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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Made for rape.
She was asking for it showing off her panties when downed.
Sitting on Mature's face pissing down her throat
this but mature pissing on me
Vice is already occupying that role
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Hands off my pure wife degenerate scum.
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the jappas really named a bitch "mature"
is vanessa still shit in koof or did she get buffed back to greatness
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Still shit.
Behead all fgc e-celebs.
damn, that takes me back
No, Filia is made for crushing skyscrapers between her legs.
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Trying to create a way to visualize fighting game character archetypes.
just found out about the granpoo delay cr.light drama. how do we feel about this?
I'm not trans so I don't keep up with Granpoo
nigga called sean a grappler
Skullgirls would be getting 1k+ players to this day if it was a normal 1vs1 game and not tagshit.
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Hell I'd play it if it was strictly 1v1. But Mike Z is a fag who can't do anything right.
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Hm? Now that you mention it, his command grabs are low-hitgrabs. So I guess he should be closer to the mix-up / vortex with the bushinryu ninja types. Fair point.
hxh :)
eighting :(
tag <:(
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i wish i was elphelt
we know, timmy
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Danger: This image is for this anon only. Do not open it if you are not this anon.
nigga posted sissification slop what is wrong with geartroons bruh
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Why does Guilty Gear make people this way?
Its character designs are a cognitohazard.
Something in the game resonates with timmy's latent gay genes
Archetypes don't fit into neat diagrams like that. El Fuerte is an evasive character with lots of air moves but also has command grabs, and in fact that kind of movement grappler is pretty common in a bunch of games. Shermie, Ramon, El Blaze, and so on.

Likewise, you can find instances of defensive turtles and keepaway zoners also being mixup/vortex/rushdown characters. poison in both appearances, Z Broly, yamazaki are all examples of characters that are strong up close and at long range and have strong mixups and oki.

Also Bison's kit doesn't change as drastically as some of the characters on there, he basically plays very similarly in every incarnation despite the changes. Vega also has two totally different versions (charge/motion) but the end result is a character that plays very similarly. You can't really call Terry a mixup character either, he mostly relies on universal mechanics for mixups and doesn't have notably better oki than the cast in general.
western players can't stop fellating tagslop despite the fact that people only play it when it's attached to a big IP
foreign studio: we want to make fighting game
the western vappa that infiltrated their ranks: make it.... assistslop
why is sissy hypno so hot?
they really restarted development on project l just to turn it into a doa tag party masher
this coming from the guy who +1s bridget
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you're fucking kidding? koihime is getting new characters?????
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don't care, i'm maining annie.
What's that got to do with gayass timmys playing guilty gear.
his reveal really threw them a bone
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Whose reveal?
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All the right moves.
Can't believe vice and mature have fused into sharing the same body like siamese twins
>more recycled assets from 14 that should have been in the base game
Kuzushi Howard
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if they're tying loose ends, they better have shen for ash's team
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Here's the SF6 version.
is there a reason the mickey mouse meme is very common on sfg, but not so much on fgg?
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women arent funny
this literally never happened even once in the history of humankind
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Saturday July 27 @6pm EST Anon Arena will be hosting a GBVSR tournament! All are welcome.


If you have questions feel free to ask.
Do modern fighting games still have high IQ plays like this?
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Imagine if you were playing some racing game and the devs handed you a shitty ghetto ass hoopty with chipped paint as your vehicle.
Then you go "Hey, can I get something besides a dune buggy in this game?"
And then some retard in the forum goes "Just watch Knight Rider if you want an epic car, bro"

This is how you retards sound when you defend billion dollar corporations shitting in your mouth.
You tell me bro
I disagree
Im legitimately curious what the fuck people get out of this
What are you talking about?

it's up
This. They're made to take cock not make laughs.
Just because you take cock up the ass doesn't mean you're a woman, Luvtrannycheez.
are we going to use this or sfg for sf3 and sf6 at evo?
I don't like sfg as much as fgg, so I will be using fgg
Sfg will be the thread to go to if you actually like competitive street fighter
This thread will be better if you are only peripherally interested in fighting games and you like shitposting
nigga nobody here wants to watch 8 consecutive yun mirrors
Nigga everybody here is going to watch 8 consecutive yun mirrors with a chun thrown in
I like Yun..........
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Don't lie, I know you autists are going to "ironically" hatewatch the entirety of Third Strike top 8 just to go "IS THIS TH EPIC REAL STREET FIGHTER GAME THAT YOU FAGGOT POSERS PRETEND TO LIKE?!?!?" over and over. It will the the highlight of your day, even.

It's like how every time a dogshit Republican cartoon comes out and all of the insane YouTube leftists are literally the only ones talking about it because they enjoy watching things that make them upset.
im going to hatewatch MK1 just so i can make webms for the times that NRS mashers pop up
I miss the nubi tekken webms
his new ellie gimmick is way worse and not as funny
I only know about new dogshit tranny cartoons because of conservatards going nuts about them on YouTube

I only know about new dogshit conservatard cartoons because of trannies going nuts about them on YouTube

From this, I learn that in order to attract the audience you really want, you have to do something that's the opposite of it.

My fighting game is being made for based real niggas, so I will make it about a bunch of rednecks hunting and fishing with their prize being they get to marry Daisy Duke if they win the big southern brawl.
Nahhh nigga I have not heard the word "hoopty" since the 90s

Yall mfs funny lmao
i'm only watching uni and maybe granblue for announcements
might just skip it all desu, fighting games kinda boring now
Its funny you think niggas hate southern boys when both groups have the exact same political opinions in general
Black niggas hate rich soft white people
Not southern boys scraping by just like them
I saw it on Billy and Mandy, Billy called a car his happening hoopty.
isnt she supposed to be good
I remember SBO was charging for PPV back in 2012

I am now imagining a bunch of "I PAID 20 DOLLARS TO WATCH THIS?!?!?" videos
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I just like hearing Chun go "EI EI HA". LUHNEIGH
I'll watch it because I unironically enjoy third strike. I'll watch the sf6 top 6 to make funny slime rush webms doe
It's a fantasy that grants you permission to be submissive. It's like, "As a male, I definitely don't want to be willingly submissive, that'd be weird haha—but oops, I was hypnotized! Guess I have no choice!" A lot of "unwilling" fantasies center around this abdication of responsibility.
As for why a guy would want to be submissive? I dunno, ask a woman.
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dead general
say something funny, you filthy ghetto thug NUGGETS
Does this general have an above average number of N-words with the Soft "A" because it's actually frequented by an above average number of black people, or is it just white anons being silly?
niggas love fighting games, what's surprising about that
Thats just femdom tho like you just want to sit back and be pleasured like whatever that kind of makes sense although im not into it
But this like “im actually a woman lol” fetish shit is extremely fucking strange and offputting
All of the namefags are black or hispanic goblins, the anons are Aryan supermen
since when does fgg have namefags?
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Avoiding the slime.
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kamiblue top 6 will feature 6 unique characters
silent and cheez are the only ones left
Imagine having 34 god damn characters and you always only ever see the same ones in the top 8's.
>Nier, Belial, Sieg, Cag, Seox, Lancelot
Shit puts me to sleep.
is granblue your first fighting game nigga?
SF and Tekken and even GG all have better character diversity at the highest level.
>ken fighter 6
>happy chaos, nago, and redditlewis

