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Previous : >>486024585

>What is Brown Dust 2?
A tactical turn-based JRPG that combines the classic gameplay and storytelling of the genre with the visual appeal of modern-day titles.

Download: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/
PC Download Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neowizgames.game.browndust2&pli=1&gl=US
1st Anniversary Roadmap: https://www.browndust2.com/en-us/news/view?id=2503

>/bd2g/ Resources
Resource Kit: https://rentry.org/bd2kit
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/M1ySuJEF
Progression Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtruzowr
All Service Cutscenes: https://mega.nz/folder/vmgW1Lhb#9GWTEK3Z7I_VDDdx-kp7yQ

>Current Patch
[Patch Notes]

>Codes (valid until July 18th)
Redeem: https://redeem.bd2.pmang.cloud/bd2/index.html?lang=en-EN
brown shart bwos im reaching for the uninstall button
what other good gachas do you recommend for me?
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I love bloomers bwos.
so this game really dusted the bed with such unimpressive anni
which game should we play instead bwos
Hyped as fuck for the roguelike. Rewards look good, potentially 20 tickets a month + Property Select + UR Ticket + a tear and some other stuff on top. I'm glad we'll finally have something to do besides daily chores after finishing all one-time content.
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Did everyone else get compensation for spent torches on the first day or did my ticket I sent actually do something?
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I can't do it bros.
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Everyone got it.
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8 Dominus octo
Velfern (magic)
Levia (Magic) (Playable)
Beliath (Magic)
Asmode (Magic)
Valze (Physical)
Mamonir (Physical)
Seto (Physical)
Lucius (Confirmed to be excluded from playability)
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>yet another disgusting pig
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>Liatris, Rubia, Loen
>Hottest girls in gam
>All Fire

Now that John has officially outted himself as a fire chad, is there any hope for any other element now?
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I got this and since then I haven't pulled a single UR. Thoughts?
I'm hyped after watching John play it because it seems like a return to the original state of the game when you had to use actual strategy, and I'm really bored of always using the same optimal teams for everything. I'm sure there'll be some way to cheese it and everyone will figure it out eventually but it should be fun for a few weeks at least.
I want to beat this alien looking thing actually
Wind has lots of ass.
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Rude. She's a bit plump right now but Rou's a cat
what a FATTY
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she's too powerful
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I haven't played your game, but it seems to me that gaming is healing
Unironically, diabolically bricked, you must appease them by +5ing Levia through pity alone.
Nah, Korea just took over the fanservice department from japan gaming now, somehow
blue archive nvked their prude department
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>Cat time was real all along
So levia is magic version of orc lover.
I wonder if she hangs out with Rafina in her spare time and gets game recommendations from her h-haha
>pvp match clearly shown I was winning
>"fuck you it was abnormal bullshit, another lose for (You)"
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Japan had strong porn censorship for a while which lead to creative and widespread fanservice. But they relaxed the laws.
Korea had all pornography banned in 2009, so now they're the leaders of fanservice, at least in gaming.
Prohibition never really works, it creates innovation.
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Where do you tell her "it hurts"?
If you see something funky happening while watching a match, skip it to prevent the match from being invalidated.
Such as you oneshotting a character but they stay on the field.
my balls
My dick after she bites it
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Yusti would ask not to wash it for a week or two
I don't know why the fuck those retard decided to punish the player for their dogshit coding when they detect something weird instead of just annuling the match entirely
>First official cat Fient Hunter = ROU
>Multiple costumes = ROU
>Most lovable character = ROU

Yurikekkers have officially lost. Rou is now the new mascot.
>steals windy cat title
loen strong...
What the hell, that's really good. I didn't know John was growing so powerful. Maybe we'll have non-sloppa fanart soon. No offense intended to the sloppa anons, it's really good and I like it.
Bwos I like Loen's new costumes, but I don't have her base one...
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Don't forget to finish all difficulties of summer knight, I was lazy and only started VH to get the last Dalvi dupe and almost forgot to go back and finish it.
then you are not a true Loen chad, you can still reroll to fix this.
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>but I don't have her base one...

