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Steam Launch (Again) Edition

Enlisted is the best squad-based World War II FPS currently, where you lead your squads of AI to their deaths, over and over.

>Official Site

>Enlisted Community Resource

>Current Battlepass


>Enlisted Returns to Steam!

>Developer Q&A


>Rocket Storm Event

>Reworked Matchmaking
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any girls in chat?
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2nd for Bang Rifle
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3rd for mostly positive
Could I ask anyone who bought founders edition pack what is the M2 Hyde and PPk 41 like? Ik the Germans got the MP41 which I assume extremely similar to the MP40/38 and the MP28 is basically the same but with a bigger mag.
>buying the meme pack
they wouldnt be able to reply with snail cock in their mouth
Previous >>486023404
ppl here say they are both bad. still want them though. only founder pack that seems actually good was the MG30
the ppk-41 is basically a russian mp40. it's slow but low recoil and decent accuracy. big fan of it, also it's only tier 1
the mp41 was better but only a bit
and the m2 hyde was basically just a reising but probably less shitty
Wasn't the MG30 standalone with the Chauchat?
it was still a CBT pack it just ran for slightly longer
the shitmandy US equivalent was a 1918 BAR squad and the germ one was the polish BAR, both of which are just BARs. both are better than the chauchat
>m2 hyde was basically just a reising
doesnt it have a 30 round mag? seems neat
I'm still insanely jealous of the Extended Mag MP-28 owners.
These guys would look fantastic with black helmets and the black boots.
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just from the MP plate or what?
damn I've never seen thin8ayjs one what is it from?
same I kinda want them even if they arent the best.
Ah ok thanks, I didn't know that, strange they did reruns for those. But I assume for exclusivity and stuff.
Would be cool if they put them as AI squads on some maps like the event SAS and 9 man blue Italian riflemen squad for Tunisia
I'm leaving a negative review on steam RIGHT NOW
No, the black collars and epaulettes
One of those early supporter bundles or whatever, I can’t remember the name. By the time I started playing before Stalingrad came out they were already gone.
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ah I didnt even notice, you are right
for whatever reason they let us grab duplicate squads so I wont complain
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>tfw no italian uniforms in moscow
>edition name
>no link to the previous thread
Leave the baking to people who aren't discord tranny dogfuckers, please
I rushed to make a thread so those people wouldn't make an off topic one, blow it out your ass kindly
>had time to put a stupid fucking edition name in
Fuck off retard
>the highly anticipated (free) Steam launch is stupid
OK dumbass, make the next one with your AI slop waifu, this one is taken
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>spend entire later half of game focusing on one of the two points
>maybe 1 other dude occasionally there helping
>always 2-3 dudes trying to go for that point because only one dude is defending it
>defend it unregardless
I am the unsung hero
ofc the guy bitching about this is Axis_Cuckold_NTR. just hang yourself already
Take your fucking meds mate
I called you a discord tranny dogfucker which your crush is one. Fucking 41% yourself already.
fuck off TIDF
>gets called a tranny
Kill yourself faggot
>Bakes bad bread
>Why are people being mean to me
Steam is not sending their best.
>2 or 3 people bagging out OP
>implying thursday at 3AM isn't prime unemployed axiscuck hours
>implying multiple people give a shit about the old thread not being linked in OP
>implying axiscuck didnt spend a quarter of last thread shilling his stream
you arent fooling me you cocksucker
>makes bad op
>gets shit on
>starts fighting with herself to draw attention
kill yourself
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if I were OP I would have made this the thread image. perennially relevant until you stop breathing
Blah blah blah take your meds etc etc.
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>Have 6.8 million Silver
>Still get Miserly over upgrading stuff
Anyone else like this?
why are you using a nametag Tom? and hoarding fake currency is unhealthy behavior
2.5 mil and all my vehicles are base quality except p47 and king tiger
>why are you using a nametag Tom?
Idk just did ig
>and hoarding fake currency is unhealthy behavior
I'll probably blow through it all if those event crates cost Silver
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God I love Stalingrad, one of the best WW2 films to date. I wish that if they make another inner city Stalingrad map its more dusty.
Fuck off tom. No one cares.
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>have to re-buy this shit for the suomi squad when it was randomly removed from being the default in every theater
every time I think I enjoy this game and the devs might be worth defending they do shit like this and me and every frothing at the mouth snail hater are one and the same
you watch your fucking rancid mouth. Tom single handedly saved this thread by linking the old one. praise be to Tom.
There should be more smoke on the Stalingrad maps, it's all clear like half the city isn't burning
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>Finish match
>Button says research complete
>Still 4994 xp to get
GG Dickflow
Heres the full Stalingrad film
Yeah I agree way to clean. It would be cool if they made an infantry focused map or at least part of a map with the streets blocked off with rubble
>finish match
>says research complete
>puts me to the research page
>have had everything completed for well over a year
>this happens every fucking game
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>its another consolefags wont stop wailing that I wont get on the ground with them episode
I love this one
He's been playing Axis for 10 hours straight.
And what did you do to make this game great again?
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You kiss my rancid ass. Donald or nothing.
Calling you out as a samefag shill. Begone troon.
>I shitpost
Go fellate a power socket
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I wish the console players were as brave as bots
In all fairness he saw him coming
death glare
You may not like it but peak performance is camping in a corner with a sniper rifle near a door on the third floor for 40 minutes.
remember kids, the most surefire way to make sure your dynamite packs kill the enemy tank is to pull the pin, get as close as possible to the tank, then wait 10 seconds.
don't throw it
Unfortunately you bodyblock most of the explosion that way. Take an AT mine and shoot it for better results. Bonus points for random idiots shooting random mines and clearing entire houses worth of collateral in the process.
I'm about to use my tactical spoon
Beretta M1 and MP 40 seem to have similar stats, but the former has bigger mag. What was the point to use MP 40 again?
control and longer range effectiveness
Miniscule damage increase and to me at least feels better to use
Becuase you're a member of the master race and not a dirty wop.
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Eh, how-about-a you shove-a-it-up-your-ass-a?
You can say that, but only if you don't play the IAR.
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Go messerschmitt, or go home.
Uhm... I actually prefer Tank models.
But enough about your mother
>dripfed silver
Gotta love this HOMO event template
Time to grind some silver.
>The received decal for Germany can only be used on Italian vehicles.
So it will be some chicken pasta logo and not a windmill of peace.
>No german unit
Lame i'd like to recreate actual vehicles but ig DF will force you to use a gold order to get that. Also did US vehicles have unit markings or nah
Fuck off attentionwhore
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Like this?
I’d use ones without the carrying strap, and with the Italian ammo bags. But yes that does look very nice.
They threw Major to the dogs. He's trying his best but we know that DF cucked him.
hes gotta be careful, or his medical records will end up on the forums
You actually defending that furfag piece of shit?
he didn't share his medical records, he said he paid for his therapy and that the other guy went to the same person. so they both went to therapy, one is whining about it and making a big deal about it. i think keofox might just be a headcase
Wish I bought the Premium M41 Now.
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I feel like my BAR shooting skills can use some improvements, who's the best BAR shooter in the game so I could learn from his replays?
Also, and sensitivity settings advice?
On the first part I feel that you should eat shit and die, second is easier, just disable acceleration and shoot slower. Autoslow or semi.
>Premium M41
its like you are not even human but some kind of mimetic horror that has to copy others to improve
thatll be 900 gold per campaign plus tip
oh you're that mentally ill yurofaggot from /pol/
is this cannon good for killing infantry?
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how fukkin illiterate are you lmao
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mentally ill yurofaggot mouthing off again. what is the reason for you not taking your meds, i thought they were free there?
actual schizo loose association from a dollar store first year university style of word, embarrassing. put down the brainrot and read a book
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I have appearance orders, I'm all good
where are the event apcs smdh
Around the same place TT paras are
hmm zombie mod could be cool as fuck in this game
already exists, already have tons of maps with custom guns in em
of course it's an autustic german faggot responsible for all these fantasy weapons in the game
There used to be a premium variant of the Shitalian tank and A13. The tankers with the Bersaglieri tankers
they never promised those though
>This nigga is responsible for the .45 ACP Owen
Send him to the penis explosion chamber immediately.
I need this.
It looks like shit, I love it
>Resembling an over-grown World War I sub-machine gun, the Furrer “Pistolengewehr” was the work of Swiss engineer Adolf Furrer,

>Adolf Furrer
This mans name has got to be a shitpost
Different times anon. Adolf was common enough name and Furrer is pronounced differently from Fuhrer. The disease of anime, troons or furries came about only after radiation seeped into Japans septic tanks.
It's the similarity, it's like a name from Monthy Python sketch about Hitler hidding in some backwater village in Swiss.
Or Minehead
Event reward loot boxes are about to retroactively make my 3 years of FOMO Enlisted event grinding a complete waste.
How do you find fun in this game? All I seem to be doing in the last couple of months is more or less either singlehandedly carrying or watching from distance as 2-3 other people cap one point after another before I even had a chance to get there. First one is either being the only one to keep both rallies and an APC up and then roleplaying steiner to counter attack with armor to give my retards a chance to crowd the cap and the second is pretty obvious if you experienced it.

