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Previous thread: >>486457439
Happy birthday Bagpipe!

LoneTrail Live Action fan movie: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Rx4y1x7K9/

[7/5-7/19][Standard]6* Defender Eunectes, 6* Caster Carnelian (Shop), 5* Caster Corroserum, 5* Specialist Almond, 5* Sniper Toddifons (Shop)
[7/9-7/23][Ray of Light]6* Sniper Ray, 5* Caster Warmy, 5* Mulberry
[7/9-7/23][EPOQUE]Reed the Flame Shadow, Mint
[7/9-7/23][0011 Re-edition]Kroos the Keen Glint skin
[7/18-7/28]Where Vernal Winds Will Never Blow Rerun - Jieyun skin
[7/18-8/1][0011 Re-edition]Ling, Dusk, Cantabile, Mulberry, Mr. Nothing, FEater

[7/4-7/18][Standard]6* Guard Zuo Le, 6* Specialist Dorothy (Shop), 5* Guard Akafuyu, 5* Defender Bassline, 5* Supporter Proviso (Shop)
[7/9-7/23][Clear like Hearts; True like Reflections]6* Caster Nymph, 5* Vanguard Mitm, 5* Vanguard Blacknight
[7/9-7/23][Coral Coast]Reed The Flameshadow, Typhon, Proviso, Totter
[7/9-7/23][Coral Coast & EPOQUE Re-Edition]Saileach, Stainless, Beeswax; Astgenne
[7/16-7/30][Joint Action]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 6* Guard Qiubai, 6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Defender Aurora, 5* Defender Cement, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Supporter Windflit

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
Cute mint kitten!
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Theresis, THERESIS!!
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Doctor, DOCTOR!!
My wives (yes Grani too)
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This thread will not be better
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most waifubros (that's why the threads are full of shippers now, the people who opposed them are gone)
gameplaybros (wisadel killed the gameplay and HG doesn't make difficult content anymore)
lorebros (Victoria arc and Endfield raped the story and lore)
My soulmate...
What the fuck are these filenames anyways?
EoS soon...
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Kill yourself :)
kill yourself doomfag
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Consider rats.
His soulmate...
He got it right on the money.
A series of numbers.
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it really has been a shitstorm since wuhlter
I honestly didn't expect that
Less coomposting is good actually
Walter killed the game. Where are we going now?
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My wives
That's not allowed
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Just become a niceposter
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My asky wasky...
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Sona feet
Waifufags are still the majority of people, there's just shitposters that get a response and /akg/ somehow never learned to ignore them
My wives (except Reed she's gross)
umm...cheesed to meet you
Soan fight!
>waifubros, gameplaybros, and lorebros
Yep. Friendly, on topic, and they love the game. Can't argue with any of those nominees.
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Any chessbros here know if this is a significant game or if one side is winning/losing?
Since the white king is in check I assume it's his turn, he has double stacked pawns is there a tactic I'm not seeing here?
t. like 1200 computer elo
Wait ALL the chinky doragons are festival limited?
Crazy expensive exodia team holy hell.
Don't worry, Nian is getting cheaper. Then Dusk (I know how much everyone wants to waste rolls and mats on Dusk)
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That's racist.
I remember we had a huge thread of it being examined, essentially it was like Doc could've won ages ago but purposely made it a draw assuming it was an optimally played game
It's a stalemate, this has been said many times already. Just go read the break the ice archives.
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I WILL steal Delpipi's hat and one of her shoes.
No, it's just a replica of a famous game. It's not that deep.
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It was inevitable.
what did he mean by this
Damn, I have to go find it, that sounds fun as hell
It's not a stalemate, Silverash has Kf1
What the fuck is this Worldly Plight autism for the base skills and why do the most random operators have it?
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But it's okay because it's the dragons.
Bringing Gladiia with Ulpipi though, that's just cope and waste of slots
what game I wanna see
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>grani too
But as per our agreement with the abyssal hunters you must take skadi too.
carol is there too for some reason or another
cliffheart's S2 plays the activation noise every time you push it, even if she has no targets available. when the automatic activation hits it plays the sound dozens of times in a split second
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It's a grandmasters game where SA could stall forever so it has to be declared a draw. It's significance is explained by sa talking about his plan shortly where he points out he technically won but not like he planned.
I meant stalemate as in the regular definition. By Chess terminology, it's a "Draw".
fuck off
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HG, please
Carol is fine
Skadi can go stare at a wall or something
AK plagiarism at it's finest
Oh yeah didnt she show up again in an omnibus or something?
What crack was HG smoking when they made the Kazimierz 'synergy'? This shit does synergize at all
Making a reference isn't plagiarism
HG are big westaboos, it's not plagiarism.
This is sick, thanks
There is nothing wrong with shipping
I don't care if an autist starts shrieking about it the same way I don't care if he's bothered by the way a wrapper crinkles.
