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Previous: >>486564087

>Version 2.4 "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue" Special Program will be released on July 19 at 19:30 (UTC+8)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC2F2dAXuus (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl3MagK3uyM (JP)

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>A Moment Among the Stars — "Bonajade Exchange"
>Myriad Celestia — "Stoneheart's Oath Ring"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Firefly love!
Hagpedos, care to explain??
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well? what would be better for QQ, assuming once I get it S5
The lacking general
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Why aren't people playing Jade with Topaz?
Wouldn't Topaz + E1 Jade be good?
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She gave up on finding friends...
Homos have to explain themselves for liking a hag modeled guy
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Love my loli wife
Why can't we swap outfits?
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
>Why is no one using two characters nobody rolled together with eidolons unlocked
Gee, I wonder...
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where tail?
That former sigonian sex slave easily fits in into womens clothing? Nothing to explain there.
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My girlfriend is so cute
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Holy tits
So this is how sigga come in existence...
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Who else /allin/ on the Stonehearts? I plan to skip all other characters so I can E1 all Stonehearts. Maybe S1 too depending on how good their LCs are, like Aventurine's. It helps that none of the upcoming Xianzhou characters interest me.
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Hello, my name is John TrailBlazer, and i just fell from the couch, my wife has nothing to do with my injury, and she totally didn't got overboard during sex.
Would anyone really have rolled for this?
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expert anon, answer these milk related q's plz:
how to induce milk production in a woman
how to induce milk production in a man
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>Why is no one using two characters nobody rolled
But I did...
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Imagine the smell
cute lingsha expy
Nahida could have made this happen with archon and gnosis magic. It checks out.
Sure non just release some fucking content where I can use them.
Probably the latter
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I stumbled with a glass door
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All the Mobius enjoyers
>how to induce milk production in a woman
She can take particular drugs to induce it. Will make her heart bigger though.
Starve him.
>Did you know that men can lactate in times of war?
I would fuck Pimp Kafka
It is. However, Aventurine + E1 Jade functions about the same.
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Who's dinner did you forget to make?
Bricked retard.

Forced meme.

His normal body isn’t like that, the stone trooned him out
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reminder this game is for straight males only. fujos, homos and troons should neck themselves
I watched her animated trailer and I am warming up to her
>She can take particular drugs to induce it. Will make her heart bigger though.
Actually with women you can get them to lactate by constantly massaging her breasts.
Fuck you. Time to fap to snek again
Too weak.
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Yes, I'm racist towards Sigonians
Yes, I'll ride Aventurine until my ovaries explode
No, there's no contradiction here
Use all 3 plus robin for maximum soul. Only team with more soul is hypercarry hook or arlan
>2.6 and 2.7
>2 males
>2 females
Wooooow such disparity
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Not surprising they likely don't expect the male characters to sell that well.
Honestly I wish there was at least one skip patch before punished Tingyun...
With guys like fagventurine and Sungay, we are better with just women.
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Who the fuck is that
>Yandere cage
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Do you think other gachas are jealous of us having a canon girlfriend?
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Aventurine saved the game.
bwos I just started, when is the next good limited character banner?
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>Black Swan and Sparkle
>Acheron and Aventurine
>Robin and Boothill
>Firefly and Jade
>Yunli and homo hox
>Feixiao and Lingsha
>Punished Tingyun and Sunday (?)
>Aglaea and ????

