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previous >>485935935
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A thread for all vehicle simulation games: racing sims, flight sims, train sims, submarine sims, tank sims, anything else sims which do not have enough traffic to sustain their own independent generals.

>Extra attention grabbing search terms for example welcome sims
/fsg/ /dcsg/ /fsxg/ /bmsg/ /shg/ /rofg/ /etsg/ /il2g/ /lfsg/ /tsg/

>OP Pastebin

>Planefag pastebin:
in OP pastebin

>Tankfag pastebin:

>Boat- and subfag pastebin

>Repository of various aviation related material:

>Example of welcome sims
Falcon BMS, DCS World, Rise of Flight, IL-2, Combat Helo, Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane, Euro truck sim, Assetto Corsa, rFactor 2, Live for Speed, SAM Simulator, Steel Beasts Pro, Steel Armor: Blaze of War, Steel Fury: Kharkov 1942, Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs Hokum, Silent Hunter, Dangerous Waters, Train Simulator, Farming Simulator 201X, OMSI 2, DiRT: Rally, Ship Simulator, NoLimits2

>Example of non-welcome games:
Arm*, Ac* C*mbat, W*r Th*nder, W*rld of _____, The S*ms, S*m C*ty, G*at S*mulat*r
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high roller edition
I actually like the Afghanistan map
Saved for future use.
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MSFS fags need to band together for an FSEconomy FBO
Anybody watch the msfs developer stream today?
What did they delay this time?
anon it has a link to itself embedded
what plaen?
Ain't clickin that shit etc.

Short SC.7 Skyvan
lol its so fucking over for you simfags
The quickstart guide for the Chinook has been released


I wonder how it handles compared to the Huey
Wondering what version of the Stearman to get
yo my pickup truck makes 600 horse power
>Example of non-welcome games:
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>Microsoft Flight Simulator announces World Update 17: UK and Ireland
I'm excited.
Sounds like most people prefer the Golden Age one.
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Fseconomy gets a lot less fun when you work out the system has a pre-set GPH limit per aircraft, meaning you can't lean out that 10% of fuel to fly as long as possible as the system will just dismiss the flight when you land.
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That sounds bizarre, why have they done that? How is the tiger moth, I haven't flown it yet. I'm looking for a decent vintage plane to fly around, the Bü-131 looks great.
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Probably to just keep things simplified I'd guess.
First noticed it when I tried to do a 200 mile flight with about 30% fuel iir in the Ju-52, I leaned the fuel out so made it comfortably but the flight was a bit longer and when I landed the software just dismissed the flight. Didn't know why.
Then I noticed when you lean out the fuel and do flights the software always comes up with something like "flight logged, however fuel level is not as predicted" something like that, and the software changes the fuel level in the plane to what it would be had you not leaned it out.
Sucks, I hope it will be changed but not holding out hope.

As for the Moth, great little plane. Nicely done and flies nicely. Lots of little things to customise it in the cockpit and out.
The Bu-131 is great too. The 131 has a wind sound effect when flying though which gets a bit annoying after a while but it's still a fun plane.
If you can, get them in the sale, they're well worth it if you like pottering around.
If it has SCAS from the get go it'll be easier to fly. I hope we get a UH-1N someday, CMWS, SCAS, FLIR, two engines.
Goddamn neofly is fun as fuck. msfs really needed some career and tycoon shit in it from the get go. My only gripe with it, is that I wish it had more in-depth tycoon side.
How does neofly compare to fseconomy?
Going to be honest I havent played with fseconomy yet. Main difference I gathered so far is neofly is offline, so its less of a living economy, but it has more mission types and has some pilot progression stuff with xp. Like you have to do flybys for passengers near poi's.
UI is kinda bad in both, but such is life of any simmer desu. I want to try out air hauler at some point, that has UI straight outta 2010 era office.
Sounds like both have their pros and cons.
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I like fseconomy since it feels less grindy, and really for the living economy, with FBOs and planes changing hands. People conducting ferry flights for each other. It's autistic and dumb but I think it's neat that multiple people fly the same tail number and you can see where its been and that sort of thing
MMO aspect is pretty cool. Does it have freelance missions like in neofly, where you can fly whatever and from wherever for heavily reduced pay? Autistic account creation makes me feel like ill get myself into an unrecoverable debt.
I'm not sure what the one in 2024 will be like, the claim is that it will be detailed but we will see.
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I'm not super familiar with neofly, but basically you rent a plane that's available and is capable of whatever assignments you grabbed. Each airport has assignments at it that you can grab. If you don't own an airplane, then you need to rent an airplane that's nearby and head to that airport if it's not already located there. Then you do the assignment. Here's a screengrab of what that looks like.

Top section is assignments, and I clicked on the "Aircraft" link at the top right for that high paying assignment, this shows me nearby planes capable of performing that assignment. You take into account fuel costs, rental costs, some other bullshit fees, and the location bonus (basically a penalty set by the owner for flying the aircraft away from its home, to incentivize renters to keep the aircraft close by where the owner wants it) and choose whatever plane you want.

There are also random airline pilot missions, you can see one there. No rental cost, you just fly whatever plane they want from one location to the other and you get paid, no worrying about fuel costs or rental fees.
I've been playing the Pat Wilson Campaign Generator for il2 lately and honestly I still can't believe how a proper dynamic campaign simply isn't in the game to begin with

I look forward to Korea and both dread it at the same time
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I just wish that il2 had proper 4 engine bombers to intercept, A20s, B26s and B25s just don't cut it
I NEED to defend the bomber formation in P51s.
I NEED to do head on attacks with 600mph closure rates
Is there a Lear 25 in the sim I'm unaware of?
How are the planes valued in these career addons? I was a bit concerned that with 2024's career mode it would rely on the plane devs to set a value for each plane.
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You can interact with FSeconomy with sims other than MSFS

I'm not 100% sure, I just recently started playing with fseconomy. There are privately owned (player owned) planes, and their value is whatever people will pay for them. I think there are non-privately owned planes for sale. I don't know for sure how this all works I'm just speculating at this point. But for an idea of how much planes cost here's a couple e examples
Interesting, maybe there's a base plane price that varies slightly and then is impacted by the engine and airframe hours.
>Those roads
>limited to flying in Africa at night to large airports because most of them don't have ILS
>barely any airports anyway so if something goes wrong it's interesting
I'll be flying from Morocco to Mali later, basically 'fly in a straight line for 3 and a half hours over barren desert'.
how about the vertical houses lol
Isn't it a mesh issue?
This thing sounds like a lawn mower. I think I've ridden my bike faster than it.
Which Stearman did you go for?
It's actually the stock Jenny. Did the Hell Stretch activity. It was kind of hellish desu senpai.
I'm shit at pre-ww2 planes, great sky.
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Just done an unintentional experiment and yeah it seems fseconomy aircraft range is limited by GPH calculations.

Yeah I quite like that aspect of it that it's a "living" world sort of thing. I like seeing where my aircraft have been on the map view since I've used them, or aircraft I've previously rented.