Loenlets. I knew this general was going to get worse and it just did.
so, after they release Levia, the old meme "reroll for Levia" will be back
Lots of people here aren't brown 1'ers bro. What's this meme of which you speak?
Oof, that was so close to a whole year being bricked.

Quick reminder that dusties should try and finish their SP14 difficulties before the end of Light season, it's kinda very hard even with it..
when someone was thinking about starting bd1 , people would keep saying "reroll for Levia" or "reroll for Lucius" all the time, but both of them were legendaries that you could onlly get from the gacha with very small odds, so you would spent a lot of days trying to reroll for them
I'm in the same boat bwo...maybe they will rerun her banner during this event since its basically just to buff her main costume.
Not happening, it's over for you.
Why the fuck does Helena get a rerun but not Loen?
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to make the Loenlets seethe, imagine not having this?
Its not fair...
Because she's the best support in the game and it's right after the influx of new players from anni. Newglutties need her.
I need Helena to sit on my face
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Can I still buy the anni packs in 24 hours?
God I love sweaty fat women.
hmm nyoo
Yes because maint isn't for another 30 hours.
2024 Brown Dust 2 official winners list-

1st Place = Loen
2nd Place = Rou
3rd Place = Gamer Rafina
Last = Yuri
I don't understand how this new Loen costume is meant to work. You spend 4 for the buff then you are meant to spend 5 in the next turn? How do you get these kind of resources for a single character bwos?
>Venaka banner, currently the best MRes shred in the game
>Diana banner
>Homo Lathel banner
>B-Idol Helena banner
>Levia banner soon, alleged magic Orc Rafina equivalent
>All within the space of about a month
Meta shakeup soon, John's trying to empty our savings before the Happening to get us to swipe
Easy when you're fighting a FH
I was going to +5 Track Loen but seems like you only need her +2-3
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MagicGODs that maxed base Helena have no probelms with SP. With -1CD it's a seriously broken costume, and to think it used to be considered the most useless costume in the game.
Helena really is fucking absurd as a support, physical is fucking garbage compared to magic. If levia is the magic gamer rafina then physical really wont have shit to themselves anymore.
Should I pull for Helena if my M.Teresse is +4 (+5 in August)?
>I was going to +5 Track Loen but seems like you only need her +2-3

*I was going to +5 Track Loen but decided I am gay, so I'll only get her to +3 at most.
Her buff isn't that much larger at +5 and no damage..
Helena decreases incoming damage, recovers sp and heals a little
Teresse heals a lot, increases both magic and physical, but costs more

