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Mors Praematura edition
Previous >>486343663
>==Skullgirls 2nd Encore==>
>Latest Update:
>Season 1 Pass
Beginner: http://skullheart.com/index.php?threads/beginner-resources-thread.242/
FAQ: https://wiki.gbl.gg/w/Skullgirls/FAQ
Gameplay Wiki: https://wiki.gbl.gg/w/Skullgirls
Character Overview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMlK6ZrYVqg [Embed] [Embed]
Combos vs Resets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKsyy_RhN_4 [Embed] [Embed]
Beginner Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8PFx4ZYP8k [Embed] [Embed]
History: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69mQb1vfgkU [Embed] [Embed]
Website: https://skullgirls.com/
Forums: http://skullheart.com/
Digital Art Compendium: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1syw3WqYb_OPmt1sURzKDNJznoiemHJYA
Merch: https://www.eightysixed.com/collections/skullgirls
/sgg/ album: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9b02vpj9vvot9x2/sgg+album.zip/
>Online Weekly Tournaments
>Match Videos
>Discord Communities
Official: https://discord.com/invite/skullgirls
PSN: https://discord.com/invite/ZFTRTSP
Slapfest - Casual online lobbies: https://discord.gg/yMsjHWr
Get Gr8 - Beginner focused: https://discord.gg/T79G9Yr
>==Skullgirls Mobile==
Forums: https://forum.skullgirlsmobile.com/
Guides: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtPWPO2RPrlV_I9Vw6YItPA/videos
Patch: https://store.steampowered.com/newshub/app/421170/view/2
>Forums: http://skullheart.com/
>Nurse Valentine Nendoroid Figure Is Out!
>Shantae Nendoroid Figure!
>Data & Tutorials
>Lore Wiki
>Spriteanon's works
Frame edits: https://mega.nz/#F!hgp2xA5A!P_gStMIxdTDc5uvOGBJ9xA
Palettes: https://mega.nz/#F!MpwgQQzT!uHj7NxN4TZoX8cXz-BIl4Q
Lineart Colours: https://mega.nz/#F!FtRRwKRT!f-SJDd5CfqfQv9IsoiPdHg
>SGMobile sprite assets
>Squig-Anon's Works
>Minecraft Anon's Skullgirls Resource pack
>Skullgirls webtoon
>Skullgirls pre-patch restoration guide
>Skullgirls Digital Art Compendium
Inb4 the fatfag starts posting his disgusting fetish material again
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>Brain Drain, how's Fukua doing? I haven't seen in her in a while
>Brain Drain checks the security camera he installed in Fukua's room. She's wearing tinfoil on her head and clutching a knife, mumbling about how she's the agent of some hourglass chick and the time of purification is at hand
>"She's fine."
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>Nancy was impervious to conventional attacks because bullets kept bouncing off her incredible royal tits

I wonder what the distinction is between a normal woman and when they become a Skullgirl. Obviously when a woman like Nancy becomes a Skullgirl, they want to destroy, kill, the whole nine yards. But Nancy and Selene have shown that they can remember events and people from before, so it's not like they're just mindless monsters.

Is it like becoming a passenger in your own body while someone or something else pilots you around? Or is it that you -- your "self" -- dies and the Skull Heart/Mother just imitates you, spouting off what memories it can gather from the former host? If that's the case, when did Nancy cease being Nancy altogether? When she fully transformed or when she wished on the Heart?
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das it
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>Franz looks wistfully at the photo of Nancy on his desk
>"I miss my wife, Gregor."
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Holy fuck new lewds when?
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Well if I can manage my productivity today to work towards finishing some projects, soonish
My theory (possibly confirmed by Marie's story) is that they're still themselves but it turns up their murderous rage by a factor of several thousand. They become the angriest woman who ever died.
Since their bodies are dead they are unable to 'feel' the same way we do. They lose themselves in the "blissfulness of death" which is why their speech is so airy and weirdly demure, they feel light as a raincloud, not beholden to empathy or remorse.
In the soul realm they probably feel more regret, but in the physical realm they only feel righteous indignation.
Filia doesn't look dead to me
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>Yeah, like, my sister has the biggest gyatt I've ever seen. Like, I'm talking as big as Baby Gronk's rizz. No cap, I'm not busting you. I swear as a sigma that this is on Trinity. Some of the Egrets say my mom had a HY-UGE gyatt but I don't remember if that's true. Whenever I do ask they act like I'm a beta trying to get their grimace shake. You feel me?
>Panzerfaust stares in bafflement as he listens to tiny pink-haired princess speak
>when the same images get posted in every thread
These threads aren't what they used to be.
>Seymour, you posted that picture in the last thread
I'm trying mother, it's very hard to commission new pictures.
Then post some different ones

Yeah the censorship patch really killed a lot of the momentum we had. I appreciate the occasional fanart and link spam
The giga skullhearts are unique, it keeps their bodies alive.
In case you're wondering
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that’s stupid and defeats the point of them being SKULLgirls
I'm saving their deaths for later in the story when the tree gets fully burned out and they each get full grey-haired pale Skullgirl forms.
Even now though they still can manipulate the undead.
Is there even a concrete ending or are you just making up shit as you go along? Didn’t you say there was an ending where the girls are saved or???
blame psychoeddy for driving out many of our regular posters
>t. regular poster who hardly posts anymore because every thread is just non-stop giantess autism now
I have the ending planned, it might change, but yes I am making shit up as it comes to me. That's... kinda what writing is
That’s A form of writing, but not a good one. You’re supposed to plan things out before pitting your pen to paper, otherwise it becomes a convoluted mess.
arigatou based kinojosh for improving these threads significantly and objectively
if you call the past couple threads dying immaturely an improvement sure
his fetish is just the logical conclusion to femdom to the extreme
that's what makes it so hot
sorry if that triggers your masculinity insecurities
I write the story around moments I think are cool/interesting/cute and then sort of connect them. I don't really feel like overthinking it.
Most of this is for a fantasy game concept I wanna do but may never get a chance to make, so there's multiple endings.
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More filia lewds please
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I'm gonna need Ms. Fortune's help, since there's a random stray kitten hanging outside and I want to help it. I found it in my coop and I don't know what to do
>masculinity insecurities
Josh stop samefagging
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Genuinely NTA.
Given how often you aggressively and pathologically lie yeah you definitely are
That is really not me you fargoth
Either keep it or post to a local Facebook group (if you have it) that you have a stray cat in need of a home.
My city has a lost and found pets Facebook page, maybe try looking for one that's in your city.
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This kitten showed up in my chicken coop in broad daylight I think someone dropped it off in my yard
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Why can't you just keep it?
how good are solo teams?
I’d say just take it in for now, feed it if you can, and look into seeing if anyone could adopt it or take it to an animal shelter
More ms fortune lewds
I guess they're announcing the new assist trophy soon (it's probably feng)
Knowing my luck, it's Scythana :)
Why did Scythana's fanart just drop off? She had a ton of artists making fanart of her and then it all just stopped.
Because the igg campaign ended over 10 years ago
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But the other characters still get fanart :<
I think we'll keep it. It loves our other cat and it followed him right inside
Congrats on getting a new frien.
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Who is your favorite SG artist that doesn't post SG anymore
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Alex :(
>The city background

