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Helpful Wanderers Edition

>Patch notes

>Steam page

>Pawn/character creator archive

>Old Pawn sheet

>Updated Pawn sheet

>Skills, core skills, augments, and more

>Do you want your pawn hired?
Ask in the thread, and check the following for up-to-date pawns: https://www.pawnguild.xyz/


>Dragon's Dogma 1 OP

Last Cycle: >>486291829
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
second for big thighs > big boobs
Exactly why I posted that pic, no need to thank me
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>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info
Simple / Forager
>Pawn Quest
Either Camping or Lesser Dragon
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Thank you! I was gonna post this one but had second thoughts since you could see Mogrum and my arisen
>LVL 100
>Thief/Calm/Woodland Wordsmith
>Receive Pointed Fang 1x for Ring of Predominance Ring
>Implicate, Skull Splitter, Plunder, Formless Feint
>Ring of Vehemence for Knockdown Power
I asked for big mommy pawns, bake another.
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haulin ass
why are you baking while at work?
work, you lazy ass
what filters are you using here?
I literally only post in /ddg/ while I'm at work
Home is the good place, I get paid to funpost here
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Remember, cat website
Those are really ugly furries, not cats.
Didn't ask for your opinion tranny
Prove me wrong nigger
Stupid ass cats, probably talking about fish.
I wish you could tattoo pawn butts
Fish can be cool tho
You can't
>Yeah that one arisen was super horny
>Grabbed like I was nothing and used me as a fleshlight all night long
>It was great, but we had to fight a drake in the morning
I will turn you into a marketable limited edition fleshlight
it was the bullied into being a furby koreaboo all along, surprise surprise.
>LVL 122
>Receive Granite Medusa Bone 1x for All-Heal 5x
>Augural Flare, High Levin, High Hagol, Maelstrom
>Fast casting due to rings (40%)

Currently in Unmoored and has the coof. If you want to activate the plague, do bench rest for at least 10 days' worth and then rest at the inn. Feel free to send a friend request if level is too high.
Is it true that korean bitches are superficial plastic dolls?
Same arisen? How'd you get two pawns on console?
I...I'm unable to undress that pawn, and it hurts..
yea there's a giant seam from the lower back to upper thigh
yet another thing to issue death threats to itsuno in hopes of dlc for
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Even more proof of Carnie being a rift ghost
so youre the catfag after all
Wandering pawns should drop rift crystals when they die
Carnie is a boomerang.
We would be killing every single wondering pawn just to get some RC. well, if it wasn't completely fucking worthless.
they should be converted into WLC if you petrify them.
What's the deal with Arisen & Pawn imposters? I understand that they exist in-universe to trick and deceive others, but gameplay wise? There's nothing important about them, right? Do they even drop good stuff?
good EXP early on iirc
Does anyone know what the 'Use random weights' option does in the settings for Random Encounter? The tooltip doesn't make much sense to me
They're just there for immersion.
They don't drop anything, I do wish the world had more stuff like them in it though, to add depth.
I assume it randomizes the chances of each monster spawn. so some monsters might appear more frequently than others, but you're letting the randomizer decide for you
It adds a percentage slider under the boss names to let you adjust their spawn likelihoods individually
I wish the Waist Width slider didn't spread out each cheek into its own timezone. Somehow it's possible to end up with a butt with no cleavage, which just looks alien.
i wish the immortal's/thrasher's set didn't have bare fucking arms under the arm armor
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Is there a way to freeze time so Dullahans can keep spawning?
I can't wait for winter so my PC doesn't melt trying to hold this game together
best saggers to hire?
I had to buy a small fan and stick it in the intake, max speed keep the PC cool.
Next update next weekend
Will it be THE update? The one that fixes EVERYTHING?
More miscellaneous bug fixes and vague patch notes :)
No but it'll have the single most requested feature added

>added more filters to photo mode
I'd like it if you could freely mode the camera in photo mode, it sucks that it's focused on the Arisen
There's REframework for now. It allowed me to confirm that the different skin scans do extend to the feet.

I just thought that was interesting haha
Useless, but good to know, for some.
based radiant ai
The fuck
At the very least we know they put some love into this steaming pile of shit of a game.
Wow, even the shape of the nails are different
well said fromsister!
I like the spell "salamander" because I think the casting animation is pretty cool.
I wish it had even one half of Comestion's knockback
>give my pawn big boobas
>Wear the ares robe to show them off
>Person rents her and covers them up with a ceremonial cape
I guess I should be happy with the free cape
What skin should I get for my arisen if I want ingrown nails
Insecure fag.
Many thanks
code? I'll give a waterfowl cape to display them proudly
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I don't want some fucking stranger to sit next to me on the cart
>Is that cat for real.
>This motherfucker stole the blanket seat
>I'm going to sit next to him and stare the whole ride
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Looks like 2 and 28
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>Straightforward Mage
>Pawn ID

Fully dwarven dragonforged gear.
x2 Ring of recitation for fast casting.
ALL badges completed.
>Weapon skills:
-High frigor(frigor can KO and freeze enemies)
-High palladium
-High Halidom
-High Solemnity.

Hope you've been having fun with her and she's been doing a good job throughout your journeys, while I've been away.
Jelly donut
Fat! But cute!
We need more small chubby pawns
I miss human Ghislaine
Don't be gay
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No you don't, look at this chubby tooter
DD wolves are some of the freakiest enemies if you look at them up close, the human like smile but massive jaws.
People are entitled to their own preferences and opinions. Thank you for coming to my TED talk
>he doesn't have the correct opinions and preferences
lol, homo
Which other ones have been humies in the past besides Ghislaine and Chaewon? Or is that it
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Indeed, you are correct.
I was going to say a werewolf boss would've been awesome but then I realized that the moon... Yknow.
They're so long which makes them freaky
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Lore reason for why wolves never got domesticated? Are they just too wolf-y
pawns were there telling early man how much the wolves hated fire
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Caved in and bought that one bakbattahl house. The interior is pretty nice for photoshoots.
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Level 97
Kill warg for 5 allheals. Thanks for the grim ogre kills guys, just sent back a few pawns with kills of their own.
Woodland wordsmith. Kindhearted. 100% resistance to silence.
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That's demonic smile tho?
They are monster that only appear when the dragon appear, maybe? but also seems that big catastrophes have happened, wiping entire civilizations off the history books.
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Doing Chaechu's Battahl camping quest
That's not lasagne, cyclops!
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Not the first time that's happened
>kept the same wolf design between two games
interesting. wish they kept the blocky drake head, though
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>defeat golem
>doesn't register as a pawn quest kill
>kill another
>still doesn't register
>kill another
>no damned notification for quest being done
>kill 3 saurians
>pawn quest complete
Wat? To flop's arisen, please let me know if your pawn got the kill added to the badge count. If not, I'll rent out again.
I'm retarded and did not realize that the first image was from DDDA
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I slept at home and got nothing.

