its good.
Also I cried at the cutscene in the final chapter of it as someone who had a grandma with dementia. Its fucking kino
>england lost in the Euros
What a shitty day, so how's everyone else's evening been going?
i would suggest 4 piece puffer discs; assist 2x into ultimate has been good by me so far during shiyus.
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defend this
Another successful knotting...
Perfection as all Victorian Housekeeping standards dictate.
I read this in Ellen's voice. Thanks for the laugh.
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Ceasar is Spanish lol
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Why the fuck there's a scottish bangboo
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Kinda like shit bwo we lost in the Euros. And I got knotted.
He’s capable of defending himself.
>cool badass werewolf martial artist butler
I would've liked him a lot around age 12, but the internet ruined me with all the furry knot jokes
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England lost so my day is automatically better
I don't even care about football I just hate bongs
Bro? Your Luciana de Montefio?
>england lost in the Euros
What a nice day
>British ZZZ character when?
Your Ben Bigger?
on my 5th account bros......still no ghost maid....about to create a 6th one
Lycaons is also really good, because its also mostly about him. Grace and Koleda's are so/so but at least also about them. Nekomata's is more NPC shit but not as bad as Rinas. And at least Nekomata got to talk a lot in her own quest.
You need to stop focusing on anything but the girl you want to have sex with in porn
>england lost in the Euros
What a shitty day
I specifically meant with dupes. There's other factors involved too such as cooldown for moves and how fast their chain attacks come out but in general, since dupes of the A Ranks are much more plentiful, they're much more practical to use
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>I just hate bongs
Why though? Are you a jeet?
thanks, the pack is monochrome btw I thought I bricked my wallet
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I want to cum in Corin's shoes and watch her do her maid duties really uncomfortably...
feels bad bro.
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I don't think there's british people in New Eridu
Have you played any actual damage dealer in this videogame you gullable mongaloid? No your favourite jewtube boyfriend's video about his biggest Ben crit does not make him a good damage dealer
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I wonder, since Jaws are already in, are there any chances any other more "modern" horro movie will be taken as base for design of a Victoria's character?
Like imagine character based on Freddy movies or Alien movies.
>Im using my ultimate, BITCH
Nicole and Ellen mog her desu
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>Seems kinda gay to me.
not as gay as shippers/self-inserters
>ben trust event
>Pretend that I see Officer mewmew not Ben
>"No! Im not Mewmew! its me, Ben Bigger! from Belebog Industries!"
Is everyone in this game autistic? (if so, good)
I see it. The blue pussy.
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>omg le England lost, me so happy!
Kill yourself. Cheating is not victory.
Also, please stay on topic by discussing zzz instead of glorifying a nation of cheaters
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everyone in europe hates anglos
even scots or the irish hate anglos
>buy 50 chips from shop with roll scraps to build an agent for free
whalegods are literally in the hyperbolic time chamber when it comes to how much extra energy they get
i HATE ben trust events. all take ages to do and completely fucking dumb, hes staying lvl1 perma for me just because of the events.
how did you get so many tickets? the game said 180 pulls for downloading but i never got them?
Neko's one was pretty good as she was still the star of the show
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You could tell in that moment where you told her to play your master, something awakened inside Corin. Its only a matter of time.
post asshole. I bet I could fit a coin in it
There are atleast 10 countries in europe alone that hate the teadrinkers dumb bong.
>got rina
>got koleda
who do i use my 300 on? neko or grace?
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How are you guys not 40 yet, don't you know you can use your tv currency to get free battery?
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Is it, really?
I’ll do it in 6 months
He is alright character, I liked him in the story. Don't care for his gameplay
Why the fuck won't this shitty game download on my PC? It says "download fails" constantly. I tried it on my phone and wanted to play on PC but this is garbage. Can't play the damn game if it won't even download! Fucking Chinese spyware bullshit.
there are already rumors that the vampire from lycaon's story might become playable, if that helps
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Have any of you actually managed to make Brickomata work?

I tried gearing her up with my best stuff and she's still kinda shitty while my M0 piper is eons better. Should I just build corrin instead and give up on her? Or just build Anton instead before he gets nerfed
Fun fact, where is Emperor Ceasar from?
Where is Rome located?

That's right. Fuck off Spaniardtard
idk I don't have anyone except Lycaon >.<
A Grey maid would be cool.
Well vampire is more of a classic monster
how are you, a Bing Bonger, gonna cry about CHEATING?! The EUFA gifted you frauds the easiest group stage and you barely could escape that shitpile. Got to avoid actual real contenders all the way to the finals and gifted ghosts extra minutes and a bs penalty.

