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Drinking with the Three Musketeers Edition.

Previous: >>485990253


>Habu Kazumasa no longer involved with Digimon games at Bandai

>Digimon Survive official website

>-next 0rder- Switch & PC re-release out

>Lost Evolution translation patch finally released

>Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING to release on US BD/DVD June 11

>Comic Chapter 3 released

>Web Novel Chapter 1 & 2 released:

>Official website

>Official JP theme

>Liberator synopsis and character details

>Liberator initial announcement

>Epilogue published

>Digimon Seekers DIGEST

>Digimon Dreamers online distribution update

>BT-18 box art revealed

>Premium Heroines set up for pre-order

>New Ichiban Kuji lottery figures

>Adventure 25th Color Evolution 2nd wave US pre-orders open

>EN Reference Book

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I like this official art of her
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Finally a good OP
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It was either that or
>big fat cat ass

In the end I decided to go for the Memesketeers.
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All roads lead to either knightmons or gunslingermons
Damn would've been perfect for Monmon's Ultimate/Perfect in DW3 and it sa Virus-type too like Monmon.
>Goku(wmon) grabs a gun
Just like in my Fortnites!
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Digi 'ick on Digi 'eck
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I fucking knew the VB would win. it was a no-brainer.
>xros loader
I'm not a big fan of giant bobbleheads
>DM color
because who the fuck would pick B&W sprites over color, unless the colors are botched
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>page 10
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sleepy day
x3 any day now
Can Digimon get addicted to drugs?
the b&w feels more timeless and less busy
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Oh dear, someone screwed this all up. Here, let me fix it.
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Chubby cat
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Lazy fox
>edited the reflection too
I appreciate the dedication for a shitpost edit
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Why it failed so much?
Market oversaturation
How would you revive the franchise?
first episode the adventure kids aka Taichi gang go the digiword
second episode they fucking die
third episode we get new cast
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I like it when she's drawn snippy.
it didn’t
A season that follows a new cast of characters exploring a Digital World and retracing the steps of a previous group who all died sounds like a pretty cool setting. You could make it a horror-adventure themed season with the same kind of tone as Survive. It would even justify the actions of characters like Minoru and Shuuji because we see just how much their mental states get fucked up as they see how dangerous and violent the Digimon and the Digital World can be
For example, Taichi could have died during the SkullGreymon episode. So the cast of characters explore this destroyed colosseum and slowly piece together what happened. Maybe there are some Digimon who were there when the death happens. They talk about how Agumon evolved "wrong" and killed his partner, which starts freaking Minoru out because what the fuck does "evolving won't" even mean? They didn't have the context of Taichi force feeding Agumon to get him to evolve. So when Lopmon eventually evolves Wendimon and murders Shuuji, the cast is split into two. Minoru has the majority opinion that an evolution is a complete death of the partner's previous personality and they could evolve into something dangerous, while Takuma argues that clearly this Taichi guy must've done something to turn his own partner against him like Shuuji did.
v tamer anime with tie in vpets, reprints of the manga and a visual novel following the events of v tamer but from rei’s perspective including prior to entering the digital world
yeah its like a survive take to show how this digiworld is even more dangerous to the points the kids end their journey changed to the point their first impressions look like parodies compared of how they end
I'm trying to remember the name of something. The original vpets did that "nope can't reference death/religion" thing, so when you pet died it was "sent somewhere" and you got a boxy pc instead of a grave marker. I'm trying to remember the name they made up for the place they go to, but I can't find reference to it online. I wanna say it was something like "megalithic mainframe"?
recent-ish art as payment
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Whoops, art upload didn't take
Did it?
"Digimon Mainframe," you were close.
Thank you! I assume it's in the instruction manual?

Was it ever referenced again in other media?
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Looking at it more, I don't think "Digimon Mainframe" is correct, and you were right on.

According to the other wiki:
>When the pet was brought to the US, elements such as the "Megalthic Mainframe" were added to soften the concept of death, revising it so that Digimon did not die, but instead returned to a separate world.

And there's the official page on Bandai's site directly referencing the mainframe:

Anyway, I don't think it was referenced again in other media.
>thread created 9 hours ago
>just 44 replies
It's over...
Death by "Megalthic Mainframe" to soften the concept of death, revising it so that /digi/ did not die, but instead returned to a separate world.
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What Digimon topics do you want to talk about then?
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Uhh... Liberator innit?
Digimon Libera[Spoiler]tion[/spoiler].
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Well, if we're talking about Liberator - does anyone know what Digimon this is yet? I haven't been able to find anything on it at all.
Next chapter is in a week, though
It hasn't been introduced yet and probably won't be for another month or three.
They haven't revealed it yet. Probably in 3 weeks with the release of the new set
Damn i fuck it up
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this womon eatin nuggets!
I think those are supposed to be hashed browns.
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Properly cooked, I hope.
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How new are you? That's how /digi/ usually moves, unless someone has a meltdown or big news are happening
Some people can't get over the fact that threads can, indeed, last longer than 2 hours and not constantly churn out lame filler posts like it's a politics/wojak thread on /v/.
the only ones who whine about that term are trannies after they get called out for defending poz.
can you step out of the thread tranny?
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Okay so this needs to be asked: Who's your favorite Digimon of all time? Hopefully the answers aren't all coomshit

For me it's Wormon even though I don't particularly care for Adventures 02

Palmon would be a close second. Maybe I just really like green
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same energy. looks like you're fucked.
I like Renamon because it's cool and cute

I'm a straight male and no I don't wanna fuck it
That's exactly what someone who DOES want to fuck it would say
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I really thought Kotemon is safe from the degenerates but here we are. I don't want this kind of attraction for my fave mon.

Its because you rather want Weregarurumon to fuck you instead and not the other way around.
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this mon
Based green chad. I'm partial to Ogremon myself
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>I don't want this kind of attraction for my fave mon.
>abandoning your fave because they have porn
Just noticed the dirty feet. Its all fucking feet stuff.

Who says anything about abandoning it? Just shocked because Kotemon isn't really that popular compared to other usual Rookies.
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the first digimon series i liked was tamers
also my rumble arena main + for some reason he is my favorite in games too
>Survive/CS/Decode always use Guilmon
Well, his secretary just got killed. Seems like a good reason to be pissed
Guilmons line. Megidramon is based as fuck, Dukemon is cool too. Also BWG and Mugen after them.
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I have too many favourites to properly list but I've definitely developed a love for Ludomon, Pillomon, Impmon, Troopmon, Morphomon and Tlalocmon
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>check all my favorites
>no porn
feels pretty good ngl
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I adore this Digimon. He also covers everything besides the free attribute with his choices in evolution.
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Oinkmon aside, all the DW3 mons are now canon while DW2 mons are still non-canon and it fucking sucks. For some reason I really love Tinmon's design even though its just basic shit.
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>I adore this Digimon
the suffer like he did
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lol what a fatty
Patamon. Can't seem to break the nostalgic bond I made with him at 7 years old.
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>they never put him on sale
i hate bandai so much its unreal
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I think Kunemon is pretty Kewl.
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Did Digimon made a mistake drifting from animals/kaiju to humanoids/mecha? Ima go ahead and say yes it did
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>cute and loyal to a fault
>is dog aka man's best friend
ideal fit. also have a soft spot for >>486665081
Even robit is just recycled Digimon World asset
Prince Mamemon was used elsewhere from the start and Chaosdramon is essentially a redesigned Chaos Lord, so it isn't a complete flop.
Gomamon, though its digivolutions are disappointing
humanoids were around since day 1
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Gomamon is definitely peak cute
Bamco could discover a goldmine below their headquarters, and they'd immediately blow it up to make space for an aaaadventuuure museum
>aaaadventuuure museum
good joke. They'll make a DB/Gundam museum.
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No, they'll make an Adventure museum first, and after it proves to be successful, they'll retool it into a DBZ/One Piece/Gundam museum while neglecting the original museum. The DBZ museum would weirdly die first
I remember stumbling onto the X-Evolution movie on a P2P program as a kid, looking up Digimon AMVs, and it being the wildest experience for me. Like "damn I know a secret Digimon no one else knows"
Plotmon > Tailmon. They should've just used Plotmon since they already nerfed Tailmon in 02.
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Plutomon currently then Mugendramon
Reminder Hikari was actually dog-digimon tamer.
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threadly reminder that ultimates are bloat
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>called Perfect in JP
>its actually inferior to Ultimate (JP)
Nips should've just followed the superior eng dub but replace Mega with other another name because other digimons and/or moves has mega in it.
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I thought that was Takato's head on Taichi's right...
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>posting a webm from 02 of all things, where none of the newcomer digimon can evolve beyond adult on their own
it's like you wanted to prove my point
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I somewhat agree to that. Ultimate/Mega bloat wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for humanoids/royal knights/dramons and I'm pretty sure we don't have a plant Ultimate/Mega that isn't a humanoid/knight/dramon yet.
Pinochimon, AncientTroiamon, Bacchusmon.
I said plant like Blossomon/Jyureimon/Vegiemon/Palmon. You know, leaves and flowers that isn't just a fucking wood. Pinochimon still looks like a humanoid to me and I wasn't aware Bacchusmon is a plant even though its a snake.
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Saddly Perfect Level...
Yeah but hyDRAMON though. More dinosaur ultimates/megas that isn't a Greymon variant would also be nice, could only think of Spinomon, Dinorexmon and JumboGamemon if it counts.
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Digimon could be so cool if it wasn't such a fucking mess
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Doesn't really count because the medium is its real body. Delete the medium then its fine, even though its just El Doradimon but bird. Petaldramon is perfect but its not a Mega and its a dramon.