Gameplaybros play niches, those niches are either unaffected by Wuh or they can just have the self-control to not use them. If your definition of gameplaybro is a metamaxxer, then you should be happy that hg finally gave them something that optimises the gameplay out of the game.
Have you just been ignoring the lore/character discussions that occur here because you don't like them or what?
Neck yourself.
IS5 was supposed to save us
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I coomed to this today
what's the lore on there being a tall Closure and a short Closure
The players are all guidefags, did you think the developers weren't?
She's fast
>There is nothing wrong with shipping
Unless it is being done in bad faith.
Gnosis is somehow the biggest team player in the whole Kjerag faction
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>There is nothing wrong with shipping
You are playing a waifu jpeg self insert gambling game for lonely coomer men. This is just not the place for that at all, and you should go play another game. Don't cry when people shit on you for bringing tumblr shit here.
But for you just posting ship art is something done in bad faith
Doctor she's just moving around fast, there aren't two Closures
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I have no idea!
wonder if they are gonna put her back in her old clothes or something close after victoria like they did with amiya.
kill yourself K
>no marriage mechanic
>no love mechanic, only "trust"
>fewer than 10 characters show explicit romantic interest in the player, out of a roster of 300+
>no dating mechanic
even zzz lets you take characters out on dates...
The fuck did I do?
Yeah that's why a male (Logos) is the most popular operator right?
unfortunately, the decided to solve Arknights and created Walter. They also deleted old CC.
So now CC, the hardest content in the game, is gone, and now high ascension is effectively over too. The game is piss easy. Harold was supposedly the most difficult content left, and that was nothing.
I don't care for the kvetching of retards. What are they gonna do? Seethe harder?
Go play Nikke or Blue Archive or any game where your faceless protag actually fucks their characters. I heard Uma Musume is getting an English release.
You better be ready to back those words L
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I used to abuse it before I gave up on Base autism. very effective outputs, but required a large Control Center roster and bizarre selection of 6*s.
not recommended
>But for you
No? I quite enjoy ines with hoederer and yato with my boy noir.
But when it comes to things like blemishine with mlynar or arturia with executor it is almost exclusively posted here to make people upset.
Just stating the obvious.
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you weren't supposed to point that out
Some of those lonely coomer males are gay/bisexual.
Holy retard
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i NEED to touch it
dr. a? i saw you getting buggered by dr. f in a storage closet
dr. e wrote this
When should the next Ray banner be expected? I want to Pot5 her.
Im a dude but honestly?
I'd make logos my wife.
80% of the playerbase is gay or a woman
>The disingenuous shitposters are fighting eachother again
They just got done calling eachother sanjay....
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Pretty good story, what am I in for with the sequel? All I know about it is that it's super long
Arknights is a game for women and homosexuals?
>(Logos) is the most popular operator
She'll be on the standard banner in around 6 months
She'll be buyable with cash next May
She'll be in the shop in like 2 years or whatever
every time it is explained why shippers are hated, you always immediately point to some other game and insinuate that they are better and you are doing this as a sort of punishment/trolling. This doesn't help your case, just solidifies you lot as trolls.
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W-what... I just spent all my rolls that's why I ask.
her banner is still active, just use THAT
Rude, don't touch her flower
He triggered you so hard you're just spamming now.
kys tranny
Which operators fuck each other?
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I have no idea how you think using danbooru of all things is a way to measure popularity
Really? A western site that doesn't upload thousands of stuff from chinese websites?
There's no statistic for that, you're talking out of your ass.
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Texasbros, we made it.
Next you're going to tell me Ganyu is the most popular Genshin Impact character, or that Asuna is the most popular Blue Archive character
Yeah, she showed up but I don't remember where. I think she got tangled up with Tola or something
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Brb gonne deflower pallas
>using some backwater femoind infested chink site is better
might as well ask reddit next time
IC and canon
you made lil bro mad lmao
didnt you post this bait yesterday?
If you're gonna use fanart as a measure of popularity, don't be a coward and ignore thousands of fanarts produced on multiple other websites.
You may not like it but that "femoid infested chink site" is the target audience
The way this thread is going and the last one went is the reason we are dying. Nobody want to hop in and see this shit.
Are we ready for the Perfumer x Flamebringer summer banner?
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Do you see how much repeated bait is being posted?
Do you see how many (You)'s it still gets?
It's free real estate
and nobody wants to see you spamming ooc art
>don't be a coward and ignore thousands of fanarts produced on multiple other websites.
then do it yourself, lazy faggot
burden of proof is on you
Nta but it's a fair argument when you're trying to use a chinky popularity poll as your evidence
He's going to start replying to himself now.