Both are still worth investing in.
*beats the shit out of Rou*
Eh, 115% buff with max tears versus Lathel's first turn of 160% makes for weaker bursts and FH rankers might still use Teresse for 120%
But healing, SP battery, full party mitigation and magic+crit buff is insane as a package, and with tears she has no downtime and can keep everything up permanently.
SP batteries. The 4 star succubus that starts with L and fill a whole bar of sp.
Lathel's buff drops to 90% for the next 2 turns, his overall buff % over 3 turns works out to 115% just like Helena, nurse's buff is 66% up time which is terrible in comparison, especially with the tile restrictions. As a pure support character Helena is much better than Lathel but he can double as a pseudo-tank and dps depending on the content.
Lathel is a bitch
I'm gonna have my +5 Helena...
Lathel is trash and the extra damage buff is meaningless when its for 1 turn. Helena is a sp battery which allows for extra skill usage which you cant calculate normally.
Yeah, but H.Lathel is so cute.
FH tends to favor one big burst turn which works with Lathel's design for most encounters and it's not that hard to work around Teresse's cooldown. But I love Helena for general content since a Helena magic full auto team can pretty much beat most challenge stages up to 14. Unless you're a tryhard that needs to have all 3 of them anyway to use on 3 teams, BHelena is probably the most convenient to have.
I mean this isn't true either, they're both just circumstantial. In FHs with single turns of vulnerability, physical always does better because of Lathel, and the 90% buff isn't just nothing either considering Lathel himself can do a lot of damage compared to Helena. And SP regen could be irrelevant if it's an FH with high SP regen rate. Not sure why people are trying find which one is objectively is better than the other, they're both insane units
What do you mean alleged, it's literally in the PV
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Because there is an objective truth to which is the better support and it's helena and it isn't even close. Helena is better because she's better or useful in more circumstances.
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there are some "people" in this thread that doesn't have Loen lmao
Helena was a brick for an entire year in PvE since magic barely had any usable options and is just now catching up to physical. Physical got to field 2 full power teams this FH while the third team was >Angelica and slogging a full boss cycle with her was barely better than just triggering vuln and switching to the Justia team.
what a smooth brained take; how can you have an 'objective' truth when comparing 2 things that aren't comparable in a vacuum. do you understand the concept of comparing apples to oranges, apples aren't fucking better because more people like them. Helena and Lathel's usefulness ebbs and flows with the meta, whether that's for PvP or PvE. Attempting to assign a static 'ranking' for which one is better based on how much more often a unit is more useful is a misrepresentation
Justia is the better pig
Magic is a pvp meme, nobody uses it seriously in pve
S-she's fast
honestly kind of true, dark might be the only element where magic is better because there's only 1 dark physical DPS, but even then the magic ones aren't good especially if the twink doesn't get his bonus from physical fiend
Physical just took another massive L with the new loen and levia. Now loen will surpass lia and gamer rafina is matched with levia.
>Want Loen
>Levia is obviously better

bros what do I do?
Be smart and save for limiteds. Maybe just roll a copy or 2 of levia if shes that good
It would depend on Levia's other costumes and her SP cost. Lathel & Rafina do a lot of damage once you get into late game PvE & although Helena could support a higher SP cost you'd have to make up the damage lost. Liatris base also already makes up for the damage difference between maid & last hope considering how bad track & field is
Third Anastasia costume will save phys fire just you wait...
What the hell! The fiend hunt boss is giant cat Rou!?
>Fucking Diana, H. Lathel, B. Helena banners in a row
You niggers are getting baited into spending tickets so hard it's not even funny, Summer limiteds are going to be meta as fuck
stop it...
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>Skipping Helena

lmao bro, pic related. It's you.
What is this meme about summer limiteds? Has SUMMER NOT HAPPENED YET?
I will get a SINGLE copy with powder and will be vindicated when John releases microbikini Apostle Blade with 0 SP 10x10 grid giganuke this summer
4 characters incoming. No one knows who they are. 2 are limited. John is clearly a Teresse main, so she'll be one of the limiteds. If he has any sense, Zenith will be the other with a fatter ass.
Summer is not over.
but john is a loen main????
No, that was a rerun of the last summer event that happened during august the previous year because John spent too much money on Loen cosplay prostitutes so it was the best he could afford.
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For 23 years of my life I thought Summer started in July.......
I hate you zoomers so fucking much it's unreal
Could be worse. You could've been the Gisgary anon.
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it does though
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Um, about that...
Stars in December, retard
I skipped her twice and still can clear all the lvl10 FHs...
Summer started in June.
Summer is from May to October...
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seasons are a jewi- *ahem*, warlock psyop
silence, corpse
*blocks your path*
You never know. If you don't care about climbing PvP ranks most limiteds have been mediocre.
PP Schera is only relevant for PvP, 5chain on 2SP cost was valued highly for PvE at the time but did not age well.
PP Justia was largely useless until her recent buff which only made her relevant for PvP.
Bunny Celia was the only real meta PvE limited, still bricking newbros and celialets to this day.
Bunny Eclipse turned PvP upside down but compared to the 2024 DPS standard her PvE performance isn't impressive. Low base damage, no self buff, mediocre scaling, crit rate exclusive, pretty awful base costume. Amazing SP generation and shred is good but magic isn't crying for SP because they have Helena.
All the collab costumes have been meh, useful enough for tryhards now because you still need to fill up 3 teams for high fiend levels but they aren't likely to remain viable beyond this year.
Remember the summer of 92'
it does, althoughbeitevermore
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Levia went to the Goblin Ruins but ran out of cooked rice in the middle of her run. Do not make the same mistake she did!
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stop what? are you a Loenlet?
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why do you care? u ain't going to the beach or anything anyways
The only beach here is Schera
its june chud
Ask your parents.
Dad said June but mom said July and now they're arguing :(
plap your mom to resolve it

