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Brutal strength edition

>What is Dead By Daylight?
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (1v4) horror game where one player takes on the role of the Killer and four players take on the role of the survivors. The survivors objective is to repair generators and escape. The killer's objective is to catch the survivors and sacrifice them.

>8.1.0 | Lara Croft
>Tomb Raider Chapter Trailer

>Official website:
>Patch Notes:
>DBD Icon Collabs 2019-2022 Download

Previous Thread: >>486293501
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Add more scream perks.
sesker with wex
There should be more crow perks too.
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xth for dinobabe Adiris
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Now that'd be one fine legendary skin for Pinhead
Way too sexy for dbd.
>Billy not nerfed
>See him every 2nd match
Great killer variety guys! Survivor real fun to queue up!
No bulge, no buy. Simple as.
dbd is an incel game
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>no nipple piercing
4% pickrate btw
>a dinobabe would live as long as (you) on average
Imagine how careful the actor had to be with that shit on. Fall and take out your eye or fucking brain yourself. I suppose they could be made out of soft rubber but still.
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what a qt
I've been running Friends and Furtive Chase on Ghostface with decent success. I save my shroud for marking and I'm stealthed a majority of the match as long as I target the obsession.
Use pwyf. That perk is god tier on Ghosty since you only lose 1 stack if you're downing exposed survivors. That with knife sheath make chases end instantly.
I came
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Any new webms lately?
Sex with Wesker.
Stats :D

Useless ass stats.
What about how many times we had baby making sex?
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After wrestling with this piece of shit app for 3 days I am finally ready. What am I in for? Which side is most fun?
I'm a guy so any sex we'll be having won't be for procreation.
But you look like this?
>the average person drops 1.5 pallets per game
it doesn't feel this way at all
awww cute :3
Boobies too big thus would never happen. I wish though
Girly guys tend to have big cocks, actually
Because its not a normal distribution, its likely a zero-inflation distribution; the number of games that just end because someone leaves and the rest allow themselves to get hit on hook means zero-1 pallets were dropped OR 0.25 per survivor. By not separating them out, you get exceptionally low averages.
>get in the mood to do some sketches
>plug in my WACOM tablet
>shortly lights up after playing around with the connection cable just to die right after
>check battery compartment, it's literally empty
>I've been somehow using a tablet for over a decade without an embedded battery
>order a new cable since that's the only possible culprit
>notice how the plug already was bending in a strange way
Dead By Daylight
you only have to do 3 or 4 gens per match, who gives a shit
Was it one of their Intuos models?
Because apparently they have wireless capabilities and if you buy the battery pack you can use it with Bluetooth apparently.
Yeah, it's a Wacom Intuos Pro M. It comes with these strangely bent cables that apparently tend to break if they're left hanging on their own too long due to their stupid design. I'm fine with using a cable since it solves the issue of not having a battery.
Proper Dead By Daylight discussion in the Dead By Daylight general
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Yeah I had the same issue with mine when I had one.
Seems a lot of Wacom's products use them though, so hopefully this new cord lasts you.
I wouldn't want to use it wirelessly either honestly.
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Hopefully I'll be able to draw some more dinobabe art soon.
omg...hes literally me...
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Don't worry it's on topic now.
Now it's not again.
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just use stable diffusion to generate infinite Mikaelas
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The AI can only evolve if it gets new material however. It'll need more dinobabe art.
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Youre just a furfag and should yiff in hell desu
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why do i hate niggers/denisovan monkeys so much? everytime i see them outside im just filled with rage.
I'm a scaly, not a furry.
>hate niggers
>keeps posting nigger streamers with filenames like bbc and fantasizing about them fucking niina
what did she mean by this
off topic
no, you're a retard
dbd birdcels will never get to enjoy watching Sissy's bull ink_him breed her in front of you then watch her give birth to a strong jawed black baby
why can't he be both?
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From the Council of Neas to all cucks and schizos ITT:
This is a formal declaration of war. Click click click CTRL CTRL.
I wish he'd be dead.
Is tunneling people who bring map offerings the moral thing to do?
it is
just task manager and u dont have to play the map
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uh what the fuck did this dude mean by this?
Is there a way to disable cosmetics for all players? Something that shows all characters in their default skins?
She said you are a dumb nigger. You are the blackest gorilla nigger retard monkey she has ever seen.
weird coming from a 4 meta perk using bitch but ok
this is the fucking buggiest patch since twins every match is some bullshit whether its gens popping out of nowhere or t posing
nothing will ever top twins and the deleted confirmed 100 bugs forum post, but this comes close
is dbd still unplayable?
Want to have sex instead?
Not right now, my period is giving me the shits.
Let's just cuddle instead.
There's an easy solution to prevent that from happening again. Just get pregnant
Maybe when I have a house.
Not 18 yet and posting here? My parents gave me one of their summer houses as soon as it was legal.
Good for you anon, but not the case for everyone.
I have eliminated every schizo faggot in the thread. You may now resume talking about Dead by Daylight on this Dead by Daylight general.
is zubat transitioning yet?
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Damn that other guy must be pretty embarrassed now huh
Faggot I will stick mentos up your ass, install a buttplug, then force feed you endless amounts of diet coke until you explode
why do you have such homosexual fantasies?
only good poster itt
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Will you be buying Rain next month when her movie is out?

if there were, toggling the option would break a random game mechanic and keep all cosmetics untouched.
you will watch me tbag in my glowing $20 feng skin, toxic killeroid
Why use the stats from April to May and not June into July?
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it's 2024 and there are survivors out there still terrified by PH's trails to the point that they'll zone themselves out to avoid it
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That turns me on though
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Make sure you say that right in my ear as you teabag me, slut
>this is supposed to be a depressed girl who probably would have killed herself if the spider-thing didn't take her
I like how Porn Fung is basically an entirely different character
wrong thread ignore my post. btw what's your opinion on the new survivor laura crofte?
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get lose noob!
stargate chapter when?
Still waiting for my gun
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I think every killer in some shape or form is extremely frustrating for survivors, and if you honestly find someone so fucking frustrating to go against you just kill yourself on hook or dc, you should probably play a different game.
That includes Skull Merchant and Trickster.
Grow the fuck up, yell at the devs to make fun killers to vs, not at killer players for playing something you don't like.
i switched to deep rock galactic long ago i'm just back to check out the 2v8
rock and stone my fellow redditor! here's an upvote for you.
it's a goo sack
imagine making a post like this in a dead by daylight general
I can't believe at how bad they made the knight feel.

I also don't get how survivor still cry about killer when all the devs keep doing is nerfing gen regression or any forms of slowdown(sloppy/mangled), but also keep buffing healing???
>I can't believe at how bad they made the knight feel.
what'd they say to him?
They called his hair stupid!!
survivors have completely different perspective of the game than you.
running away from chasebots is not fun.
dodging preplaced is not fun.
dodging shitster blades is not fun.
it doesn't matter how easy it is to get 4-man out against the killer. like that old saying goe. it's not the destination, it's the journye. what matters is what you DO in the match.
that's why playing scout is the most fun in DRG. it doesn't matter engi is the best class to rack up the highest combat points or driller is the best at deleting enemies from your screen. scout is still the best at actually having fun.
NOTHING is fun for survivors, if they wanted the fun survivor role they would of supported deathgarden.

Also driller is the most fun for me because I like helping the team and not just flying around and fucking up and dyeing like scout.
>survivor/killer dichotomy
you paid for a full game but you're only playing half of it
NOTHING but your own retardation is keeping you from playing survivor