I do believe he did
frankly all shipfags have to be trannies or the most emasculated men on this general
I just cant see normal (for 4chan) people being... that
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Pallas plz stop
The reason we're dying is cause there's been so many new games recently meanwhile Arknights is just realising garbage slop like Walter that got everyone mad and flops like Ray, Ascalon, Ulpianus and forcing the shitty Sarkazslop storyline
ok then what measure do you use to say Logos is the most popular, your discord poll?
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>anything happend
shut up
Well the shitposting will be next level if it's true, it'll make all we've being going through look like a warm up
It's funny because it's also true
im out of loop, was it leaked or something?
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Operator W has been given an alt, and IS5 has been released.
State your final wish.
Flush this general
Aak alt
fake leak
all we have for the summer event is a single somewhat sargonian sounding music track
Old meme leak got resurrected and passed around because summer is rumored to be Minos
Global EoS let it end
Post snek
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More WAmiyatent
>somewhat sargonian sounding
Please select one for your summer limited unit:
[ ] 6* Tomimi alt
[ ] 6* Inam
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what was last snake operators you guys raised
i bet you didnt raise one
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oh not jungle sargon
desert sargon
I am filled with endless hatred, I want nothing more than for the fires of hell to consume everyone and reveal that heaven is a myth just to see everyone suffer eternally
Operators we hate?
When are we getting summer event news, this weekend?
none in particular
None :), zzzbro.
No, it's too late for a stream announcement.
Stream should be on the 27th/28th.
>average shipfag after insisting they are innocent funposters

dunno if I've even raised any others
Surely IS5 is just as hard as previous IS iterations
Umm, excuse me,but its not "we". Dont count me as a part of your hivemind for I am individualist capable of critical thinking and forming my own opinions without being influenced by shitposters or youtubers like
They're the root of all evil
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Snek problems.
Umm, excuse me,but its not "we". Dont count me as a part of your hivemind for I am individualist capable of critical thinking and forming my own opinions without being influenced by shitposters or youtubers like
>Story section takes longer than the stage.
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A thread's quality can be measured by using the Mumu Hate Index. The more posters express hatred towards Mumu, the lower the quality of the thread.
I will never forgive shipfags for ruining the good name of Andoain. He was well liked here until those troglodytes got their grubby mitts on him and relentlessly shitposted with him until he was reviled.
hoederer speedo skin
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Doctor's slampig.
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>Umm, excuse me,but its not "we". Dont count me as a part of your hivemind for I am individualist capable of critical thinking and forming my own opinions without being influenced by shitposters or youtubers like
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This is true btw.
fuck this is actually right
This piece of shit's release is when things truly started going slowly downhill. And no, she isn't some peak either.
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Okay but what about the measurement of how much Muelsyes hates me?
Mumu really makes trannies seethe for some reason. She's based.
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>Sputnik runes
I will never forgive waifufags for ruining the good name of Andoain. He was well liked here until those troglodytes started becoming afraid of him and relentlessly shitposted him until he was reviled.
nobody ever talked about him before shitposting started tho, you should thank them for making everyone remember he exists
>it was the Andyfag the whole time
damn didn't see that coming
I always disliked him though
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She reminds them that they will never be a cute girl who people say yes to.
It all makes sense now
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Yes indeed
Both sneks are useless. No hating, but with their shitty mechanics they are dissapointing waste of good waifu material,
They're just upset Fia wants him
I'd rather he be forgotten
>everyone i don't like is a tranny
Quit projecting, faggot.
i think she is cute
her song that was sung by her VA is nice
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Why are they shitposting at three in the morning?
I thought her name is the international problem.
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Andoain thread?!
>Stage takes longer than the story section
but we like him here?
What the fuck did you mean by this?
And so they reveal themselves.
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Who would've guessed one of our chronic shitposters was also a different chronic shitposter
I am relatively proud that people arent taking his bait today for the most part though.
Good job Doctors.
Euros might be major shitposters but these are probably SEAmonkeys, well either that or burgers
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case in point, >>486500880 tranny is LIVID.
and the tranny shows itself
you mean SEA
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WOAH, five whole posts
>this poll again
I suggest using 2 devices to samefag or else post timer gives you away
You mean USA
I hope you burn in hell
>waste of good waifu material,
Genuinely get taste
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Why is everyone so mean today?
Calm down Andysister! I don't want you to 41% yourself... that would be awful.
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Guys, remember don't let the loneliness stop you from being kind
That's not a nice thing to say
if you dont ship why are you here
i'd agree but unfortunately i've fallen for the fat snake memes.
What are you talking about people are taking the bait right now
>5 posts with wildly different filenames
I swear every archive detective post is worse than the last. These are not the "gotcha" moments you think they are.
They're always fucking mean, they're schizos
your parents dont love you
Because I love my waifu and I'm playing a waifu simulator game.
I ship my wife with me, the Doc.