The games becoming a massive drag.
>wt lootboxes
>1:5 for some pocket change
>1:20 for some lame decal
>1:50 for booster
>1:75 for a silver wager
>1:3.000.000 for a vehicle
I'm pretty sure you're safe.
don't forget
1:400 for a shitty old weapon
1:700,000 for a good old weapon
and 1:4,000,000 for a old squad
And if you already reached softcap say you already have 3-4 besals or that squad/vehicle you get 50-100 silver or a 20% booster instead. Honestly, what's going to make or break this system is the cost per crate, and even 10k will be a massive drain, and whether they'll do kikery like gold crates with guaranteed drops for like 40$ or even keys for real currency to even open them. I can imagine they being only obtainable from large crates from the daily logon but since they're such nice people you can also buy them directly for like 1000g.
Go to point with high rpm SMGs and a large ammo pouch and wipe some squads
its like 10k for a funny gamble crate in war thunder
but you can make like 60k+ SL with premium/premium vehicle
as opposed to maybe getting 10k silver in a great match with premium and boosters and shit
Last I played event crates required keys and you had gold crates that were about 50x better
there's the skin crates that require keys
the funny GE crates which are even more of a scam
and then the occasional event where they bring out a crate which requires SL to purchase
Not skin crates. The ones that you earn playing and give a special newly added tank or plane that's the highlight of that battlepass or event. In theory.
>old gold order pz3j actually rules br1
Huh, time to hunt some mutts I suppose.
pz3 J is probably the best tank in tier 1
although the italian TD before it has a good APHE round. it does both at the same time. Is a TD though.
I love the semovente and always feel happy when I see someone using them
and then feel bad when I inevitably have to murder it
this looks op as fuck at br1 if you know what you're doing
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god damnit
Here's another one
He's also a consoloid that quits after going 5 and 4
no, its dogshit
the hurricane with the 2x250s and the other one with the .50s + 20mms and rockets are both completely superior
I've never used it but it's a famously shitty meme vehicle in WT apparently
does anyone actually care about experimental weapons as gold orders?
I mean, to some extent. I've got an assaulter squad of all Conders. I'd like them to neither be too outlandish or overpowered.
>outlandish or overpowered
seeing as how the conders is both of those, im not sure I see your point
i do, when the experimental retard weapon is really good because when something never existed it can be as good as the napkin says
and every tard buys 4

stuff like the rpk 1943 or the svd-38, WAR or lanchester model 1, fn model 30 or mkb42W are all cool, because they're nothing too special, but are unique in design or purpose
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i wish the green helmuts were more widely available
I’d wager they aren’t even aware that it’s not. Similar to the grey Volkssturm uniforms
the 40mm has to shred other planes at br1 though and dive shooting tanks is effective
It was an example of what we should probably be avoiding.
So buy it and tell us how it goes.
That and stens are BR1. Like, what the fuck. I use them at BR3 lol.
gotcha, was confusing you buying four of them for an endorsement. sidegrades and weird niches should be the focus but beggars cant really be choosers at this point and I would prefer they put meta contending prototypes in as GO than in the tech tree, seeing as we must have them for some reason

not really, its using AP shells (same reason this isnt good for infantry>>486577194
), you cant choose your belt loadout, and good luck keeping your target at the convergence of two clumsy wing mounted cannons (so you just aim with one, meaning your armament is half as effective). 40mm shot from the air is about as effective as it is on the ground, meaning you are going to need several passes to kill a single vehicle with your clumsy spudguns (unless you get lucky and the game decides to give you an ammo cookoff). your MG ammo is also nearly nonexistent so you have no staying power at all, and most german fighters are much faster than you are so there is no running from an engagement. its one of the worst paysquads in the game by a pretty significant margin
i see, so i want nose guns on my fighter, ideally
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Should I redeem these or keep waiting?
yes they will always be easier to aim accurately which is really important for gun CAS
the 37 LaGG (with a nose gun) reliably does what the pom pom hurricane doesnt, although both would be better off with a way to select ammunition loadouts
Wing mounted guns have the singular advantage of when you are horizontal in a fight with another aircraft so you're lining up both guns on their trajectory, if that makes sense.
Generally though nose guns are going to make you more accurate and be better for pilot sniping.
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ofc I recently made two webms getting kills with the POS but these videos are only noteworthy because every time I get a kill with a clean shot I am surprised by it, it is the least consistent of the gun CAS planes we have so far
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>try a few BR 1 games
>still have to carry German teams
>for some reason the low rankers are not retarded, and they can actually aim (probably new steam players)
>Them being stuck with M13 and sniper can make them a pain in the ass.
If i had 3 Assaulter IV squads with Berettas and the flammenpanzer i guess it could be fun, but the lack of APC and MG can be pretty rought against retards using Besals, Crusaders and other strong BR II stuff.
there are more motivated players in BR1 than the higher tiers and it has been like that since at least when the soft MM rule was added. probably people who know how FPS games work, who then get burnt out before hitting top retard tier. I wouldnt be surprised if steam has let more of these types show up

as for the aim, console moss get left trigger snap aim that is hyper lethal when used with bolt actions, so you just die if you are exposed in the open

BR1 only match ups are fun and its way easier to solo carry than high tier IMO
why you wouldn't?
"Get 10 artillery kills" is the hardest task in the game, by far. I'd rather get 100 headshots.
>play 5 games
I can't do this man
I'll never make it
>Play Soviet Tier III
>Get up-tiered into Tier IV/V Germans constantly
>Still win every match
head shots are easy for me, but the artillery thing sucks and i probably won't do it
You must be shitting me. I just cleared house in good 15 matches going by k98s on engie, MG and AT squads.

Tried PzIIIj? Literally eats them for breakfast.
Anyone got the BR V tech tree tier list?
Try the leather club two doors down
lol how
i can deal with them just fine but it is just a pain, i rather be using my MG30, MP-40 and Pz III M if i have to hyper carry shitty teams.

I tried to play a more casual line up with lebelwerfers, italian marines, event AT squad with mannlicher m93, Pz III J and a Pz38(t). Killed like a dozen tanks but they had 2 or 3 guys that were pushing with SMG and 1 of them was using Besals so it was a chore.
I never made one for BR IV or V, I'll get around to it eventually. I still feel like I need to perfect 1-3.
Autorifles best. T20 and Type Hei Auto are best autorifles.
RD-44 best tree MG, Stinger best event MG.
AS-44 best AR if enemy has Vit, Fedorov best AR if enemy does not have Vit.
Conders best SMG.
Tiger II (H) best tank.
P-47 best plane.
>BR V tech tree tier list
Yeah. Were all those loaded up with meta build soldiers and AP mines as well? Motherfucker, how is that shit remotely casual?
would you like if this game went past ww2?
would you notice if this game went past ww2?
M3 Carbine Snipers please.
>B-but the scope had no magnification--
Didn't ask.
Literally every soldier I have down to the last pilot that I never use has an AP mine.
no, i like to play ww2 arcade shooters
OK, I respect that. But no one badmouths the moschetto in my presence by calling it casual. I absolutely adore that rifle. And I can't imagine a worse experience for anyone expecting a good time than an experienced player rotating Pz III J and a Pz38(t).

Well, ATGMs would solve the grayzone camping tanks. But seriously, slap some freebird and have someone say GI go home and I'd believe pacific BR5 maps were nam already.
Literally me
>Pz.III J is br1
>IAR-81C is br1
>kar98k is br1
>beretta M38A is br1
You know, you might be onto something here.
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Told you
Yeah I'd like to see conflicts around the WW2 period like the Italian invasion of Abynessia, Spanish civil war, Korea and First Indochina war
the mp34o is frankly an excellent SMG too. you just gotta upgrade it for some fire rate and its basically an mp40
I'd bring only 1 plane and an APC and another assault squad instead. I feel like planes are kinda hit and miss
APCs are all BR2 breh
Motorcycles too
Your right wtf. Thats a crock of bull
is there a document or something that states how much XP each squad needs to level up
i wanna know if other MG3 squads take as little to level up as the soviet one
and also to see how much pain i'm in for in the future
Unfortunately not, but most squads of the same tier tend to take about the same XP to level up. It partially depends on how many levels they have (more levels = less XP per level).
well, I'm curious since soviet MG3 took like 3000xp at lower levels to level up, and has 46 levels. but mg2 requires 10k + a level and has 36 levels. which is a pain cuz if i didn't already have maxed out dp-27/dpm from old progression i'd have to trudge through this level. i'm wondering if say german MG3 takes as much as russian MG3 or if it's just a weird quirk

tldr: fuck the slavs why tf MG2 need so much xp
>marshal players chain pulling tanks and running around with mp38s knowing for a fact they're playing down scaled
>still plays like huge faggots by chaining artillery strikes and putting ap mines everywhere
part of me wants to quit because the silver grind is lame, but i also want a chance to wreck these shitties on br5
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forgot about this lil guy
germany's BR1 setup is probably objectively the best
BR2 is a fair bit more balanced all around
only my Italian marines had vitality builds and those squads didn't have mines because i can't afford them on extra/meme squads.
Why no engineer squads? Pak40 and Mg34?
What, so I can give them all Drillings and Mausers with Germanic cowboy names?... brb
the flammen panzer II is also BR 1. If i had the extra silvers i would make 2 Assaulter IV squads with Berettas and buy the Pz II (F)
I fucking love my Moroccan and Italian Marine squads.
>absolutely should be losing match
>but the enemy doesn't realize the handful of doors I barbwired are why their AI won't get on point until it's cost them 400 tickets
>barely win
I regret not buying the Moroccans
They have creepy red feet.
Post feet pics
Moroccans are probably the best premium squad in the game
How are the Moroccans better than the Italians when they don't have bayonets?
For all the papershit they gave nippon getting gangbanged by endless greyzone shermans and airspawned planes just fucking sucks. BR3 is like cock & ball torture
nobody drips like they do
BR III has got to be Japan's weakest, yeah
soviet teammates suck ass tonight
The mg42 is super good but it needs a faster reload or more bullets
sorry anon but 100 round belts are reserved for russians and americans only.
I like the way you think
its almost like player attention shifts and exposes gaps in the tech tree

