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Miku Edition


We discuss Modded Minecraft, modpacks, projects, build ideas, etc.
If you're working on a mod or a pack, keep us updated for feedback!
Refer to the OP before asking about launchers.

► 2. NEWS

Minecraft's 15th Anniversary, get free cape: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/15th-anniversary

All legacy/java/Mojang accounts have been killed. Use PollyMC to keep playing the game without a M$ account.



>Useful Curseforge Search
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/464782-old-curseforge-please (script to automatically redirect to the legacy curse pages)

>Current Flavor of the Month Launcher
https://github.com/fn2006/PollyMC (say no to M$!)

>1.7.10 server authentication option (Got shafted by M$? You can still [multi]play!)

>Ideas, Albums, Resources & Inspiration

>General FAQ [Read this before asking for mod-making guides, where to download shit etc]

>Mods, modpacks and guides [Read this before asking what modpacks you should play]

>alive /mmcg/ servers (Do you have a server up? Add it to the OP!) :


Previous: >>485311804
>>alive /mmcg/ servers (Do you have a server up? Add it to the OP!) :
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ANGELICA BETA HAS COME OUT! with (early) support for shaders.
Honestly, should be that way to begin with. Everyone wants different mods.
nuversion sisters, our cope?
that's pretty much it
we NYEED another chinese guy on adderall to give us create on 1.7.10
we've had this for years?
what do you mean with "this"
active mod development from people that actually care about modding the game instead of mcreator skids trying to bait streamers to play with their mods?
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I think your mother dropped you a lot as a child.
Uh oh someone's angry over a videogame
shader mod
Actually, someone's angry over an internet discussion. 4chan is not a video-game.
no one likes you
it's not a shader mod its a performance mod
>Fucking degenerate doesn't realize that his angelica is a fork of a mod from nuversion.
keep coping nucel
nuversion also has performance mods
IIRC, you can corral shader and performance mods to work together to some degree
I'm not sure exactly because I don't usually use shaders
why do you keep talking to him?
It's called bumping a thread.
well sorry but I don't even play 1.7 so I don't think I can keep baiting much longer
>Cant get texture to render no matter what I do
>Rewrite the whole fucking thing several times
>Give up
>Remove debug print statements
>It works perfectly
>Put print statements back
>It breaks again
I guess the print statments were fucking up the rendering by making the frames farther apart or something? Holy fuck I want to kill myself so bad.
I believe in you anon, you can do it
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I just timed out in a single player world
single player = local server
As far as I can tell I successfully made my own "fluids" for essentia, and if all goes well I should get all the behaviour of essentia carts, loader, and unloaders, for free, as long as I did it right. I'm going to take a break for a bit but I think the difficult part is behind me.

(Other than the models/rendering for the essentia jar carts. Hopefully I can place in the normal fluid tank carts as a placeholder)
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There is no "singleplayer" anymore. Only servers.
Get better hardware.
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I've been waiting on this for months
Here's my impressions. It has alot of issues, but it's playable.
>Smooth lighting doesn't work at all so the lighting is very flat even with shaders, and especially with night vision
>Chunks don't want to stay loaded sometimes. I've had chunks unload as I'm staring at them.
>There are a lot of graphical errors with blocks changing textures constantly (machine casings will randomly flicker to other textures)
>The skybox is fucked and doesn't render properly (granted optifine also had issues with this, but nowhere near as bad). That light blue band isn't supposed to be there and it turns pure white during the daytime. It also renders clouds on space stations and moons which is pretty kek
>Holo glasses don't render properly (sometimes they do)
>Text overlays (like travel anchors) don't render properly and are unreadable
>Lighting doesn't render properly and flickers on non block tile entities (basically everything in botania and a lot of stuff in thaumcraft)

With all of that being said:
>The pack loads much quicker, especially when using large texture packs
>My frame rate went from 70-80 with optifine to 280+ with angelica
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>Got the terrasteel plate
>Made the 8 ingots needed to build the portal
>Built the portal
Now I just have to wait like an hour for the mana pools to fill up and I can finally get the ring of loki
You should put the spreaders next to the pool they're targeting, they don't fire again until the last blast they shot arrives
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I'm over it at this point I just added more spreaders
I couldn't figure out how to transfer mana between pools with sparks. This is my setup since I only have this one flower for mana gen
you need the blue rune like things, search for dominant in nei
you need the spark augments
dominant, unaugmented, and recessive
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Ah no wonder I couldn't figure it out. The entry for spark augmentation is listed under the alfomancy stuff even though the recipes don't require any of the alf ingredients. I put a recessive augment on the main spark and now it fills up all the other pools. Thanks guys!
join the legacy modding server discord and vent about your problems, they usually know how to implement stuff
there's greg, and some gtnh devs, random tech guys and the et futurum dev
shaders are a cope for people who can't build for shit
what the absolute clusterfuck is this mod

>Created: Jul 2, 2024
try to be more discrete next time Ilya
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I'm a simple man, I see thaumcraft addon in >2024 I check it out
>download a shitton of mods
>doesn't boot the first time
>give up
I have done this so many times, I hate this
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Took 8 kills on the guardian
and only 6 server crashes
ok the consensus is that it's pretty sloppy and also kinda bad but he tried
>ported to 1.12
noshaders is a cope for people that have shit pcs
nigga we're playing a version of block game that is 10 years old, excluding gaytracing even toasters can run shaders
do not interact with the retard
with good luck he'll go back to playing elden ring when he gets bored
not your schizo boogeyman

then why don't you run shaders?
because shaders look like shit
I don't have much confidence in the port as it is right now
and flat lighting with no shadows doesn't?
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Thanks anon I will.

The graphics aren't in yet, but its working. I still have to do the item filtering slots, and unloader.
how do i host a server? i want to play with a small group of friends
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>greggers think that making a million variations of compound materials to progress only one step forward is good
Just make your own game at that point instead of piggybacking off of MC
Isn't greg unironically doing this? Or Xe was I haven't looked into it in years, zxvey probably gave up by now.
>Isn't greg unironically doing this?
He wants to finish gregtech 6(or something) before going full autismo on his own.

