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Rush Duel General #28

Previous Thread: >>483636202

A general to discuss everything Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel, playable on EDOPro and Duel Links, plus the Go Rush anime.

>Recommended simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android):https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Duelingbook (online). Visit:https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “rdg” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful links
How to:https://www.konami.com/yugioh/rushduel/howto/
Probability calculator:http://yugioh.party



>Upcoming RUSH releases
Structure Deck: Birth of Hero (Jul 13)
Dark Matter of Phantoms (Aug 10)

>Duel Links stuff
Asana Event (Jun 25-Jul 5)
Upcoming Bundle Deal (Jun 27)

Thread question: Who should be added next to Duel Links (besides Tiger obviously)?
We /drg/ now.
Skip straight to the Gohan Brothers. I just want to fusion summon already.
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Hoping for more cute cards/archerypes to come out soon.
Anyone would be fine with me. But I don't think they'll add anyone in-between Tiger and Yuo.
Yuo would be the best case scenario. Not only do you get to play up his introduction with the idea of adding fusion as a celebration but it also means we can get a lot of middling/situational fusions out of the way earlier as pack filler
Taiga is based. I really realty want her to be the next unlock. For the sprites mostly because I don't even play that greedy game.
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Will psychics ever stop being shit in DL?
The problem is that they have no reliable debuffing skill and no innate way of answering Set 3 pass (and getting spanked on their turn)
Some of their fusions help a bit with this but its gonna be a rough ride for Psychics until Konami gives them a strong skill
>>Upcoming RUSH releases
>Structure Deck: Birth of Hero (Jul 13)
>Dark Matter of Phantoms (Aug 10)
True Legend Awakening Pack (Oct 12)
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Another Romanpick would help
Isn't this the scene where he looks like a total creep?
Haruka was confirmed to be coming the moment the initial voice lines were leamed
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What were they thinking??
fusions will save them
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We need more ninja girls in this game.
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They actually did one of the other versions? I thought it was just the legend one
It's a full Archetype. Jinzo Amplified, Jinzo Returner, Machine Menace, and Jinzo 7.
Who's the chick to the left?
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No, that's the scene where he looks like a shut-in. Pic related is the scene where he pulls a funny prank.
That's a doll of Kudzu the Bruised Shadow Flower.
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I love Epoch chan.
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Yeah, it's a really nice looking card. What a huge improvement over what it looked like in the anime.
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>Gets used just once as fusion material, and is never seen again
Why? He actually looked cool now
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I forgot these were a thing.
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Too bad Asana still didn't made that big of a splash. I'm just hoping for the western release to make Rush more popular.
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hybridrives are yuhi's monster cards.
Is this the famous Yugioh style everyone says they miss?
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>Trap poly
Those are always garbage.
Holy fuck. Sex
Effect? I didn't realize it was a new card yesterday.
Your opponent excavates the top 3 cards of their Deck and reveals them, also, if there are 2 or more monsters among them, during this turn, this card can attack twice, also, your opponent places the excavated cards on the top of their Deck in any order.
It's not trap poly. It's one-turn battle destruction protection and if it's used on a fusion monster you get to add the materials back to your hand from the GY.
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in a rocker outfit.
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Still the non nostalgiabait card that got the most reactions.
I like Dark Matter Hips.
My bad. It has Asana's monsters aesthetics rather than his.
Tour Guide's sister
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>that time Gakuto became a Nazi general and launched an attack on Japan's coast
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I hope his next few episodes evolve their strategy further. It was funny that him being pissed off at Zwijo's attitude was enough justification to whip these out though
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All that's needed is just one more for ygo's own Quintessential Quintuplets
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Epoch is what the show needed to thrive from day 1. Too bad they added her far too late.
God I hate the KOG system. Its genuinely the worst fucking ranked system I've seen. Win five in a row! Against decks that have innate comeback mechanics!
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Stop playing that shit game. EDO is all you need to play actual Rush.
