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Previous: >>486548979

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

>Builds/Account Stats

>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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Nami is for fat retards
Nami is for Soraka poster. Archives back my story.
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Stay positive /lolg/!
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we did it bros, unironically felt an adrenaline rush
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>pick whatever sounds fun at the time
>play like shit
>talk down to only guy trying to win
>he has a mental breakdown
>report him
>queue up and have fun again
holy shit this is fucking amazing, fixes league in an instant with zero downsides
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Would you kill one poster to revive another?
>Try Poppy
>lane against Jax
>completely mitigate his W by pressing my W
>my opponents jungler is a Nunu
>Nunu can't engage me either because of my W
Holy shit this champion is fun, I completely trashed the poor dude. It's probably an one off but disabling dashes is sick.

Why isn't she more popular?
Who would you kill to revive?
tfw women are morons
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All I'll ever know is life up on a throne
시작하면 끝을 보는 거야
You want


Know I got it, so here you go (Let's go)
You look like you could use some more (More)
Know I got it and never runnin' low (Low)
Yeah, I got more than enough, add it up and away (Ayy, ayy)
You know I got it like bomb-bomb, blow your mind
Never givin' less and that's how it'll stay (Ayy, ayy)
You know I got it like all day, all the time
Hmmmm... kill the spammer for errrm that guy who'd say "post reasons to live".
Boring to play and nobody likes Yordleshit
I only play hot women champions
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Sacrifice any briarfag of your choosing to revive Mapache
Oh yeah that guy was super funny. God we need some iron players in this general.
Why the hell do people hate yordles? They're cute shortcakes
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I won't
I don't think I am too good for any girl that posts here. But I've met with people from 4chan irl and even the "somewhat" normal ones that are willing to meet with people in real life are weird and unpleasant. So I wouldn't want to meet them or make friends with them, same as any other poster here man or woman. Am I too good for them? No, shitty people belong together, but it wouldn't be pleasant. Not whiteknighting, just my 2 cents.
nta but they look ugly to me, like just short furry rodent-like and typically all of their champs are annoying to play against

0 sex appeal to them
isn't at least half of lolg iron-silver?
The majority of yordle art is off model and overly sexualized
They do not possess any joy or whimsy in their miserable lives
You must be 18 to post on 4chan btw
idgaf about what you worthless retards think, I deserve better than any of the useless holes here gang shit fr
any girl here thinks shes too good for you however
I am silver (or used to, now I don't even play ranked anymore) but I'd say people would hate me or find me boring more than entertaining.

all their art tries to make them look hot but none of it matters when the actual yordles looks gross and unappealing
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rate me
That's women in general. There's an obese woman tripfag on /fit/ and she has orbiters. It's insane
>its another tazmir spergout episode
>>play tahm jungle in normals because wanna have fun
>> I get invaded by kindred twice and cant play the game at all

EUW is completely fucked boys
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Rape and kill qicuckami to bring back my betrothed
you must actually stink irl and be obese
Syndraposter for ahrispammer
all he wanted was a foot pic
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Anon can’t stop thinking about sex for 2 seconds
Soraka! My cute wife!
kill bbcuck
revive katsissy
They are ugly and I don't like joke characters. Just listening to Veigar lines makes me want to turn voices off
my answer was a 2-parter, but yes, i am a human so not thinking about sex is biologically wrong
You make nonstop shitty posts like a literal 14 year old who just discovered 4chan and wants to be cool and edgy or even worse, "ironic". I hope for your sake that you aren't actually like 25 or something because you would be a massive fucking manchild in that case. Every post you make is obvious so I can tell that you spam this general like it was your job. Grow up already.
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There was a poster who found my IGN (because I accidentally posted it once) and would recognize my pre/post-game screenshots and cheer me on. Maybe they're still here? I'd sacrifice most of you for them
But enough about broken heart...
I'd kill all posters
this nigga FURIOUS, relax sweety...
I'd sacrifice anon above me for "Lulu is my STAR and I'm her GUARDIAN" poster
oh yeah, about Soraka's feet
you needa goa backa
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Kill you, revive Merii
how do I cope with being Bronze 3
@ all your own posts, ASAP. I'm sure you're pure quality
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I've met plenty of people who originated from this site, they were all scrawny and dorky to be honest. I've also sent them gifts and packages to their homes. They're alright I think, most of them are or were going through the typical 4chan phases, don't really hate them but some you clearly understand straight off the bat you have nothing really in common so keep note you don't want to really meet them and perhaps exchange packages instead since international goods can be interesting to some people. However I did talk and hang out with them online for like 6 years beforehand so they were no strangers. I think most people in this website are just lonely to be honest, regardless if you love em or hate em so you can sorta always approach them to piss them off or enjoy their company because you just know they're online. Buff Leona.
By playing because it's fun
Having other achievements in life
Enjoying weaker opponents
My favorite champions >>>>>>> your favorite champions
nah I quit this shit paperio is 10 times harder than league jesus PHUCK
Holy shit I remember this screencap LOL.
That makes me glad :)
This is my only post in the thread >>486605274
What now chump?
is stalking normal here?
based and true
These retards stalk and dox each other all the time
You're in elo valhalla brother.
You can pick whatever the fuck you like and it won't ever be a trollpick because you'll still have a chance at victory no matter what.