Which is a waste of time given that GT community edition is better for nuversions and GTNH is better for oldversions.
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>playing on nu-version because some friends wanted to
>need a lot of gunpowder
>we have rougelike dungeons so i decide to go and find a creeper spawner
>nu-rougelike dungeons dont have creeper spawners.
everything i learn about 1.13+ makes me hate nu-versions more.
a creeper farm is literally the easiest one to make
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>and GTNH is better for oldversions.
I'm about to pick up an RPG mod pack I know next to nothing about and do a Hardcore playthrough of it. Any advice on how to minimize my chance of death while having fun?
lol, lmao
>believing what xe says
kill yourself
What do you mean by this?
no, literally, stop breathing because you don't have opinions
still seething lol
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Does anyone know of a 1.20.1 forge mod that makes blocks take around 10x longer to break when using the wrong tool, but there's no penalty when using the right tool?
Would you rather believe the 12 year olds on discord?
unhealthy levels of seethe
why is transtania based off paganism anyways? Is there not enough inspiration in Christian theology? Or is Christianity too heckin problematic so you have to base your shitty tranny flower mod off marvel superheros?
non-spawner mob farms are comically ineffective on the server for some reason.
christian theology is boring ahh grandpa
christian theology is either
>and then jod was GOOD and the ebil stan was EVIL!!!
or insane schizo ramblings that dont need a religion to justify (pregnant virgins, talking snakes, talking bushes that are on fire...)
other world religions actually provide reasonable content to work with.
why is gregtech based in irl physics anyways? Is there not enough inspiration in magic?
>maybe more bloom will make my dildo multiblock look good
really? you think islam, hindu and buddhism are more reasonable and not "schizo"? it's amazing how you atheists somehow think yourselves smarter than the average joe but each and every time you prove yourselves to be mouth breathing baboons, or just faggots in general

If more people turned to God there wouldn't be any degeneracy in the world's civilized countries and they also wouldn't be infested with so many nigger migrants. Also, YWNBAW.
Christianity is not problematic. But the s*tan loving faggots that fear it are.
did you just call someone muslim/hindu/buddhist and then atheist in the same line?
>nigger migrants
the pope you finance with your tax money literally kisses the feet of refugees lmao
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started gtnh. playing my own way which means i'm cheating. i'm using teleport waypoints and if some bullshit happens i cheat around it e.g i made a boat and slightly bumped into some dirt and it exploded so i cheated in a new boat cause that's a shit mechanic that got removed for a reason. also i play with keepinventory on. thanks for reading my blog
none of this is cheating in gtnh, making the 2000 hours of early game slightly more convenient doesn't matter when you need 50000 hours to finish the pack
>keepinventory on
imo this should be the default for gtnh, it doesn't really add anything

>gtnhcels shamelessly brag about cheating

hey sisters, don't listen to the haters, your runs are as much valid as you are!
concession: ACCEPTED
nta but hardcore became trivial after totem of undying raid farming
I don't do farms (aside from traditional horticulture/husbandry).
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god I hate summer posters
Isn't the only real-world theology in Botania norse?
Isn't Botania just a compilation of tranime references?
insane christcuck seethe over true sovlful religions
rent free
Anime website
Fuck SHITania though
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I think you went a little too far with the brightness balance.
Do I trudge through alone once again or try and find some server with tolerable levels of cancer?
Actually, that's a very dark biome from the vampirism mod.
why do you want to play on the server in the first place?
embrace cancer
thats ok as long as you're not cheating in stacks and stacks of items you're not removing anything from the experience
also the early game sucks balls anyways and breaking boats is aids
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tekkit bump
Hate the jungle
Love the jungle
there's a difference between naming a bunch of shit for things in norse mythology, and actually being a heathen.
Most of the references to norse mythology in botania are purely the product of the fact that there are lots of reference to norse mythology in anime, and there are lots of references to norse mythology in anime because norse mythology is fucking cool.
And christianity is not cool in the same way that norse mythology is cool no, which is why there's no battle shounen about jesus and the disciples. Christianity lends itself well to some things and not others. Norse mythology is full of action, adventure, romance, camaraderie, betrayal, etc. It's fun. Christianity is not fun. It may sophisticated and theologically rich, and extremely philosophical and everything else. But it's not fun.
t. asatruar
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>and there are lots of references to norse mythology in anime because norse mythology is fucking cool.
>And christianity is not cool in the same way that norse mythology is cool no, which is why there's no battle shounen about jesus and the disciples
good talk
>there are lots of references to norse mythology in anime because norse mythology is fucking cool
>And christianity is not cool in the same way that norse mythology is cool
There are just as many if not more christianity references in anime though
redbull me on botania
fair, but even then, a lot of the christian references have to be "rule of cool-ified" to work in an anime context. Like the lance of longinus in evangelion is the big, coiled mech spear thing, and in christianity it's just a stick some guy used to see if jesus was dead yet.
Whereas anime and jrpgs can pull shit right out of norse mythology, throw it into their settings, and it will work. FE4 is like one big fanfiction involving a whole bunch of elements lifted right out of the saga of the volsungs.
it's great if you like vanilla redstone. otherwise not so much, cool trinkets but annoying to work with if you expect magic blocks
gay flower mod made by trannies for trannies
maybe you'd like it if you're into references for decade old anime, or you're a trans egg about to crack
play thaumcraft instead
in your opinion, is vanilla + botania enough content for a playthrough? it sounds like a good excuse to learn vanilla redstone
Absolutely yes. Whenever I use Botania I try to force myself to use vanilla mechanics to learn them better and it's been fun every time
Maybe consider Garden of Glass too, it's a skyblock mode for Botania if you like that style of play
>And christianity is not cool in the same way that norse mythology is cool no, which is why there's no battle shounen about jesus and the disciples
It would be difficult to adapt since you have to get past the filler arc for the battle shounen starts.
>It would be difficult to adapt since you have to get past the filler arc for the battle shounen starts
Sounds like a perfect fit then
>*before the battle shounen starts.
Well, there goes my shitpost.
it's still not "cool," the book of the revelation of john is symbolic, not literal. The final battle between good and evil will be fight by jesus with a flaming "sword" emanating from his mouth, but this word is the gospel. It's god's message of love and kindness. Jesus subverted OT messianic prophecies which foresaw the coming of a powerful warlord riding to jerusalem on a white horse. Jesus wore the clothes of a beggar, and rode to jerusalem on an ass. He "fulfilled" the bloodthirsty messianic prophecies by "conquering" the world with love, not with war.

Meanwhile Thor literally spends all day, every day knee-deep in the blood and guts of mutant monsters, like some kind of viking space marine.

If you prefer the former to the latter, then only spergy atheist faggots could ever fault you for that. But don't try to claim that the former does the same things the latter does but better when it transparently does not.
you gotta remember that adapting christianity is usually controversial unless you sanitize it for some reason, at least we got devilman
oh wow I missed an entire schizoid reddit rant by someone who doesn't like botania because it got caught in my filters
thanks filters
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I mean, it was mostly a joke and not an argument. SMT takes revelations literally though and I think it's cool interpretation that shows what can be done with it. The idea of dragons rising from the sea, fire raining down from the sky and angels blowing trumpets heralding the end is pretty sick.

