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Chapter 15

Previous Thread: >>485125494

>Play Poppy Playtime

>Official Twitter (MOB)

>>Show Bibles<<

>Playtime Adventures

>Smiling Critters: Friends Forever!
>Let's Hop to the Moon!
Moon schizos will win.
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Well, hello
New interview with Mob's CEO. Some snippets in case you dont want to listen to an annoying youtuber:
>New IPs in development, not poppy related and some of them not even horror related
>Spinoff for PPT are planned, and a future project involving Boxy was teased.
>Chapter 4 will will be even better and way darker than chapter 3
>Chapter 4 will have multiple villains
>Release date before end of 2024, so most likely dropping in 2025
So nothing really confirmed yet but some news are appreciated.
>Editions are called Chapters now
Huh, can't believe I didn't notice that.
to be fair, it only started last thread.
>Spinoff for PPT are planned, and a future project involving Boxy was teased.
Realistically, what could they do to make it darker? Imply non-fantastic child abuse?
Maybe a bunch of gore? Like, we will see the pile of corpses the toys have been munching on since the HoJ? Maybe instead of only seeing the "end result" we will see a bunch of failed experiments either left behind by playtime or by the Prototype after he experimented with the orphans and it wil be like 1000x worse than anything playtime ever did.
Chapter 4 will show Huggy killing a kid.
Honestly, that would ramp things up instead of the usual
of things
That would definitely set the scene.
It's very neat.
>Spinoff for PPT are planned

aww yeah, cant wait for CritterKart
I would play that
Huh, thats a different voice from the previous Catnap teaser, super cute tho, still find it crazy that he voices all of the critters himself.
They're going to make a Poppy platform fighter.
At this point it would be more surprising if chapter 4 had just one villain. The only chapter that had a single antagonist was the first, and it was also the simplest in terms of both story and gameplay.
I guess they are talking about a main antagonist, Delight was more of a self contained thing unlike Catnap and Mommy who are a continuous presence through the whole chapter.
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>captcha: TPHPGR
The previous teaser was going for more horror tones for him, so it's understandable.
I need a Critter RPG in the vein of Earthbound.
Full on child gore.
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>Actual news
We're so back Poppybros
I said it a bunch last thread, Yarnaby and Doey are going to be like brothers we'll have to face off against
I heard from the grapevine we could get 10 Chapters, thoughts?
I'm still waiting for Huggy in Super Smash Bros dammit
Honestly PoppyKart sounds fun if even just a joke game. Having characters of wildly different sizes and builds would make for lots of options regarding weight and what cars they'd be best suited for
You'll get Huggy in Multiversus and you'll like it, bub.
Isn't that the one where Velma fights LeBron?
While talking with some other theorists, they told me one I think is actually very likely.

