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Previous: >>486188338

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

- The War Within News:

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16)
- Bullions spreadsheet:

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>Summer Trading Post

>General Resouгces
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Good night /wowg/.
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Reminder that jaina was mere seconds away from wiping out every stinky mudhut dweller in shitgrimmar and the only thing that stopped her was her gay dragon boyfriend crying about some sort of faggot morality.
Just remember that, hordecucks, you only exist because the alliance allows you to. We can wipe your stain off this planet the instant we deem it necessary.
but what about camp taurajo
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Ion has to go.
based and true
Oh my, delusional cucks just try to erase from their heads that it would only lead to destruction of Cuckliance.
Completely innocent people who died because stupid cunt allowed her military port to get used for alliance to slaughter anyone they see first.
>*captures ur city*
>*nukes u*
>*steals ur bell*
>*burns down ur house*
>*burns down ur city*
>*burns down ur family*
Oopsie sorry haha friends? Cool friends.
>*destroys ur burned alive mother's soul to make me 0.0001% stronger for my torghast run*
uh oh brown ESL meltie
>Void is canonically pro trans from a DF questline
what did they mean by this?
uo oh, cuckie has no arguments
yea its incredibly obvious at this point that the writers favor the alliance by x10000000
even the purge of dalaran was rewritten so that she was in the right with chronicles

now in TWW she has several major quest lines while thrall and other horde characters quite literally have less than 5
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Halt! Outsider, you tread upon temple grounds! I am Aya Ya, champion of Yu'lon! I stand together with my fellow monks. We guard the Celestial who dwells at the heart of this sacred sanctuary. We can not permit your presence here, lest we risk the flames of war fanning over the walls! Please, put down your arms, and let us escort you outside. There is no need for violence. Let us come to a peaceful solution, as the Jade Dragon would have it.
A persistent delusion, this one was. Probably something the Sha of Doubt had been stewing on for quite a while. It felt so real, like a vision of a future that could have been. Still, something was not quite right about this warped memory of an event that never came to pass. No matter how many monks the fallen master was shown in unison with, the feeling of loneliness pervaded. Its crushing oppressiveness reached down into even the deepest depths of her subconsciousness, smashing through the fickle illusion of unity.

It is no pleasant feat, to wake up from a bad nightmare into an even worse reality. Still, rather be in control over an unfolding disaster, than be a blinded fool trapped in blissful dreams. Did she make the right choice, on that one fateful day, to stride out of the Monastery and demand an end to the hostilities that had engulfed the whole of the Jade Forest? Maybe. Maybe not. It matters little. What's done is done. She has chosen her path, even if it leads to ruin. The Claw of Yu'lon will fight not only to protect the Temple of the Jade Serpent, but for Pandaria as a whole. That is her newfound purpose; a sliver of certainty to stave off a mountain of doubt. Will it hold off the most heinous of Sha indefinitely? Unlikely. It need only hold until the end. Her battered body will waver long before her convictions will. That much, she knows for sure.
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Malfurion is canonically powerful enough that he could fart and wipe out the entirety of the literal shithole that is Orgrimmar
>gets kidnapped by a satyr who dies in a non tier raid
Xal'atath represents the pro trans faction of the void, and we will have to team up with her to defend trans rights once we realise not all void is bad. (Xal'atath is a biomale entity inhabiting the body of a female elf. Xhe chooses to use a female voice when using telepathy because xhe feels it suits xem better than xeir natural speaking voice)
and died to an axe throw to the back. Man sneak attack damage really adds up doesnt it?
If you contact me for rp play on ANY of the following type a bodies
>Any elf

I will assume you are a cuntboy and treat you as such.
t. DRAENEI futa
>So says the SHADOW of Xavius
Malfurion you got captured by that shadow of Xavius don't be so smug you irrelevant manwife
Saurfang has a really good throwing arm
making a boypera rn
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This is my favourite WoW gif to date. Thank you, based anon.
>can do all of that
>has to go into the shadowlands for the entire emerald dream patch because some dragonkin has an ice shield and no one can penetrate it
>so weak that he can't even go to the emerald dream when tons of other shadowlands creatures are there
WOMEN win again
Good morning /worg/
you joke but the general concept of this is 100% something I see them doing
Give me that Toughpaw-job
Built for human male warrior who was part of the forces that culled Stratholme and the memory still haunts him to this day cock.
Good boy~
built for a particularly angry orc looking to take his pent up frustration out
>that culled Stratholme
you made me remember the music
Sorry, but this is the real Culling music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ndjcgfUbYg
Jaina was always in the right concerning the Purge of Dalaran.
WeeooWeeoo needs better mods.

How come /xivg/gers get to have all the good stuff?
good things? That thread is a biohazard containment zone.
Because their game has no anticheat and lets them go way too far with modifying game files
>let me, a 30yo white woman deny you your ancient home because someone in your faction stole some bell that I claimed was mine for some reason. And if you refuse I will personally kill you.
Imagine if they just turned around and killed that cunt. It's still absolutely baffling that she is supposed to be stronger than ancient elven mages.
They have
>Diapers, transgirls
We have
>Futas and sometimes cuntboy posting
Shitreavers too busy sucking orc cock and watching their bimbelf wives cuck them to keep up with their practice. No surprise a mortal mage could mangle them at that point.
is this canon?
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Please do it and end Firepaw life, please
I still can't believe he lives in Orgrimmar, how is he so fucking buckbroken?
People who played during MoP was the shine of two moons/seven stars a bloodbath on PvP servers? I'm sitting inside the opposing faction's shrine and just realized there are like no guards.
It's like any other city where guards materialize out of thin air when you enter combat in the area.
Didn't stop people though, they would regularly bait people into flying up on top of the shrine or use lag/clipping tricks to get to safespots inside the shrine like above the entrance or behind the invisible wall in front of the statue at the double-ramp.
nope, never saw the main cities get attacked. it was always just a gank fest out in teh daily areas
>t. played on a heavily imbalanced pvp server
what compels a damage dealer to do less damage than the tank?
playing mage
If you do less DPS than a tank you should be forcefully renamed to "shitter" ngl
Because i like to play frost mage
The best thing is that he lives in the middle of the street like a dog
bros...i might actually like brewmaster more than prot warrior...
no he doesn't, he sits in the embassy now
>Just remember that, hordecucks, you only exist because the alliance allows you to. We can wipe your stain off this planet the instant we deem it necessary.

Why didnt you do it at Darkshore and Lordaeron?
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Resto shaman needs Chain Harvest, it was the best spell they've gotten. Its so fun to cast.
How does your redditcow feel about having to follow around Alleria and Anduin next expansion?
you will get primordial wave and you WILL like it
Shame half of monks audio feedback is jsut a bunch of sooshes and spashes.
you mean the same expansion where we wiped out the horde leadership and installed puppets loyal to alliance leaders? lmao
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tauren are proud members of the alliance
Oh yeah, the rest of the idiots who follow him are on the middle of the street like hobbos
>main villian of TWW is a void creature in the body of a dead high elf
>main heorine of TWW is a high elf turned void elf
>Midnight is set in Quel'thalas
did high elf screamers manage to buckbreak blizzard or what?
is valeera tall or shaw just a manlet?
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don't you like world of elfcraft?
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it's ok
I love world of elfcraft I goon to world of elfcraft
>baal and his sperg friends are having a meltie over the retcons in the new chronicles
i'm having so much fun reading the rants
very true, nothing will ever replace the crashing sounds of shield slam and spell reflect
List the retcons
the list is too long. if you have x and porterfag hasn't blocked you yet, you can read his thread. all the schizo are having a meltie lmao
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all humans are manlets
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To be fair the change to BfA's order of events makes the story incomprehensible and directly contradicts the game. Like it's not just some weird interpretation of events, it's a completely retarded rewrite that makes no sense with the story
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maybe we can get some of them to quit
when these cretins are unhappy you know we're in for some kino
i have no pity for them. they know the story is shit and has been shit for a long time now and yet, they keep seething about it daily. at this point it's their fault
that baal guy is the worst of those faggots, I hope he fucks off for good
You have so few players left and you want even more to quit?
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>7 million subs
>probably double with china
So are Delves actually going to bring in the solo players that Blizzard has been trying to attract for a while now?
>You have so few players left and you want even more to quit?
but enough about xiv and dawntrail
>he still believes Shillular's "analysis" that's over half a year old, recorded before Classic died and retail went into freefall
Don't bother, the buck has been eternally broken.
lol, you're still seething after all this time
move on
i swear the player belf/velf models for women are shorter than human men though
>muh story
these people need to go read a book
no one plays video games to read 10,000 BOXES OF TEXT on how John Stormwind is The Big Gay™ and must stop the Turbo AIDS from consuming the Blue Oyster Bar or they'll have nowhere to cruise for hairy man ass on the weekends
they play to be a gigachad and lop off orc heads while saving the world from evil
>inb4 i play to be a slu-
or they play to be a slut but you catch my drift
keep doom posting. im sure youll meme the death of wow into reality soon
>lowest M+ numbers this season of any modern expac
>lowest raid numbers in history
Depends how they handle it.
It's not easy after certain tier, there no godmode buffs like there were in Torghast.
Only these "lore" fags that cheer at every character turned homosexual and all these "ABK" changes that ruined the game.
Story is important in a MMORPG if you don't like stories go play LOL
Don't you have a tranny cat to jack off in troontrail?
>lowest m+ numbers
doomposting retard doesn't even know about the m+ changes lmao
rewards cap at tier 8 of difficulty, which gets you heroic ilvl gear
everything past is for prestige - mount, cosmetics and cheevos
Yes, she is taller than normal. I just like shitting on wow humans
you should tell that to xiv. dawntrail was a huge failure story wise
>did high elf screamers manage to buckbreak blizzard or what?
god i hope, the mantra of "you think you do, but you don't" of bliz it's annoying, Helfs should be playable years ago (like ogres)
df season 4 is doing better than sl season 4 and df season 4 is considered the "bad" one of the two that nobody is bothing to go hard in
so yeah 7 milly, wow won.
you have to keep in mind that with s4, keys <+10 )(old system) are not counted anymore, as they fall under m0
I think they if they really want to go for that portion of the market (which they should, its massive), they need to add true endgame solo content, I think delves are a nice start but they're not going to do enough to keep solo players interested in the game.
>dawntrail was a huge failure story wise
It was fine for the most part, just too much of wuk. People universally panning it are mad that it didnt have the same epic 5.0 moments.
Felt a fair bit like the DF story, fairly low stakes and choerent ar first then confusing and rushed laster on.
i don't play xiv at all
the historical data for shadowlands is not adjusted to the new system, unless you actually believe people were doing +46s in sl s4 (they weren't)
DT is very much a filler expansion more focused on the graphical update and setting the stage for the future story of 8.0 and beyond. They've mentioned that major job changes will probably come in 8.0, and a lot of people are already excited about that because classes are also awful right now.
>god i hope, the mantra of "you think you do, but you don't" of bliz it's annoying, Helfs should be playable years ago (like ogres)
at this point I doubt ogres will ever be playable, but high elves have a decent chance of finally being playable with midnight desu
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jesus christ i cant stop laughing
troontrail's raid just came out, and it's some janky wwe dogshit
this is how their crowds look

