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The Most Underrated Ship

>Previous Thread >>485183430

Life is Strange (LiS) is an episodic narrative game from developer Don't Nod (DN). Set in the Pacific Northwest in the town of Arcadia Bay, the player follows the story of Max Caulfield and her seemingly newfound ability to turn hella gay and rewind time

Life is Strange: Before the Storm (BtS) is an episodic narrative game from developer Deck Nine (D9). A prequel set three years before the events of the first Life is Strange. A troubled, isolated and gay sixteen-year old Chloe Price forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a popular girl with her own hidden demons

Life is Strange: True Colors (TC) is a narrative game from developer Deck Nine (D9). Protagonist Alex Chen is a young woman with the astonishing supernatural power of being gay. While Alex’s power will lead to moments of great joy, it also brings her into the orbit of violent anger, world-altering sadness, and irrepressible fear

Life is Strange: Double Exposure (DE)

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage (LR) is an upcoming narrative game from developers of the original Life is Strange, Don't Nod (DN)

>Upcoming Merch:
Life is Strange: Heatwaves - July 30th 2024

Life is Strange - http://store.steampowered.com/app/319630
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - http://store.steampowered.com/app/554620
Life is Strange: Remastered (includes LiS + BtS) - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1265920
Life is Strange: True Colors - http://store.steampowered.com/app/936790
Life is Strange: Double Exposure - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1874000
Lost Records: Bloom & Rage - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1902960

>/lisg/ Permalink:

>Compilation of Fanfics:

>/lisg/ Photo gallery:

>Art of LiS
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Glad Max doesn't look like a Ellie knock off anymore
I hate Rachel Amber so god damn much
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She did nothing wrong
who's the daddy?
The whole town.
This is so fucking sad
in the case of rachel it should be triple exposure and beyond
Crazy how Rachelfags can't help but let themselves slip they're actuall just psychos who hate every other character.
Ellie is the knockoff of Max
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Oh no!
make a lewd thread and stay there ya damn coomers
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We have known this was the case since BtS.
Just remember that while they actively hate all other characters but Rachel. They do have a special hatred for Chloe. It is why it is always so easy to spot the reprobates.
As a group they are legitimately, seriously mentally ill. I can almost guarantee you that you could find a bunch of them on tumblr or reddit right now, still clinging onto the schizo theory that Loretta is actually secretly Rachel who has adopted a new identity.
I bet she'll make Chloe clean up afterwards as a test of obedience
The only psycho here is you, my friend. The only one who spends significant chunks of his free time hating a fictional character.

(She reminds you of the popular girl that rejected your pimply fat ass back in high school, doesn't she?)
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Like clockwork, the schizophrenic returns.
Seems like he dodged a bullet, then.
I don't even like her all that much, but I'd say the one who keeps posting hateporn of her and discussing her sex life in detail for the past god knows how many threads is the much more insufferable one here. If you hate her so much, wouldn't it be much more sensible to not keep on bringing her up and just ignore her?
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>least delusional Chloe moment
>till clinging onto the schizo theory that Loretta is actually secretly Rachel who has adopted a new identity.
wait what
Couldn't be farther off the mark, which makes me wonder how hard you're projecting
to be fair, being a cock hungry slut is like 97% of rachel's ''character''
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Very important to remember:
Wow, this general looks so much better without that crazy fanart shitposter.
Looking forward to see if Blenderanon is gonna deliver the Nathan x Rachel render I suggested
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Sure, buddy, sure. Keep telling yourself that, maybe one day you'll convince yourself, at least.
>least delusional ambertroons
How's James going to react if he caught his daughter getting rawdogged by her teacher?
Probably happy she's connected to a famous person.
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Strange that such a character seems to live rent free in your head then. With the amount of times you guys talk about cock, raw sex and porn and make up sex fantasies about Rachel in a day, I'm starting to think it's not pure hatred but envy that motivates you to seethe over her.
don't blame me for the devs making a character who was the literal town whore
It's gonna give him flashbacks from the days when he was still with Sera.
She had to stop Warren
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Max isn't a psychopath.
Yes, but that means she wouldn't try and save him either.
In this theoretical scenario she knew it was happening and had the power to stop it so not acting was like killing.
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You people are silly.
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Lost Records
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Does it have goth gf?
That water resevoir with the deer antlers remind me a lot of Penny Fitzgerald from Gumball. Also huge Gravity Falls vibes from this image.
Fuck off to /pol/, retard.
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How would you feel if Warren was Bay Max's only love interest instead of the new characters?
Even Bay players don't want that shit.
I'd have done my best to be as combinative and ignorant of him as possible. framing him for the murder if given the choice.
Lost Records.
He's Bay Max's Eliot
So as long as Pricefield is also made canon in Bae I couldn't care less.
Matter of fact, it's a bigger L for a lot of baytards in this situation.
>make a summer pic collage
Kek, Swann really is Max 2.0

>find a cool place to go for the Perseid meteor shower with the girls
So even in Lost Records we have a meteor shower plot point.
Here's my theory; the purple light thing in the first trailer is an alien entity that fell down in that crater and gave some of the girls supernatural powers. My bet is on Kat being the one given supernatural force and being the catalyst of the events that transpire through the game.

Kinda unfortunate that Double Exposure will pretty much steal all the spotlight for the near future.
In Bae, Chloe is Max's one-and-only and they're a couple forever.

In Bay, Warren was a brief relationship that Max broke off after hardly any time because she was too consumed with the pain of her decision, and even now when people ask about her high school sweetheart she tells them "Chloe"
Chloe needs to be Max's priority regardless of ending.
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Man, this fall is going to packed with stuff for me.
Double Exposure with likely Pricefield.
New CPU and RAM for my PC
Arcane season 2 (hopefully with more Cait and Vi...)
A couple books come out.
I'm feeling pretty good, /lisg/frens.
I can hope that our choices are truly respected in Double Exposure, if the August '22 leak is to be believed.
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Subject out of control.
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My Max hugged him. He may have been a creepy simp but he was about to die anyway.
I hate the straights so goddamn much
Fine. He's a good guy.
Oh shit
You hate over 90% of the world population?
We’d be better without them desu
You wouldn't be able to exist without them.
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Every day we stray further from God
what the fuck
The tragedy of Warren being unable to keep the relationship going because Max has endured unimaginable loss is kind of what makes the Bay ending so powerful. Max can never really have a normal life (which is what Warren represents). And from his side of the story, the universe literally got in the way of him being able to connect with the girl of his dreams.
Hair obeying gravity? In a coomer pic? I am impressed and disgusted
Pricefield-schizo bros, with what shitty fanart do we have to response?
Why would I respond to whatever the fuck that was
stop posting this
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They already have a thread on /aco/. Not to mention that basically all threads on /v/ are mostly just coomer shit.
They are just incels and will lose interest sooner or later. Likely by December assuming that DE does not get delayed. So if nothing else we can look forward to another comfy Pricefield posting Christmas on /lisg/, once we get back to our normal selves.
We got the same incel tourist bump with TC and they were all gone not long after release.
She is more punk then even mall goth. But she is still perfect. Looking very much forward to romancing her.
Single most attractive game character since Chloe.
We are not deserving of such a paradise.
Honestly the worst thing I have seen posted on /lisg/. Even worse then the links to the murder or eaten alive videos from a few years back.
You may as well just have posted the webm of the cartel face mask video at this point.
Remember max and Chloe just don't work out. The canon comics had Chloe tell max if Rachel wasn't dead she would never even look at max
it makes more sense for Max to break up with Chloe instead given that she is the most clingy of the two
Chloe just couldn't bear to be with a mass murderer anymore
Yes it is. It confirmed Chloe will always choose Rachel first
It isn't. Chloe was never a priority to Rachel, canonically.
He is shitposting anon. Just ignore him.
All of the comics (especially the first one) are explicitly 'what ifs' and are not canon.
I will come back in October to see if this fanart aged like milk or wine.
I don't think you know what that means.
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This artist really took the breakup angle seriously, and I don't like it at all.
(That's a really good design for a grown up 29 year old Chloe, I'll give them that.)
This drawing is one of the finest trolls in the fandom in quite some time.
that same bro thought lis 1 photo of Chloe was bae ending too, rage baiter
michel's gravity falls and yellowjackets rip off, you rike?
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It actually seems to be a mix of 'Now and Then' and 'The Craft'. With some influences from 'It'.
Very 90s focused. Nothing to do with zoomer shit on tv.
Chloe asking for divorce? Highly unlikely as she gets way too attached and is seen being clingy as fuck in canon. Doubt Max sees that as a problem though because she did sacrifice a whole town for her after all.

Nice fanart, bad concept unless you salivate for broken up pricefield which I still think is not the case in bae
Maybe Max just couldn’t get Chloe to cum and it put another strain on their relationship
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Oh yeah, that fanart aged like milk considering that whole bit was sneakily edited to not show the Bae photo that later transpired from the Tik Tok posts
I blanked him entirely.
>Pricefield 5%

yellowjackets is good and it has all the themes lost records is doing, question is, can dontnod conceptualize something worse other than 5 girls being cannibals because their plane crashed in the middle of the forest? which also didn't speak to each other for 20 or 30 years so to keep the secret
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A response from that same troll thread under the LiStwt confessions account. It does mention that Reddit user who broke NDA to leak the "LiS: Aperture" build that was presented in that survey, but at the same time it does provide conflicting and unreliable evidence. I'll try to break it down as best as I could.

They claim to not know how much the game changed ("idk how much of it changed it since I last saw it") implying they were one of the people that partecipated in that call, but then later on they come down to "spoil" DE claiming that it is better that TC but not as peak as LiS1 and "not a story worth of Max's return", which seems like a contradiction to the previous statement.

Most of the "spoilery" info they provide are basically things that you can already superficially assume from what we have been shown so far from the trailers, and claim that if DE is successful another game will be made for late 2027 / early 2028.
This seems to be a very unrealistic standard considering how Square Enix treated so far the LiS property, and considering the current state of affairs at Deck Nine after the layoffs it's hard to believe they will be ready soon for a new game.