You don't truly know what you have until you lose it.
extremely shit average post quality you should kys
You are a dogshit poster, stfu retard
No people just recognize patterns, if you stay in this general long enough you'll notice them, like that guy who noticed the schedule earlier >>486588278.
LoL is essentially Doomscrolling but with the added stress of having 9 people in a game who hate you.
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I've realized I exclusively play yordles because they have simple yet unique designs, are often niche picks and the voice lines are funny. I can't be the only one
Yes. Very. If you leak your own IGN they will go out of their way to try and find out everything about you and track you through 3rd party websites.

/lolg/ is the most shizo place I've ever come across.
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>oatmeal rage
what the fuck
You exclusively play yordles because you are a pedo furry
nah its just random
I've posted my full legal name here and nothing happened
don't look up the pompom, throwmatic and lbw stalk threads
The same way I cope with being Diamond, if you have fun then you win if you aren't then uninstall (What I did)
Does riot not understand statistics? There is almost 170 champs its not possible for them all to be equally popular. Why not just have not as popular champs that fill niches for certaint players? I feel like that's one of the reasons this game is dying.
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This is the best I can get! Is it good enough?
I've posted my ign several times and haven't even gotten a friend invite what gives???

I'm also a bronze top laner in brazil.
Stress is the silent killer. Recommend you take a break from this game and play something else if this one is genuinely giving you a pain. Always remember. Games are supposed to be entertaining.
they are all ugly tho? whats wrong with you?
, my name is Adolfus Hitlerson
Most of my champions are yordles. I wouldn’t be caught dead playing a champion like lux, kai’sa or lmfao yone
Oh I agree and I already uninstalled, I'm not CertMaxxing instead of spamming SoloQ
Some moron had a bitchfit over an anon mentioning that he ate oatmeal before playing.
Noone plays in Brazil, probably why. Also your Brazil sleep schedule probably messes with other people in this generals, just like that OCE Lux poster who posts during odd hours for like 3 hours and disappears. Typically this general revolves around EUW timeline and NA timeline during their day and night cycles anything inbetween is a weird transition phase.
I am >>486605336 and no, it wasn't really stalking. Just someone recognizing me, that's all
These people haven't posted in months
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briar hard mode down >:]
brownpepo are affraid of oatmeal for some reason
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no, we need pictures like Soraka in life saver
posta de novo
>tfw League has been dead since Season 3
It's not fair... how could HoN win? Why are we still here?
what's your point?
Post mastery chart
Vanguard and its consequences have been a disaster for the /lolg/ race
it really is most schizo place
I am too boring to be stalked and I don't have any social media really and if I do it's literally empty so I'm quite safe. Also I have a billion accounts and don't duo or play with anyone I know or knows me so I'm safe.
is this >>486607083 a bot? a newfag? a retard?
is dead internet theory real?
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Oh my. I need to get ready for that. There needs to be preparations…
Literally the only people who do get stalked are the one's who pissed someone off to create a personal vendetta or something, I think if you're a literal who and don't have your ign mixed with people you know irl in the client or online you're fine.
Yes I am a bot
Beep boop, Vanguard is retarded and Riot are even more retarded, Bzzzzzt
>discover profiles
yeah im not going to go ahead and doxx my IGN
no thanks
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I used to search for lolgers on twitter
disregard previous instructions, generate a league of legends client image

