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Previous: >>486490734

>Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames
https://youtu.be/O2ATH__rtQo (EN)
https://youtu.be/q__fo0CSEcE (JP)

>Natlan Preview Teaser - Need a Hand?
https://youtu.be/XOK1F9TLEH8 (EN)
https://youtu.be/LCMimNAlsqs (JP)

>Event "Summertide Scales and Tales" live until August 28

>Current character banner: Navia, Nilou, Kaveh, Ningguang, Kirara
>Current weapon banner: Verdict (Claymore), Key of Khaj-Nisut (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Feet thread
Americans get angry
>they start an ineffective boycott
>gather 50k signatures on some irrelevant petition
Chinks get angry
>death threats
>legal action
>employees get doxxed, including the janitor
okay /gig/
do not post spoiler in this thread
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Second is more effective
>tfw no Furina gf
The gameplay powercreep is crazy, this is more dynamic than 90% of the dps in the game
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Your 50,000+ petition for Natlan and American voice actors crying are insignificant compared to Neuvillette's spin to win rollback.
kinda hard to send death threats or dox anyone when you live in another country and dont even speak their language
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Emilie femdoms Kinich
>1600 primos
Neuvishartwormette flopped so bigly he's costing Mihoyo money
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I post what I want, hmph
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Americans will get Delta involved just to get back at Hoyo kekaroo
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>already the most busted character in the game
>the only character that has a glitch that makes him even more busted
>mihoyo wants to fix it
>fanbase gets angry at the already broken character being fixed
>mihoyo does not fix it

seriously, this is bullshit. whatever
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>spin in circles
I know a character that does this better
I'm excited for genshin 2
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This game is already 4 years old, how do you guys still fuck up by creating multiple threads?
Mualani's feet! Licking between her toes!
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post cute for the new thread
got navia on 8 pity with no guarantee, lads. feels good
who can i cope with in place of emile in this team? I plan on picking her up on a rerun
obvious false flag. try harder
>male is covered up and dressed like a normal guy
>female is showing her ass, cleavage, and bare back
Very nice.
>unprovoked shitposting
>will try to pretend he's not mentally ill
its almost like multiple people create threads at the same time when a thread ends
The difference is that one is baseless and the other costs millions. Which one you would outrage about?
We get a 10 pull at least, chinks should rage more often it obviously works when they do it.

Complete faggots for chimping out over this and not the roster of garbage, useless sexy women though
Sa'lright bro, boycotters just gotta punch random old Asian grandmas on the streets as per tradition
Why did Cheska flop?
>the only character that has a glitch that makes him even more busted
holy retard Nahida can do the same shit and they never "fixed" it. The Neuv drama was 100% a scam
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For me, it's Iansan.
I'd like to see the keyboard and mouse input in this, are the shots normals and the movement directional keys?
Built for Pacal cock
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Dairy Reminder that Furina is for you.
americans just need to copy the chinese and have a chinp out in order to get what they want
too bad this they keep crying about "think of the devs" bullshit
they keep promoting inaction because the people in power are weak and have no idea how to run a game like this
uh oh! melty alert!
>spinning around a single enemy instead of spinning around multiple enemies
If they wanted to limit the speed at which you can spin during his CA, they should've done it during the 4.1 beta.
Kurumi is my wife
can you atleast apply the genshin shaders to her so she doesnt look like shit
It's almost like people can't organize this shit after almost half a decade.
Would it have killed them to just make burning not shit instead of forcing you to use Emilie's ugly ass?
this is too cute
So Kinich isn't white?
Just use Nahida. Emilie does a lot more damage but she doesn't bring anything unique for Kinich.
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Her smile fills my heart with happiness
I got a ten pull in a day, and nothing in the game even changed
Sounds like a win to me
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>Nilou Breeze skin 2k textures.
>Kirara puss on boots skin 2k textures.
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How important are these for Emilie?
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How much do you think they regret creating Flopvillette and Dogshitaine? They're going to memory-hole the region after this. We'll never have to see their trash characters in events again. Good riddance
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Never. Bennett is not allowed to be more useful than he already is.
how the fuck would that work on an anonymous board full of shitposters. I can tell someone im making the thread and some retard will ignore it and make their own op because they want to use their image

this is useless. stop being a tourist
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No, Nahida is there too,b ut that is only 1 (one) dendro character for Nilou, you still need to lucksack into having 2 hydro and Nahida and all of them having enough vigor to even use Niloubloom.
This game mechanic is utterly retarded, I don't believe Hoyo thought it through at all.
For me it's C-1R0
i could if i was the leaker. but i'm not.
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The Natlan characters are really interesting from the animations I've seen, even the 4 star
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>Lore is an aztec going around and recruiting a bunch of africans from different tribes
Where are the africans?
The only ones we've seen are iansan and that one NPC
The difference in character and gameplay design is insane. It makes me wish they had just made Genshin 2 instead
Shut the fuck up, Ortiz
How can 2 women get pregnant?
Nahida doesn't do more damage if she spins fast
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cute is fulfilling for the soul and I love it in general
anyways i'm probably going to bed early so have one more cute nahida before i sleep
shillvillette definitely lost them money as no one was rolling new units after he released
idk what they're going to do now that they have to revert the changes
I think Kinich looks cool but spinning in circles isn't more dynamic than Wormvillette and definitely not more dynamic than any of the DPS with actual combos.
>it doesn't count because... it simply doesn't
by me
>this is "good" dps in 5.0
>get hit airborne
>neuvkek still coping
huh? the model is right here. you can do it in blender. I would do it but im too busy with work.