They don't even mention the August '22 leak (the one that correctly predicted Max's new timeline switching gimmick and the Safi dead and alive plot), so while they try to disprove the obvious rage baits they don't seem to have much of a real knowledge on the game outside of things we know or speculate based on a superficial viewing of DE's trailers.
Who do you actually play in that game?
It's bullshit. Aperture leak happened around mid development. So the entire game was established already. It wasn't the beginning, the real beginning was 2019 with full builds production starting in 2021. Check steamdb for fact checking.
no one's talking about the official casting calls for lis tv series by amazon, saddd, that's where the franchise's going next, the tv show
>Check steamdb for fact checking
Which one?
>official casting calls for lis tv series by amazon
Do you know something in particular about it? Last thing I knew was that Square pitched another survey and that had a lot of questions regarding LiS1 and which endings and characters were considered favourites.
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Petition to make this a bannable offence.
This wouldn't have happened if you couldn't get married in the first place. You made your own life worse.
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Here, I fixed it. I'll post the template later so you guys can make as much dumb memes as possible.
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Template made, have fun with it.
Beyond cursed. Outright evil.
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Here you go
I just realized that Ryan x Alex fanart is harder to find than CP at this fucking point.
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What a strange thing to say
Has /lisg/ finally done coping that Chloe is either
1. Dead
2. Broken up from max
No. Don't you see how hard we seethe over cringe fanart pic.
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Now that you mentioned, I think I have seen more of Ryan and Rachel around.
w-whats going on here
This franchise has two fandoms relatively evenly split: Bae and bay.
There's no way they do that and alienate half the fan base. D9 aren't that tone deaf.
is there a male character she hasn't fucked before?
chloe did you ever kiss rachel?

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You wish
I'm about 70% sure Bae timeline has them broken up but reunited at the end. The marketing keeps going on about the setting of DE being a new start for Max and her having trauma.
This is probably the shittiest marketing you could ever do for a LiS sequel, expecially since 2 show both Max and Chloe strong toghever.
But considering we are seeing Max having pics of them toghever in her house along pictures taken by Chloe, there's a chance we can choose their relationship status and we will still keep phone contact with Chloe either through phone, messages or other ways.
>2 show both Max and Chloe strong toghever
You mean 2 showed photo of two friends hanging out?
>Max having pics of them toghever in her house along pictures taken by Chloe
You mean the same 2018 photo plus a few more made by her friend?
>choose their relationship status and we will still keep phone contact with Chloe either through phone, messages or other ways.
Through messages? Oh, how nice of D9.
The problem with schizos pretending to be Group A to make them look bad is they're fucking schizos, and don't have any concept of how to pass as sane. Anybody with eyes can tell what you're trying to do, anon.
I highly doubt DE was planned from the start to be a Max game without Chloe. It just ended up this way and from that point of view the marketing makes sense. Imagine if they used scenes with Chloe in person for the marketing only for people to play DE and find out those advertised scenes were the ONLY moments where Chloe appears.
I highly doubt DE was originally conceived by the developers with Max being the main playable character. I still think it was SE's demand to make her the mc in order to cash out on nostalgia.
Why do bayers care about bae Max anyway? Ya’ll already have a bay route. I don’t give a shit about bay Max since I will never choose bay.
>I highly doubt DE was originally conceived by the developers with Max being the main playable character
Heh, I'm 50/50 on this idea. While in 2019 Square Enix was throwning around concepts for a Max and Chloe sequel first at Dontnod and then Deck Nine, there's a slim chance that initially Double Exposure was a story set with a new original MC in mind and then rewritten with Max as a teacher.
I think the decision to bring Max as the main character was made very very early in development, like before they started doing the concept arts and stuff. They even said in the trailer that the idea for the power came up first before linking Max with it.
imagine there's a design bible of a lot of potential powers
>make 2 episodes early access
>throw in a bait at the end of episode 2, most likely a Max and Chloe bait
>let the youtubes and other social media profiles make a big fuss out of it
>overhyped fans preorder the standard edition
>full game lauches
>they play the first 2 episodes
>then they see the rest (leaker: the first part of the game is good, te second not so much)
>past episode 2 the refund is already unavailable
>They even said in the trailer that the idea for the power came up first before linking Max with it.
This is a point to favour the idea that Max wasn't supposed to be the main character when they started laying down the story, and does seem to fit the presumed greentext leaker.
What greentext leaker?
This one:
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God I wish the post Bae and Pricefield stuff in this was real.
>"I call this one 'I Know What You Did Whore'"
What does he even have to offer her?
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Alex's ass is so big you can barely fit her into Steph's camper.
Steph sees this as an absolute win.
If it is, I can die content.
Tfw Rachel would rather be fucking Frank hard and raw aka no condom than ever hear Chloe play the guitar.
>madlad listened to my request
fucking based
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Based Blenderanon.
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...did they?
Yes. I can see Rachel giving Nathan his first blowjob either in the car or in a bathroom stall.
rachel was deadass trying to hook random truckers just to get them to give her a ride outta town. what a skank
More of Alex's fat ass is never enough.
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it was made for kissing and pounding
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Hi, I played through True Colors because it looked nice and I liked the main protagonist. Should I try the first LiS since it's the most critically acclaimed game? But I am reluctant to play it because it looks ... bad. Those robotic facial animations just uh. Also I like TC is dialog based mostly with little exploration, but I checked gameplay videos and the fist LiS game has a lot of exploration it seems?
The first is a fair few years older than TC, but it looks decent nonetheless. There's more exploration, but not quite as much as it may seem early on.

It's still a heavily story-based game, with a lot of dialogue and interactions and stuff. It is a lot, and I mean *A LOT* darker than anything TC offers as far as the story goes. However, it is the most critically acclaimed game for a reason, and those reasons are largely based on the story and the characters. Most common criticism of the first game among fans relates to the game not being longer and not taking more time to explore the characters and the relationships in the game.

Also when a 6'2 bearded viking ex-military dude that did two combat tours in Afghanistan and one in Iraq says Life Is Strange made him cry (as a friend of mine said, and I've no reason to disbelieve him), you know the game's well-written.
What do you think about LiS 2?
Haven't played it myself. But it's considered a lot weaker than the others, and from all I've seen, for a good reason. It manages to miss the mark on everything - it tries to preach ephemeral political messages, it wastes characters and their potential by introducing and then immediately discarding them, and more.

Honestly, the anons here that actually have played it would be better off critiquing LiS2.
Since the thread's so dead and we lack any sort of news, time to use more of the internal/leaks news.

>* Led in-game features, such as a photography mode, a clue board, collectibles, and in-game social media and text messaging.
>* Owned content for Living World, Deck Nine’s suite of NPC behavior and side-quest features.

>Side-quest features.
Implying DE will feature more side quests other than just the cat. You rike your lis rpg?

>Photography mode, a clue board.
We saw some of the photography mode (it could extend to actual photo mode too so you can take photos of Max) and the clue board (it's probably a rip off of lis 1 one, we've seen it briefly in a tiktok).
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>the clue board (it's probably a rip off of lis 1 one, we've seen it briefly in a tiktok).
It seems like the photo board might also be a collectible receptacle. In that TikTok video, there's an option to add Arcadia Bay related photos, so I'm wondering how much customization it will receive.
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It is a very fake leak. But the Pricefield stuff is admittedly nice.
>Should I try the first LiS
Just keep in mind that LiS 1 and TC have very different tones. TC is most similar to LiS episodes 1-3, with episodes 4-5 being far darker/dramatic then anything in TC. LiS 1 is also less the sort of fluffy romance of TC and is more a classical, intense, tragic romance.
If LiS 1 does click with you, then you should play BtS after.
>it looks ... bad
The animations in the remastered version are honestly pretty good most of the time. But TC is just going to look all around better, even if I think it has a worse art style. The main visual downside with the remaster are some problems with shadows that never got fixed.
>LiS game has a lot of exploration it seems?
LiS is a generally bigger game then TC, with more locations to see and characters to interact with.
But it is a character focused dialogue game at the end of the day. Just with slightly larger 'levels' to walk around. The main thing to keep in mind with LiS 1 (and BtS) is that you should always be checking your journal after almost every single interaction. Half of the story and character development is in it. A good half of the community never read the journal and that is why we have so many people who do not actually understand the story or characters. Leading to them making objectively bad choices.
There is a reason why LiS 2 is not included in the OP. Generally it is best to pretend it does not exist.
>Gross hair
>Ruined sleeve
I want old Chloe back. The nose ring, jacket and choker are the old positive features here.
One of the leaks said that we could customize Max's apartment (maybe another vector for future DLC items also?). I just assumed that wall/board was a 'customization area' and that the 'Arcadia Bay photos' were a customization option.
If it was a LiS 1 style clue board, why would there be photos of Arcadia Bay?
>It is a very fake leak. But the Pricefield stuff is admittedly nice
If it is fake, at least whoever wrote it put it a lot more effort than other leaks to make it sound plausible according to Deck Nine style of writing.
If it turns out to be even partially true, it could mean that the Square employee guy was at least fed with a decoy script with some changed details.

Althought it is funny to read the "we'll see in October who's right" line, dude is asking to get mocked lmao.

>I just assumed that wall/board was a 'customization area' and that the 'Arcadia Bay photos' were a customization option.
It could be possible that they are both, but we'll never know once the game finally arrives.
Some anon before mentioned Amazon listing casting calls for that LiS show, is that true or there's a link to view it?
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I pray to God no. Keep LiS away from television.
>You rike your lis rpg?
I hope this time Max gets to beat people up
>DE will have denuvo
How long until they crack it? BtS took about 3 days.
All Chloe would have to do is imagine it was Rachel doing it
She has to imagine Rachel sucking dick then.
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They had to remove Denuvo in BTS because of how many bugs and crashes it was causing in the game and because it was cracked already by then anyways.
Not to mention they released the second episode a weekend earlier by accident if you were on Xbox. It was a mess.
I bet in between the two week wait time for the Standard edition. Optimally, all the plot points for DE would be fully leaked since we know that this special edition bullcrap is a last minute addition by Square to cash as much money as possible from anxious fans who want to know Chloe's fate in Bae.
>release the first two chapters weeks before the full game, so players will have a certain amount of hours already counted and not able to refund
Eh, I think a direct adaptation of LiS 1 could work in an animated style. Especially as a longer mini-series, say 6 ~60 minute episodes.
A live action adaptation is almost impossible to do well. Since the story of LiS 1 just does not lend itself to it. Any live action version of LiS 1 would need some pretty heavy rewrites to work as a series. Making it less Twin Peaks and more queer teen drama.
I cannot imagine Max even slapping someone without immediately feeling awful and apologizing. Now Chloe beating someone up is something I could picture.
Still sad we never got to let her kick Warren's ass.
I was under the impression that most of the more notable groups had given up on denuvo.
Either way, I hope they remove it at some point.
It just occurred to me how much like a gossip magazine /lisg/ is at times.
D9 always leaves files behind from future episodes. Remember when they spoiled the entire story of the Expanse game due to the files they left in episode 2?
Since releasing the first 2 chapters was clearly something imposed on them later by Square, rather then being planned for from the start. I fully expect everything from audio files, to models and maybe even just an outright subtitle script being in the stuff released early.
So if you do not buy the special edition, everything will be spoiled for you by the time the other chapters release.
bts ep2 was released with ep1 on steam, but no one leaked anything (check manifest id date on ep2)
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>Sex tape with Frank Bowers and nude leaks exposed
I wonder what they look like...
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A bit late, but new small teaser for Lost Records came out.

