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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Admiral Nakhimov
"Baker of Heart into Sweets" - Hai Tien skin - 7/11 - 7/24
New PR7 gear: La-9 Fighter (UR), VIT-2 alt, 254mm CA gun, 152mm CL gun, F8F Float Plane, 410mm BB gun
Leipzig and Centaur augments
Foch META(Cruise Mission) & Attilio Regolo skin(Cruise Pass) - 6/1 - 7/31
Wichita META - 6/13 - 9/4
Scylla ASMR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imoLBlHPImQ
Alsace Memory

Golden Hind ASMR - 7/20
Pledge of the Radiant Court rerun - 7/18
Shimakaze Archive
Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1RLo09l6_4

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>486493435
Cute Bunbun
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sex with bun
sex with bun
sex with bun
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Normal touch
>Hm? This behavior of yours is rather uncouth. Save it for when we're alone, okay?
Special touch
>Hmm? Are you fond of touching these? Why? Please, I'd love to hear it. Heehee.

What the FUCK is her problem?
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SKK here is your 6th Eugen-chan.
Joffre a cute!

All or nothing mentality, if you have to do it publicly you might as well breed her pussy in front of everyone.
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need paizuri
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boats that sperg out more upon headpats than getting groped?
Talk about bland
A rabbit, a coney if you will.
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Yeah, I smash all the trials. How about the trial where it is proven you are an unjust pr7 filler and never should have been?
t. ubermensch
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Forgot to filter that md5, grats for the reminder!
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>trying to bring his twitter drama to /alg/ yet again
>Classic shitalian losing his smile and getting dragged along the race
i really like designs like hers honestly, love me a knightly knight
This faggot should anhero asap he is giving pastas a bad name and not a single thread can be comfy while he breathes.
>Diplomats often dance at balls as part of their work, so allow me to teach you some moves. Yes, place your hands like this... Feel free to place them further down, even.
She's rather forward
You don't have to pretend to care about her
It's a xitter post, retardbro
I want to fertilize all of Napoli’s eggs
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So unremarkable she might as well not exist
nap post oath
you don't have to seethe all the time but here we are
>wants me to grope her ass as we dance
Hood is going to kill me if she catches me doing raunchy shit like that dancing.
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Almost based, not as much as the other one albeit.
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Reminder that she's not pure enough to enter the boat kindergarten. She hides a dark lust behind her innocence.
that's a child!
she doesn't belong in the kindergarten, because she belongs in the nursery
Evrope is yet possible to save for us kings. Never lose your smile, or hope.
>because she belongs in the nursery
Yeah, after getting pregnant and giving birth.
Yikes what a pathetic creature
>Welcome home. As a reward for overcoming your trials... (Bayard gives you a warm hug.)
That's cute.
Damn horny pasta...
Meta doesn't count for PR farm?
META are their own faction, not the original faction the ship belonged to, unlike muse variants.
In short, no.
Napoli's EX touch line and EX special touch line are meant to be read in sequence, it's a nice touch
>I've heard that massages are good for the skin. Incidentally, may I... borrow your hands for a bit?
>I've been taking good care of these as well, by the way!
I never lost it. We will make it eventually. Future systems will realize it.
>All or nothing mentality, if you have to do it publicly you might as well breed her pussy in front of everyone.
Akagi would be double salty.
can i ignore the research characters or are they too good? most of these samefaced ogres just don't appeal to me
Yeah. Just a way to help newbies to catch-up, worse than most of SR ships.
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Daisen isn't the only one with the slit in her dress giving a hint of what's underneath. Hanazuki's CNY skin does as well.
Yeah, they're useless.
Holy woman hugs, warm like the sun.
Reminder that up to this day, she (and her sister) are the only real T10 fleet tech ships in the game that are not UR.
Cool. Remind me again next week.
Great leaders are quick to recognize lewdness.
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great leaders are lewd
they're strong but not mandatory
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why am I not surprised
I'm finally putting Pola to use and goddamn is her fleet icon horny.
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For me it's her tummy
Does anyone have Hori's Kashino manga? I've been looking for it for months now with no avail
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I am from the future. Shimakaze got the first destroyer race queen skin. It's L2d with a ton of interactions. Going back to my timeline now.
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That too, but just look at that face. Forget undressing you with her eyes, she looks like she's halfway through raping you and pondering whether or not she'll have a cigarette after.
Another day another shitty "event" in Azur lane
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Me on the left
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Cute pasta slut
Is D3 a good way to farm PR xp? I'm debating whether I should get the PR/DR prints since I'm not done with the first 3 PR seasons or just farm 12-4 instead.
event maps have dogshit oil to exp effeciency compared to campaign
literally just do the hard maps and sp once and day + daily missions and you will have enough points to get what's worth getting (ur gear + cogs) from the shop without having to farm d3
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New skin when
she is not a slut
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What did you do
>Lusty Italian women your area!
>Click to find out how!
>anon earlyfagged the thread again after having his last two deleted
>no sperg out
>only difference is that the OPs weren't frogs
I like my botes nicely tanned and brown, especially if they have neatly toned bodies with sexy abs
it's a conspiracy against france, must be
told her about bees, flowers and honey
Retrofit when.
I've had her at 125 for a billion years now, and I want a gold FM-2 equipment that gives ASW bonuses.
Where's their sister?
Fuck off Pierre, no one likes you
Sulla, Augustus, and Agrippa when?
Taking the pictures princessly.
Hard time believing that. She's probably going to join.
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She's so beautiful bros.
Resent Valentine's mail is bugged. Thankfully I can still feel the emotional damage caused by it, regardless of language.
>Kot will make her relevant again
Best timeline.
Zara will make her join. But first, the photo shoot. Shitcan needs his dakis.
