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Train Molestation edition

Previous Thread: >>486002449

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

VH FAQ/Links

>Fetish discussion outside of the context of video games:>>>/h/
>Visual novels:>>>/vg/vn/ or >>>/vg/vng/
>Non-Japanese games:>>>/aco/weg/ or >>>/aco/weg2d/
>3D games:>>>/h/hgg/

Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
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lolis > hags
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None of the games I'm waiting for are getting updates
where game
Imminent rimjob??
Game with cute pure gamer gf
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I only play lolige!
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i'm going to arisu
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Games with boob envy?
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Would you haunt this shinobi?
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Hi I come from /v/
What is "the bin" exactly? I only know about F95 and a.. t...fallen
The blob bin is for good blobs only.
Tell me Anon, are you a good blob?
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I don't think I'm a good blob but I can try becoming one. I just want to know where this pic is from
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Since you self censored yourself allow me to do the same.
The bin is * ***** that **** ****** set up ** **** (you) *** ******** *****. It's pretty c**l.
Sorry I meant to say ALL THE FALLEN
Read the OP
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If you can’t figure it out yet by looking at the thread then you’re too retarded to live.
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It pains me to do this anon, but the FBI have been notified of your location.
In the meantime, consider reading the OPENING POST that says "FOR NEWCOMERS, [etc.]".
holy retardation
You sound like those posters who say sauceNAO and reverse image searching work, when in most cases they don't for thumbnails or cropped doujins, but okay. If I don't find what I'm looking for someone will pay.
i can't believe people really use the filter instead of Ctrl-F'ing
Second link under game archive in the OP. Click the bin tab after clicking the link. Now show me your asshole.
evil blobs like you...
I just slowly browse through it because I like seeing all the weird fucked up shit people are into.
>spoonfeeds the retard
>also wants to rimjob the retard
anon why are you like this
Touhoubros, we are so back
NTR is a hell of a drug. Not a single other fetish makes me feel the way NTR does. It's like the horror of hentai. It really sticks with you. I can browse through the most degenerate shit on my phone but I forget about all of it by the next day. With NTR it will constantly make itself remembered throughout the next few days and the sensation it causes gives me borderline heart palpatations. Don't do NTR kids. It's too late for me but it doesn't have to be too late for you.
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Thank you!!
anon, he's supposed to RJ you not the other way around
Joke's on you two, I'm also into humiliation.
And on that note, the pastebin "FOR NEWCOMERS" didn't bring up any results for ifps or didn't mention the game archive.
CTRL-Fing "bin" also only mentions the pastebin and not the bin section from the screenshot. There is a difference between brainless spoonfeeding and retarded gatekeeping
I said the opening post for newcomers, not the newcomers' pastebin.
Besides, with newfags it's a toss up between "how do I download gaem?" and "why doesn't gaem work?!". So it's good you read that to get that out of the way.
Silver lining: it's easier to explain this than "how is babby form?". Thank God you'll never need to worry about that one.
For any community, always read the welcoming / opening materials, it's just good etiquette so the people don't have to answer the SAME DAMN QUESTION hundreds of times.
>half way through the kanjis
we can all make it bros
is this train game good?, I remember a 3d one that was pretty nice.
nice OP for a change

also, good stuff
so any luck getting far?
seems like there is just the grind and no risk of loosing?
quickly tried out till like middle of second week, and still can't remove any clothing
though I have to say, her pouty reaction is quite kino

also seem like there is a option to skip read text so it might speed things up
It did mention the game archive, retard. I just read it.
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Finished RJ01186021
Honestly it wasn't that bad and had really good writing for scenes which were also rather long. Downside is that the game itself is really short. If you're good at deck builders it will take around 3hours to beat the whole game.
Overall I'd give a 7/10. Typical short playtime for a deckbuilder but at least content was good
It's such a fucking pain in the ass to buy any games from dlsite now. My bank blocks all foreign transactions now so in order for me to even try to buy anything I need to make a "purchase" knowing that it will be blocked, then text them via the banking app that I need to temporarily unblock the country of the blocked transaction. This was through dlpay by the way, which means I have to go through paypal but now paypal won't work and of course their tech support chat bot says it's due to a "technical issue" and won't even let me speak to a person. Does paypal block all transactions out of country now or have I just been temporarily locked out? I feel like I'm trying to buy something illegal with all the bullshit I've had to go through just to spend 6 fucking dollars.
lurk before posting
hot design and art
the game was utter shit tho, I hope get to write better H for the next ge
>RPG Maker 95
>RPG Maker 2000
>RPG Maker 2003
>RPG Maker XP
>RPG Maker VX
>RPG Maker VX Ace
>RPG Maker MV
>RPG Maker MZ
>RPG Maker Unite
>Wolf RPG
Does /hgg2d/ care about the game engine used by a game? Which engine do you like the most and the least?
I feel like RPG Maker peaked with MV, but has the most slop. MZ games feel sluggish on my burner hentai laptop and I haven't played a Unite game. Wolf games are less likely to be slop from what I've seen.
Also, does anyone have that RPG Maker icon-to-version mapping image?
RPGmaker drives me fucking INSANE with no sound mixing options.
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Games with meek lolis?
I'm going to kiss you.
>Game Maker
Are there non-weg H games that use those? I was thinking only wegs use them which is why I left them out, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong.
>RPG Maker 95
>RPG Maker 2000
>RPG Maker 2003
>RPG Maker XP
Any classics that use these? The oldest game I've played uses VX.
how much of the scenes is 3d vs 2d
MV is optimal for me too.
The minigames hinainf makes.
Around 2 to 1 ratio.
3d scenes are just very short loops with few extra stages and no text. The CG scenes are 19 in total and really fucking long which is a hit or miss depending on preference.
I really wish the dev would have just gone for at least double the scenes for MC even if they are shorter and we lose out on 3d ones.
Anyone else having an issue connecting to the bin?
>guy gets a copy of this
>refuses to publish the scan because it's less than 10 years old
try the second link or https://ipfs.io/ipns/k51qzi5uqu5dk8jpgw2ga3qoit4k9ocb328w8mxqlnw36k4m8ebt43ngmonioc/bin-en.html
Dl-pay works with PayPal for me, what country?
Yeah, getting gateway timeout.
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Any /h/ game mods you have seen from non-h games?
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Both seem to be broke atm
... proxy? Your machine can't find https://ipfs.io 's IP address.
>still using dl-pay
move on already!
>The conflict that started with the kidnapping of Sabine women ended because the supposed victims asked for it to end. How does that work? A modern human doesn't understand, the meaning of rape has been lost to time.
It's simple.
>"We will rape you until you admit defeat."
>"No! Never! My pride!"
>*more rape*
>"I yield! No more, I'm already pregnant..."

The better historical mystery is why were they unable to see the color blue.

I know I had to do this with fantia, I forget if it was also dlsite, but tl:dr; you can buy points and spend those points instead of money. That's apparently a legal loophole that everyone's decided on. You're not using their services to directly buy art, so they don't care.
even tried without one
so ~38 3D scenes and 19 CG scenes? for a such a short game that seems pretty decent actually
No, but I am retarded enough to not know how to set up the ipfs or whatever and can only connect via the public link, which hasn't been updated in around a month now I think.
I don't complain because I a time delay is better than nothing and why bitch about something someone else is doing for you at their own expense. And also because I have the feeling it's really easy to set up and it's solely my own retardedness and I can't blame you guys for that.

That said, it's up and running for me.
Though the cloud one takes a long time to load the images, but the other one works fine.
Nta but works for me. Not down.
Will you be playing playing this sadgirl sim?
i-i-s th-th-the bin... i-is the b-bin..................... gonna.... is it gonnna...updat.. oh god please help me
i played the previous game so yeah why not
Card game?
i just noticed it's not a name error
can you access https://proofwiki.org/wiki/Main_Page ? I think your DNS server (probably your ISP) is shitting the bed. proofwiki shouldn't be on your machine's cache so it should throw the same error
I'll play Pot of Greed
looks like that site works, will try flushing dns
>The hands of the clock were pointing exactly to o'clock.
MTLbros... how am I supposed to self-insert into this serial rapist if I don't know what time I'm waking up to wageslave?
Changing the DNS to google's default or some other works, for some reason my ISP is being a huge faggot. Thanks for reminding me about DNS anon, it's been awhile since I did some actual troubleshooting.
>Serial rapist
RJ? We need more of this kind of game.
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Any dating games that aren't cohabitation one-room games?
Absolute fucking soul. Also works on literal toasters nowadays due to easyrpg.
Improved but still shit.
>VX Ace
Good enough. I still have some qualms with it, but eh.
Makes running on Linux easy, but I have a love hate relatioship with it because >webshit
Deserves to die in a fire.
I like it but only when the dev knows what they're doing.
>SRPG Studio
I hate it so much.
my limited nip is telling me it says:
The clock's needles were pointing at "just". ちょうど apparently means "just" and that's what's being pointed at.
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Kirikiri2chads, where we at?
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Why are censoring male nipples? Are you a faggot?
>Absolute fucking soul.
Any recs for games that use these engines?
>SRPG Studio
Never heard of them. What's wrong with them?
The "lose" condition is that you get a penalty if the she has the reddest face at the end of the day, it can trigger an ending where you die and then it restarts at monday again, so you just keep looping.
I had a good time with it at least, it definitely starts as a slow burn, but then it ramps up pretty fast.
If you're impatient, you can unlock pervert mode by clicking the square on the title page in the title 30 times, it's in the manual.
I have her completely broken in the main game and can do anything with her, but pervert mode is the only way I've seen her get heart eyes, so I might be missing something?
I was just shitposting reading through the textractor screen without looking at the game. When I did logs, it mentioned the time as 0600, it's just that it didn't pull the numbers for some reason.
Thanks though nihongo senpai.

