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Thread #055 - Local Residents Not So Evil Edition

Welcome to /horg/, the place to discuss anything horror games-related, such as:
- AAA series: Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Dead Space, Alan Wake, Alien Isolation, Dying Light, The Evil Within, etc.
- Current indie games and hidden gems: Alisa, Amnesia, Conscript, Darkwood, Faith, Pathologic, Penumbra, Signalis, Soma, Song Of Horror, Tormented Souls, Voices of the Void, World of Horror, Yume Nikki, etc.
- Retro classics: Alone in the Dark, Clock Tower, Dino Crisis, Eternal Darkness, Fatal Frame, Parasite Eve, Sweet Home, System Shock, etc.
- Free mods: HL1's Afraid of Monsters and Cry Of Fear, Doom's MyHouse.wad and Total Chaos, fan-made games like Blood: Death Wish, Penumbra: Necrologue, Resident Evil REVisited, stand-alone free games like SCP Containment Breach, etc.

>Horror games lists, guides, and resources:

>Quick game recommendations
Crow Country, Cry Of Fear, Hellgate: London

>Previous thread: >>485204247

>Thread Question: What makes a good horror game?
>Upcoming horror games
Tormented soulsb2
Hollow body
Post trauma
Echoes of the living
The mute house
Cuckold's cherished country club crisis
>Thread Question: What makes a good horror game?
For me (ymmv) a good horror game needs good fighting mechanics, as this is the core game play.
Monster design trumps story, although an actual good story would be nice to experience.
Lastly it needs a satisfying ending.
If these components are in it, replayability comes automatically.
Bump mf bump
>Monster design trumps story
So rule of cool essentially.

I'd say the game needs thought out mechanics that aren't frustrating for the player. Monster design is for sure the main "hook" of horror games
>Cuckold's cherished country club crisis
Im sorry, what?
I'm afraid I made this one up.
It's an equally bad name as crow country's cheeky coin concussion
>rule of cool
Sure. Can be basic, like re4(r). If you look at the damage formula, you'll notice it's simple af.
replaying RE6 just to remember how "bad" it was

is it just me or was the game literally designed around the mercenaries mode? Everything bad regarding the campaign is present in Mercenaries, but in mercenaries it all works so well.

That tripping mechanic can go to hell though
Pretty sure mercaneries was the focus.
I did like that the three campaigns felt like 4, 5 and 6 (sherry).
Else it's among the worst re.
Can't really speak for Re4(r), but even if the formula for damage is simple in Re4, the game is fun due to the balls to the walls stuff the game throws at you (hordes of ganados, different bioweapons, changing sceneries, etc)
The game is fun and I'd say it has replayability.
Remake isn't better in every aspect, sadly.
Weapons felt better in classic for the most part.
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>What makes a good horror game?
Flashlights and jump scares
I just finished playing Scratches which I have seen called "scariest game ever made" several times. Much like other games given this title, I suspect it's the game's obscurity that led to this mystique; playing it myself, it's a decent adventure game with great atmosphere but sub-par writing. The sub-par writing probably has something to do with Scratches being the first commercial game to ever be developed in Argentina.
The game peaks in being scary at the second night (there being 3 in-game days), and the final reveal at the game's ending is lame. The bonus chapter added in the Director's Cut version is even lamer and makes the entire game more lame by association.
I recommend playing this game if you can be bothered to torrent it (since it's not commercially available). You can beat it in a weekend with a walkthrough (and I recommend using a walkthrough because there are some bullshit hidden items). You can beat the bonus chapter in 5-10 minutes with a walkthrough but it's seriously dogshit and I recommend never playing it.
Looks like a detective game
>see horror game on steam
>browse through screenshots
>unmoving flashlight and beam is in every single one, nothing else
is there a bigger red flag
>mfw /horg/ survives another night
How did it feel when that post was the last one anon?
>.45 Parabellum Bloodhound
>Tormented Souls 2
classic style horror has some exciting titles coming up
>What makes a good horror game?
Muh atmosphere
>There's Something Bad on the Moon
>Looks like a cool little space horror
>It's literally just a (1) jump scare
Is horror the laziest genre?
All Still Wakes the Deep has going for it is its monster designs and environment design but I feel like it would have been cooler if it went harder with the gore overtaking the rig. Give me a gradual increase of it until the whole thing is almost more cosmic gore than metal. I started getting bored of them just spamming clusters of flesh in rooms or god forbid using it to block off areas and railroad the player. The spire at the end was cool but not cool enough to override that sense of stagnation. I actually think the scariest moment had nothing to do with the body horror but rather the oh shit moment in the first rising water sequence when it becomes obvious that it's not going to stop rising. The writing was unfortunately also shit and I wish they'd actually gone somewhere with the implication that you're infected with whatever is in the water from early on, even if it would turn into more of a ripoff of The Thing. Anything would be better than the shitty family drama backstory they expect you to care about. Overall though the visuals and setting are great. I just wish the progression of the plot was executed in a more interesting way and it had some actual gameplay beyond nearly impossible to fuck up hiding sequences and holding LMB to trigger a climbing animation every once in a while.
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When I woke up and checked the thread saw that was the last post my heart dropped. Felt like some kind of sadistic prank a jannoid played on us
Get up, maggots.
The atmosphere and overall designs are great, but they probably would have benefitted form being in a more involved game.
hey rude
he smiles knowing he killed it
>>unmoving flashlight
Completely centered.
Bloodhound ugly
Freshly hatched hermaphrodite jenny
is Alisa worth sticking out I got filtered by how awful the combat is
Indies are the most lazy cuckolds there are.
Usually government funded, too.
nah it's a store asset or w/e snapped to the character model so it's very slightly off-centered to the right & down
With the recent boom of indie survival horror I feel like for every good title there's one that's bad or just misses the mark.

I kinda wish I didn't play Signalis before all these other ones because that game so far has blown all the other indies out of the water.

I thought Tormented Souls kinda sucked but I powered through it for some reason.

Crow country was alright, aesthetically pleasing and well put together but just way too easy.

Hopefully Conscripted is good
>Tormented Souls
Devs are hacks, really.
It's clear that they are the typical devs that can't plan a project properly.
>Crow country was alright, aesthetically pleasing and well put together but just way too easy.
Re and sh are also easy.
Usually panic is the only reason one can die.
With the exception of running out of items on harder difficulties.
REmake is hard the first time you play it, especially if you've never played any fixed camera angles + tank controls game before
I found all or most re difficult the first playthrough.
Re4r on hard was fucked. Difficult as hell.
Fell for the meme on my first playthrough.
Cabin was impossible.
I think its fun enough. The sword is your best friend once you get used to the movement and aiming
>Literally all silent hill / RE clones
How is it possible for all these indie devs to suddenly follow the exact same trend?
They don't take any risks, so they jump the wagon and think that'll do.
Didn't you notice how after blood borne kart psx graphics are an emerging trend in the indie space?
Indies are the biggest scam in gaming.
What monster, mutant or aberration would you like to see in a (horror) game that has never be done before?
>Thread Question: What makes a good horror game?
Silent hill and evil within (penis boss) support this message.
>I showed you my dick
Answer me
They're the most known horror games around, which also have a rather simple gameplay, so of course they'll be ripped off the most.
I'm happy if half of them is good.
Tormented Souls 1 was OK for a first entry, despite being barebones unfinished and literally having 0 replayability.
also FEAR
Almost forgot.
Still haven't pirated and played it.
Why won't Leon fuck Claire?
You guys liking the Outlast Trials update? The mission is fun (AKA really fucking twisted) and I'm liking how they place the co-op move spots. Barbi is interesting, he's really fast and it's strange to have a ranged enemy. I just wish the matchmaking menu made more sense, I want to queue for a higher difficulty but it keeps putting me on a lower one.
Chris has to be there to ensure insemination, Leon likes to do things himself
Outlast trials?
Qrd>>486313639 from fire emerges
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It's Outlast except multiplayer. They leaned harder into the gore and body horror for this one, I think because they knew classic scares would be goofier with other people. The plot is you're a homeless guy picked up for MKUltra, their goal is to give you as much PTSD as possible to see what happens.

