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>What is /feh/?
This is the general for discussion of the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game.

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>Summoning Cost Simulator

>New Trailer

Previous: >>486127096
Flop Status?
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>Book 8
>year 8
How did IS fuck up this bad?
It outsold Gullshit
Maria Sivenkova’s daughter
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Reminder that this IS is the same IS (same exact people in charge) that were about to be closed down after the failure of Tellius and the Archanea remakes.
Awakening was a freak accident made by these morons that somehow succeeded and let them continue developing, but they are still just as retarded as they were in the late 2000s
You posted this already
another pig thread?!
And it’s still true. Also RD was almost as troony as Engage with Heather and Kyza
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I dont make the Sanaki threads. I post in them though hehe
That was already debunked thoughever
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Stop lying FAGGOT
How the fuck is there a discord to discuss what goes on in /feh/, I genuinely cannot wrap my head around that
Wow Eirika's banner killed the general
Ike is gay
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your Eirika and Amelia banner
Kek where is the Eirika detto geimu poster
Now more than ever would his post be relevant kek
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Sometimes I wonder how this thread keeps going, it's like 20% discussion of FEH and the rest is just talking about thread personalities, schizos, tripfags, whatever you want to call them. If you hate them so much why is this thread basically their glorified discord server? Then again I never understood why the two fire emblem threads split in the first place so I guess I'll just never understand
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awakening gets rerun
RD is out
Everyone claim your waifu or husbando. Leonie is my wife
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Nice taste!
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Claiming Edelgard, the most important character in the series
Obama rewarding Obama
Does Gust mix well with laguz friend?
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What if all the Christmas cavs and Christmas Cav adjacent characters met?
Are there any really good support slut skills I can give Mila in HoF?



Amelia and co voice lines
Not really, you'd need to have it on a character who has a prf that can auto charge it like rally spectrum or something, though I don't even think that stacks with Laguz Friend
what are some null panic sources for my LF memetank?
too many panic/penalties at start of EP now.
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Glenn GHB
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freebie kyle
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What kind of retard summons before getting their tickets.
You're a piece of shit.
What are you so mad about? It's not that big of a deal.
He's mad because you got good luck kek
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Fuck off and die.
Make me
I'm not even that guy lol
I wanted Eirika, but I can't be too mad.
I got Eirika on my last ticket fuck boy.
I got spooked by Gustav twice what the fuck?! Seriously what the fuck are the odds of that shit happening?!!?
this pirate ship background is ass. almost don't even want to buy it
Thinking about foddering her off.
Your speedy lance options are limited
I meant speedy armor
I was thinking about just giving her fodder to Black Knight
Why does Amelia have a tiny ass feather in her hair?
That feather is huge
It's a speedwing
Did henriette die
Here's your healing juice, Kiran:
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>Kozaki leaked Heidrun is the mythic this month
What a genius
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Here's the leaked art.
Post where you mentioned she was.
I follow Kozaki on Twitter and don't see it. Where was this posted?
What the fuck is wrong with her spine
You couldn't post these one at a time, fatass?
He deleted the tweet because it's a leak. It was supposed to be posted later in the month.
Is CYL slop in August?
Eitri alt is confirmed with Nidavellir's lines. He mentions an inventor called Sindri
>kozaki is about to get fired
eirika said she must get stronger for lyon in her dialogue
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So is everyone else at IS
noo delete this muh incest narrative
>Open forging bonds
>Close forging bonds
>Close game
>Come to /feh/
This shit's ass KEKZINGA
How do you fire a freelance artist?
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Nobody knows who that is
Is the blind girl a Mythic or a Legendary?

Or are we getting Buffman in a mask first?
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Me too, Deer Man, me too…
Spic's most loyal Fellatio Crew soldier and Bertin's footstool. Not worth talking about.
I bet Sindri will look exactly the same except for like a different hairstyle or no giant hat
>I bet Sindri will look exactly the same except
a cock
He's RoyHoenheim's boyfriend. Also this: >>486257736
Why do you like penis?
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Our wife must check her privilege.
I fucking hate that they keep shoehorning this bitch into FBs
I'm not Fehowl? KEKZINGA
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Someone bumped the Eirika thread
I did for fun.
What was fun about it?
Fun is subjective but lets just say it worked.
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>#4: Niðavellir (+Spd/-Atk)
>#5: Ymir (+Spd/-Def)
>#6: Constance (+Spd/-Atk)
>#18: Brave Veronica (+HP/-Def) (4* Special)
>#25: Ascended Amelia (+Spd/-Res)
>#27: Flayn (+Def/-Spd) (4* Special)
>Spark: Attuned Eirika (Neutral)

Pretty solid haul for doing only full-wheels. Back to saving for A!Peony.
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>skip burd lady
>skip snek lady
>skip muscle guy
>go straight to blue goat for the first mythic of book 8 (not counting rat)
kek they really had no confidence in the other losers
Can you blame them? Book 8's OCs have been complete dog shit.
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Think she put on some weight…
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Street: 9
Municipality: gmina Ożarów
County: Opatów County
State: Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship
Zip/Postcode: Not gonna tell you that!
Country: Poland

Good luck getting past customs, retard!
What killed the hype
>300 orbs
>finally my first eirika
This nigga lives in Grima Ohio
Americans have full immunity in shithole countries like yours so you're fucked
The Archiver strikes again!
>inheriting the weapon which comes before the arcane weapon deletes the unit
Game is made by faggots
What's a good build for Glen when he comes out?
You should get a child unit with your s-support. The child unit will have the same hair and eye color as the s-support. This child has the same stats as kiran but with +5 to all stats. You can only use this child in very select few modes like mjonilr strike. If you have multiple s-supports, you gain multiple children. If you change s-support, the child leaves you
just accept Fjorm as your wife
Magvelpiling the wrong choice of characters. They only care about the favorites, though it took 8 years for the meme recruit to get a proper alt.
>He's RoyHoenheim's boyfriend
That's the guy who pretends to be the "serious guy" among a bunch of shitposters right? Man what a retard.
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>no frontal shot of her breasts
And they expect us to care about her? What arrogance.
I'm sure you had to race to claim her bro.
Leonie is pretty fast.
>so you prefer your ice "wife"?
>fine, i hope the poison kills you
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You have now been reminded that Brazen Atk/Spd 4 exists.
dude literally made 3 tits and ass poses and none of them show anything, amazing
no wonder this kusoge is dying
Ok reddit
>didn't get a meme super recruit alt but just an exact clone of her base version with a different weapon type
whoever is in charge of FE8 banners is braindead retarded
Remember that Kozaki leaked her other playable arts by complete accident. She's not supposed to be playable yet, yet Kozaki must have been cooking ahead of time. I fear that we're getting a Double Mythic this early...

Even Forde and Kyle are suspicious about how Ascendants work.
I got a copy of eirika and amelia in 30 borbs
Is Attuned Triandra good for AR defense or should I put Attuned Peony with Beeath of Life 4 on it instead
>null C echo
Is my windsweep constance finally doomed
Do I need to give her tempo now or some shit? I feel like because she doesn’t get any defensive that she’s just going to be worthless vs every melee, not even just the unkillable infantry / armor slop units they’ve been barfing out the last few banners
>I fear that we're getting a Double Mythic this early...
They have to do Double Mythic banners at this point because none of Rat's siblings have been released yet. I figured July will be Heidrun and Eikthyrnir, and October will be Hresvelgr and Nidhoggr.
>Double mythic, probably with direct counters to top meta and/or powercreep skills
Lmao sloptastic, still will flop since quite literally nobody cares about either of those two OCs since they're just pandering cashgrabs without any good story to their name.
Trying to replicate what Gullveig was without actually putting an effort in making their story and background + design interesting has to be the byproduct of some retard who noticed something went good with book 7 and can't understand what it was.
Why do Glen and Cormag look so similar?
This guy was tasked to draw Camilla and Kagero in an official artbook and he did the same gay pose.