In the CatNap check-in where he says "The Prototype will save us" there is a missable detail, at the start of the interview Pierre says that Sawyer was supposed to give the interview but was out. He puts special emphasis on the "out" and the fact he mentioned this at all is weird. Sawyer is actually one of the names in that trademark listing we looked at last thread, a list that has no other human characters and which to our knowledge only includes toys from the game. It is thus suspected that Sawyer was undergoing a procedure to become a toy and was recovering around the time the HoJ happens, as CatNap makes it very clear the HoJ is about to happen. Assuming that Sawyer's surgery was a success and he is now a toy that would make him almost unkillable, and a massive threat to the toys, it could be entirely possible that the toys we meet are also trying to keep Sawyer locked away so he doesn't surface and do whatever evil shit he would do. This means that the Prototype isn't the main villain or final boss of the game, we're going to find Sawyer locked in some room of the factory and he will turn out to be our true enemy.
Interesting theory. I find it hard to believe there's a toy that Huggy, Mommy, Boxy and Catnap cant take care of even when working together but it would make sense, Sawyer is a smart guy so maybe he made himself broken af.
That or Sawyer fucked up and he's now a miserable wreck by the time we find him.
Or maybe he made a deal with the Prototype, we still dont know how he was able to coordinate the HoJ without anyone noticing.
Don't the toys know when someone's an adult vs a kid?
Yeah, but that doesnt mean they can do something about it if the other toy is stronger. Bron died because he was weak.
Who killed Kissy?
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it was ME yes i did it like this
If they toys were made to be as realistic as possible does that mean Delight has realistic lactation?
Actually this brings up an interesting question: What the fuck is Miss Delight based on?
Like all of the other toys are based on Playtime Co toys, and they're weirdly autistic about only making them based on their own toys rather than unique forms that may be easier to create.
But Miss Delight isn't a product of Playtime Co as far as we can tell. She's a completely unique creation specifically for the Bigger Bodies Initiative.
The devs have forgotten about Bron.
She was created very quickly because Playcare needed teachers to maintain the illusion it was a place fit for children but said teachers would've asked too many questions about the subjects being taught, namely the indoctrination into company culture.
One has to wonder what Playtime Co would have been capable of if they weren't retarded and autistic. Like being able to whip together a a biological teaching automaton can't be easy.
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So, after some discussion with a writer anon for one of the future episode ideas, we've both decided that the town could use an 'extension'. It might make things feel slightly less cozy, but I think the greater opportunities for more locations might make up for it.
We're calling it the "Learning District", since there are plenty of 'educational'-based locations that involve a lot of Delights to do; and likewise, we'll also be moving the school closer to this part of town instead, since it wouldn't make sense for a school district to nestle itself between some nowhere-hilly place.
What do you guys think? Any suggestions for other buildings i.e. excuses to see Miss Delight in other types of clothing that could be in this part of town?
Huh, you guys are really thinking this through. Looks cool.
There was a lot of bumps in the road, mostly anons trying to do more than they were able to, but we're on track now
The Orientation Notebook has a blurb about her being based off a teacher doll Playtime had made. That's the only Delight lore we get until Mob makes another Poppy book (maybe).
I can see them making a Fazbear Frights like series, a collection of 3 short stories per book expanding the universe which have awful plot implications but we never see said implications in game.
Well now that you guys finally decided on a map whats next?
It's been decided for a while now, the thing is to accommodate for future episode locations within the town, and also having things make sense, moreso than usual.
I'd ask if people are onboard to help us with the drawing, animating or sourcing/composing music, since that's what we need now more than ever at this stage, ideally with a sense of commitment and dedication to the project.
So what's the context behind this one?
What relationship did Poppy have with the rest of the toys? Mommy seems to have a massive hatred for her, she consoles Kissy and is genuinely upset at her death, and DogDay puts his entire faith in her to fix everything.
>Child named Marie
>Becomes a motherly figure
>Child named Theo
>Becomes a priest
Nominative determinism.
So is the indie horror thread just dead?
It didn't die. It was murdered.
People fucking hated each other there, and it got to the point that no one wanted it to continue
What was the problem? Why were they so mad?
What's her plan?
Weird, last time I checked everything was as civil as things can be. What happened?
I don't want to dive to much into it here but it was a lot of different fandoms that all despised each other. You had people at the throats of BanBan, Indigo Park, Amanda the Adventurer, and Fnaf, people spared no expense in shitting on someone elses favorite game, attacking everything from developers to the very concepts of the games themselves. You couldn't have discussion about anything because either you didn't have enough people who cared about your game or people just hated that game, the only people that enjoyed themselves seemed to have been the Bendy and Signalis friends but everyone else got the worst of it. That may sound like par for the course on this bullfrog forum but for the average indie horror fan it was too much.
Its raining here.
Huh. Guess there is a name for that.
I wonder if future monsters are going to take on these similar concepts somehow.
What does the name "Kevin" mean?
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>first they were doom clones
>then they became FPSs
>now they're poppylikes
time is a flat circle
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On that note, should I post the CastingCallClub audition page here?
You have my thumbs up
>We create IP that transcends more than any one medium
This stuck with me for some reason
>We create IP that transcends more than any one medium
this is just every IP in [CURRENT YEAR]
Everyone wants to be the next pokemon.
This shoop job really could use some work.
Kevin's traditional meaning is "Noble born" so could mean on of the foes we'll face has some kind of higher standing? Like maybe he had better treatment since he was friends with the son of a scientist or maybe he has carved out his own little kingdom down there
Movie expectations? I'm thinking it's gonna be a prequel
>people spared no expense in shitting on someone elses favorite game, attacking everything from developers to the very concepts of the games themselves
So it just turned into /v/.
Of course it did...
You don't think the movie would be set within the story itself like the FNAF one did?
Always adore artists that will draw everyone

