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Previous: >>486394940

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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I stopped playing Jenshin for HSR but I logged in today and bought the 99$ pack
You're welcome sis
hi /gig/gers
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>Contact your local politicians
*Phone ringing*
Hello? Mr mayor? We have a serious problem! You see, there's this Chinese video game and they are making characters inspired by native american mythology but get this: the characters aren't black enough! We have to fix this! How does this effect our country? Umm... Racism effects everyone! We have to do something!... Umm... Hello? Mr mayor? Where did you go?
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Wormvillette nerfed.
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sex with alhaitham
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Nice map genkeks
what did you roll with it?
Is Mualani a subdps? I dunno if I can justify rolling for another hydro main DPS when I have C0R1 Neuv but she's really cute
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
>slurpers proudly showing off their support
yes I too love being a cuck
holy shit futaobros we are winning
Nothing. I'll start playing once they finish the main story and roll for the biker archon if the leaks are correct
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my ceo...
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>traveler - camera
Nilou, destroyer of boycotts
NeuvileteteCHADS, how many gems are we expecting for compensation of this nerf??

i expect atleast 50k gems
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Defend this bullshit
she's a main dps
bwos the streamers didn't even notice the nerf...
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HIS game.
I heckin love dark areas between regions
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I will be victorious in the end.
The summer event region is shit, not worth talking about
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Friendly reminder than she runs Italian mafia
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>why don't you have neuvillette anon?
>what do you mean?
>pulled on weapon banner on release and got Homa so i pulled the 77th
Also im literally Ayato
it's telling me not to believe it
She's a main dps with focus on NAs. Her signature has a damage buff for triggering vaporize
Your favorite character will be nerfed tomorrow
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for me it's jinhsi
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why yes
i too can open excel and type some random schizo numbers
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>b-but your favorite character is next!!
My favorite character doesn't rely on abusing game mechanics and bugs to be good. Now seethe and cope Neuvkek
Those playing on PC, hit the backslash key while playing.
Pure kino.
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
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Based and Hu Tao pilled.
isn't she french
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Nilou's bellybutton exists.
We must BOYCOTT MUALANI unless HYV restores Neuvillette’s spin!

Nerfing Neuvillette is obviously a naked ploy to market Mualani. They cannot get away with it.

They want Mualani to replace Neuvillette and sweep Neuvillette into the ash-heap of history. Don’t let them do it.
Sige mains are fucked
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>nooooo, you are obligated to join my inane little tantrum!
bought another welkin
still f2p btw
>thought the desert was going to connect to natlan seamlessly
>nope lol its an island
what the FUCK is the point of the giant fucking desert
Hu Tao have such beautiful eyes. I might stare at her cute face for hours.
how would nilou react if i asked her to put her feet on my face
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If you don't like it, just uninstall the game and leave
I for one will continue enjoying the hit game Genshin Impact
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Which C1 is better Nilou or Navia?
is this more or less revealing than before?
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>boycot boycot boycot
I redeemed, all for Navia!
Pumping Navia!
my favorite character is already t3
so whatever lol
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I have all Sumeru characters now :)
>They want Mualani to replace Neuvillette and sweep Neuvillette into the ash-heap of history.
my card is swiping on its own... STOP IT DAWEI!!!
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These characters are already broken, imagine them being paired with the Pyro Archon. How is this even legal/fair?
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Reminder boycotts from whales (Nuev mains) do actually work, the lantern rite boycott killed fonatine.
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Cant believe gurgle gurgle was a year ago
If Genshin was in the hands of a good company they would say that it's not a bug, it's was a feature and they would let in the game.
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You spent Fontaine investing in your 100000dpi mouse and hydro gimmicks
I spent Fontaine investing in Geocoin
Feels pretty good right now
I stopped my welkin
I uninstalled the game
I am no longer mentally-ill
What kind of kit does the new hydro girl even have? She spams NA, but besides that, any gimmicks? What are her expected teams? Is she locked to some 2 elements meme team or what?
cope and roll new powercreep
u rike?
My favorite characters are already average or powercrept so idc
this bitch finna get powercrept fr
Cute furina
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She'll make you an offer you can't refuse.
The best geo team is still half as good as Neuvillette bwosister
though both are kinda optional
i'd get nilou's paddle if haven't already
Nilou has better C1-2 in terms of impact than Navia.
On the bright side, Navia is super strong at C0 and isn't even that dependant on Verdict.
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>I am no longer mentally-ill
As long as you post here that's a lie
It's very legal and player friendly.
You just need to buy BP and Welkin...
>I am no longer mentally-ill
>haven't uninstalled /gig/
you are the worst case of delusional retard
this will be my first summer event can't wait, altho no Furina in it is disappointing
Oh no, please don't nerf Kaveh, I beg you, Dawei-sama.
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Left or right?
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I think it's doubly hilarious when Neuvifags pull the "s-she'll ger nerfed! she will get powercrept in a year!" card as if that's the reason people are pulling for Mualani. They are literally unable to comprehend the idea of pulling for someone because you like their design, kit, aesthetic or something entirely different than their power level
my favorites are already mid, nothing can hurt me anymore
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Based trucker
obviously right, how is it even a question lmao
Boycotters should buy welkin and BP it's LITERALLY stealing from dawei
Reminder Xingqiu was nerfed twice and he's still bullshit
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This "boycott" started because Neuvillete's nerf or am i missing something???
I use 4chang mainly for /pol/ and /sp/
/gig/ is my amusement park
left to make saar seethe
Nilou-is-a-bitchbros our response?
Right is a dr*gon like Neuvkek. Left is a superior human.
Left is pure soul and a real design, right is some AI generated chink sloppa, soulless, obvious answer
retarded fucking tourist
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you're joking but I really bought a higher DPI mouse for him...
Got Nilou's key finally, would have been fine with either weapon so now waiting for another good weapon banner to grab the axe
because natlan characters are white I think
No, it started with natlan not having any blacks.
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>still havent finished farming for Furina
>and now I have Navia

