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"Art" Edition

>What is this?
Second Life is a virtual world MMO with user-generated content, its own in-game economy and currency that can be traded for RL currency, and a large array of lands (sims) that can be independent or interconnected. Customize avatars, sell creations, explore, socialize, (E)RP, attend virtual events like concerts, screenings, meetings, etc..

>>Useful Links:

Create An Account:

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>>Related SLURLs

Interesting Locations:

Hair Resources:
https://pastebin.com/W9TeJHJi (List of Stores)


>>SL Events


Monthly Event Guide:

>Current Events (End Date)
Second Life Birthday (Jul 21st): https://maps.secondlife/SLB%20Impressive/81/148/44
Full Perm Fair - Full perm stuff for sale (Jul 28th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Summer%20Time/140/240/21
Big Splash Water Park (Aug 10th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bellisseria%20Fairgrounds/165/238/24
>Monthly Events (End Date)
equal10 (Aug 5th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/equal10/210/128/89
ACCESS (Aug 8th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/ACCESS/97/134/22
kustom9 (Aug 10th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/kustom9/136/21/1003

Previous Thread: >>484920943
I hate this dumb faggot who made this thread...
Should I use EvoX for my textures or use the default UV?
Probably defaulr
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Alright, my textures are more stylized and not super detailed too.
It will also be handy if you ever happen to use a non Evo X head, later on
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second posts looks like mini shit reddit questions
here we fucking go again...
EvoX textures are awful though...
thog dont caare
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What's a sim to kick back and do some board/card games with others?
sounds like it's furry time..
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Reminds me of that shonen jump game cutscene
You'll have to find some friends for that.
Total wallflower death.
how do i find someone that can animate well, takes commissions, and accepts Lindens as payment?
Maybe someone's advertising their services on primfeed
not interested in signing up for some 3rd party website
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>when the paranoid schizo finds out he has to talk and interact with other people if he wants to find someone to do work for him
Anon it's just a much easier way to network with other SL users.
They'll steal your account
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the cure for loneliness
turns out the "woman" i was buying things for was scamming me the entire time....
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mmm yes
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/me smiles
turns out the ''man'' I was with is a psychopath using he's disable funds to force himself on me...
Yeah, the SL Police don't fuck around
this is bad or something or just a general useless announcement?
mmmm my cock hit ur cervix
What did wallflowers did to you?
my boyfriend has spent about 5k on me this week, most of it being a bento pussy and a INM system
I want to buy him nice things too but he doesn't really wear clothes and his hobby is diving through gacha flea markets for weird stuff so I have no idea what to get him
well lah dee dah
I spent 30k this week on a man pretending to be a woman, I have your bf beat
What did you spend 30k on?
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>a man pretending to be a woman
Bodies, heads, lots of clothes, makeup, eyes, hair, bunch of other stuff too. Just a huge spending spree
Do guys really?
I do
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>not buying your gf a dick
absolutely retarded
They legally can't steal account info or do anything else like that.
he knows I already have one
it's bigger than his
wish i had someone to spend 30k on me
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It really do be like that.
Skills Hax stole my account
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wtf is this
paid advertising of me you together...
>it's bigger than his
jelly of your boyfriend
Good thing this has the VHS effects, because Ruckus is just as ancient
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SLibs are lame
That seems a bit grim, given recent events...
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More frames please
What do they think this will achieve?
rally the troobs
A Trump landslide
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fapped to ebody feet
maitreyas better
I prefer not to look at feet. I keep them covered.
I stopped being lazy and "upgraded" my Firestorm now I lost like 80 fps, why would they work so hard to make it run like shit? Is this only a bad release and I should wait for a more optimized version or is this how it's going to be from now on?
Yeah, same. And now my GPU is running hotter than ever in what's already 100 degree weather here.
time to upgrade
I have an i9 and a 4080, though.
Did they rollback the render weight change? Randomly got stuff from my parcel returned as it was too full
Genesis viewer is really good
Does that even have PBR? It's a forked Singularity
I want to fuck her
switch to alchemy if you want FPS or buy modern hardware
Haven't heard of this one, is it even good?
I was looking at their YT stuff
>fancy a knees up?
shit the cringe fags are catching on...
The UI is less polished than Firestorm but the performance is fantastic. It runs better than Firestorm ever did. Only been using it since the new Firestorm update made the whole experience unusable but it was a pretty seamless transition.
Genesis is basically just rebranded Singularity.
Did you TP a Daniel?
No I tp'd a Fred
>why would they work so hard to make it run like shit?
Firestorm viewer is a mess of disorganized spaghetti code and deprecated XML. They've deviated so far from upstream that merging updates from LL is becoming harder and harder (hence it taking well over half a year after LL's PBR release to put out their own ""stable"" release). The same thing happened to Phoenix back when mesh released, and the same thing will likely happen to whatever comes after when Firestorm invariable shits and dies due to being an unmaintainable mess.
He says he's your brother
>It runs better than Firestorm ever did.
Everything runs better than firestorm ever did. Stock Linden viewer runs better than firestorm ever did. That's really not a high bar to pass.
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what the fuck is deprecated XML?
not cool anon
XML that LL no longer uses (notification well chiclets, etc) but fs boomers insist on keeping, so FS devs have to keep plugging them back into modern LL code.
genesis doesnt have pbr, useless
>genesis doesn't make everything look like greasy plastic
I'm fine with this.
The project manager doesn't seem to realize that LSL isn't implemented in the viewer
enjoy being left behind, retard
Genesis looks like dogshit and doesn't even have a Linux build
And their website is shit. I wouldn't be surprised if it has tons of back-doors.
I'll bet good money that viewer was made by some Kinggoon faggots and are using stolen code
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how contrarians feel when their "debloated" v1 style viewer with no bento, animesh, BOM or PBR that renders everything in simplified ASCII gets 10 more FPS than firestorm
literally violating GPL by stealing code from rye and not attributing
>not allowed to jerk off for the week
>everyone is horny for me for some reason