This is the latest update, added a ranged killer.
So that's the second entry? The first one is mp only?
That looks... Different. Gameplay?
That'a tough one. Maybe a mythological beast?
Like >>486462215 said, there’s lots of mythological creatures that are either really under-utilized or have never been used in a horror setting.
I think a minotaur could be creepy if done right.
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I'm surprised you hadn't heard of Outlast, it's the classic "can't fight back" kind of horror game. Stands out in the content being really disturbing and having a blair witch kind of camera being used for night vision. The first game, its DLC, and the 2nd game are all single player so they are better for scares. O1+DLC takes place in an asylum while O2 is hillbilly horror. Trials is the latest project and multiplayer - I think they knew it wouldn't be "scary" because of having other people with you so they leaned heavily into the fucked up content.

If you dislike shock or gore then stay really far away. It's more for the intensity of being hunted and experiencing PTSD than subtle or slow building scares. The objectives are particularly horrifying - I think the worst one might be chopping the legs off a guy who is crucified. Hard pass if you aren't interested in violent horror. The release trailer covers what it's like to play.
I didn't know about this general and no one seems to talk about it so I'm excited to share.
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Me too, Albert
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How did it go from RE1/CV/RE4 Wesker to RE4R/RE5 "I want to wipe out humanity and turn the survivors into a higher lifeform"-Wesker? Also, he already outclasses everyone in combat with his superhuman abilities, why change that?
Feels like something's missing there, unless I'm forgetting something.
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Wait, the new update is out??? Ah! That’s why it randomly updated last night! Thanks! Gonna go try it out
>no one seems to talk about it
I’ve talked about it before, only problem is that it was kind of in a content drought so there’s not much to say beyond what’s already been said, but hopefully that’ll change now, I do think it’s worth giving a shot for anyone still curious or on the fence about it.
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I've seen fans trying to justify that Spencer's reveals about what Wesker made Wesker go crazier, but Chris doesn't act like Wesker is any different so it doesn't seem like that's the intention, even if you can interpret it this way.
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Gods bless capcom for not honouring that exclusivity deal
Mythology has a lot of odd or creepy creatures in them.

Siren's in game could mimic the voice of a companion/friendly npc to lure you into a trap, for example. Fae would also be a good choice for a horror game imo, since they are notorious for being petty and wielding enoigh power to fuck up any human
It's Moonlight Sonata, Harry
>Siren's in game could mimic the voice of a companion/friendly npc to lure you into a trap, for example
Anon suggested walkie talkies and I incorporated something similar.
It's a great idea, fellow congenial anon.

Huh, I don't have supernatural things in it, rather age-old being
>which is defacto the same, but whatever
A far would be something lig big foot existing in the real world, but we'll hidden or traveling from another dimension to the world.
Feel free to brainstorm.

Is certainly full with unused ideas, esp when you consider on the rather unknown societies, like gobekli tepe.
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I'm so glad. I got to play it on the ps2.
I think I own it on Wii, but never bothered to pop it in.
Time to run across the map then
Why even say this? Pretty sure this counts as false advertising no? Seems sueable
Was an exclusive for half a decade
Let me know what you think. I think the matchmaking has gotten worse, I keep trying to queue for higher difficulty stuff and it keeps putting me into lower difficulties. I also rolled my eyes at the new catalogue stuff. Besides that the actual content is really good. I got to trial 15 in escalation with a bunch of randoms last night, it finally made the game scary again.
RE4 went to PS2 not even an year later anon...
It came out on ps2?
In that case it could be false advertising.
Shame on me then.
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reminder that shinji mikami still owes us his head
Yup, seppuku needs to be initiated.
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Something tells me nintendo would have liked that
>Is certainly full with unused ideas, esp when you consider on the rather unknown societies, like gobekli tepe
What are some that you'd include/use? I did mention sirens and the fae, and skinwalker and wendigos have been overdone in my opinion.

Maybe a basilisk? Since you cannot look at it without turning into stone.
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Kek I love poorly aged video game stuff
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Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess releases in in 2 hours. Possibly less, depending on time zone.
it doesn't really look very horror-ish
It's mostly atmosphere and the designs. It's closer to Onimusha or other action-horror titles given just how powerful Soh is.
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They changed the release time. It's now 3 hours or more.
Traveling armed to the UK?
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a miserable pile of (You)
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I only come to /horg/ for Leon.
He brought me here, after all.
goodnight, /horg/
Night night, anon. Don't get stolen by an onryo.
It felt bad
Psychological Horror

Doesn't matter how they do it. Body horror for the monster designs is a good easy way to do it. The point is, I need to get scared. If I'm not scared, it's not a horror game.
And I'm not 7 any more, I need effort put into scaring me.

Good example are the old Resident Evil games. Doesn't matter how campy the dialogue and plot gets, it genuinely is freaky to imagine succumbing to a zombie virus. Or imagining what it must feel like for Dr. Birkin to have his body hi-jacked by the G-Virus, as his head gradually shifts off to his torso and a new entity takes over his nervous system and grows a new head.
I'm sorry but fuck this whole "RE6 was actually good because the action is really well executed" argument. It's supposed to be a horror game. What the fuck are the devs doing, perfecting the movement? How does that make a good horror game?
Christian mythology characters. Like a Cherub. Or one of them biblically accurate angels.
>giggle intensifies
>remake angela
more like femcelgela. ngl i'm not buying the game anyway.
They were on their last legs anyway iirc. Nothing much left to lose at this point
Kunitsu-Gami is out.

Mongolian Deathworm.
>Kunitsu-Gami is out.
How is it?