go on without me, Natlanbros...
Based indoGOD
Reminds me of Italian mafia series that always keeps rerunning on TV
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Left because she looks braindead and that's how I like my women.
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right but I still won't play whatever game that is
stop making copies of games I am already playing and then expecting me to switch over
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From now on be extra wary when rolling on characters based on unintended game features such as dragonstrike. This event marks an important precedent.
Why are Neuvfags crying so much? Maybe if his rerun was extremely profitable they wouldn’t have addressed this ‘nerf’ (which isn’t even a nerf lmfao). He flopped so they addressed it since he wasn’t gonna be profitable anyways, it’s that simple.
>I use 4chang mainly for /pol/
Ok so you actually are mentally ill
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no one cares about the Neuv nerf lmao, Natlan didn't have niggers
>Broken beyond belief
muh mare jivari!!
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>don't have to do commissions ever again
neuv's nerf feels barely noticable if you just play like a normal person
Remember to use the new "Hide UI" keybind.
Its soul.
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Mualani weapon appearance leak
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The only crying one is you.
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>currently building four characters for next season of theater
>just got two brand new characters to build today
never thought I'd say it but I'm starting to miss artifact mines
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i'm tired of the frogs
both fontainians and the paper ones
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how about this one?
hoyo devs see everything and deliberately calculate all their moves, nothing will come of any reaction to it
99% of people either don't care or will forget by next patch
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>Still has the game installed
Weakest boycott I've ever seen holy shit
Funny how she has the worst effect compared to some other disks like Rina's and all
same kek
post the event currency you have, I have 93 (from chests, etc.)
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Tell me a good company, please
Why is her head so small?
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I wish this summer event was a return to bottleland to say hi to her instead of playing with fucking duplo blocks
>continuing to play a game whose developers think I'm a mentally disabled toddler
fuck is wrong with me
All I care about is that if the nerfs mean that the Neuvdev is kicked out, we can finally have decent storytelling
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>leakers say mualani will powercreeo neuv
>neuvfags say she won't because he can spin2win
>spin2win nerfed
Doesn't this reset at the very start of 5.0?
These are the people who think signing a petition will cause actual change.
the fuck? this looks like a fucking alien
You make it sound like Neuvilette will stop being the #1 DPS of this game
Can't wait to see niggalanifags being BTFO when her real numbers are out
Any swansa-habibis itt?
>Emilie 600k dps
that's absurdly high for an off-fielder
>Omits Arlecchino who shits on them all
Funny how that works.
The boycott is just a scheme to get consultants to grift off of hoyo.
It does, but you'll have all the brand new content from the new region to explore, so who cares?
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So this is the strawmen you felt the need to erect in order to deal with your personal insecurities over what other people do in a video game, of all things.
I'm not pulling.
>Arlecchino who shits on them all
>Arlecchino deduced that Furina isnt an archon in a single afternoon
>Neuv had no clue until Focalors spelled it out for him
Why does /gig/ think he's somekind of omnipotent being who can do no wrong? He was practically a side-character the whole AQ and didnt really achieve anything besides getting his powers back.

Genuine question from a non-Neuvfag.
sure but you can just get more?
it's literally free dailies just from crafting 3 condensed, the rest can overcap
But enough about your headcanons
so if you have 42*4 points, you're done for this version
after 5.0 drops, you can gather 42*4*8 points, then you're done for the whole region
Based. They should delete the fag and reinstate Furina as the ruler of Fontaine.
whats with the low quality
anyway idk if I like her, mahou shoujo pastel shit isn't my thing
>Neuvdevv is kicked out
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>Arlecchino who shits on them all
>theyre paranoid about mualani's sales
>cant decide on a skin tone
>knows about the boycott
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I mean he is voted as the biggest retard in game
Not him but if you felt the need to reply you have already lost, anon
Ellen Lawerence and her weapon are bait
holy fuck
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The spin WAS part of his kit and barely affects his power level.
The point of it isn't muh Neuv, it's that they can nerf anyone months after it was released.

Now you can reply to my post saying that you don't mind MHY pulling a scam because you hate Neuvfags.
The sheer irony of a /pol/tard calling anyone else a tourist.
>Worm lovers posting worm loving images immediately rush to defend their worms
most people just don't care, its the same shit with adding flags in your bio to show "support for oppressed" while doing nothing irl
they nerfed Ayaka and Venti and those still made money post nerf, no one actually likes Neuv outside of being strong
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Stay seething, Neuvillette is CEO of hydro and france
why does China think he has low IQ?
left because hayami saori
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Replace Childe with Kino and it'd be accurate.
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I completely forgot we're getting an entire new region my bad hehe
>If you don't jerk your mouse off the nerf doesn't kick in
Why are we doomposting again?
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What did they nerf on ayaka?
I hate that this is litterly a cuck event
I lost my Nilou coinflip...
Post Nilou feet.
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Where are delicious Brown babes I was promised?
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When does the new IT difficulty come out?
Remind me again how 'nerfs' (bug fixes) affect me in a visual novel with open world exploration using characters you like
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>Genshin boycotted because we're racist white supremacists
>star rail going FULL chink
Grim, ZZZ is at least thriving
because he never saw through furina's deception or something
>I was promised
I lost my navia one, 3rd in row now, fucking hate 50/50
Alright metafags, sell me on Emilie. What kind of teams can I make with her and how big is her damage?
Lycaon > Soukaku so she will be able to replace her weakest link unlike Miyabi
my sister quit but not because of natlan but because she got tired of grinding
>Falling for the Tencent falseflag outrage
Xilonen will make Navia and Chiori skippers seethe
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hello /gig/ers is anyone elses launcher broken or is it just me, literally wont give me the option to update, i've reset multiple times and even repaired. only thing left is to fully uninstall and reinstall
these people don't have the mental fortitude to boycott anything
they just grew up pampered and always getting what they want, so they think throwing a tantrum will mean they get it their way once again
There is no boycott. Nilou is trending in nipland but that's it.
>F2P players ‘boycotting’
>Despite still having the game installed
>and not actually contributing to sales in the first place
Genuinely what the fuck did these retards mean by this? Hoyo would probably love these leeches actually leaving since they’ll save on server costs.
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its over
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oh nice
She’s broken with Mualani and Kinich
Again, how does she walks well with those kind of heels?
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Do you have the new Mihoyo launcher?
most people just don't care and hoyo will continue doing whatever they like regardless and make money
just give it a rest sis
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>saves your dogshit boycott
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It's Aetherchads event wdym
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Genshin boycotters aren't actually boycotting, rat bro
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Does anyone else feel like this summer event is extremely infantile? I know Genshin isn’t a “grown up” game. It isn’t hard and it isn’t very complex either.