BTW I literally just set that quest, probably seconds before you summoned her, incredible turnaround time.
this cat needs to brush her teeth
I'll rent out again and hope for the best then.
>you will never play DD for the first time ever again
>you will never play DDDA for the first time ever again
>you will never play DDO for the first time ever again
>you will never play DD2 for the first time ever again
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C'mon, Yelena, pose as a team with us...
excellent caps.
>you will never play DDO for the first time ever again
not yetp
Don't wanna? Fine.
I fucked up the Sphinx quest with the token by completely forgetting about the time limit
It's over
Does Trysha have an escort quest?
time to start working on your sphinx badge anon
Reaload an inn save?
Far far too late for that
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Guys i'm fucking shaking and pissing there's another Panpan
You can still do the rest of her riddles tho, just give her a port crytal and she'll yive you another.
There was a gobbo here too with that moniker, it's not the first time
Oh, she does. But you have to get granny's out of the way first
We VILL play DD2:DA eventually.
post battlemages, I want inspiration for outfits
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mystic knight...
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DDO kind of sucks though. Its vocations blows 2's vocations out of the water, but the game itself is bogged down with a shit ton of MMO mechanics and low quality enemies (with great designs).
Tsk, her Meteoron is nowhere near as OP as Myrddin's Maelstroms though. Guess she needs more training
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I basically play this game at 180p so to me she was just a pair of massive thighs swinging a huge sword around, not sure about her canon proportions.
Also, she inspires me to draw big, file is too large for this board.
whoa big
woah big
This has a ton of actual character and I actually appreciate it more than the cutesy pawn pieces if that makes sense.
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Eat your golden beetle Arisen.
if the stove beetle tastes good does this mean that the actual thing tastes lime shit?
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Maybe next cycle, having a tall pawn has it's advantages, also I was going to make her my Arisen but you can't use the metamorphosis book to change your race, dammit Itsuno.
homina homina homina!
whoa cool and big
fascinated by the way you drew her tits, really looks like they couldn't be contained by the plates.
That's fucking impressive considering what the source is.
If there's one suggestion I have about her in game, it's to close her eyelids a little. She kind of has this unnatural vacant "the animations aren't loaded" stare, which is not the sharp stare I see in the drawing.
I wonder if the reason why you couldn't change your race was because of the Battahl Checkpoint thing. That and the cat on cat racism from the guards hanging out near the Bakbattahl tavern are only instances where being a beastren seemed to matter.
Yeah I'm not sure, It didn't really matter whether I was a beastren or not, I was denied entry to battahl without the permit and locals still gave me shit, also no one in vernworth seemed to care.
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Whoa momma, those thighs
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THAT one!
Sic'em boys!
I like how he says it like some glam rock pre chorus shout. Something extremely bisexual about it.
What do golden beetles taste like?
Caramel popcorn
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the grass tent is peak comfy. also, where is this in vermund?
Aaaaa, free cam update when
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A bit up the road towards Melve and to the left on the river bank
Sorry, to the right.
You seem to be using Interlaced rendering, why?
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what did Artoria mean by this
thank you, anon! love the composition on these screenshots. wallpaper/screensaver-worthy
I ran Progressive for awhile but the game was running noticeably hotter with it on along with some other settings I adjusted. Not sure if it was the last patch or something but DD2 makes my PC louder and hotter than it did before.
Did you try undervolting your GPU, setting FPS caps or other stuff like that before using interlaced mode? Interlaced mode certainly makes the game less demanding, but it makes the game look really bad imo.
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Lv 80

I have been stupid busy this month, and will continue to be so until mid august. I still have a few more plans for fight club and will get around to them eventually.
newbro here,

Does managing inventory ever get better I am constantly overweight or heavy any advice for dealing with this? just bought a ring of accrural to help but still rough should I not be picking up everything?

also tyvm for using my pawn whoever did
begin eating the bugs, you will get 0.15kg carrying weight for each.
level fighter to pick up thew for a +10kg to carry weight.
hire a simple pawn to collect random mats for you.
use your ferrystones when youre overburdened
combine shit
i think levelling up gets you more carry weight as well, doesnt it?
inventory management is much easier lategame/ng+. all i carry on me now are
>a handful of allheals
>a wakestone
>a few ferrystones
>wyrmlife crystals
>camping equipment
Yeah I don't disagree, but I needed to do something. Maybe I'll fiddle with the settings this weekend.
At first you won't know what's useful or not, but the more you play you'll come to understand what's worth picking up or not, but you should be storing pretty much everything you pick up at inns or safehouses every time you have the chance to do so, also you can just give your items to your pawn or support pawns so they can carry the weight instead, don't worry about your items stored in hired/support panws' inventories, when you dismiss them or if they become forfeit, all items will automatically go to your storage, so you will not lose anything under any circumstance.
As for what items you should take from your storage when going out to explore, you will probably find useful stuff like
>a few curatives (you will find more as you explore anyway)
>1 oil for the lantern maybe
>ferrystone and wakestones if you have any
>camping stuff (place it on your main or support pawns (this shit is heavy)
Thanks anon I'm glad someone enjoys my picture taking
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Quest: Receive x1 Explosive Arrow for x5 Allhear Elixir
Feel free to send a friend request if the level difference is too high
Is it okay to use Custom Difficulty Tweaks to keep my pawn level really low? Like, no more than 20? Have you guys experimented with this? I see that most/all of the posts that reply to the anchored posts are really high level, like NG+2 kinda high or so.
everybody that posts to the anchor is too high level to let something like a pawn being level 20 to keep them from killing stuff.
I'll just come out and say it, straightforward pawns are nearly unusable, their voices are very annoying.
straightforward va is based, simple as.
i like it for the contrast with a silent arisen
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Stats are like 80% gear so they can keep up decently outside of HP and stamina
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just realized i actually died here nvm
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>owari da...
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ty for advice, here is my first screenshot. I am blasting this feller in the face cuz he snuck out of a god damned forest to attack me in a tight space.
That's one toasty cyclops.
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Fought the snake purgenor last time, this time we fight the dragon purgenor. I've brought along viktor and yelena. Fight club lives on.
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I'm hoping again bros...I keep thinking about my pawn wearing new armor :)
And new vocations... For both Arisen or Pawns.
Definitely more of a real fight than the snake. The pawns had a tendency to stand around doing nothing though. Also you can stunlock this enemy.
why are you unarmed?
Can't wait for the Nex fight, I bet its a bitch to fight unarmed
I'm not unarmed, I've got two of them.
lol, that's janky
you have to use them, though
Chad warriors punch world ending dragon to death
another day another banger stinkerellarisen
cheers m9
>nonstop head bobbing
>1 XP
You need to kill all enemies in the vicinity before the game will level you up / register pawn quest completion.
what if they added stuff like butler and maid outfits and pawns had special lines for being put into them, or for you putting them on
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I feel like DDO probably had something like this. Would immediately put both my pawn and arisen into said outfits, though.
On an unrelated note, I tried carrying taliesin, glyndwr, and doireann out of the sacred arbor to forcefully evacuate them but nothing happened. I suspect it's only possible to forcefully evacuate the elves if the arborheart isn't healed. Since that wasn't interesting, I decided to brawl sven and disa instead.
Wow, they can take a beating.
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I put on a ring of derision. I was trying to skill sven and not disa to see if that was an alternate way to complete the evacuation (it wasn't). Allard is killable for the carts though.
I vastly prefer Disa but the twink ryona is getting to me
guards were not happy
holy fuck that first guard flew
Unique dialogue and quest log entry for killing allard
Disa is attack on sight if sven is dead. Sven doesn't seem to mind that his mother is dead though.
he is kind of a pushover, though
is this the fake thief maister's mansion?
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
82 (iirc)
>Pawn Vocation
Warrior (straightforward)
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
x5 allheal for gorechimera
running heavenward sunder / diluvian strike / ravening lunge / inspirit
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that's one way to avoid unwanted pregnancies
No! Open your eyes!
That looks like it hurt.
open your eyes!
I never Godsbane farmed, why put your poor pawn through that
Do you even need to godsbane farm in BBI? In Everfall, sure, but in BBI it felt more efficient to just do a full run of the island each time since the purified item tables weren't actually randomized
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impeccable timing
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
pawn quest: camp 3x in battahl
send friend request if too high level
was too tired of searching for materials so he took a crash course in elven speak
Why do warriors always do that shit?
Is it an unfixed bug?
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>Kinhearted Chirurgeon Elven Cutie
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn Level
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc.)
Old PS3 pawn recreated to support you on your adventures
Complete badges
5x Allheals for a bunch of flowers
Send a friend request if she's too high level
>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn Level
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc.)
Old PS3 tall muscle mommy pawn recreated to bully foes for you.
Complete badges too
Savagery Extract = 5x Allheals
Send a friend request if too high level
Just in front of chests containing lvl 3 gears. It only takes one or two tries, three if the sen is feeling cheeky.
Capcom was retarded for putting microtransactions on release
I wanna riftpost but I don't have a screenshot
no one cared when you could buy literal super costumes in DMC5
what are fidelityfx super resolution 3 and dlss super resolution actually doing i have them both off
They run the game at a lower resolution then upscale it. DLSS is AI, FSR isn't.
Generally they give an FPS boost and lower VRAM usage, at varying costs of visual quality, that depends on how well they're implemented and your screen resolution.
1440p going down to 1080p and back has more info to work with than 1080p going to 720p and back. 4k generally doesn't even lose fidelity.
DLSS with the Quality option generally looks the best, but can still have shimmering or look muddy.
It was definitely in poor taste, specially when the game was $70 freedom bux, that might have scared potential new players.
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What changes would you guys do to the vocation and combat system in DD3 if you were in charge of design?

