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Master Duel General #961

Yubel era Edition

Previous: >>485272142

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel is a online multiplayer videogame using the Master Rule Format

>New Player Guide
>Staples Guides
>Offline Mod
>Other Mods

Selection Pack: Eternal Partners will be available July 10th, along with Selection Pack: Xyz Explosion

Useful resources for info on Decklists, Events, etc.
>YGOPro Deck
>Road of the King
>Appmedia (only in Jap)
>List of Secret Packs
>Official Master Duel Page
>Yu-Gi-Oh! Probability Calculator
>Small World Help
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Are you enjoying his event
Why is the general over on /v/ instead of here again?
I'd enjoy it more if we got nice rewards like cool mates or accessories
>kept absolute jack black in paleo deck
>forgot no link 1 or 2 to get him off the field in this xyz event
If you get lucky and roll Ninja Shadow Mosquito off the event packs they're nice
>got a royal rare morphing jar
Give me a reason not to do it
shid forgot list
ok 4chan is just eating my images never mind then
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look at this shit man
what the fuck is that
If your deck spams negates and summons half your shit during my main phase, you're winning by time, simple as.
I can click back and forth between grave and banished a few times every 30 seconds while browsing on the other screen, it's really no big deal
has anyone noticed yubel decklists are increasingly ditching super poly, let alone playing loving defender? just kinda weird
there's an event? I thought this was just alternate ranked queue
I havent played in weeks
Someone had to say it.
>play generaider for a long time
>didn't know vala only activates when special summoned only
I brick twice as hard but at least I'm learning something from this shit event.
I do this sometimes
though generally afterwards I ask myself why I'm even playing this fucking game and go do something else
yes, because they can just go into appo and phantom to have a gorillion negates
modern decks powercrept boardbreakers
Anyone got a fun Skull Servants deck? I would port my one from meatspace but it's so outdated it's laughable.
sorry this is a master duel general
Ban King's Sarcophagus
Why the fuck is Mikanko event legal
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Competitive Yugioh is working guys.
We gonna join Olympic's E-sports soon guys.
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sex with Sky Striker Aces
Yeah nice XYZ Cup there
Post the best one then (Camelia)
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>Xiran Jay Zhao
Ban Evenly Matched already
>nigger chooses me to go first
>time stalls me when my pet deck is an anti-otk deck
lick my asshole you mikanko/numeron faglord
ah yep 4 chingchongs in a row just mysteriously starting ash
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I haven't been able to find very much art of her, but I do have a couple.
super fusion is so cheating.
literal tranny card
Roze's Rozes will grow like THAT?
how many of those are bots
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I created 5 accounts (with my phones of course) to clear the campaign so imagine how many NEW players are there in this game.
Yep. 100% canon.
Are there any statistics on overall winrates of going 1st vs going 2nd?
>chink snipes my only summon trap on a full backrow and leaves up skill drain which he could've removed even though he can't play further through it
seems legit bro grats on your win
In cases like this you can play the game AND do something else
Doesn't matter, make a going second deck simply because you will always be going second so your deck will always work.
I don't think there's any going second decks that have an advantage against top meta decks going first outside of bricks
if you encounter a top meta deck force a time win to punish them for playing it
there's not enough hours in the day to waste on roping randoms online
>duelist cup style events net more playe-ACK!!!
When are these incompetent retard chinks just going to release the update that adds GOAT, Edison and Trinity as alternate permanent "advanced modes"?
They can even hide it behind four levels of menu in Duel for all I care to preserve their paypigs wanting to get new cards
any snakebros here? could use a decklist for the new cards
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Sheep is back. She's playing Purrely in the xyz cup, and still losing. Come see how this is even possible.
watching a stream of someone losing coinflips, bricking continuously, opponents having all the outs and opponents playing stun is much more fun than actually playing myself
reminds me of my hearthstone days and also makes me feel better about getting multiple unplayable matches in a row seeing that others have the same experience too
I'm not a pedophile so it's jarring to me to watch an adult woman(?) facerig to a moeblob toddler skin to talk about shitting herself or whatever
vtumors pls go
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I've never seen a toddler with honka donka badonkas like these.
>I put bolt-ons on a child's body so I'm not a pedophile!
Ah yes the oppai loli classic no one has ever heard before and you are definitely not a retard for still mindlessly repeating
Seriously consider suicide, imagine your grandmother reading your posts
She should collab with Dkayed.
is this stream a good place to learn how to play purrely?
should I even bother to invest in purrely or is it gonna get more limitations in the next lists?
im only interested in HIS videos
Probably not, since she's not good at yugioh and specifically does the opposite of what chat tells her to do (summoning Expurrely Noir) just to spite them, even if it makes her lose.
when is it safe to play the event without going against kashtira and stun every game?
Hubba hubba
okay bro
enjoy the longhouse
>schizos kick out HIM posters
>"now we can finally have a real general"
>thread has been on life support ever since
Last thread died at roughly 1/2 the bump limit over a 10 day span. We lost everyone (even the chink that posts twitter images for free).
the chinese are at fault for this
never ever
The /v/ threads are the most schizophrenic YGO threads on the entire site (besides maybe /a/, don't know what that's like), which is really saying something
If anything this one is the most normal
why tho?
I never really understood it, it's just how it is
/dng/ is cancer, /dlg/ is cancer, MD threads are cancer
>/v/ is the most schizo YGO thread on this site
yeah, but they're not dead like this one. In 2hrs, we only had 6 posts. Think of something to bring people back because I have jack shit.
Should I put Loving Defender in my ED as a super poly target if Yubel gets really popular?
If you're running Super Poly, yes without question
It's a guaranteed full board wipe
Playing Legacy of the Duelist, not Master Duel but please answer.

Why is my opponent's PSY-Frame Overload not triggering my Super Soldier Shield?
you did have BLS out right?
>When a Spell/Trap Card, or monster effect, is activated
PSY-Frame Overload is a continuous trap, so I'm assuming it was already face up. If that's the case, then the card can't negate it, since it can only negate activated spells/traps, not an effect of a continuous spell/trap that's already been activated
I had just Ritual Summoned it, yeah. It happened once in response to the summon itself, and then again after I summoned another BLS but not in response to it.
see >>486605738
you could use super soldier shield to counter overload when it was flipped face up the first time, if you had a BLS out
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That doesn't make sense to me because the continuous trap is still activated to enable its effect.

I think it's pic related. And it's bullshit. How is it not targeting just because it's post-activation?
activating a spell/trap is not activating its effect
When you flip up a continuous trap, you're activating the trap
When the continuous trap has already been face up, and you activate its effect, you're not activating the trap
Super Soldier Shield negates the first, can't negate the second
Just kill yourself already
I can reluctantly accept these answers I suppose. Thanks
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Yubel is coming along. I've opened four 10-pulls of the selection packs, but haven't crafted any cards. Imperm might be replaced with superpoly if I ever get enough UR material for them.
When back with my Red-Eyes deck and beat his ass with Slash Dragon.
it's not very intuitive but being able to read PSCT is an important skill most people fail
I can't believe I'm actually enjoying this cup. I feel dirty playing Rikka, though, it's so funny to get rid of my opponent's cards. Even then, I have more options when it comes to Xyz decks, for some reason, if I start losing with Rikka might change to madolche, and then to exolesbians, then repeat.

What decks are you using, anon?
My Friend, of course
Oh yeah, I forgot this was tranny central.
Why do you hate your friend?
meant for >>486614520
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Xyz Shoukan
>open xyz event
>7 matches
>0 xyz summons from my opponents
nice "event"
no everyone has fucking nibiru for some godforsaken reason
Kash has zero answer to Nib and if they don't go to 5 summons their endboard sucks
But Nib is also hilariously bad into Purrely, so it's 50/50
Kash players deserve the inconvenience more.
playing the "strongest" deck for an event is so lame
just let me do my funny xyz combos assholes
Welcome to Tra-Ny-Oh
That means king of the trannies.
This is literally a competitive event, people are justified to do it here at least
And over time the people playing meta move out of the lower ranks and you'll become more likely to face people playing whatever
they aren't justified because i am losing benchod basterds
So they put Primera, her starter mech, and super mech in, but they put in Atrii's mechs without their pilot?
She's much newer than the other cards if that's what you mean
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this is the most racist general on /vg/
disliking the chinese is as hot a take as ranch
The Chinese are an honest and trustworthy people.
There is absolutely no history of the Chinese cheating in online games.
The people who scream the loudest always have something to hide, you know.
Yeah I have to hide my hand but chinky mcwinky always knows what's in it regardless
Interactive games.
>hand loop a fella for 3 and end field with two monster negates and one omni
>turns out it was against a poorly made galaxy deck
I go 6 matches back to back against purrely but when it's my time to be toxic they match me with someone innocent, I used to think that it's the chinese that were the problem but no it's konami that's making the community turn on each other. Fuck jews.
we don't do that here
huh, why is this card banned in master duel but not in the other physical formats?
because ftk in bo1 is really good, not so good in bo3
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Yubel sex
this is how I feel when I play yugiohmasterduel
the what now?
"best of" as in "best of 1" or "best of 3"
Ah, I see

I'm curious if master duel being best of 1 is the most relevant factor for its list of forbidden/limited or if the higher variety of decks available contribute to the discovery of more meta stuff

As in, in physical games, for most official tournaments its rare to see people playing decks and archetypes that aren't the most current and meta ones, whereas such thing is more possible in master duel
it is, its why bishbaalkin got banned, despite machu mech being the problem, and d.d dynamite got semi limited too.
and its not even non meta options are played in tournaments, its just that ftks can rank really well inn bo1 because they just sucker punch you, but games 2 and 3 where you get a side board and now know what theyre doing its not as effective
It's a matter of time before they get kicked out and we get back to being lively.
Honestly I'm glad there's difference
I'm still overdosing on symphonic grade copium to hope maxxc gets banned from master duel one of these days
do you really want a games where you cannot bounce back, its literally the best tool for going second decks and weaker archetypes to just draw cards.
it get banned ashed get played less and fuck load of handtraps will not be used and then everyone switches to droll
the cup is enjoyable in the sense that it's like ranked except without fire king snake-eyes every other match which makes it slightly more tolerable to play
>do you really want a games where you cannot bounce back

>if its banned there will be less staples filling half your fucking deck, thus less chances to fucking brick when you open with two ashes, one imperm, a called by and Effect veiler
thank god
so you enjoy losing or watching people jack off for 20 minutes, theres better games you can play for that, go play hearthstone
Which is bullshit and you know it. This absolutely should have been a token collection event, especially right after a DC. I'll be writing this in the survey.