What the fuck
youre allowed to jerk off, i allow it
my doctor said no
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Why does this post read as if I made it?
What happened to her eye?
Why does this post read like you're a faggot?
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Because I'm a humongous faggot, please rape my face
based and would
It's actually made by the London City fags
Report them to Ryo and FSF
Rye is aware, leaving it to rug-pull on them later.
Yeah, I've seen you take a knot, faggot.
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Personally I run it on ultra and I eliminated the FPS issue pretty early on by adjusting my settings like this. Simply uncheck Screen Space Reflections and mirrors.
All the complaining I've been seeing leads me to believe that most normies don't adjust their settings according to their specs at all.
his paws smell like penis
It's pretty gay to reply to yourself.
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How tall is this dude?
Why do all of the firestorm skins look so ugly?
not uh! they're normal stinky and smell like fritos!
Does it matter? Skins on SL haven't really been that remarkable. Even that one skin that anon was taking pics of looked really boring.
its grim that he missed
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Maybe I’m not good at being a hooker
Maybe you need to hook yourself by the neck
So how long until your i9 dies?
I think I've had it 2 or 3 years now. I don't usually swap out CPUs and instead just build a new computer every 5 years or so.
What are the best deformers to use for the legacy or the ebody respectively? I want to make a femboy that looks a little chubby and doesnt have a giant ass.