I would make all vocations have a much deeper combo system, so that the actual abilities are much flashier and powerful, but also a risk/reward due to heavy stamina use.
Playing fighter and being able to use tusk toss without an ability really showed me they could make the combat so much deeper for each vocation.

I also think all vocations should have a dodge/block button, with a perfect timed block/dodge would result in a parry.

ability spam makes the combat unintuitive on the long run, having to think and chain button combos seems like it'd be much more exciting to me.

But what would you do? I really wanna see what you guys imagine.
As a baseline convert every change made in DD2. Get all the DD1 vocations back to where they were before. Then implement more Skills as Core Skills like DD2 did, and then make some vocation tweaks like Warrior. I do not think this game needs every vocation to have a dodge/block button when DD1 had fine enough options for every vocation that weren't mages/sorcerer. Let the vocations and this game feel unique and not another ill perceived souls slop clone.
>I will not hold back next time.
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lvl 50

Kill a golem for 5 allheals
Post ID I'll do it for you
kek the zenon dialogue really makes this one shine
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thanks, but I managed
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What did she mean by this
>Become Elden Lord, Arisen.
>There, Master! The Chosen Undead!
fuck off
sorry to ask so many questions bros!
I am only level 20ish atm and adventuring happily!

Does it matter what my vocation is while leveling?
Can I swap freely or do my stats get borked?
Can my pawn swap without penalty too?
Should I be leveling up each vocation to try and get specific augments?

I am trying to avoid googling many things so I don't get spoilered on story or something I don't wanna see
Your stats don't get borked IIRC, you have your base stats and your stats just get switched based on your vocation

Red vocations (fighter/warrior) have some pretty useful augments
No, not really, in fact you are encouraged to level up and max out all vocations, that way you can mix and match augments for you and your pawns.
>Should I be leveling up each vocation to try and get specific augments?
Yes, with exception of archer which offers nothing and it's arguably the worst vocation in the game, specially for pawns.
Endurance, Lethality and Avidity are useless?
I thought they were good augments? Any explanation why not? I see them on pawns a lot
if you're up to it, I recommend leveling every vocation to max, it's fun. (patience is vital with trickster)
Well, first they take a spot that could be used for a better and more useful augment, second, the damage increase and climbing speed isn't all that great since it's barely noticeable, thieves don't even need avidity because they already climb fast.
> I see them on pawns a lot
> I see them on pawns a lot
Rift rejects.
I have never looked at the augments on a pawn I've hired
I do, but it really depends on the vocation, there are a few very simple but very effective augment combos. Plus it shows the level of care the Arisen put into their pawn.
I dont think ive even unlocked all of them only gotten warrior and sorceror so far outside of base ones
If I have a thief pawn which Augments should I get then
Man, it really depends on what you have current have or what you currently have, it's like asking what flavor of ice-cream you like, but the basic must haves are gratification and vigor, from that you can go crazy and get impact from warrior and asperity from sorcerer( if you use elemental or poison daggers).
>But anon, why not the deagro augments
Because thief already has a bunch of skill to deal with that, like smoke screen.
Ignore the gibberish in the first sentence, I'm multitasking and didn't proof read.
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I like skully
Is it just me, or is Selene's quest in the Witchwood really special?
More specifically, its ending, that music that plays while Selene's former Arisen explains a little of the bestowal of spirit, Selene's dialogue and just being in that deep part of the forest for the first time, that quest is really memorable, also I can clearly remember Selene's lines.
>Please Arisen, say that I may stay in your village, under your roof.
The delivery was really good.
>As a baseline convert every change made in DD2. Get all the DD1 vocations back to where they were before
I'm really glad you aren't in charge of game design
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She's canon romance after all
Source: my dick
Too bad she's fuck ugly
>That look
I come on that pale fivehead
Jewtits is best girl
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This is what I told Capcom
>happily questing
>meet oskar and have to escort him
>right after convo ends
>harpy one shots him
>now stuck on quest with dead npc asking to be escorted

did i just brick my quest or can I res the guy? i dont see him at the morgue in the city
which city? try checking both morgues, I think he shows up in the Vern morgue instead of the Bakbattahl one.
Maybe corpse is still on the field.
Oskar hails from Bordertown so he'll likely show up in the Vernworth morgue.
Man, I remember nuking vernworth at the beginning of the game then getting annoyed because it bugged the fuck out of the game, masquerade (one of the worst section of the game btw, absolute trash) got bricked, the whore house section, bricked, Sven's quests and sections, bricked. I thought the eternal wakestone revived everyone, which it does but it has an effective range so, everyone in the common quarters got revived but most nobles ended up in the morgue, I had to go through like 200 NPC's just to revive Sven, wilhelmina, etc, etc.
isn't it more efficient to wait until almost everyone is in the morgue instead of the streets?
So it seems, or just finding a spot between the common and noble quarters to use it.
Yeah because Fighter, Archer, and Sorc are all so well done in DD2. Pause combos? More spells? A ranged vocation that isn't dogshit? None for me thanks.
this was the answer I ran back to the area where I last saw him alive, and he was like dead between a wall/rock managed to revive him and finish quest
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Dream destroyed
When do dismissed pawns update for the other player?
When you sleep at the inn or home.
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>yelena "lee"
>straightfoward sorceror
add me if you can't hire
I read grabbing when you're picked up makes it so they can't throw you. Is this true?
fuck it
thanks for renting her out
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going from harve village to bakbahtal, change out pawns, to lesser dragon tower or medusa
Indomitable lash is better for hitting harpies like that
I wish minos were this fast and aggressive desu
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for the first leg of the trip i have 2 warriors with me
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and mogrum
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the goal
the cloud looks like it was painted on, neat
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i really wish i installed this mod earlier desu
Is Sphinx still around if you leave her until UW?
Can't wait to upgrade my PC into an air fryer
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this disgusting random riftslut approached a TRVE BVLL and got what was coming for her. the nerve of these street walkers. our riftsluts are okay though
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sorcerers give any battle kino shots
Interesting, maybe she is? I was surprised to see A Case of Sculptor's Block didn't automatically fail when entering Unmoored
>finally progressing story
>unlocked mystic spear vocation
>go take on a quest walking way out west
>pack my bags and pawns with tons of consumables and stuff for an epic adventure
>fucking dragon lands on me
>10 minute brawl and finally take off 1 full bar of hp from him
>he fucking flies off