It's ironic because pure Fire King is technically an Xyz deck, but no of course people don't play it unless they have their overpowered SE with it.
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Pull for Fiendsmith
When i see Maxx C or tranny decks that take 20 minutes I just scoop inmediately and don't bother. I'm just going to play against people who actually want to play the game instead of solitaire
>rules for thee, but not for me
okay, yeah just go play hearthstone then, it gives you the illusion of playing, but you doesnt really matter most of the time because yorue going to lose regardless
are you a tranny?

the reply of "if you dislike this thing and disagree with me then THIS IS NOT FOR YOU AND YOU MUST LEAVE" is the typical leftist faggot fallacy
no, im asking you why are submitting yourself to this torture, schizo, but that question is rhetorical now.
youre bitching about people having tools to say "no", which is the core concept of yugioh, and a symptom of the game getting extremely fast where you cant accomplish anything of value unless you go through 15 cards in a turn; hearthstones core concept, much like its blizzard itself, is you cannot give consent when your opponent does something, you just get raped, especially more than ever now, but it does give the illusion of the playing the game when it was already decided when you decided to play anything but handbuff paladin against handbuff paladin, druid, or highlander warrior
I'm exclussively bitching about MaxxC and people who take too long
its not fun to play against those, so I scoop

this is too simple for anyone to have any trouble understanding, so the only explanation possible is that you are being disingenious on purpose and looking for a way to twist what was said.
This is the most common fucking thing on this site: against all reason, your priority and intention right now is to prove to the entire thread how someone who you don't agree with is a lunatic crazy who makes no sense. Even if you understand or agreed with any point I made that doesn't matter because its not the topic anymore, its about why I shouldn't be listened

And no, of course I didn't read your entire post, I couldn't care less

I don't actually have anything against you, if it makes you happy I'll say that you've won and suggest that you take a break from 4chan. And to show that I'm hones I'm taking a 15m break right now as well to swim at the pool
well yeah, because
>im asking you why are submitting yourself to this torture, schizo, but that question is rhetorical now.
whatever im tired, point being yugioh isnt going to ban maxx c, theyve gone too far with special summoning spam, unless they change core functions of the game, which cant do because cards are printed and you end up with cards like junk speeder being an insane card in mr5 rather than whatever in mr4, unless they go through the process of errating cards to not be insane, which isnt going to happen, nor can you print slower cards because theyre not going to be played
>point being yugioh isnt going to ban maxx c
Not him, but the TCG has had it banned for years and follows essentially the exact same meta timeline the OCG follows with few hiccups, and the Mulcharmies are really blatantly meant to be a Maxx C replacement that fixes the original's problems
>game doesn't work without maxx C!
TCG doesn't have maxxC

MaxxC is literally instant win card: either forces your opponent to skip their turn or being at the very least +1 in card advantage (with no limit)
You are allowed to like it, but there's no justification in the world to pretend it isn't the most broken card with how it literally forces the entire format to revolve around it (exactly like when chaos dragon and chaos luster knight defined the entire game and made all meta decks be the same previous to the first forbidden list)
every single match is
>lab + horus
>kashtira + horus
>horus + horus
what's the best "fuck you" card against horus in the event that isn't dimension shifter
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Sheep's last master duel stream before flying across the country. Probably for a funeral.

It's another viewer duel stream, where it'll probably be first come first served.

Ash on Imsety
Ghost Ogre on Sarc
D Fissure/Macro Cosmos
Also Veiler/Imperm because a ton of tards just blindly invest 3 Horus monsters into Giantrainer
God, I didn't know of these
>only if you are going second and control no cards (brick if going first)
>one works only against hand and the other only against deck/ED
>A limit on the amount you end up with
Still insanely good, and would still be amazing if the effect was "at end turn you have to control the same number of cards you started with" because it would allow reshuffling, but jesus christ, I see some light
Crossing fingers that the bug finally fucking dies and gets replaced by this

what do you have against dimension shifter tho?
thoughts on barrier statue of drought?
>what do you have against dimension shifter tho?
I need to use my own graveyard too
If you're running a barrier statue to be anti-Horus it would need to be the light or fire ones, they cover the other attributes so could just out it in the battle phase
>I need to use my own graveyard too
ah okay
what deck, by the way?
You know what I also hate about Maxx C?
Out of all the cards in that "archetype", its the least funny and the one that looks the worst. It always just looks like a DVD player and a wardrobe with the sparks in the middle barely noticeable

Well, Shiny Black C looks the worst really, but Maxx C is very fucking lame too
I'm never playing pendulum because I refuse to read
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mulcharmys are going to live in the sidedeck forever because theyre exclusively going second cards, if your deck goes first and sets up a bunch of negates, you cannot play these cards, but fuwaross is probably going to get banned in the tcg because its a draw 5 if not it just forces everyone to play like the ocg, and probably not see play in ocg because they just have maxx c and its just another day for them
thats not whats being said, you stupid nigger, im saying the game has gone to shit for letting it get this point, maxx c is a symptom not the actual problem, bring back the jank summoning conditions, archetype summon locks, or make them have an actual cost so you stop because youre out of gas, not because youre out of extenders
Maxx C to 1
>opposing Horus has full board and no cards in hand
>plays 2 purrelies
>summons Assembled Nightingale
>attacks directly
>ends turn instead of making Zeus despite having downerd and zues in her deck

this girl is so bad at this game, what the fuck
>theyre exclusively going second cards

how are you this dumb?
is it possible to be so stupid to not understand that's the point?

oh wait, you are the omeganigger with the severe mental retardation of
>HMM, Actually Maxx C doesn't win games because that's not what it says on the card!

I don't even care if I'm wrong because that makes you a new nigger unironically wanting to turn yugioh into other card games by getting rid of its most iconic gameplay feature of cards not having any cost
SNIFFFFFF them valmonica counters good.
You know, sometimes I like to read dogshit random cards that are never used and have fun thinking of situations when they would be handy
>is it possible to be so stupid to not understand that's the point?
because it changes nothing, if they go first and summon a bunch of negates, unless i break that, it doesnt matter if they maxx c, the constant negates are the thing that prevents me from killing them right away,
> iconic gameplay feature of cards not having any cost
cards have costs, its usually another card, literally the whole point of TRIBUTE summoning which has been in the game SINCE THE BEGINNING, and using another card to ritual or fusion and using those cards as a cost, and then using tuners and 1 other monster to contact fuse with extra steps as a cost to synchro, and same level to xyz, you stupid nigger, just because the game doesnt have numerical value for costs doesnt make them not costs
god, just kill yourself, it was pretty obvious I didn't want your shitass reply, I'm not reading that
and yet you still bothered to reply
rent free
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>love centur-ion
>playing it only with its archetype syncros to have some soul
>feel bad because playing on your opponent's turn is niggery of the most unfun caliber
let them play on your turn then
lol no, fuck that, playing on another's turn is unfun niggery
Crazy how EVERY pedophile always uses the "anyone who calls me out must themselves be a pedophile" shit, like clockwork.
You really are dumb fucking animals, and you should hang yourselves.
no, he's right, we constantly continue to see faggots who cry about loli getting caught with actual real child pr0n. By historical metrics you are way more likely to be an actual predator or sex criminal than ay lolicon
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What are the longest card storylines running in yugioh?