SRPG studio is not only a bitch to extract assets from, it's literally impossible as of my attempts to extract stuff from Slave Princess Charlotte some time ago.
It's the OP, sorry, I forgot to answer.
>and yes molestation is rape (of privacy).
is RJ01095933 a pixelkino?
/vn/ is that way
>no recent good plotges that were translated either here or /vn/
This makes me suffer infinitely
only have yourself to blame
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elden ring is kusoge go back to working on your dlc
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ge that instills picrel?
Anyone can guide me into VP mod scene?
What goes first and then last?
me eating a blob
(they are too big)
I saw that earlier but
>all ages
made me instantly disappointed
>>486231421 (me)
sorry I'm a fumika that was meant for >>486227027
Where the fuck is the new low quality avoidable ntr slop??? Has there's even been more than 3 this year? What the fuck are the japs doing I just wanna coom
Get metacucked!
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>Dev proudly announces on Chink forums in June that his game is completed and is ready for sale
>Mid July still not out
>Dev made several post blaming the delay on dlsite
>Nobody buys it and people are shitting on his ci-en
>Even on Chink forums people there're several mega thread shitting on him

Are they shitting on him because of the delay or because the game was bad?
Because of delay. It's still not out as of today.
People are shitposting in his comment section
>Nobody buys it
Anon meant no one believes him, the game (RJ01168407) isn't out yet
Anything new about that game Eris dysnomia dev has been making? that guy has some of the best pixelge sex animations on the whole market
can we have new daiakujiesque games where you commit warcrimes and keep the favorite girls as your subordinates while whoring or executing the others.
no updates since last year but he's still semi-active on twitter
Clymeniabros, he'll revive from the dead like always, right?
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>have this sexy nagatoro as thank you anon of the lake
i accept your tribute

>have you checked out to see if it was the same deal with the other game?
other game?
if it uses the same plugin then it's probably the case
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american bootlickers, when will you make wegs actually good?
Hey retards, it's my first time buying DLsite points via dl-pay.com + Paypal and the process was frictionless. What the fuck are you idiots complaining about?
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Games with characters that seem like scum at first but are actually good people?
translation doko?
I don't know why I'm asking, I know moralist is cursed.
late reply but I unironically dropped Lona's game and haven't cared for it since after the chinkoid randomly added pubes without any sort of toggle, don't mind me gore and rape but that shit should be behind some sort of wall along with the other subhuman fetishes like piss and scat
also the game being less and less translated as time went on might be another reason but pubes on a loli is really just an insult to life itself
poast meant for >>486152246
>added pubes without any sort of toggle
he what
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No data on the right looking sus.
Show the pubes
Whenever I try Lona I end up dropping it because the money system is retarded
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>Araka 10% (Ingredients: 5% brutality, 95% pure love)
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daiakuji sucks, try KINObancho instead
I don't like alicesoft games.
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What is the point of a NTR have if the heroine is not lovable?
If I had the option to go after Astrea, I would gladly give this cunt to the other dude.
What ntr games have you played actually have lovable heroines?? In basically every ntr game the stretches that they have to make in the story that the girl cheats pretty much require her to be a bitch at least some of the time. At least, if there isn't hypnosis ot literal rape as the ntr.
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Marion, my love.
Already? Didn't it just come out today?
>this cunt
Why so rude? She is fine.
Moralistges aren't ever long, but they are always quality.
Her reasoning for submitting to the bull is frankly retarded. It's some of the weakest blackmail around.
Girls usually aren't very smart.
If she's not smart enough understand this then she doesn't deserve a good man.
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The bull has a picture of her family name. It can't be helped. Please understand.
Is it 100% monster rape?
I mean yea
Dlsites pretty fast from what other devs say.
It can be annoying if its rejected and a weekend since that might delay it a day or so.

But weeks of them not approving a game isnt something Ive ever heard of so dudes clearly full of shit
Not for Araka!
I don't like makura cover soft games
Disappointing, guess I'll wait another eon for another gb with good potential to spawn
MC is not a good man
Newona 80% (Ingredients: 100% brutality, 0% pure love)
Not to worry, there's no overdose of vanilla! The protagonist will do nothing but suffer!
Unless you're complaining about not enough vanilla in which case just fucking play Kakuriyo.
Apparently the dev wanted to release english version alongside jp one but there were some complications with the translation team and it got delayed. So most likely expect a train wreck agian
I'm complaining about the monster content but I understand that that's the premise of it
The english version is out already though. It's even uploaded already.
are all of gyu's games depressing
goatedge where u rizz up a simps childhood friend and make him edge to ohio ?
>Kana is not lovable
You take that back faggot. She's a very cute dork
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I actually see that it's up now. No idea about the translation quality yet though I bought it anyway.
Oh that was fast. I was reading the ci-en blog few days ago with the dev saying that it will be delayed and with no real time estimate for how long
This time in english. Also
>not floor tiles
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I want to be her
What's so difficult to extract from SRPG studio archive? It's literally ZIP with a striped header.
Add the missing bytes and u'r good to go.
And Bakin is almost the same except they don't pack game files part anymore and append them as is, only bootstrapper is packed there.
I didn't know Araka was such a fighter...
Didn't you play her game? She punches out the flesh pillar god in one variant of the true end.
In my backlog. I'm going to bump up the priority for her game since the new one is out.
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If she jobs hard enough but refuses to give up she can achieve enlightenment. This is canon too.
Never finished Araka, didn't like how it was a malege
>he doesn't know
If you mean male MC that's the first half, the second half is Araka's.
can't find it in A-S when I last checked
On fag95 and ryuu.
disappointing. replaying round train would have been a better fap
It's right here!
games with retarded creatures that say stuff like "hau" and "hawawa"?
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>black screen and missing gallery unlock
I'll wait for a patch fix then
That recent 3d card captor sakura game.
Actually super stoked to play the game. He really knows how to sell his product with all those images.
Ghost girl (forgot name) is definitely the best girl.
In Kana's defense though, she did try to fend of Lawrence's advances. The NTR only happens if you basically ignore her. Skip dinner, don't help out at work, etc.
True, but remember they're in a town where everyone was a victim of the ghost summoning (by her famiry) some time ago. I wouldn't be surprised if word got out and she was lynched. Game is set in Japan where they STILL punish family of perpetrator to this day (unofficially of course).

She's into gacha. I'm unafraid she's unsalvageable.
>It's your fault she cheated

You speaks like a woman
>What's so difficult to extract from SRPG studio archive?
>It's literally ZIP with a striped header. Add the missing bytes and u'r good to go.
Perhaps the fact that I don't know anything about that. I normally use garbro, enigma, and occasionally arcunpacker. Once in a blue moon kirikiri. I'm a techlet.
No I was speaking out-of-universe to it as a game. It's avoidable NTR if you git gud.