Certainly reeks of LiS2
It kinda looks a lot more closer to True Colors for some aspects.
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dumb skank
Do you think Rachel had ever done anal
multiple times. she even did it before she learned the guys names sometimes
very subtle rachel
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i like where this is going
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I really love this surge of Chasemarsh stuff by this artist. Really cute style.
There has always been a shocking lack of fan art for the second best ship in the franchise.
I mean, I can understand why you think that. There is a bunch of thick woodland and the game more broadly seems to be about a journey (into the woods), rather then being focused in and around a single small town (ala LiS 1 and TC). The small town in the game honestly seems just the be the starting point for the story in the 90s and the setting for the modern day segments.
In terms of looks, it is pretty clear that they are going for a look that is more 'clean' compared to the art style of LiS 1. D9 did the same thing with TC, since I assume it saves on dev resources, with only a minority of people really noticing much. A shame, since I really preferred the LiS 1 art style, the TC style always came across as pretty generic to me.
Max and Chloe wearing each others clothing is a very under explored element in Pricefield fanart.
Jealous Kate is almost as cute as jealous Victoria.
Kate's worried she'll start a collection
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They're just accepting her as their new big sis.
sexy max there
Max thought Jefferson saw her just like that
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Max looks really good with blue hair.
WTB AU where Chloe meets Kate in 2010.
Eh, Pricemarsh is not a great pairing for either character imo.
However Chloe meeting someone other then Rachel is an AU concept I love. I just personally think that Chloe getting into a relationship with Steph or even Victoria allows for a much better couple. Let Kate meet Dana early.
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The hatesex would be brutal.
lesbians can't have sex
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You would think so. But I personally think with someone like Victoria, Chloe would basically just be a classic brat.
A dynamic I could actually imagine Victoria being pretty into.
You're not the boss of lesbians
foreplay will never be sex, sorry.
Neither can you.
Yeah but I'm not in denial
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Max probably doesn't have nice feet. She doesn't seem like the type of girl to put in the effort.
Aww yeah that’s the stuff
That one part in Better Then for no fucking reason
I should learn Blender.
To make what?
Things like this >>486609269 >>486479667
What's wrong with Pricemarsh?
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Uber is the the only footfag artist I respect.
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Nothing unto itself. There are just better ships for both characters.
I mean, Chloe has: Max, Victoria and Steph.
Kate has: Dana, Victoria and even Max.
I just don't think that Chloe and Kate have very complimentary energy.
Not really into feet myself. But I do love Chloe's boots here.
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Trash bags? That seems oddly specific
British Halloween back in the day was essentially punching holes in a bin bag for your head and arms and putting a mask on.
Requested my local radio station to play To All of You, and they said they will!! Been waiting for some time now. Hopefully they play it while I'm still listening. Love that song to death
I've been dirnking again/

Max and chloe saved my life.
B beer anon?
Sorry anon, you got rawtime'd.
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They played it just before the program ended. Had a nice moment to chill outside with the music. There's no fucking mosquitoes out, there's a light breeze, and my favorite tunes were on the radio. Awesome if you ask me
Glad you got to have a quiet moment with the music, nothing makes an afternoon like the right song and some peace and quiet.
I am asking once again the Chronos theorist anon to give us a possible analysis on Safi's mom relevance within the plot of DE
The Heatwaves book just came out, I guess somebody has to snatch a copy of it and see how many lewd Steph & Alex scenes are in it.
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I was expecting her to repeat it in French
not him, but she's 100% involved and one of my early main suspects, she brought both Max and Moses to the University for some reason (Moses was reculcant apparently).
One of the first things Safi says in the demo is "This is what I get for introducing you two." when they talk about shattered asteroid pieces (suggesting that Max and Moses are joined against her and are working to bring bad things her way cause they have a "conspiracy" with the game Max kind of forces her to play).

Then the mom puts her hand on Safi's like she wants to show that she's "caring" or "worried" about her (or she wants to appear innocent to everyone), because she knows that whatever it is, it's dangerous to her daughter. This is probably another James Amber/Rachel's mom/Rachel & Merrick situation, when Amber and Merrick were involved and he captured Rachel's mom to kill her and stabbed Rachel too.
She's also wearing the same colours as the double moon illussion, blue and pink/purple.
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I WILL play the new game and I WILL be disappointed about the lack of Pricefield
>This is probably another James Amber/Rachel's mom/Rachel & Merrick situation
Basically feeling the same thing, she does gove the impression she's hiding stuff to her daughter.

If that call that Safi receives at the observatory was made by some private investigation agency she contacted before, and the info they revealed to her were enough to make her upset, then its something very close and personal.
Good luck schizokitty
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Whats the chance that Max could die in one of the endings for Double Exposure?
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I fully expect that keeping Max alive in all endings was a mandate by Square. It gives them the most options going forward should DE be a success.

That said, I have been saying for years that I would have liked LiS to lean more into the classic tragic romance genre angle of things. For example: A third ending to LiS 1 that combines elements of both Bay and Bae, where the girls decide to save the Bay but refuse to be separated; Dying together.
I think an interesting -if obviously very sad- ending option in DE for a Bae Max would be her sacrificing her life to save Chloe's. Potentially using her powers to erase herself from the entire Bae timeline; Saving Chloe, but undoing both herself and the relationship the two of them had in that timeline. Disappearing with nobody to even mourn her or know to miss her.
Obviously my preferred ending would be a Bae 'happily ever after' styled thing with a nice big wedding and all. But I would really respect the option of a very tragic bad ending.
Does EVERY lesbian story have to end in some tragic suicide or one of the girls dying?
It's always the same. Having a happy ending is subversive at this point.
>I fully expect that keeping Max alive in all endings was a mandate by Square
It could make sense.

At this point I also wonder if Double Exposure is going to have a wacky ass final ending in which both timelines converge and basically the whole Bay vs Bae becomes void.
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I don't necessarily disagree with you anon. As I even said, the ending that I actually want involves Chloe and Max getting married and living a long, happy live together. Basically Chloe princess carrying Max off into the sunset.
But I have also always liked the tragic romance genre and the relationship between Chloe and Max (up-until a Bae ending in LiS 1) is basically a series tragedies, punctuated by these brief moments of happiness together. So just as I think a happy ending for the both of them would be fitting (and is my preference). I do also think that an optional tragic ending would also work as conclusion to their story.
An ending where Chloe is left forever without Max (self sacrifice ending) perhaps being the most in line with the tragic course of their relationship across both LiS 1 and BtS. An ending where they choose to die together rather then be separated again or even Max erasing herself from the entire timeline to save Chloe/give her a better life, being more in line with genre tropes/expectations.

Obviously the doomed lesbian romance is a pretty tired trope.
But since the story of Chloe and Max has always been framed as a tragic romance from day one. I think this is actually one instance where this trope would not be particularly offensive. Especially if a happy ending for them is also possible.
If they were going to merge the timelines, they should have built DE with that in mind from the beginning. Basically pulling a Deus Ex 2, where all of the endings from the previous game are merged into one. This would have allowed both for LiS 1 side characters (Dana, Joyce, Brooke etc) to pop up and for Chloe to still have a big LiS 1 style presence in the game. Before the official reveal, this is actually what many of us here were speculating that they were going to do, since any other option would require such a massively lessened role for Chloe.
Merging everything at the end almost seems like a waste of a game.
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>the girls decide to save the Bay but refuse to be separated; Dying together
>Max would be her sacrificing her life to save Chloe's
>they choose to die together rather then be separated
>the story of Chloe and Max has always been framed as a tragic romance from day one

off your meds again today, schizo?
This, it's not only overdone it's a negative stereotype at this point
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Was he a good lead?
Reminder that this arrives in 10 days, and will probably be good. Follows the Bae timeline, Steph and Alex leave together ending.
I saw some people already got a physical copy of it, at least I'm curious to know how the story will go, even if I prefer the Stay ending by a long shot
I'm of two minds because I want to read it immediately but I don't want it to influence too much of the fanfic I'm still finishing outlining.
>rewritten TC story multiple time behind the narrative team backs
>kink for date rape drugs
Questionable at best, if I have to say.
I honestly do not even understand what exactly you are complaining about.
I will never forgive him for turning Victoria into a prop for his gross drugging/somnophilia/intox fetish. Frankly him even suggesting that back during BtS should had got him fired on the spot.
Looking forward to it. The first Steph novel was surprising good, so I have high hopes for this one. Almost makes me think that the problem with the writing in the comics could have come from Titan comics, meaning that the speculated Victoria novel or even a potential Pricefield novel could actually be really good.
That said, I have never been a big Chenrich fan
I see you Izzie stan. I don't know why we don't call it Chengrich, it sounds cuter.
If that Victoria novel ever really exists to begin with.
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>I see you Izzie stan
You got me anon. I just think her and Steph make for a really cute couple. I hope we get an update on her or maybe even a cameo in Heatwaves.
Hard to say. I mean, there was a time when we all considered the leaks about a new Max game to pretty dubious and they panned out.
Since Victoria is an very memorable/interesting character who survived LiS 1 in both timelines, she honestly does seem like a pretty ideal choice to have her own novel.
Victoria also offers a bunch of narrative flexibility. I mean, you could set a Victoria story just prior to BtS (imagine all of the fun Chloe/Victoria interactions), the unexplored period between BtS/LiS 1, LiS 1 from her perspective and obviously whatever she has been up to since LiS 1 (ideally marrying Kate).
As someone that was disappointed in how little screen time Victoria got in LiS 1 and BtS, I hope her novel rumors end up being true.
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AI anon requests?
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Do you use Cycles or Eevee for the final render?
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Cycles, of course. The only downside to it is the render time. Other than, it is better in almost every single way than Eevee. Unless you are working with something more 2D-ish/stylized, such as LEGO stop-motion animations like these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juepjItevY4
Although I'd recommend Eeve for beginners to get the feeling of the software first.

