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The last mami Necromancer edition

Previously: >>485113579
Latest News: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/new-underworld-area-tasks-hard--elite---this-week-in-runescape

>Elite task set for Um
>Runefest back on and announced for March 2025
>Sanctum of Rebirth being released in a new format where players won't be given as much info on launch July 22nd
>4th Rex Matriarch boss along with new ring for Necro
>New Boss dungeon 'Sanctum of Rebirth' along with T95 dual wield magic weps coming in July
>Roadmap for the remainder of the year shown: New skilling boss, Group ironman mode, Daemonheim arch digsite, and 4th Necro conjure
>graphics update: Rellekka and Lighthouse get the nuscape treatment, joining Kandarin. Lunar Isle has yet to release
>Daemonheim surface update
>holy shit they did it: you can search the game settings now
>I haven't played since the First Age, what did I miss?
Wiki Guide for Returning Players: https://runescape.wiki/w/Guide_for_returning_players
RuneScape Official News Archive: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/archive?cat=0
List of Game Updates: https://runescape.wiki/w/Game_updates

>Useful Links:
RS Wiki: https://runescape.wiki/
Forums: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/
Alt1: https://runeapps.org/alt1
Dailies/Weeklies/Monthlies tracker: https://dailyscape.github.io/
Revolution bars: https://runescape.wiki/w/Revolution/Bars
Runeclan is kill: https://runepixels.com/
Moneymaking: https://runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide
Miscellania: https://runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Other/Miscellania
Perk calculator: https://runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Perks

>Latest [Story] Quest: Requiem for a Dragon

>New Skill: Necromancy
Official Website: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/new-skill-necromancy---this-week-in-runescape
Skill Guide: https://runescape.wiki/w/Necromancy
Skill Training: https://runescape.wiki/w/Necromancy_training
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Love your tax
stupid tax
Good tax
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i miss squeel of fortune era runescape
don't worry it will be soon polled into osrs for nostalgia
>one time only mtx promo with limited edition mtx that 100% will never happen again

>second chance tuesday!
>due to popular demand mtx promo with limited edition mtx that 100% will never happen again
Logged in today and everything was going just fine. Until I saw it.
A noob.
A big fat stinking dirty stupid filthy little noob!
I was filled with overwhelming disgust.
Immediately I felt the vomit rise in my throat.
Then I was violently sick.
Bits of bacon, lettuce, and tomatoes, along with a viscous porridge-like paste, jetted out of my mouth and nose. I was bent over heaving up the contents of my stomach. For pity. Again and again and again. Spamming great gouts of ghastly gruel down my front, over my legs, upon the ground.
When there was no more coming out I looked up.
Once more my stomach began to spasm. Twisting and turning inside me, almost as if it were trying to flee the scene in desperate horror. I retched repeatedly but nothing came out except some grisly black bile. The vile stomach acid burnt my throat and nostrils.
Overwhelmed by this ordeal I stood unsteady on my feet. Surely nothing worse could possibly happen today.
Suddenly I heard a dark voice behind me say
"Hahaha! Its BIG DADDY JAGEX time!"
A massive penis was then thrust unceremoniously up my ass and I felt the hot ejaculate of Jagex cum fill my rectum while a truly unreal swarm of salivating gums slobbered over the back of my neck.
Then just like that it was over.
I crawled away, exhausted, copious amounts of warm jizz oozing out of anus to leave a sticky trail of shame slowly cooling behind me.
Then I logged out.
How was your Runescape day?
I used to have hope for the future. This game and its feature is looking real bleak boys.
maybe in 3 years. jagex always peaks for a short while then ruins everything after for a couple of years.
>10m+ xp from rituals
>still no moonstone
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Yeah, that's the thing who fucked my ass, umm, I mean girl...warthog...whatever... I would recognize those gums anywhere
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schizoanon spotted in the fagex stream chat
only interesting thing about the stream was them saying that yes, they know people want old questlines to continue.
What a lost cause, may as well try to stop the tide coming in, the game is fucked, dumbed down for the lowest shitter, there's no going back.
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I fly.
i bet youre one of those anons who complain about bond prices arent you
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>Start doing clues and arch
>Bank keeps getting full
>The only way to further increase bank space is to give Jewgex more Shekels just to make the fucking game playable
>Buy my bonds goyim! Never mind about banning you for RWT as long as you are giving your real world money to us! Oh look we just introduced more shit in the game - you wouldn't want to destroy that one artifact that you will need later to free up bank space now would you?
So what the fuck is the point of having loyalty points if you can't trade them for anything useful like more bank space?
Around 300-400 rituals later with 700% spirit attraction, still no moonstone.
Classic Jagex
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obligatory carby tax
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The Skull Lord loves Prophet Dang and pays the smug tax willingly.
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obligatory tax double
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skull lord is extremely sus??? sussy baka imposter????????
I've been thinking of making master work, should I wait for the smithing update first? I have a feeling Jagex is going to pull another one of those fuck you moments where they'll make a piece of content easier if you just wait.
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W73 ghost impling here if anyone still needs the task
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The Skull Lord says trans rights.
Uh, based?
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>Have to farm K'ril again for ensouled cloths to upgrade power armor
Kill me.
miku sex
hatsune miku is my favorite jmod
hatsune miku and mod blkwitch having lesbian sex
This has been explained many times.
You have an anus
Jagex uses it.4
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just like in my japanese animes
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I ran out of ritual supplies. I'll have to get more tomorrow and continue this pointless exercise. Made over 10k ectoplasm with rituals that only grant 15 plasm per ritual (plus the occasional drops you get from disturbances) in 2 days and no moonstone in sight. I'm very close to just calling it bugged, this rng is fucking insane.
and why did you not buy them from the shop???
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which part of the wushanko isles is this
my asshole hurts
that's your fault for not lubing up properly even though it's been posted dozens of times in /rsg/ that you should. if you choose to constantly ignore the recommendations, you have no right to complain.
Restore your artifacts or destroy them. Why are you hoarding them like a retard?
i hoard runes
i whore for runes
I run (escape) from whores
meet me in world 3?
Are there any capes that go good with Dragon armor set? Especially ones with the red gold motif?
we are going to have cybersex
sometimes i imagine santa saying "unlucky" to me and i still get so angry
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>T92 Vorkath armor
>EoF (or)
>Fucking max cape

is this the ultimate omega level spinnie?
i have all 4 zuk capes but ive never been able to complete hard mode zuk to merge them into a single cape. does that make me a shitter or am i in the clear
kek, and on fucking Christmas.
That's right! Furthermore its widely known that axle grease is cheap and plentiful. I always carry a jar with me. One never knows when the BDJ may be lurking behind some bush. Very handy too if your car needs a lube as well.
one time i got into my car and started driving home, but little did i know mod blkwitch was hiding in the backseat of my car. she popped up and reached around my seat and squeezed my balls so hard i threw up. the doctors say it'll be a miracle of i ever have kids now, because she crushed both my testicles. i still don't know why she did that.
Having BIS gear but using anything below the regular zuk capes is shitter status
no player who can finish elite tasks will be fucking wearing the tome shit when they can use a gwd2 book for 10% more dps you stupid RETARD JAGEX IDIOTS
Omega shitter irons who cant just spinnie their way to bis like >>486506717 will
Yeah, that's quite out of character for her. I would have expected her to just fuck your ass though the seat while saying she is doing the "driving" now.
the seats of my car are actually reinforced with steel plates because i'm such an obese fat fuck. if they were not reinforced with steel plates, my large and girthy frame would break the car seat. however, because of the steel plating in the seat, blkwitch was not able to penetrate through it and into my asshole. life has a funny way of making the best of a bad situation sometimes!
>gwd2 book
No such thing
explain how im masturbating to a twin furies yuri doujinshi right now then
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>twin furies yuri doujinshi right now then
Holy shit, thats a great idea, i'm ordering a set of titanium reinforced seats right now, with those reactive explosives they use on tanks. Might even put a cope cage around the whole thing just in case she tries to sneaky in with a drone first.
ok, maybe it's not a doujinshi... but still
uh oh, you better not talk about tanks. you're going to trigger that stalingrad survivor's PTSD by mentioning those things.
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>Start doing clues for fortunate comps
>Never get a casket in my inventory
>Why the fuck is it taking so long to complete
>Realize if you have Charo's bag of clues in your inventory you continue to do clues and the caskets are kept inside there
>End up doing six different clues before I rage quit
Oh I'm a big dummy
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>>Start doing clues for fortunate comps
Lmao just buy trimmed rune off the ge
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Oh my fucking God, it exists.
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Its sad how the Dang simp keeps false flagging as me, he wishes the Skull Lord cared about some thot.
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Current state of rs3
Reminds of the time at Stalingrad when we were dug in, fighting off the Russian T-34's and T-60's. We took a heavy toll on their numbers but eventually we ran out of anti-tank ammunition. We had to resort to satchel charges. We would wait until the tanks had overrun our positions and then duck out behind them to place the explosives on their rear. One man in my company, Horst was his name, attempted to do so but was caught by machine gun fire and hit in the leg. As he lay in the street another Russian tank appeared and rolled right over him, squashing his innards into the cobblestones. I can still hear his screams.
Poor old Horst!
Poor Horst. How did you get out of there after that?
You know, Clawdia getting a boss pet makes me hopeful that Fagex has read my suggestions of making all the original ED bosses as transmogs for the already existing ED bosses. So, if you have BSD, you could swap it to look like VL or Astellarn. Reason why i thought they would never do this is because the Sanctum Guardian would require new animations, since all the other ones could use already existing ones. But now that Clawdia pet exists, Sanctum Guardian pet could exist. Fagex plz. I want my Astellarn and Leviathan pets.