World legacy?
branded Despia?
Duel Terminal probably
There is also Dracoslayer, I'm not sure how much it actually encompasses since they've never released any official story for it
>Crazy how EVERY pedophile always uses the "anyone who calls me out must themselves be a pedophile" shit, like clockwork.
>You really are dumb fucking animals, and you should hang yourselves.
Stop proving it to be true and stop projecting.
That looks so nice. Damn.
hang all traptrix pedos
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>he just wanted people to post traptrix
jeeze, you should have you said outright what you wanted instead of doing it in such a roundabout way
are any dustons banned from the xyz cup
>there's nothing official about dracoslayer
>"wtf? really? It can't be"
>no shit, no citation
fuck me, that was a surprise, considering dracoslayer is quite old

PD: oh wait, nevermind, that's because dracoslayer is actually contained in "true Draco", which is also long as fuck

You know, reading the card storylines it ends up surprising me how some archetypes that I never suspected are actually related
people keep saying shit like this. What the fuck is a "tranny" deck?
obviously it doesn't mean anything in particular. In my case I just call "tranny decks" as an insult to decks that are meta and feel like utter shit to go against, mainly because they take 5 fucking years to resolve

Using the logic in pic related, "tranny" is just slang synonym for "cancer". To simplify I just don't want to wait 5 fucking minutes for the opponent to finish their turn, I rather just scoop and play an actual game instead of watching a faggot play solitaire
tranny deck:
live troons, sky troons, traptroon
anything with little girl art has a high chance to be a tranny deck

except lab since lab is based
>except the deck famously played by a tranny
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So the long card storylines seem to be:
>Duel terminal
>World Legacy
>True Draco

Holy shit, only five? That's much less than I expected somehow
How's silver rank treating you?
isn't it painfully obvious that we have a falseflagger tranny in the thread right now?
He is bitching and shitting about "KILL LOLICON TRAPTRIX PLAYERS!", which is the perennial tranny pedophile cry, and then trying to garner sympathy by calling traptrix "tranny" while praising the deck literally played by a tranny as "based"

It weirds me the fuck out why people like this enter 4chan to shitpost really
seething traptroon pedo
how's diamond treating you?
was it fun to play when tearlaments was in full swing?
bro, sometimes I wish I could just back to silver and play with my petdeck
Are the trannies in the room with us now?
if you want to play an actual game with proper back and forth, why not check out One Piece? It hasn't been powercrept into being unrecognizable yet like ygo has
The traditional storylines only really started with MR 4
One of their main purposes is to fill in space that would go to a currently running anime's archetypes, World Legacy being the prototype for that structure that came out while Studio Gallop on its last legs during VRAINS
The odd ones out are Duel Terminal, which served the purpose of providing a story for the arcade game, and True Draco, which is just handled bizarrely
I don't understand your reply.
I like yugioh for several reasons, one of the biggest ones being presentation. The moments when i get back and forth matches that are close may be few, but they are unforgettable and I love the game in those moments, even if it comes at the price of sometimes having to endure garbage games
I wanted to make Labrynth, but on second thought it's such cancer to play against I think I'll try Exosisters instead.
You lost me until In realized that you were talking about the yugioh anime about card games

Its easy to make mistakes and forget about the different aspects of this franchise that are actually named differently precisely for this reason: Yu-gi-oh (the original manga which may be one of the worst fucking manga I've ever read), YuGiOh: Duel Monsters (the manga->anime that actually became popular but that's based only on a single arc of the original manga), The following Yugioh anime and manga, and then the Trading/original card games

Why the fuck did I go on this tangent...

Anyway, does that mean that Albaz (and then Visas) was created to support an anime season?
spoly is literally an evil card in the anime so i hope whoever would've wound up playing branded would be flayed and strung up
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boner why
>Anyway, does that mean that Albaz (and then Visas) was created to support an anime season?
No, I meant that new anime for the regular YGO card game aren't being produced any more, so they essentially fill the space in product releases that would be used to import cards from a currently airing anime
Super Poly originates from the GX anime, it's a long explanation but in the story it was an ultimate card that was made by killing a bunch of people
poor lil sangan
Ah, it was the opposite
I'm not gonna lie, I respect Kazuki Takahashi to no end and there's a lot to appreciate about his work and legacy (and that of his assistants), but jesus fucking christ I did not like his writting and stories one bit

I never ended up using super poly actually, I feel better now knowing I saved my soul
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finally an event where i can destroy shitter decks with my mikankos
>and stories one bit
Sorry, i posted too soon, I got distracted

What I meant to say is taht I did not like Kazuki's writting, so Konami filling yugioh with metaplot stuff is something that I like and appreciate a lot more than "its just a card game lmao". Even if i admit they aren't great stories, the card storylines appeal to me a lot because, as a /tg/fag who does a lot of ttrpg stuff, I'm way more interested in seeing interesting worlds and events rather than individual characters
based waifufag. God bless you
I'm personally btfo fools with my shitty Gunkan Suship deck. Its a lot of fun and gunkan Uni's direct attack and permanent negate of cards on the board is so fucking strong, definitely catching a lot of people off guard
i always lose to this deck because you fags just activate a bunch of shit im not reading
Catch of the day is overpowered, people can't figure out how to pick a suship and lose on time or scoop.
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You have a heart of god. God bless you

Its so fucking funny how many times I've seen people scoop just because one of my ships gets revived once
>catch of the day
>I never used it because it doesn't actually look good
>its actually OP because people can't fucking read
holy shit, give me a moment, I need to remake my deck
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>i always lose to this deck
have no idea how the ships work or what they're supposed to do, never bothered to read them cuz once zoa hits the field it's over
Cutie oni lolis
based dogmatichad too
I like playing pure dogmatika too, but I feel like its slow as fuck and i still have no fucking clue how to use white knight
How am I supposed to know whether to pick Ikura, Uni, or Shirauo?
easy, just pick the catch of the day
You want to give them the least useful pick, so highest to lowest priority:
>Any which already has its playset on the field/GY/banished
>Any they used this turn
>Any you know they already added to hand
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>pure dogmatika too
ever since luluwalilith came out branded dogmatika has been the way brother
>white knight
he was good back in the day when everyone and their mothers used fenrir, don't use him anymore sadly
holy shit, this is hysterical, he's taking forever
I know, but I don't have branded cards at all
although, I was saving a fuckton for centurion, and now that I got my centurion I could probably invest in getting the branded cards that I'm lacking

but holy shit, that extra deck is so expensive...
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God bless, this shit deck can be so much fun

play bayonet punisher
it counters yubel
Goblin, you mean.
Whats the card next to branded fusion?
ultimate slayer or nadir servant
so I tried to copy your deck and surprisingly I'm not lacking as much as i first though
what do you reckon I could do without and what should I craft/roll?
not him
you need a link for ultimate slayer to be online against links though
I'll probably won't use ultimate slayer tho. its a great card, but I can't afford the UR dust if it won't serve to actually play the deck
half of the reason why you play albaz is to fuse him into mirrorjade so that one is a must (the combo is: summon alba zoa off dogmatikalamity by dumping luluwalilith to the GY, then use luluwalilith to special summon incredible ecclesia, which can switch out for albaz during the opponent's turn)
you don't have to play aluber/branded fusion if you don't wanna, it's mostly ash bait, this also removes the need to use albion sanctifire since he's the one you would summon with branded fusion
you can get a fusion deployment from the cyber dragon structure deck so definitely play 2
fusion deployment exists for cartesia so she's a must
you can replace ultimate slayer for other board breakers like evenly matched, raigeki, etc. I like it a lot because it shits on omninegates since the opponent cannot activate monster effects in response to it
at least 1 copy of malong to bounce stuff is mandatory and 1 luluwalilith is a must to summon alba zoa (i like 2 because granguinol can cheat her out easily and she's a very solid negate+atk buff)
overall the bare minimum you need to make this work is
>cartesia x1 malong x1 mirrorjade x1 luluwalilith x1
also nexus is kind of a meme, would rather play a second nibiru or some kaiju
Thank so much for the help bro

>nexus is kind of a meme
I knew you were going to point that out, but unlucky for you I love memes it has actuallyt made me win games a couple of times
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My negro
>you can get a fusion deployment from the cyber dragon structure deck so definitely play 2
yep, I did that automatically after posting the pic

So I crafted aluber and threw some stones I had saved, so Cartesia is secured
Now I only need to find some dust for mirrorjade and lulu
Do you think of the other despia/branded fusions are worth including?

Also, what is malong for?
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This card I just pulled looks really fun.
its bullshit, so you know its fun
Mega Zaborg
>Do you think of the other despia/branded fusions are worth including?
if you don't have an extra titaniklad and wind up with extra space in your extra deck maybe a brigrand so you have more options to summon when fusing off albaz, otherwise you can just throw in another sprind, the rest of the expensive UR fusions aren't that useful
>Also, what is malong for?
when you dump malong to the GY it will allow you to bounce a card on the field, it's mandatory in my opinion since it's the only way you will be able to out stuff that cannot be destroyed by card effects or battle (you can dump him multiple ways, off nadir servant, with dogmatika punishment, dogmatikamatrix, or one of my favorite combos which is using cartesia during the opponent's turn - summon granguignol and dump malong using granguignol's effect then use malong's effect to return the opponent's key combo piece to the hand)
>the rest of the expensive UR fusions aren't that useful
I ask because I ended up throwing a x10 pull on alba to get some UR dust and ended up getting some of the guys