But when playing through this new summer event I seriously feel like I’m in a barney or teletubbies episode, and the event “attractions” like the floating fox are seriously… just childish for lack of a better word. They take 0 brain power and they look straight out of a toddler’s show.

Most of genshin’s puzzles aren’t necessarily hard and of course none of the story is very gruesome, but I genuinely feel like Hoyo thinks their player base is a bunch of 7 year olds with the new event. It makes me want to avoid it completely because it’s kind of embarrassing.

Not only the events, but the story too. I feel like each character’s personality was gutted and then filled with lollipops and cotton candy.. they’re not even caricatures of their former personalities from previous events, they’re just completely bland and boring. The only thing I liked about these event specific NPCs was their eyes and voice acting, which was really amazing. But characters like Collei and Kokomi have been reduced and watered down to the most basic of their personalities and only Eula really had a moment where her actual personality came through.

It also feels extremely dry. When I think back to the story I can’t remember anything that actually stood out to me, including the cutscene. Nothing important actually happened. And I get it that not every event needs a crazy story with twists and all that, but it’d be nice if it was something better than “fetch us these three things and we can save our bottle.” The tent was cool because it was kinda creepy, and the lively circus atmosphere is fun, but the whole thing is just soooo dry.
Venti can still pull small enemies and Ayaka can freeze anything that isn't a boss.
And their shit is scummy too but Neuv is addressing a bug months after it was very well known and spread.
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>DEI destroys Hoyo
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Characters you're planning to pull because of VA?
Yoimyabros not like this
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Wasn't there a leak about natlan story where the writers were going to ignore all the shit about sovereigns and focus on natlan's archon, i think this fits with Neuvillete's nerf
>the term middle east is being discarded
lmao in what world
What the fuck, I wasted 10 minutes doing my commissions today like normal. Fuck you Mihoyo
Since we know they were astroturfing the ZZZ hate, from now on every Hoyoverse controversy can be pinned on Tencent goons working for a dollar
All in the left.
How the fuck is the absence of a slowass turn speed "a bug" ?
Might as well move to ZZZ at this point, the only game without shitty drama surrounding it
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It's over for ZZZ the moment a honkai expy makes its way there.
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>Mika could vaguely make out a line of soldiers silently standing there as if they were lifeless war machines
>Mika could see nothing but their eerily dark blue eyes that seemed to glow with an uncanny aura
Uhhh Capitanobros? Is he the 'Reddit Leveling' of Genshin?
>its scummy to fix a bug that basically no one used
im not sure, you mean latest update or did they roll out a completely new client
>Paimon - camera
>Kept buffing Emilie
>Nerfed Neuvillette just to shill Mualani
I feel dirty for rolling waifus now
>Sorry, sorry
Why's she apologizing here?
Saar, do not reak our secret!
why they don't post /gig/ screenshots, if random chinks opinion is so valuable to them why not check on what their fellow westerner thinks
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Most crowded area?
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I have no idea about Miyabi's kit but I will never roll for a x.0 brick
Which collab are those from?
There's a brand new client that they released like a couple of months ago. If you're still using the launcher that only has Genshin, they're probably cockblocking you to force you to update.
Dottore, Alice (I really like Ling)
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I love caves
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Mualani weapon
I don't think those people even know nip and cnfags are the ones mostly contributing to the game
Even if they stopped topping up, nothing will change
They can come for your favorites too
They came for Barbara to shill Kokomi
Today it's Neuvfags caring and no one else minding it
Then it's _____fags caring and no one else minding it
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people thought this penguin was blackface and started calling zzz racist on twitter
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your mom
I remember some poster guessing that he might be Genshin's Lich King based on that description.
They're just going to memoryhole Fontaine like they did Inazuma
>still cat feet
Ruined. Waiting for the modders to give her actual human feet and wearing actual high heels.
perhaps you wanted to turn the character around and attack monsters behind you
>Tiny linearslop.
It's so over.
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>tfw dropped HSR for ZZZ
its a perfect duo for me
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Left: Probably something to do with Ajaw? It might just be a square shaped room but it does have a bit of a pixel-y vibe to it
Right: HSR crossover
was this place always such a shithole? wow it feels like ever since the anniversary this place has gotten 10x worse as all other genshin discussion platforms
That's... a penguin?
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>Star Rail getting a male potato
How long until Genshin follows suit? And would you pull for him?
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We are a cheap side game to test their new engine before the Honkai MMO releases, I hope it stays soulful.
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Wtf it's just a w-engine
I'm sure Mihoyo cares more about their reputation in China than to the western audience.
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How the fuck do you I remove the pyro damage?
Looks like the fucking W-Engines from ZZZ LOL
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your loss
She's the darkest shade of skin natlan will have the same way Cyno did in sumeru
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>Japs are losing their trust because of IT