I am both mad as heck and also thankful i was running low on harspuds and potions
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warrior is very fun and i can almost 1 shot drakes with arc. landing it makes bosses feel very underwhelming lol
Always carry some of those silencing books or get a good mage or sorcerer with high solemnity, it allows you to dab on drakes pesky casting shenanigans.
>go further west
>find an oxcart
>suddenly horny orgy grunts
>fight ensues
>i hear screeching
>griffon just suicide bombs oxcart i was riding
>get grabbed
>get thrown into the fucking griffons beak
send help
oops forgot my masterpiece
capcom add dogeori
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the difference between the fire spells lol
/v/* poster
First drake fight?
It's always kino.
Calm only seems to cast Salamander extremely rarely, idgi
uh rip morgrum and viktor sorry lol
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a strange looking creature appears
Holy fucking cute... But what's the deal with name? What triggers that?
Part of a secret quest.
Oh no, no spoilers...
she was a warrior in the rift, I'm doing the camping quest rn
disaster run lol
too much muscle and not enough brains, unfortunately
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>Moo, I say!
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these idiots have shot their comrade in the butt
yes, i lelt the spawn rates up to silly levels and we just got overwhelmed oh well sometimes adventures end in death :)
Must have been distracted by that fine fuzzy ass
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Think I'll take some shots with Progressive Rendering today
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I was meaning to play lots of DD2 this week but got the 'rona (took long enough), so instead I'm just spacing out with a sore throat
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I feel bad whenever I have to kill fuzzy butts :(
joe biden is a dd2 fan?
The Arisen has been stricken with blight!
Why didn't the shooter use Lyncean Sight? Is he too low level??
KEK, and we all know just how bad the guard ai is in this game with stealth
>turn off pawn voice volume
>game is now enjoyable again
Still, I wish I could reduce the chatter not completely turn it off like in the first game.
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You'll get better, right?
I'd take your pawn out if I knew which one it was...
This is some weak ass variant. Just out of commission for a while because it's making me tired.
Take random anons' pawns along instead, I don't want pity hires just for a coof.
'Tis sound judgement, Arisen. This is the only way.
I would die if I didn't hear my simple pawn say her lines at me.

it's called love, but it's fine as I'll walk all the thread's pawns anyway
I know... chuuuuuuu... cough cough
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Sometimes I go under the floor with freecam to look at my pawn's butt from below, it's an impressive angle.
W-what am I looking at here
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I love Ghislaine.

Reminder: if you've received flowers from me, it means I love your pawn. (and you)
clumsy clops, chu failure
Be they friend? Clearly not.
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fromsoft hating anon is gonna shit...
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Wait until he sees this
you know there's like seven from slop generals you niggers can post this shit in
god that will never not look silly. Should be a base emote in-game for our console brethren to discover and enjoy.
d'aw, I'll give koala pawn a /pet
didn't even know rona still existed by this point
it's pretty much always just been another strain of the flu, it just got immense publicity for doing what the flu does more or less annually.
well hope you live. Gotta get to DD3.
i'm not the sick anon. i just spent a decent amount of time following the CDC and other data coming out at the time. in terms of lethality it
was a slightly higher burden than average, and mainly killed people who were already extremely sick or past the average age of mortality. the more interesting thing were the symptoms of loss of taste/scent, which i got back when it was still new. spent like a week or so forcing myself to eat because i lost interest in food due to the lack of taste.
Did your smell/taste ever return?
Not koalanon, but do that

It messing with my taste of food is why I know it is what it is, and three of my friends got the same thing
oh yeah, it was around two or so weeks past infection but they came back pretty much unchanged. my sister wound up with altered taste/smell afterwards and had to use a smell kit to retrain though.

wild, thought those symptoms had largely left it but i guess they're still around.
If the armors have like multiple variations you can somehow toggle, does the bucket helmet have anything like that? The basic greathelm was my favorite in DD1, and there's just the cuhrayzee version in 2.
I've gotten the coof three times, no kidding or exaggerating
Round two really kicked my ass pretty hard, round 3 I just enjoyed the time off work
Kek, I love her. DD1 character creator keeps winning
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ox cart driver has some nice pants
"He" shops at the same places as Ulrika
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I want her to sit on my lap during the bumpy ox cart ride...
>naw dude I NEED to let you know that I play fromslopware games!
fromfags are almost as bad as trannies these days
Right in the nuts, damn.
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still no lanzomance for my lanzcycle.
Just warming up.
>a whopping three posts, one of them making fun of him
>he still has to samefag to complain about it
you might have a problem anon
well at least we don't have to worry about getting another flop now
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I can feel it already
Not bad, not bad at all.
Uh oh this anon didn't take his meds today
Is there a mod to track NPCs, surely someone can revive and locate the most iconic DD2 character in order to butter him up with some flowers
Am I crazy or are kindhearteds more likely to lead to unexplored caves and stuff
Everything is in your head anon.
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oh he'll be buttering something.
Both are fine in my book, especially if they also enjoy dogma
NTA but I have memories of a Melina pawn (who had a Ranni arisen) who kept hiring my pawn back and forth up until the endgame.
quest deaths get cleared from the game entirely, which is kinda goofy considering wakestones and charnel houses in this game are basically "we know we fucked things up with our quest system so here's a massive bandaid"
cosplay pawns are the best. I loved me some becca pusspuss. Sadly, I didn't add her and I can't find her ever again.
It's based on badges, not inclination ( I think)
But it seems to be regardless of badges, they're just guiding you to stuff more often
I wish they gave pawns more badges for fighting random monsters. Perhaps that would overload the AI I s'pose.
They unlock knowledge and elemental weakness after a certain amount of kills, 30 or so it seems, but not much else, if anything pawns seem to become more retarded as they earn badges.
she's not in your "previously hired pawns" anymore?
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system: PC
name: skully
level: 117 (john halo number)
vocation: fighter
inclination: straightfoward
specialization: chirurgeon
How many port crystals can you get per NG on DD2?
1 from the sphinx
2 from griffin nests(I think?)
1 from brant
1 from the sphinx(or 2 if you dup it)
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I have a Frieren pawn right now. It's too bad the Fern pawn was given no thought.
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check out the new fun data i added to the sheet (it's just most used augments and skills for each class)