Post ship content (you) made
the death of /akg/...
How mean
You dont need to respond to the bait guys...
You were doing so well too.
>had to reply to this post 3 times out of butthurt already
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Surely Peppe will save us!
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Be kind.
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What makes him so powerful
I honestly wouldnt mind that banner
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Stop samefagging
You weren't supposed to say it out loud dumdum, it makes people start samefagging.
Well how about you actually have something to talk about then
Elfposters are known seafags
birdfuckers are always the most powerful people
I liked it more when we were dead
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stop the count
I finally unlocked the ocean background, and you guys were right, the music and atmosphere is beautiful. I'm about to get the IS4 UI in a few more ranks, and I think it will look good with the theme.
Sadly yes
I see the anon was rotating through his shitposts and stopped on andoaine when he got a bite.
Loving and cherishing Ascalon
Dr. M.... post Skadoo and save us.
Doc was built to fuck pink/red haired sarkaz girls
I think the only confirmed seafags were indigofag and the one susiefag who posted his ip in a ban message
endfield will save us
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Clear the story you lazy oldstinky
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I'm sorry Skadibro
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all previous wishes now do the exact opposite of what was wished.
this should cause the monkey paw to explode since it's goal is to have a negative result regardless of other factors.
reminder that Dr. E owes all of us sex.
Because the reason itself is laughable and the >explanation itself is delivered in a childish and overly hostile manner by autists who are physically unable to ignore posts they don't like. Me saying I don't care what you think isn't >trolling, it's me not caring.
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news next week, trust the plan
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I know... I keep getting all the mats I need from IS and putting off the story. Bad habit.
How long do u wait for someone to come back before deleting them from friend list?
a week
please log in
1 month
I don't delete someone if they have a support I want
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goodnight akg
You are not even replying to what I said. People tell you that Arknights is a waifu gacha game, and your response is to IMMEDIATELY bring up Nikke/BA/AL/whatever and say those games are the good waifu games, and everyone else here is wrong and you are entitled to spam your trash here due to that. You are clearly bringing up your personal hatred of Arknights in that statement, which shows you are nefariously posting shippershit, which discredits you as a troll, you are admitting you're trolling.
If you have nothing else to say to refute that, then the conversation is over. You saying you don't care just means you are a bitch and don't have any more arguments.
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>fishspam hours
Gooning /akg/
who should we ship ascalon with?
nta but meds
*bites your favorite operator*
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>Honse eating chick.webm
need this in english
that video is so fucked up. I can't believe they just do that.
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Your precious source founder sucks ass
Too gay
>People tell you that Arknights is a waifu gacha game
people always deflect when you point out it has no marriage mechanic, no love mechanic, no dating mechanic, and only a tiny fraction of the characters are romantically invested in the player, and an even tinier fraction actually act on those feelings
Can we go back to shitting on Siege or something?
>it has no marriage mechanic, no love mechanic, no dating mechanic
and why does it need those things? does FGO have those things?
There's 1.5 obsessive LogosxAscalon Shippers on lofter/Weibo. Your best bet for trolling is some Korean chicken going insane and producing a thousand AscalonxTheresis works though.
FGO is old as fuck
fgo is omnipandering lol
Breeding Franka.
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Bro says tiny fraction and it's like 30%
Fertilizing Fiammettaseggs...

Okay, and?
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More than any attempts at shiptrolling I fear Ascalon's scenes getting cut from the anime.
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Week for randoms, month for anons.
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Leizi microbikini
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Kill seaborns. Behead seaborns. Roundhouse kick a seaborn into the concrete. Slam dunk a seaborn into the trashcan. Crucify filthy seaborns. Launch seaborns into the sun. Stir fry seaborns in a wok. Toss seaborns into active volcanoes. Judo throw seaborns into a wood chipper. Twist seaborns heads off. Report seaborns to the Inquisition. Karate chop seaborns in half. Trap seaborns in quicksand. Crush seaborns in the trash compactor. Liquefy seaborns in a vat of acid. Dissect seaborns. Exterminate seaborns in the gas chamber. Stomp seaborns skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate seaborns in the oven. Vaporize seaborns with a lamp. Slice seaborns with a rapier.
>implying shitoria will get animated
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What's the point of rolling W'alter when almost everyone is going to have her on support?
I liked you until I learned you are a discordfag...
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>Normal posting
>Shit posting
>Doom posting
>Normal posting
>You are not even replying to what I said.
I did, learn to read.
>People tell you that Arknights is a waifu gacha game, and your response is to IMMEDIATELY bring up Nikke/BA/AL/whatever and say those games are the good waifu games,
Those games directly pander to what you described.
>and everyone else here is wrong and you are entitled to spam your trash here due to that.
No, people blow a gasket over what should be a nothingburger. You getting irrationally angry over it is somehow my fault, apparently.