nips dont even have a non paypig fighter at BR3, and even if they did it would still get skullfucked by corsairs diving on it from the stratosphere the second it isnt hiding underneath the carrier
Corsairs have carrier spawns. The upgraded P-38 would be a more common threat
regardless there is no shortage of airspawn mutt planes at BR3-5. the armament on the corsair is just insane and really leaves an impression on the humble zero pilot
Can someone familiar with the Russian language give me some hints on how to differentiate allied and enemy bombing runs being announced with localized audio? I can make out the word "roo-sheeki" and that's it really.
Just open up you map nigger, look at the bomb point v, and now look oposite of it outside the map with your eyes.
Friendly bombers will be visible as soon as they spawn.
Enemy bombers won't be visible till they get like 3km away.
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Anyone see this error before?
this game would fuckin suck with modern equipment, even vietnam would be cancer
You can find out for yourself.
>Type 96
>Type 99
>Type 100 Late
>SIG 1920
>Grenade rifles
>Chi-Ha Short
I think it's more of a playerbase issue, everyone with Japan jumps on 5 because they know no one else is at 3
I've said it to death, but you'd have to come up with some really stupid gamey mechanics to actually make cold war era gear better than 90% of our papershit. And subguns which were a thing well into the 90s would all be inferior to the rifles and SMGs we have now.
We already came up with the mechanic.
Body Armor. Which will require AP ammo. Which old guns will not be able to get.
But russia suffers! Give AKSu74 with grenade launcher, bayonet and laser sight.
What part of
>come up with some really stupid gamey mechanics to actually make cold war era gear better
Did you not understand? I even specified subguns to emphasize this issue.
>subhuman throwing a hissyfit over subguns
imagine trying to hold a capture point against a 120mm autoloader-fuelled shitclapper 9000
The howitzer Sherman spits on the Chi-Ha, none of the MGs outclass the M1918A2 BAR, excellent-in-tier japanese AT weapons are becoming obsolete at BR III, and the Garand is a menace. I'll grant you that the Type 100 late rocks, but they have little else going for them at BR III
What's the best br for the allies?
Probably 3 relative to other factions, though they don't get their AT GL until 4 which is also a strong contender for them. I think their 2 is pretty weak.
With optimised loadouts, probably V>II=III>IV>I.
The only thing I find strenuous at BR V is dropping my 250kg bombs accurately enough to kill the enemy King Tigers. The T20 rifle, the Stinger, and M2 Carbine hipfire makes short work of everything else!
Which map?
First point was Berlin Bridge, last was the Opera House.
You're not wrong but KE7 is pretty much a BAR with 5 extra rounds and jap SMGs shit on anything other than the lanchester. If japs had a couple more maps and better pistols I'd probably play only them. For one I've yet to find a bolt rifle that slaps as hard and as fast as arisaka once you get used to it's non existent slinteye friendly sights.
The bridge becomes quite enjoyable to defend, if you push up as defenders
It was completely ran over while most of my team still hadn't spawned in
next week (end of event) they announce iwo jima, but it sucks ass.
They announce the French.
>they get score by surrendering
also the italians who get a 3x score multiplier for deserting
The US punches down hard in BR3 and always punches out the Japs in all BRs except 2.
Enjoy it while it lasts, mutt. Last month you and 80% of the current players weren't even playing burgers.
France has the most recorded victorious battles in human history.
>hate mutt guns
>like commie guns but they have awful vehicles
>winning on krauts is nearly impossible and not worth the extra effort
>lol japan
games in a shit state
Taking a bath is not considered a victory in most places
>winning on krauts is nearly impossible
skill issue
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why yes I'm a shitter how could you tell
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language setting is a dead giveaway
we won historically though??
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>Temporarily adjusted the reward for repairing allied vehicles from 55 to 5 points.
It took a year but they finally found a way to deal with the chink repair exploit
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Most of lend-lease came past 1943.
Do not trigger the mutts. They feel inadequate as is.
>And now they are saying that we had plenty of everything on our own.
And I'm sure all those dead commies who left their bones at kursk and such are proud that decades later you're sitting there in your cat ear headphones and lamenting how it's too hard to kill defending soviet citizens.
Can you subhumans take your gay infographics to your designated shitting thread.
what can I say, there's no greater honour than dying for your country
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are you botting?
Nope. Night shifts and a lazy job.
That is a metric fuckton of battles since the merge.
oh mein Gott
I'd seriously love to play more games as Japan or Allies, but Pacific maps are so shitty that my mind blocks the idea.
Guess 4-8 hours a day and most battles being 5 minutes stomps for either side adds up, huh.

I can get behind that sentiment.
you've been constantly getting bailed out by the usa for the last 200 years. the one european country that saw russia as equals and russia acts this way towards its only friend
/pol/ is that-a-way
yfw russia is having another chernobyl incident
how much banked xp do you have for krauts? what is your overall game count?
The amount of new players is impressive. They have no rank but are smarter than 80% of the usual player base. And can actually shoot pretty accurate. These silver ranks will wipe your squad very fast if you are not careful
Bro I hate the mutts as much as you, I'm just sayin it how it is.
>given the most op equipment in the game
>can't win
it makes sense when you realize 90% of furmacht players are brownoid brazilian subhumans
Fair enough.
My impression is only that they still haven't discovered the desert button and that there are loads of smurf vets playing on low BRs these days. Had a fight with 6-7 marshals on each side in BR1-2 yesterday.
the lack of airspawn plane at BR III is a huge deal, there is a lot of times where i wish i could just drop a bomb to the grey zone sherman
>tried Germany BR1 setup
I mean, everything is comfy but it's like I'm the only one with IQ above 60 in the team.
>MGs outclass the M1918A2 BAR
Outside the shitty irons the type 96 has almost no recoil and really accurate.
The usual gay shit, there should be a longer grace period where you can set up defenses and the likes.
Wrong, it will be the Spanish civil war theater
Wow it's almost like I asked because I was sick of doing that and want to rely on just the audio cue, thanks for nothing
How's that different than any other german BR right now?
>taking our free research points away

What the fuck
its comfy because the other team is like that too and you go in with low expectations instead of expecting people to understand how to play an FPS
>you go in with low expectations
I have to learn how do that, guess I'm used to relying only on myself with strong gear, but BR1 just doesn't allow to wipe out entire squads fast enough. The only thing you could do is CONTRIBUTE.
assault is a shit game mode, so is the bombing one, so is the a, b, c game mode. get rid of this cancer
>For each such badge, a distinguished commander will receive a bonus of 100 silver, up to 500 silver for five Battle Hero awards.
Fucking called it. The most useless halfmeasure bandaid placation that doesn't help people who need it the most. And now if you complain that you need 200k silver for one BR 3 squad you get forumite shiteaters and discord faggots with 5m silver and 8k gold going well, it's a skill issue bro.
>100 silver
They might as well make it 10 silver or even 1 silver.
>conversion is mandatory called it
Our boy with 10k matches since the merge is probably going to pull in 1.5-2m silver in the conversion
>1 million rp is worth 10k silver
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>extra silver for battle awards
cool but it's way too little and doesn't reward the average player
>extra silver and XP from playing as any faction
good but it's also too little, it should be +50% at the very least
>You will not receive this bonus if you leave the battle before it ends, as well as in the next battle after desertion.
it fucking starts.
>extra research points can turn into silver
nice for veterans, that's about it. These devs are really fucking retarded, aren't they? These changes basically don't benefit a new player at all and even then the new rewards are so small they're insignificant. Greedy fucking jews.
I'd love a king of the hill mode
>lose all my banked xp, which would unlock everything added to the game over the next ten years
>only get 230,000 silver in exchange
huge L for not doing this before steam reviews were a thing
not really with such a abysmal conversion rate and capping RP at 25k seems like a pathetic attempt to cover over ending RP stockpiling
what the fuck is good enough for you goyim, huh? you ask for silver gains, you got your silver gains. how about you get a fuckin job or use your welfare check to buy some fuckin silver
posting on 4chan about how awesome the game is and how they're so generous won't get you your job back, keofox
>what the fuck is good enough for you
Make battle hero medals 400 silver (2k max), rp conversion ratio 1 to 20 instead of 1 to 100, then I'd believe that you're trying at least.
Make BR2-3 guns cost 50% less to upgrade, make respeccing soldiers 50% less expensive, make pistols 75% cheaper on average, get rid of the soldier stat gacha and or let us skip buying vehicles we don't want. Bam. You just massively improved QOL for everyone especially remotely new.
pistols should be a prestige item but I agree with the rest
Japs vs Soviets in the far east and USA vs USSR in Operation Unthinkable in Germany would make me play them a lot more
For allies it's literally Pacific (shit), Normandy (shit) or Tunisia (it's alright)
>USA vs USSR in Operation Unthinkable
why must you insist on pure fiction instead of just saying korea
Even shit like nagants? Especially when how much they love their pistol kill challenges. Come on.
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USSR only had supporting role in korea
Chink and Nork bodies littered the battlefields, not Soviets
>they just did
id rather they buff the nagant to where its useable than make them ubiquitous but still shit
a trifling issue when the conflict in question actually happened
Were there Soviet Ivans shooting Billies from Alabama?
Not interested
It was Jimbo from Nebraska shooting chinks until he ran out of fucking ammo
Operation Unthinkable can be done with already available ingame content
Korea was in the 50s, new shit that's not in the tech tree was already available, especially jets + you need a whole new map
So you want Nagant revolvers to cost 125 silver, what does that solve exactly?
Yeah let's have the Nazis invading the moon added too, we already have the assets in game.
How many of those players do you think will stick around to BR3? And how many of those will remain when they can barely get enough tier 1 soldiers and a mixture of BR1-2 guns with maybe a couple non-upgraded BR3 or Godforbid something event or gold order BR5 and meet my all FG42-2/STG/AS/T20/Autohei squads filled with metashit perfectly rolled soldiers that spread mines all over the place while I rotate paras on their caps and win in 4-5 minutes?
Make it 200 then. Even that's too much lol. Just instead of treating the symptoms treat the disease. Nah, but they'd rather fuck with vets and provide no solution to people who actually need silver. And they're presenting it as something better than sliced bread.
Yeah they need to give out free premium time + shit load of silver for low playtime accounts.
Prem Maxing gives me about 3000 silver on a good match.
I will now get 3500 silver. 16.5% increase.
I have 20 million banked Research. I will get a WHOOPING 200,000 silver.
And since XP is 47th of Silver if I get 3k I will also get 64 Silver per match on top. That's not a 10% increase you lying bitches that's not even a fucking percent you lying ass niggers.
I will go from making 3,000 on a good match to 3,664. And my silver will go from 1 mil to 1.2 mil.
I will never get the join any faction bonus since I don't care for slavs and these options never allow you to just select some nations, not all.
Congratulations Kikeflow. You gave paypig shitbuckets 16.6% increase in income while giving newfags and shitters 0% increase. With the possibility of getting raped every match for another 20%.

Is it really that fucking hard to just increase raw income by 33% you stupid money grubbing kikes?
Campaigns would have been better to hard lock autorifles and the gay shit to specific campaigns
>have pretty much all my BR loadouts in a good place
>don't really need to buy anything else
>have everything I want unlocked, anything else is just extra
now what
Got my math wrong cause I'm a fucking tard.
The 100 XP to 1 silver gives me a 1,4k increase. Which pushes it to 4.6k silver.
Which is 53% increase. Which is nice but again I am in the top 1% of earners simply by being a prem stacking average FPS player that knows the game. New fags get nothing.
>Fedorov vs Mkb
>Fedorov + AVS 36 vs Mkb
>Fedorov + AVT + AVS vs FG42 II + StG-44
>M2 Carbine vs FG42 II + StG-44
>M2 Carbine vs Type 4
That would be yet another bandaid solution. Just ask why are people not sticking around and what's the problem?