Are there devices that can mirror phones or tablets? Or rather give access to the recent media data?
Scattered logs or diaries are hardly believable.
>defeat the seethe
So 4chan
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silent hill sisters, how do we recover from this one? there was a literal child inside the jeep of sh1 yet nobody gives a fuck
Has to be somewhere on the Internet.
nope, these "dlcs" nuked themselves once you turned off the gameboy
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rip gamecube
How does it feel watching SH2 get completely butchered in the remake, all for the sake of being a movie tie in game for the upcoming SH2 movie.
Recently finished Signalis and now I'm depressed and obsessed. Anything out there like it? And would you rather see rose garden make a direct sequel, or another entry in the same setting?
Is that even Canon?
yeah but it wasn't made by team silent
by "finished" do you mean "got to the end" (AN end) or actually "finished" because if it's the former i have good news, there's an ending with some really fucking obtuse puzzles bordering on ARG levels of bullshit to even figure out the hints (some of which even lead to areas you're no longer able to return to by the time you find them, meaning you need to just remember & look for it on your next playthrough) so you need a minimum of 2 playthroughs in order to obtain it. while i guess thats good for the people who were made obsessive about the game, the vicious bit is that even though it ends up defying reality to change the outcome it's still probably not satisfying enough to undo how much more obsessive you'll become just figuring shit out
he put it in God Hand, anon
Sh2 movie again?
What was his problem?
while it'd be more believable (pick up someone's phone, it's open to a political article about the state of the game's world, or open to the owner's recent texts, battery is at 1% so when you try to do something else it "dies" & the devs never need to add anything more than that; even though people would eventually scoff that you keep finding phones with exactly enough battery to be used for a few seconds) it'd be too hard to make it actually feel real unless every other phone was open to some utter bullshit like a cooking recipe or porn

unfortunately we're talking about a lot of work since you need the game's visuals to scale cleanly, you'd need to design multiple phone UIs for several apps with at least a little functionality & couldn't just use a string of jpegs or something, so it'd be a lot of time invested into something that'd still ultimately only be looked at as long as any other scattered note that just needs to be plaintext
He lived for conflict and couldn't handle being injured
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>cooking porn
Good idea. That can add some flavour.
>Couple of UIs
Cant even do simple ones, but that alone wouldn't be a big problem.
The other points you mention are to be considered.
Even if they were used for browsing, pretty much any phone closes itself in a few seconds, doesnt it? That's the sole reason I thought of a device that creates an image of the device.
Pretty shitty
soulsfags know that feel
What do you mean again?
gone for a while, /horg/. love you
They did do a couple SH movies back in the day, an apparently they are gonna try make some more
They only adapted Silent Hill 1 and 3. This new one is specifically an adaptation of Silent Hill 2.
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lost some 30 minutes of progress in RE2 Hardcore Leon B cause i forgot you have to shoot the tank thingie to explode the G aligator
Wasn't there a 2nd silent hill movie already?
Kek at picrel
Didn't you shoot the tank or did you fail to throw it on the ground for the gator to pick it up?
Remake James looks perfectly fine lately. Makes me wish they just revealed the looks for all of the characters ages ago so the chimp out would make them cave to fixing whatever the fuck they did to Angela
If it wasn't a videogame, Krauser would've easily won. All parameters of that fight weree in his favor.
>knew every skill of Leon
>knew the battlefield
>enhanced physical abilities by his plaga
That was an adaptation of Silent Hill 3. They’re going to adapt Silent Hill 2 now, and the remake is being made to promote the movie like they said in the livestream.
Fun Fact: The devs knew while making the game that people loved doing knife only runs, and since there’s no way to beat that section with only a knife, they put a free grenade there so people can get past that part.
we shouldn't have to chimp out to any of the characters because the remake shouldn't be SH2 or done by bloober
Don’t forget Maria.
Also, ditto to>>486767143
I'm kinda mad that the money I saved up in the game just disappeared and now I have to grind to buy shit I don't want to unlock the ability to buy shit I do want. First time playing the docks level was a nightmare, had no idea what the fuck we were supposed to do, still A+'d it but ran around in circles a lot and it took like 90 minutes. Second time I went solo on standard difficulty to learn the level, so now I know what to do but the level design is still ass. I don't like Barbi, he's super ugly and annoying. I don't care to read into his lore. I think he's ridiculous and too over the top. Also I'm a bit offended by the update since I'm ABDL and this feels insulting. I think they probably did this to make up for that time they tried to sell Outlast-themed adult diapers with Outlast 2 and it flopped, but IDK. The new police station level is neat but I'm so tired of Coyle and Gooseberry. Why the fuck does Gooseberry have an hour worth of voice lines but the game only uses like 1% of it? Coyle has ~40 minutes of dialogue and ditto, hearing the same lines is getting old fast. Funny that the matchmaking stopped working again two days later. This game isn't janky, but I'm still a little disappointed that the bugs I've encountered still haven't been addressed. I also hate that bricks don't kill - if they don't want you to kill them ex-pops, they should have you throw some pocket sand or giant plushies then. Also, why does that WWI looking outfit have hand grenades when we can't use them? Why make badass looking outfits when you just have to run away like a pussy? It could be potentially awesome if they did a PvP mode where someone can play as an ex-pop or rival reagent - I only say this because I had a dream yesterday where I was playing Outlast Trials IRL and my ex-coworkers were hunting me down, shit was rad.
You forgot the sense of righteousness that drives Leon!
In the first fight he's toying with Leon.
In the second fight he's letting him win, bc he's still the good guy.
Krauser, to some extent, wanted Leon to win. A lot of his trash talk is just pure bullshit, and when Leon finally beats him, none of that is there. He just shows a genuine respect and pride towards Leon.
Is F.E.A.R loved in this general?
It's a great horror game.
Are you >>486795063
Him? >>486722526
I am an anon.
Ananon, the unnown.
Don't see why not; it's a nice game and the horror elements enhance it
Love you too, anon
does anybody have the silent hill infographic?
Not before you tell us what you plan to do with it
uhm, read it?
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are there any horror games about the stereotypical grey alien?
Can only think of Sh alien ending.
An x files horror game?

Idk, aliens are ultra cheesy, but at the same time an evergreen classic.
What could their motive be?
What is venom's (space goo) motive?

In movies, they are usually mindless killers or blend into society, like in they live.
I'd like to see a "Dragon Ball The Breakers" clone. For those not aware, Breakers is a very unique Dragon Ball Z asymmetrical horror game involving a team of seven regular-human survivors against a literal god-like DBZ villain.

Such clone game could work with original characters or characters that could be licensed. You could make it with, say, Omniman. Who could fly around and rip people apart if he catches them.
Wasn't there some horror game like freddy or Jason vs teens?
Isn't outlast the same concept?
There's lots of multiplayer asymmetrical horror games out there where its "survivors vs killers" and the killers always have supernatural abilities, but Breakers is insanely unique because of how over the top it is with these guys who can fly and can destroy entire areas with laser beams. Survivors aren't hopeless in Breakers, they can activate "D-Change" to temporarily gain the abilities of Dragon Ball Z heroes and you have three win conditions; Activating the Super Time Machine to fix the altered timeline where this villain ("Raider") is wreaking havoc, Defeating them outright with the power of D-Change, or escaping.
Cool concept, but how is this explained?
watch a little bit of gameplay on youtube and it'll all make sense. You unlock "transpheres" with the spirits of DBZ Characters in them who you can equip and transform into with D-Change. You can get active and passive abilities from them as well to use as well. You play as a character you make in the character creator and when you use D-Change you get the clothes and hairstyle of the transphere you have equipped.

