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Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred

Diablo 4 Season 4: Loot Reborn

Patch Notes:

Rax's Guide:


Event Countdown (World Boss, Legion):



Previous: >>483932924
Fuck, forgot to mention the stream time for tomorrow's Spiritborn Class reveal.
- July 18 at 11AM PT

Please forgive me deadbros and sisters, have a youtube video below for compensation.
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Lut Gholein
I suppose I made the thread far too early. Goodbye /d4g/
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How many hours left?
t. eutard
In roughly 13 and 1/2 hours from now.
Enough time for minigoon ses
thread save
It will be amazon+paladin
>Class reveal is today
>Thread is dead
What went so wrong.
They dont have clear vision about endgame. It's GRifts in D3, yet in D4 there is nightmare dungs, that leaderboard dung, now r(aids), what's next?
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SpiritBorn somewhat related to irl animal snow leopard, they're tremendous jumpers so I guess it will have some sort of movement/etc skill based around that..
It will be more like the spirit walker unit from warcraft 3 or spirit breaker from dota.
After playing Diablo 3 on Switch, I feel like Diablo 4 is way too zoomed in. The character estate on screen is way higher I feel.
It'll be D3Witchdoc but with a new name
Look more like Amazon but Bisexual
They should allow Season stuff to be tracked in the quest space.
just so you know i once again started a dark souls 1 and im having fun
how tf this can be this dead
Seasonal games die down mid season, especially with Path of exile and Last Epoch new seasons that just came out. People go play those
ofc, but it seems like this reveal does not exist at all, zero (0) interest, none cares, etc
People who care already played this season several times
>Hi, we are Adam and Adam, from Microsoft Activision Blizzard King

Shouldn't have released a shit class no one asked for that belongs in a mobile game.
yeah im thinking path of exile won
>D3 Monk & WD and some D2 Druid
>its just Monk
new blizz qt to stalk
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She been at blizzard for a while now
manufactured for oral creampie
we think they should have shown gameplay by now and that its absence is deafening
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Told myself that I would buy the Premium if I reached lvl 90. So I did it. But the fact that you only get 700 plat back is insane. Every other Battle pass give back the same amount of Plat for the battlepass. Feel bad man. Also, 15CAD$ for it is pretty pricey
They can suck a big smelly cock if they don't show enough and SOON
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Bros I was fighting a necro yesterday who was using blood wave, but it was bright neon green and did tons of damage. What was he doing? Mostly curious why it was green, I've never seen that before. I didn't get any screenshots
Raxx is going to show an hour's worth of gameplay after the premiere.
they already showed some gameplay
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>mfw when no sleo spirit
Holy. Shit. I will buy the ultimate edition of the expansion now. As long as she expands her tits and thighs on my face.
the duality of man
I'm in love.
>lots of killstreaks
I wish they would add this back from D3 desu, hope that was an inadvertent leak
>Gorilla Warfare
I'm honestly pretty impressed so far, I think it looks much better than I thought it would
Unfortunately I am in "meh" state. Maybe I need to play it to get the feel.
>Melee Hunter / Monk
"THE core skill"
We are doomed
gorilla smashing mobs was cool, but does it move with char or it's static skill aka useless
other than that..
Can I get a qrd sis?
That wouldn't make it useless and we also haven't seen anything about aspects and uniques and how they would change the skill
Sexo confirmed.
Alright now I am out from "meh" and into "ok this ain't bad at all"
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based and agreed with D4 devs, FUCK paladins
They said referred to an ability as THE core skill for an aspect. There are 4 aspects, meaning likely 4 core skills.
So they probably aren't adding many skills to other classes. Game is doomed

