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The Wheel has turned once again.

Why the fuck does this cost so much? edition

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.
The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 3400 units, 1100 spells and 400 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them. It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.
Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.

>Our pastebin (extremely outdated)
https://pastebin.com/wjbSA98Y (embed)


>Multiplayer guide
>Blitzserver (game hosting service)
(Dom 6)


>Mod inspector
>Pretender calculator
>Debug mod (still dom5)
>Communion fatigue calculator (still dom5)
>Automatically prevent starts in all provinces with less than X connections (still dom5)

>How do I change the fonts?
Replace guifont.ttf, guifont_fancy.ttf and guifont_texty.ttf in the game's 'data' folder (C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Dominions6\data)

>Fan art

>Sloop’s Comfy Balance Mod

Previous Pantokrator >>486157183
Why is it impossible to hide 5 units for less than 15 gems? I just want to hide where my counterraiders are but I can't afford 60 gems for that use case. REEEEE
15 gems? what do you need 60 gems for?
For me it's typically wanting to hide a singular dude. Pretender, expensive sitesearcher, dude putting up a fort...
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Why yes, I do have Chud AND Van blood in my veins, how could you tell?
calm down ashdod he's not raiding you
Once dead twice born
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I will never forgive billy for not taking unaging bless. Taken too soon
Remove all amphibious units.
Total separation of aquatic and terrestrial gameplay.
All games are now two games in one.
Blitzmin please respond
who's to say he isnt? retard
Is there a secret mechanic where if I get a good hero an alert will trigger and everyone mails them anthrax?
Respond to what
yes there is
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Here you go. He had N6 in start of the game, but deathmaxxing does funny things to your ritual capacity.
Keep in mind spark adds start-of-battle quickness. He also got Halt Heretic +5 and Berserk +5 (thus 36). Also 1d6 large jaguars.

It's well known damage you take in early arena battles carries over to later. Today I noticed... Enlarge HP buff also does.
While tendie started Arena on his normal 148hp, in second fight he had 172, and by time of big showdown of the tourney came he rocked 196 and 220 after buff.
Shamefully due to war I failed to get Con5 in time so gear is a bit dated.
That explains it. I wish I got the alerts as well, though.
What the fuck happened with EAt_ze_bugs?
It started
Twice it seems.
>Agartha's throne rushing
I bring thee...

In the land of Vanheim elves do thrive
Viking hearts and magic lives
Through the fjords their ships do glide
In icy winds their strength survives

Shinuyama goblins proud
Samurai with honor bound
Blades so sharp they cut the clouds
In shadow they are never found

Oh Dominions hear the call
Rise and answer one and all
From the mountains to the sea
Different lands but one decree

All the Gods and servants go
Only mortals left at dawn
Somewhere deep in stars they soar
The wheel rounds back once more

Bogarus with steed and spear
Riders swift they show no fear
From the plains to forests near
Legends old they now revere

Agartha deep in earth resides
Caverns echo ancient tides
Giants walk where darkness hides
In the deep their power bides

Caelum high in skies above
Soldiers fly on wings of doves
In the air they're free to rove
Guardians fierce with hearts of love

>Long ass instrumental

All the Gods and servants go
Only mortals left at dawn
Somewhere deep in stars they soar
Different lands but one decree

All the Gods and servants go

Only mortals left at dawn

Somewhere deep in stars they soar

Badmin here. I forgot to set the turn timer because I'm a retard, then we had two idlefags that I removed before restarting. We should be good now. Sorry about that.
>10 days since the last update

marking time, waiting for death...
They are right there, unprotected
But, if you want a gentlemanly fight first, I can wait with claiming
You claiming them all this turn? RIP
undefeated stale champions
about 2-3 turns to get the rest
Touhou mod when
Gotta teach 'em early how to hellbless.
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It's not "again", he still didn't appear.
Most appropriate, in a way. Looks like we been graced by the champion himself. After watching me lose two tiny stacks to indies he measured me and found unworthy.

I'll already found permanent sub, but he will get online in 3-6 hours.
Putting 2-hour extension on in case we're on later side of things, but hopefully turn will get in time.
Hopefully that's the end of hiccups.
>After watching me lose two tiny stacks to indies he measured me and found unworthy.
based roleplayer
if i saw that i would question my faith in god too
What do you guys like to equip your assassins with? I've got my nigga with a cloak of shadows, burning blade, and fire bola and he's pretty nasty now.
lifelong protection
I don't use assassins they're too unreliable
EA_tingSparks! Turn!
Agartha just moved on from my cap...
Too spooked to take on Arena Champ.
>What do you guys like to equip your assassins with? I've got my nigga with a cloak of shadows, burning blade, and fire bola and he's pretty nasty now.
What's your script for that? just fire for a few turns then attack?
speaking of which
>two EA games
>both EAt/EAting
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>mari went on a business trip and has been doing turns last minute ever since
>Agartha didn't storm Mictlan
>Xib scout pinged Ermor's fort
You fuckers I was expecting a good show this turn.
Scout pinging is so cringe. It should have to cross the walls to view units in base.
Has there been a MAde_for_BBC yet?
>Xib scout pinged Ermor's fort
Thanks for the extra horror turn Xib!
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On turn 60 of Sparkbros I won my first war. Just a siege short of taking his cap.
I think this Pyrene lad left a bit too hastly. Fucking infinite devils are pretty mean.
How's the game looking now at turn 60? I got taken out early so I can't see for myself but I'm curious. Was Lemuria contained? Did Pythium finally kill Abysia? Did Bogarus and Erytheia solve their dispute?
Pythium sat on Abysia for about 3 millenia before finally killing him after he went AI, 3 turns ago.
Erytheia is sitting on Bogarus' capital.
I don't have good eyes on Lemuria but I see both (AI) Atlantis and Phlegra sitting on a couple of his forts.