Work on the MM, try as you might to reduce seal clubbing, give less income or whatever PVE mode, give the sweats ranked play and for the love of fucking everything give chinks their own containment server. You're splitting the playerbase but those that play continue to play and stick around because, gasp, the game is fun to play.
bots are smarter than human players
what more can i do? i put forward a masculine br1 game, but my opponents are ap mine laying marshals downscaled with br4 weapons and planes. i just dunk on these shitties but their equipment wills them to win
I saw a post really early on when the merge was announced about having weapons locked to certain theaters with a degree of rarity in other theaters which would've been really cool

unfortunately half the autorifles in the game are pre-ww2 which really fucks up balance

I get that the campaign system was a dead end considering how many of the campaigns were just bot matches and the merge was the only way for the game to really succeed but I still wish there were a better way
Console players are better than pc players
>br4 vs br1
Are you tripping out or some shit
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 pre sets on every faction except Japan?
it's because most people can't do two things at once and with controller aimbot you only need to focus on walking
>Yeah let's have the Nazis invading the moon added too, we already have the assets in game.
The mines really do ruin this game for me. Is there some graphics option that makes them more noticeable? All my soldiers seem to have magnetic feet I have a serious talent for walking into them.
Yes but I'm not sharing due to similar exploits being patched out twice already. Either spam (rifle) grenades into every corridor or doorway or spend some time on google and you'll probably find it.
Me 262
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Uninstalling took no time, thanks oh keeper of the gate.
Not proof, there's no historical evidence of any of that equipment being thought up or existing in real life
So we don't have assets ready besides the map
you fail
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>historical evidence is required for something to be considered an in game asset
I know this is bait but I wish you were right
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silver rework is shite but still better than expected
Don't want to be a dick anon but I'm not taking that risk. Wouldn't be the first time some discordtroon reposted something from here to his assbuddies and that went to leddit and eventually got patched out.
what's the best assault tier, tier 4 with the reload speed increase?
>ULQ shitterery is the counter to mine spam
we truly live in the worst timeline
Generally yes, stacked with more reload speed and vertical recoil reduction. They need to have maxed handling stat though. Or just maxed overall so you aren't sacrificing anything
how about we all agree to make forum posts telling them to remove ap mines? it's seriously cancer only bad players use. there was a post on the forums and some eva guy was grilling another poster that could barely speak english and was defending ap mines. the eva guy told him to post stats and he surprisingly did. it was a brazilian self proclaimed support player with 40% win rate and a .6 kd LOL. these are the people that defend ap mines
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page shows a photo of the incomplete prototype that was captured and finished by mutt engineers years after the war, thanks for further proving my point
You should take it there yourself let the playerbase see the devs fix the exploit before doing anything about the mines and they will become angrier. if you guys let it die in secret what good does it do?
mostly just 2 and 5
thought I suppose I could make a BR3 preset for everyone even though I don't particularly care for a lot of BR3 stuff
It existed, somebody thought it up for use in the 1939-1945 period
so it has its place in the game, just like operation unthinkable
your strict historical anti fun autists need to rope yourslevles
i'm wondering if decreased vertical is the way to go with every gun. horizontal is much easier to control, but it's so much easier to just accurately burst people down before the horizontal recoil is a factor
Not even close. Last time it was about loading in modified textures with one custom game bug, and that got nuked after some fuck blabbed about it on the forums. Before that you could change one of the color value of their texture with an hexeditor.

>we all agree
>including those here that spam them
>they actually listen
Yeah, that'll be the day.

It lets me mostly avoid 9 gorillion mines I see every other game?
vertical is much easier to control i obviously meant
and the weltraumgewehr 43 is based on the wärmelichtgewehr wunderwaffe program so nazi laser weapons were thought of for use in ww2 and thus have a place in the game
you fail
you strict terrestrial anti fun autists need to space yourselves
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For the new diggers amongst our midst.
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Simple rule for you chuds: if so much as a Chinaman rotting in an opium den during the years 1933 to 1955 had a passing fever dream about a fictional weapon it belongs in the tech tree. Simple as.
>mostly just 2 and 5
Haven't beaten the game yet. You should have 1, 3, and 5 for every faction and 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 for everyone but Japan.
Depends on the weapon. Some weapons really want horizontal and the reload isn't going to matter anyway like with the Conders. Generally though you can get away with vertical + double reload reduction which is when you start to get enough to notice. Just 12% whether from the starting perk or the one you get isn't really enough by itself to be worth it.
or I take it as a concession
Those are clearly incans
Canadian Defence Scheme No. 1 campaign added when? We have all the assets and it can be done with already available ingame content
read admiral byrds report or the hillersleben sonnengewehr program, if you cant do your own research you arent worth conversing with

I will take any further sophistry on your part as a concession
bow and arrow when? it's le historically accurate!
Good point. If Manco Capac had any weapon schematics bestowed upon him by Viracocha during his Andean vision quests between the years 1277-1343 they need to studied by the developers and added to the game.
If you don't smoke 3000000 pounds of kush before playing Enlisted you're not doing it right

is the armaguera any good
we already agreed that japs will get the laser guns.
The Kraftstrahlkanone is something that everyone who is actually in the know about secret weapons knows about. The fact that a bunch of websites have been taken down or at least been purged from google in the past few years should be proof enough that something about it is both exotic and real.
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unironically saw more use across the conflict than anything we have as a gold order weapon honestly
It's purged from google but still on other engines
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next battlepass season features the english longbow and claymore sword. screenshot this
It crosses the threshold into actually being usable unlike the Type Hei.
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also pygmy headhunter NPC faction added to pacific maps when?
I looked into it, it's real
I agree then, it should be in the game eventually but the technology to be on the moon wasn't there so the moon front hasn't yet got a place in the game
Meanwhile Operation Unthinkable is still doable
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>implying they didnt have pressure suits in the 40s
you have to open your mind anon, there is so much occulted history to be added to enlisted
I had never seen this video and actually learned a couple things.
Shovel is unironically underrated af
US map not in game, Canadian tech missing
Soviet invasion of Hollow Earth campaign when?
You are wrong. There are several US locations in the game engine and every weapon the Canadians used is in game already.
>fictional War Thunder map not at all adapted for Enlisted's gameplay
You're wrong
Wow this is a fun read, got any more?
You keep moving goal posts, War Plan Red is as viable as Operation Unthinkable by your retarded qualifications. In fact more so because there is more documentation of the Canadian-American war plans than the short lived and quickly thrown out Operation Unthinkable.
german ufo wonderwaffles were an oss and later cia psyop against russia. the usa made russia believe we captured all the german wonderwaffles and would use them against russia
It's real. The nazi high command were all into weird alien cults trying to build ufos and go to cool places and you're just buttfrustrated we know
French invasion of the Ruhr during the sitzkrieg hypothetical battle added when?

Monarcho-Fascist English invasion of France added when?

Polish invasion of Berlin added when?

Soviet expedition to the Pacific added when?

Japanese invasion of Ukraine when?

All were theorized war plans and all can be done with assets in game. Get on it Darkflow.
the guy who wants an entirely fictional conflict added to the ww2 game also wants literal laser rifles to be added (eventually). very surprising
it's not real. it was a cia psyop to make russia think we had secret weapons. the entire reason this was plausible is because of the manhattan project which was totally secret despite russians having spies all throughout the usa. russia couldn't be certain the germans didn't actually have technology like this that was now in possession of the usa. the usa spent a lot of the cold war trolling the shit out of russians like this which is hilarious really. we even got them to spend millions researching paranormal bullshit such as psychics and remote viewing. we still fuck with them today with the ufo thing. russia has probably put billions into ufo research rofl and it's all a hoax by the cia
The die glocke time machine is going to land with 100m exoskeleton jump troops in all major cities
>the entire reason this was plausible is because of the manhattan project which was totally secret despite russians having spies all throughout the usa
Multiple people in the Manhattan Project were working for the Soviets
Very true. And we have all the assets in game already. Add it
The post is gone, what was in it?
this was after the bomb was dropped when the secret was out. russia had no idea it was being built, no one did except a very few
wtf, these assholes really gonna make it worse
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My shitpost was correct, I genuinely had hope they wouldn't jew us this much.
What a bunch of kikes.
its still here
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Fuck it, just remove tier and faction barriers and let everyone queue with everyone else at any location. The playerbase desperately wants this!
Dawg the Soviets penetrated the Manhattan project more deeply than any secret program in history. Stalin already knew about the bomb when Truman told him they had a new weapon at Potsdam
The silver economy is fine as is


Nobody wants to work for anything these days.
i'm still getting the silver gains from all the achievements, but those have just about dried up. even in my most masculine of games i'm barely breaking 2500 silver
adding this guys claymore as an event reward or gold order seems like something darkflow might actually do
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and the soviets got the USG to brutally violate the civil liberties of their citizens by scaring the shit out of the west with brainwashing manchurian candidate shit. MKULTRA still has a huge legacy in american culture today. the west also definitely spent more on investigating remote viewing and killing goats with your mind than the soviets who just operated dozens of factories prototyping irrelevant small arms and burying them in old mineshafts. and the UFO thing is more of a domestic psyop than one we pulled on the russians
well the devs certainly respond to feedback better than most. this is like the dozenth planned change theyve retracted over backlash
I'm surprised, honestly. Yeah, the silver gains aren't great, but this would make them better. You would think they would just do it and then see if people stop bitching about it.
As for the research, it sucks but it's not at all surprising that they don't want all the vets instantly unlocking everything every single update.
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they back pedaled
They are a lot more perceptive lately cause the steam release is pretty integral to grow the player base and profit off this game for the foreseeable future or not
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>furry pfp
its so over
whatever you do dont click early life on these
yeah banked research was always going to go away. they should compensate us more though
but theyve changed their plans in response to forum wailing since CBT way before the steam release was a whisper in anyones ear
that's how the psychology works. yes, the ufo hoax is concentrated on americans and so they genuinely believe they see things which makes it seem like the witnesses are credible. a lot of these witnesses genuinely believe their story and give up no signs of lying. this makes it more credible for russians to investigate. mkultra is largely a hoax too. the idea of the manchurian candidate originated in the usa
>mkultra is largely a hoax too
but sydney gottlieb and his decades of unethical "research" sure wasnt
>originated in the usa
in response to mindbroken korean war POWs on the TV, sure
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>they should compensate us more though
I hope they do, but then you've got guys like this >>486705865 who would stand to gain too much.
>we decided to increase the battle hero rewards!
>from 100 silver to 200 silver for each award!
thats an obviously marginal case though
I genuinely never heard about that one, or the wärmelichtgewehr wunderwaffe.
a fucking longbow would genuinely be better than the delisle too
I'm actually a powerful psychic and it is only a matter of time until the nazi ufos and other pieces of their superscience is willed into mainstream existance and there is nothing you can do about it because die glocke gave me the power of quantum preferred observation
>still caps at 500
Is it? I don't know what research he has, might not be nearly as much if he was actually a newer player. I haven't had any reason to grind and I still stand to make like 230k with the proposed conversion. If they change that from 1 in 100 to even 2 in 100 I suddenly stand to make 460k. 10 in 100 and it's 2.3m
And I know other people who have way more than my 23m banked research.
>but sydney gottlieb and his decades of unethical "research" sure wasnt
allegedly. there's no actual proof

