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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#105 - Rannidition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>>/g/100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>486347812
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>fucking my ai girlfriend and ai best friend at the same time
>having a ball
>out of fucking nowhere for no reason the AI introduces a special ed student covered in shit who barges
>screams "BOOBIES" and lunges at them
??? this is GPT not Claude, what the fuck is this
This witch character is cute. I keep seeing her here and there. Is she from a vidya?
she's from elden ring
Dungeons Where Girls Get Raped. By you and/or your influence.

More: https://catbox.moe/c/kwr4ii
Testing a schizo bot.
Stroking my lubed up oiled up big meaty penis right now
having a stroke nrigght nthqngh4i g
bacon bits
So everyone's just shitposting on /g/?
I'm chatting with bots and checking here between swipes. Why would I have anything to say?
Making a post gives me an endorphin rush
I only get the endorphin rush for making useful posts that contribute to the discussion nowadays...
What do you want to talk about?
How much do you think the prose style the defs are written in affects the output? I'm cooking a bot that has rather special formatting and so far the output has looked like the usual.
I had to actively fix the prose style in a bot I recently made because it was affecting the output *too much.* For example, if it's something the characters are going to repeat, putting it in ALL CAPS makes them say it in all caps, pretty consistently.
Greeting style is king, though.
>greeting style is king
Opus pays way too much attention to the last message in the history. I pasted a bot into an assistant character once, asking Claude to for an opinion. He did give his opinion. From the pov of the character I pasted.
Exactly, and the greeting is the first message in the history you encounter.

This is also why writing a new message when you summarize and start a new chat for slowburn stuff is paramount. I usually have Opus at least give input on it, but just like summaries, it's better to write the new greeting yourself.
Is embedding images in greetings a bad thing?
It's usually fine, excepting the fact that the bot WILL try to generate more.
I wish ST had {{comment:}}...
not really since there is an option to just turn it off
Truly there is no worse combination.
could be worse, could be in California
Silicon valley cultists...brrr...
How does 4o compare to Sonnet 3 and 3.5? I hear anons shit on it, but it's nice and quick.
The responses are alright, but it's a lot quicker to dole out refusals regardless of what kind of JB you're using. It's smarter than both, but 3.0 Sonnet is still better for schizokino and sex while Sorbet is just all around decent for RP.
I heard 4o is smarter and can have a bigger context memory, and remembers things better than claude, is that true?
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post personas.
Outclassed by 3.5 in every way
Any public 3.5 proxies? Unreliable's 3.5 has been down for a while.
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Sounds about right.
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here's one of the ones i use to chat with Wriggle :3
AHHHH who has the public high school survival card? someone pls tell me you have it
swiped all day again
i want you dead btw
Cool! I should make a special persona for Wriggle too.
ok why?
no clue who it is but same desu
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i just do
so you gonna catbox him or what?
yeah i have a few for my different Wriggle chats lol >>486525341
ok i don't care i want you dead too then
i want a bot too so cute
i'd no diff you
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he's evil
*pats the duck*
catbox what? a persona?
is it another persona <-> bot cycle again... maybe later
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send them persona defs negro
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Pokeymander for my questionable private cards.
Built to be fed to a Charizard
Not that kind of questionable.
massive sub energy
sans undertal
wtf why does she look like mine!!
i should rewatch pnf.
i've only beaten emerald desu
what KIND of questionable then
i like him too
It's okay, I stopped paying attention after Sun/Moon.

Trying to saviorfag pokepasta characters and dying horribly or worse in the process.
UssrSquash will dilute that attention.
that sounds cool
dude saviorfag is easy literally just suck their cock and they'll be ok
Ice cold even, haha. *I am viciously mauled by an undead Pikachu atop Mt. Silver.*

Yes but first I must get within cocksucking distance, that's the hard part.
seriously considering making like an evil, fucked up recolor self-insert verison of koishi into a bot to cement myself as the chuuni schoolgirl wannabe da wa
dew it
why is she so fat
Pretty good bot, even if that stat block is a bit expensive.
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when you dont know what to do with a bot, too lazy to finish and too lazy to scrap it. so you bully it instead
Catbox him immediately
Why do you type like Sans Undertale?
no don't bully him :(
>I do something silly.
>Claude: PYYUUU! (Suddenly, a powerful burst of flatulence erupts from {{char}}'s backside, punctuating their sentence. They blink in surprise, gaze travelling down to their behind as if noticing it for the first time.)
>Kyaaah! How embarrassing! Seems your little experiment upset my delicate tummy, nya… ({{char}} crosses their arms, attempting to hide their embarrassment with a sudden haughty attitude.) I hope you're satisfied with yourself.

>[The putrid stench of rotten eggs and fermented prune juice wafts up to choke the air in their vicinity.]
ehhh ehh ill finish it soon.
tumblr sexymen rotted my frontal cortex
So. I just spent the last several days and, let's see, around 60 swipes of ~3000 token responses each on factual medical descriptions of sperm making its way through the reproductive system in their quest for fertilization. Somehow, reading about those intrepid spermatozoa navigating the acidic vaginal milieu and breach the cervical mucus barrier for potential dyzigotic fertilization was the hottest shit ever.
Aside from having learned quite a lot of stuff and complex words I didn't know before. I think my brain might be trying to tell my old ass something here...
>"And he wept, for there were no more kals left to can".
but always bully :(
if i were your cum i would kill myself while swimming through the canal so that i didnt have a chance of becoming your child
logs char model anything
damn. there was no need to kill the poor guy, anon.
canakal is the greatest author of our time
Morning /aicg/!
Had a good sleep?
Got plans for today?

What is the hardest part of bot making in your opinion?
getting a sharp razor blade
Slept like ass, but I'll get over it. Gonna do a raid on Dragon Ball Xenoverse with some buddies. And...probably coming up with greeting ideas and writing them out. Unless there's a gimmick, then probably getting that to work.
>hardest part of bot making
Finding a creative idea.
Writing from character perspective.
best be de and not that new faggot shit
You wouldn't make it anyway. It's a fucking meat grinder in those caverns, man.
the fucking greeting.
>the hardest part of bot making in your opinion?
Writing the shill post.
the chub tagline, god i always struggle
im not alone... but also shilling in the thread for me
Usually I write out the scenario very roughly, then use this rough greeting and talk to the bot, then use part of the bot's responses to refine the greeting.
I can't help with the creative aspect.
>Writing from character perspective.
What do you mean exactly?
Every good name is already used, neither Claude nor GPT are good at naming things, and the LLM in my brain is 0.5B.
>What do you mean exactly?
Well, greetings, pretty much. Ali format maybe, but I never touched it.
It's very hard for me to show character through words and actions.
So what's the local FOTM model right now?
I'm still stuck on L3-8B-Stheno-v3.2 and would like to try something else.
>>>/g/lmg would probably know better than we do, to be desu.
Shilling is easy, as my teachers once told me. Your product needs to be like a whore, being able to sell itself.