Also skipped Ophelia and Orochi.
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Just want her to get something sexo, bros
What's up with her pinky toe? It looks super weird.
kek just remembered engage flopped
dont check your AR defense bro I just destroyed it
It’s ok man I’ll recoup the lift from my auto battle
Enjoy your points sir
>4 defeated
Who did you get as your Arena ticket?
Celica pits
Celica boobs
Celica tummy
Celica thighs

Only for Alm-kun
I'm sorry for your loss.
A Leanne merge. Pre-4.X refreshers are basically useless nowadays. Building up these kinds of refreshers are pointless regardless of Assets and Flaws.
Me too
I got lysicute on one pull and I’ve been pulling red ever since just in case
They're for Kiran, sorry.
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i can't believe forde is actually faster than kyle now
Yeah, I've only been pulling red also since a lot of my merge projects are reds.
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This can't be real
How do you even build Ayra? Finish 4, Phys. NFU, and Time's Pulse?
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Is this a good defense setup? Do you think it’s worth it to give Peony WOM4 from Plumeria or WOM Echo from Azura (I only have one of each)?
This anatomy is so fucked, should get a resplended immediately
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Here's mine
Ok retard
bigger boobs can't salvage that pose.
kek just remembered engage flopped
>Can't update my Shinon
God fucking damn it
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Please just put atk/spd clash 3 in the non-seasonal pool, god. Clash 4 is already powercrept by Excel
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>Making SI decent again
Schizo Micaiah
Holy shit trying to play modern arena with fem Grima is hell.
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Flop status?
>already around caeda's level in japan
i'm honestly surprised it's not doing worse, this banner just has nothing going for it, no fodder, no powercreep, nobody wants the OC, the only new unit on it is fucking forde
>see fjorm in fb
>instantly press skip and never read that characters fb again
Poor amelia.
I actually like all of these characters, just not enough to roll on them before Brave Felix and Bernie.
Oh except Nidavellir, I don't read FEH story anymore.
Cute privileged ice-wife.
ncd echo is saving it
Kek just remember Engayge flopped
you don't need to whale for an echo skill tho
echo skills are a meme desu
they can really only go on older units because of the prf restrictions
save for emblem units
What the actual fuck has Amelia been doing to get all the stats ever
Atk/Def Clash
Trace 4
Rein Snap
If you don't want to waste speed fodder, just use the Juno manual for Guard Bearing and Atk/Def Oath 4.
No one was gonna roll for her otherwise.
We can see you only summoned 3/40 times. Stop your bullshitting.
Its really unfortunate that even if you +10 and build up a favorite PRF-less or outdated PRF unit of yours with a rearmed weapon, echo skill, and other inheritables, they're still gonna be shit because only things with modern broken PRFs can bear to withstand hits from the current offensive mages, and also only things with current broken PRFs can reasonably hope to break omni-tanks like E Ike.
Something about getting huge.
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>want to put ncd on my Legendary Fem Corrin and literally patch her only weakness
>Nope can't do that without removing her prf special ie. The only thing making her good

This game is fucking ass.
For reference I quit about a year ago
How much worse has the powercreep gotten
Is literally everything I owned worthless now?
I still don't get why they bother with the prf restriction when attuned/rearmed can mix and match whatever they want and modern units like Nergal can run whatever echo skill they want
Legendary Corrin being able to run null c disrupt echo is too much but Attuned Caeda is fine?
>atk/def link 3 on tt units
>in book 8
This game is exhausting sometimes I swear the free skills are getting worse would not be surprised to see atk/res push 3 in book 9.
>How much worse has the powercreep gotten
Like 100x. Book 8 started ramping up the powercreep starting with Winter Byleth / Edelgard and hitting critical mass with Valentines Faglyon and Emblem Ike. It has not recovered since.

>Is literally everything I owned worthless now?
Depends. Check your barracks and if anything can kill Ikes it's at least decent. For Lyon the metric is being able to tank him, which only a select few units can especially without BoL4 support.
I'm still using units older than a year, so not really, but they won't be as good as something released last month.
You can use older/demote units, you just need to have a relatively modern build.
They will do fine against most of the cast but they will still struggle against characters like emblem Ike as even modern characters can have an issue with him.
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Gheb trained her well
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Today's new Chik
Judi in feh, when?
Why not make Attuned Amelia one of her alternate promotions? So boring.
>Might actually get my second crown ever if I push for 754-756 arena scores

Do I do it?
+Def, Ascend Spd
No Quarter, Marth Engage
Earthwind Boost 3
Wyvern Rift
S/D Rein Snap, Spd/Def Menace, Guidance 4/Soaring Guidance
DC Seal/Squad Ace BY