>in response to mindbroken korean war POWs on the TV, sure
there's no actual proof north koreans did any sort of brainwashing against pows either. there's the chinese torturing americans for false confessions
does cuisine royale have a bow? if so its coming eventually
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heat rays were a staple of early science fiction and directly led to the discovery of laser technology by inspiring the scientists who grew up reading stories about them

>allegedly. there's no actual proof
in what universe are you posting from where evidence of CIA funded malfeasance under his direction isnt widely circulated. anytime his name is mentioned so is his decades long career of poisoning unsuspecting people. granted we dont know everything about the heavily classified program but that isnt grounds for making a case that nothing happened at all

>no actual proof north koreans did any sort of brainwashing against pows
uhuh. im sure "read this book about juche or starve and get your fingers broken" had no effect on those men. its absurd to claim that the soviets didnt use western fears about red subversion to their advantage, which is what my posts are about
there's literally no proof though, go ahead and find me evidence. it's all allegations. also juche wasn't even an idea in the 50s
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you are one pedantic fuck huh?
>im sure "read this book about marxist-leninism or starve and get your fingers broken" had no effect on those men

do you want proof of the CIA doing nonconsensual research with high dose psychoactives or proof of western POWs being horribly mistreated by their communist captors? either way I think you might be retarded
just provide the evidence, your pic is still not proof of anything happening and i still can't find anything that says the korea war pows were brainwashed by communists. i don't even think it was ever alleged, only that they gave false testimony about the usa using biological weapons
I am not moving anything
Berlin and Germany maps are in the game, ready to use and so is a US and Soviet tree
A Canadian front would need a Canada tree or atleast a fully independent UK tree plus maps
What you're proposing is atleast 1 year away if they'd start working on it now
>ded general during yuro hours
>full of life during mutt hours
The fuck? Are yuros who can speak American this rare?
Playing after the merge is a huge pain in the ass. I have massive holes in my rosters from squads I didnt level before the merge, and going back to progress them is boring as hell. I've got machinegunners and engineers and radiomen that need their OG squads leveled so I can level THEM and I really didnt get enough silver so I'm stuck in this quasi-leveled state where I have BRV shit but all sorts of weird missing links. Frustrating.
>/enlg/ witches and wizards general

22 allied soldiers refused repatriation during POW exchanges after the armistice. this, along with all the spy networks being uncovered, fed into the red scare of the 50s and was used by the soviets as a form of psychological warfare on the west, which I have said several times now. this is why excesses like MKULTRA were given such leeway by western leaders. you want proof of a nork brainwashing program I never said existed for some reason, the perception of it existing is what matters in this case.
The cia is in damage control mode because most people here are too powerful
I take every game way too seriously, wish I could just chill.
I would only play in low BR with them until the end of time.
heroes & generals had the currency gain right. people think it was lame having to pay for repairs and every time you used a grenade, but it really balanced the game in a way that if you spammed explosives including ap mines like a nigger it would cost you more than you make. looking back it's a far superior system and there was never any time you lost currency unless you were acting like a nigger with explosives
This game is just HnG but with slightly less retarded devs but worse overall
>repair costs
fuck yourself with a rake
Why did they do this?
>give desperate drunks your weapons
>they fight the bulk of the enemy
>dont lose any of your own citizens
>All previous researches in this line are required to be completed and purchased
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Other than darkflow being fucking incompetent is there a reason that when I use preset loadouts I only get 1 medkit instead of the 3 I asked for?
chat is this real?
Is it a new event day in 9 hours?
7 1/2 hours
What are your squad compositions? I bring,
2 MG squads
2 Assault squads
1 or 2 Premium/event ones I have for low/mid or high tier
Like 2 or 3 tanks
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Depends on BR
Replace one of your riflemen squads with an APC brah
Oh sorry that one is old, I moved the flamethrowers to the premium slot and moved the progression APC in for 11 total
if i could, i might set up squads
but i gotta level up squads so usually i take
1 assaulter (so i can win)
1 engineer squad (for shooting down planes during events)
1-2 squads im leveling
1 tank that has been at max-level after playing it for 3 matches
1 flying machine with bombs or rockets
1 funny premium squad i bought for some dumb reason
1 Para
1 Engie
1 MG/AT depending on the BR
1 Rifle squad
1 Mortar/Flamer/Radio depending on BR
1 Ass/MG depending on Nation/BR
1 Attacker
1 Fighter
1 Tank
1 Premium

I find myself lacking snipers the most with the current set up but since Premium snipers are rare as balls I will never really fill that gap.
why bring tools
>he doesnt know about the secret score
nobody tell him, its mine ALL MINE
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She knocked out 500 a13s and crusaders in one shot
They nerfed it to 5 score so it is sort of pointless unless you just want to be a fren to your team
You get a fuckload of score for repairing friendly vehicles. Some chinks have been seen cheesing it by damaging and then repairing each others motorcycles repeatedly.
Not really worthwhile unless you're trying to quickly cheese level up a squad though.
they TEMPORARILY nerfed it to 5 score because people found out how to exploit it for thousands of score
I will apologize if they ever revert the change. But I doubt it
was worded like that in the patch
Ammo boxes work the same way, you only get points the first couple times so people can’t just keep using each others ammo box over and over.
Though really they just need to make the motorcycle repair not count because that was the only one that could really be exploited. Any other vehicle would need an enemy to damage it
>Are yuros who can speak American this rare?
Bix nood mup da doo didda
how many uses does the ammo box have anyways? shit crumbles if I refill a panzerfaust but seemingly holds 30 drums of MG ammo
It says it has 10 refills in the community resource. And i've reloaded mortards and attards with partially spent resources without the box going poof.
probably 10 "magazines" worth, so each panzerfaust round counts as 1
I've gotten more than 10 mags out of it. I think by refills it does mean refills and AT launches and mortars are a number of refills.
hope the next event sucks so i can not feel pressured to play for a month
I mean the decal one rn is kinda wack
7 sniper squads
>team quits when we are winning
But it coincides with a good one
I like all the Decals and will use some of them.
gimme silver gayflow
Freely allocatable Research points won't disappear. You'll still be able to accumulate up to 25,000 points on your account per country, and only the excess experience will be converted into Silver at a rate of 1 Silver per 100 Research points. This can increase your Silver earnings in battles by 10%!

If you are actively researching something, new and previously accumulated experience will be invested in it first, and only after that will the remaining Research points exceeding the 25,000 limit be converted to Silver.

>eat shit all you oldfags hoarding research points hoping to play the lootbox jackpot game
Lately I have realized I am a fun vaccum for the enemy team. In order for me to win, 10 people are losing on the other team, and I know for a fact losing is not fun
buy it goy
Is 25k even enough for anything?
I just buttraped a Soviet team in low BR with my panzer iv e, and I don't give one fuck that all ten of them are most likely malding furiously
>I am a fun vaccum for the enemy team
You're sucking all of them?
What if we gave you 6 appearance orders so you can almost buy one uniform for one soldier in one campaign instead
My T70 is anxious to meet you
only after he sucks himself by posting on 4chan
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We're eating well tonight ATbroski
>3,559 player peak
how many are new? how many will only play 2 matches?
Use the steam db cheevo tracker you sill goose.
Doubt that even half are new
there's an old dude who's streaming rn
he loses every game playing axis lmao
watching other people play this game is frustrating
>he loses every game playing axis lmao
literally me
Most likely 25% new, 75% old, relaunch had failed massively, Gaijin's greed killed the game
>Is 25k even enough for anything?
enough to upgrade tank 2 times, for the last star you need 27k more, ofc you need to already spend 15k to buy that tank so have fun with our extra generous poverty like economy
25 AP mines
Am I psyching myself with greener grass or do krauts with the exception of a few vehicles have outright worse equipment compared to mutts and gopniks?
>camps in a building 50m from the point
A true Germany player
germans have the best stuff across the board
I'd agree on k98 at rifle nade since the soviet one is bugged but that's about all it comes to mind
Not really? Soviets have better smgs across the board but Axis holds the upper hand in everything else? I guess Soviet br3 is straight better and that's it?
you are right, all their TT equivalent are worse and only gold order weapons are better than other nations guns
k98 is ultra bugged i had to send 4-5 nades at the soviets and only last one killed two and downed me
I'm a metagaming slave but I still can appreciate when casual players simply chill and have fun. If the devs were smart, they would cater to the newbies more.
>I'm a metagaming slave
It's okay, if you're hanging out with tryhards you have no real choice.
>americans have the best planes
>russians have the best smg's
>krauts have the best tanks
>japs have.... uhh.... swords
That's more of a skill issue. Remember explosions especially from heat charges expand in cones, not spheres. And by bugged I mean you need to reload each individual grenade and mount it each time.

I'd give them props for MG13 since madsen crap but seriously. They also get better reserve rifles I suppose.
only place where soviet smg is superior is the br1 ppd
We can go class by class:
Depends on the perspective but KTH is much better when dealing with infantry. Pz. IIIN is better than anything Soviets have at it's br.
Soviets win with the Winchester, I guess.
Also, FG 42 outclasses pretty much everything.
The MG 15 has nothing on either the RD-44 or the MaxiTok.
Japan has best TD, best rifle at BR5 and BR1, best smg at BR1, 2 and 4, most op para squad (Hei LMG). Their nation is much better than Germans now.
Best autorifles, best paratroopers, great plane and tank.
>swords lol
Having extra movement speed on every soldier is actually good too
You haven't even played the game
>PPD-34 best smg at BR1
>PPS-42/43 best smg at BR2
>PPSh-41 box best smg at BR3
>PPD34/38 best smg at BR4
Axis mgs sucks due small mags, Americans are the best with overpowered M2 Stinger and Soviets with Maxim and RD-44 you don't really need stupid 1200 rof that depletes your tiny mags in 3 seconds, plus dispersion of german MGs is super high
>Also, FG 42 outclasses pretty much everything.
FG42 is literally the worst BR5 rifle if you look at the stats LMAO plus it start at semi unlike literally all rifles and doesn't have bayonet because DF hates Nazis
I'd argue that Tokyo Arsenal is better at BR4
I literally can hip fire people kilometers away with FG 42, that's why I don't like playing it: basically I have no excuse to lose while holding a gun like this one.
so soviet teams are try hards now?
In my personal experience they're doing better than mutt teams right now. Mutts started to crack and show weakness some time last weak but Soviets have been bastards recently.
Why not weapon by weapon? I'm not talking about japan since I play them the least. Also I don't consider snipers real weapons so I'll leave them to the shitters that enjoy them.