Silly looking horns but I guess it counts.
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I like it
some hominids do have a place though. it would suck without wargreymon. for contrast, agumon and gabumon bond of courage are just dudes and not monsters though, so I can't bring myself to like them.
that said, the big problem with ultimates is they're simply too overpowered. they're basically walking nukes, so I find it very hard to believe they can reasonably exist unless they live in their own realm/plane/resting place, separate from everyone else, or else entire continents would explode every time a minor scuffle breaks out.
02: when?
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put on pants mimi
>and I wasn't aware Bacchusmon is a plant even though its a snake.
He's a fucking grape. Like the ones that wine is made out of.
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Just a clown and his dolls. Nothing suspicious here
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Renamon because she's cute and cool in Tamers and Gaogamon since I found the toy of him cool when I was younger and like Shibas.
I fucking retarded looking grape.
Well,good on you, I guess.
So, how do we know those are even the same kids when they go to the digital world? Wouldn't they technically be dissolved, converted into data and then rebuild again?
Kaito is unironically a worse person than Shuuji. He canonically beat the shit out his sister but no one says nothing about it
hey bandai dont localize another color device it will be money wasted
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*anything about it
I feel like slapping and beating the shit out of someone are slightly different things
of course not. you don't step into family matters.
>Kaito is unironically a worse person than Shuuji. He canonically beat the shit out his sister but no one says nothing about it
Because 90% of fanbase are fujoshi. (They are Shuuji defender too but that's harder to do in public because his obnoxiousness was very early+in common route)
They barely even acknowledge harmony route's existence and if they did it's very rose-tinted lens or forced some weird tragic fujoshi narrative on it when he outright didn't give a shit about Tacoomer (or anyone else not Miu) in that route.
Not to mention he was the first one who spurg out in chapter 9 harmony/wrath and caused the chain of death in both routes. Also he basically "gave up" saving his sister too due to muh instinct yet blame basically everyone for her death.
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An ojou does what an ojou wants.
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>Due to the market decline we prefer to keep the strength of the IP rather than release something that will likely not sell well in the market.
wonder what data they are even pulling from this
nothing is ever just for fun
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Adventure evolution scene collection.
I want my Frontiers evo montage just so I can hear Last Element again.
Who are his toys supposed to be?
Those illustrations were cool, I wish we'd get more like this
Well it was a winner for an illustration contest, so you might succeed by following who drew it.
I meant more in the sense that they should have more illustration contests.
They do it annually for the card game. Lots of people post what they drew that doesn't win.
If you could redesign Digimon's systems from the ground up what would you change?
Every single Digimon must evolve into Agumon
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Every digimon should all be bara with gigantic bulge or big titty waifus with huge ass.
Every digimon should all be bara with huge ass or big titty waifus with gigantic bulge.
Make it where you can only have one Digimon, no death. Player actions determines what they evolve into and what skills they have.
each digimon has a single evolution line, not unlike pokemon but 5 stages instead of 3

just make it less of a clusterfuck in general
Add dating sim elements like dating digimons and breeding them after marriage so coomers/christians will buy it.
hacker's memory is too kino
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Perhaps they would have survived if Miu's stalker was raped...
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a good chunk of the ideas I had for older games have already been implemented (minimize downtime from devolving so you're not barred from progressing. e.g. Story RPGs were on the right track with letting your reserve gain EXP. items/abilities/enemies/systems that cut down on the grind, like tactician USBs and metal shitmons' passives so you can experiment with evo lines). they still need to
>make cutscenes and dialogue skippable
>fix retarded UI blunders (e.g. cursor's position is reset after buying something, can't use multiple stat-raising items in one go, sifting through equipment is a pain (especially in the DS Story games where it doesn't show only what a mon can equip))
for survive specifically
>revamp Survive's combat (stacking multipliers are too steep, results weighted too heavily in favor of attributes), chasing enemies to the corners of the map is a big annoyance (let them flee the battle or something), ranged AoE hitting all targets as hard as single-target skills (especially single-target melee ones) is nuts, melee is useless when nearly every unit is ranged (especially if they can target anyone in a radius, doubly so for ranged AoE), etc.)
>terrain type and elevation should affect damage
>combat performance affecting the story (e.g. turn limits (it's called survive, not take your time), incapacitation, capture, or even permadeath for lost units, enemies targetting humans)
>treat evos as super mode instead of default state (adjust stat gaps accordingly, otherwise child stages will get one-shot by perfects and above). bring back the scrapped evolution points gauge that was separate from SP? have excessive evo use be punished (evo gauge initial cap at 25, extendable up to 100, is shared among all your units, unevolved units generate evo points (use items, buffs, and shit, or defend))
>support is now given by units that haven't acted (that way units on stand-by have something to do)
captcha VAGXD
I blame Ukkomon.
one of my favorite perfects. dorumon but noodle size
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>Digimon ReCollection - Riko, a high school girl who loves Digimon pets struggles to restore her Digimon toys that have materialized.
>Digimon Knuckles - Haruka, a boy whose father has gone missing is visited by the holy knight Gankoomon! Gankoomon is coming to act as his father?!
>Digimon Paradox - Reiji, a kind-hearted Yankee rescues a Digimon that is a biological weapon from the future! A full-fledged scifi battle unfolds across times and space!
>Digimon Seekers: Witch of the Crossroads, a spin-off work starring Xu Yulin, who appeared in the web novel, as the main character. The past of a talented hacker will be revealed...
>Hiragana Digimon: A Tale of the Royal Knights, the latest work of the legendary Digimon manga creator is here! Cute and slightly spiky/prickly Digimon are the focus of this work.

Wasn't expecting Digimon Seekers to come back.
>Ryudamon's jobber ass is gonna be relevant in a spinoff
I'm more hyped for Paradox though
>Reiji, a kind-hearted Yankee rescues a Digimon that is a biological weapon from the future! A full-fledged scifi battle unfolds across times and space!
The fucking madman finally got his Digimon in Space...
I hope Gankoomon's bulge gets bigger each panel.
Someone had the balls to make a Seekers spin off fanthing, yet no one even remotely bothered to make a spin-off of any of the games. Sad world we live in.
>slightly spiky/prickly Digimon are the focus of this work.
Damn, I didn't know Togemon was a royal knight now
Royal/Lord/KnightTogemon would be rad as fuck.
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Well one of them technically is a Royal Consort.
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So, this, but a cactus?
>expect Togemon to become a royal knight
>it's actually ChikuriLordmon
No. Its literally just a Togemon wearing chrome digizoid gauntlets and also maybe wearing Knightmon's helmet but Togemon's haniwa face is still visible.
recollection is the one im keeping my eye on
i haven't read seekers so the one i'm excited the most for is paradox
I actually want to see the RK shenanigans
why doesnt she have a pendulum
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Digimon needs a hard reboot with everything redesigned from scratch making a more consistent world with more consistent systems that isn't such a mess. Then maybe it could attract a new audience and bring back the crowds it lost along the years and maybe even become proper much needed competition to Pokemon[/spoiler