It's hard to tell who's leading but it seems like Pythium is the largest player, followed by maybe Agartha. Utgard and Phlegra seem to be up there too.
>Erytheia is sitting on Bogarus' capital.
based fuck that double-teaming zigger
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I'm getting beyond sick of this
Host, figure out what's happening before I start using CE myself.
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this is Ulm's cap, btw
say a prayer for ulm
>Getting rapped by stinky forest cunny
>stinky forest cunny
why is everyone calling asphodel "cunny"??? i dont get it
So, LA Spark game?
I hate when I dont check the province reports and accidentally walk my expensive shit into a massive enemy horde
how strong is the thunder weapons bless? it says 1 AN damage + 3 AN fatigue damage.
i mean its low numbers so it sounds weak. but its a 7-cost bless so it must be strong right?
I love it personally. Particularly when my army gets wiped out while barely inflicting any casualties.
What's spark? A balance mod I'm assuming?
It can stun and armor won't help you
No, it's an unbalance mod.
someone make it already, there have been several posters already saying theyre gonna make it.
you dont want me making it, it would be the first game i host.
but if nobody else makes it you leave me no choice...
Someone always drew Asphodel as short and skinny since due to game mechanics, she's a poorfag
the asspoodle in sparkbros has undying 20 on his dudes from his tendie passive
kind of fucked up, what do you even do to kill them? you can't really stall with normal troops either since he's got nigger mortis
solar brilliance or fire storm if he has no BV
if he has BV then idk stack a ton of MR onto a couple of fire storm casters and hope for the best, asphodel is a lot like ermor, critical masses are a huge pain to deal with
ok how about charged bodies? if you combine it with shock resistance, the 20 shock damage to opponents who land a hit is a lot right?
Yes and is very hard to 100% negate unless you're either lucky or you have a good amount of shock resistance
but it triggers only for one hit right?
Yes, only once, be it spell, innate, or bless
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What about nidders, twist fate/luck and death explosion trigger on every life iirc, maybe charged body too?
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Is there any benefit to HP maxxing human sacreds rather than taking weapon/stat blesses? Any good nations to do this on?
Shapeshifters get double benefit from HP, Undying, and Luck. So Mictlan and Rus.
>Barely manage to kill base form bearfucker
>Get free dlc fuckbear bossfight
T- thanks Illwinter.
Nidders multidip HP/undying and are humans otherwise.
Is it cheating to spam missives so that your dominion decreases as a hellscales nation?
It doesn't trigger on death, so nidders only get it once
If you use 10 points on health, sacreds with 11+ hp can regen 3 hp per turn
More hp to BV with
Best I can think of>>486733219
I made the last two big spark games...you guys REALLY want a third one?
the EA MA LA trinity must be completed
I love chayots and I want to call the Merkavah every turn.
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19 provinces by turn 12 am i qualified to join the ranks of /domg/ veterans yet?
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Okay fine I made it. I wasn't gonna, but I probably should round out the trilogy. This really is gonna be the last game I host for quite awhile though. Join up gang.

i am mongol
Halve that province count and you'd fit right in
how do i conquer half a province?
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OAsis in, all good, we're back on schedule. So looks like subbing is doable without shared password.
Generally I would prefer teams to handle similiar affairs by themselves, but in case you need help I'm there.
Part where even with password you can't play for your teammate is extremely dumb, picrelated.
I'm going for it bros I'm attacking the frozen boners. Wish me luck. My team didnt answer me if my army comp was strong enough
>My team didnt answer me if my army comp was strong enough
sorry bro i have no idea if its strong enough thats why i didnt answer
I checked the stats of the frozen warriors and they arent that strong so I assume I can beat the final boss with evocations/a lucky attack. He might get fatigued out too with heat auras despite the soul vortex
I never toyed around with summoning them, but judging by statline if you heat-neutral racial traitor time it with summer it should do ok.
They are basically cavemen (big hp and str) with pierce res and cold aura.
yeah it's mainly the boss I'm worried about I forget his name and it didnt show up in the scouting report but he's strong. We're heat 1 so should be fine overpowering his aura with my own
There is warrior (stock unforzen bane variant) with soul vortex armour and W2E3D5 mage with astral serpent and some more def stuff.
Depends heavily on casting AI: there are many mean things you can do with D5. Or he may spam ench1 variant of summon skeleton.
The problem with the mage is that indie mages have iirc research 5 across the board from the start of the game
it never gets better for them but it does mean that any indie mage with big Death can just spam skeletons nonstop
they also usually come with gems so beware shadow blast
I tried to assassinate him and dont think he had gems. I'll re-consider attacking but I have like 100 cyno warriors, 90 shades, or the 50 frozen province left. My caves are a mess
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Sparkadmin, in case you didn't notice. Explain this, thanks, this is a few too many times for just a coincidence and he's not even losing gems anymore.
If this is a bug, then what is it, and why is it only hitting Asphodel? I think I've seen this once before in dom5, but it was a one-off, not 3 times in one game and two occurrences within 3 turns. There hasn't been an update, so that can't be it.
He's 100% cheating in gold to offset his income being tanked for being asphodel
I'm genuinely asking because if it turns out he's actually cheating I'm going to give myself 2k pearls and flood every province with a dozen arch angels, then go AI
How much you want to bet it's some russian on a pirated copy. probably the guy complaining about not having dlc
No russophobie past this post.
No cheating in domg games past this post
Hi, admin speaking. I'm really not sure, the last time I saw something like this was during the glamour bug in the early days of 6 when casting certain spells gave you free items. It's doubly weird since asphodel's god doesn't have any complex layered event chains like some of the other gods. The amounts have been pretty low and I think a few turns ago asphodel had a negative gem increase reported so I'm not super worried, but if it continues much longer I can hop into his turns and check for impropriety.

I know Asphodel posts fight reports somewhat regularly, so take this as a warning if you're deliberately pulling off some exploit.
I'm a gud boi
hes done it 3 times just log in and check to make sure he doesnt have like 9000 gold
I just checked and tallied up his income, everything seems fine. There's a discrepancy of like 200 gold but the income screen infamously doesn't count mines or other +gold sites currently so I think it's all legit. It's normal for Asphodel to still have like 5k pop in their cap on turn 60, right? I've only played them a few times since the overhaul.
I do think it's something to do with the mod, but the fact it went from costing gems to none is why I thought it was weird. Thanks for checking. I think they take growth scales so popkill takes longer yeah
If the cheating messages keep popping up I can do a deep dive and examine just wtf he's doing with his commanders. His god is one of the straightforward ones that just gives a magic site with each temple so I don't think it's some event script going off the rails.
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Yeah well it's only a couple hundred gold here and there and if he doesnt have a ton of shit being recruited each turn / 9k gold stocked up I'm sure it's just a bug
What I'm mostly wondering is if he's somehow cheating 200 gold here and there to get a fort up a turn earlier or whatever, like sure it's not THAT big of a deal but if he's actually cheating then it's all fucked
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Malphas is the biggest chad in domingos lore
Found a race of unfuckable lava monsters and domesticated them into hot demonic sluts
Well at this point he's casting three red seconds as well so
He has that much blood access? From where lol
He has the black bull with like B8 and passively gets 1 slave per temple, by now on turn 60 it's enough for him to have a surplus.
>and passively gets 1 slave per temple
What the fuck? Ok holy shit I actually do need to flood him with angels for real instead of fucking around, I thought it was just undying per temple
StopWarhammerTime admin, please boot Ulthuan