I also understand there is a reason Norse mythology is basically the poster child of metal music. I never argued against it being cool. Half of the fantasy genre wouldn't exist without Norse mythology and the other stories of Prose Edda and that should tell you enough about how important the mere fragment we have of it is. (irrc, a lot of the stories were lost.) Thanks for reading my blog post I hope you have a good day.
bloatrania is okay as long as you don't integrate it with other mods.
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She's very good at this game!
>I also understand there is a reason Norse mythology is basically the poster child of metal music. I never argued against it being cool. Half of the fantasy genre wouldn't exist without Norse mythology and the other stories of Prose Edda and that should tell you enough about how important the mere fragment we have of it is
No, I know. My point in all of this is just to say that video games and anime are spectacle-based media. Of course they're going to gravitate towards something like norse mythology which is packed full of spectacle.
The original anon seemed cut up about the fact that botania referenced norse mytholoy instead of christianity and suggested that it was because troonkii hated christianity or something. But really, it just seems like a case of rule of cool dominating less serious media, because why wouldn't it? No need to bust out conspiracy theories and shit.
Uh, Modded Minecraft?
dead general, time to merge with /mcg/
Merging a dead general with a dead general? That won't go wrong, surely!
This but unironically ironically
>e-celeb general

we've been faring infinitely better than that shithole it's not even funny
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got my first mega abs set up
double minus makes plus
From what mod this Mikurin is?
why is optifine closed source anyways
dev is retarded
Devs specced into top left. Top right is the best class btw.
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whats ur favourite skyblock pack? not garden of grind
based sphaxbro
I've only tried atm9. It wasn't bad, got me to try a few mods I wouldn't have otherwise. Are there other good ones?
ftb skies expert pure kino
i've played a fair bit of project ozone 2 and 3 and loved em but that's it
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ok i started that one thx
gtnh (post ev)
Why is magical modding side is so lackluster compared to tech one
autists and troons have no creativity
All the magic autism that isn't "tech mod disguised as a magic mod" stayed on the old great versions.
it generally requires more creativity
the dev's only source of revenue is selling of capes, that's why he declined adding parts of optifine to valilla too, btw
Occultism seems alright. You can even get a demon waifu.
agrarian skies
Evil cannot create, only corrupt and destroy.
Autists (real autists, not the slightly socially awkward subhumans who self diagnose and wear it as a badge) actually get the appeal of magic though. Hermeticism, alchemy and Naturalis Historia are rabbits holes filled with inspiration. Thaumcraft took a great deal of inspiration from these and a bit of it's own juice into the mix. Discord troons think magic is about surface level shit like slinging fireballs and barfing lightning blasts but good magic is about breaking the "rules" to create miracles. If you'll excuse the pun, to put things simply, it's far more interesting to put the "craft" back into spellcraft.
>socially awkward subhumans
>scan everything you see to get enough points so you can play the same boring mini-game again and again and again until you unlock fireball slinging
wow thaumcraft is so deep
>scan everything
They made a metroid prime mod? Jokes aside how does thaumcraft set itself apart from other magic mods?
essentia is the only thing that hasn't been copied by someone else yet
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Its time for once again dump all my time into a TOYMY pack that I will never finish. Runs on 1.12.2, give me your best mods for it. Pack will be mostly based on farming but will use magic and exploration aswell. Technology is strictly IE. Exploration will be Chococraft and a bunch of other shit but I'd like a good repository of Ruins structures.
may or may not contain excess sex
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Friction heater reaching 1 000°C to process aluminum alloy and Silicon, nice.
And with Agricraft cinderpearl > blaze, upgrading to Performance Engine is easy as pie
But now I have to upgrade lubricant and Extractor setup, rip my iron...
>rip my iron
Yeah, that's the story of RotaryCraft.
It unironically feels like Create in the sense I have to fiddle with 10 different items to transmit energy and fiddle with redstone like a retard to get a working setup and check on numbers to see if they don't go over shaft limits
I would make one based on my favorite early 2000s videogame but I don't know how to mod.
what game
do any of you know how to get large sphax texturepacks to load on big modpacks? usually the game will just freeze for like 10 minutes and then just disable all resource packs. do i need to allocate more ram to minecraft? ive already allocated 8gb and i thought you werent supposed to allocate any more than that
once angelica fixes their bugs there will be 0 reason not to use shaders in minecraft, ever
1.12 mods?
>1.12 mods?