You mean your pic? Unfortunately the Bisoku manga doesn't get scanned/uploaded to panda and it's mostly uploaded by manga sites, so unless those got the special Bisoku edition that gave that extra booklet as package bonus then you're shit out of luck.
>Impero cooked the flying spaghetti monster?
What's the best lolibutt skin? Malin?
are we farming sea hornets?
Maybe for a super-light armor meta boss but I dont know if you'll really upset the current meta that much.
Nicholass and it's not even close
>Impero trying to feed Napoli that abomination
>Roma trying to teach her some trivia about about the history of Rome
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Been here since the literal start of the game.
That, or maybe Natori.
And be grateful VV, Littorio and Marco are not there too.
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Lovely fox
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The intro loading screen should be overhauled to feature all of the current faction leaders.
a little boring but thats just my opinion
I liked Belorussiya a bit more.
I am going to deepen my relationship with her
>244 fanarts
Not just yours
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Holy shit I wonder why I keep coming back to this shit general, everyday it's just
>Pasta pity posting
>Scylla schizo (le forma mexicano)
>Blue vs Pink war
>Trashfrognigger raid
>repeat ad infinitum
The only saving grace is just the occasional new Essex post. Fuck all of you faggots.
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Never lose your smile
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not like anywhere else is any better
what, are you going to hang out in the twitter posts comment sections?
I think Soyuz, Zara, and Pola should kiss each other, on the lips
You are free to fuck off back to r/azurlane anytime, falseflagging frogbro
need Eugen thighjobs
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Do we have a PR7 booba ranking yet?
Of course Napoli is at the top and Halford is at the bottom, but what about the rest?
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>rarely smiles
All my wives
I'd say Daisen>Nakhi>Bayard
Daisen > Bayard > Nyakhimov
the remaining three are probably equal, maybe Daisen is barely bigger
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Halford at the top because flat is justice
Genuinely none of them are big, why bother?
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Of course I mean purely size wise, I am in no position to dictate personal tastes.
Yes besides Napoli's who's massive the rest are relatively average, but it's still fun. Booba is a serious matter and booba discourse must be encouraged.
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If you can't have fun with anons then make fun of anons, this year has been bad enough for the general.
I hope so
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This game is too lazy with equipment.
The recent 8cm gun shows they're willing to add little side-skills to equipment, so why not add a bunch more equipment with little skills on them to make equipping a ship more interesting?
Would give long-time players something to do other than auto-farm OS for whatever rainbow gear is meta.
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>Never lose your smile
But I HATE everything. Graf understands.
Need brown bote
Holy armpits....
probably not
i finally got the long island skin
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Yumi a cutie~
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Graf doesn't HATE everything...
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>Watching Starcraft 2 progames while playing some Azur lane
>Terran vs Protoss and Terran vs Zerg matchups very often
>SC2 where Terran literally cover the land mass in forced conscription centers; instead of combined arms utilizing a combination of tanks, air support, capital ship support, mine fields and bunkers the terrans instead literally funnel their entire budget into massess of infantry swarms, costing nothing but minerals, and literally forcing the protoss and zerg to face off against wave after wave of mass infantry, where they're slowly grounded down by human waves, unable to fully recover and stabilize themselves before the next huge wave of terran infantry pour in to choke them; the massive mule swarms fueling unless waves of cannon fodder in time after time
>Realize that I'm watching "Pro" Korean and Chinese players playing their "preferred" strategic tactic utilizing Terran in SC2......
Wrong board
that game is still alive?
It's dingleberry, ignore him
It's still the biggest rts ever
Also, gyaru Plym
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Awaken, I am
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Mark has been in a coma for almost a year now.
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She was on the cruise during CN anni.
Port timeline=/=story timeline
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Say my name.
My lovely classy whore wife!
lmao gottem
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Dairy Cow Amoozzi
Moooo moo mooooo moooooo degli mooooo
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What the fuck
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The Sardegnan Goddess of Breastmilk
Wallahi you are finished
It appears they have a pantheon of those
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Finish THIS
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I somehow didn't bother to finish this event last time and didn't even get Vanguard
That was pretty retarded
I am now scared of New Jersey
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A pity his AL doujin is barely edgy. Even this has more bite than the entirety of AL's darkest fanart.
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nevermind I did finish the event I was looking at campaign for some reason
>it’s a frog event so the already bad post stream sperg out is going to be even worse than usual
I’m tired bros.
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I don't think any French bote used three gun turrets. I know Richie, Dunk, and their sisters all used four gun ones.
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She's not from surrender event bro
Why is Bani friends with a bulli
Essex is good, actually
My game softlocks when i try to select a 3rd main fleet ship in fleet 1 on the dail sp map
Does anyone have the same bug?
Could She be Alaska?
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I meant Nelson
Imagine New Jersey bullying skk
REJOICING on Plymouth's chest
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Grope Monarch!
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>cute bay shikikan noises.
me at left
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this horse is so fucking CUTE
my mommies
That's the point I was making. Whatever bote she is, she probably isn't French. They didn't use that kind of turret.
imagine the love child
>I will never be dev struck by Roon
why even live
Everything but (you) and ooze is basically everything.
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How does tante rejoice when we use our marshmallow sex toy together?
god why can't they be real...
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I'm so fucking tired of botes and their bullshit.
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We don't deserve botes.