Also I love Nurgle
yeah the black bull is pretty cool
desu the undying might be more insane when you consider each point of undying lets the sacreds go -2 points below 0. By now he effectively has an extra like 36 health on his guys.
yeah I noticed that, maybe I should've crunched Ulm earlier so I could fold Asphodel before he got properly rolling
if he stalls again this turn just AI him imo
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cute map
>no glam path to summon succubi
>Abysians had to fuck devils and fiery imps
The contrast between the quality demon dude, ms paint furry and unfortunate layering is quite interesting
there are no lava women in the game
literally me
There are no women in the game for 90% of the nations.
how important is dominion strength in MP games? AI shits out temples absolutely everywhere but am I really going to be fighting off enemy dom to even half that extent?
Yes because players can Blood Sac and/or use stealth priests.
Yeah but I'm being autistic here leave me alone.
Not really, in my experience. You only care about it for the sake of scales and pretender expansion.
Yes please. Sparks?
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These guys are cool
Wait till you find out there's big unique ones you can summon with blood magic.
Someone should make a mod that removes glamor and moves all the spells back to where they used to be, etc.
What a shit change.
that feeling when you have to obsessively scout the other blood magic nations to make sure they don't take all the demons first.
>scouting for invisible Heliofags
What happens if you stack cold aura and heat aura?
it creates nerve gas
They work as normal, but keep in mind they're affected by local temperature scales. So you only really get both heat and cold auras in neutral temp.
clouds don't stack so it's worse than maximizing one or the other
Does that mean Foul Vapors and Grip of Winter work against each other since they both work through clouds?
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Update from the front!
The Ind-Ctis hellwar continues. The situation is tenuous to say the least, as the Jewish forces finally approach to enter the fight. If anyone is interested in the having debt owed by a stinky lizard, some assistance would be much appreciated.
In theory yes, in practice they each hit 25% of the field per turn so they stack pretty well anyway.
if undying triggers, can i regenerate back to life?
does it count toward regen total? moving 2 to 3?
how do I expand as fomoria just failed versus deer niggas
either take a bless for your unmarked or take an expander like big pig and use fir bolg
Make Nemedian Warriors and Unmarked at a 1:1 ratio, they fit in squares together and complement each other well. Use 14-20 guys total per expansion party, lead them with a Nemedian or Fomorian champion to bless, put them in a line and roll over most things.
If you want to get more efficient, split the Nemedians off of 2 parties to go fight barbs with their high def, or split off the Unmarked to tank archer heavy provs without getting the elves killed, but being lazy is fine, their expansion is strong with barely any bless. Only bother giant expanding if you're running larger regen.
I copied a bless and it's got a ton of shit so I can probably do unmarked nemedian
Unmarked suck dont use them outside of singleplayer
Embrace hog
I'll embrace YOUR hog. If I wanted to fir bolg I'd play ma eriu
Birds are so fucking cool
How can I acquire this momentous achievement for myself? I blow ass at expanding.
I have a total retard question: where do I see what turn it is from inside the game?
top left
>you'll never summon one of the Hundred Handers to help destroy the false pretenders
>Or at the least get them as a hero like laestrygonians do for phlegra.
Illfraud, I know you read these shitposts, give us the good content now.
>inb4 we got a mod for that
what do you need 100 hands for? trying to jerk off all of domg at once?
>Illfraud, I know you read these shitposts
If I made games, /v/ would be the #1 place I'd go to read opinions, and maybe even the only one, unironically.
that's why you don't make games
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I don't make games because I lack the patience for coding and I'm constitutionally incapable of creativity.
asphodel here, i have no clue that is happening.
my only ideas are that:
i thing the first time it happend i got 2 fort temple up at the same time, i think, so some temple discount + gemgen script might not work properly.
or the lindwurm gemsstealing event does something weird.
If you have some way to check and possible revert the problem than please do so, i need gems more than i need gold.
Where would you get your feedback if you hate 4chan so much?
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thats how the bless undying works, my temple forts give me a site that only give me +1 undying as a bless effect
i can only build palisades, i stoppend building forts and started spamming carrion forts since the midgame, because of this
i have only -3.6% pop growth on my cap and thats with +4 dominion strength from temples, at the beginning my pop growth was in the -1% range
sorry last part was meant to you
>Where would you get your feedback
From people who play the game, not /v/
Never been there desu. QRD?
Do you have any idea what might be causing the random gold spikes
more racist and chuddy than 4chan somehow lol
Wtf is the Spark of Divinity mod?
that are my only ideas, i am not familiar enough with modding to go search through sparks for some wrong event flag somewhere.
sorry that i cant help more.
How do I move an immobile tendie? There's a spell for that but I can't find it. What magic school and path?
Oh I see it, thanks. So the tendie needs to have astral 3? Another mage can't teleport them?
No, and some immobiles cant even teleport., they're magically fixed at your capital
it depends on the nation and your god
Gay, oh well, live and learn. Thanks buddy.
Pretender rebalance and expansion.
there are some other spells that can move your tendie but im unsure if it works on the big heavy ones, like cloud trapeze
Why is that good?
It's not.
>""""free"""" spawn from events keeps me from buying a cheapo mage in addition to building a fort

The only tranny i've met that plays this game picked Ind
How do people even know trannies? I wouldn't know they existed if I didn't browse 4chan. Kinda feels like a meme.
I simply do not know how to respond to this EA Helheim's 32(?) movement valkyrie stacks' being able to freely raid 1/3 of all the tiles on the map at once, while also being able to punish not stacking your army by jumping any non-stacked commander with every single one of them at once.
Sounds like I need to try playing Helheim tbqhwy.
Can you be more specific?
Can I get a response from someone who likes it?
Is LA Gath good? What are their strengths? I want to be memey.
They have blood, recruit anywhere sacreds, and can dump more gold into cap-only sacreds than most

Good national summons as well
Are they good blood hunters?
>more gold
The memes write themselves.
Warhammermin here, if Ulthuan looks like he will stall a third time I shall set him AI
>Can you be more specific?
It adds gimmicks to all pretender chassises in attempt to make them more unique.
>Can I get a response from someone who likes it?
It's predictably badly balanced.
Is your best friend cute?
they are worse at it than they used to be with B1 getting so much worse and their higher blood costing so much, but you definitely want slaves for the power it gives you.
What's a good tendie build for these niggas? With so many sacreds I'm thinking they want a strong bless. Is immobile the way to go here? Was looking at blood vengeance and fortitude on the golden calf but if they take half damage then I guess the blood vengeance damage is halved too so maybe not a good combo?
Moloch is good for the memes but he's fuckin expensive and I'm not sure he'll give me what I want.
So i enslaved a Monolith in a throne battle. If i cast GoR on it what magic path would it have? Would it retain the previous magic path it had or no magic at all?
It would have the base paths
When is the LA sparks admin planning to start?
>while I'm trying to read about Dominions
>randomly brings up trannies while reading about Feminie, the only actually strict matriarchal nation in the game, without any crossdressing bullshit
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>mfw sparks did both Great Enchantress and Ishtar dirty
>mfw no Seraphine pretender
>mfw trinities got literally and actually nothing
Fuck mods fuck jannies.
Manged to liberate one throne from Agartha, stopping him from getting a second will be hard.
not very goonrizzled of sparks oomfie
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>it happened again
>inb4 he's forcefully AI'd and it keeps happening
What's the exchange rate for gems to gold in Dom 6?
tree fiddy
It depends. Are we buying or selling?
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well ulm is now out, i think.
whatever causes it is hopefully not stuck forever, but if it is and badmin and sparksmoder cant fix it, than i will simply share the gold that i am getting with everyone.
look at the spells transmute fire, alchemy, etc
it's around 25 gold per gem
If you Enlarge your pants, they will be able to hold 30% more shit, and a bonus to map movement goes with it
But gold is inflated in dom 6 compared to 5...
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i have literally never used blood magic but I do keep hogging blood slaves because i believe everyone in my service deserves a virgin cunny wife
my labs and temples are usually built right across the street of each other for this purpose
What the fuck is that "army"?
Like 50-60 by midgame I think is usually a normal price
Ulm is literally down to his sieged cap and two sieged forts, he's doing his best
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I take over an Ermor fort and their poo allies rush to help them. Pangea is there as well but they seem to prefer watching. It would be safe to retreat back to the caves, but I want to kill all those monkeys so much, I am having trouble deciding
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Ur took a fort off of me, but I did at least roast a lot of his troops.
do i need to have the mods enabled on my end to join a MP lobby with those mods? or does it automatically put them on
It should automatically put them on and download them for you
Blitzserver downloads and turns them on, illwinter lobby system requires to get mods beforehand.
>self-proclaimed diplomancer spamming my mailbox every turn with le nice and wholesome messages
what does this retard think hes accomplishing? does he not know that i know that his attitude towards me can make a u-turn at any moment?
i dont know maybe send me some gifts if youre really serious about being friendly you stupid bitch
Sometimes I go whole games without messaging any other players. But I will conspire against one of these diplomancy assholes that blather on and on instead of playing the fucking game like a Fantasy Demigod trying to take over all of creation. I just don't see them haggling endlessly, excluding Hinnom perhaps
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Playing a new mod for Coe5, good first impression if you ask me.
I see it as a viable way, remember, anything goes if you're trying to become a god
Losing is not an option, especially if you were on the winners shit list
Of course it is viable. But I don't play this game to mentally manipulate other people well, I play it to command fantasy armies towards fights and wars that I am trying to win, and the tendency for people to get wrapped up in complicated deals takes away from that to me. Nothing wrong with some fun role playing and extended prose, but I'm never going to have a 10 paragraph conversation in our outside of the game about borders and NAP-5s or whatever the fuck
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Just a quick reminder the LA Spark game is currently recruiting. We've got 11 players so far, come and hop in. I'll be starting sometime tomorrow or the next day probably.

