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Previous: >>486458951

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Don't like it? Don't claim the ten rolls, faggot.
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unironically thank you GODvillette for these 10 pulls i love you
Post a Xbalanque moment
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>the character /gig/ hyped as the new powercreep ends up being the clunkiest low tier shit
how do you guys manage to always be wrong?
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>that second song
>my abyss clear went from soulless to soul to soulless again in 24h
The mighty sure have been humbled, huh
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Hello sirs? Why is my Natlan full of white people who can't dance?
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the four heavenly kings....

still not gonna pull for your drag queen looking ass thougheverbeit
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Childe SOON
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empirically accurate gig demographics chart from anon last thread
She's cute, curvy and bubbly
I honestly would prefer if she weren't compared to Neuvillette at all, metashitters are annoying
Whose POV is this?
>5.1 geo girl is a pure DPS
Kazuha will never be powercrept pt 7
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Is Redvillette real?
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How to get QT White Mexican Sucrose cosplayer gf?
I just want to remind everyone that yesterday there were slurpers that were unironically praising the "bug fix", imagine slurping a nerf for a character 10 months after their release
these threads are going so fast that no one will know that I think Liyue characters have a DARKER skin than Natlan characters.
>Wanderer is in the natlan AQ
Okay why does fat Xiao like him so much what does he have to do with natlan
this is wrong, we femoids don't say that shit
(You) prostrating yourself before them
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Damn, I almost won by investing $600 in her. What a shame. I hope he gets nerfed.
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>she doesn't need to be stronger than the sovereign god
>she doesn't need to be meta
>she doesn't need to be not clunky
>she doesn't need to be multi target
>looks fun to me
>a-at least she's cute
funny how the narrative did a complete 180 within less than 24 hours
yeah metashitters are annoying but honestly the ones on gig are all shitposters at this point because we all know meta doesn't matter for this baby game
>african tribal chanting
>every character is white
He's finally wandering
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My time?
>take new geo set
>attach to Kachina (free)
>Kazuha is now obsolete
The clock is ticking
Fat Xiao is into femboys
Nothing, someone at mihoyo is just obsessed with him
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so where are the arican tribes in natlan?
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For me, it's Iansan.
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we are getting a new world level ascension domain
is it gonna be the same shit with the electro cube or will it be something new
For me, it's my fellow /gig/ ganyubwos
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Kill all neuvniggers.
Ayatobro... not like this
The kings of /gig/
this is how i know you’re not actually a female
fat xiao dreams of fucking his neovagina
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>character called wanderer
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Fat short bitch! now turn around, ima fuck your thighs till i cum!
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>internet is down
>can't play genshin or draw
>gig is shit
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The Alpha of Awe. The Brute of Brawn. The Cultivator of Class. The Duke of Domination. The Emperor of Eloquence. The Fiercest of Fighters. The Greatest of Glory. The Height of Heroism. The Imperator of Intellectualism. The Jarl of Justice. The King of Knights. The Lord of Loquaciousness. The Master of Mortality. The Naysayer of Noobs. The Overlord of Obituaries. The Prince of Passion. The Que-hagen of Quixote. The Ruler of Ruination. The Sultan of Smite. The Taskmaster of Trembles. The Undertaker of Ubiquity. The Vaeyen of Vociferousness. The Warranter of Weaklings. The Xenophobe of Xenogeny. The Yardmaster of Yesteryear. The Zhar of Zoroastrianism.






























LORDette the KING











Despite being 15% of the population, they are 90% the cause of /gig/'s toilet of /vg/ reputation.
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>Lord Kazuha won't be powercrept by the supposed powercreep 4.1 geo
>Iudex Godvillette won't be powercrept by the supposed powercreep 4.0 hydro
Kazuha and Neuvillette on top
At least the Japanese won't invade China again. Thanks Hoyo for saving China again.
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I really REALLY need a QT White Mexican Sucrose cosplayer gf

I wonder if she's making tons of money with her Onlyfans, those anime figurines are hella expensive.

Hopefully she will make a Citlalí/Xilonen cosplay
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Threads are getting too predictable.
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Yeah, I'm thinking Xbalanque is both the first archon and the pyro sovereign, but Mavuika is the sage who later became the second Archon. Nobody knows her true identity, so that'd explain why her playable name could be different according to the leakers. It'd also explain why she cares so much about Xbox live if those flames really represent him.
when have you seen us lusting after that ugly man?
Wanderer being shilled more than Raiden and getting the big hero treatment while the chinks seethed so much about Signora and Cheld that they had to kill off one and make the other barely present in the story except to job, great way to make your writer's pet a loathsome character with this double standard.
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I haven't explored the summer event zone yet. Am I going to get my account bricked if I don't do something there on day one, or can I take it easy and do it this weekend?
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raidenfags/childefags are so bitter..
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>Nilou Breeze skin 2k textures.
>Kirara puss on boots skin 2k textures.
>neuvpag in denial
neuvillette isn't popular with yumes
If we're heading for another Fontaine /gig/ will become literally unusable
he’s like in top 3 most popular males amongst femcels in this general
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Mualani is C1R1 bait?
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What is the point of vs debating and power scaling now that fiction has been solved?
The only question we should be asking is "how do you beat Neuvillette?"
You'd think the answer would be "by being stronger"
You can't beat that...
It's truly over isn't it? Fiction has been solved... And that's fucking crazy when You think about it.
Seriously, we live in a world were fiction has been solved.
Thousands of years of human story telling and we lived to see the culmination of it all. LITERALLY the most powerful character human imagination can allow has been created. That's it for fiction. Yeah we could try to figure out the number 2 and so on but the first place is the one that truly matters and in the regard, fiction is solved.
Just think about that...
Since mankind first learned to query, there has been 1 question that has plagued the mind of man:
"Who would win?"
Who would win between stick and rock?
Who would win between man and beast?
Who would win between god and monster?
This is THE question.
It all comes back to these simple words...
Who. Would. Win.
By this inquiry, philosophies have been born, empires have risen and fallen, and wars have been waged.
And now, after millennia, after so much toil, the matter has been settled...
His name is Neuvillette and he truly is:
The Invincible, Strongest of the Strong.
bwo you're already bricked...
since wanderer and the pet saurian can both be renamed, I think the beta could just be labeling lines belonging to the saurian as belonging to wanderer
though I don’t know why a dino would have that many lines
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Do long term encounter points reset after every patch?
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With thos thighs and shortness, She would have been better off cosplaying thicc Nahida
my husbands and kazuha
He's someone's self insert for sure. Shitty personality but everyone sucks his cock and says he's not responsible for anything bad he does. No wonder twitter loves him.
Can I unlock Kirara's skin in one day?
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Based Neuvillette for dressing his daughter for her date with Aether!
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>zhongkings get their character buffed
>godvillette chads get their character unnerfed
meanwhile waifukeks
>g-guys our reddit poll said people prefer rosaria's older design, surely they'll roll back now
now you know who rules this game and who's a loser with no power to change anything
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>give Mualani soulful and cute attack and charged attack animations
>she's not using them anyway and just does boring chomps while riding the shark
Every time... Why do they keep doing it? Are they actually retarded?
Why would you need internet to draw?
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strange. wanderpags were saying it was a good thing when he became a college student last year
by quantity of posts shitposters are like 80% and femoids/trannies 19%
no one even talks about the game, there aren't even actual metafags that aren't shitposters
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Now that Fontaine is coming to a close, post some tracks that you enjoyed
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Average reward from the Faded Theater domain when you farm for Whimsy set
A-at least Nahida isn't glued to Wanderer anymore, right guys...?
Is it boss themes?
>wanderer isn't happy with only shitting all over sumeru
>now he wants to shit on natlan too
Someone get him some diapers
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My qt Mexica Axolotl Wife Citlali