Went for the GAD one, although I'm rather disappointed as the seat harness and the curve of the fuselage behind the pilot is quite low poly. Got that buyers regret.
To be fair, the other wing I posted was the Beechcraft Model 17 and had a similar blue yellow scheme.
Sorry mate I hope I didn't negatively influence your decision with that purchase posting that forum link comparing the Stearman planes.
It's minor niggles really, will post screenshots later.
The start-up is quite fun
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I've been really enjoying Sailwind, are there any other good sailing games/sims out there? Games like eSail and Sailaway somehow look suspicious to me.
Sick, I love flying out of farnborough. Although i wonder how orbx great britain stuff will play along with it.
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The Astro One is only £1.69 on the marketplace, looks like a bit of fun.
Fucked up the image but cba correcting, deal with it nerds
Turns out I can't start the King Air in Morocco because it's over 50C outside and it just flames out on startup, I might have to cheat and start on the runway with it already starting.
Managed to start one engine with ground power but it nearly fucked the engine which is now on 40% health.
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This is what I was talking about with the Stearman
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Oh yeah that looks shit, shame, I suppose they just assumed that people wouldn't look back.
I wish ms did world updates for middle east and russia. Egypt looks soulles and satellite data in siberia is very patchy.
Russia bad so that will never get one.
Yeah that's not happening lmao.
Looks garbage.
One could argue that it's just the lines of the fuselage but no, it just looks shite. Bottom right you can see a bit of the textures clipping lmao.
Maybe contact the dev and point it out
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>too far from any VORs or NDBs to receive anything
>just following a heading for hours
>dark soon across the sahara
It's going to be a bit spooky desu, I brought with me a completely full tank and have been running for max range at least.
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I'M SCARED LADS, I'm at 30,000 feet but it looks like I'm at 100
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What possessed you to make this madman journey?
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I wanted to cross the sahara, it's genuinely terrifying, it gives me a weird feeling in my stomach, there's nothing here, maybe I died in the game and this is hell.

Also Skyvector and another planner told me this would take 3 and a half hours, in-game it said 6 and a half, it turns out the game is right. I'm going to have to land at the nearest airport (which is miles away).
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Well I made it to the first sign of civilisation and a sketchy dark runway on which I did a shit landing but survived. Next leg will be from a random place in Mauritania to ???. I think I should have gone along the coast rather than cross the desert, I've learnt my lesson.
Genuinely more horrifying than any Hollywood thriller.
I’ve been thinking about crossing Russia the long way, this has both encouraged and discouraged me.
At least Russia will be endless forests and mountains, this was like crossing the moon.
>Fill plane 100% for a 150 mile flight
>Land with only 11% fuel left
>Need to refill for the next 129 mile leg
>Can't refuel as no facilities for it at the airfield
>Ok I'll just go to another one nearby
>Nearest airport is more than 100 mile away
Think I've reached game over in fseconomy....
How many more years till rest of the world?
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Haven't played in a while, has DCS died?

Will the M2000 ever work again?
They fixed the M2000.

For now.
>for real though take the Mirage F1 pill in all its janky French goodness
>self-tapping sheet metal screws
Perhaps I should draw up my own Faustian spirit journey.
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Sailwind is as good as it gets. Wing on wing, baby
I don't know who decided to make a bush trip in a pontoon plane to all hard runways, but they should be shot.
Just a schizo theory but it seems like the Caravelle was supposed to be released at the beginning of the Olympics, but it’s delayed until the middle of them
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>tell myself i'm gonna play DCS today
>install a GBA emulator and start playing pokemon firered instead
>2024's career mode it would rely on the plane devs to set a value for each plane
Do we even know if 2024 career mode has buying planes? Might just be an employee simulator
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call the Fuel Rats
it should let you hire another player to fly in with some fuel
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>"Bush Pilot" training" teaches water takeoff/landings
>not a single bush trip has you taking off from or landing on water
explain this bullshit, Asobo
No we don't, so you're right that might not be modelled.
The Black Square dev is unfathomably based and responds to forum posts within an hour.
Nick’s fucking great, he’s not the GA dev we deserve, but he’s the GA dev we need
Still waiting with bated breath for the Starship
That's what I'm now doing.
Good lesson though - when doing jobs out in nowhere, make sure you can refuel at the airfields you're going to.
I assumed that you could refuel at every airport/airfield in msfs, I've been to some proper ratty ones that still had a pump.
Fseconomy mate, some airfields don't have facilities to refuel as there's no FOB there.
I didn't know fseconomy adjusts that, interesting.
Basically you can set up an FOB at an airfield and give it facilities to carry passengers, repair and refuel planes. If an FOB hasn't been set up at the airfield you can still transport cargo there (generated by the software) but you're shit out of luck if you need to refuel.
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When you don't know how to refuel in the air.
>would you like some plane with your drop tanks?
That's a bit of a shame. Sailwind is nice and all, but it also shows just how much more potential sailsims have.
Following seas might be good too, but from what I understand the dev is cutting corners in ways that Sailwind doesn't in the name of better visuals. No sailplan customisation, and only lateen and junk rigs, which aren't hugely interactive. No staysails, no square rigs or anything like that.
what about MarineVerse
*gets seasick and vomits onto the carpet*
>no waves because of nausea
Absolutely cowardly. If you're not vomiting, what's the point?
It's FBO ya dingus
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What does it mean?
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I actually didn't remember what it stood for, had to look it up. IRL it's mostly just the place where people go to use the bathroom, steal coffee, water, snacks, and the courtesy car.
The sheer amount of first gen jets being promised seemingly out of nowhere this last month has left me fully torqued.
I wouldn't get excited, it'll be inibuilds making some half-arsed version
Anyone have experience with winwing sticks? I was looking for all in one sticks with a z-axis and this popped up
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DC3 = Soul
Airbus = Soulless
The A320 is peak soulless
It’s been confirmed for a few months now
It’s not ini though, it’s worse
It’s AH’s that’s been in development hell for 6 years now
Not AH again ffs why is Microsoft even getting them to make anything.
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I had this crossing blocked for probably 2-3 hours lmao
Are you going 2mph or is the train 50 miles long?
>Can't deliver Caravelle after 6 years
>Oh but we have a 707 that's ready to go out the door!
>Just kidding Asobo said its literally too shit to release, look forward to it sometime never!
>Here's a half broken C46 instead, hope you like it!
>No we're not fixing the B307, why do you ask?
What even is this development house?
I was going 0mph and let it sit there while switching cars.
I forgot about it for a little while, also there was zero room to even break it apart at the crossing.
is there any actual use for flaming cliffs
the lack of clickable cockpits and relative simplification ironically feels like more of an obstacle for new players than just getting a full fidelity one
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do we have any other types in DCS or just the all-boost?
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King Air 350, Tampa FL to Gulfport, Mississippi
a week ago I would have told you we were never getting a full fidelity flaming cliffs aircraft, but now we have full fidelity F-3E-3 F-86F and MiG-15Bis so LMAO
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we have all 3
No. And whoever the retards are at ED who think people want to memorize keyboard binds should be shot. NOBODY wants FC level aircraft
my 2tb ssd is entirely filled up with just msfs 2020 planes, some sceneries, and modded arma 3
That's impressive, MSFS is 'only' 500gb for me
lift off
I also have a backup xplane install for that rare occasion when I want to sim and i have no internet.
>onair fucks you up for raising simrate
Absolute garbage.
Was MSFS affected by the jeetocalypse today?
works on my machine
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big fan of this little turd
I have a little over 2,000 hours sitting up the front of those motherfuckers and shockingly, as per the audiologist just weeks ago, my hearing is still fine. They're not fast, they're not graceful, but they'll lift a tonne out of 400m of runway fucking everywhere and they'll do it all day.
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That's very cool, very jealous. They're neat little planes, and the type of flying they do looks fun as fuck. I dunno man, something about highwing multiengine props just gets me going
Is that the islander? I’ve been meaning to pick it up for a long time but every time I almost pull the trigger I stat thinking about the trislander.
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Man I don't have anywhere near as many pictures as I should have from back then, at least not easy to find. If you want somewhere fun to fly them that is still one of the big time usage cases for Islanders today, try some flights around the Torres Strait off the top of Australia, there's a bunch of little charter and RPT routes between islands with runways from 410m up to to about 1400m, pretty short distances between a lot of them. I don't know how well MSFS2020 handles the scenery up there but it's a spectacular part of the world if it's modeled well, and some of the runways are really challenging - Mabuiag and Murray Islands are two good ones.