CEO top 8 for SF6 had one Ken and one Luke and a Zangief player just raped all of Japan in Topanga. I don't follow GG much, but Soivers tell me it's not just the Nago and HC train anymore.
if its kino i'll shut my mouth, if its yun/chun slop me and my /fgg/bros are gonna have to criticise
nigga it WILL be yun/chun hell
>better character diversity
You forgot baron?
yun madhung on the other side chun masjinf and moving frward a lil but thris tgeiw thriw thriw waje ip divekick genei jin activaye
he quit fighting games and sold all his video games to pay for art lessons in order to become a professional furry hentai artist
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UMVC3 had a godlike top 6 last year
Third Strike will have a godlike top 6 this year

Can't wait to see you guys cry all day about it, doe
nigga lying to our faces about that mvc3 slop 6
What's the issue? It was hilarious seeing all the TODs into incoming mixup TOD. I was rooting for KBR all day until he got out to Zero May Cry
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Another Lab Coat 21 situation?
The only good thing about Marvel 3 was the Iron Fist player. I lost interest when he lost, and I love Marvel.
Third Strike was great at Evo Japan but don't expect anything else than Chun and Yun, once again.
>I was rooting for KBR all day
so was everyone, and then they all became deflated when met with reality lol, that top 6 was dogshit
it'd be like if turd strike top 6 was 2 chuns, 3 yuns and one ryu then the ryu goes out in semis and you start twerking because "DOOOOOD HE MADE US BELIEVE WE'D GET A DIFFERENT WINNER THAN EVERY OTHER TURD STRIKE MAJOR" nigga just twerking for slop
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I can't imagine going up to nuggets and being like "yeah, I'm a pro Loli furry brutal rape illustrator in training"

dafuq is wrong with y'all?
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Why don't they just use Mike Z's suggested balance patch for Third Strike?
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jappas do that and you all love them
This shit is going to be the last season 1 character, then, we'll get a faggot...
how did /fgg/ kill granpoo
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because they can actually do it well?
imagine dumping thousands of dollars into something for multiple years just to go from an F to..... an F plus. Not even a D minus, a fucking. F. Plus.
that's beyond remedial. shit, at this rate, you're gonna need to be 90 years old before you become as good as some random Asian middle schooler with 2 months of training
time to hit up a respectable job like McDonald's Janny, lol nugget
granpoo killed granpoo. Game was so shit it disappeared up its own asshole
only Lunar loves that....
you trannies got someone fired from dominos because he made a joke, clearly you don't respect those jobs
its kinda funny how /fgg/ insisted granpoo was gonna die and granpoopers were like "NOOO ITS ALWAYS GONNA HAVE AROUND 1000 PLAYERS" and /fgg/ just chuckled as it spiralled towards its death
/fgg/ doesn't even have a current gen fighting game to shill/defend anymore, at least /sfg/ and /gbvsg/ do
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Just don't make creepy tweets, retard?
Why do you think you're permitted the privilege of employment when you post shit like this?
I legit told that incel Fear he wasnt gonna like rising from everything he said he liked about the vanilla game and he called me retarded. Dumbass makes a video calling it bad after it comes out. I don't have to play a game a single second to know more than these mental midget anigays.
when those tranny devs make a good game, I'll shill and defend it
All arcshit had to do was repackage the old game and give it rollback

But no, had to be retarded and add blue slimer, dash attack, and kill what little neutral the game had

What's next? The third version of the game randomly decides to make it a tag fighter?
what did you base your claim on? what did he even say he liked about it and how did they change it?
he still plays rising thoughbeit
I remember that time baron said granpoo rising was bad and all the random anishills made gbvsg just to get away from him
Niggas defended……….SFV and MvCi in fgg
Crazy shit
>the privilege of employment
right so
>yeah sorry if you make bad taste jokes that aren't funny then you shouldn't be allowed access to food, clothes, or a home. employment is a privilege.
punk and Menard play Dix all day despite hating it...
they make money from it
what is fear getting from rising?
punk made 350k from sf6 over the last year and mena made north of 500k (before taxes)
of course they play it
That response just so flaccid. Oh so flaccid.
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>bad taste jokes
That was real, he really got arrested and missed Evo Japan because of this.
no because his name was avatar belial in vanilla and will likely be these two in 2027 for rising
where is he now
imagine assaulting people just so you can dodge getting exposed in a dead discord masher
why are you nuggets like this?
Melard said its more fun than 5 albeit
granpoo isnt surviving 2025
wait, really??? i thought this was them posting bait or some shit lol mb anon
That was me.
I ended up not liking the game.
I didn't know what kind of game it was gonna be. I assumed it was gonna be a simpler BlazBlue or something.
nigga it hasnt even survived 2024
I can tell those are fake because baron is too autistic to even hire a prostitute
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No, I'm just shitposting. These are fake tweets from like 2 years ago that someone made with TweetDeck and I thought were funny.
Sorry for misleading you.
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Remember Rumbleverse?!
i remember big nigga and lil nigga
how did this game even get made?
Fuck if i remember all i knew was the direction it was going in was anti neutral based play.
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It's Joever
Bonchan is not attending Evo
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you can make fake tweets?
some folks booted up unreal engine
I don't blame him. Why go through all the trouble for a mickey mouse game like 6?
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because it's his job he gets paid money for, perhaps?
just open dev tools in your browser when looking at a tweet
He has a successful Twitch career.
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it's here doods
Shang Tsung motherfucker is a real person?!?!?
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Released today.
Is 5 inches big enough for Mai?
does it have a grappler?!?!?
Krav Maga is a counter grappler. Shotokan Karate and Muay Thai also have grabs.
So to answer your question:
>does it have a grappler?!?!?
Kinda, yeah.
Rumbleverse sucked shit and it deserved its death
>Posts human girl with animal ears
Retard spotted
one drop rule, zoophile
fear said animal ears didn't count
he said why he still plays on his youtube
I'm not watching 40 minutes of alt right grifting, so explain the reasoning to me in 2 sentences or less now
The video is only 15mins long though... But he said it's because it's the only anime game left that isn't strive and still has a lot of people playing
niggas youtube avatar is the timmy from fallout LMFAO
spook ass ape
grabbing his fro for leverage
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jive was.... something special
I don't care if I go down in history as the SF5 respecter but 5 had a lot more cool and interesting design and ideas than 6.
Abigail is genuinely the most fun big body Capcom's ever made and I doubt they'll ever strike lightning in a bottle like that again.
it wouldnt be an exaggeration to say the abigail reveal is what permanently tainted SFV
Not joking

But I legit wish I was Momiji(DOA) sometimes.
What do you like more about Abigail than Marisa?
nigga abimagail was just a dog taking a shit on a fucking landfill
>another video essay
you should change your channel name to Billy Madison because...
Marisa is just Abigail designed by a retard.