>inb4 thats not a femboy.
I dont care.
btw the biggest glaring problem with the writing in your pic is the overuse of the "as you" concurrent tense
just got done having sex with horsemommy at my private parcel
I thought he died
he did
why niggaz sell clothes for Senra yo
are you telling me that the people that don't has money to buy a decent body will magically have money to buy Senra clothes?
[0:38] astonishedgene: cumming on my ass gets you banned from the afk place enjoy asshole
What about cumming in it?
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post avi inspo
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I thought the point of senra was to have a bunch of stuff out for free?
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Bro decide to get paid whenever he can!
That avatar is old as fuck
bro have manners for the elderly!
Face the wall now!
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Thumbnail looks like she's passing a huge pink cloud of fart.
lel I've fucked her before she's a nympho
I wouldn't be proud of that...
i like bimbos
>tfw she a nympho but i ain't really shit tho
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who is this
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EvoX bros...
Ah yes, the fabled EvoX Cyclops.
Heading out to an event for a bit
With who?
Dunno. I might invite someone if it's interesting.
Well did you found something interesting?
good morning sir, this is William Johnson from Linden Lab, please do the needful and whitelisting the the latest Firestorm viewer in your antivirus
Oh thank god, I misread at first and thought you said I was fired
Hows the Femboys around here? Are they hotter than the dick girls?
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I only like the anthro ones
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Is there any troll accounts on primfeed?
Not that I know of. They might not survive on there due to the polices on hate speech or something. There's not much drama happening on there yet due to the platform being very new.
Only a retard like you would say such a thing, now please enjoy your perma ban!
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kittooi or whatever her name is, is so hot
hhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng sex with kitooi
sexoooooooooooooo sexo sexo sex
seeeeeeeeex the joke is sex
Normally don't go for anthros but the femboys are better than the normie ones.
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too bad she's a fat commie
>A fat commie
Isn't this a contradiction?
she's fat and her personality is so exhausting that even though dizzy was only using her for lindens he couldn't stand her and unpartnered her after a while
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she's a lib shit?
that will make it all the better, oh mon dieu, imagine spaffing a fat load right between her tits hoooooooooly fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
If you really want to just talk to her in world or dm her she's easy and extremely desperate for cock.
not a big fan of poor people
must be jewish then
>i don't lewd / i don't fuck in profile
>invisible dick and mesh asshole
>hanging out in an adult sim
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gonna cry?
Bimbo mountains?
*instant transmissions behind your gf and slaps her ass*

what you gon do yt
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fug.. i had one job... nyo....
When I was selling sex on Second life, old men would promise me trips, luxurious hotels, eating at the fanciest restaurants, shopping & day spa treatments.
Not a moment of it was ever enjoyable though because I knew what was to come after - the part where I had to let them sexually assault my avatar for lindens to convert to cash to pay my rent.
that's pathetic but thanks for sharing
why the fuck would you do hooker shit with someone you don't find interesting
I got that reference anon dont worry
I was thinking of making a similar post...
generally, from experience, this is aimed to be a deterrent for annoying sex pests more than anything else
but those types can't even read
I got into midnight order
>see ads
>get excited
>try demos
>everything sucks
>don't end up buying anything
the midnight order cycle
Who is ReploidSham/Quoth?
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Some schizo
yeah everything does suck
who do (You) main in TF2
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I don't remember much. He was a very angry individual that complained about minutia and the majority of people around at the time didn't like him. His signature avatar, the raven harpy maid, was so shitty that multiple people made better versions of it to goof on him. He fucked off to VRChat and may or may not have trooned out, and as far as I know, never came back.
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Would you believe there was ever a group of people who would follow him around to other generals and games and pretend to be him to make him look bad?
How often did he complain about trannies?
I remember him being disliked, but not to the point that people would follow him to other games. I assume anyone that did was already in the same general or super autistic. Also, I don't recall what quoth complained about. I usually tuned him out when he was trying to argue about something.
I need a new bed, and haven't bought furniture in a couple of years. Any recommendations? I'd like rougher animations rather than more sensual stuff, cost doesn't matter.
Gadget, maybe. I think DOOM was making something new.
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I'm sure it would be quite a sight
I kinda dig the hair style on that avi, if nothing else.
Are you fucking kidding me?
I mean, the textures look bad (although it doesn't help that screencap has super low graphics). I just like the shape of it.
That shit looks like playdoh! Please get your eyes check... And lay off the fried chicken!
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How are the brainrot trannies doing in their containment sim?
I got some tp for a sonic the hedgehog event so fine I guess I don't know
Image Proof or Fag
I closed the DM and I didn't go to the event so I'm not sure what I needed to take a picture of
hi remmy
remmy is not here

Does anyone know of any RP communities on SL at the moment? The last time I was in-world, I had difficulty trying to find detailed groups. I'm used to quality RP, but these days I've lowered my standards.