>Westoids are boycotting because of Natlan

>Chinks are mass quitting because of the nerfs
WE love to see it! This is the legacy of FLOPTAINE
>he doesn't like giving cat feet lil' squeezys
bro are you for real
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Looks like a Clampearl inside of the Sharpedo.
Why did they get rid of her sexy blue toenails?
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i just thought it was a black robot
would pull yes but will literally never happen in genshin and isn't happening in star rail either
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>You use original Resin to expand points so you don't have to do commissions
I'll just do the commission and keep the resin for everything else. Hoyo REALLY knows how to ruin what could be a good idea when it comes to Genshin Impact.
>>They can come for your favorites too
>They came for Barbara to shill Kokomi
Does this prevent me from watching cutscenes and picking up pyroculi in the upcoming region? Thanks for proving the original post right in demonstrating that you are genuinely and literally unable to think of characters as anything but a number
>after it was very well known and spread
Yeah it's a meme but waiting until Mualani is coming to pull this nerf is sketchy
THIS is supposed to be a weapon??
ah i see, no yeah i only have genshin, so where is this new one on hoyolab?
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So pretty
Sovl. Actual sovl.
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He is body double for Varka for the goddamn
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>mmos in 2024
LMAO, it's a dead genre bwo, that's getting scrapped 100%, these more limited scale gachas take 100x less development effort for 10x the profit, neither Hoyo nor Riot is releasing an mmo, it's a dead money pit genre
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Neuvi bros... they'ree trying to take us down so release the new hydro girl.
They're having to NERF US because we are too powerful
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very cute
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Sorry that I care for gameplay aspect of the game
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>fixing a bug
How the fuck is the absence of a slowass turn speed "a bug" ?
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only rolling for ruby
>cheap side game
With a team of 400 and growing? Plus I think they brought some of the Genshin team in, along with some Honkai devs, which explains the expys that nobody asked for. Sounds more like they're treating it as a 3rd pillar
>new engine
It's unity
Bing bing wahoo
Why doesn't traveler hug back?
Where is this pasta from?
>all the water hose man sales have been exhausted?
>doomp eet
I'd play this pixel game.
are you by any chance retarded?
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I'm glad Neuv got nerfed because I got 100 primos
Thank you devs
We are being raided.
Nigga the Genshin dev team also works with ZZZ. Both these games are managed by the same Cai greedy bastard guy
He's a pussy
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someone on my fl being consistent atleast
same, uppity neuvfags deserve it
>health hearts
I wonder if this is from some sort of minigame. Still really not sold on Ajaw as a whole, they will have do something serious with him for me to change my mind at this point
Unintended feature
His sister would kill him
>fixing a bug
How the fuck is the absence of a slowass turn speed "a bug" ?
Keep coping.
then why is our weapon banner so generous?
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Natlan craftable weapons leaks...
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I won't allow it
thats obsidian
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that's wrong tho? West as a whole contributes way more than JP, CN yeah but
HSR effect.
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about what?
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>we are being raided
See any video of people spinning with Neuvillette and tell me if you think this is how he was meant to be playing.