In universe, of course she should bring it up first, if only for the fact that it's a sort of "you either bring it up, or you never ever bring it up" situation. A "terrible secret" isn't the kind of thing where someone, having dated you for only one year, would dump you for, but having dated you for 10 years, would forgive.
If the MC would forgive her, then he would be much more likely to forgive her if she doesn't cheat obviously. And if he wouldn't forgive her, while it would make sense she'd be worried about that, it's not the kind of thing she would presumably want to live her entire life dreading him finding out. So yeah it was a dumb move either way you slice it.
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>Game only has 19 CGs

Ya it's garbage.
>wtf why is it quality over quantity
Anon, unless you mean the file magic ('PK' 0x03 0x04) zip is a footer-based format. The data starts immediately after the magic and the index is at the end of the file. There's no header.
I just get a black screen after she he wakes up
What quality bro they're not even animated it's just one jpeg with 2,000 text
A bunch of scenes are 3d chibis instead of CGs.
Hello tourist! Please make sure to read the OP!
19 CG for three girls? A definitive sign of kusoge.
t. hasn't played the game
>oh no these guys are enjoying themselves, better go shit all over the discussion!
How many did demons roots have?
This is pre-append scenes
File deleted.
>emotionless forced tentacle copulation(?)
Fucking kino
>39 for +6 characters
kek, so bad. Never playing that shit.
Are the 3d model H animations any good?
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I forgive him.
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Need a sequel where you play as the demon bros.
I'm ESL, headers for me are any sequences of bytes that prepend the data PK 03 04 20 00 00 00 magic included.
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alright you convinced me
Anyone got Newona to work? Getting black screen after the intro scene
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English or JP version?
Pirated or Bought?
both honestly, got the JP downloaded off nyaa and EN from f95, both have the same issue, happens both when I extract using 7zip and winrar with locale emulator
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>locale emulator
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
Worked on my machine with JP and Japan locale. Only real guess that I could have is that Unity is missing some windows prerequisites like vc++ or media feature pack
>locale emulator
it works like 70% of the time
>locale emulator
Dumb fuck.
You know what works 100% of the time?
You use locale to run games, not extract.
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I just used a full save after playing through most of the game because it's just repetitive after some point.
What the fuck is Inumaru and where is he?
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>newona released with EN translation
is it something that doesn't require changing locale and restarting pc every time?
>3D shit
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>new girl
>changing it more than once
\ turning into yen symbols won't kill you.
>not just leaving your PC in jap local
Your next line is saying you have some obscure slav piece of software that doesn't work properly in jap local.
>using locale emulator to unpack archives
nigger what the fuck are you doing
She's the new onahole that will take Arakas place in being a breeding sow
I just want a game about inseminating girls with insects and modifying their uterus to only make insects babies
It's probably the retard that plays obscure gatchashit again
go back to that one doujin series where flies do that with girls.
The translation even seems okay so far. Did I'm Moralist break their curse?
Gachashit doesn't care about your locale.
Best I can do is tell you to enjoy Tiba-Santi's works.

Arkansas has great breeding sows, that will be a tall order.

The yenhumanity of the thought.
Yes, but iirc the probably russian/chink app they used to play it it for him breaks with Jap locale.
H-Games where the lewds are combined perfectly with the gameplay, not just treated as separate entities or cutscenes?
NTR Survival Z
Hounds of the Meteor
I do like his works, but I want a game
Which one?
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I still can't believe shadow garden is back
Yes anon, you guessed right, I'm a slav and my home pc doubles as work pc
If you have alternatives for this then I'd really appreciate them, if not, theres no need to be snarky
Closest you're going to get is >>486253165
>Fantasy = Anything and everything you can think of (and not think of, because someone will think of it)
>Modern Day = Debt or Blackmail
>Sci-Fi/Space = Bugs or Tentacles
Why does Fantasy get all the cool stuff and we're stuck with tentacles and tentacle wegs?
hypno, impreg, and ryona is in all of them at least
Are you referring to that one Nausica Valley of the Wind doujin series?
that one is fucked
secret global alliance of women fucking flies in secret chambers while men are aware and just slowly give up
>Which one?
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Oh yeah that was pretty good but the plot was kind of retarded and not enough species variety.
go to >>>/aco/weg/
It's such a popular fetish these days and no game is being made
File deleted.
Beat the game with speedhack and cheat engine.
Gameplay is interesting because it use deck size as HP. Attack cards eliminate cards from opponent deck. Battle ends when enemy deck size drops to 0.
Each turn you'll draws a powerful 0 cost devil card. Think of it as the dark chips card in the Rockman franchise. Using them will significantly raise your corruption meter. If it gets too high your heroine will get non-avoidable immoralist-raped™ once the battle is over.
During early game you'll have no choice but to use devil cards because there's no way you'll outdps even normal mobs. But much like Slay-the-Spire you starts weak but as you accumulates more and more passive buffing relics and more powerful cards you can eventually starts winning battles without using devil cards.
Game is incredibly short and only has 3 levels.
Sex contents wise I'll say it's definitely one of the weakest out of all immoralist's works. Low CG counts + art inconsistencies.
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Welp, I'm getting the black screen after leaving her room too.
Perhaps the curse simply changed focus, though that should be easier to fix than a bad translation.
Multiple endings? Don't really want spoilers, just to know if they exist.
>sea of off-topic trash
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I use cheat engine to beat enemies without using devil card even once to see if the game has some kind of easter eggs for doing the impossible and it just give me a white screen saying "happy end" so I assume there're two endings, a white screen happy end and a bad end where you beat the game with max corruption.
>art inconsistencies
That's always been the case for them, a consequence of having multiple artists.
It's been a long time since Wings of Roldea came out, but has anything managed to top that masterpiece? I've been wanting a game similar to Wings of Roldea for some time now. Or maybe I just want the sort of kuudere character she is that doesn't have a sudden personality change just because she got dicked a bunch of times.

How are the rest of the dev's older games?
Did mad island get any better or have they just abandoned it?
With the exception of Prizna all his games have basically been sequential improvements on the same formula.
Prizna has the same animation style but is a DRPG.

That is an option though, just lose to ghost girl with Kana in your party.

Way better trade, giving up that cheating slut for a childhood friend that never betrays
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I don't think "3 hour gameplay" or a literal white screen are things you need to spoil.

I do feel bad about that ending due to the whole body steal thing. If it was somehow possible to get her her own body then hell yeah marry osanajimi.
I didn't get this detail but I heard if Kana gets pregnant from Lawrence then CF mentions it when she hijacks the body.
What's her name again? You play the entire game as just "ghost" or mysterious spirit again so it never stuck in mind for me. Just like MC.
>tfw no game where MC is a "ZEHAHAHA" guy with a "DOHOHOHO" wife and you both have a "NISHISHISHI" daughter
why live
quite a few desu
Bawdy Traditions
just off the top of my head
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>New Selobus Fantasy and side story in development
Fuck yes, more Neige sex
There's not enough interspecies impregnationge.
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I too yearn for Breeding Season successor. No not that obvious one, a good one.
there should be none. it should be ningen only. i'll outlaw it when i win
Mature Quest
OneOne1 games
Vitamin Quest
Parasite in City
Fallen Makina
Meltys Quest
Goblin Conqueror
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Please unalive yourself
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wtf it's the backrooms. And then you just leave and move on to the next room like there's nothing out of the ordinary