Nevermind game saved
>work gorillion of years on new never before seen class in d4
>yeah cool but where's paladin
devs literally seething rn
lmao, what a bunch of fucking idiots. imagine anyone giving a shit about their favela niggers larping as jaguar warriors.
Can he use Shields?
they wrote like
>new skills, paraboards, glyphs for all classes

probably like 1-3 each and 1-2 of them are "good"
Fuck this bitch outta the stream, I can't concentrate to the new class with the fat titted cutie there.
Pretty sure they are hinting that Spiritborn will come to Diablo Immortal
God, Diablo 4 is so boring with its presentations. POE announcements are much more exciting. Its too much talking and enough showing. I still haven't see anything making this expansion worth playing.
Remember they are gripped by the balls on Microsofts behalf so they are obliged to do this boring shit
I would rather kill myself than play poopE, it's so fucking boring and stale
It feels like they don't even believe in what they are showing. Such low energy. "its so unique and so fresh" "inspirational points" "it redefines that space"

Like what the fuck are these buzzwords.
"We know what works"
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>i love the poison its sick
>The gorilla is so cool
>the eagle flies so high
You hit the nail on the head, I personally do believe some of them are actually hyped but since their balls are being crushed by overlords they have certain parameters they have to play in, words and whatever fucking kikery they pull in Microshaft HQ
I hate having to watch e-celebs but I am watching rax and whoever has gameplay going on rn.
I like the music much better and I hope that is representative of the expansion as a whole. The first game had shit music with no beat or tempo
asmon hated it
What does he not hate expect Trump?
dat cat mount is so fast... you just zoom tru all the environment
Raxx confirming spiritborn uniques will be "build-defining" like tempest roar for druid at launch. Blizzard are fucking morons they just spent a year unfucking that "RNG determines what build you're allowed to play" game design
its nice
hope they are more versions
can't wait to play Harambe build
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>if we cry hard enough, we will get Paladin
How hard do we gotta cry?
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the trailer was so fucking shit, if you're not going to bother with a full blown CGI just have a dev voice some ingame footage, this felt more like an overwatch hero trailer than anything else despite kids dying in it
icing on cake it's just a lesser witch doctor and monk in terms of aesthetics and gameplay
So I have to buy the expansion to play the new class? Does it not become baseline for the main game?
Is it a joke? Do you seriously think paying $80 for the base game was enough? You will pay another $40 to play a class that is totally not like something they would make for Immortal and you will like it. At least say thanks they don't force you to buy battle pass every season along with a new cosmetics for your horse every other week
been this way since Diablo 2 lil bro
yesterday when raxx was streaming with frens, i learned that macro is a hornlet like me
link to the secret blood wave build?
yea the bloodwave build with the bright neon green
Diablo 1*
logged in yesterday for the first time in weeks and had fun playing for a few minutes until i realized i needed hundreds of millions of gold for re-rolls and so i logged back out
>promoted by big titty Brazilian slampig
>spiritborn armor is pure slutmog
we are so back
If you're lucky you can find a few GAs that will sell 20-30mil gold per. Personally, I got lucky as fuck finding a 3 GA Flay pants that sold for 450mil and was set for life. Alternatively, you can sell royal ruby or sapphire too.
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breeding hips
Disgusting. But I guess we have to accept hornlets now too.
She is fucking gorgeous. Shame I hadb't heard of her before. The class seems decent too, need to play it to see.
Someone request follow on her ig and see if she is accepting new followers.
Worse than a monk in every way and the worst part is that it isn't a paladin. Mobile tier joke of a class. What the hell are these bozos doing, don't they see microshit closing studios down?
>Let me tell you how this thing I have never played is bad
peak 4chan
>watches Raxx play for 2-hours
>now knows everything about this new class in every way
Classic 4chan poster, time to die /d4g/.
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Tyrael's daughter.
How the actual fuck did I run out of veiled crystals. Between this and gold with masterworking, how has anyone got to 12/12.
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diablo 4 is so bad kek
epic, bro dude
Where the fuck was the Spiritborn female yesterday? I only saw the male. Is she some tranny ugloid?
Listen d4 sisters, i was about to just post " HAHAHAHHA" but i feel sorry for those that are still playing...