He is an extremely strong main DPS on Playstation where people couldn't use the spinning bug.
retard-kun, long-term points are automatically converted to commission points whenever you use resin. you don't have to spend any additional resin.
>do 10 pull on weapon banner for xiphos
>get eye of perception
ok that's enough this patch
it'll definitely be mostly yellow with orange tips or something
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ZZZ truly is our sister game
Wait top up reset is in 5.0 if its anniversary right? So if I want to use my current $100 bonus I need to use it before then?
I knew there was 0% chance he'd be playable before Khaenri'ah from this description alone. It's the abyss glow Dain has on his arm too, he's gonna use the 8th element. Also fits Bloodstained Knight joining the abyss (something must've happened later for him to join the Tsaritsa).
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>Traveller - Camera
do we have video footage of proof of these nerfs or is it just shitposting?
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Tabibito-san... Why are you breaking up with me and staying with that redhead girl? Please, don't leave me...
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How badly did Dragon man get nerfed?
I haven't got time to check ingame
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now multiply that by total player count, thats how much primogems dawei himself had to mine in order to compensate us, and people talk shit about him and his company...
What's these keys and echo things you can get from the theatre? Hasn't been able to play due out on 6 month long wandering trip and FUCK trying to do anything but logging in on phone for welkin.
Very red, yes>>486402389
Neuvillette being able to turn around before the charge attack ends, was unintended...
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Why is he gay?
Genshin wep banner is antiquated design but they literally can't change it or else the whales/people that got screwed by it in the past will lose their shit, this is the problem with gacha-shit
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i actually dont know any of the ones from the video, i just assumed she was ruby
at least now i know
That doesn't justify nerfing the speed at which you can turn his camera while CAing
harem impact
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dehya is no longer the worst 5*
I think so.
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thanks anon
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2023 bottleland summer event LOL
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At least you can cope with Iron Sting or Fav Sword on Nilou.
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>tfw dropped HSR for ZZZ
Same, it's very comfy
>It's over for ZZZ the moment a honkai expy makes its way there.
This is also true
Fucking mihomo can't keep their shitty recycled lesbians in their pants
The summer event last year was so much better than GAA2
>easy puzzles
>short and quick story sections
>easy singleplayer minigames
>easy to travel area
>treasure compass meaning I can actually get every single limited-time primogem
>fun theme park vacation
compared to
>insanely difficult and long puzzles
>fischl's birds
>no compass meaning I lost primogems for refusing to comb through the gigantic map
>no Klee
>worst of all primogems gated behind forced co-op
>tedious chores
I rated this very highly unlike 2022
mini mondstadt
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Now we just need Natlan to have a pinching gesture and then everyone will be on board HAHAHA
I’m playing ZZZ and Genshin. Thoughts?
she taught me to coom
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uh oh leaker melty
>oh no
>fujo faggots banner aren't selling???
>Quick! Smash the coomer emergency button!
Alright, so address that
I'm still stuck with a slow ass turn speed trying to move the beam behind him
Even if everyone seems be hyping him up as the Honorable Knight, I'd prefer if he was a Darth Vader type, which Arthas kinda is.
>Remove spin to win
>It massively cripples normal gameplay too
>Just turning around with it is impossible now
WE must get them to revert it like yae
it does tho?
spinning so fast literally make you deal more dmg
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see this is why Ei ended that fucking roadblock ass snake
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>another pattern is broken
That's not sovl.
I tried it and didn't even notice a difference
People are just shitposting desu
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is this a bad idea? I rly dont know if she's good or bad... but I dont have a single geo DPS
Please just uncap the fps on PC please, ZZZ is so smooth because of uncapped fps, Genshin can be so fucking smooth, 60 FPS feels so janky, please just end the Apple deal and give us uncap fps what do I have to do dawei I'd unironically suck his dick for this come on
Wormvillette flopped
>ZZZ team is working on genshin after n*uvdevs were fired
waterkuma genshin when
They had no problem introducing the Epitomized Path while disregarding the feelings of the whales that got spooked by 50 WGS while rolling on the first Homa banner.
They sure as fuck could change it if they wanted to. They just don't.
Fischl > Klee
Simple as
I can't wait to see the statues of the goddesses.
In the special program at 2:30 there is a statue of someone who kind of resembles Mona. Can it be that Mona is one of the goddesses?
Kinich skins them alive for a living
Hello oomfies
I just coomd all over Klee's thighs
>no pyro traveller and their constellations
For what reason?
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>tell me if you think this is how he was meant to be playing
Initially I thought not, yeah
But then days passed without it being changed, then weeks, then months
At some point I started thinking "it do be like this"
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no kap suh bruh's ahh done be cooked *beep* sheeut
Unironically asking, but what is wrong with leakers? Why are they all such clout chasers?
Yes, his turn speed while charge attacking is capped and really low. Good thing I lost my 50/50 on his rerun.
Pyro Traveller will be story locked, we'll probably get it in 5.1 or 5.2
She's good so don't worry if you like her and want to get her
Not reliant on any particular 5 stars either
I want Nilou but her teams are too specific, with half of them being homos.
CA enemy tracking. This nerf also applied to Raiden's NA tracking. Before she was like Arlecchino and would teleport to enemies.
Yep, super happy we finally got the best update ever.
>wonder if this is from some sort of minigame
it's Kinich's namecard
kneeling for diluc_gaming
I guess I gotta pull for another W-Engine in Genshin
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my luck is turning around
Unless you move your mouse really fast it doesn't do shit
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fr fr cuh
Spinning so slow, literally makes him unable to turn around before attack ends
him being able to turn was a bug? lmfao
>MC (female, free)
>Barbara (female, free)
>Collei (female, free)
There you have it
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Just use Nilou Barbara Nahida and Kirara or Collei or
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i will make every childefag look like a incel before a die
>Nahida nilou then any female hydro or dendro
I use yaoyao and Koko
Why did she do it
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Neuvcord... I kneel...
Uh oh someone's gonna get stabbed for real
kek neuvtroons are really losing their shit
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>anniversary is 5.0
patternfags btfo
the ender of worms...
Is it still worth it to roll for Navia as a DPS? And with Xilonen coming soon.
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Is her weapon worth it if i already have that 4* fontaine hp sword?
Stabbing time?
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Look at this nigga
>We want the Gawr Gura audience
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Now that the dust has settled, what killed the boycott?
Kinich looks like he plays Minecraft
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Total Mihomo death
"The waifu region" will flop
You don't need males to make Nilou's strongest team.
uh oh
the refunds are going to come out of these poor bastards inner organs
:3 looking ahh mf
my dick in your mouth
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The Dragonslayer
they revert the neuv fix but future hydro DPS are just as busted without any gimmicks
nothing changes
They saved Genshin...
>using Neuv
I got Arle and never looked back, she's way stronger and literally hits like a truck, just move on bros
neuv nerf
>neuv results in another bunny girl incident
>dawei never releases a playable homo again
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Here's your volcano bro
>there will be yet another event of very poor rewards
Oh boy.
I just realized, with some color changes Mualani would look exactly like the worst girl from 5Toubun.
You can't just put large noses and mouth on anime faces and call it representation. It's racist caricature.
>INB4 Black people have big noses and lips
Doesn't matter. Stick to the anime art style. White and Asian people don't have giant eyes and multi-colored hair either.
nilou's feet
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Watch and learn, genkeks. We'll show you how its done.
Nothing will happen, femcels don't haver the balls (literally) to do anything violent.
Why are you downplaying it?
Turning the character 180 degrees around to face backwards is not abnormal behavior
that takes soooo long now, while it used to be at normal turning speed
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Bwos... he's kind of cute.
>long bottom eyelashes
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>ignoring everyone
>winning repeatedly
I don't know his current turn speed but yes spinning 10000rpm was a bug, if his current turn speed is unreasonably slow they should fix that as well
I want to build a team with Kaveh Nilou and Nahida but Nilou drops her hydro application too early and Kaveh feels like he is made of paper. I'm guessing I'm going to need another hydro character. I tried Barbara with a full EM set but she heals like crap. Should I do XQ instead and hope Kaveh can hurt himself enough with bountiful dendro cores to heal himself through all other damage? Those consecrated beasts in Abyss are scary.
Uh oh worm melty
I use iron sting and she destroys everything anyway in abyss
c0 Nahida, c3 Collei, c5 Barbara
You could probably do the same with dull blade
Worth it depends on you really, the weapon is still a typical dps upgrade and is useful on a few other characters too
wait people actually spun around with Neuv? I thought it was a meme, sounds inconvenient to give yourself nausea every fight
That's what underground map look like yes
>reposting leaks from a reddit repost
truly the 4chan leak of all time
ok as long as it doesn't have nahida
this but also wuwa
genshin cuz of sunk cost + story
wuwa cuz its genshin+
zzz cuz fresh and new and has gameplay unlike shartrail
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Loomtroons aren't beating the porn addict allegations
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>exploration nerf
lol natlan is going to be such shit
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Shut the fuck up about retarded drama, we have this every single day of the year
Let's talk about the summer event
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I'm sorry... I didn't know I had that much power...
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Here's your Natlan books.
So they're all must pull right?