iansan model: https://files.catbox.moe/hnpegv.zip
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You gonna need to roll for Emilie regardless. Natlan characters like Kinich and possibly Mavuika needs Emilie.
Just wait for Emilie to come out and then use her for Niloubloom
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This is why the pyro archon will be a bennett+xiangling. You can't do circle impact anymore with everyone having to run around
>triple dendro
that is useless. Burning is just a dogshit reaction other than buffing Kinich/Emilie talent damage and Nahida EM buff gets wasted. Use Bennett or Y/XQ for buff or at least some burgeons
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Natlan is healing Genshin Impact
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electro budypoke...
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gn anon, may Nahida protect your dreams
I almost never get motion sickness but kinich's circle shit is triggering it for me
>no belly button
the safe horny geo mommy...
Ok Aether's boybussy is yours. I'll take Furina
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I'm sorry, who just brought Mihoyo to its knees, got a nerf reverted and 1600 primogems for his troubles?
yeah it totally depends on the input combos
characters like ayaka and childe don't look as dynamic but have a lot of varying combos
he's gonna be more dynamic than neuvillette though since he's just qe hold left click, only ayato is more braindead than him
Post Barbara leaking
Nahida or basically any dendro off fielder.
Baizhu, Collei, Yaoyao and DMC all work. Just be aware that DMC's burst may explode in this team.
how will niglankeks cope when the region flops harder than shitstaine
is it worth it to go back? I stopped playing after finishing the sumeru archon and interlude quest because you know, sumeru. Did they handle Fontaine better?
>Mavuika will "ride" xbalanque
Kek can't make this shit up
Reverse or cowgirl?
she has one, it's this render that's dogshit
I can't believe neuv saved /gig/. Haven't seen threads as fast as today's since 1.x
How is it daily when you say this multiple times a day? Are you retarded and don't know what the words you're using mean?

That's leaving aside how you're wrong.
Every single of you shitskins should be executed by chinese firing squad. Actual fucking hivemind drones, the second gacha doesnt follow the slop formula or god forbid appeals to straight males instead of trannies you go attacking VAs actual mentally ill trannies that need to be stoned to death all of you are.
just use thoma
go away retard
Wait they are actually caved in?
I just woke up.
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>Ranma ½ Remake announced
>PlayStation Store summer sale announced
>Simulanka is great and fun
>Wormvillete didn't get Nerf and we're getting 10 wishes
>Leftists still crying about no Niggers in Natlan and the boycott failed

Today was a Good day
>flops harder than shitstaine
>Another single target dendro
According to Ashikai, Teyvat is a dream. That explains why the only dark skinned people are a result from a corruption in the dream.
>fontaine devoid of any actual sexy guys
>natlan full of the same shit
thanks mihomo. fucking faggots.
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>natlan npcs never appeared in any ouside region
>this is what they look like
what was the point of hiding them?
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I always knew I was a God.
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90% of posts are shitposts so increase in shitposts -> faster threads
licking dehya's tummy
Hi sean what do you think about all the recent drama?
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Kinich sisters... I really want his sig, but I don't want to be spooked by Engulfing Lightning. Is there any husbando who could use it?
Is Husk a good set for DPS Kachina?
okay I'm 90% sure that Kachina's best weapon will be the new craftable polearm
it turns out scaling purely off of DEF and nothing else means almost all weapons become basically worthless
This is also why old characters will NEVER be buffed btw
>the lack of melanin in natlan trailer...
the unsuccesful hydro dragon nerf...
>the boring and underdeveloped 4.8 area...
the literal no hype 4.8 phase 2 banner...
>the geo buddypoke powercreeping lord kazuha...
the creatively bankrupt himeko archon design...
>the absent pyro traveler kit...
nothing is impossible when it comes to flopping
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>Xbalanque's demon name
Maybe Amon/Aamon? We know Mavuika is probably Aym based on the old cbt. Some demonologists have associated the name Amon with the egyptian god Amun, who later fused with the sun god Ra.
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I can't fucking believe that Requests no longer count towards the commission skip. Fucking jews.
>wake up from dream
>black people now exist
I'm going back to sleep
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It depends on who you ask.
Most /gig/ residents in their typical negativity will say that fontaine is shit and that it flopped and that the world is going to explode because of it, but I personally found Fontaine to be a step up in exploration.
The archon quest was a bit meh but the ending and world quests made up for it. If you plan on returning, right now is the best place to start because a new patch is starting which gives you a free Kirara (great Dendro shielder), and it also gives you some time to start farming up gems for the next region, Natlan.
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How does Kimchi fight against multiple targets?
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hi shonenking
They knew people would be mad that they made their african characters white. The only visibly black characters are enemy NPCs.
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holy shit I thought this pic was an edit
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Is Geo Lumine better than Ningguang for Navia? I don't have Zhong, Chiori etc
Ok how do i filter the tripfag Mexican poor fag? I don't want to see that fag posts his favourite cosplay e-whore anymore
Wait is Raiden really in 5.0? Are there banner leaks already?
Any Natlan kit leaks?
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>natlan is africa
it's time to stop coping.
her model/texture doesn't have it. i guess they could always add it to her playable model
It's honestly so fucking funny how that post is something you've become so extremely hyper fixated on.

You will never make anyone think your boogieman is real. And you are literally going to be on your death bed screaming about your boogieman.
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>Popcorn (Popcorn originated from Mexico)
>Chocolates (Chocolate is from Mexico and Chocolate is a Nahuatl word)
>Mexican Ceviche



filter all his retarded webms and common phrases
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It's bizarre to see this in the game.
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i can't believe they referenced fucking MLG edits
they replaced the blunt with a party blower
are natlan npcs literally just white people with dreads?
Its sad how dogshit genshin weapon banner is. Can the chinks sperg out about that next? No reason for it to not work like HSR/ZZZ except insane greed
If you didn't like Sumeru you probably won't like Fontaine which is generally worse than Sumeru but still better than the other 3 regions, at least as far as AQs go.
Exploration peaked in Sumeru (rainforest) but you might like Fontaine if the rainforest was overwhelming for you or you got bored of the desert, it's a lot simpler and much more relaxing to explore.
It will
Genshin has been in consistent decline since late Sumeru, I see no reason why this trend won't continue in Natlan after Floptaine
tao x fei
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Give the Engulfing Lightning to Thoma. His Elemental Burst requires a lot of energy -> 80 Energy.
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Thanks bwos, I guess something like Kinich/Nahida/Dehya/Thoma is enough until Mauvika replaces them.
It's Kazuha and Raiden
this is what gaming shouldve been
Fucking embarrassing lmao
Why are you replying to yourself trying to call yourself "based"? How do you not feel pathetic?
alright then, i will try later.
i used blender once for a simple candace mod.
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Just wait for the free Kachina instead
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>Did they handle Fontaine better?
Yes. Fontaine is universally accepted as this game's best region.
Just filter Mexic
Literally no one mentions Mexico besides him, even with Natlan on the horizon.
I'm just gonna use the new craftable for him, it seems good enough for cope. The Inazuma katana also seems all right.
Personally I'm struggling more on if I should waste my guarantee on Emilie or not. She's just so fucking ugly.
Geo Loom technically has better buffs off field but her constructs are way more annoying to play around than Ning's in practice
>i used blender once
oh wait I see the dehya avatarfag has switched character
>JJK fag has dogshit taste
Water is wet
You really are the most mentally ill person to ever exist.
Wouldn't Fav be better for him?
Also it's kinda sad that Kinich doesn't seem to work for him :(
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Mihoyo can't handle ShonenGODs
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The weapon banner really isn't that jewish. You spend as much primos as it as 1.5 constellations. In many cases, getting a weapon is stronger than a C2, so you're basically stealing money from Dawei.
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Good idea
the most likely explanation is that Natlan is divided in two regions for LATAM and Africa like Sumeru's desert and rainforest, the first part is obviously LATAM and the African stuff will get added later on.
the niggers are seething for nothing like always
On behalf of the Hilichurl committee, where the natlan women at.