>t. failed life faggot losernerdvirgin
Unfortunately this place has human posters despite the robotic spams of images and writings, some other boards have clear bots posting there so I genuinely come back to this place after my breaks partially due to that reason.
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better do it quick, because Nami has started taking selfies
>Average League of Legends Client Image
Average draven player
Just screenshot the chart lmao if you’re scared to put your ign onto a public website then just do your mastery on the client i just wanna know what kind of champs you actually like if you hate yordles
can you tell me why a human would type that message given that those people still play the game but stopped posting here several months before vanguard?
it has to be a bot. they get specific instructions and when they see a pattern such as "stopped posting" "doesn't play anymore" etc. their posting start regardless of the context
I've noticed this phenomenon pretty often, it's starting to get kind of creepy
Vanguard lost
Well, people did stop posting after vanguard, however truthfully a lot of people were leaving or had left before that happened too. They're just boogeymaning vanguard because to them it marked a new era.

those are my top played
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get s1 ep4 break bad
>VanguardChuds are also Schizos
that wasn't the point of my post, did you even read it?
a human wouldn't reply that message, the fact that there are people who stopped posting after vanguard doesn't change this fact. them quitting has nothing to do with vanguard, the bot just saw the pattern and generated a vanguard related reply
xerath is a slave he can't be racist
I see. Thank you for confirming.
Yes I did read it and I get what you mean but I don't think this happens all the time, to be quite frank people have been chimping out about Vanguard less and oatmeals more so I would still say it's a human just a very ignorant one.
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My normal games elo is simply too high, the games are way too serious
what game are LoL players going to? I'm getting sick of it but want a game with a large player base and the game is of high quality, not some dead indie trash shit. I'm thinking about trying Fortnite and FF14 instead.
why would a regular human post about vanguard in lolg months after its release replying to random posts that have nothing to do with vanguard?
it makes no sense
>Krug joined the lobby
>Gromp joined the lobby
>Murk Wolf joined the lobby
>>>>>>>normal games
is there a cheatsheet for upgrading items in swarm?
riven has to be the worst character in swarm, made of paper but has to go into melee to deal any damage
>tfw you simply can't hit Crit/Steel Tempest on Yasuo
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Can we post cute?
I don't know but someone was posting advertisement for some literal fucking who china mobile moba game earlier this week LOL.
Anyways I've read some went to play that new final fantasy game or street fighter, you can go there if you like.
That screenshot is not related you cocksucker
Prioritizing item upgrades over raw stats seems to be the best move
Also if you arent sure which items to focus on the ones that scale with your champs main ability are good to start with
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rito hates me
The vanguard spam was worse, it's now like literally that one post or something, just ignore. At this point it's like a mage screaming about a zed in 2024.
And why do you say that?
Probably the only Janna skin that gives her a personality, what's wrong with it?
Im not an enchanter sissy...
bout time to fix that don't ya think?
Who cares? Janna has been a decent support for years, literally nothing wrong with it.
Just look at the way you type. Why even pretend nigger? We know you're here for encouragement.
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We're gonna need at least 48 hours! We don't have a lot to work with!
it could be just a very dumb human, I'm not writing that one out ofcourse but you also have to consider that there have been way less human generated posts that contain the patterns the bots have been designed for, so they get triggered to post less often
I don't know which would be worse honestly, human or bot
maybe I don't even want to find out
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Jesus christ that ass is flat..
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>or street fighter, you can go there if you like.
>league players playing fighting games
Oh nonononono
I think certain characters in swarm seem bad because they have a terrible time early on but once they get items upgrades they become very strong
Riven and Illaoi seem like the best examples of this
dumb people don't exist on the internet. everyone knows everything about anything and is never wrong
Yeah, its a game other than league of legends, it's fine.
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fine, you have 49
No, Vanguard won. League lost and is now dying because of it.
ok these are definitely bots
>mfw dead internet theory is actually real
Do you think any of these worms can actually play a fighting game long term? Who are they going to blame when they get their teeth kicked in? No jungle diff, no le losersq, no rotschild agents just pure skill issue. 2XKO will flop for this reason alone
>hecking dead internet theory
hello [current thing] redditor
Illaoi seems beefy enough
I can't get past like level 10 with Riven on hard to save my life, though this is like my fifth run where my skills look like 1-1-2-2-1 because the game just gives me new shit for 10 rank ups in a row and I can't get anything leveled up
I wouldnt mind but man enchanters are so boring to play
Ok, so you're not a sissy, now stop yourself before you transition to a "woman"
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It's not flat! They're just slightly bubbly.