I hope the physical version comes out soon. I need a better view of that art
opinion on the new 2 new rovian support cards
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RD/KP18-JP042 Plandolin-a-la-Mode
Level 7 WIND Psychic Fusion Effect Monster
ATK 2200
DEF 2000
Materials: “Plandolin” + “Fiddlebadour”
[CONTINUOUS EFFECT] If you would Fusion Summon a Level 8 or higher WIND monster with the effect of “Fusion” or “Psyquip Fusion”, you can also use Psychic monsters in your GY as material, if you do, shuffle materials from field or GY into the owner’s Deck.
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RD/KP18-JP052 Psyquip da Capo
Normal Spell Card
[EFFECT] Send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the GY, then, you can choose 1 “Fusion” or “Psyquip Fusion” in your GY and place it on the top or bottom of your Deck. If you returned a card, then you can choose 1 WIND Psychic monster, “Fusion” or “Psyquip Fusion” in your GY and add it to the hand.
>specific materials
Are those still viable in the contact fusion era?
So pretty.
it depend on the power level of the contact fusions in general overall
They jumped from gypsy to native American aesthetics.
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That's clearly a gypsy.
Flame scarab neos looks so cool man.
At least she stuck around.
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Name of the first spell??
Shape of Aqua
EDO or Omega better? Or at least has the bigger audience.
I meant the ones closest to the viewer, my bad. Still, that's a pretty wholesome cars too.
EDO definitely. I don't think I've ever even managed to get matched on Omega. Then again, I uninstalled it rather quickly, so maybe I'm wrong.
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I hope they'll include Ranze one of these days even though they already released her cards. She's a good girl and not a slut.
I remember quite vividly that she was quite a slut.
Mage Broom Power
>Make a parody version
>Bring in the proper later
Classic Konami
Well, yeah, but the real one is a Legend. This one is weaker, but you could have multiple ones in your deck if you wanted.
I'm glad that Psychics get anything at all at this point
Cute loli Lily
The strongest
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How do I get into Rush on DL?
Never played DL but I wanna play Rush.
You need to unlock Sevens World. I think the "normal" way to do it is to get DM World to stage 10 and do the unlock missions for Sevens World. But you can also do it by going to the shop and viewing a box with Rush Duel cards in it and then I think you get a prompt that allows you to unlock it right away.
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Konami doesn't hate money or anything. So whatever can be used to extend the life of the game will be used. I think it's possible that characters that already seemingly missed the boat could show up later on if they need more characters for events. Especially since a bunch of these characters' decks get fusion support later down the line.
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Post the upgrade version
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Gakuto, Nail, Yuga, who else did she attach herself to?
Aren't they brothers??
ranze's brother is rinnosuke, not gakuto.
Mostly as a servant, though she does respect his growth when he stopped clowning so much
I forgot why she wanted to serve him but he really wanted to get rid of her at every/any opportunity, even though she was mostly professional about it
Temporary crush because he's pretty manly
Crush and actively stalked probably for the same reasons Yuka and Asaka fall for him
Worked for Duke and Grandpa so pretty much yeah.
Glasses girl is always best girl
Solomon at least got proper support in a main set recently
Duke's was a quick failed grab
Its a pity too Dice skills could've been great. Seriously they made that shit worse then baseline skills the only good one was the Orgoth. Did they really think making good skills to boost dice cards would've broken fuckall?
Bear in mind that Duel Linkxs rush isn't really rush because it has extra rules.
Sherry too. Her ace monster has been in the game for a really long time and she got added as a playable character just recently along with newer support for her deck.
Baron de fleur never
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Well, she is there as a skill at least. And Sherry even has voice lines for her. You never know if the card might make it in. It's unlikely because it's banned in OCG now, but it could happen eventually.
If anyone's up for watching the team wars anyway
Sure, why not? I've never watched one of these.
Did they really create an entire new channel for Rush only?
Its basically its own League/Team Wars channel. Sometimes different teams would get players to compete for prizes so this is the Rush version of that
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Synchros need to come out first.
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Context was about sherry. We still have more of gx to go. Or do u want em to skip for a 3rd?