Cockpit looks good! It's been a while but if I remember right, best rate of climb, best angle of climb and single-engine climb speed were all 65kts so it was easy to remember.
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That used to be the aerodrome at Murray Island but I think they've sealed it now.
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That might be the last one I can find, approaching Saibai Island which is kind of the closest thing Australia has to a land border - it's about 3NM between Saibai Island and Papua New Guinea, maybe even less at low tide.

Thanks for making me nostalgia a little, anon
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Very based, thank you for sharing homie. I will definitely be taking your advice and checking those areas out. Maybe one day some of us will do some flying half as cool as you have
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Never say never anon, it's a big world of cool shit.

If you try some of the Torres aerodromes out and they've done a good job and you have fun, I'll be keen to see screencaps. Found one more picture, Horn Island, where most of the flying operations in the Torres are based out of.
how do I make long 1080p webbums like you? What are you using and what settings?
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I'll make something cool happen irl one way or another. I'm too hard headed not to. If I have to get time by running powder in Colombia I'll fucking do it I don't give a shit

I'm finna pass out for tonight. No promises but monitor the thread tomorrow and I'll see if I can put a flight together based on what you've provided. Sounds like fun flying
Have a good one, anon
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my back hurts
from carrying this thread
I tell ya man we gotta move to /n/
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/n/ is where we go to die. At least here we can be found by the rare scrub getting into simming. If we go to /n/ it's joever
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the repository of aviation related material is broken
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I shall notify it's keeper (if I can remember who that is)
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thy this one
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Yup works fine
I use webm generator and just plug in the max file size and let the program take care of the resf
Does Graviteam Tactics also count as a sim?
God I love the Tantu Ju.
I believe in you
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I'll be embarking on my next leg of 'Explore the World in a King Air' journey so will post later on. I'll be going from Mauritania to Sierra Leone or Liberia perhaps, not sure yet.

I had to genius idea of rather than going east. to go west. So I will be crossing the Atlantic and stopping at Ascension Island, then continue on to Fernando de Noronha which is an island off the coast of Brazil.
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oooh wow knobs and switches
First few times trying the Ju-52 that landing light was annoying as fuck at night.
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*blocks your path*
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Right about to start from Tidjikja in Mauritania to Liberia, this time following the coast rather than going across the desert, I'm not doing that again.
having some strange 50% corn mash booze... might grab the keys to the cockpit, pop her up in the air...
think of the children
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Bye bye remote desert town
Based Jewe-52 enjoyers.
>28.5C in my flat
>4070ti super is running msfs at 41C
>i7 14700k is running at 45C
I am beyond impressed with the temps in my PC, especially the 4070. My old 980ti used to run games at 70C regardless of ambient temperature and the fans would be very noisy.
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Citation Longitude at 45,000 ft, Ft. Lauderdale to St. Kitts
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just barely skimming over the top of a high cloud layer
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That looks kino, I need to learn more about clouds, I didn't know you could get ones that thick at FL450. I'm at 310 and just have some miles below me.
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this is the first time I've seen any kind of clouds this high in the sim, they're usually pretty low. But irl thunderstorms can get up to something like 60,000 feet tall. I think and hope that is something we'll be able to see in MSFS 2024
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Now on the way back to home with a stop in Daytona Beach
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Not much to report in this leg, it's a bit cloudy in Liberia as I head towards Monrovia, the capital. It's been interesting seeing the scenery change from arid desert to lush jungle.
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>report runway in sight
Half the fun of this game is
>Is that the runway?
>I think that's it?
>Yeah that's it.
What’s the lowest you’ve gotten before realizing
>oh shit that’s not the runway
And the other half?
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you weren't kidding, this one's pretty damn short
A smaller airvan, going to add it to my list of airplanes to try.
Number wise, I'm not sure, but it happens all the fucking time on bush trips.

Doing it all drunk off your ass.
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I landed somehow but it was utter nonsense, the ATC bugged out and kept sending me in ridiculous directions miles away. In the end it was just a case of 'fly towards the airport and FUCK there it is, we're coming down right now I'm not going around'. The irritating thing was it was visual one way and ILS the other but presumably due to the wind the ATC made me do the visual way. I'm not sure if I can use back course localiser approach in that scenario.

Pic related is me pressed to the windscreen trying to see.
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winds were 150@22 so I had to make this runway work. Ridiculous tree just before the threshold also making my life harder. Not my best work, but okay given the circumstances I guess
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>Doing it all drunk off your ass
the great irony of any good night of beer and flight sim is that you're drunkest during the single most critical phase of flight
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>Report runway in sight
I just realised I could have just used the localiser on the reciprocal to line up with the runway, I didn't think of that, oh well you live and learn. The next trip will be to Ascension Island, it'll just be 'fly in a straight line for 4 hours until you see a tiny island', hopefully I don't get lost.
/simg/ FBO when
>arcade civvie sim players actually think this is hard flying
lets see anon's landings
Sometimes there's a bus on the runway.
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The DC3 just might have the coziest cockpit
Bongers in fse require my passenger services.
They have no idea that Im learning how to land with them.
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I have faith, just butter that bread
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More Islander-kino
For all the chad bush enjoyers, if you don't already know you can go to https://worldtour.flights/ and download flight plans people have come up with. This screenshot came from a flight in New Zealand that I downloaded off of there
>if you don't already know
I for one definitely didn’t know about that, super cool find!
what plaen
The Boeing 307. Honestly it kind of sucks and I'm trying to gaslight myself into liking it.
Good luck. Been there done that.
Why was 6 afraid of 7? Check your altimeter.
any moment now
It's my birthday, my parents got me the thrustmaster throttle and my brother gave me Steam giftcard so I decided to buy a DCS module as I am trying to get into air simulators
I decided on the MIG15
Something easy to cut my teeth on before I go all in and buy the hornet module
Oh nice, they're at least recognisable, Mabuiag in particular.