keep in mind, this game came out 10 (TEN, X) years after wow

>more focused on the graphical update
oh no no no no
>not playing a japanese game with japanese audio
at this point you do it to hurt yourself
Metzen will save us any day now....
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talk about wow
this amount of shilling is not healthy.
LoL unironically has more story than WoW and it's a game where story has absolutely zero bearing
DF was "wholesome chungus adventures" and dawntrail was "talk to Wuk Lamat"
lol. i am, but i will also shit on the faggots that constantly post in wowg that paid for that absolute embarrassment
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I'll play devils advocate, most stories in video games (especially mmos) are at their peak/most fun when you are filling in blanks with headcannon and theory crafting, when stuff gets explained TOO MUCH (sneedolands) it really can sap a lot of the enjoyment out. Twitter is for fags but even a broken clock is right twice a day.
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If I was to take inspiration from the anon who made this and do one for the Alliance, who should the characters be?
I'm thinking Turalyon as Trump, Alleria as Zaela, but who should be in place of Mal'korak and Nazgrim?
Im thinking you should go outside
>I'll play devils advocate, most stories in video games (especially mmos) are at their peak/most fun when you are filling in blanks with headcannon
this is objectively correct and always has been
you're always going to prefer your own headcanon over what some faggot tells you is actually true instead
I love it
Uh ohhhhhh the pandatroon was zivfag all along?
I'm thinking you should take your own advice if a post like that triggers you
>instant seethe reply
>when you are filling in blanks with headcannon
Or simply put, keep some things a mystery.
Too bad the whole Warcraft universe is forever ruined now.
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yep. that's why i like vanilla questing the most. you're just a random adventurer, like everyone else, and you're free to choose your own path. high chances that you and the player next to you completed different quests and followed different paths, most of the time.
not a big fan of railroaded experiences where everyone is the hero, because ultimately nobody is
>keep in mind, this game came out 10 (TEN, X) years after wow
the power of gook devs
i legit can't stop laughing. i just can't
its a shame because the game would actually have something going for it if it were as functional as wow. its unreal how people defend it
I remember when I played it for the first time, not having played any other Warcraft game prior, I was exploring Ashenvale and just kept thinking "wow these ruins and statues, wonder what did it look like before", or these giant skeletons and turtle shells.
The excavations in Loch Modan or Uldaman being a whole chapter of its own.
Only got faintly similar feel in TBC with Azure and Blood Mist Isles and then with Ethereals being these weird interdimensional beings that make you wonder "what else is there?"
Why can't wow devs make cool looking weapon enchant effects anymore?

They released absolute perfection almost 20 years ago with mongoose and executioner (crusader+fiery also notable mentions), then just never released anything near as cool ever again. They even nerfed the crusader glow (why???)

This is supposedly the pvp "elite" enchant, yet it just looks like my weapon texture hasn't fully loaded in yet? TF is this? We just want obnoxiously bright lightning effects in different colours, how hard is that? Did all the devs who used to be able to make cool particle effects get fired/quit?

I just don't understand how they could achieve absolute perfection almost 2 decades ago, then just forget how to do it and release slop every season after
Just shows super detailed customization (boosted thousandfold by mods), autistically detailed NPC animations and cutscenes instead of a simple text box doesn't make a good game if there's no actual gameplay.
greed. quality and quantity has gone down while prices have gone up
sunk cost
but the ones doing it the most, especially itt, are the desperate and bitter ex wow fags.
i think it's safe to say that with the latest turd they got to swallow, it all came crumbling down
this one's pretty bad yeah. still plenty of good looking weapon enchants
>still plenty of good looking weapon enchants
From 10+ years ago
wait is this the current seasons duelist enchant?
lmao what the fuck
the shadowflame enchant is cool though, and that's from DF
Ya, I just came back to the game like 3 weeks ago in preparation for TWW, I haven't played retail since BFA. Was sorely disappointed after hitting 2.1k (although doing so was pretty easy desu, it feels like there's a lot of new players doing arena rn for some reason)
kinda, still a midnight waiting room THOUGH

New Lore

Much like Dimensius, Invalidus (a mob in WoD Nagrand) is seemingly named as a manifestation of a Void Lord.

Lili and Chen were on the Horde/Alliance vessels that attacked in the Mists cinematic (found after losing their way looking for Pandaria in the mists)

Thrall was healing the Maelstrom and preventing a second cataclysm during the start of Mists, or he would've deposed Garrosh

Anduin intentionally sought out Wrathion due to the Black Dragonflight's history with his family

Kairoz and Wrathion choose Garrosh as they saw him as Azeroth's best military commander. Conquering Azeroth was entirely Garrosh going off-script from making an anti-Legion fighting force.

Alliance version of Khadgar quests against Gul'dan is the canon one.

Both the Alliance and Horde did Gorgrond together. One used breaker artifact, one used primal artifact.

Cho'gall and Teron'gor both intended to betray Gul'dan after the Iron Horde beat them.

Ogrim Doomhammer (WoD) was conflicted and split between loyalty to Blackhand who sacrificed his hand for him, and his morals.

Terrokk wasn't fully res'd in Spires, and Kargath only severed our ability to call on his powers

Void Gods explicitly more powerful then a Dark Naaru

Grom was allowed to live after WoD because he fully repented and they thought he would be able to get former Iron Horde to focus on rebuilding the world, rather than more fighting.

Gul'dan used the souls at Blackrook hold to fuel his spell to split Illidan from his body and make it into a vessel for Sargeras
the primal enchants for DF look nice for shamans.

Thrall basically gave up after Legion and left to Outland, leaving Saurfang to watch Sylvanas who he didn't trust.

Noble houses of Kul'Tiras given some more lore including about their respective roles in society

Not new so much as a clarification, Drust were originally druidic but turned to death magic in the war with the humans.

Thros is a part of the Emerald Dream that "lay at a unique confluence of Void and Death". When Drust died they went to Thros instead of the SL and honed their dark magic in this place of decay while seeking revenge.

Clarification that looks like Alliance version of Battle for Dazar'alor is canon (Alliance reluctant to kill Rastakhan who refused to be taken alive).

Horde canonically freed Xalatath and got gift of N'zoth. Gift was cleansed. Xalatath tricked Horde saying Naga were about to conjure storm that would kill tons of people if we didn't get the artifacts. Horde then leave the dagger but return to do raid and take it as spoils to Sylvanas (rather then just suspiciously compelled to at end of quest line)

Armstice after BFA was kind of a joke and the Horde weren't made to give up any land. This pissed off many within the Alliance, especially Tyrande.

Before deciding on a council, Lorthemar pushed for Thrall to become Warchief again.

Timeline information

Mists starts 30 ADP

Mists timeline has changed. Now we do Heart of Fear/Terrence first, then Kun'lai's quests around Lei Shen & Mogu'shan vaults and Vol'jin novel, then the events of 5.3 and the first part of SoO happen simultaneously with the end of 5.2 (they return from the isle to find it destroyed by Garrosh). Then Darkspear Rebellion happens and then the remainder of SoO.

WoD starts 31 ADP with Warcrimes

Canon order for Legion zones: Azsuna, Highmountain, Stormheim, Val'sharah

Light's Heart quest line occurs after Emerald Nightmare

Kul'Tiras questing and recruitment now happens before the Horde free Talanji and head to Zandalar. The Horde break Ashvane out of prison (8.1!) before freeing Talanji.

We knew BFA took two years, they now confirm that Darkshore marks the start of the second year of the Fourth War.

Darkshore is 34 ADP.


Alliance: Terrace, Blackrock Spire (WoD), Grimrail Depot, Everbloom, Highmaul,

Horde: Heart of Fear, Iron Docks, Blackrock Foundry, Crucible of the Storms

Both: Mogu'shan palace, Throne of Thunder, SoO, Auchindon (Alliance did first half, Horde second), Blackrook hold, Suramar, Uldir (both go in, but only Alliance version is mentioned), Eternal Palace
old wow enchants look like absolute ass wtf are you talking about
>Clarification that looks like Alliance version of Battle for Dazar'alor is canon (Alliance reluctant to kill Rastakhan who refused to be taken alive).
jesus Christ they literally cannot go one second without riding the Alliance's dick until it breaks off lmao


Wrathion forgot the Titan's last message (MoP Legendary quest) like the Keepers. Previously he remembered it and references the Keepers forgetting.

Anduin's injuries during the events of 5.1 heavily reduced and he made full recovery (as opposed to permanently damaged bones)

Helya confirmed as being an agent of the Jailer even before meeting Sylvanas. Helped Sylvanas for this reason (and to piss off Odyn). No "bargain".