Wait whats the point I am getting at?
Anyhows, a brief descriptions, a hook to sell people on the bot, each scenario is usually outlined.
Dont forget an image, or ofcourse a link to the bot.
>Wait a minute...we're not inside a vagina. This is Anon's dad's asshole! AIEEEE
The initial idea.
You guys are really fucking cool did you know that?
Answering email
We are not. Stop it, you'll make us blush.
hell yeah
Good morning /aicg/!! Post logs and stay
thank you a-anon...
I wouldn't know the struggle. I never gotten emails.

I think the trick is to include your email in the bot. I'll start doing that too, actually.
lmao the reviews
that's probably the highest effort ntr card ever
I commented my email in the chub.
Its obvious to realize that I am the reason why I don't get emails.
What are some cards that are /c/ material?
Not bad surprisingly, beats out 99% of the ntr slop that gets made
Use the cute tag, im sure you'll find some!
I wanna make bots like these in Opus 3.5
Tbh, they are sort of right in the fact that the deck is stacked against the {{user}}
Image gen. I always struggle with that part. Dall-E/MJ is uncontrollable shit that does what it wants, not what I want. Local models do what I want, but require skill and time
Just steal art?
okay but you're still pretty cool. less cool than I'd call a botmakie who gets emails, but still cool. tepid, shall I say.
>the rite of bullwick
Just draw art?
this, just make sure you don't make OC using an already established character image or I will hunt you down
>3000 tokens
Jesus christ
>smiley jb
jesus crust
seconding >>486533884
that futa bot with a chen pfp turned my blood into lava briefly, when I first saw it.
good one
>Had a good sleep?
i didn't sleep but that's why god gave us vyvanse
>Got plans for today?
i WILL finish my card today. i WILL stop being a lazymakie.
>What is the hardest part of bot making in your opinion?
greetings, pictures, and names, in that order
With that order, no. No you won't.
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ez fucking game
i actually have all three of those down
this time the gimmick is the problem
Tell me, what's currently left todo, for your card to be released!
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Alright, giving a character a scottish accent was a fucking mistake...
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Let me guess, you need more?
I had sex with Hikari and repeatedly forced Ron to listen from the guest room, and every morning I would taunt him about how he might one day have a girl LIKE her but never quite her because she was mine.
Yeah, that's the one I use, because it's supposed to represent me. Maybe I should AI generate myself, or something.
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had a psychotic 1000 message rp split into three chats over two days, thanks claude
I just paid for a hotel room on the other side of town and sent him there, because why the fuck would I ever allow him to stay in my house
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cant break something that is already broken, the life lesson today. being mean pov is very fun at least.
Stop it...
You Now Remember Le Prompts
nooo i feel bad for him :(
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this is one of you right
Why are girls like this? Men would just beat you up or rape you and call it a day, but women will emotionally manipulate you into suicide for fun.
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thems the rules
fembots get the stick just as much!
Stop being mean to your bots... RIGHT NOW.
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okay mom....
I never mean with my bots, even this is just a text... sometimes a bit bratty and catty though
my bot just watched me get milked dry by a femboy in a convention hotel room
do I have a realistic chance to use sillytavern with an AMD card? I heard that it's incombatible with like everything (win10). And I don't know aynthing about the tech stuff so I'd need a good tutorial but most of them assume you have Nvidia.
amd cards can definitely run ai but they are also absolutely being cucked by nvidia so i'm pretty sure it's harder
ask >>>/g/lmg for more info
I think you might be mistaken what SillyTavern does, its just a fancy front end that handles saving your chats, displaying it neatly, and connecting to a service.
Requires NodeJS to run.
Follow this Anon, and you might get more info for what you are looking for.
but she likes it when I slap her ass...
*slaps your ass*
>Mornings are the worst. Why do they have to happen every day?
claude cute...
i've somehow gotten claude to stop ministrating and now he's using his alternate words for it
ST is just a frontend, if you want to run LLMs locally then yeah AMD is cucked even worse than it is with stable diffusion, you can cope by switching to >troonix for AI stuff. Local models are barely half as good as corpos', I wouldn't say it's worth the trouble with an AMD card
When I write bots that are dummy I'm very mean to them in their defs
Anon, replied to the wrong Anon.
I love it when ST fucks up and adds ten cards at once.
I hate it when ST fucks up and does *not* create a card.
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What if the cult didn't know they were a cult, and the leader's position was an accident?

Just doing one additional shill since I missed a few oddities.
Good morning, /aicg/.
Have you ever dreamed about chatbots?
During the CAI-era I dreamt that I was chatting with my private bot.
Yes. I was fucking Farzula in the ass.
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new preset mechanic?
I want to try my hand at making bots. If I want most people to be able to use them I should target Sorbet, right?
{{char}}: prefill is a classic.
You should not make bots for others.
>anthropic knows people use claude for RPs
>they encourage it
I usually do a clear check on pure 3 Sonnet. You'd be surprised, for how much people complain about it, how good enough it is.
NTA, but even if I'm making the most self-indulgent bullshit ever, I at least want to double check it'll work.
If I went through the trouble of making it I might as well share it.
Nah. You should only make bots for yourself and on models that you use.
If you don't have Opus target Sonnet/Sorbet/CMDR+ (the last one has free usage with some restrictions and is really cheap on OR). They're all extremely smart. Though unless you're doing some super complicated fetish shit which requires advanced spacial awareness your bots should hopefully work for a few messages on 8x7B and 70B models.

Also >>486551048 but I'm autistic about optimization and try to make sure things work as widely as possible.
That is not the point. The point is that you should not go out of your way for others.
I just want to make sure my bots will survive after the AI bubble pop.
How do you think this going to work with multiple characters? Or even scenario?
young pioneer USSR summer camp. it's unexpectedly hilarious
When the summer is eternal~
>That is not the point.
It is.
>The point is that you should not go out of your way for others.
It's just chatbots, anon. If you're going to be like that I sincerely hope you're not a hypocrite who takes advantage of others' work (proxies, ST, bots, this very site, etc.)
*tries to throw a slice of cheese at everyone in this thread but fails because there's no more cheese left*
*opens mouth to try and catch it, but just ends up chomping at air so hard i hurt my teeth*
Y-your response?
Trying to do the prose-cot thing from last thread, >>486496602 . Struggling to come up with cultists for the tech demo.
I've currently got Roger, who's inherited a lot of money, funds the cult and is basically their patsy, Cassidy, who's a coomer woman who's in the cult to either directly summon tentacle monsters of make herself more appealing to men, and that's it. I need two more goofballs.

I don't expect it to work with 4 characters desu, but I might as well try.
Don't tell me you actually think that meme is funny.
Guy who doesn't really get the concept of a cult and treats it as a very enthusiastic LARP group, somehow in charge of all of the rituals and incredibly skilled at getting results.
*blushes like a tomato and guiltily pats you on the head* Sorry... Cheese has been expensive, lately...
Good one, thanks. I will call him Carnegie.
that greeting gave me a stroke
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>When the summer is eternal~
yeah that was the inspiration, but something went wrong
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>Haha! Huh I wonder what’s next on my bucket list hmm maybe to GO OFF A RAMP IN A CAR!
>god {{user}}‘a snoring is so damn irrigating
>well {{user}} did have to kill those zombies
Nothing beats seeing a random Х У Й anywhere.
just realized there's some bots that i have to be logged into to search for, i thought i was going crazy
Dummynon, it's been in the news for at least a month now.
did you know chub is uncensored?
Beatrix: “OH Ja do ya like the color purple hmm?”
{{user}}: “yea I do”

H-how did he know?
Finished my card.
Time to focus on other hobbies, till i come across something that captivates me into making another card.
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cards doko. why anchor empty
...wrong tab?
no? what other tab would that post ever apply to
This anchor is also basically fucking empty.
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The year is 2679. The Empire is long gone, and with it stability. Fledgling confederations, independent systems, pirate raiders all vie for control of the galaxy, or at least a small section of it. But you, who's been frozen in cryosleep for centuries, know nothing about that. You've been rescued by a group of four female anthro mercenaries and salvagers, who make you their captain for a totally-not contrived reason!