Have some shame.
>daily log-in + daily tasks is 140 polychrome
>need 160 to pull
>How are you guys not 40 yet,
started 2 days ago, only 27
Lycaon is about the edgy teenager, Grace is about Betty, Koleda is about the little kid. Even Soldier 11 was about the mole guy
why would a dogwater character like anton get nerfed?
I don't really get it. /int/cucks will be /int/cucks I guess.
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I finally did it. Grace team had to be all level 50 to catch up with the ice team but feels good.
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>being this assblasted that you stop using an unrelated vidya character out of spite
When I read 'Freddy' I thought of Fazbear instead of Kruger I am COOKED.
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I can't say I've got Neko myself to test, but it doesn't take too much to prep Corin and just hold EX and melt HP bars into nothing.
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Because anton has a infinite combo right now that people are using to clear the hardest content
just keep using piper?

neko is fine, she needs another phys in party to work properly, i chucked her with billy and keep getting bunch of assault triggers.
>don't you know you can use your tv currency to get free battery?
the coffee? or is there something else
get her in after someone else stuns, leave attack pressed to teleport behind enemy, and press special.
lucy special can trigger her assist if you put her after lucy for free passive activation
also do your perfect dodges
just dont blindly auto attack when special or ult is down, swap to piper/stunner whenever she is not under the conditions i mentioned.
Nah thats bullshit. In most of these, the NPC is just a tool to explore the character more. Its not 'about' them in any way. Most of the dialogue is still from or with Grace, Koleda, Lycaon, Nekomata. You learn more about them during these quests too, especially Lycaon.
How do I level up the music store? I have a quest to see Elfy at Bardic Needle, but going there just allows me to do beginner tuning. I can't actually talk to her.
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Will we get factions that have negative affinity with certain other ones on a temp (story) or permanent basis?
I was gonna put her with piper and lucy for my B team seeing as I just got her. I hope that works
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Gen alpha bro...
You also got Piper? Pair them, Piper assaults will buff your Neko's EX spam when enemy got stunned
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Simple, no nonsense design with nothing superfluous (see zhu's arms decks out with random equipment) and good animations
stunned enemies are always backstabbed fyi, you don't need to bother with getting behind them if you are only bringing her out while the opponent is stunned
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is it because there's an incorrect number in his kit?, if not, i dont think they'll do anything
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grats bro, now you can take your time with critical missions for like 2 more weeks while farming dennies and exp.
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>being this mindbroken about a normie sports
>to the point that you have to come bitch about it on a completely unrelated thread
My man I couldn't care LESS about football but I'm glad Spain won just out of spite. Quit bitching.
So what’s up with the Ghost ball thing anyway? Is it a being related to the Hollows or do yokai just exist in this world?
Every character has an "infinite combo", you perform it by pressing left click infinite times. People are using Anton to ***Cope*** in the hardest content when they would be more successful with one of the other, better damage dealers
literally just play the game aka knot it up
I can never look at foxbitch the same again after this
>clear Metro Heartland
>it doesn't count as the first clear
What the fuck, I got robbed.
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Same but I'm only at 140 pulls right now and I don't wanna whale...
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And Piper - Lucy team will do more damage as a duo than Neko - Piper - Lucy team.
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that only makes anton's side of shiyu safe because it can perma stun the boss, it doesnt make the fight any faster from what i have seen.
So you can wiff this first hit of his auto and go into the second pilebunker hit that'll regain energy just as you lose it, so you always stay in his EX mode. It's debatable if this is intended or not.
That's her C1, no?
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>Ellen falls asleep after fight for a bit
Doujins are literaly writing themselves.
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Bro I have the quest to level it up, I have taken 35 knots already.
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>look for Shuyu Defense 9 clears
>all of them use Ellen and Lycaon on the first side
Best faction so far. Bikers might top it depending on their story
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I leveled up the hares to 40 with level 40 engines before anything else and my team 2 is gonna be Koleda Lucy Piper!
I think he means Polychrome
Any bongs in this thread topup via VPN yet? Is it the same site as Genshit/HSR?
she doesn't inherently have a backstab mechanic without that C1
I've not started farming disk drives yet but I have her weapon and I didn't get Ellen in 70 rolls so I'm saving my pity for Zhu Yuan
Did we win?
>Enemies are weak to Ice
What else are you going to use?
dont you need a license to top up?
Warcrime Squad
you can use anby if you didnt get knotted, also penguinboo works fine over sharkboo.
Doesnt parry assist with defense agent insta fill their ex special?
Aight, I see I see. Kinda stupid, I thought that was her gimmick all this time, lucky I got her to C1 then
Some of us don't have either
why does the Idol group faction have *that* color scheme?