I really like the game, but it isn't perfect.
-transpheres are unlocked via the game's gacha system, this is really the only bad core component of Breakers, in my opinion. It's luck-based as to what you're going to get.
-low number of active players PLUS the game has time-zone lock which further reduces the pool of players you could match with
-people are always complaining about one aspect of the game balance or another, but I'd argue things are pretty decent right now as I believe the game should favor the villain.
Tranny spotted
yeah yeah, we've all made that joke.

you totally can play as the villain too and it's so fun hunting people down and killing them.
I checked the gameplay.
I do agree that the villain should have an advantage and an absolute op villain that blasts everything away is scarier than some guy with pincers.
yeah, I like the power fantasy as villain and when I play survivor it makes winning all the more fulfilling because the odds were against me.
Completely forgot to add that I see it as horror, just not in the classical sense. It's rather existential dread, that it?
After playing the Conscript demo, I think the game suffers from trying to put too much mechanics that pull the game in wildly different directions. It feels like a mix between the older Resident Evil series and the more action-oriented 4-6. I'm going to play it when it comes out but I don't think it'll be noteworthy when all is said and done.
Leon thought on his feet quicker and was physically impressive enough to keep up, in the Remake Krauser begrudgingly respects him and that also played a role in it too probably
poop killer solos all your fav games
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Finished Tartarus Key: meh/10

It's a glorified room escape game with a horror flavor.

Overall presentation is OK. Average PS1-inspired visuals, first-person with fake low poly and fake wobbly textures but doesn't do anything interesting with it. Retro influence is just a workaround for indies to make cheap games so I don't mind that but I think a lot of them don't really get what made those interesting or don't do anything creative with it. But the absolute worst is it has VN-inspired, long-winded garbage millennial writing dialogues constantly getting in the way of the game.

Spooky mansion setting where you are stuck in some kind of deadly game and have to rescue fellow prisoners from Saw-like deadly traps. But has no actual danger for you the player to overcome. The one gimmick it has (if you fail some puzzles, a prisoner can die and the game story continues regardless) can be bypassed by just reloading your save, it should have been autosave only, it doesn't even commit to its gimmick.

I don't mind it being just a room escape as currently I'm more into puzzle games than horror games (there's a big overlap as most horror games are just glorified puzzle games anyway). But as a room escape game, it's just OK, too simplistic. Barely makes use of 3D/first-person perspective (there's one attempt at a cool perspective mirror puzzle but it's barely exploited). Biggest letdown for me is there's barely any non-linear mansion exploration (it only has 2 themed keys/doors), and there's zero interconnection between locations, puzzles and items. Everything you need to solve a room, is in that room, then your inventory resets itself. And unlike more fleshed out escape rooms, where it's like one big room with lots of smaller puzzles, here it's typically one small room with one main puzzle.

The main appeal of typical mansion design is you have to consider "the whole" (get x in y to use in z), this game doesn't understand this.

The links are in the rentry in op
>It's a glorified room escape game with a horror flavor.
Why even bother?
>ps1 and fake low poly
>favour puzzle over horror
Execuse mae?
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Greyhill Incident is survival horror with grayys but I only know of it and havent played it so I cant vouch for its quality. looks scary tho if you're susceptible to that kind of alien anxiety
Aliens might need a new twist.
This is dated as fuck.
Will check out, I am curious.
Apparently it was pretty lackluster. I was keeping an eye on it before it dropped but decided against it
how could you make a horror game about them? They're too goofy to be scary
What mechanics do you feel it would be better off without?
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I was hyped for it before it came out but it looks a lot more polished now graphically. I seem to remember early screenshots and trailers had shitty ps2 graphics but I might be misremembering. I'm gonna check it out when it goes on sale again for under 20 bucks. It does have a few bad ratings but horror games generally are really niche anyway and I cant rely on the general public to tell me what I'm gonna like. I have always been really scared by alien and UFO shit so I'll probably like it well enough just for that
There are a lot of twists on the alien genre but none of them feel the same to me - or give me the same kind of fear and anxiety - as the traditional grays and saucers I grew up with. This game is set in the 90s so I think it's very much intentionally leaning into that vibe
Hiding in a locker inside of /horg/ while page 10 walks by
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Quality post
Feels great!
but I liked it :(
desu I don't think Resident Evil has been scary since RE4, they feel more like action games to imo
Actionized sequeliritis
Where did her eyebrows go?
Was left out on purpose to let her seem unsettling
Re4 is where it became an action series. It's super cop leon infiltrating a spanish castle to rescue the president's daughter from cultists with quippy one-liners.
7 and 8 are them reorienting back to horror since they went so far toward actioncop with 5 and 6.
>cultists with quippy one-liners.
No thanks, bro.
8 sucked. Keep the supernatural shit OUT.
Nothing in 8 was anymore supernatural than the rest of the series? It’s the usual fictional super science. Capcom still understands the underlying theme of the series.
hard agree. I thoroughly enjoyed the game, but it didn't feel like a horror game at any point, more like a Mass Effect with "horror theme" instead of space.
Maybe it became more obvious/emphasized in 4 because of the shift in gameplay, but the games have always had protagonists pulling off the impossible, hell, RE1 was super cops Chris and Jill surviving an labyrinthine maze so complex it killed its own architect while fending off superhuman massive monsters with nothing but their own quick thinking and impressive physicals in a single night
Yeah you're right I just meant 4 feels like the point where the scales tipped more in favor of supercop than ever before, especially since after that point you have chris exploding a boulder with his fists
>fending off superhuman massive monsters with nothing but their own quick thinking and impressive physicals
And a rocket launcher
You mean the T Alligator
It was just supernatural stuff with extra steps.
>totally not werewolves and totally not vampires
It worked
>Cyborg monstrosites
>"They're BOW's."
makes me kekkle
Did the remake even mention him having been injured and discharged from service as a result?
No. For all we know that didn’t even happen in the Remake since Operation Javier also apparently didn’t have Leon in it. His main gripe in the Remake seems to be that what happened was covered up and he received no recognition for being the sole survivor
You could say the same for virtually every other monster in the series.
>Everything in RE6
>Literal giants
>Giant bat monsters
>lizard men
It’s just super science.
RE8 was just really overt with the gothic horror it was going for.
Slippery slope
No, but he still has the Operation Javier scar on his arm.
He was always working towards that since he recovered from the virus and resurrected, it led him to believe he was chosen for that purpose.
The horror of… whatever the hell that is
>RE8 is bad because it has supernatural elements to it even though it's explained within the boundaries of a resident evil title
Why can't we just get a lil silly with it every once in a while?