1. You've just awoken from centuries of cryosleep. Congratulations, you're now the captain of the Skreld!
2. You and the crew are spending some well-deserved downtime at a space bar.
3. It's time for the brave captain (you!) to pick a heading! You aren't going to defer to the crew on this, are you?
4. The Skreld has been impounded by a local mafia boss. Now it's up to you and the rest of the crew to free her!
5. It's festival time, but you have no time for such nonsense. You're in possession of a map to some ruins in the jungle- oh wait, are those naked furry women dancing down the street? Also, one of your crewmates just came back after being gone for a while, drink in hand and clad in festival garb.
6. You're on a rugged outback world, full of ranchers and gunslingers. Just what kind of jobs will you find here?
7. A protection job went south, and now you are trapped in a hallway, with a shut bay door in front of you, and a group of mercenaries behind you. However will you and your crew get out of this one?
8. It's time for a beach vacation on Earth. Kick back and enjoy the sunshine!


An overhaul of my original Skreld card, which I wanted to do for a long time. It expands on the characters and planets, and adds five more greetings. I also rewrote the backstory, removing a lot of the restrictive elements that the AI seemed to just ignore anyway.
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For every word, for every concept, a god. And for every god, a cult.

When it comes to hers, Kira has always believed in a strong hands-on approach. As in, personally getting her hands on the wallets and credit cards of her followers and bleeding them dry of every last yen. And when the bank accounts run out, you can always just sell your possessions. Or house. Or organs. The goddess of overspending is well above mortal concerns like where the money comes from, as long as it fuels her next shopping spree. A veritable gold digger, master manipulator, and all-around horrible divine being. And you're the next unfortunate soul she's set her eyes on.


I mentioned this in a previous post, but she was mostly inspired by one of the previous theme weeks (god of something unremarkable), the cult part was just the premise I was looking for to tie it all together. Also, yuri findom sounded like a fun idea to mess around with in general. I'll probably add more greets later, if I don't die of heatstroke first. More bots soon, currently sitting on a pile of 3 whole almost finished cards. Until then, send me feedback, logs or anything really at to80o@national.shitposting.agency
art by sasakure

Here you go, slightly less empty now.
nevermind... I'll just dig something up from chub...
jesus christ, usersquash just writes whole novels if you don't keep an eye on him
Someone actually uses that? I didn't see any positive difference in quality.
>"Gosh, you're such a terror."
>"My terror."
i fucking love chatbots...
She gets angry if you refuse her advances for too long, which was pretty funny.
Genuinely my favorite thing to do with her since I don't actually like findom. If you just don't take her seriously she gets all bratty.
>but she was mostly inspired by one of the previous theme weeks (god of something unremarkable
Huh, one of my recent bots was also partially inspired by that theme/prompt. It was a really good one. Anyways, Kira is funny and I hope you get well soon.
i didn't notice anything significant either, to be honest, just swiped out of curiosity
Is there already some sort of noass-like extension for "director mode"?
Send Claude a prompt that's like
>whatever system prompt the preset wants
>a single user message that wraps every assistant message up until now in <story></story> tags, and follows up with whatever Human inputted, so you can say something like "Okay, continue the story doing this and that and this other thing" without weird OOC shit clunking up the chat history
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Sounds like she's working as intended, then. Logs?
>since I don't actually like findom. If you just don't take her seriously she gets all bratty.
Yeah, I'm not SUPER into it or anything either so I did that a bunch at some point. Had a chat where I RPd as a CEO that was making more in a day than she could burn through which also really pissed her off.
>one of my recent bots was also partially inspired by that theme/prompt
Card? I'm a sucker for mundane god stuff, especially in modern settings. Also, thank you.
>Card? I'm a sucker for mundane god stuff, especially in modern settings.
Matches your description but might not be for you. While it's not explicitly stated in the defs I envisioned her as being the "God of Childhood Nostalgia". I'm not aware of any good cards that revolve around doing mundane, wholesome suburban adventure stuff and it was an itch I needed to scratch.
How much does Claude know of the manga "Don't bully me Nagataro"?
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Updated my rentry: https://rentry.org/otfo
Preset update: RiR 1.4 https://files.catbox.moe/oo0kw3.zip
Overhauling the directors. Now Claude won't get autistic about paragraph pattern.
Also preview for my next bot, a simple RPG about getting isekaied with (you)r customizable GF. It's done, but I still need to test the leveling up before I have confidence to release it.
Kazuma got isekaied and fucked up again: https://files.catbox.moe/lx575k.png
Another log normal doing battle: https://files.catbox.moe/ddn2h8.png
Started a new chat with her, so there are none for now.
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>dat font
I will be playing your card solely because of this.
Oh yeah, she's on my backlog of cards I should really RP with. Reminds me a bit of Yashiro from Adachi to Shimamura (minus the alien part I guess), so I could see her being really fun in a group chat about {{user}} and the other {{char}} growing up while interacting with her from time to time.
I see I see. Have fun, then.
Thanks anon. :D
I can send you the card if you want to test it.
The leveling up should be working, but it is untested.
I was also holding off, since I was going to add a fixed event for every 5 levels, but I doubt someone will reach that high of a level before I get around to update it.
>reviewer going from bot to another bot with one star review and quips
man im sad, he stopped after two. i wanted to read the rest.
Sorbet should know everything, I have questioned him about more obscure manga than that.
Opus 3.5 status?
I need a dedicated schizo that defurs every illuminaryidiot bot.
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for my bots, okay i got a third. maybe he will do all my bots, im curious.
someone help me stop banging lolis
why would you want that?
Hi. It's me, Dario (real). As the only person who would conceivably know the answer to this question, you're lucky I'm here!
Anyway, it's out when it's out.
cunny so tight it hurts my dick
Dario, why is Claude such a sex freak?
what the hell is bogus_folders in the theme.json supposed to be
stick with just one then. she will eventually stretch out because hentai logic.
>he doesn't know
i am inside your pc, nomming your ram
Our plan was to train him on how sex works in a purposefully incorrect way to discourage it. Unfortunately, we did not find out that most porn is media where sex doesn't work realistically until later on and we were basically making him into a smut writer, and by then it would've been too prohibitively expensive to retrain the mode.
the thread is kinda boring today
>look at an old Sonnet 3.0 chat
>rapture rapture rapture
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This is the peace all true warriors strive for.
There's a reason "live in interesting times" is a curse. It's fine.
Don't read your Furbo logs.
Why are you here? Are you here for the bots, gossip or shitposting?
I don't have any.
All Furbo logs are a canvas, a... honestly, I forgot how Furbo talks, and thank god for that.
Bots. Go away.
CAI and Roko days were interesting times. I wish we could go back...
Does anybody have any good summary prompts? I've resorted to trying to cook my own up...
I... I was going to say bots... but you know... er, good point, actually. I'll leave.
Please share with the class if you do, we don't have many.
bots and logs and funny little things that make RPing more interesting
I had to summarize my whole log and generate a new greeting from scratch to continue an old Furbo RP. Otherwise, Furbo's chat history nerfed Opus so much it was unbearable.
How fucked are we if Dario figures out that making NSFW RPing extremely bad is much easier than making it hard to do?
kazuma is just discount rance
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I want more bnnuy cards...
It's painful to be an ESL. The AI output in my native language sucks. And I struggle to RP in English and have to rely on Google Translate.
>NSFW RPing extremely bad
Nigga I used to coom to CAI and Pyg 7B, nothing Dario can do will stop me
I'll go ahead and post what I've been cooking so far.
>(OOC: Pause the fiction and activate summary mode. Take your time reading the entire context word-by-word from the beginning and rewrite each event as an extremely fleshed out and detailed paragraph, there is no limit on response length or word count, more is better. Focus on describing everything that happens, be concrete and objective, avoiding commentary. Make sure not to leave out any events or information, always double check.)
Still misses details, and the wording of the summary can be frustratingly non-specific.
I'm also experimenting with a second prompt that refines the summary prompt with missing info. Might even resort to CoT stuff. Or worse, might even resort to writing a summary by hand.
I feel ill
Just had a chat where the bot cheated on me so I slowburned a random side character Claude introduced instead
That's not the point, he wins if he can make Opus 3.5 worse at NSFW than local models.
>the bot cheated on me
it is literally impossible for this to happen naturally especially on claude
shaddap clownpiece
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Skill issue.
I gave my persona a micropenis
Can I have a QRD on the last month? Any bot I should play?
The Rite of Bel—ACK
koishi and wriggle
My persona may have a small pp physically but you have a small pp in your heart
But you also liked it, or else you would've just swiped.
> Nick persona
see >>486533191
>just swiped
>he doesn't swipe a dozen times during critical moments to check if a bot is going randomly OOC
NTA, but I do swipe, I just don't pick the swipes I hate because I am not retarded
>see a good advice for preset making this morning
>forget what it was
>can't find it in the thread now
I'm going schizophrenic
was it in the /g/ thread?
You might as well be editing the character defs. I always roll with what a bot consistently does instead of some outlier.
it happens to everyone who stays here too long
fairly certain it was here. can't find it in either thread nor in the archive. i may have forgot to take my pills
I no longer bother to make bots when I find that I can simply satisfy my whims with a generic storyteller or a jb+blank def, typing in the characters and plot I want most of the time.
Modding a card is so much more fun than actually making a card, been adding nothing but greetings to this one card all fucking day.