Mi vieja we

Mi vieja we
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Do you think the boycotters are genuinely delusional? They look at this leaked NPC and genuinely, unironically, actually comment "if he were playable, he'd sell more than Mualani and Kinich just because he actually looks like what you'd expect a Natlan character to be." Do you think they're shitposting or do they really believe that? Or are they lying to themselves as a cope?
Who will be the 5.x king that drives this place nuts?
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Wormvillette flopped.
again, when have you seen us lusting after this thing?
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Wanderer isn't present.
The character present there is your Saurian companion that you meet when entering Natlan.You get to name him in the same fashion as Wanderer, even getting a similar one-time renaming item.
Because neither of them have actual names, they're both labelled the same way in the game files - {REALNAME[ID(2)|SHOWHOST(true)]}. Since Wanderer is already a character using that name, Homdgcat's datamining stuff has labelled it as Wanderer instead.
See pic related from one of the quests.
The new set is broken but all it does is let her match Kazuha’s bonus damage buff
For her to be worth using over him, you’d need another user of VV elsewhere on the team and for her off field damage to be actually good
The latter might actually end up being the case since it’s pure DEF scaling, but good luck finding a good user of VV other than Kazuha
Yes go ahead and use CR for VV when she has zero off field damage
Yes go ahead and use Faruzan when she’s meant to be anemo support to begin with
I give this meme a week before it dies
if they release an anemo support in Natlan then I’ll panic
R1 definitely, C1 probably? I don't know how her damage plays out in reality
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not even hoyo can stop him from wining
wandererfags have no thoughts on his actual character lol they just go with whatever slop fat xiao shits out
>thong tanlines on her plump wide hips

I was kinda expecting someone to accompany us to Natlan, but Wanderer though...
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>four world quests with scara
on one hand involving characters in world quests is a fantastic change. but scara of all characters instead of a natlan native?
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Getting rickrolled by a fucking Dragon!
they OWN this game
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Do you guys think mihomo knows about this general?
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>posts fanart to cope
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tabibito won.
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The leaks said they have a master apprentice relationship
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I can’t understand /gig/, lemme put this amulet on
Wormvillette flopped. Twice.
literally in this very thread, i’m not sure why you’re pretending to be retarded because it’s not cute
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CHINKmetafags are truly on another level
im gonna ignore this and keep shitposting
Now all we need is Xbalanque to be as white as snow and the Troon mindbreak will be complete.
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meant for >>486466753
hey was wondering how many primos there are in the world if im just starting sumeru?
thinking about getting navia
I mean, she's the actual current archon unlike Furina, who was just larping. I think it should be fine as long as it's Xbalanque that refuses going back to his old job.
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>natlan will be the waifu region
uh oh! neuvillete's nerf was reverted
uh oh! mualani's kit is clunky single target with shit damage
uh oh! wanderer comes to be part of the archon quest
uh oh! xbalanque might get shipped with the archon
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I listen to this every now and then when I need to unwind.
my boy has shoes…
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>stick-legged man body
Will no longer be rolling.
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I was building pity and accidentally got Nilou'd on my 47th pull, won 50/50 btw, is my account bricked?
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10 free wishes

Thank you Wormvillete bros
Fraudli FLED
>winning wanderer's used goods onahole
he's w-winning alright
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The HOLY trinity of /gig/
GOD the father Kazuha, GOD the son Neuvillette, GOD the Holy Spirit Wanderer
Sebastos posting was the best 4.x meme
fontaine moment
where? we never post neuvillette, that's only you spics, we only lust after alhaitham, wanderer, childe, the new dendro guy and sometimes diluc
They like anything the writers do and think it's all planned and not a way to just force people to like this Gary Stu. When actually not forcing every character to like Wanderer and letting people be neutral would make him less annoying.
Yes. Reroll.
I hope you have Nahida
don't worry I'll C6R1 her just for you
When do I get my free 10 wishes
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Yeah all the dialogue labelled "Wanderer" on there is actually this lil nigga
no thats just wanderer (forma de brain damage)
there wondering why the NPCs have more varied designs than the playable characters
Why are they allowed to have dark skin and non generic anime hair, but the playable characters don't?
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here, have the webm version.
>xbalanque without hunahpu
>remus without romulus
sasuga mihoyo
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>Trying to read the 5.0 AQ as soon as it gets uploaded
>Dialogue only; no cutscenes, no environments, no context
Explain this behaviour
Impossible mode: Justify this behaviour
Mavuika Skywalker and her mentor Yoda Xbalanque....
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So who was the photographer?
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should've been like this
open your eyes or turn on your monitor retardsis
After every version
It's going to be reset at 5.0, then at 6.0 and so on
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Wtf why is Wanderer talking like a furry here? Did he hit his head and we now have to teach him be human again?
my pet boywife Wanderer…
rawring… UwUing…
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Anon, do you not play the game? Furina has real for (You) pandering. Neuv is just her dad.
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Lord Neuvillette has been solidified as the absolute, unreachable pinnacle of Genshin Impact. No other character will ever be as powerful as the ludex himself.
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I want a furina gf so bad. I'm so lonely...
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She destroys content with shitter artifacts so no
Thankfully you don't have to torture yourself farming artifacts or leveling talents for her compared to if you got any other character by accident
We will continue to blame homoslops for every flopping banner. You rike?
they did mualani dirty
>we femoids
Gig I’m about to get home from work
Should I explore, try and calc out Kachina damage, or take a nap
wuwa won bigly
maybe stop coping and accept no one likes your self insert spic
People want to see interesting characters and not your self insert Fat Xiao
>We will never escape Scaramouche or NeuviGOD
At this point I can only laugh. Guess they are here to stay, despite the antis
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why would celestia let a sovereign be an archon? are they stupid?
oh yeah they're retarded...
yes. uninstall genshin immediately
Mogs Wanderer
wanderer in question is the pokemon that you will be carrying around, retardGOD
not that fucking annoying manlet
>avoiding the question
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Well I hope because the constant meltdowns and shitposting have become tiring. I think it's time to skip /gig/ for a month or 2 again.
will still get powercrept
there's no xbalanque
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peak Genshin
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Bring me Xbalanque
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>it isn't wanderer
Thank fuck, I was already planning to uninstall
You won a waifu.
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bwo your Lord Kazuha?
oh you wont like what will happen next
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Scaramouche RAWRing will save Genshin
I am not rolling blacks at all, that includes Mualani
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Riddle me this /gig/
If Wormvillette really flopped twice, why did he give me 10 rolls ($30 value) for free?
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Did we get any Mualani footage against multiple targets?
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>10 free wishes
10 free wishes
>10 free wishes
10 free wishes
>10 free wishes
10 free wishes
>10 free wishes
10 free wishes