The architecture in Skullgirls always fascinates me. For as weird as the webtoon was writing-wise, the panel with the reveal the Renior palace is located on top of this huge superstructure is so cool. I wish I knew how to crop it right to get a better example.
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I believe there was a painting of Canopolis somewhere that shows it's something like a series of ziggurat islands.
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You mean this?
lurker here, I've noticed that once the webcomic also started flailing a bit the threads lost some momentum too.
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Marie doing something improper like not fixing the tea cozies or flipping the bird
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What were they like before?
>t. newfag
>but may never get a chance to make
Honestly, what's stopping you? That's the one thing I don't get
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Huh? What's stopping me from making a giantess Skullgirls game?
Uh... copyright?
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Double's supposed to be blonde, they couldn't even get that right
I actually never noticed it before until you pointed it out. I always just thought it looked like a darker blonde color
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Copyright isn’t stopping you from writing a choose your own adventure fanfiction.

No clue why you’re trying to keep that bit going no one’s falling for it anymore. It’s time to bury the dead horse
Torn between 6, 4, and 3
Painwheel seems sweet if youre nice to them and id want to share my peanuts with her
I want to think id get along with Peacock and play along with her goofball cartoonic antics
Double is really pretty.
I don’t mind him usually but he literally has zero personality traits outside of his fetish and being super argumentative about how the game was always bad or some shit
I've seen this art many times and this is the first time I'm noticing it's meant to be a photo in a wall of flesh. Which I'm now guessing means double is fond enough of it to keep it in her "room" or gehenna or inside her or whatever. That's super sweet.

Now I can't stop imagining valentine finding the photo and teasing double about it
>heh, so you like kids huh?
>t-that's nonsense, they're just potential skullgirl backups, nothing more
>even the boys?
I choose whichever seat Umbrella is at
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>I've seen this art many times and this is the first time I'm noticing it's meant to be a photo in a wall of flesh.
No, it's in front of the Trinity statue in the Grand Cathedral.
Not the format I have in mind. I'm writing this basically as a crossover between Skullgirls and my game GigaMaidens which is a fighting game where all my characters are giant women (and yes, I'm actually making it, despite a few people saying otherwise). It's part of a universe I've been building in my head since 2000.
>No, it's in front of the Trinity statue in the Grand Cathedral.
OH WAIT you meant the border around it. Yeah, I guess so. Maybe it's just a memento Double is admiring in her private fleshy quarters.
I think she pities the humans in a weird way, though it's not gonna stop her from her dark deeds.
What if the sudden shift in atmospheric pressure causes Double to explosively decompress right beside you?
She just reassembles herself into her seat, and clears her throat as if nothing happened.
>Umbrella has her own seat in first-class, which Parasoul paid for so she doesn't bother as many people
>Umbrella is so hopped up on free soda she's running up and down the aisles making airplane noises.
>she's running up and down the aisles making airplane noises
that is one for one a courage the cowardly dog joke
>cue Feng as the flight stewardness not able to take it anymore and jumping out with a parachute
>No, it's in front of the Trinity statue in the Grand Cathedral
No I know what the background of the photo is, what I mean is that the picture itself is framed/hung on what appears to be red flesh
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>Valentine, you contemptuous harlot, you WILL purchase 20 bones worth of baked goods from the Sunday School bakesale.
>The children worked very hard on these brownies and I will not have them go to waste.
>"I mean, I like chocolate, but if I botch it on a mission because I gained weight, it's your fault."
>A montage of an increasingly furious Parasoul making Umbrella mac and cheese over and over
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they just used the color picker on her talk sprite, which is darker than her actual hair color.
if you want to complain, go to the person who drew her story sprites.
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Alright keep the thread alive til morning. Maybe I'll write something then
Like turn into her non-nun form? Hot.
stop giving me ideas
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It's more like watching a plastic bag of chicken giblets and sinew explode
Oh...In that case id help gather herself back together and then share my peanuts with her (if she wants)
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Whens Annie?
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Which skug has the most oversized dump truck
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All of them after I hit them with my growth beam
>outsizing them the competition by making them bigger altogether
>doesn't change the comparative size
Im starting to dislike you
Uhh hello compared to you???
Umbrella when I get my hands on her again
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>Ms, Fortune attending her local rave, getting high on catnip and painting herself in fluorescent body paint
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Annie is now safe inside
Awww did you name it Annie?
More hot topic girls
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Yeah, we named it Annie. Partly because of Little Orphan Annie, which this cat kind of is. Getting a little friendlier to us
Computer generated skugs
>ai slop
out and stay out
You let that fat giantess nigger stay, this is retribution
yes because the pedo posters and the giant fetishists were sooo much better
Is there any AIslop for double? Because it feels like she'd be the only character AI couldn't possibly mess up
>TrinityGPT is run by Double in an attempt to harvest data so she can better disguise herself
>Everything comes out incredibly uncanny but it's perfectly normal for Double
I dislike ai and crazypete
Ain't Crazy Pete the guy who gives you dynamite outside of Goodsprings
I'd rather him give me dynamite than garbage reposted images and constant thread hijacking in a slow general
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>https://files.catbox.moe/aqwj2m.png (NSFW)
This ^ might be my favorite peacock image, she looks 'realistic' but still cartoony and cute, I like the messy hair and how careful she's being
Cute cute cute, cute girl, needs smooches
Pic unrelated
then post different images instead of bitching about it retard
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I'm just trying to bump the thread as much as I can
beggars can’t be choosers
I'm not usually into peacock because of the whole quadruple amputee thing, but when artists draw her thighs like that it makes me fucking diamonds
kill yourself you obese shitskin retard
you too
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I stand by my theory that the way to kill the Skull Heart is to have Umbrella make a "pure wish" on it. As we learned in Dahlia's story, you can circumvent becoming a Skullgirl by making a wish that is neither beneficial or negative to anyone. Dahlia wanted a world where everyone struggles to survive, where everyone regardless of power or wealth is set back to zero. It wasn't a wish for herself to gain god-like powers. It wasn't a wish to have the Renoirs killed and anarchy in the street. It was a wish that affected everyone equally and gave no one an advantage. A pure wish for true equality and struggle.