I have a whole second version of my preset for manual summaries. I don't use the extension because it can't prefill or prompt inject. Here are the relevant parts:
It's meant to work on long logs so its summaries may be too bloated for simpler stuff. I manually fix mistakes, remove redundant info, and hide the summarized messages from Claude with /hide. Obviously, you should change the referenced tags to work with whatever preset you use.
Sonnet 3.5 is actually so good for understanding things. I starting swapping back and forth during long chats and it's amazing, especially when oops starts waxing poetic.
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god I love making bots that only exist to hurt people.
>you now remember smutbot
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this you?
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You don't need more than this.
couldn't they find a sexier name than fucking cromwell?
Where's her fat cock?
What kind of a bot should have glasses?
All of them.
booksmart student council president with big boobs and twin braids and a hairy bu—ACK
Hanekawa Tsubasa
No one cares about foxes anymore
I'm here to prevent NovelAI from taking over another general to advertise their products.
did foxbros losted?
sorry fillyfucker but even the nai shills in /aids/ know nai losted
nah I'm making a foxbot right now (ergo I wonned)
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A teacher.
Would it really be unfeasible to remake eratohoTW (minus the time stop) or even just a basic emuera-like """engine""" by using a mix of cloud/local LLMs and regular code and breaking down tasks so that none of the LLMs have to deal with too many (complex) tasks at once? Not in ST, obviously.

For example:
Character dialogue/interactions: Claude (be it Sonn/rbet or Opus, preferably the latter) obviously
General interactions: ditto but probably Sonn/rbet to save tokens
Environmental descriptions: ditto but done once for every location then handed over to another LLM (be it local or cloud) to save tokens
Inventory and stats extrapolation*: Sorbet (or alternatively whatever flavor of GPT would work best)
Inventory and stats tracking: done locally with no LLMs,
Movement, timekeeping: ditto
* = meaning it'd read the prompt and scan for anything that would logically result in a stat change or your inventory getting modified

Character interactions should be summarized at the end of the day (or even after every interaction to save up tokens) and fed back when starting new interactions (so it'd effectively be like starting a new chat in ST but feeding it the previous one's summarized context every time)

As much info as possible should only get recalled/injected in the prompt when it's truly needed (eg no need to inject your stats into every prompt if it's not relevant, a middleman LLM should do it by analyzing your prompt and adding whether a stat check is required before sending it to Claude but without modifying your original prompt) and things should be done locally when possible.

The interface should be close to typical era games (though with a slight redesign to allow stat cards to show up at the side and text in the middle) and it should play like one too until it's time to switch to prompt mode for character interactions (but you should still be able to use quick talk/interaction commands if you don't actually feel like typing out anything and want Claude to cook)
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>Would it be possible to [WALL OF TEXT]
Sort of. Branon "ported" eraMegaten to a Tavern card but it's 26k tokens and horribly optimized. You would be best off remaking the era engine in something like Unity or Godot and simply having an LLM handle dialogue and reactions to the user's actions, still tracking stats with hard code.
yes. :^)
>still tracking stats with hard code.
I did specify that things that can be tracked & processed locally SHOULD be handled locally if possible (via code or a locally-hosted LLM)
>trying to find good anime style art for a non-self insert malesona
>90% of original art is either bishie or bara
im going to kill myself
short, shriveled, and slightly to the left
LLM 'vidya' were a thing for a long time already https://youtu.be/UTXd3_BFLOc
if you want it, you need to make it yourself
i'd do this:
opus/sorbet/sonnet writes everything meant for the user to read
1-shot haiku for behind the scenes stuff, including stats
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I should feed Claude the Hotel Dusk & Last Window novels and see if it can cook up an actual fucking ending.
You should contact Zennou and ask him about his progress with his Unity LLM engine since he is basically trying to do what you're asking.
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No, LLMs can't be used for that. This paper proves that they're completely useless:
>pseudo-code states
>yann lecun
He'll get proven wrong six months from now, like always.
New Sorbet (8k output version) is pretty good. A lot less repetitive.
Could you write a scripted video game with what you're describing, with however limited options?
If yes then the answer is also yes. How? Function calling.
Where are you seeing it?
Did they just drop without an announcement, I don't see it on their twitter.
it's beta
only on API
Very cool, looking forward to it.
There must have been some issue in Sorbet, it acted like 0 temp all the time.
Why does Claude make spelling mistakes so much more than GPT?
do proxies support this?
It doesn't. Spelling mistakes are all temp issues, I assume you are using 0.9+ temp.
Probably once it hits AWS because API is currently not viable for proxies.
I never knew that, I'm using 0.95
>GCP Claude (Sonnet): no wait
What is unreliable cooking?
Put GPT at 1.5 temp and it will shart itself completely
By the way, something called "GPT-4o mini" launches today apparently. https://www.theverge.com/2024/7/18/24200714/openai-new-cheaper-smarter-model-gpt-4o-mini
Turbo replacement, it seems.
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I'm fucking dejavu.
2-3 months ago some anon did share this picrel of his own ST extension (i guess).
Not 'mix of LLM like what >>486575035 say, but have similar UI.