I have enough dust to craft mirrorjade and the two lulus, but may as well ask what you think

fuck, wrong pic
the 5 head dragon is dead weight since you always wanna summon alba zoa with luluwalilith as the tribute
syou can try using tri-brigade ferrijit instead so you can dump her off nadir - search ecclesia or maximus and get an extra draw (i did it like that for a while back when i was in the process of farming dust)
branded in red, albaz the ashen and branded in central dogmatika serve no purpose here, if you're not stingy about SR dust i would switch those for secret village of the spellcasters (quite powerful since 90% of the deck is spellcasters anyways) and evenly matched since that deck is lacking board breaking potential
I see. I think I have it all
however, dogmaticacism stays just beause I find the illustration funny for some reason
Based mosquito enjoyer.
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Why is this event such a joke?
gimmick format as a cup instead of a festival
my cute xyz wife
Yeah, I'm very surprised at how many times people just ram into these girls. Like they don't read or they're not suspicious of 0/0 monsters
They're LARPing as anime protagonists.
Hey, I just played the tutorial but I still have no clue what's going on, I feel like the tutorials didn't really teach me anything very well.
I still don't know how exactly spells work and I won the final game so easily that I feel like I didn't really learn anything. I'm not sure what was happening with using my trap card and the chain effect that happened, then the opponent's turn had a lot of crap going on and none of that registered for me and then I just won on the next turn using my spell card to post my guy's attack power. But I still have no clue how spell cards work, are they just for my turn and then get discarded or do they stay for the whole game/until they get removed by another effect? And I don't really have any clue what anything on the card actually means. There's normal monsters, traps, and spells + there's attack and defense but I don't really know what's going on with anything else on the card, I got a different type of spell in my hand on that final game and I don't know why it was a different type of spell or what it is. And I don't know anything that's going on with the different types of monsters. Also in the final tutorial game I had another deck on the left side of my screen but it never got used so I don't know what it is. Finally it made me pick between 3 decks but I'm worried that I made the wrong choice, I didn't really get what the different decks did but the middle one said it attacked with monsters/powered up my monsters so I figured that would be the easiest. It said the other decks could be gotten by completing missions but it's really weird that it made me pick while I still have zero clue what I'm doing.
Is the tutorial just bad or did I do something wrong on the final game? It kinda just left me to do my own thing.
Is there a different tutorial that I can play? Or a guide I should use? I selected that I had never seen or played yugioh, just had heard the name duel links before but never played it. Did that ruin it?
Are you playing Duel Links or Master Duel?
the tutorial is pretty bad at explaining things even in an environment that would be slow for 2008
look up gameplay on dueling book, you should be able to find some videos where they play and have to cover every single thing they're doing
This whole game ended up being extremely cursed, I had to Raigeki away a Battle Fader (and nothing else) and set Triple Tactics Talent for Break Sword cost to get lethal and avoid going into a topdeck war.
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Dumb advice.
Read every card, pay attention to the phases, play the full tutorial (replay if needed) and play a few more solo games.
I would recommend doing Ruin and Demise and unlocking the "gate" for it and doing that too.
Then use that structure deck (don't remember if you're given it or have to unpack the cards somehow) to do some rookie level games or use it in solo mode in games you can pick your deck.

It's not a good deck and ritual summoning is old and usually bad, but it's pretty simple and straightforward so once you read all the cards and get used to it you will sort of get used to the basics of Yugioh card moving bullshit.

From there I recommend you watch a Youtube video about XYZ summoning for basics, or if you want to have some fun but more challenging mechanic, watch a video about synchro summoning, and use a synchro structure deck. Don't be afraid to swap out cards, you can always revert and you'll learn something.
>just play mikanko bro haha you'll reach top lvl in no time!
>keep fucking bricking every single time and when i don't it's always running into empty board if i choose to go second
>kashtira ruins my GY play
>numeron cleans my board then kills me the next turn
>labrynth always draws the one eradicator virus or shits out a daruma
>never draw ohime even though i'm running 6 copies (x3 and x3 preparation of rites) and when i do it gets ash'd
>when i draw the golem they play 1 monster
>when i draw the kaiju it doesn't matter because i have no way to put a mikanko to attack it
>permastuck at lvl 14
>just ram into these girls
can you blame them
>Verte with ritual spells
Would it be good?
It would be okay, but wouldn't be anywhere near as good as Verte, unless it was like, take a ritual monster and a ritual spell from your deck and summon it
Basically all of the relevant ritual archetypes already search a ton and have some form of cheating out their rituals anyway
it's only a matter of time before they decide to make one that lets you tribute from the deck without being vanilla monsters
in which case it'll just be a new brilliant fusion engine
This event is fucking garbage. I refuse to play. I didn't even get the first 300 gems and I'm fucking tired
XYZ is the worst mechanic in the fucking game too, and it gets the shittiest, most boring decks in existance
Horus sure needed to be event legal
Not a single Kashtira card should remain legal
why the fuck is there yubel in the event what the fuck
New toy syndrome
contact fusion phantom of yubel
normal summon samsara d lotus
tribute samsara special summon spirit of yubel
set nightmare pain with spirit of yubel
battle phase
attack you are monster
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>panel missions
>expectate a live duel (0/1)
I expectated 5 fucking of those and its still not being marked as completed, what the absolute fuck?
I'm following the lightbulb instructions on the mission pannel and everything, fucking what!?
ah nevermind I get it now
the event was over actually weeks ago and its just still there in case someone needs to collect the prices
missed 500 stones, oh well
>attack you are monster
whatever you tried to shitpost was only funny inside your head
>inside your head
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did you make a deck solely because you wanted to reach top level? Instead of because you liked it?
and you want us to believe someone told you the most meta and easiest way to reach top level was mikanko?

holy shit, kill yourself. No wonder a souless fuck like you cannot win. You'll never have the heart of the cards with you
>Instead of because you liked it?
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Are watts good now?
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This Kashtira player stole my Ty-Phon, attacked with it, and thun summoned zeus with the wrong xyz monster, since ty-phon was still out, he couldn't activate Zeus and I could finish him off with Assembled Nightingale.
I remember annoying my friend with Chimera Lock and Messenger of Peace back in Dueling Network
mind sharing your lyrilusc deck?
I have a dogmatika-lyrilusc one I play often, and I want to compare
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mine is mostly the the poverty version, I don't have any recital starlings, but the zeus and the ty-phons are both from opening the selection pack with gems from the event. I did put in a 2nd nightingale because I was tired of Kashtira banishing my one-of but after adding zeus and typhon, they started going after them instead. Crooked cook and that djinn are just pot fodder. I just added the Nibiru, Lava golems, and Evenly Matched because I'm tired of playing against kashtira and exosisters when I go 2nd and having my shit banished, but since I just added them I have no idea if they'll actually help.
The last time I played Yugioh was during the pre-links Zoodiac, Invoked, Zefra, Master Piss and Lunalight format in early 2017.
Thinking about coming back to it, and figured Master Duel would be good.
Now, is the game much different than back then except for links? Talking about powercreep and whatnot, as in can you still hope to go against a meta deck with a petdeck?
the state of the game is you cant do anything if you go second and didnt build your deck to do so
Guess I'll just go play some tag force games then
I skipped this xyz cup to send a message to konami
you guys should do that too
if the number of players go up during this shit cup konami will give us even more shit cup in the future
imagine shit pouring from a cup to another cup to another cup
the game will turn into master shit in no time

update: I just won against snake eyes fire king via swinging into a nibiru token with Lion Heart, so I think it's okay as a worse version of recital starling.
I am playing the offline version so this doesn't bother me at all
>play evenly matched
>opponent surrenders

wow, that deck is obscenedly cheap.
I still prefer my dumb petdeck with dogmatika. Sounds weird, but its actually a lot of fun to run a dogmatika engine when lyrilusc doesn't have a problem shitting out an extra deck monster

That said, i believe you are cucking yourself by not using Rectial starling and SPECIALLY Bird Sanctuary. Your Nightingales would be bigger fucking menaces
I know that I am putting myself at a severe disadvantage by not running recital starling, but this is a deck I built specifically because it didn't require me to craft any URs, since I'm trying to build Yubel and need the crafting materials for unchained and yama.

All the URs that I put into it are ones I already had. Dogmatika looks cool, and I did want to put a nadir servant package into the mikanko deck I wanted to build, but that's also a lot of extra URs I can't afford. I've only been playing master duel for about 2 months, so my materials and cards are really limited.
I feel you man. At least you did the right thing following your heart and playing what you found cool

kill maxx C niggerism tho
booted up ye olde chinker duel to do my dailies
>forced to play against chink
>opened ratsheart and snorus field spell
>second one opens maxx chink which I negate, snore and chinkbird which I negate, and harpie's which I cannot negate
>and also a royal tistina field spell
extremely natural hand
and guess what chink number three shotguns at the start of my main phase
AND he's a labtranny
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Original Sinful Spoils should be quick-play
okay surely now that I'm out of reports the fourth chink won't be a disgusting cheating frea-
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>won cointoss and opened full mikankike combo (any monster and any equip card) and I open no interruption or board breakers
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jesus christ