Especially this guy.
Why is she so horny?
depends on the sex position, but in either case she will be making plenty of cute noises
Just saw skk walking around in his uniform. He's literally asking to be raped.
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Imagine opening your bedroom door to see this lovely hipper rearing and ready to go..

your fault
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It is illegal how pretty this chink is.
"Oh, um hey Hipper. Have you seen Blucher anywhere?"
Imagine calling the maids to make her decent and having her escorted out. Where's Atago, anyway? She's normally the one to give me naked surprises.
SKK just got beat up by a girl lmao
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No, is mandatory, China girl top beauty. You like?
Plymouth dominates Ulrich so hard it's not even funny
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I want to reenact the cave scene with her in my bedroom.
>Hai Tien
>Chen Hai
>Ying Swei & Chao Ho
>Yat Sen
It's criminal that none of these Chinese botes has a swimsuit, even one like Harbin's second one.
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I will soon make a list of the bote from each faction that enjoys receiving rimjobs the most
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imagine rimming this bote
I walked into my office and saw U-47 masturbating on my desk.
Not now, Canon Secretary!
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I know I shouldn't like this. HOWEVER
Groping bote tummy is always a positive.
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Date a live collab soon
I can feel it
There is no reason you shouldn't like that.
187 spins no vanguard, I will hit pity right?
next build
Was she worth all these cubes though
Her chest hit pity but nothing happened.
BB fleets main support
>already forgotten
Ah yes the shitter everyone forgets about
If you have nothing interesting to say just don't say it
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lmao alucaf sperging again
Don't talk about Akashi that way!
>Anti-frog schizo came back to his chair
Get a job you fat slob
Did this guy get tired of drawing the waist and below or something?
Triple mounts only made it into the light cruisers and secondary gun mounts (6" / 152mm).
One of the proposed 381mm gun turrets was a triple for Richelieu, but they ended up going with the 4 guns in 2 cradles.
you don't own anything, if anything NJ was just taking back her juice she gave your for a bit
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I've seen slimmer fertility goddesses
These two are monuments to meat
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they deserve more screentime and skins
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>These two are monuments to meat
No lies detected
>These two are monuments to meat
You basically described the entire faction with the exception of Da Vinci
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I like how you can see her underwear through her clothes.
I like watching my dick disappear into Zara's pussy.
Da Vincinci has more meat on her than Carv
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You can basically see everything, including her tummy's pudge
Eh, maybe just a different meat distribution.
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Cavour? That's as low a blow as it is a bar.
You now owe me ice cream
You now remember carbonara's carbonaras in the QO OVA
I won't lie, I forgot Cavour exists. I have this strange craving for pear now though...
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you wish, hood
auntie and biscuit my beloveds
Cavour has plenty meat in her thighs
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meat to spicy for jannies
get in line
me between them
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you cannot deny it, auntie got her revenge
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A race queen Hai Tien would also be nice.
why are you so small bro
The commander just admitted he likes sniffing feet and forces shipgirls into his office to do just that, with threats of scrapping them if they refuse. What do I do?
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remember to tune in tomorrow for the Essex stream, sexposters
Retrofit in ten years, trust the plan. That said, the Cavour we got is still a very solid "would" presuming no one else was distracting me (unlikely).
I used her for nyakhimov
Consider this lovely maid.
Nobody gives a shit bro
you know for all the jokes about cabour being the liz of the pasta factions, she still has some noticable handfulls, bigger than Liz, Sara, and even Nagato
If nothing else, Cavour always gets good Valentine's lines. Nice to see her softer side.
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It's all about faction standards
of course I would consider bel, she is my wife
Eh, they're a bit large for her frame but I doubt they'd fill your hands since she's seems small in absolute terms. She'd still be cute if she were actually flat though because she has Pasta breeding hips and thighs.
Cavour's design is a lot like Sara's more than the others. She's an adult crammed into a smol body.
Small bote appreciation time has ended, please return to your regularly scheduled cow worship.
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Howe cute
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Yukikaze retrofit soon, I feel it in my nanoda
javelin is so stupid i think she could survive a bowling ball being dropped on her head
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Her head is empty of all things save thoughts of maidenly love.
Is that a compliment or what?
boobs too big
So are we unironically going to get Essex content with this stream? Mizuhashi is going to be there.
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why do i have this saved
Jabbers got groped so her boobs got bigger
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What the fuck? poor jab
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Niimi isn't the only starter I've been groping.
grope all starters equally or the bote union will come for you
clevebro my beloved
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Pretty Soldier Vanguard magical girl skin coming soon.
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JAV, what the fuck?! Why would you strangle a man when you have cannons?

Understood, but I think I should inform you that some have been responding more than others...
Essex: The Movie will be announced.
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god i wish
God she just looks so fucking dumb
I love her
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>Why would you strangle a man when you have cannons?
She wants it to be slow
Too old and ugly to be a magical girl.
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Hag magical girls are the best
so young and pretty, perfect for being a magical girl
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Chkalov magical girl.
Magical Russian hag.
got any more?
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Okay, but only if it's a sexy version of a magical girl outfit, like a Sailor Moon uniform, but with a bared midriff and the shortest skirt possible.
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Kindergarten Soyuz.
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>Russian hag
That's like Gangut or Merkuria though. They're ancient and th
I want a magical girl Belfast
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I love this one so much.
Imagine magical boy skk
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I want to go on a voyage of exploration with Recco and Emma.
Soyuz bunnysuit skin is coming. I'm sure.
>Soyuz bunnysuit skin
Javelin's feet are quite erotic
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straight from onlybotes
Kek. Name of the skin will be somehow hare related, that's for sure.
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Emma's tits get all the attention, but her thighs are pretty fantastic, too.
Cute snow bun-wait...
>Name of the skin will be somehow hare related, that's for sure.
>Hare Raising Excitement!
>l2d bunny suit with arctic hares in the background and if you tap one it stands up and soyuz just loses her shit
They are nice and plump
>l2d bunny suit with arctic hares in the background and if you tap one it stands up and soyuz just loses her shit