Dunno, thought some would at least use a cope/non-optimal team, since I don't plan on rolling for Ellen and wanted tips
Guess I'll just do it when I'm overleveled for the stage
He means literally nothing. That faggot is baiting with this shit since forever and never cares to elaborate. The only option is to use poly but of course you don't want to use that unless you whale, so calling it free is stupid
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not bad if i dont 7/7 these right? dont feel like doing them
not a bong but its the same as every other hoyo game
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Go my Pigmen! Lay waste to this hollow!
based, your second team is going to be OP for a while.
I used lootbar after I saw a 15% discount code on a yt vid. it worked and I got the stuff and only needed to provide UID and region. Personally, I would never use a service that doesnt let me use Paypal as payment, I dont care how good a deal is im not giving my bank card info. I stopped using lootbar because after my second purchase it asked for documents for a KYC which I definitely am not fucking giving to them.
I think the final one gives a Bangboo currency.
Could be wrong though, I don't remember because I did all 7 right at the begin of this reset.
I think you lose out on merit or whatever that hollow zero currency is called. If you have the two tapes already you don't miss out on too much
>Story becomes interesting in Chapter 3
Love these little bastards
Stage 9 is balanced around lv 50 so it makes sense that the "meta comp" will be the one to clear it this early
I don't understand, what is she not working for? I've used her for everything up to Shiryu Defense 8 and it's my second team that's struggling, not my Neko team.
Is Ben Lucy Piper good enough? I don't have any interesting DPS and I don't want to use Anton :(
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got to red SD without pulling Ellen
Ellenbros how much her sig improves the gameplay satisfaction?
i would say anyone with piper/lucy would work fine but ive never played ben.
The fuck is that shit, just use a VPN like everyone else. You can still pay with Paypal.
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It's just a stat stick which is op early game before you've farmed disks with good stats
same except SD 2 and I pulled ellen
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no but having energy for counters isn't the problem in the first place
you're running a character who stuns in one skill, preventing enemies from attacking, with another character who doesn't do anything unless enemies attack him, figure it out
What was your team for 10/10? I have Ellen and can't for the life of me clear on time.
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Managed to pull Lucy AND bongs lost. A great day
Its just a stat stick, it "improves" satisfaction by giving you a lot bigger numbers. But its not a QoL imprvement like M1.
oh Niveah has tits lol
literally not at all. Imo extremely skippable unless you inted to pull for miyabi, if it works well with her kit it'll probably be her 2nd best engine
Pretty obnoxious to think that the next time we’ll get a proper robot character (that isn’t a human-like android) is when that pedobait 9000 releases.
Why would I wanna pull that ugly bitch?? I already have Ellen.
your godfinger achievments??
Lucy won
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sekkusu desu wa~
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Me and my friends look like this
its her C1 that improves gameplay satisfaction. unless you like seeing big numbers, then the W-Engine is what you want.
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im absolutely fucking fuming what is this bullshit
6 fingers
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other than the fact that I don't do enough damage to beat it in time, shiyu 10 is pretty fun
rina kaledo ben
s11 piper lucy
you vill vinish ze vloor
when does red shiyu reset
have to know how long I have before bricking
Anby caught me sniffing her worn thongs
Did zzzz died me not used to 3 hours thread lots of not talking anymore I like more discussing
She's a Shaman from Shaman King and that's her guardian ghost
end of the month IIRC
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>amby was a
Why can't I rest whenever I want?
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I remember this one from the beta but haven't come across it yet. IK level? You can brick it and exit now since you have 3/3
The content drought is here
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31st or something
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Why does my Boollseye have this warning triable animated on it?

For some reason this shop has that golden (...) icon, but I can't figure out why, there are no conversation options.
saar please go /gig/ to do your shilling saar
Amerishart hours + no content
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Oniichan! It's a new week! Remember to set your weekly errands and be diligent with the dailies!
>log into the game
>open the video store
>drink a cup of coffee
>play the scratchers
>kiss your sister
>Neko is the only one not wearing white makeup
holy shit lmao can't make this shit up
because this is a mohoyo game. they make a bunch of bad game design choices and then fix them later in patches and idiots praise them for it
you have a second copy you can upgrade the star level of it
you have dupes. click your stars to upgrade his passives.
You having a stroke?
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you got a dupe
It means you can rank him up (the stars) because you have a duplicate.
content dripfeed nothing to talk about
Isn't that an indicator of a dupe boos? Probably you can upgrade it
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click this bwo
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Zhu Yaun feels fun like Billy but Ether and does actual damage, I'm at hard pity thinking about worst case scenarios.
>skip Ellen
>1/12 (1/124 ?) chance to get Lycaon while rolling for Zhu Yaun and having a bricked account