I feel like trying to cram the entire game into a single film would be a waste since you'd have to cut out so much. You also couldn't explore everyone's backstories without the pace feeling awful. Just giving us a film that takes place over a few gears and which shows each toy being made would fix those issues.
That's actually a great idea. Making the movies a companion piece instead of a retelling of the game's story would make them actually worth the time. If they have good writers they could still keep the things they want to stay secret a secret, like the player's identity or what the deal with the Prototype. Sadly that sounds like a lot of work so most likely is not happening.
I'm not sure. I think it's a given the film will be massively successful, which might switch the conversation inside the director's room to making sure the film is memorable and impactful. Making sure the film adds something valuable to the story, meets fan expectations, and resonates with people will be more important than just baiting for as many tickets as possible.
>Devs make competent first Chapter
>Start nfts and other sketchy practices
>The actual Chapter itself is enjoyed, but the crap around it turns people away
>Two is the same with less aggressive practices but people don't change their opinion
>It took until three for opinions to change and people to warm up to the game being good, but by this point the damage is done and new people will only interact with the Critters
>The only interact with the Critters' cartoon versions, not those in game and never invest time into learning the story or appreciating the gameplay
People are just fucking stupid, there is a perfectly good horror game here with an amazing story and no one cares because the devs hopped on a tech trend back in 21
People do bring the NFT thing from time to time but for what I've seen the opinion of poppy as a whole seems to be very positive. People dont go around saying "just play chapter 3, that's the only good one" so I'm not sure what you mean.
I'm saying people gave the game an unfair shake at the start when it really didn't deserve it
It’s just another Anon pissed that the “critter chapter” is what brought the game back into the spotlight/good graces. They’re just mad & ranting about stuff that isn’t true or doesn’t matter. When 3 came out everyone was hype as fuck about Catnap, Ms. Delight, and the D.D scene, and now that there’s been some downtime people just wanna draw the cute mascots that came with it.
From what I've seen, people started to be more positive about the game after chapter 2 came out. It was a direct upgrade from chapter 1 in every way and the devs didn't go full retard when it came to merch stuff.
The game was aggressively coming at people with bullshit merch and NFT’s, it got exactly what it deserved cause the devs didn’t trust their product
There’s plenty of art of the bigger body versions though
I do agree that the franchise would be more popular if it wasnt for the whole NFT shit show. I still see some people who dismiss the games without even trying them most likely as a response to that. But I think that if Mob is able to keep their imagine clean, once the story is completed and people are able to see the whole thing they might be more kind to chapters 1 and 2. Just like how some people unironically like FNAF 2 and 3 now when everyone was calling them cashgrabs when they came out.
I liked them both when they came out and was glad they were made
I don’t remember any meaningful outrage about them being cashgrabs when they came out, people just thought they didn’t have as good atmosphere as 1
I have a hunch the next game they're going to make won't resemble Poppy in any way, just as a mode to test the waters and see what kinds of stuff they're good at and the audience will enjoy. Among the options given in that survey was stuff like strategy games of all genres, so they must have weird ideas already that they wanted to see what people thought.
Also when any of these game come out, do we want to alter the thread to be Mob general or just keep as is but adding the other games as topics?
I mean, if the games are poppy related like spinoffs then yeah, but they also said they want to make other IPs since they want to go AA and in that case I dont think it would fit the thread.
Would that mean that a /mobg/ split may be necessary?
Or would a different existing general be required of us? Will MOB still fit under /indie/ then?
Eh, I think is we will need to wait and see what happens first.
>Ludwig adopted a child, she died, and his wife left him
>There is a push by the company to get employees to adopt
>Their more popular toys have a pair made for them
>Rich states he has a wife
Family is a well established theme in
this game, penetrating every level of the storytelling. How do you think this will tie back to the game? I imagine a big pay off we could see is the Player taking Poppy in after burning the factory down. Meanwhile the Prototype is taken down because he rejects his family (Poppy or Rich's wife) and has turned inward to achieve his goals.
>Company encourages employees to foster children
>They don't immediately put those kids on a secret 'DO NOT EXPERIMENT' list
Or alternatively, if we are to encounter Sawyer, then he could be the cold solo figure who has no family or connection to the world and only looks out for himself
>This shit is on Spotify
God's sakes, man.
Hoppy Hopscotch!
Man, it's been a while.
Where's Hoppyfag? Last I recall he swore himself to physically and mentally strengthening himself by waifuing her.
Probably just stops by every once in a while, I hope the best for him, he was a great guy