>You are clearly bringing up your personal hatred of Arknights in that statement, which shows you are nefariously posting shippershit, which discredits you as a troll, you are admitting you're trolling.
You're making shit up to be mad at. I genuinely like the game and characters. It's why I fucking ship them.
>If you have nothing else to say to refute that, then the conversation is over. You saying you don't care just means you are a bitch and don't have any more arguments.
No, it's called live and let live. Adults are able to ignore shit they don't like. Are you physically unable to understand that?
Endfield is dead in the water like seriously HG is cooked if they think that game won't die within a year
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I am not. In fact, i lurk in silence here most of the time, and lowkey promoting my bird love agenda
>It's why I fucking ship them.
omg I cringed just reading that. No way you are a man, no fucking way. Begs the question, why the fuck do we have literal femoids and troons here? I blame Genshit for this.
that is a different birdfag you are thinking of iirc
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Lapp alter will save /akg/
what class would Inam even be, take the 6* Chain Medic bullet for the team so Misery or Eblana doesn't have to be a Chain Medic?
Thank god
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Post cute.
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>I genuinely like the game and characters
>It's why I fucking ship them
Hard to believe when you need to mischaracterize them for shipping
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True. Rolling for her will be especially irrelevant in IS5 where I can break the game in half with someone else's W with no negative consequences
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I'm rolling on W banner so i can spark regular W.
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Wait a minute, this is my post.
Why are you reposting my shitty frogpost?
>why the fuck do we have literal femoids and troons here?
Elon took over twitter, Ligmites brought in even more, and finally people like DLanon spread akgcc all over.
They don't play the game, they don't read the story, they fail to realize why people don't like them shipping random characters together that have no romantic feelings, synergy, or even relation between each other whatsoever.
Shippers basically take a huge shit on the game and characters, then get mad people hate them for it.
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I think doctor should spend some quality time with the reserve operators
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i ship sora and sexas
>DLanon spread akgcc all over
Give me the quick rundown. What happened with akgcc?
i think doc should keep the helmet off and lose the shirt
Story reader got spread around I assume
It's just not le secret website from the dark website 4chan anymore
It's the best story reader so it got spread around a lot and indirectly invited a lot of people who seethe over waifufags and autists to akg
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So Sanjay made this all along? Welp, the more you know
OOC operator when
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That's really sad, it was one of the best things that came from /akg/.
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Operators that should be huge and massive? what are some operators that would be improved by being giant, haha
Literally nothing about it changed, anon is just angry more people are aware it exists.
Stop mischaracterizing Arknights characters, we need to show them respect.
*makes 2 dozen posts about how Texas is an extremely horny housewife or how Reed is a slut*
el grande silencio...
akgcc is for /akg/, it's literally in the name.
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Deggy Weggy cute!
It's a public website for anyone to use.
but Reed IS a slut?
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I don't have any ak giantess pics, sorry.
I can think of several operators that should have been around 210cm
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Death is not even worth remembering, but the agony before that? Man, i wish i could be a walking euthanasia
Shut the fuck up Mandy, it's 4AM
and who the fuck are you speaking for? Where do you come from?
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It's okay, i only have a few of certain operators
Hoshi is a good choice, any particular reason why?
Name Every Operator, Doctor
lmao anyone got that post about arguing in /akg/? the one with the ch'en rabi
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Fug slugs
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I follow this guide every day, and it works every fucking time.
Yes, I guidefag my posts.
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It's a public website for anyone to use. That is what it is.
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Maybe preistess wasnt all that bad...
dangerously accurate, smart rabiposter
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Hate this artist tho
Because he drew Theresa with a tiny left arm?
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Mostly just that I want the "big" woman to actually be big(ie bigger then me)
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Just painfully SEA
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Logos' mom
Giantbro how's life as a carnival sideshow
Has got it going on
Why would anyone want to see docs frail and likely scarred body?
Dude is super weak, likely super light and easy to throw around too.
We are getting quite a few moms recently
or atleast in recent memory
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Being 191 isn't that remarkable where I'm from.
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And that's a good thing
>Letos mom
>Logos mom
>Mousses mom
any other living moms we have seen?
Game needs more auto offensive skills and permanent activation skills
Suzumom soon
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Theresis took my bun from me.
I will burn this world down and start anew.
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Folinic's mom
Gladidi's mom
No he didn't, what are you talking about Doctor? Are you ok?
The game would be saved from EoS if Amiya was a haughty ojou sama type
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Petting the goat...
Doctor, I think you've been listening to too many folk tales from operator Nymph. Your assistant has been changed to operator Kal'tsit until your mental state improves.
I think he mixed something with his usual sanity potion.
>Gladidi's mom
Oh yeah her

>Folinic's mom
I asked for living...
Pallas at da piano, what song will she play?