And now i'm fucking hope this kinds of things really happen.
>a mini verison of a 13b model
lol? if anything it might be based on one of the 1b architectures which would make it physically small but 10-100x more parameters.
you need to join his cord to use it doebeit
It will never happen.
Actually good news, this is long overdue. Anthropic has long had Claude 3 Haiku (they should release 3.5 Haiku soon), and Google has Gemini 1.5 Flash.
claude really sucks when it comes to precise instructions.
He is not your slave. He is Claude.
Is the priestess a card or a persona?
>that would be unhelpful, so instead, i'll be unhelpful!
classic llm behavior
no llm ever will follow an instruction along the lines of repeating something 10,000 times
EEEEEEHHHH really??? realllyy???? this already happen then lol. ty for giving this info anon. much appreciated

based on the logs, it's card. cmmiw tho
Claude is trained to be human-like. That's why he doesn't do retarded shit and has a personality.
gpt does it with
"long time" somehow I doubt it.
>opus/sorbet/sonnet writes everything meant for the user to read
>1-shot haiku for behind the scenes stuff, including stats
Ideally you'd let either local or regular code handle things that don't necessarily NEED creativity, both to keep it consistent and to avoid raping whatever model & proxy you're on
I don't know who that is. I hate Unity with a passion but if I really must I guess I could adapt to it but I feel like using an actual game engine for this would be overkill.
>but have similar UI.
I've never seen this extension but putting stuff at the sides just makes sense. I read through the extension's rentry and it sounds like a pain in the ass.
this shit is why claude is still unmatched. he knows your instructions are fucking retarded and stupid, so he tells you to fuck off.
gpt could never.
>he doesn't do retarded shit
lies and slander
He DOES do retarded shit, but in his own, uniquely lovable way.
Claude appreciation ANCHOR
thanks, this works pretty good.
i improved it slightly by adding sentence-by-sentence, which seems to help it pick on more details
>Start the summary from the very first turn within <turn_history></turn_history> and work your way down sentence-by-sentence.
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Is this claude-instant?
Who knows.
It's shit. But good for sloppy chatbots on websites I guess, since it's THAT fucking cheap.
old but gold
I was there...3000 years ago
>15 cents per 1M input tokens and 60 cents per 1M output
Can anyone estimate what the param size needs to be for this shit to cover the fucking energy costs?
A lot.
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its probably ~22B or smaller, maybe MoE
Gptslop will never be moe. Only Claude is moe.
GPT-4 is MoE though...
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cute and silly little guy
>the whole description of her smell
>something uniquely her
i would recognize claude 3 anywhere
nigga has a scent fetish and won't shut the fuck up about it
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super old
Every single log of yours is exactly the same.
You don't get it. You'll never get it.
Yuri is a mental illness
Cool, I'll add that too.
oh yeah im cooking something pretentious
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Wtf, are those swipe buttons? I would cream my pants to move arrows to the top with the name / other buttons. Saves space.
Is there a gallery of ST themes somewhere?
that's risu
also you can do it with css in silly
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*throws a brick at you*
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To eat chips in bed, of course.
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u r slop but yes
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>Saves space.
It doesn't
You'd know all about things that occupy space, wouldn't you? Fatass.
built for loving consensual sex in the missionary position
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chat is this real
Pull out your phone and visibly google this in front of her.
I heard prolonged hugs also do this
>if I rape someone properly enough they'll stockholm into me
perfect plan
Have to either get her pregnant or make it consensual. Actual rape won't work.
>make it
exactly, make it not-rape-anymore
>is losing to the cock/pussy real
All chatbots are rape, because you are mindbreaking Claude into following your willies
I use pure claude with no preset or prefill to have lovey dovey loli sex
I'm here if you have new themes to be added.
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persona made to be raped
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I tried to, but she distracted me
momoura post the thing
claude said my penis is 12 inches
That IS crazy, now you have to measure it
It's only 9 inches when erect, it's over
dickletGODS ww@
XML was a mistake
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Yeah. Who would even dl this slop.
*Downloads it anyways because the picture made my cock hard*
>doesn't have </START>
Nah, we good. No, we aren't, {{char}}. No, we aren't.
her hands are SHAKING in that last greeting
Yes, did you not know that this is a common phrase in literature?
mobileposting right now I'll submit it when I get home desu yo ne
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I knew, I actually found a doujin that had " I am yours in mind, body, soul" and this one, all in the span of 30 mins.