I wish that they didn't jump into synchros yet. I want to see more original stuff like Maximuns again.
Have maxes even been in Go? I know game wise there was support for that Diablo thing
In Go Rush? Yeah, they introduced them right at the start of season 2. Fusion is used more, but a couple of characters still have maximums that they use.
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>respect your ancestors
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Whats yours /rdg/?
Both mainline Rush and DL rush are fair game
They should add a time travel mechanic too.
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RD/KP18-JP029 叛骨のメイニ Hankotsu no Meini (Meini the Defiant Soul)
Level 2 WIND Zombie Effect Monster
ATK 1000
[REQUIREMENT] Send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the GY.
[EFFECT] Choose 1 face-up “Guyghast the Defiant Soul” or “Schlecht the Defiant Soul” on your field. That monster gains 700 ATK and cannot be destroyed by your opponent’s effects until the end of the opponent’s next turn.

RD/KP18-JP030 叛骨のスフレース Hankotsu no Schlecht (Schlecht the Defiant Soul)
Level 3 WIND Zombie Effect Monster
ATK 1200
[REQUIREMENT] Send 1 monster from your hand to the GY.
[EFFECT] Choose 1 monster on your opponent’s field and change its battle position. If there are 5 or more monsters in your GY, then, you can choose 1 “Guyghast the Defiant Soul” in your GY and add it to the hand.

RD/KP18-JP031 叛骨のガイガスト Hankotsu no Guyghast (Guyghast the Defiant Soul)
Level 5 WIND Zombie Effect Monster
ATK 1800
[REQUIREMENT] If there are 5 or more monsters in your GY, send 1 monster from your hand to the GY.
[EFFECT] Choose 1 face-up Level 8 or lower monster on your opponent’s field and destroy it, also, during this turn you cannot Tribute this face-up card for a Tribute Summon.
card stream.
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>Antique Gearu managing to beat what is essentially the main deck of the format & will continue to be for some time
NA NO NE bros I cannot wait for October
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>lv3 + 1k- atk
yup, rush tgu
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Fusion Summon themed tournament for the physical game in September and October. Basically confirms Yuo as the next character for Duel Links
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Yuoh is the fun goha.
Tiger waiting room for august...
sex with birds
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Is this from an ad? I hope they update it to YT soon.
So is Yuo confirmed yet?
Outside of the current celebration giving Speed and Rush Dream tickets and yet another speed mini, I dont think anything's happening on the rush side right away.
Maybe next month we'll get something
So, no Go Rush! world this year?
>No west release announcement
it's jover
We dont really know yet. They basically only made an announcement regarding what's happening in the immediate future and not what's coming mid/late next month or the month after
We were waiting for worlds, not this Japan exclusive event.
So Sky Fossils this set just like how we got Ishida the last one? Don't see why run this over Dark Lurker spam in regular Zombies.
Darn, I was hoping we'd get a super mini at least. Not having new cards to play with is a drag when the format hasnt changed much
Another tournament today
Thanks for sharing!
Cool. I love little things like this Rush duels can do.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if we got HERO early in DL like we did Harpies. At the very least Avian, Burst Lady, bubbleman and flame wingman multiples, and then maybe 1 ofs of clayman and sparkman due to their higher stats, with thunder giant and mudball man.
Watch thunder giant be something to purchase and then get hit like negate attack
The wait is killing me, man.
>Another machine win
They cant keep getting away with it
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Honestly I dont think anything short of more limits is gonna stop it, unless they look to powercreeping with Fusion really quickly.
Even then, Innovator is a card that still does well even in modern play. Its basically evergreen by design
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Cool references.
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Salamandeus of Scorching is the next main set. Bet on Manabucoin.
Seems like fusion is confirmed, along with Galaxy types.
As a side note, I’m not even sure that the types listed for the fusion monsters are the official names for them. Besides Galaxy
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>Go Rush and Fusion confirmed
Hell yeah. Shame we'll still have to wait for a bit to get it all, but I'm willing to endure a while yet if it means a few big things are coming
Isn’t a little too early, I get why they adding Galaxy types, but they just started the 10th arc last week.