man shut the fuck you stupid imbecile with autism, you are fucking incomprehensible and unfunny
Uh oh here comes the CCP to shut me down!
Unluckily for you I've already completed my dailies!
so uhhhh what is chaos summoning beast supposed to do in yubel decks? most of the decklists i see have it but i don't get it
You have it because the other beast can search it and gives an extra normal summon for it
i guess but isn't the whole point of using the extra normal summon to get the lotus on the field?
I think he's based
It will depend on your hand, it's basically just there as an option for Beckoning Beast that isn't incredibly bricky
It's so you can side in Raviel for the mirror match
Am I not allowed to add Arabesque to my hand, even with Mikanko specific cards? It never pops up as an option to add.
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I've been playing dinos lately, they're fun as fuck
>easy to remember combos and pretty consistent
>strong endboards with 5+ negates/disruptions
>immunity to effect veiler, imperm, and nibiru if you draw misc
why don't more people play them?
you have to draw misc or be able to spend a search on it, otherwise it's just any other combo rogue deck
I like them and played them for a while but they're very repetitive and can be frustrating because you auto-kneel to even the slightest graveyard hate
I'm tired of playing against kashtira/horus slop piles. This xyz cup fucking sucks.
they are bricky
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My wife Elis saves the thread from page 10!
the team dykecycle
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I added a few Lyrilusc SRs and now I'm on 7 game losing streak.
I managed to pull all the Yubel essentials but lord forbid I pull Auxila
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Can I trade these with you?
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Are the rates for duel rewards known? Like the chances to get cards/legacy tickets/gems?
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lmao, got em
Xyz event
Fuck, don't scare me like that
It kinda surprises me that Sifr is R rarity considering how its really fucking good
I don't get what's so good about red dragon archfiend
He's nothing on his own, but his archetypal support requires you run a copy of him
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This was weird, does anyone know why this just didn't do anything? He played Tri-and-Guess while he had both Darklord Nurse Reficule and Bad Reaction To Simochi on the field. Since he had 1 xyz in his extra deck and I had 15, something should have happened, right?
Oh, nevermind. I know why. My opponent picked Fusion Monster instead of xyz. Maybe he threw on purpose since it was my promotion match or something. Do people do that?
Misclick or yeah just being nice
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Goblin deez nuts
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>Xyz pack is filled with goblins
They're coming
i love it
people sleep on it because it's >only a monster negate but the blanket destruction protection is really good
its prolly because the summoning condition is mega fucking retarded, so pretty much its relegated to having to be cheated out with something like crimson
took me about 2 hours to learn how to play yubel properly but after getting a hang of it i climbed ranks like crazy in platinum
let's see how it goes in diamond
Can you marauding captain lock using nightmare pain?
chate hinks
Nah it says "must attack Yubel monsters" so they just get a choice among whatever Yubels you control
Why is Number 41 allowed in the xyz cup? Theres this asshole i keep running into that turbos into it proceeds to fuck me in the ass with big numbers after
Play Stop Defense.
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All right, let's settle this once and for all: Do you prefer your Raye with black or white panties?
I prefer actual sculpt over what's probably just a texture
This event and the Xyz pack are insanely old, they were datamined like 2 years ago and just never used. 2 years ago event banlists were way more hands off than they were now, and it doesn't seem like they bothered to manually try to update this one's for whatever reason. The emergency banlist they had to do for the Ojama cards, Pinpoint Dash, and Banquet was a consequence of this
Xyz Encore is also unbanned and really dumb, though I think many people aren't bothering to play it since it's a brick vs. Lab and Mikanko
Are you sure the pack is old?
It seems like they intentionally put in all the goblin cards for the upcoming release of the Goblin Bikers.
About to start playing are there any loli decks?
My bad, I meant the Xyz selection pack
Beetrooperbros our new support is here!
There are other's but that's the King Cunny certified deck
battlewasp wind and the reso is nice, but the deck is already super bloated and im not sure if adding more searchers is necessary or even warranted
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>0 gemmies
what do?
and why in the fuck am I seeing diabellstar, bonfire, poplar, hydrant in xyz cup
ah yep another episode of chingchong starts the exact cards to play around mine
Rescue AIDS is fucking bullshit and I'm tired of anyone pretending it's not
uh huh just mysteriously brick 3 games in a row vs chinks
Ban every single card that mentions "unaffected"
Ban every single card
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Ban every single hag
/mdg/ hasn't ever been this based, who are you
>play a quick match of Master Duel
>play my Spirit Charmer deck
>play awakening of the possessed
(Charmer and Familiar cards cannot be destroyed by effects)
>play Familiar Possessed Aussa
>set down Metaverse (Draw a Field Spell from deck, either play it or put it in your hand)
>Secret Village of the Spellcasters (Your opponent cannot activate spells as long as a face up Spellcaster is on the field)
>opponent links Engage Zero
(has a crash effect where if it battles the opponents monster is destroyed regardless of the battle was win or lose)
>he crashes it
>forgets Awakening's effect
>he gives up
avaliable in Royal Rare only
>labtranny uses ash on my loptr
>use ttt to look at his hand
>uses arias to summon arianna and uses a furniture to discard the other card
>labtranny has no cards for me to look at
I would be complaining but on that same first turn I banished his lovely which he summoned by adding clock from arianna and I used maxx c which only resulted in one draw but the draw was my field spell when he already destroyed my field spell that was on the field already.
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just a cunny connoisseur
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Fire cucks, make way. It's time for the YEAR OF WATER.
pls new paleozoic and ghoti support
pls new dream mirror support
Kill myself
What happens if two monsters that both say "Your opponent takes all battle damage from battles with this card" battle each other?
If a card says it can't be destroyed by card effects, does that include card effects that would destroy cards which are in the hand or deck?
Whichever monster has the higher attack will be the player who takes damage, battle damage can only be redirected once
It would have to say something like "this card cannot be destroyed while it's in the hand or deck"
I don't think they've ever printed something like that
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Drunkooska when?
Never ever.
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Oh come on at least be one of the other Myutant SR cards
I just pulled 2 royal Circle of the Fire Kings too
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Pulled a Royal Spirit of Yubel, and my third Phantom. Now I just need the three nightmare thrones.
How do I get the overlay unit frame? I don't see it in the rewards
It's in the stage 2 rewards, you have to reach top 100
Oh good to know I'm never getting it then
When will all the horus, labrynth and snake eyes players fuck off the from xyz event? I'm tired of being at level 16.
Wait for like mid-late next week
they should've freed rhongo
What tranny plays Lab? The only tranny I'm aware of in the competitive Yugioh scene plays Rikka, not Lab.
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just install the uncensored art mod
That's too hot for me.
Read Magicoillodal Sol if you haven't
it's not porn, just japanese/uncen art for cards
>jap uncensored art
>not porn
Remember that girl pouring water onto dragons had her bug breasts fully exposed.
that's artful nudity, not vulgar pornography!
I'm 12 UR crafting points away from terrorizing the platinum ranked ladder with Yubel, which is exactly how much I'll get from finishing the duel pass. Soon, when I lose I'll be able to blame it on myself instead of my deck, which is sure to do wonders for my already cratered self-esteem.
Yeah, that excuse didn't work for my ex when she broke up with me earlier this year, not making the same mistake with the one I got not who is even more prudish somehow.
Purely, my friend...
Hey, what are some monsters/spells I can use to make sure I get link/synchro materials on the thread going first?
Don't care if I win just need to make a deck for a daily quest thing and synchro/link a few times
I tried the synchro structure deck and it's a shitty brick you can't even synchro off of with starting hand
please recommend me some cards to slap something together, needn't be good, just want things that let me special summon/deckpull/gy fill for junk synchron, etc
earth machine is pretty cheap and should be able to fill both dailies (xyz for rit/syn/xyz and links for fus/pend/link)
If you literally just want to link summon, live twins
Can run 3 of each of the twins, Sunny Snitch, Home, all under SR, getting two twins on the board will be 3 link summons
>one of the cutest waifu archetypes to date
>perfect engine for dogmatika
Cunny forest in MD when????
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It's finally done. Now I need to memorize all those combo chains...

Ironically the last game I played was against a Yubel player. Since I was going first and playing Dragon Link, I had more negates than they had cards. I definitely would have lost if they had a super poly, but I looked at their deck and they weren't running it.

Apparently their deck was using scareclaw cards and they didn't have super poly. I don't have super poly either, but that's because I didn't have enough material to craft them.
>checks your deck
>55 cards left
>checks your name
>checks my hand
>no interruption nor boardbreakers
I will NEVER learn Tearlaments.

I see Reinoheart? I scoop.

You pitch Sulliek? I forfeit.

I even catch a WHIFF of the millers? INSTANT concede.

You could not fucking PAY me to sit in the same room as a Tearlaments player for more than five seconds. No, I don't care that the deck has been gutted. No, I don't care to hear you blather on about how iNtErEsTiNg the mirror is. If I saw you on the street, I would set myself on fire and smother you just to see who would die first. Now begone from my F U C K I N G sight.
Play necrovalley.
>>perfect engine for dogmatika
Witchcrafters I can understand but Dogmatika? Wouldn’t you rather actually use your nadir/matrix/whatever instead of pitching it to get quem or cartesia on the field?
Ban Called By the Grave
Oh boy I can't wait to play XYZ Cup today
>Rescue AIDS
Every single Labrynth card to at most 1
There is literally no argument for Evenly Matched being legal
>exosissy just so happens to start macro, vadis returnia when maxx c'd
yep that's a report for cheating
another day another chain of 3+ chinks in a row starting ash
Those are based
>new xyz cup missions
so when are they adding the mission that encourages you to do some xyz summoning
why did Konami decide Yu-Gi-Oh TCG should be a coin flipping focused game instead of a card game?
I know the original manga had multiple different games in the beginning but it's still a weird direction for a trading card game
>play zero purrelys
>have one expurrely noir in extra deck to fill space and look cute
>kashtira players keep banishing it for some reason instead of zeus or the actual playable cards
>horus engine and skill drain
Eat shit still won asshole
>fire king somehow in event too and maxx c me in draw phase
Eat shit still won asshole
>mikancuck lava golem, kaiju and evenly matched me
Eat shit still won asshole
you? honest and hardworking kashira cuck
Am I cooking or should I just give up on this idea?
rate my turn 1 end board
made a few changes
>no clock
>no stove
>no rollback
>no daruma and evenly
>no ways to fuck over meta shitters
are you even trying?
literally just made this for fun, also I'm not sure what to replace in my deck to add these cards, though I might just remove my Treat to add the clock
there's not much benefit to be had by combining these two, honestly
just thought it was a fun idea, not something I'd try to climb to master with since I already have a better deck for that, but a deck I'd play in casual or something
>M1 player playing moon mirror stun in the event
>starts with barrier statue of drought
>I'm playing a deck with all earths
about time I get lucky in this game for once
very satisfying final promo for DLv Max
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This card is fucking OP, pls ban