there's also a new height and weight tab just because I wanted to know
(fel'iis is the heaviest at 147kg, chaewon and rory tied at 46kg)
Cool stuff, thanks for your work
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>Chaewon BMI 18 (slightly underweight)
>Pippi BMI 19.3 (normal weight)
Mmmmm you have to eat a healthy amount Chuchu
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are there really no other good thief skill
flop seemed to enjoy using powder blast
The other skills aren't bad, but they just not as useful.
Anti-air, knockdown
Free wakestones and ferrystones
Big damage
Formless Feint has some stamina management issues, don't like it on pawns. Masterful Kill and Powder Blast work better.
Formless feint on pawns works better if you upgrade it from the dragonforged.
blame the stupid retards on the DD2 team for giving us four skill slots. who could have POSSIBLY foreseen that with fewer skill slots people always choose the best skills
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can't even kill a golem for Cabba in peace
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You're not special for playing DD. And most people don't play only 1 game. Seethe, Drag Queen Dogshit eater. Feels good to see your monkey-pawed sequel dying and becoming irrelevant 3 months later.
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Imagine still seething two years later
Based screen. The blue lighting makes it appear like a new skele type. DD2 needs more undead enemies imo. Like some giant corpse amalgamations or a bone dragon.
Possibly controlled by a nearby Lich.
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Which inclination has the best voice lines
straightforward for banter but some people do find it annoying
Straightforward but a lot of people feels bullied from gigastacy warrior pawns with this inclination
Not just that, but replying to 5+ hour old posts in an pathetic attempt to "own" them, in their own general.... 'Tis person must have quite a sad life, to crave attention in this way.
what is your own opinion, question asker?
my man!
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I always forget that I can clip their wings instead of scaling them or waiting.
Kindhearted is often very cute.
Simple sounds like a doofus.
Calm is a Marge.
Straightforward has the best ones, but gets tiring.
God what a pain in the ass. I wish this game wouldn't autosave whenever it felt like. Now I'm stuck loading in falling off a cliff with no wakestones.
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I can understand why DDykes are fuming. After 12 years if waiting, Capcom rewarded their collective goodwill and loyalty with unfinished slop. Meanwhile, Fromsoft just released a DLC that's bigger in content and better in quality than that slop.
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How did you manage that? In any case, I hope your checkpoint save isn't like 5 hours ago...
It definitely is. At this point I need some other way to salvage this. There's a Save manager, right? Maybe buffing my stats but I don't want to fuck up my achievements.
there are fall damage mods
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link to the maximilian armor mod?

>From shit eater calling other games slop
Oh the irony
Thanks that saved me.
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>Lvl 110
>Warrior / Calm / Forager
All badges, augment/rings for drawing aggro / KD resist
Sunder / Lash / Revivify / Sweep
1 Explosive Arrow for 5 Allheals

Thanks for the hires/gifts, would have riftposted sooner but had to wait for my ban to expire, dynamic IP be damned
cute dummy
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you know it probably wouldn't be so hard to catch an ox cart unmolested if the dracanwards were actually manned
What exactly does Dragonsplague do? I got a pawn with it and ditched her right away.
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it's a stupid dumb mechanic that does nothing but nuke cities if you let it go on too long. capcom heavily reduced the rate of dragonplague because so many people complained it was stupid
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it gives funny red eyes and some new voice lines
nothing else desu
Flop forma diablo...
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the game is getting karma for this shit
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I hate when devs try to fish more consoomers instead of appealing to truly fans
Anon, you rascal..
Instead of using the money to add more skill slots, skills or vocations, they gave the money to an HIV positive tranny.
Only miffed that the pawn I wanted (Snuffy's) was platform locked. Couldn't care about the rest.
I enjoyed using Layna's. Shame it seems she's gone off the deep end lately...
Too good and versatile to not have equipped, incredible synergy if you have a fighter in your party.
Everyone loves free shit, specially useful early game.
>Skull Splitter
It's like vanilla ice cream, is not the best but everyone likes it, I think draw and quarter is a lot more satisfying, thieves can cling onto clops eye for a oneshot.
>Formless Feint
Not a must, but it makes thieves virtually immortal so everyone just runs with it.
I didn't even know Layna had one, I just tunnelled in on my Oshi's. What class? Also, don't worry bro, she'll come back eventually. Shondo finally came back for those waiting after that extended hiatus.
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>Formless Feint
>Not a must, but it makes thieves virtually immortal so everyone just runs with it.
It's even better if you Dragonforge it. Unless you're playing with an absurd amount of difficulty mods, you'll never have to worry about your pawn getting seriously injured or knocked out ever again. It's practically Legion's Might but for thieves.
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Now with progressive rendering
Yeah, it's ridiculous how busted formless feint is.
>Flop dom
>Some of the most unlikable people you can find online
It's all so tiresome.
It makes pawns extremely based, and it's a canon event later on, so it doesn't really matter if you get it, plus it cures itself since it's been nerfed into the ground and devs don't know what the fuck to do with it.
>furfaggot is at it again
streamfags are a generational gap thing I'll never understand
>Schizo thinks everyone he doesn't like is one guy
Take your meds
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>i-it's not me
>i'm not the only faggot that thirst posts one specific cat pawn over and over
>quick i'll call him a schizo that'll definitely throw him off
Pawn footjobs...
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food mods when
Does the Battahl Wrymsmith dude only sell multiple port crystals? I'm doing this first run mostly blind. It's more fun that way.
will the 60% go up someday, or it will be Iceborne all over again?
>Gets called out
>Has a meltdown
>h-he's having meltdown guys
>i'm definitely not the furfag that's been shitting up the threads
>-h-he's just being schizo
Stay mad, schizo
Nice strategy.
>somebody dare to call me out on my furfaggotry
>i'll go be retarded and call him a schizo
>then i'm going to necro his posts after a few hours to throw him off
>m-my genius scares me
>i'll get you in a few hours hehe
>i'll be a 'new' person by then
>just you wait schizo
He’s the only one who sells them, and they restock every NG+ cycle. There are others you can find in the overworld, mostly in griffin nests or in certain quests, but they do not respawn or reward additional port crystals in additional NG+ cycles.
His inventory expands as time goes on. You will know when it happens.
so what IS the dragon's dogma?
Thanks for the help. This game is a lot more inaccessible than DA.
The constant cycle of the dragon returning and an Arisen being choosen, it seems not all Arisen manage to kill their dragon or become rulers, as of DD2 killing the dragon doesn't bring forth the end of times.
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No need for foot mods when picrel is in the base game.
but I need bread!
My lord keeps the beast steak and shorefish to himself, says we peasants can make do with grass and mana. I need the wheatfield or else my family will die from starvation!
I read food as foot haha oops.
Vanilla DD was just like this too, less portcrystals and stingy with ferrystones. But at least, it had the post game world and The Everfall where you can just stay there forever and never go to another NG+.
Are harspuds good for u
>fucked up the spoiler
>can't seem to delete the post
i'm going to fucking kill myself this is what I get for phoneposting
You gotta wait like 2 minutes before deleting a post, too late now since you replied to the post you meant to delete so the spoiler fuckup is now permanent.
>2 min
I recall it being shorter, wtf. But thanks regardless.
this but it's a method to keep the world running; each arisen is a candidate to succeed the current seneschal and to keep the world's will battery topped up as the dogma world(s) run on it. spoilering the rest in case if the newbie anon is still around (if I fuck it up again I am so sorry):
in DD2 the cycle is altered by pathfinder to make his little arisen to king stories go on forever since rothais fucked off and refused to do his seneschal duties. same dragon, same seneschal, stagnated world. in his defense pathfinder did try to get arisen to kill rothais so the cycle can restart anew with a seneschal who can do his job properly, but I think he got more amused with the storytelling shit and decided to use his powers to keep the world running without the need for a seneschal in place.
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>slightly shoulder checks you
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silly tiny kot trying to be a fighter, you need to be taller if you want to fight bandits
>try playing solo
>need at least 9 levels before leaving for vernworth otherwise i get demolished
i don't get why people don't like this game. I imagine it gets easier later? I'm having fun.
I'm sad they patched in a New Game option. DD2 was a masterpiece when you got stuck and had to return to an inn. Like a more brutal Dark Souls.
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level 9 Elizabeth is weak as hell
changes pawn behavior, gives them red eyes, and if it gets too high and you sleep in a city it blows up and kills every NPC (important NPCs automatically respawn later). it's a half baked mechanic and your pawn can only get it naturally through the unmoored world, so you can basically ignore its existence as long as you don't hire pawns with it
>from level 69 to level 9
por que?
one part coping that the game would be so much better if xyz were changed
one part enjoying crawling on giant monsters and stabbing them in the nuts
one part things are actually pretty cool when the stars align
one part people like their pawn waifus/husbandos
and one part endless optimism for the future that capcom will never repay
>tfw all me
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It gets easier later when you do level up, it makes a massive difference, past level 20~ you the game will probably seem very easy to most people, solo is decently challenging for a long time though.
This was a new one, randomly ran into her and did her first quest for the wakestone shard (always nice to be a pawns first)
Imagine how much of a pain in ass it must be for them to wash their hands.
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It looks like a short layer of fur so it probably dries fast.
Imagine instead her caressing all over your face with those hands, ultra comfy.
The feel of her fur must be amazing
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>Start a new solo run
>Rush to the female bandits' keep for the Silk Lingerie
Now we're gamin'
Imagine the update where a big fat moon gets placed in the sky
imagine that's the last update the game ever gets
>Imagine an update
>Worshipping my nutsack.