I'm interested vampires, steampunk, fantasy mainly.
Honk Honk
Please keep this thread reddit free clean or I will start chanting the hidden interent secret languages
Roleplay is in a pretty bad situation right now, Game of Thrones RP is having its resurgence, so generic fantasy is reduced to the realm of dead sims or sims based on the ERP side of things.

There's one decent New Orleans vampire RP sim, a few modern fantasy vampire sim, then the large wasteland of bloodlines RP.

Steampunk RP is dead.
That sounds awful. I wonder what happened to this game to get to this state...
Linden Lab decided to promote the game to zoomers who lack the attention span or ability to not be ironic long enough to RP
I've given up on group roleplaying and just do spontaneous one-off things with friends.
As far as meeting people goes, that seems to be completely random. Every rp group I join disintegrates because of drama or the aspies become unbearable, whereas when I do hooker stuff I'll meet someone who wants to pay me to do half hour high fantasy rp sessions and it's a totally chill vibe.
I think there's a very finite number of people on SL you can get along with and would want to be around on a regular basis. Look at the retards who post here, like 99% of them are subhuman mutants who can't get along with each other and can't hold a conversation that isn't about their specific niche interest in looking like a sports mascot. All they do is stand around talking about video games and shopping and they still act like a bunch of hysteric trannies. It's just about playing the odds and talking to people until you find some cool.
Also, anyone who knows good rp sims would never post them here.
Eh, well, it was worth a shot. I guess I'll just keep looking. Thanks for the insight.
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What's wrong with you?
sex sex sex sex
Can I pay you for rp sessions?
Linden Lab has never catered to zoomers because they don't even have the disposable income to set up RP sims anyways. Roleplay is sort of a hassle in SL because people taking it too seriously. I've seen the hardcore RPers get pissed off when people don't type enough paragraphs or if they don't have the right avatar/outfit. There are chill communities out there, but you have to find them in the sea of weirdos.
Yeah you don't know shit buddy, LL actively are adding shit to SL just for the zoomer e-girl userbase
i cba 2 log on 2bqhwyfamalam
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I think she's in some american timezone anyway
sux2suk on that commiewannabe slop boobiewoobie
such as?
zoomer e-girls creamed their pants when LL revealed they would be following the gITF standard for materials
are there examples of zoomer e-girls creaming their pants for the glTF standard for materials?
so are there any big RP communities here with their own enclosed worlds?
Hot! Jerked off to this, thanks for the freebie!
fapped to maitreya feet
Still addicted to Second Life trolling videos.

All the videos
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>All the average normie couples look exactly like this
But they're not the ones spending money or making competent products (aka still making no mod trash). They obviously don't care that much about PBR and it's not even really recommended for materials on clothes.
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No they don't
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cool little fella
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Anytime I go to a store, club, or any other popular destination I see couples that look just like that.
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Holy fucking shit this can't be real
Bro that is a orge troll and a high hobbit nothing normal gonna come out of them.
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please have ruckus :3
idgi what are those toys?
They're supposed to be based on the elements which is the theme of SL21B. It still bold of them to make something like this after the mandates LL made for child avatars.
what are you on about?
This person thought it was a good idea to make a sympathetic image for child avatars after the TOS update.
Yes, where are you confused here?
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Oh, my mistake. You're an ESL.
I'm not, so where are you confused here?
You're not making any sense man, why do you think the image can't be real, do you lack empathy?
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No sane person has empathy for child avatars.
I mean you are right, but wrong...
Sorry chief, looks like you're a minority.
No child avatar I've met on SL deserves any sympathy whenever others persecute them for being creeps. There's a good reason why most active places on SL don't allow them by default.
I've listened to them having the same sob story about how they didn't have a great childhood, which means it's fine for them to pretend to be a toddler online. And while they claim to be not into "adult things" they went around openly showing groups like "nude family beaches" in their profile. The only reason why they sort of survived this long on SL is because of people enabling them.
Why are you meeting child avatars in SL?