Sanctum trailer
its kinda homosexual how you link to twitter and not youtube
i did it for you bby
I already figured out that we are all God, collectively. So once you come to this realization, what's the point of even playing RuneScape at all?
>That giant floor puzzle
>Multi team boss
I don't like it already.
The boss mechanics might not actually be that bad since it looks like Fagex actually did take the feedback they got from Vorkath seriously. I like how the floor tiles expand as they're about to explode, makes it very clear as to when you're supposed to dodge.
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thoughts on who she is?
i've seen amascut herself, corrupted char, corrupted elidinis, and corrupted leela.
im gonna make group iron man and beat entire game!!! hope that releases soon!!
Either Elidinis or someone new (I think the latter will be the case). Maybe something taken from OSRS.
She shares the same colors as Elidinis, but Amascut must’ve pulled some insane bullshit to corrupt Elidinis, especially since we haven’t heard from Amascut or the rest of the Pantheon besides Icthy in the Sixth Age. Makes me wonder what the fuck Amascut has been up to since the gods came back.
>>Multi team boss
you can solo it, and solo realistically like amby and not meme like rago
We didn't get out. We died in droves. Starvation. and the cold added to the toll. When all the supplies had run out Von Paulus surrendered the 6th army. Just days after being promoted to Field Marshal. All 91,000 of us. Those who survived the march into captivity spent about ten years as slave labor after the war ended. Less than 6,000 of us would ever see home again.
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>That's your plan? The Edicts? HA!
>You actually think that this will work, don't you? That Guthix's old tricks will stop me again?
>This is no longer amusing. Mortals should not play with power meant for gods.
>This has gone on long enough. It's time you learn your place, vermin.
>You dare defy me? I, who commanded the greatest armies in history? I, who struck down Zaros?
>You think you've won? It will never be over until you lay broken!
How will they ever top zamorak
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>An entire questline to depict Zamorak as someone who lives by the survival of the fittest philosophy and made it clear there was propaganda that painted him as the devil/evil
>Helped free his kin from stagnating into extinction from their rituals since Zaros was absent all the time
>Ascended through brute hardship, endurance and strength so much that even Guthix acknowledged Zamorak before banishing him
>Nu-Jagex retcons the narrative of Zamorak as being someone who was misunderstood and has good intentions from his philosophy
>Returns to just being the bad guy
They pulled the same bullshit with Zaros, hell there's an entire dialogue you may have with him in person in Freneskae. What was all that content for just to make it irrelevant in one fell swoop?
to be fair anon, he was so salty he lost the god wars that he essentially committed genocide out of desperation. he's nuanced, but he's unambiguously evil
Honestly it should've been a double god fight where Saradomin and Zamorak temporarily team up to try to keep you from erecting the edicts. It was equally stupid how they tried to make Saradomin the 'good guy' again despite the shit we saw he caused in The World Wakes.
Exactly, Saradomin was actually revealed to be a power hungry war hawk with no other motive but to increase and expand his control and influence.
His adopted daughter made him say sorry so it's ok.
Your anus.
Does it hurt?
Your anus. Tell us, does it hurt?
sometimes, but it's more of a burn from eating too much spicy food
i guess it helps desensitize me to all the jagex assfucking
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>Over six hours of farming K'rill
>Several effigy drops, warpriest pieces and even get the Negromancy pet
>No subjugation drops
Thank you
Your testimony has been filed with the mounting pile of evidence being gathered for the ASS CRIMES TRIBUNAL.
Yes, yes, its quite a pain isn't it? Like getting buttfucked when your jar of axle grease is empty. Now tell us. DOES YOU ANUS HURT?
I'm not even mad anymore.
wtf the current state of rs3 is good?
>>An entire questline to depict Zamorak as someone who lives by the survival of the fittest philosophy and made it clear there was propaganda that painted him as the devil/evil
That was already a bullshit retcon from the get go, you cannot make him misunderstood or whatever when his entire philosophy is about chaos and he himself enjoys razing innocent villages with armies of demons for no reason. Everything they did to try to make him redeemable is the biggest piece of cringe Jagex has ever written. The fucking god letters from the RSC era that were written as a joke had a more consistent personality than that atrocity.
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Zamorak genuinely became one of my favorite RS3 characters. I don't completely agree with the philosophy Jagex started writing for him after RS3 launched, but I still loved Zamorak as a character and even unironically began respecting his views to a degree. If you play Final Fantasy 14, Zamorak's views are very similar to the character of Venat. They both preach that people NEED to suffer, and if there was no pain and suffering in the world, life would have no value and would even cease to be. The difference is, Venat is unironically painted as benevolent and one of the game's protagonists. She's literally the god our character worships; the game forces you to agree with her due to its linear story, which has caused many controversies. People disagree with her and unironically believe the antagonists of the game are morally correct and are upset the game forces them to side with Venat. But point is, Zamorak's philosophy is so legitimate, that if you simply try to paint it in a different light as FF14 does, you can even successfully pass it off as virtuous. It's proof that Zamorak was a good, deep, well written character. Then Jagex just fucking fumbles it and makes him unnecessarily evil for no reason. I'll never, EVER get over it, because Jagex actually had something good and intelligently written. And they fucked it up. It's fucking pathetic.
Very good. Now tell us more about your anus.
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>he himself enjoys razing innocent villages with armies of demons for no reason
He absolutely does not. He doesn't enjoy senseless death and destruction at all. He believes all death and destruction must serve to strengthen people and grant them meaning in life, otherwise it's abhorrent and must be punished. His philosophy is explained extremely well in the Book of the Gods.


>We left the world of fire, and we crossed to a new world - young and primal. He took me to a valley and he showed me the newly forming village below. It was filled with tiny people, each of them moving about the place like ants. We watched them for days and each day I noted the same people walked the same paths, the same routes, simply growing older as they performed the same tasks.
>Wordlessly he turned to me and gestured to the village and as he did so the very ground tore itself asunder. Fire leaped from beneath the rock and consumed villagers and their homes alike. As soon as the fire started, it was gone, left in its wake was destruction without sense, reason or purpose. At least, I thought so at first.
>I confess, in my ignorance I was briefly horrified. Despite my upbringing and my Mahjarrat heritage, the humanity in me screamed that this was wrong; an act of senseless cruelty. I was outraged, but he simply smiled and pointed once more to the village.
>As I watched, the people began to move out of their standard patterns, breaking free of monotony and routine. They created a line and passed containers of water from one to another, the last in the line dousing the flames as yet more followed. Leaders sprang up and began to spread order amongst the chaos and healers appeared to tend to the wounded. Suddenly their lives had meaning, and I watched in amazement as they took this tragedy and turned it into the foundation of a stronger society.
>Strength in chaos. Finally, I understood.
It's been thoroughly devastated by how shit Jagex's writing is. The fact they were able to take such a one dimensional character that was depicted as blatantly evil and actually manage to turn him into an interesting and complex character was genuinely impressive. It took some quality, intelligent writing. But then the fact they actually backtracked on it as hard as they did, taking years worth of intelligent writing and throwing it away for no good reason, devolving Zamorak back into generic slop, well... They might as well have taken a massive, life-sized horse cock dildo and jammed it all the way up my asshole without lube, because experiencing NuJagex's writing felt the same as a horse cock up my tight, virgin butthole. It felt like my anus was slaughtered in ways I never would have thought possible. It still hurts. I still can't sit for long periods of time because of the anal destruction I've experienced from NuJagex. I hate them with a passion.
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(all men btw)
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>All these free sara brewskies and super res pots
How could one Zaryte be so based?
Thank you.
Yet more documented evidence to be used by the prosecution against Jagex during the ASS CRIMES trials.
Try not playing for 5 years. I just started again and got the robes while doing my first death task.
And by robes I mean gown
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sex with this anime girl
it's time
yak track must come back
kill yak trak
kill hero pass
kill battlepasses
kill jmods
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what a faggot
Perhaps. But lets talk about you. About your anus in particular. Does it hurt? How much does it hurt? Your testimony is important.
my anus is perfectly fine. i pray to dang three times a day, so i do not suffer rectal trauma like most rs3 players.
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shitcoin cant buy a zuk cape :( how are these people so bad holy shit
if you dont have zuk cape within 48 hours of account creation, you should get banned
with necro thats probably possible
yes because necro fucking ruined the game
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what the fuck do i do with this amount of potatoes
sell them, make food out of them, feed them to your PoF animals.
>sell them
small prices for potato
>make food out of them
that's more interesting. how do i?
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take your pick
gotcha, thanks
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He plays rs3 so that's a given.
>"waaah game is ruined"
>still plays anyway
What gives? Do you people just love eating shit or what?
It's a sunk cost fallacy, the guy you see constantly complaining has been playing since 2006.
but I'm not playing anymore.
You were saved!
Praise be Dang for anal salvation!
I've logged in a total of 18 times this year.
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>8 hours farming K'ril
>Finally get the last piece of sub armor for 18 pieces of cloth
>Look into the amounts of cloths needed for T90 power armor believing you have enough
>Apparently you need one (1) more for a "Venomous" type
>Thalmud won't have one in stock until mid August
My booty is officially blasted, BDJ I kneel.
i am really enjoying the new um book
new waves based minigame, extremely punishing, if you wipe you lose everything

teehee lvl 80s can get t95 magic weapons by killing a dungeon with infinite tries isn't pvm so accessible now?