Enjoy your worse Cormag kinda, since Cormag has Tempo
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I like Clanne…
If I want Odd Def Wave 4 it's probably just better to wait for the double special banner, right?
>Nobody wants to roll on the new banner
>Nobody actually likes the new big titty OC
>Nobody cares about the Forging Bonds convos
>Nobody talks about the story
Is this it? Are we done?
I would've liked clanne if he looked like this
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HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Not even top 20
No, it doesn't
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did you get any of the forma?
Did the global player base just vanish over night? The fuck happened?
I enjoyed Amelia's FB. Can't roll on basically any banner that isn't an Emblem banner due to their extreme value with engage effects and the rate being very shit without FEH pass.
Its not a 3 House banner
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Why do you think international servers for gachas die all the the time? Nobody outside of asians are willing to paypig for so long.
Can't decide if Marth is worth a plug or not since I only have him +4 with the forma and I couldn't get Laguz Friend. I have no fire legendary really for Arena but I don't know if I even actually care. Might get F!Lyon for fun. I wanted to update my Shinon on the next revival but it lost to Awakening so..
Combination of
>most of the people in the west playing FEH either did it because of or continued to play it because of 3H
>anyone else either hated getting Juno alts or constant powercreep
When you get down to it, the game basically isn't made for FE fans anymore. So only the gambling-addicted Japanese audience still gives it money. You can even see this with the last Winter banner. It jumped dozens of places when they added characters people liked. IS just refuses to do it often, for some reason.
Yes IS should add Byleth, Edelgard and Dimitri to every banner. That's the only recipe for success
gacha tend die faster in the west and Engage release just could not refresh the game in any way
Bugmen are pathetic
i got mini l'arachel. i doubt if i should get F Lyon
Kinda, but no. They need to stop trying to force one single character to "carry" a banner. So far this year, only Gullveig has pulled that off.
If you don't like Engage or the Sacred Stones royals, 2024 has been ass for you as a player, most likely. Dimitri, Edelgard, and Byleth all crowded onto that Winter banner, but it was followed up next month with a banner headlined by... Juno, Igrene, Altina, and Tormod. Who the fuck was that for? Elibefags don't like them. Telliusfags don't like them. Then the same thing happened with Fallen. If you don't like Engage's late-game antagonists or FE7's late-game antagonists, that banner fucking sucked.
We actually had a Bridal banner do "decently" for once because they shoved Sharena, Lapis, and a kinda-cute Embla on there, which is certainly better than Bridal usually gets. Now imagine if it was lords people cared about, like the Fodlan chicks, Camilla, and Ike as one banner.
I got Lel and Joshua in the original run
Taking Lyon this time
Shame BoL4 wasn't in the skill pool yet though
>poorfags getting mad that japs are willing to shell out for their favorite games
Always funny
bridal flopped too, you fucking chuklefuck
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>Now imagine if it was lords people cared about
>names a bunch of characters that just flopped massively in recent memory
if feh is their favorite game thats even more reason to laugh at those cucks LMAO
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Lol still pushing the "Camilla sells" meme?
Bro a literal trash banner like this one did better in Japan than Camilla.
Actual Fucking lmao
poor neglected rat
Yeah, but bridal flopped less than almost every banner that came out this year.
Which is like the inverse of how it usually is. This year is so bad, that bridal did "good" and everything else did worse unless it was either 3H, Ivy, Gullveig, or the shiny new gimmick on the dual banner.
um why are you guys so mad that japan is supporting the game??
i guess Eitri got something of a mention
Disingenuous post
>post states that "They need to stop trying to force one single character to "carry" a banner."
>she still outsold most of the year anyways
Bitch outsold Ike.
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>they are still just as retarded as they were in the late 2000s
They may make questionable decisions but their hearts are in the right place.
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why is anyone surprised feh does better in japan?
half the games were never translated or released outside of japan so normies won't bother playing and won't recognise the characters
Poorfags gonna poorfag. These are the same cucks that stalk and gossip about commission chads.
>Doesn't mention a single S/A-tier banner
All of those sloppy flops flopped hard too, the continued failure of Engayge had damaged this game immeasurably
Ingenuous post
Literally the first one I listed was A-tier, the 3H Winter banner.
Hrid raped you. He filled your soft skull with his diamond cock and cummed hard enough to fill it up.
How the fuck did this happen?
Post your +10 Hrid.
Bots like all of these polls, dumbass
Ike's debut banner was hot steaming dogshit for other units on it, of course it did
Nowifag botted it
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this year's bride banner actually did better than the pervious years which goes against the trend of all of this year's banners preforming worse than their equivalent from the year before
Although it's not like it's that big of an accomplishment since brides is usually one of the lower preforming seasonals.
She's outselling the current banner too going by his favorite Reddit Chart maker. Like by his standards the current banner is just ahead of L!M!Corrin
People will say "botting," but Arcane Caliburnus is in the code shop, and Tharja has no prf so you can give her echo skills and arcane weapons.
Meanwhile, nobody on this fucking planet gives a shit about
>that guest character, the dad that dies in one level, the bitch that isn't even relevant, that sleepy guy
>le serious assassin, angry girl, racist guy, hungry girl
>dev favoritus maximus, her purse, gay pirate bird, lmao
Nobody cares about Nah or Apotheosis Anna, but both Grima and Tharja make that rerun objectively the only one to pick. I would sooner assume that Tellius was botted.
Probably, I'd believe it.
The issue is that we should be getting something like "Bridal Camilla and Bridal FCorrin," instead of Bridal Flavia and Sayri.
Gullveig's a freak in that she can carry a banner, but she's an outlier. FEH needs to pair popular characters in seasonal banners now to have good results.
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>Fjorm flexing her white privilege
You can't make this shit up!
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>Amelia taught Fjorm this move
Well I guess that's the next Fjorm alt then
Yeah, people sure are clamoring for that Grima. I guess it's just the coom power of one of the shittiest Tharja alts. Caliburnus is potentially one of the worst arcanes, down there with Líf's.
I think I'm legitimately going to spark S/D Trace 4 fodder over either Eirika number 20 or Amelia but shittier art
Damn you're butthurt as fuck.
FRobin won 2nd place in CYL
Slopja is rank 8 for women in CYL
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God I dislike the Western way of thinking so much. Why can't they understand that it's necessary to continue to support Fire Emblem Heroes no matter what?
>the attuned hero crossplaying as the guy whose dick she sucks
I sure am glad IS has chosen to use 100% of their brain for this one. 5 separate times.
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Eirika is too problematic to support for westacucks
They don't have to clamor for that Grima or Tharja.
They just have to click a free Vote button for them over the other fuckers nobody likes.
The reddit queen
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damn anon that's dangerously horny even by my standards
nta but which one?
He's right though. Caliburnus fucking sucks.
Mutts only roll for sloppa characters like Edelgard, Camilla and Gullveig.
And your mother sucks off Feroxians
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>Amelia but shittier art
They should have let Yo Kanazawa draw her for the Ascendant.
Tbh I don't even remember what Brides last year was. I do know this year had some interesting powercreep with Embla and Lapis, so perhaps all the esports fags rolled.
I love when the Redditbin fag posts his selfie.
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They will never stop shilling her, huh.
Marianne got mistreated hard body because of this greedy bitch.
boo hoo
Maybe you should buy orbs, western pig.
End your life bro

>>>/v/682554767 #
The Marianne ritual poster got exposed for being a massive shitposter
Healing Hands flashback art
ready for CYL to be ~60 in japan and ~50 in US?
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I wish I could flex my "white privilege " in Laegjarn
Not a corporate slave or trans so I don't care about how much they make :)
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a +10 Amelia already
I'm enjoying all of it so far.
Doesn't change the fact that caliburnus is possibly the worst arcane out there.
It was Awakening brides, except half the banner was characters no one married and it was about YTiki lusting over Marth despite being the backpack. They gave Roy's fucking harem banner more respect, and no one actually likes Roy.
Is felixschizo still mad at Engage because 3H got cucked by Sacred Stones? laughed my ass off at that earlier, lol
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say'ri and flavia brides were certainly...some choices
But people kept saying she was their "emergency button". >>486288667
Cute ratty
Hot nidhoggr
DM them or if DMs are closed they might have their email somewhere on their bio
And just ask for prices
flop family
>marianneschizo is a massive shitposter
Is this really surprising?
This Marth wank is completely unnecessary
No Magvelian knew shit about Archanea in the original game
Marth is shit, he never even topped Anri's accomplishments
How about stop repackaging characters more than 3 times and give us something new?
If it had Tethys, Marissa or some other character that has 0 or no alts instead of Eirika and the male OC, it'd be doing better
like anyone would roll for them lmao
They clearly had medieval smash in Magvel
There would be. You could argue 40% of the pie likes Eirika, but 60% is fed up with the spam and wants something new
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Cry harder
>it'd be doing better
It is literally the highest ranked japan NH banner this year without including Ivy or Fallen.
Go fuck yourself
>he thinks they won't flop
Did anyone roll for Cannes? He was new yeah?
The book 8 OCs and Engage are universally hated.
Oh right the tiki scandal where some intern forgot to swap the lead to ATiki. No wonder it flopped. YTiki turns everything to shit.
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not really
It's just burgers who hate engage
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Less hated and more no one cares more like.
It's just another IS moment desperately wishing Marth was more popular than he actually is.
Let's get some theme music for the thread.
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>The book 8 OCs
don't even see any hate
people just don't seem to care
He is popular in Japan and that's all they care about.
Then why did Engage flop in Japan?
All this here says is that Japan is addicted to gacha spending.
All of his banners have flopped except his emblem version though.
I didn't click on it :)
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Don't hate the player, hate the game.
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Engage had sales numbers for Japan. It only sold 145,000 copies in Japan at launch, and the vast majority of its sales are internationally.
So if we assume that the banner numbers for Japan AREN'T due to gacha-addicted whale spenders, then it means that you are LESS LIKELY to like Engage if you played it, as americans bought more copies of the game.
Muricans don't spend on gachas period. Or are you pretending that one rank 40 in 2 years is somehow good?
But Americans are supposed to Haye engage. Which narrative do I believe?
When I say ENGAGE you say FLOPPED!!

We used to. But we stopped because IS stopped making good banners.