Total: 11 girls and 4 men (maybe less if Sunday is later)
>that one fic from nips where he gets Stelle to lactate while he's impregnating her.
If only all male characters were like Blade, Gepard, or Galla, most male players would still pull for them tho. I even have Blade on my account, even though I'm a waifufags
Sparkle shut the fuck up
No because they can actually put a ring on their characters or even marry them
Feixiao is gonna be good for sure, Yunli seems decent too.
Blade and his gay ass mullet looks like shit. Gepard is a fucking jobber. Gallagher is literally aimed at faggots.
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the upcoming characters rentry is dead, what am I supposed to do now? scrounge and beg for whats the latest leaks again?
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When will Topaz become phased out as the primary FUA support? I don't fuck with her kit and her being the BiS for every FUA DPS is killing the characters for me.
Never bitch, invest harder.
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>you can have crit rate on literally every single one of your gear pieces and not reach 100% crit
Itemization in this game was a mistake
I'm talking about their design and personality, they're probably the coolest and least gay in any Hoyo games. Another example is Zhongli. He got popular, and everyone still pulled for him no matter how bad his kit was on his first release
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>leaving out Boothill, Argenti, Moze, Welt
>Blade, Gepard, or Galla,
bland and generic looking?
Blade > Dan
SW > March
Kafka > Himeko
Stellaron Hunters own
>Primary fua support
She never was, nobody needs her.
The owner said that they are not updating it anymore.
If you want to have kit leaks you should check https://homdgcat.wiki/sr/char?lang=EN
Most leakers are dead but https://t.me/s/fireflylover or dimbreath is still reliable or just visit the reddit leakthing once in a while
I try to download most stuff but my folders are not really organized.
End of husbando 5 stars for a while.
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Retard here, wasn't Firefly supposed to find an "unforgettable reward" on Penacony? Was it literally just hanging out with (you), and not anything to do with her anime illness?
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Yunli & Jiaoqiu & March china 4 star
Feixiao & Lingsha & Moze 4 star
New SU expansion
Screwllum & Stephen lloyd trust the plan
She's fated to get unforgettable gains. So please expect Musclefly later on.
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>Gallagher is literally aimed at faggots
Really? What aspect of Gallagher is faggot coded? Outside of a few anime bells and whistles on his outfit he looks like a well dressed bartender(fittingly).
Absolute autism.
The reward was all the money mihoyo saved by using hack writers for half of penacony
Her unforgettable gains were spending time with (You) and finding out there actually is a cure for her illness.
Retards are just mindbroken
>Twink? For gays
>Hunk? For gays
>Normal guy? For gays
>Ojii-sans? For women but they don't know that so gays
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New 5* Harmony when?
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Fuck this thing.
>you will never have this
It's not fair
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Please rewatch the cutscene and read her monologue. She literally had her life changed by (You)
Why are you guys always ignoring King Yuan?
Is Stephen Lloyd a cute potato scientist?
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Soon...trust the plan.
She literally says her last attempt ended with hope. Jade confirmed there is a cure, so knowing that her search for being cured is not useless is a pretty major gain
>Pella wants to get fucked by these men
And that's a good thing!
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why is yunli barefoot?
sex (masturbation) with (using) this thing (onahole)
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Not if I can help it.
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You could, just be better at life.
what kind of logic is this?
i really think these guys just don't know who is in 2.6
because if 2.6 is the last penacony patch and we have sunday tingyun and that greek bitch left
either 1 of them is a 4 star, or they aren't in the 2.6 patch
Rate my build?
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I choose both.
it's a maybe since they haven't revealed him yet
But I'm good at life.
85% of women are whores and are not wholesome in the slightest. Fuck them, they are only good for cum&dump
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why so many fags and women itt lately?
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Guess who's visiting
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Game is dying that's why.
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I need to update my snek folder
not enough men
Some discordserver found out about /hsrg/. They even tried to use spoilers with the discord method
5* Ting. Quantum Harmony
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Sorry, my mind block everything from space china, he's a cool dude
I'm literally running out of relic space. Is it safe to just salvage all the hp & def shoes. Seems like even sustains prefer something else like speed
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Any fanart or fanfic of these two hatefucking?
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That's amazing. Is there more?
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Fraud Yawn is fucking lame and stupid, I only ever liked him with the joey wheeler chin in that one screenshot
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Delete anything with double flat stats first. There just might be someone who wants to use those.
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11 more days Yunlibros hows your prefarming going>
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This woman would rather get choked IRL >>486594738
I could live between those breasts for the rest of my entire life.
Still working on her relics, because I don't have a crit rate chest yet. Otherwise I think I have enough materials to max her level and cone out, and level her important traces to 10 while keeping basics at 1 and skill at 6 or something.
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got all her boss mats, almost there for talents but I feel like I shouldnt go too far since there might be an event that gives us some
phase 1 or phase 2 banner?
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>At her right, a seasoned doctor currently serving as counselor, and he is also her own profesisonal cook
>At her left, a professional assassin that erradicates all matter of threats from the shadows