Because shitty players are the biggest bunch of jabroni faggot crybabies imaginable.
Hopefully they've at least made the weapons incredibly rare in NM, like getting a Telos drop sub 25%.
Hahaha! Yes! Yes!
In the end NO ONE, not even a Kawaii Sugi, can hold out against the mighty ASS POUNDING of BIG DADDY JAGEX!
Stand by to receive!
Yeah but its nothing new under the Sun. Little assholes were bitching about being pked in da wildee years ago, even with all the warnings and safeguards. They whined so much that faggex basically neutered the whole pking aspect of the game.
ugh...i can't stop shitting again...i think there's something wrong with my asshole
osrs is sooooo much better than this game
Your testimony has been documented and filed with the prosecution team. We will have justice.
You should have prayed to Dang instead of Gawr Gura. Become Append Dang.
stop, mod blkwitch! leave the kawaii sugi poster alone! he's innocent and doesn't fit your yaoi fetish agenda! LEAVE HIM ALONE!
Personally, I think it's an upgrade being able to kill Spiders in The Wilderness without worry. Spiders in The Wilderness are easier to kill without pkers.
In The Wilderness!
intercourse with this blue haired bikini babe
>Um book doesn't bank searing ashes
It was so close to being my new favorite item in the game.
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qrd how much is 75 keys theoretically worth, only ever played ironwoman
springs and shf and sell on ge
the keys themselves are around $25, all the lamps/stars scale on level but on my maxed account i'd expect at least few million each xp and bonus xp, a few mil, maybe 10, worth of springs/SH feathers/etc, and a bunch of proteans i guess
not really worth ever buying keys imo
Oh the Humanity!
Hysterical foaming at the mouth ensues.
Land sakes Man! Have ye no sense of decency?
Everyday sp*nnies sink lower and lower.
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>1 year in

Has Necromancy saved Runescape 3?
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The difficulty behind content like ED and the gear required to fight modern bosses filtered a lot since most spin their way for end game gear, and finding a team of randoms to do activities always ends up in disaster. Negromancy at least made some content playable going solo.
Made it a gatcha game and then turned it into a mobile game for tards.
At kast I trubly understnad.
i hereby declare these anime girls are unsexable
cheers surula.
Honestly god tier at BGH. saves me the trouble of having to swap in death note.
wait, didn't i order wine?
didn't read a single thing you guys wrote. only replying to let you know that i'm furiously masturbating to these anime girls.
spiders!!!!!!!!!! in the wilderness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ahem >>486764838
im too horny to be stopped
Yup, gotta buy from the shop, also a bonus if you've got the Ungael ritual site unlocked too. Made my Un ritual site do greater communions. while the Ungael ritual site does the 'plasms, yeah.
>Pic sorta tangentially related
...Will probably need to get references for the last one (Skeleton Warrior w/ Benefits here, >>>/v/682954942, the Vengeful Ghost, beach ends quite soon, wew.
wtf, i do NOT want to have sex with this anime girl. wtf!!!!!
I swear to Dang that your wickedness makes me want to put out a contract on your anus with BDJ.
my anus already has a contract with mod blkwitch (i didn't agree to the contract but it exists anyways), so any contract you may try to form would be null and void!
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i misread that as /v/. i clicked the link expecting to be taken to video games. it instead took me to vtuber stuff. you made me visit the vtuber board. i will not forgive you for this, kawaii sugi.
Then you leave me with no choice. I am going to dig out EU3, bribe some Cardinals, take control of the Curia, give the Pope a blow job, and then invoke THE POWER OF EXCOMMUNICATION!
Okay, its a different game, but it should still work here. I just need to redefine what Excommunication means.
"Excommunication means foreign powers may declare WAR upon your anus without penalty. In addition you suffer a hit to the stability of your butt. A ruler who has been excommunicated is no longer protected by Dang."
>my anus already has a contract with mod blkwitch
Wait. What? My GOD! What sort of degenerate am I dealing with here?
Its okay, I will use THE POWER OF EXCOMMUNICATION to severely punish the Kawaii Sugi.
All the conjures atm are all lads, hard bastids. Kinda amused with myself the reveal banner for 4th combat style features a conjurable female zombie, putrid, if I may say so myself. (still cool a concept)
>no moneymaking guide on w3 edate in the wiki,
Hahaha! Think everyone now is mostly left along, even after being able to gender-flick at will.
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My assessment is that /vt/ is based, and those lot are as degenerate and filthy as you guys kek
no, it's too late. your crimes can never be forgiven for making me visit a vtuber board. however, i am going to masturbate to some pikamee hentai now.
By Dang! The POWER OF EXCOMMUNICATION simply bounces of the Sugi! Its almost as if it is being deflected by a barrier of IMPENETRABLE CUTENESS!
ahem >>486775782
how do we stop this man?!?!
no... i must draw the line at necrophilia... the gooning must stop... and be redirected at pikamee because of >>486780550
kawaii sugi always comes in here and posts anime girls, which makes me very horny and causes me to have to stop what im doing to jack off. now he's posting links to vtuber threads. he needs to be stopped before it's too late for my dick. it's already starting to scab from excessive tugging. what are we as a community going to do about this?
Well I dont think it is possible to stop a form of cuteness so incredibly powerful that it repels EXCOMMUNICATION. I mean in EU3 using excommunication was a wonderful way to fuck up your enemies, You could declare war on them with no penalty and then do nothing except watch as their internal discontent grew to such level they would end up tearing themselves apart. Great way to screw over big nations like France, Castille and England without getting your hands too dirty.
But on the Sugi its useless. The Sugi is incorruptible. So instead I think we should appoint the Sugi as President of the ASS CRIMES Tribunal. I would like to see Jagex try to sleaze their way out of the insurmountable mountain of evidence that has been collected against them by now.
I don't know if that's a good idea. It would cause Mod Blkwitch to feel threatened, which would cause her to start targeting Sugi with extreme prejudice. She would then start flooding /rsg/ would pictures of anime guys in an attempt to overwhelm, smother, and destroy the kawaii sugis that Kawaii Sugi posts. Before you know it, this thread would devolve into nothing but pictures of anime guys, a lot of which would be yaoi to boot. We cannot let that happen. It's better to leave Sugi out of the ASS CRIMES Tribunal and instead place someone who won't draw Jagex's focus to these threads.
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>250 hardmode AG kills
>pretty much all 0-500+ streaks until i do retarded shit and die
>no drops
am i unlucky? i'm too retarded and druk to understand the drop rate
>died from walking into beam
This new boss gonna be good? Maybe I'll play. Should probably do some pvm today to get used to my keybinds again.
its gonna be shit like everything else in this fucking dogshit of a videogame.
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oh shit. i was just doing my usual dailies. cool.
>15min logout timer
>two ritual sites
glad to be back in the grind, also to post some doings of mine, also evil bloodwood incoming, yeah!
Jesus H Christ. All this talk about ass fucking. Do you guys have to be so crude? Sure I agree Jagex fucks our asses, but really do you have to say that? Instead can't you say something like "penile penetration of an unwilling fecal orifice" That sounds so much more polite.
meds, quick
ok I logged in but what do I kill now?
Ah fuck you. Shove your 'meds" up your colon. Talking about "ass fucking" is so low class. Its not smart. Try to lift your act.
do spinnies really?
I haven't played since the release of negromancy
what changed?
negromancy ruined the game.
The diameter of your ass.
The combat redesign test that was Necomancy was a success, and all combat styles have been reworked to operate in a similar way. It's basically EoC 3 or EoC as it should have been to not be bad outright* (not accounting for if such a change was the right thing for the game). That's the major change ig.
>all combat styles have been reworked to operate in a similar way
no they havent, that update is still coming in 2027
I'm talking about this. If bigger changes are coming later then that's something else.
dude all they did was buff the other combat styles a bit. this is not a fucking "rework".
In what way does Necromancy operate as a combat style differently than the other 3 styles after the update?
Its skill floor is way higher.
Rather than high damage output or at least burst damage being dependent on swapping multiple high value items and stacking various buffs from abilities and equipment to the extreme it mostly operates around building stacks of resources and then spending them. There are a handful of other interactions that function as a mainloop for traditional damage dealing that revolve around Living Death.
other combat styles have too many (basic) abilities and no auto-attack ability. when jagex said their aim is to make other combat styles more like necro, it meant trimming basic abilities and implementing an auto-attack one
shitters just want to click once and then jerk off
legacy and revo users need to be permabanned
luckily full manual will be quite easy once the rest of the combat styles get the necro treatment of no filler abilities :)
shitters will still complain
>luckily full manual will be quite easy once the rest of the combat styles get the necro treatment of no filler abilities :)
Plus you still fire a 100%avg ability even without doing anything on full manual, that's how necro works at least
If a boss can't be afkd it's bad designed.
I have rectum juice for sale.
Fresh. Organic. Contains 100% Jagex jizz.
i'll take two
>If I can't play this game by not playing it means they did it wrong
dont try arguing with revobabbies they are mentally ill
Let's play RuneScape.
Sure. Good thing I logged in twice today.
wtf this is not true? yeah, all i want to do is click once so i can jerk off because i love beating my cock to anime girls, but that doesnt mean im a shitter
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>over 1 million dpm is possible
skidibi toilet gyatt rizz only in ohio no cap fr fr
what's the revo afk bar for this?
im using revo++ right now
I have a baaaad feeling that normal mode is going to be absolute garbage in some way. Like it's going to be designed to waste your time or have shit rewards. And Hard Mode is going to be sweatlord central.
>New summer event hub next year
>Will probably introduce a shitty new event currency that takes centuries to grind and buy a single cosmetic like the easter event
I hope you're right because I am a sweatlord.
probably getting rid of hole too
Hole was a noob trap just fucking do Dungeoneering. Its actually tolerable ever since they allowed solo players to do large floors
no fuck you
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there's a 100% chance this redditor plays RS3
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>Jmods whining about poison doing too much damage