>Fucking huge
>All his moves are crazy and have tons of personality
>He flings people around like they're small toys, flails his arms with violent anger, laughs as he blows through people's attacks with armor for days
>Has juggernaut headcrush
>Is so obsessed with cars he tries to impersonate one at all times, vroom vroom, screech, we're gonna crash! ABABABABABA

>Attacks are just really boring shit like 'straight punch', 'toe kick that would probably break her toes', 'my arms are a shield morty', 'uppercut and then downercut if you feel like it'
>Due to SF6's armor system being completely fucking retarded, her armor hitbox does not cover her head to toe and she is completely vulnerable on her legs
>Her armor is wildly inconsistent and seems to only come out when it feels like it, her superman punch is the worst as it seems to get clipped by anti-airs or air-to-airs more often than it actually armors through things, due to aforementioned problem of armor being everywhere except her legs, resulting in weird hitbox jank bullshit
>She has no personality other than 'haha i fight you' 'i am stronk warrior womyn hear me roar'
Abigail is just a big wild fun character who is clearly inspired by all the best big bodies across Capcom's history of fighting games whereas Marisa is just a dull amazon who isn't even hot. I suppose I eventually grew to appreciate Marisa's 'sweet caring nonna who'll make you a casserole' side a little bit but she is not nearly as endearing as Abi.
why so?
She’s super pretty
I need to work out and get buff as fuck doods I have barely any time left I need to find my soulmate
>something happens in smash
>FGC timmies come out of the woodwork to pretend like the FGC is the most wholesome chungus community ever
why are you bringing up smash pedo drama up like anyone cares?
what did smashniggas do this time?
who got brutally raped NOW
some banned spicnigga went to a tournament in mexico
alleged pedonigga zero played at some favela convention
didn't fgc niggas let shinku go around frosty faustings?
his crime was............ tryna fuck on some tranny bitch
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Yes, I went to a smash tournament.

The TO’s and CFL are based.

Everyone was really nice too, very fun time.

I’m not really a smash player anymore, so I’m not looking to really be out there, but I am welcomed some places.

Appreciate those IRL with kind words, much love
babymaking sex w/ Decapre
>gets banned from smash
>escapes obesity
I remember Zero said he wanted to avoid the smash community altogether
explains why he went to the ghetto spicnigga community instead of playing in America, I guess
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I'll probably be watching EVO with /sfg/ instead of /fgg/
Why? All they do there is post gay softcore porn. /fgg/ is straighter and more mentally Ilya.
/fgg/ barely moves any faster during fucking EVO of all things.
Because you guys abandon it....
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whos tryna turd strike
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Is that a real threat? Would the Smash players actually try to fight with Zero?
did he actually ask a lil girl to rub her shit with ice cubes
we're the comfy thread
allegedly. I've only heard the story secondhand and the girl has never actually stepped forward. I guess she wanted to keep it private? She's probably like 19 now if the story is real and doesn't want to mess up her adult life.
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Meds, Ellie. Not even your Pixiv audience cares about you anymore
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Why would you let shun get to 40 drinks? he basically wins at that level.
he's referencing a twitter meme video
every vanessa plays like that, doe?!?!
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it's "war broke out in heaven" not "one more god rejected"
was the second hand source at least reliable because thats a crazy story icl
bushinstyle tweeted about hows he proud of being employee of the month then people sent his old tweets to his place of work and got him fired
they had an esports house with a bunch of people in it of various ages. They had a 15 year old chick named Jisu in there that ran away from home to draw art of smash characters.
During the 2020 metoo smash thing, she said zero showed her hentai (which was not true) and then she fell back on a story about him molesting a 13 year old that apparently was also living with them and some other guy in the house said this also happened. But if I recall correctly, he also got in trouble for misconduct, so not sure how reliable his word was.
Do we prefer Marduk or Vanessa?
Vanessa the Echidna or Vanessa (KOF)
marduk i guess
>F plus
being extremely lenient grading him that high, honestly
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Evo Japan champion "Ibushigin|Rookies" releases tier list for Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising just ahead of Evo 2024
I thought they nerfed nier..............
...sonicsol said 2b was ass?
japan ass tier list
a tier is irrelevant in rising my ninja
not a single neutralgawd above A tier warra turd
They did. But it's hard to make a puppet with a toolkit that good bad.
There is Djeeta.
They're so salty because he turned his life around after he jumped off the roof instead of trying again to off himself. Good on him for learning not to succumb to peer pressure.
lol i read queuing as queefing
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>Nier still number wan
How does she do it? Luhmeow
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mating press vaness'
IT'S UP!!!!

why do you guys like vanessa lewis so much?
matt says anime is okay when youre younger but you really should move on from it when you become an adult
Matt who?
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matt vs japan
>le aggressive then self-deprecative
why are anitroonies like this
Albanians take no shit
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Unbelievable Ukemizeme
Outlandish Okizeme
Nightmarish Nitaku
Spectacular Santaku
and I should care about some sexpat Timmy because....?
I thought you meant matt from 2 best friends play

What does some random YouTube guy in Japan have to do with fighting games?
his name is not timmy retard
demolition d
Matt vs Japan
why do youguys all have dogshit taste in YouTube guys
korone is a goddess, vappa
He forgot to mention the trannies like suzzie and whatever deb calls himself now
those are the good ones, doe?!?!
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Luvcheez still watches anime and you all love him and consider him the cool uncle of /fgg/
Just went on a losing streak to a Bison and Zangief players and swore off Dix forever
Teach me how to play Granblue Rising
no one here actually watches those two its just ironic shitposting
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>All love him
>cool uncle
Only Cheez would think that.
niggas talmbout youtube but you niggas aint never tubed no bitches lmaoooooooooooooooo
66L then mash auto combo.
If you look up tranny porn ironically as a joke, you troon out within 5 years
I learned this from the ironic femboy posters back in the 2010s
.... no one said anything about that
on your bike, mike
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More like our creepy uncle that sniffs on the nieces
I only watch clayton
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why do bitches love dressing up as those two 15 year olds
joe Biden did that and you all voted for him
Yeah Cheez is that one uncle that keeps getting invited to family get-togethers but everyone knows never to leave him alone with the children
I just realized that one webm cheez likes to post is of Eddie Brock from the Venom movie. Never occurred to me that's who it was until now.
For me, it's Electric Underground
I wonder if he even knows that's where it's from or if he just used it because he saw someone else doing it like everything else he does
you wish you looked and spoke japanese as well as him
This Matt to Japan guy seems like a loser
are you really questioning if some fat autistic manchild knows about some generic edgy capeshit?
How so?
>grandma keeps defending him and claiming it wasn't him
>her evidence is that he said "wasn't me"
Davido Kun could speak Japanese fluently and you all hated him for it...
no one normal uproots their life to move to Japan
you had to fuck up really bad with other white people to do that
This is a guy who took 10 years to realize he'd accidentally named himself after smegma
jiyuna did it and he's normal
>Grandma, it was shadow cheez.
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So do we just talk about random YouTube people that have nothing to do with fighting games now?
Why is it so hard for you guys to talk about the genre on here when there are like 5 new games out right now to discuss?
americans don't know what smegma is