Americans hate Engage because most people looked at it and hated it, and the few that dared to buy it also hated it.
Japan didn't buy Engage, and they don't care about it. But their spending-addicted whales feel a compulsive need to roll the gacha, since it has consumed their lives.
Japan doesn't roll for Engage. They roll because they wanna roll a gacha.
>But we stopped because IS stopped making good banners.
literally every single gacha game dies outside of asia in a few years. Why would FEH have any other fate?
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>Muricans don't spend on gachas period
*Glances at Genshin and Star Rail
Because FE is an established franchise with 30+ years of characters that the now-adults in Japan with spending money got addicted to whaling on. FE's large cast of characters lends itself well to a gacha environment.
However, since everywhere outside of Japan didn't get half of those games, half of the game's banners are dead-slots to everyone internationally. Then factor in that many of the characters are still obscure or disliked, such as Tellius. THEN factor in that everyone skipping like 2/3rds of all banners lets them save orbs, and therefore not spend.
Other Asia gachas are sold almost entirely on sex appeal, so their "fans" just move to the next sex appeal gacha. FEH meanwhile has no direct replacement like that. The closest would be FGO, but FGO is also still mostly OCs.
>Gacha with fag ''men'', trannies, and shotas is loved by burgers
What a surprise.
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When is her next alt?
in the end. feh will never get the higher rankings from year 1 and 2 again
Feh living 7-8 years is fairly impressive for a gacha, isn't it? Dont most die within 1-3 years?
Mutts love chink slop.
>gachas die over time
woah no shit...................
FGO lost 95% of revenue in the last years
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>Feh living 7-8 years is fairly impressive for a gacha
Fire Emblem has proven itself profitable. It could be even more so than it is now if Intelligent System's and Nintendo made smarter decisions.
the glory years before 3H. before edelgard, shamir, felix.
>FGO still shoots to the top of the ranks when they release some literal whos from a 2008 phone webpage
It's over for feh...
>anon now realizes that 99% of gachas are showelware that barely churn out couple of thousands.
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FE will never be Mario/Zelda/Pokemon/AC/Splatoon tier.
Depends on what you mean by "most". Quick pump and dump gachas like the slop Square Enix pushes out do tend to die within a year. Generic ones tend to live 3-4, but stable brands go on much longer like Summoners War, Clash of Clans, and FGO.
Nobody except troons care
You WILL pull for Amelia.
true, i'm getting my tickets right now
i will also roll for eirika and forde
I didn't freeroll her and I'm not rolling now. Sorry.
I wish I could. I barely have enough orbs to spark Eirika.
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if there is any unit i want. it's her
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I should but Peony Triandra, and Sonya are coming back at the end of the month.
So are we going to give henriette heidrun's nectar to cure her poison too?
The bit about ratty's dad being good and then turning evil strangely reminds me of Brendan Reed and the black fang from fe7. They also mentioned him saving some foreign king, who was super evil, but I don't remember if they mentioned what nation he was from. Perhaps we will visit it in the next book.
Nidhoggr is still hot, and I want a copy of her drunk ass. I get the feeling she might survive this book as some sort of twist.
Engage did bad globally but it did EXTREMELY badly in the West and has effectively killed the IP over here.
I wonder why of all the three trainee units in SS, Amelia got the best treatment?
Is it just because she's a cute petite breedable blonde? Or does the reason behind it go beyond that?
>Can get High Dragon Wall for my Mila this HoF for light season to prevent warping and consolidate a mythic slot
Too bad it doesn't work on Celica herself
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would be funny if he saved Surtr and Surtr burned him soon after
Is this true? Fuck, I blew orbs and Sonya is like the perfect Laguz Friend duplicator since she has shit base skills and a shit arcane
she a cute girl. no other reason needed
>Is it just because she's a cute petite breedable blonde?
>have to pretty much bring a dancer/harsh command+/restore staff into every fight because everything inflicts penalties now
I remember when I just had to make sure to not put units next to each other if there was an enemy Aversa.
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>soon enough US won't rank anymore and we'll only have the JP rank to go by
>I wonder why the girl in the gacha game got more than the guys??
It's weird to me how there's been a complete collapse of the western player base like this. Other gacha like FGO and Genshin don't do that well in NA compared to JP/CN, but it's not a complete blowout like FEH.
>Other gacha like FGO
bro NA FGO is on the brink of eos
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because she's a girl and also the most meme worthy
ewan had some potential but you just can't really make summoners in FEH
ross is pretty boring
Seriously? I haven't kept up in 2 years but it seemed okay last I checked...
Well one of the twins axe alts could've been Ross and one of the new OC Lyon they created specifically for FEH could've been Ewan
>but you just can't really make summoners in FEH
they could be something like a "vein" effect that summons them, and they're just the same as destructible walls that die in one hit.
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Here is FEH JP vs FGO JP...
>ross is pretty boring
Fuck you, I wanted him on the Pirate banner and they skipped him!
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And here is FEH USA vs FGO USA
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maybe a future pirate banner
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>It's weird to me how there's been a complete collapse of the western player base like this.
It hurt the playerbase in Japan too (did worse than FE4/FE3 there) but nowhere near as bad as it hurt the rest of the world.
FEH is 2017 Best Game.
And? We've had more alts of less-popular characters.
EoS fags are really desperate for FEH to EoS
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Holy shit it keeps going up
Someone stop Eirika's nip fanbase
Damm that's pretty grim. Seems like for all these smaller weeb gacha the western playerbases have died out.
kek, i remember FEH losing mobile game of the year 2017 at the game awards to some literal who shit tier game with corporate minimalism design that nobody ever heard of
Hmmm sorry but that's a F rank.
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>wanted all units
>didn't get any till the spark
>the only 5* i got was noah who i never heard of and didn't even know was in FEH
yeah i'm thinking seeded banner because they know i have every single SS unit
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>Global rank keeps going down
>JP rank keeps climbing
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>Eirika's trash banner will rank higher in Japan than CYL8
would be fucking hilarious
maybe they are pulling for Amelia instead
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Is this fine or should I use this copy of eirika to duplicate something like atk/def oath 4? I can inherit 2 more skills if I ditch gust and give her dc from someone else
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Oops new update added
The gap between the two regions just keeps getting bigger with each banner, lmao
Got a spare Eirika, had some questions I wanted to ask:
>What kind of units ideally want Eirika's kit, namely D Bonus Doubler and Gust?
>Should I blow Eirika on a unit now, or hold for a year until like Panette or someone gets into the game?
>How many years in prison should Pigzig and Nowischizo get?
Alarm is a pretty nice off banner skill at least
>Should I blow Eirika
go for it anon
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Isn't Gust speed based? Lissa has no speed, unless you're just doing it for the echo? Also yes, you should probably just give her DC from some old shitter first and pass along something else too.
Your favorite omnitank infantry with a speed stat, preferably with no prf skill or special so that they can use the echo
FE4's remake will save the series, however Juggies will seethe because it will only take the story and setting and totally change everything about the gameplay, make it a standard FE game and add an Avatar who is more important than than Sigurd in Gen I and Seliph (and Julia) in Gen II
what's skill duplication?
you mean like inheriting X skill to Eirika, then able to inherit that skill to someone else alongside her kit skills? It lets you inherit the outside skill you gave her?
I'm sure it will sell, however mutts don't spend money on the gacha so FEH will still be detto in the us
MULTIPLE yaoi 3H doujins were just uploaded to exhentai bros..
>sales sales sales
You guys ever talk about anything else?
I'm glad Engage killed off the yaoi fanbase.
Good riddance.
I bet none of the guys discussing sales have income they make themselves kek
FE4 remake will make Seliph and Larcei canon
Kekstrodamus! It's true it's true!
We have schizo-meltdowns on the regular if that is more to your liking
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What does Moonlight Bangle Q mean?
US people aren't into jp gacha these days, they're all about the Chinese
Q stands for Queer because FE is an lgbtq franchise now
Let's say you have Eirika 1 and Eirika 2. You give Eirika 1 the skill Atk/Spd Finish. If you inherit Gust and Atk/Spd Finish from Eirika 1, you keep the copy of Eirika 1 (but it loses its ability to inherit). Eirika 2 can still be used for inheritance.
If you then merge Eirika 1 INTO Eirika 2, Eirika 2 will have Atk/Spd Finish. This lets you give someone Atk/Spd Finish twice. You don't need 2 copies of Alear for example. You do need 2 copies of Eirika and 1 copy of Alear
I'm going to say Queen, because she married the prince of Renais
Half of the series is Japan exclusive unless you emulate and translate, and no one played the other half before Awakening, so the average western player only has a couple banners a year they're likely to summon on, barring the occasional seasonal or character they think looks cool, really even less now that we're at the point of those games running out of characters. The extreme powercreep in the last seven months hasn't helped, and maybe Nips are more willing to put up with it than, say, Americans.
At the end of the day, salesposting is just shitposting, even if that monthly revenue chart that gets posted shows FEH making two million a month for a year, that's still twenty-four million dollars, which i guarantee is more than what's being spent maintaining FEH
>because she married the prince of Grado
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predict the next Sacred stones banner
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Now bail. Your luck won't be any better.
kys there are more chances they will make gen 2 pro LGBT
Rearmed Eirika, Attuned Neimi, Garcia as the shitty axe demote, book 9 OC. GHB is modern Ryo Seth.
Dude there's no way Eirika is getting another alt
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Who are your favorite Bull and Panther duo?
she's getting an emblem
Where is Three Houses?
pic is missing Python and Forsyth
Cipher doesn't consider 3H as having one.
They are. Nobody wants a 50th Eirika.
I guess it's not a real Fire Emblem game after all....
Seems perfect for a Myrrh alt banner. just toss some fanservice OC girl on there and you have the average feh banner

i guess another banner could be franz , Artur and a Lute alt
Yeah. Cipher doesn't recognize Engage at all!
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>character that doesn't even pass the ignatz test
>people are totally rolling for them!
Franz(I bet he was planned at some point to be on this banner given how he's mentioned several times in the FB)
Random OC
Ascended Marisa
Rearmed/Attuned Lel
Insta demote Garcia
Gheb GHB
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>Binding Blade
>Sacred Stones
>Path of Radiance
>Radiant Dawn
>Shadow Dragon
>New Mystery
>Three Houses
>Warriors 3H