You guys are fucking weirdos man. They look like housecats.

The fuck went so wrong in your lives that you’re like this? Like the notion of you dudes getting older and being secretly aroused by your cat so fucking offputting.
The fandom for DD was always fucked and the pedos moved on because they set a 160cm height requirement so now we exclusively have the furry pedos left. They ain’t posting beastren kids because they think they’re cute: They’re jerking off to them.
Please...any artfags in this thread
I wanna see beastren with human noses.. please
>beastren with human noses
like 80% cat with a human nose or a fully humanized cat?
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lol that'd be funny, akin to pic related
>last thing you see before she breaks your neck
I don't get it, DD2 already has a moon, it also has Moonglint tower.
Gave me a good chuckle.
Like this but replace the nose with a human's
So the first option
No one's talking about house cats but you. Stop projecting sicko.
It's honestly impressive that you are still around here false flagging Josh, specially after linking a literal furry porn site, fuck off already would ya.
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I knew you'd show up, so here's one more Nadinia just for you.
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5 minutes in ms paint
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had to dust off the CC demo to get the nose for this
the difference in effort kek
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The moon was literally in the DD2 pre-release footage
>flying into free
Damn...Pretty impressive.
KEK, she DOES look korean now.
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Upmost impressive anon, would you be willing to paint the rest of the face in to make her look like human, just out of pure curiosity.
la creatura...
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He has such blue eyes...
Who's that semen demon?
>ZEmeN demON
Clever rascal
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Zenon is pure, don't call him that.
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it's...too cursed
hmm... I now realize a human with cat eyes would be beautiful
That's the "hunter eyes" incels/looksmax talk about
It surprisingly looks a lot like the sphinx..at least without detail facial features.
>Anon finds out about cat girls.
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CHue...won... p'fes..se...

will throwing actually work for staggering if the timing was right?
Yes but for this particular clip Viktor wouldn't help us fight the lesser dragon and just stood ontop of the Gorechimera corpse so I had to force him
noticed that pawns will sometimes get "stuck" if they're standing on top of things. same with pawns who are sitting on the oxcart.
I like that meteoron destroys corpses, keeping pawns from getting stuck on them
Throwing enemies or pawns works better than basically any skill in staggering enemies. Pawns do it better than you if their AI works, they can throw in angles that you can't.
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>Archer is ba-ACK!
That armor set goes hard
It's one or two guys who are hardcore furries and they get really defensive about when someone calls them out.
This shit again?
Why does he wear the mask?
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lvl 103 (send friend request if too high)
Defeat Chimera for 5 Allheals
He keeps appearing in my world randomly and joining our fights, he's like Gandalf the White.
She traveled with me for 25 days and then she got brined, I wonder if those rift crystals are gone...
I'm in NG+3 and he still doesn't blush.
Thanks for the HD Zenons! Also great shot on that combat scene.
Lovely stuff.
Nobody cared who he was until he put on the mask.
I remember when Zenon was lower level than me
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This pose seems familiar...
Ate my pic
>Could it be you're craving my mcNuggies?
Charlotte's so cute bros.
I restarted the game like 4 times, so 1 have 3 other copies of Elizabeth and another pawn in the rift.
I won't forgive Capcom or Itsuno if there's not an engoodening project by end of fall
Anyone on PC need a sphinx kill? I am level 98, so please be around there or less.
Simple is consistently the least wooden sounding and is actually good friend material
I'm interested, give me a second
It's been 10 minutes anon, is this a jape?
He's just about to finish choosing his pawn's hairstyle, now you have to wait for him to finish his pawn and get his first sphinx kill.
I-I did have to kill the Sphinx myself first, gimme a break...


Level 20, set to mage so she'll hopefully stay out the way
Kek. I'll get you another kill, anon.
>99 ripe apples
Thanks? Anyway, got her.
Thankee kindly
All the fruit will rot when I active UW soon, so
Dragon's Dogma is essentially a very old text which is an old legend version of the sequels to The Dragon And The George.

Because The Dragon and The George is about how humans are never dragons and dragons are never humans. Humans frittered away apex power attained for Greatest Power in the Universe by Humans Who Would need A Janky Artificial organs Inventor or Dragons would win.

Then Georgeing The Dragon which is about the greatest Georges That Have Ever Been.

After that is The DragonGeorge This is where Dragons Dogma comes in. Even if an Arisen is made into a dragon the heart of a Human is never the heart of A Dragon, so if They keep their human heart living inside them, they cannot be a dragon and thereby become human once again.

Then The Dragon which is the story of a Hungarian Horntail Part Wyvern and part Manticore that was an injured dragon's egg so it overgrows.

Then The Dragon Dragons

Starting from the Welsh Green and ending at Ukranian Ironbelly. The friendliest being towards the Welsh Green and seriousness for the Ukranian Ironbelly.

These were written pieces from the 1200s, I think. Or even in 12 and 120 years between Dark Ages recursively.