Should I roll now just in case and just cope with Ellen if I get her or Lycaon?
At least we get the event on monday and a lot of people here are gonna hit knot 40 and we can start talking about SD11-17.
Has anyone here beat red SD02 without refreshes? I think I'm walled until IK40, I can't deal nearly enough damage
Colorful and distinctive
people beat the game and are now just coming on daily to use stamina. also a lot of anons are shitposting on /pol/ right now for obvious reasons.
Nicole feet pics
English is me sevenith language sorry
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>removed the date with belle part
I'm onto you
Ellen butt pics


Best OSTs in the game
Lycaon is a great stunner in general and not tied to Ellen
roll for who you like
roll for whoever you want the most (makes your dick harder)
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We need to let hoyoverse know!
Skip Ellen.
she'll be the only other ether character until the cunny idols
Not really, no. Lycaon can be good in other teams if you'd feel compelled to use him. But don't start a new gacha rolling for the character you don't want over one you do want.
>skip Ellen
do this. t. luckshitted c2e1 ellen
for me its penguinboo
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Red SD right now is whale only territory.

Get to 50. Prepare materials. You have more than two weeks to clear.
Okay, they are trying to bait me super hard with Ellen Joe who is apparently limited. Is this game worth my time? Will it force me to make an account and play daily? Does it have a good story that's not a slog to try to get through?
Does Billy eats or sleeps at all?
Its possible, they already did it ince in hi3..
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you do realize pinning a pin tile and changing levels literally gets you back at the exact same number of pins if you pinned anything other than pins right? are you seriously this retarded?
also no im not bad, i just got unlucky with the spawning pressure bullshit, still had 10 pressure sprays left, didnt care to use them because i didnt know this shit drops me out at 5, because why the fuck would it
Clara will be the first SS rank character
>Red SD right now is whale only territory.
If you can clear 10 you can clear 11 and 12, its 13 onwards that become ridiculous stat checks
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Thanks guys
Yup I upgraded him just now.
Stop posting your account faggot.
Sending Corin back to her job covered in bruises and cum.
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it's not that complicated anon
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Any suggestions for two Shiyu teams?

One's definitely based around S11, probably S11/Ben (Or piper if she's not being used on the other team)/Lucy but what should the second one be? Corrin+Lycaon/Piper+Rina? Anton+Rina+Lycaon?
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>Do you like Ellen
>Do you not like Ellen
simple as
the lady should have dmed you already then about having a gift for you to level up her shop i dunno maybe sleep and wait a day for the quest to trigger or you're stuck in a story chapter and can't do side missions like it says before you start them (immersion mode)
i was hoping it would give something if i reach 99, at least an achievement for some polys, is it just a timewaste?
>are you seriously this retarded?
Anon youre such a fucking idiot.
Do you know why pinning pin neutral locations over and over is a really good idea? because it removes ALL THE RNG. 8 tiles every level are tiles that do not give pressure, and let you do the same thing next floor.
Im not the retard failing the easiest thing ever.
>i just got unlucky with the spawning pressure bullshit
I wonder how adding 8 tiles that cannot give pressure and reset themselves every floor may remove RNG?
what knot level unlocks the highest domains?
How many dupes on Soukaku?
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>zzz only made 11 million
hahahahaha. Kneel to WuWaGODS
>Is this game worth my time? Will it force me to make an account and play daily? Does it have a good story that's not a slog to try to get through?
Yeah. You should make an account, playing daily is optional but you might as well spend the 1.5 minutes it takes to clear the daily quests for polys. I started enjoying the story late chapter 1 onwards.
I couldn't stop grooving in that stage, these are great.
I'm getting kind of bored bwos, What gacha game is our next stop?
Even Genshin ENtranny VAs are jumping on this train. Xitterxisters really hate mihoyo right now.
Hey stop posting irrelevant shit from Twitter here. It's not funny and not one cares
>iphone only
I have nothing to roll for until 1.2 with that hot twink bussy I must have
Do NOT use Ben, he's a meme unit
>Genshin ENtranny VAs
so nobodies?
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Lofi Girl (the person that started it) made a animation for ZZZ for Hoyofair.