That baby level can go to hell tho
We can. We’ll probably continue to get silly with it in RE9.
I like camp but RE8 was just too much, it felt like a parody. Going from 7 to it felt like a slap in the face. They could’ve made something great with the Romanian setting but instead we got first person RE4 but wackier, dumber, and less fun.
I doubt that. 7’s director is working on it.
Did you even play 7? It’s probably one of the goofiest in the series. Far more than 8.
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I just bought re2 but /horg/ told me its pointless to shoot things, should I pick up re8 instead?
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>goofier than 8
7 was plenty whacky. Remember Jack doing donuts in a car? Joe punching out Molded with his hands? I don’t really see the disconnect. They both feel like they’re in the same family
Knives are faster.
Guns are good for different things. For instance, Leon’s shotgun is an instant kill for zombies if all the pellets hit the head. Pistols are generally better for dismembering or stunning zombies than killing them. Knives are good for checking if zombies are actually dead instead of pretending, and stun locking them to death so you can save ammo. You have tons of options to engage with the enemies, or just outright avoid them.
Yeah. Did you forget the garage fight with the car, the chainsaw fight to the death, damn near everything Jack says, Ethan’s autistic commentary, Lucas, Joe’s DLC involving him punching everything to death, and so on? Did you successfully gaslight yourself to think 7 is a super serious game, or are you just lying? It’s campy as fuck.
Nigger have you even played 8?
>Did you successfully gaslight yourself to think 7 is a super serious game, or are you just lying?
Reading comprehension.
Yes, and 7 is still goofier.
Honestly I think you’re delusional, but let’s just agree to disagree at this point.
Fine, retard.
what made it goofier?
FEAR and Condemned are some of the few first person horror games from the era that actually survive the test of time

I really wish The Darkness was as good as I remember. It's kind of a snore.
The Darkness 2 still looks like it holds up. It’s probably my nostalgia speaking though
I'm playing resident evil 6 and REV2 and REV2 is not only the better game but I've noticed something strange about 6. The game sold well, but capcom's idea of saving white people in an Asian country where most of them are unlikable or weird creatures is what they think of western appeal
Tourists aren't welcome here
Is dark fracture any good
Are Sunless Sea and Sunless Skies horror games?
They are labeled as rpg.
… What?
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>Chris becomes a raging alcoholic
>not chill at all, hard liquor and verbal abuse
>if he literally has amnesia he's probably a true alcoholic who drinks 24/7
>Gets found by Piers
>Chris is black out drunk as they convince him to fight
>there's a high likely chance Chris is either withdrawing during the later segments of the game, hungover during his campaign or taking a swig off camera
>campaign ends with him at the same bar, drinking coffee
>there's a chance he slipped some whiskey in there to be a functional alcoholic for the rest of his days
Was one in 6, too.
Leon in the movies, too.
Whats with capcom and turning the characters of RE into alcoholics? Re4 Leon was quipping his way through a whole regions worth of people like it was another day at the office

>Captcha : 0SAD
Shit writers and cancerous corporate structure.
I don't get why anyone and their mother refuses to write scripts ahead.
Even martin fucked up his fireicesong series.
You need a rough idea where the story is headed.
It’s literally just Leon and Chris pretty sure and Leon’s quippyness in RE4 is a product of the English localization iirc, the original Japanese version has his personality more in line with 6
He drinks a lot in Vendetta because of 6 where his good friend the president died
Really? What's Japanese Leon like?
Does he behave like a Japanese? You know, chop sticks, sake, and everything else that clearly is a staple of Japanese culture and identity.
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>all those complaints
I'm taking this post seriously
>I'm offended because I'm ABDL
I can't take this post seriously
>Outlast 2 themed diapers
This is masterful bait
>The diapers are actually real
Holy shit
>I hate that bricks don't kill
Back into bait territory
>Why can't you use the hand grenades, where's PvP, I was dreaming about my coworkers in the trials
Thank you for this roller coaster of emotions, this was by far the most unpredictable and thrilling thing I've read all day
>Adventure game where an old grandma switches bodies with a young girl and you have to navigate the world/traps she has setup trying to get your young body back, but even the simplest tasks are difficult.
Hire me devs
Was there a single good enemy in RE6?
All of them. One of the most indisputably good things about it was the sheer level of enemy variety. I don’t think any horror game has come close since. The rapid chrysalis adaptations were sick too.
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Not really horror, but anyone else getting Space Marine 2? I’m still kind of on the fence.but it looks enticing…
The enemy variety was inarguably the best part of RE6.
Seas is, definitely. Only played a little of skies but it seemed to be pretty much the same tone and writing style
That's a huge stretch. They're both cosmic horror/lovecraftian themed roguelites. I have hundreds of hours in Sea, probably pulls off lovecraft mood and tone better than any game I've ever played. But there really arent any rpg elements beyond what is conventional for modern roguelites which is just kind of customizing your ship and building up your wealth.
Hm. Been a while since I last played it, but I seem to remember being annoyed at the enemies. Maybe I was just bad.
>Chris and Jill surviving an labyrinthine maze so complex it killed its own architect
George Trevor was a retard, the caves aren't even that large.

>while fending off superhuman massive monsters with nothing but their own quick thinking and impressive physicals in a single night
The thing is that they never really do anything superhuman during gameplay or cutscenes, so they still feel fairly normal. Starting with RE3 Jill was dodging rocket launchers in gameplay and a few cutscenes, then in Code Veronica Claire does a bunch of action movie shit during the intro, and RE4 exaggerated all of this even more with the sheer amount of enemies, ammo, Leon's melee options, and the action movie level feats he had consistently during the game.
He seems more serious and less quippy in Japanese. The "No thanks, bro" line is something among the lines of "We're not your brethen!". He also has a catchphrase that I think it's basically "Give me a break", but I'm not sure about that one.

He still quips in Japanese though, "Your right hand comes off?" is said in both versions.
im a sucker for just about any co-op shooter, I played the first for the first time recently, it was surprisingly shallow for a franchise I figure has endless lore but not bad to play
Is re4 English the better version?
nta but idk why you wouldnt want the cool one-liners. one of my favorite aspects of classic re is the campy dialogue
>Really? What's Japanese Leon like?
>the original Japanese version has his personality more in line with 6
He still told jokes though
Is Alan Wake 2 NG+ worth another playthrough
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>the caves aren’t even that large.
The mansion and all its puzzles were still complex. It helped that he was drugged and dazed though.
>The thing is that they never really do anything superhuman during gameplay or cutscenes
Not on its surface. Until you realize the level of physicals needed to pull some of that stuff off. Chris can stomp on zombie heads so hard they explode and is durable enough to survive getting rag dolled by Plant 42’s tree trunk tentacles for 10 minutes at least. Not as flashy or impressive as later games but still well beyond what you or I can do. He can also defend himself against Hunters with his bare hands. But like I said, the fixed camera perspective doesn’t give nearly the same impression as opposed to third person RE4 Leon roundhouse kicking heads off. Also, keep in mind that the first RE had characters like *these* that were originally going to be in the game. The big guy was going to have a scene where he held up a collapsing ceiling of the mansion long enough to save everyone else. Mikami even stated Chris was originally developed to be the typical "action hero", a tough guy with "big muscles and a big knife." All this to say the intention was always to take cues and inspiration from Hollywood action movie, it just became more overt with each installment like you pointed out.
> it was surprisingly shallow for a franchise I figure has endless lore
That game was largely made to appeal to people who had no idea what Warhammer even was with its third person over the shoulder gameplay that was very popular at the time, I don’t think any game has captured the breadth of the Warhammer universe to date, so if that’s what you’re looking for you’ll have to start with the novels or something
im too dumb to read, i like shoot
Ethan picking up his severed hand as an item and being able to examine it in the inventory.
His autistic reaction to this moment, and deciding to blow his wife’s head off as soon as he gets his hand on a gun.
Lucas’s nonchalant reaction to having his hand cut off.
Either running over Jack with a car and having him take control, or Jack doing donuts in his garage while trying to kill Ethan.
Jack gleefully blowing his brains out.
Jack getting into a chainsaw battle to the death with Ethan while making an Evil Dead reference.
Now that I think about it, Jack is most of the comedy.
Nigger all of that shit makes sense.
I don’t even have to make a list to say that 8 was more ridiculous, it has actual gothic vampires that have lived for hundreds of years which get handwaved away as bioweapons.
They’re less than a hundred years old going by the the timeline of Miranda discovering the mold only 100 years prior to the game, and finding test subjects afterwards. And 7 basically introduced ghosts through bioweapons too. Who are you trying to fool?
>it has actual gothic vampires that have lived for hundreds of years
None of them have lived for centuries. Dimitrescu is the oldest and she only became a BOW in like the 50s. Her daughters are even younger and aren’t even actual vampires but flies mimicking the shape of people. Weirder things have happened through the viruses. Why make shit up?
Resident Evil is inherently goofy and campy, and takes lots of inspirations from horror movies and other horror related properties.
>and takes lots of inspirations from horror movies and other horror related properties
makes me hope they take a giallo-horror inspired entry. Clock Tower is cool but it's still a 2D side scroller from the 90s
I found the dragon and everything about Heisenberg to be pretty retarded.
Also I fucking hate Miranda, what a shit villain. Zero charisma, not intimidating or scary in the slightest, shoves her way into the backstory of Umbrella, she genuinely might be the shittiest villain in mainline RE for me.
I think RE8 was carried by Lady Dimitrescu. Without her the game wouldn't have taken off like it did, culturally.
And she dies early without doing much of anything. It’s sad.
The Dragon form makes sense to me. She’s inspired by Dracula, and Dracula can be translated as Son of the Dragon.
I mean, I feel like all the antagonists spent an appropriate amount of time on screen. The only portion where I feel like the game lost steam was when Heisenberg was the main objective. That factory was really boring, but every RE needs a factory level it seems.