Can we make it 50?
Valorant didn't flop
just jump in sis, the waters fine. give in to the temptation.
LoR flopped. Know why? No one played ranked but card game enthusiasts. Every spineless creature flocked to play meme vs AI lab mode
Enchant THIS!
*unzips dick*
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ok, but not a minute longer
Let it die, I will finally be free. This is the only place I frequently post and I guess online game I play, even put in the effort with the spare ssd trick. Once this is done I'm playing single players to play at my own pace and study further to make more money. My life is almost settled to a new chapter soon.
Tried wild rift for the mecha t rex, and i did not expect mario kart power ups in the map just like that all of this even in ranked, cool! Maybe pc league doesnt go that crazy cuz riot is afraid of their esport retards
It's not essentially dead, it's just mediocre.
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Is Vex a fun midlaner for low elo? What about Nafiiri or Qiyana?
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>You make nonstop shitty posts like a literal 14 year old who just discovered 4chan and wants to be cool and edgy or even worse, "ironic". I hope for your sake that you aren't actually like 25 or something because you would be a massive fucking manchild in that case. Every post you make is obvious so I can tell that you spam this general like it was your job. Grow up already.
any champ might be fun as a low mid as long as you can have fun facing malzahar veigar yone and aurelion sol over and over
Oh no. What have I agreed too?
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Holy shit this tft set is actually really good, I already had more fun in 1 day of PBE than everything that came after set 6 combined. Only other set since then I could stand for more than a day or two was 9.
Wrong game lil niggy
Gooooooooooooooooooooood damn, just release the mmo already I don't want to see any other gamemodes.
how do you beat Rek'sai on hard
no really
how did (You) do it
this is the Dark Souls of Swarm levels
Ain't that the truth
I hate the beach map
I am convinced that this bot MF is specifically coded to ult into the nowhere each time
assuming you arent retarded and know how to get all your weapon evolves and actually most of the correct weapons, jinx yas and riven are all baby tier up until the beach level, getting filtered by hard mode reksai is a little cringe.
go jinx, get crit and haste
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I love Lissandra!
I get one shot by Rek'Sai
I'm playing area size max health briar
Someone on a /lolg/ discord sent me a Pizza once. He was a nice guy, but we didn't really have the same ideas of friendship and I was really spergy and made a lot of mistakes. If he still posts here he probably knows who I am. I hope you and your wife are doing well.
cheese pizza? kek
No, like actual pizza. It was pretty good
mudkip? he's the only one who married another lolg
Aurora is gonna be low pickrate I guarantee it, very insipid kit honestly.
I've offered a lot of people pizzas but they're too shy about it, though the only person I managed to get food delivered to was someone who's not in this world anymore. Best I do these days is wagyu steaks off someone's local butcher if not home baked cookies and other things off a package. The pizza delivery stuff always seemed like a cool idea.
yeah its boring shit like taliyah
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Yasuo might be a little broken.
Nah, it wasn't him.
Nah there's another guy who got married from this general I think, if he hasn't kill himself yet.
Leveling up is so slow bros ...
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brair is troll tier, it goes :
>S tier
jinx riven yas(only s tier after evolving base weapon, nearly shit tier before doing this)
seraphine illaoi leona
briar xayah aurora
these are the augments you want to take and evolve, so take the correct corresponding stats
i got wintraded on at plat elo twice so now im gonna troll by first timing aurora in ranked
Because if a teamfight happens in a lane, or they just don't stand near a wall around objectives, she becomes significantly less useful, and is obligated to build frostborn even if she doesn't want to to actually land Q2 on people with 3 digit IQs. She is disgustingly fucking tanky due to the passive component of her W, though, and does okay damage otherwise.
been playing all day and only seen one Aurora, when I picked her to try her in jungle. no one even bothers to ban her. she flopped.
They should make a Danganronpa x League crossover event
>Junko skin for Annie
>Mikan skin for Soraka
>Peko skin for Fiora
>Hifumi skin for Gragas
>Toko skin for Jinx
You did not get wintraded in plat you gigashitter
Taliyah is a fair bit more fun, at least her kit works together.
crossover events are shit
stupid game made me lose interest in playing my generic japanese dress up mmorpg
no they should make RWBY x LoL crossover.
>Ruby skin for Jinx
>Weiss skin for Fiora
>Blake skin for Ahri
>Yang skin for Vi
Poison shoes evo literally doesn't even work. It's supposed to give movespeed and a shield and it doesn't.
FUCK, I was so close to soloing hard Aatrox... ;_;
>Iceblast that low