>tomorrow or the next day
Jesus Christ nigger.
I like a quick turnaround and we've already got double digit players. I prefer to pull the trigger when everyone's still locked in rather than waiting awhile for possibly more players. All my games have been like this recently.
>I like a quick turnaround
Yeah so do I. I was Jesus Christ'ing at two more days.
Oh okay.
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Anybody want a new vanilla MA game?
>has mods
>worthy heroes
>not vanilla
he's missing better arena too
Is unbearable splendour bless worth the cost?
It's not worth the cost but it is still very strong if you combine it with other stuff (not awe though, awe stops the attack entirely)
the real problem is that it doesn't protect you against late game evo the way that BV does
remove BV from the game
does twist fate or luck block losing a magic duel?
might be a stupid question but if you soul slay a shapeshifter, does it still shapeshift?
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Please rate this tendie bros. For MA Marignon.
>flaming weapons
Marignon wants high production for as many knights as humanly possible. And resistances would probably be better than flaming weapons. Otherwise looks okay.
What are you rambling on about, I never double teamed anybody
Who are the best generic siege defenders I can summon?
I take it you think that's shit?
Yeah that's the main thing I was concerned about. If it was you, where might you find the points for more production?
I don't think Etherealness is worth it
MA Mari comes with massive astral on its workhorse battlemages already, and they come with holy too and good leadership. A witch hunter with 6 knights can go body eth x3 blessing x2 and catch all of them. In expansion the knights are already so powerful that etherealness doesn't make the biggest difference
>A witch hunter with 6 knights can go body eth x3 blessing x2 and catch all of them.
Do you think I should have a 1:6 ratio of witch hunters to knights? I'm pretty far into a MA Marignon game right now which is what inspired me to make a new tendie for them (knowing what I know now) and mass etherealness seemed really good but maybe in your view I just haven't been using enough witch hunters?
Oh I mean no, but are you relying entirely on etherealness to tank for you in the mid-late game? I'm surprised that works at all desu, the thing you posted would get deleted by a few fire eles or some resistant chaff with poison/thunder drakes behind them. In my experience mass etherealness becomes kind of not as strong once people have battlefield-wides up, you can't just lean on your sacreds to wipe out everything for you
Hmm shit, I see what you're saying then.
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holy mother of pd dump
Is that even a win for him
He killed one (1) sacred and the rest of ery's troops are jut indies
>wandering barb hordes
>wandering cavemen hordes
>le epic false prophet
>giant pig event
if you don't take Luck 2 in Dominions 6 you're asking to lose
As a follow-up question to this, btw, how can I effectively incorporate blood magic into MA Marignon? Is there a way to get regular commanders with blood path? This seems like pure kino in terms of flavor.
And on a similar note, what about Na'Ba's summons that call for blood magic? Do you need a blood path tendie to use them?
>how can I effectively incorporate blood magic into MA Marignon
You mostly don't, you use your tendie to get some basic income and then empower to hunt for more.
Is it worth it, practically speaking, or is it pretty much just some kino masturbation?
im not joining a game thats called made for bbc
What's a good script for a dai oni?
How about this one bros?
After you primary of Conj3 + Alt2-4 + Ench3:
Summon Earthpower
Fire Shield
flex: Temper Flesh if you got it, Personal Flight if that's A Oni and you want to flank, some resist or what else
With big Alt and implying you're not expecting skellyspam you switch from Fire Shield to Vortex as chaff clear.
In the endgame you may switch some into caster mode or at least one should drop national demon invuln for big battles with your demon stack.
>passing up the opportunity for a meal of great hoag
You hate good eating
Take solar weapons instead of flaming weapons if you really want a weapon bless to free up some points for other stuff.
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Forgot image.
That really didn't make you laugh at all?
Thanks. I didn't consider fire shield and I wasn't too confident on how to use them when fighting things that don't just run away from it's fear effect.
etherealness doesnt really do anything against real armies, you want FR10 so you dont take friendly fire from evocations
That's also an interesting idea but it's a ton of points yeah?
saved a palisades in progress and a temple on a high income province so yes
Oh wait you just mean take it twice for 10 points of resistance, not take it 10 times. I realized that when I maxed out at x5
How does that resistance work btw and how do I gauge how much is enough?
10 is enough for most elements, it reduces incoming damage by 10+10%

i have had great success with a bless similar to this one
10 fire res is enough to protect you from heat clouds and burning and makes fire evocations much less effective on armored units
Holy fucking paths, bro. I had not figured out why you'd use a dom1 humanoid tendie but I guess you just answered that question.
What about magic res?
magic resistance works completely differently than ekementals resistances
instead of acting as damage reduction, it provides a saving throw bonus
Yeah that's what it looked like but I dunno how the math works so I don't know how effective each point is.
How worthwhile do you guys reckon death explosion is with 10 fire resistance?
its a meme, dont bother with it
It would seem like a much danker meme if it wasn't incarnate only desu.
if you want an incarnate meme, taking blood bond imprisoned is not bad
I love the tendie customization system. There's so much here to rack your brain over.
People will say it is just a meme but it can do work
I'd pick it up in a second, meme or not, if I wasn't trying to stick with imprisoned.
is vampire queen ACTUALLY good?
Ethereal isn't bad if you take it on an awake expander
Shame it doesn't work unless magic scales are high enough, what a shit bless
do instant death procs count as the mage doing the damage in regards to blood vengeance? or is it just like a death proc without damage being calculated

I have the cursed gold lemuria hero and I'm wondering if it will delete tomb wyrms for me without much risk
High magic scales are cool anyway though right?
It's still damage so it still does proc

(This post fact checked by real Ulmish patriots)
alright just checking, I cant remember which CRPG I played where that wasnt the case
A lot of games has instadeath as a status effect rather than just an absurdly high number, so it kinda makes sense
How do i best play LA Man? Just spam knights?
LA man can do evocations and ranged very well with its access to wardens (who are excellent mage defenders due to their crossbows and melee even without a heavy bless) alongside strong glamour and chorus’
I command thee, KNEEL!
nice haul

threat detected
major win for team dalai lama
Magic site "white man hill" increases growth by 2. What did illwinter mean by this
>alongside strong glamour and chorus’
LA Man has neither.