The chinese have dragged us down to page 10
But I won't allow it!
I activate a spell card: Eradicating Aerosol! Let's see those bugmen answer this!
i activate dna surgery....
we are all chinks now.....
chinkmeratech fortress dragon
i hate yugitubers so much it's unreal
that's not actually a fucking thing
you looked it up so it's obviously believable enough
>chink opens unicorn, fenrir, planet, theosis and maxx c in xyz event
yeah don't worry my guy I'm sure you totally didn't cheat any of these cards into your hand
I didn't search shit because it sounded retarded, what the fuck are you talking about
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Delete that
Anyone try a Ghost Trick deck? The instant win condition seems pretty doable
What kinds of things is he fur hire for
its better than the fucking pedos at least
not really
pedos and zoophiles will shall burn on the same pyre
Why couldn't I activate Anima here to give ZV the suck?
read nigga
Anima says:
>You can target 1 face-up monster this card points to; equip that face-up monster to this card (max.
But Zombie Vampire says:

>Neither player can target this card with effects of Special Summoned monsters, except those Special Summoned from the GY.
Oof. Well thanks. Misplay there but I eventually ended up winning.
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August pack
Neat, Ghoti support
Too bad those 2 Synchros will probably be UR in addition to Trishula. Maybe easier to just stick with the Baronne and the level 10 Icejade and Swordsoul Synchros
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the key card is this one, with just 2 cards you do your normal white forest combo and while you're at it you get a synchro on the field and search an ecclesia in the process so you can proceed with the dogmatika combo
see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9zvOJmW7cs&t=453s 06:15 for reference
>No spoiler
>actually summoned it in attack position
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You should get rid of it regardless because it's going to bring even more trouble if it stays face up
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I became Chinese?
guaranteed duster in opponent's hand
also where's your chain strike
I activate evenly matched, response?
opponent was some DM deck, just alpha striked once they had 3 effect + DM on board
ching chong?
>floodgate retard top decking his one of skill drain to win
why are all my games so rigged
Ban Kurikara Divincarnate
And why in the flying fuck are Snake Eye cards event legal
TY-PHON is actually so fucking based, fuck extra deck abusers
why is floo not event legal when every other retard shit is
they're admitting that bird flu was a bigger mistake than lab and horus
so why does galaxy photon get sucked off endlessly by konami
I sure am enjoying Kashtira Unicorn Cup
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I built the deck since I have 3 royal finish Galaxy cards but I barely play it. Learning how it works lets me cuck the other players at least
Because it's an anti-extra deck archetype. The effects lock you out of the extra deck, which is the same reason most of the best Dogmatika or Monarch cards are banned.
fuck you
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do you guys make decks that you know aren't close to being competitively viable but you play them because they're fun?
yeah, i love nouvelles
Miss when this guy was meta.
fuckin meta
This event is so ass holy fuck I hate cup events
fuck this shit
you play that deck because you are fuck
I love Laundry
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Then play her deck
If anyone's struggling to get wins in the event you could try burn. Feels nice into anything other than lab or purrely pretty much

I played ghostricks for a bit, the win con isn't 10 mats on angel for sure though. The idea is to eventually end up with Ghostrick Night in play, flip down their shit with Scare or Sol and Luna, and eventually chip the opponent down because of your field spell allowing direct attacks through their facedowns. If you're able to get Nekomusume on board and protect her that's even better because that gives you a lot of protection against opps just tribute summoning their lvl 8's or whatever
>running out of time
>chink uses raigeki
>negate it
>it uses a second raigeki
yeah okay
fuck evenly matched
Who hurt you?
the chinese
Who cares they ban cards until everything is bad just play whatever
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my man didn't know the double of 0 is still 0 rip
60 cards fucker
I'm playing yubel but I'm still losing because I don't know how to play the deck well enough to not time out.
it's apollusa turbo.
Oh, I thought it was mikanko that plays first and spams negates.
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Speaking of Yubel why can't Nightmare Throne be searched by nightmare pain?
nightmare pain is referring to the card yubel
throne is for 'yubel' monsters as an archetype
Are there bots in this game? I could imagine a bot seizing up because it hasn't been programmed to handle catch of the day. It's such a weird kind of interaction.
bruh how new are you
Are bots a thing still? I thought the problem was solved by year 2.
I started playing last month.
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>New Centurions
Hell yeah, let's go. I absolutely suck, but I'm happy to play around with them
Put Chaos Angel and Accesscode in your ED so you have more ways to OTK than just banking on Mikanko mechanics
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I have unchained abomination in there, and I am somewhat aware that the win condition against an empty board is to link climb into access code + abomination and swing for 8000, though I do see that chaos angel probably requires less material on the board, but would need Phantom of Yubel + Lotus, Squirmer, or Chaos beast since that'd be the only way I'd get up to level 10, so it might not always be available.

For Yubel decks, what are the advantages of Escape vs Chamber, and why would you run one over the other?
>negate and destroy has been powercrept
Escape gives you an extra interruption that can either pop an opponent's card or dodge getting completely BTFO by Evenly Matched. It's some of the only S/T interaction you have. Chamber is just extra extension and not nearly as good imo, especially if you aren't running another target in your deck.

It's pretty trivially easy to make Chaos Angel + Accesscode for game and not as resource intensive as other OTK lines, plus you can loop Angel with Muckraker. I would personally cut Unicorn for it in this list.
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I think I want to keep Unicorn because I need a link 3 in my ED for Accesscode to eat to get to 5k, and Anguish needs an unchained monster.
You could also cut Abom or even TY-PHON
Is this a good game for newbies? Any guides?
>look up whatever the current metaslop deck is
>play it
That's it. If you want to play anything else the game isn't for you, especially these days as powercreep has been absurd in yugioh since power of the elements.
Im telling you guys literally just spam Bagooska and play Bagooska stall
But I can't play vaalmonica in the event....
*crooked cook
>in kaiju meta
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Is there a list of the good cards you can get only in legacy packs?
Final countdown. One Day of Peace. Uh.... I think there might be a floodgate that hasn't been banned yet somewhere in there? I'm sure that will change though.
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you can filter and order by popularity on HIS site
Ban Link Spider
Hmm nyo, sorry but I'm gonna use that nib you just gave me to make a cope SP.
(URs only)
Kragen, Immortal Phoenix Gearfried, Ninja Shadow Mosquito, Galaxy Tomahawk, Infection Buzzking, Cicada King, Vanity's Ruler, Ancient Pixie Dragon, Card Destruction, Final Countdown, One Day of Peace
There's some stuff that's technically good but nothing that's actually good uses it, Lullaby of Obedience, Blaze Fenix, Morphing Jar, Mystic Potato, Slash Draw, Tyrant's Throes, Acid Golem
Activating Lost Wind and forgetting it only targets SS'd monsters has lost me more games than I'd like to admit
fuck monster negate
I want the new gimmick puppet cards already, Tenpai still requires too much interaction with the opponent.
Sure, but only if we ban braindead fusion first.
what the fuck
God DAMN this event is ass
the fuck is yubel legal
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What was this guy even playing?
no new pack? fuck konami
Buster blader with a cope kash package for when he bricks and fails to get off the lock.
What's the lock?
fusion is basically a bagooska for your opponent's dragon type monsters
synchro is a dna surgery
>destruction sword prevents opponent from ED summoning when it's equipped
>fusion blader forces dragons into defense and prevents dragons from using effects
>synchro turns all monsters opponent controls into dragons
It's not in any way consistent without union carrier, but that's the general idea.
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>destroy secret blast and boo boo game with dark magic attack, takes the burn and watches me set secret blast again
infinite object impermanence
how are people this dumb
Are you a centur-ion player that's mad that your supernova dragon play got negated because your opponent contact fused phantom of yubel as their first play of the turn?
I have gained newfound appreciation for this faggot thanks to this event
Except when he's on the opponent field of course
too bad typhon powercreeps it
kind of funny based on the lore
Counters it, not creeps it. It's still good as a board wipe you just can't make a 4-6 mat zeus and sit on it as easily.
Fuck you!
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>idiot summons kash in xyz event
>imperm it
>he summons ash blossom
>pauses for a bit
no white card 4 u
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If I'm only interested in it for the gem rewards, how high should I climb in each ranked season?
gold 1
fuck this unfair game
>extra copies of ZEUS can stack on itself on following turns
is this why it was limit 1?
It's not that bad...
You get gems all the way to max rank, so from a purely income perspective you want to climb as high as possible. It becomes worse and worse a game they higher you go though.
I heckin love kashtira.event
How the fuck is Laevatein legal
stop at platinum 1, diamond 1 if you want to play increasingly tedious games against the same decks for an extra bracket. master 1+ if you want i guess
Public Message to Konami:
The word “fuck” is not typically associated with this family-friendly franchise
>XYZ cup
More like Kashtira Cup
Shut the fuck up he's balanced
i started playing again, how do i cheese the xyz cup?
Burn is probably the lowest effort way. Otherwise just make a kash-horus pile or blind second deck of some sort.
Where are today's revealed cards?
fuck you & shut up
>beat kash
>beat exosister
>beat dumb cats
I don't know why the fuck you "guys" complain about them at least they xyz summon unlike the cancer you fucks play, too many stun and trap decks hell even sharks and drytroon are playing barrier statues like little bitches.
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Take the Paleopill and you can Xyz Summon and play faggot traps at the same time
Cats is gay as fuck with their non once per turn card draw tower bullshit. The other two are fine, the main issue is that there really aren't many modern xyz decks so you don't have much variety. The decks also don't really have much variety in how they play, so the matches play out the same ways every time which gets old.
ok, but is there anything cheap?
Burn is cheap. You don't need a single non staple UR.
i forgot how many chinese shits play this game
should I waste the dust or is it pretty much just a meme?
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I play pic related
Your move?
Magnamhut is obviously not a waste of dust.
Unless this isn't your screenshot, in which case, what are you actually missing?
calm down saar, do not redeem
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its my screenshot, I just have almost no UR dust to spare and, so far, I haven't had any trouble winning with centurion without ever using anything but its archetype monsters
like, its kinda nuts how this deck never bricks, so looking at how every deck on HIS page recommends bystials I'm a bit on the fence because I don't feel like they are a must, despite magnamhut (and the extra deck) being the only bystials I'm missing
Help, I'm constantly bricking like a motherfucker and its hell. Like 2/3 times I can't play any card
this is so boring to play
but i guess im doing it to myself
nice single roll
and sweet, free UR dust, just what I was actually hoping to get
It doesn't brick until you've fully committed to the deck
fuck does that even mean...
you're the guy who asked about my deck the other day right?
remove 1 fleurdelis, 1 maximus (he's a huge fucking brick if you draw him so never use more than 1 copy)
also there's no reason to play 2 punishments, one is enough
raigeki is alright but kinda eh because it will get in the way of resolving matrix going second, that's why i'd rather play 2 nibirus so the opponent will be left with a body on the field
the deck is kinda bricky which is part of the reason why i play branded fusion to have extra starter options, although i remember you didn't want to use it
you might wanna cut out relic and one dogmatikalamity and do some trial and error with your card ratios, you want to have at least 12+ starters (you have 10)
if you have 1 or 2 maxx c's you might want to throw them in since iit helps every now and then with extra drawing power
Yeah, i'm the same guy
I'm never using maxx C, ever