>Blazing Blade
>OG Shadow Dragon
>OG New Mystery

Seems to me like the majority of the games are localized actually. In that case the real problem is rampant powercreep and constant shilling of characters no one actually likes. People (mainly reddit) wonder why IS keeps rehashing lord alts, but they sell more than scrimblos like *checks notes* Clannes.
That's because Cipher was discontinued after the failure of Three Houses.
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The cutest little Cain that ever did punch.
When you think about it, Cipher was going well into Engage's development.
There are probably a lot of unreleased Engage cipher cards, but IS knew it wouldn't carry that game.
>Gheb GHB
i wonder if they'll dare to add him.
also the one with the most insufferable fagbase ever
Anyone know the cutoff for last week? Highest score I can find is 758
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I love my waifu Shamir more than anything
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The floret also came in handy, now my wife can tank and kill Gullshits even better
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>Mycen comes to Askr
>should be talking with Alm and Celica
>instead gets Fjorm and Alm

>Amelia comes to askr
>should be talking with Duessel and Franz/Ross/Neimi/Ewan
>instead gets Fjorm and Duessel
I am so fucking sick of this bitch.
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I'm tapping out now though
Nice gets anon!
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Why don't you like your wife Fjorm?
Genuine writing is too hard for idiot systems please understand.
Fuck yeah, I finally got an Annette, that's 40 free flowers baby

Also fuck instant demotes dude, I can't believe I have to free roll blues on every single banner now in the hopes of getting a Kyle randomly
Eirika is on track to outsell Floplix and Bernafloppa
>tfw no Eirikas yet at 30 pulls
I know it's normal, but it still hurts.
Raul they're beating your ass
Because after seven years, she never grew a second personality trait beyond "I like Kiran but won't tell him."
It's boring. She shows up to be the worst Metal Gear character possible in FBs.
We've gotten two female Cains, so when do we get a female Abel?
Kaze and Clanne.
Only pulling for the Yu Gi Oh donut steel.
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>That single lone lewd fanfic that features her
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>Male melee cav with dogshit spread
>Nidvalir shows up as a question mark in the unit catalog because he wasn't in the game as a playable unit during his TT
>you either had to make sure to play TT one last time in the like 2.5 hours between the update data and banner release or hope he shows up in a random enemy team
Wow very nice IS
Congrats and fuck you.
there's two and neither are with the fonse............
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>Sonya is like the perfect Laguz Friend duplicator since she has shit base skills and a shit arcane
I would duplicate many a skill with this HAG.
Alphonse doesn't deserve anything.
he's dead anon
orson is the necrophiliac, not eirika
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She is very over-treated.
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>We've had more alts of less-popular characters.
Like who?
Where the fuck is Gheb
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minor bosses like gheb and carlyle are not voteable
Gheb is more popular than any of these shitters though
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Eirika used Gust!
(her skirt flails and almost tears from the wind)
463rd post best post
They know the warriors of this game would unite to vote for him in CYL and it would be humiliating.
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For this I'm gonna use CYL8, since it's the latest one and therefore is more up-to-date on alts, since we're speaking overall for FEH.
Ross placed 316th in CYL8.
Immediately below him are many characters with a seasonal alt, a base and an alt, etc.
>Catherine (a backpack, so you can dismiss it)
>Orochi (backpack)
I'll stop there, but many of these characters even have MULTIPLE alts, like Maria and Selena. I do feel Ross should have been a Pirate TT unit on either banner. Better than fucking Lifis.
Keep in mind, I'm using CYL as a metric because the original person is the one who used it first. I know Ross is less popular than Lorenz, but it was his chosen metric.
I'm also shocked to see Layla on CYL's ballot. I don't think she was playable.
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Now that the dust has settled, why has the US abandoned FEH?
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the bolt axe guy a popular meme in jp too but still not in.
IS focused more on their Japanese audience with Engage
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Heck, I should have kept reading. The very next one was Guinevere, a character who got a fucking LEGENEDARY, and she's less popular despite also being a girl.
If you could fuck attuned Eirika or attuned Caeda, nobody will get mad at you and there's no commitment or responsibility, which would you pick?
Because no 4* Summer Merrin to merge up this year.
I'd pick one randomly
>I actually got a random Kyle on the banner before I got Amelia
Holy shit this banner was so fucking rigged
380 orbs for 1 Eirika, 1 Forde and 1 Amelia
It had a good run for 6 years, burgers are too poor now to afford whaling in gachas.
not a single cute summer girl freebie this year
IS doesn't make stuff people like. They keep making Magvel and Engage banners instead.
The americans were spending during Christmas and Summer 1. They're still here. IS just sucks at getting them to spend.
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But it's the yen that's been heavily devalued?
feb sold 5m
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Legendary Marisa soon
Engage slop
Alfonse slop
Devs say fuck you

Pick your poison.
Thracia isn't a real Fire Emblem game?
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Are you sure?
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>IS focused more on their Japanese audience with Engage
Huh? But Engage sold less copies in Japan than FE3, Genealogy, Awakening, Fates and Three Houses?
Yes, it was a miscalculation
Again, Engage's reception wasn't good in Japan but it was so awful in the US that it has totally killed the fanbase outside of Japan.
yeah only if you count physical
All you EoS troons can leave
FEH sells less than FGO yet IS shows no hints of EoS
In fact every month FEH alone outsells a lot of D list titles that have released in the last 10 years like TMS, Warioware, the DK port coming out, and outsells monthly the lifetime sales of slop like Starfy or underrated gems like Sin & Punishment
it's almost like these numbers are made the fuck up LMAO
No? We have Engage's physical + digital figures in Japan and they are less than all of those games.
I don't think anyone mentioned EoS, schizo.
With all earnesty, please don't spoil the fun. I'm targeting him and his repetitive tics for a reason.
You could have stopped at 135 and just taken what you'd gotten up to the spark
That's what every goddamn no life Salesfags eludes to with their shit posting and you know it
Why do salestards expect people to take them seriously when their own Reddit graph makers can't keep their numbers consistent?
I was only really counting main series titles, i don't know why, maybe the Warriors lords not making it in, but regardless, i've made my point and i agree the powercreep and dev favorites aren't helping.
Also, real quick: you swapped Binding and Blazing, OG Mystery is just called Mystery, and OG Shadow Dragon did get translated, it's just locked in the Nintendo vault.
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*sigh* Every time you try to deny this you're forced to run away when people post proof.