I figured out a way to do it but the real way required 3 dimensional overlapping spheres and nobody here (including myself) has the autism or patience to look at data presented that way.
>the hateful transphobe that refused to host the anime suite in America but did it in Japan with his fellow sexpats is normal
good joke
I parried in real life once.
I had a Spanish class and we had to point to the right word on the board with a wooden baton before the other person we were playing against did. My opponent was some Mexican-American girl. Everyone thought I was going to lose since she actually spoke Spanish natively, but as I saw her reaching for the correct word, I just guarded her aim, then pointed there myself.
It's like I really was Umehara that day.
nigga in a supermarket recording himself moonspeaking
clayton embarrasses this guy effortlessly

kys clayton
whats happening in this video
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If bumron recorded himself dropping his spaghetti in front of some asian girl, you would all be clapping like seals and pawging out
But a good looking white guy does it and it's bad?
Please try to hide your bias.
none of you have good jobs
none of you speak Japanese
none of you look good
none of you can draw
but at least you press buttons good in a dead party genre, right? right?
Just kidding, I already know the answer to that one.
that nigga is not white wtf
that's white in America
timmy did it in a week ...
sonicsol went to japan and had jappa bitches swooning for him
sonicsol went to japan to meet his hot girlfriend he bought a switch for
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majinobama can do all of that
did what? learn Japanese?
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SS those were highschool kids
that nigga ugly as hell, be honest now
he had a drunk jappa bitch swooning over him at the batting cage doe
no, i can't remember the post but it was some tiktok nigga saying he had to talk to this asian girl for two years before he landed sex and then some white guy came along and fucked in a week
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I have a job and a house and a girlfriend.
they like them more
going on a quick walk, you niggas better still be funny when im back
I make one widdle joke about Twump and get banned, but you niggers can do this shit for an hour just fine? how is that fair?
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i'm gonna be the fattest person at evo
This reminds me of that time one of you was trying to get us to care about GWQ's girlfriend, so you kept posting her and posting about how she was better than Morrigan and how Cheez was an incel.
Always funny when the gimmick posters give up on carving out a unique niche and just become yet another generic namefag orbiter
since we're talking about YouTube guys, I like ShortFatOtaku
what did you say?
...in Minecraft
highlight of this niggas trip was having humans look at him. damn that's sad
You guys really prefer this to SF6 discussion?
nigga out here wilin wanna talmbout brock lesnar in a wig
Who gave you the n word pass?
Cheez said it's ok to say nigger because they are animals and they don't understand it anyway.
Clayton is not only the biggest chad in fighting games, he's desu one of the biggest chads i've ever seen online. Mom and daughter asking him to fuck at the same time? Check. Multiple live streams of girls swarming all over him? Check. Randoms of all ages begging to take pictures with him in videos and begging for his autograph? Check. I mean this guy makes it look effortless.
mori ono and mikez did nothing wrong
Chadcheez is 10 times the chad Gayton is
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Finally sat down to watch this.
The one thing I agree on, is that if you will have recreational sex, and the womb haver tampers the condom. Then yeah, the child bearer that wants the kid _should support the child without the unconsented sperm donor_. The bearer can def. lie to their kid, and be left the uncomfortable decision of letting the kid know they are unwanted.
Dale Wilson is just tm a sociopath to even parent. He crossed lines he should have never done, than just say: “I'm sorry kid, your mom's been lying to you for 13 years. I'm sorry you're going through a lot, but I divorced myself from that because I'm aware I'm incapable of raising a kid.”
Nope. Having consensual sex should be like any other activity, no need to have a career or pedigree.
Why they both didn't take preventive measures is beyond me.
Shang Tsung has never heard of gold diggers 'seems.
He's not wrong here. Do you not see how right wingers use kids as shields for their grooming?
No Shang Tsung, the guardian that _wants to keep the child_ is responsible for not having another guardian to ensure the child's needs are men. If the guardian wanted to solo guardianship, that's 100% on them. Just like you can't force people to have sex with you, you can't force an immature sociopath to become parent. Yeah, Dale SHOULD HAVE used a condom. But the womb haver CHOOSE to keep the pregnancy.
Sperm donors are not fathers.

Now I await the mother's side of the story, because who is dumb enough to date a sociopath that shows no emotion, have sex, and beg for child support?
What I love about Clayton too is how humble he is, he really is the biggest inspiration the scene has ever had.
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According to this retard 486461053, I'm Aryan, and ubermensch, but then contradicts herself here: 486469750.

/486492384, nope, this schizo still not in therapy yet.

>fgg/ is straighter and more mentally Ilya.
I love the fact you self-answered u's.
Thanks, added to megablock.
oh hey retard, this you?:
I hope these two asked for permission to film people's faces.
One day we are going to find out how many of them he's holding hostage to keep his NEET lifestyle.
you don't need permission to film people in public spaces.
Why are there so many grifter channels of creepy westerners in Japan just jumping up in Japanese people's faces? Johnny Somali did that, too, until he got arrested
Even the school girls love him bros. Seriously Clayton is loved by everyone, young and old in every video. The only ones who hate him really are the discord trannies.
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Funny enough, he's that bigotted EU schizo:

Time to add the grifters into the list too:
Ah, you must be new around here:
I ask myself this question all the time.
why would a humble person randomly record other people talking to them on the train then upload it to youtube without consent
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All the right moves.
fighting game player who grinds KOF in the hopes that it'll boost his attractiveness to Latinas
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I hear the voice
Mimi o sumaseba kikoete kuru yozora no mukō
Hoshi ga katari kakeru message
I hear the voice
Yure ugoku toki no naka de mogaiteru
Boku-tachi o izanau navigator

Kizu darake taore sō ni naru tabi
Kimi no koe ni hagemasareru yo
Maketakunainda me o tojite tobi komō
Mujūryoku no sora e

Don't Give Up!! Find Myself yume no mamade
Owaranai tomarenai akirametaku wa nainda
Break Myself kurayami o
Hikisaite hashiridase kaze ni nare

Don't Give Up!! Find Myself mitsuke dasō
Hikari sasu ano basho e tsunagaru michi ga aruhazu
Touch My Heart afure dasu
Namida sae kirameite hoshi ni nare
Don't Give it Up!!
I find Myself Tonight
I saw that on X too, dood
SNK is the only one making new announcements at Evo and for multiple games, at that....
two arcsys games are getting trailers and a brand new one will be announced
One Piece Piratez!!??
lol nice fanfiction
No one excited for strive or rising, lil nigga
timmy thinks arcsys is showing anything but a Jam trailer LUHMEOW
Bronycheez buying 100 copies of MvC collection will pay off and they will announced MvC4 at Evo
Do you guys REALLY need more slop that you won't even bother consuming?
this thread really sucks
wainbow dash

How so?
Bronycheez is an apple connoisseur
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Running wild and slime free.
an avowed leftist like cheez would never lust after some redneck whore
All Baron has to do is show his game concept to Lauren Faust and she will do the character designs and animations for free.
I've seen games with both English and Japanese, but I don't see many with English, Japanese, and Romaji.
how so?
you are not Elphelt
That's Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. The Judo event uses the Japanese terms for Judo since I believe they're used internationally. That's from the English version of the game. They also yell out the terms like "Hajime!" as the match begins.
It worked for them's fighting herds
when he shows the timmies faust and they all scream faust and start meowing to themselves
I don't think she'd be that interested in my project since it's not based on any of her works.
That being said, Faust didn't animate anything on TFH from what I recall. She just provided the new designs and presumably model sheets.
I'm pretty sure she only did that because it was a fangame that borrowed heavily from her works and she felt bad for the developers, given how Hasbro shut down the project and they couldn't really do anything because of copyright.
I already skipped that issue since all of my characters are original. Sure, Leina borrows a bit from Leina Vance, but I don't think I can convince Hirokazu Hisayuki to help me out, especially for free. He's pretty well known in Japan. He designed Kamikirimusi for Soulcalibur 4.