>During early game you'll have no choice but to use devil cards because there's no way you'll outdps even normal mobs.
I haven't found this to be true at all. Sure if you take the elite monster for your first fight you'll get bodied but the other enemies haven't been that bad. I did get a card from doing a tutorial that deals 3 damage every turn that you hold it in your hand so that's been pretty helpful.
try not posting 3d, offtopic-kun
Seethe harder, your pinkcop weg will never be accepted here.
My board, my rules
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this game's story should have been longer
>Download game
>First thing I see is the headpat option
>Headpats her for three hours
>She's totally fine with it
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>have you seen us
yeah just now
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Give me some actually good chikan games.
I already played RJ01000159
Urge to molest sucks
Loop Train sucks
The one that looked like RJ017510 is kinda weird
>I too yearn for Breeding Season successor. No not that obvious one
I second that. The current attempts are all super-unsatisfying somehow.
What was that loli train chikan game where you could just chat the girl up the whole time and then you can have consensual sex?
the search for a truly good gender bender game continues then...
But you found one!
My favorite sexual harassment plotline is Molester-kun and Mashiro-chan from RJ231296.
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>so lazy with off-topic posts they're no longer even bothering to write anything
Immoralist games
Marupon-dou games
Jumble Jokers/Strikers
Rain's Rave
Consider suicidege.
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You can add this blonde to the list.
My favorite has to be Round Round Molester Train, RJ326532. But then again I'm a huge sucker for Time Loops, and I'm pretty sure it's what the OP's inspired by.
Although if we're broadening the field a bit, Rain's Rave where you molestFiru, Rain's imouto enough times to where she stays pregnant with a tentacle parasite which continuously impregnates her gets me diamonds.
Also Fumika Fantasy where you see the girl in the first forest, and if you've already fallen prey to the tentacle monsters Fumika just watches her enviously as she's raped. Only to come back later and see she's still there and now pregnant.
Side characters seem to get the best stuff, perhaps because they don't need to follow main plot rules so they can have their entire lives -blessed- in a one off.
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Fixed it. It just didn't want to play with my old windows 7 I use for most of my H-games.
Should've figured since it was unity.
Sorry win7bros, hope you have an actual PC too.
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Contribute to eraMegaten.
i have a new appreciation for blondes, they didn't deserve this
Sell me on Rain's Rave
Euler is such a good slut I love her
Who is Euler
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What was his endgame?
It's a standard RPGmaker combat system, and the art isn't great, but it has soul. An enemy sexually attacks you during battle? Drinking the sperm leads to mana recovery. GET REKT SCRUB *slurp*.
I think more than half of the game data size is because there's a separate png for each outfit combination instead of using layers. He later learned his lesson the next game at least.
It has insect birthing, egg birthing, tentacle birthing, albeit only one scene for each, and all the appropriate sexy times to get there. Plant sex, jellyfish sex, slime sex. Yuri succubus action as well as yuri coworker action with Yuri. That's her name.
Canonical dragon daughteru pregnancy, and there are no filthy m*n in the game. Maybe some NPCs but no sexytimes or adventures with them. Apparently the tentacles/monsters can sniff them out and get more aggressive, so women only hunting parties (though you play solo). It has a lot of heart honestly. I almost guarantee that if you were even slightly considering it, you would find at least something you like in there.
Then again I'm the kind of guy who will play a game, find only one scene I really like, and consider it well worth it.
It introduced me to a fetish I not only didn't know I had, but that I didn't know existed. Said parasite tentacle thing, continuously impregnating the woman from inside without having to have her be part of a isolated / stationary tentacle wall thing.
can someone share sugoi's latest toolkit?
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blondes have always been the best girls
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I can't believe he's back and working on this.
holy sexo
dancer outfits never goes out of fashion
>you commit warcrimes and keep the favorite girls as your subordinates while whoring or executing the others.
pimpbros... we're starving
dragon quest 1 gameplay
no gallery
picking a route locks out all the other routes
leaving a map means any unfinished scenes are lost
fixed save locations
gor at multiple points in between said fixed save locations
4 hour non-h prologue
no cgs only sprites
TL when?
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Best blonde hag
Coincidentally it's still the only good clymeme game.
I hope he will add more little scenes in hub locations like the one outside the bar or the swimmsuit beach one and expands the lewd jobs.
>didn't like the princess toilet scenes in salvation
away with you
New update added Eng. What's it like, ACTbros?
>one type of scene makes the entire game
I have better memory than that, sorry, anon.
>he didn't regurgitate every scene for the thread so the others are bad
ぼらぼ doko desuka?
I liked the scene where the catgirl starred in a play.
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blondes being the best girl in every media but got dethroned quickly once white/silver hair came into play
t. hagfag
What ge is this? Silver hair + red eyes is peak design
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Green supremacy
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Is Rabbi's hair grey or tan?
Damn it
>dungeon with gyaru kino
post card
no more black screen error?
Sadly nips are fucking retarded and will buy regardless
Moralist literally doesn't even need to put effort in anymore to sell his slop
As you can see the pigs that play his trash aren't very intelligent >>486251949

>it's definitely one of the weakest out of all immoralist's works. Low CG counts + art inconsistencies.
And it will still sell 50k+
nip slopeaters have no standards as usual
Either you're not set up properly or are on outdated software. Or both.
white/silver hairs being the best girl in every media but got dethroned quickly once imouto came into play
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That blonde hag was great, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. She's not even the best blonde Clymenia hag.
you seem angry
Very much a newfag, just to clarify is this general strictly for japanese-only hentai games, or are games like Sakura Dungeon accepted here?
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>but got dethroned quickly once imouto came into play
Who quickly got dethroned once their oneesans came into play.
SEAhours. A nipslip = ban but can have non-stop off-topic and jannies are clueless.
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>got dethroned once their oneesans came into play.
Who quickly got dethroned once their cunny came into play.
Yuki is great and all if she would actually try to go through with it and not just tease, but anon, Alya is voiced by Uesaka Sumire. She's the voice of Lum, cha. The soft tsundere act combined with Sumire's voice, I just can't resist.
Brother? hot
>very much a newfag, I just want to know
Read the OP.
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Idk how I missed that part, I'm retarded somehow
Forgive me anons
If i wanted to read unmarked spoilers posted by seanigs, who read up on animesuki to act like primaries in the threads spoiling others, I'd go to /a/
>VX Ace engine
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> got dethroned once their c*nny came into play.
Who quickly got dethroned once their Okāsans came into play.
Guys, i think i know the real identity of our drawfags
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VX Ace and MV are the gold standards of H-games.
Fucking flipfags, that's who
Do you not know how to sauce your animangos?
anichart.net has a list of all the airing animu for the season. Roshidere.

Happens to the best of us fren.


Never knew about that, thanks.
sauce onegai, no reverse search works
I don't watch anime unless they are funny
>主人公がショタshota MC
>血のつながったお姉ちゃんかお母さんblood-related older sister or mother
Any games for a starving anon?
Preferably with pregnancy
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It's night time, get out of this thread and go to sleep
>VX Ace
What in tarnation are you smoking, anon?
>shota MC
>Any games for a starving anon?
Here you go anon! *shits right in front of you*
Bon appetit!
The main story was always in eng, patch just added eng translation to the couple of h scenes that actually have text.
Game itself is okay. The first release had a lot of quality of life issues like no map and boss hp bars but that's been added so it's at least the bare minimum. Still a relatively simple game overall but I think that's fine. Scenes are mostly pixel sex and a single GoR CG with 5 full scenes with text being unlocked from the menu. These scenes are also essentially GoR.
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>eng version doesn't bother to have the icon changed
And you seem to enjoy consuming literal low effort trash
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>got hit
You didn't win
>no mouse control
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You first, also take this JP game with you since it's an honorary /weg/
go away zoomer
I need to know
MV has built-in mouse control and VX Ace supports mouse control with the right plugins (See Knights of Messiah) so that's on the circles to implement it.
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Is this game ever coming out? She's cute
show me your hitless fight then, not that I think it would be that hard to do.
that boss is even in the demo so you can fight him for free
>no natural HDR support, need to edit the code in for it myself every time I get a new game
can't wait for ntr doujins of her
kek, based if true
>ntr doujins of her
By her older sister cucking her by stealing the MC
That brown man? That's me.
peak SEA hours
Was it supposed to have loveydovey scenes?
yes but only with brown men
I played the trial and there isn't a single HCG with a non-brown skinned male
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>seaniggers gets the blame
why does ace minimize other tabs
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>Ciel's game is getting delayed for this
.....well on the bright side this honorary /weg/ trash will never come out
kekerino, you can't even point out /weg/ pandering kusoge because pajeet janny has a melty
I need more loveydovey prostitution scenes.
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You will support her WEG by subscribing monthly
You will buy it when it releases in 2030
You will not negatively post about the males in her game all being brown, unless you want to get a vacation
she's a cute softie so it's okay...
Is there going to be pregnancy in this ge?
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I can't argue with this
Any ge where the girl starts out as tomboyish and abrasive before getting dick corrected and wanting to settle down and get pregnant by the end?
It still pisses me off how many cut CGs that game has. I checked the guy's blog he used prior to ci-en existing, and it's chock full of sketches and partially drawn hCGs for that game which never made it in
Bald girls never betray.
Rainbow colored hair never betrays.
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The chink ntr game is coming out in 3 hours
Chink forums are starting predictions on how bad it'll flop
Slop but underrated?
Why do women betray their husband for a fat ojisan?
Well at the very least I expect to to be on eyny within an hour
>weak and small penis salary cuck
>vs strong and virile fat ojisan with a fat cock covered in smegma
It's an easy choice.
Cause in that game you're a useless wagie and shes trying to help paying that new york rent
Which game?
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I'm not in the mood for NTR. Give me lolige instead.
>jew york rent
Based, i can now play that NTRslop and not feel a thing for the characters since they all deserve it
What is it about that slop which riles the chinks up?
I get the release date delay and all, but why do they seethe at the dev in particular?
I would've thought NTRfags would've enjoyed being cucked out of the release date and made to wait
Either way Japs will buy it enmasse since we're in a drought, I predict 20k sales minimum in a week
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What the fuck is that lineart around his groin? Literally jungle pubes a meter long
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Die avatarfag
>VX Ace
Do these version acronyms actually stand for anything? I assume XP at least refers to Windows XP.
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She has grey-ish blonde hair, it’s like a dirty blonde color.
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/egg/ had a link if I recall correctly
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>would've enjoyed being cucked out of the release date
What anons always seem to skip is that NTR enjoyers don't enjoy getting cucked by just anyone. The dev is not a pretty girl. You are not a pretty girl. They have no interest in getting cucked by you or the dev. They want to get cucked by the pretty girl. The same way you don't want just any loli in your vanilla games. Would you want a weg loli? Would you want a 3DPD loli? Of course not. So why would you expect someone to enjoy getting cucked by some random fat ojisan if there is no girl involved? The only way to enjoy getting cucked is if the one doing the cucking is your 2D wife. Without her, getting cucked by just anyone doesn't do anything. You need the girl first, and by extension, you need the game first. THEN you can commence the actual cucking.
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>my girlfriend is cuckolded in everyone's minds will get a late july/early august release
>RPG Maker 95
>RPG Maker 2000
>RPG Maker 2003
>RPG Maker XP
If it's before VX Ace I don't play it. Usually it's a pain in the ass to get it running on modern OS and/or I have to change my Region Locale which is annoying.
>RPG Maker VX Ace
My only dislikes are that I can't resize the window without making the game look like shit and that it has no mouse support
>RPG Maker MV
I prefer MV games the most since it has mouse support, resizing windows, and it's easy to edit .ini files
>RPG Maker MZ
I don't like it as much as MV, can't explain why though.
Sometimes games developed on MZ run like absolute dogshit and I know it isn't an issue with my computer since I've got a high-spec PC build. Just memory leaks galore with some of these devs, not sure if it's them being shit or it's the engine being shit.
>RPG Maker Unite
There's no games for this engine and it's frankly unnecessary since MV still is completely fine for doujin hgames
>Wolf RPG
I don't like it as much as RPGM games
I hate this shit if only because I'm forced to cheat by fucking around with Cheat Engine and texthookers working with it is a complete gamble. Chinktool also doesn't support Unity so you're stuck with crappy Reipatcher MTLs for the vast majority if these.
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Yep she only fucks bl-
We all have access to ci-en, most people here have been following this dev for almost 2 years. If you're going to bait you're better off doing it with something that's recent so newfaggots can fall for it much harder and oldfags can't counter your shit posting so easily
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Where is the elf wife netorase kino hiding?
the artstyle looks familiar, which dev is this?
It's from a shitty VN, who cares
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>Egg inside your childhood feiend's womb
It's over
Where's this from? Looks familiar.
>old image
The 2 hour long wait between posts was you going back to 2020 on his ci-en and finding old art (which has since been changed to blacked only)
There are no white options anymore see https://files.catbox.moe/q5jcfh.jpg
Everything on his ci-en the past 3 years is all brown skins, I would know because I bought the newest $5 trial
why did it even get delayed? Wasn't it supposed to come out at the end of June?
really desperate post
>photoshopped image
lol, desperate much? your dev is an honorary wegger and a blacked enjoyer
I don't care if it's from a VN, I still want to jerk off to the girl
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If you want to jerk off to a girl, then look no further.
bro why you so defensive? just admit you love seeing white girls get brown'd like a normal cuck
it's okay to have shit taste, most of this general likes mid roots after all
It's not a VN, it's from the new dorgel game
Breakfast ryuu for two.
>mid roots out of nowhere
>most of this general likes mid roots after all
It's literally a handful of avatar troons who like that trash game, it's not even a H game it's a wannabee yuri VN
Wtf, mid roots it's actually kiss for the petals tier?
Picked up!
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Yeah but it got voted in for our divegrass team
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>retarded skin color discussion
unless it's mentioned in the game that the guy is literally black, just assume every dark-skinned males being drawn that way to contrast with the girl's skin color just to enhance the overall scene since skin contrast is between actors having sex is hotter than none at all
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But who asked
And she makes the resident fucktard angry which is a bonus
you're mom rarted
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>Release Late November
Finally Jimbly Joker game getting a release date