sodium + iris
there are literally no good shaders. they are all just shadow mapping bloom and screenspace reflections. the raytraced ones cause shitty blur when you move around due to the nature of it.
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Literally 2 minutes after I finally gave up on this, I went through some increased difficulty mods and found what I was looking for + even more things I wanted on top of that in a single mod
>Evil cannot create
But can it valkyrien skies
outside of a lack of brainrot*
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I saw a thread on /v/ that asked if there was a game that looked like this, with a reply stating it probably could in minecraft with mods. Could it be possible, or is it just a dream?
Distant Horizons has you covered for far off mountains.
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you'll need a good rig
You could with a lot of computing power, but the illusion would shatter once you start interacting with the world.
lmao no
Based /x/iticen (also true). I would love to see a mod based on Astral Projection.
Witchery is also pretty gud
Its about the journey
It invented 70% of the shit magic mods copy over and over, like pedestal crafting
Fucking around with Nodes and even 1.12 Rifts is fun
You can build pretty soulful infrastucture if you dont get around them with MAWPC addons/tech mods
Its generally very immersive. Play an instance with just TC(any) + Twilight Forest, pure cinema.
>only tech IE
ignored, NuclearCraft Overhauled + QMD
>1.12 mods
see above
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maybe with some dumbass shader and really lucky biomes youll go world generation
just play mhgu the starting town looks almost identical to that
Harry Popotter and the Poo Wanker's Kidney Stone
that mod that added the earth 1:1
then go to that specific place
Magic mods are great but there is less of them because they are harder to implement
>Tech Mod #1923943842
>Take the furnace code and fuck around with it a bit to add recipes and different inputs/outputs
>Magic Mod
>Think of unique mechanics and systems
>have to make a bunch of entities and particle effects and shit
When are we getting a unified magic energy system
Never because that this the most SOVLLESS thing ive ever heard
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>good magic is about breaking the "rules" to create miracles. If you'll excuse the pun, to put things simply, it's far more interesting to put the "craft" back into spellcraft.
finally someone else gets it. ive yet to see a single game (or even mod for that matter) that actually takes a full deep dive into what magic is supposed to be.
certain mods get close, but nothing really goes the FULL nine yards.
that's why psi is the best magic mod and best mod overall, and it should be updated to 1.21
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How do you decide on where to setup a base? Just from the spot and surrounding area looking cool enough to you?
either at spawn, or a nice flat area
Somewhere flat is nice, no need to terraform the surroundings. Outposts can be wherever since I have tools by then.
>2 hours to smelt 531k dust into ingots with a 1-tick furnace
Cool beans
just make more furnaces???
>531k dust
I love making numbers go up
Also I'm using an AE2 system, I wonder if I should connect the pattern provider to a chest connected to furnaces instead
>I wonder if I should connect the pattern provider to a chest connected to furnaces instead
parallelize outside of the AE system when feasible
greggies cannot fathom having more than one machine to do something because they would have to make more ae2 patterns
the issue with greg is that you have a gajillion recipes that are all the same
if you could designate a "type" of recipe with one pattern, that would solve it
might be doable in nuversions with tags? idk
I'm not a gregger, I'm not that autistic
>finally time to start doing Draconic Evolution
>using Epic Netherite armor with maxed out Apotheosis prot/blast/projectile prot and unbreaking enchants
>quest says to use Unobtanium armor or Draconic Evolution armor
>"Pfft, no big deal I can take it"
>finally get to 10k/10k
>arrows don't work
>eat first fireball barrage
>instantly get mollywhopped from 50 HP to 25
>"what the fuck"
>start going for crystals
>they don't die in one hit
>eat one barrage to the face
>totem doesn't save me from instant death
Fuck me
>gtnh playthrough
>but its a skyblock where you start from nothing
kino is back on the menu boys
Last time i saw this mod it looked hideous and had op void miners, how does it play now?
they arent even pointing
who are you talking to?
it's obvious who you dumb little monkey
The various demons I summoned didn't look bad. The void miners are probably still OP but I was playing a skyblock at the time so the resource gen wasn't anything special compared to what I already had.
dont die
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is there a way to connect both of these to the crafting table? im mostly just trying to recharge the fire aspect in my wand faster
AE2 is mawpc if you use it you aren't a real modder
since my first time playing minecraft it always ends up being a door in the side of a hill that i dug out and then i expand from there
Wtf is this not in the 1.12 version? Killing myself. 1.7 backport when
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I've been building a city in TFC. The cathedral took me an entire winter to build
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Give me a good vanilla+ modpack with better hunger/food systems and QoL features like 1-shot tree cutting.
No nigger-tier industry/automation factorio-wanna-be mods or stuff that adds 6 gorillion custom blocks and progression systems allowed.
>factorio-wanna-be mods
who's gonna tell him?
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you should try TerraFirmaCraft
dumb frogposter too stupid to make a toymy
>1-shot tree cutting

I might, it seems like it leans too much into the survival shit for me, I dont want to manage 10 fingerless-glove-meters but I'll at least take a look at it, thanks.
idk what that is, I enjoyed factorio but i really dont want that type of shit when i play minecraft
is this the latest tranny-lingo?
>I dont want to manage 10 fingerless-glove-meters but I'll at least take a look at it, thanks.
you don't really have to. There's a water and food bar, those are the main ones. The food has nutritional values but I think you can turn them off. If not, just eating random shit will do just fine.
I should add that you should probably avoid TFC Ambiental. That does make it more survival bullshitty.
>latest tranny-lingo
please lurk at least 20 decades before posting
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thanks anon

sorry ive only been here since 2007, only 183 years to go then
idk, I'm playing the 1.20.1 version.
id rather hammer nails into my testicles than play 1.20, that sucks.
>doesn't know what toymy and mawpc is
>been here since 2007
least obvious lie award
by here i meant wholesome 4channel, not your little tranny thread series
Why are you here?
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to ask for modpack recommendations because google is a useless website now and youtube is filled with tranny hopecottagecomfycope-core bullshit, did you not read my first post with the frog?
reword your post without basedbaby buzzwords and ill consider helping you
I'd like a vanilla plus modpack that expands/fixes vanilla hunger, maybe adds some new farming/food mechanics like farmer's delight, but doesnt add a bunch of custom blocks, progression systems, over powered tools, or automation.
I don't want to build factories, power sources, belt-ways, nuclear reactors, etc. No create mod, nothing factorio-lite.
Some custom items like decoration, furniture, or lite sidways progression is okay so long as its possible to ignore it.
wow you really bend over backwards for anyone who demands it huh
Ok, I'll spoonfeed you just this once. The pack you want is GregTech: New Horizons.
Somewhere flat + village so I don't feel alone.
but if you know about the mods then why just not make it yourself, it's not like vanilla+ modpacks required any significant tweaking
go back
Hunger Strike
Dawn of time builder
Works on 1.12 and memeversions
Villages are full of big-nosed braindead testificate FREAKS, I hate being near them
ThaumGregs 4 Will Overtake New Horizons....
The DARK Gregian Prophecy
still waiting on thaumcraft to update. the COFH team is taking their sweet fucking time.
It's dead, just play thaumcraft 4 on 1.7, it's the best version of minecraft anyway
bro, your parallels??
if they were smart it would just be a straight port of 4 with some minor changes
for example i feel like having two energized nodes should make your vis recharge faster or do something about research aspects because at this point ive literally run out of shit to scan at this point in the game and i might just have to set up an autoclicker with a deconstruction table powered by crafting tables
summer posters...
>factorio-wanna-be mods
Factorio was literally inspired by IC2 you nigger
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>But you don't ask with respect, you don't offer friendship; you don't even think to call me anon.
There are no gets in /vg/.
newfag alert
only majors, quints aren't major
what? what ass did you pull this from? dubs are disabled except for 00, therefore all other gets aren't attainable either unless they're all 0s
>what ass did you pull this from?
mine, apparently
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So kind of a particular question that I didn't see a link for in the thread OP,
Does anyone know how/where to get more Yes Steve models? I tried the Discord but you've gotta give them your phone number and obviously that is faggot shit. If anyone knows thanks in advance, I NEED more cute models
Actually since you can still see all the channels without phone verification you can still get them from there
based and dwarf-pilled
racialpilled slurmaxxer
>dont have a fake number for E-garbage
it's your own fault.
Better than Adventure
Maybe Better than Wolves
Vintage Story
That doesnt mean that newer modpacks cant have shit design that try to emulate something Minecraft wasnt coded for
Factory autism is cool, but Minecraft simply leans more into the complexity than into the quantity side

