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Katawa Shoujo General #4000

Four Thousandth Edition

Last Thread: >>484192753

Official Website: http://www.katawa-shoujo.com/ (KS is free!)
Backup KS Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14sXK5HaU108--T7EjeEVj3xdv_KSB3_R (Windows)
KS Alpha: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/KSPreAlpha/discussions/0/1291816880498430072/
Summer's Clover: https://rentry.org/ghxzx (Suriko's Miki Route - date Suzu or Hisao)
Crud's "Where Are 4LS Now?": https://www.reddit.com/r/katawashoujo/comments/6v2zkb/the_whes're_are_they_now_post/

Thread Links:
Master Pastebin: https://rentry.org/x6tv3
KSG FAQ: https://rentry.org/ub3bs
"I'm such a failure, I'll never find my Katawa": https://rentry.org/qty2d

Community Works:
Katawa Booru: http://cripple.booru.org/
Hanako Image Database: http://www.hanakoisbestgirl.com
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: http://ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: http://www.mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
Katawa Crash: http://katawashoujo.wikia.com/wiki/Katawa_Crash
Kenjivania: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/608881?id=608881
KS fanfics: https://fourleaffics.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:/ksg/
Honey Select Anon's Database: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u7im3gkxe6z5vgj/AAACdqV-sKDjbSvh5J0HXKA1a?dl=0
Val's Content Dump + Pantsu: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n4aed5v6np2et5n/AADxAbytpFjXjEj0e7h77HRka?dl=0
Anon's Sprites + Font Rip: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hf0x-rFjBzSqcSMD0ohxaai_zS_OVzyy
KSG Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1q8DrtNX3CNyylt8IhORnVHBTAcu4h9MH
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We made it!!
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I was here
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I didn't want to make an OP without Akira but the last thread hit page 10 and no one else was doing it.
Here's to another thousand!
When 4000
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Total cripl victory!
>dat downblouse
>dat buttcheek
chef's kiss
Happy 4000 /ksg/, now don't die while I'm asleep
Happy 4000 /ksg/.
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4000th pats!
/ck/ reporting in.

I was here.
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Happy #4000 /ksg/
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Just in time to hurt my leg really nastily on a 5km, thanks shortie
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Happy #4000 /ksg/
I haven't been lurking or posting here actively since 2015 or so
it's nice to see you're still here
Katawa's favorite ween albums
Rin - Pure Guava
Emi - Quebec
Lily - 12 Golden Country Greats
Shizune -
Hanako - Chocolate and Cheese
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We're all gonna make it another 1000
Wouldn't be ironic if the next thread is 4000 1/2?
Congrats, you bastards. You may all be a bunch of spergs but you did it.
Goodnight /ksg/.
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Lads, we made it. Forwards to the future, whatever it might hold.
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We actually made it...
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take me away now, from me
>inb4 sticky
Passing tourist, congrats /ksg/. Can't believe my favorite VN is now over a decade old by now.
i think it's the right time for a first girl, best girl question. For me they would be
This despite seeing the cute armless girl first when downloading the game and thinking of doing her route first.
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I Love You Lilly
>4000 threads
Holy autism
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happy 4k, /ksg/
another tourist here, happy 4000th
hanako best girl
happy 4k, is the hanako route writer still severely mentally ill? or did he make a proper apology by now?
thanks blud
You are the only one who is ill
not really, but keep trying.
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Happy 4k, you monsters.
Rin for 4000!
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4000 cripl
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Rtil endorsing the beta/correct Hanako route!
Not my king.
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Good morning /ksg/.
Headpats in 4k?
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That thumbnail is so blursed.
this community will survive a nuclear war at this point
happy 4k /ksg/
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I see what you did there.
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For me? It's the Student Council
And Emi.
And Akira.
Here's to four thousand more.
Probably not but grats anyway.
Happy 4k /ksg/
Love from /akg/
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I was here in 2012 for thread #1 and I am back in 2024 for thread #4000. Love you, /ksg/. Hope you're all doing well.
I love her
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That's the spirit. Just keep plugging, putting one foot in front of the other
I'd like to plug Emi, if you know what I mean.
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Who's assier, Emi or Emo?
Emo's would probably bit a tad bigger and softer, no?
Eyes on the prize.
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Girls holding hearts = best girls
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
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Congrats, /ksg/.
You are all scholars and I'm glad you are here.
Goodnight anon.
Good girls get headpats.
Hanako confirmed best girl.
Does that mean Shizune is twice as good since she getting double patted?
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I don't have much to say except thank you, to those who created and supported the game, those who were here for thread #1, and those who are here now at #4000. This has all been something truly special.
>I don't have much to say
Stopped reading there.
>truly special.
As in, because it's about girls with special needs?
>It feels like your whole body is being hugged.
Is that correct?
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Goodnight /ksg/.
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Congrats, you bunch of fucking retarded, mentally ill faggots for keeping this rotten corpse of a thread on life support for so many years.
I've been here before this general or even this board was a thing.
Here's to 5000 and 10000.

and, for the old times' sake:

Crapawa Shitjo is not a game
It's been a fun ride but there's no way we'll make it to 5000.
>he doesnt know we're here forever
4000.5 prevention
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it's called "peace" duh
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Good morning /ksg/.
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If you could be a fly on the wall at a sleepover: Which four girls would you want there?
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gz ksg
was it worth it?

That seems most likely combination to have something gay happen.
what about Lilly?
>adolescence is a funny time >>486122602
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Lilly and Shizune are the only two girls in the game to have confirmed they're not interested in girls.
hair-down emi a cute
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I'd like to thank the katawas for their shoujo
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Exactly the same
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Congratulations you absolute fucking losers. Now will you PLEASE find another game to obsess over?
No, fuck off
Why was that deleted? It was funny!
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It wasn't page 10.
got it
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hello /ksg/
I don't come here much anymore but I've been thinking about Rin lately and randomly decided to check in, only to see this
happy 4000th thread you lunatics
>Neuron activation
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Rin is so smoochable
I wanna smooch her all over her smoochy face
She's my favorite combat gorilla.
She has a very fuckable mouth
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
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Comic I found.
I don't get it.
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this is blasphemy
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Emo dreams of Emi
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Emi dreams of 9/11?
You boned Emi, I t-boned Emi
We are not the same
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Last one
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Goodnight /ksg/.
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Good morning /ksg/
gn crippa
gm crippa
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>rin's fw she notices the size of emi's cameltoe
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It's time to let go
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w i t n e s s e d