You get good heavy infantry and great elemental communions. Just stand and shoot, while setting up buffs (same interaction as Shiniyama, hold+fire with crossbow is 24-turn long hold), dropping thunder/air eles and with access to every shooting buff out there outside of poisonous arrows.
Knights are your usual good knights, but I'm not a fan: while great expanders they are pretty resource-intense for that and not that impressive later. But definitely a valuable tool if you want to shift a little from ultradefensive battle style.
good *ranged* heavy infantry
But black man hill gives 2 death gems, which is arguably better. Soo.
What sort of indie province is this?
I dunno but apparently it's rare and it was in my cap circle. In the caves of course where all the dangerous shit lies
Some rare sites may replace local indies with predefined army.
*shad man hill
Unironically yes, like 70% of those special sites are for caves. Originally that was 'cause caves are rare hard-to-access terrain type with meh income so it was more of special tile on map fit for special sites.
Same for shades.
Now caves are quarter of the map yet follow same indie/site logic. Even PD is kinda broken without sloops.
I pity Dominions 8 players who will get to enjoy extremely raw High Heaven, Plane of Elemental Salt and Horror Realms.
That's just a host problem if they're letting so many cave provinces spawn. Should be like 7-8 per cave player. If there are 4 cave nations then I dont see a problem with that many caves proportionally as long as they're split up a bit.
It's a very esoteric reference to Assyrian myth apparently
It's the cerne abbas giant dude, they're both about fertility.
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D'oh! I forgot about that!
>That's just a host problem
No, it's not gonna change a lick about half of your share's of territory not being designed to be accessable.
oh youre arguing against the harder cave provinces. yeah I agree, they're stupidly difficult compared to above ground. Especially those fiend provinces, those should be much more rare
Fiends aren't a big issue for olms.
Nothing is an issue for agartha.
only him and wood elves still have their turns left
once wood puts their turn in should just wait an hour an AI the ulthuan
its been long enough
GOOD point. Ive got the penis man in my territory raising the fuck rate......... bravo illwinter....
domg truly the superior forum
all of the blood blesses seem really ass, except for blood bond which looks alright if paired with regeneration...
am i correct or retarded.
Blood vengeance is meta defining
Blood surge is pretty much the best non-awake combat bless you can take in the game
strength is fine
enchanted blood is really good with undying
blood surge is great
blood bond is great
blood vengeance is exceptional when applicable
They're all great except blood bond ironically, there are way too many lategame evos that completely obliterate blood bonded guys. Blood vengeance is notable for having no counter.
I thought Blood Surge was nerfed in dom6
>having no counter
Eh, just have a beefy dude stab em
It got nerfed from mandatory to exceptional with the buff lasting shorter
Well yeah, but it's less about melee frontliners and more about mages. If you field blood vengeance guys, the enemy basically can't ever cast fire storm or other battlefield clears since the backlash nearly instantly kills the caster.
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It doesn't proc on poison
true but the units most commonly blessed with BV are undead and immune to poison
Yeah but that's just a technological oversight they'd patch if they could.
Nani the fuck
>Blood surge
>Enchanted blood
>BB apparently though I've never liked it overly much
Even unholy weapons seems like one the few good weapon blesses.
Yeah. And don't forget its cousin, Vampiric Weapons, which restores HP and fatigue
people say that ones bad because it does too much damage so you dont really lifesteal you just kill them lmao
how does that even work? it looks like it only does a small amount
Vamp weapons are sadly just bad though, the target has to live the hit for you to leech life and it's the most expensive bless in the game. Something basic like regen genuinely provides more recovery.
it rolls dice to add onto it
3AN would be really good for units with low strength and damage but being on-damage rather than on-hit puts kneecaps it. Gives you good minimal damage on high prot units, but only if you were already getting through prot in the first place, in which case you may as well just get +3 strength.
The DRN could go both ways so "to add onto it" isn't quite true. Though I suppose statistically it will increase the damage moderately since if it rolls < -3 it'll bottom out at 0 rather than healing so it's probably above 3 damage on average.
The dice roll system inherently favors the attacker since rolling over gives more and more damage while the defender rolling over has the same result as if they won by 1.
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Now my question now is what's the optimum bless for jags? Still just resists+blood surge?
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You get red card for disrupting the match, Agartha.
Did I won? I think I did but no idea, he got that olm spam tendie, right? At least mages lost should sting, probably.
Losing all them eagles hurts, but at least they traded 1to1 with olms.
Wait, why did I lose like double number of his kills...
doesn't undying work on both forms? probably that and ench blood
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Oh, I won through hp rout. I don't how you tackle 100+ olms otherwise: if you don't throw ton of chaff they stunlock you whatever your MR, if you do you bound to rout.
Does Magic 4 cause horrors to spawn?
I think so. 4 is extreme levels for scales where bad shit starts happening.
How do you get it that high?
Pretty sure 4 gives random horror marks, 5 is where they start attacking.
Not really. Theoretically yes, but in practice I never noticed much effect from quite rare mark or two.
130 olms on turn 25 is nightmare fuel. Nice job repelling that onslaught.
Please rank the magic paths from best to worst (with comments explaining why, if you feel up to it)
it depends (it depends)
Best (most fun): blood magic
Worst (weakest): also blood magic
nta but i'm already attracted to the worst fucking nations anyway and I just began experimenting with blood magic
i actually am a trash man, i live and breathe low tier
I was mostly referring to LA TC, though in general I don't think I know what I'm doing when expanding anyways. The only way I can hit 18 provinces by turn 12 is as Ubar with their Jinns.
Why does population matter?
Anybody have a good tendie for LA Gath? I wanna be a blood Jew.
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Are you new?
how much did it cost you
maybe I should've not had the chaff and sent in just the elites
Magic 2 is expensive as hell when you're already going awake with extremely deep astral
I think indies should be more active and dangerous in general and continue to recruit troops and try to expand
In short we need Legendary Mod stacks that move around
Most of the dudes who take BV are incredible in melee and anyone who can reliably deal with them hurts to lose too
pls respond
Income and supply
strong blood is under blood too
Strong Blood is broken as fuck and I genuinely don't know why it's under Blood instead of Nature
I get that it's got the word blood in it, but with Blood taken out of the sorceries the manipulation of life energy and increasing one's vital energies must be in either Nature or Death
>Strong Blood is broken as fuck
In what way?
It's not under nature because nobody with nature would take it. Disease res 80 is effectively the same is disease res 0 so it's literally just PR that costs 50% more.
>Disease res 80 is effectively the same is disease res 0
you mean from old age right? cause i feel like it should make a difference against disease demons and spells that cause it
warhamin its time to AI the elf
>Disease res 80 is effectively the same is disease res 0
makes a big difference against shit like wells of piss or w/e
literally just dont go there
>builds fort on big tasty farmland
>well of piss hidden underneath
if that happens, not only am i going ai, i'm killing myself
>Disease res 80 is effectively the same is disease res 0
but why
Sloop should un-nerf BVC, or at least make it 5 gems. Then disease would be relevant again.
some needs to merge sloops and spark
and also mod BV out of the game
can a spell and a monster have the same id, or are ids global between types?
Bane Venom Charm
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What happens if I do this?
>4 cold
Doesn't that do something bad even if your units like it?
Yes but it's thematic.
That's good. The problem with sniffle is the seasons start with spring and then summer, so you kinda struggle with giant expansion on turns 3-8. Muspelheim kinda does it better.
They would probably want fire shield instead of blood vengeance then, yeah?
isnt that a meme
If I'm comparing two types of archers and trying to determine which is better, what's the most important shit to consider? In this case it's enkidu archers vs. normie indie archers.
enkidu archers blow indies out of the fucking water in every way that matters
Thanks buddy, but can you explain why, for my own knowledge? The precision is the same, I see HP is much higher and morale is a little higher, def and prot are a little worse, and of course they cost more. What are the most key stats here?
Their penis size, which is so gargantuan it actually manages to arouse the average woman
All of that is very well and good but check out the damage and remember that every point of piercing damage is about 120% as valuable as any other kind of damage because piercing damage ignores 15% protection.