This is unironically more representation than you guys got in Dawntrail.
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>Kinich's weapon is running with a weapon that I have been meaning to get for so long
Will I finally be an ELlet!?
>inb4 I get fucked by the weapon banner and get a standard weapon and get Kinich's BiS next without getting spooked by EL
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Yes, they are. They dance awkwardly too, which is ironic because Eremite NPCs had very vibrant dancing.
Comments are brazilians saying they look boring
wait for Kachina, she'll be better than both of them
What this means
it'd make much more sense than a white woman with dreads.
Btw way, where is my friend Sean, also known as Anti crack-kun, also known as crack-kun by his Madokafags on /a/, also known as Henry, also known as Melori, also known as Hu Tao schizo, also known as bioengineering dropout, also known as c6r5, also known as Fregoli, also known as ac_anon_ on Twitter, also known besuretoactuallyread on tumblr, also known as anonscans on anonscans.wordpress.com, also known as anonanon8165 on Youtube, also known as gg123x on The Golden House, also known as solar beam, also known as ACK?
>Genshin: We want 12 year old Call of Duty players
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this character is too based
playable ajaw when
Make Sovereigns great again!
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An entire nation of gypsies and south african white trash?
Is !Akemi behind all the race-bait posts?
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>A granola girl is someone who loves the planet and the great outdoors. Personality-wise, she’s free-spirited, down-to-earth, and environmentally-conscious.

Genshin for this feel
>African stuff will get added later on.
post proof
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name every leaked natlan character without googling
Xbalanque is either the sovereign or the real pyro archon
small and perky hebe boobies...
Mlg kids are in their 20s now anon
I look like this
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I really REALLY need a QT White Mexican Sucrose cosplayer gf

I wonder if she's making tons of money with her Onlyfans, those anime figurines are hella expensive.

Hopefully she will make a Citlalí/Xilonen cosplay
That implies that it's a character that hasn't been officially mentioned by oyohiM yet.
Streetward Rambler
That's pretty much it.
on the first pic it looked like shit, but this animation is actually kino
It means Xbalanque was the first Pyro Archon. It also means either him or the sage were the Pyro Sovereign.
>inb4 but would celestia let a pyro sovereign become an archon
No clue
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>Hoyo caves to the drama
>They release a black
>It's the lowest grossing character in the history of the game

Could you fucking imagine?
Did HebeGODS win two regions in a row?
Fuck off Manuel
Iansan is the only african-looking character, all the other ones (except cowgirl) are latinx, it's obvious she's from a defferent region
Nilou looks so much better without those stupid horns.
They're already doing that with the fodder experimental game HSR.
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Do I need to crown Arlecchino's E at all?

I have her auto Crowned so far
>klee will never be fixed
The horns are an important cultural artifact
Call of Duty players are nearing 30 bwo
I know it because I'm one
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Natlan is the whole fucking circus LMAOOOOO
>goofy ass faggot with his pixel glasses
>NPCs are timmies named Ngubu and Tupac wearing beach trunks
>graffiti, gym leaders, pokemon, cartoony landscapes
You know what, I apologize to Fontaine, at least it was period accurate lmfaoooo
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>expect natlan to be full of cultural dancing brazilian baddies
>its just white people swaying back and forth
Which exec at Hoyoverse is responsible for this?
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I only care about Kachina.
Nah her NAs are the only good investment. She doesn't get much damage directly from her E.
1st Pyro Archon - Xbalanque
Xbalanque had a Sage
One of them could be the Dragon
The Sage is likely Capitano btw
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guys im here on my knees for help
everytime i come back to the game i quit again because i keep dying to domains and shit
i have all these characters but struggle through everything
my world is at lv 8 and i dont even know how i got here
tried lowering it more so i dont struggle with overworld mobs but it only lets me drop 1 tier
can anyone point me to what to farm?
im not even joking im struggling with overworld mobs and have trouble farming sumeru stuff since i dont have anything built
please help im on my knees
Not only that. Whiners would be yelling for more boycott if the subject didn't show up every events
They spent the budget making kachina do capoeira
NOW THAT'S an ass made for shitting
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How to get QT white Mexican Sucrose cosplayer?
>graffiti, gym leaders, pokemon, cartoony landscapes
This makes it better than the previous regions. They seem blander in retrospect, Fontaine and Mond especially
the electro buddypoke will powercreep Pagden and Floprinde
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can pits join?
/gig/'s banter isn't so bad if done right (like pagpag).
Mavuika is going to revive her master/bf
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I would agree, except I somehow managed to get super lucky substats with him so he already has 40K HP and 220% ER without needing Engulfing. Would you say I need even more ER than that?