In modern days the George is usually carrying an embedded gun. My contribution title The George's Armory which is about Modern to Era George Armory Equipment. Power through being a Classic. Or Power by being Honorable. Or Power by being The Controller of The World Around You. Honorable mention The Infernal Arisen with Infernal Home with 16 stonx, 2 titan hulk and 14 hydra stonx and Power Overwhelming(I was the only persion anywhere that had permanent residual Power Overwhelming)

And The Dragons Armory describes Gold Dragons that are healthy and cannot be defied, and the disintegrating Silver Dragons that should be avoided, and regeneration shielding Platinum Dragons that are benevolent and you'd become a befel infernal being cruel to.
gnarly dude
Done. I will send her back after wandering a bit so you get more RC.
>It nukes cities
That's hilarious. At least you can revive them all, right?
What the hell is this.
eternal wakestone will take care of it in one shot as long as everyone is in range, otherwise you can blow like, upwards of a hundred wakestones reviving people one by one
It's done. I forgot which account had a sphinx and I got distracted with nuking things so it took a while.
Thanks, I had the chance to kit out my preferred mage gear before the rest
Why didn't this game get another banger like Into Free?
Capcom is too cheap to pay for royalties. It's also the reason why the PC version didn't get the Berserk sets.
Where do you use dyes?
Dude I’m not perpetually online enough for that joke to land. Who the fuck is Josh?
Probably some guy's schizophrenic nemesis
Yeah I have no idea who you are dude. I just find the weird kitten fetish kind offputting and /v/ doesn’t is weirdly furry and pedo centric, but the threads there are getting rarer.

I hate to break it to you dude, but you guys ARE weirdos and I’m not at all surprised someone’s said it to you previously.
batthal barber collects them off you and you can cycle through tabs
Yeah I sort of figured that.

I wonder if their families know of if this is like their dirty secret fetish.
… did you name her for the Epstein chick?
are we really doing this shit again
God damn game. I didn't realize I was supposed to hit the Sphynx before it flew off and I barely miss it by an inch. Trickster sucks.
is this for the frontier shrine final riddle?
>noooo dont call us out just let us repulse everyone without opposition
'Tis unfortunate, anon. Maybe you could try again on NG+?
anon I feel like you have some kind of unfortunate pedo scare brainrot setting in because considering the eyepatch and her previous human form it's likely a mushoku tensei reference
That was the final riddle anon.
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>playing trickster on its own
Anon's the real arisen here. The only time I've actually played it is with a Warfarer mod.
Not this pawn, not this day!
Eh, still got the achievement.
But not the final reward.
I expect using the eternal wakestone will have repercussions in the DLC, like pissing off death, who will appear during the darkest nights to fuck with us, imagine..Also what's up with the moon?
Man, it'll be a pain to farm Death without periapts and rapid fire blast arrows.
Can pawns even learn to deal with death?
IIRC not really. you can give them sleep immunity but any attack he has still kills them instantly
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Never realized Ulrika has more auburn hair
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They'll learn to run away from the sleep spell but are still retarded when it comes to the scythe.
The question is does the carpet match the drapes
You need anti-air knockdown and a lot of it fast. Arisen needs to do the bulk of that. Once it's on the ground, the pawns are generally more helpful.
They can learn to run away, but will probably be running against a wall instead.
It's essentially impossible to get fashion's dogma immunity unless you're wearing two rings. 80% is enough against one lantern cast, won't save from the second. And yeah they're completely clueless about the scythe.
Brutal..So it's the good old blast arrows and 20 periapts, to down her fast.
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Progressive rendering really does make a difference
Twirly stick bros, how can our Unto Skie compete?
knockdown ragdoll is funny as shit on enemies, too bad MSH only really has speregonne as its main source of KD
tyvm friends as a newbro to dd it feels like I found a game I can really immerse myself/get invested into.
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Unpopular opinion: I think they should name the sequel Dragon's Dogma 2
It's nice to see more people enjoying the game instead of actively trying to nitpick every little flaw.
Wish you could edit atleast the hair of hired pawns. I wanna see some bald pawns
today i will tell them of the best mod created
It is truly the way it's meant to be playedâ„¢
Are there any good DD content creators? Besides the more famous ones, I mean, this weird guy Mighty Melvo seems alright, and I like how he briefly covers DD2's patch notes, even if he doesn't seem to go very in-depth
>e-celeb talk
We've reached a new low.
Ok, let's talk about cat pawns again, then.
That happens organically, no need to force it out shame.
Or makeup own pawns. Is it attractive? Is it immersion ruining?
has anyone ever used wall jump?
I don't know about cat pawns, tho I wish I could give my pawn cat ears and a very fluffy tail, give her very long hair and dress her in a sundress, then make her my wife. I'm honestly a bit annoyed that we can't mix and match human and beastren features, like give humans cat eyes and nails.
Nah. Slut gear in this game does though, but that's just me. However, bikini armor like in 80's DnD art or in Golden Axe for example is immersive since it fits the theme but the slut gear in DD2 just doesn't fit in.
I dislike it, actually, I dislike how DD2 nerfed a few of the traversal options, I want double jump back, wall jumping just isn't the same, and I don't know if it's just me, but it feels unresponsive to use, I think the window to use it is too short, if you think of games like Ninja Gaiden Black, it works much better there.
Which one, the corset? I think that's a reference to the leotard from Dragon Quest III more than more any Western fantasy
the trickster slut gear is kind of better immersion-wise if you stick to the battahl area. none of the true slut gear really works in vermund, though. at best you can do miniskirts using some of the elven-looking gear but anything with bare ass looks off.
Maybe with modding, we will able to do those things, eventually...
The corset is fucking ridiculous, for a non armor piece that everyone can wear it has the highest defensive stats of any light armor, I don't really like it tho.
Brunhildas and Stargazers specifically, since they stand out compared to the proper armors and caster attires in the game. I think of the corset as a 'joke' outfit honestly.
Let not talk about modding, or updates, or DLC. It's kinda depressing the state of it all.
Such negativity...
Can't help it.
I feel like adding edritch horror monsters would be cool, so they can go ham with whatever they imagine like with the purgeners. But they'll definitely just reuse old unused monsters from DD and DDO.
I kind of want to see more of the purgeners; brine-infested dragons and dragons of the nom-quadruped kind (like the lindworm mentioned in the MSH weapon) would be interesting to explore in future content.
Maybe one day in an expansion or sequel, they'll decide to remove the concept of the brine and let you fight aquatic monsters like Mermans(but I guess saurians already acts like Mermans) or giant sea serpents.
Become one.
Are there any "grown up" leapworms in DDO?
i got a grown up leapworm for ya right here
>unzips dick
'Tis so small, it's no threat to us.
Even the simplest creatures can lash out when backed into a corner.
Master, are you unhurt?
You fuckers, this kind of juveline humor always gets me lmao
It bears the head of a cock!
Is it just me or does it seem like the undead have less voicelines now compared to when the game first came out? It's been a while since I've heard an undead call out for her baby.
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That's for a banshee, and DD2 doesn't have one. I dont even remember undead having voicelines, only grunts.
Is it now time to play DDO?
I don't know last time I tried it, quest didn't work, loot didn't work, enemy loot and tables didn't work.
It does seem like the revival project for DDO will take some extra time to be truly complete.
It'll probably take years for it to be relatively functional as an MMO.
You have two variations of catgirls in the annoying troon game that has around3-5 threads. I'm sort of annoyed that game has their titular catgirl have more screentime than our cat princess.
What are you talking about?
the undead have them iirc, it's just harder to hear since the undead voices are super garbled. both DD/DDDA and DD2.
might also be due to the fact that the undead are a bit harder to find than skeletons from experience. either that or I need to start playing at nighttime more
Post the best one you've got.
I think he's talking about FF XIV?
When the posting is so vague and angry it's hard to say.
Why didn't we get a Dragon's Dogma 2 for the PS4/XBONE generation? And then this year's Dragon's Dogma could have been the third game.
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Why is big Flop dressed like a harlot
I need the money
Depends entirely on your tolerance for MMOs. Main story quests are working up to a certain point. Story is actually pretty interesting imo and is better than DD2 so far. Vocations BTFO of 2's vocations but they're stuck behind snail paced MMO progression with tons of grinding. Translation is also pretty ass at times like machine translated tier from years ago.
I'd accept beastrens if they'd look like ffxiv catgirls
What's with these niggers constantly seething over FFXIV or catgirls in general and trying to make it our problem? it isn't constant so it has to be only one guy
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forgot if I've posted here but this looks like a faux pawn vs pawn scenario
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Because I give every outfit an honest try
>Smoll booba
Kill yourself
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looks better with shorter sleeves imo
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>Steel beam chad doppelgänger Resident Evil 4 knights fighting
Steel yourself for combat
I don't get it.
I probably got it but quoted the wrong one.
A tale as old as time.