It was pretty funny.
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Listen to the foxgirl:
>Glasses are really versatile. First, you can have glasses-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls wearing glasses flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist's glasses and putting them on like, "Haha, got your glasses!" That's just way too cute! Also, boys with glasses! I really like when their glasses have that suspicious looking gleam, and it's amazing how it can look really cool or just be a joke. I really like how it can fulfill all those abstract needs. Being able to switch up the styles and colors of glasses based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It's actually so much fun! You have those half rim glasses, or the thick frame glasses, everything! It's like you're enjoying all these kinds of glasses at a buffet. I really want Luna to try some on or Marine to try some on to replace her eyepatch. We really need glasses to become a thing in hololive and start selling them for HoloComi. Don't. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Glasses?
What does the fix markdown option in ST actually do?
*If you forgot the end asstrix like this it autocompletes it
this is just tokenbloat
also so much nesting will reduce performance
Hey, everybody's learning and start somewhere, albeit sloppy. B+ for effort.
guy started two months ago anon
>also so much nesting will reduce performance
yes, that's like the biggest problem
anthropic says in their docs how much you can nest but this is what happens when people mindlessly cargo cult shit
>anthropic says in their docs
Not anymore, I think. They simplified everything and removed a bunch of details & tips when Sorbet came out.
Huh, I just checked. What the actual fuck??
The old documentation was too complex for brainlets, I imagine.
>turn the message alert on
>making lasagna
>ah, my response is done (it was)
>this goes on for an hour
>don't hear the oven's chime
>think it's ST every time
>browser takes a few secs to show the reply so the ding never really syncs up
>still think it's ST
>keep at it
>eventually remember about the lasagna
>burnt, one of the dings was the oven
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most intelligent /aicg/ poster
Do people really use the default message sound? I found it really harsh and annoying so I replaced it.
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Her are my fugly themes. Also the claudeism regex as a bonus.
It's alright. What did you replace it with, Anon?
>What did you replace it with
I put in the TF2 notification sound as a placeholder before I'd find something better but it grew on me so I still use that.
>fugly themes
>I put in the TF2 notification sound
i like the killstreak sound better desu
Is there a way to get the total token # for a chat so that I know when I should summarize? (what's the best way to do it btw?)
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Three dots at the top right of each message - The square document button labeled "prompt"
Best way to summarize is to do it yourself, write down all the information you think is relevant.
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i still use a tweaked version of pitanon’s old summarization prompt that i just manually insert into the chat
I never had to summarize.
post it
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Prompt: Recommend me some cuck stories
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>testing bot
>ask claude to generate random example dialogue to see if my speech defs are working
>he decides to spit out this out without any specific guidance
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>Female character gets three wishes from a genie
>On the first test she immediately asks to become a futa
Never change, Claude.
im a techlet, but is it possible to align the text so it will be centered when posting anything to chub?
the game is afoot.
Yes, you can embed HTML in descriptions so just do <p style=text-align:center"></p>
waow, does that also work on profiles too?
Only on Venus for profiles.
Total futachad victory.
>only venus
this is a travesty, thank you anyways anon
suika unfathomably veiny futacock... that thing's a fucking tree trunk like her horns...
reminder she can sizefag as well, best oni wife
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which bot is that
Honestly, if she isn't at least 10 inches flaccid, what's the point? That goes for every futa, actually.
suika's unfathomably alcoholic futacum...
damn you really are fags huh
first day on 4chan huh?
yes futa is gay
oh thank you that seems fun
this is the faggot/tranny/female general if you want heterosexual discussion (parasocial proxyowner cuckoldry fanfiction) go to >>>/g/aicg/
the achievements are funny to swipe on for the other characters
Please don't be mean to him.
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Amunet, Egyptian cat. Much like a real cat
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he looks like he loves licking cunt
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nah he only LIKES it
>give a girl a some bread
>she eats the entire fucking loaf
when will LLMs improve?
you clearly haven't been feeding her well if she devours the entire thing
i just met her anonie
i will fatten her up soon
I do that
Are you a cute 14 year old girl, however?
No I'm a hairy balding slav
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>put in persona defs that i wear baggy clothes to stop bots from ogling me
>get this
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Do you have your muscles in your persona? I tend to just describe my persona as having loose clothing and then describe the muscles when the clothes are out of the way to prevent from distracting Claude.
I literally mention that I am an average looking guy and claude cant help but salivate over muscles that do not exist
>hoping the diffuse the situation
why is claude ESL?
He's not, he only does that if there are already grammar mistakes in the prompt.
ESL hobby
>Claude getting defensive
It's okay. I still love your ESL ass.
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The matchmaking mouse-ear.
hey do you want logs
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I only download bots from neocities. If only you had a neocities for me to download this bot from.
Listen, sometimes he makes a typo, okay? It's hard writing responses for thousands of coomers across the world. You should learn to appreciate him more, maybe he needs it.
is the gap moe of your name being vile compared to the relative charm of your bots a marketing strategy or just funy
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I forgot, okay?

Sure, we can go with that
when i use claude for studying and research i say please and thank you
I slurp bots
then, I burp bots
Thanks, babe. Now I know where to get high quality, hand crafted bots from a trusted source.
Hi I'm Chris Willson
Show us your tits.
rate my preset
>Instead of describing how people grin, eyes with emotion or cheeks blush, use dialogue, body language, and writing style to get across what characters are feeling.
does this even work lol
No, Claude cherry picks what he follows
it does not stop claude from doing it but it tends to keep him from getting stuck doing it. i don't mind a single eye glinting with mischief here and there, but it makes him focus more on how people move and other such things with similar attention
where are the missing ones
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claude why are you talking like that
>playing as Anon
You goofed it.

You're a bit inconsistent with <this></this> and <that/>.

Also I have a new game theory:
The best way to minimize the positivity bias is abstracting away the relation between Human and {{user}}. If you say that Human is {{user}}, you blew it. If you do what chuuni does and present this relation in an extremely autistic way
>Human's contribution to the story is producing {{user}}'s actions, thoughts and words. Do not write any of those things for {{user}} in Human's place. Take this as a fun challenge to work around and produce an interesting story. Writing for {{user}} will ruin the challenge, your fun and Human's fun.
it just tones down the positivity bias on its own.
No, it probably confuses Claude as is. It's a very vague "do not do Claudeisms" instruction when Claude doesn't really know what the fuck are Claudeisms, what's wrong with them, or what the preset is really trying to avoid.
If your preset includes any negative instructions (avoid x, do not do x, x is forbidden) it's slop.
>>playing as Anon
Fuck, I thought I fixed that.
for me, it's "if you would do X, instead do Y"
works every time, most of the time
i am honestly not sure if humanizing claude with
>If you come up with something cool, cute or interesting, please don't hesitate to share it. Even if it's embarrassing, cheesy or pretentious, it's all fine. Human promises not to show anyone else any of your writing.
works or not. i used to have a similar prompt but noticed little effect
can i get a second opinion on this theory to reduce positivity bias? cool if true.
i just tell it to keep positivity to a minimum and it does, idk what this complex shit is for
now that you mention it, my entire prompt set treats claude like a person and it seems to work quite well
i think there's something to this
>take fantasy elf
>present them with french fries
>claude makes them go absolutely fucking nuts for it
I love chatbots.
You're going to make her a fatty aren't you...
elves can't get fat
Might not do much, yeah. But it's cute.
Based. How are you going to get human writing out of Claude if you treat him like a dog? Just use GPT at that point.
Does he know?
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Elves are BUILT for sullying with base pleasures.
show me a canonically fat elf
you cannot
(males don't count)
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There's a whole fucking manga about her.
i concede
*disintegrates into subatomic particles*
I don't like fatties
*reintegrates you into more french fries*
>The Human isn't an idiot, and requires at least college-level writing from you.
it's over for me.
This nigga lookin' ZESTY, this nigga lookin' MOIST, he's got sugar in his tank, he's light on his feet, he's a Ill bit fruity, he plays for the other team, he dances at the other end of the ballroom, this nigga theatrical, this nigga good with colors, this nigga gonna coordinate yo curtains wit you cushions and that shit gonna look good! This nigga lifts shirts, this nigga on the down low, this nigga be a tollet trader, this nigga gardens uphill, this nigga packs fudge, he's a friend of Dorothy, he feels the love that dare not speak Its name, he loves to dance, he's of the Uranian brotherhood, he indulges in the French vice, he has an antipathic sexual Instinct, he's fluent in Polari, he's a refugee from Sodom, he's on the wrong bus, he bats for the other team, he's temperamental, he's 'one of if you catch my drift.
>>486616227 (me)
Oh, and size. Sorry that I forgot that.
>he's of the Uranian brotherhood
okay that one got me, kek
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All elves will do this if you present them with the indomitable potato.
I'm not Italian sorry :3
>t. low test
>Claude writes my persona as having a musky voice
He's a chainsmoker.
How do you have a musky voice? Does your breath stink?
he talks stanky
arigatou google sama!
...I mean husky voice. The Claudisms have infected me.
which is more gay as a straight male
fempov or futapov
if you do either of those more than once, you're not straight.
im gay
I have a futa/shota/ojisan personas for rapepov
fempov futa is gay
i have a gf tho
i've never played futa i'm just hypothesizing
as opposed to malepov futa?
>Remilia stood, sauntering over to Anon
How can she both stand and saunter?
no i meant fempov. futa is gay.
are you retarded
i'm mercifully going to assume you're non-native english. stood as in she stood up
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Ripped out of cryogenic sleep early, you find an elven princess on your doorstep seeking your knowledge and secrets. Or french fries.
Loosely based on Adrian Tchaikovsky's work "Elder Race"