Imagine introducing nearly uncapped damage potential that is Bik arrows and then wondering why cinderbanes beat out 2 years of glove buffs.
>Jmods whining
I don't care what they whine about, because their opinions mean nothing to me. Jmods have proven to be fucking retarded, therefore their opinions will always be retarded by extension
kill jmods
kill mod foul
kill dang
wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!! kys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im so upset that someone said to kill dang that i had to masturbate to dang AIslop in order to calm myself down
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Hole is worse time efficiency than just afking sinkholes every day. Even if you get a small lamp both times, that's 10 minutes at sinkholes for the equivalent of 45 minutes in the hole.
How the fuck does the beach bait so many people each year when you can afk for better xp year round?
i'm an ironnigger and can't do sinks
My condolences
>click on hole
>do fun stuff on other window/monitor
>click on hole
>continue having fun
it's a no-brainer, literally
Guys I haven't played in a few months
tell me
Do spinnies really?
GWD3 arrows were a mistake
im a mistake
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Finally got the last drop needed for one more ensouled cloth took me all week to get enough for 19.
>30 Hermodic plates
Well, fuck me sideways.
>1 hour of Hermod with ~40-45 second kills
>1 (one) Hermodic Plate
Fuck this
Because you are limited in the number of sinkholes you can do in a day. You can stay in the hole for hours and hours if the right conditions are met
Most people dont actually like playing runescape.
Sinkholes means having to pay attention. You have to be somewhere at some time, followed by lots of fucking around. even if you dont actively participate. Fuck that.
The only fun part of sinks is deliberately stretching each sinkhole out to the time limit just to annoy people who are trying to max efficiency it. Fun to watch them spazz out. Spastics should be made to suffer.
But there is already something in the game that keeps cinderbanes in check. Its called "poison immunity".
i think the problem with that is that when you introduce new bosses that are not poison-immune you basically have to scale its health assuming the player(s) have poison, and so it becomes sub-optimal to kill without cinders/blood reaver and maybe even without bik arrows
Well they already figured out how to fix players killing bosses too quickly, and that is to increase their respawn timers.
You know what has been on my mind ever since necromancy and the whole A C C E S S I B I L I T Y thing. This game is really turning into a gacha game. Anything that could be considered a challenge has to be made easier because the shitters can't keep up and getting good is not an option. Bosses do not have mechanics anymore you just burst through it like me 3 turning with automata in fgo, the other half only does "pvm" if it has an auto battle option (afk revo++). Skilling has already been trivialized for years with TH, which has also become way more crazy with how much xp you get over time. The meta is save up all proteans and dummies and wait for dxp 4x per year.
Gameplay doesn't feel like an mmo anymore. It's has become way too surface level with the sole purpose of extracting as much money from the gambling addicts as possible.
Fair, out of all the routines to enjoy training necromancy, all I did was to drop by the Abyss to get it to level 90. For Dungeoneering, yup, just doing the minibosses in ED just for relics to feed both my disassembler and alchemiser, really. Hope the grind gets easier for those rings (ring of death?) and capes (from the kiln and zuk) hopefully for an easier time with the power armor tasks, especially with Lv. 80 necro gear.
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SIlverhawks would like a word with you.
So would the squeal of fortune.
rs has become more of an assfucking that you pay for than a game
what the current best use of invention machines? ive been off for 3 months
>alt+4 to roll
>didn't ask for tomorrow off because I work from home 99% of the time anyway
>boss sent me a text because they need "all hands on deck" in person tomorrow
Logged in for the first time in ages today and found
a jagex cock deeply embedded up my arse. Any ideas on how to remove it?
sanctum is going to suck so much dick, i can already tell
sanctum more like scrotum
You know how long I've been waiting for someone to joke about that
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*with a chicken suit
>scrotum rebirth
cutfags....its our chance...
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>killed 3k osseus without knowing you had to read the journal to get hypnowand pieces
Why do they keep doing these things to us bros?
rough sex with these anime girls
[/spoiler]also sorry to hear about getting violently ass fucked at osseus. classic jagex though: destroying your rectum
>You know what has been on my mind ever since necromancy and the whole A C C E S S I B I L I T Y thing. This game is really turning into a gacha game.
That was their intention all long, hence why they release the game for mobile devices. Gacha games on smartphones = massive profit for little effort, MMOs on computers = dying genre with increasingly difficulties (spaghetti code getting worse every year). The gaming industry peaked and is going to shit now that we've crossed the point of no return: F2P slop.
mod jack and mod raven
It really does show how BDJ is the personification of this game. Just as you are cruising along, having spent ages doing something, suddenly out of nowhere you get ass fucked. Violently. Without lube. Without so much courtesy as a goddamned reach around.
Tbh when I used to play this game I got so violently ass fucked in similar circumstances that that I wouldn't undertake any task without first reading the wiki or having a utube guide open. Which along with the other shit really made me question why I was playing such an ass fuck of a game.
Guess we know which one wears the pants in this relationship.
reminder for tommorrow: if you make the conscious choice to play runescape on a large update day and end up losing all your pvm gear to a horrible bug you've been warned and it's all your fault
the support refunds fucking pvm drops if you teleport out too early without picking them up, what do you think theyre gonna do in case of a bug you dumbass
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>Decide to start doing pushups for every hemrod plate drop
>End up with four drops in about ten minutes
>40 push ups
stop, mod blkwitch! just leave our asses alone already ffs!!
It genuinely is impressive how frequently Jagex does shit to remind us why "BDJ shitposting" is as prevalent as it is in these threads. Just when you start thinking that maybe the shitposters are taking the joke too far, Jagex manages to fuck you over in such a senseless, illogical way (or sometimes a deliberately malicious way). You can't help but feel like you've been metaphorically sodomized. You're pissed right the fuck off at first, but then you start thinking about all the shitposting about "BDJ ass fuckings" and realize all the shitposting is unironically true. It doesn't make you any less angry at Jagex's incompetency, but it makes you at least giggle at your renewed appreciation of the satire of it all. And just when you start to forget, the cycle repeats.
I genuinely hate Jagex as a company so much.
gura doing pushups while my dick is in her mouth
I stopped playing 8 months ago. Last thing I remember is the battle pass drama and mediocre fort quests.

Is it good time to come back? Based on a quick wiki check they still didn't remove the useless basics from old styles.
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Take a break, do BGH and remember what it was like to have fun in this game.
Are you having fun because you're doing BGH or because you got a mattock?
i go to f2p worlds and try to buy girlfriends to remember what it was like to have fun in this game
Both. I'd be pvming if I cared more about drops than actually having fun doing an activity.
any girls here in /rsg/? if so, i'll give you 5k to be my gf. troons need not apply; biofem only
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[Verse 1]
Little bag of bones been out all night
Little bag of bones been out all night
Can you hear him scratchin' at the screen door?
Can you hear him scratchin' at the screen door?
Little bag of bones been out all night
He needs some pettin' and lovin' on his head
He needs some pettin' and lovin' on his rain-soaked hide
He's circlin' 'round my ankle
He's circlin' 'round my ankle
He needs some pettin' and lovin' on his hide
Oh, kitty, won't you come inside?

Kitty at my foot and I wanna touch it
A kitty at my foot and I wanna touch it
Kitty at my foot and I wanna touch it
A kitty at my foot and I wanna touch it
Kitty at my foot and I wanna touch it
A kitty at my foot and I wanna touch it
A kitty at my foot and I wanna touch it
Kitty at my foot and I want to touch it
>last time I played I got sodomized
>now I wonder if I can be sodomized again
Ask this this guy >>487037804
He likes being sodomized. Get him to put on a wig and a dress
no i said no troons alllowed. i hate troons and want them all to die
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me when i see a tranny (im the one wearing verac's)
Well then, can I or can I not get sodomized?
I did ask a question and you merely repeated it instead of answering.
you will get anally raped, yeah
Is she just not aware that her gums bust out like that?
no, she's aware. she simply wears it as a symbol of pride. you see, every time she anally rapes a human male, thus living out her yaoi fetish, her gums grow slightly bigger. as a result, she often displays her gums to her current prey as a show of dominance, as if to tell them that they're about to be the next contributor to the size of her gums.
Do your sandy clues. it's free money
is it more than 400m/h?
every year i remind myself this year i will do all daily clues
every year i forget to log in after 1-2 days of beach
why jamflex, why?
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currently on my way to jagex corporate headquarters to meet my hero, mod fowl :)
wat, oldfags can have double protection prayers now?
what do you consider a shitter?
no hybrid zuk cape
no runescape gf
Doesn't have Reaper Crew
Hey I just need Raid and Rockman, and I haven't been active for a while or I'm sure I'd have gotten it done.
>click Load Last Preset from Bank chest
>character turns to face chest
>nothing happens
is your character a girl with big tits?
Me, filtered by movement mechanics and the need to improve on prayer flicking and tick eating (even needing that means I've got low DPS.) best weapons I have per style atm are:
>Melee - aug'd dragon rider lance
>Magic - aug'd camel staff
>Ranged - aug'd wyvern cbow
>Necromancy - aug'd t70 guard & conduit
Also, my skilling escapades (BGH and Croesus are too attention-intensive, simple as) involve the following:
>Doing 'plasm rituals
>Excavating Zarosian IV artifacts
>Chilling at the incandescent colony
While I just doodle, or watch recaps or play other mobile games (or mahjong) in my main monitor. My off-hand monitor's just runegame
>no Reaper Crew
>no true Zuk Cape
>sub 400 QP
>sub 28k Runescore
These, but also <100b bank or bought gold
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>10 more hermodic plates to go
im going to high alch you
i'm going to page 10 you
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new boss soon?
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Raids 2?
uses revo or legacy
no zuk cape
didn't farm his own gear
no reaper crew
Ass Crimes Tribunal Preliminary Hearing: Day 1