i bow to the hydroKING
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wanderer (after being raped by nahida for 2 years)
actual femcels don’t consider trannies like yourself as part of their group
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Neuvillette walking her daughter down the aisle to meet the groom, Aether!
Pulling for Mualani because she reminds me of Angie Yonaga from Danganronpa
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One of these days, anon
you're confusing me for the mirror bucko
crisis averted natlanCHADS we won't have the abortion on our quest
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the natlan battle themes are so fucking good bros
these mog the shit out of the fontaine bros
Wormvillette flopped TWICE.
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mi vieja we
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This shitshow has been entertaining, and honestly the extra 10 pulls are a nice send-off into Natlan.
Fontaine OST was incredible, best region music wise for me.




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Sagebros...Their real name is actually Kukilkan though. Maybe the sage didn't really die, but assumed the name Mavuika? Who knows.
I can see why Hoyo was sweating though. That spin2win will make all AoE DPS useless compared to him. The only reason it isn't problem is because it was gimmick. Now more people know about it and will try it. Guess the only way to nerf him is to fill the floors with hydro enemies...
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brownoid twittroon status?
Why don't we get this with Cheld instead of them keeping him away from the game?
yeah look up nyantcha
fuck off shounenfaggot
Actual femcels like me are tired of you fags blaming it all on us, this whole neuvillette shit isn't us because we don't give a single fuck about him
>twitter browns having a melty over natlan npcs and neuvillette apologems
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I prefer this send off.
>be cranky old man
>gives you 10 rolls +100 primogems
I don't think her C1 really matters all that much. R1 would be a much bigger increase but she's running with Kazuha so I'm skipping her weapon. She's 100% perfectly fine at C0R0 though.
looks cool, feel sorry for mobileniggers, though
>darker than every genshin character
You’re right
If this didn’t get reverted they probably would’ve gone ahead and removed double swirl.

LORDvillette held the line
they unironically have people saying mihoyo is missing out on millions of potential customers because of muh skin color, so someone is probably delusional enough to believe that
Did this patch break mods or are they fine?
They really don't
Their current narrative:
>why did the Chinese react so negatively to the Neuv nerf, yet refuse to join our colorism boycott?
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Who? I don't even play nu genshin lole
kek Neuvillette
Muratabros... surely she still exists, right?
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Oh nonono, the cuckfag is getting uppity and is posting cope edits!
childe will appear on snezshnaya, not even some filler like events or festival but on the actual archon quest
the boycott is working
He's way more based, that's for sure.
off model
theyre paranoid about dark skin not selling. wriothesley was originally mixed (eremite/fontaine) but they scrapped that in the final art. thats basically why and anyone saying otherwise is coping hard.
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Name a cooler character
protip: you can't
since when was she glued to him? she has one quest and one event. neither story quest mentions him at all
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Traveler - camera
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So she's gonna send us off like Dehya last year? NICE this is exactly what I wanted
this but xbalanque
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>nu genshin
nigga everything is nu genshin this game came out in 20220 you dumb as hell nigga
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Do not sully THE BASED chapter of TG:RE with your ship shitpost.
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he won
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>iPagther calling out anyone else for posting cope edits
the irony is mindnumbing
>Is actually a crybaby
>there are people who think Dehya, Cyno, and Candace are darkskinned
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It's actually Furina, Charlotte, Clorinde, and Navia.
Murata rewritten lmao
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There is a reason why there ain't any gacha that's full of dark skinned characters. Shit just doesn't sell, especially in Asia.
Touka and Kaneki are both shit and most of Re was complete trash
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it sure as fuck aren’t incels spamming neuvifuri artwork and talking about how much they love him as a character nor are they the ones posting their hands
i have no idea why they think darkies can sell worse than fontaine did
fontaine's sales were pathetic
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What if Kazuha and Neuvillette were the focus of an event or archon quest and met ingame?
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It IS a little goofy to have actual niggas like that and not a single one playable
cheld will commit suicide before we get to snezhnaya after having to listen to Pantalone's seething for an entire year.
>leaked concept art
I really like the pixel artstyle of Kinichs abilities and how flashy he is... BUT male. Sigh... What a shame
This ZZZ reject is the best thing Genshjn has done
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why is he having a melty tho?
yes but imagine if fontaine was all brown
we wouldn't even have this general anymore
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Wanderer this, Charlotte that. Who cares
Why the fuck is THIS GUY here??
>bankrolls furina
>buys a fuckton of tea
>imports water from every nation
>mailed you gems before
>sends you a 10 pull now that you are leaving to natlan
where is he getting the money to do this
is this why the aqualines are still not being fixed and why people live in the sewers in fontaine
>even femoids don't like wormvillette
Who even genuinely likes that homosexual failure? Certainly not the chinks because they're just massive sovlless metafags.
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I wonder what her farts smell like
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This chapter made fujos seethe so hard, just for that it's great.
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dass rite homie
i know right? if you roll for males, you are automatically a homosexual. there's just no way around it.
They are though
Only missing Chevy, but she didn't appear in the AQ ig...

Balance is good, broken characters are bad. I tried it, the nerf was fine, he was still an amazing character, just slightly less game destroying.
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just make multitarget chambers resist/punish hydro and make the only chambers that heavily incentivize hydro be single target
XQcoin and Yelancoin will rise again but the lizard will squeal
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After this recent Neuv shitstorm I can finally say I'm free of this shit game. Uninstalled and abandoned. New region and archon look like trash anyways.
>but imagine if fontaine was all brown
One thing we can be sure is that west won't boycott genshin over it.
>it sure as fuck aren’t incels spamming neuvifuri artwork
lmao this is the same shit you fast used to do with kazuha to anger the pagthers
>how much they love him as a character
where? It's always someone shitposting over my GODvillette, that isn't us. I've never seen a sister being serious like with say Alhaitham
>posting their hands
we don't have that, the one spammed here comes from reddit
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Allow me
what can they do to revive the hype?
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I'm a metafag and I LOVE Godvillette. Most broken character for sure
>It IS a little goofy to have actual niggas like that and not a single one playable
I do agree, but my question is about that specific NPC's design. Do people actually believe that specific design, without any changes made to it, would be a top selling banner? Or are they just bullshitting?
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It's 2024 my nigga...
not surprised
they unnerfed him tho sis
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Seriously, how does this make sense?
East Asia is 100x more colorist than the west. Brown asians girls get bullied by classmates and family members into bleaching their skin.