>Meanwhile Jing Yuan only has a gremlin that wants to take his job and a depressed old fox
What did they mean by that?
2.6 sumulated universe
Who is the 4 star?
Phase 1 obviously she is the main star of the patch
disgusting faggot
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>Hmm, Anon, after all this time, we meet again... Funny isn't it? Back then, i used to have feelings for you, too bad Chad is not my husband, but we could still be friends
You forgot his wife, sword champion of the loufu and his son, future sword champion of the loufu.
Sleepy Juan is the weakest general for sure
My friend!
No I just want comfy…
Quadruple semen demon.
>can't even cuckpost correctly
Sparkleposter is literally the dumbest shit I've ever seen
My loli wife
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I'm not cuckposting, i was just venting in a not healthy way
Bronya SEX!
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>the second biggest spender in this game
>only has 1 male as a guest
why global so gay?
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Cute loli
Are we seriously not going to get kit details before the relic event?
The double relic event will decide what she's wearing since I haven't gotten a single good piece yet. Still on the 70>80 trace grind. I'm anxious about warps going in with 150 warps and 50 pity since I want to get Fofo too.
Unintentionally forgot about him desu but you're right, he's great too
Still wish he interacted with Boothill since he wanted to be a ranger
I'm just surprised they remembered Yukong exists desu
Just skip Fofo and get her cone
No, she’s a racist hebe so shipping this would get you cancelled in the west sis.
I'm getting her cone for sure, Fofo will require luckshitting
This is why hags (older not christmas cake) are the best. No hag ever told me to use my belt and strangle her until she's unconcious.
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if she's not older than christmas cake she's not a hag
hag is like 35+ btw
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>They finally make it
>Looks good
>Except for the huge fucking weirdass kimono that's way too big
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I just jerked off to a shitty MTL NTR H game.
Good concept, bad execution.
Garbage gameplay, story so bad I'd rather read SU slop and H scenes were unsatisfying.
I couldn't bear playing another second so I just downloaded the full save file and view the cutscene in the gallery.
This shit is so fucking bad I'm seriously going full vanilla only from now on, no more cuckshit.
Honkai star railing my nuts into the poster below me.
>Thought she was sitting on a toilet
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Be the change you wish to see
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Plenty of anons call 25 year olds hags. Hag is 30+. True hag is 40+. Granny is 50+
Hagpedos are disgusting
You are taking advantage of an old desperate woman
>get a (you) but it's filtered
>expect some schizobable raging at me
>it's AI slop
Leaving this thread for today because I crave violence.
extremely cute and canon
>QQ poster loves ntr
Im not even surprised anymore
they're retarded and should not be counted
Man I just turned 24 and I’m still a kissless virgin who’s never even been in a relationship… is it unironically just over for me at this point?
Honker star rail
Why can't these chinks make girls with short hair?
All women are lolis and all women are my wife
I hate Laofu, they fucked the concept of age on the verse, yeah yeah, i know itis space a that may vary from planet to planet but now every npc child model 345# is 5000+ years old and behaves like a kid
Forbidden Fruit is delicious sis. Also I want Aventurine to spank Sparkle, make her his bitch and force her to apologize.
The odds arent in your favour bro. Hope you like strangling. Ever woman likes to be Bart Simpson in bed
Incredibly hot and canon, they'll gaing weight cuz the sex play with food like >>486594219
LMAO, sauce?
Gachimuchi is the gay stereotype in japan.
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Hanabi is only tolerated by TB and SW, aventurine is kekbait with topaz and Ratio.
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There's two but they're pretty fucked up and sigga gets mindbroken
>and SW
SW hired to do a job, I don't think they're friends
It's only over when you're an unsuccessful manchild. But you're in your physical prime, and it's only going to go downhill, especially after 30, so I wouldn't waste too much time.
If you're a woman then being "pure" is a plus, but the clock is ticking and you hit your wall before men. Nobody will want you at 30.
Please tell me he's making more Kafka art soon. I know shes been gone a year, but I need good art to cope
Why did you make this post?
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She got her reward after (you) ENTER on the rooftop in embers in a shell trailer
They're just gaming buddies, and I don't know about you but I don't trust the retards I meet while gaming
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I think so.
Should I run Iron Cavalry on my Break Sussie
I grabbed Boothill's cone for her so 250 shouldn't be too hard to reach
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Which ones are you pulling for?
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You missed your HS love, Anon, better find a single mother or fuck An Asian tranny.
Maybe I misunderstood. If that poster is a woman, she probably has unrealistic standards. She probably expects a six figure salary or something. Lower your expectations and just find a man whi makes you laugh
Why do birds fly?
>uses firefly
fuck off
>No luigi hat
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its been a good run bros. i just don't care for any near-future characters, beat every endgame mode, and feel like i beat the game... no reason to enslave myself to a daily log in
Why do those fags keep putting their ugly reaction faces on thumbnails?
>He knows
Kafka is coming back. They commissioned him to promote Kafka with his art. Trust the Plan.
>All of the revealed
That's wrong though
no drip today?
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Churin is for everyone.
So that they can learn to pick themselves up
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Her love is like a charity.
The heroine is cute at least but everything else is complete garbage.
Half of the scene don't even have sex or anything erotic in them and even then only one (uno) scene is at least passable.
Honkai star rail I'm rolling Yunli and skipping Jamiroquai
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Demasiado canon el amor por luciérnaga
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>Wasnt able to get perfect win on last Supergiant level with HuoHuo / BS / S1 Kafka / S1 RM