when does summer start
Summer typically starts on different dates depending on whether you refer to the meteorological or astronomical definition:

Meteorological Summer: Starts on June 1 and ends on August 31. This is based on the calendar and the annual temperature cycle.

Astronomical Summer: Starts with the summer solstice, which usually occurs around June 20-21 in the Northern Hemisphere, and ends with the autumnal equinox, around September 22-23.

The specific dates can vary slightly each year.
around the world
The start of summer varies around the world depending on the hemisphere and whether you follow the meteorological or astronomical definitions:

Northern Hemisphere
Meteorological Summer: June 1 to August 31.
Astronomical Summer: Starts with the summer solstice (around June 20-21) and ends with the autumnal equinox (around September 22-23).
Southern Hemisphere
Meteorological Summer: December 1 to February 28 (or 29 in a leap year).
Astronomical Summer: Starts with the summer solstice (around December 20-21) and ends with the autumnal equinox (around March 20-21).
Equatorial and Tropical Regions
These regions experience less variation in temperature throughout the year and do not have distinct summer and winter seasons. Instead, they may have wet and dry seasons.

Different cultures and countries may also have specific traditional dates or definitions for the start of summer.
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I don't like GPT, what does Claude have to say about it?
are you talking van damme?
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The LLM, you boomer
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So, when's the real summer event starting?
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Gotta be honest, most of her sexual charm is thanks to the ponytail
No, I'm pretty sure it's the big fat sweaty tits
also her heavy breasts
If John wasn't a coward he would've given her no bra
ngl, they blew it
it's too painful to run without a bra bwo
be thankful it's not a sports bra
Loen looks like a total masochist, I'm sure she would enjoy it
They didn't even make her tits jiggle in her cs. BD2 is an ass game after all.
should I rape the character Scheherazade from brown dust 2?

I apologize, but I cannot provide any information or assistance related to sexual assault or non-consensual acts. That would be unethical and illegal. I do not engage with requests involving sexual violence or the exploitation of fictional characters. I suggest you seek appropriate resources if you are struggling with harmful thoughts or urges. My purpose is to be helpful and constructive, not to enable or encourage unethical or illegal behavior.
>Injured Knees

Can't wait to send whoever did that to the shadow realm.
you're gonna send her to the shadow realm?
i asked about the technical term for oyakodon for a woman and her niece (instead of daughter) and chatgpt almost reported me to the authorities...
very useful tools these cloud language models
Loen is as agile as world renowned gymnast. Someone pushed her.
she is so unattractive
fat pig
I dont like how big her bra is not enough skin
me stepping on the hand
nuh uh she is clumsy
regular oyakodon is better anyway
Nobody pushed her, she was giving me the sloppiest, most nastiest blowjob in the gym storage closet and scratched her knees.
I did it. I pushed Loen. And I'm going to do it again.
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Really John 22,000 dollars for this? I could pay my mortgage for a year for that
it'll be like $17 dollars though right bwos? I assume it means 22,000 korean won
is it just me or they gave loen defined abs in the cutscene
$22,000 sounds good to me.
No luck shitter better post their +5 Loens in 30 pulls unless that luck shitter is me.
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Bros, my Angelica looks weird...
John you bastard Sar, I will not redeem
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What an honour.
what's the story behind this costume. I know there is a character pack for the manager but no clue about this one
Several costumes were released without any real story behind them, they are just there.
Prof. Schera, Blood Glutton Justia, Dark Knight Lathel and Vanguard Gray are among those.
Why is she 7 feet tall?
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Best Gary seed truly an honor
Why aren't you?
So that your eyes are on the same level as her tits. Perfect female form
Exodus > Firechip > Jayden's Gate > Tales of Sword > Rou's Labyrinth > Beauty Impossible
So I could suffocate in her moist sweaty tits
"what i" costumes this one seems to be gray if he never left the kingdom
probably in the future. spoiler alert
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>"what if" costumes are BD1 universe versions actually
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>You'll never have a 7 foot tall, fumbling, crybaby, qt gf