If the Skull Heart wasn't bullshitting Dahlia (which it reasonably could), Umbrella's wish would have to be one that is equally pure: a wish that neither benefits or harms anyone or changes her life in the form of personal gain. We've seen in her story that, while Umbrella can be bratty to her sister, she genuinely has a good heart and is optimistic. She learns the lesson that Parasoul failed to do in her story: you can't carry the world on your back and you just change it by force, lest you become the monster you set out to stop.

Umbrella's wish would have to be that, no matter what happens, life will still go on. No wishing away the mafia, no wishing everyone would be nice to each other all the time, no wishing away the Heart. Life can be unfair and cruel, but there's still plenty of good in the world. Even if the Skullgirl still remains a threat and attacks every seven years, Umbrella wishes that life will still go on and people can make the best of it.

This would, in turn, cause the Heart to "glitch." It can grant the wish but the terms of it mean that the Heart can't carry out its function of destroying the world. The wish is neither a positive or a negative. The Heart basically malfunctions and implodes on itself, which Lamia/Mother decides enough is enough and comes down to finish the job herself.
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I'm not your boogieman and quit your bitching, here
>Lamia/Mother decides enough is enough and comes down to finish the job herself
I'm assuming that's where Squigly and Leviathan come into play since it was said that if a third game were to happen the Trinity would be the antagonists, Leviathan apparently harnesses the power of Venus's parasite which opens a rift to their world when she tries to save Filia or something
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I tend to think that the "pure of heart" thing is just bullshit made up by somebody that became part of the legend of the heart. The Trinity then got Double to perpetuate this legend to get people to wish on it without knowing they're just speeding up the end of the world.

Also, isn't the Skull Heart technically keeping Umbrella alive? She has one in her from birth, doesn't she? When the Skull Heart pulses in Parasoul's story mode, Umbrella complains that her chest hurts, sort of implying that, well...
>She has one in her from birth, doesn't she?
Its never stated anywhere that she has one no
>When the Skull Heart pulses in Parasoul's story mode, Umbrella complains that her chest hurts
That is an interesting detail though. I could see her having one but in a diluted sense since she’s a hybrid. Would make for an interesting x-ray
When Umbrella destroys the Heart in her story, she doesn't die. I think it's more like a weird spiritual connection the Heart has with her.

Umbrella does have half-Skullgirl blood that tethers her to the heart, but she doesn't need it to live.
It’s unlikely. I imagine her chest hurts because of the fact the Skull Heart essentially kills you, something also stated in Parasoul’s story by Marie as Umbrella is slowly dying as a result.

Plus Umbrella’s Death Wish costume has the Skull Heart floating around behind her instead of being inside her body
That’s what I was thinking yeah. Personally I like the idea of Umbrella embracing it and becoming “one” as another means of destroying it, her and Marie becoming the last skull girls together
Need sexy marie
Need giant Marie
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It's widely recognized that Marie, as an adult, will have incredible tits
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Need chubby marie
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BAHHHH that's not what I meant BAHHH
Why would you want giant Marie? There’s so many adult women to lust after
I'm a giantess enjoyer. I love them all.
I can at least respect that you're giving us some good rare art even if it is all giantess shit.
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I live to please <:
If you want to know the artist behind that Marie pic and this Squig sketch it's sizeable13 on twitter, friend of mine and fellow giantfag.
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The question comes up of how you would even write Squigly as a mean giantess when she's the sweetest big hipped zomber ever
>Finally admits to lusting after the lolis after fighting tooth and nail to deny it
About fucking time
>artist lusts after Marie and will gleefully draw her but umbrella is wrong morally despite being a year younger, so they refuse
>rinse and repeat with 5 other artists
it hurts bros
I think they'd be very cute as bad giantesses, although I don't wanna fuck them or put them in lewd situations.
I just think a big Umbrella embracing her goober side and causing mass destruction just to play would be very adorable.
Sure buddy, you’re toootally not getting off to it
More girls
I have loli-like characters in GM.
Don't confuse me, I'm not against you if you like the loli. I just don't wanna fuck em.
>I have loli-like characters in GM.
Post one
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OK fine. But don't report me for OT I'm just answering a question.
This is Akina, she's a water-based superheroine with bath superpowers.
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What is this
The story of GM involves various superheroines protecting their country against monstergirls and goddesses, so that's the gist of it.
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Look at these sluts
How dare you call Florence, agent of THE Annie of the Stars, a slut. Don't you have decency?
Squigly doesn't participate in the destruction of earth, after Double heals her and restores her back to Sienna in heaven she simply stays there, adopting a policy of "out of sight out of mind" with the world below. If she were to return to the surface world, however, she would be Squigly again and she'd be a minion of the other SGs and feel their rage inside herself.
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Post valentine butt
Her butt isn't the appeal
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She's cute
Is that a toilet plunger
She fucks some from the audience after the show
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>The doctors refer to me as a "tempest." A sort of undead whose soul manifests as a flame and is bound to their body.
>How does it feel? The best way I can describe it is like my body is just waking up from surgery and it's not quite off the anesthetic. My soul, my... self, if you want to get philosophical, still inhabits my body, but it's not making the fit it should. I'm still in control, yes, just not fully in tune with my senses.
>Aside from that, however, it's not terrible. I no longer need to eat or sleep, though I still do so anyway perhaps out of habit. I have much more stamina, which I assume must be because I am no longer bound by metabolism or exhaustion.
>Hygiene? The doctors did say that so long as I have Todd grafted to me I should be okay to shower. But I take baths, to be honest. Safer that way.
>As for what I can eat? I've found alcohol is safe to drink, though it seems to cause my ... head to burn brighter than usual. A stiff drink gives me some solace so I don't forgo the stuff. Just moderate to a glass or two each night.
>Believe it or not, when I "recovered," heh....the doctors said I wasn't allowed to see my reflection. Something about "the shock would cause me to relapse into trauma." I did it anyway. Like ripping a bandage off in one go. If you become a monster, then you should still be a man enough to see it for yourself.
>And my arm? Well, I was right-handed anyway so no big loss there.
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Feeding the skullgirls Garlic Bread
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More squiglys
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That's a huge belt
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>Page 10
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Good morning everyone. How we all doing?
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I crave violence and cuddles with skugz
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If Skullgirls takes place in the 1940s then it makes sense that by the time Filia is 30, it'll be the 1960s
Marie Maid Service ASMR (it’s just her running her vacuum over the mic and mumbling occasionally about how dirty things are)
skull girl tummies…
More needed.
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As you fall asleep to the sound of a vacuum and the distinct rattle of bones, you awaken with a hatred for dirt and a certain group of Italian
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they have a 1940s level society yet they still have smart phones and internet memes, apparently
Smart phones where
They don’t

The only non-fantasy modern tech in the skullgirls world are arcade cabinets and possibly primitive handheld gaming devices akin to a sega gamegear
>smart phones
definitely not
>internet memes
the only time this is ever mentioned in-game is Marie 300% which isn’t even remotely canon and is a deliberate meta joke
The giant Skullgirl brainrot is strong with me as always. How are you?