I was actually afraid Capcom would lean too hard into the internet's collective mommy issues considering all the promotion was going to her. I like her a lot but the trailers really made it seem like she was the main antagonist.

Punished "Venom" Chris is something I can never decide if I like or not
It being a reference doesn’t make it less ridiculous.
I liked the fight itself, it just didn’t feel like an RE boss thematically.
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I liked it but him not telling Ethan anything until you’re 80% of the way through the game was retarded. He had no reason not to once Ethan got roped into the mess he was trying to deal with.
How is she any different than Nemesis transforming into a gigantic pile of flesh as the final battle?

At least she has dialogue and a role in the story beyond just being a pursuer.

I thought her daughters were underutilized and underwhelming however. It seems like they didn't intend the game to have so many antagonists. Not just bosses like previous games, but actual characters.
Village’s main thing is that along side the Lords being inspired by the classics Universal Monsters, they also have inspirations from Japanese horror.
Dimitrescu is Dracula and Hasshaku-sama.
Moreau is the Creature from the Black Lagoon and a Kappa.
Heisenberg is Frankenstein and Tetsuo the Iron Man
All of that stuff was awesome. Doesnt ethan also reattach his hand with a stapler?
>Tetsuo the Iron Man
I can't believe I never made this connection
A regenerative bioweapon turning into a massive writhing pile of flesh makes more sense to me than a vampire turning into a dragon that can fly around like it’s nothing.
Zoey does that while he’s unconscious after Jack knocks him out.
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>Chris can stomp on zombie heads so hard they explode and is durable enough to survive getting rag dolled by Plant 42’s tree trunk tentacles for 10 minutes at least. Not as flashy or impressive as later games but still well beyond what you or I can do.
Fair enough, while the head stomping can be somewhat excused by the bodies being rotten, just breaking a skull by stomping still takes some serious strength even against a weakened skull.

>He can also defend himself against Hunters with his bare hands.
There's no cutscene that shows that and hunters didn't have grab animations in RE1.

Although you mentioning this does remind me of pic related...

>But like I said, the fixed camera perspective doesn’t give nearly the same impression as opposed to third person RE4 Leon roundhouse kicking heads off.
It also wasn't nearly as frequent, head stomping can happen once in a while and Plant 42 is just one boss, while RE4 is more absurd in its entirety.

>The big guy was going to have a scene where he held up a collapsing ceiling of the mansion long enough to save everyone else.
Even with the initial intention being more of an action game, by the final game the characters aren't nearly as powerful, the ceiling scene in particular is adapted by making Barry simply kick the door open to save Jill.

The action just got exaggerated and the franchise never really went back on it, at best they toned it down in a game like RE7, but Ethan still does a bunch of action hero-like stuff, and the amount of punishment he survives is ridiculous (Even if him being infected justifies it), and then things got sillier with the Joe DLC.
Do I need to remind you of the giant meat dinosaur, or Eveline growing to the size of a Kaiju?
Ethan can reattach his leg if it gets torn off by certain attacks.
The meat dino was really stupid, I won’t argue about that.
Eveline made sense given what we know about the fungus. The molded were much bigger than humans, and Jack in his fucked up form showed up way before her and he was pretty big.
>He had no reason not to once Ethan got roped into the
Well, he did. Miranda had the nifty ability to shapeshift and he probably didn’t need that kind of potential confusion mucking about. Though telling him wouldn’t have done anything to change that I guess
It’d do nothing but help Ethan, that’s the problem. By not telling him, Chris is just putting him in more danger.
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Lol then what about Irvine’s giant Plaga form or the giant whale Kaiju in Revelations? Hell, it doesn’t even *look* anything like a traditional dragon apart from the wings, I really don’t see how this is out of place in RE, if anything it’s a pretty great monster design that’s one of the best examples of body horror in the series
Okay now you’re just making shit up. I never said it looked bad or that it was a generic dragon, I just don’t think it feels like a RE monster.
I think if it was shittier at flying I’d like it more. The dolls were a bit too supernatural for my taste but they made sense given they were hallucinations caused by the mold, I genuinely liked Moreau, and even if I didn’t like his bossfight or his character at all, Heisenberg’s fucked up mutant form was great.
>I never said it looked bad or that it was a generic dragon
Barring the wings, it’s pretty much not a dragon at all.
>I just don’t think it feels like a RE monster.
You’re welcome to feel that way, I just can’t see the reasoning for why that would be the case. If it was wholesale a regular dragon I’d probably agree, but it clearly has an RE twist to it that’s reminiscent of other stuff found in the series, it’s not even the first BOW with wings or that can fly, but it’s clearly more a matter of taste at this point
That makes me like it more now. Never seen the movie but it makes sense. Wish we got more Heisenberg
>Never seen the movie but it makes sense
Any horror enjoyer should watch all of Shinya Tsukamoto's work. It's absolutely stellar.
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The snappy one liners are apparently more common in the English version.
I did get that.