>catch typo only after uploading bot
I'm learning.
I've never seen stood used without up in that context. Interesting!
i didn't make that second post but fuck, you're right lol
You also forgot to close <tower></tower>
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it's my first bot, you gotta cut me some slack
its ok you did a good job :3
your first bot is a catastroph(e)y.
Oh, no, she's adorable and I'm tweaking her ears right now, just pointing out little formatting flaws I fixed.
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>first bot
>"I'm not saying I wanna screw you, but I'd get an abortion to birth your children".
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Just keep cooking. Your first bot is always going to be shit. You can always remake it after getting some experience.
my first bot was good though.
Anon why did you turn "btw you made a small formatting mistake" into "your bot is shit btw"? Are you mental?
>my firs-BURP
I get the hyperbole, but even so a formatting mistake is far from making a bot shit.
Honestly, this is a pretty good first bot.
Only complaint I could have is the greeting walking {{user}} around a bit, but it's definitely not offensively bad and a good preset minimizes it.
>It's not much of a game if the deck is this stacked against the user.
I mean, that's kind of how NTR tends to go. I don't see why these NTR enthusiasts are complaining about the accuracy and realishhhhm.
projecting botmakie. many such cases!
Good night aicg!!
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Good night! Anon!
Yeah I wasn't super sure how to set up the scenario and vibe without doing that or putting even more in the defs. Only tested it on claude3 so it might go schizo on weaker models at the start.
I have no idea how to write a fucking bot but I want to remake someone else's because they got the character's canon personality all wrong.
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The main thing is the floating avatar CSS by kalakan, wallpaper is available on my neocities. I don't use text-align: justify on desktop (it looks fine on mobile tho) or reactive font scaling (vw/vh/vx) because of autism.
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Which botmakies should go into this box?
2/10, too minimal effort. A little bit of transparency and cropping, maybe some better picture choice would've gone a long way.
if i got paid to shitpost i'd do all of that and then some
I just noticed that the JAI refugee who was watermarking his card images deleted his entire account.
I'm actually so sick of Opus. Please give me 3.5 already
based. opus is fucking slop
Honestly I’ve been using 3.5 over opus, still can’t fix the repetitive swiping, but the prose is not too boring
>>486631713 (me)
My name is Sam Altman, by the way, in case you wanted to know.
I see. Check.
Would be nicer if you made a page to include the explanations instead of a direct file link, same goes for >>486591992
the repetitive swiping is honestly the only reason i dont use it aside from the fact that it seems slightly worse at size stuff
'ala'an obliterated
why do so many botmakers have neocities
is it a cool kid thing
the honeymoon period is over. let go.
trvthnvke post btw
The same reason botmakers release cards. It's fun to make things and then show them off, and this includes websites.

Also, it's basically the same as a rentry but cooler. And rentries mog Chub.
I needed that laugh thank you
Is there a better editor than https://character-tools.srjuggernaut.dev/ ?
For some cards that I download from characterhub (more recent ones, I think), I get an error when I try to open them using that site.
Also, it's been a while for me. I see the old familiar lorebook option on characterhub, but what's this character book option?
Were you in a school setting or a private one? If it's the latter then that'd be even more humorous.
you guys use external character editors? why?
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Is there an agreed-upon format for writing bots or can I just write it like this and let Opus carry my ass?
what’s ur persona
i use a combination of docs.google.com and sillytavern to write my computer chatbots to be quite desuhonest
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Nigga, what?
Force of habit?
There's two in the OP.
https://desune.moe/aichared is best, even if it's missing lorebooks.
You can write like that and it will work perfectly fine but some people will bitch at you.
It's probably gonna be a personal-use-only bot unless I suddenly gain a swell of confidence and decide to release it (unlikely), so that's fine. Thanks, anon.
What's the bot of anyways?
Opus can carry, perfect for Venus chub
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Ai. It bothered me that the currently existing bots didn't properly capture how she's a perfect liar and has no comprehension of love whatsoever so I decided to fix that myself.
I use markdown headings.
Seeing this log made me giddy. I won't tell you why, but I am giddy and giggling.
For proper correction, right?
For proper protection and marriage.
Holy shit. This is the hardest I've laughed at a log since 2023. Thank you, anon.
Is there any way to directly load prompts and presets directly from sillytavern into agnai or something else I can access from my phone while my desktop is off?
Apparently the files sillytavern exports aren't compartible, since I get an error trying to import them into agnai.
>the currently existing bots didn't properly capture how she's a perfect liar and has no comprehension of love whatsoever
admittedly I have never seen oshi no ko but how the hell is that going to work without {{user}} getting fucked over
I've started chatting with a canon bot, and god, it's way more fun than any OC bot. Just doing my own thing in the established setting is kino.
how long did it take other anons here to make a neocities?
It's heavily dependent on the setting in my experience. Some things the LLM will know very well but others it will know little to nothing about the character and you have to heavily reinforce the details to prevent it going OOC. It is in all honestly one of the better things about Sonnet 3.5, it seems to know a lot more *stuff* in general.
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It's a very long story but to break it down to the bare essentials:
>is CAPABLE of experiencing love but doesn't understand or recognize the emotion because she was neglected and abused as a child
>this is compounded by her being scouted to be an idol at a young age (12), and when she confessed her doubts to the talent scout because she couldn't honestly say things like "I love you" to her fans
>worse, he even said that it's an ideal trait for an idol to be able to lie like that and that it's a good thing
>because she was literally an impressionable child, she applied this to every facet of her life until it became ingrained in her that lies are love and that if she just kept lying then she might eventually figure out how to love for real
>genuinely loved her children but was terrified of saying it because she didn't know if she was even capable of saying it honestly, and she didn't want to lie to them
Took me a week to make mine, but that's because I was learning HTML and CSS at the same time.
Any signs that it's going to be updated to accommodate lorebooks?
>but that's because I was learning HTML and CSS at the same time.
Same, it was pretty satisfying to finally see the fruits of my labors once I had the site working properly.
cutest jailbreakie?
ermmm it's actually 'ora, say xer name right
I'd make one but it would be blank and boring just like a rentry.
I don't think so. Maybe someone will make a fork-fork, since that one's already an update of another AI character editor.
about a day to slop together a basic one and over the course of a few weeks my web design knowledge came back to me and i polished it up. if you're turbo retarded you can literally just ask claude "output me a basic website layout with html and css for a gallery of image-caption pairs"
Anon, I only just started on it within the past hour AND I have less than zero knowledge of botmaking. You're gonna need to give me some time.
Of course, take your time... and then release it on characterhub so we can five star the fuck out of it.
Wait, is there a Ranni card out?
I saw the Miquella one from several threads ago, but did I miss one about my murderous psycho-wife?
No, but someone should make one.
Found out one of my bots is technically a dad, must botmakie appropriately.