also a lil post for Rin
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>Your Katawa is real and loves you
>She can't have have children
>You can't have children
that sucks but it might be worth it just to have a guaranteed someone to love
Deal. Worry-free creampies all day, every day.
having my dad's genetics means I shouldn't be raising children and having my mom's genetics means I shouldn't be making them. EZ.
Gonna have to agree with >>486462425.
But i guess i pick her. Do you think Misha would carry a child for Shizune?
If Shizune would agree to help with the child-making, I'm sure.
I'm okay with that.
>page 10/10
ai hanako
Nice. Not a big Hanako fan but I love the style.
Who do you like?
My man
Best main girls.
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I know you loves panties but I love the_pose.
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Reverse_pose + panties
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>focusing on feet when you could see pantsu
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
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Good night anons
Goodnight anon.
Goodnight anon.
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I wonder what happened to all the drawfags from days past.
Lilly coping with the fact her sister got fucked by Miki because she wanted to try futa cock
This is quite impressive considering how hard it is to jump in prosthetics
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Summer heat is a pain
sometimes I remember how the writer of Hanako's route -instead of fixing it- wrote a KS fanfic where he pretends to be a girl.
Hanako Patata. What a wonderful phrase
Hanako Patata. Ain't no passing craze
It means no worries, for the rest of your days
It's our problem-free activity
Hanako Patata!
From the interview I watched CplCrud seems like a cool guy. It's a shame he didn't finish his work.
Also, I don't know about the fanfic he wrote. Can you shed some light on this?
hot take: lilly would be more opposed to the casual sex and the age difference than to the futa part
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I'm still here. Still not gud, but have improved slightly. picrel from 2017 that boy aint right
>not a dead game
>bumping from page 10 for 200 posts straight
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Happy #4k to everyone! I wish the best to all the surviving team members. I hope they realize that, however they might feel about the project now, they've made a positive impact on many lives. In my opinion, on the gaming community as a whole.
What do you think the greatest success of KS was? What do you think was the greatest missed opportunity or flaw?

See you in #5000, anon
He wrote an epilogue fic for her, though. Actually, he has a bunch of KS fics. Also, Lilly's writer pretended to be a girl in Summer's Clover, and it was great.
It seems like the fanfic lists in the OP have expired, and I neglected to save them when they were up. Does anyone have them? I've been meaning to get around to checking more of them out.
I wish Misha looked this good in the official art. I had thought ruining my relationship with Shizune was going to be worth it, but instead all three of us were disappointed.
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kek I'll take that L
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how do you like your bacon anon
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chewy and relatively lean

but I'll probably be happy with any bacon so long as it's on my tongue
Want to squish the Mish.
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I'm wondering how much time you spent on PIC REALTED compatred to you other stuff because PIC RELATED is really good*.

*except the left hand
Here's what I've got but I don't know how complete it is.
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Here is an archived pastebin of fics, some of which you'll need to seek out the archived version of the fics themselves.
I gotta fix that hand. It was late and I dint wanna at the time, but it bugs me now.
The more detailed ones like >>486196430
take 2 nights. Depending on how heavy I'm on undo.
You can do that in just 2 nights?
Why aren't you drawing more?
Where's your paytron?
Thanks for the vote of confidence. There are people younger and way more prolific and gud than me.
I just like drawing the cripple girls at night. I want to draw more Lilly, especially seeing how far she's come since Raita's sketch almost a quarter century ago.
Will Shizune go for this?
At the school festivals doesn't each club normally have some sort of theme?
(My only expereince is from anime and Vns)
If so Naked Apron Maid Cafe would raise lots of money.
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Roll for your katawa's maid outfit.
call 11 and 12 as 1 and 2 if you want them instead.
What are those, maids for ants?
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Don't bother bumping this hopeless bs thread
Like you did?

I Did-ent. you big ugly faggot I saged. btw I hope Kenji kills himself.
Something nice or a little lewd for Rin. I can't make out most of this, sorry
Try the non-ant version instead >>486630642
I hope he doesn't
Why would you want him to do that? You could always just invite him up to the roof with you for a few drinks, instead.
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It's July so i need a summer maid.
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Happy 4000th ksg, I hope for many more days of cripl to come
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
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Ten laps around the track Hisao!
Hanako already has a maid outfit. She uses it to moonlight as a maid. She also gets paid in headpats.
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I'd put my straw in Emi's berry
How do I find a girl who's like Emi (doesn't necessarily have to be a cripple)
You're asking how to find a smol, cute, fit, disciplined, motivated, spunky, determined, witty, horny girl who's a good cook and is willing to selflessly help others like Emi helps Rin? I'm sure they're all over.
>You're asking how to find a smol, cute, fit, disciplined, motivated, spunky, determined, witty, horny girl who's a good cook and is willing to selflessly help others like Emi helps Rin?
Yeah basically
If you find a second one, let me know.
What do you mean a second one, I haven't even found a first one to begin with, that's why I'm asking.
If you find her armless friend let me know.
I'm just looking for her mom.
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She's got it going on
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Or her AU daughter? Half-daughter? I don't know how it works.
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probably at the gym somewhere
unfortunately, you don't have the fire inside you that emi does, so she'd get bored of you real quick
ha ha... ha
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Feeding Rin
Speak for yourself man, don't project your lack of desire for cunny (legal, adult) onto me.
I'd like for some cunny to be projected onto me...
Back in high school I knew people that fit the majority of these criteria, but none were close to fulfilling all of them. The one who comes the closest by far, though, was a guy. Even still he had a terrible fucking girlfriend, lol.
I've met and dated women like this, the traits listed aren't that rare. Well, maybe one wasn't "witty" exactly. But there's one in my friend group, and obviously every time she's single (and a lot of the rest of the time) my friends make moves on her (and I did once as well).

The hardest two to find in combination with the others are "good cook" and "witty". The spunkiest smol girls tend to spend a lot of time in motion and are at least semi-ADHD, so in my experience they prefer the boyfriends to cook, and don't think about any given topic long enough to come up with witty things to say. Ones from cultures where women are expected to do the cooking no matter what will know how to cook and will have grown up being used to it, so that's my one practical piece of advice there.
See, I've met girls that are almost exactly as described in the past. Nowadays though they're quite a rare sight. They don't even have to meet every single requirement in the criteria, I mean I'm already a good cook myself. See what >>486727486 said about
>The spunkiest smol girls tend to spend a lot of time in motion and are at least semi-ADHD
like that just sounds ideal to me already, meeting such a girl and dating her would be the jackpot.
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>Nowadays though they're quite a rare sight
I think they just level out energy-wise as they get older.
I'm very calm and methodical, so for me dating these women gets on my nerves. I'm still attracted to them, of course, but it's stressful in a manner that resembles taking care of a child. They tend to start things and then forget about them or leave them unfinished; to not think about what they need to do before they jump into a task, potentially making a problem worse; and don't have much of a drive to learn because they have a reflex to check their phone or ask someone near them for help if they reach the bounds of their knowledge. Nowadays I'm much more attracted to independence and competency, where I can interact with a more profound person and also not be passively anxious about my partner causing trouble when I'm out of town. Damned if the former aren't cute, though.
I've been described as calm and methodical. I've still observed these kinds of women and still wished they were part of my life. You might have dated those women before so maybe you talk from experience, and I could end up being like you and end up disliking it. I'd like to try though. I've had lots of high-energy individuals in my life whose energy is pretty much what I love about them. Yes I know this 4chan game does not feature the complete array of feminine archetypes but none of the other girls in the game are my type, and precisely why Emi is my type is because I've met and fallen for girls just like her.
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You should definitely try. I'm totally with you about their energy, and Emi would be my choice of the katawas as well. I wanted to highlight that there are some non-obvious downsides to them.