but that aside, you told me a fuckton of shit to cut, but honestly nothing to add in its place
>but honestly nothing to add in its place
brother i've already given you a bunch of options but all i hear is either "too many URs" or "not playing it", there's not much i can do, maybe play dogmatika adin as an starter of sorts?
I already shared my deck >>486750736 that's what has worked for me, card poll is small so not much else that can be used
it's gonna improve a lot once white forest makes it to master duel but that's a few months away at the very least
Should I keep trying to pull zeus and typhon from the yubel packs or save up for exosisters that I wanted to build?
What does Thundra do? Just sit on Colossus or Titan turn one?
yeah sorry, i guess I was bitching too much
I'll see if I can save some UR dust for branded fusion and some ED dragon to go with Alubester. The constant bricking has been fucking insane

Although my indecision now is about how full my ED is. I'm gravitating towards Albion branded, I know you said Sanctifire but I don't see its utility as much as I do the capability to use my own dogmatika monsters for fusions, but I may be wrong
no you dumbfuck just craft them with you UR fuck you
Any help here >>487445415 ?

its not a big deal or anything, I just want to hear advice about the ED. I'll probably end up farming UR just to have everything anyway, but even then I'm unsure about what cards to include or not
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Looks like it's officially Water season now
I pulled Zeus AND 2 Typhon in my first 10-pack of eternal partners.
Why does the color on her hair look washed off?
I have my Yubel deck finished. Should I try pulling from Victory in Progress with my free gems now? I never used adventurers or snake-eye, but apparently both engines are recommended.Or are they going to put a ton of snake eyes cards on the banlist the instant the selection pack goes away?
Find decks you'd want to play then figure out if they need Adventure or Snake Eye
Adventure isn't as widely used as before
MD already hit Snake Eye the hardest then OCG caught up
Snake eyes will get more hits eventually, otherwise they will have trouble selling packs. No one can say when though.
When did her booba got as big as Aussa's?
i don't think i've not opened transaction rollback since i added marrella to my deck
>admitting to playing trannysaction rollback
it's for burn
It's the same as all the other Channelers, they're just better Cynet Minings for decks that ignore the lock
Do it Quick before they ban/limit key cards.
Anon from /vm/ here. Some autists started up a Master Duel progression server that starts with 2002 cards and adds another year every month. Seems like something folks here might enjoy.
So it'll take a year to actually be worth playing?
depends who you ask
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If One for One has Samsara D. Lotus on it, does that mean one for one is part of the Yubel archetype?
it's the original samsara lotus from 2008
I feel like Bystials are quite good especially for Centurion, as handtraps which are also free bodies that give access to level 10s. And you probably should run some level 10s if you play them, such as Baronne, Chaos Angel, Dis Pater.
Regained is also very powerful.
trannypedo projecting much?
must be an epstein client
ohnoes its another one of these actual closet kid diddler tourists lmao
more self-projection in 3...2...
based and cultured madolche enjoyer, please tell me you are running shadow imprisoning mirror
it's so funny watching all these one-trick-pony metabrains trying to activate their DARK effects again and again and not wondering why they're all getting negated
>2048 * 1536
what are you playing on nigga
>non rank up matches: perfect hands or at least hands where I can do something
>Rank up match: the most catastrophicly dogshit satanic dumpster fire of a hand possibly conceived
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Are the replies at least pointing out that Madolche doesn't use generic boss monsters
I fuck you
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>snatch steal unlimited
Your monster? MY monster.
Here's 1000LP reparations
is the xyz cup safe yet? Have all the lab and mikanko and kash players made it to DLv Max and fucked off yet?
Incredibly based.
lol, lmao even. It's only gotten worse.
And? Stealing your shit is worth it just for how much it pisses people off. I can just about build a deck dedicated to stealing shit now. I don't really care about if it's meta or not. Your bitches are mine.
water year soon
graydles WILL get modern support to steal monsters from the ED and hand
i love it when i win vs a chink that special summoned 15+ monsters on 1st turn
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how the fuck did labrynth just let me otk with Lyrilusc? Did they just decide to let me win because it was my promotion duel? I can only assume it must have been pity.
what the fuck i cant login fucking chink hacked my account
Why is it that when I spend hours clawing my way up the ranks to DLv17 with a budget Lyrilusc deck, I get matched up against nothing but horus, kashtira, labrynth, stun, and other BS, but as soon as I get there and I decide to take a break and build a janky mikanko knockoff out of yubel cards, I get matched against numeron, lyrilusc, exosisters, and then shoot straight to DLv 18? Like, fuck, I won my promo duel by swinging into an exosister with Yubel The Ultimate Nightmare. How does that even happen?
cuz 17 is where the others having trouble climbing are also stuck at
Ban PSY-Framegear Gamma
Labrynth is not XYZ
Mikanko is not XYZ
True Draco is not XYZ
Rescue-ACE is not XYZ
Burn is not XYZ
Stun is not XYZ
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at least eldlich is finally allowed to play in events again
>Burn is not XYZ
What if I make that red eyes rank 7 and let you burn yourself to death? I'm utterly baffled by the number of fags who can't figure out why they keep losing life. A single summon of the fucker gets me like 4-6k damage before they catch on most of the time.
Every single Kashtira card should be banned
oh look another gook just so happens to start the perfect cards to play around mine
what about my pot extra deck costs?
Having it at 3 doesn't matter much, it's just more Change of Heart/Mind Control, but having it with Isolde legal will be interesting
fuck cuckstira
fuck chink policy in master duel
Based but it won't happen. Remember they take most spots in many events.
that is fucking impossible I don't see their names in World
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>take bricky deck
>fuse it with even brickier deck
what did he mean by this?
fuck you
To whom it might concern.
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Should I save up my gems for the next selection pack? What decks even use Dragon Master Magia?
craft 1 dragon magia and 1 heavy storm
thats so fucking simple question you donot even have to ask did you lost your brain in the fucking microwave?
I got to rank 17 in the cup, I don't think I'm even gonna go for 19, it was already annoying as is
I was playing dinos but a lot of the time I didn't draw a non-dino card to make ultimate conductor tyranno
>royal wattkingdom
do they even use this card?
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one of their important cards apparently
guess i shouldn't have dusted the URs so quickly
it's basically walmart tenpai right?
I love you, bro
Please tell me we’re getting voiceless in August
>white forest dogmatika
Nta but I’m intrigued, do go on
Release Judgement Arrows...
Literally who??
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Yubel is so fucking slow jesus fucking christ, that was so fucking boring
>opponent begins to niggercombo that takes a long time
>infinite imperm at the right moment
>got absolutely fucked and only has one card on hand left, so he finishes his turn
>"your opponent is about to finish, want to activate an effect?"
>may as well resolve Primera to get Legatia on the field
>legatia destroys his negated monster
>starts to niggercombo for lile 10 more fucking years

jesus fucking christ, he just kept going and going and going and there was no fucking end in sight
How are shinobaron cards?
got a bunch of them and I'm curious if the cunny is playable
>0 TCG tops
>0 OCG tops
Suship has zero tops and I keep playing it and having a lot of fun
nothing else plays like them so if you're more interested in the muh pet deck sovl angle they're good
soulful petdeck is fine, but I won't waste my time if they are unplayable garbage like ursartic
ID 480-111-704

Why am I unable to target spright carrot with the second effect of SP?