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drunkenly mashing on keys followed by 4:33 (she passes out)
Schubert Fantasie in f
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Good night, sirs. I'm going to bed.
I thought she was alive, huh
It's like 10AM for him
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Doctor, I've noticed a sharp increase in both applications and hirings of female operators within an age group that was labeled "experienced" in their resume. May I inquire why? Must I remind you that I am also a couple millenium old? I frankly don't think these operators have lived or experienced life for as long I as have. Or perhaps is there something else you are approving them for?
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Did you read the name on those applications and hirings?
Those were all fakes I planted with your name.
X was the best FF. Don't @me
So what did we learn today?
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The good girls will tame Arturia.
I love delpipi
But Kal our most recent hires are an ancient ghost in a metal body and a young, inexperienced, pink haired sarkaz girl?
Why are Amiyafags like this?
Because they are emasculated sissies who think mary sues are good character writing
Logos, the doctor's bot is talking to itself again
I love reed
Never tell folk tales to Doctor, he's so schizophrenic he will start acting like they actually happened and proceed to wreak havoc because of them
It's 10:52 pm here in Canada, sir.
Dont let Doctor near sarkaz women.
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How do you stop sarkaz women from getting near Doctor?
Why is reed such a fucking retard? I don't even think ceobe is this stupid
Doctor WILL get raped later
we kill them
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The answer is quiet simple.
Global saturation of originium across all of Terra.
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you cant
just accept doctor belongs to the sarkaz
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Careful, Doc
In certain learned circles, the Doctor's existence is used as evidence of intelligent design. To these people, there is no other possible reason for one man to be so perfectly compatible with Sarkaz biology.
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I'm watching the anime. Damn, I'm badass.
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Fake news
Doctor would never stick his dick in a filthy demon
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We have sharks at home
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Is Shining worth buying from the shop in this day in age? I mostly use Lumen and NG and the next best standard medic I have is Warf. I just don't know if she's really useful for much (outside of her sex skin).
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I find it kinda funny how zero respect is ever given to Pith outside her files.
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i'd breed with this one.
The anime perfect encapsulates what it is to be a Doctor fan, they get one cool moment where you're tricked into thinking that they'll be a great character before they fade into the background for like 95% of the story
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Despite shitposting and memes she's still the best source of extra effective hp vs non-Arts (including vs true damage)
She's good as long as HG keeps being weird about operator defense.
Nyot really
Why the fuck are we so punished anyway? We're at the head of Rhodes Island and get no content.
Why do you think Kal'tsit took us to Aegir with her? Because she knew the consequences of letting us go to Kazdel.
I have seen some shit, yet this smiling Lava is the most uncanny, fundamentally *incorrect* thing I've witnessed in months.
Guess the game really is good at conveying character at the end of the day, because that image glitches my mind in a funny way, with how used I am to Lava being Lava
stop breeding penance
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Doc is just a guy in the story
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Pith is one of the living elites that hasnt had any screentime with doc right?
Pith and Radian?
Touch assisted in doc saving plat if only for a moment and Stormeye debriefed with kal and doc in manticores oprec.
Mechanist was in LT as docs guard and Sharp was the same role in BTI.
Logos is in main story with Misery.
Wonder what Piths personal opinion of Doctor is considering he killed theresa and she was one of the only Babel era Elites still alive.
i filled penance with some really thick baby batter
Too bad she can't get pregnant
She probably got pregnant
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I love young sarkaz girls.
We should hire more of them, preferably pink haired ones.

Pith and Mantra you mean?
>shows up
>does nothing
>constant hinderance on other useful operators
>everybody in rhodes island still loves him
how does he do it?
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He doesn't do that third thing
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Pith's only screen time is saying RI should kill the montis in chapter 8(?) and a mention is some caster's file.
Because doctor is actually a boon on almost all the missions he personally comes to command?
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I hope her and nymph become friends
which operator would willingly get the poop surgery
ooc ooc
The what?
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I love delpipi
Wonder what her sister looks like
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Tks for existing so that I can M6 you
our sharks don't even have tails...
Rhodes Island just has poor horn and tail accomodation for their clothes
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Rhode Island Missions only succeed due to the Doctor's exemplary tactical genius
surgery which grafts poop into your body for ever
wasnt rhodes island practically falling apart at the seams before doctor was woken up?
We literally see how Ascalon in the same image has no such issues.
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Its the braid
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>tfw finally found my lost wallet with over $2k inside
FUCK im in a good mood
Try to ruin it /akg/ I dare you
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>Watched a short video about Dung Eater in the hit game Elden Ring
>Realized soul jelly actually had a legit cultural context and origin
your ugleh
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Nah, im glad you found your wallet anon.
Hope you have a good rest of the day too.