On a related note: Is there (pref. on 1.7. or 1.12) something like an Item Splitter that splits items from a pipe into set ratios, like 1:3 or something? Theres only Round Robin that splits evenly, and even that often only works for large quanities and not for very few items going in
>On a related note: Is there (pref. on 1.7. or 1.12) something like an Item Splitter that splits items from a pipe into set ratios, like 1:3 or something?
gt5u has this
hmmm but GT adds so much bloat and other useless shit to a TOYMY... at least with just GT5 the normal recipes arent """""gregified"""""
Do GT4 or 6 have these? First one at least isnt as bloated and 6 is actually good
meds. now.
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all me btw
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nice inspect element falseflag-kun
deploy medications
also all me
you're trying too hard, nothing about this is ""schizo"""
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it's all me actually
HBM has a conveyor splitter if you want a mod with this that's extremely bloated but still not as bloated as gt5u
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Figured the easiest way to automate gear-shifting for the extractor is a redpower sequencer.
Also, flakes smelt for 1.5 ingots in a Tinker smeltery so that's even more output and automation to do.
Chromaticraft smelts them for two, but it's quite a ways in.
I've been putting Chromaticraft aside until I'm well situated with tech and inventory management. I have an ethanol jetpack so I should go do that soon.
Is this the reikapack?
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>need more iron
>need more lubricant
>need more ethanol
>need to upgrade every janky setup
aeeeeii rotary-sama have mercy on me
Is there an "air affinity" mod for 1.18.2?
Do any of the Tinkers modifiers do that?
what if your golems could do the research for you
what if your golems were lolis
I will now play your mod
Isn't that just Touhou Little Maid?
you cant customize their panties for move speed
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anon, what the fuck
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I'm thinking you should make the fucking base already
make the corners more rounded
what do you mean
I've taken breaks from Minecraft, so it's not constant
the base is going to be a bunch of these platforms, after I add some depth to them with sides and legs
in CABIN (1.18)
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like picrel, i don't know what the modpack has to do with it but now people are going to ask why on earth you are playing 1.18
why on earth you are playing 1.18
oh okay, change the shape to be less square
I thought you meant with slope blocks or something
I'm new to the concept of form over function building
What's a good biome mod that adds a proper sakura/cherry blossom biome? The one in vanilla just doesn't do it for me, especially because of how small it is
thaumium panties bump
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minus the crashes that white screen your game, angelica is really nice
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The timbering is cool, I guess.
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decided to revisit modded MC recently. One of my friends recommended a mod and I can't stop laughing at the results
Name of the mod?
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>running gtnh server on my machine
>have 10gb of ram allocated to it
>between the client, serb, and background memory useage my pc is at a constant 31gb out of 32gb allocated
>the server still crashes every few hours because it runs out of memory
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Biblically accurate essentia cart
Try lowering RAM allocation in the client.
I have yet to use computers and carts and I probably never will
carts are based actually
I'd use them if I had a reason to
I'm sure exclusively using ae2 for the 700th time will be more fun than carts
Carts create more logistical issues than they solve
this is good
wrong texturepack, you're fine
nice how's the thingie going
you got any good pointers from the legacy autists
Its essentially feature complete as far as functionality goes, I just need to fix up some of the graphics, names in the lang file, crafting recipes, etc.

I haven't asked them anything yet but I am probably going to need their help to do this cart model lmao.
Nice, thanks
Did you really automate the Extractor phase where you have to switch gearshifts to power it? Fckn lol
Producing enough power to consistently fire it isnt that far from there
>Oh no, I gotta think about production rates, throughput and construction, and not slam down a magic box with a few upgrades and call it a day!
As for the iron thing, just do Gendustry before and slam down max upgrade iron bees
make TOYMY without AE2 or EnderIO
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now its rivaling one of the loot towers hahahaha
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It works!
fucking beautiful
That's amazing anon, great job!
you've made an addition to railcraft and thaumcraft everyone would use
I kneel
I'm trying to play Retro Magitek but
1) which shaders work with this because Complementary shits and fully crashes and SEUS has fucked up sky
2) which worldgen type do I use, realistic or BoP?
shaders on 1.12.2 is a lost cause
optifine clashes with too much shit, it's not worth it
if you want shaders play nuversions with embeddium/sodium and oculus/iris
or wait until the gtnh team iron out angelica and play 1.7.10 instead
>he wants shaders on version before 1.18
why 1.18?
nta but the other big nuversion (1.16.5) has worse mod compatibility concerning embeddium+oculus or sodium+iris
it's still doable but you'll run into more issues, generally.
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I just use this
it's not technically a shader, but whatever
is there a crafting table 3 for nuversions?
Some kind of thaumcraft automation modpack could be pretty kino. Only problem is Railcraft sucks because minecarts suck because entities suck. I once had a locomotive explode because it hit a copy of itself from 5 minutes ago.
Also I'm pretty sure CovertJaguar intended for that locomotive to be motus-powered
What's up with your wizard tower bro?
so when are you planning on releasing it?
is ftb skies any good?
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ok just making sure because i keep having dreams of the taint taking over my clean spaces
it CANT spread through the water and i should just ignore this bit of purple on the grass right? i ask because its not letting me purify it so i assume its just biomeblending fucking with me
do we tell him?
fabric mods status?
>Only problem is Railcraft sucks because minecarts suck because entities suck
Yeah it's a shame, I love trainkino but trains always fuck up due to entities phasing into eachother.
>Also I'm pretty sure CovertJaguar intended for that locomotive to be motus-powered
It's possible. The code actually implied ignus+aqua = steam.
Personally I don't like the idea of using motus (or potentia for that matter), as those are some of the only aspects I actually make, and they don't really need another use IMO.
As of right now, this is all built directly into the GTNH fork of railcraft, so ill go to them and see if they want it integrated. I'm going to try to clean up my code a bit first though.

If not, I do have a working 1.12 railcraft+thaumcraft dev environment I could try to port it to, eventually. Railcraft and Thaumcraft have two of the most autistic closed source devs out there though, so if I go this route mod sites might not host it as both dev's had a weird vendetta against addons, and the jannies take things like that very seriously (but I don't so it would be on my github either way)
>it CANT spread through the water
well I have bad news and good news

mostly bad news but the good news is you can learn how taint spreads
i looked it up and it spreads through the underground caves
because its a biome it can spread infinitely vertically right?
yes. The only way to stop taint from spreading is to place blooms, grow pure nodes from silverwoods etc etc.

once you manage to sanitize an area biome you're going to need to delimit its borders with taint-nullifying entities
later on you get access to magitech that lets you clear chunks across the map
The Liftoff devs are such gigantic faggots it's unreal. They act like it's some top secret government project or something. I wish they could just release some demos or something at least.