Anyway I'm back on the Olivia cope wagon, anyone want to join?
Judge Frollo CatNap my beloved <3
Bobbyfag has been gone for a while too. Which is aa shame since she has been getting more popular.
What did he mean by this?
>Am I a real boy?
This could be trying to remind us of Poppy. She says in the opening "I'm a real girl, just like you" and it's obvious she's trying to tell the audience that she's alive. Boogie is instead asking about his existance, we can interpret his other voice lines as him being unhappy with being a Boogie Bot. "The robot crosses the road, he was programmed to do so [...] The button hurts me" These probably show us that he like the others hates his toy life. I think this is important because of the line I started with, "Am I a real boy" which moreso than a pinocchio nod means that Boogie has realized he is a child and is starting to decouple his toy identity from himself. Very few other toys actually know who they were or think of themselves as anything but the toy they were created as, but Boogie might be on the path to finding himself again. I just think this is important, his other lines are him asking someone to dance with him, either alluding to his toy purpose or to the fact he might've found someone who he likes, the way he asks almost makes me think the latter but I can't say. I can see Ollie being a Boogie and all this looping together.
Its fucking hot in here.
New Motya
It really is.
He turned himself into a flower. Funniest shit I've ever seen!
Things are gonna be slow until chapter 4 drops.
Dont they do an ARG thing before that?
We can always pass theories around.
In the meantime I'm gonna listen to everyone's cutout and listen to every tape and see if I can scrap anything from those to share.
Like anon said, it was populated entirely by people who hated literally everyone else and their respective interests. Speaking as the guy who mistakenly brought up Amanda the Adventurer there once and tried to correct some of the shitposting about it, at least half of the posters there didn't know what the fuck they were talking about and earnestly kept shitposting or spouting inane retardation solely for the sake of derailing any conversation they entered. And this happened to everything - Poppy, Indigo, FNAF, random new indie horror games, etc. It was sheer hostility at the very IDEA of indie horror in general. It didn't help that the Banbanfags, despite claiming to only like it "ironically", actively egged on the worst of it and shitposted anyone who called them out for supporting what was objectively the worst game discussed over there.

It was just a shitshow. I'm honestly glad it's dead because it was very rapidly going on track to becoming a second /5n@f/ or /exeg/. I'd love more horror threads, but that general was concentrated negativity.
Well, I think the premise was flawed from the start. It was a lot of different communities talking about their games ignoring the other ones also talking about their games and only interacting with the others to shit on them. Following a thread like that if you only care about 1 of the games would be difficult.
Dare I ask, what happens in there now compared to what it once was?
I wish there was a dedicated horror games board, would solve the problems the thread faced where you forced everyone to interact with each other but would allow for everyone to talk about their games without worry they'll be bumped off the /v/ catalog. The share of zoomers and horror fans have been rising as a percent of /v/ for a bit now, so said board would have a population higher than the other /v/ off-shoots at least.
The new Catnap action figure that was announced is going to be 14 inches tall.