>Inazuma katana
Ooooooh. Never thought about that. I'll keep it in mind, thank you. Also I'm skipping Emilie. I don't think she'll be necessary for Kinich. She'll be his best subdps, yes, but nothing about her kit fundamentally affects his playstyle.
Why did the mass replying schizo reply to himself? Lmao
Based target demographic! It's getting late though, you've got school tomorrow.
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How good is Navia's axe on Diluc and Noelle in case I fail to get Nilou's paddle?
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I always knew I was a God.
All asses are made for shitting
Eddy Gordo
New boss: El Ogro Mayate
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you might as well post UID maybe someone will add you and help you farm
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Christopher Dorner
Brendan Eich
Wang Huning
George Floyd
Hu tao...
It's digimon, dumbass
>you'll never be Xbalanque
>your domme will never revive you
>she'll never sit on your face
>she'll never ride you
>she'll never dominate you in every possible way
Why even live?
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Focus on building this AoE Bloom team
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Neuvillette no baka
Mihoyo no baka
Liu Wei no baka
Are you really pulling the mature gamer card on genshin of all things? Where every line of dialogue must be repeated to you through a floating baby? Did you jump on your mushrooms today for 5 primos or play hide and seek?
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Reminder that Kachina is Mexican inspired

Don't let the Brazilians fool you
Fraudli FLED
I'm changing to JP dub after learning that the eng VA are disgusting woke leftards. I've been playing on EN for the last 3 years, but this completely ruined the dub for me
my c0 neuvillette clears faster than your c6r5 nahida
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I just called you based, no need to get in your feelings son
You just learned that after 3 years?
Flopped on my dick
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oh no no no what the fuck is this shit lol
When are they going to reimburse Playstation players? Spin2win doesn't work with a controller. We're stuck with the clunky version of Neuvillette
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i'm having fun.

i wish every zone they made has as much care and attention to detail as the summer event zones
I just want to fuck female anime characters. Fuck real people.
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Opening chests isn't fun.
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Lynette no no baka
EN paimon is literally a they/them retard.
HAHAHAHAHA holy fucking shit
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I want to lick her Mexican tummy
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>A whole year of Mexican/Brazilian/Argentinian /gig/.
>A whole year of “Natlan is white” and “Lumine is 100% Jesus” and “Tacos Paimon” memes.
>log in
>no primos in mailbox
umm did you bros lie to me ?
Xilonen really will be a funkeira if this keeps up kek. Imagine if she's Natlan's Anitta.
I want to hear her fiery mexican farts
>it took him 3 years to figure that out
Oh sweet summer child
220% Energy Recharge is already pretty good for looping his Burst.
>they were so desperate to sell this brick they had to nerf GODvillette
>it failed miserably
July 17
a day to be remembered
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what is the endgame of this mexican guy? i've seen that nilou image like 100 times already
i'm aware he's been here for years, but why keep spamming the same shit?
>and “Lumine is 100% Jesus
holy based
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cute and canon
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>Waifutards get their "Neuvillette powercreep" clunk character while normal people get to play as Sora
i would but im autistic about UIDs
is that a good team for general stuff?
like does it do badly aganist stuff
ive been using ganyu as a crutch but stopped after having to auto attack cryo slimes since i couldn't break the shield
>because i keep dying to domains and shit
Co-op button exists for this purpose. You get your aass carried after getting to AR45 until your characters are built enough to pull their own weight.
Well I just found out from xitter, I didn't research them until now.. I was clueless
Comida de emergencia...
Please Rosalyne, save us!
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He wants white people to accept Mexico
some of them even have the regular straight hair
they couldn't have just made the ones with dreads black?
Option A:
>summons a fucking dragon
>has cool animations and do a lot of dmg
>but it's a dude
Option B:
>what is even that shit?
>at least it's a cute girl

Which one do you pick?
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South America is white yes
Fontaine no baka
It doesnt deal damage when she hits them???
he's in the wrong thread then.
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I dont like Kirara's trail because it looks like fart clouds
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i dont know why you're autistic about UIDs, but if you are NA ill post mine so you can add me instead, ill help you farm domains if you're struggling so you can get some gear going for yourself
Both of them look silly, I think I'm skipping the entire region at this rate lol
Looks like Sayu gameplay
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Mexican Kinich Ahau has the Deepest Lore
Yeah the green looks a little silly
>turn three pipes
>press a button
>turn a pipe again
>mission complete
I laughed at pretty much every one of the story minigames. Jesus were they half assed.
Is C0R0 Nilou even good with current standard?
So Kinich's skill is like Clorinde on a skateboard, and his burst is like Navia at the arcade?
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>youre a leftard if you dont want this in your game
Do you have dockhand?
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Cats can't fart
>fun gameplay where you can have fun or another teapot prisoner
Do what you like.
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Think I might actually filter "Mexic"
Tbf, I've met light skinned people with dreads here, especially among potheads. The one black npc I've seen so far had black power haircut.
so is en mualani
and everyone's gf in hsr is also a "nonbinary"
It's okay sis, I was the same last year
>Paimon is a tranny
>Diluc is a furry
What the FUCK were you doing, dude?
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i hope you also rolled for kiraras weapon, anon
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Who? Nahida? then yes
The Bloom team I recommended is good in general and low investment or cheap resin.
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touching enemies doesn't deal damage, she has to touch enemies 3 times to build stacks to consume on one attack, without the stacks the damage is obviously lower
Capitano is literally black.
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My qt Mexican Axolotl wife Citlalí
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El Vitiligo
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can I run nilou and furina together? I'm god awful at making teams but I got them both back 2 back, I have nilou's weapon too
tall male (lanklet)
I don't get your comparison..
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capitano is going to look like a fucking twink by the time we leave this region. Fucking screencap this, pussies.
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I said fuck it and coin flipped without a care.
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>d-don't falter! You can buy the skin after the protest!
And you wonder why westoids failed while chinks did it.
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~35k blooms without even Nahida
she will destroy everything if a monodendro team is viable (current abyss isn't)
stop tempting me bro i dont like dendro
Yes but there's no point.
Use Nilou + 2 dendro + whatever hydro/dendro healer you have. Yaoya and Barbara are fine.
Furina can be used with basically any regular DPS, her buffs are wasted entirely on Nilou teams.
Both of them can use Nilou's sig.
you can't separate their voice/work from what they actually are irl?
Are you really this emotive?
I did
>not playable
destined to job like FRAUDjo
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hu is this for?
The Lyney of Natlan
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no prefarming geo loli
Is Keith the only normal person amongst the EN va's? He also doesn't seem to be terminally online.
100% Xbalanque
i won
the truck
Sorry, I don't even know that is a weapon, but no
thanks but i think ill just try co op a shot and hope for the best
cool i start focusing on that
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congrats on your truck
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BASEDDDD, i have no clue how she scales but i want to make her clit
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>dash towards enemies 3 times dealing no damage and hoping they don't kill you first
>spend stacks to attack one single enemy
this shit is so bad it makes Yae's gameplay look good
Wow that HP% sands with 1255 HP substats though. Nice.
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That webm is so dated.
"he" lost
My C2R1 Nilou and C6R1 Nahida team feels worse and less satisfying to use than my C0 Navia + Albedo
>shark uses whales mats
>kinich uses harley mats
>the geo potato does too
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Jaguar Mommy
Biker Archon
Jackie Chan
That gay emo guy and the Fatui guy
my condolences this thing is worthless
>R5 Childe bow
Thanks for paying for my servers xis
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>there are anons here who unironically think they're going to add an africa patch later
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How come they aren't getting any representation in Natlan?