150/22 sounds pretty much 70% of the year actually. Used to be a sporty approach in the wet season when it was grass and rainy. Lazy caretaker though lol.
>Something easy to cut my teeth on before I go all in and buy the hornet module
What a retarded thing to do. Buy and play the airplane you like. Learning how to fly the Mig15 won't help you in any way with the F18. The only thing you'll learn is how to navigate the DCS menus.
I dont have any particular preference, just wanted to jump into air sim
Im a tank/infantry nerd
Early cold war shit is dope too
i like to leave the sim traffic on because it is nice to have a little bit of scenery, but its a little ridiculous when you land at an airstrip like that and theres a random a320 taxiing through the woods. thanks aschlomo.
>oh emm gees bro he’s not pulling hard turns and splashing other people, he’s such a plebeian
Nobody cares
Honestly not even deserving of a (You)
gonna catch some quick cardio brah
Kek that sums up about the majority of my flights.

>Flight from Manston to Bournemouth in a 152 iir
>See "runway" in distance and start the line up for it
>Man this airport sure is in a built up area
>Zoom in to see that I was lined up on a tower block, the lights making it look like the runway lights from a distance
Wasn't all that low, I was able to re-adjust without much issue. Was funny though.
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(shitty) ones aren't even that expensive
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you could always get on vatsim, then just play as an observer. You'll see the other players fucking around but they can't see you. You can listen to the radio traffic but you don't have to talk to ATC yourself. There's also something called FSLTL traffic injector but I've never fucked with it myself
Originally I was just trying to find a solution to the problem of MSFS's built-in NPC traffic being called "Generic" all the time but it's nice how FSLTL has all those liveries
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man you've really got the gears turning in my head now, I've heard of Susi Air... maybe I'll throw in an application when I'm done with everything later this year. If they even hire americans
Ive been doing FSE and Neofly and picking jobs in directions i want to go. Neofly generates missions to take passengers near points of interest, so works pretty well.
/vrpg/ is nice and slow
if they have experience points and level ups in MSFS2024 we're gold
I would love to have traffic in MSFS but
>base traffic is shit
>freeware traffic addons like FSLTL kill performance and only have some airliners
>payware like FS Traffic doesn't have GA (although apparently will be implemented at some point) and apparently isn't very good
For fucks sake I wish they'd change the planner resetting from gate/parking to runway when you go in and out of the plane setup menu, it drives me insane.
I also did not know there was a range ring on the world map that changes based on fuel quantity, how have I never noticed that.
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I have now begun the next leg from Monrovia to Acension Island and it will be a long one at 5 and a half hours. If I make a navigation mistake then I will be completely lost and will have to ditch in the sea.
just use your EFB :^)
Finally stuck the Devil's Tower landing. Don't know why I didn't use the Red Bull Xcub sooner.
That's cheating
ouch, I wouldn't want to have been in that plane
You homos seen this yet?
Fucking hell there's a whole community around dcs drama? I thought it was just a few posters here.
Eh I saw it but I figure either Razbam will come back or they won't and me knowing the details won't change anything so why keep up with it
I do think it's interesting though that Cobra says a DCS module costs half a million to make and ED currently owes Razbam an 8 digit sum of money, if both of those things are true it seems being a DCS is actually insanely profitable
radio navigation only?
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It's the only way mate, the Black Square King Air can have the GTN-750 or GNS-530W in it but I prefer nothing. It's so much more fun and interesting than GPS imo.

The downside is some VORs appear high altitude but tuning them in FL310 does nothing. I'm a bit concerned that the TACAN on Ascension Island is low altitude, but I can't tell. I'm not sure on the differences in charts of the VOR descriptions but some have black text and border and others grey.
All addons focus on tubeliners, really wish there was a comprehensive GA traffic injection addon.
Gee Bee out of nowhere!
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r8 the landing? i usually dont fly the hog and couldnt get the ILS to work despite correct freq and ILS being enabled behind the stick but its on centerline, on touchdown zone and kept the nose gear above the ground for a while
is this yours anon? i have the F15-SA docs that leaked like a week or two ago. you could put these there as well
You don't need ILS in those conditions matey
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I'm trying out Avia Planner and so far so good. I mostly wanted to try it for charts, the flight planning seems a bit weak, but it has all the charts I want. It's only $3.5 a month or $29 a year, no I don't work for them I just never wanted to spend £9 on navigraph a month when I just wanted charts.
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I was about to reply to your last post to see if you died yet. Good stuff senpai
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Thanks mate I can see the island! I made it!
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More brits have been dropped off. Getting better with landings.
It’s not quite right though. I think they mixed up radius and diameter somewhere in the code, I find the range ring it shows around the departure airport is only about half the actual range of the aircraft.
Based Caravan enjoyer.
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Finally been able to get fuel to her.
Gonna be fun to do overwater flights with Omega on the Starship
Not as accurate as GPS but no way for me to completely cock up my navigation and be nowhere near the destination
Its pretty chill, perfect size too. Kodiak 100 is on my list of planes to try next, but now shes off to france, bringing herbal remedies. Figured out basic ap, for altitude hold and heading, can enjoy the scenery without abusing the pause.
>At least here we can be found by the rare scrub getting into simming

Oh hey thats me. Finally got my throttle/stick combo setup, just need to figure out the head movement situation. What does everyone use here?
I use smoothtrack with my phone because it was only £6, just run it over usb otherwise it's really laggy. The plan is to get delanclip in the near future.
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I saw declan clip, is Track IR a meme or is it worth the cost (I have disposable income so cost isn't a HUGE issue with me)
I believe it's considered the best but very expensive for what it is.
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I don't understand the ATC, it really didn't seem to work for this journey. It sent me away from the island for ages and I asked for vectors then it told me to head back, then says 'Maintain present heading and altitude' as if to start the approach and then nothing else. I think it may have been because it's an untowered airport and normally the tower would guide you in? I have no idea. Anyway the glideslope didn't work for some reason so it was a visual (floaty) landing but was fine. Tomorrow maybe I'll head to Brazil.
Idk I hate the in game atc. You wouldn't expect it to be great, but it somehow manages to be offensively bad. They'll never fix it and I wouldn't be surprised at all if 2024s atc is just as bad
yeah just don't use the built in ATC desu, it'll vector you into mountains or clear ai traffic for takeoff on a runway you're on short final for among several other retarded things. It's useless
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I've been using the same track ir setup for 10 years at this point. Kinda expensive up front but I couldn't play without it
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>it'll vector you into mountains
I know this feeling all too well
>taking flights to Silent Hill municipal airport
was actually into KPSO and it was pretty clear at the actual airport
They definitely used to hire Australians in the past so it's not impossible. Had a couple mates work there ten-plus years ago. Darnley Island, YDNI, is another short strip up there just near Murray.
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It seems to be right for the Longitude
I think their range estimates are just high on a lot of planes, like maximum economy cruise ferry range
A friend gave me a VR headset and I needed something to do with it so I got MSFS
500* flight hours later, I've only ever flown in VR
But some people prefer headtracking not for cost reasons but for comfort and convenience
(*Steam run time says 1300 hours; I guess that's from the update downloader screen)
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Leaving Telluride with an aggressive climbing right turn to get over the mountains
>Didn't go straight East
My friend jumped onto the VR train early, using a vr headset gives me motion sickness
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been sleeping on the beaver, this thing is actually pretty based
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Well my first full day playing a high fidelity plane in DCS and I just landed the plane successfully for the first time, as in not exploding. Came up short of the runway.
Spent most of the day getting my throttle and stick setup in the game
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Got it on the runway
Mistakes were made
But progress
Well at least the flight planner will change because that's shit, I'm not sure if they'll sort the ATC out.
I'll stick with it and see if I can figure it out. That sayintentions AI stuff looks incredible but you have to pay monthly which I don't particularly want to do.