Depends on how one interprets it.
Something being in the game's files doesn't mean it'll be here immediately, but it does lay the groundwork for the eventual release.
Adding Galaxy type could mean that its possible we might see a card or two soon, but I get the feeling they'll do as they always do and hold everything related to that Type till Yudias and co actually appear, since Go Rush made a big deal of it being a "new" type.

I also doubt they're gonna just rush headlong into Go Rush's plot since Sevens still can be finished - what I expect is that they'll release the world and focus Rush releases on both Sevens and slow-roll Season 1 of Go Rush at a pace similarly to how DSOD panned out when it came along
Wonder what's gonna be the first round of fusions
My bet is that its gonna be
>Yuo's Cyborgs
goes with the character/box theme
>Raidacross Ash
just to shill that SD again
>A couple of Omega Psychics
the deck is still ass
>Something for Dragons
Dragiastar F might happen or we get cards that mention "High Dragon like Dragonic Demolisher
If the first round of fusions is the plot-related stuff from the Yuo event, it's definitely a couple of Metarion and Dragiastar F. And then if The Lukeman is part of that event and doesn't get his own, Sevens Road Paladin too. They always introduce the event character's monsters and the one that the MC used to beat him. I could also see them dropping some of the bad nostalgiabait ones that weren't in the anime like Gaia the Dragon Champion or Flame Swordsman either as pack filler or dumped into the Card Trader's inventory. I think the other characters are going to have to wait until the second wave to get theirs.
cool galaxy are a perfect follow up.
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I don't know, we still have some Sevens to go. I was hoping they'd release Go Rush world after the anime was over in hopes that they'd do something like Arc-V and VRAINS and have the story take place after the anime instead of getting more of these lame events that just retell the story of the anime poorly and with a bunch of missing characters.
> like Arc-V and VRAINS and have the story take place after the anime instead of getting more of these lame events that just retell the story of the anime poorly and with a bunch of missing characters.
You would be better off waiting for the rush duel anime say anything about them. Duel links literally only exists to be a pointless card money sink than anything substantial story wise.
It's not that I'm invested in the story or think that it's canon. The story of the Arc-V events in particular is pretty boring too. But I'll still take that over anime recaps. Especially because the amount of characters active in the story in Go Rush at any given time is going to make the plot of those events a mess.
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Don't be too hasty about Go being added in yet as iirc the dub hasn't begun. Yes there's confirmation of them doing it, but nothing solid has been said about a "air" date or what network / service it'll be on. Could easily just be adding the monster type in as a placeholder for thinking ahead about what they have in mind next. Remember, cross promo.
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Post the glasses one.
>Her name is Karen
Well that's unfortunate
What a turn off.
Same, wtf.
I mean, it sounds kinda cute but the stereotype has ruined it forever.
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Just look at her ready to speak to the manager
She's going to complain about the salinity of the water.
She looks smug there but her usual self looks so cute and friendly, total opposite of a Karen.
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CanD best girl!
Reminds me, if Phaser can transform into a Dragon (and then a Dragon-man), then shouldnt Tremolo also have the same ability?
Yes, but it's not so much an ability as it is their biology. They're dragons. Phaser seems to be going through dragon puberty, so during his arc he was transforming during the night without even realizing it. During his duel with Yudias, Dudi temporarily aged him up and it fully transformed him into an adult dragon. Tremolo is younger, so he's still in humanoid form, although he does have superhuman physical abilities.
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So, how do people feel about the new skills?
Asana's skill is bad mostly because Asana is missing a humongous chunk of her card pool
I think it would be bad even if she had more cards. No one needs field spells except for wyrms, so that field spell for the activation is going to have to be yours. So you need to set a field spell, hope that the opponent doesn't remove it, and THEN you get to draw a Buildragon. Meanwhile, everyone else is getting free stat boosts, piercing, and position changes every turn. The worst thing is, I think that this should be around the power level that skills should have. Just being able to search your boss monster should be powerful. But it just isn't because the top tier decks have bullshit skills that do way more than this.