F.S. (designer of Echidna and Menace) actually does do commissions, but I had not even considered hiring him at this moment since he's fairly expensive.
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In English, doc.
The TFH team actually did livestreams where they showed their process and they had some guy using Toonboom to do the sprites.
They used a lot of the newer rigging techniques. I think Rick and Morty uses that? Most of the newer cartoons use rigs from what I recall.
Eh, you never know. Just seems that animating and entire game while you're still learning seems unrealistic.
Me on the right
you got stubble and a double chin nigga have some shame
Just let me pretend bro
damn dbfz is dead as fuck, what went wrong
that game is like 8 years old nigga what more do you want out of it
It's getting another balance patch this year
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I plan on getting help in the future once I've saved up money have made some more preparations, but I want to have more work done on the prototype first. I don't think I can just show off a rough concept and my notes to a person and have them agree to do a bunch of free work. I just got throws working properly tonight and still need to implement the actual combo system. I remember a few years ago, you could just make a cool pitch on Kickstarter and have some e-celeb endorse you, then get 500k USD. But those were the wild west days and I don't know any e-celeb to endorse just an idea and system guide I have written, so I have to do a lot more of the legwork myself.

On that note, if money were no object, I'd probably just hire Hiroyuki Mano, the guy that did the art for various Examu games like Arcana Heart and Nitroplus Blasterz, but since he's an actual industry professional, I know he'd charge a lot.

Realistically, I will end up hiring a doujinshi artist for the main illustrations like I've done in the past.

As for the actual animation, I have some people planned for that as well, but that is still much further down the line.

Probably goes without saying, But I'm mostly using 2D Fighter Maker just for the prototype and would plan on getting an actual coder for the final game, using a different engine that they could get more efficient work done with.

For just the prototype, I plan on having 3 characters. Character 1 is taking a bit of time since I'm doing a lot of things at once, but I assume that the latter two will be easier because I can just reuse a lot of things and previous knowledge. Though I'm probably getting ahead of myself.
400000 dollars on sprites
20 rupees on Indian code monkeys
it's game dev time
the last proper new piece of content is almost 4 years old
why doesn't he hire Mike Z
Isnt Mike Z still tackling that legal dispute
tabby will tackle him through a wall at EVO if she finds out
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I'm ready
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are you niggas really about to show Lauren Faust your busty big butt bbw dragon zoner OCs so she can redraw them but good?
Do you have the money for all this hiring?
I can't believe the government of South Carolina is giving Baron a state subsidized grant to make his FG.
They probably don't have that there.
why doesn't he just crowdfund it by doing a dramatic reading of the lore on Kickstarter?
I need Ellie to tell me how to feel about Blades and Beasts
he should get diaphone to promote it
why can't you form your own opinion?
How young are you?
why doesn't cheez give him a loan so he can hire Kojima Video?
can Americans really get state subsidized loans by saying something like "I'm making a fighting game and one of my characters is a wolf with big juicy tits," and then they get a million dollars?
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remember when you timmies were saying nobody wanted to play as ellipsis ed? now he's the 5th to 7th most played character across all ranks
thats because hes a braindead monkey function that makes timmies feel validated
Evil Ryu

Violent Ken

and now

What would Violent Akuma be like. Like Akuma but he's under Bison's psycho control
lame when Oni exists
I actually do have a plan for how hypothetical crowdfunding would work.
With the TFH one, they just needed to show 2 characters with their completed animations and a WIP background to get funded. Granted, that was attached to some big names. I would have to convince Michiyoshi to draw Winifred and Gwendolyn if I wanted to get even a quarter of what they did.
Not at the moment. I'm still saving up cash for later to invest into this project. It's definitely a concern, but not one that I'm putting much time towards until I have more work done on the prototype.
My rough idea is something like this, based on observation of other projects and general research (Keep in mind that this is very subject to change)

1. Finish up a rough prototype with a few characters showing how the basic system works and how different characters are.

2. Show the idea to an illustrator and pay him to draw a professional looking render of the characters in this prototype.

3. Show the illustrations, model sheets, demo, et cetera to an animator and pay him to do sprites for the project. (Ironically, it's cheaper to hire a Japanese guy now because the yen value tanked and they work for basically 50% compared to US animators. So like 3000 dollars per character versus 5 or even 6k for the same work)

4. Show the more polished demo to a publisher/investor to garner interest and acquire more money to hire a real coder and have the game redone in a more modern engine besides 2DFM

5. Do a crowdfunding thing to fill in the rest now that I have a vertical slice of the game ready for presentation. (this could also be the alternative to investors altogether)

Regarding the price I gave on art, that's a rough estimate based on things I've seen in the past. My plan is to have cost effective animation rather than extremely fluid sprites. e.g., around 300 smaller sized pictures per character instead of the 1000s of HD sprites (Think GGXX 200px size, or maybe Aquapazza 400px size at the largest)
big names like..... michiyoshi
Oni is lame as hell
I too lash out when I'm hurt
hes in the kage tier and should never return
Just get Trump's help?
Trump is a furry?!?!
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I would unironically give him money for his project if it wasn't some furry thing
what's a timmy
zoomer term for noob
the kid me and my niggas used to shove in lockers
I like the planet namek looking background
Anything is possible in this world. Even DSP was able to beat bankruptcy despite being a mobile gaming addict.
racist term invented by /fgg/ blackcels
I thought Ellie said baron only was writing lore and ideas all day. he already has sprites and coding? wtf
you think she hasn't drawn furry porn or is unfamiliar with furries, kek?
Why would a professional animator draw furry porn?
5 inches is enough
name one who doesnt
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Which one of you is gonna tell 'em?
lauren faust let herself be imagined as a sex crazed PAWG in foster's home for imaginary friends, she ain't new to this.
Getting John K to draw Winifred the Spellsword as he complains about the construction on her sword
I feel like pre-jive there was a greater affinity towards older fighting games on this board
back in my day we called them shemales
I dont think frankie was sex frazed and she wasnt very shapely either
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the other night, all of y'all were saying baron was a retarded ideas guy with zero talent doing a vaporware fanfic project since he wasn't around

tonight he's here and y'all are suddenly interested in his ideas and conducting a Q&A session

