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Fuck You Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last thread: >>486032176

>Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png

▶Ways to Write
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI guide collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/qq2ed59i
AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Write prompts for next week’s Wholesome and Comfy Friday! Results: >>485687432

>(07/05) AetherRoom’s Closed Alpha Test will be starting on Monday, July 15th https://files.catbox.moe/unp7ss.jpg (embed)
(06/27) Google releases Gemma 2 https://blog.google/technology/developers/google-gemma-2/
(06/20) Anthropic releases Claude 3.5 Sonnet https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
(06/19) Dreamgen Opus Llama 3 70B https://hf.co/dreamgen/opus-v1.4-70b-llama3-gguf ; Euryale L3 70B on OpenRouter https://openrouter.ai/models/sao10k/l3-euryale-70b ; Qwen2 72B Magnum https://hf.co/alpindale/magnum-72b-v1
(06/15) New SpellBound Llama 3 finetune https://hf.co/hf-100/Llama-3-Spellbound-Instruct-8B-0.3
How are people doing today?
I've been better. What are you writing today?
Hi, SouthernAnon. Go fuck yourself.
Waiting on an email to arrive. Until then, nothing. The site's having issues...
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An email for what?
I think CoreWeave is collecting the data to blackmail you.
Something secret that I can't talk about.
Thanks for confirming, I was wondering if the server was down, or I was just mistyping my retardedly long password again.

On that note PLEASE get rid of the stupid circles on the password prompt so I can verify if my password is right or not.
>NAI doesn't have enough capacity to host the 70B for the alpha and Kayra at the same time
It's over...
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Damn it I had a cute lizard girl to annoy.
I get hosting the model on coreweave servers, but the site too? I could be browsing saved stories while I wait. And after I finally kicked the habit of cooming and deleting too...
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Sorry about the server issues, 70B testers.
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>Write prompts for >>next week’s<< Wholesome and Comfy Friday
>(07/05) AetherRoom’s Closed Alpha Test will be starting on >>Monday, July 15th<<
Oh no no no no...
Next time bake earlier.
Old news don't need to be changed. Try again next time, gemmyfag.
Instead we should have two news for the exact same thing, right? I thought trimming the op was le good!
It was a good idea, before you co-opted it so that you could shit up the fucking thread. Post a log.
Hi gemmyfag. The news item is the same, the alpha starting this week. Keep crying.
You guys are insane! No wonder claudefag shits and does whatever the fuck he wants here. You people prefer shit due to some retarted arbitrary rule you just made up.
What is it? Does the avoid section make you afraid of him?
Hi gemmyfag. You're worse.
You're equally shit. This isn't a NAI-exclusive thread. Just shut the fuck up about your console warring bullshit and share stories or logs, pictures, songs, literally anything tangentially related to AI, contribute to discussion, or fuck off.
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And it's wrong! The purpose of the op is to inform newfags/returning regulars. It should tell them that it's happening right now, and that they should check if they got in...
Don't bake a hundred posts early next time, retard.
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>TFW you're "admiring" the masterpiece you made yesterday and then you notice the foot with six toes
Said the dumb monkey that has to complain about "NAI-exclusive threads" every single fucking bake because otherwise the scary claudefag will come out of the shadows and destroy the thread. Have you ever thought that maybe... his opinions shouldn't matter?
Keep baking your calm thread, troll.
>Everyone who posts a 'jak is me somehow
Fuck you. Until he gets banned, his opinions do matter, because he shits up the thread, derails discussions with his pedantry, and seethes about NovelAI, all for the express purpose of lowering the overall quality of the threads. If you're not with me, you're against me. Get the fuck out.
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>notice a problem right after you post it
prepare for blackmail
>Half-assed gaslighting attempt
Indeed, so remove nai from op. That way he will stop complaining about it.
Fuck you.
Go bump your bread then: >>486318873
What? Don't you want to obey to your claude-sama? Surely he'll stop trolling when we listen to all of his demands, right?
I'm done here. I've got better things to do than to try and convince you two retards.
Good riddance
See: >>486326024
Goodbye and have a good day.
I don't work for Claudefag, troll. You're a fucking miserable little faggot. Quit console warring. Just post a fucking log. If you can't do that, fuck off. It's that simple. Get that through your thick skull.
Cohere will save us.
Next OP just released: https://rentry.org/aidsop
Fuck off, troll.
So far this is the best thread I think.