I don't meet them by choice, they show up at whatever place that mistakenly allows them in. Then when someone points them out and calls them creepy, they get a bunch of people defending them saying that there's nothing weird about it.
I've cut off former friends for engaging in ageplay or babyfur shit. For some reason they think they're somehow immune to getting banned when they're doing suspicious things with those avatars.
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What is his chad level?
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How was your experience at SL21B?
Paradise City is pretty fun. I was looking around and some bitch pointed a gun at me and stole $2 out of my bag, so I told her it's haunted money and the spirits will follow her forever unless she pays me $5 to get rid of them. We did the banishing ritual and she came back with a friend to try and fight me for her money back but we were near the graveyard and last time I was there I fell through a grave into the mole people tunnels, so I was able to lose them in the maze.
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>your avatar will be judged by the remainder of your appearance such as thiccness and curves
Being thin or less curvy equates to being a child now?
how tall is the sign?
Some nice gifts at shop and hop, the exhibits were pretty mid though. Didn't attend any of the parties but my normie friend did and she said it was a bit much even for her.
If you hate child avatars you won't find many friends in this thread.
What the fuck did you meant by that!?
Don't worry about it.
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I can't
According to a lot of normies, yes. Usually when I make a flat chested avatar I give them wide hips and shapely butt.
>flat chested avatar
Female right?
Yeah, female avatar. I got the petite chest a while ago because it was getting a lot of clothing support. It was pretty easy for me to replicate kemono-like shapes with it. Maitreya gives out an entire petite body for free if you get the update for Lara X.
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>Yeah, female avatar
>height deformer (important)
>covered in cuts and bruises
>solid black outfit
this fella really went all-out on the boring eboy phenotype starter pack
sounds like zexen
Zexen doesn't even go that extreme with piercings and he uses more colors besides black in his outfits.
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thanks for the input stan has your ftm maiden sent you any nudes
Only stating facts since that's how I've seen him dress his avatars. Only a fucking weirdo would assume that noticing what people do makes them a stan of some sort. I don't even know them personally.
gullible little guy aren't you
He acts enough like a guy than a woman so?
>sl creates zippertits as well as agps.

just fucking nuke LL's hq
This isn't new information. Trannies have always been on SL. Surprisingly they're not the most annoying community.
Flat titty women owe me sex
Primfeed is so epic. You can find all the cringe in one place!
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Laughed when I saw this
the boldy bops look better that the feety peets and I'm tired of seeing support for the peetd
no one uses them right

Wasn't the event theme the elements?
Didn't you hear? Theme doesn't apply if you make it all about the LGBT, even though that's not even what the event is all about and it only coincidentally happens to be on the same month!
This is the booth that claims every historical figure is gay?
>page 10
I'm working
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Is that a dead mouse in his ear?
snack for later
The adult exhibits were even worse
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>"shapeshifter" in profile
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I didn't go and read the plaques there so I have no idea.

Many of the exhibits tended to be hit or miss. This one based on pirates was pretty cool though.
Its so people dont think i'm actually a woman
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damn that you?
Yes that was the theme, but obviously not everyone is going to follow it. But from what I understand, LL receives applications for the exhibits and approves the ones they want.
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Rip the-beach... what are some other cunny hangouts?
Nope, its open season and they don't have an approval process, but if you are putting something that is against TOS they delete you.
dick girls owe me sex
Girls don't have dicks
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The post that shattered /slg/
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there's always the swimming pool. aside from the beach, pinky's playground also seems to be dead; the sim is still there but it's been closed off to the general public last I checked. there's also lolland beach but it's a ghost town like golden sun as far as I can tell.