The ideas they have sound really cool though. Apparently there's going to be seamless travel between space and planets, simulated air resistance, and the terrain gen is going to be changed so that the actual dimensions are not infinite but reflect the size of the planets.

Maybe I'll get to play it in the retirement home...
yes its sure to be a good mod when they are too scared to let anyone play it to give them criticism
>there is going to be [x y and z]. Just trust me bro.
Why do people fall for this every single time. Do they have brain damage?
>We can say one thing- the system is not based on the real life solar system other than the moon (kindof,) the sun, and ofcourse Minecraft's overworld itself.
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Weren't they supposed to do Aeronautics first? Whatever happened to that? Surely they wouldn't start a new, even more ambitious project before finishing the previous one... right?
>Check their website
>They're also working on an offroad mod and planning an ocean mod later
Holy ideaguys.
>what if we make our own beyond skyrim but minecraft
Anon......... If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is...
>air resistance
to play devil's advocate: Most of the code for liftoff will be lifted straight from aeronautics since their core functionality will be the same, so its more a branch off rather than a full new project
Neither will ever come out though
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>Produces 48 blaze rods, 48 fire charges, and 10 levels
>Every second
I'd love a build-a-boat mod or some shit. Sail the high seas in the Creeper-rape-600. I doubt I will ever see it from Create at least.
Lmao it makes me want to join the discord and start suggesting Create:Dragons and Create:Alchemy and watch them add it to their plans
its part of overworld generation. I went up there to find a lootchest and discovered two tics later that it was a trapped chest and exploded.
It already exists.
so do big "cheese" caves only appear in mountain biomes? fastest way to get diamonds for me
If it's not producing items by the tick then it's WORTHLESS
Oh, neat!
>I'd love a build-a-boat mod or some shit. Sail the high seas in the Creeper-rape-600
Anon, I don't know how to break it to you but I don't think that one is happening. I know its discordfaggotry, but over a week ago one of the troons of the dev team stated in the aeronautics server that it might not happen at all, specially since most of the team members that "can" code will, apparently, go focus on their own related projects after simulated and a couple of addons are out. And honestly, I can't really blame them on that regard, space mods are already a hard pass for me, adding a layer of create-relatedness for a space mod sounds like absolute dogshit. and the other projects sound way more interesting desu
This. Allegedly, most of the work is done by their physics engine, another mod bridges their engine and create, and from there its just a matter of different addons bringing in the necessary tweaks, subsystems and parts.
Then again, this is entirely theoretical since the mod started development around 3 years ago and they just won't stop "refactoring" it. Just the other day some of them stated that its still in a state of "incompleteness".
My honest suggestion its to just forget about it and interiorize it as cancelled, since its just a team disagreement away from ceasing to exist, as always happens with projects that take way too long without any actual release. Just take it off your mind, either remove the servers from your dickscord or move it to the bottom of the list or whatever. If they ever come out then great, if not at least you won't feel as bad as the clown-cult zealots that orbit the devs will. Also, never forget that VS and related addons exist, and they are getting better. Clockwork should receive the first release version out of indev within the summer (behind schedule since their team is a clusterfuck) and addons for stuff like treads, wheels, ropes and springs, linear actuators and so on already exist, with more to come.
We will never have a good space exploration game. Liftoff was my only chance, and they blew it.
hi friends whats the easiest way to pregenerate chunks for gtnh
asking for a friend who im hosting the server for, is there a built in utility for it or will I have to find my own?
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I really want to upgrade my ore processing system to use twist multi blocks instead of the integrated ore factories but the twist multiblocks actually scale really poorly for this purpose
Cool tube
What's wrong with the lighting? Is it some kind of dimension?
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angelica + shader skyboxes are bugged and have this weird lighting band on the horizon, and smooth lighting is bugged and doesn't work at all.
I'm hoping for a fix next update but it's still better than optifine because it's a solid 300 fps everywhere
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Finally got the last tier Void Miner. This bad boy produces 48 ore blocks per second
The problem with making magic stuff is that most players wont actually engage with it and will just speed through to get to tech stuff. Look at all the people that complain because god forbid they have to progress through thaumcraft in a pack on reddit or the discords.
Magic mods in general have gotten shallower and shallower as new modders who have no reference to what Thaumcraft is are coming in and played Electroblobs once and assume that's what all magic mods are.
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I tried the chunk pregenerator mod for 1.7.10 and it just crashes the game RIP
what kind of ore multiplication do you have by this point in gtnh
from what i've seen for the cost of things this still seems pretty low
At that point in GT:NH, bees are already able to print almost everything you want - the main cost is processing, which ultimately means power and infrastructure.
You're seldomly limited on raw resources at that point.
Same as lower tiers? You never upgrade your ore multiplication. It's always 2x + byproducts from washing / centrifuging / macerating etc, but you're able to gather tons more ores at once.
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"in a state of incompleteness", yet perfectly fine to give to a group of youtube people to use in a series, hmmmmm...
pull the trigger anon
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Good riddance
The outside looks much much better
The inside looks somewhat weird, maybe put a spruce trapdoor on the wall block that connects to the floor
pls help me pick omg i can't stick to a pack for more than 3 hours. i just played some project ozone 2 skyblock but got annoyed at it pretyt quick, but now i'm thinking maybe sevtech ages skyblock (i have played through the first age in normal sevtech ages ago). or E2E. anyone have good things to say about E2E? i want a pack that's hard but not too hard or cancerous, i want it to have awesome endgame shit like draconic evolution and mekanism suits and stuff. i also really love that avaritia mod that used to be in packs that had XTREME CRAFTING with the giant crafting table and u had to use like singularities of a million cobblestone to craft shit
Project Ozone 2 kappa mode.
e2e is okay
don't use the biomes o plenty world generation though
What's wrong with bop?
bad and shit and bloat and horribly coded
Low quality for current year and if you need a vanilla/other modded biome you are fucked.
>Ignore TOYMY as just a thread meme
>Just play GTNH because it is easier and they did all of the work for me
>Learn they are planning on removing railcraft locomotives and trains
TOYMYbros..... I'm so sorry for doubting you...... Its time for me to make my own toymy.....
Embrace the TOYMY
With just a few hours of searching, you too can achieve perfection
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>retards want to remove RAILcraft's entire purpose