Fire Emblem: Holy War Story
498k units in Japan (not including rereleases)

Fire Emblem Engage
430k units in Japan (physical + digital)

No, Engage did not outsell FE4 in Japan. The "Engage is the 4th best selling FE game" narrative is misinformation that comes from comparing games with global release to games without them. When you look at countries both games were released in, the ranking is:
1) Three Houses
2) Fates
3) Awakening
4) Mystery of the Emblem
5) Genealogy of the Holy War
6) Engage

Engage is not even a top 5 FE game in Japan. Japanese audiences did not like it.
No, the debate today is just over "Who do americans and japanese players whale for?"
It has nothing to do with EoS.
But I wanted all the SS units
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>Japanese audiences did not like it.
explain this then
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It's true what they say, Engage set the series back 30 years.
>has recency bias
>still only gets third
Where do you think it'll be in five years, like how 3H was five years later?
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Poll was made in the honeymoon period of Engage's release and still couldn't beat FE4 or 3H. Would be below Fates without recency bias.
What goalposts did I move? Are you assuming I was the previous poster?
I'm stating the fact that Engage failed in its own poll.
Why does it think Engage had some form
of ownership over that poll? Is this because of its insecurities and schizophrenia?
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>FE4 remake will be announced in September 2022 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in February 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in June 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in September 2023 Direct
Aw dang it!
>FE4 remake will be announced in June 2024 Direct
Aw dang it!
When people say "pandering to the JP fanbase" they mean "pandering to JP otakus" because they're whales who will spend money. Engage was a very otakubait game. Shallow, tropey characters, very sexualised designs, bright flashy moe blobs etc. It just failed at drawing them in.
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>fans always rate the latest entry in a franchise highly on launch
the goal post has been moved to another stadium entirely
>The "Engage is the 4th best selling FE game" narrative is misinformation that comes from comparing games with global release to games without them.
Why wouldn't you? It's on IS for not bothering to localize FE for the longest time. Engage sold more. 1.6 million is higher than 500,000. Hope this helps.
Thanks, IS.
I need to make some reliable Ike counter. Travant survives round against him but doesn't kill. I guess running Legomilla will be mandatory from now on.
>Game you can buy in any country sells more than game you can only buy in one country
What the scallop?!
When put on an equal playing field, Engage sold less.
Japan has a shrinking population and economy of course a game in the 90s would sell more than a game in the 2020s
Actually women are the ones who spend, they needed to appeal to fujos and those women who like useless men. Pokemon understands this
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They added a lot of characters to CYL in 2021(?), mainly bosses like the non Nichol/Candace capturables, but Layla has been votable since CYL1.
We're arguing what-ifs right now but if you think Engage will be in the top 5 or even top 10 FEs by the time we get a new game you're delusional.
How many times have you made this post of "Engage has KILLED the entirety of Fire Emblem fans and now no fans exist, bro the good will bro, the word of mouth, the reputation of FE is dead we're back to pre-Awakening days" like seriously shut the fuck up already
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why are jugdrools like this
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Ah, I see
So the banner sold in Japan because Japanese women looked at this guy and came in their pants.
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>why do people keep saying true things? don't they know it makes me angry?
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I love Shamir so much
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I am confident in my assertion that Engage is Fire Emblem's Wind Waker.
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That's a cool concept for resplendents
Ok but seriously if Engage was a Japan-focused FE entry why did it sell less copies in Japan than the Kaga games?
Sounds to me like they made something Japan didn't want.
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Yes yes I'm sure in your little damaged brain that's filled with seethe towards Engages very existence it has totally killed the series and every fan has burned their copy of the game in protest.
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The FE4 remake (if it even exists) will sell less than Engage in all regions
already answered here >>486316714
Read the thread next time
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People said this about Fates too but the problem is if the game genuinely is shit like Fates and Engage its reputation will never improve.

Not him but are you schizophrenic? Nobody said that. The Western fanbase IS mostly dead though and we know that from banner sales, the thing that started this whole discussion.
I mean your point wasn't much of one. Realistically only Thracia and Genealogy are unknown to the West. Maybe FE6 too but Roy and by cultural osmosis Lilina are well known. Every other game has been localized or remade in some form that the Western fanbase would be familiar with its main characters and general plots.
My wife
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Remember when Gulltards saw the midpoint trailer and thought IS changed the course of the story to appeal to book7fags?
Lmao they were so delusional.
Huh??? It was the population??? But Three Houses, Fates and Awakening all outsold FE3 and FE4 in Japan???

Why is Breath of the Wild the bestselling Zelda game there? Why is Pikmin 4 the bestselling Pikmin there? Only Japanese Fire Emblem fans are dying?
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build his son
>Got no replies spamming his Shamirs or his barracks
>Tries to start another Engage flame war again

I'm noticing.
>didn't free roll any of the new characters
>know I'll never see any of them ever again
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Shamir is so fucking cute. I love my wife
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>the game genuinely is shit like Fates and Engage
Just because you are a tranny who can't appreciate sexy designs and good gameplay doesn't mean it's bad
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>Engage did very well digitally
This is my favorite Engageschizo cope because you can google it and immediately see that he just made it up.

We know from Famitsu Engage sold around 204k copies physically in Japan by March.

And we now from Nintendo its total JP sales were 430k by March.

So it was 47:53 Physical:Digital. Nearly a perfectly even split. So no, Engage did not sell a massive amount of digital copies. Engageschizo just made that up as an excuse for low sales.

Now - you can already imagine his response to this. "53% digital is a lot!"
It's actually not.
The average for all Nintendo games in 2023 was 48.2%. So while it is slightly above average, it is nowhere near a number high enough for it to actually matter.

This is kinda why, y'know, despite his copes that it was secretly selling millions of copies digitally, Nintendo's reports that included both digital and physical sales did not show these sales. Because they don't exist. Engage's sales were low across the board, hence why it was removed from print in less than a year.

If you want to play a fun game, ask him for proof that Engage had high digital sales. He shrinks and flees like a beaten dog every time.
Actually, Engage would have sold more even if FE4 had been released in the west, because people didn't buy Fire Emblem before Awakening. Fire Emblem had five games translated before Awakening, not one of them cracked a million. The series was gonna be shelved before Awakening, and i'm confident in saying Genealogy would not have beaten Engage with a western release.
People associate old FE with selling badly and don't know enough about the series to know that that trend didn't started until after Kaga left. People dog on Thracia but Path of Radiance sold less copies in Japan than it. By FE9/FE10 it was a dead IP over there that wasn't making even half of what it did in the Kaga. Western releases kept it alive but even those collapsed.
>Reddit spacing
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FE4 Remake will be announced next Direct and the series will be saved!
It barely sells more than SoV
>Why is Breath of the Wild the bestselling Zelda game there? Why is Pikmin 4 the bestselling Pikmin there?
Those franchises didn't used to be popular in Japan until recently.
>But Three Houses, Fates and Awakening all outsold FE3 and FE4 in Japan???
yeah but they're all really close. Covid killed some people, y'know?
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Famitsu indirectly confirmed Engage quite literally died on arrival in Japan.

The 10th place in the chart is Super Mario RPG at 447,687 copies until the end of last year. And according to Nintendo's 2023 financial reports from May, Engage sold 430.000 copies in Japan by then

This means that in 7 months, Engage wasn't even able to sell 17-18k units there, as otherwise it would've showed in 10th place instead of Mario RPG...
Western fanbase is dying because
1. Old fans are mainly trans sjw no fun allowed types who love talking about how sexist the series is and how much they hate Japan. That's an immediate turn off.
2. No merch. What can you buy to show your interest in the series? If you live outside Japan nothing. If you live in Japan, nothing or extremely limited edition things that are expensive. I can get pokemon and Kirby pens, tshirts etc, when was the last time FE had a Collab?
3. No promo. Self explanatory
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Engage was getting heavily reduced a few months after release and even after a year of that it still wasn't selling. When you're a retailer you have to cut your losses at some point.

A lot of online sales shitposters don't understand how stock works. Engage sold 1.61 million copies. Around half of those were to physical retailers. Those are counted as "sold" when they are sold to the retailer, not when the retailer is able to sell them onto the customer. If you go to Walmart right now and buy a copy of Engage, it won't ding up that 1.61 million figure, it will be the same because the copy you bought was already sold when it was sold to the retailer. (If you buy it digitally it will though because it "creates" a new copy in circulation.) Retailers can buy a lot of copies of a game from a supplier, and then realise it isn't selling. What you then end up with is a shit ton of copies of Engage stuck in retailers that nobody is buying, rotting and taking up space in your stock rooms and on your shelves.