a number of people have moved to cunny OS grids like darkhearts and misfitz, including some people I never expected to see. the problem with cunny OS grids is they work off of whitelisting so you need somebody already in the grid to vouch for you during registration. sometimes you can join non-cunny OS grids freely then teleport to cunny OS grids, but a lot of them block connecting to cunny grids, and in the case of darkhearts if you aren't a native resident then some areas are blocked off to non-residents regardless, although you can still fuck in people's homes.
that redhead isnt a child av though just small, pretty sure ive seen her around
Big feet
>cunny OS
Thanks a lot! I'd be eternally grateful if someone could lend a hand.
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she's 100% a child av by her own admission
big feet = big milkshakes!
thread: *shit talks 24/7 and makes everyone out to be the worst humans alive*
also thread: what are some other cunny hangouts?
kek it do be like that
it's only the psychopathic agp pedos left
>boyfriend isn't online
>just lay in his bed sniffing the sheets all night
>really only one boyfriend?
>she got the bread
Due to porn at a earlier age, I only found out at 14. It's so fucking over for me sisters. I'm perma addicted to girl cock...
Something about people in chubby bunny group acting hostile
Don't like the sound of that
who's in it?
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very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very ver schizofag paranoia mobbing type of fags they're aren't any dick girls in there too the most I seen where cub to teenage looking avatars...
>any dick girls in there too
They have nothing good lmao
die mar die
It's funnier that it's sometimes women behind these accounts, because they want their ideal man to look like that.
I can't even tell what the image is
Why are furries like this? And she's also lying, there's barely any AI slop on the site. The most I've seen is people use those uncanny AI filters on their avatars.
>So uhhh someone wanna make a competitor to (at) primfeed that (DOESN'T) allow GenAI content? Like at all. I'm sure it'd be far more successful among the (Hashtag) SecondLife creator crowd. Please and thank you.

Aw man, what the fuck... Please get your eyes checked I'm worried about you...

And you are right the image is made for you to not see only an mental blur of it
>My content sucks so bad that a shitty generative model can outcompete me!
Who's problem is this?
who are you quoting
He's quoting me that time I said that about someone else.
yeah 14 quotes
Stop copying me weirdo
Finally, legacy search! Coming soon™
What does this mean for me?
It means you no longer need to use the web search in that viewer.
I wasn't aware it connected to a web browser
Every viewer has a built-in chromium instance installed.
it's just the local mpreg enthusiast, secret foxclaw
he is yet again pretending that he's contributed something to a viewer besides a useless recolor of a skin that someone else made lol
*crashes on teleport*
What have you contributed, anon? Besides crying about tranny girl cock that is.
wallflower's been awfully quiet since this dropped
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The problem is that a lot of these artists purposely overcharge people or they're willing to ruin the lives of others over dumb shit that doesn't matter.
But even then they haven't shown proof of people actively posting generative AI on primfeed.
Generative AI what? Art?
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They're talking about generated AI images you get from Midjourney or Bing Copilot. Something like this for example. Every time I've checked Primfeed I see people posting their screenshots and not this stuff.
>adding more bloat
soon your viewer will be indistinguishable from firestorm
They don't exist here sir!
>legacy search is bloat
>notification well chiclets and 20+ broken themes aren't
I can smell you, FS chud.
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furry drawpigs are almost as insufferable as SL "lesbians"
Its a drink
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depressed housewife kino
Gonna look at Midnight Odor
don't like this...
is there anything you like
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When are you doing the thing where you lean out the window for the "she wanted to order" bit?
I don't want nothing but you can give me anything...
I don't know who you are, so that wouldn't be possible.
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Bitches love orreries.
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Not about that moth life? This thread is being monitored.
I'd leik itz also thread haz bin haxked Iz nowl haz 8 ip dresses
I reported some AI stuff on primfeed before. There was an account that absolutely spammed their AI shit and would flood out everything else for a while. Another account that had AI ads would spam like everything possible and then got pissy mad and tried to report me when I said I didn't like it.