Western countries associate pale skin with sickness and being a NEET in comparison so it's the opposite (Hogwart's Legacy not having a pale option)
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This is what brainrot looks like
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Simple as
Wuwa NEEDS to add their own Neuvillette
>he thinks cheld will do anything of note in snez when they have harbingers, the tsaritsa and new characters to shill
Unironically? Just go full NIKKE, characters with visible inserted vibrators
Never leave /gig/ bro, your world will shatter. He's well liked by all demographics.
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Im not planning to roll for Emilie and Kinich is not good without her.
>losing to Solitare
I didn't realize you could spend money on Solitare
You know that was fake right
dunno, he's too boring to want to husbando him
nothing, they killed it even further with their shitty 1.2 character showcase, they look like npcs, funny because they made fun of emilie for the glasses and they got a glasses girl too but somehow worse design than emilie, thats karma
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How many rolls does it take to get a decent chance to pump a specific 4* on banner? I want Kaveh, but it can also be a noob trap. Anyone have any experience with this?
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How tf are you supposed to move your toon arounds to hit the balloons? Shit is way too hard
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Dark skinned characters. Their main market is the west.
Females are shipfags that pair him with Furina, that's how you can tell a woman or tranny made the post
Everyone else is either the two or three femcel samefags or just shitposting him because he passed the irony barrier like Kazuwank did
Outside of gig, he is liked because of metafagging
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>rpg number logic
Just give up. You'll be doing that shit all day.
natlan people just built different
>not even 1k people stream it on twitch
Funny how all the wuwa shitters fucked off when hyo dropped ZZZ and they couldnt even beat that
Xbalanque sisters, are we rolling for Mavuika's pyro Neuvillette or not?
It's stupid to make a region based on Africa and make everyone white. If they don't want black characters then don't do this.
Jeez, no wonder their general is so hostile. The few who are left must be mad as fuck
>spam stops
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True, you can't. Ignore the Raidentroons, they're still mad they got replaced by Kuki
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It doesn't, but that's the curse of Gacha.
Who looks at this shit and thinks this is good? These look like Mondstadt tourists, not Natlan natives. Most botched reason with no cohesive identity.
We love Sovereigns here.
neither did i or sudoku lmao fucking sudoku
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Metafags who want to roll for her expecting that she will plwercreep Neuv KILL YOURSELF
Only roll for her if you like the character, aka the golden rule
She probably won’t be better than him in every way and that’s okay
I suspect Neuv will be better at aoe and she’ll be better at single target
>the neuvkek lying about neutron being popular with girls again
>70 fics
Press left mouse button to shoot. I really like this mini game.
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Have never read snk, nor i watched anime adaptation of it.
I just have party edits saved.
what's /gig/'s stance on Neuv's 360noscope being the meta forever?
>He's well liked
For valuable characters like Faruzan and Gaming you can go 60+ pulls without one con if you're unlucky. Kaveh is only good for his teapot passive so I would imagine that you'd get him in a couple of 10 pulls
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it can take less than 10 rolls to get a 4* to infinite rolls for a single 4*, its really bad, good luck
You need to click alt and f4 at the same time...
Still won't listen to any Natlan music until it's officially released. I just don't want ro be spoiled more.
>Never leave /gig/ bro
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bro is NOT him
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Eh, I think some people believe it because they think they're fighting some important fight. But chances are they wouldn't swipe for them either and I want to say that character sales have a myriad of related factors which makes predicting who sells and who doesn't way beyond my capabilities
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>Edict of Absolution
Neuvillette is by far the coolest character in the game.
tbf metafagging on gig is equivalent to shitposting at this point
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is tidal shadow really her best f2p?
Rotate the pipe so the tonic goes into the loop, then rotate the pipe so it goes into the outlet
That's kind of cope because liking a character doesn't mean you necessarily have to self-insert as the Traveler.
>Females are shipfags that pair him with Furina
shipping him doesn't mean they like him, women like furina more, neuvillette is her accessory
>Ew genshin is so mid, WuWa better!
>Why is nobody drawing wuwa art? Stop drawing genshin!
Why are wuwajeets so desperate? What happened to the genshin killer?
What happened to the Genshin killer?
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it's a qte. let it flow
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>the fontaine-hating italian is already back to larping as a woman who hates neuvillette after losing BIGLY
Really shows you why thread quality is generally so low.
*region not reason
so I came back after a few months,
how many world quest/character quests/hangouts do you have on your backlog /gig/?
I feel like I still have a lot of content
I don't have him so I don't care. The only male I would use is Diluc.
>Hogwart's Legacy not having a pale option
really, or is it like not #FFFFFF white? lmao
neuvfags being obnoxious as usual
bwos where's my free 10 pull
Even if Mualani somehow powercreeps him, nobody up until now has been strong enough to give us a free 10er. The Iudex is untouchable.
I think that melusine claymore is supposed to be good as well but I have no idea if it's better or worse than tidal shadow
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Xir do you not play the game? There is for (You) pandering in the game and yet you just choose to ignore it lol
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I'm gonna use her in overworld only anyways.
>playng other ganshin content than open world exploration
Waste of time literally.
shouldve been a mechsuit transformation where he fuses with the dragon instead of spawning green oz
Yes you do, if you husbando him you either post him with loom or reader
what jokes?
melusine claymore is better, you DO have it right?
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Where the fuck did the Princess Squirrel go?
I started the unmarked quest thing and now I lost complete sight of her.
Unironically what motivates this kind of behaviour?
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rock man and boob sword only use .0001% of their true power, anime 101.
>visible inserted vibrators
I'm gonna need proof of us
NTA but I don't think that's a widespread opinion, he clearly looks like an npc.
I think a black character with a good design could sell alright. No way to know though since there will never be one.
The irony lol
>he's popular I swear
>even lyney has more and he looks like a fag
If you can heal her, yeah
everyone having a melty remember that the house always wins
if they can't nerf the old man they will perhaps modify the new girl in a way that is superior to him or give her a booster that can only be done with her.