I also realised the lack of glideslope was me being a retard, it was a VOR DME approach so there was no glideslope.
Yeah it's a Milviz/Blackbird plane so decent payware quality.
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>throttle to adjust altitude
>pitch for airspeed
also always do GUMPS on approach.
I went with the track IR setup
Looking forward to going down this rabbit hole
Maybe you should have eased into it, you might get bored of it and will have wasted money.
based, saved image for my collection of flight sim documents
if the landing doesn't end in a fireball...
As I mentioned before, I have disposable income
I have the stick (bought years ago when I first tried to get into flight sims) and the throttle (got as a birthday present), might as well go for it
For reference, there's also non-subscription ATC addons:
-still in beta, like sayintentions
-currently IFR only, VFR coming in the future
-remote server/"AI" voice recognition and voice synthesis like sayintentions, but uses classic-style pre-written responses (same as all other ATC programs besides sayintentions) rather than real-time ChatGPT responses
-has an option to use expensive ultra-quality voices that do sound great, but the standard voices are pretty good so no need to worry about this unless you have money to burn

-Uses Windows built-in voice recognition and speech synthesis (e.g. the way programs like VoiceAttack do)
-default voices are low quality, have to add your own if you want better ones
-Mature program that's been around for a long time, though I see people still complaining about bugs

-IFR only, VFR announced for the future
-The only current ATC addon that actually controls NPC traffic (the built-in MSFS ATC actually does do this too)
-The only one of these 4 addons (counting sayintentions) that does NOT have voice recognition; you select responses from a menu like the MSFS built-in ATC

-ATC addon from 20 years ago
>FSX, FSX SE & Prepar3D (versions 2, 3, 4 and 5)
New version is in the works for newer simulators like MSFS2020, 2024 (? presumably?) xplane??, but who knows when that's coming out
>all ifr
Tubeliner fags are a blight.
Fair enough I thought BeyondATC was a subscription too, thanks for the info, shame about the lack of VFR.
>all IFR is auto pilot auto throttle cruise at FL350
Have you not flown a twin prop into soup? Embarrassing desu
Unfortunately a large portion of the flight sim community do nothing but fly tubeliners with no input.
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they also don't know what the fuck they're doing. 90% of them get the flight plan preprogrammed in or downloaded from simbrief, and then when vatsim controllers give them a different arrival, or change runways, or try to give them a shortcut to a fix further down their flight plan the tubeliner babbies have no fucking clue how to change any of this midflight and fuck everything up. When questioned why are they doing something retarded the response is always "oh we're having problems with our autopilot"

I hate them
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based simplaza schizo
To be fair that's because FMSs are fucking retarded. They're all laid out like some sort of obtuse mainframe program from the 80s and every plane is different. I have zero issue complying with any and all changes to the flight plan in the something with a GNS unit, but if I try and hop in the 747 or even the fucking A320 I feel completely lost.
Kek i saw that as well, what an absolute unit.
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they're not super intuitive but they're not that hard either desu if you spend a little bit of time fucking with them and watching a few tutorials. The real important takeaway though is that you're smart enough to not hop into a 747 and get on vatsim when you don't know how to manipulate it, but they are not
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Fun flight, fun plane, the twin otter is bretty gud after getting a sound mod to make it less painful to sit in
Is that the Aerosoft one? That was removed from sale years ago, it sounds like they're re-doing it for 2024.
Where is that airfield?
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yeah its the aerosoft one. I took it off of simplaza since I guess there's no other way to get it right now

Somewhere in Indonesia near Papua New Guinea. I linked the flight I plan I used, I forget which one it is exactly since there are several on there
MSFS is great for pure VFR and bush trips. I haven't done much myself but Blackbird's Porter is on the list of things to get.
>try vr
>image is all glitchy and warping
quest 2 strikes again
yeah but i wanted to try it out in the A10
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with good head tracking you can stick your head out the window while taxiing tail draggers
Looks like you're picking up a load of coke from Bolivia or something
It's a high-power military turbojet, not a 75 hp continental. Fly the desired approach angle and maintain speed with the throttle.
Ignore this man, you want maximum throttle on landings with afterburner. This is so if you make a mistake you can take off as fast as possible to try again.
Also you're not flying a prop, don't worry if you scrape the nose a little
All it takes is a little familiarization and it’s pretty easy to figure everything out in them, especially a direct to
At least if said direct to doesn’t break your FMS and fuck your approach
I miss the Lancair Legacy, it's probably my favourite single prop GA plane. I used to fly the RealAir one loads in FSX.

Flysimware are working on one, I believe their Learjet is supposed to be good so fingers crossed the legacy is too. I just hope it's not a bogged G1000 version.
Anything worth buying in the marketplace sale? I've got the Tiger Moth on the list and have grabbed the Gotfriends e vtol thing for a quid.
If Galinette was so good at radars then how come he couldn't ever manage to code a radar gunsight while all the other devs could?
Subscription to simplaza :^)
Memes aside I did buy skyvan.
page 10
guys don't make me start posting FAA knowledge test questions again
I unironically wouldn’t mind that
desu depends on what type of flying you like to do

I feel like I have everything I'd want to fly as of right now, but the updated C-130 looks tempting. But it's captain sim so its probably shit, but what if it's not?
>updated C-130 looks tempting
i trust this guys judgement
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Day 2
Landed on the runway but like a retard was mashing my airbrake button instead of wheel break
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we will be watching your progress with great interest
probably had my most butterest landing in a tubeliner at night in IMC and I didn't record
I have to use Oculus Tray Tool every single time I turn on Quest Link to disable ASW to fix that
It's hard to believe somebody thought that looked good and made it default to on
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Mostly clean landing, a minor bounce. Still going to practice that until I can land it constantly. Also time to start figuring the gunnery out

I'm glad I decided on the Mig 15, these old jets are so fun to fly and fight in... any chance they ever add the Me262 to the game?
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Are you the dingus who asked whether he should "cut his teeth" on the Mig15 before trying to learn the Hornet?