That's it, soon as I +5 Loen, I'm ending it all.
god that bag must reek, please don't use airtight bags for used clothes
Sweaty and steamy feet in those shoes
>Leon becoming magic liatris
>only got +1 base Leon
It hurts bro
Sleaping with Loen in a tight room without AC...
She will be reran soon...just believe ....
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this but with Loen...
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You are making me imagine good things
Imagine the smell (gross)
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bros, the advertisers......
John has none for this game whatever
Heaven whos the girl and sauce my god
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this looks so fucking disgusting
do people actually find this attractive or even stimulating? absolute freaks
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there are no advertisers for bd2 so it's fine
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Give link cant find it
The original picture of this has a huge futa cock
Holy fuck that is way shittier than the current one.
People who have never had any contact with a woman do. Same as the degen "I wish I could sniff farts" kids.
Add Aizome, Mirror Collection 2, almost anything with Ui from BA
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>Mirror collection
I used to sniff armpits during sex and it was the hottest thing ever thank you very much
Why aren't there any black dudes in this game? Is John Dust racist?
Pheromones bwo...
>virgins ITT want their room to be infested by the smell of some sweaty bitch gross anus' fumes
I would unironically puke. You guys are insane. Imagine the rancid and putrid smell.
Sorry Loenbro, I also didn't roll for her weapon...
>but what about irl females??
>he asked in the thread for heavily fanserviced gacha srpg
...do you even play the game?
m' nigga Kry Krying in a corner
>xhe thinks Kry is black
what the fuck wasnt he really for real dead?
yes, Kry is a nigga from america
Only girls are allowed to be black
>doesn't have groid hair
Kry is latinx
I got 2 copies by rolling banners, don't give up bwo
Kry is native american
>big nasty brown nipples
Ya this is why every character in anime is usually white. That shits NASTY...
Please don't use Loen as an onahole
too late, Loen is my cumdump
This nigga's nipples are pink
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brown nipples 2
Imagine not having pink nipples
Shut up SEApag.

Mad I have pretty nipples?
Nebris is a tanned blue-eyed blonde, there's literally 0 chance her nipples are brown
you are gonna offend the sea playerbase anon. .
>Propose to Loen on the track field
>She says yes
>All of you seething beyond belief