How many outfits can we make up for Miss Delight?
Hot lifeguard (Baywatch one piece), librarian, cop, waitress, maid, single female lawyer, normal Miss Delight with a new hat, 80's aerobic outfit, 90's rapper, and mayor's assistant.
It would be funny if of all the toys they have Delight become their version of Barbie.
I haven't really touched it ever since the horror general broke off from it, but if what I've heard is any indication? It's gotten worse.
I really want them to actually lean into the fact this is, y'know, a game about a toy facotry, and to just produce toys that a toy company would. I don't want just plushies, I want to have an actual Delight doll.
Well, there are toy companies that never bother with humanoid toys irl. Also I dont remember where it was but Barbie was mentioned once either in a note in-game or in the orientation book so we can assume that Matel exists, so that would justify going for more niche products that are more about gimmicks.
>14 inches
All you had to say.
I knew someone was going to post something like that.
Stay classy, /ppg/.
Do not the CatNap
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In my lust for new content I've started watching GH. I like their videos now and I hate that
Are they still doing poppy sutff? Their stuff hasn't pop up for me in a while.
They do, and they've started to give the characters voices recently https://www.tiktok.com/@ghs_korea?lang=en
wew lad you're at the bottom of the catalog!
But he's so lovable!
Huh, I honestly thought they would have moved to the next content farm, like making inside out 2 stuff. They didnt even try with indigo park.
You are the worst kind of "person"
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Why does no one love Bunzo?
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Is that just some puffing near the front of his pants? Or...
Why do you assume otherwise?
Because I've spent too much time in my own vices and I lack the will to overcome them.
As someone with brainrot, you're 10x worse. I don't see this "lewd" angle you do at all, its obviously just puffy pants
You think its about chapter 4 or maybe about that book releasing in november?
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>That's real
I assume since it's a storybook it will either be some Fazbear Freights stuff or some other Scholastic book fair filler. Hopefully it's good, but we can't say anything right now.
Love you too anon!

What did he mean by this?
So were the screams of agony recorded and added or are the cutouts alive also. Which is honestly horrifying to think about. They're stuck there. Forever. At least the other toys can move.
I'm pretty certain the cutouts are alive or at least aware of what their BB versions feel.
Boogie straight up says "The button hurts me" and Candy Cat feels pain as a direct result of us pushing the button to feed her.
Is there a single non retardedly evil reason Playtime Co would have for making these cutouts?
If you don't have enough important positions for everyone to fill you invent new ones, these people got cardboard duty for the rest of their existence.
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>cardboard duty for the rest of their existence.
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>Leaving Hoppy dead last
The fools, now its not going to sell as good as it could have. should have left Picky last.
hoppyfags on suicide watch
Thread needs more Mommy love
Does everyone love their mommy?
>Check back on Mob's casting call from earlier in the month
>The most popular genuine application is from Ty Coker
>There is a non-zero chance the va of Bittergiggle gets to be in the new Mob game
This is an amazing mold but I want to eat that rubber
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>The Player makes the wrong choice
They knew goddamn well not to fuck with nfts
They decided to fuck with nfts anyway

fuck em, they deserve the hate
He's probably the only thing you could unironically like from Banban, so that'd be pretty based if he did voice work for Poppy
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I'm surprised I have a reputation now.

I pop in now and again, but I've become so much more productive it's not even funny. I picked up fishing as a new hobby too.

Waifuing hoppy has worked wonders for my overall health
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...was her charm always missing in that image? she looks naked without it.
>Waifuing hoppy has worked wonders for my overall health
How do you do it?
I feel too disillusioned to get a waifu because the knowledge that she isn't actually real really kills it and also my motivation by extension.
Cute, hopefully someone will dump them for telegram.
Oh yay, another thing on the merch store... This one looks to just be the Critter's in game art so who knows what it will be
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>Adult Content
Yeah okay Pinterest, whatever you say
Bundle of all the plushies?
If it were a bundle they would've just released it. Its probably stickers or more likely charms
Guess you were right.
Everyone, get ready!
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earthound crossover real???
Make your bets. Chapter 4? New game? Spin off? Or just more merch? I really fucking hope is not just merch.
I think with all the talk they've been doing recently, solid chance it's the new game. Could also be 4 but I see no way in hell it's a port or merch, they give no fanfare for those.
Big news: They made Poppy Playtime's monsters real using actual orphans.
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One misconception in the process is that I don't actually 'waifu' hoppy. I don't actually care about the canonical lore of the characters themselves. To me, she as well as the other critters represented innocence in an otherwise cruel and complex world. I do think the reason I became attached to them, and especially her, was because I was actually lonely even though I was in denial of it at the time. I was going through severe existential nihilism at the time, and to me she represented some kind of 'latent space' that I wanted filled with something real, and that space might actually forgive or 'redeem' me if I actually became the change that I wanted to see in everything/everyone around me. I have nothing else in my life, so it's worth trying.