Holy shit, that's great idea.
>lowleg bikini
My one true weakness
Emma needs a swimsuit like her sister to properly show all of her assets off.
I like that one art of Recco where she's having a wardrobe malfunction at the beach and her bikini bottom has fallen off so you can see her slit.
Emma swimsuit when
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Remember to feed your C'thulu boats.
a reminder that is event is completely mistranslated

if you want to read what ACTUALLY happens, it got re translated directly from CN by native speakers

also, if you're curious about the ACTUAL lore in general there is document, which has actually translated information direct from the chinese source material - because sometimes JP makes shit up, and EN is based on the JP translations, so they're wrong too
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Post gazongas
>CN censored server "real event lines"
lmoa even!
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Taihou still has one of the best chests
love lulu

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hey once upon a time 1 MB was enough
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Bel's sweater-puppies!
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Elbe wore it better.
Lulu looks pretty hot there
bro my ads, they aren't even wearing protection
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Is there anything better than redheads with huge tits?
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translation, doko
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I love boobs bursting out of the frame.
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A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
And no one can talk to a horse of course
GOD, I love bote yuri
the translation team has always been retarded
for example:
>double gun
supposed to be chain cannon, but they decided that it was going to be double gun for no reason, even though chain cannon is the direct TL and sounds better
the TL team is a bunch of lefty faggots so its not really a surprise that its low quality (((localization)))
I like Daisen's upset line.
E's mighty Es
FWIW, Cavour's Valentine messages (which I posted earlier >>486631131 ) have one. She mentions a "crystallization of my love" this year, which is what they rendered as "a token of affection from me to you" back in 2021. The crystallization version is more literal, though, IIRC.
You know, even though the US carriers aren't really focused on torpedo bombers, I don't really seem to notice the lack of torpedo power. Half of them give you extra torpedo bombers anyways.
>essex, 3 torpedo bombers in barrage, 5 total
>hornet II, 2 torpedo bombers in barrage, 4 total
>bunker hill, 2 torpedo bombers in barrage, 4 total
>independence, 4 but gets a ton of torpedoes in her barrage
>princeton, torpedo bomber barrage
>san jacinto, shits out torpedo bombers from her skill barrage
In a way, I think any carrier without extra planes in a barrage is at a disadvantage, like Zuikaku and Shokaku.
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She got 2 figs?
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I am lacking AL images featuring Mafia-san. Please assist.
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After seven years, do you still love your big sister?
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dark erufu bote when?
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cute turtle
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frankly, i'm nostalgic for all the obnoxious atago belfast and eugen spam.
Don't care, nobody reads the story anyway
bros, I think you rhinos have autism
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Who asked for this
still didn't get all the endings in her mode and got bored after 2
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PR 7
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She's lovely and I asked for this.
somone boring like napoli
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cheshire is gunna FREAK
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Now I can rest until next Slav boat.
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Oh it's the fag that pretends to like an entire faction
There's 2 of them.
Calm down shitler.
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I did when we released
I don't like the artstyle, thoughbeit.
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I came. I saw. I conquered.
It's literally drawn by ASK
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Chinks leak early
ok but when does taihou or minnie get another outfit?
That's supposed to be Dunkerque's sister, wtf?
where did you find this, I don't see anything on bilibi
i need to talk to that cleavage
I'd rather have this be the pr7 frog and this event something that sat out for a long time like the hms
looks like a kraut
>how do >we make them love fr*gs mr.manjuu?
>i know, grab some botes from the kraut vault and label them as fr*gs
another taihou clone for my taihou orgies
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Yep it's legit leak.
where did you find it
yea, this was obviously meant to be a kraut
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Deleted bilibili post
Holy German thighs!
Yeah, that's a Kraut.
she outs cigarettes on men's foreheads
Strasbourg (the city) is near the France-Germany border, maybe that's what they're going for.
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I like this and support the new event
Baguette BC? Dunkirque sister ship?
what kind of fucked up kraut is this
actual gif here




"The commissioned teams brought back these... This is the list of supplies I compiled, Commander, please have a look. Well done? Well, I'll accept this compliment with reluctance..."
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why the fuck does this bitch have ragyo hair
>why the fuck
because i (skk) asked
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>livestream tomorrow

odds are we're getting a minor event for the vichya, right? what's the livestream about then?
it's a major frog ssr event
Any tips for farming exp for Napoli? Any boats that buff themselves to increase dmg and make it faster? Any main fleet that also increase dmg?
Im now just running 3 carriers that heal but without any gear so they heal but do 0 dmg
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We have bremerton at home
>bremerton at home
The event and upcoming stuff.
>near the France-Germany
It's on the border, and has been at the center of all the conflicts between the French and Germans over who gets Alsace-Lorraine region ever since King Louis XIV said, "Give them to me."