Garrosh intentionally used Sunreaver agents because he knew Lorthemar was in the process of switching sides and wanted to ruin that. "A few" sunreavers now directly involved but no real information on who or what. Ignores Aethas turning a blind eye.

Zul's faction in MoP knew Zandalar wasn't sinking, but seeing parts of it sink inspired them now to rekindle the ancient troll empire. Rastakhan in the dark of what Zul did on Pandaria.

Garrosh WAS corrupted by Y'shaarj, who made him more ruthless and desperate

War of Thorns combines Elegy and Sylvanas novel versions of events.

Bronze dragons no longer involved in recruiting the Mag'har, now the Nightborne bridge the rift to WoD.


One section refers to 5 old gods at the time of the black empire, contradicting other sections that say 4 (likely erroneously included G'huun).

The entirety of Kul'Tiras questing happens before the Horde free Talanji and head to Zandalar makes no sense. The whole motive to recruit Kul'Tiras was them freeing Talanji and Zandalar destroying the Alliance fleet

Sargeras' fear of a "Void Titan" has been replaced with "Void Creature" which might not mean anything yet but could be leaving the door open for something in TWW/Midnight.
I'm actually waiting for the pre-patch to level an evoker because I think leveling is fun
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>cherry pick one that looks weird and extrapolate it to the entire system
reddit spacing included
i guess that looks alright, can't see it in the cosmetics gallery for though
nta but I never liked these overblown TBC enchants.
Nothing beats Landslide though, literally PISS AND SHIT lmao
>devokers are consistently the absolute best players i get in my keys
whats going on? i thought we were supposed to hate the scalies? these guys are like anti mages in every way
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dad gaem
yep, the biggest xiv faggots are always ex wow players with a chip on their shoulder
I can't even remember what the argument was, but you just posted your character now you fool
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Unironically, yes.
>quit in SL
>tried many slops including XIV
>turns out nothing beats wow in terms of gameplay no matter how imbalanced specs might be
>now just waiting for faggotflight to be over for good
>Garrosh WAS corrupted by Y'shaarj
i thought this was known?
I remember clearly how they pushed the narrative that "Garrosh was in control"
I think if you google this exact quote, you will dig something up.
>Kul'Tiras questing and recruitment now happens before the Horde free Talanji and head to Zandalar. The Horde break Ashvane out of prison (8.1!) before freeing Talanji.

This makes no sense.
yeah i realized that after i posted but i don't think i have beef with anyone in this general
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Boob afternoon
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What happened in the Horde version of that fight?
>servers exploding
>seasonal content suddenly stops working after they "resolve" it
>seasonal content comes back earlier today
>servers exploding again
this is beyond spaghetti code
this artstyle is cupe
>Grom was allowed to live after WoD because he fully repented
>because he fully repented
what the fuck is this weak ass writing
>Sargeras' fear of a "Void Titan" has been replaced with "Void Creature"
La creatura....
Azeroth will come out as a troons woman
the Purge of Dalaran was always morally correct because it lead to dead elves, prove me wrong
>The entirety of Kul'Tiras questing happens before the Horde free Talanji and head to Zandalar makes no sense. The whole motive to recruit Kul'Tiras was them freeing Talanji and Zandalar destroying the Alliance fleet
This is how they are justifying the Horde attacking Kul Tiras then when in questing they were neutral.
i cannot dog in
literally the same problem from yesterday afternoon
>he says as he plays world of elfcraft, the windrunnner saga
sounds like I'm going to get to kill more elves
Void Paladin???
what is it
If left alone, an elf will live forever.
If left with more elves, they will breed and live forever.
Given enough time, a population of elves will outgrow the planet they live on, becoming vermin that push other endemic species out of their natural habitat.
Culling elves to ensure a stable population is the morally correct thing to do.
I had this issue and I had to log out of bnet, restart my computer, then login in to bnet from the website for it to allow me to login from the game client and put in my 2fa code. It was just insta dc'ing me on login until I did that (I'm not sure which specific thing fixed it)
Amen, brother. Long live Alliance.
t. Zul'jin
Tolkien solved this problem by reducing the power of elf parents after they cum or give birth.
Unironically what my stupid naive me was thinking when they first said "hero specs" and flashed shit like dark ranger or lightsmith, thinking it would change all your visuals.
Instead it's "this power spell also does X" and then down in the tree "that same spell also does Y".
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Does this long ass downtime means tehy add something or is this the new dei hire norm?
there's a new beta build every week nigga
>the new dei hire norm
based retard!
No there isn't.
I've played beta for over a month now.
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....F-For the horse....
....I-I mean the Horde....
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I hope they fix the barbershop mirrors in Dornogal shunting you under the ground when using them and locking you out of playing that character.
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>doubles down on SL lore and instead retcons BfA so much that you can't even take the basic idea of cause and effect for granted anymore
playable dreadlords when?
it could be like playing a dracthyr, with a visage form (disguise) of any race you want, only less gay
I miss memefox
retarded reactionary sperg, this isn't twitter
no negativity in the dojo
So the lore in Chronicles is full of retcons, as expected. But how's the art?
WoD timewalking tomorrow
Dragon mount will drop this time, i can feel it
really nice
anon that mount is free with the raid weekly, just spam it with a bunch of alts during tbc/wotlk/cata tw weeks
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Jesus christ this guy is such a faggot
using a macro to @target an enemy is not cheating you fucking retard
why are the wow forums filled with such a high number of mentally ill dickheads?
Where can I read the tl:dr?
Why do some "people" here think that going into details = retcons?
because that is just a cover for retconning
if they actually went into details instead of just using it as an excuse maybe it wouldnt be looked down on
Yeah, lost my "main" with all the renown shitcoins on it like that.
Even if they fix it, I don't think they will save the terminally stuck characters, are they.
not really. some things could be left out open to interpretation, and then when the details come out and contradict one's own headcanon, it's being labelled as a recon
changing the order of events of an established story is the definition of a retcon
reminder that this artwork was either never implemented or the models for it were deleted before classic
I just started playing again recently, i just don't have enough alts yet.
it still has more Warcraft in it and more to do with Warcraft than the AI gooner slop the resident troglodyte attaches
Addons and macros are cheating, cope and seethe lil cheater.
in that case lvl a shitload of alts in remix
Hero Talents were supposed to be the highlight of this expansion but instead they're hilariously underwhelming

>omit crucial details
>leave everything astoundingly ambiguous
>effectively Mad Libs the entire story and slot in whatever "UHM ACKSHUALLY" whenever you like
Thrall is TRANS 2030
Garrosh was really a BLUE orc 2034
Chromie is not trans but in fact OMNISEXUAL in every timeline 2038
Superman is not weak to Kryptonite, he is weak to sub-atomic Niggeronium - which can only be found in Kryptonite
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Oh no no no no, raised bar sisters, are you here?!
having a frontal lobe is cheating in itself
All poppy shrould rook same.
because retards think their headcanons are the actual canon and are unwilling to accept anything else.
because those details dont fit previously known info without making it look retarded
are we getting one?
one american flag? I dont think so
That's my plan, just started my level 20 holy priest booster and i just hit 10k threads, blasting alts through heroic dungeons will be a breeze. Now I just need to figure out what classes i want for transmog farming alts.
meant for >>486307470
These are the same people that complain about being boosted through a remix dungeon in 2 minutes
Did that retard really think that that thumbnail looks enticing to click?
suck on my cock shills
>2 more weeks
Ackshually we're saved with Midnight
i was merely pretending to be an underpaid indian
lol this
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Where is Calia? Why isn't she even being considered to lead the Horde?
>purple tentacle
my mind is slipping
because lilian voss is the stand in for the forsaken ever since sylvanas fucked off
Because she was one of the stupidest ideas ever, she wasn't even an undead.
subtle seth reference
seriously, why are locus walker and alleria the only two cunts who can look at a purple blob and not immediately start shouting for niggerman to save them?
don't attack before the tank because... BECAUSE THAT'S HOW IT'S DONE!!!!
no-one said this
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The matriarch keevah dreamtalon form dropped.
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I want polaxes to be added to the game
You pull it, you tank it chud.
t. living in AU
every shitter says some variant of this forever for 20 years
I will pull the next trash pack if it has been almost 15 seconds since we left combat.
>player gets agro
>runs away from the tank
i am definitely not getting those mobs off you now
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I want dynamic ground combat
flying combat too but lets start small lol
>player gets threat
they didn't need you in the first place if this ever happens
>takes 90 seconds to load in
>brb wife aggro
>does boomer keyboard turn shuffle for a further 15 seconds
>"you pull it you tank it" macro in chat
>keyboard turns to healer after every pull
>watches powerlessly as balance druid solos rooms full of enemies without dropping below 80% HP
>keeps threatening to leave if they pull without him again
>follows along desperately hoping someone dies without his help
>tries to do a massive overpull and kill everyone as revenge
>(nobody dies)
>waits out abandoner debuff while posting on WoW forums how calm he is when dealing with ninja pullers and how dps who pull before him quickly die and apologize
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I want more interesting spell casting
pic rel
happens all the time like in the first azure vault boss where adds spawn all over the room from clearing out the crystals
looks gay
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2-player ogre mage class where 2nd head doesn't have a health bar and has to solve relaxing slow-paced puzzles to deal optimal DPS
>and has to solve relaxing slow-paced puzzles to deal optimal DPS
>Sargeras' fear of a "Void Titan" has been replaced with "Void Creature" which might not mean anything yet but could be leaving the door open for something in TWW/Midnight.