Absolutely fucking disgusting and retarded and I have no words
these people subsist on a diet of nothing but dreamnigger's nutslop
And what will we do for tanks and the coke oven?
Are they planning to redo the whole steam tier?
>pollymc doesnt let me log in to use my skin
>polymc is made by trannoids??????
>multimc doesn't support modpack zips from curse
>curse is cringe and forces old javas
wtf do
They are going to rewrite the tanks and cokeoven into their own SOVLLESS version of railkino.
Railcraft is meh.
Kill them.
Die, retard.
>we have been trying to get rid of RC
when they say they are planning on doing something take it with a grain of salt
They have been planning to rework multiblocks for years, by the time railcraft gets removed you would've been able to finish two fresh stargate runs
GT:NH devs want to remove basically any non-GT tech mod (honestly, they even want to rewrite GT) while shoveling in the most unrelated magic mods that have basically no purpose.
This is the penalty of having "a dev team" for your pack instead of a unified vision by a BDFL that dreammaster doesn't want to be
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>coke oven will be one of the first mutes
yeah don't worry maybe this will happen by 2030
>(honestly, they even want to rewrite GT)
...Why aren't they just using gt6?
Oh right, they are what we in the biz call "retarded"

gt6 already has non rc-dependent coke ovens
because it's not the aborted refuse on the bottom of a bathroom floor that is gt5u
when did gt6 come out?
9 years ago. Early 2015.
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i decided on divine journey 2 anons. apparently it's quite a hard pack and it seems pretty kino, and more importantly i feel inspired to play it so i'm gonna play it properly this time with NO CHEATS and no keepinventory:true
wtf I thought polly was the trans inclusive launcher...
Keep seething about your lego bricks child.
I'm quite far into divine journey 2, it's incredibly fun. Definitely the best modpack I have played.
idk i don't actually keep up with the drama i just assumed since the BASED 4CHAN ANONS put polly in the OP that that would be the chud program and poly is the tranoid one. i don't actually know or care i ended up using prism for this pack kek i have them all installed
>>polymc is made by trannoids??????
no, prism launcher is
polymc lead is based
polymc simply werks for me.
i've heard people list it as their favourite pack ever so i think it sounds like something special
>gt6 already has non rc-dependent coke ovens
doesn't it also have 16x parallels right from the get go instead of needing to grind for 200 hours to make an electric cock oven multi?
>Remove railcraft from your gregtech pack
>Add witchery and botania
I like all 3, but what exactly is the logic here?
Yep. Because unlike the gtnh team, greg is not mentally ill.
oh cool et futurum added working bubble columns in dev
>greg is not mentally ill
I wouldn't say that...
Just that his type of autism is good for making things.
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what I do is use polly for curse modpacks and then just paste the instance into MultiMC
yeah I use that as a pejorative
boy has the big 'tism but thankfully he has a more workable autism that isn't hellbent on grinding and more about playing da gaem
>>pollymc doesnt let me log in to use my skin
I really wish there was a way around this, but Offlineskins only works on servers
kinda silly to think even Greg himself realised how dogshit gt5 progression was a bit over 9 years ago but everyone else just kept piling shit onto 5 until the sunken cost fallacy hit so hard they have to handpick and backport gt6 features
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It keeps happening, and it's the funniest shit
the pipe rework that made them 10x times as efficient?
Literally just ripping off gt6's code for them and adding some unneeded garbage (forced fluid un-sloshing)
and that was something like 4 years ago lmao
even among themselves they talk about "hey what bits of gt6 code can we scrape on the walls to make 5u run better" constantly
100% bet they'll just copypaste gt6's coke oven code and add a gay recipe for it, make it run with electricity and gate it behind MV because that's literally how they roll
I'd say he falls into that area on the spectrum where he gets classed as weird rather than mentally ill. He's no reika, at least
>100% bet they'll just copypaste gt6's coke oven code and add a gay recipe for it, make it run with electricity and gate it behind MV because that's literally how they roll
there's already 2 electric multis with coke oven functionality, the pyrolyse oven which you unlock at MV and the other one you get access to in EV, after making the Alloy Blast Smelter
then they'll just add a shitty unautomatable "primitive coke oven"
what's he even up to nowadays
being mentally ill, living with his parents, making bad factorio mods that brick your game and just updating his 1.7 dragonapi suite of mods as usual
I think he's trans now
dunno anything else
He unironically works for Wube, the company behind Factorio
[citation needed]
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Why couldn't they have named it something different in order to make sure everyone knows it's not the same as pollymc?
Like, where is the RacistIncelMC launcher?
Do you know where this panel comes from? It looks vaguely familiar.
>pollymc doesnt let me log in to use my skin
Download the resource pack "Offline skins begone!", find what default skin your game defaults to, find the .png in the resource pack .zip, rename the skin you actually want as the same name as the .png, delete that png, put in your own skin file, and now it'll show up right
tomoko porn
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I heckin' LOVE bio catalyst medium
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this is it. this is where i will settle and build the best base you have ever seen
Enjoy your lawnbase, anon. We both know it's never going past that much aside from high-risk builds that need security.
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you'll see. you'll all see.
Gay. The older it gets the better. Its good on 1.7, decent on 1.12 and relatively bad on Memeversions. Also for biomes, "bloat" = good
Say hello to Climate Control/GeographiCraft
idk... 1.12 grass and worldgen looks so ugly... 1.7 looks like sovlful programmer art, and jappashit at least looks coherent. But 1.12 has none of these strengths, just weird and ugly
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Become crab
E2E is a good first expert pack to play through, it's not really grindy but still encourages and rewards automation and pretty fun
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okay i checked the issues for the API and someone else was having the same issue, turns out to be an incompatibility with ArchaicFix (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/archaicfix) do you think it would be safe for me to disable archaicfix, generate the world, and then disable the pregen mod and reenable archaicfix?
I've been upgrading my caveshack to farmlands and huts, its slow since I"m expanding into a shallow lake and filling it up with dirt
Wanna try RLcraft again but last time it ran horribly on my shitty laptop. Anyway I can fix this?
lol, lmao even
they should try make one mod before announcing a dozen addons
1.12 is generally just a shitter for performance, but some of those might work
Thanks. So do I add these into the curseforge rlcraft folder? Forgive me, I am normally a vanilla chud, but I am trying to better myself.
>do you think it would be safe for me to disable archaicfix
I think so. You could also try an older version of Chunk Pregenerator (like 4.4.5), they only started to be incompatible recently when it started including Carbon Config, I believe.
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Thanks for the respons, I've just tried running the game without archaic fix about half an hour ago and am generating a world client side right now that ill move over to the server once its done in a couple of hours
funnily enough though my game has stopped rendering anything, but is still registering inputs lmao, thank god for console windows though
what i was trying to say was: i just tried it, it seems to work, i will see if switching back to having archaicfix enabled will cause any issues
sorry for my stream of consciousness ramblings
Any tips for Nomifactory?
assuming you're a noob: automate DML and then spam numismatic dynamos for power until fusion
>Its good on 1.7
I have never heard a single person utter an outrageous lie so confidently in my life
>assuming you're a noob
bold assumption, never used dynamos before so that will be fun
divine journey 2 is the definition of quantity over quality.
>most divineRPG mobs (the mod the pack is literally focused around) are copypasted versions of vanilla mobs but with stats cranked up to 11. this becomes apparent when you enter the first divineRPG dimension and are met with skeletons that fire a bajillion arrows per second. or when you enter the end and find the mob that is literally just a copy pasted ghast with a different model but the same hitbox.
>you pick up and drop mods like they are new toys. you wont be sticking with one mod for longer than two quest chapters outside of processing lines.
>speaking of processing lines, the ones in DJ2 make GTNH look like a fucking joke. you NEED to fully automate massive processing chains in the early game due to comically ridiculous material costs, effectively forcing you to rush AE2 so you dont try to kill yourself.
should also mention that "pick up and drop" is a pretty good way to explain most of DJ2's progression/content
the only reason for most dimensions to exist is for you to get a handful of McGuffins that the questbook and custom recipes are locking your progression with.
>couple of hours
I would've tried with a smaller size first as a test to see if it works properly in the first place. I had a quick look on the dicksore and apparently it can cause issues with Witchery walls and someone mentioned issues with oregen. So make sure to check that everything looks OK before actually playing in it.
It's also worth mentioning that there's two ways to pregen, you can do it in the world creation GUI or in-game using a command, and I think I recall the dev saying the latter is more reliable.
>and I think I recall the dev saying the latter is more reliable.
World creation pregen never worked and speiger literally purged it from the code in newer versions because it was that literlaly unfixable lmao