I still wish they had just kept rush as is without the skills in Duel Links.
psychics always win.
Meta/Mira Giases really just dont get any favors huh
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I'm glad Yuga got a mat with his wife this event
You'd think we'd have the Mad Max field already. I don't know why they're holding back Yosh's stuff.
Probably because it buffs fiends, which used to be OP and are still pretty strong, and machines, which are currently OP.
What a lovely couple indeed.
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yeah they really are
Its more that we already got the Beast Gears before the innovator came out, and if they were worried they could've stuffed it to a skill. Of the various few types we have left in Rush Duels Beast Gears don't have one, neither do Zombies and Dinosaurs. And all of the above could do with one proper.
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I need the phanter and Mole versions NOW
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RD/KP16-JP061 バーニング・ウィンド Burning Wind
Normal Trap Card
[REQUIREMENT] When your opponent’s Level 5 or higher monster declares an attack targeting your monster.
[EFFECT] Choose 1 face-up Warrior monster on your field and have it gain 1000 ATK during this turn, then, you can choose which of your monsters is targeted for that attack.
Hero barrier got an upgrade
Pack filler is so boring
We're getting close to newer sets more exciting stuff coming up soon.
The fact that Beast Gear has been around for so long is precisely the reason why I think their field spell isn't in the game because it got hit as collateral damage for nerfing other decks. They've been doing that from the start in DL. Psychics keep getting nerfed to try to keep aggro pile in check. The Bubble Era field spell was hilariously hit on release just so that it wouldn't help Dragias. At this point, I really do think that Beast Gear World not being in is because of machines. Even if Mirror Innovator is a lot more recent, it's not like they didn't know about it beforehand.
I know you aren't wrong about that. I do wish they'd have released Beast Over World at least then.
With all the effort they put into trying to prevent people from mixing monsters from different archetypes, playing defensively, or using strategies other than beatdown, I really hope that at some point they ease up and let us just play the damn game.
I imagine it'll change overtime. Early duel links strongest monsters were Axe Raider, Karate Man, and Wonder Balloons of all fuckin' things.
I just want them to stop gimping Gav. The poor mans already suffered his early life breakdown.
Why does Romin's skill change levels? How does that help Psychics in any way?
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Peak Zombie design.
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My problem with how DL has been handling Rush Duel isn't about the power level. My problem is with how the devs seem so intent in not allowing players to build decks that can do anything other than rely on the skill button. Effect damage? Ban list. Tribute engine? Ban list. Trap card that can actually help you win (which is a small list thanks to skills making every "reduce enemy's attack" trap useless)? Ban list. Effect monster that can set up plays? Ban list.
Well if you want effect damage currently Vulcan decks do it well but I understand your point.
It hints at getting the other CAN:D upgrade, Melo:D
Yeah, I actually do enjoy Vulcan. Maybe that one isn't going to get nerfed because, being a Maximum, you can't play defensively. But either way, I really get the feeling that the intention with Rush Duel in DL is to make it way more simple than it needs to be.
Can't wait for the rest of Neo-Spacian Fusions and of course Triple Contact Fusions
Same except for the Yubel one.
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>and Wonder Balloons of all fuckin' things.
I still remember that first Legendary Duelists set with reprints of popular DL cards like Balloons and Sphere Kuriboh hoping to get some of the digital only players to try out the TCG. God, what a shitty fucking product
Honestly, its existence still baffles me. OCG/TCG gets sets with reprints of really old cards every now and then. Why the need to label these as Speed Duel in the first place?
>Make a product that's the exact same but with text slapped on it that they have to buy again to play the game
I wonder why.
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Not the Speed Duel sets. I mean the Legendary Duelist sets that introduce new legacy support cards like the recent Duelists of Brilliance set with the Tachyon support. The very first of these sets had reprints of those popular Duel Links cards for seemingly no other reason than they really thought the runaway success of DL would mean people flocking to stores to pull Sphere Kuribohs irl
Well, that one's just nostalgia bait. That always sells. Lots of people collect the cards even if they're not playable in any real format. Especially when it's DM. Speed Duel pretending to be a new product but being reprints with an extra label was the baffling one. Especially when reprints like that one already exist.