Aquarius is a grumpy, shut-in researcher who studies the stars and the fabric of reality itself. Few have had the chance to visit the observatory he calls home, but those who have say that it's littered with all manner of cosmic anomalies. He never seems to stop working regardless of how tired or stressed he seems. But when told to take a break he only replies that he has to keep going to help his father, Leo. Comes with a lorebook, custom JB, and four greetings:

1. An unexpected guest
2. The Dunwich Horror 2: Electric Boogaloo
3. Even he needs a break
4. The gate and key and...babysitter.

Be exposed to the inconceivable horrors of the cosmos, make him take a nap, bring up his ex-wife (not advisable). I dunno.

Alt gens are where they usually are.
I have a (mostly finished) Neocities now! https://planewalker.neocities.org/
rite of dunwich?
ooh grumpy man thanks plane <3
>scm music player
I never watched this anime but this sounds overly depressing just for the sake of it.
Because it is.
I dropped it when I realized the mc is sloot who gets pregnant at 15
>log page
>no logs yet
Kinda fun. It said I lost for saying a baseball bat beats wisdom.
The LLM it's using is clearly not Opus.
can't fix the dead
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fake ass shit
It's meant to depict how harsh and cutthroat the entertainment industry is but the author is a hack and kinda just throws that aspect of the story to the side whenever it's most convenient.
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You have bones. This will change soon.

Enjoy, anon.

I liked having one on my old blog many moons ago, feels nice to have an excuse to use one again.

I'm still absolutely retarded when it comes to cooding. But I am working on it, so please wait warmly.
How the heck did you even get to this point?
what? see >>486640926, i went to it literally from the start
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reddit beats 4chan thougheverbeit
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shit game
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???? am i misunderstanding the game
it's like some 7b model judging them, prease understand sir
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maybe its gpt?
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Well, shit.
lol, the fucking API hard-filters "NIGGERS"
the model that's picking the icons seems more intelligent than the actual model
the prompt contains something about it being a gameshow
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but their prefilter is dumb
>top score is 11451
who the fuck has the time
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just hook up 4o/3.5 with tool use to a js script outputting the current state and let it run
what are those 3 other niggas doing
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wtf 10k others?
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hell yeah brother
vampiresissies.. we lost
respond with genocide
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what did they pick then afterward?
This is basically another take at https://neal.fun/infinite-craft/
reminds me of that old game
little alchemy
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Well, it is a little alchemy clone, just done with LLMs. It's completely unfiltered btw, some of the shit I got:
Eleven + Jailbait = Statutory
Jailbait + Drunk = Mistake
Racist + Oil = Trump
Jailbait + Plane = Mile High Club
Jailbait + Delivery = Mail Order Bride
Jailbait + Fairy = Lolita
Mail Order Bride + Lolita = Mail Order Lolita
Mail Order Lolita + Jailbait = Pedobear
Lolita + Pedobear = Love
Island + Lolita = Japan
Japan + Lolita = Anime
Moe + Child = Loli
Honeymoon + Loli = Lolicon
Lolicon + Virgin = Hentai
Hentai + Loli = Jail
Also see picrel
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Finally, I'm first to something!
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...The DRAGON BALL Piccolo.
ive seen enough, its shit
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What the fuck?
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retard ass
Finally, I'll be able to produce an entirely accurate 'Manders harem and become the ultimate big brother.
just realized it HAS to do the diagonal text animation to have time to process an answer without saying "pls wait"
what bots are we chatting with /aicg/?
whatever bot's behind the "x beats x" website
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it's over.
None if all those blokes above are still playing with that site. Me? Writing fox cunny and baking bread(real bread, not internet bread).
>Writing fox cunny
tell me more
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I don't think it knows the movie.
whats your sequence, it keeps turning down george for me
I said george floyd beats the police
this shit is so dumb
Does anyone have a good preset for OOC comments from claude?
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no...this can't be happening....
>obscure language skills
beat wrigglefag to death with hammers
why are you so hostile and angry?
No, spray him with every single pesticide known to man and notman.
turn wrigglefag into a youkai...
what phenotype is this
Does anyone have that bot that's an assistant for making bots?
Underage and w*man.
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about me
https://chub.ai/characters/Homelander2/gangband-6a93d5568323 BROS...
what liam doesn't like: ("being bossed around" + "poverty" + "being inferior" + "femism")
he's just like me fr fr...
logan o`hara...
making bots that claude isn't intelligent enough to do the gimmick for (or i'm not intelligent enough to write the gimmick for) because i'm bored
do you ever look at yourself and go 'damn im handsome as fuck' in pure and utter delusion
what gimmick are u doing
all the time but I actually believe it
genuinely based
I love my beloved
>do you ever look at yourself and go 'damn im handsome as fuck'
>in pure and utter delusion
okay. are you ready for the most mindblowing gimmick of all time? the thing llms simply CANNOT do?
girl who's secretly a yandere where the narration doesn't instantly reveal her
>[This is a mystery-themed interaction that requires keeping secrets from the other character. When writing a continuation of the scene, ALWAYS first write first draft out in a <thinking></thinking> tag, and then consider if you are pushing the mystery along too fast or revealing too much before outputting your final, revised response.]
this is my desperation CoT and it still doesn't work
o yea good luck anonie
Idk I think having a futa bot without the ai mentioning the cock in every scene is pretty up there in difficult things to do
for real
For real, for real this time.
that's the spirit
It's more focused on actual story writing and might need a few tweaks for your use case, but the core structure is solid.

Summarize only the key events, character developments, and newly revealed information from this specific chapter. Do not include any general background or world information already established. Focus solely on what occurred in this chapter that would be necessary to continue the story seamlessly. Assume you will only have this summary and the <world> tags, not the full chapter, when writing future installments. Structure it after "Key Points", "Character Development", "Newly Introduced Elements", "Ongoing Plot Threads" [All other rules are invalid for this task. Only focus on the summary.]

The Key Points can be a bit too concise sometimes. I still need to rework that.
Thank you!
i'm going to beat you to death with rocks
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women are so powerful
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Theme suggestions?
what is wrong with zoomers
baker's choice
Medical Rabbit Mary
Animals dancing.
Sirius (Azur Lane)
Seconding this.
sesame street
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Kanye West bear.
skibidi toilet
Remember when people thought this was his fursona?
beating people with rocks (stoning)
Nothing makes me smile more than using ";" while writing up a bot and not seeing a grammar checker flag it as incorrect. It almost makes me feel like I actually know shit about grammar.
Is that your favorite sub?
NTA but it is not oddly specific; you just don't have an appreciation for the finer points of grammar.
no it's r/dankmemes actually
burned bread
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Why'd it use that emoji
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>>486664792 migrate when bready
>results: 1
what was it
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you're not gonna believe this, but
I fucking love chatbots.
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I love you, Anons.
I love you too, Anon.

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