In my experience, it's a little easier to get along with one that's more like an Emi/Shizune hybrid, with the enthusiasm and playfulness of Emi, but with the mindfulness of the latter. They still give off that lust for life and excitement, but as a partner are more self-sufficient, and the two of us can relate to one another's perspective a little more easily. I think the "calm/methodical" combination can present difficulties with that last thing, although of course it depends on each couple's dynamic. And I know I have friends who prefer having girlfriends that are a bit ditzy, because they like being the reliable savior in her life and that outweighs the hassles (or at least so they say).

But I'm rambling now. I hope you get the shoujo you deserve as a part of your life, anon. Happy 4000 to you.
I like hanako
I want to have alone time together with her
ShizunEmi confirmed best girl.
>The sex is still anal, but you're the catcher.
Congrats, bros. The last time I was here was for thread 2000. Godspeed.
I'm a computer science major now and back in high school I was a nerd and a theater kid, so that tells you how many athletic women I was in close proximity to. I find those I'm attracted towards are witty (I could not stand a close relationship without a healthy dose of banter), along with either athletic/energetic or more calm and intelligent. In my experience I haven't seen a combination of those in a single woman, but I attribute that more towards the small sample size of those I've interacted with more than anything else.
That sounds like my ideal partner. That plus being a below knee amputee, but that's very negotiable. Right now it's not too hard to find someone who's very smart, but with my major and my hobbies most women I interact with are very unathletic and/or socially maladjusted. There's also a weird trend of women who find me attractive coming out as lesbians shortly thereafter, but I'm not too sure what to make of that. It's happened at least 3 or 4 times.
There's always downsides to being with any person. That's just how it be. When you truly love someone (and not exclusively the romantic kind of love), you don't mind those downsides that much. That kind of Emizune woman you described sounds nice as well, as looking for an exact irl replica of a specific fictional character is always unhealthy.

>And I know I have friends who prefer having girlfriends that are a bit ditzy, because they like being the reliable savior in her life and that outweighs the hassles (or at least so they say).
I wouldn't say ditzy girls are my type, and although it's important to be reliable to someone else, the whole message in Emi (and arguably Hanako's) route is that being someone else's white knight is bad. Though, it's also possible that what you meant by that was that being the methodical and reliable foil to their energetic and frankly irresponsible girl is part of what they enjoy about their relationship. But what do I know?

>But I'm rambling now. I hope you get the shoujo you deserve as a part of your life, anon. Happy 4000 to you.
Thanks anon. I hope everyone finds their shoujos. I'm glad this game isn't as irrelevant as most old games tend to be.
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Yeah, being a foil is more what I meant. To be more clear, I meant that they help the women with more day-to-day issues in their lives, like jumping their car because the women didn't know how and killed their battery for the third time. In Emi's route, the problem was a more emotional one, so it's a bit apples/oranges in terms of the scale of the issue.
It's totally subjective though, of course. I think it's in line with how I find that dogs are a hassle to deal with and care for, and don't think the companionship would outweigh that. But other people don't mind the work and inconvenience involved relative to how much they benefit from having a cute, fluffy, unconditional (platonic) lover.
>coming out as lesbians
>at least 3 or 4 times
That's an odd amount, but it might not be anything troubling about yourself. Lots of possibilities there, like
>pure luck: they were always lesbians and just happened to date you last
>generational: you're young and gen Z seems to have a ton of people that claim to be or actually or non-cis
>dislike of machismo: maybe your CS-type personality makes you seem unlike the stereotypical jock bros, and they aren't into those guys or find them overly aggressive. Or you're "in touch with your feminine side" because you had sisters or something. So they tried a guy that was different, and later realized that actually it's just men in general they aren't into
>your face: maybe you have relatively androgynous or feminine features and they were attracted to that? I have a male friend that is straight but noticeably has an interest in relatively androgynous women
tl;dr I wouldn't worry about it. You've managed to attract 3 or 4 women, and that's the main thing.
What's her disability? Despite dwarfism, obviously.
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Just finished this game 100% last night, I began playing it for the first time 6 days ago and spent hours each day (given I wasn't at work) playing the whole thing. I was entranced. Played Emi -> Lilly -> Rin -> Hanako -> Shizune, then went back and got the other endings and missed scenes/dialogue I didn't get on my first playthroughs.

Lilly best girl and best route, but I loved Emi too. Rin I can appreciate as a route but her as a character is okay I suppose. Hanako is cute and had a good set of endings. Fuck Shizune.

I only found out about this game because of a meme I saw for the movie "Josee, the Tiger, and the Fish" on Twitter (formerly known as FuckYou), which prompted me to watch said movie and notice a game called Katawa Shoujo brought up several times in various tweets. Had to investigate. Days later, tears were shed during the Lilly route specifically.

Great game, and my first visual novel. If anyone wants to recommend a different VN for me to try after this, that'd be appreciated.
>Fuck Shizune
I just chock it up to bad luck and whatever combination of the factors you mentioned, but I like to joke about it since it's a bit funny. Not sure how much the androgynous bit plays into this since I had a beard for all but one of them, but the others all seem possible.
What I have learned is that apparently my most attractive feature is my voice, which people really like commenting on. Apparently my autism makes me sound like a radio broadcaster when I speak, which is nice.
Reddit spacing, but it's great to hear you enjoyed the game! Be warned that this game has caused many to become devotees, much to the detriment of their romantic lives. So, uh, hope the late warning helps.
No need for fake positivity, you can admit the only good Hanako ending is where she gets mad.
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I'm happy to hear this game is still having such strong impact on new players, and more broadly that people are still coming across it. I disagree with you about Lilly, Rin, and Shizune, but part of the fun is that people have such different responses to the game. Shizune is very underrated, you might like the route/character more on a replay. I'm glad you tried her last though, as her route is good as a capstone.
I haven't had a chance to get into any other VNs yet, but I'd jump in to point that there is some good fan fiction for KS that you could dip into. Summer's Clover stars Miki (the sexy brown chick without a hand) and is even presented as a KS-style VN, rather than just text. I thought it was pretty good.
Emilly confirmed second best girl.
>Fuck Shizune
God i want to so bad it's crazy.
Emi too.
YMK: A Drug That Makes.You Dream was the go-to Baby's First Vidual Novel before Katawa Shoujo usurped the title.
And I have always and will continue to recommend Crescendo.
Knew this would be a response lol
Pardon me, I'm just autistic about using white space. I accept your warning, and I accept bearing my Katawa cross.
>Rin I can appreciate as a route but her as a character is okay I suppose.
She's a lot more interesting if you see part of yourself in her.
>Fuck Shizune.
She's a lot more pleasant if... uh... Well, there are some people who like her, and I'm sure they have good reasons for it.
Her only ending I disliked was her neutral ending desu
I am willing to try Shizune's route again on my next playthrough. I thank you for welcoming a newfag like myself, and I'm glad I got on this game, if even 12 years after the fact.