Literally nobody cares, 90% if the players didn’t even know spin to win was a thing
Almost like anniversary is on 28th of September which happens to be during 5.0 you goddamn niggeretard
God that's fucking ugly
Yeah just use Xingqiu and dodge if need be, there's not enough hydro otherwise
Thankfully Xingqiu has damage reduction
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He looks cooler than any manlet that came out in Sumeru.
is it better than koko/nahida/yelan?
and how come no nilou team uses furina?
Who is this pokemon
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>just got Navia to lvl 90
>no artifacts, lvl 1 talents
>only a lvl 90 Serpent Spine
>her skill casually does 30k dmg ezpz

what the fuck
Don't you DARE insult the best clover girl.
Where are the stacked scroll icons from? I don't recall seeing that type of talent book anywhere
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ayo tha fuck this cracker talkin bout *beep* damn that bich fine
Should I buy Dave the Diver? It's on sale right now and I'm in the mood for something new that's kinda different from the game's I've been playing recently.
we MH now
looks like the flying pokemon from the first teaser
>we monster hunter now
>Natlan characters learn by studying carpets
Nice game genkeks
So that’s why they nerfed Neuv spin2win… Natlan constipated beasts will move 10x faster
>unreasonably slow
It's supposed to be like that, it being reasonably fast was a bug
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holy based
>anti-neuv incels are having a melty btw
wormbros are we ok? how do we keep our prolapses after getting embarrassed like that?
90% of the players will notice you can't turn as fast as before, it's not even a high DPI thing
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are the envisaged echoes permanently unlocked, or do I need to play the unlocked quest before the next rotation?
sure, not like it was showcased in a crap ton of videos or anything..
Nilou's blooms are transformative, they don't benefit from Furina's damage bonus
You're also losing HP on a team that is already getting nuked by bloom self damage
Her bis team now is Nilou Nahida Kokomi Collei
Steve looking motherfucker
I love it
LITERALLY only care about the Geo loli, and just like Lynette I will never EVER get cons for her, because she'll never be on a banner that I will want to roll on.
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The fuck is this avatar smurf ass lizard doing here
It's Noivern but in Natlan region.
You thought the "NAVIA HITS LIKE A TRUCK" was just a meme or something?
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Lads I can't I tried the new 4.8 event and it's toddler shit. No wonder you lot are getting bullied at school for playing Genshin.
Looks more like rugs to me.
>u are bitch fuck ur mother
I know this might be hard for people like you who probably are chronically addicted to Twitch and Youtube, but normally people don't engage with endless abyss showcases day in and day out
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is c1 fine? or one of those c6 or bust comps
>all these contrarians on the replies
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ZZZ fags, explain yourselves. Wtf is this?
It doesn't just affect the spinning. When you finish a wave and a new one spawns you could quickly turn around with old turn speed. Or when there are 3-4 enemies spread apart you could move mouse left and right quickly to hit all of them.
literally me
based nekko
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I play fun/relaxing games not tryhard shit to impress other people
literally me

also me
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Meh, looks like "graphical upgrade" doesn't include making new faces for the NPCs.
its called being based
you won't get it
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Edgekino is back on the menu
EVERYONE is quitting and EVERYONE is laughing at us... We really are the CLOWNS of the gaming community.
unless you're a spintard, you probably won't even notice at first
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Built for white men (TL NOTE: asians call westerners waito piggo)
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Why don't we get swimsuit alts, hoyo are hurting for cash right?
based Nenechinigga
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>ZZZoomers hijacking the boycott

Holy based
Finally... PoC representation
Yeah, use XQ. How much em do you have on Kaveh? He needs 350-400 at c0 to tank comfortably. You can also try using HB hat on him.
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>nene pfp
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>sup cuh my niggas call me tupac
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dafuq are those cringe ass watermarks
>literally just your average npc with a bit of makeover
oneshotting overworld mobs with style is really fun
she is probably the most fun to play fontaine character out there
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There they are, the PoC!
These all look fuckable.
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Disgusted by all these cumskins in Natlan
I don't recall barbarakeks having a meltdown when she was nerfed. Why are femcels so fragile?
They really gotta do something about the NPCs.
>nerfs nicole's shorts because they show off too much skin
>releases a loli character with pre-nerfed shorts
The ZZZ dev team is too based
Thanks bros.
These niggas Whitter than me and I get sunburned instead of tanned
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>genshin "gay sex with hats on" impact
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new strongbox artifacts
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finally amerilards getting their long awaited representation
Both have shitass personalities, God I hate chink writers
Right obviously has a better model
Left has a fun traversal skill I guess, though it's annoying in combat.
Right is generally more fun to play.
both are inferior to the fire waifu coming after them
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Pork bros. How good is Kiara c4? I've got a C6 Clorinde so damage isn't a problem, I dislike Nahida because you have to keep swapping to refresh her skill.
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before i roll for nilou I need to know.
how well do bloom teams handle elemental shields?
can they take on the one boss that cycles through elemental shields? can they take on lecters?
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never EVER
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>4.0 mats this early
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>Head into Natlan, THE shithole
>Can't even call the population niggas cuz they're white
It's over. No way of recovering from this one...
>geo lectors
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Fat fatui have been in the game since release though
>fontaine sets already
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Neuviggers crying because they cant bug abuse their fidgetdragon anymore... inject it into my veins kek
Get fucked PC tards!
Is that navias artifact?? Fuck yeah
>moresauce and gt
What the hell.
We will never get a character as complex and cool and beautiful as Firefly
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/zzz/ benbiggers support the /gig/gers' plight
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Rock/Steel looks so cute. GEOgods win again.
Cheldbros, this is my chance to get decent Nymph on him.
Holy fuck, this has to be the worse summer introduction event ever.
No precursor, not setup, no nothing. Just tp'd there and lo and behold.
A new Natlan even will be not-Mario Kart with these things, won't it.
I thought TF was her best one anyway
Finally I can strongbox the dendro artifacts without the em one getting in my way. Also 4.0 artifacts? Yup. Fontaine is forgotten.
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women are incapable of denying themselves anything
i will now roll for her
Nerfs for the sake of balance are a good thing and I will defend them to my dying breath
man the screenshots of Natlan looks so fucking good, hopefully someone here post the high res versions
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>Turn on ZZZ music
>Enter abyss
Oh yeah, it's gaming time
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I don't play gachas to read a novel, fuck outta here
damn maybe the doomkeks weren't schizos after all. they're already breaking out the fontaine artifacts
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That is Lucy and I also want to fuck her silly. One of the better ZZZ designs.
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no, its 4.0 artifacts
but they should fucking put all 4.x artifacts there
strongbox lagging behind 2 regions is fucking insane
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Finally, I can stop grinding that shit domain and get nothing, and instead just feed all my artifacts into the strongbox and still get nothing.
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>"bitch, stfu"
Kindly, fuck off.
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>random pyro aura applied to you while also having to protect the supplies