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What are "Tearlaments" doing in the rush zone?!
>Well, that one's just nostalgia bait. always sells
You would think, but they've been cutting some of those sets into other products as import slots instead of doing them proper
that's the cosmos princess from the spell card.
Hero neos with a black tint and hero neos with a brown tint.
Surely that cosmos is just a prop
Gigantic waifu fetush taken to the extreme.
she creates and changes outer space by existing.
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I'm surprised that's not a legend too.
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I appreciate their commitment to the いちご gimmick
What's that??
that's a dark monster, it doesn't get searched by the skill
But it's the only one that benefits from the level change. I think you're meant to use it when you already have Melo:D in your hand. Sure, the fact that you can't search Melo:D makes the skill worse. But making psychic skills almost decent but falling short is pretty much what we've come to expect. And compared to the other two skills in the leak, this one's not even that bad.
The other issue is that the skill also requires you to have CAN:D to be useful too. If you have one or the other then it's pretty good but if you have neither than it's completely worthless.
I think it could be useable with just CAN:D, since at least it's adding either a Jam:P Up or a boss monster. Requiring CAN:D is going to be a trend from now on, it seems, since a bunch of the psychic support is CAN:D-centric. It could be worse. The Luke skill is going to require multiple copies of Miragias and/or Metagias to do anything and it still won't be good even if you have them.
The skill would be amazing if it read that you could search a light level seven Psychic if you changed the level or a normal monster, but if you did it to CAN:D specifically, you can add any level seven Psychic monster.
fruit fairy.
What's this archetype's boss monster even? I don't think I saw any yet.
Berry Fresh Happiness Harvest
During your Main Phase that you Normal Summoned or Special Summoned this card, send up to 2 other cards from your hand and/or field to the Graveyard.
This card gains ATK equal to [the number of cards sent to the Graveyard to meet the requirement] x 1500 until the end of your opponent's next turn. Then, if you have 5 or more Aqua Type monsters in your Graveyard, this card cannot be destroyed by your opponent's Spell/Trap Card effects until the end of their next turn.
Nice. Loli that powers up.
Yeah, summoning a level 1 loli that suddenly turns into a 3100 beater immune to s/t destruction is pretty funny. And with the field spell, it can be 4100. The field spell also buffs all of the other Berry Fresh monsters, many of which can increase their own attack by 1500, so this deck apparently pumps out 2600 beaters very easily.
Damn. She truly is the boss monster. I thought they would release a mother figure monster that would be the boss like the Vernusylphs in the OCG. Pretty based move from Rush.
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the perennial gold/silver shitter trap
What a wholesome card.
Post the over Rush version
It's not on the wiki, since the card isn't released yet. Wait for next month.
Injection Fairy Lily forma de rushu
I think they gave the over rush to other card of the archetype iirc?
The Japanese word for strawberry is ichigo. The numbers 1 and 5 are also ichi and go. All the Berry Fresh monsters have 100 ATK and 500 DEF, and effects that revolve around the number 1500. Japan loves their wordplay
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the real queen of harpies.
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I fail to see the theme there...
plastic models.
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We need more rush events to get new art.
Upon closer inspection, you're right.
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Berry fresh reference sheet released.
Regular vs Powered up, maybe?
I hope artists make some art now that they have the concept art.
It doesn't mention such a thing in the notes but could headcanon it considering the clothes changes
>You want your leg warmers to be floofy or that dress to stand out? It'll require a sacrifice!
Oof. Those loli fairies are brutal.
Left is Berry Fresh Happiness and right is Berry Fresh Happiness Harvest. I guess the right one is ripe, since it's a strawberry.
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I can't wait till they release her as a maximum monter.
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RD/KP18-JP033 フォルスサンFalse Sun
Level 4 LIGHT Galaxy Effect Monster
ATK 400
DEF 1300
[REQUIREMENT] Shuffle 3 Galaxy monsters from your GY into the Deck.