Anyone watching Evo
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Silly doodles and meta jokes eventually become canon in Skullgirls this is a known law
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Good, holding Annie on my lap
Something about the pearl earrings makes her 10% more sexy
Well, enjoying the tennocon
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>Squigly and Leviathan having a discussion that sounds, word for word, like dialogue right out of Frasier
>Samson makes a crude joke and spends five minutes explaining it to Filia
das sweet mane
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Medic boobs
No I think you’re just autistic
Of course I'm autistic why else would I be here. I'm seeking my own kind
I ain’t THAT autistic
Nah, i’m an autist and even I think you’re being stupid
What's stupid about it, they're using smartphones. They have smartphones. Unless stated otherwise this is probably canon
Okay nevermind you’re just retarded
Glad we cleared that up
Josh…its goofy piece of art drawn by one of main artists, simmer down. Unless its explicitly in the game’s story there’s no reason to take it seriously

By your logic those joke sketches of Umbrella getting off while riding a kiddy ride or Hungern are canon. I shouldn’t even have to say this
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I know, I'm only being half-serious
I don't think they've thought about the world's level of tech that much, it's a fantasy retrofuturist setting. So while it appears to be the 1940s externally, it's probably considerably further along due to the existence of sentient robots and arcade machines. Something like this.
They also have computers that aren't the size of a house, according to the webtoon, so yeah probably further than 40s tech
>those joke sketches of Umbrella getting off while riding a kiddy ride or Hungern
I don't think I've ever seen these. Is it hungern with a horse saddle?
Need more lewd girls
Need more chubby girls
How chubby we talking?
Varying levels, options are good
These (1/2)
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Picrel was in the staff doodles folder in the /sgg/ album. The other one was an artist that did freelance work for the game (2/2)
Oh I've seen the one stabbing filia before, weird that I've never seen the rest

Also I misunderstood what you meant by umbrella getting off, I thought she would be getting off "the ride", not "getting off". Never though they would allow that kind of sketch even back when the wast was still not full on puritan.
They probably thought this would remain a 2000s deviantart game forever
it was a different time plus animators do this kind of stuff all the time. There's probably a hard drive out there with a secret Disney vault's worth of SG lewds, even of the younger characters. I mean irc during Mike's lawsuit they said horny behavior was common in the workplace
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He had insisted it be built right underneath his window. By the pond where the egrets swam and the anemones gathered like gossiping church ladies. His wife cast out of marble kneeling in prayer. Asleep, dreaming. A woman at peace.

He had always thought he'd go first. He had enemies, people who'd prefer him dead. The idea of him leaving his wife a widow no longer frightened him. But whatever was left of her was currently held in a lead-lined coffin under a good foot of cement and he still got the privilege of sleeping in his -- their-- bed.

Survivor's guilt is normal the doctors told him. Talking to him as if he hadn't been the one to paint the ground with his wife's blood. Talking to him that he had saved countless lives, that he was a hero. As if they hadn't grafted that thing onto his arm, the weapon they pulled from Nancy's ashes like he was some kind of parasite sucking what was left of her corpse.

The immortal King Franz. The idea disgusted him. Him living forever, years, centuries, a millennia. Time weathering Nancy's statue until it was just pebbles and he'd be here. The eternal king, outliving every last subject, every last grandchild. His ultimate achievement.

In the more vivid nightmares, he's the suzerain. A giant, wandering the charnel house streets and the hallowed skyscrapers with a mane of flames and the skull of his wife as a galea, the naked legions swarming at his festering legs in hysterical reverence of their god.
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I'm going to break into EVO, steal it, take it home with me, and have sex with it
Jesus christ I'm fucking tired it seems. Meant "thought" and "west"
There's a dumpling blocking the only hole. No ears either.
I’ll make it work anon
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Please give me ideas for what Umby is doing in her giantess card (bratty stuff welcome)
Getting smaller
Playing hopscotch
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>"But Parasoul says guns are for grown-ups and that Hungern is the only protection I need!"
>"Well this isn't to say you should give up Hungern. A well-rounded arsenal is key to success in any endeavor! Think of having a gun as a sign of independence. With it, you can go anywhere and do anything! Here, just take a deep breath and squeeze the trigger."
>Umbrella fires the pistol several times. She lands a perfect bulls-eye on the training time five times in a row.
>Dahlia's mechanical dentures almost pop out in shock.
>"....Bookie, cancel my afternoon meeting with Vitale and see if the shooting range downtown is open."
>I had to walk 15 miles
>there’s likely official cunny art that will never see the light of day
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Now i’m curious which character gets written the most ooc by fans
More filia lewds
More Annie vanilla lewds please
source? looks promising
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More giant Skullgirl art is manifesting without me being involved. I've begun a chain reaction.

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At this point, do you think fukua is still considered one of braindrain's creations or not? He has never ever mentioned her once, and in the most recent story modes he's always been assisted by robo-fortune and painwheel. In fact fukua appears by herself and mentions aeon instead of braindrain.

The problem is that there's no guarantee that we'll ever get more story mode content after marie's, the webtoon is done for, and the only realistic hope for any more fukua lore would be her getting an origin story in the mobile game, which might take years as story content doesn't make any gacha money.
Fukua is still one of Brain Drain's creations. She still shows up in Dahlia's story mode with the rest of the Lab 0 game (unless I'm misremembering the sequence of events, correct me if I'm wrong) so she's still associated with Brain Drain's creations.

My best theory for the Aeon connection is that Fukua is an unplanned variable in the grand scheme of things. A long-dead soul poured back into a bootleg clone of this schoolgirl. Filia should exist but Fukua shouldn't. Aeon knows that since Fukua isn't an "official part of the roster" in the eyes of the Trinity, she can use Fukua as a sort of inside agent for whatever purpose she has in mind. Lamia/Mother might catch on if Aeon was sending messages to Filia or Parasoul or whoever -- not this weird bootleg character some brain in a jar whipped up to stroke his ego.

It's either that or it's like how the Fireman made Laura Palmer in Twin Peaks. Aeon basically t-posed and concentrated super hard to astral project a magical ball of Fukua into reality through Brain Drain's slow cooker head.
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She shows up at the same time as band and val, and dahlia fights all 3 of them at the same time, but they weren't working together and got there each on their own as far as we know (none of them ever acknowledge each other and fukua is straight up crazy doomsday hobo mode). After the fight ben is spared but val and fukua are either dead or fainted (dahlia just orders to clean them up, considering the way the rest of the story goes they're likely dead). Ottomo comes in to say he's analyzed the robo-fortune hand dahlia blew off earlier and they contact brain drain. Dahlia wants ms.fortune back so they bargain and brain drain comes escorted by robo-fortune and painwheel.