Thumbs up if you agree
Fuck no
the old frontier abridged is being made again
Palworld already exists.
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*thumbs up*

this gives me a brain aneurysm
Got a powerful gaming pc, what's the best I can do with it? Maybe play those Digimon asian mmorpg, any of you doing that?
since no one mentioned:
Argomon and Ebonwumon
Seekerschad... I kneel.....
skill issue
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I hope this means they'll go back to the novel and do another pass at the translation.
Mimi thighs...
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22 and 24 years since the Frontier movie and Grand Prix were released in Japan.
I feel so incredibly sorry for people who grew up in native english speaking countries. this is a hate crime

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Please kill yourself right now. The dub/sub shit with Digimon and no one is gonna change their mind. Doesn't help the sub side unironically try to outrage post about a dogshit final boss like Apocalymon and the Digirap, which only existed in that movie chimera, and even dubbies hate it.
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Hosoda's best movie.
>Seekers manga
Think there will be a chapter cover where it has her facing in three directions at different points in her life?
hope the prequel does so good they also adapt the novel to a manga because that novel deserves much better
i loved the story so much
Why the Gankoomon one feel uhh fetishy...
>worth it
of course. Also thank god some madman saw Seekers potential. Is this also a fan comic or its done officially?
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It's a classic dad becomes a Digimon story. Nothing wrong with that.
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These are official comics done mostly by fans. The first three are by the runner-ups of last year's comic contest.
oohh last year they also summit for contest uh? gonna check those

They weren't released in English, but you can read the translated versions here:
thanks fren
This one feel more interesting/nice to read than, the one on the top (for the sake of comparison as they feel closest in tone) to be honest.
EoS is not nice.
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he gon die
I can see Jellymon among the digimon with Omega waifu.
Dead line is july 31th.
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>AAAAAAAAAdventure, 02
>and Colon
Anime's anniversary btw, not Adventure's, no...
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What do you think about her?
Dunno, haven't read her story yet.
slop that i am not reading
I didn't even know the dub was on Microsoft's digital rental store. Those older screenshots are terrible, though. Why did they purposely add the jagged aliasing?
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Holy those were SOOO GOOD like insanely good Minus variants that went edgy shit at the end an that soured my experience
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The greatest disappointment of my childhood. Fuck digishit
Nice bulge.
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Bandai always wins.
My only beef is that Garurumon and WereGarurumon are both Vaccines while Gabumon and MetalGarurumon are both Datas, shit really makes me mad.
what manga is this?
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Cold Open. It was one of the submissions for the contest, but it isn't on the site for some reason. The artist put it up on Pixiv.
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MetalPerro X Antibody cover your back bro ;)
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I wanr a digimon tamers ver. S. for PC, having your digimon in windows just like that game and battle people around the world.
Also tfw we are never getting kino ovas/movies with the artstyle of our war game or diaboromon strikes back
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no I'm pretty sure he's right, in the press materials I distinctly remember it being called the Megalithic Mainframe.
>The Beginning But It's just Veemon
>12 minutes
>less time than an episode
Absolutely criminal.

>Day 201 of nothing but Lui fanart
That's some sad dedication.
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>oh no it's not gay furfag shit anymore it's ruined
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The greatest satisfaction of my childhood. Based digibros
Also has the best evo sequence.
left looks like a lone seasoned warrior full of attitude. right looks like a a voltron lion/mech vehicle/taximon
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She needs a hug
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I never noticed just how xenomorph inspired this guy is. Definitely one of those I didn't care about at all as a kid but can definitely appreciate more as an adult
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MetalGarurumon was so obviously first designed as a Perfect to match MetalGreymon.
And both War / Were would be Megas. Although WereGarurumon doesn't look like a mega on its current form, it should need some metal armor pieces (but still showing enough white with blue stripes)

Actually something like Lobomon with a different face would be the perfect mega for the Garuru line.
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MetalG has some serious "I work out at the library" proportions
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Best evolution "line"
Can we talk design influences? I always love that kind of discussion. I don't mean like "hurr ikakumon is based on a walrus", more along the lines of what specific characters from other properties may have influenced the digimon's design

For instance, Togemon clearly borrows it's face from Cactuar from final fantasy
The whole crowstrike incident gave more visibility to digimon than Bandai ever did.
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Whamon is an even more obvious notxenomorph than kabuterimon
Anon, Haniwa's have been a thing long before Cactuars. Hell, pretty sure Cactuars were based on Haniwas
I mean, the setup of "Electronics worldwide go haywire" definetly has some Digimon flair
I don't say otherwise, but it's abit sad than people talk more about digimon now than when the 02 movie was released.
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>xhe doesn't know about Haniwa
Oh no no no.
Also Bemmon's mouth is inspired from Tentomon's mouth.
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Do you guys have brain damage? Yes Cactuar was inspired by Haniwas but do you think Digimon also just happen to decide giving a cactus a Haniwa-like face completely independently from Final fantasy despite how influential the franchise was at the time?

That's like saying akshually Nidoran from pokemon is totally inspired by the Almiraj from arab mythology and definitely not the Bunicorn from Dragon Quest(which took the Almiraj from dungeons and dragons which was indeed taken from mythology). Surely the pokemon developers were more likely to have looked into arab mythology than played its megahit jrpg predecessor
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Bootleg Kamen Rider
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People often compare it to the kaiju hedorah but the mouth shape, the pose and it having solid broken pieces among the sludge connects it far more to the god warrior from nausicaa
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>[...]connects it far more to the god warrior from nausicaa
Look at the v-pet sprite, and the other v-pets from the same series. They were specifically designed to be kaiju knock-offs first and the official art for most of them came afterwards. Hedorah was the starting point for its design even if other aspects were pulled from elsewhere.
iirc the sprites were all recycled from a godzilla v-pet, which is why they look so wildly different from the real designs.
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LadyDevimon and Batman Return's Catwoman

even the mask's stitches match up
I always thought he was the scariest one, like he looks like he would kill the kids like a dark evolution, kuwagamon looks nicer than him.
Yet he's biggest chad of the group.
i think ill like her story the best
They seems fond of pairing Sora with Jou lately...
The eternally unpopular duo; one unpopular due to being outclassed, and the other one because shipper autism
DannyDevitomon is spawn.
why is /digi/ so anemic? it feels like watching a slug climb out of a sink only to fall into a pot of boiling water
The fuck do you want us to talk about? Bamco doesn't give us shit, most we have is a TCG, which would be more up /tg/s alley, a webmanga about said TCG, which is updated like once every two weeks, and now some mangas, that will only drop in three weeks. As far as games are concerned we are fucking dead, aside from some chink gachas.
We could always start talking about the few remaining alive gachas and how cool and based and fun rolling for Lilithmon (Summertime Succubus Version) WarGreymon (Lifeguard Version) is
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Make it white and blue and I'll take it.
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> the few remaining alive gachas
You mean all the chinese and korean exclusive one?
Are any of the mmorpg worth playing? Fuck I wish we had a Digimon World 1 remake in Unreal 5 or something
we are in a waiting period basically, everything we have been shown is still a bit away besides the few that got the 25th color evolution or whatever they were calling it already
idk about the others but dmo is a boring grindy mess
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What killed the hype?
the recaps
The pacing and release schedule.
Childhood Friend neglect
No plot progession.
Fucking up the first release
>One chapter, two weeks
and even those are kinda slow
Lack of other stuff
Bi-weekly release is fine, but you can't carry the whole franchise with that
If there was other stuff to keep us busy, no one would really mind
Are you shocked that a boring drama about a nobody did not excite the general fandom starved for content? Liberator got more attention and fanart than the 02 movie.
>Cool cactus boxer turns into some gay fairy sissy shit
Years later and I am still mad.
What did you expect? I´m curious.
The shitty new digimon designs.
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Excuse me !? The design are not shitty, it's your brain are full of shit
What was the purpose/function of MetalGreymon's hair?
Not having him be bald
I'm still so fucking angry. I wrote tons of possible ideas for the 02 movie when it was announced and none of them were true, because the movie wasn't even about them.