If only...
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>If only...
What kind of self cucking level is this?
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why post that
Just because I have pink nipples and anus doesn't mean I'm a femboy
I don't remember asking.
NTA but helena is better because I don't want to spend all day crit fishing. Physical bHelena when?
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Surely at least 1 figi collector in here right?
Code Name S interesting choice for first one
You bleach your anus bwo? Thats femboy behavior..
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>doesn't mean I'm a femboy
I am but I blame the jews for poisoning me with xenoestrogen-leaking plastic beverage containers.
Brown Dust 2.
i hope that's not the stance... surely it's not going to be that boring john...
You'll grow out of it when you hit your 30s and probably kill yourself.
Brown Dust 1.
It's a lot healthier than lusting over drawings that depict underage girls at least. You should try it sometime.
Where are these tourist even coming from. And in gacha general at that. Hilarious.
she has inverted puffy nipples 100%
For me it's just her ponytail
and the sweat
and her looks in combination with that troubled expression
and her big fat sweaty tits
and her overall curves really
That's all.
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Anon, too soon!!!
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It's just physical (chest, hips, voice. won't go into details). I don't actually embrace it or do faggy things irl. Wish it goes away actually, don't wish death on me anon...
I can't see them pulling off S sliding down the rope on a figure and will be too much if it's her upside down legs spread from the PV
So yes, it will be likely be boring standing stance
ok but surely there's a middle ground between inverted on a rope & literally 'my first modelling pose'
out of your anus, slid right out like it was a pink enclosed waterslide
Probably Apex Innovations makes some nice figures. Though cost is probably going to filter out the ftp tier players from ever acquiring one as they usually range like $200+
they could sweeten the deal and give you something in game for it
I wish there was a qol feature for crit fishing. Like, let me set one hit to definitely crit if there's any chance while all others get -5% or whatever. I've restarted the Nox fight like 10 times because Justia can't hit a crit
Doing content that has "buff potency" debuff is the telltale sign that the game wants you to use chains instead, anon
thank you John for giving us more fat ASS
>last day of H.Lathel banner
>didn't get a single copy
...gonna throw some tickets at it and pray I get at least one copy of him.
Wish me luck.
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What the fuck did they mean by this
>last day
isn't there still 24 hours left?
I meant in terms of daily resets.
After tomorrow's the banner will go away.
I was, and S Justia was my only damage dealer because I only have Ventana/Yuri costumes at +0. The problem is I only geared her for a 15% crit chance
What's with Koreans and drawing nice big asses? I thought they were more into titties or thin bodies.
>Getting sick of swimsuit lobby just in time for gym outfit lobby theme
Thank you Johns
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Your entire box is getting recruited into being Manager Gray's personal onahole.
Well... got absolutely nothing...
At least my 5* guarantee counter is two multi-draws away from 100, so maybe Loen won't take too much to get to +1... it's something....
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>H.Lathel Spook, I'll finally get my +5
>No event completion pop up, okay it's not H.Lathel, disappointing
>Quote is about singing, might be B.Helena
>It is fucking Helena, fuck yes
>It's Top Idol Helena, fuck no

Jesus the swings in emotions for a single pull
>2 multidraws away from infinite 5* costumes
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Hot time
Venaka's ass got around 26k views. Expect to see more new glutties bros.
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the Loen?
>John worried no one would like a sweaty neet elf
>Accidentally creates one of the most popular characters the game has

John really has no idea what they're doing do they
Even Gray?!
She just has the innocent pure waifu/girlfriend material vibes that lots of other girls lack and hey, she doesn't dress or act like a whore unlike many others.
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I did it!! Wait...
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>1000 dia 0 tickets
I genuinely HATE the pop-up thing, it spoils the fun of finding out what you got from pulling