Survivor is vastly easier when the survivors know what they are doing and at least do gens.
>*zips in to stick a shotgun up a praetorians ass, picking a teammate from a ditch no-one else can easily get to and mining some nitra before you even finish digging that worthless tunnel you wouldn't have known to dig if i hadn't used my flair gun to show you the way*
>"rreeeeeee i'm helpful to the teaaaaam!!!"
playing scout is like being a single mom to three whining kids.
spend 10 minutes planting flairs all over the caverns but take just 30 seconds to do something for yourself and some bitch ass is screaming mommy to give them some light so they don't bump into walls in the dark.
Listen I haven't played in a while. Have they changed how Clowns bottle works?
It feels like it doesn't spread out like it used to
Am I just imagining things or is it actually the case?
they broke it this patch. it will probably never be fixed.
>xbox is down yet again
cant wait to get off this fucking atmosphere, this is ridiculous
you just revealed you play on a console in 2024. i'd advise you to delete that post. it's really embarrassing.
I have an 8 year old account, you think i was going to give up my bouquets and 4 p100s?
Fuck so it actually is bugged. That's something atleast
It felt like they weren't spreading out at all, I guess it's nice to hear I wasn't just having a bout of dementia.
>"there should be a feature to stop tunneling"
>Bug does exactly
>i've been a consolefag for over 8 years
jesus fucking christ just end it already
still baffled that it took 8 years after release to add another crow perk to the game, especially when we had a fucking crow themed killer and even she didn't get a crow perk
what bug
I only play this and destiny, being an adult with a job full time does that to you lmao
If a survivor dies and they leave without spectating one gen gets completed automatically
Killer is basically unplayable right now because if a dead survivor is in spectator leaves the lobby, a generator gets completed.
>look at me i'm an adult and wage for the system
go ask mommy for your allowance so you can buy a new game, you'll never own your home :)
>also keep buffing healing
Actually no that's not the truth Ellen, they're buffing altruistic healing, any form of self heal is still in the gutter after they nerfed circle of healing (fair) and med kits (bullshit)
>third worlder still not understanding actual welfare where the government pays for rent, food, vidya and drugs for you
many such cases
I actually think this was the right direction to go in for him.
Being able to instantly shit out Guards at your feet was fucking dumb.
The problem is that the buffs that they gave him to compensate weren't enough.
He needs more.
It's still crazy to me that the TCM devs saw the low family playercount, constant bitching about victims rushing, and said "Yeah lets make grandpa useless by removing his anti-rush perks and give victims 2x the stamina and let them instantly turn off the battery" with no family buffs
This meta is TRASH
Buff killer NOW
the playercount is low in general
He felt great on the ptb, it's the new like 15 or whatever second CD after any guard he has that feels like utter ass.

He just feels like shit.
>admitting to being a rentoid
You think the game would be more balanced if they removed all perks that effect gen progression/regression and just made gens slower and focused on balancing stuff around the fixed amount of time it takes to complete gens?
It's actually a shame how braindead GUN is when it comes to balancing the game, because TCM has easily the best core design concept of any game in the genre, it's just utterly squandered by the dogshit balance.
Yeah, the long-ass cooldown is fucking stupid as fuck.
He should also be able to manually cancel his guards whenever he wants, not needing to fucking basic attack them.
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meanwhile retarded victim-only players on the official are going like
>heh, stupid familoids, finally getting the nerfs they deserve
>wait why are queue times for victims so long now, why is nobody playing family
>w-w-what, play family myself for better queue times? no... i'm not going to do that because... it's too easy, yeah, too easy, no challenge at all.
absolutely pathetic that they think anybody falls for this shit
family was always the harder role because unless the victims where monkeys, it required team work to not get rolled.

I haven't played the game since last year, but I've loosely kept up with it because it's still a game I "like". I'm just tired of every asym game just shitting the bed.
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>I'm just tired of every asym game just shitting the bed.
It's actually incredible how not a single fucking dev of asymm games knows how a balance a game properly.

The cycle has been repeated countless times now.
>Game balance heavily tilted in favour of survivor role
>Devs refuse to give meaningful buffs to killer role / nerfs to survivor role
>Killer role players leave game because they dont want to play punching bag simulator
>Survivor role now takes forever to find a match
>Survivor role players leave game because they dont want to play lobby simulator
>game dies
It keeps happening every fucking time, but ever single new asymm dev refuses to learn from the mistakes of the previous devs and just does the same shit again and again.
Good, glad your braindead 2v1 killer is in the gutter.
gonna cry because you can't abuse a buggy AI for a free hit anymore?
SO glad BHVR finally knee capped you garbage niggers.
learn a real killer that requires even a singular brain cell like Wesker or Blight.
Didn't the Friday the 13th one actually strike a good balance and was just killed by copyright bullshit?
I feel like evil dead could have done well if they didn't launch with terminal cancer that was the exclusivity deal with EGS

I genuinely think that just the four dudes vs one dude isn't tenable, we need extra mechanics added so one person instantly constantly outplayed by good communications on the other team.
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You guys don't seriously play more than 20+ hours a week with DBD.. right? I couldn't imagine spending that much time with any game, let alone one like this.

Sometimes it's not even balance, but fun. In VHS the monsters weren't actually underpowered, they just had a higher skill floor and were miserable to play even if you were good at it. Everyone enjoyed Teen until the queues took 30 minutes.
F13 was reasonably balanced as long as you didn't have a swarm of Vanessa players. She was overpowered and the devs never did anything about it, going up against an entire lobby full of her was hell. But F13 was also one of those "you can't always be the killer" games.
In F13 the balance between roles was largely irrelevant because you couldnt even pick which role you played, the Jason player was randomly picked each match.
You could set a preference to prefer playing as Jason or as Counselor (or netural), but it was largely irrelevant because pretty much everyone had their preference set to playing as Jason, unless they were playing with their buddies and wanted to form a bully squad to fuck with Jason.
>me to my kittens entire set up when i catch them playing trickster
90% of the victim complaints were "family just rushes basement doors" which is solved by just unlocking the door and going to a different one if a family member is there and that grandpa perks are crutch perks which... yeah, they're supposed to be strong.
The Ai works against knight more then anything, it's way too easy to exploit.
>duhh the AI that chases a survivor for 30 something seconds at 103% MS is ermm...ACTUALLY bad for him...!
>*runs away really fast*
kys knight nigger, your killer is in the dumpster and everyone cheered.
grab the banner and they go away after like 10 seconds.
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>getting this mad over a killer who was mid-tier at best even before he was nerfed
Tales from subterranean MMR.
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Knight's current power should be reworked into a Necromancer or some shit, and give him a new power that fits his aesthetics/theme better.

Same with Legion. Give Feral Frenzy to a man to progressively transforms into a werewolf with each combo hit, and give Legion a power that actually makes them a Legion of all 4 members instead of just 1 guy.
The generators being completed as survivors leave the game should be a feature going forward. It's great to discourage tunneling.
Talk about it
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Oh my science, I am so happy they put in an epilpepsi warning for people! Upvotes to Cote and the entire BHVR department.
Touching a window and not even vaulting shouldn't make for a free escape
The pathing on the enemies fucking suck.
Also they still don't let you set your route over differences in terrain so if you have any map with dropoffs or hills you're really safe
>subterranean MMR.
exactly where your garbage ass will be after being forced to actually learn how to play DBD instead of abuse an AI sim.
Damn, the guards have even more counterplay/exploits than I expected
No decent player should ever get hit knowing these, really sad
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Any ESL that doesn't drop their accent after 2+ years of speaking in English should be immediately euthanized.
Killers talking about survivors exploiting the gen bug be fr... If the exit gates are powered wtf am I supposed to do. Go find a gen and stand next to it for 90 secs just so it's a fair escape?
>knowledge check killer
really hecking wholesome bhvr!!!
I thought we were done with this shit when we nerfed Freddy after he first came out because BHVRs retarded ass doesn't teach shit when it comes to ass backwards "counterplay" like this.
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>Yeah, I'm stuck in 2022. How could you tell?
Yeah they should have just kept Shitster kill switched forever desu desu senpai
I don’t like the way this new Lara Croft chick keeps looking at my Wesker. He’s my man you skank. Back off!
>BHVR finally reworked Twins
>Still boring as fuck to play as because hard-slugging is still the only viable strategy with them and their power is lame as hell
put on a trip, you annoying fucking perma virgin who has never felt the warm touch of a man.
I like how there are two distinct wesker skitzos in here
They should fight to the death
As opposed to what? Fight to the life? Fuck off, retard.
Fighting until the other is unconscious without killing them.
Weird post
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The best moments of twins gameplay is when you use the addon that makes Victor mute when he's fully charged.
Other than that yeah they're pretty lame
they aren't meant for you. they're meant for me.
the players who think hooking is a retarded fucking objective and want a different win condition like 4 man slugging.
they don't need a rework to appeal to the retarded masses. not everything needs to be homogenized.
"Shut the fuck up, I could take both of you on let alone just the one. You want some too?!" *Grabs you by the legs and slams you both against the wall* "仙人モード!!!! (Sennin Mōdo)" *Two frogs appear by my side as I jump 10 thousand feet in the air with them* "仙法・磁遁螺旋丸!!! (Senpō: Jiton Rasengan)" *Your bodies literally fucking evaporate from the atmosphere* "Heh.. nothing personal fellas."
holy shit