BUT IT WAS THE RIGHT TIME T, O MAKE IT ABOUT THEM, it's Kizuna 2, the last movie just ended with some of them beginning to lose their partners due to age and it was already a complete drama.
However Davis has always been the most cheerful happy protagonist HELL, THEY BEAT MALOMYOTISMON BECAUSE HE HAS NO WORRIES IN LIFE. I was so ready for Kizuna 2 to have him call bullshit on destiny, Masaru-style, and kick some ass. Davis was the right kind of character to use for a more hopeful sequel to Kizuna but not like this.
It looked cool
Lol, the entire idea behind Kizuna is retarded and I'm glad that Toei didn't even so much as look in its direction in the biginning, even though the movie is shit for different reasons. There shouldn't have been a sequel to Kizuna. There should have been a 02 movie and not a "Edgy OC" movie.
>I'm glad that Toei didn't even so much as look in its direction in the biginning
It had the exact same director/writer partnership.
Why even use Shakkoumon and Silphymon when they have Megas. Actually even ignoring Tri, MagnaAngemon and Angewomon should be better than the DNA Fusions. Silphymon got legit trashed by a character Angewomon beat in Adventure and MagnaAngemon was attempting to solo BKWargreymon while it took all 3 Fusions to take him down.
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And don't forget Seki.
And they still didn't interact or even mention the "everyone loses their partner due to muh potential"
>a character Angewomon beat in Adventure
A)with AtlurKabuterimon's help. B)She got her ass destroyed by her in 02 (albeit because of the dumbass "we get weaker in the real world" excuse
>MagnaAngemon was attempting to solo BKWargreymon while it took all 3 Fusions to take him down.
He also was empowered by the Deus ex Machina rock and fizzled out, the second said rock went boom.
Angewomon got one-shotted by a tentacle, so in this case Silphymon is stronger. Takeru forgot or was too drunk to evolve Angemon to HolyAngemon.

>"we get weaker in the real world" excuse
I can't believe they didn't bring that one out again for Kizuna. I guess everyone forgot about it.
>Silphymon got legit trashed by a character Angewomon
To be fair, AtlurKabuterimon helped a lot during the cat fight because Angewomon is losing against LadyDevimon. Battle would almost be over if it weren't for AtlurKabuterimon shielding Angewomon against LadyDevimon's fatal attacks.
>can't believe they didn't bring that one out again for Kizuna. I guess everyone forgot about it.
02 was a cavalcade of stuff they pulled out of their ass once and then ignored
>despite the fact that the kaiser was mostly independent of the vamp and was making them long before Tailmon lost hers
>We gave up out crest powers, so we can't help :(
Despite the fact that the PizzaCrust fight established that the crests were tied to them as people
>Yeah, we needed that for the sovereigns.
Please ignore how the sovereigns can be sealed up by some clown, some edgy 12 year old and how the entire multiverse depends on these random rocks that were never mentioned
>We get weaker because we stayed in the real world too long :(
Please also forget that we stayed far longer in the real world in the Vamdemon arc and even unlocked a ton of new evos while being there.
>There is literally Satan running around. Somehow he knows everything, but never bothered trying to take over the world back in Adventure, where he would have murdered heroes and villains alike
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Seems like a proud tradition. The Beginning's main "conflict" of everyone getting a Digimon all at once ignores that Koushiro already invented a place for them to live.
We seriously need a 02 reboot that's independent from colon and tri/kizuna/beginnings.
Tri deserves to be ignored. And to be honest, that seemed more like an ad-hoc solution to the whole digital rabies issue they had
Will they ever get a good ending?
Trouble was Kizuna set it in stone that the 02 cast were under no threat of losing their partners for some bizarre reason.
The bitch cat got revived and got her shitty cardboard cutout, according to Kizuna. Happier than most, and it didn't really deserve it after tri. The GG one had it rough.
They never even implied that they weren't in Kizuna, it just seemed like their time didn't come yet. But the Big-Inning doesn't even mention that Sword of Damocles being over their heads
Once Toei announces a Meicoomon and Leomon slice of life buddy comedy show.
>it just seemed like their time didn't come yet.
The credits scene suggests otherwise. Remember that Miyako is a year younger than Koshiro and Mimi.
Age has nothing to do with it, only the vague plot dependant "potential."
Even then there's no logic to Takeru and Hikari not being under threat of it.
Only if the plot dictates it.
That's my point.
Both of them always die in a comical way at the end of every episode.
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bullshit, aidscat's suffering is nothing compared to dorumon's
So, if a Digimon possesses a human, how many of their powers can they use?
We saw Oikawa nuke BWG, but that was after he got the dark flower. Then in CS we at least know that Rie can jump from a skyscraper with minimal issues, though the gate was already cracking and she probably got more power.
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>even in the contest comic, Dorumon gets beaten up at the end
Poor little guy.
What's so special about it?
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It looks cool
Hi. Should I watch the digimon anime remake? Does it include Braveheart and Butterfly? If not I guess there's no point
If you mean Adventure 2020, then no
It's not a remake, it's a different show using the same character designs
The main appeal is the fight scenes, the characters are very bland and assume you know them already from the original
It does not. This is the opening:
and these are the evolution songs (one for each evolution stage)
It depends on how much you like Taichi and mindless action.
>the characters are very bland and assume you know them already from the original
Except for Mimi who was given a completely different background to her character.
Yeah, it's not exactly the same, but some stuff like Sora's mother or Koushiro being adopted is alluded to, but never really comes up
oh. thanks guys. I think it's a pass from me then
Is your only criteria literally the songs?
It had cute EDs and I think its the only instance where Koushiro smiles because I don't remember him smiling in colon.
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Never forget the hilarity of Mimi being the only character animated in that second ED you posted. The Colon staff would have made it about her and her alone if they were given the chance.
She also got Palmon evolve into Ponchomon while the other non-main kids got jack shit. Really liked the idea of their digimons evolving to adapt into the environment.
Let's face it Mimi was always the heart of the show


Didn't she(her VA) sing the ending credits too?
Depending on how you count him, Takeru got Pegasmon
>Didn't she(her VA) sing the ending credits too?
Yep. Also the reason the Gekomon episode exists.

Takeru is an angel sibling, he doesn't count.
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Who is the worst OG digidestined and why is it Sora?
I don't really count Pegasmon since its not really a new evo for Patamon (02) and is used as a filler but I guess Goddramon somewhat counts but yeah angel sibling get special treatments too.

AiM (Mimi's original VA) sings the digimon EDs like how Koji Wada does the OPs and Ayumi Miyazaki for evo songs.
It's something that seems to manifests in every member of the Grey species after reaching a certain level of advancement. In this instance, it likely symbolises that the chimera isn't merely a combination of adult levels, but something that has reached the perfect level.
She's boring.
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can't stand this emo faggot
truly made for each other
Yamato. Sora was decent until everything past ep 54 was hellbent on ruining her. Yamato was mentally handicapped back in Adventure
He already has SkullGs arm
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>OG digidestined
Bitches leave.
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Mimi should've been the Crest of Love bearer because she's a whore.

He should've been the Crest of Cope & Seething bearer.
You've got the crest of monkeypox from all the hot monkey dick you take.
MimiXEtemon OTP
Kinda prefer full retards like him than non-characters like Tohma post MotW Savers
Mimi is pure and sincere, unlike Sora.
Crest of Courage
Crest of Friendship
Crest of Love
Crest of Sincerity (lit Crest of Purity)
Crest of Knowledge
Crest of Reliability (lit Crest of Sincerity)
Crest of Hope
Crest of Light

What a nonsensical crock of shit.
Crest of Incest
Crest of Netorase
Crest of Cuckqueaning
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Tohma should've been a family annihilator.
sora wasnt bad untill after adventure
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>because she's a whore.
The Tachikawas are natural attention seekers.
1999 Yamato ensured that'll never happen. Doesn't help Tohma feels like he was written to be "rival guy that appeals to everyone" but ended up appealing to no one.

Garudamon episode aside, she's a nothing burger. I feel Joe was more noteworthy, and he suffers the outclassed aura. Doesn't help that Joe's high points are from meme localization, movie 4, and Colon
Pure shit! But yeah Sora is pretty shit and it got worse in tri but then again everyone got affected by tri.

Jou's Crest should've been named Persistence or someshit while Mimi is Innocence.