Anyway here is the final the product of what I was working on recently.
Thanks for the prime content anon
I love Alex and her gorgeous ass so much
My God!
Keep up the good work, anon.
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Nothing to contribute at the moment beyond "Steph and Alex make good sexo"
Keep up the great work
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>tranny dev not inserting himself in the game challenge: impossible
I'm glad TC base game just had that one godawful memory on the roof where you have to listen to him. Wavelengths was rough though. Only good part is the storm PTSD and they didn't really do anything with it.
Comfy game though, I've had the soundtrack on repeat for a while. Do we know who the main artist for Double Exposure is going to be?
Alex must be so tasty all over
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Very tasty, but you'll just end up feeling hungry again 30 minutes later
>I'm glad TC base game just had that one godawful memory on the roof where you have to listen to him
Well, guess you are going to have a stroke with Gwen once DE arrives.
Who's Gwen?
just beat LiS for the first time
do I buy and play Before the Storm before saving Chloe for the first time in LiS1?
Fuck off, schizo. Anyone can post on vietnamese basket weaving forum.
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This is the Baesket weaving forum, not the baysket weaving forum.
>telling you I want to engage more with Chloe's story
look man it made sense to fix the timelines one last time and save everyone, Chloe even tells you to do it.
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The new trans character that's going to be in DE
Finally some lesbian penis in vagina action for Max
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source: your ass
Source: go watch the reveal video in which she appear, she has a MtF voice.
Oof, just did. He's not even trying
Gwen is a she, and she's gonna filter a shitload of /pol/tards that were expecting their neo nazi memes to appear inside the game.
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bro... even women don't see you as one of them. It's time to stop playing pretend.
TERFs are not representative of all women. Also this is a /lisg/ thread, so please fuck off to /pol/
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Some say, they have been together in every possible timeline.
No matter where they end up.
>TERFs are not representative of all women
They represent me, a LiS fan.
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Even if somehow, they are Cats.
Cool concept. Overall pretty decent photos despite it being AI
The cyberpunk one is probably the best looking one, followed by either the Victorian era or the WW2 one
Anyways this is 4chan at the end of the day, not your SaFe SpAcE, fking weirdo.
>call me a weirdo
>be on 4chan
We are all weirdos here, just with a bit more humanity than you losers on /pol/
I dont even known what "pol" is, dont compare with me monster, I'm not the reasom that people have to fake their stares.
Heatwaves is good, the plot is more an excuse for an extended epilogue to TC. A lot of references to it. Happy Chrngrich.
Bae timeline. The comic can be safely ignored now.
Waaaaaaay ahead of you my dude.
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A character that I hope they do something interesting with between the timelines.
The obvious comparison is between her and Izzie. But where as Izzie seems like someone who would be really fun to hang out with. Gwen seems pretty boring so far.
/lisg/ really needs to get back to the Bae fundamentalism that we had pre-DE reveal.
Fully socially transitioned MtFs actually tend to have voices that pass far better.
Whoever the VA for Gwen is (nobody has come forward or been officially reveal yet I believe), they have clearly been instructed to give a less passing performance in order to play up their characters 'transness'. Something that is quickly becoming a pretty common negative trope in games.
>Souls come back together. Different but always together, again and again
>Souls mate eternal
True soulmates.
I'm amazed just how well the novels have come out, given how universally bad the comics have all been. Something funny must have been going on with Titan Comics.
I hope that Heatwaves sells well enough that we can get a proper series of novels, rather then anymore godawful comics.
Biden just announced he's stepping down from re-election.

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this is how i found out
whatever happens now, i hope america can survive it
I hope Trump finally does all the evil things he is accused of, a "trans genocide" would be lovely to see.

Ironically the people who make fun of the racist encounters and the cult in LiS2 forget that those people do actually exist and are the ones pushing these retrograde changes, but enjoy what you got hehe.
Trump isn't going to win now.
Biden just saved the country.
What about kanye?
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How is it Bae timeline?
I'd vote for him. I hate them more than I hate black people. Keep voting for extreme measures until everything is perfectly balanced.
LiS characters that are more likely to vote for Trump this year?
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I know for certain who is gonna vote for Trump
Best decision he could have possibly made given the circumstances. Now we need a Caulfield / Price ticket straight for the White House
Refers to Arcadia bay being destroyed.
>Kate (and her whole family)
>Nathan (and his dad)
>Pre S1 David
>The Blackwell jocks
>James Amber
>Sean and Daniel's grandparents (confirmed Trump supporters)
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I have not read Heatwaves yet. But the Steph novel was Bae and Heatwaves is the sequel.
He seems much more chilled out in LiS 2. I cannot imagine is he anything other then apolitical at this point.
Are a married couple even allowed to run for president and vice president?
Personally I think a Caulfield/Chase ticket would be best. President Max(ine) and First Lady Chloe + Vice President Victoria and Second Lady Kate.
>Victoria being a Trumper
No fucking way.
Victoria would tell people she was voting Trump, then pick Bernie.
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ehhh, i always imagined him as a turbo leftie
>Pre S1 David
given the fact that at that time he was a war veteran with no future he would vote blue, no?
a guy who has nothing and almost died in a war doesnt seem like someone who would vote red.
S1 david seems more likely knowing that he has a hard on for guns, security etc.
same thing as warren. just doesnt strike me as someone who would vote red, no matter the candidate
my guess is she wouldnt care too much about politics. shed vote for whoever their parents would vote for, which strikes me as blue
Victoria strikes me as that kind of rich white girls who like to pose as virtuous and defender of minorities, BLM, LGBT folks and other crap on the internet, but deep down she loathes them and would vote for Trump when no one is looking instead.
>Kate (and her whole family)
Accurate, considering american evangelicals are all for Trump at this point
Nah, she's from a wealthy pro establishment libs family, she votes blue
>Nathan (and his dad)
Accurate for his dad but I don't Nathan has really any political awareness
>Pre S1 David
Considering LiS is set in 2013, I bet David was one who voted for the Libertarian Party.
I see her as a dem voter
>The Blackwell jocks
They probably don't care about voting at all
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>Alright, folks, let’s get real here. We’re talking about Chloe Price. Now, let me tell you, Chloe is the best. Absolutely fantastic. Arcadia Bay? Overrated. Believe me, I know towns, and this one’s not worth it. Chloe is special, folks. Unique. She’s got SOUL. We need more of that. Arcadia Bay? Just another town. Chloe? Irreplaceable. You don’t find people like her every day. So, forget Arcadia Bay. Seriously. We’re going all-in on Chloe. She’s the future. We need to support her, protect her, save her. It’s the smart move, the right move. Arcadia Bay is just a place. Chloe is a person, a remarkable person. We save Chloe and we move forward. Easy choice, folks. We’re choosing Chloe. End of story. Believe me, you won’t regret it. Chloe Price is the future, and we’re going to make sure she has the best future possible. Chloe comes first. Period.
Pretty sure that's how 70% of women think
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Eh, not really.
Life is politics
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>Complains that Max ghosted her for ~5 years
>Max clearly came back to play pirates with her shortly before the events of LiS 1
What did Chloe mean by this?
Just one of many such problems never addressed in the remaster. Victoria's birthday being the one that really annoys me, since fixing it would literally just involve editing some text
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New pic just dropped, this time a reference to that Golden Hour scene in the first game with Max and Safi.

Remember what the greentext leak said:
>also expect scenes referencing some Max and Chloe moments from S1
Something tells me this is one of those.
Literally no tranny has a convincing voice. Best case scenario is sounding like a gay femboy.
I guess women really are smarter than men
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Get the fucking politics out of here.
>Something funny must have been going on with Titan Comics
My theory is the comics have a editor that really is into Amberprice and want to push it into every stories they supervise, and the book seems to be at least free of that.
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Obviously fake because Amanda is the love interest, not Safi.
It wasn't.
Vote the Caulfield / Price ticket.
as long as they legalise weed everywhere.
It looks like it's either from the very beginning of the game, before they decide to watch stars later, or it's in the 2nd relality after Max finds out that Safi's alive, then they share a "Max/Chloe at the bench" moment from ep1
Soul vs soulless
I mean gay marriage was constitutionalised when the original was coming out so anything is possible
Maybe it's before Moses turns and they start watching the stars or whatever
Would we really want to put Max and Chloe through that? The Presidency ages you like an extra decade.
They have the exact same faces here
>before Moses turns
Is he a fucking zombie
>2nd relality after Max finds out that Safi's alive
Most likely this one
>they have clearly been instructed to give a less passing performance in order to play up their characters 'transness'.
Imagine being this deluded.
He sounds like a dude because he's a dude.
No, thanks. We already have low IQ vice president.
But Amanda hasn't been confirmed as a love interest, only slighty teased.

>s09 - chronos statue golden hour

you literally have a ex-tester/ex-deck nine/ex-square enix sharing leaks every so often
Could you send to the original post?

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There's the moon again.
Oh yeah I remember this, but I thought it was just an anon trying to pierce toghever the scenes based on what we have learned so far. How did they know about the golden hour scene tho?
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I assume it's a leaker that casually stalks the thread, it's not a first instance either. Like some anon would post something about Max's outfit (leaked screenshot) and lis twitter acc would later post it too. I assume it's an actual square enix employee (either Hally or Joshua from SE).
I highly doubt that some of the management team at Square is following this thread.
Where does he originally posts?
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I don't think that's a leaker, seems more like a random anon that has tried their best to pierce toghever the scene order in DE. For starter, this is a screenshot from the reveal stream that shows how the observatory scene with Max, Safi and Moses is labelled as EP1_S3A
Amanda loves rice
Amanda gives me massive slut vibes. She seems like the kind of person that would see Max as a one night stand and then move on.
>“A New Dawn”
>“Fragments of Time”
if these chapter titles are true, Chloe appears in Ch4
Were did you take those names from?
Nevermind, found the source:

Honestly, it reads like something written by Chat GPT rather than a human being. By contrast the greentext anon is a lot more believable than this vague shit.
I post the full text if someone is interested. Take notice that there's a very high chance this is most likely bullcrap done with ChatGPT or any other AI text generator.

>Episode 1: “A New Dawn”

>Introduction and Setup: The episode begins with Max Caulfield settling in as a photography student at Caledon University. She is trying to put her past behind her and focus on her future as an artist.
>Discovery of the Mystery: Max discovers the body of a friend, which plunges her into a new supernatural adventure.
>New ability: Max realizes that she can now switch between two parallel timelines. In one timeline her friend is dead, in the other she is still alive.
>Objective: The episode ends with Max deciding to find out what happened and prevent the murder.

>Episode 2: “Fragments of Time”

>Investigation: Max begins collecting clues in both timelines. She learns to make better use of her new ability.
>New Characters: Introducing new characters who help Max in her quest or pose obstacles.
>Conflicts: Max encounters her first major conflicts, both personal and due to external circumstances, which complicate her investigation.