Do note that being bigger for archers is actually a downside all else equal in 90% of cases, it means you can't buff them as easily with point buffs or small area buffs.

Also precision isn't a real stat.
>Also precision isn't a real stat.
Thanks bro, I understood your whole post until this part. Why isn't precision real?
Bros, join MAde_for_BBC
It simply doesn't properly work, there's fuckall tracking for movement and even at 30 precision you'll miss stationary targets shockingly often
ignore precison for the most part unless you're buffing mages with hitscan spells like lightning bolt or w/e
Okay so mostly I'm just looking at weapon damage first, for archers?
>what's the most important shit to consider?
the damage of their arrows
Can anybody help?
Range is also a big deal, but Enkidu archers have the same range as longbowmen so if you were comparing them to longbowmen there's no big difference

take either an expander with a light bless and some good scales b/c your expansion is dogshit, or something like the holy glyph and a hellbless
I was thinking Moloch for the memes but goddamn he's expensive.
if you want to be a boring metafag go scales + golden rion
if i teleport an immobile god onto one of my castles and it gets sieged the same turn will it defend against the siege?
no, you cant defend against sieges you'd have to prevent the sieges to begin with

what it does is teleport it into your fort every time so it will never be outside of it
ah ok, thank you
Is there a heat/summer counterpart of the murdering winter spell? The provinces I'd like to hit with this have 3-4 heat so it seems the winter one is useless but if the same thing existed except hot, that would be rad. But I am not seeing it. I'm having fun casting rituals at my IRL bro's provinces where he's massing armies on my border, in any case.
There's no version where it scales with heat, no
Flames from the Sky is the closest one but it's evo 9 instead of evo 7
Very true.

Astral mages should cast blink early game and die as it is part of the balancing factor that Illwinter designed all S mages around. Not having this early game weakness ruins the game, desu.
Golden rion?
Niffle Giants cost 2 holy points so you'll only be cranking out 3 per turn.
Where do holy points come from? How to get moar?
>t. newfag badmin
holy points = your dominion score
>how to get more
5 temples per extra dominion point or pay for it in the designer, there's nothing else to be done
This will be extremely painful. For them.

New champ detected.
I have a retard question that I can't find in the manual. I'm sure it's there and I'm just overlooking it. Who can and can't claim a throne of ascension?
>Who can
Pretenders, disciples and any H3+ priests (including prophet). Pretty sure you're overlooking, but it's all dumped somewhere in text without dedicated paragraph.
Yeah I'm sure I'm missing it. The manual is huge and I have a headache. Thanks dude. Do I need to control the province militarily? Have my dominion there?
you need to secure the fort yes otherwise it would just be back and forth claiming from the besieged or sieging
Yea. Keep in mind it gets declaimed when someone takes the prov so forts are usual (unless you don't mind it being easy target for lategame magic phase attacks (later backed by magic phase forting)).
Nah, all throne work as their level # of temples so they tend to spread it around.
So my IRL friend who's as much of a newfag as I am has a throne in a coastal province without a fort and unguarded because he must not expect me to be able to reach it, but I'm thinking of throwing a sea king crown on one of my level 3 priests and ambushing his ass from the water. As long as he can't react fast enough to stop me, I can seize the province and then claim throne the next turn right?
Yeah, he will get one turn to retake it (that's why having unforted throne near major production/research hub is actually ok most of the time despite muh forted thrones) and in case he failes throne is counter as VP.
Unless you're about to win (say, ideally same turn) defending it long-term will be hard, so it's more of VP play (throne rush or trying to stop the leader from scoring out).
>he will get one turn to retake it
Unless the attacker also has a Fort Spell
>Unless the attacker also has a Fort Spell
Unless defender has 5 magic phase SCs.
Fort spells are relatively rare even for more serious games and anyway came late, they are non-factor for two noobs who don't know how to cap thrones.
Please join MAde_for_BBC
Wait a second, magic phase battles happen after fort resolved probably...
yea, whoever magic phases in will be stuck outside sieging the freshly built fort
im not joining a game called made for bbc you can forget it
the name sucks
also I'm in 5 games
i'm also in 5 games and feeling burned out
i would prefer to die in couple to reduce the load
but i keep winning and can't help that
I can't say that I'm having that same problem
Must be tough spending 50 minutes a day bros
>if you don't spend 24 hours a day doing what *I* want then you're lame
shut up blacked addicted fag
I have other shit to do
Is there any meaningful difference between priest level 1 and priest level 2? The only thing I see to care about is that level 3 gets divine blessing.
50 minutes per game you mean
Does anybody here like playing smaller maps? Like say dropping from 15 provinces per player to 10, or something? Does that work well at all? I haven't tried.
technically H2 gets smite demon for whatever that's worth
their blessing is also (a little) bigger and their banish is also a little bigger
but no there's no reason to specifically recruit h2s for triple the price of h1

>Does that work well at all?
If you play Helheim or Ashdod or something then yes, it works exceptionally well
Even 12 turn match into notable knife-fight: even getting slightly over 15 on 12 kinda forces you to go *deep* into somone's natural habitat, so expanding well *is* rushing like it or not.

Anyway it's more about lategame where dominions kinda have issues with gameplay and closing out matches. Thrones with cata been step in the right direction (back in the day we played, well, untill competition conceded, most of infamous ultra-lategame hyper-tedious stuff comes from that era where you couldn't "just win").
Shamefully thrones don't accelerate and streamline final showdown enough and Cata enforces safer slower plays ironically. At this this point I suspect literal sudden death would work better than Cata.