I can, to an extent. I was an artsy kid growing up, and I've known people who are like Rin. I do like Rin. I just wouldn't date her IRL, I guess. And honestly? I actually liked both of Shizune's endings. I just thought her Act 3 was a slog.
you can ignore that guy, he's schizophrenic about hanako's route
Consider trying the KS alpha. Shizune's and Hanako's went through some major re-writes for the release version.
I havent read it myself but i see anon's say they prefer that Shizune route version since it has more romance.
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If that kid could read she'd be very upset.
I may have to. I watched Gigguk's video on the hellish nightmare that was this game's development, and seeing as I was 5 when the first KS thread hit /a/ back in the day, I wasn't around to play the alpha.
Also I didn't mean to be a dick and ignore the rec, I'll look into Summer's Clover. Thanks anon.
I'm gonna look into those two, thank you anon.
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First-time-playing anon here, I think this would be my character rankings, each rank is also ordered in of themselves
to clarify I am same anon as >>486760986
sorry I am retarded, idk if that was obvious
What are you ranking them on, exactly? I feel like Akira is often up in S. If you hate Jigoro so much, I can see why you burned out on the Shizzler's Act 3.
For fun, you can compare your ranking to my nation's leaders:
Here's a pity reply, since the entire thread ignored your worthless post again. It's been an hour so I don't think they'll change their minds lol
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Personally, I think it's funny that the last remaining retard who would "defend" Hanako's route is a schizophrenic piece of trash who can only do passive-aggressive screeching. Therefore not succeeding at its defense whatsoever. Comedy.
I'm generally ranking them on how much I enjoyed them as characters, both in their own storylines if they're one of the Katawas, or how they appear in other storylines. Lilly, for instance, I thought was great for her brief screentime in Shizune's route. I am also American, and I disagreed with that video on some points. Jigoro was definitely a part of it, but I feel like the plotline just jumped to and from the student council business without any real development prior to the drama amping up in Act 4. What was intended to be a break from the monotony of said student council related story, just seemed jarring and boring to me. The fact that you don't see much of Shizune for most of that section until the end with her H-scene is also a negative desu.
Again, I can't recommend Crescendo enough. It's not a spoiler to say you have to "100%" it to 110% it.
I left didn't do a girl's route because i wasn't that interested in her. Then, for completionists' sake, i decided to do her route, and it turned out to be really good. Then the game went, "byt wait there's more" and it punched me right in the gut.
Swap Lilly and Shizune then swap Hanako and Miki then swap Rin and Misha then move Emi up one then swap Yuuko and Iwanako and this is literally me.
Well, you've certainly sold me on it. I get the impression that 100% completing KS is not a super common trend among people who've played it, so I was surprised to learn that. Knowing that Crescendo rewards you, beyond just a nice graphic like KS, for completing the whole game sounds really nice.
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>don't see much of Shizune for most of that section
I understand that, it's similar to how people dislike that the "romance" in her arc peaks early and then seems to fizzle out afterward. Her route is quite different to the others. The whole family trip is meant to give you a window into how she grew up and why she's the way she is. It's an indirect form of learning about her, instead of just having her tell you directly. Actually, most of her route involves having to read between the lines and figure things out yourself, because she doesn't "say" much directly at many points. Shizune's actions (or lack of expected actions) carry the information the other girls vocalize, i.e. you need to look at her "hands" to understand what she's thinking.
I can see that the route isn't as satisfying or immediately emotional, but I do like that it dared to do something more ambitious in some respects. It's a higher "difficulty" route in that sense. But I agree that in terms of pure impact to the heart, it's underwhelming, and the pacing is uneven.
If you dont 100% it you'd never even know the game has a cripple route.
The soundtrack is also amazing since it's 50% Scott Joplin. Listening to ragtime music now gives me the same PTSD flashback as when i hear Wiosona.
I definitely agree that the romance comes quick and disperses just as quickly until the end. I always thought the "you wanna be my girlfriend" line seemed very forward, and then was never really brought up again until way later. I think Hisao only ever refers to her as his girlfriend once or twice between the narration and his dialogue. I can also appreciate the "show don't tell" approach of Shizune's overall story, so I'll try to remain privy to that the next time I play it. I think overall Shizune, just like every other katawa girl, is down to personal preference. Lilly is my "type", so if Shizune is your type I can definitely respect that, though it or rather she would not be my cup of tea.

I'm getting flashbacks to my American Popular Music elective when I was in college lol, but I do like Ragtime so the soundtrack should be great for me.
I love peeling oranges because it reminds me of Rin :3
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>who would "defend" Hanako's route
not trying to defend the route
just tired of seeing a teenager trying to bully newcomers into agreeing with him, and presenting hot takes as if they were objective facts
"schizophrenic about" is a comment on your behavior, not your opinions, and not the thing following the word "about"
I'm not surprised you're insecure about your age, teenage retard. Don't talk back to your elders ever again.
I like oranges
This was the first visual novel I ever read.
I can say (quietly) that this actually changed the way I look at writing.
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>see criticism of boring chess scene and edgy rape scene
>decry it as "bullying" in hope that someone will take your side
>no one does
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Lillyposting to keep the thread active
Hated this deceitful bitch like you wouldn't believe. No, go ahead Lilly, just throw everything we have away and break my heart. Tear me off fast and discard me, like a bandage. I guess it's something you learned from your parents!
I knew you'd make a second reply but I thought you'd do better than this
having criticisms is (still) not bullying
calling people retards for disagreeing with you is (still) bullying
trying to intimidate people into not disagreeing with you anymore is (still) bullying
pretending that your opinions are facts is (still) childish
trying to redirect the conversation to suit your own narrative is (still) not going to work
trying to convince newbies and tourists that your opinions are the general's consensus is (still) going to get me, and occasionally some other people, to come in and try to discredit you - or, at least, discredit the idea that your opinions are the consensus
posting exclusively about the parts of KS that you don't like is (still) detrimental to this general
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Why does this beautiful and wonderful girl make haters so mad for 12 years straight?
I like Hanako. Her route felt sort of underdeveloped, though. And I will always, always, think it's funny that she gets along totally happily without you in Lilly's route. Hisao's presence in her romantic life is just of no great impact to her.
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Bullying is the purest form of love.
The bitch lied to me and defrauded me of several thousand dollars.
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I love watching ALIEN because it reminds me of Rin.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Hanako is so broken that it makes complete sense for a mild social life to be just as good as (if not better than) a weird codependent relationship. Now that I think about it, which girl IS Hisao most important for? Lilly because he keeps her in Japan? Maybe Rin because it's hard to imagine anyone else trying so hard to get close to her...
Goodnight anon.
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Bumping while doodling
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I think Shizune would be the least affected of all. Next would be Lilly, she always had it in her mind to go live in Scotland leaving everything behind and she felt she did the right thing. I think next would be Emi since she can't overcome her need to never depend on anyone by herself. She's doing okay on her own.
Then I think Hanako and Rin are evenly matched. They both need Hisao to solve their internal problems and without him they will most likely never get better and it would only get worse. They really need him.
happy patterday bros.
Have a great Paturday!
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Goodnight /ksg/.
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Thank you for drawing Lilly