Big fan of this games but somehow i have felt that there's a tiny thing missing for some reason, like in strikers, the side events were ok, but needed more
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1v1 me right here right now bitch
Rimjob first.
awesome but I'm gonna miss the Jumble cast
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Can I have an incestge? Like blood related familial bonding to the extreme? I hate NBR shit or cousin shit, I want impregnation with your close bloodkin.
I wonder why he needs 1 year to release an already completed game.
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I like NBR
Ever played a Swaneye game? there's usually an incest route.
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Imouto (real)
I need to finish Strikers, I remember liking Jokers
do we have uncensored pixel kino?
We have uncensored pixilated games below
That should've been instant rape-death
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I have way too many games.
you can have ONE game
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wegger begone
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No. Variety is the spice of life.
Need more interesting character intros and outros like this.
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More like you begone
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Is this Yor game any good?
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Wew, It's about damn time we got a game with this semen demon.
>just the dress off
It's bound to be shit
Yor and NTR seems like a match made in heaven
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Late august, for real this time!
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Real NTRkino dropping in 20min
kek, this guy is giga schizo on discord
It's actually a netori game. You play as shota trying to steal your sensei. The game released with the only one route, which was letting the ojisan teaching the shota how to ntr ntring the teacher from him. But the dev has since updated the game with a route where only the protag has sex with the teacher.
NTR won
Yor NTR could not possibly be anything less than pure kino.
*rapes you*
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NTR bros, we can't stop winning.
Loid has Becky anyway so is it really NTR if it's not even the best girl?
We are so fucking BACK
Your favorite 3 NTR games?
Sorry, meant NTRPG4
NTRfags can't win even the affection of their girl.
ntr or vanilla, which one is the best for escapism?
she will never unblob
>3080 yen