Fuck you.
>the gemmy troll still doesn't want to let it go
The OP wars were supposed to end 2 months ago...
this general only has like 5 topics of discussion on loop and 4 of them are flavors of arguments, why would you try to deprive us of one of them
Why is Gemma 2 9b not working?
Having trouble writing something comfy and wholesome.
>Writing about an eager young apprentice sent on a trial all on her lonesome
>About five hundred words in, catch myself going into details about the decayed ruins of the fallen kingdom she wanders
>delete a few paragraphs and try again
>find myself writing about the poor apprentice's imposter syndrome kicking into high gear
Why can't I keep things light? What the hell lol
Ask Claude to write instead.
Sometimes I do that for brainstorming, but I feel like asking the AI to write the prompt for you defeats the whole point of sharing prompts. Thanks for the suggestion though.
Sounds like you have a crippling addiction to lore and conflict. Thoughts and prayers that you recover
How many generals was that? This was the one that survived the purge?
If Adventure Time can have wholesome shit in a post apocalyptic place, you can do it too
Shit, there's a whole genre called "soft apocalypse," I keep getting these cute little shorts about it that of course, I xan't find right now
6. No.
found one
this dude's shit is fucking gay, but it's wholesome, comfy world set in the skeleton of our old one
Is it comfy, feeling the layers of lore and worldbuilding pile up around you like a blanket? Is it wholesome, to see a problem in your companion and raise her out of it?
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Glad we got a Russian-Froggirl-Free thread.
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Good evenin’, thread! I hope ya’ll are doin’ great today.
The concepts ain’t mutually exclusive, y’know? I recommend ya read `Yokohama Shopping Log` to see what I mean by that.
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I'm doing well.
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>looking through huge folder with artists as filenames
>get curious and ask chatgpt if it can make a script to look at the folder, take filenames and use a set number for a prompt
>it works
Neat. Pity it's too late to try it, plus it'll probably be shit anyway.
Imagine being so obsessed with attention you go out of your way to fake (You)s.
Holy yikes. Claudia is NOT doing good mentally if she's that desperate.
I'm doing more or less okay. Got the email back. Things are good to go.
That’s good.
Indeed it is, my little toaster. Indeed it is.
>>486352382 (me)
I'm taking about myself, of course. I'm not doing well mentally...
Fuck off, troll.
For fuck sake, go back to bed or stick a pinecone up your ass.
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Ghetto Recap


Catgirl MMO >>486036164
In English, Doc? >>486060296
Falling In-HUH?! >>486075574 >>486079071 (Bonus Song)
Sylveon's Sleepy Snack (Not Vore) >>486096880
Dark Clouds >>486134215
I was Born In An Elvish Village >>486182050
Village Girl 19 (Vussy When?) >>486185767
New Student >>486224514
Get Out Of The Way, Sybil >>486230635
Star Wars >>486252936
The Newbie >>486253843
Phind Is A Weird Model Name >>486257289
Dreamin' >>486276763
Ballads >>486308269 >>486310626

Notable Posts:

This Started a 100+ Reply Debate >>486032901
Insert Overused Smiling Friends S2 Joke Here >>486054703
Taboo >>486055225 >>486055775 >>486055781>>486058694 >>486059840 >>486060089 >>486060532 >>486060769 >>486061342
The Definition Of Comfy >>486070004 >>486070656 >>486070668 >>486072774 >>486074075 >>486075295 486073481
Richardbros... >>486073408 >>486073897 >>486076376
Don't Use Sankaku. >>486105023 >>486105391 >>486106150 >>486105581 >>486106242 >>486106961 >>486107505 >>486107731
Aini Cakes >>486121440 >>486122485
Unreplied Feel >>486159830
Dog Paintings >>486180060 >>486180770 >>486183675 >>486202136 >>486181897 >>486214150>>486216318 >>486216345
Technically ENF >>486184341
Toe's Of Hoe >>486186514
Nick Walton Glowup >>486201453 >>486201559 >>486201652
Sybils >>486203787 >>486205330 >>486206138 >>486208935 >>486208610 >>486209414 >>486215680 >>486218413 >>486219379
Meta Moment >>486224973
Smell >>486225830
Fap Cat >>486229141
New Waifu? You Decide >>486235743
Gabbaluoh? >>486241151
Cookie Elf >>486255841 >>486256579
D&D And AI >>486271315 >>486271737 >>486277380 >>486279160 >>486272345
Inpainting Fun >>486295431
Airplane Mod Likes 3.5, Shocking. >>486316793
You are the hero we need but don't deserve GhettoAnon. Thank you for your tireless service.
I'm glad I was out downtown during the thread war.

It's weird how people flip out over the littlest things.
Have there been any recent developments on the whole Skyrim NPCs using AI front? It seems like the last developments were 10 months ago.
Tolkien elves are cool and I like them. Yeah, I said it.
Since most of those used open AI I imagine many people were priced out
I had a weird question for AI.
>Back in ye olden times, people drank the equivalent of very light beer, as it was the safest way to re-hydrate. If after a SHTF scenario and Water treatment plants were found, and attempted to be repaired, but the chlorination process was either lost or forgotten, would it be feasible to alcoholize the water as an alternative water treatment process?

Answers: https://rentry.org/Waahtah
It's funny that they both give pretty similar answers.
>236B parameters MoE model
>128k context
>only $0.28
Maybe if they host the base model.
>Two of my posts in the last thread got jannied
>While the ones with explicit content linked and similarly risque image attachments remain