who would win
>2 survivors left
>Down of them
>The other one completes a gen 5 seconds later
>Its one of the corner gens
>No scratch marks to the left so i go to the right
>He's obviously there
>Post game chat he accuses me of cheating
IT encourages the killer to keep all 4 survivors alive for as long as possible. It prevents him from thinking "UNGA BUNGA, ME TUNNEL" like most braindead killers do.
Kinda surprised they haven’t done something like pause MMR gains/losses for now since a core game mechanic is completely busted
Never, faggot.
whatever i miss the game being busted like flying blight
I'm glad we have great "consultants" like hens and tofu helping out :)
It's not sad at all. It's counterplay.
AI shouldn't ever get hits. It's up to the player to get that hit.
Kinda hard when the guard timer was shit on for you just being near the survivor and the guard.
I mean, yeah. It’s a pretty shitty thing to be stuck with.
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I miss the game being darkly-lit.
We lost it all because of useless cunts just abusing it by hiding in dark corners using the darkest cosmetics possible.
Now every map has to be bright as fuck, fucking up the atmosphere. And that's not even to mention the maps that literally just take place during the day or early morning.
Should have just given the killer night vision or some shit. Fucking blendette shitters killed the kino.
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>game has an advantage
>lets the majority of the playerbase use it
>both tcm and dbd are in borderline unplayable states simultaneously
guess i'll play a different genre of game instead then
brain dead posts
I don’t even play the game
>I don't even play the game
Neither does at least a 1/4 of the active posters here.
*fucks you*
erm... its DBDG!!!! not ASSG!!!
the fact this is a picture he actually took is hilarious
he knows
i like to larp too
see >>486623116
They dug their own grave
No amount of posthumous changes can change that
they dug their own grave when they unironically thought "a game based completely on ONE cheesy arthouse horror film from the 70s" was a good idea
I caught your namefag posting in a pol thread
>basil made a thread on /pol/ with 180 posts so far
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Why is he like this?
he isnt wrong
i've been in queue for 10 minutes as killer (cross-play turned off)

what is going on
game is dead without it
>Why is it when I shut myself off from 75% of the players it's so hard to find a match?
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but i like the trash talk in the post game lobby

console players don't talk
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It's better that way.. just trust me.
all the cosmetics in the world couldn't get me to play wraith
>no tunneling tonight
>Killers only go after the person off the hook if there's only one gen remaining
Maybe they should keep the bug as a feature
I can't wait for more Silent Hill love in DBD when SH2 drops. Maybe we can finally get a voice for Cheryl and James
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We want this skin.
realistically how long until we get ellie and joel?
We want Sarah (not the remake one)
>auto dead hard

wow very cool
makes me sad to see how slow the board has become. i don't want it to end.
There are killer add ons that are basically 5 perks in one so why do killers mald about brand new parts
No there aren't
Wraith with All Seeing Spirit is basically tinkerer + lethal pursuer + discordance + gear head
Kinda based
This but unironically
don’t talk to fujos like that…
Never hopefully. Faggot.
BHVR isn't that incompetent they would miss something like that. Fuck off dishonest shitter.
You’re probably him but man he really does say and do the same shit everywhere
>the mudperson Mexican wants… surprise! More Mexicans!
>more Silent Hill love in DBD
yeah right lmao
the average chase time is 60 seconds and survivors still say killer is op. lol
Chase time per match, not per hook stage
dbd has the same problem but luckily for cote many killer mains are massive cucks and would never stop playing it
Pain res + dead mans switch is STILL in the game its NOT broken we swear!
Why is windows of opportunity considered a top tier perk when zanshin tactics is considered shit
is this literally your first day playing this game
what about tru3?
Because survivors control the game and them having information on where to run will dramatically extend chases. Meanwhile the killer knowing there are resources nearby will not usually change anything, and if it could, a good killer could probably predict it and get the benefit without the perk.
>queue family
>can't even find a third family member because of how few family are playing
fucking BITCHES. FUCK bitches.
Tru3 is literally a bong you fucking retard.
yet he speaks english like an illiterate retard
only angela and sissy understand me...
That's what you get when you're a fucking Mancunian cunt.
STOP playing VIDEOGAMES. I've had enough of your STUPID VIDEOGAMES. Aren't you all a little OLD to be playing VIDEOGAMES?
Genuine question, what was the point of the devs devoting so much time to developing an anti camp meter and releasing it as if it’s going to be “the end of all camping”. When in reality it only works if the killer is a genuine retard standing an inch away from the hook
It's anti facecamp, not anti camp. And it'd work better if it was visible on the survivor hud, same place as the gen progress is visible on the hud for example because morons don't understand how the damn system works. Wasn't the fucking survivor hud made to convey info that SWF has extremely easy access to but solos can't communicate? You'd fucking think it would be perfect for showing someones unhook progress on the hook but nah, fuck that. Fucking lame man holy fuck.
did your father and brother rape you as well?
Oh but he is.