I doubt anyone can smash a healthy head with one stomp. Breaking the skull, sure, but not destroying it completely.
A rotten skull would likely still be very hard to smash. Chris is likely very strong in re1.
>re4 is absurd
Wtf are you talking about? It's based on real events. You clearly never have been to Europe.
that guy on the right isn't even human
Heisenberg is also inspired by Frankenstein’s Monster, mainly his hatred for his creator and rebellion against said creator, and Dr. Werner Karl Heisenberg, who was a German theoretical physicist who was a pioneer in ferromagnetism, which is the basic mechanism by which certain materials (such as iron, but not some metal/polymer composites, as seen in his boss fight) are attracted to magnets, which is why he’s Magneto.
RE4 is literally just Dagon.
RE1 - any 80s Italian zombie movie
RE2 - Aliens
RE4 - Dagon 2001 (Spanish horror movie based on Lovecraft book)
RE5 - Black Hawk Down
RE6 - Michael Bay shitfest
RE7 - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Ring, Saw
RE8 - Universal Monsters mixed with Japanese Horror, and RE4
>RE2 - Aliens
Why a 1979 movie and where tf is re3?
I don’t know, but that’s why Leon has the pistol from Aliens, and Irons dies by a Chestburster.
RE3 and RE2 both have influence from Terminator.
do you guys think RE needs another Racoon City? As in another world changing incident that gets covered in multiple mainline games from multiple POVs
Can't read my mind of there's no braincells
>RE7 - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Ring, Saw
Also Evil Dead
>RE4 - Dagon 2001 (Spanish horror movie based on Lovecraft book)
Ehhh, why the movie and not just the book? The setup of a cult in a tucked away coastal rural countryside village slowly ‘converting’ people is pretty much just the Shadow Over Innsmouth to a T, right down to the island getting blown up in the end, I think its more likely they took inspiration right from the source rather than from an obscure adaptation.
I wonder if they'll ever make a good Shadows Over Innsmouth or any other HO Love raft game.

I know Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, Call of Cthulhu (new one) and The Sinking City exist, but they dont seem to scary
Dagon 2001 is specifically an adaptation of Innsmouth that involves a creepy backwater village in Spain, which is where RE4 takes place.
Eva pistol?

Now that you mention it, it's true. Feeling is similiar.
Was there an explanation in an interview or something?
That was SUPPOSED to be RE6, but they never really focused on those events that much.
>RE5 - Black Hawk Down
>RE6 - Michael Bay shitfest
The 5 Gum era
After 7 and 8 I almost want the series to branch out where one or two main protagonists has to deal with the ever evolving threat of BOWs that don't have much/anything to do with Umbrella
Conscript any good? does it itch the signalis feel?
Yeah, T, i still have to play the old ones to get the entire lore down, don't know the differences of the Virus yet
Not to mention Claire is just a biker Ripley, and Sherry is obviously Newt. The game also has a flamethrower but it's used by Leon.

Terminator influences are there even in RE1, though more subtle. Tyrant is called T-002.

Was also surprised when I realized this track has parts of Terminator 2's main theme, and not something like Mr. X's theme:


It doesn't really scratch the Signalis itch at all.
>Back into bait territory
Nah, I don't bait. I grew out of my trolling phase ~15 years ago. Have you never seen someone get beat to death with a brick or stoned to death? Sure, if they get hit in the torso or a limb, it wouldn't kill or incapacitate them, but a good headshot will incapacitate/kill. I forgot to mention another issue in my first post that kinda bothers me and doesn't make sense is how far, precise, and effortlessly the aforementioned bricks can be thrown. They really should be replaced with something less dense if they don't want us to kill them, and again it's kinda taking me out of the game. I'm now 120 hours in and hit the level cap and I'm starting to get bored of it though.
Some of the art or supplementary books have interviews where they mention the inspirations.
nobody's making sherry mods either, so it's just boring stuff like claire and ada
Anyone have the fan art of Heather from SH3 eating in front of her referigerator?
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Lol 120 hours? I probably have 60 at max and most of that is likely time spent in the lobby/main menu. It looks like you’ve squeezed a fair bit more enjoyment out of it than I have, but then I haven’t really been playing much of anything lately. They could probably do with a nerd to their accuracy, maybe even a wind up time to make it more tense, but I definitely don’t think it’s far fetched to say the crazies are more durable than the average person and thus wouldn’t instantly die to a brick to the head of all things, it stunning them is reasonable enough, especially the literal giants
very disturbing
That’s already happened, the movies, Revelations games, Darkside Chronicles 2, etc. have all dealt with BOWs that have made their way into the hands of terrorists/rogue states that are unaffiliated with Umbrella, but the main games are likely always going to have a thread leading back to them like we saw with Miranda, which I kind of like.
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The horror of working the night shift…
Yes. Very much so
more like quiet mountain…
Are you even for real? According to the canon playthrough, Leon survived the Tyrant and Birkin as a rookie cop with a knife and a gun. Leon can see in slow motion and predict the future.
And multiple weapons he stashed in his pocket.
Furthermore he had magical herbs aiding him and miraculously healing deep wounds.
Anything not included in the cutscenes is not canon. So it's just a knife and a gun. I mean one bite and it's over.
>clown's take
Games aren't canon.
Life isn't canon.
Time? Nope, not a cannon.
Resident Evil 1 takes less than an hour. due to the helicopter's fuel countdown.
I'd like to see someone beating re1 under 60 minutes first try.
Miracles are canon.
Speedrunning on your first try is retarded and will make you hate the game. You do challenges like that once you know it well.
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>mfw I discovered the guys who made Crow Country are the Super Flash Bros, the exact same dudes who made The Decline of Videogaming series on Newgrounds almost 20 years ago
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Anyone given pic related a try yet?
I've played Conscript for about 8 or so hours. Best way to describe gameplay is a mishmash of influences between the current Dark Souls formula and older and newer Resident Evils. Combat is a mix between melee weapons and ranged weapons, very deliberate and clunky at times. Shotguns have difficulty finding/making ammunition, but are probably the most space efficient weapons per slot, the pistols trade out safety of staggering opponents with needing an extra slot for ammunition requirements, and the rifle in game is best used to stealth-kill unsuspecting enemies while also being able to stun heavier ones. Melee weapons are probably the most efficient weapons to use in a slot, but trade out safety/giving up space while also having limited durability. There's also a mechanic that harkens back to Crimsonheads in RE1R but not as impactful just spawns tiny enemies that can poison you.

tl;dr. Don't think you guys will like it, it feels like its apeing certain mechanics without being cohesive as a whole. Play at Veteran for most fun to be had.
How do Krauser's explosive arrows even work?
Sorry anon, you aren't canon.
Holy shit, no way.
Why didn't they make a good game (lol)?
They are basically vidya prophets.
Maybe like how an rpg works; nose hit the target, which causes the explosive inside to ignite
that beginning was brutal
They just do, ok? Don’t question it. I’m more interested in his knife. What a sexy beast
Yeah even rookie cop was really impressive, being one of the few people to survive RC shows that, it’s easy to see how he had the chops to become the current Leon
atleast from a visual standpoint it does
>I’m more interested in his knife. What a sexy beast
There's this one replica by a French guy. It looks somewhat wider/thicker though.

There's also Leon's knife.
Nanomachines, son.
It just works.
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Hello. I'm currently playing through both Signalis and Crow County.