Intentional or accidental, the Kraut-like appearance to her is appropriate.
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I never liked Brem much but seinng this chick plastered everywhere has made me realize I was too though on Bremmy and given me newfound appreciation for her. Still love Balti WAY more though.
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Looks like a Mimobote by the eyes.
So this is how Brem-chan will look...
>another dogshit trash filler event
italian frontline is just kinda shit, you'll have to cope
I'm not expecting an entire event of RQ or racing skins, but if it's some boring or cringe ass theme, I'm gonna riot.
Tosa, can I get out of the bath now? My skin is getting all wrinkly and I thi
i dont give a fuck stop popping up and ruining my auto-sortie
Bremerton's back boob...
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I need a pair of botes for this specific feel.
>Let's make another Taihou because the last one did so well
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Looks like this SKK needs some correction
They can rest when they're dead.
>But they don't die!
You heard me.
lazy whore! get scrapped!
What happens when you scrap a bote? Do they die? Am I going to be haunted? I've scrapped a lot of San Diegos, I don't want a retarded poltergeist.
Nothing happens they're just jpegs
dupes don't actually exist
Wait until the autists who oath 100+ copies hear this one
he just married the same girl 100 times, he didn't marry 100 clones of the same girl, the system just cannot process it
Somewhere there's a single bote with ten rings on each finger. Pray she never slaps you.
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Work your botes to death!
Her rigging is turned into gold coins and she is put into the next event's pool for you to get spooked by her instead of getting the girl you wanted.
Not true, killed two Guams and nothing happened
Tell me about Tosa.
Alvitr didn't do so bad for a throwaway ssr, to be fair
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Good morning!!!
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>Don't have account
>Don't have account
>Don't have account
The only place I hang out is room #1 in Lexington server and type Nigger all the time until I get muted, then do it again the next day
You sound like a miserable person.
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Where are we again?
gm sir
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EU event fucking when?
hail essex
Indomitable isn't coming to me
Different color skin..... Erotic....
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>just want the one related to javelin
>would settle for the one with her tits and pussy out
>get stupid sex-negative bitch instead
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>just want the one related to javelin
Wait for Janus later this year. She's related to Jabbers and isn't a cunt.
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Tell me about British Saber Alter food.
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>Dunkerques sister finally appears 5 years later
>quad 130mm secondary gun still nowhere to be seen
Don't let me down AL. You know what to do.
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grope Niimi
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What are the odds that Essex art ends up being her third motorcycle-related skin?
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>Oh, you were just having unprotected sex with my sister Kaga? Why didn't you tell me? I would've joined!
Why are yandere like this?
>get a third skin of the exact same theme
>still no retrofit, augment, or anything related
Would be on-brand for this games decision making lately.
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>haha british food.... is le bad
>the most famous Chef in the world is literally a brit
>your ancestors were enslaved just so we can put spices in our food