it doesn't remove rng from vault levels though, retard, which is the one that got me
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s11 piper lucy
corin dog horny
go back
It's crazy how this OST is nowhere to be found ingame.
I have erectile dysfunction, what now?
how can i hire corin
you already posted this xis
>make an account and play daily
That's every gacha that's worth anything, if its not for you then don't play gachas, no offense
>Does it have a good story
depends, if you want a super serious setting then not really. It's pretty casual and doesn't take itself too serious with just enough comedy sprinkled in. Animations are very charming and endearing
It has a balance between combat gameplay, the tv stuff you've seen and the social aspect of it
The playing daily can be boiled down to (no joke) 3-5 minutes tops once you've gone through the story and content. If you don't care about getting premium currency to roll for characters or making your account "stronger" then you can ignore that aspect and simply drop it and come back every time they release a chunk of the story
S11 when are we going for that joyride?
To what, youtube? Are you really going to pretend that you're too cool for youtube?
>it doesn't remove rng from vault levels though
No what it does do is make it so you never take pressure ever. See how im at zero pressure levels and only 10 pressure? Because I have 7 pins which give me 7 safe spots per floor, and a gacha machine that is fully turned out, so it gives the option of 20% heal, 60 pressure heal or 1000 gear coins every floor.
Youre just shit. Im sorry. You can cope but I beat it and got to 99 and you got filtered by baby's first roguelike
Based I listen to lofi every day
Isn't Miyabi gonna be an ice attacker class as well?
We have no idea.
It's a gacha. It's made for player retention in the long term, logging in daily for potentially years and waiting for updates. I find that appealing but that may not be your cup of tea
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is this where i get !artifacts?
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This is EN Sucrose (so like other anon said, nobody)
wouldnt piper be better with corin since S11 can hold her own
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>Miyabi shitpost
>guaranteed at least 15 replies
I respect the hustle kek
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I like Nicole
How do you build Nicole
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hmm yeah speaking of faggots this general feels straight as fuck lately
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No, this just let's you make custom stages with the materials you need, it's at knot 30 iirc. not-artifacts are in the same area as hollow zero
wtf where do i get them, i forgot
oh thanks
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>still going on dates everyday with S11 even though she's been maxed out for a while
pretty amusing character, surprised she is 41 years old if i understood that quest correctly.
>No what it does do is make it so you never take pressure ever. See how im at zero pressure levels and only 10 pressure? Because I have 7 pins which give me 7 safe spots per floor, and a gacha machine that is fully turned out, so it gives the option of 20% heal, 60 pressure heal or 1000 gear coins every floor.
>60 pressure heal
i get it, i get it really, you think you're some supreme genius with hurr durr pin spam, i thought so too then i used it for like 4 levels straight and dropped it because it affected absolutely jackshit, but don't worry, you'll get there too someday, i believe in you buddy
>inb4 why the 4 corruptions then
surely not because of the massive dmg buffs that let me go in, press q, leave
>Nicole's song made into a lofi version and bass boosted

She's ice attack in the beta. Hoyo usually doesn't like to shake up the big picture of a character's kit too much, I expect any changes to be in the minutiae of her moveset and numbers
You don't. Build DPS first. She's the last on your list.
imagine being this assblasted over characters not being black enough you start badmouthing the company you work for, actually wild. I hope these VAs get replaced
>friend tired to shill this game to me
>browse this general for first time to see what hype is about
>see gay fury characters
lmao why do I even bother these days, everyone is gay, especially my friend.
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Roll for who you like. Im pretty sure any character can work easly, it's just how good you are at parrying and dodging in this game
Is he cute
bros i cannot parry the big drill boss
In the beta footage her ice element was very subtle in her animations.
They can change her to any element without too much work.
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Here you go brother

Sounds like something straight out of Tekken.
>trusting friends
dumb zoomer
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k bye
dont let the door hit you on your way out
theres only 4 male characters (so far)
1 is based father figure bear
1 is based bro android
1 is based schizo bro-tier
1 is gay wolf
>surely not because of the massive dmg buffs that let me go in, press q, leave
Anon you get like 60+ resonia during that run, no enemy takes you being a retard and getting more corruptions on the one level where you instantly lose at 5 corruptions.
>i get it, i get it really, you think you're some supreme genius with hurr durr pin spam
Anon stop having a meltdown, you fucking lost the game. You LOST. Whatever you say is fucking irrelevant because you failed something that I connected the dots on within the first 10 floors and had zero issue.
You can cope all you want about your method or whatever but you fucking failed and now have to spend more time where you will do exactly as I instructed because you cannot lose.