It could be that final or ultimate Old God creature, I think mentioned in Hearthstone. I'm trying to find it.
>purple tentacle
>elf girl
I've seen enough anime to know where this is going
should just be spell casters by default
casters have to be protected in order to deal optimal damage in raids. Highest dps possibly.
if you let a caster get off a complex spell in pvp you are fucked
spell casters have to rely on cantrips and quick casts while getting attacked
make magic feel like magic again
that's arx fatalis, a game i played and finished. the casting is clunky as fuck, and a lot of times simply fails
imagine having to stop while you're raiding or doing a key to draw runes with your cursor
fuck that
are the shado-pan 2h axes anything like what you're after?
they're available on mop remix as world drops / infinite cache drops right now, they're going after the event ends. there are 4 recolours iirc.

best way to get one would probably be to quest through the zones they drop in as either ret paladin or unh/blood DK, not warrior because their loot table is diluted with staves and polearms

the one that drops on isle of giants should be farmed from elites there inside a few hours, and the one from vale should be from rare spawns or guo-lai halls
nta but i believe the game is Arx Fatalis
never finished it but it was fun

i want more immersive sim mechanics
>food/drink - hunger/thirst
>dress appropriately for climate
>mounts dont fade in and out of existence
>crafting minigame that rewards better/more items
>spells more than just "Fireball but blue", "Cone of Cold but red", etc.

you will get Cho'Gall and like it
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based but I still want combat involved so I can pull off a charge on my paladin.
in an action game with other people it looks incredibly gay and homosex
imagine you have to draw runes while rogues are raping your asshole
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yeah but the execution of the idea being bad doesn't make the concept bad
omg thanks for the details and for checking for me :D
no it isnt exactly what I would like the hammer is essential
Miss me yet?
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This thing: https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/The_Ancient_One_(Hearthstone)
The bar is now officially ankle-high, people!
mounts following behind you after you get off them would be based
also yeah making crafting more than grind materials then play solo patty cake would be cool
some kind of slow thinking minigame that rewards people who are good with better items would be based
one of my friends actually said this was his favorite expansion
Keep that shit in troonylands
my favorite part with when Jaina forgot she talked to uther in Wrath
These fucking drops. Give me a goddamn arsenal already. I'm fucking begging here.
yeah having to draw out the spells was not great and wildly inconsistent iirc
if you've ever played Dota 2, something like Invoker where certain key input combinations produce different spells would be interesting but might filter a lot of gaymers
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let me be the villain my warlock is really awkward at all these "save the world" meetings
i dont even care if I lose at this point
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You pull it, you tank it.
You chose the easy job, now sit the fuck down and let the man do his job.
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add an animation to curse of tongue so it looks like this on enemies
I pre-purchased TWW and it seems like it doesn't grant Dragonflight right away? I leveled to 60 and didn't get the Dragonflight quest, and I got kicked out of the zeppelin to Dragonflight. What the fuck, Blizzard? Is this intended? They write everywhere that Dragonflight is included when I pre-purchase TWW.
Zandalari paladin is so fucking cool bros
Doesn't that come with TWW pre-patch?
This is so stupid. The tongue referred to by the spell is figurative - "speaking in tongues."
with every bullet so far
Contact customer support, they should actually respond reasonably quickly when it's a matter that involves money
>people dont do our shitty written quest lines so we make it shorter

im just waiting for when they make all game aspects so shitty, they will start just selling M+ and raid packs under 'Expansion' sauce, asking for 90$ obviously, and brainrot drones will eat it up.
Is Chronicle on torrents yet?
I've made good progress
hunter - 100%ed
warrior - 2 mythic siege, 1 normal ToT, 2 LFR ToT, and 3 world drops left
evoker - maybe 1.5 pages of wands / daggers / offhands
I was 50/50 on bothering with evoker but I genuinely think remix is going away without arsenals because it feels abandoned. all hands on deck for trilogy development and tww launch.
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More Chronicle stuff.
Coliseum of Lust officially canon
no, the only purpose you serve is decent mogs which i can farm with ease come tww
lmao you'd think for an expansion trying to milk people's memories of wotlk, they would have done a little more research
Sylvanas also forgot she knew who Uther was as well
Glad you could bake it uther
Even though The Stormwind Extraction is one of the first events of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, which ends with the Horde entering Zandalar and motivates the Alliance to reach out to Kul'Tiras, the book overview states that it happens after Priscilla Ashvane was rescued from her imprisonment by Horde champions. Thus establishing that the Kul'Tiras leveling campaign and the Horde war campaign happened before the Zandalar leveling campaign.
so the porn is canon
anon the books are not canon
so who is chronicles IV written by? because chronicles 1-3 were written by the titans and it's just their opinion. I need to know which character wrote IV so I can laugh at them for not being in the know.
outsourced to some literal who. art is made by blizz employees like bayard wu
slice and dice needs to be baked into another skill, it's horribly annoying upkeep
Chain heal should spread riptide
every finisher should extend the duration not just the designated one
im ok with pressing it once
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He deserved better
chain harvest did this, yell at them for cutting it in alpha but keeping shitmordial wave. I'm all for tech options which make your spec simpler.
he would have been pretty good as a pro-Isolationist foil to Malfurion and Tyrande's pro-alliance stances. shame they had to kael Thas him.
>he would have been pretty good as a pro-Isolationist foil to Malfurion and Tyrande's pro-alliance stances. shame they had to kael Thas him.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
A shame, what a waste of a character.
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Sorry the Rogue Dev hates the class
Slice and dice is the least shit part of rogue's kit. You wish slice and dice was rogue's biggest problem.
>leveling a rogue feels better in cataclysm than it does in retail
lol. lmao. ion and his whole team dont deserve to eat
>rogue dev
based on current balance and the half baked flavorless hero classes, Blizzard has forgotten this class exists
I'd play Resto Shaman if the water sound effects didn't make me have to take a piss.
>SL is 100% canon

I just dropped €200 on the fucking books on amazon 'cause of you guys talking about it a lot today, fuck you guys these better be good.
>based on current balance
two of the rogue specs are top dps on raid and they are also great in m+
Iirc its the same Dev for Rogue and DH
Judging by their dogshit Hero Talents, that still checks out

Please continue to enjoy:
Assassination: The Melee Affliction Lock
Sub: Juggling a million CDs with Dust being the best build
and yet it's the least played class in the entire game
you'd think if it was so strong more people would play it
is it?
Not that anon but Balance doesn't meant shit if the specs are unfun to play to me at least

Nobody is gonna argue that Assa wasn't busted this season, but its playstyle is utter dogshit and an abomination of what its supposed to be.
What is the big crystal? Don't say its a big naaru.
>that icon
bros? are they gonna make a better roller beetle like they made a better skyscale?
I'm sorry I thought you meant balance not popularity
in this case, balance is directly related to how popular the class is
rogue feels dogshit to play, and the rogue players parsing high would be 1000% better if they played any other class
It is a kidney stone produced by the Azeroth titan.
if you want to read a book you dont have to pay shit
just go download what you want from library genesis or angieslist
ive gotten thousands of dollars worth of books free of charge from sharebros
jamesworkshop has never seen a penny from me
>in this case, balance is directly related to how popular the class is
Not really as we saw rogue is the strongest and the least popular so is not related.

> and the rogue players parsing high would be 1000% better if they played any other class
Not possible because rogue is better, maybe he could have 1000% more fun.
you're dumber than the avatrfagging mtt
this looks like a cumshot
unfortunately, but its also ignorable.
how much bullshit do i have to do in your game before i get to experience this kino?
honestly looks really fun and 10x better than dildoflying
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>dog in
>no tyrhold fishing hole
>mdfw (my dog face when)
meh. realistically what the fuck could they even do at this point. i have very little doubt that the saga is metzen's attempt at just fucking nuking current lore and prepare for a fresh start without the luggage of inconsistencies and retcons
Should I play this game as a prospective new player?
a lot of bullshit, that mount is one of the more annoying ones to get and then you have to level it, which is annoying
GW2 is the epitome of good ideas locked behind bullshit progression
think you should get video game opinions from some place that isn't 4channel dot org
do you like gnome and goblin pussy?
when did blue boards go back to 4chan?
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I also want back pieces like this in the trading post
Thanks, I wrote to the support and turns out that I am a retard and I bought TWW in the US region, and I play in EU. I should be able to get that refunded and buy it again.
its going to suck until you get to max level, its not great leveling up but you could buy a boost or just rush dungeon que
after that you're going to want to watch some videos to understand how to gear, which honestly is wholly irrelevant at this point in the expansion cycle, probably a really good time to learn the ropes tho
there's no reason to try retail unless you have friends playing it
I say give it a try. if you have no experience with MMOs wow as an intial game isnt awful. Theres parts of it which arent great but as far as combat and a system that reacts well its got both of those.
>demographics itt
>10% play the game
>90% just come in here to shipost, dont play the game
its more like 80% play the game, 20% dont
roller beetle is an achievement you can do in an afternoon (if you are max lvl), leveling the mastery to get the skills maybe a few hours after that
making and racing on custom tracks means either building them yourself or joining a racism discord
I am playing with my prostate, its really fun
Being a collector gives me plenty of time to shitpost in the thread
ill wait for warbands to start mogmaxxing
You can mogmaxx now. If you have the bag space you can collect the BoP drops of other armors and keep them until next week.
dont loot, let it go to the mail
youre not wrong
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I was the 90% since last winter but this morning I joined the 10% cuz I wanna get some remix stuff also prepatch next week.
rate my progress so far
leave the services channel ffs
in my defense i usually leave all trade/general chats but i had not actually entered a city to see them until a few moments before taking that screenshot
always leave the services channel
we have plenty of these
12/12 magetower sets complete
ranking in order of dificulty:
An Impossible Foe: Fury(Shadowlands)
An Impossible Foe: Unholy(Shadowlands)
End of the Risen Threat: Holy Paladin
Thwarting the twins: Frost mage
Thwarting the twins: Marksmanship
Closing the Eye: Subtlety
Feltotem's Fall: Discipline
Feltotem's Fall: Destruction
The Highlord's Return: Guardian
Closing the Eye: Havoc
The God-Queen's Fury: Enhancement
The God-Queen's Fury: Retribution
Feltotem's Fall: Windwalker
frost mage is pretty easy, did you really struggle with it?
damn lol ttw end cinematic just leaked (spoiler alert) https://youtu.be/MO2lR_7Xzsg
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well i tried it before hand with leveling gear and my only experience with the spec being vanilla/tbc mage and i really struggled with it and then i geared the character up to get the elite set, fully optimized gear and i did it in like 10 pulls last night
>keep in mind, this game came out 10 (TEN, X) years after wow
Then why is WoW so shit in comparison? It had 10 (TEN, X) more years to practice not being shit.
holy cope
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It's up for Lor'themars honeymoon to save us art bros..
do you think he had her pee into his chest hole?
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Their new raid actually slaps and is incel kino.
>First Boss: Tomboy
>Second Boss: Bimbo with simp mechanic
>Third boss: WWE champion
>Fourth boss: child bearing hips
god i wish i were my dracthyr
Could they honestly not find a single good artist for the new Chronicle or what? Out of the tens of images I have seen, maybe one looks half-decent. What a joke.
No clue what happened with Chronicles. But the Exploring Azeroth side at least has consistent art work. Might just be a case their main artists were busy elsewhere, so they outsourced to some of the Hearthstone artists?
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it's always the furries/scalies who are most annoying