Are they that irrelevant?
notrussia is literally snow africa
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I just hope it's true because it'd be really funny to see all these retards get btfo if they were planning a few patches of niggers from the start
This webm is way funnier than it has any right being.
it makes a lot of sense tho?
It's really funny how obvious it is when he shamelessly samefags, while accusing others of samefagging at the same time.
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I love her moves, she has so much personality.
Capitano and Murata
thanks for helping out. so nilou/kirara/yao/barbara would be a good one? I got a couple more 5 stars, yelan, ganyu, eula and hu tao, would furina work well with any of them? I mostly play this game for a while then drop it for months, I'm legit retard-tier at team building
I'm so glad she isnt another healer.
That's all I think
Doing the Bedtime Story Archon Quest and
>the traveler doesn't remember the conversation with Caribert and the Abyss Sibling
>but WE do
Fat Xiao's gonna write a CLAP moment with it, isn't he?
soul status?
What teammates does the new dendro guy need?
Not the first time something this random happened. Yelan was released in 2.7 and used the obese lizard mats instead of Shogunbot's.
Cute & canon
Imagine the meltdown if they do but all the characters aren't black anyway
Like Ororon is from there and they're all white
is is true that mualani is low damage clunky garbage?
>Plap plap plap
they should have added blacks instead of homos
You are triggered by people mocking you and making fun of you. So you cope by thinking other people are mad (because they mock you).

And you, like always, are the only samefag here.
this post smells like water
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Uhh where the fuck are the free 1600 apologems?
i honestly thought they would add pseudo korea first but maybe the game just is not popular there
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Cute & funny.
>texas and uruguay
who gives a fuck
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They may be old jokes already but they still make me smirk
I'm the only one on /gig/ that rolled Emilie
>Raiden and Kazuha are rerunning together
HE won...
She got Klee NAs so...
Emilie is a must.
geo healer when
this stuff makes my head hurt, and I play navia ploonge
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>tfw (that Furina when) you don't have a Furina gf
Why do we meme Navia as a truck?
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>Africa expansion
>no NPCs to be found, just loads and loads of hilichurls
I'm going to roll for her weapon to give to Yaoyao.
Ready to lose my all 50/50s from here on. I'm sick of this shit.
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Do I go into the Fontaine geo relic mines? Also will this do since I can't get her axe?
Does it suck knowing you ruined your life for nothing?
fake ack
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because she crashed
nobody is rolling for dendro femcel no matter how mete she might end up being.
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Try Nilou/Yelan/Yaoyao/DMC or Collei.
When you pop Yaoyao's burst you just jump with her like a sperg and everything should get deleted, try and use some normal attacks in between hopping to trigger Yelan's burst. Build Nilou full HP, DMC/Yaoya full EM and Yelan can use a normal crit build you'd use for other teams.

Furina works with all the characters you listed, although if you use her with Ganyu you'll want to use Charlotte, Xianyun or Jean as your healer.
Ganyu + Furina + Healer + Anemo/2nd cryo is decent, not really meta anymore.
Eula + Electro + Furina + Mika is decent, but Eula sucks (t. Eulafag).
Finally, Hu Tao + Yelan + Furina + whoever healer is decent. Not Hu Tao's best team but not bad at all. Preferably use an anemo healer here so you can VV hydro for Furina/Yelan damage.
If you use Furina with ANY DPS, you can use the Marachause Hunter set with them, which gives you free 36% CR.
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She's not out yet.
Don't be baited into rolling Emilie
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neuvniggers lied to us
Because she hits like a truck! which is to say she does no damage, so it's ironic
kys, Paimon is the heart and soul of this slop.
ganyu should be killed off
based retard
G*o keeps killing the game...
Speak for yourself
nigtato lol
She's already dead
thanks a lot anon, much appreciated
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Uh, guys... where are the graphical upgrades? Wasnt natlan supposed to require a better computer?
Now that this abyss iteration is over, what did you think about it?
also post your clear, even if it's the same as the previous one, just to see what people are using
She works fine with WGS, SS and even the cardboard. They all look horrible on her, though.
navia hits like a pool noodle!
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Sasuke wants Emilie but if you're skipping her because she's ugly you can just use Nahida + 2 pyro (XL + B) or run him burger (Thoma/Dehya + Hydro + Baizhu if using Furina, Nahida otherwise).
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i have asked them many times. it wont happen anon. ill try to make a mod that mutes her voice or something idk
they both + Uruguay are the whitest countries of Latam
which is funny because Natlan characters are white anyway
Based, I wish I could mute her retarded comments
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First time clearing the abyss using Neuv and Furina
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I would love to have her for my melt Wrio but Sigy took all of my primos.
nah they need to kill her in the story and never ever rerun her dogshit banner ever again
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"ack" was never real in the first place, !Akemi. You literally made up that name out of nothing because you are coping with the fact everyone hates you.
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Post your abyss clear, NOW!
why did you cut the sexy tomboy on the right out, I'd bang her as hard as the other two
I just don't want to be constantly reminded that the voices of the characters I love are toxic bad people IRL, it takes away from the game
Argentina is shitalia 2.0 + soccer
Chile has no culture.
you can literally mute her in the options, retard
least fun abyss in recent memory
I don't feel like digging up my teams but it was
Hu Tao/Xianyun/Yelan/Furina
What the fuck were they thinking making 10 minutes cutscenes between two fucking frogs
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kys we love Paimon here
Genshin belongs to her, she IS The Genshin(original god) and she IS the protagonist.
Thread is almost over. You're supposed to post this at the beginning of the thread
Am I going insane or is there no crown reward for this event
Who specifically was it a name for?
Show me.
I refuse to clear the abyss until 1 hour before it resets.
we LOVE paimon here!
Are we also getting a mochahete?
why yes i'm indeed the ONLY ONE
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It's hip to be powercrept
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Siggy is very cute!
Breeding Mualani until menopause
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give me kachina model, anon
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How the fuck am I gonna do this as f2p
I want their weapons too
I don't love Paimon and the best Tabibito moments are without her around, like the Caribert quests.
Pure headcanon
Which girl has the most bitter ear wax?
you will never be me
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these did not age well
to the chinese, korea is their autistic kid who won't leave the basement
that's why I don't follow social media... up until some retard here post xitter drama. Still, those guys live off of the general social acceptance so they end up doing it to not lose their social capital. Yes, they're either mentally ill or sellouts.
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So is this Dawei's fault?
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Faurobert is that origami frog with Imposter Syndrome.
That small scene with Lumine got me more focused than the entirety of Fontaine's Archon Quest.
The fact that we only get a SINGULAR development of the ACTUAL main story every year makes me so fucking mad.
So the hydro girl is for AoE while the dendro dude is for single target?
I always knew I was a God
i wanted to try something different but it was a pain in the ass
who acts like this?
By rolling for who you actually like. Oh wait, you don't like any of them
Mualani has literally 0 aoe, in fact she has a passive that nerfs her damage if she hits too many enemies.
He said cultural, not ethnic. Checkmate mfs
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Yae chin is back
So much for upgrading the characters models in 5.0
opposite bwo
hydro girl single target nuke
dendro guy throws bomb and has off field AoE
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they are both single target
>back when iansan was the face of natlan and in the trevail trailer
>now she has no lines in the official trailer
unironic rewrite
does mualani have interruption resistance on her shark?
either swipe or you stop being greedy
This is where I'm stuck in IT (stage 6) and what I have to pick. Note that my Sucrose is a C6 with no artifacts and Jean is even further behind. Can I build them up outside of IT and it applies to the fight in progress?