What kind of fucking idiot goes to 4 corruption on the ONE mission where you instantly lose at 5? How fucking stupid are you?
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I just don't think iaido shit is cool it's fucking boring at this point. If she had ANY other weapon I could have been interested. Can't you be a weird chuuni autist with a spear or something? Every "cool" character is doing boring played out Virgil shit and this is MiHoYo second proper lady from a prestigious family doing iaido
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I hope new locations will give us new dates with existing characters in the future.
I will kneel and call zzz a passion project if they do that.
They can quite easily change her to ice Anomaly. I think class change is more likely than type change, but if they release her in 1.X, she won't be an Ice Attacker.
>It has a balance between combat gameplay, the tv stuff you've seen and the social aspect of it
I am a huge Kingdom Hearts fan, but KHIV wkn't be out for, like, ever, so I am wondering if this may scratch that itch a bit. Now you say there is social stuff. Does that include any competitive content? What's it all entail? And how much story is there so far? Do characters you unlock factor into the story at all?
japan loves its memes
Is chapter 3 last chapter for the first update ?
Attack wasn't a thing in the beta she was just Ice.
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keep at it you'll do it eventually
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Anby love
Apparently Soukaku was wind in the beta
So fucking good, thanks bro.
Even equipping a w-engine on her is optional. She exists to hit enemies with her black hole and shred defense, so all you need to worry about is her core skill level and by extension character level. Any drive discs you equip on her should be solely for set bonuses that will buff the party
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>lost coinflip on ellen
>want ellen still
>want cops
>want rat
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none of this faggotry happens on the godblessed JP side.
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How would you feel about a new Damage type for agents being added to the game, like Poison for example? Do you feel like they could still reasonably add new Damage types, or is it far too late in the game's life cycle to do so?
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You have choices to make now, bwo...
Katanas are cool
Foxgirl are cool