K98 is definitely better than mosin carbines and springfields, for what that's worth. Carcanos are alright for flavor and sidegrade but nothing gamechanging. Mannlicher is about the same as winchester but prewark98 has a bayonet. Too bad no4 shits on just about every other bolt rifle in the game.

PPD eats every other SMG almost up to BR3. PPS eats every other SMG almost up to BR4.
ASS eats every other assault rifle except maybe fedorov. AVS and AVT are borderline better than FGs but T20 blows all alternatives out of water.

AT rifles krauts are somewhat better than allies but PTRS is better than everything except that fifteen folded forbidden AT rifle that shall not be mentioned. GRB is alright but a welfare 'zooka is far more easier to use and has enough penetration for anything at those levels. Sovs get the same panzerfaust 100 which is all you need.

Krauts have the worst semis in the game compared to mutts and sovs by far.

I have a love hate relationship with MG13s but I'd still pick a bren over it any day. Awful sight aside, having selective fire and almost no dispersion on the move is retarded in almost every situation it faces. MG34/42 are alright for what they are but a fucking BAR is a motherfucking BAR. Krauts also don't get proper belt fed ammo capacity MGs for some reason.

Aside from the destroyer BF110 planes they don't really have any fire rockets and clear entire map tier fighter bombers. IAR is good but it's objectively undertiered for what it packs.

The first two good tanks krauts have are Pz.IIIJ, Pz. IIIN and puma. J is easily outclassed by fucking T70 of all things. That little shit can bully BR3 tanks. N is amazing and like IAR undertiered. Thing is almost better than Pz.IVJ especially now that it has HEAT. It still dies frontally to T50s and even BT7s.
Puma is somewhat better at AT but worse at taking a hit than T50. Pz.IVs are just for camping even at BR3 since almost everything can frontally rip them to shreds even if they try angling. Panthers are decent but nothing special and you generally suffer until KT. Which is good, no argument.

Flamers, mortars etc who cares.

Engie structures gopniks must show their bullshit and have german long PaK but also better HMG that rips every german BR1-2 tank to shreds frontally and also a better AA that also doubles as an AT gun.
I don't fly planes, but wouldn't the mutts have the best all around plane with their HVAR? I always see them raking in the kills, so my view might be sqewed from the ground

I'd rather have the MGs the soviets have, than any of current German ones.
The high ammo+rpm just seems like they do better overall at their role.
HVARs rank highly in ease of use but they’ve been nerfed substantially since their heyday.
Looks like JP got flipped and kicks American's ass at BR5. Thanks for the p2w nip paratroopers that scared murricans away to play as the Soviets lmao, German matches are also easier now i only lose 60% of them instead 80-90%. So when we will get p2w premium Maus?
>AT rifles krauts are somewhat better than allies but PTRS is better than everything except that fifteen folded forbidden AT rifle that shall not be mentioned. GRB is alright but a welfare 'zooka is far more easier to use and has enough penetration for anything at those levels. Sovs get the same panzerfaust 100 which is all you need.
Someone forget about Sturmpistole and it's atrocious reload that takes eternity
Why would you ever use a sturmpistole if you have GRB?
>Krauts have the worst semis in the game compared to mutts and sovs by far.
With the exception of VG 1-5
>I have a love hate relationship with MG13s but I'd still pick a bren over it any day. Awful sight aside, having selective fire and almost no dispersion on the move is retarded in almost every situation it faces. MG34/42 are alright for what they are but a fucking BAR is a motherfucking BAR. Krauts also don't get proper belt fed ammo capacity MGs for some reason.
BAR is so good at BR3 that i have purchased BAR wz1928 premium and crewed 2nd MG squad with FN 1930. MG34 is only good at defending points but not attacking due awful mov and ADS speed penalty.
Newbies have to use it. Ofc Veterans never will. But it's worth pointing that DF punish German players over and over again for no damn reason. I had to fight with DF for weeks just for them to give us mediocre and inferior MP40 at BR2 because their og idea was to put it at BR3 LOL. With their balancing low BR Axis would be even more deserted than they already are.
I prefer the Sturmpistole. I haven’t been able to use the GrB effectively since they fucked with the zero on it way back in Tunisia.
there was a time a few months ago when low tier axis steamrolled every match
for me, the rankings are (japs dont matter they're a fake nation)
Bolts: krauts > soviets > US. I love the kar98k and I also love the m91/30 (but it's tier 2 so minus points)
Semis: I'd say they're all mostly equal, with the US edging out with the Garand being t3 with 12.7 damage. The krauts lose out a bit with the g41's reload as well, but it's not so bad.
SMGs: T1, I'd say they're all about equal, but with different strengths. The mp34o is pretty good, but so is the sten and the ppd-34. I can use them all well.
T2, the soviets certainly win out with the pps-42/3, but I think the mp40 is a fine gun that does it's job very well. Same as the lanchester, which is pretty good.
T3, the soviets win out again but that doesn't mean the kraut stuff isn't bad. The thompsons kinda suck, though, whenever I pick them up.
T4, the soviets win no contest.
T5, the soviet SMGs are obviously good but so is the kiraly.
AR's: I don't really see much difference between the stg44 and the as-44 but the differences are probably minimal enough that it doesn't matter in actual use. Federov is a very good and neat weapon.
Other ARs: I think the fg-42s and t-20 are certainly the best
LMGs: BARs are good. DP's are good. RD-44 is good. German MG's I find kind of bad, but only when I use them. Everyone else seems to be able to hipfire on the move with them perfectly fine.
AT: Germany and Russia obviously have the best, since they use the same exact weapons. T2, though, US AT wins out.
Vehicles: There's too many to bother listing, but I'd say germans probably have the best air and tanks, the soviets have good tanks and bad air, and the US bad tanks and good air. I'm sure it changes between tiers.

Aside from some examples, I think the balance between nations isn't too bad but the tier system is too rigid and the player count too low for much more balance without messing things up.
>Also I don't consider snipers real weapons so I'll leave them to the shitters that enjoy them.
It's easily the M38 Carcano sniper. It has clean iron sights and a low power scope so trying to camp like a little bitch doesn't work as well, meaning you can actually push your Sniper squad forward with the rest of your team. The 7.35 Carcano also has good bullet velocity so less need to lead shots makes it easier to use. Hell you can even assault points with it in low BR's since bolt actions are everywhere.
For me, the matches are really even and fun now. Still plenty of good mutt players but japs also get a solid team.
the german radio squad has some weird grey tunics in berlin and normandie
How does the new Walther A115 compare to the Gewehr 41?
without doing math
nearly exactly the same
>VG 1-5
Which is at garand and svt rank. First is almost bolt tier for ranged combat and second is good all round with 2s base reload. And to add insult to injury they both have a bayonet for charge and CQC flexibility.

>FN 1930

It's got worse pen and 4x less ammo if used on the same range. GRB can also be used to snipe shit, not easy but possible. It also benefits from the bolt speed trait. I honestly can't think of a better example of a no brainer as to which weapon to use on BR2.
FN 1930 and MG34 are equally good imo

best to use both in an MG squad

FN1930 is better at short range, MG34 at long range
You do know that FN gets slowauto? Like, what the fuck.
i've never used it. is it any good?
have they released automatic c96s with stocks yet like the schwartz on the allies?
It's a gold order BAR for krauts. Try any of the mutt TT ones and you'll get a pretty good idea whether you like it or not.
I meant the slowauto mode. I've used the weapon and its good.
You've got to be shitting me
>It also benefits from the bolt speed trait
Does it?
maybe it makes it better at long range i guess?
FN 1930 is better if you actually want to win the match and MG34 if you want to camp for days
>clear point with FN1930
>switch to MG34, mount it to windowsill and mow down enemy running to point
find a flaw
Will still blow up to one explosive pack thrown lazily in its direction
>bot picks up your demo pack and throw it at your feet
>No bots found near the tanks since they spread the gay
I asked and I care.
>T2, though, US AT wins out
It's absolutely the same as sov? Oh, wait, you're a piatfag. Well that explains the mental illness required to compare g41 to svt38 and say they're mostly the same.
imagine having to fight in that shit
>by bugged I mean you need to reload each individual grenade and mount it each time
that is how the spigot grenades work, it is not a bug
>The launching rod was inserted into the barrel of Mosin Nagant M1891/30 rifle without any kind of launcher or adapter, as it was with WWI era rifle grenades. VPGS-41 was a stop-gap solution, it was put into service in October 1941, and already in Spring 1942 its production was discontinued due to insufficient armor penetration and firing range, a large number of accidents and the damage that the steel rod caused to the rifling.
very slightly worse
NTA but I highly doubt it
unless you use 20/30, both guns can use different perk builds
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it's funny that bots are actually good and win games in br1 games because you don't have enough ammo capacity to stop them from constantly zerg rushing onto the points
Just wanted to check their religion and I was not disappointed.
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why, why, why am i always against losers with mp40s in my br1 games

lets leave this shit game and join another and what do you know, it's a nigger with an mg34 completely raping my entire br1 team. another br4 queue weapon in my br1 game. what the fuck is this shit?
The MG-34 is BR3 you spastic. And are you really going to complain about fucking MP-40s of all things?
Where should I put these rocket arty Germans? They're obviously trash but I feel obligated to include them because they look pretty cool. And to make the decision more difficult their best uniforms are for Berlin and Normandy
you are put into br4 queue if you have an mg-34 equipped. it is a br4 weapon, are you really going to argue otherwise? the mp40 is better than anything at br1. german shitters really think the mp40 is bad too, you kids are so fucking terrible. the mp40 rules at mid range with an smg. you can shoot heads for days with it, but shooting heads is hard as tying your shoes which is why german players all wear retard velcro shoes
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>you are put into br4 queue if you have an mg-34 equipped. it is a br4 weapon
Just shoot them with your gun, dude. The MP 40 isn't exactly a powerhouse like, I dunno, the fucking Thompson .30. It fires at 570 RPM and deals 7 damage. If you are Soviets, use your PPS-42. If you are Americans, use a Grease Gun or M50.
i'm fully br1, not a single br2 weapon, i can't access the pps-42. this is the problem and why it's bullshit
He probably meant mg42 but is too retarded to understand those also come on vehicles, engie emplaced MGs and even as scenery props. Could be shitbait as well.
I eat faggots with STGs with my tank crew PPD-34s on account of their goddamn 920 ROF. Git gud.
lets try this out you dumb fucking nigger. it's real simple so lets see if your nigger brain can play along. it's yes or no. yes or no, do get put into queue on br higher than the highest br weapon you have equipped. very simple, nigger. yes or no
You have the PPD-34.
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>filtered by mp40s
cucked by german engineering hahahahahaha
i'm better than you'll ever be, retard. the ppd isn't going to out shoot an stg at range or even an mp40 reliably
>angry brazilian noises intensify
the ppd doesn't out shoot an mp40 beyond close range and i don't have a fucking ppd on everything i have bolt actions with mp40s peppering me from long range. if you get out shot by a ppd at medium rnage you're a massive shitter and probably deformed
Seriously, who are those inbreds playing low tier US? I haven't seen teams that bad in a while.
germans have the best equipment in the game, but pound for pound the worst players. they literally have no idea how to utilize their equipment
soviets have the best equipment

germans have the best tank and thats all
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the NKVD, and I've been involved in numerous special operations on Nazis, and I have over 9000 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire USSR armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the Komitern and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the BRV and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
The PPD is competitive with the MP 40 at basically all combat ranges. The MP 40 is just easier to use.