Jagex stands accused of committing the following heinous acts against the players of Runescape:

Rectum ruination
Anal annihilation
Colon catastrophe
Sphincter stretching

The defense attorney has entered a plea of "Not Guilty" on the basis that the players wanted it, even begged for it, because they are bitches who greedily lust after Jagex dick.
i use revo and im better at pvm than you
no youre not fuck yo uretard fiuck you birthcw fuck y oU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Sonic Wave, Concentrated Blast, and Magma Tempest no longer require a specific Magic weapon type to use.
necrosisters, its ogre
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New normie prayer, who knows for what reason though
Guess people complaining about quests lacking cutscenes really got to someone at jagex.
Aaaand the new bosses suck ass, surprising nobody.
im so sorry vorkath. you are nowhere near as bad as this horrid shit.
>rsg once again showing their true colour of being supreme shitters
Im watching a streamer bitch
>rsg once again showing their true colour of being supreme shitters
fuck you bitych
Best raid I've ever done in my life.
Allright I'm going to log in again.
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i dont know what to do at vermyx, im genuinely low iq
Pray ranged.

Attack him and the crystals he throws on the ground.

When his head goes away move your character to the green arrows on the ground (East or West) to redirect souls and make him reappear.

You may want to kill the other heads he summons because they'll fuck up resonance on the bomb he throws.
Is necromancy still the best combat style? Haven't played in half a year.
okay. normal mode was piss easy. even for a pve shitter like me.

time for hard mode.
new codex will combine t95/t99 prayers
Wtf? PRIME PUMPING PORKERS on either side of the bald tardfucker. RIGHT THERE LADS! Man those harpoons!
By Jimmity! That's some HAPPY HUMPING to warm the spermies of ye testicles. You know what too? They would both be SQUEALERS! Fuck yeah! With those thick fat meaty thighs wrapped roight around you, no escape! Holding on for dear life as you POUND away in sheer ORGASMIC delight, desperately trying to unload before they squeeze the very life out of ye!
You be all a going...
While dey be all a going...
Bet they would be into anal too.
But lads, heed my words, never do anal with a porker. Dangerous territory, yes indeed lads. Many a good man has succumbed to such devilish temptation and baint be seen again!
"Lost at sea, he was" they say.
But these are mere kind words to placate a man's family once he becomes engulfed in the temptations of butt surfin' wit da porkers. Mark my words.
I decided to log in.

>bonds are 141M now
I always paid cash for membership so I don't care but lmao what happened?
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Something happened. This is very steep compared to last year.
after probably the best 1-2 year period since eoc release people quit the game because necromancy ruined everything pvm related so nobody buying bonds with irl money anymore. bonds were very undervalued during that time.
Okay. We're here. "Hard" mode Nakatra.

Wish me luck.
you can use it with t70 prayers, giving you a slightly higher damage boost than t99 prayers but without soul split or the higher accuracy boost
People who do pvm aren't the ones buying bonds.
whales aren't spending money if the game is dead.
The difficulty delta between normal and hard seems harsh; Vorkath tier or worse. It's probably too early to judge but damn it feels annoying.
good. nm is piss easy you shouldn't be able to do endgame bosses blind in 15 minutes of trying.
What level of difficulty would you compare normal mode to? I'm a massive pvm shitter, but I can do some of the older bosses
Normal Mode is so easy if you have tank armor you can ignore every fucking mechanic except the last boss's instant-kill.
On the last boss how do you handle the instant-kill on Hard Mode?

You can't resonance the hit because it hits twice.
Not him but i'd say Vorkath NM. Most attacks are pretty well telegraphed, while others are kinda eh.

With the first boss, took me a while to realize you're supposed to stand where the bombs hit.

Second boss is mostly just a damage sponge with the Nex ice prison thrown in there.

Last boss took me a little bit to understand what to pray and the... Soul room? Is a bit confusing due to how fast it is and how when you get thrown out, you barely have enough time to read what is on the screen before she nukes you.
>you shouldn't be able to do endgame bosses blind in 15 minutes of trying.
Yeah I generally agree. Like I said it's probably just too early on.

Not counting death mechanic stuff the fights are easy, they just have a lot going on (when you first see it). You may have trouble if you're not used to reactively using your defensive abilities or moving around while using abilities. Probably like >>487135370 described.
Bring a catspeak amulet for your first time, since you can't complete that one elite um task without it. The cat is at the end, after the final boss, next to the reward chest.
I like how if you teleport out to get the amulet the entire dungeon resets.
Should I use Tank Necro armor with Darkness or Tank Mage armor with Animate Dead for the new bosses?
I think Animate Dead would be better if it effects the AoE floor mechanics.

But I'm not sure if it does.
You know you can use Darkness with any style right?
True, but I can't use Darkness and Animate Dead at the same time
Why is some shit still killing me outright?
If you're dying in normal mode then you're doing something wrong.

If you're dying in hard mode it's because 2/3 bosses have multiple one-shot mechanics.
I mean dying without getting the ressurect mechanic.
Did you remember to give Icthlarin his daily blowjob?
>what happened?
Simple. You got assfucked.
>Nakatra, Devourer Eternal (Hard Mode)
>fail to stun a Scarab? 16,000 damage.
>fail to resonance Death Strike? 21,000 damage.
>fail to deflect melee when entering the spirit realm? 12,000 damage.
>fail to defeat Shadowsands? Literally *instant kill*
>fail to stand on the right hieroglyph? 18,000 damage

I understand Jamflex wants to make hard bosses but what's the fucking point when a single boss has this many one-shots?
If you're in Hard Mode you won't get resurrected.
>2/3 bosses have multiple one-shot mechanics
I guess we found what shitters will complain about on this boss release.
Assfucked. Like we been telling you.
Try using lube. It will make the assfucking a bit easier. Axle grease is cheap.
>wanted to Meleechad
>too busy playing the floor is lava
Given that Nakatra and Kezalam automatically perform a melee aoe when you enter melee range I think you're just fucked.
Range and Mage are pretty much out of the question due to how much dodging there is.
When are they going to buff the range on melee?
>on Kezalam hard-mode the crystals stay just to fuck up your movement when you dodge his aoe attacks.

literally world of warcraft right now.
Normal mode?
On normal you'll only get "saved" three times. But you can teleport out then back in and the 3 time counter resets.

If you're on the last boss she'll instant kill you and you may miss the fact that you're being saved.
it's called necroscape now losers. didn't you get the memo?
So... the final boss is quite literally unkillable unless you have the mobile perk.
It was the 3 saves. Thanks.
what do you gain out of exposing yourself as a shitter?
I don't waste a lot with Mobile on my real gear.
Drop your Sun/DS where four of the quadrants meet and you'll avoid most of her floor attacks and remain in Sun/DS.
The two dogs the final boss summons have such shit clickboxes, what the fuck. They're missing like half of their entire body.
Ask me how I know you're not on hard-mode.

Go ahead. Ask.
how did you know?
Here's what I've picked up on my own
>Reso/Disrupt her big attack
>stun scarabs
>stand MD the big wolfy boys or they take reduced damage
>summon the feline devourers and drop them ASAP, then tag the souls
>make a mental note of the hieroglyphs
>stand on the one that was missing to dodge her big attack
>she actually has a slow attack speed and lots of downtime where you can safely SS
This is for NM at least. I don't know how to dodge the ring attack she uses on P3.
The attack ring is walk out then surge/blade dive back towards her.

Then repeat when she does it again.
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wtf i love seeing /rsg/ actually talk about runegame again. we actually have a fucking reason to talk about something besides getting assfucked. if only jagex delivered meaningful content on a regular basis so we didn't have to shitpost to pass the time
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>Release huge new bossing content
>Awesome, perfect time to sink a ton of money out of the ga-
Awesome thanks Jagex
Death costs are a negligible sink. We know this from the stats released before the ge tax update.
Death costs were the main drain before they shifted to a GE tax. The idea for both that and the 1 week free deaths is to encourage people to actually play the game. A staggering amount of people don't kill bosses basically ever, with a dislike for feeling like you're wasting your money (death costs used to be in the millions remember that) being a big part of that.
>unstable proteans
Glad I'm already maxed.
>Death costs were the main drain before they shifted to a GE tax
Does she scale to groups?
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who tf is spending that much at general stores?
I assume it's stuff like buying runes to resell on ge.
Staffs being able to use greater conc is pretty cool, but a bit too late.
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Why is there a limit on purchasable bank space? It's free money for jagex.
NM is cake once you solve it. Jagex needs to tell us drop rates so we can determine if HM is worth the effort.
is there any reason to use staffs now though? fsoa legit became eof fodder.
Okay. I beat the entire dungeon on hard mode. The last boss is significantly harder than the previous two. As >>487141043 said it feels a bit shitty when you're learning it because so many things will delete you from the fight, but whatever.

As for >>487135286 you need to resonance AND use disruption shield. This will full heal you and stop the next 14,000 damage attack.
Not even EOF because you can swap weapons.
no reason not to it saves an inventory slot and key press.
Is magma Tempest going to raise in price now?
The last phase of the HM Nakatra is pure fucking cancer holy shit.