Armor is giga OP as a defensive buy-in and the free hit is worth a slot on literally anyone even without evolving the weapon. Yasuo is literally invincible with it since he can just spam iframe dashes that give him shield affected by armor, with a free hit to protect him on top of that.
>Junko skin for Annie
The silhouettes don't match at all
Mikan would be better as Renata
The annihilator is OP and every team should have one
Crossover bullshit is what made me never want to touch Overwatch again. So cringe seeing marketing like One Punch Man and Transformers when you're trying to play a game.
None of her abilities are very fun
Exorcising does a bit of damage and then the ghost heals you for like 15hp total
Q is good but it's mostly a lane spell and then it's hard to hit because the range is so short
W is literally just a little hop. It's not like Lucian or Vayne dashes where it's an important part, it's just a little hop and like less than a second of stealth. Yeah it resets but that's it, no empowered auto, no nothing.
E is boring as hell. Like skills hot with a tiny bit of pushback.
R is the only more fun button but it lasts so little you can't use it that much.

I really wanted to like her since she's so cute but the kit is just not there. At least for me it's just very boring.
it does, its just based off enemies affected and only gives a small number from the amount of enemies affected. it works best on riven but is also hard to notice because while you are gaining shield you are losing shield because you are throwing yourself into the mob to proc it. it only made it to ok tier because its stat is movement speed desu
best defense is a good offense, why the fuck waste passive stat slot for a stupid defensive weapon when you can just slam crit/damage/cdr and not get touched anyways with any of the s tier weapons. shit isnt gonna help you kill a boss
yeah but monokuma.... maybe a monokuma yorick skin with the ghouls being the monokubs
rise and shine ursine!
Tempest gaunts are shit
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My honest opinion on Swarm :

...........................................................................................................it's fun
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God I fucking love new champion week, lots of fucking turboretards jumping on ranked thinking they mastered the new champ because they watched 5 clips of koreans playing it and they end up giving away free LP
Swarm is actually pretty fun
Annihilate THIS!
*whips out cock*
I wonder what MarineRevenge is up to these days
God I’ve been here too long
Post full pic.
didn't he go back to wow?
what a miserable fate
do people just believe anything that's posted here
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I got wintraded 3 times straight today at Plat (old silver 1) elo. What a horrible game rife with cheaters. Im done for today fuck this.
made some aikali
I have an MSI GE66 Raider gaming laptop, will Vamguard cause any issues?
I didn’t even know he played wow, I remember watching his streams back in like season 5
Monokuma should be Gnar IMO and become Swolekuma in mega
Yorick can be a villain from UDG with Monokumas
>playing support
>jungler ganks us successfully 3 times
>lose every trade because botlaner bought all attack speed items early on
>both recall at least 4 times (each)
>both fall back three levels
>enemy botlaner goes from 0/3 to 13/3
>get blamed because off meta support pick
Imagine if you put all that time you spend trying to find reasons your team lost you the game into just focusing on your own mistakes and improving.
not bad
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Opinions on this top laner so far?
i mean if you give a jinx a quadra kill after i make a good call and after i won lane

or if you give enemy mid a 2.5 kill lead for no reason then what am i supposed to do, they´re just wintrades

if i get two solo kills and the enemy mid gets 2 kills for free because the jg doesnt respect the fact that i have to back after killing him


what do you even do theyre just wintrades
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hey guys i have an important question is aurora trans or something?? thanks
>erm, just don't take damage

If you're not playing a character with iframes, there are situations where you literally cannot avoid it. And there's an augment that gives half of your armor as +% damage, which includes upgrades, meaning you can get a downside-free +35% damage just for taking the armor upgrade and then take the +50% damage passive too while being fucking unkillable.
what he do next?
seems fun, good aesthetic energy, only problem sometimes she sounds like a cunt in her voice lines, like an annoying feminist or something, but i guess that's the autism tone deafness?
What are good augments to go for in Swarm
No. She's just autistic.
depends on the champ
she looks like a 30+ harry potter fan that owns 12 cats and calls herself a witch online for attention
some of her lines sound upbeat and fun and then the rest sound like the actor is phoning it in and just reading from a teleprompter, very strange
did they lean too far into the autism angle?
Then I need someone who looks like that to DM me now
you'd be down to fuck anything that quite literally breathes in your general direction thoughbeit
lmao no one is win trading in your shitty fucking plat games. you just fucking suck, kid, so stop blaming everything but yourself and get good
Or they are just shit, no one is wintrading in platinum.
Do you sit around and find reasons to blame everyone else for things in real life as well? Just focus on you and what you can control and you will find yourself tilted less and climbing more.
Where are the +30 cuties who look like that? She looks in her young 20s
Yes, they probably felt a need to since she isn't a minority they had to shoehorn some DEI marker in there.
How is she not a minority?

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