1. Mutts are ugly. They just are. So, so, so ugly. South America is rich with inbreeding genetics that should be locked in a chamber and gassed out of society.
2. Mexicans take demeaning jobs for half the pay. They are annihilating the job market. Think of the worst job you've ever worked or seen someone work. Mexicans will work that job for two hours longer than the shift you've had, demand no benefits, demand no overtime and will do it for BELOW minimum wage. If you've already made it personally, get ready for your children to bitch at you and blame you for being expected to do slave work because Mexicans normalized it.
all boneless people look inbred and dysgenic in general.
cote: please come back. we need a clown to play killer and entertain survivors.
me: no way boneless fag.
Total. Sable. LOVE.
He's dyslexic and has tourette
>for each killed survivor 1 gen is repaired for free
Honestly it should stay as a feature. Tunneling should be punished.
im glad daddy meg isnt in tcm... ngl im still scared... scared that one night he will sneak into my bed...
honestly ghostface's reveal bullshit goes both ways
>clearly looking at him
>nope nothing happens
>i get marked and die
>hes stalking a survivor
>i barely have him in vision
>he cuts corner and gets revealed anyway
why is ghostface allowed to crouch instantly but pig isnt? her attack already had a growl warning why tf does it need 2 downsides
>honey i want a divorce
His crouch doesn't hide his terror radius.
yeah he can only turn that off at will. I'd be fine if she still had TR in her crouch.
Then she'd have no stealth.
she has no stealth anyway
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This man knows what's up.
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Sable saved the game.
wahhhhh why doesn't it work when I'm camping the hook with the killer????? wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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god high MMR is so hard... 6 second longer chases? how am i supposed to cope....
1.6 pallets?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? wtf they need to bring it down to 0.0 let me win cooooooooooooottttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my 4kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Returning player, looking for builds to cause survivors as much grief as possible, I don't care about winning. Is Gen regression dead? I'm thinking anti-healing doctor or possibly Plaything/Friends til the End. I'm really out of the loop
also i'm transgender, not sure it matters tho
dbdcel cope
trannies arent allowed to play tcm
trans btw
Pinky Finger addon
Knockout, Sloppy Butcher, Coulrophobia, NOED
You basically down someone and then stand on top of them for 4 minutes until they bleed out
If anyone comes to pickup, which cannot be done quickly thanks to your perks, you insta down them with a bottle
NOED is for the endgame since slugging someone for 4 minutes means probably all the gens will be done. You can then get another kill or two with that perk.
there is nothing wrong with cutting your dick off. It's a completely normal part of life
t. sanest dbdcel
forgot to mention that i'm trans and support all kind of operations, be it top surgery for trans men or bottom ones for trans women
#trans rights are aryan rights
>Feral and serrated over wireframe and universal donor
We need Nina on BLACKED
she belongs to ink_him
nina's pimp is streaming right now
next oc chapter:
Survivor - Otz
Killer - Nina
Where’s the Tru3Ta1ent skin for David King?
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>didn't play game since the Dredge came out
>check up on how it's doing
>Alien killer
Didn't expect that.
So when're they finally adding a dinosaur killer? Clearly a raptor hooking people wouldn't be any weirder than the xenomorph.
very likely
all true btw
calm down sissycuck
Ain't no way you niggers really needed level one EA that bad. Literally 4k 19/20 games all day erryday and never use EA. And when I play with the boys we have sissy and Johnny with hitchhiker
Did you fuckers just sit in one place the entire game panning your camera around like a turret waiting for EA to activate? Like goddamn Texas tards are worse than DBDtards
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Way ahead of you
Mexicans depressing wages is like the third most pressing issue they would bring, imagine letting in some of the most animalistic criminals on the planet in the form of cartel members in your country, transil knows this though and doesn’t care because xhe’s Mexican xherself so you’re wasting your breath
>read posts from the past few hours
>only doze the hapa autistic tranny mutt, sissy schizo with nuclear grade autism, and the dinofurfag posting
>read posts
>remember i'm trans
killers for this feeling?
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cute trans girls meeting
>>It's counterplay
>can become completely immune to a guard by slow vaulting in and out of a single window at a certain angle
you'll never convince me in a million years that this was intended by the devs
Jesus fucking christ people will swarm my ass if i use plot twist but when you actually need a pickup then its oh nyoo so scary terror radius. Not sure if hiding your aura when using it is a good idea because then the retards will abandon gens and look for you. Fucking braindamaged globe sables.
I can't believe you guys unironically fucking use plot twist or ANYTHING from Nic Cage. The whole fucking idea of Cage coming to DBD was to cash in on the "wow he's a quirky actor!" meme 12 years too late.
>havent played in weeks
>1st game on
>bug that makes 1 gen count as 2
nice bro
Is DBD the only game that must reinstall itself and verify all files every time there's a patch? I downloaded the patch quickly, but the game needed 30 minutes to install it.
I thought it was because his son played dbd and he wanted to be in cuz of that
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>survivoids rejoice at the 8 gens per match and tunneling resulting in free gens being completed
>they don't realize that from now on only the killers who can afford not to tunnel or 3-gen will be played such as Nurse, Blight, Billy and Spirit
survivors are about to change their tune real quick if BHVR doesnt fix their dogshit code soon
That's what the news outlets want you to think, that way you can say he's a wholesome chungus. Nick Cage is infamously known for taking on whatever shit gig as long as the pay is decent.
it's an ue .pak thing
>Blight, spirit.
You can't play them in 2vs8. Only the first original 5.
wasn't talking about 2v8
"8 gens" is the current bug that spawns 8 gens per trial so instead of a 3-gen you have a 4-gen in the end
Another thread another bug I hadn't heard about before.
Truly BHVR is powerful beyond understanding.
>unintended bug that causes multiple gens to pop at the same time
>Massive exploit that adds 80% more gens to repair
Why are killerpids like this
they still need to finish 5 gens, retard
it's just that you as killer have more of them to patrol
This is yet another killeroid made up excuse and damage control but if it was true giving the benefit of doubt here then it's actually a good thing and a solution to 3 gen exploiters
I use all 3 of his perks yes.
holy bait
now this is a strange image
plot twist is a good perk. mad cuz bad
Based say it louder please
please stop replying to yourself
Please stop being transphobic
Chudcels are not welcome here
I want to sniff Sable’s farts
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artist players
mad cus it’s true
I once had a tranny roommate years ago I legit caught eating left overs out of the trash.
Only a matter of time until they add Jack Black to the fucking game.
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But you'll get hindered from her gas...
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>clown is wearing the puddles skin
>is a complete memelord and trolling everyone and then letting us farm
why does this happen every single fucking time
that skin is a retard magnet
In my experience, it's the opposite. Sweats like that skin because it makes them a bit harder to see in the purple gas
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what a cute face :3
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My Führer...
BHVRs UI designer...
>rancid abattoir
but enough about sables fanny
What would Meg's, Kate's, and Rebecca's smell like?
dis they ever explained why it harmed the crew?
chinese people
>upcoming collection about adding ocean themed killer skins
>missed opportunity to give HUX a SOMA-esque robot sea monster skin
>could’ve had the added effect of making his biopods look like barnacles
Ugh, just hire me already BHVR
they cant edit killer powers.
Fuck you, do it anyways
>application denied
i just ate a spicy chicken burrito, you can sniff mine if you wanna...
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wow the gen bug is actually fucking hilarious
it doesn't affect me because i force 8 hooks in all of my matches
but still it's so fucking stupid lol
>cheese all my matches to get to top mmr
>escape no matter what
>bring hatch perks with me if all i can get is a draw out of it
>don't even try to save or heal anyone
>just hide in random lockers if there's only 2 of us left
>refuse to 99 gates i will just open them
>gen bug encourages hooking everyone in fact if you dont you'll probably lose
when does this become a feature?
>it doesn't affect me because i force 8 hooks in all of my matches
Why? And who do you main?
this game needs less extremely derivative skins, not more. and soma fucking sucks
Not him but I do the same sometimes. More game to play, less salt, huge BP, it also deranks me so I can fuck around with gimmicky builds and not get assfucked. Even when I do get my ass kicked, it's whatever since I was gonna let them live anyway. Feels good
Why don't we go on a date and have sex on the beach instead?
when 80% of the roster is shit the only people at the mmr cap will be blight/nurse/billy/spirit and a few others
>Answering a question nobody asked and doesn't solve anything anyways
Thanks, I guess? Anyways.
i've had people say they're tired of Dredge sorry lemme just pull up your previous game records here so i can see whether or not you've played against this killer recently i'll leave the lobby
What about a chapter where both the new killer and survivor are the same person but from alternate realities?
they teased the survivors being killers in one of the tomes and literally nothing came of it
can't wait for them to break the remaining 3 functional game mechanics when they release 2v8 next week
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>globes globes globes
What are the queue times with crossplay off?
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phew so glad they changed the meta! that old survivor meta we had was so stale
nobody plays with crossplay off so probably extra long
why in the name of god are you using sloppy butcher
Because i tried to make it work with hysteria and DB i thought it'd be funny
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"Lara Croft and Jill Valentine look similar and dare I say act similar.
>action survivors with guns
>blue top, brown hair, ponytail
Hm maybe I shouldn't post this there's not actually that much similar. Okay I won't post this after all." said Meg. Then she accidentally clicked... post.
Only one of them has sucked bug dick.
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I dont understand this this is a fucking indoor map you could have this totem be able to be spawned literally anywhere else and it would be better who fucking looks at this at bhvr and goes "yep good work"?
>who fucking looks
bold of you to assume they look at anything
they just slap shit together and if the game doesn't crash too often then it's time to ship it
and then its shock and surprise when the meta is 4 gen slowdown the next one is 4 gen slowdown and so on and so on
I love getting teabagged by a shitter who only got out thanks to the gen bug, i hope Cote chokes on a cheese curd.
What the fuck have they done to the UI. This has to be the most obnoxious forced change they've done. I can't get rid of all these red exclamation marks.
Seriously, these subhumans are everywhere and even then I still dodge if I see more than one in my survivor lobby
Consolegodkings and epic games Chad's rule everything, deal with it and enjoy your crossppay 1h+ queues steamcuck
this gen bug is a literal core part of the game and its taking them this long to fix it
>b-but they said they fixed it in the next hotfix!!!
yeah its the present and its not fixed it shouldn't even have gotten into live this is such a massive fucking bug it'd be like if no pallets spawned or if hooks just killed survivors instantly the core part of the game is fucking broken
What even is the bug?
Shouldnt have tunneled out the baby meg at 5 gens, bligger.
if someone leaves the tally screen as survivor its a gen completed so the next time a gen gets finished its 2 instead of 1
The tally screen, like the endgame results? I don't understand
>try particular killer
>so easy and destroy survivors so terribly I actually feel guilty and bad
>full on cocky SWF prestige 99 neas with flashlight survivors, 4 genned
>genuinely feel imposter syndrome
>stop playing particular killer
guess which killer
yes if they go back to the lobby screen
Has to be nurse
no, I'll give you a hint: mouse wheel up
>Start a chase with 2 different survivors. Complete this challenge in a single trial.
ugh.... my very special 4k guarantee ghostface build... there are no chases...
You forgot his main disability; being a Norfer.
This gen bug just makes me realize how miserable 8hook is
>Survivors doubled
>Killers doubled
>Gens not doubled
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I was the teabagging flashlight Nea and ur bad lol
yeah hag. the literal top sweat squads on the entire server can defeat her easily after a long and drawn out game of boredom but the average team, even the average top mmr team, just don't know what to do because she's that rare and the fundementals don't work. it would be like if the nurse was rare.
when i play for 8 hook on clown i usually get 0 - 1k against non retarded survivors that know how to do gens, maybe 2k if i can get an altruism fuck up in endgame.
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>8 hook every game
>Play Pig or Sadako, often no perks.
>I'm either so perverted I enjoy being abused or beyond mad I no longer feel pain.
it takes agency away from you and that makes you comfortable
>did well? based i played 8 hook pig with no perks, i'm so good
>did bad? well i did play 8 hook pig with no perks, so it doesnt matter
They fix the gen bug yet?
They fixed the double pop though.
just don't tunnel killerchuds :)
How about they keep the gen bug as a feature but like this
>If you hook anyone 3 times within 4 hooks the entity completes a gen on its own
how do you stop survivors abusing this "immunity" in the same way they abuse off the record / ds? i guess the only way is to make it so freshly off the hook survivors have no collision, but that interferes with a lot of survivor strategy.
Vecna has built in anti tunnel thing based on rng. Soon all killers will have it.
Great idea bro how about Behaviour adds a pole so we can just jump over the gates at 5 gens because holding W and holding M1 at a gen is to hard?
If you don't hook anyone twice in a row there's nothing to abuse
so the guy who was just unhooked starts body blocking you, what do you do? the answer under your system is slug him because if i hook him he'll get diplomatic immunity. that sounds like a fun time for both roles.
If someone body blocks me, I tunnel them out. Off the record is not for you to body block me from hitting the person that unhooked you for 60s, its for you to run away and hide. If you force an endurance hit, I'm 100% following up on that. I feel at that point it's not hard tunnelling.
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I'm so fucking pissed.
4 games in a row now.
Survivors abusing the gen bug. Each. And. Every. Game.
0 counterplay.
All of them admit to doing it in chat afterwards as well.
Laughing at how broken and easy it is.
But I just KNOW they won't get banned.
Because that would mean bhvr would have to admit their mistake.