If yes: should've installed the A-4 Skyhawk mod if you wanted a "trainer" module instead, literally free, full fidelity, very simple jet.
Yes sir I am that dingus
And I do NOT regret my purchase, reading about my aircraft has only made my erection for early/mid cold war soviet jets harder
Thinking next purchase might be the mig 21 module
Well, in that case I'm happy it turned out well for ya and your enthusiasm for the more niche generation of jets is growing.
(and still look into the Skyhawk if you're interested in the older jets)
for sure Ill check it out
Im a hipster/contrarian in nature so it makes sense I would get into cold war jets
My end goal is to develop the interest needed to learn a modern jet
kino. You try gliding there, it's great fun.
Haven't ever gotten into gliders
Even tried helicopters but not gliders
Gliders seem like a different world
gliders are fun
That's how DCS is supposed to be used. Don't get the "meta" plane, get what you find cool and interesting. So that learning about it is fun too
Thanks anon, will give this a go tonight. Hope bongland patch will drop when i get home.
Oculus Tray Tool will disable ASW (if it's set to default off) when it starts up, if Quest Link was already connected when OTT starts up
But if Quest Link is connected after OTT is already running, you'll need to either exit and restart OTT or go to its ASW setting and set it to on and then back to off again
Unless they released some newer version of OTT that figures this out automatically
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new bongistan world update
>automatic mandatory update patch when starting the game for part of the update
>then to go marketplace -> content manager to download another part of the update
>then go to marketplace -> World to download the rest of the update
I know they want to give people control over disk space and loading times but I feel like they could streamline this a little
I didn't even know about the third step. God damn it
I only realised I hadn't downloaded one of the city updates the other day, it isn't obvious at all.
I forgot that was out today, I'll be helicoptering tonight then.
Hell yeee, time to grab air hauler and do some deliveries.
utterly based
>new bongistan update
>no local legend
I might have to go over all my addon scenery.
>Local Legend 18 is ready but waiting on license from the manufacturer
I believe it's due to be a Westland Scout and should be 'soon'
Can you guys shill me some airfields that specifically have a cliff ending runway?
I think there's a ton in indonesia and papua new guinea. Check out bugalaga air strip
Where is the runway in that image?
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No I meant WHERE is it in that image, all I see are dirt roads. Don't tell me the thing to the left down the hill is the runway.
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ah, gotcha, here you go
It is. And it's uphill lol.
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holy shit, that's the airfield from that one guy's videos?
Apparently orbx uk packs are causing issues. Too bad, i was hoping to doubledip on poi's.
>come across a bush pilot channel years ago
>nice bloke doing it, interesting videos
>see in the latest vid his wife leaving a comment saying he died of a brain tumour
I can't remember his channel or find it but it made me sad. Honestly considering how dangerous it is flying in and out of these airfields they still do a good job of not dying in plane crashes.
thanks for killing the vibe asshole
I'm trans
Muh game won't load! Stupid microsoft!
Royal mail livery slaps. Too bad lod's inside are fucked and you can see it turning pink.
Haha, charade you are
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Why do people recommend this piece of dog shit. I just bought it and I'm returning it within the hour.
>Already have G Hub installed so just plug it in, it does it's FFB start up and open G Hub, but it's not being detected.
>Search online and this is a problem well over 1 year old, have to edit the fucking json to force G Hub to detect it
>Finally get in game and everything seems to be working well
>Have a keybinding guide open on my 2nd monitor
>Alt tab to pause the video and the ffb instantly defaults to maximum strength and stays even if I tab back
>Have to unplug the wheel to reset the ffb if I alt tab at all.
>Search online again and again its an over year old problem
>The only solution is to uninstall the Gameinput Service
>I uninstalled that ages ago, so that fix just isn't available to me.
>Unplug the wheel and put in the box then start the refund on amazon
How can logitech be so fucking incredibly retarded that they haven't even fixed their software to detect their own fucking peripherals or fix a windows conflict that makes the wheel just unfucking useable in over a year? How can so many people in the sim community be so fucking incredibly retarded that they recommend this dogshit as the gold standard for an entry/mid level wheel? This is fucking insane to have such dog shit software quality for a $300 wheel.
works on my machine
really though I dunno senpai. The one I bought ten fucking years ago works great, I'm guessing some bloatware bullshit or something over the last few years has turned it into a pain in the dick
Hey MigFriend here, question:
How do you get the most out of DCS?
As in, do you play missions? Campaigns? Do most people create their own or is there a big repository somewhere the community uses?
Works On My Machine(TM) too - bought mine in 2017 and there were two times where it was acting up; had to reinstall the faggoty Gay Hub software both times to fix it, and yes, it was annoying both times, but I haven't had a problem with it since for several years now. But yeah, I see it's still an issue. Logitech's software is kinda shit, but the hardware is good and built to last - at least as far as their wheels go, their mice and headsets are ass. A case of "you get what you pay for," I guess. Buy the more expensive shit if it's really that bad. I'd rather upgrade my VR headset or buy a motion capable cockpit before I replace my G29 though. Only real complaints I have is there's barely enough feedback for drifting in Assetto, and the wheel is tiny af, although I've driven cars with similarly tiny aftermarket steering wheels, so it's not that out there for me, just a terrible representation for most cars.
i want to take a break from flight sims and i want to race stuff. i'm thinking g923 with their gay little shifter for casual racing would be enough (unless other recommendations). what games should i play? i'm not buying anything EA. so on my list i have assetto corsa, ac competitizione, iracing and dirt 2.0. any opinions? idk if that's even the correct thread anyway
probably on like a milsim server flying those huge missions with strike packages, custom knee boards, etc.
new trucking sim just dropped, babe
those are clearly MS24693 screws dummy
Is there a mod for the Asobo T-6 (or an alternative) that makes it not suck? The fuel system isn't even modeled properly
Join a group/clan/squadron/wing if you're capable of handling collective autism, for several reasons.
Combat aircraft shouldn't ever operate alone, but DCS wingmen suck dick, therefore you'll need a real person to fly with you. Also adds radio communication to the workload, which i personally find very immersive.
Most squadrons have a training routine that helps rookie pilots improve and teaches what you need to know.
Most squadrons have a mission-autist who makes various scenarios and missions that are more in-depth than what public servers can offer.