but lol bong food is le bland am I right
I mean, there's nothing wrong with Alvitr. She got a decent amount of art and is pretty well-liked by the fanbase.
British food is just basic ingredients or is made using simple flavors. Basic meats, basic vegetables, relies on a gravy or acid (vinegar) to give flavor.
Bangers and mash is really good if you get some quality sausage (or rarer meats, like elk). All of the meat pies are great winter meals. Fish and chips is standard pub food.
Simple does not mean bad (although there are some pretty bad English dishes, like every culture)
Just read that some ships during WWII (mostly Bongs) were painted a shade of pink known as Mountbatten pink (pic related is an example) to help them with camouflage at dawn and dusk. We need a ship with rigging painted that color, along with her hair.
for me it was planes from certain carriers having different tail colors during the 30s
The thing wrong with Alvitr is that she's just boring.
Taihou worked once, so they copied her, and then copied her again just now.
Alvitr doesn't have the same following of players in the same way Taiho did because, like many German ships, she's some asspull paper design with no history or recognition to the name.
At least Strasbourg was a real warship, but her design wont be doing her any favors.
they need to make another chinese event so i could skip it and save cubes
>save cubes
For what?
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they need to make another chinese event so I can get more cute and sexy chinese waifubotes and maybe get more skins for some of them
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Apparently Indiana used a rare USN camouflage scheme known as Measure 15. She's one of only 3 botes in the USN to use it. Would have been nice to see it on her rigging, if this mystery bote actually is her, but maybe the shades of blue on it are a reference. I dunno.
now kiss
remember botes like Rodney also getting unique colors to refernce camo patterns
What the fuck does that mean you literally described every culture on earth unless you mean like the chinks who literally eat dogs served over PWBR (plain water boiled rice) but they're still eating exotic meat over basic vegetables but I mean is that really a good thing I mean even if dog tasted good which they don't by the way why would I be proud of eating that it's like haha the meat you eat is so basic it came from a farm animal unlike mine which came from a pet I mean what even is that argument I'll have my bacon thanks at least that came from a pig and not a dog I mean that is if they even have meat at all I mean they literally boil rice in plain water and eat the sediment that results from it I mean can you imagine that like they literally eat bowls of the stuff I'm not making this up they call it gohan look it up it's literally a thing I mean ev
>Scotsman who studied French cuisine
seething bongkek
US carrier air groups were often painted in slightly different color schemes as well.
>check flag
>saltire still there
So he's a brit, got it
>literally a brit
>Born Johnstone, Renfrewshire, Scotland
United pajeetistan strikes again.
>frog that surrendered to krauts
>looks like a kraut
Who the fuck writes this shit?
"Yellow chicken"
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Frogs are now officially out of all real ww2 capital ships.
Takes guts to call that shitter a capital ship but I see your point
Please tell me it's going to be a doujin
Recycled kraut design lole
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Buy things from your guild shop.
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It still shows up, but it's less obvious. Colorado's camouflage scheme was Measure 32, which involved
>dull black
>light gray
>ocean gray (dark bluish-gray)
>deck blue (a dark blue)
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Good morning
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still missing Bretagne, Lorraine, Provence, and Commandante Teste, all of which had some interaction during WWII (Lorraine probably the most notable).
Krauts have been out for like 3 years.
>shitty WW1 dreadnoughts not even fit for fleet operations
Nah they are fresh out
neither those old dreadnoghts nor a seaplane carrier are capital ships by any means
>Bretagne, Lorraine, Provence
WW1 dreadnoughts.
>Commandante Teste
Chink meme tier, but fine.
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Who the fuck thinks a seaplane carrier is a capital ship?
>bombards Italian positions in Bardia alongside HMS Neptune, Orion, Achilles, center of said task force.
>refitted with 8 3" AA guns, 14 40mm guns, 25 20mm guns, received radar equipment
>bombards Toulon alongside USS Nevada
>destroys several german forces over her lifetime
>survived long enough to be retired and broken apart after the war
Granted for the other dreadnoughts, but the other two never got an AA refit, or even really survived the war.
If some nobody shitter like Ulrich or Vanguard can get UR, this one can pass for an SSR (mikasa) and capital ship.
bad right hand anatomy
Someone who is fresh out of capital ships, duh
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would be, at minimum, a main fleet unit.
There have been more egregious ships made into main fleet units.
Teste is also a KC meme
>irrelevant shore bombing operations
So she was indeed irrelevant, thanks for proving my point
So... literally nothing?
mr ceo, get down
>Surrenders to the allies and does literally nothing besides some joke side quests for them
Story of Free France
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>ship is irrelevant because it did shore bombardment
So what if you didn't even do shore bombardment and got bombed for 3 years before sinking without doing anything at all?
Tirpitz unironically accomplished more than the entirety of France
She did it on her own, she didn't surrender to anyone to do it
And she is one "inactive" ship in an active navy, while lorraine did jackshit, in a navy who did jackshit
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>check wiki
>only time she fired her guns was in shore bombardment
So about that, huh?
sounds like kraut cope, Lorraine sailed around the Med while tirpitz rotted in port getting bombed for 3 years. Tirpitz is, by your own definition, not worthy of being called a capital ship.
Why was she inactive, hmm?
the discord tierlist is down brehs
Works on my machine, what do you need?
Pigs are smarter than dogs, actually.
>sounds like kraut cope, Lorraine literally moved under allied control while tirpitz blocked british convoys and tied down lots of ships for 3 years
>Why was she inactive, hmm?
Because she accomplished jackshit, like the entirety of france
>Tirpitz is, by your own definition, not worthy of being called a capital ship.
And where did my definition of capital ship mention accomplishments, illitterate retard?
again, tirpitz service was way more valuable than any other french ship or asset
cool but i don't care about how intelligent something is i mean a cat is probably very clever but i won't mind eating one that's because they're assholes but dogs are loyal i mean i guess my evolutionary instincts tell me a dog is more useful than being used for food i guess non-whites don't have that because they've never discovered animal husbandry i mean this is like basic human instinct emphasis on human not bugs i mean who else could tolerate eating literally boiled grain not any human that's who i mean
Must've helped Germany win the war, then, right?
France got rolled off the bat, lost a ton of ships between Toulon and Mers El Kebir, and still had warships out fighting for the allies.
Germany's navy got folded by a bankrupt nations ragtag fleet of retrofit WWI dreadnaughts and destroyers because they were too retarded to use their 400+ submarines to do anything but sink amazon prime deliveries in the mid Atlantic.
France is a joke navy because they lost at the starting line of a global conflict. Germany will forever be a joke navy because it was full of incompetent leaders working with sub-par equipment, losing to an opponent with somehow even less naval RnD.
>not reading back 4 posts to when people argue about how a dreadnought cant be a capital ship because its old and didn't do anything
uh oh blind nigger melty
>>not reading back 4 posts to when people argue about how a dreadnought cant be a capital ship because its old and didn't do anything
Quote the part where this was stated, cowardly faggot
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put a few more holes in your head and maybe it'd help you see better, nigger.
"old ww1 ships / dreadnoughts not fit for service" implying their age and lack of combat involvement disqualifies them from being a capitol ship
except tirpitz did fuckall except get bombed and counts as a capital, ship, shitmark ii is completely fake and is not only a capital, but a UR, same with ulrich. Graf zeppelin is an SSR capital ship.
Does this help your withering brain you drooling pavement ape?
>Must've helped Germany win the war, then, right?
It did a number on Britain and Russia shippings and tied down a lot of forces, yes
>France got rolled off the bat, lost a ton of ships
>and still had warships out fighting for the allies.