See you in 6 months so you can complain about waiting for reruns
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Bye anon.
Take care of yourself.
Based retard shitposter
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>If you're a woman then being "pure" is a plus, but the clock is ticking and you hit your wall before men. Nobody will want you at 30.
I think this is the biggest incel cope myth that unsuccessful young men like to keep reminding themselves of as a way to reassure themselves and think "a-at least I'll be able to settle at 30 with a woman my age nobody wants h-haha"
Spoilers it's wrong
Chads do not want 30yo women anymore
Normal dudes have no issue dating a 30+ and there's boatloads of normal dudes awaiting to settle
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i will probably be back and doing that haha

ill just be in gig and still post here(maybe), but no more gaming
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Farewell trailblazer maybe we’ll meet again someday
Yeah that's right, you have no drip
Who is the best 4th slot for Jade/Himeko/Herta?
>do your weekly run for jades
>save file
>farm whatever you want
How is that worse than SU you fucking retard?
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ewwwwwwww disgusting.
>do your weekly run for jades
because attracts zoomtrannies and makes them click on the bideo
Literally who are you and why should I care what you do?
I'm glad she is not a disgusting snake.
That's the fun part of the game, fuck off
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I would rather see Herta than Screwllum
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>google it
>THIS comes up
Imagine a country so full of insecure scrawny manlets that just being muscular is considered gay. Pathetic.
Getting any woman is easy, getting a good woman is impossible
No snek no roll.
She's a dragon, which means she's snake adjacent via the reptile family.
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I'm with you, there needs to be more creative minds when it comes to slutting out Aventurine. He has so many interactions with people
I'm going to E6 Fofo just to send a message to hoyo
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Goodbye anon
To be fair, it used to be a thing in the west aswell
Back in the 80s/90s for most people lifting was either for professional athletes or homosexual men
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I care
>march, sexiao, moze
why are they trying to brick us even more?
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With enough bricks you can build a house
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this guy's art is great
How is someone being less in demand as a result of age a myth? Even as a guy I'm aware that age is working against me. Being successful (mentally and financially) younger is flat out better than the same success level but older.
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Bye bye
I'll rub one out for you
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>no I want to uninstall the game that requires me to spend 5 minutes daily on auto, and a bit more time once a week
yeah okay. HSR is a perfect gacha sidegame actually
fofo and rm are bricks for this stage you dummy, read the buff
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I... tried it twice
Yanqing still survives before the dot kills him because his turn doesnt come before the cycle times out.....
I don't get anything from this but im pissing time away trying to get it done because this is incredibly fucking insulting to me
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Bratty imouto
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I'm glad HSR devs realize that men and women can be friends without fucking. That a penis doesn't always need to go into a vagina. That friendship is sacred and you shouldn't fuck your friends no matter what. Pic not related btw.
Personally, I prefer older guys and guys just age way better than women do in general (at least in my opinion). I don’t think guys like older women on average though so it’s kind of tough I guess
I'm glad ZZZ killed us. Maybe they'll start trying and give us romance mechanics, canonize our marriage to Firefly and get rid of SU and chink slop by 3.0
I don't understand how the buff works because no one is getting their ultimates reset
Yanqing's swords attack everyone and everyone just regains energy normally. I'm not seeing anyone just automatically ult either.
zzz has its own SU but worse so no
>How is someone being less in demand as a result of age a myth?
The myth is not "less in demand", the myth is "no one wants them"
They should do all of that but they won't
I want to sexually have sex with Lingsha..
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Save for Diamond