Downside is you'll have to hop through serval discords until you find a group that suits your taste.
American/European truck simulator?
yeah i'd play some of that too just to chill but i wanted something faster like actual races lol.
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I understand why people play truck sims but after doing it irl I could fucking never
Man I thought about trucking for like 5 years but could never commit. Mostly didn’t want to get stuck doing 3 months of OTR with some asshole.
Your pic looks like exactly my kind of comfy. Got me thinking again.
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It definitely sucks total dick when starting out, but after you get through the bullshit it has its moments of greatness, I miss the good parts. But still will always have it's moments of complete and utter bullshit. Some weeks I'd be done in 3 days and make good money, and other times I'd be sitting in a gravel parking lot with no bathrooms and no food for 3 days waiting for my load to be ready "any minute now". Sometimes your truck breaks down and you get put into a nice hotel for a couple days, and sometimes you're up for 30 hours straight between driving, hurrying up and waiting, then chaining down and tarping loads in the rain and mud and then going to bed without a shower. Sometimes there's plenty of parking at the truck stops, sometimes you get the last spot and it feels great, and sometimes you parking on an on ramp listening to highway noise all night while your truck is tilted forward and to the side and you're just trying to not fall out of your bunk.
I don't know anything about trucking, but my wfh housemate works for a logistics company, and I've heard him on the phone with drivers every now and then. You guys seem like a chill bunch. The only complaints he has with drivers are about trying to communicate with the ones who don't speak English. (When he does bitch about work it's usually about clients who can't understand their stuff isn't getting delivered in the middle of a blizzard or hurricane.)
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>i want to take a break from flight sims and i want to race stuff.
it's time to get into trains
Run8, Train Simulator Classic, Train Sim World 4 (sucks), Zusi 3
or truck sims, or bus sims (OMSI2)
American trucks are so cosy, it's like a little room. In Europe it's just a fucking bed behind the seats and that's it.
i did play some train games (derail valley and some of those [...] simulator 2X) but i want something with physical controls if that makes sense? i have a hotas for planes and i want a wheel with brakes
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fucker wanted to float all the way across the field
bank angle
Looks neat, but i doubt itll be a full on sim. Probably more of wacky physics lmao thing.
Ron Zambrano owes me sex
The real fun part was all the bumps and drops taking off from the field.
How the fuck do I helicopter?
Use the rudder/anti torque
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Well, who was in the wrong here?
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Thirdies thinking it was ok to stand under a 30,000lb VTOL vehicle lol.
A+ comedic timing with that camera work
>Steam run time says 1300 hours; I guess that's from the update downloader screen
Correct. I found this out the hard way after deciding it wasn't worth getting the most expensive version before I'd even finished downloading the game.
Don't die on me
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okay I'm joining the bandwagon
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Taking a break from the Mig to setup and learn the Flanker. Got it as part of the flaming cliffs thing when it was on sale. This thing feels like a McLaren after flying the Mig 15 the last few days non stop
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Picture perfect landing with the SU-27
Not sure if it's just me getting used to my controls or that this plane is just so much easier to land than the Mig-15
>spawn on runway
>take a screenshot
>picture perfect
Has anyone tried out the Scout/Wasp? How is it? I love old helis but don't want it if barely any systems work and the flight dynamics are crap.
Am I the only one who's excited about IL-2 Korea?
No I think there's another anon here that is, unless that was you.
It's mental how old FSX is yet we were all still playing it until 4 years ago.
What’s even wilder to me is that there are people who stuck with fs2004 through the FSX years, some even to this day.
Then again 04 the last sim I own a physical copy of, so maybe I’ll end up in that camp someday.
Those people are even weirder, I assume they're actual boomers stuck in the past or maybe poor and don't want to upgrade their computer to anything new (in the last 20 years).
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scud running in the DC3 - what could go wrong?
That's pretty fucking low, good luck. How detailed is the DC3? Are there lots of switches not working?
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>HB is making an F-16A
>for MSFS
The DC3 is great, its super fun to fly whether handflying or using the gyropilot. I highly recommend getting the Duckworks mod for it too, it's a massive improvement over the default one. I don't think there are any inop switches
Nice I might have to get it. Either that or the DHC-4 for a funky twin prop cargo stol cargo plane.
>TFW I discovered the supercharger levers
Did anyone get the deluxe or premium deluxe versions of MSFS? It sounded like a rip off for 'a few more planes that are shit and some airports'.
yeah I wanted the Citation Longitude
the SR22T is kinda cool too
Extorting simboomers with 3D models and no substance is good money
I bought it, thought the default planes would be better quality and wanted more of them. The airports have been nice and the planes have improved a bit with avionics updates but overall not worth it.
Watch msfs 2024 have something enticing in the premium edition and I end up paying for it again.
the DC3 is free homie
I think with people like Aerosoft and GotFriends making planes for 2024 we'll see actual decent ones released.
So it is, for some reason I thought you had to pay for the enhanced version but that's free too. I know you have to buy the C-47 though.
I wanted the premium version of my local international airport, the globohomo satanic base known as KDEN.
For some reason there about 5 payware addons for Denver, is there something special about the airport? Mountains and being thousands of feet up?
Nah, it's just the one I fly out of the most. Also, it looks funny being a giant Teflon tent. It's also apparently one of the busiest airports in the world.
>satanic base
That's dug up a memory now, aren't there spooky tunnels under the airport, or some underground city thing?
I'm not allowed to disclose anything further
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The 108 is fun, even if it has a tendency to pull left and is difficult to land.
vertical component of lift
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no fun allowed today. Everywhere I usually fly is IFR today apparently
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It's awful in the UK, just when I wanted to buzz around it
sorry I'm late I was so I was doing stuff I'm stuff noo haha your ground effect ls awesome
Farnborough is quieter today, heard a few airplanes flying around yesterday, nothing today. Unless they are prepping for public tomorrow.
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don't worry fellas, I'll have that /simg/ FBO sorted out in no time... after some more saving and buying a plane then saving again. Any thoughts on what you would buy first? A DC3, King Air 350, Cessna Caravan, BN2 Islander, or Citation Longitude are the options I'm considering.
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I love King Airs so much lads. I'll be continuing my 'Round the World in a King Air' trip tomorrow from the Ascension Island to Fernando de Noronha in Brazil. It's a long one, but I finish work early tomorrow so have time. It's another A to B and hope you pick the VOR up alright, but at least I'll be able to see the coast if I overshoot it.
It's FOB
don't you start with me
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why would I need to lie here? Ive been posting my failures openly all week.
you overestimate how much your opinion matters, even in this small pond
I was joking dw, we're all frens here
all good have a felon
I’ve seen some people still uploading addons for FS98
I’ll take a DC3 based entirely on the fact that a 90 year old airframe design is still profitable.
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It really is a great plane. I'm also just now finding out that there are versions in the game with a fucking garmin gns 530/430 combo and a modern autopilot. And it carries the most by a wide margin compared to the others listed. It's biggest issue is that it's slow, but I've found I've made the most money in the shortest amount of time putting together short loops around large hubs, rather than doing the long haul VIP runs.
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VTOLbros, your thoughts?
>This update brings clouds, dynamic time of day, buddy lasing, radio and ILS frequencies, Up Front Controllers, some new AI units, white phosphor NVGs, native Open XR runtime compatibility, and various bugfixes.
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>Grew up in Long Beach, CA
>Dad worked at McDonnell Douglas/Boeing my entire life building the C-17
>Got to see it in the factory several times
Such a fucking beast of an aircraft. Is it any good in MSFS?
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it's a third party freeware plane, but apparently it's a good freeware plane. They are v based though, incredible STOL capabilities. Some dudes accidentally landed one at a civilian airport that was only 3,400 feet long, and it took back off out of there lmao. I grew up in Charleston, SC and there's a decently large cargo wing based out of there so these things have a special place in my heart as well
Shoutout to the DC-3 enjoyers.
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That is the V-22's "effect of rotor wash on the ground" but it's not "ground effect".
what do they eat?
assclenching to the extreme?
I've been setting my stick and throttle up for a few different FC planes in DCS and I've been flying Russian jets so long the F5E looked alien to me lol
>didn't post a skywagon
you missed your chance
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>new jet trainer kino
>fully rich mixture at 6800ft
That might be killing power
One flew over the other day, it was doing touch and goes at my local airport. The sound is immense. I'm not sure there's a payware C-17 yet.
Will it be better than the freeware T-37 though?
Is nobody here playing this game?
I want to play it, my buddy has it, looks fun as fuck, but I don't have VR and can't justify spending the money on VR right now
I don't have it either, but will probably buy it after my next contract. Pico 4 is the cheapest option, 360 euros, and it seems to be on par with Quest 3, better in certain aspects, worse in others.
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This does look sexy
The payware one in fsx was fuckin awesome. So easy to fly and having a hud is always great
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Feel like pure shit just want her back
And you will
Are we back?
I'm excited but it isn't the same, it'll be a soulless yank creation. The Concorde captured the hearts of us Brits and the Fr*nch, there was something incredibly special about it.
Damn, they invited all those boomers to see check out their simulator.
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Credit where it's due, with everything being fucked for the last couple of patches ED did one thing right.