That's the most notorious fukua moment in story as her own story mode is a boss rush and she doesn't appear elsewhere. She has never been acknowledged by brain drain or val, contrary to the other joke character, robo-fortune, who is very unambiguously a lab 0 creation.

Unlike explicitly stated otherwise, I see no reason to believe fukua is a lab 0 member at all more so than she could be a terminator-style clone from the future or a creation of aeon or even isaac.
Falin is like a non-evil version of double
Where is falin from?
Dungeon meshi
Is she like, a nun? A shapeshifter?
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Cleric who gets killed and fused with a dragon and gets killed again and eventually comes back as a feathery hybrid monster girl.
Need cute girls
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yeah. she's cute and she's hitting A LOT of the same buttons in my monkeybrain that Double does.
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>human face
I thought you she meant she actual monster, like true form double.
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no, I said she was fused with a dragon.
>true form of double
really, it's very ambiguous what double's true form (if any) would look like. Given what we know about The Mother, it's entirely possible, the blonde woman Double usually shows up as is a "true form"
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Also, Alex had previously said the nun form "hints" at Double's original image.
may be non canon now, but that was the intent at some point.
The only lore we have to go off of regarding Fukua is her reveal trailer which parodies Decapre's reveal trailer in USF4. But Brain Drain clearly says she is one of his creations... and apparently there are more Filia clones.
>But Brain Drain clearly says she is one of his creations..
In the trailer
Beofag stopped posting and yall talmbout how Josh ruined these threads instead of making them 1000% better
We should call him ChemoJosh for how he got rid of the cancer
Not all of the cancer, i'm still here
you have to be 18 to post here
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Me too
>Literally nobody watching Skullgirls at Evo
Wonder what medication Annie needs
The people have spoken, there are not enough giantesses in Skullgirls. Otherwise they wouldn't have this problem
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Alright so the major guest star is Feng. I know because my uncle works as a janitor at Hidden Variable and he's dating Mariel's sister
What's so great about Feng anyway?
She's chinese which means while she excels at math she sucks ass at building quality materials
What kind of body horror abilities would she have if she were playable?
Why would she need those?
She’s cute and I like skinny girls
I dunno I just feel it'd be kinda cool if she had them. Most of the other girls have some kinda body horror about them and I just wanna keep her in theme with that.

It doesn't have to be much. Maybe she is an extreme contortionist and she is hyper-limber, to an grotesque degree. She can twist herself into a pretzel.
Skullgirls EVO, sponsored by Concord. Looks like all that censorship is paying off for the scumbag devs.
lol concord is dead in the water. The beta was this weekend or something and it only had 1600 players, and 1000 of them dropped off within a day.

It offers nothing new to the hero shooter genre, it's just the same old shit with way uglier DEI characters.
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That sounds like a bit much, she’s fine as is considering she has two literal spirits on top of her head
Not going to lie but I like the idea of Double being a bit chubby

>Marie doesn't know what's worse: the fact that she hears Valentine chewing through Double's blonde bush like a weedwhacker or that she uses the wet sloppy noises as white noise to sleep
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Hey futureclubanon what's up
double having some pudge goes with the motherly vibe her nun form gives off. Though she does have some thickness in how wide her hips are.
>"Double, have you seen the pie?"
>"Oh, I saw it and couldn't resist. I'll bake some more soon."
>"Since when do you eat?!"
>"Come now Valerie, you ravaged me all night, I needed an energy boost. But you have a point, I think I may have gained a little weight. I'll just shed it off later."
>"I... you... your physiology makes no sense!"
You worked on the webtoon, right?
yeah, probably would be difficult to meaningfully gain weight when your body actually spans portions of the planet.
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Guess this game has had it. Bring on Skullgiantesses
Why did Joe Biden just walk into the EVO booth.

Why is he smelling the Minette cutout
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Who is still talking about the patch a year later anyway?
So the last assist character is Roxie, and apparently assists do more than one thing each.

While flexible Chinese acrobat was a good choice, brown-skinned big tit tomboy lesbian will keep my portfolio stable
Yeah she does like a wrecking ball thing. She also does the Rosie the riveter pose. Can't find it because I can't be bothered but someone will post it soon.
Also your Evo 2024 SG winner is Dekillsage over Sonicfox for a change
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>minette is le bad because she has no body hor-
>Minette getting ready to suck my dick.
Didn’t stuff for Feng get posted earlier. I assumed that would’ve been the last guest star we got
Minette's a fish woman that would be terrifying enough

>She does the Jaws theme
Hey! It's literally what I suggested!
Oh man she is going to translate well into my story now. I'd like to see her inflate her head like a blowfish as well, with needles everywhere.
>"Nooo not my clumsy moe waitress minette doing a fishmonster body horror :("
I love it. It's a great idea for her.
The Feng pic was part of the fake-outs for Dahlia iirc.
Gonna need a bigger boat
She's cerebella's only actual real fucking friend, she needs this
Double and valentine hate fucking on the daily and acting like married roommates is one of my favorite fan crackships
If she can do this I wonder what stanley could do. Dagonians are fucking freaks.
I wonder what he's thinking right now.
Proton cannon but it's a big shark cannon.
Fuck it here's the trailer for anyone who missed it.
>Dislikes disabled.
Yeah it looks like stockings
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much lesbian pandering are we expecting on roxie's assist animations? Since roxie and molly are a thing and all.

Granted I guess this only matters to mobile players (if at all)
I like yuri. I like it when girls smooch and fug
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Let's talk about Robo-Val
>Not being able to see dislike count