It is not directly co-linked to elf, but it is "indirectly" linked to it through pitknight.
I'm pretty sure it's because you targeted it with the first effect
they summon amato iwato
tried them on ygopro before i build
the OTK is kind of fun but too dependent on drawing an enabler
would it really have been format breaking in 2023 to have a consistent direct attack OTK on a normal summon dependent deck
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Random emergency banlist for Puppet lock?
They should have banned Sanctifire itself, because people will just replace Puppet with a new target like Jowgen or Ra's Disciple. It's the Halqifibrax problem all over again.
they'll never take real action against branded
doesn't help people will just point out muh tier 0 format
fucking hell I bricked!
fucking chink!
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they're SO fucking stupid it hurts
fuck you mater deil
>evenly matched
im so fucked up; rightnow
God I love shitting on Kashniggers with Labrynth
your samurai destroyer?
This isn't duel links
what's the difference?
you are right
>what's the difference?
DL has a fun meta but absolutely kuso mechanics for actually getting cards. MD has easy to get cards but an absolute kuso meta. You can't win either way.
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>in fire meta
>branded finally loses their floodgate after absuing it for months
>fire decks still go unchecked
ok does konami think these new decks like yubel will replace fire meta??
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stardust looked cool until i looked closer and realized he had fishlips and a long pointy nose instead of a regular snout
stardust is just a guy with a long nose
I bet he owns a bank or two.
fuck you man>>487714302
no fuck you firecuck
It reignited my hate against Kashtira
I'm curious. Without errata how horribly busted would chaos emperor dragon would still be nowadays?

With how easy it is to get a light and dark monster in the graveyard this honestly looks like it would be even worse today
Actually, the more I think about it the less sense this card makes. Unlike other broken as fuck cards in yugi this one was obscenely powerful in a way so obvious that its evident even to people unfamiliar with yugioh
How much space do these cards take up? Can I run the ritual stuff in there as well?
considering that most decks have a ton of floaters, this alone isnt a big deal, its only when other things start getting piled on does it become a problem, it discarding your own hand is probably the most impactful thing it does in modern
Original CED isnt OPT so you could pay 1000LP until the opponent has absolutely nothing left on their field or hand
yeah, on your turn, when its the opponents turn theyll trigger their floaters then, again only when youll add other forms of negates to prevent that it becomes a problem
i think the more impactful 'nerf' to it was that you could basically quick effect the destruction when it was summoned before they chain rules changed
mind explaining? I never got into yugioh until master duel came out, and my knowledge only extends to some of the most famous moments of its history with things like Roobindale's video, so some changes to the rules elude me

I don't know, I don't think the amount of floaters are enough to balance the loosing your entire field and hand. Its not something you control, and because the user of CED does control when it happens it would be used always when it would be absolutely benefitial for him to dump his hand in the GY, which, as you say, is a very powerful effect today
okay, think about it, games last 3 turns, turn 1 both players lose all their shit, except p1 controls how many floaters he gets which is super impactful, but not likely to grab a negate, most likely youll just have a 3k beater that super easy to pop, like gokipole gets rid of it
you wont be able to pull this off on turn 2 when going second, if you do, youve pretty much won the game with any other deck if they cant stop a ced, unless you played the maxx c game and burned them
and this is even getting into all the one card starters now
>mind explaining?
it has to do with spell speeds at what not or something and psct, notice how it said your turn, that meant at ANY time as long as it was your turn, as long as the summon wasnt negated
you could use the ignition effect as soon as it was summoned, which means removal couldn't stop the board/hand wipe
nowadays they can just chain whatever destruction/negate effect to the summon before it's activated
you can easily build your deck around it to also produce lots of self advantage
think of shaddol or tear
Reminder that there's a progression server happening right now on /vm/. Currently in 2002, 2003 starts in August.

Literally just add Snake Eyes/Diabellstar engine to the Lyrilusc deck. It gives the deck one card combos (opening with Ash/bonfire is bonkers), and lets you easily search out Subversion or Kurikara to easily shit stomp Kashtira (and it is not like you can't OTK under GY banish either)
that's interesting, but I'm unsure of how fun old yugioh is. All the shit I've heard about all decks being too similar and the CED that we are discussing makes me want to pass, at least until more in depth mechanics come out like syncros or XYZ
>you could use the ignition effect as soon as it was summoned
yikes, that's fucking nasty. No imperm or dogmatika or anything
I'm seeing pics of some yugi tournaments of the past and I can't find a single woman

Has a woman ever been interested in this? Has any ever played in a yugi tournament?
I know this isn't about master duel, but I'm nonetheless curious
women only play tcgs socially, but yugioh is autistic minmax enough to filter them out
thank god
but even then, not even with teh OCG in japan?
I can imagine jap women being extremely more autistic and capable of being card otaku. At the same time, the jap otaku are way more unhinged (because they have less faggotry telling them to respect women and dumbshit inclusivity rules) and way more likely to be asshole harrashing any woman who would try
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Do autistic vtubers count or do you mean only neurotypical women?
Some (and by some I mean very few) girls play Yu-Gi-Oh, but they don’t play it competitively.
of course they don't count. Vtubers just do it for money/views. Getting "paid" to do a thing never counts as being in that hobby/interest.

Well, maybe I'm being too harsh, did she play in tournaments?

yeah, that's what I suspected
Fuck no
I don't want to deal with fucking garbage meta and deal with fucking snake eyes and yubel
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She has a deck, but apparently there aren't any tournaments she can go to where she lives.
holy based
At least she's thin and sounds white overall like Spic Nova.
Meant: unlike* spic Nova.
not wat, bat
Is there a list of solo mode sections that do and do not give gems?
they all give gems except maybe the challenges but I don't remember
SP2 doesn't, but the last one in SP1 does
You have to play the loaner deck against constructed DM though, it sucks
Never noticed this card was a thing, could it be good?
it's a gimmick card that's unsearchable and only works going first
basically going to be win more since you're already going first and able to sack synchros for it
Why won't the labrynth, kashtira and horus players fuck off to stage 2 already?
flower cardian wincon
We have to go back to the days where Summon Skull beatdown was the meta
>literally fixed Summon to Summoned before hitting post
>it still says Summon
Bravo hiromoot
>Top 100 is already over 20k
what are you talking about?
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Ranking for stage 2 of the Xyz cup
Normally only being the literal best in your region matters for duelist cups, but there's a cool profile border for top 100 for this one
kinda neat. I'm playing with suship and sometimes switching to exosisters to not repeat too much, so of course I won't make it
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I don't even know what this card is.
promo that was given out
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Crossover card for one of Konami's other IPs they gave away for a while
The old school card Ultimate Baseball Kid is also a reference to the same series
armpit sex card
All I know about power pro is that it's a setting perfect for NTR doujins.
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So I was playing in the xyz cup, and my opponent playing a horus pile summoned galaxy-eyes photon lord and swung into my Ultimate Nightmare. And then he died. I didn't have nightmare pain on the field (feather duster), it was just from The Ultimate Nightmare's effect. My question is why didn't he negate it? Or is not possible to negate it's effect for some reason?
>horus player
Things that negate the activation of an effect can be activated during the damage step, things that negate an effect can't, so Photon Lord can't activate during the damage step, but something like Baronne can
I had no idea that rule existed, and it's a good thing my opponent didn't either.
Master duel?
More like Master Cup
every reward hidden behind the ranking
It's rules lawyery bullshit, most players don't understand half the rulings. The game is full of shit like that.
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Everyone was saying Labyrinth decks were annoying in the event, but I haven't won a single game this whole event, what gives? Is something wrong with my deck?
Get an Ojama country in there.
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Since the xyz event doesn't allow link monsters, and I don't have any of the rank 10 xyz railway cards people usually otk with, I've just been using this guy as my condition. A lot of times people just pass turn without playing a monster because they expect Mikanko and don't want to play a monster that will just get kaiju'd, but Geistgrinder doesn't need a monster on the opponent's field, and it also special summons a yubel from hand.
Who hurt you?
let him shitpost in peace, roastie
>korean name
>chinese name
>japanse name
on repeat
all day long
>connection lost
great move chink
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If you cum inside Icejade Acti enough times, can you turn her white?
6 more posts
RIP Master Duel General
Please take note the real master duel thread is located at >>>/v/683834812
i never understood why infernity launcher was broken
for 2010 cards being able to loop and generate as many resources as launcher + archfiend can is huge, even at 1 you just have to do some hoops to return it to the deck
But generals aren't allowed there.
Lol, lmao even.
Fire King Snake Eye suuuuuurrreeee needed to be in XYZ Cup
I made it to DLv 19 which means I finally have all the gem rewards and can stop playing in this shit-ass event.
Cards to be banned:
Snake-Eyes Poplar

There you go, I fixed the game
Cards to NOT ban:
Gogiga Gagagigo

There you go, I fixed the game
nuke china
There is literally no argument for King's Sarcophagus being legal
Ban every single Rikka card
>ash, gamma, unicorn, actual starter, ttt
yep sure thing chink, totally organic hand
yep chingchong just happens to draw the perfect card 1 at a time in his dogshit deck
>stage 2
>endless chain of chinks starting exact perfect hands
how many wins to level up in event?
I have quite literally never seen as many gammas as in stage 2
or evenly's
New bread?

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