I don't think AI has a place on that site at all, not just because a lot of great creators are upset with the impacts it has on the industry as a whole, but because people who use AI for anything (other than a silly laugh or wank) are so goddamn annoying.
I'm at warehouse
what is that?
A club, warehouse21
a sale event
>login with my cunny av to get some mommy futa cock
>OpenSim crashes because it's ran off of somebody's dell server they bought off of ebay for $50
>login to my non-cunny av on SL and get futa mare cock instead
today was pretty good.
Day in the life of your average Echo sandbox visitor
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I think she forgot to change her head
ooh mmm
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the high lord of meat
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come on in
Do you have The Langoliers!?
I miss working at a video store
>boyfriend hasn't logged on in days
I need cock. I need to be fucked.
to late I came
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this you?
Would I be made fun of for buying and wearing <10L$ clothes from the marketplace? I'm broke.
If they're of similar quality to normally priced stuff (ie chepies from reputable sotres, "retired" lines or stores that are selling their stuff cheap for whatever other reason), most people won't even notice.
A couple might recognize them, but will probably just scoff at it and not mention it.
Same goes for event gifts (although even those are likely to be recognized be more people, specially SLB Shop and hop gifts)/
Forgot to mention, another reason stores might be able to sell stuff super cheap is if they bouth the mesh as "full perm" from another creator.
Some of those become so overused by resellers that some of the more fashion conscious might actually start to recognize them in the wild, even with different names and textures slapped onto them.
My thinking is as long as it looks decent, it shouldn't really matter. That being said, it is hard to find nice normal clothes for cheap but I can't really complain too much when I want to spend as little as possible.
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Got ass mogged again
No need to be rude
little asslet over here
Why is it so green?
blame yourself
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promo's good
I wish I were a wrestler
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zesty ass white boy
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that's you in the green btw
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Where can I get a dick like this?
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Stick a Joker head onto a robotic penis
What did you do today in Second Life?
ur mum lul
My day hasn't begun
afk in my skybox while watching youtube
I have sat around doing nothing
Are you doing something now?
anal with white mom finished off by footjob
Worked on an avatar, resisted the urge to add a giant penis to it, maybe another day
waited for my boyfriend to log in but he doesn't want to fuck me anymore
you too?
If it's being reported and removed by the admins then that furry was just being overdramatic. You are right about it not being appropriate for the site, it's just that not everyone is posting it, just a few bad apples.
They should focus on the weirdos who insist on having teenagers around them rather than AI crap.
boyfriend just logged in
getting dick tonight
Keep us updated.
so glad this shitty board with all the spineless shittalking steak refugees is dying off.
running to run your nasty mouths about people while hiding from them inworld for years.
Something you want to get off your chest, friend?
boyfriend logged out. I'm alone again
he just wants to pvp but is too chickenshit to give a place and time to rumble
wait a second you are in here too?