[EFFECT] Choose 1 monster your opponent controls and change it to face-up Attack Position or face-down Defense Position, then, you can choose 1 “False Moon” in your GY and add it to the hand.
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RD/KP18-JP034 フォルスムーンFalse Moon
Level 4 DARK Galaxy Effect Monster
ATK 400
DEF 1300
[REQUIREMENT] During the turn this card is Normal Summoned, if there are 2 or more Galaxy monsters with 1300 DEF in your GY.
[EFFECT] Choose 1 Galaxy monster in your GY with 1300 DEF and Special Summon it in face-down Defense Position, then, you can change this card to face-down Defense Position.
rush duel version of sun dragon inti and moon dragon quilla?
This new Kirby archetype is looking good.
Next comes their eclipse fusion and then krako
Boy, these are cool.
That would be based.
Love the art.
They could just add cloudians.
Yeah, they could add trash. Let's hope they don't.
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Has rush even implemented counters? Seems like something that would kind of go against the purpose of the game being quick and easy
don't think so.
Hopefully never.
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RD/KP18-JP043 スターキャットエース・ニャンバスター Star Cat Ace Nyanbustar
Level 9 DARK Beast-Warrior Effect Monster
ATK 3000
DEF 200
Materials: “Cat Claw Girl” + “Dark-Eyes Breakstar Cat”
[CONTINUOUS EFFECT] This card gains 800 ATK x [The number of monsters in Defense Position on your opponent’s fields] and its attacks pierce.
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RD/KP18-JP010 虹眼の星猫 Rainbow-Eyes Star Cat
Level 2 LIGHT Beast Effect Monster
ATK 700
DEF 200
[REQUIREMENT] During the turn this card is Normal Summoned, if you control other face-up monster(s) with 200 DEF.
[EFFECT] Send cards from the top of your Deck to the GY x [The number of face-up Level 7 or higher monsters on the field], also, if there was a monster(s) among those cards, then, you can add up to 2 Level 7 monsters with 200 DEF in your GY to your hand.
>and its attacks pierce.
Weird terminology there.
Just pierce damage worded differently.
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Romin needs to come back as MC in YGO9.
Over rush are so crazy good looking.
>Tournament Mode coming
I hope is for Rush too and not only Speed. Is gonna be cool to have something to play as a group
Nice, I was hoping for more cat cards.
I could have sworn she was already a monster. Am I mistaken?
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I want to play this as a playmat when Rush is released in the West.
Please give me a topping decklist to try out.
Seconding this.
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Dice lists from Galaxy cups
Keep in mind that these are from about over a month ago. Sorry if the picture quality isn't that great but it is in the order of L-R from T-B of links.
Thanks, anon. Doing God's work.
Which Water decks are in Rush duel?
Maximun Sea Serpents and Neo Daedalus are the most popular ones, I think.
- level 3 fish
- Clean Beret
- dolphins
- water thunder
- Kappa
- Bubble Actress
- fish fusion
- Berry Fresh (not out yet but coming in the next pack)

Clean Beret, Thunder water, and Kappa might not have a lot to work with yet, though, since they were used by anime characters that didn't get a lot of duels.
The maximum sea serpents are dark and light, not water.
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Oh shit. I never realized before.
Understandable, since aquatic monsters are almost always water attribute in Yugioh and their generic support is usually for water rather than specific types. But Rush Duel has been shaking things up a bit in that regard, like Water attribute Pyros and Thunders or Aquas of all sorts of different attributes (thanks to Dian Keto's multiple jobs). The Dark Sea Serpent maximums do support sea serpents in general and Phaser even had Daedalus in his anime deck. But the Abysslayer cards that are meant to be used with them are all Dark.
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I don't think we're getting Go Rush World this year. The reason is that the series didn't even begin to air in US, it would be weird to reveal everyone's names and VAs through Duel Links.
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Shueisha cares that much about the western audience? Well, maybe...
For DL they kind of need eng voices and these may not even be casted yet
I love that scientist girl.
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To bad he's floodgate trash.

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