I vastly prefer slick, simple designs which simply work over too many bells and whistles which distract from the character. Less is more. Safe can be good.
4 pc freedom blues
level her core passive
that's it
maybe roll the cops because that's her best team
I need reasons to pull or to skip Ellen...
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>another thread of f2p third worlders shitting on characters they cant roll on eg ellen
Would love a DoT-only damage type like poison, though probably we aren't seeing new damage types for a while.
I won coinflip at 74 pity, currently have 81 rolls saved, F2P and lvl 37.
You can definitely still get Ellen, getting one of the others is going to be hard but you might get lucky. Especially by the time rat comes.
I mean if you're gonna make a region based on latinx and africanx people why would you make them white? They could simple don't do that region at all lol
What happened with genshin's en vas that make them so volatile? It seems like whoever was in charge of the voice talent only cast raging spergs who can't go five minutes without explosive controversy
>is it far too late in the game's life cycle to do so?
Bwo, the game hasn't been out for 2 weeks yet
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Pull 30-40 times more and stop if you don't get her early, then grab the cop on the guarantee. easy
>where you instantly lose at 5 corruptions.
which as i said earlier, didnt fucking know? i know its hard to read when your face is all up in your own ass sniffing your farts, but maybe try a bit
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Rolling cuz pp hard
Yeah I'm farming EXP and getting the last few Ice team members to fifty, while slowly picking out nice discs. I've got like 160 pulls saved up from completing most of the content so I think I'll be good to nab the cop when she comes out. I just like getting to that slow and easy part of gachas where things slow down and I can enjoy the new content as it comes out.
Literally stop playing hoyo games. They are NOT for f2poors. 5 dollar monthly is the least minimum to get something out of their games
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They should remove the "Dodge has a longer cooldown" corruption. It absolutely kneecaps the feel of the game and is especially run-ruining for solo character runs since you can't parry
but poorfags can reroll tho?
The social aspect is more Persona-lite than anything. Interacting with NPC's, characters, inviting them to hang out or randomly spotting them around town.
>how much story is there so far
3 full chapters which cover 3 different factions and a short in-between chapter for the 4th faction.
>Do characters you unlock
They don't, the story doesn't take it into account at all, in fact it gives you the option to run "Trial" characters which lets you directly play with some if not all of the characters in said story mission.
The best thing I'd say about a gacha like this is that it'll get a continuous stream of story and content if that's something you enjoy, you can pop in once every couple of months and knock out a bunch of different chapters for the story
There's also individual character stories which aren't related to the story but dives a bit deeper into the characters
if you are still interested this is the reference I made for myself, however I had to cave for Corin. The options are so bad I had to cave to the 99 cent pack to use her properly.
Also this won't fit most peoples personalities, I picked the very highest roll efficiency which means a lack of rolling on the weapon banner and using engines from the bangboo banner only, or crafting the available options.
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Based pp hard enjoyer
Is she maxed out as in you've gotten the final reward? Mine is stuck at 99% or something and I can't unlock her wallpaper.
Most aren't complaining, it's mostly womyn or nonames
>which as i said earlier, didnt fucking know?
Hoooly shit you cant read either? It tells you right at the first floor IF YOUR CORRUPTION GETS TOO HIGH YOU WILL BE FORCED TO LEAVE.
How do you make yourself look and sound so much more retarded in every reply? First you completely misunderstand why pinning more pins is good, then you think you need more corruption to deal damage when you have 60+ resonia, and now you cant even read?
In the next reply is it gonna turn out your dad dropped a brick on your head? explaining this tragedy in full?
God I can't wait to get her
>solo character runs
why would you do that?
Its a bit weird how its the only corruption that actually feels like a penalty, but its absolutely legbreaking.
If you can't afford to pay her to sleep all day, you can't afford a maid service. Sorry you had to find out you were poor this way but it's best you understand now.
roll for whoever makes your pussy wetter
You can remove it tho? just play the god damn game
I wouldn't say improved since I love pantyhose, ZR and bare legs the same
This game needs more date locations.
Like bowling alleys or aquariums etc.
red flash means dodge
if you mean the giganigga boss then 90% of his moveset can't be parried
nice novel too bad im not reading it either
you want to read the game thats handholding central and is shat full of filler fanfics? go ahead
No. Pantyhose is superior for her design.
Why not? It's perfectly viable to run one character, even in shiyu defense. Also it's fun
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New Eridu is supposed to be in nuChina, yeah?
In that case why does it look so Japanese? Are they ashamed of how their cities look?
/zzz/ Mahjong lobby....
Just reroll.
yeah this
add co-op mahjong and tie achievements into it so I can watch this thread implode
I know some poorfags that just dont
This is a good list, thanks anon
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>Posting scrapped designs
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grubbers...we lost another artist
First the pholiachad and now this one
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i'm almost certain that new eridu is mostly based on hong kong.
the game has already devolved into doing dailies and waiting for the next banner bros...
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I would play literally nothing else. Unfortunately mahjong has such a large barrier of entry that there's really no way to ease the average hoyo player into it if they don't want the arcade to be an hour of reading through pages of tutorials with a migraine
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i wanna put mah jong in lucy so she goes bumoooooh
keep in mind any A-pull can be an A-sig, and any S-pull can be an S-sig. Got Billy's last night off a couple single pulls I did to even my count out.
And not everyone's sig will fit every player's style. Piper being the most egregious flex unit I can cite.
0-6 skip Ellen
7-9 see if i win 50/50
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>get lycaon on second pull ever
>get ellen on 3rd 10x pull
>get deep see engine on second 20x pull
>cant read
>cant beat baby levels
>tries to call the person who beat the level he failed at bad, calling himself worse
wew lad, admitting your dad dropped a brick on your head would have been better.
In Hollow Zero you can get an event that benches one of your characters for alot of resonia. You can get it twice per run so you're playing with only one character but they are giga OP. It's a niche but you can do it
corrin lycaon rina will be busted, do not fall for the anton memes. do s11/piper/lucy on the first side, you'll really want those disorder procs
sleep until tomorrow and wait until midnight, the final step of all the trust interactions comes from finding them in the overworld
It's a mix of china, japan, and us.
as long as i do the three missions for su i'm good right? it's not like star rail where i need to max out points each week?
hoyogames are not f2p friendly. most gachas aren't, but hoyo is top tier jewry.
Seiously what is her fucking appeal? Its just a wannabe emo girl in a maid outfit. I bet she is annoying as fuck to be around
If it was Chinese all the buildings would be collapsing from being built with styrofoam
This game needs girls with big butts
I have done overworld stuff with her like ten times in the past two days and she has been maxed out for each of them
congrats, you're saving for el ratto
You don't know what F2P friendly is.
The word you are looking for is "generous", which isn't always F2P friendly.
What exactly is a Carrot?
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This was unironically a skill issue, just walk to the right close to him and his fat ass can't track you no matter what your ADP stat is
Zenless Zone Zero
bro hasn't seen the next 3 banners
Bro your 2 cops?
you max out points for hollow zero in this game weekly
Wym, DU maxes out in one run.
i love ellen, should i attempt her weapon? im currently just using a blue engine
>comparable to Tekken
I like the ost but come on
Reminder we all love china here. Don't like it? Quit and leave
its a bangboo with map data or some shit
it basically leads crews through the hollows i guess
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It's better to accept that you will get like 1 character out of 3-4. Plan accordingly.
You must be american. its a vegetable retard
so long as hoyo doesn't fuck it up like dendro
>release an element that has always existed in lore 2 years late
>it doesn't interact with cryo, an element that was already struggling to find value as everything is immune to freeze, superconduct does nothing, and reverse melt is objectively worse than normal melt
i don't trust that mihoyo has learned their lesson from this, as literally nothing has been done to help cryo 2 years later. it's basically geo 2 now, but cryo characters don't have the benefit of mihoyo understanding the element is shitty and thus they get ridiculously powerful mono-element supports and overwhelming statpads on their damage dealers.
>hard stuck level 34 until weeklies and dailies save me
Guess its time to do those hard mode story missions and dump polychrome for charge...
Map data left behind by previous proxies
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>he's real
Never seen a good post with this image
aside from being pure sexo
low energy maid which is a nice contrast
amazing jp VA
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I caved...
I need at least 9 girls with big butts one of them has to be a tall girl with a small chest and a big butt and I need a chubby girl too. I'm not being satisfied as a paying customer
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Am I supposed to be missing so many of these? I've S ranked everything I've gotten
f2p bwo...
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why yeas i slop up all the badly translated dogshit lines especially on a mission i already beat without reading any of their bullshit and just spamming through it
here, your well deserved (You)
Oh no no no...
T-thanks for funding the servers......
I can't stand her personality, but my dick likes her, so I pulled her.
>he bought the pass
You are literally stealing money from Dawei
Now buy the BP. You need the materials Bwo.