I want to be coiled
The "average" doesn't matter in the end, hopefully you get what you want in life
I hope he looks like that
Out of ten!
Of course they don't, they didn't know who was in 2.2 either (remember the Boothill cope?) and they also didn't say when JQ would come out, it'sjust that they datamined his kit very early.
Just a month ago they said Tingyun was going to be 2.7, so people are just assuming she's 2.6 now because of the leaked models + nobody knows who else could be 2.6 We technically didn't even know that Lingsha/Feixiao for sure would be 2.5; leaktrannies had a bunch of info about Lingsha but basically nothing about Feixiao even now, as far as kit goes.
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>walk into a bright area
>you get flashbanged the whole time
Yep kino
I wish she was cunny like Nuwa but I'll take the JK age
Kino make it happen hoyo
It was a planned killing so nothing's gonna happen, they're gonna revive us whenever they stop shilling ZZZ and Natlan.
Good. Women, or pussyniggers as I like to call them, need to gtfo because this game is for hetero men only.
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this, but zzz
That’s also true, I guess I’m just tired of being really lonely all the time is all. Thank you anon though, I won’t give up and I hope I can be happier in life soon
star rail made more money than Genshin the first half of the year bwo, what does that make our big brother if we're dead?
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Honkais for this feel?
we know, Herta
stephen lloyd and opal
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sorry but this is diamond
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>starts dying
>starts spamming half naked hebes and lolis, new endgame modes, almost every new character is now female
it makes them desperate and that's a good thing.
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Are we getting any more Penacony patches before we get chinaslop again?
No one is as gay as those two hunterbwo, better luck checking out /gig/
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You are literally NTRing Herta by playing DU. Stop being seduced by Screwllum
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no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the bedroom, from the bathroom sink to the shower, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, while i gasp for air, scream and see the light, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cow girl, doggy, backwards, forwards, sideways, upside down, on the floor, in the bed, on the couch, on a chair, being carried against the wall, outside, in a train, on a plane, in the car, on a motorcycle, the bed of a truck, on a trampoline, in a bounce house, in the pool, bent over, in the basement, against the window, have the most toe curling, back arching, leg shaking, dick throbbing, fist clenching, ear ringing, mouth drooling, ass clenching, nose sniffling, eye watering, eye rolling, hip thrusting, earthquaking, sheet gripping, knuckles cracking, jaw dropping, hair pulling. teeth jitterbug, mind boggling, soul snatching, overstimulating, vile, sloppy, moan inducing, heart wrenching, spine tingling, back breaking, atrocious, gushy, creamy, beastly, lip bitting, gravity defying, nail biting, sweaty, feet kicking, mind blowing, body shivering, orgasmic, bone breaking, world ending, black hole creating, universe destroying, devious, scrumptious, amazing, delightful, delectable, unbelievable, body numbing, bark worthy, can't walk, head nodding, soul evaporating, volcano erupting, sweat rolling, voice cracking, trembling, sheets soaked, hair drenched, flabbergasting, lip locking, skin peeling, eyelash removing, eye widening, pussy popping, nail scratching, back cuts, spectacular, brain cell desolving, hair ripping, show stopping, magnificent, unique, extraordinary, splendid, phenomenal, mouth foaming, heavenly, awakening, devils tangos, he could put a nuclear bomb inside me and I'd still ride.
>sister game killed us, its over
Why are you faggots like this?
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That new "endgame" mode nearly killed the game. I sincerely believe that if Natlan was distracting people right now there'd be a lot more whinging about Theater, especially when the next one rolls around and it requires a bow unit for the last boss while also being far more restrictive on elements (there's onl 3 hydro 4*s in the game).
Location Amphoreus in version 3.0 when we get Alexander (Fate) and related
We know that 2.4 and 2.6 are 100% chinkstory.
2.6 might be SU/Du related and hopefully they will throw a bit of Penacony into that patch as well.
2.7 is a wildcard
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What 4*s are worth building? Xueyi, QQ, tingyun and Gallager?