They're pretty cute.
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crest of prolapsed anus
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Digimon would be so much better if each digi had a fixed 3 stage evolution and they all followed the formula:
pet bro --> clothed humanoid --> kaiju monster

Imagine how clean the franchise would be, putting pokemon to shame both in coolness and consistency

>Failed Kyubimon's riddle in next order
am i supposed to feel stupid now?
Why does every motherfucker roll in with these dumbass "IF DIGIMON HAD LINES IT'D BE BETTA!" just go back to Pokemon ffs.
this is fucking retarded
This is autistic, but not the cool kind of autistic

because it's an illogical mess with no rhyme or reason
So, when are you going back?
Digimon's lawless evos are its appeal.
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Digimon would be so much better if it was trite and boring:
your dick -> my butt -> my lower intestine filled with cum and shit

Imagine how much money Bandai would save if Digimon was gutted into a Pokemon clone

Reply to my bait
Only cayute posts allowed below the line
The line starts here
-------cayute line--------
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Am I cute?
Digimon's convoluted anything goes lack of basic guiding principles is it's biggest obstacle in becoming a fantasy universe with ever present widespread appeal. Wasted potential tbqh
so basically Human/Beast Digispirit but with actual Digimon partner, right?
You know what, I fucking see it. The image fits, gives me mad Frontier vibes actually with Humanoid > Beast progression.
Even later, the actual AncientMon variants are kaijus and much stronger than our shitters.
It would be treated similarly as Frontier, being a big boost in power but going wild / consuming too much energy so it's reserved for special moments and they try to fight in the Humanoid form most of the time. Also Digimon never really gets into tactical combat and the properties of techniques, but it could be a way to keep the Humanoid form relevant ; maybe the mega kaijus only have improved physical stats and big beams of Destruction but lack any other kind of moves / intelligence, idk.

It's cool imagining base Greymon or Ikkakumon as the strongest form, they look so simple yet I can see it, raw power.
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Oops, misread that as kewte posts.
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What are the most queer-coded digimon?
Like, Wargreymon would still be preferable with his dramon killers against dragon enemies.
Or Angemon with holy powers (add the Heavens gate and Excalibur to his arsenal) would be better than Megadramon against dark enemies. Perhaps not better per se, but he'd be able to manage them without turning into a gigantic beast of destruction.

Human mons would have abilities and weapons that gives them an edge in certain scenarios.
Ladydevimon and Angewomon.
That was part of the intention, making the non-final inbetween forms not functionally obsolete
that's just run of the mill coombait anon
Bro, shut the fuck up. They are digital lifeforms and evolve via getting data from environment, which is why they can turn into nearly everything. You don't want a fantasy universe, you want Pokemon.
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Do you mean capital-Q Queer, or just homosexual? There's a difference.
Because they just want Pokemon. Like seriously, every single time, the first thing brought up is "It would be better than Pokemon". It's never "Let's improve Digimon itself and work with the setting that is established" it's "Let's make another Pokemon killer". I hate this retarded burger rival mentality so much it's unreal.
>They are digital lifeforms and evolve via getting data from environment
not a good excuse for bad design
The only bad design here, is your deformed brain.
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Whatever the fuck that new pink clown thing in Liberator is. It got the colors
The "established core mechanics" of Digimon are shit and obstructive for gameplay, that's it. It doesn't even have to be "like Pokémon" but just any normal rpg like final fantasy or dragon quest.
We're stuck with games in which you level to 27 and then gotta devolve and waste time grinding your rebirthed / evolved mon back to 27 again to keep playing the main story, it's nuts. Becoming streamlined would help so much in everything
maybe dont play digimon if one of its fundamentals filters you, retard.
You posted it.
Being able to make any digimon you like competitive through repeated evolutions and refinement is one of Digimon's strengths. No need to worry about their potential being utterly gimped when you can evolve and devolve over and over again while building up whatever moveset you want. Better yet you can keep your friend with you as it changes forms. How many monsters in SMT and DQM get sacrificed like fodder as you progress? How many Pokemon sit rotting in the box like a dusty collectable, or get whored out at the local daycare so you can have a slightly better version or a different colour? My bros sit with me from start to finish, and they can grow into whatever form suits them best, imagine complaining about being able to do that.
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Rosemon ruins all the appeal of the line
True, can't stand old hags and latex shit.
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Oh, oh! OH NO!
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How do we as a community feel about Greymon?
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Great Mission live action movie
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Fellas.... We're home....
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I heard they/them people love this shit.
Orange Miyako
Speaking of Great Mission
Final arc begins now apparently
*Run for Money live action movie, made to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the original game show. It doesn't use anything from the anime, not even the Vital Bracelets.
New digimon in november?
Should I even bother with Xros and Appli?
Manga is a better experience for both.
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But I don't want to read while eating.
Nope, we're getting a Great Mission sequel, Greater Mission.
So its not Ghoster Game? Damn....
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Eh, why not? There are worse ways to waste your time.
already confirmed that slop die this year
wonder what is going to be the replacement
I actually remember having fun with Xross at the start, but I dropped it because the powerlevels / scaling were just retarded, beating ancient Megas within the first 10 episodes or so. Zero respect for established logic.
in how many manga chapters can seekers be adapted?
Its a spin-off based of the Ryudamon girl. Its probably gonna be short, like 1 chapter a month for a year and a half, and I'm being optimistic
i know about the prequel spin off comic , this is a question about the WN
Toei has a random other obscure license to air on Sunday. If not, maybe Digimon will get something, whenever its a Ghost Game sequel, Colon being used for a Hunters crossover gimmick because Colon Mimi trying to mass produce the Digiports ends up fucking up time and space, or something new in general
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Depending on how faithful the adaptation is, two or three novel sub-chapters could fit into a manga chapter with some editing and faster pacing. If we go the full 02 manga route, the whole story could fit in a single volume.
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Cutest family
I dropped Xros during the Death Generals arc since it got a bit too repetitive for me
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>Doesn't help Tohma feels like he was written to be "rival guy that appeals to everyone" but ended up appealing to no one.
He appealed to bestialityfag fujos at least.
But they only like Gaomon. Tohma is too nothing burger for anyone to care about
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gluttony is beezlemon's sin so yes, he probobly does digiheroin like in kamen rider w
Digimon is at its best when we are getting random new forms with lore attached to them. That is how the franchise builds sideways organically. It has been nice to see 15 years of boss monsters come together and show off their gimmicks in the TCG. in the older TCG we got lore and attack names on cards and we need stuff like that. The V Braclet did a good job of giving us new evolution webs but it has been some time since we have had the right moment for the franchise to make some new villians and general biome inhabitants. The world building has become a bit too story and not enough lore. Liberators would probobly be the ticket if it was an anime and not inheritly tied to the card game. The card game is fucking fantastic but we need something with broader appeal to really revive the franchise. The first class VR virtual pet? A multiplayer digimon world MMO/Lobby Game that has a Moba inside? A really good high quality anime would do the ticket. WIth Jujutsu Kaisen, Kaiju 8 and SSSS Gridman all refrencing digimon it might be time to go after that market again. The manga have been workshopping shonen ideas for awhile.
I picked Veedramon back in 1999 and the only thing that disappoints me is the numerous attempts to adopt the royal knights plot.

At least we got Neo Chaos in the fan rumble arena. I think Overlord Gaia is the final Bemmon stage. What is your Tinmon Evo line/tree?
we need to go back to megas being too powerful to exist in the real world, and have a downside for evolution. Spend more time at the champion and ultimate scale. Work on persistence in the digital world. File island was built up in so many ways. We need more of that.

negative, we slide evolution. I like these recolors though, you are good at that fren.

Tri was decent until it shit the bed in movie 5 and ran out of money. In hindsight its weird how FF14 endwalker was just digimon tri.


if shit was too normal people would decry it as generic. If you want streamlined we have V-pets. We need a good crunchy single player RPG. One (main) mon, one tamer, mechanics for using both together. Security from the card game can be back ported into a digivice mechanic to stop tamer damage. Let people do FPS shit with their D-Trigger digivices and inject code into the enviorment. The digital world should be like minecraft and fortnite and second life. Kids go there and they build superstructures. Data can be used for more things than just powering up your esper. Card Refine from Quetzacoatl.
Xros is pretty fun. Ignore shoutmonX and enjoy the digital world.
Does anyone have any fan art or lore dumps about mame-kun's mother from the DW1 ending?
What would Trump's digimon be?
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>I think Overlord Gaia is the final Bemmon stage.
It was Galacticmon/Ragnamon but yeah it could be another Mega/Ultimate form or Ultra for Bemmon's line since it was going to evolve into Gaiamon if it successfully absorbed Earth.
>What is your Tinmon Evo line/tree?
I already posted this from a previous thread and I love Toy/Puppet-like digimons. Was also surprised that there are people who has exact/similar Tinmon lines as me when I searched for Tinmon in google images, I'm the only one who used ClearAgumon for Rookie though.