I saw that shit, snake ass niggas
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If I were to go bother some random animator and ask them about the project, I'd probably take a shot in the dark and ask Balak since he already likes fighting games and had that episode of Peepoodo where Dr Pussycat had to beat up the girl with her KOF techniques. But I wouldn't actually do that, of course.
He has 20k followers and is fairly well known among the Kemono doujinshi community, so he's probably the biggest name I could realistically get. Probably helps that I've worked with him before and always pay up front.And even then, he wouldn't have to actually do anything other than do like 3 illustrations.
Thank you. That's a placeholder background I made in MS Paint as a generic forest, but now that you mention it, I see the resemblance.
Just got to Vegas. So many underage chicks cosplaying. No wonder smash players are all in prison
what does the grade schooler have to do with your post
What is Bronycheez's opinion on the Magiswords guy?
Ryu and Ken, but Ryu is a cat PMC with big boobs and Ken is a drunk wolf with huge boobs
...Don Bluth?
Yeah, people played on fightcade a lot more back then
why doesn't he just get shuckle to animate for him?
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Whatever happens in Vegas...
>more neutral in 50f rollback kagemusha jive joke webms than in the SF6 evo grand finals
no sajamback?
just came back from /sfg/. it was fun. think ill be spending myt weekend there, dont call me
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Wtf i love Fatal Fury bros!
thats king of fighters bro
ponder the AROMA
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They're in the USA, though.
Jiyuna really saved himself from the troon swarm.
It already got a rollback netcode update like 8 years ago
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VF, MvC and Darkstalkers won't have anything shown off at EVO.
wow it's fucking nothing
Probably mvc does, but it's just gonna be the release date for the collection
lmao rent free.
This. I was watching a lazyprocastinaor Momiji animation the other day, and I just kept staring at her face even though her tits were right there.
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And then you watch them play an "expressive" game and it's just some solved TODfest where they still do the same combo into 100% damage off of every hit.

My nigga, what were you expressing? The desire to do the same optimal 100% combo off of overheads, lows, throws, and DPs? Where's the variety?

Why are y'all like this?
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it's up
What's braindead about him?
Remember that time there was that one notable tranny playing Tekken and everyone hyped it up as some super talented up and coming player and a shining beacon on the future of Tekken, but then it got outed as insane and immediately permabanned?
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I woke up to some hardcore bullying in gbvsg because I said that dix isn't dominated by mechanics, please validate my opinion here...
Remember that time there was that one notable Japanese zoomer playing Tekken and everyone hyped him up as some super talented up and coming player and a shining beacon of the future of Tekken, but then he got outed as a kleptomaniac and immediately had to go into hiding?
Honestly? SF6 is heavily focused around drive rush. It's a very centralizing mechanic that makes every character fall into a similar gameplan since they need to incorporate that.
It's one of the reasons I don't like it (or GBVSR, for that matter)
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>because I said that dix isn't dominated by mechanics

you dumb as hell nigga
nigga you dumb
Nyoooo it's happening agaaa-haaa-haaaiiin....
I can't imagine trying to have a serious conversation with mentally ill grantrannies, dafuq were y'all doing over there?
The name was like Emmy or Emily, she called Shadow a retarded monkey nigger after he beat it and everyone acted surprised for some reason. Even funnier, all the other trannies that didn't even play Tekken but played Melty or whatever said that Shadow made the story up and all the screencaps of it calling other players monkeys and chinks and spics were just falseflags made to make homosexuals look bad. But then some other tranny said it got raped by Emma or whatever fake name it gave itself and then they all immediately threw it under the bus and stopped defending it.
i remember this
Literal retard
Anyone wanna play some Garou?
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Do we prefer green slimer or blue slimer?
i still haven't got my bunny suite rsvp yet doods ...
Maybe in a few hours if you're, got some responsibilities to take care of.
>The best players in the world slime from round start
>You need 50% to slime, sometimes it's punishable by a medium
It's easy to see which is better.

How can I tell if I'm plus on block or not?
If you get hit = minus
If you hit them = plus
I know that but sometimes the opponent is too scared to punish me so it can get pretty muddy
need shuckle to tell me how to feel about this
Make sure you support Artist Alley and make sure you give jappas free snacks and water if you're going to Evo this year.
Reminder that Clayton has already made the greatest SF game ever, we just haven't played it yet.
but yall can't do this?
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why am I gonna pay some fat spicnigga chick to draw luke for me and then say I raped her by saying hello?
>amateur game dev reality TV show
What a daring synthesis.
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AI is threatening every artist and they need all the support they can get. Just stop being a creep and people will respect you.
We need to make sure Capcom sees this
John Kricfalusi mogs Mariel Cartwright in the animation department, but you all hate him
he's not a sexy lil hapa cocktease
bro those are a diamond doze now, you could of bought one for like 20 dollars off the thai black market
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Donate 2000000 dollars to my kickstarter and I'll make the game, NIGGAAAAA
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How exactly do I "lab"? Lab my character, situations, matchups, replays, etc.?
by playing hundreds of matches online
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Still down to play?
>artists making knock off wojak comics where they go "the song...UNTIL IT HITS THE HECKING EPIC PART"
>replies are timmies posting music from video games and anime
every time
shut the fuck up nigga god-damn
I like video game and anime music since they're mostly instrumentals
Shame about the Strive soundtrack, however.
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I can do a ft10 right now.
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>dix is so shit a bunch of jappas forgot to renew their visas to go to EVO

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you niggas cry when wypipo talk about regular heavy metal, too, don't lie
Cool, let me just make sure my bindings are right. See you soon
If they brought back Monkey Ball, they'll bring back Virtua Fighter.
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hate they used otoboke beaver music in the trailer for the rick and morty anime, thankfully i have other japanese punk rock bands i can talk about without being associated with THOSE people
Only Daigo did that.
Bonchan just hurt his neck.
he's just the black version of the genshin poster now
oh please, that nigga is davidokun compared to me
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Is there a single indie fighting game that's actually good?
blazing strike comes out later this year
Fantasy Strike
Now try getting people to play VF
If you retards spent a quarter as much time training as you do racewarring, you would be professional Street Fighter 6 players by now.

Think on that one.
Why are people still pretending VF6 will happen? RGG won't announce a new VF at their panel
Newfag question. Do you recommend keyboard, controller (d pad) or controller (analog stick) for fighting vidya?
>Be a professional SF6 player
I'd rather castrate myself with a bonesaw. Which is probably something you'd need to do to become a pro SF6 player anyway
To some extent, it depends on the game you want to play, but all 3 are generally fine nowadays.

Keyboard is more accurate and probably the best of those 3, but you need an actual good keyboard. Like a mechanical keyboard with anti-ghosting features. I used to play on a bad keyboard and it would eat my inputs.

D-Pad is better than analog because you can do more accurate inputs, but again, need a clean d-pad instead of one of those circular xbox 360 ones for best results. I recommend one of those Hori fightpads if you are curious. That's good for SF because it has all 6 buttons on its face. Standard PS controller isn't as good for SF because of the buttons being on the sides. But it's probably fine for Tekken.