Well yes, after you surrender to someone you do what they tell you to do, it's the whole point of surrendering. But all they did was stay there and showing the flag
>full of incompetent leaders working with sub-par equipment, losing to an opponent with somehow even less naval RnD.
You just described France
>literally only mentions them being old shitters from WW1 to state they are not capital ships
>no mention of accomplishment
So you really are illitterate, retarded, a coward and a liar. Thanks for saying it yourself.
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>Well yes, after you surrender to someone you do what they tell you to do, it's the whole point of surrendering. But all they did was stay there and showing the flag
>France surrenders to Germany
>fights Germany
What in your mind makes this make sense?
The FFN were the ships that got out before the armistice, or got out shortly after, and fought with the Allies because they wanted to defeat Germany. French destroyers and light cruisers operated alongside allied warships for the remainder of the war in hope of a victory.
>too retarded to read into a posts text implications
even with those big nigger ape nostrils your brain still isn't getting enough oxygen to function. Simply incredible.
Illiterate you stupid nigger. You have a spellchecker built into your computer and you still fucked this up. Off yourself, you personified genetic defect.
Ah I see, it's because of the Implication
Do yourself a favour and stop embarassing yourself. You proved you cannot read and you lie openly, because you don't know jackshit about history
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>France surrenders to Germany, and this is recognized by the US too
>a very small portion of the fleet defects to surrender to the allies
>they do what the allies are doing because they submitted to them, in this case fighting Germany
It's that simple
>French destroyers and light cruisers operated alongside allied warships for the remainder of the war in hope of a victory.
*operated under the control of USN and RN
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Cry harder, you were btfo
>Alvitr doesn't have the same following of players in the same way Taiho did because, like many German ships, she's some asspull paper design with no history or recognition to the name.
But Taihou's popularity has nothing to do with her history as a ship.
>Alvitr doesn't have the same following of players in the same way Taiho did because, like many German ships, she's some asspull paper design with no history or recognition to the name.
Like Agir?
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I'm fairly certain these are just poor mans koitasu models or however you spell it with a grainy filter
Essex nooooo
Don't follow Ark Royal step...
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it is to late, essex is already going through the first phase of ark royalification
You are confusing Vichy France with France.
France surrendered to the Germans in the Armistice, the resulting body was Vichy France.
The Free French Forces / Navy were made up of overseas / deployed French soldiers and ships who rallied under Charles de Gaulle as the "last resistance" of France. Charles opposed the armistice and refused the conditions of surrender.
The FFN was an auxiliary force of the Royal Navy, simply meaning they were a foreign / allied unit at service of Britain.
Saying the FFN "surrendered" to the Allies is massively oversimplifying it to the point of lying.
>tranny art
you can't prove it
>Vichy France with France
Vichy was france was literally France. France surrender, they signed a surrender, and the portion of territory that was still under french "control" was Vichy France. Even the US recognized Vichy France as France.
>Saying the FFN "surrendered" to the Allies is massively oversimplifying
Yet that's how it is. They defected to them and placed themselves under their control and supervision. They willingly surrendered to a different master and there's nothing wrong with it, besides becoming even more of a joke
Because everyone wants Kaga as a wife, even Akagi.
cute yuri
how does the commeownder sound like, skknyan or something?
Vichy France was the German controlled puppet government.
Charles de Gaulle ran a government-in-exile, claiming to be the true government of France, which took back most of the "Vichy France" controlled territories by 1942.
Wikipedia is free and either it's blocked in your country if you don't want to read it because it might go against what reddit told you about WW2 France.
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I appreciate your autism but at the same time
>trying to have a genuine arguement with shitler, a guy who does nothing but make bad faith arguements
you are honestly just best left off posting frog botes since it would go against his goal to begin with
Nah, it's just a nyan at the end of the phrase it seems.
As if she said "Don't tie up the commander, meow!"
her right tit looks bigger than her left one, still would
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The string behind her is basically rubbing her asshole everytime she moves
>she's some asspull paper design with no history or recognition to the name.
Why do people pretend like shipgirls become popular due to name recognition? Taihou didn't become popular because she had some epic history. She's a fucking failure. An embarrassment. Where do you think her insecurities come from? The only ship that's EVER benefited from her name was Bismarck. And guess what? It was because of Sabaton, not because anyone gave a shit about her history. Why do you think Manjuu was using Sabaton to promote her? Because most people know Bismarck from there. The only reason people give a shit about Taihou is because she's a sexy yandere that serves as the Commander's personal onahole.
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>tails become more aggressive
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he can try all he wants but anons are still free to read up on what I say because looking it up is the fastest way to obliterating this guys bad faith arguments
Personally I kind of hope we see another Le Hardi class, or even a later ship like a T47 or T53 since we've gone late/postwar with ships like Albion / Perseus before.
And there are still a good amount of La Galissonniere to add.
Woah dude, do they really not teach WW2 history in french schools? That's the most reddit take I've ever seen
>claiming to be the true government of France
Damn like Vichy France? With the difference that France surrendered, signed a surrender and the result of this surrender was Vichy France, which was recognized by as France's successor too.
Vichy France was by all means the successor of France, with Free France being a small political entity that surrendered to the allies
>which took back most of the "Vichy France" controlled territories by 1942
Now that's cope lol, Britain and the US took over """most of the "Vichy France" controlled territories""", read shitty colonies that the french themselves were too incompetent, and they gave them to free france
He's also pretending that a 1 month old character can compare to a 6 years old one that was released around the time the game was rising in relevance.
leatherback killed cherno alpha btw
>do they really not teach WW2 history in french schools
They are unironically too self conscious about it
what are the other two doing in there?
Reddit free in your head
I accept your concession, even though you are so buttblasted you will reply a second time trying to damage control anyway
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Consider that AL's original playerbase was a bunch of KC players / WoWs players you'd be surprised how far name recognition goes.
Shit, even some of the early ship kits are based around their WoWs counterparts. You know why Belfast has an HE skill when all the other British CL have AP skills? How about Cleveland's nickname, Clevedad?
Now, with AL 7+ years in, its not really surprising that the old guard have rotated out and a bunch of tourists have flocked in for whatever generic JRPG design they pull out for ships like Agir, Alsace, Indomitable, etc.
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It's funny because even the redditpedia link he posted proves him wrong
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>Nakhimov, it's supposed to be my turn on the Skkcock!
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And now I wait.
I like how you single her out, as if Victorious doesn't exists.
>wasted all this time for a paper powercrept shitter
oh nyo...
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Waiting their turn
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>69 minutes until the stream
I think the update post mentioned this was going to be one of those raid events, right?
3 ships? 2 ships? How many should we be looking at here?
And raids usually have a new piece of equipment (VT-8 for Air Raid Drills with Essex, 5.4" AA gun for the royal maids raid, SY-1 for chinese one), what could it be?
He's trying to give France's pathetic performance some sort of moral significance as in traditional Whig history, he doesn't even claim France was good or competent but he must give them some sort of dignity