Sparrows finally work on the hornet.
more like sonic boomers, eh?
>Shared cockpit/multiplayer
>Planned for MSFS 2024
Barely anything supported this in FSX, I remember doing a flight in the default 737 with a mate because the PMDG 737 didn't support shared cockpit. It was good fun.
Hopefully we'll see some proper 3 crew aircraft implement this. Playing FO might be fun but being an FE in an old quad propliner or like a 747-200 would be sick.
you can mostly do it in MSFS now with YourControls. I've done a couple flights with people and it can be fun depending on what you're doing. We usually chose older planes on purpose so one person could hand fly and the other would handle comms and help monitor the engine(s).
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Bye bye Ascension Island, now 1106nm miles to Fernando de Noronha. I may have slightly damaged the engines on takeoff but it's fine. It's another 'fly in a straight line until I pick up a VOR' job, however this time I'll be using the KNS-80 to create a virtual VOR 499.9nm away (the max distance you can set). Shame I can't do it further but oh well.
Interesting I'll have a look, unfortunately I don't have any friends to play MSFS with. Maybe at some point I should see if anyone here wants to fly.
How can you tell if you're CPU or GPU bottlenecked? I never know whether to trust things like VRAM usage, core load and so on to tell what's going on. For example my GPU core load currently in MSFS is only 33%, yet all 20 cores of my CPU are at max speed, can I assume that's a CPU bottleneck?

I only ask as I'm planning on going from 1080 to 1440p soon, and wondering if I'll see much of a performance hit.
Yes, that sounds like a cpu bootleneck. Another tell-tale sign is being able to increase/decrease the graphics quality without losing/gaining any fps.
Fair enough thanks, I've got an i7 14700k so if that's bottlenecked then I'm quite impressed. Might mean that I shouldn't notice a difference in moving to 1440p as I hear that just puts more strain on the GPU.
Try going into your driver settings panel and activate virtual super resolution or however your gpu manufacuter calls it. It allows you to use resolutions that are higher than the one supported by your current monitor and see any potentional performance drops first hand.
I never thought of that, I'll give it a go.
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I reckon it'd be bloody boring be an pilot doing lots of overwater stuff, there's nothing to see.
Ironically I prefer to cross water in shorter range aircraft than land. Island hopping is top kino
Island hopping is kino, flying for four hours surrounded by endless water isn't.
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Well shit, it's going to be crossing the Sahara all over again. Fortunately there's a VOR at my destination but no ILS.
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I may have got lost a bit and ended up low on fuel.
You ever just think about water?
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There's the runway! Now to land
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I may have crashed. I went into a tree on approach, I thought the VASI lights said I was alright, clearly not. Oh well I'm not doing that flight again, I'll imagine that I landed safely.
Wish it worked like that but that will only work as long as you’re in reception of said VOR
if it’s high alt, once you’re outside of 130nm, you will be dead reckoning
I’m not even sure how that would work having it more than 200nm away
delete this, it never happened, your game crashed on short final
>You damaged your landing gear
and then made a sick belly landing saving yourself and all your passengers. Everyone at the airport ran out to rescue the survivors but you were all already walking away from the scene of the incident. They carried you inside on their shoulders shouting "hip hip hooray!" to present you with a medal of honor.
Meds. Everyone.
>Windows XP startup sound plays quietly in the distance
what a bliss
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Old fighter jets are sexy
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Totally forgot I had IL2 with the Bodenplatte DLC from the last time I tried to get into flight sims a few years ago
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I started playing Il2 again after forgetting about it for a year, and have been doing a coop PWCG campaign with friends and it's fantastic. I just wish the dlc was so expensive and the devs weren't so jewish
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Love me Focke Wulfs, even though the A-8 is a fat cunt. I think my favorite is either the D-9 or the A-3.

Also a little sad that no one here really seems to play Il2 anymore, I'm looking forward to Korea but I'm not looking forward to the pricy dlc for it that should just be included in the game. I feel like they should've done the Pacific theater or north Africa instead of Korea.
The career mode is something I really really like (I'm an immersionfag)
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In all honesty, I haven't played the vanilla career mode once. When I found out it wasn't dynamic, I had little interest in it, and I also don't think it's coop either which really shut it down for me. Thankfully Pat Wilson Campaign Generator exists and it's really nice. I haven't done it yet, but for example you can run an Eastern Front campaign running from the battle of Moscow all the way to 1945 with everything in between (iirc it uses a modified version of Bodenplatte to replicate Prussia)
I will definitely be downloading that
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Oh its absolutely fantastic, almost infinite replayability and if you like to larp and like the immersion factor, you get loads of that too. Each squadron, both friendly and enemy, has unique and persistent pilots that all gain more experience and skill as they fly more missions. If they die, new pilots come in with no experience, and squadrons as a whole will lose combat effectiveness due to losing experience (reflected by overall AI skill level in game). There's way more than that but that's one that sticks out to me.
Also all flights and spawns are dynamic as well. One mission we had a normal frontline patrol and we engage some il2s down low. As we're tangling with them, 4 La 5s show up and get the jump on us. As we're evading, 6 109s from another squadron appear and just absolutely demolish the la5s and save our asses, then go on to take out everything else that's flying in the area. They do this for two missions, then suddenly stop. I look at the Intel report and see that they got decimated on takeoff at some point by Russian bombers. Never saw them again.
hey just wondering what's the deal with free trials in dcs

and also why do people doompost about stuff in dcs? Like people are saying not to buy the f15e or ww2 stuff? is it because they're broken? they're already out, and dcs are selling them on their site
Because the DCS community is worse than /v/ and highschool combined when it comes to drama.
Either jaded faggots who hate everything, especially fun, and just wish for the next failed product to bitch about, or naive idiots who see every problem as the great collapse of society and try to find personal drama in everything and look to support [their team] and find dirt on [other team].
>what's the deal with free trials in dcs
what do you mean

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