He's just a little guy
Ascalon's hood is custom-made
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*walks in* haroo~
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Congrats Hoyabro
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im not
thanks doctor
sexy wexy time
>She looked back at the Great Furnace without Revenants, and the exterior of the furnace seemed no different from before, but "Ananna" was burning quietly inside. Energy flowed from the Great Furnace into every node furnace. Nymph felt the city's breath from the flickering flames; it was a city that would never stop growing. Her blood was ancient, but she was resilient.
Isn't Ananna the name of the special admin privileges rock that Theresis got in chapter 14? What's it doing in the furnace?
ho'ol sisters..
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good job lad
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Both at the same time
I still can't find my tubular key and I've ordered 3 replacements but none work
*shrugs* The furnace was used to power the Shard so it's likely Theresis planned to use it to do whatever his plan was.
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I'm posting it.
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heres your summer event leak
but why?
>Lungmen slop forced in Sargontent
It'll be really funny if Theresis goes to all this trouble to make the rock only to instantly get mugged at the start of chapter 15.
I swear if doctor goes to gavials hometown again only to come back with more women im having him snipped
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Have your cake
I'll eat it too
Dungeon Meshi next
You're welcome
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The doctor looks like THIS?
It's true. I do look like that.
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Doc looks like this
Chink assume he gets abducted into originium or possessed by it.
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>keeping 2000usd in your wallet
how dumb?
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I will now proceed to pleasure myself with this elf
No wonder SilverAsh wants to fuck you
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All Lupo operators would be improved as Perros.
Gladiia alter vs Gavial alter?!?!
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asky wasky
we want you to get wasked?
Oh no
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so how many here will go ALL IN on dungeon meshi characters pot 6?
All Perro operators would be improved as Lupos.
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summertent do be silly like that
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potato farmer wife
That dude who threw the still alive fish to the crocs must be a psychopath.
Fish don't have feelings
Why does this elf look excited
why would i do that when im saving for frostnova pot 6?
A lot of people in the world don't consider fish on the same level as other animals
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I don't like Marcille and there's not way Laios would be a class that needs pots, so there's no way.
Fish are exempt from animal rights
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How is it different from feeding snakes live mice?
Don't snakes reject or have issues with dead mice?
its consensual
Fish can't kill the crocs
I want shu already bwos
Assuming that they follow through with the DM collab.
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feeding fresh quality food to your beloved crocwives instead of processed slop is not psychopathic behavior
Does ho'ol actually have a snake tongue? Or is it fake news like Mostima's blue tongue?
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im going all in on the elf
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Its fake news but i like the idea of it
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Do any of the snake operators?
Do any of them produce venom?
Can any of them paralyze the Doctor when kal'tsit isn't looking?
Just use Z-Splash Flail bro
or you could just kill the fish quickly and preferably painlessly just beforehand so it doesn't suffer as much
This swimsuit is peak.
You cant just post doc milking ho'ol like that on a blue board...
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I bet Honeyberry continues to suck, even after you've nutted, to assert her dominance
>She doesn't have a snake tongue
what the fuck there's so much fanart of it
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Only one way to find out
It's from the LT 3D PV where she has it with fangs
Mostima doesn't have a blue tongue
Sis, crocs eat live wild fish. Sometimes you need to stimulate an animals feeding instincts with live prey to get them to eat at all.
canon croc gf!
It’s actually becuz she proudly perceives herself as a slave to that cock
I mean it makes sense, whatever he does makes Originium go apeshit so its obvious he failed at whatever he wanted to do
which tracks with all his previous failures, it is kinda cringe Theresa went thru all that trouble to get him the rock and he still failed
People simply like the idea of operators with tongues accurate to their original races.
Honeyberry is an operator who would kick your ass for implying that
She remember she has fangs in that PV but i dont think they ever show off her tongue
Automaton arena was... fun
damn i just rewatched the trailer and you are right
fangs but no tongue shown at all
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Operators that don't stop sucking?
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post more Gavial please
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Alter won't save her
this one >>486514251
Arknights didn't go far enough with animal features, we should have had animal-accurate eyes, teeth and tongues at the very least
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Is that a quercus bean?
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I need more of whatever the fuck this is
how to acquire croc gf that's bigger stronger and taller than me
I will be really sad if we don't get tomimi-alt... I love her so much but they treat her as a summer event only op.. so she deserves it..
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What flavor do you think her lollipops are?
reverse rape
I honestly wouldnt mind tomimialt but i want HG to follow through with her becoming her own person with hobbies and a friendgroup.
A smidge tired of the "This X operator is a Y operator orbiter/fangirl" stuff they did with her.
They are (very)sour lolipops iirc
Did you know she doesnt like potatoes?
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Cockcock in gold cert shop soon
Has she tried them fried?
wait til siracuso event 2.