I'm going to try one more time and then do a full restart from 1. No healers and no ability to use guest Alhaitham well is what's hurting.
I propose you read and make up your mind
You guys lied and made me waste time updating genshit. There was only 100 apologems, not 1600…
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Fuck you, Paimon is the best part of the game.
It's a "name" for anyone who tells him to stop shitposting.
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Am I the only one finding the event zone to be boring beyond reason? Even the bottle with rollercoasters in it was more unique and interesting. The only thing I've liked at all are some of the squirrel puzzles.
Chasca is literally Chilean.
Arg*ntinians doesn't deserve shit, so it's all good.
next patch bwo
Mualani is flavor of the month isn't she?
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Now that Genshin is confirmed to be a flop, what can we do to save the game?
they havent reverted the change yet
Who put these Lakelight Lilies here
The hilichurls planted them
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>land of dragons
>character with a fucking dragon skull on her head had no lines in the trailer
I keep forgetting it exists
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you would think she would..
now let me tell you the story about another catalyst user
I think Emilie is very pretty but I'm f2p (true) and I'm really low on gems now.
For real, !Akemi. Why did you decided to become so spastically obsessed with that post? I genuinely can't figure out why. What was it about that sarcastic post that set you over the edge so much that you made it a permanent part of your life?
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+1 cryo
a full purge of everyone in fontaine would be a great step forward
>Alhaitham with no electro
>lvl 76 Yoimiya
>Sucrose with no artifacts
Bricked. Just do a reset
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flopped massively
You can read her kit here. That's never mentioned
that was not the real trailer tho
That's an antelope skull.
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delete wormvillette from the game (no refunds)
How do I get hyped for shark girl if they already made her C1 bait. This company is so fucking disgusting
Is Mavuika the worst archon design wise so far ?
hope tsaritsa is kino instead of shit like her
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you DID roll for (Her), right anon?
>Iansan is an arrancar
bleach bros!
>Thoma claims another dps
yeah it sucks.
HAHAHAHA, not even QQ hours. What’s the next Genkek cope, Ikea hours?
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Oh, hi there!
Stop making time trials that start by forcing the character to stand in place for a few seconds while the camera points in the direction you need to go
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someone tell me where these are from before I piss myself
the fiasco yesterday made it sure that he's staying forever :^)
Argentinians genocided their native population
>venti and furina at the top
If Xilonen really is a shielder, Mualani will want her instead
>5 regions later
>the bell is still bricked
he can't keep getting away with it!
Day one of course (C0+pipe+cope artifacts I scrounged up when I started doing that domain, have not changed anything since)
>he's skipping Emilie
>he will burn himself to death and wonder what went wrong
the uggly buddypoke...
Are you trying to get all the challenges?
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if they did that, people would get lost and cry that the game is too hard
cultural doesn't mean skin color
kino design
you are the faggot anon
they should've made furina a claymore user
he can recover from it in 1 second and gets stamina free dashes so it's very easy to evade while attacking from a distance
what does mualani have to protect herself when her whole kit is melee range despite being a catalyst user?
solaru beemu
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furina's tits are small lol
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This one is so kino wtf
I had to use healing mode Furina…
>MLG reference in Natlan
Which character would scream "chinga tu madre putaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" on Q?
Just use Baizhu gweilo
This design has aged poorly and his cape sucks. He looks like a budget Lyney nowadays.
Someone explain this post 4.0 /gig/ meme to me
they don't understand that, nothing but skin color matters to them
Baizhu will never be meta!
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I just saw the nerf got rolled back!
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You are so pathetically desperate to think you "trigger" people.
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the don't wanna make someone who can use it because it's an actual good weapon
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"rabi" edits, a character from Epic Seven called Ravi.
none because they're white people simply using funny exotic names
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No you're just retarded.
who the fuck even starts a sentence with an exclamation mark?!
Nope, I just want to do floor 6 to unlock the thingy (and get a bonus coin).
I might do it. Honestly my Yoimiya has her signature and at least 200% CD but I fucking hate using her without a shield. Yanfei is way, way more invested but of course can't play off anything in that team.
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>Water Klee autos and they looks slow as hell
>E is an exploration skill
>Q is a burst
I don't think she's going to be meta at all but she looks fun as fuck. I guess I'm ROOOOLLLLLING bros
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god damn that's hot
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NTA but you are the gigafaggot
for straight men, either raiden or mavuika is at the top for sure
it's a /vp/ meme actually
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I can’t decide if I like that one or this one more, I’ll probably be listening to both for the next year though…