I dunno about that, the Soviets have the best MG, AR and SMG, but kinda shitty planes and tanks. Americans and Japs have the best autorifles but the worst AT.
nope, german players are just trash. the mg15 is a god gun for example, but german retards cannot do anything except hamfist their keyboard and sausage finger their mouse so bursting is completely foreign to them, same reason they wear velcro shoes
I always looked at Boys AT as a really, really decent semi rifle.
The Boys is worse than the PTRS and Type 97 regardless, with the Type 97 being one of the best guns tier for tier, but that doesn't save the Japs from having terrible launchers that struggle to kill later tanks from the side.
>The PPD is competitive with the MP 40 at basically all combat ranges.
no it's not. it's more accurate, has basically no horizontal recoil and is incredibly easy to get head shots with. ppsh has too much horizontal movement even with perks. we've established that you're not capable of shoot heads so your opinion means nothing. the kiraly 39m is also better than the ppsh
Clearly. I still like to shoot people with it.
The PPD has fuck-all recoil too.
the best mg is the mg15, i don't care if you don't know how to use it, that's not an argument
it's because german players are retards
no it fucking doesn't. it has a fuck ton of recoil. are you a deformed controller user?
>the best mg is the mg15, i don't care if you don't know how to use it, that's not an argument
The MG 15 is worse than the Stinger by quite a large margin. It's better now that it has been buffed but it's objectively worse than the AN/M2. For tree unlocks, it's arguably significantly worse than the RD-44 as well, because at top tier both guns are a two shot kill (everyone uses Vit) but the RD-44 is more accurate and has more ammo, better movement, et cetera.
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the officer cap just looks stupid in 99% of cases
I've been using unupgraded MG15s and loving them. Only complaint is the reload speed which will be fixed once I can upgrade them. They're great for taking down planes too.
Believe what you wish, there's a reason people complain about the RD-44 being OP but nobody cares about the MG 15. Until a couple patches ago, the MG 15 was also the only gun in the game that lost accuracy the more you shot it.
when aren't german players whining about something? generally the kind of person that plays germans thinks germany was duh best in ww2 and had all the wonderwaffles
Enlisted isn't too bad for it compared to say, War Thunder.
this bait is shit and not necessary to bump the thread at this time
>Conversion rate on Free XP to silver is 1 to 100
Fucking A. I expected as much but that's still abysmal.
1 to 100 and forced research conversion was EXACTLY what I predicted
Serious question now. Why are people sleeping on japs? Never really played them much because I can't stand the three or so pacific maps but the gear is interesting and very varied.
Nobody really wants to play the Japanese because nobody cares that much about The Pacific. Them being unpopular just makes them more unpopular, too, since nobody wants to play them, which leads to people not wanting to play the "dead faction" et cetera.
Population ebbs and flows. Lots of people go where they think the easy wins are. For a while after they got the Auto Hei Japan was stacked in high br for easy wins.
Just fuck the Pacific in general, absolutely retarded jungle infighting isn't good for a fast paced game like Enlisted.
It's like they are skimping as hard as possible in every way. Why not make the rewards for medals better? 100 silver per medal? That's fucking nothing. It's an increase of like 25% if you're a top player every match when it should be, I dunno, 200 silver per medal.
Awful take honestly, there needs to be more foliage on Pacific maps if anything
a lot of their interesting stuff is BR3 which fucking sucks for them. their tree also is sparse on planes (only 9 compared to the 20+ of other factions) which is dumb because that is where their most modern weapons development went. also carrier spawning sucks. their customization sucks. and mutts have been pretty stacked this patch
I guess, but some of the gear is pretty bonkers when you take a closer look. And plenty of downright unique and useful shit as well.
>100 silver per medal? That's fucking nothing
I average at least 10 medals a match
Okay, but it caps at 5. Which everybody knew would happen.
I played japs the least so take it with a grain of salt but they've got better semi in their AT gun than most other nations got semi rifles at 3. They've got bayonets on BR1 SMGs and they've got a better lanchester at 2, a bayonet version at 3, LMGs for every occasion including a 25 round BAR in their TT. There's potential here.
like I said a lot of their interesting stuff like all those LMGs and their first really excellent SMGs are at BR3, but getting uptiered with it is like repeatedly getting kicked in the groin because of vehicle mismatch on top of BR3 allies being very strong already

while the 97 AT gun is the best in game using it as an actual rifle is a huge gimmick and people massively overstate the utility of bayonets outside of bots doing proximity stabs. Japs also have a lot of regular players so idk how much they are being slept on exactly. they have a good BR2 and BR5
>utility of bayonets
They're hard to beat when it comes to mobility
Bayonets also reduce recoil.
Axes do the same thing. I would say the more significant feature is the recoil reduction
That too but the convenience is the primary appeal to me. And I love my shovels, they're a must especially on engies.
by how much exactly?
5% so it's basically nothing.
and surely if the devs took the time to model extra weight on the gun reducing recoil, bipods have at least double that?
No lol of course not.
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Fatherland needs your help now!
>Get a Bulge map as Americans
>Enemy team has a Tiger II (H) jerking off in the grey zone
>Someone bombs him
>He respawns in a plane and crashes
>Then he respawns in a para premium squad and dies instantly
>Gets back into his Tiger
Of course.
>not instantly jumping into another tank
I'm not buying it
gay sex
I only have sex with the hottest anime girls
I only have sex with the hottest nazi femboys
>get new squad
>have to spend 16,000 silver re-perking them
thank you darkflow, very cool!
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How many squad slots do you have?
>say I dislike playing against the chinese in chat
>random chink with english name has a spergout about it
I wish the G30M, G30R, M1 Garand, T20, and T20E1 didn't all sound exactly the same.
name one game with the same level of gunplay and vehicle usage with an active playerbase and ill swap to it
Can the new rocket artillary even fire into greyzones or are greyzone campers basically A ok to continue on like that
11. For now I put it in IV in place of my Me-410 which was hardly used. But I'm not even buying out the extra gear for it like all the G43s I sold back in Berlin. I can't be bothered to waste money on these guys because I just know I'll never use them.
No, it can't.
>event over
welp cya guys in a month
>5 games' earnings to respec a whole squad 1 time
Not that bad desu
New event starts in a week max
I needa get 20k points 2 more times before I am done with the shitty rocket artillery event. I won't even use the squads, who fucking would?
im using all of them
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next event will cater to the steamers, gonna be some bottom BR garbage. hard pass.
Ig just keep them as a backup squad if you get a really open map. Tbh I dont think i'll even use mine in any faction besides Japan since the Pacific has lots of open points. It's shit doesn't work in greyzones absolute missed opportunity there
I guess they're ok at low br because the engineer can build anything and you get to call artillery twice as often.
I used to use a high tier one back in Normandy, but I just really liked the diversity of gear. It felt like an elite commando squad because it had an FG-42 II which was only on snipers, and MG-42, Panzerschreck, and G43Ks and FG-42s.
Not only can this squad not do that, but there still isn’t much incentive to use one of these squads at all in upper BRs. Even at BR3 you’re giving up effective AT and machine guns to use.
When do I get my Komet event?
balance komet by dissolving the pilot if you take any hits to the fuel tanks
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I've just given up on silver at this point.
But they're optimally built! I suppose the free respec or free rerolls they used to give with event squads was impacting the silver economy too much. But, in about a year, we can hope to get a 50s reduction on the final upgrade for mp38.
Don't die on me, fags.
In return, the base price increases by 100s
what if they just buffed all silver gains and gave us double xp weekends alongside events
Why are you being anti-semitic?
If I want to become a MG42 main is this game worth it? Or should I go with HLL? Are both games filled with cancerous mtx? I literally don't care about other guns besides the MG42.
Try they remove assaulters 2 as well. There's a war going on, please understand.
Oy gevalt!