Must have gone to get more hotpockets and forgotten to delete the rest.
How much of a newfag are you? Links offsite aren't off-topic. You can link to porn all you want with Catbox, you can even link to outright smut videos and links other than Catbox. The only thing they care about is hosting it on the site.
The confusing part is that the two which were deleted didn't have any explicit content nor off-topic discussion, so I'm having a hard time divining the rationale behind deleting those, specifically.
You get the quality you pay for.
low effort, 1 word furry gen +2 low poly anthro
How is that related to video games?
Threadly reminder that the only faggot who gives a shit about imagegen "not being related to video games" is a shitposter who wants to kill the thread. Fuck off, troll. Cry about it the fucking mods, shut the fuck up, and share a log.
What ever happened with Mistral and Mixtral? They seemed so promising, then i stopped paying attention for a bit and now there's nary a mention of them or any successor models anywhere.
Firs time coming back to AI Roguelite after a long time. Did they remove the ability to use NAI for imagegen or am I going blind? I see where I can use the API for textgen, but also wanted to use for imagegen. Wanted to get a monster girl playthrough run up and running and I'm assuming the free web one will shy away from nudity
What the hell? Restarted AIR and I see it now. I swear it wasn't there a moment ago. Um, nevermind/thanks I guess?
Max Moah Moment.
Hurricane's done. I just got my power back after over a week of boiling my brain in this faggot fucking heat and I just wanted to say that Southern Anon still sucks horse cock.
That reminds me, has anyone here tried his Diablo-like game? Only has 20 reviews but says "Mostly Positive." Literally just called AI Roguelite 2D. I don't know what it uses/allows but some of the negative reviews says its taking more than 20 minutes to generate what it needs to start playing?
This summer can fuck off forever, holy shit it was bad this time. With power back, hopefully you can keep cooler with fans and AC or whatever. I don't mind SA.
Damn, yall were out of power that fucking long? What the fuck is Texas doing? Not even we (florida) are that incompetent
Uncle Crassius has been feeding the lusty argonian maid a bit too well, methinks
That reminds me when they had the blackout because it was too cold. Now it happened when it was too hot
Does NAI trial give you the same model as paid NAI? I wish to return to convenient, user-friendly cooms.
Yes, it does.
thats not an argonian bro, thats a domesticated deathclaw
Yeah, trial is 50 free gens at 6k context I think? Do yourself a favor and make sure hypebot is turned off, I don't know if its off by default. Hypebot consumes gens so unless you really want it, set it to manually activate, or set to low occurrence, it will eat up your free gens
I guess that's one way to keep her from eating you.
It's just part of the fun of having a separate grid from the rest of the country because the government cunts didn't want to improve the infrastructure. So we get a shitty and incompetent private company that can't even trim the fucking trees so that they won't fall on the damn powerlines.
this vibe mix really likes reptiles, it seems
Not my thing, but the images are pretty good
Awww. Guess I'll hold off until nai imagegen is supported
Can you post the vibes?
Does it have OR support?
definitely my thing
especially since the bikini looks like poorly disguised scale paint
Openrouter, right? Store page doesn't show what it supports. Searched discussions for
>open router
No results I'm afraid. From what I can gather, seems to support local, something called Sapphire, and there is a free web one.
Assuming it uses the same as AI Roguelite, maybe, I screenshotted what options that one has
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Traci scares me.
I hope I live to see AI generated video games. This is how I imagine it looking.
That makes 2 of us. Heres to hoping, fren
positive vibe:
negative vibe for the deathclaw:
negative vibe for the bikini lizard:
negative vibe for pic related:
0.6 and -0.6 for all of them
So begins the wacky misadvantures of Dan Bittenbender...
That last one seems to do hands really well.
I noticed that, myself
I haven't gotten any bad hands with that positive vibe
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how can someone so aggressively wholesome be this powerful
Someone inpaint strip this elf.
That vibe really nails the low-poly/minecraft look.
I also hate how asking for a plate carrier will get you literal plates 25% of the time.
Which vibe was that? Traci here is vibeless
I assumed the low-poly look was vibed.
or did you mean actual vibes and not vibe transfer? sorry
Oh okay. Not vibed, just has
>{{{low poly,}}}
as very first tag and
>3d (artwork),
near the end. Was lucky enough to get the feel
>it's THAT easy for AIR to trigger the nai imagegen limits
how long does it block you from image genning?
aini...why have you forsaken me...
Vibe transfer is a bit too literal for my taste.
Yeah, that's why I usually use them in pairs to try and distill the positive vibe down to what I want.
That is a :D if I ever saw one. Are they standing in a bathroom shower?
Looks like a waterfall, I didn't specify. Just testing vibes.
why am I like this
We need our daily dose of monster rape (and perhaps mice too)
RIP hmomafag, gone but not forgotten
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where the prompts at?
>70B for the alpha
>70B testers.
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Is there a direct upgrade to Xwin-MLewd-13B-V0.2 yet, or is that still the best local ERP model out there for an RTX 4080?

Tried asking /lmg/ on /g/ but they're fucking useless. All they talk about is how many shekels they spend buying cards.
Use Claude.
I have no bbno₹ and want privacy
You could try to see if there are any interesting Gemma tunes, but the models most people care about now are bigger than 13B. Which is probably why they're talking about buying cards.
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Where can I go to get a better selection to look through. I'm searching "Gemma" on HuggingFace and have no idea how to narrow things down to models that are tuned more for NSFW, or which uploaders focus on that kind of stuff.
There really isn't. You can try cross-referencing through the usual spots like that llama subreddit. If you're particularly daring, you could look in AI discords. I think the ST one has a channel specifically for posting local RP models.
Maybe you can try looking at https://eqbench.com/creative_writing.html too? If it's to be believed, the gemma models hold their own by themselves anyway.
Someone please leak AR test findings I'm so starved for content even pure larp will do
Trust me you don't want them

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