Analog is a bit unwieldy, but some people say motions are easier for them on that.
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why the FUCK would i want to put brock lesnar with a wig on my resume nigga!?
I've been playing on an Xbox analog stick since SF4 came out, and I did enjoy it and would recommend it normally (especially if you play grapplers) but the new Xbox elite controller sticks are actually considerably worse for fighting games while their d-pads have significantly improved. I'd recommend the d-pad on modern controllers.
However if you're playing SF6 good luck, that game gobbles up inputs like pacman.
Just play Lily, she's made for your kind.
I saw some footage of that and uh... it looks fucking rough.
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>indie fighting game that takes a million years to come out is half finished
Where have I seen this before?
sirs... can someone quickly install Footsies and play a couple matches against me so I can get the last achievement? nobody plays this game, not even discord dwellers
I don't have 2.99
mcdouble or helping out your fellow man on /fgg/, and you chose the mcdouble?
was the racism really necessary?
lolicon pedoniggas... are a race?!?!?
holy based
Congrats on admitting you're not only bad at GGST you're also a known tracer
nobody cares about your twitter beef timmy
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says the nigga that was ranting about people liking the strive OST less than an hour ago <3
that wasn't me
I would never use the n word

she right doe lmao
strive ost is safe rock
is it nutsappa hours already?
GGs and thanks again for the fun set. Nice Terry gameplay, I'm surprised that one Buster Wolf didn't chip me out that one time (maybe I just got lucky?) Looking forward to more CotW news in the coming days. Hopefully Freeman gets in too. I like to play the edgy characters every now and then and he hits the right spots for me gameplay-wise.
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>a goblina

>profession slimer
I fucking hate that ugly god damn game. And all the fucking Capcoons guzzling up that ESG DEI RGBHSV whatever jewish nigga slop. Gotdamn. Imagine playing that shite for money and havimg to stay quiet about how dumbed down and ugly it truly is
Ggs man and no problem. Hopefully Freeman does get in so you can play him in CoTW. Honestly looking forward to CoTW because it looks more my speed. I also honestly never fought against a Freeman before so it was a rush.
is it ever not on here?
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Remember the Five Tiger Generals of melee?
>still playing
>still playing

M2K is the only one with any courage to speak up though, free hax
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I want to be the next wacky fgg personality that everyone orbits and obsesses over.

What kind of game should I make?
smash clone with slime rush and burst
There's already a game just like that and it has pawg april o neil, so I can't compete with that....
Dix is bing bong broken now and with no time to fix it before evo

why doesn't capcom just ban the use of glitches like in fightcade tournaments?
How often does PsychoJosh post on /fgg/?
He used to post on here every so often when we talked about him, but that was like a month back when we last saw him
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>wakeup empty jump sweep
are you insane or a genius?
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>double wakeup dp
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Eventhubs is numberposting and rosterfagging even more than you guys now
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What's some music that's not safe?
Post "real" music.
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what are we going nuts about today?
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Instrumental funk
>it's just four Timmies making wavy guitar noise
blades and beasts
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kiss your sister?
the drummer is clearly black
blind ass nigga
unsafe music:
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frostfire...save us
What's Kamina without his glasses gonna save us from?
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baddie alert

this is the street fighter community in 2024
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You guys used to post gay shit here all the time 3 years ago

Why is it bad now?
mmph ...
The ost for strive and SF6 suck for different reasons, 6 dosn't even have a proper fighting game ost and non of the tracks pump you up, strive's ost has shitty vocals that make no sense
i aint watching another 3S glaze video
I'm not a big fan of the Sf6 OST at all, but what do you mean by it's not a proper fighting game OST? I think I ""get" what they were going for but they just did a bad job of it.
it doesn't have guitars and the character/stage themes aren't at 100bpm like hecking bury the light and the mgr ost that timmy listens to
JpegMafia said that SF6 had dogshit music
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it's hard to explain but a fighting game track usually gets you excited to fight. listenin to cammy's new theme or even zangief's doesn't leave with any sort of excitement, the new trackks are kinda subdued compared to the previous games
it doen't really make it any better when it's just shitty modern hip hop/rap that doesn't even have a proper rythm
sf6 is literally just Timmy rap can't believe you niggas are twerking for matz this hard
>This thread was supposed to be a HECKING safespace for us (me) to whine about sf6
i'm definitely not advocating for capcom to just re use the exact same SFII themes over and over again, but they really fumbled the bag with ost for 6
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Some of you need a more entertaining gimmick already.
gf of 7 years cheated on me a year and a half ago and i still haven't recovered
Street Fighter 6 is a psyop
The aesthetics were done to make blacks happy, but the actual mechanics exclusively benefit asians
That's why you only ever see Asian people winning the international tournaments still.

The game isn't for you, niggas LMFAO
timmy who listens to calliope mori and lotus juice wants to talk about rap/hiphop
....fighting games?
Mori is a goddess, vappa
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who is even the target audience for street fighter 6?
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Lil Timmy when Becky needs something to grab his attention. Luhwoof
this what you niggas listening to?
it's up
sounds exactly like some hazbin hotel shit and you niggas love that
Trannies, retards, capfags.
i only listen to pluggnb and hardcore doe
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matz should have hired mori frfr
soive is garbage
dix is awful
granpooper is lol

The only remotely good modern fighting game is.......... Tekken 8
I say this as a lifelong SF loyalist

that's how badly matz fucked up
kof mi hermano??
electric underground dropped a vid on 3S and this nigga want to talk about a fat white woman pulling an obama in japan (replace commentating fighting games after teaching english class with being a vtuber)
I like the idea of kof, but I felt that anti-airs were too weak in it and that leads to everyone hopping constantly since being in the air is not a big disadvantage like most games
Smash is not a fighting game, get the fuck out and stop trying to act like you belong here
why do you think we call it spichop dood ...
I am mostly just dwelling in the Skullgirls thread posting art I've commissioned of them being evil giants, like this.
nigga responded to a post from a whole ass day ago to defend the honor of fgg lmao
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this nigga can make a fighting game but you losers can't?
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>Check out our website
LMFAO, they were monetizing this shit, lol
They figured out that Nazi posting gives them clicks.
>cheated on me
As in, she didn't file her taxes, or you're still a monogautist?
monetizing what?
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Salty-Eu, they were making money of matches
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>two white girls
but several people here are in fact developing fighting games?
Yes, anyone can make a fighting game that looks and plays like absolute shit. Few people can make one that's good and that people actually want to play.
Writing up giant schizo documents about the ramifications of the furry pawg war and the fallout after the battle of bearbooty creek is not developing a fighting game, my niqqa
if you see that vertical line in a video title you just know its gonna be pure essayslop
That's called a pipe, lil nigga | why fgg can't read
Progress on GigaMaidens is finally being made. It'll get a lot better towards the end of summer. I'm blazing through learning Unreal and already am working on new models of my characters.
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Granpa, Unix is over. Please stop dwelling in bad design.
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>this the dodge mechanic, but it's more akin to a parry
>*literally overlays the daigo parry clip*