With less than three weeks until Season 5 begins, you're only playing with 95% of the playerbase as most are playing something else. The playerbase is so dead I saw someone trying to BUY capstone runs when early-mid season people were offering free capstone runs out of boredom. With the remaining 5%, you have to hope you get lucky and find 1GA or 2GA to sell to them, but the 5% are mostly poorfags in dire need of veil crystals, angelbreaths, or gold. That means you are selling these GAs are low prices which likely won't cover the Masterwork costs. Oh but you can sell all your loot and do whispe- OH WAIT the only way to get rares beside dungeon running are by salvaging rares that also one of the two ways of making gold SSF. What I'm getting at is late season players have it rough, you're at the near end of a life cycle and I can imagine Blizz have SSF players low priority because making gold is painfully difficult with how much it requires to 12/12 masterwork.
>spirit realm bullshit just took a huge steaming log on diablo lore
paycheck thieves devs i hope they get fired
The spirit realm existed from the times of diablo 3, it's nothing new.
Looks good but I’m still not gonna play it. I gave blizzard enough chances.
how did 1 poe league manage to mog an entire expansion of diablo 4?
pretty sure it was in the Diablo novel that released before D3
>Here's your reskinned druid bro look at all those spirit animals
Who the fuck asked for this lol lmao.
blizzard likes to add unpopular races/classes to its games just to add more woke shit in their game. they also do this with wow. they picked the spiritborn probably because they needed a class that fits the jungle nigger aesthetic.
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why does no one give a shit about the d4 expansion? the poe league stream has 400k views while the d4 expansion stream has 45k views.
why is interest so low.
because it's lame. the poe league has 5 times the content of the diablo expansion
ngl it doesnt look good for us, bros. a regular normal 3 month league in poe 1 gets more and interesting content than we get in this 40$ expansion.
unironically, have the announced all the features of the expansion? i know about raids and the new class, but nothing else?
1 new world area, 1 new class, 1 new town, 1 new world boss, mercs, 1 raid (which is going to be modified in a way for solo players) and 1 new skill for each class.
it's grotesque.
I unironically hope they get rid of the raid shit. I play arpg's specifically because they arent mmorpgs. why would they add forced party content in that genre.
kinda lackluster
i guess they want diablo 4 to be an mmo-lite arpg lol. anyway, i hope they show something else or the expansion is going to flop hard
it's over
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I think Spiritborn uses the same model as Rogue.
Hard to tell without a side view to see if SB is thicker
Abs don't show up very well in Blender due to shaders not being set up right.
>i guess they want diablo 4 to be an mmo-lite arpg lol
You mean like lost ark? The thing they said they were comparing themselves to leading up to release?
rogues have smaller saggy tits and the spiritborn has much wider hips ya blind retard
I don't even know what the diablo 4 expansion adds other than the Spiritmonk. Did they even reveal new endgame content yet? What about the other classes are they getting new skills? The POE announcement added so much cool shit. Anyone that is a POE player knows how hype this new league is going to be. There is nothing that hypes me for diablo 4. Blizzard needs a better marketing team.
tranny pandering, the damage was done and 95% of the initial player base simply left
are they still doing that? dressing with tranny merch and shit while discussing some gimmick no one asked for? roflmao DEI and ESG destroying everything once again
What was tranny pandering this time around?
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woah that's heckin based totally FREE
dae know what the $90 supporter pack is like, I usually only get the $60 pack but this time I think I'm gonna sploooorge
People are weirdly defensive about the spiritborn vs paladin/crusader stuff.
Talking to people from wow guild, play Druid/pally, say I'm not very interested maybe if the reviews are great or game goes on big sell ill give it a try.
Person starts in about why spiritborn is the right call. That's cool but I like the heavily armored, defensive archetype. PoE I play long neck saggy nuts, last epoch beast master druid and forge guard.
Fucking lady keeps going about me playing white classes, point out epoch sentinel is black.
>hes white coded
Saw the same defensiveness on reddit and wowhead.
Maybe storyline it is the right call, but I give zero fucks about that after the first playthrough.
I like the character archetype I like. Barb doesn't feel the same to me.
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Needs more cute females.
If they won't even acknowledge Malthael they will never acknowledge Leah.
D4 bad, D4 dogshit.

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