That's every Youtube video now
Not if you have this.
Why did he make her so small
She's just a projectile that explodes on contact, guess he needed to save on manufacturing costs. (Doesn't he have government funding?)
Need lewd lolis
Assuming guest stars work in such a way that roxie can have a win animation if she's out when the last opponent dies, I want molly to rush in and give her a hug. Maybe a little kiss. I don't think they could cram in much more than that.
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who is voicing roxie? painwheel's va?
You called it. Let's see if that's what they do
1,2, or 5
Most likely 2 because I'd hate to do something embarrassing in front of royalty and I'm on a plane to fly, no matter how hot Cerebella is.
Definitely the opposite of what I would do.
>Ah, Double! How goes your plan of luring women to become vessels so that we may return to the real world once more?
>Aaah~! It's...it's...harder, Valerie, use the end of your bonesaw....going smoothly, O great Venus. S-Soon the...land shall run red with the innards of...ooh~!
>Double, is this a bad time?
>N-No! Just a bit of...of...interference on my end! Mmm, yes, yes, I'll smear those brownies from the bake sale on your thighs and lick you clean, you tramp!
>I...uh...I mean...oh no! That devilish child harlot Annie has returned! I must ...aah...go fight her!
>Double....you're on video call.
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short stack.
You know exactly why
>Roxie not only gets a voice for the first time but also maybe an actual personality for once that doesn’t amount to being gay
roxiebros…we won
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Need this meme but the pipe is labeled media representation, the big man is the Black Egrets, and the little man is the Cirque des Cartes
5 minutes in mspaint but here anon
Thank u
I wanted Beatrix
The Gigans as well
And the Chess Kingdom is the skeleton underneath the water if we're talking in terms of that pool meme with the kids
>Look, Feng, I agree 100% that you should have gotten noticed in the news instead of that Black Egret mechanic. I totally agree!
>I'm JUST saying that, not to doubt your skills or your personality in ANY way...that maybe you should consider "improving" yourself a little more? You know, a little something in the front to make yourself noticeable?
>And I get it! Your slender body is what allows you to walk on tightropes and bend over backward. No one else can do that better than you. But maybe if we just up your chest size to maybe a b minus you can get more attention.
>Remember when my boobs slipped out during my elephant carrying trick? I kicked that hospital fire out of the headlines for two weeks!
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Thinking about skullgirls tummies
>"Filia please before you squish me just... p-put me in your navel... just... give me a few minutes in your belly button"
with the size of her tummy in picrel, I wouldnt mind maybe bigger
>Minette when a black person walks into the restaurant
Wow im suddenly racist towards dagonians
forgot to include the dragon kingdom with the skeleton but just know it's there in spirit
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just for practical science purpose
>Brain Drain mass producing oppai loli robot versions of Valentine
One day it will be leaked and we will feast this will be our white whale
You think Brain drain has small robot version of the rest of the cast?
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See >>486069858

Also expect Sonicfox to disavow now that he's a giant LOSER!
>voiced by dapurplesharpie
I wonder if someone on the team (Mike maybe) still held onto the drawings past Lab Zero’s shutdown or they all became Lost Media
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This was early into the stream
This is true but like.... the circus and fish gang really are just random shmucks.
>The reason Valentine's crosses changed to look more like ninja stars was because Brain Drain originally designed them for Robo-Valentine.
>The sharper crosses/shurikens complimented Robo-Valentine's angular sharper design.
>Since Brain Drain is a perfectionist and wants his robotic copies to look as close to the original model as possible, he ordered Valentine's crosses be changed too.
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Cellsai mentioned on the discord that Roxie's voice actress is Anairis Quiñones
Need more annie
Just how BIG is Big Band?
Big enough
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I want to make Squigly a homemade Italian dinner
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>Thank you, Anon, it looks delicious.
>"But... aren't you going to eat it?"
>"Why not?"
>I have no digestive organs. Most of my innards were donated or removed upon my burial.
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Finally a cute squigly
Man is all this court stuff nuts.


From what I can understand, Mike Z got through the Anti-Slaap stuff but Mariel is appealing that decision. I'd ask where everyone got the money to keep this going for years but then I remember Mike Z is a Jew and Mariel is funded by literal communists.

Either way, grab your popcorn and laugh.
I'm sorry to say that Annie passed away. She must have been sick, because we found her curled up in her bed.

I know this isn't le reddit personal blog whatever but I just want you guys to keep her in your prayers
That's messed up, I'm so sorry. Barely knew her
I’m sorry for your loss Squig
Whens Marie?
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Thank you guys. I know this is insanely off-topic but I just needed to get it out.

Maybe tomorrow I'll see about visiting my local shelter. I don't think she'd want me to be sad
wtf I love this insipid borefest of a character now?
Franz was right when he kept the seemingly harmless ferals as third class citizens
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Hope things get better for you Squig

know all too well what losing a pet is like
Sorry for your loss squig
Sorry for your loss squig I hope things get better in the future.
What is the anti slaap stuff
Thank you everyone. It means a lot
Hey, hey! Dagonians are completely different from ferals. Their rich culture and ability to bring in huge amounts of gold from the sea have benefitted our kingdom and the idea that we should discriminate against them is barbaric. Even on a site like this I will not have slander against our scaled brothers.

Besides it's Parasoul who's weird around ferals. Remember when that Fortune thief broke into the castle and Parasoul had the wallpaper and carpet of the room she was in replaced out of fear of feral diseases?
Anti-SLAPP is just a way to prevent punitive lawsuits from being made just for the purpose of putting financial strain on the defendant. Basically they were just verifying that the lawsuit is legit and isn't just spitefully trying to bankrupt Mariel/Future Club.
>"Umbrella do not let that feral girl in here again! Look at the mess she made on the hall carpet!"
>Umbrella looks at the urine stain on the floor, then looks up at Hungern in annoyance
>Hungern's eyes point the other way as if it's trying to look innocent
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I like this funky sea critter
>Whoa, Minette! Looks like you gotta....SCALE it back a bit!
>Get it, cause you're a fish? And the scales?
she's clearly addicted to oxy.
the last panel of this comic has always bugged me in how beo is looking at the viewer rather than annie.
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I wonder if Minette was supposed to have weird-ass monster deformations when her initial concepts were being drawn out.
Her being cute, but also freaky like a mid 00's depiction of Princess Ruto feels inline with the rest of the cast and Alex's designs in general, but it was never hinted at.
>people just stomp her feet and throw away the restaurant's leftovers like a pedal trash bin
>Minette horrifies a customer by taking his unfinished steamed buns and pouring them into her mouth like a garbage disposal
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>Go ahead and destroy the entire State of California, Renoir sisters. Make the people happy
I’m guessing you dropped the namefag gimmick
You were shitposting in another thread weren’t you?
Don't you smugface at me you little brat. I'll make you huge. I'll make you ginormous
Wait pj stands for pyscho Josh
Imagine the faces she would pull during sex
Get the tank
She needs correction to her giant cunny ToT
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How original
Online is not at all beginner friendly…not even the lobbies…
The sad truth of fighting games is that you need to get in on the ground floor or the players become so fucking good at it that you will just be bashing your head against the wall if you show up late.
This happens with every fighting game. Only way to enjoy it at that point is to play with someone who has also never touched the game.
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das it
>With a concerned look, Anon looks at the soup that Marie has placed in front of him while making swirls with the spoon. The bright, almost pure yellow color of the broth serves as a beautful golden bed for the rest of the ingredients, a mix of vegetables and tiny bits of meat. It looks amazing, but something is...off... The way the ingredients float, or could it be the colour?
>No...it was the smell... A foul smell that cannot be put into words penetrated his nostrils. Each part of his brain was screaming him that there was something in that soup that he should not ingest.
>She's been urging him to taste it since he got home, saying over and over again that she finally managed to pull of that weird recipe Double was talking her about.
>"Oh, you are gonna love it, Master! I've spent 7 hours in the kitchen making this. When Ms. Double told me the secret ingredient, it just made so much sense! Now you will taste the best meal a dutiful maid can provide... Come on, what are you waiting? Give it a go!"
>Anon can notice how Marie started to breath a little rougher as she gets more and more impatient, she even started to shake a little, so he hurries to take the spoon to his mouth.
>Acid, sour, with a little hint of onions... This is the best soup that Anon has ever tasted in his entire, miserable, life. Tears start to fill his eyes as he hurries himself to slurp as much soup as he can. He almost looks as a wild dog that hasnt tasted anything in days.
>Marie proudfully smiles at the scene in front of her. She hugs herself as her eery smile turns into a maniac laughter. She has finally done it. Double was right, the easiest way towards a man's heart, is trough his stomach.
>"Marie did you piss in the soup again."
More filia
Whens Annie?
I like the idea of a stone-faced Double casually admitting that she pisses in her homemade soup to Marie