lul wtf
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Where are the fucking games de arimasu!?
shut up or I'll make you into a french fry
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Give me the
>cutest h-girl
>hottest h-girl
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STICCbros...where are the new sticc games...
it's out
Also flop confirmed, it's overpriced
rimjob me first you lazy whore
>Tiris (NTRPG1)
>Makina (Fallen Makina)
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Rinko 2 doko
Probably also Canela, but maybe Erina.
>game has 30 scenes I really like
>fapped through 5 out of 30 so far
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It won't flop. This >>486273478 anon predicts 20000 sales
>Fairy Fighting
>it's out
you are like 10 years late
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Was "my slave brothel" ever actually finished? Noticed there was some missing upgrades and whatnot.
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Is that...?
I miss bernieposter so much.
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Hey, she at least won this year, right?
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They're the same girl.
Don't you fantasize about being NTRed?
Here's how the dev do it. Learn from him.
Not everyone can sell AI look-alike RPGM MV game for 20$.
if you want recs you will have to beg properly
Give me a blobjob doko...
haha of course they advertise nigger sex right on the page. these people need to fucking die
>no on actually taking the bait
this is why i love you all, thanks for helping keep this thread clean and free from retards who refuse to read the op and lurk longer than 5 minutes to glean their own information and preferences instead of begging and demanding for yours
Black to black NTRge?
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and pic related
Sure then you get frequent off-topic faggots and 50% of the time people don't bat an eye.
Wtf black sex is KINO
>English and Indog fully voiced NTRge
Holy KINO someone rip it
Indos are better than you
Retards complaining about niggers or ntr and rapeges not realizing you don't want them start appearing on other genres
imagine vanilla with nigger protag, holy cringe
Off yourself whiny faggot. Black to Black Sex is the future
>checks my skin color
>it's not the color of shit
>checks the roof over my head
>it's not a third world mudhut
Hmm yeah I'm thinking that's a no from me, indog
Those kinds of faggots love attention. It's better to just report and ignore them.
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So you mean to say blondes have never been the best?
Since anime's inception.
Go fuck yourself cumskin.
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You can tell the exact moment when the Americans enters the thread
>better than anyone
Maybe huemonkeys and that's about it
now type that again in english
you should have quoted >>486286535 with that pic
Well what game is it exactly?
seanig and indogs getting uppity because the NTRslop they made just dropped
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I need zombie games where the male mc exchanges food, shelter, and protection for sex.
ok indog but that won't change you living in a third world country/being in poverty
Good morning sirs
Please do the sneedful and do not redeem the blob
At least i am not getting cucked 24/7
Nanako won.
Generous anons where are you, we need to experience this clownfest
there are already orc vanilla games
all green characters are canonically black
The pace of the corruption in RJ212823 is an absolute disaster
The only way to raise the lewdness of the girls is to talk about sex with them which simultaneously raises Kozue's lewdness
Meaning you either have to turn Kozue into a turbo slut in like 2 weeks to get the party members scenes, or you enjoy a nice slow burn with Kozue at the price of never seeing any scene with the others
Also grinding lewd stats through talking is boring as fuck
seems like american hours in hgg2d can compete with gacha threads
Shut the fuck up indog
where is it?
Dead Fran.
>waaah you're doing a good job by ignoring attention seekers and not pandering to their want for any attention at all even if negative because any chaos is enough for them to feel satisfied that they won something that no one gives a shit about!
you are everything that is wrong with 4chan, you enable these retards. don't ever reply to me ever again
File deleted.
Anon will surely deliver soon.
do you lost your osananajimi to some jakartan nigger in some mudhut? kek
Dunno what that schizo greentext rant is on about, but it has been proven time and time again that "ignore them and they'll go away :^)" doesn't work, newfag.
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I want a game where you go into schools and pick out a girl at random and do this to her.
Man, blonde Makina looks just like a tomboy I knew in high school who got in trouble for coercing another girl into a sexual relationship.
I wonder if her game would’ve had yuri scenes.
Go to sleep, indog
Kill all indogs
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what is an indog?
I like dogs
>karrynfag now spewing whatever new buzzword he just learned
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Did you throw in a golden axe or a silver axe?
bros, how do I find an hgame gf?
The nebel endings were pretty wild, sad that the game's code ended up becoming a complete spaghetti preventing any kind of content DLC from being made.
wtf I thought indos don't have le internet..
to have sex with hags
that was also his earlygame and midgame
There must be games where the black men cucks the white guy
ESL detected.
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>2 hours in
Is the game broken or is this a bunch of angry brigaders?
Typical indog
it's nyover...
preview pics made me sad
>no game where NTRman forces your girl to mate with animals
preview pics made me sad too
>no game where NTRman forces your girl to mate with indogs
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>Actual animal gets posted
Butt broken to oblivion holy shit
this is all I want from games. why are there not more games like this. modern h-games really don't do it for me, or did I just get old?
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all i want from my game is you being able to choose what happens to everyone you meet. Like going into a town and deciding to inn keeper and a random village girl then bribing the mayor to look the otherway and being able to do the most heinous evil stuff to them.
Something tells me rararanigger just posted.
Don't need reccs lil bro, is it a sin to want to know what my sisters like?
>actually changed his pc language
nice yen symbol lmao
it's just from a locale change.
share please
What is with the locale emulator doesn't work meme? I've played like at least 200ges and never had problems with it
Same but for years and years and TB of software + games (not just h shit). I don't bother asking anymore, a lot of people in h communities and alike are legitimately retarded, anon.
>he didn't change his locale, pc language and the timezone to japanese
>he isn't a JOP
Blood-related sister that turns out to be yandere at the end.
>he didn't make his own VPN
Enjoy your range ban.
there were things that didn't work with app-locale, also people regularly fucked up the locale while extracting archives.
>not out
and there goes my boner
Are people shitposting only because it's not a japanese game? Looks kinda good if it is as it is advertised
Don't think we'll ever see a game as ambitious as VH for a good long while. But there are other sandbox games out there that could temporarily scratch that itch.
>Anything by Gyu
>Anything by Megrim
And keep in mind that with AI, you can generate replacement portraits/CGs if the original art doesn't do it for you.
Why is there a woman among the bulls?
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Why do I have so much apparent bloat files yet smaller size?
This is about ~70% all rpgm nonsense, probably all that extra shit MV tends to have?
My hVN folder is about 4x the size
Also cutest & hottest hands down is Sylvie
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how i feel when a game lets you make innocent girls suffer
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Unless the game refuses to launch, there's no way this rating is organic
Mint green specifically reigns supreme.
lol. ntrniggers get the rope
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>ntr melty
Almost like you guys are upset over the thing you love getting fucked.
I came to the conclusion that there are none.
I honestly think that I need to learn moonrunes if I want to experience more shit that actually panders to my taste in women.
The game doesn't allow you to access NTR content until you clear it the first time.
it's up on AS
it's going to take 3 hours to get it from their shit download links, the only good one has a huge cooldown
more like 10 minutes if you use mexa links
More like up your ASS
Btw why the hell do they do this? Is there a market big enough for this kind of games to trick people into downloading from scam sites?
Mexa has a 1 hour cooldown between downloads.
This is crazy, there's a billion better sites to use but they pick the worst of the worst.
>game is split into 3parts
Only blob
>downlaod 1 link
>pause it
>apply vpn
>unpause first DL
>do 2nd link
>pause both
>vpn new server
>unpause both
>do third
>all 3 download at same time at 2gb/s
I do this every time and it still works
Alternatively you can change IP instead of using VPN
indog blob
There's hardly any sticc content even if you include untranslated things. Nips just like huge tits.
big tit sticcge?
that's illegal
It's just the current meta, when I got into anime back in the 00s, "thicc" girls with huge breasts were the exception, now it's the norm and I'm kinda tired of it, gotta have some variety.
>Native english writer
>Still MTL translates in english
What the fuck. Still thanks anon
>2.7 stars
Alright what is this, hexadecimal or something else
Someone please report if this stupid shit explodes your computer of it the rating is just a bunch of angry Chinese
Real NTRfans enjoy metaNTR.
I'm not real. I am just a figment of your imagination.
wikileak code.
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this is the best part of any evilge. could we have more scenes like this where a victim gets taunted and laughed at before they get processed
Shut the fuck up rararanigger.
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fuck you rararanigger fanboy, i'm going fuck you in the ass with a carrot. Only if you're a girl or a cute trap though
unironically ask chatgpt
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Holy shit this is powerful, cyberpunk is now and it's kinda boring but cool
>asking chatgpt
how disgustingly new are you
Been here since 2017 but didn't dabble into hgames until 2020 circa
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yankee massage or delinquent massage in english made me edge for 7 hours and cum 3 times in a row for some reason
I really like touchy feely games but this one in particular was great
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File size is 1.36gb but it's this on AS
I'm confused bros
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games like this besides the bakery ones already palyed those
enjoy the ransomware.
what's the doujin? the file name doesn't help.