At that point it becomes more profitable to just discount it and sell it at a loss so you can clear the shelf so you can make room for new releases. When a retailer is forced to sell the copies it purchased at a loss, it will no longer be willing to buy new copies from a supplier - there's no point because it won't make them any money. This is why Engage ended up going out of print and never got another sales update and will probably never hit 2 million. If retailers won't buy it, physical copies won't get manufactured. It's why if you try to buy a copy of Engage you'll see stuff like this, but if you try to buy a copy of Three Houses it's still full price.

New copies of Three Houses are still being printed. Those copies of Engage you see are ones that were printed back in January 2023 and still haven't sold.
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>Out of print
>wasn't popular in Japan until recently
actual bullshit
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>he starts spamming his copypastas
yup. That's how you know you've won the argument.
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So this confirms Engage basically totally stopped selling copies after March.
The last Famitsu report had it at 203k sales which means it sold 19,000 copies in Japan in 9 months.
Yeah, I'm not surprised they took it out of print. Engage was a flop that got carried in its opening month by 3H hype.
Having these post ready at a moments notice is absolutely pathetic

>the retard who posts these shitty reaction pics while obsessing over me is also an anti Engage retard
Checks out
A remake of a game no Westerners have any attachment to won't save the franchise kek.

What they need is a new standalone release that captures the tone of Three Houses but is entirely unconnected to any other FE game. Makes it accessible for new players and brings back 3H fans.
Extremely ironic post.
You now remember that this thread has a schizo who has spent A YEAR, TWELVE HOURS A DAY trying to convince the general that only ONE PERSON hated Engage.

This is despite Engage sales crashing so hard the game went out of print in less than a year. This is despite it being the worst reviewed modern FE game. This is despite it never having an A tier banner and averaging D tier. This is despite it losing every single slot in CYL to the rejects of other games.

This guy has been shitting up threads for AN ENTIRE YEAR attacking anybody who even slightly teases Engage. And now he's been exposed for the freak he is.
I AM NOT CRAZY! I know he faked those numbers. I knew it outsold 3H. How could it have flopped? As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn’t prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at Famitsu to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He’s done worse. Those manga rankings! Are you telling me that a Nintendo tie-in manga just happens to be in the bottom three every month? No! He orchestrated it! Engageschizo! It took four months to sell one run! And I tried to debunk him! And I couldn’t have. I made so many wrong narratives! What was I thinking? He’ll never change. He’ll never change! Ever since release, always the same! Couldn’t keep his nose out of Engage sales! But not our Engageschizo! COULDN'T BE PRECIOUS ENGAGESCHIZO! Stealing them blind! And ENGAGE has to go out of print? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped him when I had the chance! …And you, you have to stop him! You-
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He's forever mad that Engage outsold his favorite game's banner
don't pretend like TH is your favorite game. We all know it's not true
>3H era was people pulling up their notepad filled with Edelgard arguments
>Engage era is people pulling up their notepad filled with salesposts
It never ends
Chuck was literally right though so if anti-Engage fags are Saul then they're all gonna end up in prison or probably dead
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it's fucking over

engage flopped BIGLY

>no advertising on NoA's side
>censorship up the ass
>butchered S supports
>genshin artstyle
>no positive word of mouth


this game is gonna be remembered for killing FE like New Mystery did

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What gets me the most is this place HATED 3H. Every time Edelgard got something people would be pissed, this general was made specifically to get away from the "sex with Dimitri" otome posters. But now that Engage exists these shitposting idiots will praise 3H as the best game in the series because it outsold Engage.
Pulling colorless from arena tickets in hope of Bravemilla or Lyn is torture.
Remember most 3H mega fans either never played or finished the game
>two people with 4chan pass spamming the thread
reminder that these faggots pay to post on 4chan, lmao
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>horrible character designs especially for the protagonist
>terrible story which is especially bad after coming after a flawed but still great and ambitious story
>quirky one gimmick characters that are somehow worse than awakening and fates characters as while those have a gimmick they at least have a personality beyond that and talk about others thing aside their gimmick
>gimmicky gameplay that while still solid is unappealing to many as most of the emblems are nobodies as IS won't re-release and/or localize old games
>day 1 DLC putting a bad taste in everybody's mouth especially by shilling the flop tiki, and the fell xenologue was bad
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It's really trying its best to get attention lmao
You know at this point you've completely made up a version of me that doesn't exist in your heads that you use to get mad at.

It's like what that guy does with the Felixschizo shit. You make a retarded post, I comment that it's retarded, and you begin your little "ha there he goes I knew he'd be triggered"

You're very sad
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Come up with a line-up for the Teatime seasonal.