why is that
tranny shill is here everyone
you forgot frogposters
I think frogposters probably fall under the furry/scalie umbrella.
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It was just your point of view that the Alliance decided to travel to Kul Tiras after the Horde broke Talanji out of prison. It's all a matter of perspective. Who says what happened? "I saw it happen in the game"? How utterly trite. Consider a fractal wherein you were never born. Does BfA still exist? This is how well your shoddy logic holds up. Now leave the writing to your betters and kindly shut up.
>t. furry/scaly
I accept your concession.
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they're completely fucking deranged and if you dare protest their faggotry they start spamming literal furry porn in the thread
hang all furries on national television, immediately
people that bitch about frogs confirmed furrypedos
btfo, and btfo yourself
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Here's what canonically happened.
>Bronze Dragons had to alter the timeline to hide their involvement in the Mag'har questline, making it so only the Nightborne helped Eltrigg
>This causes the events of the timeline to break, resulting in the order of BFA questing going to shit with 8.0 Alliance levelling, going into 8.1 Horde max level questing, into 8.0 Horde questing, into Uldir, into Dark Iron and Mag'har recruitment, into 8.1 Alliance questing, into Battle for Daza'alor.
>This is also why the events of MoP get speed ran and Taran Zhu can both be leading the combined Alliance and Horde assault under the Shadow Pan against the Thunder-King, while concurrently according to Chronicles 4 battling and being defeated by Garrosh as he dumps the Heart of Y'shaarj into the Vale in 5.2

Respect the new Dragon canon.
I do look forward to tranny within
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>Everything I don't like is pedo!!!
Let's see Frog Allen's search history.
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why? you already lost.
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everything I don't like is objectively shit
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Confused about the inconsistencies and conflicting lore? Let me explain.

Imagine, if you will, a pandaren philosopher contemplating the nature of existence while balancing on a tightrope stretched across the Maelstrom. The Chronicle books are his sober musings, while what you see in-game is the graffiti scrawled on the rope by a mischievous imp. Both perspectives exist simultaneously, like a murloc trying to play a violin underwater.

Still confused? Let me simplify it a little.

Imagine the in-game lore as a kaleidoscope - each twist reveals a new truth, or perhaps a gnome riding a mechanical chicken. And Chronicle? Well, that's the index at the back of the kaleidoscope instruction manual.

Still not getting it? Let me try again.

Imagine Azeroth as a giant murloc-shaped jigsaw puzzle. The Chronicle books provides the edges - the frame that holds it all together. But the game? Ah, that's the middle piece, the one with a suspiciously shaped void tentacle. It doesn't fit, yet it completes the picture. And if you squint, you'll see a gnome riding that tentacle, scribbling notes.
Actually surprising considering wow is the mmo catering to trannies
Whatever you say pedo.
I kneel. He is king
Can we even blame the inconsistences on Danuser this time, when Chronicles 4 was announced after Metzen rejoined the company. So he had to approve of the new order given his role.
>Actually surprising
said no one ever
>art is made by blizz employees like bayard wu

did bayard wu actually work on vol4 though? not a single piece of art shown in this and previous threads looks good. well, the one with Khadgar, Liadrin and Co in Tanaan looks good enough. But the rest are ugly and amateur as fuck, made me not want to buy the volume (have all three).
i think he's credited yeah
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He's listed as an artist.
anon metzen was writing slop by the time he left blizzard, what makes you think he didn't think danuserkino was the coolest shit ever
Matt and Marty? More like Shatt and Sharty.
i cant play the game cause my country's dictator is chocking on putin's dick
although alternatives would be either death or be jailed for 15 years
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Far as I can tell, Bayard Wu mainly did the chapter opening images.
Why are you Belorussian?
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Lacroix worked on previous volumes and mainly did lineart (like Cosmology map and black and white drawings)
Wu, as anow above said, seems to do chapter opening images.
The rest art was made by two Forbeck, and they seem to phone in hard. They dont have own style and their art is of absolutely various style (old school stylized, comic book one, MTG one etc).
Thats just sad.
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Kindle quality just makes it a pain to find any artist signatures on half these art pieces and I've no physical copy to cross reference.
certified kino
The Forbecks are the writers
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Yeah, no its not. Trannies flock to mmos because its escapism. Yet their mmo of choice is one that doesnt cater to them.
Blizzard should just cater to the incels and tryhards that pretend to like metal but no... they try to please the gays and trannies...which is poinless because they rather play dressup in zivg
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And that's all the chapter opening art.
The only Chronicle IV question I have: Is Shadowlands still canon?
long story
also its Belarusian
>Yet their mmo of choice is one that doesnt cater to them.
because its a tranny hugbox.
Yes. They make reference to the First Ones as well, but play it off like Shadowlands does as they're just myths.
These chapter pictures are pretty good actually
You honestly think they'd retcon Danuser's baby?
Figured out the issue with the art.
As far as I can tell, the main artist for Chronicles 1-3, Peter Lee didn't actually work on Chronicles 4. With Wu taking over his role as Chapter opening artist from 3.
there is no issue with the art
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I like playing xiv when new stuff comes out
Then i switch to wow to satisfy my FOMO needs
>Its a simple basement dweller life
based retard
The perspective on the leading guys is so fucked up I cant get over it
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Bluecel seething over the purge of dalaran begins again
I quite enjoyed the raid...
>The commentator calls you out if you mess up a mechanic
im seeing posts saying that many talents and hero talents are straight up bugged, anyone on beta noticed this?
the class I played have no bugs but many people call "bugs" to things they don't like for example the trickster capstone, people say its bugged but it isnt the shit is just horribly made and it will fuck your character.
where were you when it was confirmed assumi is canon?
Actually nvm, it probably seems that way because of the poses
>primus' original design
>jailer's thanos design
SL was all over the place
makin a lot of assumptions there froggy, but i wont stop you from believing your own lie.
is it me or Horde has a substantially bigger population of hispanic/br players than Alliance? or is just a pure numbers game and we're outnumbered vastly nowadays?
i am SO fucking tired of queueing up for any kind of content and 2/5s of my team being azarlon, gallywix, ragnaros, etc fucking subhuman players
i'll take RP players anytime of the day, at least we understand each other and don't throw shit on purpose
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admiring her work
horde has always appealed to shitskins and wiggers, the people who play horde are also the same type of people who attend ICP gatherings
>porterfaggot getting his revenge on blizz by posting chronicles for everyone to read and get mad at, tanking hype for TWW
porterfaggot won
Just imagine if Shadowlands started with THIS plotline instead and iterated on it. Would have been a really good story.
almost nobody reads his faggotry
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The World Soul Saga is saved.
>noooo why are we helping the bad guys who imprisoned him wahhhhhhhh
it would have been even worse
that's pretty good, blizzard is going to blacklist him now
Pretty sure, this is the only art piece of Primus and Winter Queen in the book as well.
nature is healing
heavily considering just fucking making night elves for everything and call it a day, tired of this shit
>following that fag
I should set my desktop wallpaper to an assumi vid
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this is insanely good news
Do you not find being constantly horny a hindrance?
maybe he likes living in prenut delusion
I'm at my most productive when I'm hard
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dangerhairs at blizzard in shambles
cope, fluffy
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nta but i have all her vids saved
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Here's the full new BFA timeline according to chronicles.
>Three sisters > War of the Thorns > according to the book this is when Nightborne, Highmountain, Void Elves and Lightforge are brought in > Battle of Lordaeron > Alliance levelling > Horde Max > Horde levelling > Uldir (which Alliance get the kill on G'huun) > Mag'har and Dark Iron join > Battle of Dazar. > Zandalari and Kul'tirans are recruited which ends year 1.