Your 'waifu' might actually be 'real', but you have to actually believe that you can go out and find it, and you would have to actually 'earn' it, like a calling. Best case, you succeed and replace the token with the person that was meant to fill that spot. Worst case, you find an answer that you otherwise wouldn't have even been able to find if you never even tried.
They'r going to announce some kids shit like Yo Gabba Gabba but with Huggy Wuggy and CatNap
will you be buying her plush?
So we agree Poppy is our friend?
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Some leaks of tomorrow's enouncement.
>picky hopscotch
>catnap blanco
>hoppy (forma charm negro)
Dios mio...
Tomorrow we'll hear that Huggy Wuggy is coming to Fortnite!
Huggy Wuggy 4 Smash gang rise up
I wont
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Holy. Shit.
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AI art "leak" lmao
Imagine if the Prototype does look like a giant poppy flower.
>Yo Gabba Gabba but with Huggy Wuggy and CatNap
Honestly sounds like it'd be a pretty fun time, if they have some good music to go with it too.
I really love this artist's designs for them.
Yes. She's a little shady, but so far nothing has given any indication that killing the Prototype is anything other than her desire to stop it from hurting anyone else.
Oh hey, a rare case of Kickin helping the gays be gay.

>Yeah okay Pinterest, whatever you say
Clearing implied kissing is a no-no.
I'm not so sure about the art style for this one.
The Discord is on super slow cooldown for all channels, whatever is happened today is going to be big.
Be prepared.
The MOB Discord, right?
I love it, reminds me of those 80s animated films
Huh, I guess they expect this to be really big within their community, but I dont see them making a big deal about it on other platforms, so maybe this is something only poppy fans would care about?
That's it? just a teaser? Why would you tease a teaser? I hope this is not the only thing we get today.
Oh, I guess there's also this. Possible new ARG
Ok so when plugged into Base32 that does something






On felted feet and with bated breath

Sleep draws ever near
Huh, could that be referring to the Prototype? Since we know that the Prototype is most likely making a body out of other toys it matches that description very well. Not sure about that last part tho. Maybe the Prototype also has access to poppy gas now that he has Catnaps body? Or maybe its referring to what he wants to do, like his end goal is to use a lot of poppy gas to put everyone to sleep or something.
It's Huggy
>On felted feet
>and with bated breath
He is wounded from his fall
>Sleep draws ever near
We see Huggy in our nightmares or it could mean he is resting until the right moment.
Apparently for the Xbox release, the intro video was changed where they have a different, non-archived footage guy introducing the Poppy doll. So chances are that future depictions of Elliot Ludwig aren't going to be weirdly censored.
Was it ever explained who made all those warning signs leading to Poppy's room and why would they do that?
>Over a screen that says XX-XX-2005
>The game takes place on 01-25-2005
Fast forward two decades and we have C4's release date.