HARD MODE: It has to follow the Slop Format (three unpopular Engage characters, one mid Three Houses character nobody remembers)
We aren't getting Teatime, retard
It's already confirmed that Pirates banner is coming back
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Celine, Alfred, Louis, Lorenz
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Kvasir, Céline, Roy, Duo Lilina & Cecilia, TT+ Louis
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>nonstop engage seethe
i wonder who is behind this
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>hardy bearing
it's obviously going to be firene themed
>discord screencaps
>twitter drama
>pigzig op
shiiiiiit bros, we almost got all 7 of the schizo balls, just one more and we can summon shenretard and make a wish
I like Travant more. Besides I doubt Arion would suddenly be able to kill Ike.
Even Celica isn't as cancerous as Ike because I can slap mine on swimsuit snake and kill her along with 3/4 of the enemy team and run away with duo skill on turn one. Ike with Celica slapped onto him though proved to be cancer even greater than Ike himself.
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Why do fags even want a Jugdral remake?
3Hfags are just going to compare it to 3H and call it shit
Jugfags will shit on it if it's not a 100% faithful remake and they will since treehouse is 100% censoring it
Normal people will drop it after the 3rd chapter of horse emblem and the riveting arena gameplay
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There isn't going to be a single Engage character on the banner and you all will still only talk about Engage.
You know I'm right.
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Mr TD is BIGLY upset over Jugshit losing to Engage
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Needed it for some story challenge. Don't remember what had vantage in recent paralogues/story.
The unit backgrounds don't really have much of a bearing on the banners you know, don't start trying to patternfag here. What banner does the library, dining hall, fairy, and town square backgrounds correlate to? The ones that are more banner related are the home screen ones(like the thieves den, the ninja one, etc)
The Holy Trinity stands valiant in the face of all those degenerates... liking Gullveig... liking Engage... how sickening. We are blessed by heroes like Raul, Calbert, and Mr TD.
*calls Namschizo on the phone*
Me: Namschizo, we have an Engage spammer. You're good at finding out who people really are. Who are they?
Namschizo: it's the gook. AAAAAHHHHHHH
Me: what the BACON was that noise?
Namschizo: I'm taking a shit... LIKE THE SCAT BITCH TIKI
Raul: I like little girls
Nowifag: *makes an early thread*
Jimm: *posts a lewd Nina*
Mr TD: *starts shilling Larcei*
Igreneschizo: pls... Give Igrene votes
Kwll: *brushes teeth*
Tuyen: *exists somewhere*
Namschizo: YEP, it's time to SHIT up the thread!
Silas: this is my final Silas
Never understood why gullfags hate Engage. Her design would fit right in that game.
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God DAMN I love Delthea now
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FehAnon got the last laugh
did I miss the felixschizo meltdown?
I would skin Marth alive, wear his skin and fuck the incest cravings out of Eirika while Caeda watches.
it's happening right now
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>This thread rn
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What the fuck I love Nowi now
I love Maria now
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Brave Bernie leak
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>HELP! He's trying to turn me into a hot air balloon!
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Eitri will get a new alt next month and will look like this
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What are you guys posting about?
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I made Timerra popular
KEEEEK You wish you're going to get MANtri and you will roll for the looney trooney KEKZINGA
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engage is out of print, please go buy it asap, we need to boost sales
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You guys are stupid heads
kek how do you feel about mindbreaking a /feg/got so badly they spammed /feg/ for 12 hours straight
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That's rich, chuds
Glen is mildly liked!!
I refuse to believe they'll exclude Firene from the banner, when it's the engagespam year, and Firene's only exports are tea and oranges.
At the very least, Celine will be on the banner.
And if she's not on the banner you will still obsess over Engage
He's a decent support which all you can really ask from GHB shitters so I don't see the reason to complain
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This got over 1000 likes
Is Glen going to replace Arion as the GOAT grail unit?
*punches her in the stomach*
No, Arion is great for flier teams
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This got over 5000 likes
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You dealt 0x2 damage
Try again, shorty
do NOT make me post it
do it
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why did they have to cut off her arm?
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Uhhh…content please?
so she wouldn't punch them in the dick
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New content right here!
isn't no quarter better than Gust just to make sure the thing Eirika counters dies?
Lack of coomer poses means a skip unfortunately. Maybe when she gets a summer alt next year.
This cost $800
Worth every penny
Another Raul comm leaked kek
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this but with a kete
I hate this fanbase so god damn much
This but change 18 to 12
This art... like holy shit I could talk for hours how baffling it is. How did anyone look at this and go "Sure, print."? The lower body and legs are drawn directly from the front and the upper body from the side, and sure, if you want to go for that "show both the ass and the tits" body twist then yeah go for it, but here the posture shows no twisting of the torso, it just gets cut off by the left arm. It's like one of those impossible object things. What the fuck is going on with the tits? They're far too low even if you're trying to go for the massive cow tits look and don't attach correctly to the chest, rather they jut out like a tumor. That cleavage line looks like an afterthought, and somehow makes it even more hard to see if the rack is directly pointed to the right or in a slight 3/4 angle, like some fucking optical illusion because the bandages don't seem to follow the form. There's some shading on the boobs in an attempt to imply form, but why is there no shading right under them behind the horn?
Her design is very cute but I don't think even the most degenerate coomer could find this art appealing. How do you fuck up drawing boobs?
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>Choco Alear
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Are people finally realising Kozaki is a back?
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back from what?
Sara would be an amazing gf
shut up Chaz
Sara would be an amazing lover
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That's quite...original.
This but change 12 to 11
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10 is better than 13
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Anyone know what caused the pigzig meltdown?
i haven't seen a single new amelia fanart, what went wrong?
Very nice chikker
Probably your bad breath
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>This time the idiotic devs decided to not put any effort in the plot, also they made damage control by saying dumb shit like they wanted to be the opposite of 3H
>The game literally speedruns on killing your ""mother"" for cheap drama and pls feel sad, the most hilarious part is the switch going to sleep thanks to the long cutscenes
>The avatar workship is even worse when almost everyone calls you divine one although its justified
>the world is pretty but also feels so lifeless
>Also the world building is almost inexistent and irrelevant in your quest of finding all the remember-berry mcguffin rings
>The supports starts very weak, not everyone's cup of tea hehehehe.
>The poor royals got nerfed thanks to fates and they barely have story presence after their intro, they are glorified cheerleaders and yes man
>The emblem rings are just your shitty macguffin and memeber X character from X FE game
>The infamous chapter 11 the peak of the game and also the most bizarre and poorly directed part of the game how evil Veyle stole the rewind crystal and the rings you gathered so far, even how the fuck you escaped from that monastery?
>After chapter 17 the game """tries""" to make you care about that girl Veyle if you don't then oh well ...
>Villians are very I mean very stupid for the sake of the plot (not new in FE games btw you cocksucking morons)
>The huge (and kinda obvious) plot twist in chapter 20, Alear is Sombron's child no drama no conflict with your army of weirdos and retainers, everyone already kiss your divine ass anyway
>Sombron's motivation seems like a shitpost "I miss my (Kaga) Emblem" still we don't know who is this emblem zero and the world might never know and when they reveal it, the people will stop giving a fuck about it.
>there is zero diference between male alear and female alear supports thanks to I$ laziness
>and zero paired endings unless your name is Alear.
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I love ketes
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I think its time for another ad banner
Glen looks like a really good grail merge project. Might build him since I lost copies of his brother...
Didn't read any of this
Probably, honestly. Though with all the special based DR they're releasing it's kind of a wash
Dead general
>Eirika references Nada Kuya in her level 40 convo
Didn't expect IS to remember that.
probably just some intern looked up Eirika in a wiki but still
When are we getting a new Hector, I've got nearly 3k saved up for either him, Ephraim, or even Diamant.
Mythic that’s basically Eirika/Saleh’s daughter voiced by Eirika soon
maybe the thread would be alive if it was engage instead
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Updated flop status
Maeda's Slop and Flop
Formerly Kaga's
Lots of Dettofags in Japan I see…
I think you mean alot of Null-C disrupt E fags in japan
cute oreki
The Magvel kids banner was like that too, 16 in Japan, 50 in the US.
Now this is some kino Fates era shipping
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I know you used to see adult chikker
But now Awakening is old shit
default chikker, quick to pull a fucking trigger
series definition of a real chikker
Adult loving nigga, quick to fucking hate the chikker
Adult chikker, thats the definition of the alt chikker
Now wilding, ready for all the violence
No other chikker cause these banners im carrying
I got this four fifth, this new alt on my hip
I blow that shit, now you know where bobby shmurdas hat went
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Engagie ragie floppity doo
I've got no more banners for you
Engagie ragie floppity dee
If you were wise you won't waste your money
Who do you blame when your cast is queerbait
With a lame duck script like the plot of book 8
Blaming three houses is a lie and a shame
You know exactly who is to blame
mmm pizza
>Rearmed L'Arachel
>Attuned Ephraim
>Moulder (prflet demote healer shitter)
>Garcia GHB
Still a better investment than spending that much in FEH with no merges for your schizo fancharacter to show for it KEEEK
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Attunned Myrrh (Dressed like Ephraim)
Rearmed Marisa
4 * Saleh
GHB Morva
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Still a better banner than Schizo Slop Summer.
Kek just remembered Engayged flopped
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Engaygie, are you okay?
Will you tell us that you're okay?
There's a sign in the Target
That they struck you - cleared stock out, Engagie
They really thought throwing away the good plot 3H had to appeal to autistic manchildren was a good idea. Is ISIS retarded?
But you're replying to an autistic manchild
ISIS wanted Engage to become the next Awakening, but all they accomplished was make the next Fates.
That's not even a good comparison because atleast Fates had characters worth jerking off to. They made the next Tellius games.
kek at least a child is loved by its parents, what do you have?
He's replying to himself, LOL.
Felixschizo is infamous for leaving the threads completely dead when he gets banned since he was the only one posting, having conversations with himself and no one else.
Hahaha its this clown again
Oh, you're retarded. Nevermind.
Everyone is laughing at you LOL
What the fuck I love Nowi now(again)
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Engageies BTFO
tell me your cope again about the "digital sales"
Kek just remembered all Engaygeslop banners flopped to the bottom of the rankings
Kek they also killed the FE series no less
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>That time he got rangeb& and had to buy an ad just to communicate
I literally couldn't stop laughing, especially every time someone from another general would post in the thread to ask what it meant and everyone here shat all over him
Nowi is MY WIFE, bitch. Sit the fuck down.
If you told me the guy who spams "just remembered Engayge flopped" 20 times a thread and the guy who goes on and on about "Felixschizo" were the same person I'd instantly believe you
Ok. They're the same person. Congrats on the quads by the way.
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Man you still crying about the banner ad after like a year? I should pay for one myself so you can finally kys. Even Raul never got a banner ad, you're worse than Raul hows that feel?
Very nice dear, I'll put that in the pile of shit that never happened like Engage selling digitally you failed to push on here.
Retard schizo
Fuck youre a clown, why are you on here? you could be making serious money at the circus
Seems you get really mad when called out that you alone spam the same shit every thread
>proceeds to spam shitty cropped comms of his own narcissist self insert
Jealousy is unbecoming
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>narcissist self insert
I'm not a Kiranfag THOUGH
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Does failixschizo still have extreme autistic meltdowns any time somebody namedrops it?
Don't ignore your bottom surgery medical bill to buy orbs.
nope but you do whenever you mention him yourself kekaroo
I'm convinced that people only like 3H for AM and the characters because I've seen people shit on pretty much every routes writing save for AM.
That's because "people" have shit taste.

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