GM /ksg/
Most of the thread ignores that schizophrenic retard, you can too...
That was the schizo posting, obviously. Why are you responding to it?
Everyone normally ignores you, but I'll violate that rule just once to inform you of how pathetic you look to the entire thread, making these "nuh uh" autistic shitposts.
Lilly fans are the most likely to attempt a defense of Hanako's route (and fail every time because all they do is screech at the rest of the general) so that picture he posted makes a lot more sense...
>be anti-bully ranger
>hear a cry for help with my super hearing, it sounds like a 15 year old white girl
>fly to the scene
>the camera captures a great shot of my ass when I land
>the supposed bully just said Hanako's route is bad, didn't threaten or intimidate anyone
>sigh and leave
>No condom.
Now we're talking.
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I think Lilly would be second, for the reason you gave. She didn't really want to go back to Scotland, she just felt she had to, IIRC. Emi and Hanako would be about the same on their own, so they're in last place. All they miss out on is a boyfriend. Shizune I'd put in the middle, because she needed an emotional self-check more than them, and having those realizations earlier will help her in university.
But yeah I think Rin probably the most. It seemed to be the first time another person was really able to connect with her, and I think she would have spiraled downward without Hisao (although not as fast as in the route, because he kind of pushes her into the spiral unintentionally).
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No condom needed in headpatting!
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No condom needed with Rin around!
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Oh no! Should've used a headpatting condom!
Rin would definitely be the best of the core katawas in an all-out queen-of-fighters championship at Yamaku. Her kicks would be brutal and accurate, and no attempts at mind-games would phase her unusual mind. But Miki would win overall, thanks to her impressive physique and better reach.
Never change, rinfags
Ara ara energy.
Is this loss?
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Feeding Rin
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Get this thread off page 10, you maggots
I wanna show her my WAAAGH! face, if you know what I mean.
Cute Lilly, Doggo!
Happy #4000
This isn't actually what i meant but i like this image.
four thousand threads
over one million posts posts
twelve years
thousands of anons
zero games
kenjivania is a game
Work bump
ten page
One of the great unsolved mysteries of KS:
Did Shizune start taking the pill beforehand, or was she deliberately taking risks in both scenes?
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Okay, then I will pose an open question to remedy this. /ksg/, who is your Katawa and why? You get 50 words to explain, so be succinct and meaningful.
Look it up on hownew.ru
Doesn't Hisao creampie every Katawa at least once during their routes?
He uses a rubber with Hanako
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Not Hanako.
He creams Emi, then lemons, then they stock up on condoms.
Rin also gets it and is the most likely katawa to be pregnant after her route.
Lilly canonically took the pill.
Shizune could go either way imo. She could be on BC or she could enjoy the risk.
Damn, I feel so bad for Rin, good thing she escapes Hisao on her neutral ending
Right, totally forgot Hisao rubbered up before borderline raping Hanako
Nakai never could do anything right
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This fucking retard doesn't deserve to be so lucky.
It should've been me!
He came in all of our Katawas
medium rare love
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>So what do you think of Hanako Route?
>I think it's medium
>Yeah. Because's it's not rare and it's not well done
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
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Goodnight cripplefrens
Goodnight anon.
Your Katawa is sucking your dick and without even consulting her, you pull your phone out to record her.
How does she react?
She won't throw up the peace signs, that's for sure.
Goodnight /ksg/.
Too busy with my dick and the complimentary headpats to notice.
Can I request a version of Katawa Shojou that's playable in on Chromebook?
Try this?
KS re:
Web app version

Download the original linux version here:


Never tried any of it myself, don't use a chromebook so it may or may not work..
She wouldn't be able to see the phone light
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Feeding BTGR
Needs a "after version" with smeared lipstick and running mascara.
Lilako? Hanilly?
I thought this was Lilly at first because of the pony tail, then noticed the burn scars. Not NotSureIfMishaOrPokemonAnon btw.
What is Hanako playing in the dark wearing nothing but panties? With the UI, it looks like Morrowind? I hope it's Morrowind.
femcel Shizune?
It's Hanako, right? what am I missing?
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why is there not a sequel? is 4chan just full of talentless hacks now?
Never mind. I was looking at >>487032768
4LS disbanded and hit everyone with C&D orders
They stopped doing that, but only recently
I've recently fallen into the.vlack hole of AI chat after finding out they're are.de-neutered NSFW options.
Anyone have any KS chatbits/cards?
Only 10 years too late.
They did it at the right time. There would have been tons of low-quality garbage claiming to be sequels, and it would have hurt the reputation of the original game. Now only passionate people remain to produce KS content.
But there shouldn't be a sequel. KS is good as it is. People should do original creations and catch us all by surprise again.
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>KS is good as it is.
I wonder if I'm responding to a dev, or a braindead dev cocksucker.
If they allowed other people to make new ks content, we could've gotten another masterpiece bootlicking faggot.
Which KS girl(s) would pirate their vidya?
I highly doubt that the creative genius that was behind Katawa Shoujo could not be conjured up once more by equally talented people to work on yet another incredible, yet nominally unrelated, project.
Raita girls thread!
I was going to jokingly give a response from ChatGPT to show that it could do all the heavy-lifting now, and could come up with the next theme in place of disabled girls. But I don't really use it, and after quite a while of prompting, it hasn't given me anything useful whatsoever about a potential (spiritual) sequel. So yeah, at least for the moment, we will definitely need creative and talented people.
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I don't post here anymore, but both this game and this thread have had an immeasurable impact on my life, including making lifelong friends. So glad to see it reach #4000