They are likely at the drawing boards right now to determine how to make her more valuable in the eyes of whales.
create a white character named Ngoubou, and have his white voice actor speak in ebonics for all his lines in every language but CN
his CN voice actor should be a chinese woman
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Many EN CCs are asleep. Once they wake up, wuwa will kill genshin.
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fuck off shounenfag
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our boy is BACK
>complains about white people in natlan
>plays wuxiaslop
LMAOOOO do they think wuwa will get browns fucking ever?
and /gig/ thinks they're different from chinckcels
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>avoids nerfs while all other top tiers got rekd
>all his best teammates avoid nerfs too
>gets TWO Arcane Legends
Even in the TCG...
It's not a continuous flow, so you can just turn the thing after the shit passes through it
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I wasn't talking about stuff from the game, deflecting bwo. Besides, I would never ignore my beloved.
looking forward to trying out mavuika clorinde chevreuse fischl
it’s very easy to discern shitposters and people who genuinely like the ship and the latter outnumbers the former by a bit, shipping is inherently done by females too and most of them prefer the male over the female
there were two pair of hands posted and both of them belong to girls, aveline was also a 4channer and she most likely still posts here
this doesn’t prove anything and all i’ve said was that he’d popular amongst femcels here which is completely true
i can assure you the vast majority of poc have better things to worry about than "representation" in a chink mobile game
Besides 1.2 looking like a Toei filler season they unironically don't give you enough reason to spend while also making it easy for whales.
>80 roll hardpity for chars
>weapon banner is guaranteed
>tower let's you move gear between parties
>also parties aren't restricted to 1 side
And on top of that they pretty much gave out every single standard unit bar 1
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>Slopvilllette gets cucked
>the rest of us gets a 10 pull
Get fucked meta trannies.
Just make him a 4* like every other shitter, simple as.
Like damn,
yeah I'm thinking Natlan already wonned
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Look near her crotch
Immediately fell to my knees upon seeing this, I couldn't help it
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His general
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7 in the top 12 are new cards
Not even the minigame is safe from power creep
Gay ass wop, YWNBAW
The lightest you could go was a light tan. Not posting it here because jannies will ban me for off topic, you can look it up yourself. I'm just using it as an example of how China sees skin color differently.

Having brown skin isn't inherently bad but it doesn't fit the chinese beauty standard so they ended up holding back on the skin tones for Natlan. Several characters aren't completely pale so they're essentially playing it "safe" and will likely never make a statement because of how many people are still playing.
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I hate fontaine toons...
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If i don't get anything good from the neuv freebies i'm going back to zzz.
So, no one genuinely likes him. Got it.
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>kills every hydro DPS onwards until EoS
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Just so you know, the first act of the AQ is basically all like this.

Mualani bros, we are getting cucked by Sasuke
Sweet baby inc says otherwise
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In my pants. Wanna check it out?
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>two characters look at each other
>retards be like "HOLY SHIT THEY'RE FUCKING"
Take meds, schizo
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>was that he’d popular amongst femcels here which is completely true
Yet yumes here only care about Alhaitham wanderer and childe
Is he really that good? Time to put him in a deck, also
>Unmatched at 73
>single player game
>only affects speedrunfags
I don't care
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It was on sight but mihoyo SURRENDERED
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Not gonna lie, not even 24 hours ago these cucks were celebrating en masse that his spin 2 win feature being “””fixed””” and now this false hope has been snatched away from them. This is even more cruel than it not happening at all as there’s nothing worse than false hope. It’s extremely embarrassing for them.
Does anyone not remember when they tried pulling off this same shit with one of Yae’s cons and it got rolled back too? I’m glad cn protested to hell and back, keep teaching hoyoverse that this shit shouldn’t fly. This spin to win mechanic has been known for AN ENTIRE REGION and they’re conveniently removing it after another hydro catalyst dps will be releasing? Yeah they deserved to get fucked lmao
That's a retarded way of thinking, but then again I'm in /gig/ so your thought process is a dime a dozen. You're basically saying that you can only enjoy a character if you pair them with the Traveler which most people do not do.
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Will Natlan feature the music like in american movies where niggers sing in church? Idk that genre's name.
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the t0c0 glance...
I lost.
I'm sorry...
>this is THE Genshin kill-ACK
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>himeko is the only one smiling and having a good time
She is gonna die, isn't she...
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Turns out using sac sword is the key
Neuvfag melty is THIS bad.
mualani is hawaiian retard
>ZZZ: Yeah, lets go overboard with the animations. Sky is the limit
>Genshin: First Natlan character? Lets just reuse old Yanfei moveset
Sasuga Dawei
So why did they make characters like Kaeya?
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Do gensissies realise their game is starting to look a lot like HI3 gameplay?
Why the fuck does green Sasuke have holohraphic tech? Neither Fontainians nor Sumerians have this tech what the fuck
well maybe you shouldn't get attached to a girl that walks around half naked
>Sweet baby inc
aren't the majority of poc
it's a bunch of rich failfreaks who have no actual skills getting into positions of power
His freeze team with Charlotte/Layla is really annoying
only childe yumes were proven to be actual girls other two groups are most likely trannies or fagd
>kaveh in the number 6 spot
wow, the TCG meta is fucked u-
>constipated beast in nro 1
yeah nvm this checks out
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So Amber is bad huh? Explain this then?

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no one can surpass sayu party intro.
What is hi3?
>Pagther again projecting his cope onto others whilst spamming the same images all day
I dont give a shit what she is, she looks black retarf
who the fuck is himeko?
I look like neuvilette irl

Any gig femcels wanna slide into my dms??
damn wuwa finna break 200 now
Bwo your Nahida and Alhaitham?
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Natlan’s battle themes are so good bwos… I think my ears are gonna cream
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>posts eula
>is forced to be used with a manlet nobody cares about
>F tier
>meanwhile neuv has a higher usage rate than arle
We obviously don't know yet but there better be a proper explanation in the archon quest or his personal notes
almost all dendro characters have weird tech themes in their abilities
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>only 2 niggermon lines, nothing from the camera
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I'm gonna miss this bgm so much, I made Fontaine my new hub so I did all my dailies there
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if i was hoyo i would just do this
new banner character: +50% to all abyss damage
old banner character -50% to all abyss damage
is that an event? i do not
i have but it still seem like a pain to not do your damage upfront
Dehya TANKED that
>worse design than emilie
Let's not go crazy now. And painter girl at least has a visually appealing kit.
I am given to understand that not everyone there is based on africa so one may argue that we haven't seen all that Natlan has to offer in terms of skin colors for playable characters, but you'd be right to say Ororon or whatever his name is being clearly not african is tacky.
Flip side, Sumeru had very few playable brownish characters and the vast majority were NPCs. Caveat being that Cyno was in Travail and Dehya was basically the very first character we meet...
Does that mean they actually have shown the skin color range, maxing out at Iansan? Does that still mean there may be a darker character down the line? What of Xbalanque, whom leakers have alleged is dark skinned (whatever that means)?
There are six tribes, we only see 3 I believe and we have yet to see all the playable characters. Will that mean anything?
Meaningless if you dont post your UID
Signature look of superiority.
Sexo designs with more on field girls.