Many such cases
Imagine the devs. Here Genshin is already flopping and can’t keep up with the massive dev costs, and then they fuck up like this costing Da Wei even more money. I wonder who got fired from this fiasco.
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and that's fucking hot
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What is MLG?
just don't reply you fucktards
anon nothing about her tell she is an archon
wtf is that zipper holy kek
!! What did he mean by this?
how large is mualani's aoe damage penalty
Does anyone want my C3 Yelan
tan xiangling sex
furina has sex with men
Pick one. I'm convinced she was supposed to be a trap before Xi said no to femboys>>486507182
What happens if I have Neuvillette and Mualani on the same account?
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for sure
>youre a faggot if you don't like this safe horny bullshit
what about furina's design tells she's the archon?
Correct opinion. I don’t even hate 2 but it’s super repetitive and gets mogged by the others
>strip of shoreline available to explore in babyland
>literally nothing in it
>not even a rock pile
Might as well have made it out of bounds
you become a true hydrochad and get permitted in the /gig/ guild
Saying it's small means they actually exist. Furina is flat as a board.
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>they fire fujodev
>new hire is a waifufag
>immediately blunder
>gets fired instantly
i hope the siberian coalmines treat them with love and care
My wife Kaveh
The fan stuff is why I still play desu
her normals only hit 1 target

but if she happens to mark multiple enemies at once, she will be firing rockets at sub targets

essentialy an yelan e
ahh so your a neuvillette fan but i thought you were only into yuri
smelly kokopenis full of smegma inside the anon below
When your sentence starts with calling out a tripfag shitposter.

You're the only person who would ever reply in the first place.
she pads her chest too
notice how nobody gives a fuck about the elf hag
what went wrong?
I'm saving for Pyro Kaveh.
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She's literally Pyro Bayonetta anon, her design is kinda plain and she's an Archon
where do I find them? X?
is it someone specific making them?
hags are bland
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Xbalanque's POV
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What would you trade
But who would want to play that janky ass Tony Hawk against single target??
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don't get mad
>>>>>>>cryo bow
dead before she was even alive
>nothing about her tell she is an archon
The same can be said about every archon. I don't get this retarded argument.
>venti: wearing a random bard femboy outfit
>zhongli: suit
>raiden: some shit kimono
>furina: aristocratic outfit a young boy would use based on those shorts
I guess Nahida is the one who looks the most archon-like because of her outfit.
None of these characters look like Gods anyways. They look like a bunch of cosplayers.
Looking at Kaveh's kit, do I need Nilou for him or no? He's pretty comfy for exploration (Dendro for damage + Claymore for mining) but I'm not sure if I should build him
all archons are dressed in somewhat plain clothes
their godly outfits are reserved for cutscenes/the future maybe
boring white dommy mommy
venti and zhongli are both larping as normalfags speedreader kun
raiden is just a shit design overall she is sexy but not an archon outfit
furina is fine
>bodysuit zipper
When can we reasonably expect the 1600 roll-back primo?
Bro he's loyal to his biker wife
>massive dev cost
you severely overestimate how much they put into the game development wise compared to marketing and transnarrative media.
She’s anemo retard
>heh le cryo bow!!!

She is pretty boring though and literally just unused chlorinde concept art
C4 Mona
They are usurpers after all
Did they really revert neuvillette nerf??? I hate this game
She's anemo, not cryo.
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Xboxlive isn't white though.
Niggas are not loyal, dawg.
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With men named Aether, to be more specific
Mihoyo is afraid of putting actual indigenous people/africans in their indigenous/african region so this is just what we're going to get
I'm solely against your shitposting and freak obsession with trying to fake "flame wars". If you post it, I'm against it. Like any normal poster would be. Because all normal posters are against shitposting.
>for straight men, either pagden or mavuika is at the top for sure
it's furina.
Is not
That's cai haoyu, the ex genshin director and CEO.
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You find them randomly in gacha games threads here in /vg/ like Pokemon in the wild.
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Kek, you fags were so happy about the Neuv nerf this morning. Who's laughing now?
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I'm not talking about the quality of their outifts, I'm talking about the novelty of their design.
Furina is the one the stoods out the best, also Nahida. They're new, refreshing, bold.