Thank you Katawa Shoujo, thank you /ksg/
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
Emi or Hanako.
>Your Katawa

>Shark Teeth
>Just Fangs
Shark teeth
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Is it you?
Thanks for stopping by anon, I'm glad this game was as meaningful for you as it was for me.
Oh this is cute. Is it new?
goodnight ksg
No idea, just stole it.
happy 4000, I still hate Hanako's subverted route
10 boxes of yummy curry!
Just finished replaying Lilly's route, why was my ass crying more the second time around than the first
I did not expect an uncomfortable office boner from a Femji pic, but here we are.
Good morning /ksg/.
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Very happy about the amount of Emi being posted. Unfathomably based. Keep it up anons.
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LOL You're welcome
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Hanako wouldn't just irate games, she'd be a Japenese version of FitGirl.
I always chuckle when I see the edit of this image, since it was made by a retard as a last resort after losing all his arguments and now has the opposite meaning of the original.
Oh I didn't even know it was the edit. I thought it was the original.
Original was "somebody is WRONG on the internet" which is an ancient meme
I know. What I meant was I thought I was posting the original. I only saw the thumbnail and didn't bother looking closer.
I hope that Air force Anon that was trying to be a jet fighter pilot stopped posting because he made it and not because he died in a fiery explosion.
>Emi will get her dirty boots on your clean sheets
>Emi will get her pussysnot on your clean sheets
Good night /ksg/, thanks for continuing to go on. Don't forget to just be.
Goodnight anon.
where do you think you are
Is the character who's just a head meant to be anyone in particular?
>the character who's just a head
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I think either the nurse, although the color is wrong, or Haruhi Suzimiya (male) in the front row.
I can't think of any other male in KS with that hairstyle.
or it could be the guy in the back with the cane next to Hanako
in front of Miki, is a robot with a head on top
I'm going with guy-with-cane, thanks. Apparently he was intended to have osteoporosis, which fits fairly well.
>in front of Miki, is a robot with a head on top
OK, wasn't catching which one you were talking about since he has a robot body as well.
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good morning /ksg/
Good morning anon.
Oh so that's Mutou is always dropping his pencil.
What if Rin was a big titty goth?
https://files.catbox.moe/nzlxkz.jpg (NSFW)
Ten cups of vanilla tea
Why can't she be real?
I like to imagine BTGR works exclusively with a monochromatic pallet.
Her art is similar to the strange body imagery of Rin's mural but it's sexuality is turned up to H.R. Giger levels.
https://files.catbox.moe/w9hh0e.jpg (NSFW)
Goodnight /ksg/.
how does she put on her lipstick
Uses the dresser drawer to hold it.
With her feet
[Yuuko decided to switch majors from history to mechanical engineering]
This game has literally made me start drinking tea instead of coffee/alcohol/soda and it only took days before I've felt a noticeable improvement in how I felt health-wise
This game has literally made me jog. It's been years since I've taken working out seriously.
For me it was jogging (Emi) and accepting my weirdness, focusing on art (Rin)
Its still so fucking wild how a good story can motivate you, while all else fails
>For me it was not killing myself (Rin)
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This but Lilly
do the Desktop Katawas Shimeji not work anymore? on windows 10 :(
To be fair, alcohol is literally poison
Those titties look heavy. She should let me hold them for her.
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1 to 5, or 9
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Gonna have to agree with >>487342092 but if I get a 0 my pick is Emo.
goodnight anon.
She can ask Emi or Emo
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I'm sure Emo and BTGR would get paired up the same way Emi and Rin did.
But with more booba points!
If BTGR wanted you and Emo to model for her, would you set aside your modesty to do it for her?
Then she wouldn't be Rin
ME is just her hobby
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Dem hips
That hair
Without scars it's almost unfair.
9 plz
2 or 3 are okay
I wanna get into jogging too, I'd just like for it to get a little cooler out before I start doing them around the neighborhood.
I'm honestly surprised I haven't seen more fan art of KS wherein it's of them without their disabilities
Wait, did Mike Inel do that?
I hate the huge shoulder peaks on Hanako's uniform. They don't flatter her at all. There, I've finally said it. I don't know why hers are so much more pronounced than the other katawas'.
uncoordinated and low-medium skilled artists
Yes it was a commission someone paid him $1.25 for.
I'm convinced that if Hanako didn't have her burn scars that she'd be the mean bully girl from the deaf-girl manga/anime.
Huh, no shit...
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>I'm convinced that if Hanako didn't have her burn scars that she'd be the mean bully girl
Dunno that manga, but this is my headcanon as well. She'd have guys lining up I mean goddamn
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I forget the name. It's "Something Something Voice". It's what PIC RELATED is from.
I thought we fucked legless people in the ass
No that's just Hisao (once).
I took Emi's nagging to heart and started waking up earlier to run before work. Turned out to be a lifesaver, its always cool and pleasant at 6am
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its 2024 and i still run for eimi
Deathmatch = my rectum VS Miki's cock
Getting up really early to run, or even just to walk, before getting ready for school or work makes such a drastic improvement on energy, mood, and health it's ridiculous. Back when I interned as a teacher, my mentor talked about how it's the only way she was able to have the energy to deal with middle schoolers all day.
Goodnight /ksg/.
Name a more headpattable katawa than Hanako.
Protip: You can't.
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Ten paint cans on the sidewalk
Nine laps
hana is love
who put rin in the bin?
Can't post. Someone else is gonna have to bump.
Which Katawa do you think would take to playing videogames the most?
Hanako. Loner by nature, canonically spends a little bit of time with computers already.
Hard to beat that suggestion. I guess hardest would be Lilly cuz... yknow.
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Is 4chan broken or something? I won't let me post if I try and upload am image.
Tried on my computer and tablet.
[Looks good enough to join the student council.]
I think Hanako would be better of being in the student counil instead of hanging out with Lilly.
I can't stop thinking about Hanako
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
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She might even get good at chess.
I don't know... I think she would let Misha and Shizune take the lead on all social situations and would grow more slowly. Shizune wouldn't push her the way Lilly does. At least in my mind, I think she'd look at Hanako and think "as long as she's happy doing council work, no need to force her to do something she hates by making her talk to people". I could be misremembering Shizune's opinion though
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I think Misha and Shizune could really get Hanako to open up.
at least they wouldn't rape her.
no, not even that one picture.
Emi, because she is my girlfriend
well that's no fun
Sonic main
But she cheats
Goodnight /ksg/
Name one thing wrong with rape.
Shizune would never tolerate having a such a /weakmind/ council member
Goodnight anon.
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Shizune never did it to me.
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Emo bet status: lost the bet
10 pats
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Bros I'm using Ai (LMAO) to make some 3d printable models. Currently they have multiple errors and weird topology. What do you guys think?
Grab a brush and fix it ez
Ive never printed, do STLs care about poly density and that kinda stuff? I imagine its a different process than optimising for engines
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Goodnight /ksg/.
If it's too low-poly, you're gonna see triangles showing up in the print, that's about it. More polygons just makes the filesize bigger but that's not the end of the world as it's not an asset that has to be loaded in on the fly.
This looks like something Misha asked someone from the art club to draw.
I don't like how quite this general has become
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I think I like Emi's butt
How detailed are these from all angles especially from below?
4000-series generals are always a bit quieter
I try to prompt discussions here and there, but I usually get 0-1 responses
what else do you expect from a general for a single fucking game? No one cares about this shithole, even people reading your -ge would rather blog it on /vn/ >>487572369
Which martial art style would each katawa practice? Rin would obviously be something kick-heavy and Emi could ironically practice the same thing, her blades are practically weapons.
Rin. Hanako and the others can indulge in Patsturbation but Rin's lack of arms means she can never headpat herself.
But she can facesole
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Pretty bad
Too bad. Still pretty cool though
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Need to train it on some other images.
KS for PS1
I can dig it.
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Hanako's not on the tray because she's only half baked
Thanks, anon.
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>Emi's fw
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visual novels are not video games and everyone here should perish
congratulations on your 4000th thread,
with true heartfelt love and joy for fellow anons,
- /v/
>everyone here should perish
Just be patient.
And we will necropost for a thousand more threads. Glory to this shitty game, giving anons everywhere an amputee fetish.
My katawa has all her limbs.
Honestly I'm just happy to be here
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Also same.
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I'd love her whether she had arms or not.
I think if she had arms it would actually take away from the experience of fucking her mouth like a pussy.
I frequent a few devotee boards, and you would not believe how many people have a fetish for armless girls specifically because of Rin. There are a couple people I've seen who became devotees because of Emi, but Rin somehow manages to fundamentally alter peoples' brain chemistry on a mass scale. There are multiple people on any given dev board who specifically site Rin as the reason they like amputees.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
Night anon!
What specifically are you referring to here? If it's me, I will defend myself by saying I just have a fetish for prosthetic legs and not amputees proper like you see on /d/.
>I frequent a few devotee boards
I've been on a few dates with girls who had some devotee tendencies or were outright devotees. and now I don't mention my disability until at least the second or third chat and then I'm an asshole for not being upfront.
What the hell is a "devotee"?
Then I could fuck her pussy like a pussy
People who are turned on by disabilities
She'd rather you fuck her pussy like a chad, you pussy.
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Oldshit word for amputee fetishist. If someone refers to themselves as one run as far as possible.
Devotees are all creepy/degenerate at best. Those forums are miserable and full of weirdos, but they are the only place I stumble across art like picrel.
I was at the wound care center for my follow-ups after surgery. One day in the waiting room, a girl came into the building getting a from her brother. She was like a real version of Emi except she was only missing one foot/lower shin.. She was smol and wearing a t-shirt and shorts. She was probably around 14/15.
>getting a from her brother
Getting a piggy-back ride from her brother*
Personally, Ive never liked that term. It implies we should be putting them up on pedestals and worshipping them. No healthy relationship can come from that sort of dynamic.
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Yes that pretty much sums up the feeling i had.
>putting them up on pedestals and worshipping them
When I first heard it I assumed it was someone who took the waifu thing way too seriously.
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Would you smoke cloves with her?
hanako day toda
I don't smoke.
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good night, ksg
Thank you for new art Doggo.
Thanks! I might do a higher res version this weekend if I have time.
Round toes would be nice.
I'll try.
I don't smoke but yes.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
It definitely is an old-fashioned term, but it's what's stuck around even if I don't especially like it either. Its gotta be pre-internet, right? Super early internet at the latest. Most people who self describe as devotees are middle aged or older.
I've not come across anyone like that. I've come across one or two passerby who were double below knee amputees, but they were both guys in their 30's. Closest thing I've seen was a girl that went to my high school that was a single below knee amputee and with an athletic build. Although she was tall and built large, very much the opposite of Emi. Not sure of her personality much since I never had a chance to talk to her.
Basically what ends up happening but with real people. Many devotees just end up being stalkers or doing the meme of cold DMing "show bobs and vagene?" to people with disabilities. Hence the (deserved) abysmal reputation.
>show me ur stump bebi is real
It's crazy the things people will send. There are stories of amputees getting cold DMs from people saying things like "Oh, my grandma just had her leg amputated and it would be great if you could send a video of you crutching to give her the confidence to do it too" or shit like that. Or people pretending to be recent amputees themselves, etc. The whole situation is why most amputees are super private online, since weirdos come out from the woodworks.
Good thing theres none of these wackos around here
No clue where it started, but it is very old. I remember seeing it when I did my first searches in the mid 90s. Probably the cdprod stuff was my first exposure to it? Seriously, amputee was my very first internet search way back in the stone ages.