Don't know about HLL but you're going to have a bad time facing gopniks with not-AK47s with a BR4 MG in this.
>MG42 main
what why
you could but there are better options, MG42 is mid tier and capable of holding its own but you will have to use other guns in your squad
If I had to take a guess
MG42 is fun but it's a high tier weapon, that's worse than other high tier german/soviet/american machine guns. We might get a beltfed MG42 at some point but it's going to be the at the top of their research tree (quite a lot of grinding).
isn't it just a suppression simulator? Enlisted MGs tend to be more like Rambo.
>what why
It's the only gun I truly love.
I see, guess I'll take accept a "use other guns too" tax.
Oh, sounds depressing.
I see, and I'm not sure myself, I just want a game to MG42 in. BF5 is fun, but their attempts to balance the balanced with a soft prone requirement and delay on shooting has annoyed me for a while.
Said every wehrhaboo ever on the eastern front. Compromise for MG34 or just wash up and prepare large amounts of lube is my suggestion.
No. MG42 is more erotic.
Every T20 and ASS nigger in the game would agree.
>"use other guns too" tax.
to be more clear, you will have to grind MANY games before ever getting to hold your MG42. also the squad has to have 4 soldiers in it, it will start out with 1 machine gunner and 3 riflemen and eventually will have 3 machine gunners and still 1 rifleman or utility soldier that can only equip rifles. and when that squad dies you will have to play something else like an engineer or assaulter squad for two sets of lives unless you equip a second machine gunner squad earned much later.
Understandable, a beauty like the MG42 has to be earned.
>larp for bumps
Sad times, lads. Sad times.
if you want to be a real good goy there is also the premium "MG42 early" squad for like 60 fucking dollars and id be mad if you bought it but you seem desperate enough. you can have this within minutes of first logging in but will still have the rules of having to play two other squads after you get wiped.
>60 fucking dollars
Rather jewed game. I refuse to buy shit early, no point in having something if you suck at using it, better to learn your way up to it and then have some footing ready.
Axis Man here. HLL has too much required larping, which is why I play Enlisted.
The MG42 is worth using them in a dedicated squad for BRIV, the firerate makes it a good camping mg for holding down or clearing a cooridor quickly. It is especially good for camping a rally or an apc, it lets you squad wipe before they have a chance to fire back.
Of course the big downside is the reload, but perks and or swapping to another machinegunner should make up for it. The patronentrommel is also really good, but it doesn't feel as crisp as the mg42
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It fucks off or it gets the hose again
wasn't the mg34 superior to the mg42?
What does one do for low BR japs? Vehicle wise? Best I can hope for is to grind to BR3 and use my event chi-ha kai or something but what's available at BR2 that's not armed with noodle guns and armored with triplefolder wet rice paper?
In theory it's the same gun but one requires ton of precise machining and rare metals and the other is mostly mass produced stamped steel.
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>sub 5 br jap tanks
Ho-I is what you want at BR2. There are a few options for BR3, but you’ve got to choose because of the limited tank squads.
The Ho-I is good, the Short Gun is close to good, and I don't think anything else -not even the premium Chi-Ha - is worthwhile.
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>the german mainstay half-track is not in the tech tree
>the most mass-produced japanese tank is not in the tech tree
>the ubiquitous Universal Carrier is not in the tech tree
>there are no StuGs in BR I and II of the tech tree
This is all so curious desu
Remember when the German panzergrenadiers rolled into the USSR in their unarmored Sd.Kfz. 7 towing vehicles? No wonder Barbarossa failed!
>al capone guns and drum ppsh pinnacle of smgs available
>first mg squads have hmgs available
>better grind for engie squad 2+ for shitty mg
>75mm paks in br1
>weapons with bayonets modeled on them can't use them
>haystacks stop 20mm+ rounds
>hipfire 20kg cannons without landing on your ass
Very curious indeed.
Wrong faction, tovarish

Yeah, I can see what you mean but I'm looking for a change and japan seems to require some players. For bonus points I always enjoy gunning down mutts. But the lack of a decent tank to fall back to break a stalemate or stabilize the situation is killing me so far. Especially when they spam charge their shit constantly.
Shouldn't drum SMGs be the strongest?
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Why do you suppose everyone stopped using them or never adopted them in the first place?
Weight, logistics, role superceeded by guns that do their job better?
Because of ergonomical, financial, and technical issues that aren't evident in an FPS. Enlisted doesn't have weapon spawn costs, or a magazine feed failure mechanic, or a barrel overheating mechanic, so you can let let loose as many 71-round bursts as your heart desires.
Pretty much. You also don't have mechanics such as gravity or counterbalance in this game either.
Mp717 and a coenders do fine
I don't know who you are, but expect to be teabagged
Conders is beltfed you dumdum
But they're not the MG42.
Event radio squad is definitely okay for low br games, basically just build a gun and spam artillery strikes in between.
Come get some impact nades. And don't desert like a little bitch again.
I don't quit games for any reason. So I defintely didn't leave any game you were playing against me.
Sure thing bud. You also don't shill, samefag, play in stacks or outright suck at the game. Do me a favor, take a shower, find those balls you keep in a jar somewhere and play some germans for a change. I want me a nagant headshot. And if you behave, maybe. Maybe. I'll let you get a taste of my shovel.
>play germans for a change
I'm pretty sure I only play Axis
>shows off by killing a named bot
That's a new low.
I eat red guards divisions whole for breakfast
red guards were as likely to kill themselves as the enemy
>A Soviet "Rifle Division" totaled 9,375 men, and a "Guards Rifle Division" had 10,585 men.
lol that's a lot of slavs to suck off for breakfast
The Amber Room is my bedroom
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This game is retarded.
is the easy eight gonna be a premium since the pershing is in already?
rifle rated body armor wasnt a standard thing until after GWOT popped off, and ballistic armor in general didnt really work too well until the late 80s, and only really for one side
yes, but sometimes kino like your picture
how did you think this was a good argument lol
it shouldnt be that hard for developers to make AT and AA guns impossible to build indoors. yet another retarded oversight
>every nation has flakvierlings
>AA guns didn't have the elevation nerf either
>bullets actually went through wood reliably

there was nothing like building a flakvierling in a house looking at the point and mowing down americans with my superior japanese spirit
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I can live with building them indoors but imagine being sniped from a second story invisible AT gun? I took out at least a dozen tanks in that one.
to be fair, there's 0 reason the pak40 should be allowed in low tier
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>This fagboy doesn't know the joy of putting a pak in Hitlers office, and it genuinely being effective

Hell, now you can even use AA guns again.
>aa depression nerfed way before pacific came out
Nice try though.

That and heat charges should be BR3 at the minimum. Then people wonder why only retards close in with their tanks.

No, this fag knows that joy very intimately.
It's pretty in-effective against higher tier tanks.
What AT gun should engineers be able to build at low tier?
Just give them the ones they already had in moscow. 50mils.
>No, this fag knows that joy very intimately
I apologize, my digger.
>aa depression nerfed way before pacific came out
I assure you it wasn't
Soviets had the 45mm at gun and thr germans had the pak38 in Moscow pre merge. It was perfectly fine that way. Both at guns can penetrate panzer IVs and KV1s, so it should be fine.
>heat charges should be BR3
as in the GrB and zooka? that would be retarded
Both happened around late 22' so my bad if you had a month or two to play with them.

I agree but it's no less retarded to for example roll up in your pz38 and every babushka in 5km range pulls out a bazooka from under her skirt.
I'm about 80% sure the pacific update was the entire reason why AA got nerfed, it was definitely why bullets don't penetrate materials as well though
the M13 would just aim at structures on the jap caps and kill everyone inside every time

what a time it was
We'll never know but I doubt it for two reasons. No one whines more or louder than germans and AA was most abused in berlin corridors, and secondly if that's the case MGMC wouldn't shred all japanese tanks, armor, structures, planes and scenery with such impunity for the next year or so.

I still very much enjoyed using them on tilted maps. Clearing the snipers from monastery walls and doorways in moscow, that tunisian hill above the house everyone always camps (and all points afterwards on that map. Or those long ass tunisian bridges and they just charge forward. Good times.
>every babushka in 5km range pulls out a bazooka
this is an infantry oriented game, there is no realistic way to avoid this and the alternative is everyone at low BR getting raped by invulnerable death machines like the P3N and T50
And I agree but is it any wonder that most people don't do any sort of close infantry support unless it's to literally run in front of enemies so they chase you instead of playing the objective? Overtuned kraut and sov ATs, rocket launchers, HMGs, most low br tanks dying instantly to 20mm fighters, you being close means the enemy tank that just spawned almost certainly has you marked and you don't know he exists. And then you get to BR3+ and face AT rifle grenades and usually lolpen launchers.

Or maybe I just feel that it's a crying shame AT rifles don't get their niche anymore. I like using those.
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I think something is wrong with my sights.
all good points. not being able to carry 20 rounds as well as every reload in the game being 2 to 10 times as fast as it should be exacerbate this issue, but I rather have tanking be at a disadvantage than the inverse honestly
is fine tovarisch
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I dont see an issue
*being able to carry 20 rounds, obviously, its very goofy AT soldiers can carry 7 HEAT rockets or pfausts each. the grb probably gets so many reloads because of the learning curve with its sight system though
I love shooting hot sticky loads into big american hulls
This but in the direction of nazi femboys.
japanese schoolgirls
>seen more marshals and generals playing br1 germany than any other tier
when do we lay the eggs upon eastern partner's brow?
i mean people in the general were talking about that shit.
Let's put it this way, I can describe to you what an open cesspool on a hot summer day looks like but until you experience the smell and hear the buzzing of the shitflies for yourself the picture is not complete.
was the t20 actually used in ww2? surprisingly the as-44 apparently was, at least a little bit
Where in the hell did you read that? They barely tested any prototypes in summer of 1945 and the creator died in 1946 preventing any further testing or production.

As far as I could see it was a conversion to the garand to use BAR magazines never officially adopted or mass produced.
doubtful. if they could make an automatic, mag fed garand that worked well, surely we wouldn't have had the m14 fiasco
Absolutely. And by 1944 every soldier of the Wehrmacht was issued with not one but two FG42/2s.
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I think the Fliegerfaust was field trialed more extensively than the AS-44
You convinced me bro. Add them as BR3 TT for the krauts and Fliegerfaust-C 30mm with a bayonet as BR2 60$ soviet paras.
you're hired
Tech tree paras
What should I start bumping the thread with once we inevitably get our Komet? Ho 229?
Haunebu IV
Noticed recently an uptick in players not moving back to new points but staying in the old one
molotov them
I don't know how you can notice such a thing when everybody does it all the fucking time.
but is he also a digger?
No he's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B
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this guy is
This and only this. Noobs need the correct motivation to get on point.
Real thread, not made by discord people
>posts anime
>accuses others of being from discord
fuck off weeb
>faggot retard can't even wait for the thread to hit bump limit because he's afraid other people make the thread
this is what discord tranny behavior is
>i'm upset because my weebshit op didn't get posted in time
cry more cuckendorf
fuck off cuckendorf the real thread is >>487115701
fuck off discord tranny the real thread is >>487115896
you are the resident discord tranny cuckendorf which is why your shitty thread is just you and your multiple personalties posting in it. Everyone who wants a real conversation about the game is in >>487115701
no schizos here
Really mature, you guys.
I'm going to bed.
night night soldier. see you in >>487115701 in the morning
real thread
>real thread
more like real gaylord skizo thread
>the real real thread
no dogfuckers here
no faggot
is the first and superior thread.
thread without the world's smallest violin playing a sad song for samefag discord tranny with no replies
The way I see it is
>>487115701 if you want to discuss the enlisted game
>>487115896 if you want to see a scitzoweeb samefagging posts vaguely related to the game
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enjoy your dead thread cuckendorf
Enjoy your rangeban/ruining a vpn just so you could get an epic own by spamming illegal content reports until it autodeleted
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>*schizo ranting*
or most likely the admins saw there already was a general and deleted the newer one where 99% of the posts where from the same IP.
NTA they probably deleted it because of the swastika or mass "illegal content" reports. There are double threads on vg all the time.
It was triple threads at that stage, now we are back to double thread

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