Truth is, they can never really repair what was done. Even with the steps they have taken, trailers aren't hitting the same numbers. Best they can do is maintain and hope that a really good quest or patch can get a little bit of growth. Problem they have is they almost have two fanbases. The women who want shipshit and more "husbandos" and the dudes who actually spend money and want Genshin to have designs like 1.0 and 2.0 again. The former is where the money is made but the latter is way more vocal and will whine if not appeased. Genshin kind of makes the argument why you shouldn't try to pander to women
He mogs all the ZZZ males too, especially since 1/2 of them are furries.
all dendro characters have something holographic/tech related except for emilie and baizhu
>it’s very easy to discern shitposters and people who genuinely like the ship and the latter outnumbers the former by a bit
no they don't, neuvifuri is only posted to anger aetherpag which is why it's always done taunting him, the only ships that have actual fans here are kazuscara, haikaveh, hailou, chilumi, scaralumi and sometimes jean LUC
She doesn't post here you retard, it was just someone taking her pic from reddit.
The fat hand didn't have a date either if I remember correctly
Those too plus some others did get nerfed, the image isn't up to date
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Giant Nahida foot
Nahida, Alhaitham and Kaveh have the same tech dendro gimmick. Nahida even has keyboard sounds when she does her normal attack string.
I'm guessing it's abusing his "prepare skill" shenanigans. I'll stick him into my Mono-Hydro deck for testing, also lets me use Water and Justice for extra party healing
Wait you nigs only installing 4.8 patch right now? 5.0 in fucking September huh... Time to go back to wuwa...
please get off, her legs are sore already......
Her dark skin absorbed all the magic power.
except neuv who gets +100% unconditionally forever
Natlan will be a reverse fontaine. All the females will be frontloaded in the first few patches and be featured in the AQ. the later patches will all have 5 star blokes that were never mentioned before.
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Not a woman but I look like this irl
Still interested?
Sumeru had internet
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Kaeya is free. They probably made him brown to appear more inclusive to the global audience during 2020, now that 4 years have passed they aren't as concerned with global optics and are pandering solely to the chinese again.
What's Navia's optimal attack string after using her skill?
If you don't support the boycott, you are a bootlicker
Do I throw 200 pulls on the weapon banner for Nilou's key...
I'm rapidly losing interest in the game, so maybe I should do something retarded.
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just pretending to be retarded?
fuck off shounenfag
I'd rather go for a taller version of Dendro Sasuke
I mean you can use the Inazuma craftable for Skill DMG and some energy recharge, also Tidal Shadow's passive can trigger off-field
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Sasuke is an honorary dragon king. He is going to sucked off just like zhongli and neuv
Some anons yesterday told me the bug was a nothing burger.
where's my apology? CN metakeks abuse that bug.

Sorry, you need to look like furina irl if you want to slide into my dms
I supported the boycott and we got Neuvi unnerfed, we even got 10 free rolls out of it
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Text Read
3na dash 2na
Nta but I genuinely do like neuvifuri and used to have a few anons to share art with, but what's the point when it makes people sperg out?
>kazuscara, haikaveh, hailou, chilumi, scaralumi and sometimes jean LUC
Just your bias. You probably like some of those
I've been looping this for bajillion times breh, tomorrow can't come soon enough
look at this
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>listening to Natlan OST
Yep i think SOUL is back on menu boys!
>will all have 5 star blokes that were never mentioned before.
what if those will be the dark skin characters
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Here is a thing
Stop trying to make genshin killers and make a good game instead
I hope Azur Promilia don't fall for this
Rolled 10 times to confirm a theory a get a RUST bow.
You tried the same shit 2 years ago and it went nowhere
It wasn't women who were doxxing employees and showing up to headquarters with weapons lol it was men
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I hope that none of you bastards pull for my new pure sex wife. Keep away from her
ESLbros we wonned
>mirrors vs actual hologram ben 10 watch
No one's pulling for that ugly hoe
you can keep this weird chicken bro she's all yours
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>says its cope when it's literally in the game
Textbook coping mechanism is what you're doing. I can only pray for your mental health.
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>>posts eula
>>is forced to be used with a manlet nobody cares about
Meta tranny can't clear abyss with who (x)he likes
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useless. utterly useless
Bro the skin color... the colorism... think of the black people who are starving in african right now.
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Yinlin looks sexy as always...
neuvifuri at least has two genuine shippers and one of them can be easily identified by their android twitter filename, she’s also 100% a girl
aveline posted her oc on 4chan before she posted it on reddit, she also posts on lolcow
the other hand has a timestamp 07/06/24
>Just your bias.
Not when you see they are the only ones that actually care about the characters, neuvifuri just posts one image, waits for aetherpag response and then taunts him
How the fuck is Star Rail still making a bank
There's literally ZERO hype for Space China 2: Electric Boogaloo
Im skipping Mualani for her.
the kit of the new girl got leaked and she has like double the multipliers of neuvillette
do what your heart tells you
>Some anons
They're the literal wormslurpers that were damage controlling saying that but are now spamming neuv and shitposting because turns out it wasn't a nothingburger at all LMAO
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i miss him so much
the poc council has deemed the chinese are white since they (hoyoverse) want to be white so bad
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I don't like this year summer event, bro. Too many frogs for my taste. I hate frogs
Question: can I get Kirara and her skin with the missions/rewards available or is it too soon?
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how am I supposed to read any of this jargon
>natlan battle theme starts playing
>african chanting and samba do brazil
>everyone is white and hidous
maybe twitter is right?
>Space China 2
Is not out yet
i actually really like her shawl tails and she looks better to me now that i've seen her 360. thought her outfit was straight up ugly from the trailer only.
the pants though. they should have just decided on pants or shorts. choose ONE.
The mighty hoyoverse got humbled.
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Where is Citlali sheet? The true sex character.
Then they can go back to chink servers
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>decide to cuck neuvkeks after a whole year
>people start targeting Nahida, Da Wei's favorite genshin
>immediately revert changes
No need to thank her bros, she's simply this generous.
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>think of the black people who are starving in african right now.
Kaeya SHOULD be lore relevant someday at least
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Kaveh at home
me offscreen sucking his massive cock
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we like haikaveh here
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>is forced to clear the abyss as slowly as possible
>needs to grind forever for good artifacts
>no siggy
racist ass jungle ass monkey ass music
Aveline posted on Reddit before retard, someone saw it and copy pasted her shit
what element ?
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theres another italian ITT?
but I am the Pizza Sovereign
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>Hourglass figure
>Mature face with make up
>tight pants
YOOOOOOOOOOO, now that's a sexy hag.
>shaded crotch
What is going on with Genshin lately
should I nahida
that just means they'll make Mualani even stronger btw
xinyan if she real
pick one, faggot
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>pretending he's never posted cope edits in the past
You are certainly quite the character. I'll be sure to contact your local pharmacy so you can pick up your medication.
Zero darkies or African planets
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Ye, one who hates Fontaine with a passion even though it's partly Italian.
3 normal attacks, dash, 2 normal attacks. It says right there
They leaked natlan's music? How?
would look better brown
GODS how I wish that was me being crushed under her perfect giantess feet
I like the smell of women's farts
>Zero darkies
they literally just revealed a new one and everyone is simping for him
no one likes wops
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There're some additional ones
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How do I even do the Neuv spin? Do these chinks use macros or what
go to bed nahidatranny
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>Play musical chairs with the llama and guinea pigs
>Play hide and seek with the squirrels
>Play tag with the frogs