I feel like the term might have warped the sensibilities of the community. Like you said too many people put the ladies out of their reach in their mind and just settled for becoming waifu stalkers instead of just talking and trying to develop normal relationships.
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There was a psychiatrist in Illinois(??) who was trying to get himself a blind wife and was cold DMing women. Eventually he got in touch with a wannabe, who met with him and let him put drain cleaner in her eyes in an attempt to blind herself for real and wound up on Dr Phil. I got the impression that she didn't completely blind herself, but did enough external damage, like skin and eyelids, to let her pretend indefinitely. This caused a big stir in the disabled community, where reactions ran from "WTF why would you do that?!" to seeing a parallel with the trans community, that she saw herself as a blind person on the inside and then tried to make it real.
I've had a couple of older women contact me out of the blue and it was as disappointing and weird as you'd expect. A couple of guys too. Sorry no homo.
Ah, Jewel Shuping! She's considered the classic example of BIID (modern understanding of wannabeism/transablism. body integrity identity disorder is what it stands for I think) now since her story got so much media traction. I've talked to a lot of people with BIID, and there's a really interesting divide that I also see among devotees. There's the "old guard", those middle aged or so who were around when people still said devotee and wannabe. They typically focus on things like single amputations, and primarily arm hooks above all else. Devotees really like arm hooks for some reason, and older BIID folks especially love them. Then you have those in their twenties and teens who seem to have this weird fascination with quad amputees. You see this sort of thing on /d/ where the amputee thread is all "nugget porn" since people get off to the perceived helplessness or power dynamic of the situation. What's perhaps stranger is that those with BIID in a similar age bracket actually WANT to be this sort of unrealistic, fetishized quad amputee. I saw one guy talking about how he wanted a hemicorporectomy, and quad amputee wannabes are worryingly common among young BIID sufferers.
I think most of the older devotees are the weird creepy stalker/cold DM type who have collections of weird photos, whereas younger ones usually just get off to things like literature, RP, VRchat avatars, or the /d/ threads and similar fetish art.
Nice. I don't remember colorized version.
Nice! Are there any full body versions of these?
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Not sure where I got it. Val and another anon shaded a lot of the colorless pantsu pics a few years ago, so it might have come from them.
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The person who did them, _sleepyren on twitter, only did the top halves. Heres one full body he did with Lily though.
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>show me ur eyeballs bebi is real
>"I want to blind myself"
>widely regarded as mental illness
>"I want to mutilate my genitals"
>somehow a major political issue for the past decade
Weird how things shake out
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>You see this sort of thing on /d/ where the amputee thread is all "nugget porn" since people get off to the perceived helplessness or power dynamic of the situation.
That's so fucked up. If it's a fantasy why fantasize about easy mode? Why START at the bottom? If I'm dominating a girl I want it to be a regal princess, honorable knight, or superhero.
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Wanting to blind doesn't really make a lot of sense. Plus, just like, close your eyes, bro. But wanting to be a man makes a lot of sense. Being a dude kicks ass.
>Why START at the bottom?
Because the guys engaging in that fantasy ARE at the bottom. Dominating anything higher than a nugget is so implausible their brains won't even buy into it as a fantasy
>Weird how things shake out
These people have read too much hurt comfort stories and I can kind of get role play but I don't understand why anyone would make their own lives harder for real.
>wanting to be a man makes a lot of sense. Being a dude kicks ass.
Exactly. Or mtfs want to be cute and desired. Sounds more like a gender norms problem, and way out of my wheelhouse.
I just want a cute Rin, arms or no arms. That's it.
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Feeding Demi.
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>I just want a cute Rin, arms or no arms. That's it.
I got you bro.
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Actually not that bad 3d print, just the haircut is a little bit weird. Now I'll get some acrylic paint.
I guess I'm in the minority for not taking issue with those with BIID or gender dysphoria. To me in both circumstances people are feeling genuine discomfort and pain because of the dysphoria that they have no control over. It's not someone's fault that their brain is wired to think they should be blind or not have a leg, same as it's not someone's fault that they're trans (ignoring pipeline memes for a bit) and experience discomfort due to their biological sex. In both cases I don't think the answer is to ridicule the individual, because clearly if they are willing to go through with something like sex reassignment surgery or amputation to relieve dysphoria then it must be significant to them. And I don't think it "not making sense" to cut off one's leg really changes the circumstances here, as the feeling isn't logically grounded in the first place. Trans people and those with BIID are acutely aware of the many downsides that will come with actualizing their desired body, and make these choices knowing this. They just, for whatever reason, have a part of their brain that tells them "this body doesn't feel right" and they can't get rid of it by any other means. Alternative treatment options have been shown to be ineffective, so transitioning or disabling oneself are drastic measures that are the best treatment option available to prevent chronic depression, suicidal ideation, and the many other types of chronic mental damage that come with repping into perpetuity.
not the legs too..
>taking issue with those with BIID or gender dysphoria
I have no hate for these people. Like I said, it's a little out of my wheelhouse. All I know is what I've experienced on the other side of the coin. Most of it fell into the area of harmless to somewhat disconcerting.
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>get role play
if a girl roleplayed Lilly, i'd be diamonds, whether or not she sandpapered her corneas.
That scene was so shit. I'm almost impressed at the sheer effort the writer put into ruining her route.
>girl says she wants to help you out if you need it
>literally give her the silent treatment
I'm glad Suriko's career never took off like he hoped.
>ara ara...
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>somewhat disconcerting
No joke I sometimes forget Emi is an amputee. And I most definitely do not have an amputee fetish.
Degrees of Katawa?
was replying to
I love it here...
Emi's prosthetics not being in frame outside of CGs is actually a masterstroke of writing. It means the first thing you think of about her isn't her being an amputee, but rather her personality and behaviors, and her having no legs is just another random attribute about her that's only important when it is relevant towards the given situation (i.e., like any other trait someone would have). Really helps her feel more like a real person and not just an "anime cripple waifu".
That's kind of the point of the whole game.
*most of the game
It is but I never really considered how the VN format emphasizes it before.
>Shizune being mute doesn't matter cuz no VAs
>Emi's prosthetics usually out of frame
>Lilly's sprite always looks at (You) so you don't get the blind person thing where even if they try to face you it feels a bit off