Most disgusting thing about it is, I was winning all those games.
Usually I had two kills before they got 3 gens. Would be almost unwinnable. But noooo. This bug just makes it so they just get free gens immediately.
Fuck I'm so pissed.
>survivorsissies literally cannot win without game breaking bugs
>lets make it a feature!!
perish you filthy dog
chill out, doesn't matter. they abused a bug to win? fucking based, that should fill you with a surge of confidence. just forget about it and go next.
How addicted to this game do you have to be to seriously try playing it while it’s in a literally unplayable state? Just do something else until they fix it dude
getting the 4k despite them clearly abusing the bug is so sweet. it requires strategic hook spread and slugging. basically late game builds are king. when it gets to 1 gen or no gens the bug doesn't matter. plan for it. Noed, nowayout, go crazy.
>before the gen bug
4k at 4-2 gens
>during the bug
4k at 3-1 gens

what are y'all complaining about?
Anyone else remember when there was a bug where survivors would get stuck in the hills?
Didn't BHVR ask people to not use the hills in the game while they were working on fixing it?
Surprised we haven't gotten any sort of message saying hey stop don't do that. But I guess that's because it's survivor sided...
bhvr literally released a post telling people how to reliably recreate the bug....
>you lost a game you should have won?
>fucking based dude!
>do you not feel mirth?
>you should be HAPPY you had a miserable time and lost through no fault of your own!
>i'm miserable because the number on the screen didn't go up as high as if they did not abuse a bug (cheated)!!! grr!!
i mean man, if the only source of your dopamine is the numbers going up higher, then i'm sorry for you.
just get over it and go next. feel good that they had to cheat to beat you, thats all. such a beta cry baby.
Its about the principle, not the numbers
You know very well this game isn't intended to be fun for the killer unless you get a 4k
Hell, even a 3k can feel shit if you played perfectly but lost because the hatch is somehow still a mechanic in the game
The thought that they had to cheat to beat me is not nearly as pleasant as just simply winning.
And man, I won't go next.
I'm not playing killer until they fix this bug. And I hope all the killers do the same so bhvr is actually forced to do something about it.
Also, gibs me 2mil bp.
idk maybe a difference of philosophy but no one thats worth a damn thinks less of you for losing a game where one side cheated. it happens to me every other game, a 4k turns into a 2k because of it. whatever. i'm in this for the thrill of the chase, when i encounter a crazy juicer that can run me for a few gens, that's my favourite time in this game, i'm cursing them and their family the whole while, but what a rush.
>Match starts
>Its the game
>Survivor sees me
>They DC
>Second survivor does the same
I was playing Adriana
>Hell, even a 3k can feel shit if you played
Hey speak for yourself. I feel perfectly happy with a 3K
Especially if it means a player just gave up to hunt for hatch and sat on it until the other player died
That shits hilarious to me.
This bug exposing a lot of killeroids who tunnelling hmmmm noticing…
No notes here. Singularity isn't fun at all. He feels like a slog to play against and his gameplay at this stage boils down to:

1. Hold forward
2. Get shot
3. He teleports
4. Make sure you throw every pallet haphazardly and extremely early.
4a. Hope he doesn't just walk around the pallet you threw.
4b. Hope you weren't in the middle of the pallet dropping animation or you're confirmed hit/down because the pallet instantly shatters, you're stuck in place, and he's on your ass.
5. Use a EMP if you just so happen to be holding one.
6. The biopod on your back breaks.
7. He shoots a biopod and instantly slipstreams you again.
8. Restart from step 1.

Like congrats, incredibly enthralling gameplay you guys, its almost as fun as Skull Merchant! Could be worse though! We could have that cuck gameplay auto-aim shit from the PTB!
Killer sissies can't win without tunneling
It isn't a bug. It's an anti-tunneling mechanic that will be added in a future update.
>nurse on RPD
>Only 2 hooks, 1 gen remaining
>Solo queue
Guess the outcome of the match
Skill issue
>Escape 1 trial
>My teams cant even do 1 gen
I dont understand why are the other survivors this bad despite some of them being P100?
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>Sam, where are you?!
>Sam, I WILL find you!
>I'm looking for Sam...
>*gets hooked* AAAAAGH SAM HELP ME
>*cleansing totem* This is for Sam....
>*gets healed* Now I will be able to find Sam...
>*picks up flashlight* This will help me find Sam...
>*pallet stuns the killer* This is for taking Sam away from me!
>*gets grabbed by killer* Bollocks! Sam, help me!

Holy FUCK!

What the fuck is wrong with this dyke nu-Lara Croft?
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i like the way she reacts when a killer starts chasing her, and her scream when she gets hooked makes me hard. she's 10/10 survivor. Just needs some lews somewhere down the line.
B-But streamers say he’s the hardest killer….have some respect for Hux players buddy they go through a lot mentally…
now post the 99 games out of 100 where you get a 0k or 1k
>omg i'm zero perk zero addon trapper! of course you got a 4 out lmfao!
is the excuse you use for 99% of your games right?
>buys DEI survivor
>expects something else

why are some sounds so fucking loud now? Demo at 25% volume sounded 10x louder than anyone else?
laras scream makes me feel things i never felt before...
she got taken during the first reboot before she managed to find Sam
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>Cis AMAB anon finds out that he is not the norm nowadays
Killers will get 20 4k’s back to back but the minute they get 4 man escaped, reddit instantly gets opened up and a paragraph on why killer sucks is written
You can be cis AMAB and gay or bi
just play Adam, its the only straight survivor in the game
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new Wesker bug has some nice side effects
you tell em sis
you are entirely in control of where he's going to teleport to, dumdum. just stay still after dropping a pallet.
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>killero*ds still being bad and wanting my flag
got to find Sam
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>Killer brought Franklins + Weave
>I didn't bring an item
>Tunneling Tony
>Playing Chucky
>Doesn’t even get a 1k
ohnonono killerbabs…?
>otzz says in her add on tier list video that waterlogged shoe and scarred hand on Hag are trash bottom of the barrel add ons
>They're actually very fun together and powerful enough to win
Maybe the rest of her video is also wrong :(
>hag player
>retarded attention whore
more at 11
>killer ends up being friendly
>I didn't have the "escape a trial" challenge selected
nobody except trannies who only play survivor want something like that.
you can have something like that when the game rewards you for 8 hooking.
make shit like grim embrace base kit and you can get a free gen when a survivor dies.
audible kek
>up against singularity
>they're either a shitter that will DC or a god that will roll your entire team from the jump
>no inbetween
are there any other examples of killers like this?
singulo is the one that pops out the most to me.
I don't know but I think it's funny when people just auto-disconnect as soon as they hear Nurse teleport or see that it's a Skull Merchant, like every single killeroid player has 5,000 hours and is playing out of their mind and they can't possibly be bad with them
Nurse, Blight, Oni and Twins from experience. Mostly the snowball heavy killers that are played by either retards or gods
skull merchant really isnt as bad as people think it is anymore. she's one of those killers that people for some reason overcomplicate even though the killer has had more than a few nerfs at this point.
I'm under the belief that the game doesn't actually truly start until the 3 gen mark. Anything before is just a proving grounds to see if your team is reliable or not.
Is NOED bugged too? I was playing against Chucky and someone who was injured got hit in the endgame and it didn't show the notif. Then I was spectating the remaining teammate who was teabagging the killer in the exit gate and pointing at him and she got shit on KEK
m2s dont trigger it
are people still calling her overcomplicated after all this time
I would assume them mean it comparatively.