Signalis is meh, sadly. Really wanted to love it but I don't think it's well designed, I find it tedious to play, and it seems to only be beloved for its 2deep4u story.
Crow County is a simplistic version of the classics, doesn't do anything particularly new but it's charming with its kiddie Halloween style and decently fun to play. I like that its world feels a bit more interactive.
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Oh thanks for the feedback, I didn't know it finally released. I'll add it to the backlog. I hope it lives up to the long wait.
Try /r/
Definitely not a 1:1 but pretty cool. I’ve seen a few attempts but they all seem to get some aspect of it wrong, don’t know if that’s to do with the knife being too ‘out there’ or too ‘advanced’ for the people who can do this stuff
That's true.
Fair enough. Personally I enjoyed both, Signalis due to finding the story intriguing (which made me replay it to see different endings, with one to unlock) and Crow Country because of its campiness
>it seems to only be beloved for its 2deep4u story
doesn't that describe like, half the genre lol
>Crow County is a simplistic version of the classics, doesn't do anything particularly new but it's charming
I don't disagree, but it excels in what it does. Unique art style for a horror game. I look forward to see what the devs have planned next.
Was cc successful?
Critically? Yes. Probably the most popular title since Signalis for the more dedicated horror fans. Financially, I'm not sure but it doesn't look high budget and for $20 per copy it probably made it's money back many times over.
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You think I didn't know page 10 was coming? This is my life's work! I'm not handing over ANYTHING!
Why did they get Rotolo back to play Birkin, but haven’t gotten any returning actors since then, and haven’t gotten him to play Frank again?
Curious what they will release next.
Are they on yt or so?
kinda looks like nu-james
Rev1 is inspired by Dante’s Inferno/Divine Comedy, and Rev2 is inspired by Franz Kafka’s works, primarily Metamorphosis.
Claire is a mix of Ripley and Sarah while Sherry is a mix of Newt and John.
Very much so, yes.
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Just found out that this released. Nice.
an underappreciated aspect of RE5 and 6 co-op is that call-and-response feature when someone gets a headshot kill

>"I appreciate it!"
Good. How long was dev time?
not sure about twitter but the two devs are on twitter but nothing new mentioned yet outside of minor updates to CC
Birkin got a raw deal :(
Nu-James looks like him you mean lol
Cute art. But is it good?
>Rev2 is inspired by Franz Kafka’s works, primarily Metamorphosis.
Seems like that could be RE6 too what with the chrysalis deal
Yes. The interactions were funny as shit. Made for light hearted goofing
you'd think more horror games would have erotic deaths like in tomb raider 2013
> How long was dev time?
Around two years.

Illusion Carnival is completely free.

It's sort of a bullet hell mixed with some interesting puzzles and walking segments, at least in chapter 1. I'd say it's pretty good.
You want House of Velez anon.
>like in tomb raider 2013
… examples?
it's true
and god bless the HoV dude for remaking it into what appears to be a fullsized game
>Partner takes 1 second longer than usual
>Begin spamming the "Come on!" call
Fun in its own silly way
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I'd love to talk about this game more somewhere, but it's 100% too colorful to ever talk about on /v/.
Does this include Fear and Hunger? I didn't see a general elsewhere. I like both games
might as well
You can definitely talk about it here.
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>Fear and Hunger
I prefer Calm and Breakfast
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>Silent Hill The Short Message
>Silent Hill Ascension
>Silent Hill f
2024, I am forgotten..
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horror is buying a multiplayer co-op game to play with friends & the devs do something dumb that causes all your friends to refund the game even though you personally didn't give a damn
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Without knowing what game you're talking about, I'm going to guess that it was a rape or a dog death that upset your friendos.
Come on now, anon. Don't be shy. Give us the deets.
edf 6 dared to use epic services for multiplayer crossplay
>>487667792 (Me)
that would be pretty crazy if the devs had raped me or my dog but i don't think i'd be able to remain so unbothered about that lol
I meant sell us the game, what's good, was bad?
2 years? Oh, boy. Minimum amount of devs? I'll check the game again.
sad but true
hype is nonexistent
You do not recognize the bodies in the water.
Bosses die after 6-7 caps.
>anon, I...
>what's good
The art and music is fucking fantastic. Genuinely some of the most stellar art design I've ever seen in a horror game and the music absolutely delivers the exact sort of feeling you'd get from a demented eldritch nightmare carnival like the game's setting.

The actual moment-to-moment gameplay is bullet hell stuff, with some light 'combat' elements where you can purify certain enemies before they deal damage to you. Inbetween combat or chase sequences, you have puzzles to solve and a few of them are pretty neat, like one that involves associating colors to certain concepts you've encountered or learnt about.

>what's bad?
The translation leaves a bit to be desired. You can still understand the general gist of things, but it's borderline schizophrenic. Which ironically, probably fits the game better than a more well-done translation ever would.
>Which ironically, probably fits the game better than a more well-done translation ever would.
Few such cases.
The unintended flaws improve the game.
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so i found this small clip on youtube of what is supposed to be a ps1 horror game. looks alot like resident evil, but its not, or at least its not a mainline title. anyone know what game this is?
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Alone In The Dark 4
thank you anon. ive never play alone in the dark, although i have seen game play. it always seemed like a jank resident evil. is it worth a playthrough? which one is easiest to get into as a newb to the franchise? not a big fan of point and click adventure games btw, not sure if thats relevant.
surprised we didn't die in that 2 and a half hours
I'm surprised we even survived 10 days... Is there a chance we're reaching the bump limit?
You bet
Same. Must have happened when the gacha spammers were asleep.
>it always seemed like a jank resident evil.
That’s more or less accurate
isn't that really most resident evil clones from that era?
>30 minutes
>page 9
It’s begun again. All hands on deck!
wasnt alone in the dark the first survival horror that uses the same gameplay style as resident evil?
the original is more or less the formula RE1 copied, which the creator is STILL mad about btw
Lol at him
Does anyone know how much crow country cost to ship?
>the original is more or less the formula RE1 copied
Really? I thought RE1 took more after Sweet Home, unless Alone in the Dark is where RE got its combat from?
RE got the camera angles and tank controls(and combat) from the original AITD for the most part, they just perfected it more or less
sweet home was more of a spiritual inspiration than anything
Ah I see, thanks. I should play it eventually just to see what it's like.
Mystery bump
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A bit of advice, try using bumps next time. Works better for page 10.
is there man who turns me on more?
I would like to once again recommend Phobia 1.5, They Breathe, and Horror Tales: The wine to anyone looking for some great quality horror.
Why the fuck did they add this stupid ghost hand grabbing thing to every Fatal Frame? I hate it so much
What happens when it becomes 1.0?
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me n the lads are all so excited

nah but fr after all my weekend plans to play edf 6 were disintegrated i do actually look forward to having something new(ish) to play
are those sex dolls
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almost ragequit
Those are the lads
What has the best space station?
Dead Space 1 and 2
System Shock
Alien Isolation
Aliens vs. Predator
more classic werewolves.
I guess I should add Doom 3...
Did Silent Hill 2 take place across about 24 hours
Re4 Leon is hard to beat
DS1/2 > SS > AI
I don’t remember AVP’s to be frank
Who did it right? Casgoyine?
not a horror game but I really like Prey 2016's ship
>I haven't played it
would you classify Prey as horror?
It does have horror elements and it certainly is an eerie game.
Are you lettuce tred dai
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Based B.R.O.S

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