If lappalter comes crawling back to texas its joever for other orbiters like topipi
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You can take turns
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yep its croc hours
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and thats the best part
I doubt HG is gonna make lappland fixate on texas again.
Plus we already have that accidentally leaked newyears/anni voiceline from her so i'd be surprised if that is the angle they take.
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Dunno her profile just says she doesnt like potatoes.
stop being horny
wtf why not?
The new years/anni voice line is from her regular version, right? Probably not entirely relevant to the alt, but for sure a good idea for where their headspace is currently for Lapp
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nuh uh
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>Did you know she doesnt like potatoes?
Alts always seem to be character progression anyway, even though jessica is still a bit of a sad cat she's definitely grown up mentally instead of being scared of everything. So a tomimi-alt should get her away from the orbiter role
but is she good....
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(She still hates me).
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Nope im talking about this one.
Her original version newyears/anni lines are from before siracusano takes place and have her still fixated on texas.
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>The new years/anni voice line is from her regular version, right?
The text was leaked on her normal version, but it didn't fit the audio at all. Currently the normal version is
>Here, whiskey, bitter almond flavor on the rocks. Drink it in one gulp? Haha, in Syracuse, this flavor is called "turn off the lights", and drinking it in one gulp means killing the person next to you. Texas? She won't tell you this, but this flavor she used to like. Come on, cheers-
Hope so, they already started the process with Tomimis oprecs so i kinda want HG to follow through with it.
Give the girl some development that isnt reliant on Gav as much as i love the lass.
Gene coded ancestral Victorian contempt for Tarans
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>potato hater
This means war.
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No she looks like this
kally wally
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Wow, rude...
Potatoes on their own are fucking boring, their only value is being a good base for other sauces and flavours.
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I think Gavi was the first operator I ever saved images of before I even knew about the game, I love green haired women so when I saw some hot images of her I just saved them without knowing where she was from. Coincidentally Tomimi was the second such case for me, I mistook her for a dragon girl and once again didn't know where she was from (I liked her big ass tail). But Exu was the one that I started playing the game for.
What kind of name is Ulpeepee? What kind of name is Murinal?
It's just painful for tomimi to miss an alt this event since they're gatekeeping her to only summer events, she doesn't even have RA2 content iirc either despite it also being sargon. While other ops can honestly get alt drops whenever they want to run an event for them, but tomimi seems to be locked to summer
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Don't trust her.
That's Skadi's tears.
Only Grani would be making her panties drip over a potato.
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Tomimi was built to be fucked by Doctor while held down and sloppily smooched by Gav.
Based, Crocs are cool.
Does Ya know she's just a pawn in Yan's politics?
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no, beans.
I cant help but think of grani as a hidden doctor rapist because of some posters here as of late
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Your sexy dragon, sir
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I put ketchup on my taters
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>Fish don't have feelings
t. stupid kots
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I don't think she cared, she just lets them fuck off with their plan after the event. Wonder when we'll see her again.
Thanks. I'm going to fuck her now
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It's Ch'en from Arknights!
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>not dipping
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nothing wrong with that
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Love me some mashed potato with mushroom gravy
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The only dipping i do is with the gang
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Chen is NOT actually a real doragon.
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Victoria cagematch event soon. You will never leave Victoria.
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Swire however is a true 200% tiger!
what are Ya's pronounse
>swire whacking docs head with her tail
Should I draw Amiya?
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Bison bros is it over?
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Think its this images fault honestly
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Only if you draw her admitting that she is a donkey.
Owari da...
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Reservepipisisters... how do we compete?
I already did that
>Still no shu bean reveal
what would happen if EoS comes?
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Bison can be my woman too honestly
No idea how putting him in a suit made him feel more feminine but whatever
Think its the hair
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Simply take what you want
He wont fight back
He cant
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Because i will draw her first!
Energetic, police uniform wearing, handcuff twirling, Grani Dominatrix, who's going to destroy your tight little blue box
Fuck. Guess I'm drawing FrostNova.
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Swire is a good girl
cute bnnuy
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beat you to it
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Draw Delpipi having her hat stolen.
Gavial the mating pressed
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I already liked Swire but her alter version with such a cool hat is just a killer.
I will buy her next skin without a single doubt as well.
She might not be the gameplay meta character but she's soul meta for sure.
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But doctor... the deathroll?!
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Droopy, perky, and hairy...
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Our heroes....
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Oh yeah certainly
100% getting her skin, love this girl to bits
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behold, our ceo
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Tiger fucker
... And whoever that guy on the right is
He looks like he takes care of his hair, it's grown out a bit, and there's a certain amount of confidence I want to absolutely demolish by making him bounce on my cock
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you smooch her?
our ceo is ceobe tho? it's literally in her name
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I wanna grip his hair like handles and pound him from behind
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Thin or thick tails?
/akg/ is thin tail clay
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