My kill list is getting big
I don't see you doing anything bitch boy
No not you the other one 487667634
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should I sell it or used it on someone (not me)
Why is it colored gold? Rare skin drop?
I had it for 10 years only fired it 3 times empty the clip
you couldn't fire that if you wanted to little wristcel lol
I mean why would I keep using it this thing cost about quarter half of my paycheck to fire...
:( nuuu I don't wanna....
>yes a clip is called a magazine
Please everyone take your meds
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The irony
hehe thats right had it for 10 years
My boyfriend is so powerful he could rape all of you, I just haven't asked him to yet.
I ran out of meds
Psychiatrists don't actually care about you, they just want your juicy insurance money
Fuck 'em
Oh really? A little boy? And a friend?
yeah he would rather rape me than have sex with you
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I don't understand the appeal. Why does anyone make an avatar that looks like this?
because the smoke alarm told them to
Kebah looking rough
kitty :)
The appeal is to look like a plastic surgery monster. The men around them encourage them to get bigger breasts and asses.
>rare page 11 moment
that doesnt exist here
I saw it happen twice
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it does exist sometimes, people used to be able to spam new threads to bump old ones off page 10 so they changed it to where if a bunch of new threads get started it extends the page limit
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I'm gonna smoke me a fatty sausage
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rare gem in the fifty linden fridays chat
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They're waking up
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This is a femboy...apparently...
if one of those things ever touched my avatar I would just delete my account
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Name three people with this avatar aesthetic.
Any pro-Trump/Vance sims?
I don't like communists or Palestinians very much.
About 90% of the Little Sex House.
Alt party with a bunch of free gifts, music ranging from boomer rock to death metal and edm.
good bait, what happen to goonerz?
Based if true desu, I member when a retard just spammed ai shit and hogged the gallery in the aussie hours.
Stop talking about Primfeed guys, I feel left out
I'm glad you reported those gooks most AI poster are asian looking for a quick attention.
Make an alt and open an acount. Tbf I haven't logged in weeks so idek if there's drama.
An actual retard is replying to my post... I stay left off continue posting about primfeed please...
gooned to legacy feet
trooned to soft.linden
What's he wearing these days?
my knot
May I see?
make a /trash/ thread
Why does altcake like age regression
I think they try to ban people who make pro-Trump stuff. Or maybe you can ask some boomers for that sort of thing.
we have to check the bike clubs
There was a big pro trump parcel on Zindra but the Lindens allowed it to get griefed by the anarcho rodentia pedophiles
No dumbass its a trap!
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I'd rather breathe clean air.
No you go breath brapping air you no steal my clean air you smelly faggy
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>anarcho rodentia
They stand on the right side of history which is why they're allowed to do as they please. Although they might need to remove those schoolhouses with gay paraphernalia all over them.
Isn't anarcho just a dead sim run by some pedo and 2 bots.
Sounds like a power move
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Last time I went there it was empty. The recent thing they added was an art gallery. Their area spans about 4 sims, but I guess they don't get a lot of visitors besides the people in their group. They do get a lot of donations for some reason.
I cheated on my boyfriend tonight
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I'm being gangstalked in SL
sim for a brat who needs futa correction?
its okay dundun it will all be over... for you
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Hookup requests belong in a trash thread. This one should be for exploring and shopping.
>should be?

Bro this thread is a battlefield no other thread doesn't take this much malicious posting...
/slg/ is majority shitposting at this point, the shopping is secondary.
I want to be plowed but yknow
Post butt
>anarcho rodentia pedophiles
Those losers are still around?
Yep been fighting them since the first time I join second life
sounds very pathetic
yeah it is just a boring base I managed to kill 4 of them so give me a yellow heart would you?
I want to kill myself but the timing never feels right
Come on give me that 5th kill of the day!
Hey thats me!

>They do get a lot of donations for some reason.
The drivers of SL group likes to go through their lands on drives sometimes, so maybe its that
Ain't you suppose to be dead?
I got better
You can't best death
>Hey thats me!
No it isn't
Why not?
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imagine the smell
dumb piercings
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False flagging us won't change the fact that you're an obese pedophile.
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Anarcho Rodentia more like Age Regression lol
who are you talking to?
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Hmm very curious that these reposts are being dumped all of a sudden
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I'm a loser who wakes up at 6 am (EST) and there's no way someone from the USA west of me is even awake yet. Who the fuck from the UK/AUS would repost the same ass pics. Very curious indeed.
>ana makes two posts
>ana hateposting starts
>stretchposting begins shortly thereafter
stop australian on australian hate crimes. you're all fucking awful.
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Shut up loser, here, have an ass pic
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that planet wouldn't be habitable though. the atmosphere is mostly methane and sulfur. constant techtonic booty movement also makes the land unstable. false info
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>constant techtonic booty movement
On the barren planet of Stretch-7, an enormous central geyser, known as the Titan’s Breath, erupts intermittently, sending vast clouds of methane into the void. Occasionally, tectonic booty shifts triggered tremors, causing the ground to buckle and ripple.
The spice must flow.
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Blessed post
There's also constant artillery strikes from the numerous red rockets in orbit.
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fuck off nugget
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