>Episode 3: “Echoes”

>Deepening the Investigation: This episode is particularly challenging and contains many moral dilemmas. Max must carefully consider her decisions.
>Entanglements: Max discovers connections between the two timelines that further complicate the mystery.
>Cliffhanger: The episode ends with a dramatic event that increases the tension for the next episodes.


>Episode 4: “Resonance”

>Chloe Reunion: If Chloe survived in the first game, Max and Chloe will meet again. This encounter is emotional and brings new insights.
>Critical Decisions: Max faces several key moments that can drastically change the course of the story.
>Revelations: Important parts of the mystery are revealed and Max gets closer to the truth.

>Episode 5: “Duality”

>Final investigation: Max does everything he can to reveal the truth and prevent the murder.
>Resolution: The final secrets are revealed and the consequences of the decisions made become visible.
>Conclusion: The story comes to a conclusion, with the ending heavily dependent on the players' decisions. There are several possible endings that have different consequences for Max and the other characters.

Yeah, I've checked this shit through many AI detectors sites and the most consistent reading is that is AI generated.
It's so freakishly vague it reads like a prompt by a high schooler who had to write an essay on it but knew nothing about what actually happens.
Because it is written by an AI, not a real human being. With the greentext leak anon, at least we can see that some human wrote it, and if it's fake you can tell the anon put effort to make it believable to what Deck Nine would write.

This however has nothing on it, I bet they wrote something to the effect of "write the plot and chapters name of DE and include a cameo of Chloe in Episode 4." You can tell how the AI still took some details wrong, like Max is not even a student in DE.
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The Life of Us
Most bullshit AI thing ever written. It's not even funny how bad it sounds
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Any anon who's going to partecipate in this?
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I want my,
I want my,
I want my LiS.
Are they going with the Riot grrrl thing?
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That one was actually intended as a Kate-as-a-Fallout-character thingie.

Pic related, however...
Not a drawfag but I think it's cool
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Given Max's powers and the powers that Chloe is hinted to have in BtS. Could such an administration technically be considered a magocracy?
How would you handle titles like First Lady, when the President and Vice President are married to each other?
I think that is the third instance of the crescent moon? The others being the broach that Safi's mom wears and the red/blue timeline symbols.
Do we see if the moon is crescent on the night Safi dies?
That is very obvious AI text.
Kat seems to be into it, based on her character profile.
The song we got in the announcement trailer did not really scream classic Riot grrrl specifically. But it was always such a loose genre (more based on politics/aesthetics, rather then sound), that I could buy Nora/Autumn's band calling themselves riot grrrl.
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Happy (late) birthday to /lisg/'s favorite girl to hate!
Seems like Lost Records is finally preparing for a gameplay trailer reveal, if the teasing is anything to go by.
>s09 - chronos statue golden hour
it doesnt look like it's the same place where the statue was in the demo - it was between the observatory and the overlook trail. In this photo they sit somewhere close to the university. (well unless there're many same-looking chronos statues around campus)
I see DN are continuing the tradition of character art not actually looking like the in game characters.
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>We are currently hiring temporary animators for an unannounced AAA adventure game. This is a fully remote contract animator position.

>Head over to https://deckninegames.com/careers/ for more information and to apply!

>We are currently hiring temporary animators for an unannounced AAA adventure game. This is a fully remote contract animator position.

where's that anon that said deck nine's rpg doesn't exist?
>Deck Nine Games is currently hiring a fully remote contract animator (benefit eligible project employee) for an unannounced AAA adventure game. We’re currently looking for junior to mid experience talent, so entry-level animators are welcome to apply! The perfect candidate will have basic experience with motion captured facial performances.

>The Animator will be responsible for animated assets, (gameplay and cinematic) and work under guidance of an Animation Lead to create high quality performances in our narrative adventure title, focusing on adding nuance, intent and emotion to our characters, and making use of facial and full body motion capture data.
Uh, doesn't seem like a RPG game
heh good one
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Still can't believe these cucks delayed the game
If they didn't do that, Double Exposure would have absolutely stole all their spot. It was the best strategic decision all thing considered
Max should've been dressed like Pris and Chloe should've been Deckard
>DE and Michels "Stranger Things" release near each other
>people are split on which one to play first / which one is better
>in all likelihood, DE steals players from LT:B&R
It would be funny tho to market a game as "made by original LiS devs" and have your spotlight stolen by s new LiS game that you didn't make
If they made a lis animated miniseries, what art style should it use?
Pantheon or Invincible.
Cow & Chicken.
Definitely something like Arcane if they want to nail the look. It's got a pretty similar style to LiS where textures look like they're painted onto models.
Another one that I think would like good is RWBY. It's highly saturated and "cartoony" which would make it great for a day-in-the-life style series that isn't overtly dramatic/serious
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>evil returns as evil.
The one they already used for the Switch trailer.
It fucked up the gun but overall it's a pretty neat photo.
Hail Amber, I guess?
Pantheon was so good. I miss it.
correct answer
I just pray that it IS animated. I can't imagine a live action LiS adaptation being anything above mediocre.
OMG Max you really were the Lost Records Bloom and Rage all along! >>487204416
Just look at Halo. It was absolute ass and literally no one except normies who don't know any better liked it.
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It's cute but I think you need something with just a tad more grit to do a "true" series and not just slice of life segments.
Kinda weird that it seems Kat is going to be in the Nancy role. When the character that looks the most like Nancy is going to be a (fantastic) love interest.
Not that I'm complaining. If anything it is correcting the awful ending to the movie.
>Rachel is a malevolent entity that has lived countless lives
>She returns each time with the goal of stopping Chloe from meeting her soulmate
>Literally associated with fire
I'm on board with demonic Rachel. A creature dedicated to attempting to prevent true love.
You assume that a LiS show would actually stick to the story of the games. Rather then just repurpose characters and locations.
Personally I would love to see an ultra fluffy SoL animated LiS show. A high school drama about cute girls going on dates and falling in love with other cute girls.
>You assume that a LiS show would actually stick to the story of the games. Rather then just repurpose characters and locations.
>Personally I would love to see an ultra fluffy SoL animated LiS show. A high school drama about cute girls going on dates and falling in love with other cute girls.
Eh, not what I'm after. What makes the characters so memorable is in large part the hardships they go through. You shouldn't lose sight of that for a dedicated series, let side materials be the fluffy stuff.
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I don't see alot of art of Alex with Ryan. I thought he was pretty OK though
desu I thought Ryan was more interesting than Steph given he makes the decision to cut Gabe loose, and his dad is the villain.
Steph just doesn't feel as connected to the story, as lovely as she is.
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>let side materials be the fluffy stuff
The problem is that none of the side materials have been fluffy stuff. I would have been perfectly happy if we got a cute comic about Chloe/Max being in a happy relationship, while Chloe works up the courage to propose. Instead we got the nightmare timeline comic and endless Amberprice shit.
I fully understand the desire to include the darker and more dramatic parts of LiS. But that fluffy stuff is my favorite part of the franchise and I feel that it has been pretty well ignored since the end of episode 3 back in 2015. Hanging out with and kissing Chloe are just as much a part of LiS 1 as the dark room or storm are.
Thank god for Afterlaughs delivering, where Square leaves money on the table.
>I thought Ryan was more interesting than Steph
Ryan felt more flat as a character to me. Where as Steph is someone that I could absolutely see myself being friends and hanging out with. Ryan by comparison just came across to me as very generic and uninteresting. Not offensive ala Warren, but also not really someone I would ever want to spend time with.
>Steph just doesn't feel as connected to the story
I think this is more a symptom of the romance in TC being far less connected to the story then in LiS 1.
LiS 1 was a tragic romance between soulmates; It was central to the story. TC by comparison is more of a mystery/character drama that just happens to feature a light, grounded romance.
I'm planning to romance Ryan in my next TC playthrough, even if I'm functionally a staunch Alex X Steph supporter. To give D9 credit, they did a gooe job to make the two of them feel like balanced enough romance options that doesn't overshadow each other.
Pure soul and I can only thank God for that artist
And I totally agree. As much as I love LiS for it's dramatic story (even if it's a bit lackluster and unfinished in some areas), what sold the game for me was how comfy E1-3 were. It felt like those teenage drama movies/shows.
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Has anyone commissioned Afterlaughts to recreate that Bae photo that transpired from Double Exposure? Only reconstruction I found is this one.
this is canon
the guy who made this frequents lisg
What do you mean? In my game, Max and Chloe were besties. It's a shame there weren't more cute guys for Max to go for, but Warren is fine :)
Afterlaughs is a treasure. Along with Nicefield, I think she is one of very few artists to actually 'get' Chloe and Max.
I stand by my promise that should I ever win the lottery, I'm going to commission a Pricefield graphic novel from her.
>what sold the game for me was how comfy E1-3 were
I fully agree. I was actually pretty let down with how drama focused E4 and E5 were. I just wanted to hang out with Chloe some more, yet the game kept hurrying me along to these big dark/dramatic moments. Honestly much of the actual story almost felt like an unwelcome intrusion at times, when the actual fun of the game for me was getting to build this cute relationship with Chloe and explore this cozy town.
Had the game just been going on dates with Chloe, I honestly would have enjoyed it more.
Than why did he make them so ugly?
>Honestly much of the actual story almost felt like an unwelcome intrusion at times
Typical pricefield schizo.
Do you know who else ate Rachel out? the maggots and worms
>Pricefield graphic novel
I liked the Titan comics somewhat but it should've honestly been slice of life fluffy max and chloe stuff. Let the girls rest. They deserve time together. They deserve each other.
Having the main plot be that max falls into a dimensional anomaly or whatever and loses her chloe, but encounters an amberprice chloe kinda defeats the whole point of the comics being bae ending.
Aside from all that I really liked the artstyle. Fits LiS well.
don't you guys love it when all lis cc start doing the same 4chan "leaks" video and it's the worst one that is bullshit from the start? (the one about safi being a love interest)