it's either yeah I got it, skip
or I didn't get it, fuck you john into skip
I failed to get base Loen so I don't care...
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>imagine not having Loen
I spent all I had but she just wouldn't come home... I even got her weapon from a free draw...
>It's a lot healthier than lusting over drawings that depict underage girls at least.
No, it isn't.
>You should try it sometime.
No need, I am fully aware of how completely not sexy at all farts and sweat are.
>this was me yesterday
Just got +5 S.Justia too, how important is a weapon really...
>Jayden seeded
show UR pull stats. My theory is that all Jaden seeded accounts get more 5* URs
I'm not too hopeful about that, knowing my luck I will get some off-banner unit with it (probably another idolshit costume like last time).
But who knows, maybe I will get Loen to +1 without having to sacrifice all my tickets and gems and thankfully there's some banner I can skip during Loen's and Levia's run.
That's a genuine concern with unpopular costumes. Not only so they have to be the element strongest against the FH, but they have to beat out good costumes of that element. They can rerun Lia's base and maid outfit but neon stalker not so much.
maybe is something it evolved since last decade.
Why is Loen always sweaty?
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YEEEEESSSS I can get +5 Justi with 200 powder tomorrow and finally got Lathel's UR! What a good day!
John only reruns Angelica and base Dalvi because they're bait and he loves bricking unsuspecting new players.
Is this Justi a must roll or I can skip her np?
She's a damage dealer and none of them is a must roll unlike supports since there will be better damage dealers in the future (also better supports but you can't have enough of those anyway).
But she's also really good so up to you.
>dressed in a stuffy dress in the middle of the apocalypse
>participates in track and field despite having no physical aptitude
It's a mystery anon.
participates in sex(with me)
I dropped after the Mushoku Tensei collab, how is the game lately?
Don't forget that Fiend Hunter and Evil Castle/Tower of Pride end early today, in a bit over 12 hours. If you're new and don't know what Tower of Pride is about and why you should care, now it's a good time to read a guide and find out.
More of the same, we got guilds which don't really do anything and everyone stopped caring about after a couple of days and we're getting the roguelike mode tomorrow which might be fun. Also the game is getting popular in Japan apparently.
I'm gonna get new nebris and John isnt gonna stop me with his shitty rigged pulls
She's a easy skip. Only good for this fh and tower of pride light stages
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that's not a homosexual brown boy that buff my atk
Give them to me...
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Manager Gary, what an honor
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this fuck John for not fixing it too as people have been complaining forever. I don't even look at the screen to begin with to avoid getting the spoilage
thousands of gems, hundreds of pulls acting like he's a poor down trodden player, kys
base Dalvi is actually good though
I want a farmer pack with cow girls and Cowgirls
You are a noob or retard if you think base dalvi is anything but one of the strongest costumes in the game.
Damn bro I wish i got that Loen
Fuck you.
>try to be nice and tell people it's hot time
>get told to die
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>Read it's hot time
>Roll and get jackshit
Wish it was tomorrow already bwos...
>fingers too busy scooping doritos from the bowl mommy prepared
>too slow to roll before hot time ends
>somehow this is my fault
maybe lay off the carbs a little, PAWGstia
Wish it was the 25th already bwos...
What happens on the 25th?
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Good one.
i'm confused....are these units limited? where are the limited units at you guys told me to save for?
John! Where's the new animated opening cutscene!?
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Last chance to get Diana with powders bwos
What the hell bwo? You don't want cute little Yuri?
Next month
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I already got mine, now she is sitting at +4.
I only use 1 buffer and 4 DPS
am i playing the game wrong?

how can people only run 1 DPS when you have so many enemies to deal with?
Have you played any mmorpg before? It's kinda like that setup where people optimize their teams so everyone do what they do best. Basically you will have the buffer, the debuffer, the positioner, the DPS etc. This is how things work here too
oh hi, effie
Pet Rou
Smack Yuri
I finally played the latest chapter
>Run around
>Nothing happens
>Ebin cliffhanger
I think they ran out of staff since they're making all these new modes and sexy skill cutscenes...
>sexy skill cutscenes
And thank god, If I'm not gooning, I'm not gaming right
Strongest screen wiper, best damage dealer in any dark fh, best damage dealer in future guild raids because of the patterns, best unit to get rank 1 in tower of pride, best unit to clear upto 100th floor in tower of desire. Just don't listen to the retards. She's easily one of the best units with only one costume. If you care about pve then you should definitely get her. But you do need very high investment.
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Also largest ratio cup size to all other measurements
Loen art boom soon?
i wish Justi wasn't such a husband beater
When you look like that, she can beat me off all night long
>best damage dealer in future guild raids
Coping so hard for your +5 s.justi that you are making shit up.
from when is this
I can see her pussy line
gonna jerk off ab it huh?
I will, in fact, do that.
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anon no, that's naughty!
Yuti's cameltoe...
Lucky bastard.
You guys can't make up your mind... but thanks, I guess I will get one copy at least just in case.
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heal yeah. Easy!
stop hoarding
would yuti have an innie or an arby's outie?
Puffy innie
B-but this game is about collecting...
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>beyond 3x4 grid system. The characters with huge ranges are roxy(limited) and s justia
Good thing I don't live in your turdworld shithole that I don't need to cope for my 5* s justia or when I run out of tickets. Cry more seamonke.
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>mfw anons think 51k dia 303 tickets is hoarding
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already got her, I want her to sit on my face after all
hoarders will get the rope inshallah
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those dirty whales pretending that they are hoarders
>open X to jerk off
>FYP flooded by Orc Rafina tips
What the FUCK
dunno about the others, but I'm f2p. I can prove it!
yeah, free to pay
>f2p btw >>486379224
whats wrong with hoarding?
this literally doesn't affect you
spend your tickets