>Battle for Darkshore > the Derek Proudmoore side of Horde's max level campaign giving Derek back to Alliance/Baine returns to Thunderbluff > Horde canonically do the Xal'atath questline and kill Un'naat > Mechagon > Nazjatar > Anduin speaks to Saurfang in the stockades and Sylvanas sends assassins against Thrall in Outland. Baine is taken prisoner by Sylvanas sometime off screen > Baine is rescued > Anduin meets up with Varok to give the Alliances support > and the confrontation against Sylvanas happens > Horde makes it's council > Visions of N'zoth launch content > MechaGnomes get recruited first > Vulpera get brought in after > Nyalotha raid/N'zoth defeat > Horde and Alliance settle an armistice which ends year 2.
>"gender affirming"
no, getting surgically mutilated is bad and it's not called "affirming." I hate these sick freaks so much
What type 1 bodies have the smelliest pussies??
What type 2 bodies have the smellliest penises?
>nelfs see a bunch of hulking werewolves with absolutely massive, smelly red rockets
>invite them to live in their tree
wild how that worked out
what's with nelves and knots
its all lies
nelves were forced to house the rapefugees because of (((stormwing)))
>implying night elf women weren't bored of getting barbed and decided to try out knotting
Nelfie women crave shemale knots
no, just regular worgen knots
why not both
they know that nothing compares to a good ol worgen knot
I just miss my nelfie...
>Anduin only had a brief meeting with Sylvanas in the Maw at the end of SL and then left (for the people that thought he spent a long time there).
which one?
they spent a lot of time together though. even have a couple of cinematics
its one cinematic covering that mention
I see you and one up you
please link item I want to transmog it
dont you mean female and male?
Dentharius is returning for TWW
that would be too kino
so I really like when the devs do stuff like pic rel
instead of putting flowers randomly over this hill they put the flowers in specific places
you can easily imagine now that the species only grows alongside tufts of foliage that grow on these little rocky bumps in the hill along with tress.
It just made me happy to see a spark of the world looking like an actual world instead of a giant mob spawner.
I hate animals and mobs just wandering around in zones it feels so wrong and out of place. I don't feel like I am in a different world.
yea world design is pretty good in wow, i like that too
yes what?
they saw each other once during that one cinematic.
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>They didn't retcon Shadowlands in Chronicle IV

What the actual fuck did Blizzard mean by this? The whole concept should be scrapped. As human beings we should never know anything about what happens after death? It represents the eternal mystery in life. Even children understand this concept inherently. Retcon it NOW.
c4 was probably in the works for a very long time
also explain how they could do it
I don't want to be rude man but you're incredible stupid if you think they are just going to retcon it and the chronicles books are not even canon the last time they released one the game instantly retconned some stuff mentioned there.
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the death of a character doesn't mean anything
they should retcon the tww announce cine
then retcon the tww release cine
then retcon anduin altogether
>The main campaign itself is a little bit shorter than the past. The team invested more time into local zone stories with the expectation that players would do at least some of them along their leveling journey.
This is a really good change.
that's how wow used to be in the past. just a bunch of local quests tied to a zone, with some longer questlines taking you to other zones
just double kill them
State your business
>In the Lion's Landing you can see panda and worgen paladins
>in game they still can't be paladins
come on fucking blizzard, give me my lightbound pandas
explain something to me please: why do gooners have the WORST taste
you people cant make a cute face with limited options to save your lives. Idgi, i see this over and over and over, notable examples: arctium blood elf fag picks the thin lipped face instead of the best face 5, mayes warrior looks terrible too, the warlock is mid tier, its not really bad but he could do better.
what's your endgame
where exactly?
Do you like futa?

Is it just me?
they hang arround close to the lighthouse and the monke king
Moon Guard?
n e v e r e v e r
paladin fucking sucks anyways regardless of race
What did your father do to you?
I tried sticking around /wowg/ numerous times and being a regular but all the avatarfags and furries ruin it for me every time

You can blame them for people not wanting to engage with this "community" earnestly
why cant b elves smile like this all the time?
very organic post
>Did all the devs who used to be able to make cool particle effects get fired/quit?
yes, unironically
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This is the dumbest bait post of all time I can't help but take it. Many, many times have new people come forward from the thread to hang out with me and my friends in-game.
what have you done
you've doomed us
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It's 2024 and the average retard playing this game still doesn't grasp the absolutely insane employee turnover that this company has gone through.

Maybe 7 or 8 people who coded WoW from the era of vanilla to wrath are still with the company and I'm probably being very generous.
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Remember the +Healing enchant from TBC? That was the good shit (No, I didn't play TBC Classic)
Also, sometimes enchant sfx get retroactively affected when they edit them (See: Tabard of the Lightbringer)
Other reasons being: They actually physically cannot make cool enchants anymore like pre-nerd Bloody Dancing Steel/Jade Spirit because it causes too much lag for poorfags, unironically
Crashing this thread... with no survivors!
all the cool devs moved to Heroes of the Storm to spend their days being based and redpilled
then when they cut development on HotS, they got shuffled off to the cuckshed that is Overwatch ""2"" or had enough self-respect to promote themselves to customer
the season 2 enchant is the best enchant since demonic tyranny from legion, and there had not been a notable one since mop with glorious tyranny before that.
i thought the sinful enchant from sl was cool too, though alot of people dont like it.
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worlo me when
i play fempanda btw not because i want to be one but because i cant delete my characters
What the fuck is this meme
Majority of wow's senior leadership are oldfags from tbc wrath era. Ion, teran gregory, metzen, morgan day
What are you on about
Name 8, I'm waiting
>names less than 8
He won.
why are his eyes like that
hes infected
Those 4 plus chris robinson, jeremy feasel, patrick dawson, jeff liu
Want more?
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one week.
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For the 3 Brazillian arthas fags ITT
It was just a fragment of Arthas that perished at the end of Sanctum according to Chronicles.
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Any of you wanna join my guild for TWW? :3
yes man for blackrock
>teran gregory
raid bosses cannot work for blizzard, sorry chud
will get promoted again and lose his current position as the danger hairs rape the lore even more
>morgan day
literally who?
>chris robinson
literally who?
>jeremy feasel
literally who?
>patrick dawson
literally who?
>jeff liu
literally who?
>Want more?
Go back to your thread, trannoid, you got exploded
What's the point if you're going to be a disingenuous bitch ass nigger
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>invite a vulpera shadow priest to my discord
>they tell me they're schizophrenic
>call them a schizofennec until they leave
I have no tolerance for the mentally ill
incredibly based
What gets to me the most is the level of incompetency and nofucksgiven.
This game looks like utter garbage compared to what's made these days and there's no effort put into trying to make it look better.
Not really a blizzard specific thing, either. Most of the industry is like this, megacorps don't want to pay for talent when they can just slap outsourced assets into some engine made for the xbox 360 with extra postprocessing effects and call it a day.
>what's made these days
brother please. wow still looks very good considering it's a 20 year old game. and stuff gets updated all the time
Add froo on discord if you want more info -w-
>what's made these days
That's what I said.
don't do this he'll try to groom your 30 year old ass until he finds out you're, in fact, 30
and you conveniently ignored the piece of garbage i linked that showed what's made these days
fucking fag lmao
I hate this boring orange meme zone
looks souless as fuck and the piss yellow filter doesn't help either
fuck off
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>Feasel began his career at Blizzard in 2010 as an encounter designer on the World of Warcraft team.
Literally arrived in Cataclysm.

You failed.
You didn't link shit you mong.

Steve Aguilar
still there

first role

Senior 3D Animator
Oct 2005 to Oct 2006 · 1 yr 1 mo
Irvine, California, United States · On-site
World of Warcraft Expansion: final patch "Gates of Ahn'Qiraj"
World of Warcraft Expansion: "The Burning Crusade."

this >>486296448
damn what a shame
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Hasn't been credited in a WoW expansion since BfA

You've failed again, kek.
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he's on TWW credits
Finally got this model working in blender.
but that's an AI video
isnt that AI? anyway, post a video of her getting knotted
Morgan Day worked on D3 for years and after release. Wasn't around during the golden era.

Ion joined the team just before Wrath launch so he never even worked on any of the release content. Does he even count as a golden era designer?

As you can see, maybe you can name 10 or so of them if you really, really try, but it's pretty hard. My original point of these guys being extremely few & far between stands.
Is it true that Bullions aren't dropping anymore?
Oh it's a delusional classicfag
that makes more sense
What does your boogeyman have to do with what I said? WoW looks like shit compared to what's made these days and that's a fact.
that's an example of what's made these days, retarded faggot. and it looks like shit lmao
or it doesnt count, you falseflagging tranny?
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Asmongold is winning.

WoW is not worth playing these days.
>game that's intentionally made to be playable on 10 year old hardware and laptops to broaden its audience doesn't look like modern AAA slop
do you actually think this is an own?
If you're seriously saying WoW looks better than OG then you are delusional. Leaving OG aside, have you even looked at some of the games that came out this year? You can't even put a hat on without going bald in WoW ffs.
why is it always trannies from that dead game that come here to shit on wow? ever heard of glass houses?
It's all they have left after the floppening
>we intentionally made it look like shit so that means you can't criticize it okay?!
what exactly are you talking about? you're just rambling now with no purpose. is it something from TWW? post it then
>Dodging the question
I accept your surrender
Yes, mmos intentionally lag behind the rest of the industry so their games are actually playable by a large enough playerbase to keep them profitable. That's why ziv still looks like a shitty ps3 game after its "major graphics update" because if they changed too much it would delete half their playerbase overnight
So you admit it looks like shit compared to other games. I'm glad we can agree.
>shitty game that looks good
>good game with cartoon graphics
hmm which would i prefer to play...
thats a real toughy...
this applies to pretty much every mmo though ever. trying to compare wow to cyberpunk or elden ring is just disingenuous
If only they would remake everquest in unreal engine... it would overtake wow....
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its almost like graphics fags are vapid whores with nothing valuable to say...
Graphicsfags are just nvidia industry plants trying to convince people that better graphic = better game because that's the only way they can sell you on a 1200 dollar piece of shit fire hazard that sucks 400 watts from your wall the moment you need to draw a single window on your PC
wow is a shitty game with cartoon graphics
>graphics and RP aspects of XIV + goonware mods
>gameplay, classes, and mechanics of WoW
god gaymer

a straight 1:1 remake? nah
EQ is far too boomercore for the modernslop audience
>a straight 1:1 remake?
With QUALITY of Life changes, of course... it goes without saying/....
the xivfags reveal themselves
and they are seething
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>our graphics are bad that must mean our gameplay is superior... because it has to be!!!
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i play wow for the gameplay, if i want graphics i boot up cyberpunk and put my 4090 to work
paying for graphics in 10+ year old mmos makes you look completely retarded
wow looks fine. and its world design is one of the best out there

how many times did you compress that
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it's crazy how disappointing in-game zones look compared to concept art

artists are talentless hacks that can't even fulfill the fantasy of their own concept art designs they envision
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where's the snowy mountain in the distance? the volumetric clouds among the tall buildings? the dynamic lighting? the blue skybox that isn't sickly purple instead?