but they completely ignore the max getting shot one
you know sean has anal worms
>lis cc
those exist?
there are male maris left and right
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Need more Chasemarsh + Kate's sisters
Surprisingly cute
Victoria, stop building a harem out of your girlfriend's family
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If I got a say in a Pricefield graphic novel, I think I probably just want it set in a Jefferson-less AU outright. Basically a LiS story that was free of the dark/supernatural elements and was able to focus on the things it is best at; romance and drama rooted in character relationships. So not exclusively pure fluff, just mostly cute romantic fluff.
The drama coming from things between Rachel and Chloe rapidly falling apart by the time Max shows up, allowing for much of the same dynamics and flow from the first few episodes to broadly stay the same. Just with the twist of Rachel still being alive and an active presence in Chloe's life (for the worse).
>I liked the Titan comics
In a vacuum I think the first one was ok. But I hated that they marketed it as being a fluffy Pricefield follow up to LiS 1. Yet it ended up being this honestly distressing/depressing Amberprice wank.
Really the only things that saved it for me were some of the Max scenes when she is reflecting on things by herself and the very few Pricefield moments.
>They deserve each other.
Just about all of the Chasemarsh fics I know of involve some sort of weirdly intense drama. Honestly, I would love more Chasemarsh stuff that was just them being in a happy relationship and having fun together.
Now that I think about it, Wardmarsh and Pricerich are also ships that can just never chill and have to always have some unwelcome drama being injected.
I love it when moments from a game get redrawn.
>involve some sort of weirdly intense drama
Is it that hard for fanfic writers to write something that doesn't have drama? I get small time teenager drama, that makes sense, but overall I'd just like to see a FF where nothing happens. Sure it might seem boring, but a good writer can make a FF about interpersonal relationships 100x more interesting and enjoyable to read than something with forced drama
Some of y'all would NOT have survived the old days of yurishipping. Do you know how many fanfics of mine ended with one or both lesbians dead, or at least the majority of their supporting cast? You need a little spice so it means something when love wins out.
It's a done to death trope.
"One or both of them die" SHOCKING
It's just a gut punch and nothing meaningful
God know how many Chasefield fics I have seen where one party will end up divorcing or breaking up at the end.
My point is that we had drama because it gave meaning to the victories. Pure fluff without any friction gets stale, you don't need to go full soap opera with it but there should be SOMETHING there to test the characters. Even stuff most people qualify as SoL has a softer conflict of some variety.
Shit man, I even did pony fanfic once and one of the pair dying was the fucking premise and starting point.
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What I wanted from the comic was the fluffy slice-of-life mixed with supernatural mysteries to solve/ people with powers to help.
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Nathan has the nicest dorm room of them all, even though he has no reason to have one.
what's going on here
max comments on how he has fucked up photos but theyre still pretty good shots
hes a bit crazy, sure, but he knows whats good (pic related)
Tragic character, especially given the extra we see of him in BTS.
typical unsupervised dorm hall things
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oh to be a teenager in an unsupervised dorm
I feel like they barely scratched the surface on just how sexually charged Blackwell was
The most of it was like, what? Dana got pregnant and that's it?
Dana got pregnant, Rachel was sleeping with Chloe, Frank and Jefferson. Warren was hitting on every girl with a pulse. The Vortex parties obviously had a lot of sex to go with the booze and drugs - there's a couple fucking in a toilet stall.
Not to mention Max being a chronic masturbator in her dorm room
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this is canon
the whole dorm knows it too
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>Rachel was sleeping with Chloe
Sleeping behind her back you mean.
Whose ass is that?
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Take a wild guess.
There ain't shit to do in that town besides drugs, fucking, and eating waffles at the diner
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This is not true!
bro, can you do some alex x ryan next? there is literally next to nothing of them around
same, I need my WMAF fix
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He's always been here.
oh my lord
Not really a fan of mixing Steph and Ryan, it feels dishonest to the characters. Alex and Steph or Alex and Ryan, but it gets too weird combining.
what if they made Alex the centre of the threesome with no crossover
Nah, still not my thing. There are certain groupings I think can work as poly, but to me I've always felt Steph and Alex work best as a couple with Ryan as their closest but non-sexual friend (with the acknowledgment some people prefer it reversed)
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Alex is so hot, you can mix her with anyone.
Steph unironically looks much better with males.
If it's not in-character it isn't hot. I don't like Steph with guys.
Steph canonically sleeps with penised individuals
Her ex was a guy, though.
I'd be okay with that as well as him being a sperm donor for either of them if they decide to start a family
Max WILL be blacked
she was literally built for it
How would that work? In the heat of the moment, things can take wild turns
100% canon
I hate this whore so much
victoria and nathan also give me fuck buddies vibes
Rachel was a victim
A victim of loving cock, specifically older aged cocks.
true fax
You think Nathan rubs one out when he's in Max's room to fuck up her pictures and stuff?
sounds like my kind of place, no joke
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I bet he rubbed one on Chloe when she was drugged semi-uncoscious in his room.
Somebody got banned off /aco/ again
Drawing kid Pricefield might be a death sentence nowadays considering you're gonna get called a pedo or something like that
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This is really one of the biggest failures of the comics. I remember before the release of the first one everyone was so hyped about getting some post-Bae Pricefield fluff. They really screwed themselves by not actually delivering on that.
I mean, the girls dorm literally had a regular 'bi friendly ;)' movie night. You can only imagine how those must have turned out.
I think that is just a product of her 'tism.
I think that goes without saying. You can always tell, since they have the need to shit up this thread with their incredibly gross incel shit.
The sooner DE is in the revision mirror the better. I cannot wait for /lisg/ to return to it's normal comfy self. I miss when the worst we had to deal with was the odd legion schizo.
I don't get the problem. Did you never have a crush on a friend when you were 11?
The fact they ultimately ended up in a real relationship is honestly really sweet.
>The fact
They never ended up in a relationship. You're making things up again, schizo.
Go back to plebbit.
>Did you never have a crush on a friend when you were 11?
Honestly can't even remember
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It was made blatant that the crush was Aaaaallllll Chloe's. Max was too autistic to know what was going on besides she was her friend and they were close. Chloe was slipping in school because she missed being with Max so much and quite literally made no other close friends until she was 16. And the thirst trap journal drawings. And the fact her journal was named Max. And the FUCK... cameras.
The end of the first game Max realizes it but before that I'd say it was largely unrequited.
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>the thirst trap journal drawings
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Well Chloe is also slightly older then Max and clearly the more mature in a general sense. So I think when they were kids, it would be fair to say that any crush would have been one sided on Chloe's part. Likely growing past a crush and into real feelings during their final year/months together.
It is harder to say anything solid with Max, since we do not get to see her perspective on things (let alone her private thoughts on Chloe) during the BtS era. But while I agree that her autism probably means that she never had a childhood crush on Chloe. I think it is fair to say that there were probably some feelings there by the time she left the Bay. Even if those feelings were something that she only really realized in retrospect, once in Seattle (maybe even another reason for ghosting).
The 'feel' of their relationship in LiS 1 has always come across to me as buried feelings being rekindled, rather then totally new feelings being discovered. So while we never get to see it (but I hope one day we may), I imagine that Max probably drew her own fair share of thirst trap images of Chloe while up in Seattle. Even if she never got as comfortable with her sexuality (presumably due to the 'tism), it seems to me that Max did have some buried romantic feelings for Chloe.
So it was not unrequited. More that Chloe just fell hard/fast/early for Max, while it took Max longer to fall for Chloe due to a combination of the age/maturity gap and her autism.
I'm still bothered by the fact that they clearly made the journal as explicitly gay as possible. Yet they never come out and just have Chloe identify as a lesbian.
Seems like a real missed opportunity given that Steph was open and the new dynamic it would give the Chloe/David conflict.
>I'm still bothered by the fact that they clearly made the journal as explicitly gay as possible. Yet they never come out and just have Chloe identify as a lesbian.
>writes in Eliot
Heh nothing personel kid
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>You are not allowed to be a lesbian if you have ever done it with a guy
You had better bring this news to the lesbian community anon. Because this is pretty much the exact opposite perceptive from what the community actually has.
Besides, given her mental state it makes tons of sense that Chloe would make a mistake with someone like Eliot. That fact that he damn near SAs her would probably have even been a decent catalyst for her realizing her sexuality had they had the courage to go down that path.
What we know about Zak now makes me wonder a lot about Eliot's inclusion in BtS.
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>a few times