Like look at Trapper.
>set bear traps and chase survivors into it
Or Wraith
>turn invisible and run faster

Meanwhile Skullmerchant
>shit out drones that you can set into various modes that track or injure at range
>walking in a drone makes you undetectable
>if a survivor gets a claw trap it grants aura reading and hinders them and makes you go faster
>survivors must play a minigame to turn them off

Still not a lot but fundamentally more complicated by comparison.
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Chucky is better than Spirit and I'm tired of pretending he's not.
>Pyramid head
>high skill high reward
>putting survivors into unwinnable 50/50 situations is high skill
but seriously this list is pretty accurate even though tier lists mean nothing in pubs, the only time they matter is against 4man swfs or in comp setting
so is dracula gonna be good or what? seems like a major IP to fuck up by making them another C - D tier killer. feels like we haven't had a genuinely good killer since wesker.
Chucky is better than Wesker and I'm tired of pretending he's not
Chucky is top 3 unironically
We need it to be an S tier killer with unfair perk combinations and add ons
the m2 ability having no counter would be enough for me
It's gonna suck lol, weebs will eat it up though.
>claudette wearing bright colors
no better tell that someone is new
i get your point but the trapper and wraith examples dont really work because most modern killers have way more stuff going for them than the originals
>singularity using controller in an indoor map
And he gagged us bad, what's the counterplay
>he gagged us
You ate
Thanks gorl
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Can't believe we still don't have a fucking werewolf yet. It's just so obvious.
Yeah fair enough, but even then you know what I mean.

Singularity shoots out balls and teleports to them, use the magic wand to remove them.
Xenomorph goes into sneaky ranged/teleport mode, use the magic fire turret to stop it.
Chucky goes into sneaky mode, use your ears to hear him coming and play around his pig tier lunge
Unknown shoots out balls (explosive), don't get hit but them, and shits out clones that he can teleport to that you can use your magic m1 to get rid of.

More than Trapper and Wraith yes, but still not as much as Skullmerchant in my opinion.
Vecna absolute breaks this trend though.
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stemchads vs humanities tards
Exactly. Skull merchant places drones that make her undetectable, give haste, injure you for some reason and reveal auras. Just super overloaded ability you can’t blame people for leaving the game, it’s not even a case of “Just learn what the killer does bro”. Because even when you know how to counter her, it’s still fucking boring because it’s just an m1 killer. At least with Vecna you get counterplay with the items that help you and make the game at least a bit interesting
The Xenomorph Is Uncounterable.
>Its another low rank mouthbreather that got destroyed by SM
>huurr durrr my killer is well designed hur hur!!!
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and yet i can still obliterate victimoids like they're nothing more than chickens
#skill issue #light triad pussy #crawl back to dbd #never return
excuse me dont you know survivor bugs are fun interactive and funny while killer bugs are boring and should be fixed asap? That knight bug that made switching guards smoother? No counterplay and it was boring gen bug? Fun
No the problem with SM is that and I mean this all of them play like absolute cunts and im not talking about "oh shit i have to tunnel someone out theres 2 gens left with another about to be finished" no they slug everyone at 5 gens and watch them bleed out or slug for the 4k fuck SM
It has been nearly a year since BHVR has released a killer as uncounterable as the xenomorph.
BHVR caters to killer mains without a regard to the plight of the survivor main.
Can confirm, played a match against a Shit Merchant where two people DCd (and she tunneled both the bots) and I let myself get hooked to go next, Victorio unhooked me, Shit Merchant downed us both and left us to bleed out, then went nuclear in the post game chat because Victorio happened to find the hatch right as I bled out and he escaped.
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i always let Adas, Rebeccas, and Jills escape
It’s true. BHVR love creating killers that avoid integral part of the game design (pallets)
Why does Trickster have an ult? Who designed this Overwatch ass killer?
its hilarious to hit survivors with third seal and watch them struggle to loop for 4 seconds when they cant just run to pallet to pallet with WoO
Why do you still bother playing this game if you're a killer? Right now there's no reason to put up with this gen glitch, you're only handicapping yourself. I'll continue boycotting this dumpsterfire of a game until they finally fix this cancerous exploit.
oh boo hoo, little chuddie isn't getting a 4k every single match anymore and now his fee-fees are hurt
Enjoy your 10 minute queues, survivoid.
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ngl i love how ruthless sr2 is. you’re not playing the hero and you’re not even an anti-hero you straight up play the dark triad tyrone and you’re just making sure every other dark triadcel you go up against is below you. and the rest of your crew thinks the exact same thing.
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8k hours on dbd. cote calls.
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Only she can save this general now.
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#insanely dark triad stacy
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Transgender by the way
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Ya I'm trans alright. Male to alpha male
Forgot to add (trans lebsian) at the end of my post that you all can see here^ before hitting the send post button, oops
using Object of Obsession you really realise just how much killers rely on aura perks
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that's okay, you just need to find a woman with a masculine vagina to match your penis
Yeah that sounds right, sadly there aren't that many women into brown dicklets, maybe I should just transition and attract the butch lesbian crowd...
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Dead by Daylight
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Trans by daylight
seethe chud!
they literally broke bardic inspiration it does nothing now what is wrong with these devs?
How many killers would drop this game if the gen bug becomes a feature?
This is one of the buggiest patches ever and all i can ask is how the fuck dude its not like they revamped the game they buffed a couple of perks buffed and "buffed" some killers and suddenly theres gen bugs buff perks like streetwise bardic doesn't work t posing everywhere floating shit like how does this happen?
>stake out
this is literally cheating holy shit on indoor maps especially
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>its another case of all teammates last 5 seconds in chase vs bubba
dead by gaylight
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For me? It’s Sadako
Same difference really
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Wait, since when is she a dyke?
Or is this just the faggots at bhvr making shit up and jerking off to it?
Tombstone piece should be basekit
>Play for a couple hours, 10 escapes as survivor
>Still tier 4 in the rift
Man, this feels not worth playing right now if there isn't an event going on. Think I'm gonna get a break.
They are just friends, she was supposed to be her girlfriend and in one of the comics they were gonna kiss but they changed it to a hug probably because they consider the Lara x horse shipping the canon one
Can we get wesker hit with the rework nerf next?
I can escape against the high tier killers pretty consistently but for some reason I always get shit on by Doctors and Nemesis, then I have to have niggas in my ear tell me how bad they are
Dying light should be buffed tf. 3% for ANY hook. And the obsession only gets a 15% boost to healing and unhooking
I use Dead Hard because it's best used against strong killers like Nurse, Blight, Wesker, Chucky, Huntress (against her hatchets), which there are a lot more of at top MMR. A M1 killer can just sit on your ass and wait out the Dead Hard while M2 killers are somewhat forced into hitting you within a limited time frame, which makes it much easier to accurately press E.
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>tfw you carry _____
Y'all are porn addicts in here
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What would the mori look like?
Repeatedly slamming her ass on your face and saying GG EZ after you die
Dead Hard timing on nurse is hard when you have 100 ping ;(
I’m getting a lot of Chinese players in my games and it’s incredible how fast they give up on hook and how selfish they all are
Four fucking days this game has been in an unplayable state and these retarded apes they call “coders” haven’t fixed it yet
Alright I got an update on the situation
>replacement cable arrived today
>plug it in, still no lifesignal
>try all possible usb-ports on my rig
>arrive at the inevitable conclusion that it's dead
>it has served me for a good decade, maybe more
>decide to look up the same tablet model
>the pricing is still unchanged, greedy bastards
>look for cheaper alternatives
>find a bootleg with similiar design and specs, only costs a quarter of the WACOM one
>great reviews all around
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Which survivor would make the best dealer?
Why are we seeing changs on NA servers anyways?