Fuck those hieroglyphs. They make you do it like 5-6 times.
Quit hoarding
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did 2x nm then first try'd hm it's not that hard.
is magic good now with 2h gconc or should i still stick with negro?
Do it 99 more times for the flex aura
>scarab damage goes through immortality
barricade even
Just stun them, anon.
I wonder what the drop rate in normal mode is because it's insane a boss that easy would drop t95s
it seems pretty high. I don't know why Jagex has been on this 'make everything easy and cheap' trend this last year or so, its actively hurting the game
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why the fuck just upgrade all existing gear to t100 lmao, are they done releasing bosses for the next 5 years?
>he still doesn't realize rs3 is in maintenance mode and nearly all the jmods are moving to osrs and the only real development goes into TH
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This is all normal mode kills, not once have I touched even 10% enrage
I really though they would make it this very slow grind. Something incredibly time consuming and RNG based you had to do yourself like Legendary weapons from FF11.
Rares from zammy are 1/100 on Normal mode.
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Hang onto your Praseuls.
You know Ramen will make them required for something in 5 years,
Now that the dust has finally settled how do you rate SOR?
some guy in my world has already received 4 drops. Cant be that rare.
drop rates are high as fuck, i think this is an abuse early and often situation where drops will be nerfed next weeks update or even in a hotfix earlier than then
its a step in the right direction for when it comes to giving information to the player, but i feel like the first two bosses are too simple compared to the last boss who is just aids. instakills are always fucking dumb.
6/10. We definitely didn't need T100 power creep and the drop rates seem WAAAAAAAY too high
Haven't attempted the final boss yet, but as for the first two I like them. I'm really shit at positioning and movement mechanics, so the glowing squares are a godsend for me.
being able to leave the dungeon and resume later, even if you die, has always been fucking stupid and continues to be fucking stupid. hm absolutely should not allow for you to leave/die and continue
8/10, closest thing this game has to a traditional MMO boss
Do the new weapons degrade or are they like the T95 necro weapons?
You augment them what does it matter?
osrs thread got nuked can someone make a new one
why did it get nuked, did one of the (actual) schizophrenic posters there post cp or something
Mostly just curious if they are continuing the trend they started with vestments
picture of trump in the op
>0-5 vs niggatra
its over
Hard mode, right?
I beat hardmode with an inventory full of sailfish sitting in tank armor the entire time on revo.

It's not the fucking hard.
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>Two hours farming Hermod
>Only one plate drop
It's as if the well completely dried up. Why do they make us go through this shit?
>tank armour
when i kill the boss ive actually learnt to kill it
Hold onto your ass instead! Otherwise it might be walloped off into space by the MONSTER WHOPPER of BIG DADDY JAGEX!
see >>487168207
don't let the sanctum of retards distract you from the fact this is jagex we're dealing with. your asshole will be devastated, regardless of new content.
>that surprise quadruple hieroglyph in hard mode

That's just spit, Jagex. For real for real.
>didn't turn off auto-retaliate in hardmode
>*dies immediately*

And I forgot the catspeak amulate the first time. Bravo, Jamflex.
so ironmen can basically get t95 gear with base 80s in all stats within a week. wonderful game integrity, thank you jagex!
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>t95 gear
I am going to be incredibly pissed off if I have been farming K'rill and Hermod for the past week only to find out that you can get better Necro gear from this new boss that looks like it has easy drops. Holyshit.
So there's three in the Soul realm then?
how many kc and plates?
my penis inside this anime girl
No. There's FOUR in the soul realm. You have 4 seconds to memorize all of them or get one-shot.
how will helmies recover from this
297 kc and 26 plates, K'rill took the longest to get the five sub robe drops.
it doesnt matter how easy or hard gear is to get because i just buy it with my credit card anyways
Why haven't you cleared HM Sanctum yet?

It's piss easy.
because i still haven't logged into this game since christmas
I was busy masturbating to anime girls.
but I have.
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Every nice boss just reminds me how miserable the tick system is.
what's wrong with it?
masturbating to this anime girl rn
none of these videos contain anime girl ecchi for me to goon to... wtf...
23 years and bitches are still getting filtered by the tick system, get used to it already you little baby.
desu incendiary shot should be removed from the game.
>100 ticks per minute ought to be enough for everyone
>Why haven't you cleared HM Sanctum yet?
I haven't logged in once this year.
what do I do with the royal battleship kits if I already have 99 construction?
Spam them in already crowded and laggy areas during dxp like everyone else.
All skills will be getting increased to 110 eventually.
Why 110 instead of 120? Are you shitposting or did a jmod actually mention that number at some point?
You've seen how empty and scattered 120 skills are, this is because they don't have enough content to fill up the long trip between 99-120 in one go. 99-110 is better considering the usual amount of new content these "expansions" tend to bring for past 120s.
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>check thread expecting some good insight
>just the usual pathetic coomer and other breaindead posting about twich streamers
no even a good anti-Mod Foul posting or lore analysis, the absolute state. That's why instead of using here or playing rs3 I'm using all my time reading good literature and hitting the gym.
How much of a tasteless retard do you have to be to give a single shit about the lore of a game that went to shit around a decade ago?
uhhhhhhhh did jagex just forget about the 4th summon codex
its coming q4
Is the final boss immune to familiar damage or what the hell is that constant "IMMUNE" text about
I refuse to believe anyone can do this new dungeon on Hard Mode given how outrageously difficult easy mode is. You can get trapped and some star falls and one-shots you every time. There is no counter to it.
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give it to me straight, am i gonna make it
i tried ripper demon and not once did i see any melee hits so its probably familiar immunity (you can damage the boss with melee just fine)
this shit is easier than rasial t95s goign to be 100m in a month
the fact that most people can't even clear means you did good.
less than 1% of the community can do 100% zammy. this game is filled with turboshitters
having done the fight once and normal and hard i can say it's not really that fun.
is anything in this game really fun though? its more about dopamine and number go up
does hard mode add mechanics, or is it just more hp/more damage?
oh cool
i got proper pissed when i saw the quadra hieroglyphs in hardmode.
We warned you Sugi, we warned you. Now you precious, tight, sparkling clean, and hairless anus is going to endure yet another savage anal intrusion by you know who.

Sigh! They never listen!
Jagex should have called Negromancy "Turboshitting" instead.
They should have been making Mage the shitter style instead of creating necromancy
There is something up my anus.
I think its Jagex.
if only he frequently posted pictures of dang instead of other anime girls... maybe his anus would be safe right now... but he spurns the prophet's protection in favor of other anime girls, and so he walks without her divine ass protection. a shame... i can only hope he lubed up properly...
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To be honest, the fight was fine. But the last boss is so much harder than the first two it feels a bit weird.
We should emergency air drop him a drum of axle grease.
Just like the Luftwaffe air dropped supplies to us in Stalingrad. Only it wasnt enough. It was never enough. Sometimes the chutes wouldnt work and the supplies would come straight down One time an entire pallet of 9mm ammunition landed on Felix. Squashed his innards out. It was a mess. But we were so cold we warmed our hands in his guts.
Poor old Felix! He was only nah..nah..nah...nineteen.
To be honest, these anime girls are fine. But the last thing I gooned to made my dick so much harder than these two it feels a bit weird.
I'm still going to goon to them though
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>it really is immune to familiar damage

so... they just want is all using Kal'gerion forever?
"summoning is extremely out of date! the huge majority of the skill is STILL built around pre-EoC, even though it's been 12 years since its release! should we FINALLY update it to bring it in-line with EoC, let alone the current meta?"

"nah, just fucking make everything immune to familiars. just make the skill completely fucking irrelevant. that way no one uses it, and therefore no one will point out how much we fucking suck at developing."
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You only get 8 GE slots.
Who is wasting their slots on random shit like this?
Dude wtf are you talking about it's the same mechanic as nm there's only 2.
niggas cleaning their banks by selling whatever slop they have in there for 1gp
Finish the fight, anon.
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i miss the old days of halo 3 so much, bros. the early xbox 360 days. i want to go back so bad...
110 is coming soon so the floor is being raised.
god damn joining random custom games playing infection on custom maps so good.
I already killed it twice it's the same thing.
>I already killed it twice it's the same thing.
if the fight takes too long, like 8min+, then you will have additional symbols to deal with. i only had that 8min+ on my first kill, you really shouldnt take that long when you know the fight. second kill was already 1m45s quicker
>people who take a long time on the fight are likely already struggling
>heh, what if we added more mechanics

Just have a WoW style enrage at that point. Boss just executes you after a certain number of minutes.
kek based fuck shitters
'Cause, what the fuck? This ain't Chanel, nigga, custom down
Like, what the fuck? This ain't Burberry, custom brown
He said, "Could you throw it back while you touch the ground?"
Then he said, "Do that pussy purr?" I said, "Yup, meow"
Hold up, fuckboys, ain't need no for you to roll up
Ain't no need for you to double tap neither, scroll up
Keep these bitches on they toes like Manolo
Be on the lookout when I come through, BOLO
Oh, whoa
Elegant bitch with a ho glow
If it ain't big, then I won't blow
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
Fuck is the tea? I just F'd a G (let's go)
Made him say, "Uh, " just ask Master P (let's go)
Ball so hard, I just took a knee (let's go)
Get me rocky ASAP, nigga, word to Rih (let's go)

I can lick it, I can ride it while you slippin' and slidin'
I can do all them little tricks and keep the dick up inside it
You can smack it, you can grip it, you can go down and kiss it
And every time he leave me 'lone, he always tell me he miss it
So, what is the use of divine rage? is a straight 5% damage increase better than praesul when accuracy is not involved?
Set Bonus (1): Damage over time abilities generate {Essence Corruption}, lasting 30 seconds. At 1, 25 and 50 stacks, gain additional effects.