are you the nigga that was just posting giant women fetish shit?
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Read you in 2040
Spidey is so lucky...
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Yes, I am. As that's literally what my game is about. All the characters are giant women.
(It's 3D though, this is just pixel art for fun)
well it already looks better than my game so good luck
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So what's the lore on this one guy? Why does he act nuts?
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YouTube recommended this to me and I immediately started thinking about you retards
I hate fgg so fucking much
Who, PsychoJosh?
He acts nuts because, he's Psycho
when he says big body, he means it ...
wait a minute ... sethnigga loved giantslop ...
>she thinks /fgg/ invented calling people timmies
sis... so much jewtube slop is rotting your brain...
Seth is the worst character in SF
i hate luke so fucking much
Sliding my BCC between her cheeks
I hated him before the greentext spam then I started loving him
/sfg/ is so gay that it's not even funny
how does this image make you feel
no particular way
I'm too mature to even care about Twitter slop
>Guilty Gear Basedve
it's like terminally online loser bingo here
when will Evo show all the new characters
Today, right now
What's wrong with having commissions open and making a bit of paper drawing stuff you like?
All the best people on twitter have commissions open. How else would I have gotten pics this based?
they already did dood
I don't like Ms Fortune art with big boobs
she's supposed to be slender and nimble like a cat
in 5 minutes
LETS GO bwaaaa bwabwabawbwa bwa bwaaaa
Her boobs got bigger... from all the people she devoured muahahahaha
/sfg/ is the first community I've found on /vg/ where I feel welcomed as an LGBTQ+ person.
these /sfg/ posts seem a bit obsessive. spent some time there and.... .its pretty fun. people joking around, no hate, light-hearted gamewarring. its like.... its like what /fgg/ used to be. sorry chuds, im leaving.
Hmm, I'd better start posting "faggot" and "tranny" there more then
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Happy Sethursday /fgg/ hope you all get pegged so hard you cant sit down
You wont do shit
ICDV-30107 or 30096?
it's LCDV retard
based giantess enjoyer
/sfg/ is having gay sex right now
no need to tell us about your activities anon
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I'm the only sane person on fgg
I play Tekken
its hotter when /fgg/ watches
I fucking hate Sajam and his dweeb squad but that's a solid gameplan
>cute bigbodies
Fucking HOLY
Sethposter is making his own game?
I wonder if theres a big titty fem anon who would also get off to this
how does someone develop this sort of fetish
I don't know this Sethposter, I'm PsychoJosh. There's a new giantessfag in town.


If you don't get it, don't worry about it ;)
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so the fgg games are
some fetish weg thing with giants voreing each other
some fetish furslop thing with dogs biting each other

y'all mfs need better concepts
>some fetish weg thing with giants voreing each other
>some fetish weg thing with giants voreing each other
shit mogs soive and granpoo lmao
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theres no point coming up with a good concept for a game that only 10 people will ever play, just pick a fetish and roll with it tbqhwyfr
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who dares tress pass in my domain!
Ground floor on this shit, cap this post for when GigaMaidens makes one gorillion dollars
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granblue already had that thoughbeit
That artwork reminds me of King of the Monsters.
I'm GigaMaidens guy. Who the hell are you?
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The one true lord of /fgg/!
i think he's the first person to interact with sethposter in years
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Consider yourself dethroned.
Back to the gutter with you, pretender
How so?
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That's defeatist mentality
Daisuke came up with a cool concept for normal people without putting in his weird fetishes and everyone loved it
Why are you already giving up by tanking your potential audience with weird crap?
Because I want to make the game I want to make. I'm not making it for anyone except me.
If it's good, it'll find its wings. Kindred spirits will find it.
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You talk real big shit for a speck of dirt stuck to my insole
first, you dont know what defeatist means
second, there is not a single normal person who plays guilty gear
third, daisuke was backed by multimillion dollar corporation
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>without putting in his weird fetishes
Guilty Gear sucks actual ass and Bridget proves you wrong on the fetish front.
my jr busting inside dizzy's pussy the moment she slides her tail into my ass
how is a game that is never gonna come out gonna make a gorillion dollars, fool?
she's like six years old dood ...
my 5 incher is enough
Mike Z likes guilty Gear and he's normal
>Mike Z is normal
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Relative to rest of the FGC? Yes!
Not really, no
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dat nigga was a real chaser lmaoooo
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That worked for Star Citizen
You will be squished along with the rest
Star Citizen was all one big money laundering scheme thobeit
everyone loves sonic
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>a BLACK likes something non-stereotypical?!
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Fighting games?
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I'm more disappointed that our resident blackcel follows some black tranny just because it's black than any of the other cringe shit he does
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>without putting in his weird fetishes
Really nigga?
my jr would have this fox bitch goin HEE HEE HEE
agdg: Yeah, my alpha build is almost ready for the public to play test. After some careful coding in Godot, everything is coming together quite nicely.


Hm... I wonder why agdg has way more games made than you retards...
that "black tranny" gets to slide her bbc into lunaswagmoney's bussy, chud
That's even worse, nigga
I'm shocked some of you monkeys can even turn on a computer...
why the PHUCK do you incels know intimate details about tranny relationships
just stop it
sfg is gay niggas
fgg is tranny chaser niggas
Because AGDG has their priorities wrong.
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Why is the troon crying about white trannies constantly and then having gay sex with literally everything it hates?
It would be like if one of you nigcels entered into a gay relationship with Luvcheez.
i don't get it
what fetish am I looking at here
>Devs prioritizing games
>Devs prioritizing autistic cool big tiddy art of their cave babe OCs
Yeah I'm definitely gonna say the first dev is fucking up
/FGG/ - Tranny Experts
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>first, you dont know what defeatist means
I in fact do. Here is the logic going on here
>No one is gonna play my game and they're gonna call it the epic chud incel game regardless of what it's like because I made it, so I might as well make the whole game about lolis in microbikinis calling people nigger I guess lol

This act then limits your potential. I know you are capable of SO much more. I believe in you, but you gave up before the race even started. You have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make something with mainstream appeal. You CAN be the next big fighting game dev if you TRY. It doesn't have to be some wacky ironic tongue in cheek hentai. You can make it.
>multimillion dollar corpo
You can mortgage your house for more leverage if you really believe in the project. Several devs have gambled on that.
tekken ranked feels like im playing overwatch
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he's married and has a good job and has a hobby he's passionate about. he's doing better than 90% of the population
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You love trannies so much you talk about them every thread, cheez.
zoomers think a sexually attractive woman is a "fetish"
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fgg - trannies, race hustling, furry hentai, and game development
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You wish I talked about you, mantha.
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>He's married
Do you see a ring on either of his hands, anon?
Hell, here's some recent footage of him. Does this guy strike you as someone who could pull even one bitch with a tow truck?
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So is it fun for you guys to act like this every day?
Sorry, meant for >>486628850
he's mentioned being married before, he just keeps his private life private for obvious reasons
he's a gen x Jew, they did arranged marriages a lot and he has money, so I don't see why you find that far fetched
why didnt anyone do an arranged marriage for me?
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I thought you people said looks didn't matter for attracting a mate? Now you need to look good to get married?

Really saying the quite part out loud, trannies
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>melty blood goddess
>got lunar cancelled
>gets plapped by bbc
yeah im thinking she won
it's probably not as common in your culture
But lunar is our guy and a based cunnyking, thoughever?!?!??
nigga can't even place in anikuso anymore and streams sonic robo kart 2 more than ever
because you psychos scared him away with your mental illness
daisuke drew ramlethals feet like this and you say he doesn't put his fetishes in his game

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