>How do you think I got Valentine to perform cunnilingus on me every night?
>What's cunnilingus?
>Nothing you should know, child. Now get in there and fill that soup pot with urine. Don't drink anything either. Make it as yellow as the hairs of blessed Lamia
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Need less fat girls
Need more fat girls
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Need her pregnant
Which one
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Love this dude’s art, though I wish he would use any website but nugrounds and shitter for his loli drawings
>implying Umbrella would wait to suck Adam’s cock
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oh when he posts about drinking marie's piss it's based and skullpilled but when i talk about wanting to be turned into chocolate and melt on a giant valentine's tongue it's cringe and gay >:c
wait do you non-ironically want to drink her piss or?
First of all no, second I don't think Marie is even able to piss, and third why would it even matter if it was "ironic" or not

I'm not the loli pissdrinker. I'm the giantess vorefag
>and third why would it even matter if it was "ironic" or not
because you hating loli but wanting to drink the piss of a character who’s 12 is really funny
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I don't hate loli.
it's all cool bro we can be based and skullpilled together and drink loli piss and get suffocated under massive giantess tits while holding hands, no homo.
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>Your Highness, Franz... I wanted to speak with you about uh....Umbrella.
>Yes, Parasoul told me Umbrella has been acting strange about you in conversation. Since you're her appointed military caretaker, perhaps you can shed some light on her behavior.
>Well, Your Highness, I think it's because she has a ....sort of...you know, thing for me?
>Oh? Is that all?
>Y-You're not surprised?
>Of course not! All girls that age have what they call "puppy love." I'm sure she'll grow out of it soon enough.
>S-Sir, in all due respect I don't think you quite get what I mean by "thing."
>Of course, if you WERE insinuating that my sweet little Umbrella is doing something obscene to you, I'd....I don't know, commit an atrocity on you that would make what I did to those Chess Kingdom soldiers look like a joke!
>O-of course not, your Highness! I'd never suggest that! I'm sure Umbrella's just going through the motions, heh.
>Good! Glad we're on the same page Kapowski. I had to admit, I had some reservations of letting a homosexual man such as yourself watch my daughter. But you've proven me wrong, I am proud to say!
>Adam hates been stationed at one of the guard towers overnight for he has to also sleep with an eye open to keep a watch for a 3’11 hatted silhouette in the dark

Fat Parasoul honkers from a new artist
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>What Parasoul thinks Umbrella will do if she learns Franz is alive
>O dear Sister, why did you expose me to such a horrible truth? The fact our dear father is alive in such a piteous condition and worse still how he languishes! My youthful innocence is forever scarred and I shall view all things henceforth with deep cynicism and distrust, nurtured only by abusing illicit substances like marijuana or hard drink!
>What will actually happen the second Umbrella sees Franz
>*Umbrella does her iconic happy Umbrella dance so hard she gives herself a migraine and passes out.*
Alex Ahad has a dedicated FGC server where tournaments are hosted (including 2nd Encore apparently)
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Im gonna git gud at skullgirls...I dont care how hard itll be, Im gonna fight for it...
Did she not already know he's alive? In the webtoon at least, I could have sworn she knew but I can't recall the chapter (if at all). Also he literally does a public tv announcement with an egret helmet on, I assumed the secret was not that he was still alive, but that he's alive as a dullahan monstrosity specifically
In the video game she, and the rest of the world, don’t know he’s still alive. The only person who knows is Parasoul

The webtoon’s script was written and finalized before Annie’s dlc and the following with little oversight from the writers or developers, so in that continuity Umbrella knows her father is alive and thus the rest of the world after his announcement to kill Marie
I could see Umbrella and the rest of the world not knowing Franz is alive no problem. But I can at least excuse some of the top higher-ups in the Egret command knowing his status.

The average grunt may not know the king is still alive, but that's pretty hard to hide from certain people in the chain of command. It's most likely Parasoul and a few very select individuals with top clearance know about him.
>Alright here's the plan, folksies. The 4-1-1. The low-down skinny on the blacktop. The big moving and shaking. No light, no dark, no good, no bad. Just a thousand years Gehenna, all-eclipsing, all-consuming. Gnashing its abyssian maw and coughing up balled up spermatozoon snakes through its subway tunnel ovary tubes.
>Right under our feet, ladies and gents. Honest on my fourteen-valve heart. You feel it, right? With the peristyle full of pus and the g-cups bouncing on the insulas where the chittering teeth scrum and skitter? Just like that, folks. Beautiful, it really is, I am part of Gehenna and I said w-o-w what a beautiful bulging.
>But really, really now, let's get down to the brass tacks. We can't let the whores with their gussied-up khepresh made of unbaptized fetus entrails sing their harlot caterwauling any longer. Voices bescumbering the air with invisible feces. Anyone who worships a god with a dog head is a bitch themselves. Believe me my cohort is a nurse and she's very smart she agrees folks but not that smart.
>And the shrieking? Multiply that three-fold, four-fold, for every Canopian. Even the children can be kindling. I remember the former queen crawling on her hands and knees with black tar dripping from her legs babbling like an animal. And the Reniors call that leadership! Booty chatter! I promise you one better: a queen sleeping under every continent and whose holes we fill and drain and plug and pile and decay and it'll be so great everybody you'd sacrifice yourself wicker style to see it.
>And we're not going to shirk ourselves on the important issues. Too many people, not enough churches. Big calcium steeples made of marrow and ribcages -- I'm talking with the sunroof and the big pit in the middle where you toss the infants into the fire and the bake sale table? Filled with brownies. The good ones too, not the store-bought kind that's what I'm offering

>Vote Sister Agatha for the G.E.P
>"A Vote for Agatha is for a real go-getta"
I think the Trinity would canonically show up as giantesses when they arrived
which sg goes hunting?
Double goes hunting for shotas
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Need more marie
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I wanna give her uppies
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Sex with Skullgirls.
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I want an alternate universe where cerebella obsesses over black dahlia as a mother figure rather than over vitale as a father figure
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>I want an alternate universe where cerebella obsesses over...
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What would your favorite SG do as a guest on Annie's show?