what are these effects?
wiki editors are slacking by not having this info posted yet
>Turbo casuals are getting double the expected drop rate
Mostly it's faster.
>on HM you have 1.5 seconds to dodge fire
>0.6 tick rate
>nex t92 wand over 2b for multiple years even after being farmed to shit for ppl looking for prayer codexes
>t95 mage weps already only 800m after 8 hours of release
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Low trade volume because nobody gave a shit about anything not named FSOA for years.
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>complain necro is OP
>fastest clear times are STILL ranged

OK, I have my verdict. Final boss HM is bad because there isn't enough time get off the tiles and it spirals to death there. Even with dive resetting each set it's not guaranteed to be able to take you far enough (even if you're near center), and then you're out of position. Maybe once the symbols on the wall are decoded it'll be more predictable but this is ass for now. Not going to waste any more time on this until they adjust it.
800m for the wand and 800m for the orb or 800m for the two combined?
god i open this thread to talk about runescape, that's all i want to do, yet every time i'm met with anime girls like this that make me horny as fuck. i'm so tired of it. i just want peace. i dont want to stop and goon every time i check /rsg/. i no longer want to be horny, i just want to be happy. at least runescape is an afk game so i'm not losing out on exp while jacking off to anime girls...
speaking of which...
turns out you can just pray mage and devo the HM instakill hit
Isn't that what you're supposed to do?
i guess so but i've been flailing around trying to DS+reso because i'm retarded
It hits twice so you can devo the hit or use reso/disruption to heal.
it hits 3 times it's the same as AG canon.
i'm not sure but it seems like if either of the first two attacks does damage (even the 1 damage through disruption), then you get nuked with the third hit
I was using resonance first then casting disruption shield after and it was healing me, but I was also in tank armor so maybe I was just dodging the third hit like a shitter?

I only it beat it once on HM though so don't take my word for it.
dude it's just 3 magic hits. you can reduce damage with devotion reflect debilitate resonance disrupt whatever,
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And this is to go even further beyond
>skull auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto
wow 70k dmg
>page 9
guys are we really dead already? is sanctum of rebirth always old news?
I've always thought this, too. Like, there's so much random shit you can buy on the GE for like 1gp. Who's wasting a slot on this stuff?
oh my darlings you are so innocent
Bro, your Lorehound pet?
is that why mod blkwitch is so interested in my asshole? because it's innocent?
>make event take forever (Balanced Strike)
>shitters complain
>make event end too quickly (target cycle)
>shitters complain
You just can't win
you can win by telling shitters to shut the fuck up and to rope themselves
problem solved
Count yourself lucky. Every time I open this thread its some guy talking about assfucking.
NM and HM should have the same drop table with different drop rates :) or better yet there shouldn't be multiple difficulties :)
But here's what Jagex does
>design boss
>realize 95% of the playerbase are absolute shitters
>nerf mechanics and call it "normal mode."
>did a few normal modes to get a feel for the boss
>got a sketchy hardmode kill after an hour or so of attempts
>go back to normal mode to relax
>get a wand in 5 kills
>t95 mage 1.4b for whole set after 12 hours
Now that magic abilities are universal across weapon types, is there any meaningful difference between dw and 2h aside from specific weapons' passives and specials?
an overall good update ruined once again by catering to reddit shitters
From all the posts I've seen today, I'm not even sure if NM has reduced drop rate. Could be an oversight if so
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lol, kek, rofl
What do you guys do with piles of random artefacts from your Archaeology grind? do you just break them down or try to get chronotes out of them?
Most collections aren't worth completing because the materials are worth more than chronotes.
Why are you maxed and aren't using fast teleports?
How did they manage to create something like the EGW bosses and then absolutely fucking fumble every single boss afterwards.
Yo this boss is pretty good. Actually considering farming it for a week or 2 to make a few bills.
but i am
if you can think of some place where you dont need ss nor accuracy but extra damage is welcome, thats the use
Wonder what the drop rate is
I got scripture of amascut and ode to deceit in 5 hm kills
I think only the shard of genesis essence is actually rare and the other drops will likely end up worthless
i cant fathom why the t95 weapons arent dropped exclusively by hm.
no and thanks to necromancy you dont even need to worry about having a shield making dw preferable in some situations
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Wizardbros, we are so back
The bosses are all really good honestly. The second one is a bit boring and spongey, but he isn't bad.
NM shouldn't drop the wands and they should have saved the t95 > t100 upgrade for something different. At the very least NM wands should be substantially more rare. Like of HM is 1/50 NM should be at best 1/200.
The spec is pretty nutty.
What is it like 600% damage?
nm should just introduce you to the mechanics, it shouldn't have any drops, or if it has drops, like 50k value MAX. HM should have all the unique drops
knowing ill have to use this shit alongside fsoa just makes me want to use magic even less tbqh fäm
>"Shitters could be here," he thought. "I've never been to this boss encounter before. There could be shitters anywhere." The fetid air of the underworld felt stagnant against his Dracolich armor. "I hate shitters," he thought. Masuta the Ascended pulsated through his speakers, preparing him for a hype battle even as the Elder Overload salve circulated through his thick powerful veins and enhanced his (merited) hatred of Redditors on launch days. "With a Passage of the Abyss you can teleport anywhere you want," he said to himself out loud.
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unironically this >>487265336
I occasionally see complaints about how t95s only drop in HM EGW bosses.
fsoa is just a spec switch now.
Not sure how effective combining the two would be since bleeds can't crit and you wanna use bleeds all the time
>t95 orb after 5 nm kills
i love accessibility
There is literally nothing wrong with this.
that's pretty good desu
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Pic related just happened and is obviously intentional but I'm not so sure about yours.
whenever someone dies to a dragon i just assume they were afking and their antifire ran out
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I've finally hit max combat level bros.
I agree, summoning should be deleted.
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>shitters seething in cc about how the boss is too hard
>Every time I open this thread its some guy talking about assfucking.
It's not a guy, it's a girl. Her name is Mod Blkwitch. But yeah, I understand your point. She DOES talk about assfucking a lot. I kind of understand though, because I personally consider myself to be the antithesis to Mod Blkwitch. I'm the opposite of her. She's a woman, I'm a man. She's obsessed with anally fucking men, I'm obsessed with anally fucking women. She's repulsed by people posting pictures of women (specifically Dang), I'm repulsed by people posting pictures of men (specifically Mod Fowl). She gets extremely horny when seeing two men have sex with each other, I get extremely horny when seeing two women have sex with each other. As you can imagine, being such polar opposites has caused some tension between Mod Blkwitch and myself, especially given our obsession with having sex with buttholes (albeit, buttholes belonging to the opposite sex). As a result, Mod Blkwitch and I are fated to fight to the death over the title of Ass Master someday, as there can only be one, but that day is still very far off.
Is Roar of Awakening worth putting into an Essence of Finality instead of a Staff of Guthix? Kinda crazy that a T60 weapon from the RS2 days is STILL the best thing to shove into a magic Essence of Finality. And do we still not know what the set effect for Roar of Awakening + Ode to Deceit is? "Damage over time abilities generate Essence Corruption, lasting 30 seconds. At 1, 25 and 50 stacks, gain additional effects." Wow, very helpful, Jagex! Thanks!
why would you put it into an eof when it has a passive effect. also iban staff is a thing
Because I'm not going to put my Fractured Staff of Armadyl into an Essence of Finality because it's a huge, badass staff, whereas dual wield weapons are just a gay little wand and orb. FashionScape > Best in Slot
well if you use fsoa then the eof choice is obvious, armadyl bstaff
how is he wrong
Praseuls were always way too rare anyways.
That doesn't stop Roar and Ode being way too common, especially from NM.
I mean, i agree. Invention was one of the best ideas they've ever had and they've completely neglected it for years. I have no idea why they don't use the "break old items to gain components for new items" shit more.
They don't want to invalidate existing gizmos.
They should just add more perks and create an untradable invention device that can recover some components from gizmos.
Goddamn those noobs!
death to group pvm fags
make everything scale
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i bet hm nakatra square dodge timing will be increased next monday
i do not like this image
>I recently bought a fucking praesul wand and now its fucking worthless!
Mnmm, sounds like he's been violently assfucked by Jagex.
mod blkwitch needs to be stopped
you one of those racists or sumthin?
>Jagex made it clear that T95 dual wield weapons are on their way
>Buys T92 anyways
>T92s drop in value because they're no longer BiS
>"they're worthless now!!"
what the fuck did this retard expect
Does Nakatra not scale?
I find the 2nd boss way harder to dodge. 3rd boss is pretty easy.
Now that I've solved HM I will say it's pretty easy. Requires attention and movement, nothing more.
I hope they don't fix standing under her for the shockwave.
>I hope they don't fix standing under her for the shockwave.
I wish to know more
god i wish i was under a woman's shockwaves right now
Down to 12k huh?
How the mighty have fallen.
But honestly I look forward to the day when rs finally stops circling the kitchen sink and drops down the drain. Sympathy for the players who invested so much time, but it would be satisfying to see those arrogant woke faggots and worthless parasites get a taste of reality and lose their jobs as a result of their cunt thinking and their incompetence.
I couldn't agree more. Thankfully the ASS CRIMES TRIALS have started. Now Jagex ( including the likes of Mod BlkSlampig ) will have to answer for their horrendous acts of sodomy upon innocent players.
Personally I think the trial should be presided over by this guy, who has a black belt in ASS DOMINATION, and who is engaged in a bitter struggle to the end over the title of "ASS MASTER"
Sounds like he's got a lot of experience. The prefect candidate for the job.
if mod blkwitch lost her job i would hire her as my personal maid and then i would have sex with her all the time
whatever happened to the ass guardian? last we heard from him, he was venturing into /osg/ to reclaim dang for us, then he abruptly disappeared. it's dang that should preside over the ass crimes trials, but she and the ass guardian are still missing over in osrs
You can right click and stand under her during the shockwaves following the hieroglyph attack. Burst her during the cooldown and then run under her, pray ranged.
Oh, cool I guess
God yes!
Prime porking!
Happy humpy pumpy for hours!
In between each harpooning I would demand she smile, and that FUCKING ENORMOUS EXPANSE of gums would get me hard again.
I think I would die of internal decompression due to emptying out my balls too rapidly.
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I think the ass guardian took a wrong turn and somehow ended up in Stalingrad.
Could be wrong tho.
dear god... is dang in stalingrad too?!
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stop doing this
i'll stop doing that if mod blkwitch stops doing me
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Got my ass handed to by Amby
>Walk into that pink mist, you die instantly
>Random blackhole? What the flying FUCK am I supposed to do with this shit that has 500k HP? Die instantly when it blows up in your face
>Three beams that shoot out of his ass? Better hope you are not standing in the way right when it starts or you die instantly
>Six sinister fragments you have to destroy while there's a laser beam out to get your ass, better pray you have sufficient DPS (you don't) or you'll die instantly from the entire screen blowing up
>Don't accidentally walk inside one of several pink mists while all this shit is happening or you'll die instantly
Looks like I'm finally actually paying this game because I am so pissed.
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Snapped a super quick picture. Far away but you can see what I mean.
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Yes, I just wouldn't do that because I think it's easier to quickly step back and forth
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>try to go back to mage after a year of negromancy
>get fucking bodied because i'm so used to free healing and facetanking damage
its crutchbloom time!
There is nothing wrong with this post, also you are a fucking faggot for posting reddit screencaps, choke on your next meal.
So far I've gotten Crossing Keys and Amascut Sand; has anyone seen vital sparks from SoR?
The dogs shitty clickbox is killing me more than any mechanic
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Could it be a juggle? Sun and FSOA burst then bleed builds while that's all on CD?
The simple answer is to not make useless weapons in the first place. Why does a tier 92 weapon not have any passive or special attacks?
OSRS knows how to give items niches. There was no excuse for khopeshes/praesul to be stat stick upgrades.
[Sad News] Streamers are already tired of Sanctum of Rebirth and are returning to Old School RuneScape...
RS3bros... what is our response to this?
>walking into a pvm encounter with no knowledge of mechanics or strategy
extremely based
>Say they're adding the T100 Masterwork Sword as a stat stick and to help with accuracy
>Also make it possible to boost EZK to T100 anyway
>walk to burgh de rott
>walk through a maze in meiyerditch
>back to burgh de rott
>get to the mausoleum
>get to varrock
>back to burgh de rott
>back to meiyerditch
I'm thoroughly enjoying the story but god damn is there a lot of walking involved.
We need to convince them to open their asshole wider. A cunning strategy is necessary to achieve this.... Hmmm.
Let's ask them that we need their help to park our dragons. ( heehee! )
I am teleporting whenever I can and it's still a lot of walking.
Bro, your stamina potion and Surge?
Im fucking stupid
what is the new scripture good for?
Sounds like once again Jagex fucked up the economy and shit with this new dungeon.
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park our dragons? as in... mod dragon???
Seems like it's basically Wen book and Ful book combined but weaker in both aspects. 150% DOT if your target is stationary (plus other targets) and 10% boosted damage for 10,2 seconds - with no drawback unlike Ful.
probably not really worth using if thats the case. ive got like 300+ pages for ful and wen pages are easy to afk if i ever need them. pages from the sanctum seem somewhat rare.
I wish the common drops were more useful than just lmao alchables
*high alchs you*
bro, your wood spirits?
*high alchs your wood spirits*
Is it just me or did they slightly increase greater concs speed? the guy barely looks like he starts the animation before its already over
>Jagex fucked up the economy
The only thing really getting FUCKED here is your ASSHOLE! Now prepare your ANUS! BIG DADDY JAGEX is exercising his VISITATION RIGHTS!
the bdj poster speaks true, and you would all be wise to ponder his words
the diameter of my asshole before logging in to runescape: o
the diameter of my asshole after logging in to runescape: O
Feels like it's missing that ED special item like black stone arrowtips or draconic energy.
I think the pages are supposed to sanctums version of those items.
i thought the drop table would have at least had necro runes on it but no. its like a mix of kerapac and the sophanem slayer dungeon creatures.
that's a good point, actually. dropped necro runes and ectoplasm. seems like it would? they must be REALLY determined to make it so pvm doesn't usurp skilling, which i can respect on some level
I like how it drops water/fire orbs AND elemental battlestaves. Feels redundant, and I thought they'd learn from adding the elemental bstaves en masse after Kera and AG.
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Excuse me sir you are in the wrong thread /wowg/ is down the hall.
lmao they haven't removed the blatant transphobic joke in Some Like It Cold even 12 years later.
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Sorry, he gets a little confused and wanders off into other threads sometimes. Carby isn't the smartest little guy around, but he IS cute, so we keep him around anyways.
what's the joke?
kill all trannies btw
Double XP August 2nd - 12th
excellent timing. My ranarr supplies are ready.
dont give a fuck
well i dont give a fuck about YOU
so what? who tf are you?
an anonymous poster on 4channel.organization
I've been 5.6 for 4 years now.......
5'6"? damn, nigga, you a manlet
that's why I transitioned
diarrhea again...when will BDJ leave my ass alone?
they'll stop whenever you decide to quit rs3... but until then, your asshole belongs to them. im sorry.
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Honey came in and she caught me red-handed
Creepin' with the girl next door
Picture this, we were both butt naked
Bangin' on the bathroom floor
How could I forget that I had
Given her an extra key?
All this time she was standin' there
She never took her eyes off me