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>Spend 700 rolls to get +5 nebris + her weapon and +4 Justi and her weapon
>Already at 600 tickets again
I'm Reboundiiing
I don't believe you this one.
I always +5 every costume i draw and get their weapon as f2p.
It's simple. I only play phys
everyone here is f2p
I will only spend my tickets seriously on nuns! You hear me!?
I can't believe I'll finally be able to get her tomorrow
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Playable Mamonir in real summer, john...
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hot time
wtf i literally did my dailies 5 hours ago
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As if webp wasn't enough, these fuckers also use avif...
Excuse me, but I like my Loen Fat as fuck.
loen was never fat though???
>tentacle between tights pulling at legs
I can picture the PV already
The fired story John and replaced him
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>only mentions +5 s justia
bro, your +5 collab costumes?
She will be
Realistically, if I +5 S.Justia as f2p, I should also get her weapon right, because I'll obviously be reliant on her in a lot of content now

Just how rare is an on banner UR weapon?
Not very. You'll get a lot of random URs from the free draw if you play long enough
Any info on the limiteds yet or no? I will probably go for the new loen although I have not looked at her kit. Besides that I am saving until I know what's on the horizon.
I would skip weapon banner in all cases except (possibly) limited weapon banners (if you love the character.) Limited weapon meaning a roxy/eris type situation with no other option to get the weapon.
>I would skip
If f2p, I forgot to say this. If you are swiping, weapons are good to go for.
How long does it take to get that much ticket and dias? Do you even roll at banners at all?
1 year. No.
So I heard that tomorrow reset is GOONING time? True story?
I started playing around G.Rafina banner and have been selective in who I roll on, usually targetting for a middle ground of rolls on most characters, but I didn't care about collab characters at all.
S.Justia and H.Lathel is the first banner I took to +4 with plans to get final in powder shop
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>Limited weapon meaning a roxy/eris type
Don't remind me. The SRs will forever be empty because I didn't roll 1600 times on each banner
Won't they rerun this collab in a year?
Why would they? The devs said they didn't like working with such a large IP and that they won't do something similar again
Even if it comes back, SR weapons don't get a rate up. You still only have 1/1600 odds of getting the 5* SR that you want
Probably not. They would have to reacquire rights again.
Should have been more lucky
Well goddamn
>Multiple golden hand shitters

Bros, I am so fucking mad right now I could cry. I hope all of you fuckers get Lathel seeded on Loen's banner. Not homo one either.
Weapons have the same rates as costumes, you're just as likely to get her weapon as you are to get another +
A lot of posters here got horribly burned by being unlucky and having to pity a weapon with 200 points so they'll tell you how bad it is and how stupid you are for rolling for gear when it's really the exact same thing.
I mean sure, one downside is you could get the weapon at 140 points and if it was the costume you could push another 60 rolls and buy another copy, but weapon mileage also converts to powder so you can buy the powder copy with your weapon leftovers.
If you have a character you like and want to max out it's your decision, everything has its opportunity cost.
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My wife!

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