I think mod to make big Dominions mp game have endgame with good flow and much interaction would be interesting project. Before that yeah, try to keep sizes lower, thrones tighter (so decisive push later in the match is doable) but it doesn't tackle underlying issues.
The fact decent chunk of community thinks it wants some "epic endgame" is sad part though. Some are just got used to managing their horror factories, some don't get to endgame that much. And SP players who like their epic stuff to toy with dummy AI without much of 1/day MP time cost.
I had great experience with smaller maps but with faster research too (otherwise any sort of tech play gets fucked with smaller mage production and imminent hellwars, turning building into pick-your-hellbless-sacred-flavour), but for some reason I'm yet to see non-blitz use faster research.
In large fights the battlefield tends to be packed enough that it's hard to miss. For most uses, hitting the guy next to the guy you were aiming for is just as good.

In small fights, archers are almost always worse than just bringing more melee units and surrounding the enemy or getting past and hitting their backline

Between those two things, how close archers hit to their target doesn't make a lot of difference to how effective they are in combat.
There are midsize battles (where you target mostly small blobs and while you don't mind missing, you definitely don't want to miss too badly), shooting at static frontline in 15 tiles (where misses also risk friendly fire) and ranged duels where better chance to hit that skirmish formation quickly adds up.
It's never decisive, but decent thing to have if shooting is big part of your plan.
You should make a Precision +5 bless and use it yourself and see the difference. It is actually quite dramatic
Also lines. Lines laugh at your misses. You're not humiliated by a formation, right?
>Thrones with cata been step in the right direction
Cataclysm is dogshit, I just zone out of the game whenever it triggers
New MArital Assault JUST DROPPED
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>mod for better mp
Alternative would be handmade maps for bigger lobbies: the primary throne issue is part where high% is slog where winner scores out a while after actually winning, low% is risk that player with good start (or just couple AIs nearby) will rush before everyone even meets him, and anything mid% is very random, so you rarely get that big push showdown and even there better play for clear winner is to snowball a little more.

Zoning where there are national spaces with thrones firmly between them (and general lay out lets you to go from throne to throne) would be cool, also good place to use roads (kinda like Forgotten Realms map did).
May be even do dedicated Throne Arena Stackmash plane because we got support for that already.

That's relatively easy to make (you need just some set up starts and thrones and proper map designed with this in mind) solves big throne issues and even usual shit like bad throne on your circle/chokepoint. I dislike predetermined maps, adaptation is beautiful in strategy games, but at least as thing to play once in a while for maxxximum competitivness is cool. Sorta like Sneedryn and all those domg classic maps.

Sorry honey, thinking about playing Dominions distracts me from playing Dominions. I'll make mine soon, but Mongol probably gonna hold unfinished (he passed out after celebrating chastity belt being taken off Abysia).
Speaking of hand made maps, I have not messed with the map editor since its ghastly condition at launch, any anons know if it has gotten easier to work with?
>Mongol probably gonna hold unfinished
huh? finished my turn an hour ago
too busy to notice and anyway always good to deflect a little
Well can you tell your sisters to join, then?
Is 6 as good as/better than 5 yet? I managed to miss the summer sale but considering biting the bullet anyway.
Try before you buy, my man.
Are you lads still using Blitzserver or did you fold to the new inbuilt MP? No point testing it alone.
Blitzserver is slightly more work for the hosts but is pretty much just better for players.
As always X+1 is X + 1
From best to worst
>Fun flavor, cool summons and you can play gacha with mage chassis
>Gas the Rephaim with FV, summon big Cool swamp dragon at conj9
>Make shit sentient, charm indie throne chassis to become the pretender pokemon master
>Can kind of do communions

>Raise the dead, poison wells and summon increasingly powerful necromancers from the afterlife
>Evilmaxxed flavor
>Fun global spells remove the sun and ages the living

>Fuck around with forces best left alone, make scouts obsolete and pluck the souls from your enemies' bodies
>Astral project to cool new places and get spiritually mutilated by the friends that live there
>Buff your armies and laser paint your enemies for horrors beyond comprehension
>Best communions

>Be monstrously evil
>Make death mages seem pleasant
>Great deals with demons
>Craft extremely cursed items
>Summon a fuckton of said demons
>Have all your lobotomised blood bags die to every battlefield enchantment
>Simulate the torments of hell IRL by microing blood searches and patrolls
>Spiral out of control if you've somehow avoided being rushed by then
I was complaining about blitzserver in the last thread but it's grown on me and I retract my complaint. It's ugly and not super intuitive but the advantages are nice.
>Have all your lobotomised blood bags die to every battlefield enchantment
>Simulate the torments of hell IRL by microing blood searches and patrolls
You niggers can shit on blood all you want but you can't even fucking imagine how painful (FUN!) it is to play.
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What Illwinter meant by this?
Niggers can't READ!!!
All indie shamen have poor researcher
Playing a blood nation in a blitz is a whole new level
>black servant
>indian monkeys
>lion tribe being the only ones to not figure out clothes
>nords have superpowers
>jews have MA gear in EA
Come on now, it's funny but it inconveniences Illwinter if you point it out too much.
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Just popping in to say we've been fixed on 12 players for awhile, so I'm gonna go ahead and start today. I'll make a map in 4 or 5 hours and start shortly after that. Definitely finalize your pretenders if you haven't already. I'll give more updates before we launch.
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>Can kind of do communions
isnt man's chorus glamor now?
OAsis nidder... are you good...
Why does EA Hinnom have like five level 1 priests but nothing higher? Seems pointless desu.
Are the Qedesim and Qedesot sex slaves for the BGC?
1 is male
1 is female
the 3 mage priests are blood mages, so you can boost holy levels in a communion
And they're a sabboth nation, you can get a lvl 5 priest with a only 16 sabbath slaves
Nidvangr... Uh...
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Ulthuan is now AI. press S to spit on him
Okay, yet another Ulm-derivative nation did the iconic Ulm thing. Dude lived on the edge and made turns in last hour all this time (and refused to double), but it caught up on him.

Team Niefel, you got his password/contacts?
I would prefer to sub fucker out if he doesn't come and say something in next 12 hours.

If you guys are mad about disruption I think rollback is doable but would heavily prefer to not go that far. My Ulm basically missed two turns and it's allright.

OAsisbros, stay strong: we almost run out of unreliable Ulm players. Almost.