But I was supposed to also say, why does everyone think the cats are boys
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
objective kill chimera
rewards 10k gold since I'm poor
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I prefer sleeveless
Stay mad, furfag
either or is better than the full sleeves; the black fur gets balanced out better that way.
AnglebarsquarebarroundbarHSS Chad 4 dueling
I do not understand the question.
>>487031742 (me)
sorry for the fashion autism but full sleeves work on nadinia since her lighter fur is complemented by the all-white outfit, not so much on darker-furred beastrens for contrast purposes
Fastest brush in the realm.
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Why do so many people here think the small cats are boys when they're clearly girls. Except small flop, I understand getting confused about small flop.
>Pitch black fur
>No curves
>Noodle arms
>Distinctly manly head and face shape.
Seems like a very reasonable assumption.
>Humans (Vermund/Vernworth)
>Beastren (Battahl/Bakbattahl)
>Elves (Sacred Arbor)
>Dwarves (???????)
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That's for the DLC, won't it? It has to be some sort of snowy are.
Seething tranny
Trust the plan.
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You wan pray gam?
Who's the most beautiful beastren in this general?
You, anon. You are beautiful <3
(˵◡‿◡⑅) Thank you anon <3 chu~~
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you guys are so nice :)
She looks like she doesn't trust easily.
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i humbly request you make your pawn bald so i can finally have my bald pawn party
what lvl are u?
I'll make her bald if you can hire her
there's a riftstone specifically for this...
lol I'm a dumbass I only glanced at your pic and failed to notice you're Chaerisen
It's a very different look
yes but i want ddg pawns
Is that chaewon? fucking kek.
Piercing gaze on this wandering pawn
Looks familiar.
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I tried it in the CC a while ago just to see and I can't take it seriously.
Can you chance his skin to red and try to put horn on him(or maybe scars where horns should be)?
little blackie's bald now, if you're still hiring
She looks burnt
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>Horned Demon/Tiefling pawns never
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>Bald flop looks like a girl
Incredible stuff.
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Yeah I made big blackie bald too lol, have your pick
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Got that neck, boy
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reminds me of something
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Maybe, I'd made an oni character like that for Nioh 2, wouldn't mind seeing if I could make something like it again for DD2.
This really makes you wonder why they didn't just add an option for actual cat ears
They look like they're the tall one's bodyguards.
How was that game? Don't hear much about it
>We are the black cats of chaos and destruction
>We are the white cats of peace and tranquility.
where do i find this?
the OP
"Updated pawn sheet"
that's fucking racist
And true.
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>this bloke thinks he's arisen
I thoroughly enjoyed it, all the new mechanics added on from the first game really expand on the combat but consequentially adds a lot of stuff for people (especially those who haven't played before) to learn. If you've played Ninja Gaiden before or are just interested I'd say it's worth trying.
Luv me pawn
So I finally maxed all vocations and they're all shit except for thief and sorcerer, right? I'm not missing anything? Besides the sorcerer/magic archer Warfarer combo everyone on Youtube is saying is broken.
All are great except trickster and archer anon, I don't know who lied to you about sorcerer.
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would look better with tusks though
i like your pawn too
goofy cute pawn
Yeah, would like that but I'd have to get rid of the skin patterning on the face to add tusk tattoos. I'll see if I can make something work.
Thank you for the tusk edit.
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I like the bald look, I'm gonna keep it for a while.
makes for a nice silhouette
Archer is good too if you aren't a shitter
Oh you're a shitter. My condolences.
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Arch*r cope.
can't have it all, I suppose
Stay bad, shitter
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I won't be sending Baldwon back.
I'm keeping her, forever.
>hsrg shitting up our general
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It do be like that.
Yep looks like the shitter is mindbroken
>Archer 0 results
What did anon mean by this?
stop fucking linking to hsrg, you do it every other thread
Archer bros, they are making fun of us again..
Put glasses on her pwease
Anon, you rascal. I didn't know you were into that kind of stuff.
Shitter bros when will we learn how to play the game?
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>Archers are good I swear
>Just let me uhhhh, equip my arrow skill.
>No, don't laugh guys.
He's still mindbroken
Monkey sad :(
I bet you don't even wipe your ass since it requires you to "equip" toilet paper
Since you asked nicely
Pfff ahahahahahahaha AHAHAAHHA
Just finished the game, wow that was bad
Once you leave the vermund continent you may as well check out of the game
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The fact that pawns is on PS5 is fucking crime..
You may as well kill yourself for having such a shit opinion
I thought it was obvious
Thanks, taking her for a spin
>He wipes his ass like an animal
Pls leave
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>Subtle anti cat post
God dammit Josh, again....
Do you want her to be a Mage or Sorcerer? She's usually a Thief
I want her to be naked.
God dammit, wrong post.
The new thread better have some nice and big breasted pawns as the OP image...
Composition hardly matters at this point, but double sorc is always fun
nice big breasted beastren pawns
Cope, Capcom rushed that shit
It sleeps.
Big breasted beastren pawns.
Elden sister get back to the discord we have new tactics
Given the state of things, I may have to close the thread erelong...
I fear for the future of this nation, ser.
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i spent my time making fuckboy mogrum instead of baking
Yeah, I think I'm going to take a break, the unrelenting archer bullying has been too much for me.
A masterpiece
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Ok, she's gonna be a Sorcerer for now. I'll put it in the Anchor post.
Is there a in lore reason why guards ignore you when you just fuck around inside the palace or the magic laboratory is the stealth just broken
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You are suppose to use the disguise armor but it seems it's bugged.
It sneeds.*
needs the greenskin nigga duckface
I was only ever attacked by the guards in the Vernworth gaol (I wasn't wearing the Vernworth armor), otherwise, it seems like it didn't matter.
my heart... it aches
Hate cat pawns
Cat pawns best pawns
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Cute gremlin
My consciousness, fades...
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End-of-thread flop time
>this fucking flop...
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Not today king furry
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Don't call me that
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I said not today king furry
My flop folder becomes more powerful
Eyes too big.
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I agree lol
Not today king furry
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Furries wearing fur suits
>my ancestor :)
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Sent back now. Hope you got a decent amount of RC.
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Remove furries
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I might to this every end of thread from now on king furry
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File: 2054970_20240430214948_1.png (3.07 MB, 1920x1080)
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3.07 MB PNG
I know you just want more flop pics
I dont want to see your nigger fursona, king furry.

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