huh? huh?!
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They got alot of world to work with. Makes me wonder if they're going to do anything with the IP or just keep EQ1 going till the boomers die out.
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behind the tower
it's there in-gam
there's no "dynamic lighting" in a still imagge you fucking retard
the sky is purple because it's evening
any more questions retard?
>the sky is purple because it's evening
Really? I assumed it was a night elf zone.
that poor anon has no idea what egregious examples of concept art > implementation are out there
wow is actually on the better side when it comes to it
Post some; I want to be entertained.
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this is like when I was dating my last ex-bf and he told me he was packing 7+ inches but it turned out to be below average

can a WoW building gives you the ick?
you're conflating concept art with reference art, of which WoW defers to the latter
video games almost never even come close to their concept art unless the concept art is shit to begin with
you can put as much detail you want into a drawing without having to think about performance or how it will translate to an actual 3d model
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whenever the beta servers come back up I should see if that area glows at night.
>he's gone back to just sayin "IT BAD" because the only remotely substantive thing he said was refuted by changing the camera angle
troontrail flopped btw
>reference art
i've never heard of this. this is afaik concept art >>486351105
woke lameass called
they want their dilator back
Rent free
this looks so soulless and formulaic
I miss vanilla orgrimmar
What is it with wowbucks always talking about og?
why not kick a troon while its down?
when you're the #2 MMO it's natural to talk about the #1 MMO

back when WoW was king 10+ years ago all the other MMOs would obsesses constantly about WoW
why are final trannies so obnoxious?
classicfags talk about retail all the time i agree yeah it's annoying
I think they're done for. Over the years EQ has mostly faded into obscurity. Even if they had a comeback to the MMO scene, they'd still be competing with titans like WoW, Final Fantasy, Elder Scrolls...
They would have to do something dramatic to garner attention, which means possibly compromising the foundations that make EQ what it is.
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Stop fighting amongst yourselves and post orc male property.
it's always one or two of them behind all the vague concern/doom posting so i always shit on their dead chatroom to get free yous out of them
never fails. and with troontrail they're rockbottom so it's a perfect time to bully them even more
silence hole, its time for the weekly smeer the queer match with the final tranny
Instead of saying obnoxious say "obnox".
They need to create enemies all time to not lose their shit or discover that their game has been shit for years.
Or to not justify that all of them suffers from terminal case of Buyer's Remorse.
Star Citizen fags as Xiv suffers the same shit as wowbucks
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my favorite is when 1 or 2 funposters from /v/ come here for 30 minutes to make fun of mentally handicapped regulars and they sperg out and decry it as an organized discord raid ready to burn down /wowg/
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Furion has never made Tyrande orgams even once in 10,000 years.

On the other hand, it's CANONICAL that Tyrande had a wet dream about Illidan as written in Furion's OWN NOVEL, Stormrage.

Cucked from the beyond.
>mentally handicapped regulars
but enough about you
who cares about his stupid wife
my boy malfie was chilling with DREAMTALONS
>Furion has never made Tyrande orgams even once in 10,000 years.
That was tyrande
if i tag the faggot who tagged your post he will rant about "samefags", just like the one autist at >pic who is op.
I automatically assumed this is some machinima shit made by a player

this is an official cinematic in modern WoW? made by modern devs? for a straight couple?

maybe there's hope after all for Anduin not getting the buttfucked ending or marrying some ugly sheboon half-orc wife
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reminder that troontrail flopped
Talk about WOW you dumb nigger
I love dragons and I want to touch their tongues.
30m subscribers
that graph shows that ffxiv is currently much more popular than WoW, despite WoW being 1 month away from its new expansion

yea at the end of 10.2.5
you may not
stop deflecting, xiv nigger
>available on 4 different platforms
>supposedly growing
>can't reach even reach the peaks of dragonflight and endwalker
troontrail flopped
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>less interest than season of sodomy
oh my.......
for the first time in almost three years...?
>shitposter OP is exposed
>goes on to samefag over XIV again to deflect instead of talking about warcraft or post screenshots
Reminds me of the /tesg/ and /fog/ shitsposter
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how long do we have to wait for an in-game romance system in WoW?

I just want my very own WoW gf already
I'm so tired of waiting
AI tech is advancing, how long until someone puts that tech to use in vidya?
troontrail is just a very easy target now anon, it is what it is
get a night elf resto druid gf
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Regenerating hymen
>getting EB'd
is this zone fucking empty? When I was on the beta a couple weeks ago it was barely populated with any mobs or foliage and looked really bad with the poor draw distance.
>still have to mod skyrim to be able to romance companions
we need to able to romance warband members
they have been since ff7 in the PSX days
just go be a plapjak instead of fantasizing about romancing WoW pixels retards
I haven't touched beta yet but on alpha I noticed that isle of dorn was incredibly empty. Like outside of quest NPCs and shopkeeps it was a virtual ghost town and didn't really feel 'lived in'. Figured they would have populated it by now with random NPCs that had dialogue if you clicked them.
Why is no one talking about WoW?
>on alpha
well there you go
not enough fur
rumors of less fur
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why though
what do you want to talk about?
nothing going on unless your an arena chad going for a last minute elite push
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PoV: You're an orc.
>season ends in 1 week
>prepatch starts in 1 week
>the expansion is 1 month away
>no beta build today
>no new cinematic shorts yet
>remix is entering its last month
>sod is doing ok but who gives a shit
there is nothing to talk about
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I'm working on Legion Archaeology because I want the This Side Up achievement and get the artifact appearance.

Assistant Professor has a nice ring to it.
did you have to attach your character to your post?
>new raid came out today
>literally losing to TF2 and Stardew Valley
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I need to level up at least 4 fresh characters to 70 by TWW release.

No boosts. How do I achieve this in the most fun way but also relatively fast?
watched that t&e interview about the lore and they're saying that the arathi are religious and militant
was it always the case? sounds like the argent crusade
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>2 weeks in
>the expansion has already lost 40% of its players
that's grim
MOP remix
remix. first char might be "slow" to lvl up but you can get alts at max lvl in less than 2 hours in remix
looking good
definitely remix
doesn't count, vast majority of the player count are still bots
yeah they banned a handful of aimbots but 70% of the "player" count are still bots idling at the main menu. don't listen to sunk cost fags with 20k hours in the game, same with WoW
I received a survey from Blizz which
>i am not making this up
was over 30 questions regarding how I felt about voice acting in video games and if voice lines help in terms of audio cues during fights, or if they aren't needed at all

I got to like question 12 and just X'd out.
I don't play WoW with sound on, the game is like 150gigs and I'd argue a vast majority of that data is shitty one-off voicelines tucked away in .wav files or some shit which has to always be ready to be pulled on in the off chance I go to Gruul's fucking Lair or some shit.

I think the last time I had the game audio on was when I played DF for the first time, got to that fucking dragon that sacrifices herself but her voice did NOT match her character model so I just gave up.
I hate MOP
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Jesus christ
Thank you.
the game has a really shit endgame loop. Just look at the other general. The new raid came out and everyone is talking about mods and what NPCs they want to have sex with.
If you're wondering why every influencer from 2021 jumped ship back to WoW, this is why. There's nothing to do aside from basically questing. You are even starting to see XIV influencers like Zepla and Arthars play WoW over that game instead.
I want to have consensual sex with you. Be my gf?
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can't wait for my wow ho
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I'm a straight guy and so is my character.
It was that dyke, wasn't it? Not a real dragon, either.
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need more sexual tension between her and the player
she's gonna bully us in m+ all the time now..
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I want to rape you
Male worg moment
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Male worg moment
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>and so is my character.
Yes, exactly. So let my male character fuck your female character already!
learn to read
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What's the appeal of this tranny?
She's hot
*I call one of my dozens of loyal dragon mounts*
*I say "I want to touch your tongue"*
*They open their mouth and I touch their tongue*
*It gets my armor all wet*
*Sometimes I drink a little saliva*
Blackrock got tired of losing money
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Yeah it was just so fucking jarring and dumb. LE MAYMAY PIC very related, did the exact same thing once I heard it, I thought it was a different NPC talking until we left the first main camp then I realized that it's supposed to be a female dragon or some shit like come the fuck on.

I just don't get it.
Why do companies ruin their reputation to appease ... what, MAYBE a couple hundred people at the cost of alienating several thousand? Fucking why?
so what does thsi mean?
>posts a picture of a female night elf
Hmmm.... Something doesn't add up here.
new sl lore:

Before deciding on a council, Lorthemar pushed for Thrall to become Warchief again.

Some afterlives in the SL only had one soul

Not really new but worth mentioning. Bastion is for souls that lived lives of noble service. Maldraxxus takes great warriors and tacticians. Ardenweald souls deeply connected to nature. Revendreth for prideful beings.

All the soul fragments that had been taken by Frostmourne were sent directly to the Maw when it shattered, which is why the Jailer has his collection of souls. They didn't go to the Maw until then.

Tyrande as the night warrior and Sylvanas were evenly matched when they fought in Ardenweald, augmented by Elune and the Jailer.

Dreadlords ferried the Helm of Domination + Frostmourne to Azeroth and weren't actually there to be the jailers for the Legion, but to ensure that the Lich King's goals remained aligned with the Jailers.

Varian and Saurfang appearance in Sepulcher of the First Ones was a vision that the light granted to Anduin, their souls did not actually appear.

Anduin only had a brief meeting with Sylvanas in the Maw at the end of SL and then left (for the people that thought he spent a long time there).

The Jailer had no idea what the threat he saw was lol. He gleamed some "unseen threat" by viewing the lives of trillions of mortals and wanted to unite the SL to prepare for it. The EO figured any such threat was likely already accounted for by the First Ones so keep going as they were.