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>Zak wrote in a 13/14 year old previously written as lesbian having casual sex with a boy while grieving her father's death
Eliot's inclusion sounds worse and weirder every time I'm reminded of him, like what in the actual fuck did he mean by this
The genius of this man is yet to be comprehended
>having casual sex with a boy while grieving her father's death
Pretty in character for her.
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You will never be Chloe and such
I will never understand the bayers need to care so much about bae to the point that they want bae to be as miserable as Max is in Bay ala seething at LiS 2 bae cameo because Vicky is alive.
>deflowered at 13
Nasty. Max deserves better.
Which is funny because baytrannies love to portray themselves as these morally virtuous retards and yet they were extremely pissed off when DN confirmed people survived, when they should be the ones celebrating it the most if they actually cared about saving lives.
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The world needs more Chasemarsh.
Honestly, as soon as he suggested the drugging stuff with Victoria (one of his literal fetishes), he should have been fired on the spot.
I broadly think D9 gets shit on unfairly. But keeping Zak on is just inexcusable, resulting in measurable harm to both BtS and TC. Maybe even DE is some of those rumors are true.
Fucking creep should be blacklisted from the entire industry.
I'm looking forward to letting Safi die and then driving into the sunset with Chloe.
I can almost forgive her for being a Chloe clone when it comes to much of her personality/dynamic with Max. But I cannot forgive her being used to recreate Pricefield moments from LiS 1 with Max; That really gets under my skin like nothing else.
Bae >>> -literal shit- >>> Safi > Bay
Who wants to be Chloe?
Wanting a Chloe gf to love and eventually marry is where it is at. So if anything, I think being very jealous of Max is more accurate.
Chloe would have been 16, maybe 15 depending on how old that entry is and how many times they fooled around. I think it is clear from the entry that what they did were just spur of the moment things driven mostly by how desperately alone Chloe was feeling, so there was no actual relationship. Meaning that 16 seems more likely to me.
But 15/16 are perfectly normal ages to become sexually active where I live. Obviously Max is a virgin (assumedly until shortly after the storm), but that mostly comes down to her 'tism and limited ability to make close friends (notice how we never hear from her two friends in Seattle?).
I was making a callback to that one pasta that's like "You will never be a good ending" in reference to bayfags, but replace "good ending" with Chloe and bayfags with Safi
I just find it odd, they want a Pricefield breakup really bad, they talk about bae Max all the time, they never talk about Bay Max and why she still has Chloe’s photo. It’s almost if Bay and Bay Max is boring as fuck. Lmao
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>It’s almost if Bay and Bay Max is boring as fuck
I'm ride or die with Bae (and specifically Chloe).
But even if we put all that aside and just look at both endings objectively. Bay is basically a narrative dead end. Where at-least with Bae there is room for the story to naturally continue.
The story of LiS 1 (and later BtS) is the story of Chloe and Max. If you kill off one of them, then you now have a permanently limited narrative that cannot accomplish what it originally set out to do. There is no satisfying possible way to continue Bay, but at-least with Bae you still have the core duo being able to drive that narrative forward. This is why DE should have used a canonical Bae as the starting point.
>Bay Max is boring as fuck
She is. Where as there are countless directions you could realistically take a Bae Max. BtS already showed us the only realistic outcome for a guilt ridden Bay Max post-Chloe's funeral.
BtS hints several times at Chloe having the power to glimpse possible futures. Pic related is perhaps the most explicit they get with this.
Bay is a dead end. Bay Max is a dead end.
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Bay Max is literally me
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Please don't kill yourself anon.
But if you recently found yourself in a supernatural trolley problem and decided to not pick true love, maybe you should consider it...
it look hella cool if you ignore the hair
Depressed traumatized Max is hot ngl
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I can't believe how much LiS and LiS-adjacent stuff we are getting this year. I'm excited for something for once.
Of course there's always the risk that DE won't be satisfying or Lost Records sucks. But I'm hopeful.
Alex's dead stare always gets me in this
Hey, if everything goes south we still have that Mixtape game to look at.
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I have mixed feelings on DE, even if I'm hoping for it to be good. It can never be the sequel I wanted it to be.
I am however all in on LR, I very highly doubt that any game with Nora in it could be anything less then GOTY material.
Steph, Alex and Max all look like they are attempting to politely power through a serious existential crisis. The combination of the jacket and the fact she is the only one standing full upright also makes Chloe look...less like Chloe then she should.
Mixtape looks great. I admit that I am enough of a boomer to be excited for the soundtrack.
We also have Fear the Spotlight coming out later this year, if you wanted to get into the wider LNG catelogue of games.
>blacked arm
>troon art
>His parents never read him any books as a kid
The losers that despise the older Chloe design are almost as annoying to me as amberfags.
a transgirl, not a guy
I like older Chloe just fine, it's just the ugliness to the black block cover up that bothers me.
We don't seethe about Safi anymore, we seethe about Amanda now
>being a Chloe clone when it comes to much of her personality/dynamic with Max
Come on, it is clear, by this time, they're nothing alike in that aspect. Safi knows what she's doing and serves more like a wing-woman for Max, while LiS1 Chloe was a complete mess and couldn't tie her own shoes without Max.
A non-functional atrophying dick is still a dick
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Am I the only one that I'm so unconvinced by Amanda being supposed to be the love interest? Like, the game clearly seems to make a point how the relationship between Safi and Max is going to be a key part of the game with their investigation and stuff, how Max came through Caledon with her mother, how they both hide secret ect... it would be a lot weird for some players that you can romance Steph 2 but not the character you are supposed to build an heavy bond for all the game until the end
Seems more like Safi is forcing Max to talk with Amanda than being a wing woman, and that scene seems to happen in both Bae and Bay playthroughs.
It would have been so hilarious if the romanceable characters are none of the new ones in DE but rather Warren on a long distance relationship with Max if you killed Chloe or Chloe herself if you killed the town.
For pure butthurt potential I'd love to see it turn out that anyone who picked Warren finds out in an offhand conversation it "never went anywhere" because Max had too much trauma over Chloe's death.
Yeah, but still wouldn't be as funny as pricefielders' seething after DE anouncement.
Baytrannies seething when the Max and Chloe photo dropped in S2E5 was funnier.
This. They seethed so hard, it was hilarious.
the right one looks like Trump, lol
>A non-functional atrophying dick is still a dick
Right. But it's a dick on a girl.
rent free
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What if she had the surgery?
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Another uncertain leak has dropped. I would say that this doesn't sound too far fetched considering Square's attitude towards the franchise.
It makes no sense to hide Chloe and risk losing early sales given how popular Pricefield is. Pricefielders could be on board day 1 if the marketing was better
>It makes no sense to hide Chloe
It does if you're a dumbass suit who sucks at reading the room - and it's not like Squeenix is short on those.

I'm not saying I 100% believe this leak up front, but I'm not inclined to immediately and categorically discard it, either.
>how popular Pricefield is
I don't buy it. The timelines only diverge at the point of Safi's shooting, so it wouldn't make sense for anything that happened prior to be changed in the second reality. A dead Chloe will still be dead. Only Safi's status will be different between the two worlds.
I can absolutely see D9 going full fanservice with the Bae references but Square being completely out of touch to the point they almost alienate the fanbase with this weird ass marketing.
Remember the IGN article and how the management as Square was described as bullies that didn't want LiS to be known as the gay game? I feel this isn't too much far fetched, even if I still have some reservations about its credibility.
My realistic approach would be in Bae to Chloe being absent for most of the game but keep in contact with Max via phone calls or messages with a final appareance towards the end.
Didn't they specify in the reveal stream that characters will have a different personality and different situations than the original timeline, apart from Safi being alive?
If we are using that logic then it should be 78%.
At least our leak put some effort into it.
So Baysters will be able to kill her again? Just brilliant.
I'm still waiting for October to see if we will shit or praise the greentext anon, it will be extremely funny.
More like choose the reality in which you want to live, either the one with Safi or Chloe.
The straights are not Real Fans
>the entire point of the Chloe reality is to give bayfags the chance to unjustly see Chloe again
They really hate bae
>Chloe having a big role and also appearing in Bay too somehow
It's a man (like you) pretending to be a girl.
He could have all the surgery in the world, mutilate his body, amputate his dick, but he remains a man (like you).
looks a bit cursed, but still has soul
What do you guys think about this post? No leak this time around, just the return of the Bae v Bay discourse.

>return of the Bae v Bay discourse
It never left desu
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Almost certainly fake. But I think this does gives some more credence to my protagonist switch schizo theory.
Half of the game is playing Max and making decisions in the investigation into Safi's murder. The second half is playing as Chloe and having to deal with the fallout from the decisions Max made, as Chloe attempts to save her.
I personally think this is the best explanation for why one of the confirmed leaks said they hated the second half of the game and why we have had functionally zero information leak regarding that second half. Even all of the official information seems to only deal with stuff from the very beginning of the game.
It would also explain why they are being so weirdly tight lipped about DE more generally. We have historically known far more about the story of LiS games a few months out from release. But we know hardly anything about DE.
probably the weirdest LiS release we'll see in out lifetime
Its a nice theory, but too weird to actually happen. I think Max will be the MC for all the game judging by the outfit packs, and then something will happen by the end of episode 4 to 5 that will maybe hurt Max.
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Seems like the game was set on Steam at January 2022.
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STALKER fan here
Atleast your game didn't get delayed 5 times across 2+ years while people were waiting for a sequel for 10+ years
Have a shitty meme I made with a friend when we played through LiS and BtS
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Only issue I have with the theory is that D9 made sure to get the point across that people new to the series can start with DE and still enjoy it. So switching to Chloe would just confuse the fuck out of new players.