Ive finally got my 5*s to a nice place so have some time/resources to kill while I wait for this kusogame to update.
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>We know that 2.4 and 2.6 are 100% chinkstory.
2.4 and 2.5 sorry
>2.6 are 100% chinkstory.
what makes you say that?
1.6 was a herta space station quest
was a su world added for the new orbs?
pela, herta
2.6 is going to be Stephen
no SU is eos
cute and canon
pela also and e6 asta
Pela, Herta, could do lil Gui too
They share the same braincell
and bed
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Survey time?
You know the drill
Probably no.
Though, we might come back to Penacony again. Like a Trailblaze Continuance mission, like in Belobog and Luofu during the 1.X patches.

There's 24 "Hours" of Penacony, and so far we've only visited 12 of them. There's plenty of space to make revisiting missions.
You know the drill
There's a chance we might go back for a small event in 2.6 or 2.7 (assuming there is a 2.7) the same way we went back to HSS but I expect that it'll be chinawank until the next region is added.
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space china lasting for 2 patches makes the most sense if 2.6 is a herta space station quest
will there be a 2.7, or are we just going to go straight into space greece after 2.6?
My surprise is there is a human reading the open-ended responses and elevating the them to the right people
eh i got wish and warp confused
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Elio should've been a girl.
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I'll rub one out on you
She could be
Nice imgur filename sister.
In which subreddit did you post this?
I'm really pissed they were talking a out all these different hours and we saw less than half of them
But Gon is the big spoon
I expected this because there's no way Hoyo would actually let us explore everything.
What's even more indefensible than this is the return to Chinaslop is just the fucking Luofu again. There are five other ships, they can't made a new asset flips for at least one of them? Especially if we have to deal with their chink lore for another 3 patches again?
I kinda wanted to get her S0E1, but Feixiao and Lingsha look way too good, and I already have E1 Clara anyways, mechanically she is exactly the same.
If she dumps the KING to hang with (us) then I might reconsider and roll her, if she is full on shipshit then she will earn as much as the homofox that comes after her.
Pela works at E0
You can get Herta to E6 for free, and she'll help with PF
Tingyun works at E0, gets even stronger with each passing Eidolon
Guinaifen at E1 is perfect for Acheron and Dr. Ratio
Gallagher needs E2 minimum, perfect for Break, DoT, and Debuff teams.
Asta needs E6, pretty good support for DoT or Hypercarry
Sushang and Luka need E6, pretty good Break DPS'
Lynx is good with Clara, Blade and Yunli
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i'm glad they're reading mine at least since we're getting opal
i don't post on reddit
>players want more endgame to actually use the characters they roll
>lets make an endgame that limits the characters even more
I don't understand what they were thinking with that honestly
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I'll just say it like this. Any game where pic related happens, is just badly designed. Period.

This was my first 12-3 3* clear. If I'd not already no longer give a single shit about the game's "endgame" and raising chars, I'd definitely stop now. Like what is WRONG with those "game designers"?

I seriously pray those shitheads never leave the Genshin team. My lord.
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>You can get Herta to E6 for free
You only get her to E5
>tfw IPC-centered story/planet centers around the person occupying the 11th office in the Strategic Investment Division with the title Phosphophyllite
Okay I'll ask for a gigachad male model and a super tall hag
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Elio should have been a cat.
There was no free copy during Divergent Universe?
He is, he's the cat in Kafka's art.
girl with white hair and blue eyes is a pretty common and popular archetype
but i doubt hoyo is willing to give him a female form
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Yeah but he should have remained a cat, even in his playable form, none of this twink bs
>Elio should've been a girl.
him being a boy is better
What if Elio is teriteri?
>he doesn't want a cute girl to him her protagonist
please no
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That's it, I'm telling them to stop adding males on the survey, and to ban any notion of further shotas being released. Also fuck Yunli, she can eat shit
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This is what genderbent teri looks like
>telling them to stop adding males on the survey
>and to ban any notion of further shotas being released
>Also fuck Yunli, she can eat shit
based clarachad
Note received, no more lolis and hebes. Hag only game.
If I have S5 Genius' Repose and we all can get S5 Eternal Calculus and Day the Cosmos Fell, is there really any reason to get a second Another Peaceful Day from the battlepass?
I have one S5 Peaceful Day and one S5 Carve the Moon Weave the Clouds and i dont know wtf else to get...