You should never use it, the best you'll get is a crash, always pregen after world load
Well my game crashed while I was in the shower because of a CME which ironically is exactly one of the things ArchaicFix fixes, ill see how it went and if not then idk
>never used dynamos before
Well when your only tech experience is Immersive Engineering, Nuclearcraft and Create you don't use dynamos
holy nubaby
Well you can file a complain with my parents about the date of my birth
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Actually I can file a complaint with you for not getting into modded before 1.12, should've done better anon
>a smaller size
its just a 150 chunk radius around spawn, enough to not instantly lag the server if a few people jump on and all go their own ways, but not enough to make it impossible to leave and explore more, 150 chunks is like what 2400 blocks? something like that, I guess the witchery walls dont really matter but it would be a pain if the oregen doesnt work, true
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well after having a look it seems the oregen is working FOR THE MOST PART, but i have run into some weird world gen issues so now I'm a bit unsure of how to proceed, since I dont know what I'm missing really
and also no witchery walls it seems, unless they dont generate around sand villages
I'm getting my ass beat by the Chaos Guardian in ATM9 TTS even with full enchants and epic apotheosis affixes on my Unobtanium armor, do I need to make Draconium or whatever material for armor to start tanking hits?
God apples?
Absorption? I'll see if I have some totems, worst case I'll craft some with Deorum
Looking mighty welsh anon
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that esl description makes me wary of trying it
It's very bad. The guy made the gas giants generate out of "gas blocks" which are passable and don't cull hidden sides. I fell through the "surface" of Jupiter and my frames dropped to below 1 FPS and my computer fans started taking off. I just managed to TP out. Every planet has vanilla clouds, except Venus which is the only other planet in Sol apart from Gaea which has clouds. Also, you can see the vanilla moon in the sky from Selene.
wow how did you upload live footage of your gameplay in that area anon
modpack? looks awesome
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upon further investigation there ARE witchery walls but they do break on some chunk borders, other than that it SEEMS like its mostly just visual errors, some trees generating weirdly, snow not falling correctly everywhere, some structures being damaged
Main issue is that I dont know whats completely missing or broken, but if its JUST these small things it might be an okay tradeoff for pregenerating
heres an autofilled worldmap of the generated area that journeymap generated https://files.catbox.moe/jks4fp.png
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Dead motherfucker
Such a lame fight, didn't have any hype music to ease the tedium
Had to make this god bow just to kill the fag
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that's got to be the worst lawn base I've ever seen
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>gtnh was a thread meme all this time
rig/tps/fps status?
this base got to stargate btw
cpu at 100 degrees celcius, both tps and fps in the single digits
>lame fight
well, yeah
Sounds really fun.
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it's that easy to get inside 200 peoples pcs?
Oh fuck, I have Defender disabled. What should I do? I already deleted the mod.
I thought windowsbabbies were on mandatory nap time
only if you work at the bank, an airport, hospital, or any other huge organization
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>Rotarycraft gameplay
it's just voltage
Why do old versions have such a terrible performance? I tried playing 1.7.10 pack and it was unplayable. I can play ATM9 with hundreds of mods with no problems but in older modpacks I get 15-20 fps with stuttering.
Mostly because you do not know what you're doing.
What version is winning in the nuversion wars? I'm assuming 1.20.1 as enderio is being ported to it, but I also see lots of 1.20.4. What are your thoughts on this /mmcg/, I want to versionchase from 1.19 to 1.20 and don't know what one to pick.
i hate nuTiC
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i found this cool valley but it only has 20% humidity gtnh bros... its so fucking over
Start at the river and move into the valley once you have infrastructure.
I decided to move back near spawn since it was in a mystic grove with ONE HUNDRED PERCENT HUMIDITY!!!!!! but I will almost definitely move down there later though
I went with 1.20.1 because all the mods that looked interesting were on that version. I don't know anything about 1.20.4.
just downloaded it. I actually really like it. it's better than shaders honestly. shaders are really fucking dumb. this just adjusts minecraft lighting color pallete using optifines lightmaps. I had to disable embeddium and re-enable optifine but it's worth it honestly. thanks for sharing, I would have never known about this before you shared it.
>I had to disable embeddium and re-enable optifine
Doesnt polytone work with this
I got a wiremill!
I want to do a kubejs crossprogression with ars and botania, any ideas?
Just today I noticed pipez has a mekanism gas pipe. I swear they weren't there before but apparently they've been there this whole time. My fucking brain hurts man.
>start game
>generate world
>generate world
>generate world
i fucking hate this game
I've gotten a few savannahs before but never a dessert. You must be real lucky.
youve never had dessert?? not even ice cream??? poor guy
would've taken two weeks in gtnh
cant, i use forge 1.16.5

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