ges like this are genuinely best done by the west
>just a few hours ago
Original archive is 3,9 gb. It's the same game but in 3 different languages. So those cunts are making you download stuff you won't need.
This garbage took too long to find, wish I hadn't bothered. Most of it isn't even tentacle, it's only at the very end.
Why does the thinking about NTR literally make it harder to breath? What's the science behind that?
it makes you horny which raises your blood pressure level sending blood to your brain to make it inflate until you cum explode and faint
So, did it deserve 2.31 stars?
It's NTR, so, yes.
Elinalise is so perfect bros.
Wide hipped
NTR is kino althougheverbeit?
...that isn't flat though anon.
Newona seems to get off pretty easy compared to Araka. Her guardian demon is almost polite even.
She's flat in the books.
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>bin has MGQ
>no paradox
>links on mgggg are dead
Anyone here have the latest translation for Paradox Pt2..please?
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canonically her breasts are really small, but her butt and thighs are thick, so she hides her chest and accentuates her butt and hips.
The gacha ironically had close to the right proportions
>the bakery ones
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I would actually play a game with Elinalise fucking around and adventuring. Her design scream SEX.
The absolute perfect female form.
Wish more games had girls like this, why are they so goddamn rare?
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>beat shitty NTR game using cheat engine to get happy ending
>western NTRfag dev: NOOOO WHY
This guy actually put his self insert avatar in the fucking game
for me, it's the drill hair
all drill hairs deserve utmost love
I couldn't even finish the prologue, it was that bad. Are the sex scene at least hot?
given that the book has been finished for like a decade now, and popular since basically the start, and even had a really popular anime like 3 years ago that's still ongoing, it is kinda suprising the design hasn't been used more. Or basically at all
An NTS ge where she fucks random men in town and then drops vague hints where to search for her would be absolute kino
I mean, it does not need to be exactly like her, I just want girls that are tall, flat and with wide hips.
I honestly cannot think of a single main heroine (or FemMC) with those characteristics.
Meanwhile there is a bajillion games with chubby watermelon sized tits main heroines/FemMCs
pretty much, just keep grinding the week until you get ass/pussy/breast sensitivity up, then you can get her excitement up quicker without needing to remove clothes
i also think excitement and alertness carries over between days, sometimes you start a new day and she's pouting or breathing hard
I gave up because there's literally only
there's not enough content in the actual game to warrant further playing, most of it is in the dialogue scenes for the different endings which i dont give a shit about because it's all post-gameplay
Don't forget the drill hair. Drill hair is very iconic on her and not a lot of heroines or femc have it.
too big
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You need to pray to the westoid dev too or you get 0 CGs
how the fuck is this 4 GB?
>play as Cliff optionally as pope, >during day can go adventuring with her, or have her go with other adventurers while you earn money doing pope work. If she goes with other adventurers she can progress relationship with them to get more scenes / or special dungeon scenes
>goal is to find stuff to fix her curse
>during night you can work on research or sleep with her, if you work she sleeps with someone else
>you can voyeur the scenes or go in and join/watch
>easy mode is you get Rudeus to help you out
>possible scenes with Sylphy, Roxy, Eris or even the cat/dog deo
>when you finish the curse cure you get married
>post game you still let her go sleep around
The game is basically already written, someone just needs to make it.
Can I get some games recommendations that involve bunnysuits?
what's with the qanon tattoo?
I'd unironically pay 50 bucks for a game like this, maybe more
Used-goods are trash
They deserve painful death
Rape-victims excepted
Most sane purityfag.
my penis indog
I don't know, I played the entire thing and it just doesn't work
Played normally for 2 months in game time and couldn't even see a single CG which wasn't the twitter feed
There is literally nothing to do in game but talk to one NPC and work for money
Complete kusoge which doesn't even work, deserved the 2.9 score and should be lower
meant >>486327980 for >>486327547
see >>486318567
queen of spades, tattoo that implies she likes black cock
Did anyone expect anything less from western devs? >>486286535
cheg thing
armpit pussy and drill hair heroine onegai
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I have finished RJ01227087. It was good.
Gameplay was a neat concept but I feel the balance is a bit off and it feels a bit too random how fights go. There's obviously going to be randomness with a deck and card based combat system but a lot of enemies have like having a bunch of cards that add statuses to your hand/deck and then cards that do damage equal to 2x your number of statuses so you're really at the mercy of the draw order. Though I don't think it's actually that big a deal since you can always just use demon cards to explode the enemy if you're unlucky. At the beginning your cards are all shit (obviously) but by the end you can have some pretty decent synergies. I was a bit disappointed seeing the final boss had a deck full of OP cards but was pretty easy to hard lock down with a 2 card combo.
As for the h scenes, I didn't pay to close attention to them. I played through the game without using the demon cards (aka dark chips) and chose to save scum instead, thinking I would unlock the full gallery and look at it at the end. But despite the store page claiming you can unlock the full gallery at any time I see no option to do so I only got to see the side character scenes and only one of the MC's. That said they seemed pretty decent. As for the 3d animations again I didn't get to see most of them since they're all from using demon cards but there's still a couple that you can see. However it's a bit disappointing see the big empty list in the 3d gallery and then realizing that most are just the combat animations. Nice that you can see them whenever but most aren't particularly sexual. But chibis are always sexo.
Overall I'd still give it a 5/5 was fairly enjoyable. I'm going to assume that I'm just a fumika and there really is a gallery unlock switch that I simply can't find. I took a bit over 7 hours on my save so it wasn't as short as the other anon said, but again I purposely challenged myself so it should be shorter than that.
Forsake NTR. Return to incest.
why is ntr STILL discussed here
do americans really?
Ntr is Japanese. If it was American it would be cuckolding.
They were probably the chinese anons that were upset with the dev in the first place, it's such a minor game that didn't even break 500 sales
NTR is chinkshit
>body writing is in english
dropped so hard
sisters, I can't for the life of me remember the name of this ge, so please be nice and help me out:
it was a top-down adventure-rpg 2d-zelda-inspired type game with a female mc, the narration starts off with a goddess talking to her and guiding her down a grassy hallway area. you wander around the world with the goal to beat bosses and set up teleport crystals, and you get other quests from the various settlements. as far as actually distinguishing features go, you could recruit a few different npcs with one of them following you around at a time, and you could blast the follower with magic to piss them off or tempt them for h just like enemies. there was some kind of system for level of criminal notoriety as well as for buying a house and a capital area with a castle built into a cliff wall with a pissed off king. what is the name of this fucking game
RJ238175 maybe?
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Eggs don't grow bigger like that. The cells inside divide but the egg itself stays the same size. REEEEEE
was it ruins seeker?
What game? Please tell me it's not actually NTRslop
>The "lose" condition is that you get a penalty if the she has the reddest face at the end of the day
wait what?
whats the reddest face? I've been going for the >.< face as I imagine its just her putting up with the horny
does pervert mode jump straight to cheat mode or does it just speed up progression?
it's not this one, it doesn't have instanced dungeon floors in the way roldea does or the time system, either. I'm not sure if I'm remembering correctly but I also don't had a world map in the same way, just the teleport crystals. thanks for trying
>just assume every dark-skinned males being drawn that way to contrast with the girl's skin color
This is true.
> just to enhance the overall scene since skin contrast is between actors having sex is hotter than none at all
This is false.


Impossible, all the pixel games are pixelated.
I haven't played this one so I can't make as direct a comparison but it's not this, either
Netorare is a Japanese word. Chinks might love it but the japs invented it.
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Did Dysthanasia get delayed again? I guess it's understandable, we've already waited like 20 years for his next game....
Honestly? I've seen some good non-JP games.
Agnietta is the first that comes to mind of recent ones. The developer is chinese (I think), though the artist is JP (100wang if I have that correct).
But the vast, VAST majority of non JP eroge are just bad. There may be some mods for skyrim or whatever that are impressive, sure, but for wholesale games oh, sorry, I meant *ge they just can't get it right.
It makes me hesitant to try my own hand at it to be honest desu.

To get the full MTL experience I will ship the game with an optional ESL patch where I translate everything into JP and then back into ENG via google so thirdies will be able to understand it better.
there are two versions v2 and v3. which one do you want?
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LMAO even
If a game has a sex stat sheet, I'm filling that bitch out with gropes and kisses, guaranteed.
Anal, too.
the face at the top is her discomfort, leaving it at red at the end of the day makes you get arrested
that's completely separate to alertness though, which is an invisible parameter but when it maxes out she blocks you from touching her
>What is the point of a NTR have if the heroine is not lovable?
the point is that you want to see her be a slut
>as a female
Stopped reading there.
>release piece of shit
>charge 3000 yen
Let's be fair here- there are a lot of bad JP eroge too. The difference is, the barrier to seeing bad WEGs is much lower. Bad JP games won't get mentioned here, much less get a translation, so it's easier for them to fly under your radar.
>as a female...
I hate NTR fags even more. Are NTRggers always the most obnoxious of the bunch as they like the humiliation? It'd make sense.
What was wrong with the game that the chinese hate it specifically?
Obviously no dev wants bugs but I don't get it.
Does she make them eat the dog instead of fuck it?
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Just got it on mggg, well
MGQ Paradox v2.41 (Merged) (E 2024-03-26).7z
that is
I know theres a 3.0 with part 3 demo but I heard it bugs some shit out or something.
Thanks though. Dunno whats the difference in v2 or v3 if you mean both are of part 2 EN.
Yup thanks for the glowing review. It's the best massage game now. Nice build up, nice armpits. Sex poses are great after so much management. Wish the penis minigames stopped when in full on sex or even just you do it once per whole session. They're annoying unlike the standard massage minigame. Coomed good regardless. Makes me want to replay that inkling parlor game too.
Weggers are really shameless like that.
They think they know better than everyone and introduce the most iconvinient and time wasting mechanics and call them "exciting"
>Dunno whats the difference in v2 or v3
me neither
So why is this crap?
>female writer
honestly makes me more interested,
or is it just being overly sadistic over the ntr element?
>there are a lot of bad eroge too
Like Sunraku (don't worry if you don't get the reference) I too am a kusoge hunter; I go out of my way to find and play many kusoge.
They have a different spirit to them, is the best way I can say it.
Much like how you can tell a work is Korean if their mother is sick in the hospital and they have debnts to pay, or if they face hilariously bad bullying that everyone sees as normal and their only goal is to get stronger (so that they can then be the bullies), American works and JP works have their own soul.
I will grant you that I'm less attuned to "the soul" of EU games, chinese games, and the like. But usually playing a WEG just makes me feel... slimy, in a way that not even NTR or prostitution (my all time least favorite genre) does.