After that buy the top-up. It's basically free money! You're literally stealing from Mihoyo if you buy it!!!
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Haha dumb gw--I mean, thank you dear customer
I went to China and it was a pretty nice trip yeah.
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you didnt get to 99 though? guess you'll just miss out. Dont worry just use my tips next time and you'll win 100% guaranteed my mentally retarded friend! :)
based f2p bro
remember to buy the BP and first time topup to maintain your f2p status, its literally stealing from dawei
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if you want to earn characters for free with no fomo might I suggest warframe instead
you're playing the wrong genre of games if you're poor, sorry bud
>paying means stealing
that's not how it works
Which characters smell bad?
I like how john cena's mispronunciation of ice cream has actually started to affect how the new generation says it
Some quests are locked behind level, some behind other quests and some behind time of day. Game doesn't make it clear at all but you will get all of them "eventually"
Kind of disturbing to think multiple posters itt want to have sex with that
The whole belobog crew after a long day's work
Soldier, Koleda, Piper
grace's smelly sweaty feet
I don't want to fuck him but I do want to give him a big hug
>john cena's mispronunciation of ice cream
You might be retelling that story incorrectly.
Nico saves money on hot water by not showering.
Piper probably REEKS and that's a good thing
new thread >>486064778
/zzz/ - Zenless Zone Zero Gene(...)
07/14/24(Sun)16:44:27 No.486064778
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Previous: >>486054671 #

>Ellen Character Demo - "Uniform, Shark Tail, Scissors"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOW8XhUce38 [Open] [EN]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDjLXFAgsmA [Open] [JP]

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo [Open] [EN]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I [Open] [JP]

>Lore Teaser - "Where the Miracle Began" | Zenless Zone Zero"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgeN7naPPz4 [Open] [EN]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdcdfFs9t1s [Open] [JP]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5WS9Ohb-fI [Open]


>Official Twitter Account:

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Damage Calculator

>ZZZ stickers
07/14/24(Sun)16:45:28 No.486064895
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Okaeri, Onii-chan!~
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i have not once showered while playing as wise
i wake up, possess my bangboo to do a job, go drink a coffee and play some HIA VR games until i pass out in their building and eat their free breakfast.
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>>486076162 new
>>486076162 new
>>486076162 new
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Just saw that there's a metro map in Ballet Twins Road
Interesting that old Eridu is referred to as "Pluto"
these are probably quests hiding in different locations during different times of the day.
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I'm very early so I've only just done the first three runs, and I'm at 2400/5000. But it seems like all that does is raise license level, it's not tied to weekly rewards, so I shouldn't really care right?
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Ohnono, Disney lawsuit incoming.
This. Nobody said they aren't stingy, but you can download the game for free and play every minute of content in the game for free forever. In other 'free' live service models your $5/month membership isn't really offsetting 20 real f2ps, but here, whales blowing $2k/patch absolutely does so they don't need to nickel and dime you for anything but the gacha.
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Is knot 40 a good time to farm relics?
What did he mean by this?
GBF killed itself through homopandering, multiple fuckups, and gw
how are you guys getting enough rolls for 2 pities
im knot level 36 and only have around 140 rolls
I got C1 Ellen when building pity

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