What the fuck is this diaper baby event?
>best battle themes in the game
Yeah genshin is fucking BACK. Now just fix the skin colors and my top ups are yours hoyo
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Anyway show me her kit and I'll tell you if I'm interested in pulling
>new sex wife
cheating faggot
Again, I have stopped posting neuvifuri because people were sperging out whenever I did and the other anons arealso gone.
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Don't worry, they'll censor it in the beta or before her banner goes up.
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Just how I like it

3>1>2… oh.. we don’t even disagree. Glad to see there’s a common consensus. You’re smart anon
Natlan music is unironically GOATed. I think this might be their best one yet. Sort of tribal + classical + jazz + light electronic touch. There's a couple of tracks that legit remind me of 16-bit era games like Super Mario World.
They're still riding the Penacunny hype, but now that ZZZ and Wuwa are out the anti genshin community has mostly left.
Expect to see dropoffs, specially with how dogshit the designs are so far.
Bloodborne looking motherfucker
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You lost when you unironically play Wormvillette.
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How good would this weapon be for Yaoyao /gig/?
Cringe. I'm italian and I love Fontainekino.
He's probably italian american
you choose the words that hurt me the most
Look at this fag
it was a nothingburger, chinks are just mentally ill and started doxxing employees and sending death threats
I hope not, I hate powercreep. But that's the reality of gachashit I guess, mistakes like neuv and bennett can't be undone and future characters need to be built around them.
Give me good reason to boycott and I will
It's unironically not viable without a FPS unlocker lol don't bother
I genuinely don't care about spin2win, it's the camera speed nerf that irked me
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now that you know you can go all in without fidget spinner being nerfed, are you going to work on him?
they already fixed the skin colors by making them white
They are teaching you how to be a good father.
wow everything about natlan is racist as fuck, from the music to the world itself, fuck this gay ass company
Predict how hard he will job
bwo your dpi?
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Why would you stop? Don't give the schizos here what they want. Post what you like. Just filter "fuck off cuckfag you lost" if anything.
Don't pull Natlan characters, they are b8banner.
Save for Snezhnaya.
those 70 tics? all written by me.
she posted this first on /gig/ before she posted it on reddit
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>generic white girlboss
>pure sex wife
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bro wtf?
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Maybe they ARE tourists.
After all Natlan IS known for its great hot springs, some dude in Inazuma said so.
Don't worry, you can have her all for yourself. She looks like shit.
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pornrotted faggotbwo....
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I want Nahida to force me to sleep at a reasonable time against my will
Both because I need a better sleep schedule and because I'd listen to her
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>le single aether boogeyman
Yes I am every single Aether poster ever, or whatever your deluded mind thinks lol
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me and my wife
Seems like we mostly agree. I personally prefer 1 over 3 but they're roughly equal, but 2 is dead last.
Glad to see that Genshin is still going strong in the OST department because these battle themes are very good.
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>the entire 5.0 is leaked
>/gig/ is still talking about N*****lette

nuke this board
probably BIS for DPS Yaoyao
this slop has 4* written all over it
neuvilette OWNS you
That's by design. Star Rail does filler when there's a new Genshin region. Just like Penacony hype was after the Fontaine aq.
Well you're based
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>still making bank
pagfly and jade flopped thoughbeit
>sex tourists go to Natlan in droves
>the unwashed brown people never leave Natlan
Everyone wins
bro is gonna get banned for cheating.
Isn't Natlan a closed country? A Fontaine sailor moved to Natlan because his wife couldn't move in with him.
Abyss or new area bros? I will do only one today I want to play zzz
same goes for the playable characters
everyone minus iansan and capitano look like they belong to other regions
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>"y-you l-lost because... I said so!!!"
I accept your concession, waifupag.
>one of Natlan Battle themes is a Yoruba Nigerian choir
Did everyone finally stop caring about Siggy?
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Genuinely fuck off ye ugly, repulsive, revolting green rat
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So Natlan is actually based on US?
Enjoy those 1600 primos paypiggie
>the entire 5.0 is leaked
The entire cast or just the next 3 playable characters?
They let annoying yumes post so you should do what you want
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is it really that much different in the end
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BASED, fuck fofo
Why is Aventurine so high?
You should try to get enough rest and focus on Nahida before you go to sleep, so you can meet her in your dreams.
neuvilette board
neuvilette game
neuvilette general
>uses wormvillette
You didn't clear abyss
Imagine if she's a vape support for neuv
I only like hags
he won fujos' hearts
>unwashed brown people
we've only seen like 2 of them
It closed but not because you can't come in, but because locals can't leave due to some curse or some shit.
I would enjoy my primos if they actually gave them to me!
You need to go back.
He's unironically the most popular male
Are you stupid?
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And it’s the best. Just like xbalanque will be. trust in the plan
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>i expect Natlan to be a tribal war country with tanned amazonian queens
>i get pokemon with white people in halloween costumes
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Space China starts with the next patch.
Jade is already giga flop tier, Yunli will make some money but the male fox is DoA tier.
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The paper forest is nice but what's their plan say a fire should break out? Do they have any measures to prevent fires and what are they? A fire in the PAPER forest would be nothing less than catastrophic.
4.7 abyss rotation 2 usage rates when
I need to see how godawful siggy's ownership rate is
Yes, you can't play monster hunter on a mirror
Does the Genshin team ever respond to bug reports? I just sent one in for a minor issue but I have no idea if it's just going straight into the bin since I'm an EN player sending tickets to the EN customer support
the safe horny anemo...
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Honestly, with how respectful they are toward African culture and making it shine through the environments and in the music, it makes it absolutely bizarre how they are about the characters. I genuinely think there's a catch.
I lost my desire to play this game after zzz.
Who wants my account?
>Aether, i know i know, a little bit bricked but whatever
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Everyone saved their jades for Firefly, she's more popular than Aventurine and Acheron for sure.
I did, got all the primos too
DON'T accidentally masturbate to Mavuika, lads. It's basically like fapping to Kaveh.
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me and my bf
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virgin western boycott
>humiliating themselves for politicians
>asking politely
>"go f2p!" never spent anyway
>still plays the game
>review bombs
CHAD chinkcel boycott
>assassination attempts
>ACTUAL bombs
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Neuvillette owns your mind palace
So, do you get anything for rollback on neuv nerf? I didn't get anything and I am on NA
the new area quest is long (as per usual).
so go beat abyss to you have more time to play the better game.
you will want to play when natlan releases retard
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they are talking about us
That's not Wanderer
Star Rail is legitimately a good game. If your only exposure to it is through tectone or the shitflinging on 4chan you are probably misunderstanding it. It's a very casual and very fun game that requires no time but gives you something to do on your phone when you're bored. It has high production values and enjoyable characters and (honestly) enjoyable combat. It's a better "pick up for 10 minutes and put down" phone game than genshin desu.
So don't Sigewinne and Emilie. Chasca is also the least hyped Natlan character so you just know she'll be made into a 5*.
You forgot to mention westerners are getting in their feelings over "colorism" while chinkcels are just angry about meta LMEOW
I think its after 4.8
The gems are coming next patch iirc
> roll for tighnari
> bench him at level 20
why do people do this
its really not
i don't want a turn based auto player for content
t. chiorifag
the neuvhomo and c2p keep spamming and samefagging off cooldown, most people probably got tired of dealing with them and just left this general
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SOVL is returning to Genshin...