I know this tl:dr;s as "trust me bro", but I can't really offer any categorical evidence aside from my experiences.
havent bothered playing it but im guessing the content sucks ass, 60% of the trailer was them walking in a giant city so it's probably some convoluted scene hunter "gameplay"
so similar to nebel
I feel like such a pussy when the NTR game gives me a choice between the male and female perspective and I choose the female perspective to see what happens. I feel like if I was a real NTRchad I would always pick the male perspective for the mystery element and the paranoia.
Nah fuck games that are
And make you waste your time
>woman making ntr porn games
Unironically who would marry a woman who's into that shit
That's asking for your child to not actually be yours
Should've at least let your demonbro use her as a seedbed a few times. He's really rather nice once you get to know him.
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Did anyone play How to Kill a Fairy Tale and have opinions on it?
Is it really a Black Souls fangame? Or just inspired by it?
Who would marry a guy who's into that shit either? It's a lose:lose street.
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I will not help an offtopic blob
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So you have chosen death
Having a stinky programmer NTR wife sounds hot. I'd rather that than a typical bitch who pretends she'd never ever cheat (they all want to).
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Hire this man
But anon the mystique! You have no idea how far they went. The only thing you can see is that she is slightly disheveled and sweaty.
you forgot
>fully voiced Male MC
if you're going for the full Mushoku experience
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What the fuck is NTS?
Netosoft Netosoup?
How about TWO offtopic blobs?
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Amen brother, throw in their devs as well
What if it's a loving and married couple who took eachother's virginities? And the game is about them goofing around together?
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he did seem pretty cute from the animations that were available at level 0. I liked how if you stood idle for a bit he did a harassing animation like that webm or one where he burns off her clothes. He really does seem like he's just a nice friendly obsessive stalker and not anything too evil.
obvious catfish.
He can still be quite forceful, but compared to the other evil rape spirits he's practically a saint. It's like he wants a weird version of a wife instead of just a toy.
Probably didn't run on their machines or something
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we need more evil lab games. especially when it comes to mob and side characters being captured and used as test subjects
Hello rararafriend.
>2.39 stars
what in the shanghai
A bad clone
It's a weg, it deserve every bad review it gets
oh right
thought it was a cheg NTR game lol
We know rararafag is mentally ill.
No need to remind us Anon.
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I can respect that.
And I agree that works from different countries have different 'souls'.
I don't think that's necessarily the same being good or bad, or even lower quality though, so much as they are targeting different audiences.
We just happen to both be in this threat because these are the devs appealing to us.
>no paradox
paradox TL scene is a mess I'm never playing that until everything's released
Brutal. The game must be unplayable. Dev's comment got me laughing though.
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they should have banned canadians instead of germans from dslite lol
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RJ01199136 dev already working on his next game
looks like he's planning a more standard action game so that alone means it should be quite a bit better.
>so similar to nebel
opinion discarded
ignoring the problem will not make it go away
Noelle was a nice game
Shame the devs taken 20 years for his next one
Playing Peasants Quest, don't know if it counts as hentai, but this game is comfy
Provide the solution to stop the problem then you smartass.
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Needed more futa scenes with the sisters
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>Noelle gets creamed by the almost entire male population in town and then some more
>Never gets pregnant
>She gains a dick and shags both other girls
>They get instantly knocked up
The town is like 90% old fogies with dry semen, Noelle's young virile semen is much more fertile.
That's not how it works.
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If 6, sex with Prickett!
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>suddenly apparently can turn into a magical girl with no explanation
>also can apparently turn back into a boy, again with no explanation
>tutorial enemy has only 13 health, but also the game doesn't explain whether that health is also their cards, and I'm making them discard like it's the zatch bell card game
>hand is so small that many of the starting cards feel worthless, but also the enemies can shove your hand full of crap in one turn
>click the Proceed with Main Story prompt to go to the school
>first enemy has 26 health and can deal 12 damage in one turn
I can't tell if the game bugged out and skipped multiple cutscenes and tutorials or not. It gave a warning before leaving that I was missing a tutorial, and I went and did them all, and I'm still fucking lost.
Also the game runs like shit. It fucking crashed as I was typing this while tabbed out, and it struggles despite just being one small hallway.
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>off by one
Just use Real Debrid
unless you're a poorfag that can't afford $3 a month
Did you do the mini dungeon at the right stairwell before going to the school? it's optional but it's lower difficulty than the school and even just a few card drops to add or replace some of the shitty starter cards goes a long way. I missed it and the early game was fairly difficult but I didn't find it unwinnable.
>the game doesn't explain whether that health is also their cards, and I'm making them discard
yes, attacks make the enemy deck out and they die if they have 0 cards in their deck.
>Also the game runs like shit
worked on my machine
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Based chinks btfoing trash fetishes.
>anon hyped the game for months
>it's dogshit
>Did you do the mini dungeon at the right stairwell before going to the school? it's optional but it's lower difficulty
I tried it and got three fights in, then ran out of cards and had to use Araka, who instantly kicks you out. The way the game talked about it, it implied that was some bonus dungeon and not some "lower difficulty" dungeon. The NPC outside of it said to not even go in until you were familiar with the game, which is subjective.
>yes, attacks make the enemy deck out and they die if they have 0 cards in their deck.
I wish the game actually said that.
I already deleted it. I know the game will continue to just suck if I opened it a second time, so I'd rather spend my time with a better game. The sex scenes are way too long, the game has lengthy tutorials that explain jack shit, everything in the game is AI generated, etc. Fuck that.
So does that new cheg/weg NTR ge have bestiality?
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>sataniafag has bad opinion
As expected.
Wait that's a thing in her game? I really ought to continue it.
reinforcing the hatred towards a common enemy
It explains all of this if you actually fucking read.
Filtered by one of the easiest deckbuilders around. The only AI use was in card art you fucking mongoloid.
she literally had an artist and a programmer and she fucked it up
>It explains all of this if you actually fucking read.
Nope, it didn't. I even went and read the entire fucking library shelf. The one that even gave "card combo" tips, then stated that blue basically exists to not have combos at all.
>The only AI use was in card art you fucking mongoloid.
It's also used in the porn scenes, as well as the posters in the background of the levels. There's a reason why Araka's sex scene(s) have a different shading style from Newona's. The translation is also obviously an edited MTL, which is AI usage. Basically the only thing that wouldn't be AI would be the 3d models, but we can't say one way or the other if it's AI or not.
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>it's actually a leaf
God fucking damn it haha
You can read but you're too stupid too comprehend what is being stated. That is no honestly worse than being illiterate.
>the heckin background posters
They have multiple artists. A legitimate complaint would be art consistency issues, which has been an issue in all their games.
>I did.
>"t-then you're dumb!!"
Riveting comeback.
>They have multiple artists.
Yep, and at least one of them is a robot.
If a game with an "edited MTL" is still an MTL, then a game with "edited AI art" is still a game with AI art. How gullible are you that you trust someone who is already stealing?
Sorry anon but you proved yourself retarded by getting filtered.
You sound like some shitty artist sperging out about any kind of AI like that too.
>defending AI slop
>wtf how dare you use image editing tools
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>no refutement to either point
Your arguing skills are as good as that fucker's drawing skills, so be like him and go ask chatgpt for a better comeback than your own.
Gimp, photoshop, clipstudio, etc. != AI.
I have no idea what game you fags are talking about but you're just pissing on your foot at this point.
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>then stated that blue basically exists to not have combos at all.
That's not at all what it says, which proves that you can't read. It says that they're simple and strong damage, not that they don't combo. I had a blue + green combo carry me the whole game once I started using it.
The blue card has the wrong description and does 3x not 2x
Have you even played her game? I somehow doubt you're smart enough to get anywhere in it.
If you have then at least your taste isn't total garbage, just gotta work on that chip on your shoulder.
Moralist has been making plenty of quality stuff before AI art was a thing. You're having a knee jerk reaction to any use of it as a tool.
There's no point in arguing with him. He's just going to lie, change goalposts, and deflect with insults.
Just look at the game he's defending.
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shut the fuck up
please understand
ED kills
Depends completely on what it is being used for.
>tell someone they "can't read"
>immediately in the next line say "the game also writes things wrong, so reading it gives unreliable information"
The irony must be lost on you.
>my wife has to have sex with strangers
>b-but she never falls for their dicks, she only loves hubby!!
how boring, she should get pregnant with dog or goblins to compensate for this
No, the circle that uses AI for multiple aspects of its game MUST be defended, despite the game's legitimate flaws.
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No it's because it's Araka is in the game
We love Araka
>ningen: off
>stray dogs: on
Yup. It's gaming time.
Those cards look bad. Who would put blobs on their cards? Terrible taste.
Little things like that should be some of the most fun you could have in designing a game.
Even if it's just random 2D scribbles like some of the monsters in Alicesoft's games.
Track record suggests they don't need it, just used it for minor shit to speed things up.
If you think that's the same as using it to create the whole fucking thing then you're deranged.
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For me, it's Makina.
I agree. If the dev is going to make a card game they should do it right and actually draw the cards not AI generate some garbage and slap it together. Really should have made a different combat system if they're going to do that.
I agree. They shouldn't have used AI for the cards.
if we don't get blonde makina, we will AI it, fucking bastard making us edge for years now.
>dev stole our blobs
I saw the card that is literally just an AI human hand with fucked up AI fingers, and I knew the cards would be soulless trash.
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finished RJ01186021, was extremely disappointed. the demo was the best part of the game since it at least pretended like there was a story.
a single character being alone 99% of the time is simply not interesting. shera is still peak moralist and i'm still mad about kakuriyo being vanillashit when it had a potentially good setting and premise
is this THE fumika? wow!
A wild Fumika appears at page 10!
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I really wish review bombing didn't become a thing on DLsite. Ci-en and the review section on storefront have remained civil for a respectably long time.
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>fucking bastard making us edge for years now
has he? i haven't heard a single thing on any news on blonde makina ge in years.
all we've gotten is the makina doujin a while ago and that was it.
saved xd
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>Hello rarara

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