So of course his whole argument is full of flaws
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Continental European navies were largely irrelevant and should never have been included in Azur Lane
>the reddit space
>misspelled words all over the place
Genuinely it never stops being funny.
how do you manufacture consensus on /alg/
You got him
Why is that not a skin it's been 4 whole years
By samefagging hard enough.
Do as >>486671989 >>486672234 did
Post Essex
Change your IP several times an hour, have multiple devices, and do the same routine every day while the internet janitors completely ignore it.
There is no consensus its one faggot.
Meant for >>486673071
>call the opponent shitler
>reply to yourself a couple time
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>Consider that AL's original playerbase was a bunch of KC players / WoWs players you'd be surprised how far name recognition goes.
Then explain why the Kongou sisters never became popular.
Nah most of them were relevant enough to be included in the game, with the exception of frogland
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fall on kiev right now
I guess that is like E's dock but it really looks like the fascist symbol
Which reminds me we still have no pasta promise ring, which makes me sad
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Massa's oath ring...
Two of them were only added with Nagato, who immediately overshadowed them, one was a login reward, and one was in Mikasa's event.
At this point in AL there were already much better battleships and they kind of just got thrown by the wayside for being SR and a bit late to the party.
Even back in 2017 there was a meta that a lot of players pretty strictly kept to, and they didn't fit.
Italians wont get a promise ring, you're going to see the same 5 eternally shilled ships they do for every single piece of merch.
furry-style cats
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>less than an hour until the stream
show me your warface /alg/
He's REALLY upset you btfo him so hard
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Meh, frogs already have 2, and IIRC Pamiat does too
Your reply is late
>Even back in 2017 there was a meta that a lot of players pretty strictly kept to, and they didn't fit.
So much for name recognition.
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Waiting for any NP skin
Looks better than her real oath skin.
It's fine.
>broken anatomy
>retarded face like it's early 00s
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Never too late to make fun of your seethe
>like the fascist symbol
My first thought was minigun, not fasces.
It's got the bundle of sticks and the axe looking thing, that's why I thought about it
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It'd never happen purely by the sheer scale of the ships we had, but some kind of laser engraved something or other for any single ship in the entire game would be great even as a one-off. If you like someone like, say, Pensacola, you'll literally never ever see a piece of merch with her on it.
Belfast had name recognition and was good. Cleveland had name recognition and was good. Enterprise had name recognition and was good. Nagato? Good (pvp fleet). Taiho? Pretty good on release. Definitely powercrept now.
It was less prevalent then than it was now, but them being late didn't help much along with being pretty underwhelming.
It can be both things, you know.
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Their designs are objectively inferior to their KC counterparts.
>It'd never happen purely by the sheer scale of the ships we had
We have like 700 ships, but we only have 7 factions, so that's not much of a point
Why would inferior designs get popular, when better ones exist?
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what does only having 7 factions have to do with the scale of having 700 unique pieces of merch?
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>Better designs
>This generic shit
Did you read the chain of comments or are you a random anon that butted into the discussion? We were talking about pastas having no promise ring.
>reee generic shit
>carefully copy pastes miko design for Daisen in 2024, 11 years after Kongou release
Yes, Daisen is about as generic, which is why she doesn't get any art.
yes I was the one who said it would be the same ships and factions as usual for the promise rings, then someone said there are 2 for the french and one for pamiat, then I was mulling over the idea of some merch item where you could ask for any ship in the game and get something with them on it.
then somehow we got on the topic of 7 factions and 700 ships somehow relating to the custom merch item for any single one of the ships in the game
>generic, which is why she doesn't get any art
By this metric AL Kongous also are generic.
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I have no idea how you jumped from the original point of a single faction not having a promise ring despite the other 6 having one to "we can't give a promise ring to every ship"
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But generic ships get a lot of art?
I didn't say anything about promise rings for every ship, I said it would be cool, but unlikely, to have any kind of merch for the less popular ships.
Shitaly mains deserve what they got with napoli being a worse anchorage.
>I didn't say anything about promise rings for every ship
Yeah you said it, you said merch, which promise rings are a part of.
Kancolle being the first also helps with that. You can copy pate miko designs into oblivion, but the brand is popular enough to get a ton of art.
>Nathan's so retarded he can't even sustain a 2 post reply chain before he starts sperging about pastas
Checks out actually
Kinda, but they look more unique compared to KC's Kongou's.
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Now I wonder if he also called his NJ the same
>didn't marry Jintsuu
what a fag
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I just want the next collab announcement, the more ningen, the better. Neptunia rerun too, I need it please.
Why the fuck are you here
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Well a new Neptunia game is in development, so maybe
This is just a side game for me
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It's retrofit time, for real this time
Veneto Race Queen onegai
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Mizuhashi... Love...
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She sounds 20 but looks 50+ wtf
Typical Asian woman
how long does the stream last
The siren looking one looks pretty nice!
Probably an hour, maybe half extra.
is she artistic?
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>yostar is now recycling old content for their livestreams
this is fucking dogshit
>Vulcan salute
What did she mean by this?
what a disaster lol
Is that Naples's VA?
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AL will live long and prosper
Another 2 years to the current 10 years plan
Yikes AL is fucking dead
No, Nyakhimov's
They always re-announce PR when it doesn't get a stream before release, tourist-chama.
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why is this DUMB BITCH uohing over a hag bote
man these new botes look kinda familiar for some reason
I swear you guys have been saying the same things for years.
why aren't you uohing over a hag bote
>ZERO stream engagement in the thread
Nice event frogkeks
because she has good taste you fag
>not a chuuni, just a LARPer
2 more to go...
Thank you, I had forgotten.
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>larping... as a chuuni
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>waiting for the actual new content
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Being bote food is fine, actually
why is chat all spamming Setsuna quotes
Literally who
Nips always drag this shit so much. Bless the chink streams for just blasting through the content.
>yes there are bits of horse motifs in...
>it's my first time getting cold sweat on a stream
They're fucking scared of the yakuza that's so fucking funny
Mafia will protect them.
they know they will have to answer the yakuza when the Daisen futa porn starts coming
Horse yakuza does not exist. I expect public apology by tommorow evening, anonymous.
Nakhimov's VA is cute, bros...
Can't believe Cygames copyrighted horses
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>harp in chibi
FDG I found your star musician for the base orchestra
those are some fat tits
Nice hips
another violinist
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You'll be doing both on a daily basis, botes are needy
>SAG nad HIPs
I am happy
>Ikumi Hasegawa SSR
holy sag
nggggggggggggggh I love musical bitches so creative so original literally the first character in the game to say requiem
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is it just me or does she look better in
than in >>486679570
can anyone make sense of that necklace?
It's just you. She looks like a potato in the other one.
looks the same, but the pose is better in the first one
no URs? I sleep

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