They can only do that because they live in the same country you fucking retard
Klee will end that world someday
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post gameplay
is 5.0 actually going to be a skip if you're a metafag
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hes not my bf
It’s only for neuvillette owners… happened this morning anon
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Based chinks, we need to learn from them
china only. you rike?
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Phone game vs pc/console game.
not really, i barely explored fontaine
i'm tired of the exploration, a little bit too tedious for me nowadays
he is standard
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Sharksexo's card
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>fatui post signora
that looks sick
With the power of my bank account I will snuff out any so called "boycot". I spent $620 on this banner and will probably do the same for the next.
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it's quite literally an autobattler with flashy animations, shit is boring af and an insult to actual RPGs. and the community is somehow even worse than genshin
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>still making a bank
I like
btw the italian names and phrases are so fucking broken, lmao
>doxxing is bad!!!
>you can't threaten people over videogames!!!
>think of the game devs!!
gee i wonder why their boycotts never work
>Diluc only at Lv80
no thanks you should at least sell your account or something
yeah because you are a NEET
wagies love auto-battle
>The people that they're referencing are complaining while the chinese don't care because they grew up on a censored internet and only care about themselves
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There's a lot of Neuvi threads today huh? Some Nvfr too. Thanks for the 10 pull Neuvi!
mechanically impossible but it would be funny
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I am only spending in hsr to be quite honest familia~!
'ight, thanks bwo.
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There's people who do doxx over video games but it's the chuds not the sjws
If you really think 12 year old girls from Twitter are even remotely as deranged as chink autists, you are the retard LOL
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It's better because it doesn't have nigger lovers shouting about niggers like Genshin does, therefore it makes money.
The only reasonable take in this thread.
Wuwa is a nice game, but everyone knows nice guys get fuck all, while toxic chad gets all the girls.
Of course, I still play that nice game, but my attachment to Wuwa is not as great as Genshin 1.x for me to shitpost in that general
but I still check Tieba /wuwa/ frequently though, their takes are more entertaining than those lame fags at 4chan
>voices come in
our children in the middle
No one knows. People thought ousia/pneuma were going to be gating gameplay and damage, but it ended up being a nothing burger. But the latest thing with the night whatever? it could be massive power creep. Meta fags are always on the curve, as the meta needs to be established to be a metafag. The people that are ahead of the curve are dickrollers who put together broken team comps by accident.
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and you are funding genshin anyway
genshin has 10 minutes of daily content just like any other gacha. autobattle is dogshit and you're not even playing a game at that point
>>ACTUAL bombs
zesturine carried penacony story and he's probably the 2nd best character in the game (ruan mei is first)
Anything else that hasn't already been posted itt?
Nobody actually gives a shit about Kachina
She's going to be worthless and unusable in every way
Give up on her and go back to pretending that Mualani is powercreeping Neuv or that Kinich is going to worth using even for burning instead of Arle
This patch is nothing but dead characters
US got several trans shooters so there's definitely a western schizo out there who would.
Is 93 the current max amount of those pages you collect in the event?
Twitter kids love to doxx and suicde bait each other though. They do it because they don't have the balls to do it to reach CEOs but they will absolutely doxx each other over shipping. Watch people get harassed for not drawing the characters dark enough.
Is Zhongli, Bennett, and Xiangling, Navia's best team?
My Italian friend told me rosula isn't even a real word. I initially just assumed it was a diminutive of rosa, but apparently that's not the case at all.
im rolling for emilie
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I give a shit about Kachina and I want to have sex with her.
>Make an entire event where scaramouche fucks all of my wives
you know planes exist, right?
if they were serious, they could just fly to china.
as much as i find Mualani cute I'm really not excited about her being yet another hp% hydro character, i really don't need another one
>Nobody actually gives a shit about Kachina
>She's going to be worthless and unusable in every way
based? Rolling for Kinich too?
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where are my 10 pulls you lying faggots
...said no one ever
HSR autobattle is like one of those engineering games or assembling a MTG deck. It actually doesn't work if you don't do it correctly.
They already got Nintendo ready to sue and teaming up with Sweet Baby Inc. Most americans can't do shit though and will just yell at random chinks living in burgerland.
Why not Furina?
probably, especially for AOE. 1-2 targets I prefer her with chiori furina and xianyun. you're not stuck in a circle and don't have to worry about zhong's pillar being in the way.
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yes it does retarded cheldposter
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Only neuvillette owners get them, retard
kinichfags are rolling her
they wont azur base is like BA they know what they want and dont give a fuck about gacha wars, now ccs being niggers in the west and probly using it is bad but we know the west means shit for revenues
It's because there's no cheld
Hard to tell, Mualani probably will be the best single target DPS but whether that has any value is up to you. The next first abyss after she comes out looks easier than the next one coming up so we won't have good metrics for testing her anyway, plus the buff in it is very strong (80% NA damage boost).
He isn't really he released during the games peak and did mediocre at best, he's one of the lowest banners of penacony
They are adding an extra 320 chests in Natlan that give 5 primos each
why did you ruin furina like that
for retarded shit like wondering if the game dev is a tranny
Cheld is white
they will be sent to you after you press the “delete read” button
>already punished by the meta for not having him
>now punished by this too for not having him
I’ve never even been around for his banner
point stands
They wouldn't darken skintones just because an American tourist tried to Allahu Akbar the building (which would have a very slim chance of working anyway)
>And Seath the Scaleless betrayed his own, and the Dragons were no more.
>Nintendo and Sweet Baby Inc.
lmao. like they care.
they will never release the switch version of genshin and the only buthurt niggas are nintoddlers.
also i bet chinks don't even know what sweet baby is.
there are three /gig/s with 0 posts and two /gig/s with more than 0 but less than 750 posts
dude. it takes way more than 10 rolls for the average player to acquire a character. you're not missing out on shit.
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post moc12 auto clear no eidolons
Wuwa is a nice game and I can see why some people like it but "Genshin Killer" Content Creators like Tectone ruined it
I know
Yes although Xianyun copers will try to tell you that plunge is better.
The same place where the Muratans are retconned
But enough about Genshin
I can't fucking unsee it now?
Some people just want to know what's up before they get blind sided like with Meropede
>eight months on E!
Murata was unironically rewritten like the schizo predicted back in 4.2
That’s what’s weird about this game. They keep giving “sexy signifiers” like the zippers and short skirts, but not giving any of them any curves. Instead of coming across as PG it comes across as CP
Good chance they will

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