Also why do they all love selfcare?
Ching chongs literally will get hit by a car and bleed out on the street while everyone walks past them without helping
It's an extremely self centered culture and that's why they run self care
If you're going to get a diff brand, just stick with huion or xp-pen
I just chase whoever I see I dont pay attention to which survivor has what perks or their hook states
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Yeah, I did hear good things of both brands. The XP-Pen model is like 10 bucks cheaper actually so I'll probably get that one.
I fucking hate globes so much.
the victim just tearing clumps of their head out as they scream up at the sky until their head just explodes in boiling blood due to the sheer rage the toxic nea has made them put up with. the mori ends with nea performing a quick tea bag on the headless corpse and clicking her flash light a few times.
>pinnacle of killeroids skill is proxying the hook and insta holding W when he hears the notification
>this works because survivors are overly altruistic
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pro tip: stand here when you do pinhead's box on dds
Comp gameplay is literally:
>3 of them hide
>they get the one guy with anti tunnel and/or unbreakable to be chased first
>he leads the killer to the opposite side of the map
>predrops every pallet
>he gets hooked eventually
>killer proxy camps the hooked guy
>the deliverance user comes in for a save after 50 seconds, only sooner if killer doesnt proxy camp, doesnt care if forced to trade because deli
>killer then tunnels the first guy
>game is decided on how long it takes for the first guy to be tunneled out
When I learned that all it takes to 4 woman out a doctor/nemesis is to greed shitty pallets and avoid god pallets and windows my perspective on life changed wow...
Interesting. What does it take to 4 man out him?
High skill gameplay!
Have sex
>doing gen
>uh better run the killer here teehee sorry :)
why do people constantly do this shit
because they are not omniscient dummy
Because they want to get off the hook fast and easy and dumping the boring killeroid onto someone else is one way to do it
Not everyone is running fucking bond.
This is why I play Rebecca
I'm injured and working a gen? You can hear me before the gen and know to stay away if being chased if you arent a dumb dumb
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If he got nose surgery he would look 100% European no moor blood at all
Too bad I'm playing as Jane and I can't hear you over the sound of this bitch's porn moans and the killer's chase music.
>can hear a gen thats obviously being worked on
this is why you never escape your matches
lol no he wouldn't
#filthy spic #ugly mednigger
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non cromagnon subhumans like cocksuckva should stay in the slums of non-european countries
Streets saying that a top tier singularity is better than a top tier Spirit now
Why does the game continue after the killer kills someone with 3+ gens left? What's the point? Can't the Exit Gates just get powered and everyone is now dead when downed or something, can't the game just progress to it's inevitable end point more quickly?
Spirit hasnt been top tier for a while now the only people left playing her are actual good players so she's "le op because she's uhhh good at the game????" she actually takes a modicum of skill to play so people will just drop her if they dont 4k at 5 gens like with wesker new shitty no skill hillbilly and now singularity
Okay... That's why I'm only talking about good players
Hey samefag schizo autist, I thought you had a nigger cuck fetish?
Singularity isn't worth playing, he still takes too much effort to work and the lack of promised auto-aim on podcams makes him a pain in the ass to control. He still needs more buffs if they intend to increase his pickrate.
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>Or is this just the faggots at bhvr making shit up and jerking off to it?

Its this, Lara has always been a turbo bimbo slut for cock and horsecock, but the trannies want to change her name of Tomb Raider due to it bing "outdated", and also make her a lesbian

>because they consider the Lara x horse shipping the canon one

This guy gets it.
you got this transil
shut up sissycuck
>team goes down 2 seconds against a fucking sadako
explain how you want me to win these matches
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How many more survivors must i cull through to stop getting lobbies like this?
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Dudes, like can we actually do something about Laras non-stop voicelines about that Sam bitch? so fucking tired
they don't work outside of tuesdays. and I wish that were a joke.
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>killer does nothing doesnt tunnel doesnt camp
>this happens
gee i wonder why killers play like such assholes its a real mystery that we'll never be able to decipher oh and the killer brought a BPS too
what am I supposed to see here?
Kate literally waited the entire egc to jump into hatch when everyone has already left
Ackshually, if you go on Rule34 and sort Lara Croft's pics/vids by highest score, you will see futa Lara for an entire page or two before you see her without a penis
lol enjoy seeing blacked shit futa shit and literal ms paint art for 900 pages
not kate's fault the killer would rather hide in the cuckbasement than just hit her
You're more likely to see AI slop than any of that other shit nowadays.
It would be nice to have some kind of condition that flips the switch to collapse to prevent slimy butthurt survs from just hiding for 20 minutes doing nothing at all
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the secret special condition is to just m1 them
>YouTube recommends a DBD survivor main video from a small channel
>They just copy skermz humor
what is "skermz humour"?
le monkey face XD
Like saying mink when a killer whiffs
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When there was a disco in the fog, Elodie and Meg danced until daylight. Everyone watched and lots of people joined in... except for Feng. "Dance with us, Feng!" said Elodie. Feng sneered. "Dancing is for losers! You're not really having fun, anyway!" Later that night, when Elodie was going to bed, she saw a movement in the dark. She was scared for a moment, but then felt only pity. It was Feng... practicing her dance moves, and she was not very good.
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tcm sissies how do we recover
Needs more sex
Important: uses the actual ingame animations and includes a few points and come heres
After every killer mistake: “bro what is this guy DOING?!!”
After every minutely interesting interaction: *dramatic pause and screen zoom*
After every pallet stun: “NOPE!”
And random meme sfx and screen editing whenever he starts yapping about random bs
we ritually dilate in a a circle hoping to summon one more month of content
>killer appears
>balloon boy hello
>chase happens
>sound effect of guy acting like car (you know the one)
>drop pallet
>bonk noise
This feels like every streamer in general. Just constant colorful noise and exaggeration to make everything feel like it's more engaging than it is. I hate it when I want to learn something about a game and have to sit through some horribly obnoxious streamer's video that is genuinely useful but full of this jangling keys shit.
I was looking at the outlast trials and kinda worried when I saw it only had 5k peak players but then I saw it's 5x more than tcm, and now even just 5k seems like a fever dream. Just Imagine 5x faster queue times. If a barely marketed outlast spinoff can get it theres no reason a licensed tcm game shouldnt be able to. They need to have some kind of event or incentive to get people back or this is gonna go the way of friday the 13th if it even lasts that long at all.
don't forget becoming noticeably upset whenever he's in a losing position
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still not that bad desu.
tcm had +9500k concurrent players when hands was released
Here's every survivor streamer
>what is he doing??? whenever the killer misses or does something that isnt walk in a straight line and press m1
>what are my teammates doing?? (they didnt touch a gen 4.5 seconds after they finished the one they were just on)
>hello????? (when they get hit vaulting right infront of the killer's face)
>ugh not an x (whenever a killer that isnt complete dogshit tier is spotted)
>im going next (when they see their teammates aura and again they got off their gen for a split second)
>haha im gonna sandbag this guy for content it'll be so funny and my chat will laugh! (but when this happens to them its im going next)
I miss anything?
Otz just came out as gay. Killers for this feel?
Trickster because you're a lying slut and I will forcibly dress you in a bunny Feng costume
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I cannot find a single decent use for Mirrored Illusion, let alone a consistent one. It's a perk that truly has no purpose except to use and then point at for a fellow survivor to be amused by. For it be of use, it would have to cause the killer to go up to it believing it to be a real person, only to find it's an illusion, thus wasting their time. Unfortunately you have to be in these spots yourself to place the illusion, wasting your own time which completely counteracts the potential usefulness. On top of this, it's plain to tell an illusion so a killer who notices the wavy texture won't even be fooled in the first place, so not only did you waste your own time placing it but you didn't waste the killers time at all.
thats a lot of the perks in this game thats why we're fucking back to IW DH DS WoO
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>jason red tape has finally been cleared
>not a single word about him for dbd
>not a tease, not a hint, not just a wink of reassurance
I just want to hear them at least say 'we're gonna ask'.
Weird that they can get it but just not retain it. I think the game is fun and relatively deep so they just need to keep feeding it new content I guess.
Theyll probably eventually have some kind of ranged killer. Maybe a crossbow could work - decent skill curve with limited shots and longer reload times but with the range to interrupt you while unlocking from across the yard or maybe pin or cripple you for a minute if it hits your limbs or something.
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outlast trial bros how are we feeling about the new killer and update
Jason is solo killer chapter next year in march
E perk is broken to not give you endurance after being unhooked so you can be insta tunneled just like the good old days
he will be a Michael Myers skin
Supposedly tcm has 1.5m unique players every month. Xbox is carrying it hard.
>if you turn off crosplay off you will be matched only with people who also turned it off
>enjoy searching 30 minutes for a match just to get a baby dwight in lobby who for some reason turned the setting off
Why do you want to match with pink hair Neas who turn crossplay off just to ensure that they know you can see their "gg ez baby killer" in end game chat?
I just got the game how the fuck do I take off my outfit to just look like a person? I put it on one time and now there seems to be no way to take it off, only change to other outfits.
isn't bardic inspiration better than resilience?
when you roll a 20 gens are done so quick, each skillcheck is almost a brand new part.
bardic right now does literally nothing its bugged its just a funny guitar animation right now and no its not better to make deadline work you need to be injured and if you're injured resilience gives you a repair boost and it encourages staying injured you also assume you'll roll a 20 all the time
They blew their chance, last year had a Friday the 13th in October.
Im saying that as a survivor who has been sanbagged by one too many globe kates and nicolas cage retards.
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If we lived in a world where Behaviour was remotely competent
>Late October
>Myers rework
>Freddy rework + defaulted to Robert Englund
>Jason Chapter all at the same time
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>Robert Englund freddy with one liners, the classic laugh and some alternate costumes
i would play him without a rework with this.
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>tfw Michael and Laurie will never get more cosmetics, model updates, QoL changes or additional maps based off other locations in the film series
I dont like bhvr but you really cant blame them for this Myers and Freddy's license holders are probably both cunts its not a mystery why freddy has gotten zero cosmetics with myers barely getting anything compare them to the Saw license holders they love em
Pain 100%? I've astral projected into other people in the past and possibly the worst death (physically) I've felt was terminal radiation poisoning. Fortunately it only lasts days until your nervous system ceases function and then the pain stops as your organs just turn to mush along with the rest of you.
I had to spend a good month without a body to recover from that. Still not as bad (emotionally) as when I joined the Waffen SS in 1939 and went all the way to the end of the war where my unit collectively refused to surrender and did a suicide attack with 100 men vs an entire bolshevik division until we all died (got 5 of them myself before dying instantly to something since the projection abruptly ended)
All resources are going towards new Silent Hill content.
His quick draw attack on spotting you is a great touch. The only criticisms I have are the UI changes, the fact the Docks have no MK Ultra trials, and the battle pass full of garbage.
Are we actually getting more SH stuff?
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we're going to get another resident evil chapter with lady dimitrescu killer before whatever nobody you can think of from silent hill
Both sad but true
>No Mr X Nemesis skin
Why not?
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You'll have lewd Cheryl before the year is over.
I'll never understand survivors who go against the xeno always insist on putting turrets right next to the tunnels
survivor only players don't know about the mechanics of killers or what their addons do. its why people still seethe about skull merchant. A lot of people don't know you can pick up the knights guards banners to cancel the hunt. I mean, i assume they don't know about it since virtually none of them do it. i stream sniped a ttv p100 seething in confusion as to why the clown i was playing was so fast.
they don’t
the death spiral is already in motion
it’s already going that direction
fuck up after fuck up in such quick succession last year and a drought in content until relatively recently + bugs were the nail in the coffin
also see >>486643170
i will say it’s probably going to last longer than initial expectations predicted but its a foregone conclusion for sure
most objectively incorrect post of the thread award
Survivors are fucking retards who never bother to learn about a killer’s power, consistently lose because they don’t do the counterplay, and then whine to BHVR about the killer being OP
some transgender that probably doesn’t even work there anymore
we get it transil
>bitch’s porn moans
gonna play her now
It's so annoying when solo queuers hand skull khias free wins like bitch at least try
I wouldnt say no to that.
RE franchise is a good source of killers and survivors, i'd rather we get more classic horror characters but licencing issues are probably nightmarish.
you’re so cool
those men died bravely
>play killer
>survs leave as soon as they are killed
>gen bug happens
>play surv
>the cringelord stay so he can seethe at killer for being tunneled out instead of giving us advantage
hehe :))
Conceptually he’s definitely a better fit than the original ranged killer they had in mind with Preston, the Italian gangster theme is a lot of fun, haven’t played his trial yet but it looks fun, I do hope they can keep this ball rolling for the rest of the year and keep releasing content consistently, an Asymm mode is probably still a ways off if even possible but I’m holding out hope.
Waiting for a good license. I explained this.
pretty sure we’re getting the game version
So in the 2v8 mode can you just play billy doing sick loops around the map to give the other killer perma-exposed?
Exactly what this guy said, I love all the content, period. Especially Escalation mode. I have all the same problems, especially when searching for a specific difficulty and no MK trials (yet) for docks. But those are minor problems with the latter one announced to be worked on so this update is a huge W
the other one sucked horse cock
Just select a new torso, not outfit. It'll take off your maggot suit or whatever the hell you have on
lupin survivor soon
not reading any of that
Sexy devil girl survivor when
Fucking 5 hour meg does more gens than a prestige 70 kate denson holy fuck.
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>when i see a p70 ace hovering around the killer for 50 seconds for a flashlight save, misses it and ends getting downed
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even worse when it's 2 people trying to go for 1 save
does anybody have nightlight premium? id be interested in what the killrate stats look like for only the last 3 days with the gen bug
when playing a killer i'm unironically happier to see 4 beamers than 4 med's, or tool's. I just know that if i'm chasing one person, i'm inadvertently applying pressure because at least 1 other person is tailing me for the clicky clicky save
Thank you jesus christ
I was the michelin maggot how did you know
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Absolute state of shartvivors.
nobody wants to be in a trickster game
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I will take a picture of your ass while you heal me, and you cannot stop me.
>semi competent
I want Kate's ass on my face, and you cannot stop me.
there shouldnt be ranged killers in this game.
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Yeah, but what if then this happens?
then it'll have some pussy steam on it but I still want it on my face
He is if you know what youre doing. Iri photo card lets you outplay any loop.
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Well, no. You can smell Rebecca's socks instead.
trickster is stronger than huntress.
but Kate :(
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>play survivor
>3 games in a row against a slugging nurse
>entire team gives up instantly after first hook
this is exactly what I said would happen if the gen bug goes unfixed
I had 7 tricksters yesterday no clue why
I say and do this
they need a bigger team plus a asymm gamemode if they really want to keep things coming out consistently because every content drop so far has either been a new map or mini trial which take forever to make
Megbros we WON (again)
You would have abused it if she didn't slug, don't lie.
Can't really complain.
High effort OC, thank you!
No hon, it's not Wesker! It's a different Albert.