Not sure how the VN format impacts Rin and Hanako, but it's neat to think about.
I thought Suriko wrote Lilly's story though? I think I'm very out of the loop.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
As an autist who literally beat the game yesterday I’m just glad to see the community is still active, especially since the game came out when I was like 7
If you chop off Rin's legs does she become a better or worse Katawa than before?
Where do you cut them off at?
Probably above the knee.
Wont work then. I want to see her legs and feet while i fuck her mouth like a pussy.
you're a pussy for not fuking her pussy, pussy
I fuck Rins pussy only as much as it takes to make her a single mother.
The rest of the time i fuck her mouth like a pussy.
If you're so afraid of pussy then I guess I will do it
>especially since the game came out when I was like 7

Seriously though, glad people are still finding the "game"
You're welcome to it after I've impregnated her.
don't cheat faggot, pick one, not both
See >>487782945
Guess I will do the same with your katawa, it's only fair right?
I'd pixelate her IYKWIM
>hf after I 8 her bit
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Goodnight criplfrens
i love pantsu
Goodnight anon.
It’s a damn good “game”, I might be biased though as it’s my only VN. I hope to get some of my more “open” friends to give it a try
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An open mind is alike a fortress with it's gates open and unguarded.
Damn can't believe you autists kept the general going all these years.
This one (and later DDLC) are the only VNs I ever played, mostly due to how difficult it was to come by them and English patches. Now though it's as easy as popping in Steam to buy a visual novel.
Any suggestions? I'd rather they be more story focused like KS and not straight-up hentai. Thanks.

Also if you have that Emi workout routine please post it.
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this one?
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HOLY SHIIIIIIT https://x.com/Surikoo/status/1817089905471946825
isn't it kind of late for this?
>it's real
Well I wishlisted it.
fate stay night is 20 years old and is getting it's first official english release some time this year
>comparing fate stay night to cripple gaem
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steam achievements took a while to implement
Hey fuck you I liked Fate/Stay Night.
Ok fine. mahoyo took 11 years to get an english release.
rin best girl
if you have autism yeah maybe
yes x2
For me Rin and Hanako kind fluctuate between 3rd place and 4th place out of the main 5 girls, depending on how I'm feeling.
wish that was true
Yeah I have no idea why they bother at all. Granted, this general shouldn't even be a thing and yet, here it still is fruitlessly.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
/ksg/ will now live to another thousand

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