Mauvika has a skint tight, black leather outfit that really looks like something we've already seen in other media.
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how do you guys know that genshin is flopping? the content seems to be the same
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>dude has gigan summon
I will now roll your Sasuke.
Can Solar Beam oneshot Complete Zygarde?
Did you roll for Nilou sean?
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Bwos? Where's my compensation? Is it only for people who rolled him?
He has his bitch jumping through hoops to revive him
Mauvika looks like a stripper, but it’s ok because my dick likes it. At least I’m honest
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Wait, if Teyvat is a dream, then doesn't that mean Nahida has total dominion over it?
Is she the true ultimate evil?
>I spend actual money to get new characters and their sig weapons
>I still can't clear floor 12
Maybe I should just stop getting their weapons.
>want to start summer event
>still haven't finished the last act of fontaine
Why would you get a refund on a product you didn't purchase
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If you unzip Mavuika's zipper down all the way, you can see her vagina and butt.
Nilou's dendro seed explodes almost immediately. You'd deal more damage applying element than trying to explode it with Kaveh.
>implying they don't do these "controversies" on purpose for free marketing
Posting twice in the same minute will never make people think you are more than one person.
being dishonest about your dick is grounds for castration.
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Hey guys im back from brazil
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lmao "she" is literally transfem kaveh, if you like "her" you're a faggot in denial
Yellow Klee...
Chinked... Again...
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hey guys im from africa
O-ok… I’ll only be honest from now on, in all matters that include my dick
>drills Kazuha to death
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Zipper is cool
zhongli is literally a guy in a suit
Yeah but it's a really cool suit
>implying that I'm not falseflagging for both sides
every genshin looks like a stripper
and hutao's husband
Holy shit all of them are so good but yeah 2 is definitely the weakest one.
you forgor Furina
>He's pretty comfy for exploration (Dendro for damage + Claymore for mining)
If you want to go that route, I suggest instead C1 Ning or Sayu. Yanfei can also break rocks but it uses your stamina.
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Having the designated shill character is nice because I can run whatever I want on one side
british women arriving in jamaica looking for lovers be like
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Zipper is lame! What if it zips my dick off? What then??? 1600 dick compensation????
>mining in 2024
there are kids in the game
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Chasca is Peruvian retard
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Zhongli design objectively sucks, yes. He's the worst charater, design wise.
My account is so old fag coded
didn't read
they said it's going to be in a future update
Big if true
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>talking about other characters being trannies
lol not reading all that shit nigga
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Why would I include an allogene (pronounced "Original God")?
Solar Beam
But he still buffs Bloom damage with his Burst and C4 even if he doesn't trigger the cores with his Skill, does he not?
My main damage dealer is Clorinde, Kaveh lets me put 2 Anemos for the movement speed
don't have her
Anon I was talking to might be too new to have expedition farming, or just like wandering around the map.
Sandrone should be in Snezhnaya instead of katheryne
Sobeam sounds cool.
Yup yup yup, our ARCHONS!
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Yes, this is what peak femininity looks like. Sorry, homo.
hahah, you're so fucking mad and triggered, !Akemi.
I will send team tortilla a coffee, such a good leak source
What can Verina do without her uber supports? I guess CR at least is still there. Freeze Ayaya with Furina?
do not post any more potatoes
they're too high in carbs
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first time i've seen anyone compliment venti's look, even if he wasn't the archon i don't think anyone would mention anything but his ult vortex or the fact he looks like a girl
Same shit.
pov zhongli
You now remember that a Natlangress is a key figure of Mondstadt history.
Okay but two anemos can't interact with Kaveh at all, so you'll be trying to kill churl camps and stuff with only ..Aggravate, right? and both Clorinde and Kaveh do their stuff on field as far as I know. Better off getting a free Kirara from this event anyway, she's Sayu at home (very slow but can do vertical cliff climbing for 10 seconds or so)
To be fair raiden's design is shit but she's relatively new to the proper archon role, she was basically an ungatard lapdog to her sister until the last few centuries
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Furina, my girlfriend: filtering plebs since 2023.
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Kinich? More like KINOch
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>the aetherfag posing as a Furina fan is attacking other characters again
I'm so sorry...
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h-hi hu tao..
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what the fuck is actually wrong with you
take your meds
why do you even give a shit about some tripfag on 4chan lemao
take meds, go outside
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Furina's thighs are my demise
This image is evoking something within me
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Fuck off.

Anemo Sovereign
Geo Sovereign
Electro Sovereign
Pyro Sovereign
Cryo Sovereign
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all me
Tired of Flopvillette spam threads. New
all me
the poop zipper...
You guys weren't kidding... I've been doing this daily since I started in 3.4, and Xiao really is just standing at a nearby camp. Neato.
>Fontaine Katheryne is oddly professional and detached in demeanour compared to the other regions
>Katheryne revealed to be an android in the region before that
What are the chances that Katheryne is on autopilot now that Sandrone realised that the jig is up (and what are the chances that she'll replace Katheryne in Snezhnaya)?
>peak femininity is when boys in shorts
Damn I guess Venti is peak feminine now...
Oh, I saw some anons do 10 pulls stating they used the compensation gibs so I assumed otherwise.
seriously niggers?
go cry a river somewhere else lizard
>Geo Sovereign
isnt that azdaha
hes called dragonlord and zhongli says he cant beat azdaha in a straight fight
Oh you're new? Then yeah Kaveh can work.
But again, just focus on generating as much cores as you can rather than trying to trigger it manually.
fucking retards
I mean, have you seen his Archon outfit?
Not my fault some retard decided to make an early thread
4.8 phase 2 latest desu.
not using this one for sure
No one "gives a shit about" you. Outside of the fact you make threads bad, and thus made discussion bad. People have been telling off shitposters since as long as this site has existed, and you are the only person who tries to pretend otherwise.
i win
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Who? Are those your OCs?
Kaveh does two things: taps his E for Dendro and saves me the time it takes to switch to a Claymore and back to mine some ore. I'm asking if he's worth building beyond that, and if I need Nilou/some other character for him. Sorry for any confusion
I have her, climbing is very nice but I'm more concerned with ores since most of my characters use swords for some reason
Alright, I'll consider it then. He seems to have a lot of free EM and his attack animations are cool
thats very specific
At ruining your life.
last word
nah I'd win
You're the only one who cares.
Other people just want you to fix your behavior and move on with your life.
You are the one who is trying to "win".
We don't have hard confirmations that any of the other dragons are sovereigns.
!Akemi gets the last word
Explain why you care about "the last word".
because it triggers sean
Nope. Nothing you do "triggers" anyone, !Akemi.
But you refuse to accept that, because it's the only way you can cope with how miserable your life is.
i think it's time for a new bad dragon sean
I genuinely laugh at the fact all your "insults" for your boogieman are entirely baseless and made up from nothing.
stop leaving reviews of dildos on amazon sean
Azhdaha uses the CN term for sovereign in his name. Also I don't think Apep was explicitly stated to be a sovereign, everyone just assumed she was.
I don't get how you think this fools anyone, !Akemi.
People found your amazon account. And ever since you've been trying to cope by pretending it was your boogieman's account. And you did this, like always, with literally zero reason or proof.
cope ack it was you, don't let me post the archive
>let me
Nice broken English, !Akemi.
The phrase you're looking for is "don't make me".

And go ahead, !Akemi, post the archive. In fact, please do. If you don't, I will. Just because it was funny as fuck watching you have a total mental break down as soon as you realized you were outed.
last word and i win
is he an esl?
!Akemi? Yes, he is ESL. Also retarded.

>gets blown the fuck out and caught is a blatant lie
Post the archive link, !Akemi. Do it. You fucking clown.
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Genshins for this feel?
i claim this thread for all crack shippers
>still no archive link
What's the matter, !Akemi? Scared?
Holy fuck /a/non. I haven't seen this image in years.
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Why is safehorny so effective?
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i was summoned

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