my jean keeps dying in that trial, shit is retarded
She is our Fischl
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I'm afraid that your journey ends here, young trainer.
left is prettier it's not even a question
That rock instead of archon statue?
>we are going to kill capys for meat
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FIGHT Fight Fight fight
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Ripping off nintendo is a winning strategy. Not-mario kart and not-mario party would be good additions to the game unironically.
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3 of the craftables and an event catalyst? i guess?
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>boycottposting failed
>back to wuwashilling
threadshitters are so predictable
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Where is the Statue of the Seven? Don't tell me that it shows a male?
the war ravaged tall grass..
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new kits up on https://homdgcat.wiki/gi/char?lang=EN
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>Your favorite natlan genshin
>The objectively best aperitif
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How come their lolis get to have bellybuttons and ours dont?
yeah, TF is still the best
The difference is staggering
Fuck, that's Furina's artifact
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This is my first "big" event I get to do since I started a month ago and...
Are they all this... childish?

I dunno man, if they're all gonna be like this and the main story too I might as well quit...
>inverted gradients on each wing
I hate this
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>explain yourselves. Wtf is this?
A top tier design, what else?
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I won
do they evolve too?
finally some good diluc gear
Throw out the first 2 out.
Don't do it immediately for the second wave. Group them up and use auto attacks for some heals and just tap skill to get energy.
You should be able to burst before you died.

Bitched about it a bit here >>486404836
Took me a bit to figure it out.
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>*turns visor cap 180 degrees*
The new vistas look pretty kino bros but I don't want to post spoiler. Might be time to re-up welkin.
S-So pretty.
>foot accessories
what a slut that's so hot
Cool claymore
How come their lolis get to not be potatoes?
>we can finally have decent storytelling
Hahahahahahahaha everybody get a load of this joker
Why do indians hate Inazuma?
>just save until EOS
didnt win jack shit
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I think so too. Here is the craftable sword.
I dropped zzz because of the HP sponge, shit is fucking retarded.
Looks pretty good
so why is natlan all geo?????
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so small
>Neuvidevs fired after snowbreak incident
>waterkuma takes over
>copies Ellens W engine but cute
its just that easy
That seems a lot smaller compared to 3.0 and 4.0
I still can't remember a single characters name, and probably wont until they come out.
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Shartrail keks are silent today
Somehow Chinkslop designs turned out to be worse than Natlan ones
Better be an HP one.
>another shitty covered up skin
I have 11k crystals
when the fuck will I ever get to spend them?
fuck shithoyo
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piper sucks tho, lucy is hard carrying
Is Natlan supposed to be Teyvat’s turd?
ok now post the canon version
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that seems really small, although there's some underground stuff
but still
no, her set is nighttime whispers (which is only good for her) and you have to farm it along with a trash set that doesn't work for anyone
Game is healing....
That is until later in the event where wandere as tje prince arrives and ruins it
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>I dont drink
post mualani already
Is mualani 5 star?
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>Let people stockpile encounter points
>lolsike we're gonna massively nerf how many you get from events
>get going with those commissions wagie
>piper sucks tho
she has her fanbase with the pitfags and the lolibabafags
The wildlife designs are good shit
I may be a paedophile, but at least I'm not racist
Sis your clitoris
Natlanians are actually 20cm tall. It's like the Minish Cap region. Hoyo keeps stealing from Nintendo.
>statue of the seven doesn't show mavuika
The fuck? Are we just skipping straight to 4.0 artifacts now? Not that I'm complaining, but I did not expect this at all
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Big boy
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this really shows how much they are filled with homos
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meanwhile genshin is turning into a game for kids too young for roblox it's not fair
fat fuck
Do you have a pic?
you literally get permanent free dailies with just condesed resin and whatever events/areas we get

just the day 1 area from this patch already let me have free dailies for the next 6 weeks
5* weapons:
Mountain King's Fang (Claymore): 608 ATK +33.1% CR
Surfing Time (Catalyst): 542 ATK +88.2% CD