Now let's speculate a bit about the narrator
>He calls us an intruder
This implies we are not welcomed here by this narrator, however
>He is thrilled and giddy that we are progressing deeper into the factory
>This is someone who knows about the "security system" and about Poppy
I think it's very obvious, we're listening to Sawyer recount our journey, he is watching us.
No we never got one, but I think it was done by the toys who didn't want Poppy to be found.
Also scratch this, they confirmed this to be a fluke and the actual code is >>487582514
Welp, I dont think we will be getting anything else today. Hopefully we wont have to wait a week before the next teaser.
Fnaf week is soon so they will either wait and do these monthly, or since this was a small drop of lore they could release the next 2 very soon to keep the momentum
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>Sawyer is watching us
I'm shocked he's alive. You'd think the HoJ would have succeeded in killing the one guy who deserved it most of all.
Like we said before, Sawyer might not be human anymore. He might be a toy himself, now hiding deep inside the factory.
>Chapter 4: Let The Games Begin
Theme park next location lets go
For a while I've thought it was strange that the Critters have both yet to be added to the official company logo, and look so different from their toy versions. I think I got it now. After the CatNap scandel the company did it's best to hide the Smiling Critters, keeping all references to them outside of the areas that tours would normally go through. They didn't give the Critters appealing or toylike bodies simply because that was unneccessary, they were built to be function first and to be sent to work around the factory. Unlike Huggy who is the first thing you see or Mommy who takes care of the children and interacts with them constantly, CatNap only exists to put them to sleep so it doesn't matter what he looks like.
Problem is they wanted these critters to sold to the public. So while you are right that they might have done what they could to scrub out all critter references outside of Playcare after the scandal, they still would have been designed for mass appeal.
..she is naked without it
Makes me think the doctor is going to turn out to be the real villain at the end.
>An underground theme park
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Playtime Co's financial department probably just says "Sure, fuck it. Go ahead. I don't care anymore." at this point.
Spot the difference!
No lo sé.
>Stock huggy
>Colors made more vibrant, fur quality improved, eyes made bigger
>fur quality improved again
>Every color slightly more saturated, harsher shadows
>quotes a line from Shakespeare about suicide
I wonder what she meant by this.
What a cute little cultist.
New pop up store announced in japan, this one to be focused on the smiling critters. These posters are cool as fuck.
Oh well, I still love that they're keeping with the flower theming, adds so much flavor to the poster
>posters say "Not For Sale"
Yeah, thats weird, why would they line up the posters like that if they arent for sale? Just to show the posters that are going to be around the store? That's stupid. Then again the japanese are weird.
cool, they're still selling the GH Store plushies

ah well, hope the .psd files gets leaked one day
What else can we scoop from the video?
if only
Do you think they know?
Looks more like they're brothers
I was really hopping for them to release the next video of the ARG today.
God, I want a Poppy graphic novel in the style of those posters. Or even just one focused on the Smiling Critters.
They absolutely know.
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You didnt save him.
The fuck was I supposed to do? My character went into an abandoned factory that he knew was full of horrors without a gun.
Anon, he got swarmed and eaten alive from the inside out. There was no chance.
Someone asked Amber about the Hour magazine in the pic
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Also I'm probably going schitzo, but look at the language of this post. Notice anything?
I'm also curious about the five components thing.
That's some very specific language imo
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you're thinking about it too hard.
That Anon is trying to say they chose "loom" there because it can have both meanings, and could be a hint the next antagonist will be yarn related
An idea that immediately popped into my head is that it's about the Prototype. He collects 5 toys who he adds to himself. And when he is done he will be something spectacular.
Ohhh, that's good. Since we know that chapter 4 is going to have multiple villains and the magazine depicts 3 different hands that might potentially be another reason to believe Huggy is still alive. Another thing it could be referring to is either the process to turn a person into a toy or the creation of the poppy gas.
First and third are drawn by @Amberlovesbugs.
>yarn related
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What if...
One theory I'm liking is that Yarnaby is going to include both Kevin and Joseph (the other kid) and have a sort of split personality.
I don't believe Ollie is lying to us when he said CatNap was the last obsticle, instead I think he must assume Yarnaby isn't going to be much trouble to us. However he only thinks this because Yarnaby would have two distinct personalities inside him. One is of a random boy with some kind of mental disorder, and the other is the son of one of the scientists. These two different personalities could cause him to be friendly with us one minute and then turn feral the next. Adding to this is the appearent importance of that summer Huggy image, which implies there is something coming together to create a new thing, however those are for the numbers 5 and 3 which don't fit here. I'm not sure what to make of it but since the theme of things being combined into one is now introduced it made me think this could be a viable theory.
>Start from the beginning
Shit was happening before 2005 though.
The game takes place in 2005
dogday says "BUMP"
the poster is free when you purchase 3,300 nippon shekels (21 ameribucks) worth of merch in a single receipt I think
>C1 monster was blue
>To contrast this C2's monster was pink
>C3's monster was purple
>This implies the next monster will be yellow and orange
Take a shot
That's cool. Being japan though they most likely dont let you choose the one you want and its just random.
>nippon shekels
Apparently Mob just C&D a very popular SC roblox game/server. A very stupid move imo since they are not really doing anything with the critters, and going after fan content makes no sense to me, unless they are preparing to do something similar themselves.
They're probably about to open a Poppy rp then
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Would Catglow turn into a wife beater or a distant husband?
Why do these people love misery porn so much?

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