>Even robit is just recycled Digimon World asset
I haven't played DW1 yet but I forgot it made its debut in DW1.
>Prince Mamemon was used elsewhere from the start
Wasn't even aware Prince Mamemon debuted in DW2 but its nice it got some love though I miss the sparkle effect on its smile in later games.
>Chaosdramon is essentially a redesigned Chaos Lord, so it isn't a complete flop.
True but I wish they kept the style of its head/helmet/horns.
>in movie 5 and ran out of money.
More like movie 3, and it wasn't that good even until that point.
>Tri was decent until it shit the bed in movie 5 and ran out of money
tri. falls apart immediately. It didn't truly dawn on people until halfway through.
Not really. Like what fucking lore dumps should there be beyond "probably single working mother"?
Spergs like him can't just leave it at that.
does DW1 hold up?
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The tcg has nice art
Looks like some Fromsoft game female character with exposed feet+covered eyes.
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Printed best Digimon. AAA battery for scale.
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Cute. Now print him giving birth to Takato.
Dats cute, man.
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ok what about that maeson hack some faggots mentioned on /v/, has anyone played it?
Looking good
>playing Digimon Survive
>having good time
>decide to watch some Digimon anime (havent watched a single series since Savers)
>start up Tri
>mfw this is the first scene
kill me
>start up Tri
Why the fuck was that your first choice?
>start up tri
genuinely retarded
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>>playing Digimon Survive
what chapter? what route? are you in NG+? who are your favorites?
I only started it a couple of days ago (also wagie) so I'm only on chapter 4, Kunemon was my favorite since I love me some bug digimon but Ryo just died so.... hopefully theres a route/decision where that doesnt happen. Idk what route I'm on, i know about the routes but I'm just yoloing things atm. I did get Tyranomon

Also are free digimon just supposed to be OP because they can be adult/perfect all the time? or will my partner digimon be better? I have more partner digimon than I have slots anyway so I'll probably just use them instead. And I'm pretty sure this game is too easy to care about any of this but just something on my mind
well it was either Tri or Xros wars, I watched everything before that. Maybe I should just watch Ghost Game
genuinely why do they hate the 02 cast?
>Also are free digimon just supposed to be OP because they can be adult/perfect all the time?
yes and no. as a trade-off they have less SP and slightly lower stats. also, they can't benefit from the talk command.
bugs are great. sadly, there aren't too many of them in the game
don't worry, you'll find out later. keep an eye on your alignment
there's only one in which it doesn't happen
there's a difficulty spike later
Some talk commands are really strong, you basically always want to have Agumon on your lineup simply because Takuma's all-stats-up command is fucking godlike. And Falcomon is the designated "I want that chest on the corner of the map" mon.
wonder what’s all at the digimon booth
Shitty acrylics and low effort t-shirt prints.
the mascot costumes look nice
booth where? what event?
jump victory carnival i believe
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Maybe, if something is announced in that trailer they've been hyping so much.
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Cool cat turned into a goofy one. I want more Plotmon appearances that doesn't disappear because it evolved into Tailmon permanently!
What's the best animated fight in Digimon?
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Takeru vs Ken and it also gave us this.
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The first OVA's climax.
Taichi vs. Yamato and Angewomon vs. LadyDevimon are peak kino.
Beowulfmon vs Duskmon
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Inferior being meeting her unfortunate demise
Should also include the one from Savaiv
Funny how people usually compare 02's finale to Giovanni kiling Jessie/James but Oikawa is the Giovanni, not Belial. Maybe the more accurate comparison should be Giovanni actually has Mewtwo puppetting him the whole time then came out and killed Jessie/James?
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Besides Patamon evolving for the first time and the Adventure ending with Mimi and Palmon's goodbye, what were the most powerful moments in the history of Digimon?
OMEGAAAs debut, GulusGammamon's evo, Masaru punching out Belphemon, Lucemon going full DBZ, Beelzemon ending Leomon
Megidramon's appearance, Aldamon's first appearance, all 4 Savers MCs vs Craniamon
Me in the back
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>Unpopular cast outside Ken; Miyako lost to BUY WONDERSWANS of all things
>show imploded itself after the Kaiser and mindbroke shippers so hard they can't even show canon relationships
02 is responsible for a lotta autism. Its understandable that they would shaft them for a shitty emo kid OC
>Its understandable that they would shaft them for a shitty emo kid OC
How did that work out?
Terribly. Seki is an insane bitch who needs to be gangbanged by a cartel
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>Kizuna producer: the new movie should be about first ever Chosen Child
>new producer: well, actually, Lui isn't the first Chosen Child
>director: I want time travel
>writer: that's too much work
>Seki: lol who cares do whatever
>movie bombs
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Rare Lamortmon art
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Adventure's writing staff is a trainwreck
how did something so dumb end up from something so smart
Kakudou had the right idea and walked away. The guy still loves Adventure.
>instead of fixing that shit, or showing how they developed let's focus on the emo kid
Nah, fuck you and fuck toei
fire seki
hire takashi nagasaki
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I love Minomon's long hair. Very cute.
No one of value wants to write for children's media, because there's no clout to be gained other than manchildren sucking you off online. Doesn't help it probably doesn't pay that much
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Already the 25th anniversary of Colon. How time flies.
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>colon designs
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no thoughts only mamoru
But at what cost.
I will defend /Digi/ with my life if I must!
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But what if you die, lion mon?
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How tall is Renamon?
so when those two have sex is jellymon just in the corner watching?
Watching, schlicking, and seething yes. Jellymon is a cuckquean.
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The one from Tamers? Roughly the same size of an adult female
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Nice try Emma, now step away from the keyboard.
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You have to let go of /digi/ now and move on, just like how Taichi let go of Agumon in Kizuna and moved on.
Shut up, Seki!
It's wild how the franchise built upon the money of manchild stuck in their nostalgia (V-pet, DW1, adventuretard, shippers/fujos etc.) would create a movie about shittalking people stuck in nostalgia.
Like, it works for super successful franchise with fanbase consisting of boomer who already made it like Doraemon, not one on life-support by 20-30s genx manchildren.
There are some good things about tri, I like how they digimon are drawn with extra dark shading, as homage to the original hyper Colosseum cards. The action sequences are among the best in the franchise, minus movie 5
The airport scene in tri one is very good. Colon has a ton of moments but they come at the cost of character building.
Beezlemon's Redemption

proof that women love hitler, if we needed anymore
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>you blow kinky
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Was it wrong though.
>as homage to the original hyper Colosseum cards
You have to be joking.
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New Beelstarmon variant just dropped
>Not grey
How is the mystery Dungeon project going?
Literal means nothing
digimon rpg is weird to launch
Grimmon! Please grimmon!
>The airport scene in tri one is very good.
Compared to Adventures low standards maybe
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bros having some coffee together