It's been 1 year and they don't have a mind to open up new BP cones?
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The only thing I put on my survey was "I miss Kafka"
Genshin only added new BP weapons in 4.0 so it will most likely be the same for us.
I just started collecting one copy of each because I also don't know what to pick anymre.
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>mad because shotafags won
you shouldn't have underestimated the power of shotacons
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I will now play your game.
I mean they peaked with Clara, more hags is just a bonus
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Do it.
>If I have S5 Genius' Repose and we all can get S5 Eternal Calculus and Day the Cosmos Fell, is there really any reason to get a second Another Peaceful Day from the battlepass?
>I have one S5 Peaceful Day and one S5 Carve the Moon Weave the Clouds and i dont know wtf else to get...
If you wish, you could just upgrade your GR, EC, and DCF into another S5 Peaceful Day. That cone is probably universally a 2nd BiS for most Eruditions
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if TB is indeed gonna unlock the remembrance path next, wouldnt she be the best main antagonist of next arc?
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Survey time?
You know the drill
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Don't make me cry bro
Jesus, that late?
Is that because they dont want to piss off people with the implication that if you release more cones for a time-gated BP, you wont ever collect all of them to max? That's too severe..
Shipsisters we are eating good for the rest of the year.
I hope we get some JYxFu xuan scenes
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Good evening frens, how was work today?
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Am I cheating on my HSR husbando if I have Genshin husbando?
It's way too late for that bwo
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I just tell them I want Aventurine's hat back in every survey.
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Holy based chad.
The water was nice today
Just fine, thanks for asking bro
this is what happens when the entire genshin team can't stop thinking about dicks, they can't even making proper endgame content.
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I will back you up + ask for Topaz skin
>randomly get reminded of the Annihilation Gang
It sucked. I worked for 12 hours and come home to my completely dark, cold apartment and I'm just laying here on the couch looking at 4chan. LIFE SUCKS ASS.
Yeah she could even work with the Cremators together to make it even more Rememberance heavy in the upcoming story.
I’m on the train going home. It was alright today I guess
Mom outfit for Kafka when?
>You know the drill
>stop making feminists so cocky by releasing more males in this game. they will start demanding more male characters if you do that. some female characters get doomposted because of this reason. they keep infesting games, demanding more male characters while hating on and spreading doomposts about female characters.
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I just hope Constance doesn't come any time soon because I inflicted quite a dent on my hag stocks to pull for Jade
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I like their designs but I'm really liking Dubra even more over time, Jade at least hinted something about her but I'm not expecting her to be released in 3.X at all, Constance is the most likely to appear first
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>Black Swan on da train
>Black Swan and Constance are connected
>Black Swan is a Memokeeper, while Constance is a Cremator (someone that destroys memories)
>Next planet is affiliated with 3 paths, one of them being Remembrance
So if Black Swan has some screen time in the Space Not!Greece planet, Constance is surely to follow. Surely.
too big
Gee thanks
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doing my part glühwürmchenbros
not big enough
Perfect size
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On my way, luciérnaga bros
Who are the reruns in the upcoming patches?
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Dr. Ratio, Houhou, Black Swan and Sparkle are waiting in line.
After that Acheron and Aventurine.

I haven't even mentioned the Seele, Silver Wolf, Kafka and Blade reruns that are almost 8+ months overdue. They might be forced to make a joint banner for them, sort of like FGO or GI.
Who is HSR equivalent of Lumine?
I love Robin
kek I never realized before how goofy FUA teams actually are
I wrote that her ultimate form is shitty and she should get a costume that only uses SAM without the cringe firefly vtuber shit.
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Stelle is pregnant. Who is the father?
Ruan Mei. Science is fascinating like that.
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stelle and BS are for spit roasting and (star) railing
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Her brother.
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Renew your definition
you're no hotarubro of mine
Busy patch
I know that it's been a few weeks, but in the survey make sure to complain about DU, notably how badly shilled Firefly and only Firefly is, how heavily it nerfed a lot of other paths that wouldn't even be more powerful than the FF shit, and that it's WAY too hard on RNG.