>Squigly and Leviathan star as the token undead who show that not all Skullgirl minons are bad
>Both of them forget that this show is for children and try to introduce higher-class themes of art and literature into it.
double pretends to be a high-profile interviewee just so she go on annie's show and make fun of her
>Annie immediately figures out it's Double but can't do anything about it.
>All the while Double busts her balls constantly in the form of tabloid journalist questions
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Scythana has to appear as an evil ogre of the mountain character, as a condition of her parole (and because Parasoul wanted her to)
>Look, Sagan, it's the Ogre of Olympus Mon!
>RRAGGGH! BWAARRRGH! GWARR--oh this is so STUPID! Can't I at least talk normal if I have to do this?
>It's either this or you spend the next two weeks in the hole, Scythana. I am being generous enough to let you shave time off your sentence by helping Annie. Remember I am my father's daughter and I will not hesitate to use more extreme punishments.
>Alright, alright, sheesh. But do I have to do the scene where Annie throws me on the ground and cuts my clothes down the middle with her sword? Seems kinda... I don't know, sketchy for a kid show.
>Parasoul, still stone-faced, turns the safety on her luger off.
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Feels nice to actually do something with these characters again
>The Royal Pain rips the mic from Iron Maiden's hands and goes off about being a genetic freak and fractions and some guy named Kurt
>The Royal Pain
I love it, what would Marie’s wrestler name be?
fat skugz
Iron Maiden
Oh I thought that was an opposing wrestler ^^’

I don’t really see the connection with the name
Does anyone in this thread regularly play skullgirls?
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Not since 2018
Cute, full pic when?
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Need more milfs
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What is Selene thinking at this moment?
Well my work ethic is abysmal, so it could be anywhere from a week to two weeks. I’m already working on a My Hero Academia thing and there might be an art trade in the works
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>Dear Journal
>There's apparently some essay contest going around in school. I don't know what it's about, but whoever wins gets to meet Queen Nancy.
>I don't care what the essay is about. It could be about why eternal war is good or why we should kill anyone who suggests having a democracy. If I get to have even the CHANCE to bury my face between Nancy's royal bosom or breathe the sweat that comes off her heaving chest, I'll write a manifesto so extensive I'll have to subject to questioning afterward.
>Wish me luck! <3
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can't turn down a fan
>Cerebella says in response to Vitale asking her to shut the fan off
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What would the moveset of your favorite SG be if she was a FromSoft boss? How many phases? What game would she be best set in?
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She'd be gigantic and she'd a 2 phase boss in Armored Core
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Umbrella getting mating pressed by Parasoul
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>"Who do you think you're talking to, you little brat? Do you think I, King Gilgamesh, fear a mere child?!"
>Looking in their direction, Umbrella tossed aside the watch tower she was holding in her hand, casting it into a hectare of farmland as she glanced at the armies approaching from the east. Her face shifted into a playful smirk.
>"Oh, really?"
more brats
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>Annie who is this smoking hot piece of gypsy ass hanging around the studio? She's trying to sell knick-knacks to the tourists.
>Annie spits out her coffee
gypsies are scum
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>Brain drain tries to come up with an excuse to blame Valentine for everything under the furious gaze of Christmas.
>"And Valentine was like, "Brain Drain, we HAVE to kidnap this kid!" She was insane, that was all she would talk about for days."
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More filia needed
This but with Cerebella.
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>Filia takes the stage as a nightclub singer, hoping that no one will notice she just demolished the pasta from the buffet
>every time filia sings someone in the crowd yells "it's over!"
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/fgg/ is weird
He’s not wrong though
I cannot believe there's not a felicia (default) color palette for ms.fortune. Hell, you could even make one for double instead if you wanted to be a dick about it.
Did they ever make a new bio for Marie? The info on the wiki is based off of the limited run manual’s bio for her, and that’s specifically based off of when she’s under the influence of the skull heart
Okay i’m dumb I could’ve just opened Mobile and checked the new info. Looks like its pretty intact with “divine retribution” being changed to “justice” and the additional dislike of fragile vases. Surprised there’s no mention of wrestling and her height staying the same despite her in-game sprite being visibly taller
Marie is just tall enough to not need a booster seat in a car
it's just a post that I found through the archives while searching for something else and I thought it was funny.
But yeah he's not wrong. The MvC2 soundtrack is iconic now but it really is bizarre
SG's soundtrack is obviously inspired by marvel but carries it well as a more deliberate choice
SG takes place in an alternate earth with modern tech inspired by retrofuturism, not 100 years ago.
The game’s setting is a 1940s Earth with retrofuturistic tech, so I think that’s a fairly decent description for anyone not familiar without typing a lore dump
Has an exact year ever been explicitly stated? I think we discussed this before but I believe everyone just assumes it's the 40s when in reality it's just a timeless fantasy setting with retrofuturist vibes and a tech level that's all over the place.
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see now even in official merch double is being drawn chubby
There is no exact year but irc the 40s was more or less the setting, with 1950s retrofuturistic imagery and tech
I really want this game to have merch that isn’t total dogshit
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Let's think of what they could be.
>Kotobukiya figurines
>Club Mochi Mochi Skull Heart plush/pillow
>Matryoshka doll that looks like Eliza but has a Sekhmet doll inside it
>Matryoshka painwheel with a smiling carol inside (like her kindness is still there somewhere)
>fat filia with thin blonde filia inside (she ate her)
blonde filia > Filia > Samson
Carol > Painwheel
Patricia > Peacock
Ben > Big Band
I just want a smug ms fortune head plushie to kick around ffs
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>Big Band otamatone
>Valentine bust phone holder (holds/charges phone in her cleavage)
>Annie nightlight
You’d think with how much money the gacha makes they would be more open to have more merch besides stickers, keychains and tshirts
That'd require them to have a vision for the brand.
Alex might've, but these guys don't.
I’m still holding out for a Marie or Umbrella nendoroid or plushies
b-but the chuds may start fondling the plushies and dolls anon
We must protect these girls from rapists
do not rape your marie plushie
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skug tummy n thighs...
No you're right, they don't want consumers to look up and massage the panties and buttcheeks of Filia like I can with my Mako Pop Up Parade figure
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>Valentine still has Hallow's Breakfast in Canopy t-shirt
cock and balls
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