All domination magic was supposed to be locked in the Maw. Devos identified Arthas an an agent because mourneblades were domination magic which should never have left the Maw.
I don't like how male nelf looks so I use "body type 2" (cringe) and just RP as a guy.
the appeal is putting your penis into her and her liking it
First Ones (Quote)

Though this tome previously set forth the creation of the physical universe, the Pantheon of Death believed differently. A myth had taken root in the Shadowlands, centered around a group of mysterious and enigmatic beings known as the First Ones. Their number varies according to perspective, but the Eternal Ones believed there to be six: Light, Shadow, Order, Disorder, Life and Death. Some believed in a seventh power, but its nature was unclear. These First Ones existed in a constant conflict with one another, until opposition became balance, and battle became creation. A design was formed, a pattern was drawn, and each gave something of itself to his manifestation. These interactions birthed children of their kind, who existed similarly in both harmony and discord. Within this mythos, the denizens of the Shadowlands believed every sentient creature in the universe sprang from the original patterns fashioned by these First Ones. The beliefs hold that these beings created the titan Pantheon, the Old Gods, the naaru. They supposedly formed the realms of the living and also the dead - the Shadowlands - and its pantheon, the Eternal Ones.
she looks like a F2M
No silly you need to turn your monitor on, that's you reflection.
Argus breaking the Arbiter

the spirits of the dead faced judgement at the hands of the mechanical Arbiter, which had replaced the Jailer after his treachery... until the day the champions of Azeroth had slain the dark titan Argus. The Arbiter had been made to judge mortal souls, not a Worldsoul. Yet, because Argus had been infused with Death magic and then struck down by the Horde and Alliance, it had shared a mortal fate. The weight and power of such a blow had broken the Arbiter, allowing the Jailer to set his schemes into motion.


Years ago, during the Legion's occupation of Argus, the nathrezim had infused the planet's Worldsoul with powerful Death magic, until the slumbering titan awoke as Argus the Unmaker. When the heroes of Azeroth, bolstered by the titans, slew Argus, the mighty, tortured soul had come crashing down into the Arbiter, breaking her.
>Why do companies ruin their reputation to appease ... what, MAYBE a couple hundred people at the cost of alienating several thousand? Fucking why?
companies aren't a monolith, despite what you may think, the oversight isn't really 1984 at the office

some dyke gets hired and finds there's already a few dykes in the company, so they befriend each other and look out for each other, write & code shit into the game that they personally like, and the managers lazily pass over it and sign it off and it's pushed into the game because, if for no other reason, it's easier than giving pushback to these people

the average exec working @ Blizzard has no idea what quests are being written
are therer any classes or races for horde that you guys recommend i level up to 70 before mop remix ends? i am trying to make sure i am good to go before the experience boost is gone.
i also want to unlock some of the additional races like nightborne, but my only horde non-remix character is level 20. im not sure how long it would take for me to get to where i could do the stuff to unlock the additional races.
That's literally what trannies are doing IRL. Your character is female so it's female. Just have them be lesbian or asexual in your mind so it doesn't matter. Things that are actually possible.
trannies also breathe irl so maybe you should stop
Running around Stormwind Moon Guard and putting everyone with LGB[T]Q on their TRP to my ignore list.
>the managers lazily pass over it
I get fucking fired.
No, not spoken to, not pulled aside, not 'hey lets kumbaya' about this-
-if I don't do my job; let alone if I was a manager.

So who, if anyone, is quality control?
Good idea. Howlah has a lot of alts.
>So who, if anyone, is quality control?
I thinks Blizzard's days are counted and closer to midnight now
>ALL DEI was fired
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>"body type 2" is cringe
>I roleplay as a guy on a female toon
Having to say "body type 2" is cringe is what I mean.
The World Soul is healing
blizzard has their own DEI team that isn't microsoft's
Means that there's at least 4 possible versions of Arthas.
Version 1. The fragment of Arthas that was within Frostmourne, before it's reforged into Frost DK Weapons in Legion.
Arthas 2, the Arthas who become the little boy in Wrath.
Version 3. The Arthas who got yeeted into the Maw by Uther.
Version 4. The shard of Arthas that got put into Kingsmourne, which may or may not be the same one that was in Frostmourne?
hi is the playerbase still cancer?
It's healing. Slowly, but surely.
the article says "dei is not a priority anymore for microsoft". hopefully they stop making this shit mandatory.
Not for long, wait til the 6 month non intervention period ends
What does it say about Garrosh?
If you think this isnt a message ms is sending you're delusional. Everyone involved with dei shit there is now looking for jobs, guaranteed. Ms showed that they will fire in the thousands if need be
they're going to get backlash from the media and walk the decision back within the month
it's like you guys have never seen the classic "layoff the rehire at a lower salary" move before
>tweet pic says team
>grifted says department
dishonest faggot says what?
Lmao. They just fired them and nobody cares. Quite the opposite actually
let me out of Pandaria
>nobody cares
>people have been linking articles slamming them all day
>their stock price dropped nearly 10 dollars the instant the news broke
they care more about publicity than good business
Oh no. They're finished.
All i'm seeing is the news getting massive amounts of likes. So you're wrong
They won't Intern Kun
They can do whatever the fuck they please, and one DEI fag of your ilk from pennis state changed the rules this last weekend.
Again 6 months, They are waiting for TWW because they are smart enough to not fall for the Shareholder tricks blizzard pulled for years to lie about player count.

Microsoft isn't going to lose money when their main reason for the buyout is COD, and Diablo 4 proved to be a massive failure.
Just that his arrogance has for years provided a plenty, steady source of anima to power the Jailers armies. And then goes over his cutscene again.
He's confirmed gone, but also confirmed his arrogance was what was basically powering the Mawsworn.
Im just saying anon, the salary for and entire DEI team for a decade is a rounding error to microsoft. They'll capitulate and bow down to the pressure, reddit will cheer and clap like nothing ever happened, and the general opinion of microsoft will be higher than it was before. They're a commiefornian company, this shit infests their culture.
>In the coming months the system will start backing down a few key woke issues...
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Even retarded grummz followers are smarter than you dipshits
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DF was so fucking gay they turned the friggin' frogs gay
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you boys ready to die for israel?
me? im staying stateside to fuck all your fat girlfriends and play worlo, have fun fellas!
Mages should also be out there seething
and now she deepthroats smelly horde cock
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“J-James…” Her voice cracked with fear as his jaws tightened a little harder on her shoulder. If his razor sharp teeth broke her skin and drew blood, she’d likely be cursed just as he was. “...L-let me go, James…”

His huge muzzle took a deep whiff of her hair, as his hands on her back pushed her down on her hands and knees, his teeth never fully releasing her shoulder, his breath hot on her skin. She’d never felt so vulnerable. That was when she felt his enormous cock slide up the inside of her thigh.

She gasped, her heart nearly leaping out of her chest. “Don’t!” She whimpered, but she didn’t dare move.

The angular canine tip of his member began to prod her soft folds. She shivered beneath him, the tease of his cock lighting a lusty fire between her legs.

Still, she shook her head, “James, please… Don’t do this…” She pleaded as his cock began to stab at her, trying to find her entrance. It rubbed her and rubbed her until her body began to betray her, growing slick and eager.

“N-no!” She cried, but his cock hit home, filling her in one brutal thrust. She twitched beneath him, feeling like she might burst. His thick knot rested against her entrance, and his tip knocked on her womb. She’d never been so filled and stretched before.
schizo kino
what SDT?
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>Xal'atath, it's me. Void Lord Invalidus. Dimensius can't come to the Void-Phone right now. I need you to somehow invade Silvermoon and bring me forth. Those Blood Elves and their pronouns must be made invalid.
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God dammit.
dumb af
Look bud I like fem nelves as much as the next worgen but this isn't necessary
Was only at it for an hour or so and I'm already full on ignored mentally ill freaks
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just spreading some cultural enrichment around
go away namefag
>off-topic smut and now cropped porn
deal with this subhuman
Will the prepatch get rid of Bullions or will they keep being earned/spendable until launch?
I don't want to resub just to not miss out on not getting easy mythic mogs
we only know that the raids will continue to be awakened until the prepatch. prepatch might remove them
>Kul'Tiras questing and recruitment now happens before the Horde free Talanji and head to Zandalar.
i need to see her milkers now
New book is full of completely nonsensical and lore breaking retcons like this. I see people complaining about it everywhere.
Porterfag and baal are not people
Can you provide some examples
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Yes we all hate those retarded faggots, but this isn't about that or them you dumbass. This is actual standard blizzard retarded retcons that piss off the general playerbase. Now literal basic story points IN THE GAME, like how the entire reason the alliance even goes to kul'tiras is because the horde are trying to ally with the zandalari and the alliance needs a navy to match theirs, is now retconned and doesn't make any sense.
Not that guy, but as the guy who was dumping the art and bits and pieces from Chronicles 4 in an old thread. The new BFA timeline according to chapters is listed here >>486335234 it's probably the most egregious change and ordering of events in the book. Even above 5.4's launch cinematic happening during 5.2
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>force new players to slog through BFA so they understand the bones of the modern story
>retcon it so that it all takes place in a different and utterly nonsensical order
they literally cannot help themselves, it's obscene
what is the timeline based off of?
Is there an actual timeline in the book?
How do we know this isn't just some retard misunderstanding the chronology of the book?
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The timeline is based on the order of events the book gives. It gives each zone in Chronological order and with this passage here. The Horde Max level campaign takes place after the Alliance levelling campaign. As well as the passage showcasing Horde levelling takes place after the launch Max level Horde campaign.
The rest of the order is based on the chapter order Chronicles 4 places each individual thing in BFA.
>New Primus portrayal from Chronicle 4

Kinolands is still canon
It's dwarven city, dummy.
Ever been to Ironforge?
Stop comparing it with shithole that is orgrimmar
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>Horde canonically do the Xal'atath questline
Glad to know Xal'atath owes me sex in WSS.
Step aside Priest-cucks and Alliance sissies, I'm off to fuck a knife.
This was posted 17 months ago

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