4* weapons:
Earthshaker (Claymore): 565 ATK +27.6% ATK
Shattered Chains (Bow): 565 ATK +27.6% ATK
Flamebreath Flute (Sword): 454 ATK +69.0% DEF
Rainbow's Trail (Polearm): 510 ATK +51.7% DEF
Ash-Graven Drinking Horn (Catalyst): 510 ATK +41.3% HP
Ring of Ceiba (Catalyst): 510 ATK +41.3% HP
>didnt do any hangouts since the first set
>hangout points increased
It's got style but the gameplay is pretty boring. I like wuwa's gameplay but it's got its own issues.
Man I sure hope natlan doesn't suck
Neuvillette is actually very popular in China despite what people say
ochako, my beloved
i kinda like simulanka
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Can you believe we're 4 years in and we still can't replay events?
There are SO many bad quests in the game. We HAVE to sit through Ayaka dancing in a puddle, but we cannot go back and experience the actual lore relevant events from 1.x - 2.x.
Neuvi nerf as punishiment for sisters and homos
Neuv is ironically more popular than yae, and people went apeshit when they nerfed yae before
They're actually asking for someone to be assaulted this time lmao
skull issue
>2 new HP catalysts
holy cope
Aether didn't want to be hugged by her
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>DEF sword
Not like I'm gonna spoil myself but are we also getting 5.0 AQ data today?
But I did the hangouts already
>def sword
>def sword
>def sword
>Neuv is ironically more popular than yae
This one is more like a Godfather's theme
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>def sword
What's their problem.
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F2p 4* sword and 2 new f2p 4* HP catalysts?
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here's some locations for ants since no one posted them yet, hopefully someone has access to the bigger versions
5.0 banners
Mualani, Kazuha, Raiden, Kinich
That nigga gay as hell
>454 ATK +69.0% DEF (Sword)
>still no a fucking HP sword
>kazuflop already
He's about to get powercrept lmao
wtf kazuha already?
Does anyone else find it weird the "shitposters" have a list of talking points that they cycle through every day?
explorationGODS won
>def sword
Are you fucking kidding me...
venti should be 5.1 and then mavuika 5.2

checks out just like every year
ez skip
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>def sword
nice I can get her weapon
You're assuming there will be enough content in a region to pull you over for 1.5 months. Let alone if there's a dead patch with no new region and just minigames lol
Isn't it about time they fucking introduce triple banners?
they need to run him now before he's powercrept by the geo lady in 5.1
Why are they like this?
Why can't they just give something good without any drawbacks?
Can Genshin go the Granblue route and release a full spinoff game soon?
Albedofags won. Nilouchuds, swipe while you can.
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night spirit gauge(?) for ants
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>kazuhafags will be riding the coattails of mualani
>Geo lector

Not at all. Although it's boring and retarded, childish and infantile things tend to be briskly paced due to children's low attention spans. This meanwhile is a drawn out slog. A child wouldn't be able to force themselves through this much boredom just to get a pittance of gambling currency.
they threw a bone to latefags who dont have al pedo's event sword i guess
how will be geo lady powercreep him, will she have res shredding?
stop noticing.
you WILL enjoy the reject banner that comes around once a year
The producer of this game isn't cai
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>def polearm
she functions and the shield is comfy
your other options are Baizhu and Yaoyao
depends on how china's gaming market develop
She's great with her from what I've heard
One (1) region in an entire launch
>Total area size is also padded with 40% empty sumeru desert
EOS soon but unironically
idk the leakers said so and it gained credibility after the leak of the new broken support set
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but still, just crafting 3 (three) condensed gives you the 4 dailies to claim

events/chests/whatever will overcap for no reason most likely, unless it's for a day you can't play or something
It makes sense. So far, the daily minigames in events have been enough to clear at least 3 commissions. But now that you're able to stockpile encounter points, there's no reason to keep that up.
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>Genshin with relink gameplay
>frog image
Didn't read
Kill yourself.
Literal blacked bait
Why are you here every day?
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>Literally is just scaramouches mana bar

The archon better buff it, because it's such a fucking shit mechanic
Still sticking with Fav Spear. Sorry.
Many dendrofags have some kind of cyber theme, is it because of irminsul?
Remuria was a sign of things to come
yes the matrix tree
>but still, just crafting 3 (three) condensed gives you the 4 dailies to claim
anon... crafted the resin is what consumes the stockpiled points. not grants them. crafting condense gives you nothing, you need to have points stored for it to do anything
that's why it's a big issue if they're nerfing events and world quests, you wont be able to stockpile enough to get over dead patches
they are running out of money
>fat gut
>shows off foot
nice fetish art hoyo
5.0 beta data

Chasca - Bow

Mavuika - Claymore

Iansan - Pole
oh shit really?
I guess as I didn't have any stockpile points I got my free 4 dailies today, but from then I'll just consume them

well, at least it's an improvement over previous versions
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Same energy
>Iansan - Pole
Truly the buddypoke of all time
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>cryo bow
Looks like Citlali got the better deal.
They are not even in the beta retard
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Mika's skin looking great
the producer of zzz is called Li Zhenyu
that doesn't mean they don't have data associated with them
How will they make it so we can't just use Neuvillette weapon with Mualani?
but we have a dull blade (canon MC signature)
the models are in the game for the story and they carry the data of the weapon type
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>solid characters
I'm so fucking ready
>A good deal
Just gotta pray they buff cryo in snezya at this point, it's fucking over for cryos
Make a new thread so the 20 lurkers can get their ritualposts out of the way and we can resume to posting at a regular pace
>Albedo goat
>Mika capybara
Are they trying to tell us something?
Mualani does not use charge attacks.
the natlan statue of the seven....
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>clitlali is not in 5.0
wtf bwos?
>Mavuika - Claymore
So based on process of elimination, the Tsaritsa will likely use a sword.
Save us Tsaritsa... Save Cryo...
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>hp scaled cryo sword
Neat summer event map, I'm okay with the small size, team was probably busy with natlan.
neuv is still dps king
Calling it, chevy in second half with taiden
For suddenly hugging him. Is it really that hard to figure out?
Every day I browse the internet and I am surprised by how retarded a lot of (You) are. This anon here is one such individual. And I'm not even fucking smart myself.
>Those Mualani animations
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