>inb4 it was made by alphamon
>I want more Plotmon appearances that doesn't disappear because it evolved into Tailmon permanently!
That Rearise girl? I didn't play it but it's mobage so I guess she kept it as Plotmon in VN segment.
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Rise /digi/.
Also I don't get how they can normally evolve even though they're close to the dark tower digimons, was it all just because of kenny or just something they forgot?
digimon rpg crashed my computer
Why are you even playing that crap when you can play real™ Digimon games.
just wanted to try it out
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Ukkomon? More like Unkomon!
Can you name all the Digimon?
Mimi really did brainwash Miyako.
Miyako has a lot more common with Mimi than Sora. Only thing she has in common with Sora was "fucking the rival/lancer" thing (though that was Sora's only character trait I guess).
Only reasons Miyako got Digimental of Love is because of Hawkmon and also being a girl. Sora has zero personality in 02, barely any chemistry with Miyako and she only accompanied Miyako in the Digital World twice (Digimental of Love debut and Starmon vs. Revolvmon).
>Starmon vs. Revolvmon
That was a peak filler episode.
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Yeah it was and then Dark Ocean happened next episode.
absolutely not
No but I can name all the Digimons I would absolutely fuck.
Here's a list because I'm bored...
>Tonosama Gekomon
>Crys Paledramon
>Sand Yanmamon (but not regular Yanmamon, don't ask)
>Whamon (Perfect), babydick adult level Whamon need not apply
>King Etemon
>Ofanimon: Falldown Mode
>Lucemon (all forms)
>King Etemon
What about MetalEtemon?
I don't think my dick can penetrate Chrome Digizoid.
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>Despite the fact that the PizzaCrust fight established that the crests were tied to them as people
I'm fucking mad.
i forgot how squeaky the digimon mini was
Contrived writing to keep the 02 cast relevant.
Just wait, you'll also find out that only specific Digimon get weak if they stay in the human world.
They were fucking desperate with that one
>Oh noez, we can't evolve normally because of the dark towers :(
>Towers are gone, but we can't evolve past perfect because we have given up our crest powers :(
>Also we can't help you much because we now get weaker in the real world :(
>We got like powers from Qinglongmon, but we gave it back for Impy PM, except for Wargreymon, because he needs to get the cool doppelganger fight with BWG
I mean, why not just have the towers and stick to them? Just say the D-3 lets them bypass this shit, hence why the old kids can't participate. At least it's one excuse instead of like four different ones that contradict everything that came before.
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Seems like in this episode they only now remembered that the parents are aware of digimons and didn't need all the sneaking stuff earlier. I really want a 02 reboot now because rewatching it made me like Miyako now, Iori still a boring bitch though and fuck Shakkoumon.
Post songs that could work like a Digimon evolution song.
If I remember right, weren't they hiding Digimon from Koushiro's mom, who straight up asked where Tentomon was? Like what the fuck was even the point of that?
Especially given the nature of Tentomon's first meeting with the Izumis in Adventure. It's as if the writing staff completely forgot.
That's the odd thing. They clearly didn't, since she specifically asked for him. If she just ignored the mons and didn't mention him, then you could say that she forgot, but again, she asked for him, and later you see Tentomon being at the Christmas table. It's just bizzare
I meant the writing staff forgot there was no need to hide the Digimon from anyone.
>02 reboot
I doubt Toei would do that. If they did, it would be Colon 02 with Taichi as the lead character.
Just do what everyone has been doing since 02 ended, and write your own reboot.

There was also that camping stuff with Yamato and Takeru's dad when they went to confront Ken. Writing staff really are just forgetful.

I just want more Miyako autism and remove Shakkoumon as Jogress evo.
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>I just want more Miyako autism
She was less popular than Ryo ten years ago when only her 02 personalty existed. It ain't happening.
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>She was less popular than Ryo
Fuck Ryo.
A lotta Asian women self-insert as Ruki taking in the Wonderswan meat. Are you an Asian woman?
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>Fuck Ryo.
Odaiba Day Miyako...
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I'm an Asian woman(male) and I refuse to believe women(female) actually wanted Ryo's dick.

This is what I got searching for that.
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They do. They also get mindbroken by movie 6, just like /digi/
that's some prime dA autism
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>I refuse to believe women(female) actually wanted Ryo's dick.
There's no need to lie.
I turned myself into a marketable plushie, Maki! Boom! Big reveal!
The artist must be a time traveler. The image screams early 2000s but the recent OCs are included.
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Yeah feels like a big throwback to those years.
Funniest part of the entire image.
>DeviantArt member for 17 years
>Meiko mochizuki is my wife.
>Gender: Female
>Age: 35 years old
Well, at least she's happy doing what she loves.
Wait until you see how old are the people who post withthewill
Judging by the posts, I'd say it's in the ballpark between 12 and 85.
Close, think of people in their 40s who still act like 12-15
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Never watched TB but did she make an appearance?

She still got 6 pity likes.

I really thought she was underageb&.
>Meiko mochizuki is my wife.
Shit taste.
>Never watched TB but did she make an appearance?
>Never watched TB but did she make an appearance?
Nope. Jun, or any of the other minor siblings, never appeared again in any animated sequel.
They were briefly mentioned in one of the earlier audio dramas where they got their unknown partners.
>I really thought she was underageb&.
She is mentally
death by manchildren
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>Miyako with a rifle
bad choice
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>get in the bed, Ken
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>now trying to be American
Why is she so devoted to trying to be Mimi?
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Miyako also wants to be the second worst girl.
Miyako wants to be Hikari?
>Bullet wounds or crushed pelvis
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Miyako isn't aiming for the top spot.
why cant the mini and xros wars mini connect?
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I'm sure this was posted before but I just saw it. I knew Bandai sucked, but holy fuck I didn't realize it was THAT bad.
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>Had it in my "watch later" playlist
Get out of my computer, keramon!
Honestly, it's even worse. That guy really doesn't go into detail about anything else aside from the vpets. IIRC Gundam Evolution had it even worse with terrible monetization, nothing to do after completing a battlepass, and a dev team that was too small. Gunpla as a whole is just hell. They also half-assed an online gundam project so badly some people were able to get CAD models of entire kits.
x3 any day now
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>Three (3) more card games
>All reusing the digimon tcg's system after being a success
>While the digimon tcg is having the life squeezed out of it
At least juan pissfags are getting scalped by Bandai itself
I'll watch it
Damn... That's pretty bad
What is the GX Antibody?
What is the 0 Antibody?
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She is her most loyal slave after all.
MIyako really should have had Purity and Knowledge as her crests. Has way more in common with Koushiro than Sora.
>the girl must get the girl crests
If they weren't lazy, the writers could've come up with new crests for everyone.
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Would you want a masculine looking female Renamon?
Its impossible to make everyone relevant without the show devolving into Fairy Tail, where the villains are all as pathetic as Craniamon and Duftmon. Favoritism will always exist; all you can do is control the levels of favoritism so they don't reach Frontier/Xros Wars/Colon levels of
Frontier/Xros Wars/Colon levels of dumbassery*
>Hawmon evolves to Eaglemon
But everyone not Daisuke and Ken were barely relevant yet the 02 villains were still pathetic.
That's because 02 is an unfocused pile of schizophrenia past the Kaiser arc.
I prefer a male Renamon because it would be like having a little bro
HavIng a female partner would be too weird for me
you are gayer than applimon
no homo but i also want a Strabimon
btw you can't be gayer than Apphomo
dunno, being into futa is probobly gayer
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There are surprisingly few Renamon pics focused on hand beans.
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Sup guys, as a kid I was a big fan of digimon until the kids came back to the real world and it started the draculamon saga or whatever and I lost interest. I much preferred the feeling of the characters being trapped in a mysterious magical world trying to survive and figure out what the fuck was going on.

After series 1 are there any others that capture this same feeling or nah?
play digimon world 1
Frontier and Xros Wars do the digital world well, though Xros is more of an action show. Appmon has a good mystery by episode 12.
thanks for replying

I checked out the opening for Frontier and Xros Wars and I really hate how the "digimon" look like power rangers

Guess I might have to try Digimon World 1, it's actually not the first time I've considered playing it
I hated that too but the season is good. Usually when Digimon goes in on a dumb gimmick the anime is better than when they are just trying to retread adventure.
He´s happy with his slop.
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hand beans

I like how I can't post on my Ip because of some post I didn't make from this board got me permabanned but stuff like this still stays up.
Furfags deserve the rope. Schizoanon is right about that much.
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uhhh guys i dont think agumon should look like that.
Somebody know how to fix this?
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Go into the emulator's graphics settings and make sure Accurate Multiplication is on.
Dam no cigar. didn't work.
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You might need to restart the emulator. Lime3DS does it on the fly.
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Frontier is a mistake worse than modern Adventure and Apphomo
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I've been playing red hybrid recently and I've grown rather fond of the Flamemon line. I'll be sure to another Susanoomon in the next story game whenever that comes out.
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There you go. Thank you
Not as big as your birth thou
i want to hug
They cute
v tamer 01 manga captures it really well and is a highlight of the franchise
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Still bugged at the inconsistency of Dark Towers preventing other mons from evolving normally but somehow Wormmon can evolve normally.
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This was funny for no reason and also I noticed that 02 has a lot of slappings.
kari is so photogenic
something something ken's black digivice is speshul
He is technically from the "first batch" of chosen kid I guess.
Woah cool neck bro
It's also tainted by Cthulumon's ocean
Why Numemon is so gay?
but he is actively seething at the gays
There is nothing gay with Jogress evolution
>showing disgust towards gay people

Numemon is in the right here
Slenderman always was and always will be simply a devimon refrence.