Aka worst SU so far.
so do they actually read the english surveys?
Are Stelle and Caelus siblings in universe?
I hope so, but they just seem like expies of each other. Like alternative universe versions.
just use FF
No, they're the same person but in different body.
The body that you didn't pick is stuck in Herta space station forever.
Predictions on Aventurine and Jade's reruns? And, assuming I have literally 0 pulls right now, how likely am I to E1S1 both of them by the time they rerun? If I were to skip all other characters, that is.
I did the same
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Yes, my favourite team
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Is she right?
incel cope and attempts to get women to settle with your loser ass.
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Jade in 6-7 months, Aventurine in like 3-4? And yes you could easily E1S1 Jade, but E1S1 Aventurine depends on if you're f2p or not AND if you're lucky
Damn that sucks
No, the other one isn't alive, did you not pay attention to the opening of the game?
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Now just for (You), I'm going to agree at everything
>Jing properly dressed for battle
80% of his body is unarmored
by "battle" she means sex
Generals don't go into battle...
Firstly, Dr. Ratio, Houhou, Black Swan and Sparkle are waiting in line. So that's 2.4 and 2.5 secured.
2.6 might be Acheron and Aventurine.
3.0, Robin and Boothill
3,1, Firefly and Jade - Anniversary patch
Their souls were put in a flesh recipient. Even if they coexisted and you not considered them as the same person but different gender for game purposes, they would not be blood related imo
>Jing Yuan
Cowardly, not confident in his power as a general, fully clothed out of shame of his body
Pure confidence, displaying open skin as a sign of dominance, completely unblemished because she's never been injured
Pretty obvious who the stronger one is and it's not king yawn.
Juan's armor isn't even proper armor anyway. It's very clearly just decorative, since the vast majority of it wouldn't protect you at all, or doesn't cover the parts of the body that actually matter. If we're going to bring realism into this, he'd be just as fucked in an actual fight as Feixiao would.
twitter fags are so fucking retarded
they're all immortal super powered freaks, none of them need armor
the only reason jing is covered up is that he's designed to not piss off the "straight" male audience
I don't know if I'd call Juan properly dressed for battle but Feixiao is a braggart who transforms or something in fantasyland so I'd say it's fitting
Both were also designed to please a given demographic so in the end you have to admit that you can't please everyone
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>Firefly rerun
>Anniversary patch
You can't make this shit up, lmao
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It's because yumes don't care as much if the guys have their dicks out or whatever. Even the little titty window on Aventurine was plenty
I am fully F2P. So Aventurine in, like, 2.6 you're guessing? Each patch gives around 100 pulls... so I should have 200 by the time 2.6 hits. Also I'm on guarantee, so he'll definitely come home. Problem is losing the 75/25 on his LC. And for Jade, you think she won't come until 3.0? That's another 300 pulls by the time she arrives, so even as F2P, it should be fine, r-right? Thanks for the cope.
>women and men are identical and want the same things
hm nyo
Jing yuan sleeps and doesn't do shit.
Moze probably doesnt even let most of threats get to Feixiao.
Both frauds btw
>remembrance and preservation are still broken
>other paths that wouldn't even be more powerful
how shit are you at playing this game? especially preservation path, the chance of failing in the endgame is close to zero if you use Gepard.
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His legs are unarmored and by her logic why isn't he wearing a helmet either? And why stop there? Why doesn't the loufu army use guns? Or nukes for that matter? And if their supposed to be the bot chinese of this game why aren't they more tan colored? Or their eyes squinter?! AND WHILE WE'RE AT IT, WHY DON'T THEY...
just don't reply you fucking retards
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Yes, reruns are ~6 months so you'll definitely get Jade if you never pull between them. Aventurine should be fine too, if you're lucky.
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>"woah guys why do products need to look good to sell????????"
I did my part and said I was very unsatisfied with everything related to the glowworm
I saw that shit get reposted last thread. I guess our SEAbros didn't manage to see it.
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ty anon, it works every time with the retarded twitter takes ahahaha
Granted, now they'll shill her even more.
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Bros do me a favor and ask for playable Baiheng on the survey
No thanks, the worst character of the quintet should remain dead
>all these reminders why you don't want to bring these hateful bitter psychos into your fanbase
It would be hilarious if the furfags were less of a pain in zzz than male rollers
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It is done.
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Is star rail really a JRPG if it doesn't have a victory screen after battle?
Touch grass
Thoughts on this character?
Kill yaoshi
Cute loli
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SEX with Yaoshi
I hate them
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I love them
You just know this is gonna trigger THEM.
hurry up and show stephen lloyd already
After completely stimulating everything we have come to the conclusion that Yaoshi is the hero of the universe.
Im gonna seethe about it for weeks maybe even months
That's literally a higher male ratio than Genshin has with it's 5.x.
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I asked for TB room in the train for more than a year in every survey.
>t. Dan Shu
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holy hag SEXO
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Dead, we are.
this character flopped
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Does this general have to be active every second of every day? I swear you hoyo generals are spoiled ass shit.
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>be the most successful gacha
>have no one be mad at you because you give people what they want
just wait for the stream bro
Firefly killed /hsrg/ with her slow as fuck banner.
we're in /poeg/
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holy peakacony. these trade negotion cutscenes are fuckin hittin. IPC supremacy anyone?
Jade bros...
Kafka... Blade... Silver wolf...
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Based indeed.
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>3+ patches in a row of Space China
Star Rail is saved
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We love capitalism
We love workplace incest
You know what's saved? My pulls
I can't wait for the shitshow when Sugilite gets released, and he isn't as dark as he was in the trailer
>2 weeks to the banner
I'm getting warp anxiety
This, but unironically. Penacony was an unironic pretentious gigaflop.
Not really, they literally have the same males but less girls. 7 girls and 4 men (Natlan Xiao, Ororon, Xbalanque, Capitano)
same xis. me and trotterlord are bffs now
fantasy politics can be fun yea
>Please.... *Pant..pant* like the IPC characters...
>No... The annihilation gang is no more... Forget them
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Capitano isn't playable retard.
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Easy on the oat cakes, Hotaru…
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mihoyo peaked with her
Where are my melaninated queens?
Would be retarded if he wasn't
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You're pulling for her, aren't you, anon? Or do you want to brick your account that badly?
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Babe, you're kinda... Gaining weight...
Jade, it's time to accept reality
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Good night bros I love huge breasts
keep asking in the survery bro
I love the IPC
I love the intelligencia guild
I love the Amber Lord
>another bug slave
no thanks
Wish more artists understood the teardrop form.
>mogs your latest support

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