He's just a coworker and friend of mine.

I know I know, I've been getting home late from his place but it's all for work and we're doing a research paper together....

There he goes again. Always thinking I'm having sex with Wesker behind his back. Well, I kinda am but I can't let him find out.
this is what we call pottery
>Biggest tb”p”
I'm complaining at BHVR's incompetence allowing this.
Why does your monkey brain immediately make this into an us vs them debate? Are you perchance an am*rican?
Everytime I see a plague without Thana + Dying light + Pentimento I gag like ok anti meta queen!!!!
Just tried Rookie Spirit, its pretty good for solo q.
My favorite poster in this shit general.
why does yun jin sound like shes underwater when she screams
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*I start looking at you with a sneering expression* "Why does Yun Jin sound like she's underwater when she screams." *I copy you but with more emphasis on sounding retarded, following this I poke you in both your eyes* NERD!
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Don't mind me just being the best perk at crushing subhuman surviorfags hopes and dreams.
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Ecksqueeze me nigga? what you sayin'?
The funniest thing is that Deathgarden had this solved because in that game Killer was indisputably the stronger but dumbass devs probably look at it like it was the reason the game failed and copy DbD's formula instead.
Will survivoroids figure out how to use EMPs against Siggy or refuse to learn and suck cock until he gets nerfed into irrelevancy again?
Hey buddy, :)
Some people have fun in different ways, ok? What you may think isn't a good time, some others might think is a great time. Doesn't make it wrong to enjoy other things.. I know things have been bad since your dad left, but you have to be the big man now and show you're better than that!
Not trying to meme about it just genuinely asking here but why is tru3 posting thirst trap thumbnails of lara croft lately?
no one fucking plays him and bhvr only cares about their dumbass statistics, so I doubt he's ever getting nerfed
*sticks my dick in it*
idk they kept nerfing/adjusting Twins even though like 5 people worldwide played them
>BHVR devoting all this time reworking twins and singularity (killers that are at least playable)
>Leaves Sadako, Freddy, Myers in the fucking dirt for years on end, actual IP’s people like but don’t play because their terrible
>Nurse and Blight been turbo cancer broken for years and years on end
Who is in charge of this dev team I would love to know, I swear if they ever add Jason and he’s terrible I’m going to break something
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>because their terrible
You ain't doing shit except buying the next rift.
Instead of drawing them yourself, Pyramid Head's trails should work like Chucky's footfalls where they'll randomly snake their way around survivors
Just gave up in a doctor match after my first hook hahahaha SORRY i don't like playing unless i'm WINNING hahahahaha i'm gonna keep doing it too
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pretty based desu
The korean language was actually developed underwater
You struck me as a maggot man, it's not an insult we're all crazy homeless people. At least you don't have the clear suit with the burned skin and soiled underpants (elite tier clothing).
>Knight got brigaded and nerfed to shit from PTB. May be worse now than before the rework
>Singularity came through with QoL changes and is now oppressively strong
What the fuck
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I'm actually giggling and kicking my feet in the air holy shit
>texas chainsaw is literally lobby simulator because no one wants to play killer
>the past twenty minutes of my playtime was me insulting a fat bitch and her basedboy orbiter in chat

on the bright side, i now have the best trolling clip in my career
woman was literally screaming for ten minutes straight, enraged because i could hear her fat through the screen
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>match begins
>as soon as survivors realize who the killer is they walk towards hook and wait to die
>everyone says gg in chat
This is peak video game, thank you Behaviour

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