Im doing my first playthrough of redigitize and I got Veedramon as my first egg champion. Had to reset 4 times to not get gaogamon each time but we did it. His arms are under animated and for some reason hes a fighting type and not a wind type but we out here.
I'm not sure stratifying designs by tier as much as Digimon does was the best idea. If you like Rookie designs you're just fucked when everything strong looks like dudes or robot dudes.
I mean, there are some small higher level mons as well.
That is why you have some cuter designs in the next levels like Picollomon and MarinAngemon
are you saying that evolution, the core concept of Digimon, is an error?
Why does it look like he smacked Hikari's ass out of habit and is agonising over how stupid it was of him to do that when she's dangling over a cliff?
Piccolomon is an ugly weirdo and MarinAngemon is a boring deus ex machina button that looks like Parasimon would be raping it all day
I want new Digimon game. Honestly a lot of Japanese series are at the point where they should port their older titles to PC officially.
>Daisuke - Ken
>Miyako - Hikari
>Iori - Takeru
Do you think that jogress pairing are good, /digi/? Not shipping wise or anything, just purely story-wise, or do you think there could be better pairings?
No, just not executed the best. Most people post about lower stage mons for a reason.
that's the anime's fault for having evolution be temporary
Nta but some people still wouldn't dig the ultimate/megas being some kind of humanoid even if I personally don't mind them.
Miyako - Iori
Takeru - Hikari
Hikari - Ken
Takeru - Daisuke
Because Iori barely has any chemistry with others outside of Miyako.
Pairing the girl with guy would bring much more shipcancer so Miyako and Hikari stay together I guess. Maybe Miyako and Iori could work as pseudosibling pair but Hikari is a can of worm.
Daisuke/Takeru and Ken/Iori are debatable though the former probably would have too similar dynamic to Tai/Matt. Daisuke/Iori is too weird.
HikariXIori is where it is.
Do they ever even interacted?
It looks like he went in for a feel and was shocked at what he learned.
>Hikari was a girl is whole time?!
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02 is a series of slaps.
A worm and cat jogress sounds like nightmare fuel, so I'd like to see that. Armadimon and V-Mon would probably make for a cool evolution if Armadimon's shell functioned as full body armour or if V-Mon became a scaled non-humanoid dinosaur with Armadimon's influence.
>Worm and Cat

>A worm and cat jogress sounds like nightmare fuel, so I'd like to see that.
Chip and Dale movie... (not cat but rat so close enough)
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Daisuke with everyone.
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All of Tailmon's evolutionary roads lead to Holydramon...
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>Stingmon x Tailmon
Although Tailmon isn't an angel yet, when you mix an insect with an angelic thing the thing that comes to mind are those fuzzy moths, so maybe the jogress would look a moth?
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>all of them have xv-mon's head
vee supremacy
XV/Hawkmon is Dynasmon looking ass
They all look cool except for the cat eared monstrosity.

Damn I expected more slaps after Hikari x Miyako Jogress debut.
>Damn I expected more slaps after Hikari x Miyako Jogress debut.
There's no more character development to be done. A repeat fight does happen later, but it ironically has far less slaps in 02 than in Adventure.
Last two are xv-mon but with new accessories. Nigger predicted xros-up
Veemon is like half the dragon emperor of the ancient digital world. His species is a big deal and so is Wormmon's.
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It's wierd that people are discussing 02 while I'm in the middle of watching it
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Because I'm also in the middle of rewatching 02 and I kept posting stuff related to 02 discussion. Funny how I don't find it tedious to watch 02 now even though it feels incosistent and all over the place after Kaisar stuff. I also like Miyako now, more so than Hikari.
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Shit taste
Considering Digimon evo charts are so expansive and large, how would you propose digivolution for your partner in a Digimon multi-player mobile game if you were a dev? I feel like making it random go evolve to whichever mon and giving specific statistical chances for each evolution path is a lot better than having someone pick a certain Digimon, since people will end up copying each other. And having certain stats attributed to the rpg level up seems too complicated and constrains unique Digimon to certain builds no one might want to play. What do you think? Pretend you're the dev at Bamco, what would you do? Would you do what I'm thinking of or something else?
I do like MarineAngemon but it's an odd one out
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pick themes or something. survive did exactly that (e.g. piyomon evolves into birds and fire mons)
anyway, I'm sure most digimon fans don't really care either way if it plays out like gif related
Digimentals are outdated now huh? Also all Armor evos should have the respective crest symbol somewhere on their bodies.

>anyway, I'm sure most digimon fans don't really care either way if it plays out like gif related
Probably because they already are aware its an Armor evo of Hawkmon and also because of the Tailmon evo line.
>mobile game
Why would I develop that trash?
Give options to switch evo trees like CS did. Provide some boost items that allow you to level the field for weaker units.
>Daisuke/Miyako jogress
Just imagine the autism power.
Do think there should have either been secondary jogress pairings or a second form for the main ones like Dinobeemon. But all that would have required being focused on the gimmick from the beginning.
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>His species is a big deal
>can't evolve past adult
lol. lmao even
Its an ancient Digimon problem, that's why they either need tech, another digimon partner, or be built different (Veedramon-line) to evolve.
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>Do think there should have either been secondary jogress pairings
Much like trading Armors, it would be cool in theory but wildly unnecessary. Also it would've eaten more of an already shoestring budget the show had.
Veemon is the whole of the Dragon Emperor. Stingmon is just a suit he borrows sometimes, like how Gabumon is not his coat. Aeroveedramon's only mega for years was Imperialdramon, and he did not need jogress to achieve that form. Idramon came out before Paildramon and before Ulforce. Remember, V-mon became King in the Mario Kart movie.
so bandai having missteps with their products is on purpose right? cause if you make something perfect what’s the point of buying the next thing right? no company is this stupid on accident right? right?
this is why the show runs temporary evolution.
What kind of game are you making? Something like a MOBA, survival or exploration game wants to be more like digimon world 1. Something like an MMO or Talisman wants to be more like Digimon Story 2003.

Are you releasing a complete game or a live service game?
There is cope, and then there is this post.
>only mega
He evolved into Hououmon before he did Impy
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other than it being the first, what is it that Adventure 01 does better than the rest?
Its a survival story in an unknown world, and in a time where children were being coddled it pushed the envelope for putting them in danger.

Sure, but this is only as relevant as saying everything can become Numemon at Rookie level. It is not that Aero-Vdramon became Phoenixmon, just that vaccine wind guardians can become phoenixmon. I do remember the years where Mushmon was my rookie though. Fuck, dark times.
By far the best roster of monsters and characters(aesthetics/how they look, not necessarily their depth)
Ok, and where did Aero V-Dramon become Impy? Pocket Digimon World seems to be the only proper one
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Where the fuck is this from?

Why is OOOOOOMEGA a pretty boy?
It's from Digimon Bloom, one of the fan submissions for last year's comic contest.
I think that's one of the contest fanmanga that was released. The one with Lalamon and the Infermon bodysnatcher
Oh wow, that was really good. Fucked up but good.
The most interesting thing about those fan-contest winners was how different they were from the usual Digimon content and how it was clear that a lot of it was done by older fans.
Would you really draw a whole-ass comic about a series you don't care if there is no guarantee of money?
that was unexpectedly dark and bittersweet. will infermon take over the world in the body of a high-schooler?
Worse, it'll become the CEO of Bandai.
god save us all. imagine the endless adventure sequels
they were all pretty good. man, the recolor one felt like a punch in the gut, especially for digimon world players. must have been written by jijimon himself
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perro sexo
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Would (You)?
Most doujins you read on internet are either free or dirt-cheap anyway. Also visibility. Also creator passion.
In fact there are more entry that didn't win the contest on pixiv. Some of their arts are pretty good but the story feel generic shonenshit so they didn't win I guess.
Post the porn comic.
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Fun fact. This is how digimon would actually fuck her. Not because they grab you like that, but because you are essentially in the same situation as with a shota and a milf.
>fuck her
Or humans
I would take them to dinner first.
Why would AeroVeedramon become Impmon? Are you retarded?
From context seems to be IMPerialdramon, not Impmon.
why would you insult a regal dragon but referring to it as an imp?
The lack of unified terminology makes this hell to go through. Duffman is a Simpsons character not a digimon.
what are you going through?
Explains why he jobbed to Jian's sister, Sora, and Tomoki MK-II. He's a drunk joke
It is why that is a DuftmOn. Like HanumOn isn't a god.
rise digi
24 hours until she appears
I love digimon
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Not even close.
She's about as boring as Sora though


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