But she caught me on the counter (It wasn't me)
Saw me bangin' on the sofa (It wasn't me)
I even had her in the shower (It wasn't me)
She even caught me on camera (It wasn't me)
She saw the marks on my shoulder (It wasn't me)
Heard the words that I told her (It wasn't me)
Heard the screams gettin' louder (It wasn't me)
She stayed until it was over
*smacks lips* Yo how I finna be coppin dat Sanktum of Reburf?
Do the new bosses scale with group size? If so, does that apply to both modes, or just hard mode?
yes, both modes
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>That fever spider will not stop trying to jump out of the paddock
Fuck that
You go into DA WILDEE and you kill DE SPOIDERS!
page dead
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>he's done it again
Is the Scripture of Amascut any good? Seems like it would be kind of niche. Ful is 2x the damage boost for 1.5x as long (but you take +10% damage), Jas is 2x the damage but only if you have a target and only at the end of the 10.2s. It also does the sum 150% ability damage as a dot but that's not a whole lot. I guess it's viable so long as it's cheaper than Jas (pages at over 1m lmao) and you don't want the +10% incoming damage. Grim need not apply.
>t also does the sum 150% ability damage as a dot but that's not a whole lot
its more than +10% extra damage for 5 seconds vast majority of the time
Gotta cast darkness and animate dead on this one, yeah. Kinda grateful for Death looking the other way one time (so many!) while I tried slapping some Ripper Demons with just my t70 gear, ya
2nd boss seems harder to dodge than last one for some reason.
I feel like the ice prison timing needs some tweaking.
I never notice the bar on that one so I keep getting stunned but you should have like 3 gcds for 10k dmg if you pre anticipate. t95>auto works fine.
bonds ever doing down to ~100m?
0% chance that will happen.
>bought bonds at 50-60m
>sold at 100m
I guess I know now to never sell bonds and just stack up on membership years.
How does it work to bond up an alt? Do I need to convert them to tradable? Planning on making a group ironman account when that is released.
no complaints about one shot mechanics, multiple complaints about muh tick system and 3rd worlders complaining they have 100 ping.
I have boomer reflexes and just Freedom, Divert, Disruption Shield each time
SEX WITH MY WIFE!!!!!!!! SEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOONING TO DANG!!!!!!!!!!!! MY PENIS INSIDE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
finally he delivers a new pic to be used as the next thread's OP
>get onyx from water filter
>feel absolutely nothing because 1m is pennies
>realize if I was a low level iron I would've cum right there and then
>mfw nothing in this game can make a main feel good anymore
I was wrong, I should've been an iron, and now it's too late.
Yup, the fc is whining like bitches about it, which proves they're third worlders with shit internet.
idk man that 3 tick pb improvement does get the dopamine firing.
its never too late
Bread and circuses.
It is, the beach is gone which means I can't skip dungeoneering anymore and I need it for prif. I refuse to go through that dogshit minigame skill ever again.
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What am I supposed to do with these? I never used a single one.
just get around 110 arch and do those daemonheim collections for dungeoneering boxes ;)
rip anon
shove it up your ass.
And what do I do with the rest?
We only allow rude folk round these parts.
ok back to my weenie hut i go
You either use them to save your Telos streaks or you take them to the amby gamba. i think he is still the """""""""""""most profitable""""""""""" boss that can be darted.
My only gripe is, rarely, the floor tiles don't display when she starts to attack but the attack is still going off. They wind up delayed a tick. It's only a problem at Nakatra and it's made me sign once or twice. Thankfully I don't think it's ever cost me a kill.


I used mine for Jad so I could finally get a fire cape

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