Another reason why I don't think it'll happen is because TC and the premise of DE basically being different versions of LiS1 shows how safe SE wants D9 to play it. They saw people didn't care about LiS2 so SE went "just make it more like the first one". Having a protagonist swap is a drastic change for the series.
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Giant fucking bed
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Looks pretty damn comfy desu. Just imagine how nice cuddling Chloe in it would be.
Very, very jealous of Max.
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Victoria's not going to be in the game is she? Will she get mentioned? I want to see if she has an updated look.
No please. The less hagified LiS girls the better.
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Loretta seems to be DEs version of Victoria. So I very highly doubt it. When it comes to LiS 1 characters (besides Chloe), I expect we will hear from Joyce in a few text messages or something. Maybe we might get a picture of Max with Victoria, but she will have zero presence in the game proper.
A shame, since she is my second favorite character in the entire series.
>hole to another universe
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I think it is safe to say that Kate getting tied up by her girlfriend is pretty common.
Kate isn't gay. It's not Christian.
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Kate's abusive, controlling family are christian and they have forced that identity on to her.
Being separated from them while at Blackwell is an opportunity for Kate to explore who she really is for the first time. Given what we know about her personality and just the general vibe she gives off. Being Victoria's girlfriend seems pretty believable to me.
Victoria seems like Kate's exact type and likewise with Victoria.
Chasemarsh is more popular than I originally thought
It's just one anon relentlessly posting it over and over again
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It is the second best ship in the franchise anon.
Perfect couple. Very cute.
I post a fair amount of Chasemarsh, typically to keep the thread bumped. But there are at-least two other anons here that frequency post Chasemarsh.
>typically to keep the thread bumped.
You ever wonder if you shouldn't keep threads alive artificially when there's nothing to talk about and you're just 90% of all posts with the same pictures over and over?
>You ever wonder if you shouldn't keep threads alive artificially when there's nothing to talk about
Holy fucking shit this is the most retarded post I have seen on this board. This is also how I know this is coming from a newfag too.
I find it funny how shitters that contribute to nothing to these thread outside braindead shitposting and bickering are telling the ones that actually contribute to these threads to just do nothing and let it die.
>when there's nothing to talk about
i mean heatwaves released
maybe well get some more DE info later on
Why aren't you talking about it?
Yes yes you dump your folder over and over, really contributing.
not released in my country + cant be arsed to look online for uploads
Not even that anon you replied but to me seems like a simple fanart bump to save the thread from page 10 is a better addition to these threads than the entirety of your (shit)posts.
Get new material.
Get new material to shitpost about then. At least old shitters had a bit of a creativity and weren't such annoying schizos.
So you can sperg about it again too? Lmao.
the rachel amber legion is leagues ahead in terms of shitposting compared to this guy
True, at least amberniggers tried to put some effort into their shitposting (at some point) unlike the /v/shitters.
Seems like I really hit the nail on the head to generate this amount of seethe.
Get some new fanart, dykes.
Seems like I really hit the nail on the head of this low IQ shitter to generate this amount of seething.
Get some new shitposting material.
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Getting pissed off over extremely trivial, ordinary things like you expect to find on any video game general like harmless fanart of all things is hilarious.
Yeah clearly I'm the mad one here lmao.
>You ever wonder if you shouldn't keep threads alive artificially
What a fucking stupid thing to post.
I know that you do not know this, tourist. But /lisg/ has a unique thread culture and a unique way of discussing LiS. If it were not for /lisg/, discussions of the series on this site would be limited to the incel hell that is the /aco/ and /v/ threads.
We are a slow general and at times it has taken us over a month to hit the bump limit. But those of us that post here, appreciate just how different we are from what you would get on places like /v/.
We have kept going for almost a decade and for years without any new content to talk about. Why would we let /lisg/ die now when we have a bunch to talk about?
>you're just 90% of all posts
My main contribution really is just making sure I'm around to post a new thread when it is time. Believe it or not, but there are actually a number of people who post here besides me.
I try to keep things bumped if we risk falling off page 10, but that is like ~5 posts a day at worst.
I assure you that if you counted up all of the posts in praise of Chloe (or some less popular ships like Wardmarsh), you would come up with far less then 90% of the thread.
The flood of incels from /v/ really have been the worst thing to come out of the DE reveal so far.
You are literally getting pissy about keeping a thread bumped with inoffensive fanart. As if that is not topical of many threads on /vg/.
Nigga, you are literally the one here who is seething over literally the most harmless of all things.
I couldn't keep going in the original game after failing the nearly impossible task of saving Kate. That was just too sad.
She deserved it after sinning to be fair.
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>That was just too sad
It didn't hit me when I first played the game, but recently I genuinely teared up when I managed to save her and when I read Max's journal about it. One of my best friends is struggling with depression and I genuinely thought I lost him several times
Just made me value our friendship more
>nearly impossible
Bruh just pick the option to say Kate's father and sisters care about her and also the bible quote.
You should not miss out on the remainder of the game because of that. If it is really such an issue for you, then you can just read a guide on how to talk her down.
That said, it is not even the most emotional moment in the game. I also think they handled Kate death pretty well if you do keep playing from it, even if it is obviously the bad outcome that nobody would want.
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How is it impossible? Just pay attention to what she says and look around her room earlier. Ez
tfw will never have non-penetrative fun with Kate until the day she experiences the joys of the bridal bed
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I hope DE has as good a soundtrack as the other games.
Chloe get your damn arm fixed
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Top tier wholesome pic.
Also I'm sure they'll get some good tunes. True Colors had a lot of great music.
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The green hair and ruined sleeve of LiS 2 will never not make me angry.
TC had some great stuff. But nothing as iconic as what we got in LiS 1.
I still haven't got my copy of Heatwaves. It doesn't release until the 30th in the UK.
show more
What the hell is up with the blackout tattoo in some of the art?
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It is from the Pricefield cameo picture in LiS 2. In it Chloe has green hair and has covered up her beautiful sleeve.
Really awful stuff. Given how much shit DN was getting surrounding making the series an anthology (a direction the fandom pretty vocally rejected), I'm still half convinced that these changes to Chloe were done out of spite more then anything else. A middle finger to the fans who wanted to see more of Chloe and Max.
A real shame too, since I have always really loved Chloe's sleeve. I actually plan to get my own inspired by it next year.
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This. To believe otherwise is just fan wankery and projection from lonely fatties. None of the gay ships with Kate make any sense and are a complete contradiction to her character.
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Personally I don't think shipping her with a character who had a hand in driving her to the literal point of suicide is very healthy in real life and in fiction. Like they went way out of their way to torment her, getting a whole web domain and everything. Shippers must be utter social rejects because there is no way this would fly for any normal person.
COUNTERPOINT: girls kissing girls is really cute
I think Kate would work great with Ryan.
This is truly all that matters
Can't tell if Rachel would be more abusive than Victoria or not.
Kate gets isekai-type time traveled back to the year before Rachel disappeared, and uses her experiences with Max and Chloe to attempt to save Rachel's life by seducing her.
Very cute. The straights should leave this thread alone.
I feel like Kate would despise someone like Rachel.
She'd feel like it was her duty to save her (for Jesus) like american christians do
Michel Koch (one of the LiS co-creators) said Chloe blacked out her tattoo to show she's moved on from her past.
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Personally I'd like to see a FF where Kate goes full schizo on Christianity like Joseph Seed and just outright starts killing sinners at Blackwell
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Have you ever seen what happens when an ultra sheltered girl gets her first taste of freedom?
It is actually super believable that some one like Kate would have a repressed sexuality she would want to explore. It also makes sense that given Kate's personality, that she would be attracted to someone like Victoria.
'had a hand' is doing an awful lot of heavy lifting there.
Victoria did set off the Rube Goldberg chain of events that ended in Kate attempting to end her own life. What Victoria did was really shitty. But she clearly had no idea where things would end up.
The two main factors that actually directly drove Kate to a suicide attempt where Jefferson (both from Kate's vague memories of the Dark Room and her later interaction with him) and the vile reaction from her abusive family. Victoria was never a factor here.
>Shippers must be utter social rejects
That is some grade A projection.
Especially funny given that you are bitching about shipping in fucking /lisg/ of all places. Try working on those social skills and reading the room.
I have been tempted to include something to that effect in the OP from time to time. But have always thought better of it.
Well, I think that just speaks to Kate being a reasonable person.
The only reason Chloe was into Rachel was due to her seeing Rachel as a Max surrogate. Had Max never left the Bay, even Chloe likely would have ended up hating Rachel also.
Max finally convinces Chloe to let her play with her butt
I think you got the roles reversed there.
Chloe is clearly the adventurous top while Max is the shy bottom. Chloe would be the one doing the convincing.
I bet they pluck each other's anus hairs
It's such a lazy uncreative way to do it though
The storm will do that to her.
Ah. I never played 2. Just the first one and BtS. Never cared to play the others.
Chloe would probably prefer Max keeps hers
>That is some grade A projection
It's so funny to hear that from unhinged idiot in their in their thirties with no life, shitspamming the same retarded fanart folder for the last 10 years on anonymous imageboard.
>My main contribution really is just making sure I'm around to post a new thread when it is time
Seek help already
No better than low IQ and low effort turbo autismo shitposters like you.
I think it's funny that these spergs will call you no life and yet they don't miss a chance to shit all over the thread no matter the time of the day. It's almost as if shitters spend more time here than people who actually contribute to the good health of the general.
Kate would kill a massive sinner Rachel again if anything.
You're not allowed here
Chloe is a total sub
I happen to agree, but we're stuck with it now. Even the non-canon comic had the blackout
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Eggcited to see the new one, once we get closer to DE launch we'll blow right through the last ten threads.
Do you think Max or Chloe is a creamer
Max probably cream is so thick you can spread it on toast
Caulfield? More like Creamfield
bruh that's a yeast infection
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What does a Max popsicle taste like?
salty milk and coins
This is a fan animation, I take it?

Earlier decisions impact how hard it is to talk her down.

I mean, if I started over that is a lot of ground to re-tread. Especially that horribly tedious part where you have to find empty bottles for Chloe to waste ammo on.

...Fuck Chloe.
>thigh sex with kate
god I wish that were me
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I told him she didn't suffer
(she did)
Yeah, but I cared about him
We all know it Max
A crucial part of Chloe's balanced breakfast
After seeing Civil War, I could buy Cailee Spaeny playing Max if the Life is Strange show ever materializes
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If the greentext anon is telling the truth, this might be a similar to that Godzilla X Kong movie leak, in which some anon pretty much spoiled the whole movie albeit with some minor different details.
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Insert Coin have the Jane and Misfit Skull shirts back after years out of print.
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Not surprising, it was announced on the official LiS page for their partnership before the relase of Double Exposure
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Here's another small preview of the comic to tide you over.

>For our next event, taking place in August, we are thrilled to announce our talk on photography-related careers & gaming in collaboration with Square Enix @squareenix! Square Enix develops, publishes, distributes, and licenses SQUARE ENIX® and TAITO® branded entertainment content

>In anticipation of the release of their adventure game "Life Is Strange," @lifeisstrangegame we will be hosting a fun-filled talk featuring Hannah Telle @hannahtelle, the voice actor from the game, sharing her work experience in the gaming industry!

>During the talk, you'll have the chance to pick her brain about careers in video gaming, catch an exclusive sneak peek of the new game, and be invited to participate in our exciting video gaming and photography public competition.

>exclusive sneak peak
any anon going to spill the beans?
That looks very cute, I'll look foward to the complete drawing.
Chloe will continue to not be mentioned.
ask hally backstage, flame her to make a video about lis 1 choices
No shit, Sherlock.
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More Kate!
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Too bad this won't be live.
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I was hoping for some-sort of special edition of the Jane Doe shirt.
But since is the probably going to be the last run of them from Insert Coin, I may just pick up another one.
Looking forward to it anon.
Are you expecting them to suddenly do a 180 on a core element of their marketing strategy?
Most of the VAs have a bad habit of given more away then what they mean too when live. No way they would risk Hannah (of all people) taking questions during a live broadcast.
Isn't that the guy who you can possibly try to shoot when he threatens Chloe? You can befriend him if you don't shoot I guess? (but then you kinda leave Chloe defenseless)
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He is one of several guys who were 'involved' with Rachel. The only one of them who actually cared about her. He has more of a character in BtS.
In LiS 1 he is basically just a depressed dealer who Chloe borrowed money from. If you are a decent person then you will attempt to shoot him. But he turns out to not be such a bad guy if you play things cool with him after that point.
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Raspberry and chocolate.
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Last year I brought a pair of scented candles that were inspired by Chloe and Max.
The Max candle was this really nice raspberry and vanilla that I think perfectly fit her. So I cannot help but imagine that any Max inspired food would have to be raspberry and vanilla flavored.
>If you are a decent person then you will attempt to shoot him
pricefield schizo at their best
This coming from a bayshitter is peak irony.
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it's literally on steamdb

>31 August 2017 – 16:04:37 UTC

Still don't believe me? here's in development photo of bts ep2 with unfinished assets and a nice clip: https://streamable.com/amokwn
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I did not say he should have been shot on sight.
But when Frank seemed to pose a threat to Chloe, then I absolutely stand by attempting to shoot him being the only acceptable course of action. Risking harm coming to Chloe is a hardline that I am not willing to waver on.
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are we sure max doesn't like stop wearing her beanie with ep5? it's so odd because they kept showing clips of the same scenes with Max having or not having a beanie, I really question it
I'm pretty sure that DE is going to have some level of customization options beyond the DLC. A beanie could be such an option.
the trailer showed early footage way too much and I doubt it's gonna be used with the gameplay footage we have and how Safi's overlook death scene had a tower in front of it, the said tower being seemingly gone
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>Frank seemed to pose a threat to Chloe
The only real threat to Chloe is herself
in michel's universe*, not deck nine's or comic's
>he didn't shoot the gas tank, blowing the car up at first
I bet you failed to save Kate too or couldn't do it without a guide.
Just another reason why she needs someone to protect her.
Chloe is sort of like a puppy. She needs lots of love and you need to make sure she does not end up accidentally hurting herself.
>didn't shoot the gas tank, blowing the car up at first
Why would I?
That is funny because I remember back in the day wondering how people managed to get Chloe hut herself when I didn't shoot the bumper in my game.
Post, Dykes!
That means they uploaded at the same, not released at the same time. I remember playing ep.1 of BtS over and over again while we waited for ep.2, and then Xbox got it a week early due to a mistaken release.

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