If anyone missed out our start and suddenly got that itch to mash hellblessed nidbatheds into people, that's your chance to shine: message me at ctisstrong@gmail.com.
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yo this is some fuckin nonsense
And why did my dracolich just sit there doing LITERALLY nothing for two turns?
I did the rollback, careful and don't connect to lobby please (to not override your already made turn). I'll change Nid's password and force turn back soon.
Yeah, a bit late for that, maybe don't wait till the last second for that info next time
>Are the Qedesim and Qedesot sex slaves for the BGC?
it says right in their description their services require a fee, so they are not slaves, just prostitutes
Forcehost done, tell me please if something is off. Esp Agartha who managed to sneak turn in while I been resetting password.
If Nid wants to play and just staled due to mom's sister's cat dying my contact is there >>487015127.
If team Niefel wants to pick sub themselves also message me.
Any wanna-be sub players also go there.
wait what the fuck even happened here? What's going on?
Yeah, I just hesitated because wasn't sure it puts everyone on unfinished (I recall there been rollbacks where everyone has to resumbit and that's lame for big lobby and not an option).
Nidvangr staled, so I rolled turn back, changed his password (to make his replacement to not lose turn) and made turn again. All your orders stayed same (outside, possibly, Agartha).
If you're not an Agartha and not Niefelheim this doesn't affect you.
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if he stales he fuckin stales
enough of this discordtroon shite or I'm going AI myself
Itchy trigger finger much, you gave his teammates all of 20 minutes to respond over one stale (even if the Nid is a bitch who never doubles)
He's Agartha and wants to redo his turn without anyone else getting to respond.
Hosting a new Warhammer game because I missed the last one.
Get in here!
This troon shit takes less time than just waiting extra turn for admin to set staler AI. Don't pretend it's much of incovenience.
In same time is saves people from 2 more players getting fucked and probably going AI too soon.
Usually going AI is one player's business, that's not the case.
If you find this org shit confusing just ignore it, it's couple hours of extra delays in it's worst and I try to keep downtime as low as possible.
Like Erytheia just did?
I'm saying that I don't fucking trust you, you set a dude AI over one stale and instantly swapped in someone nobody but you and your discord buttbuddies know
I didn't "redo my turn", I did my turn and came back to the thread to see that the admin had reset the turn so now I'm doing it again.
Thing is you can't really rollback later (as people who already made new turns not gonna like losing them), so I decided to shoot first and ask questions later.
Nidder is welcome to come back, his team can decide whatever the shit they want. Did this in case he just disappeared.
Are you retarded? We know that Man is host you moron.
When the hell is LA Sparks starting?
Never ever
like 4 hours
>over one stale
I gave Ulm 24 hours to come back. If player can't say a word beforehand (say, about going to gay cruise), doesn't appear over 48h cycle to just say a word in a thread, there are only two variants: either he ghosted or he got in trouble. Big trouble, 'cause when I got driven off in ambulance last time, I managed to post in thread at least on next day.
In this case my thoughts and prayers are with him, but I'll assume former.
And Nidder? Or are you saying Nidder and Ulm are the same player?
To be frank, those two nations attract similar types of players
>can't submit my fucking turn
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nigger it's one stale what is wrong with you
he subbed in a friend
which game?
So, how this works. To replace the player if you're admin (so you use your master password to access staler's turn) you got to switch his password first.
It gets updated only on next turn, so for whole two earlygame turns his team enjoys worse-than-AI. You can't just send master password to sub player for obvious reasons. You can't make his turn or what else yourself as it creates cdkey collision.

Very moment when stale become apparent and before people made any new turns is perfect time to rollback to replace password on already staled turn, kinda saving sub and Niefel team from extra turn of damage. My bad I hesitated because I wasn't sure it works like that.

And in case that's not needed (Niefel got his password/Nid is back) they can just message me, say that gay cruise been so good he forgot about Dominions alltogether and I'll just ship his new password to him. All good, nothing lost, someone enjoys humiliating new password with funny racial slurs as little sentimental gift.

Nothing stops me from silently replacing players with my discord sisterhood, but... that's kinda thing admins can do already. That's silly suspicion.
You would never know, may be all other players beside you are trannie doppelgangers already.
May be you too...
personally i refresh the blitz page oh about every 6 minutes and get mad at the same 3 people in opposite time zones for taking too long
there is a list and you are on it
if i live this war im coming for you mother fucker
how do you counter wailing winds
>just one stale
Would it be better to wait till two? Three? I assume he's gone.
I get being unable to do turn for whatever reason, but not having a single opportunity to say something in thread over 24h is bullshit.
Three is the usual cutoff. You're in such a hurry to bring in a new guy it's starting to get sus, this is the second one. Who are these subs you've found? Did they come from the thread?
High moral, kill the caster, inanimates with high moral mages, an SC that doesnt care about it
Based ironfistedmin putting antisocial stalers in their place (the trash compactor)
Maybe don't join a game if you intend to stale 10 turns in
I haven't figured any of the sabbath and communion shit out. How do I into that?
First year stales are rather questionable but EAsparks has 3 or 4 who came back after one stale. One did die early but they played to the end.
Basically you have one cheap mage cast sabbath slave and your rephaites cast sabbath master, then they can cast hell power without being fatigued out, and have even more monstrous paths/stats for the rest of the battle. Hinnom's mages are too expensive to have bigger sabbaths than that.
>You're in such a hurry
I would get mildly annoyed by my teammate being AFK for a single turn, yet alone fucking four. At earlygame especially, when turns define midgame and they take like 10 minutes.

New Ulm is my buddy, only person I can call and say "I need sub for big game... RIGHT NOW".
I still hope Nid will come back, but if not I hope Niefel got someone in mind or someone from thread will offer to be the sub. Because I don't have stockpile of decent Dominions players, you know.
Are you some kind of fucking puppy, or perhaps a toddler? Someone's out of your sight for slightly too long so they're gone five-ever? Or are you just a NEET that's never had any responsibilities on his mind? Good lord, man, it happens.
If you can't tolerate the occasional bit of life circumstance, set a longer fucking timer.
I've gotten in contact with Nid's player since we did, in fact, share contacts. He's alive. Stop jumping the gun.
why did he stale quietly stale?
Honestly I can understand stricter staling rules in a disciples game. If you stale in FFA you only fuck yourself but if you stale with a disciples game it can kill the whole team and cause other people to AI.
1 stale is ok shit happens
on the 2nd they should just be put AI and if they want to come back its their own fault
leaving in the first year because you fucked up expansion or whatever is just some retarded child shit
must be embarrassing thank god its anonymous
Just one, eh? Is it blood magic? What level?
If I have an indie mage cast it, does that make him a shabbos goy?
Actually staling in FFA (and being set AI) imbalances the game too, since 1 or 2 neighbours get to eat your corpse for free and others don't
admin is a fuck I'm going AI
Which game?
You could set a start timer.
Funny, I would say inability to communicate or plan ahead is NEET thing. Oh no, daily thing I commited to month ago happened again, I didn't expect it!

>tolerate the occasional bit of life circumstance
I been hoping to play some domg disciples for a year, give or take. It just never happened. I even helped with maps for Legendary, game I didn't even adminned: I just really fucking wanted to play disciples.

I get that imageboards are not the best medium for team-based game and mode is gimmicky, but I'm domg veteran and I like this place.
So yeah, I'm bit neurous because it's important to me. I wouldn't bother making anything otherwise. I try to make quality lobby.

And I'm just really worried that after one guy stales his team gets sad and also stales and then their neighbours get sad and also stale. I've seen this happen in usual matches.
So I waste time on fast damage control so lobby doesn't ends up in AI hell and maaaybe people will see disciples are pretty fun and we can do them once in a while, you know.

It's cool if you got in touch with your teammate and all good. Message me at ctisstrong@gmail.com with some minor proof you're not random shitter or tell Nid to do that. I'll send his new password and will be finally free to shoot people with defenders while posting about RP1 shamans once more.
I'm gonna go ai on turn 24
Ok Xibalbanon, do you mind moving of your throne before you do that?
>badmin admits weakness and enjoys something

oh fuck fuck FUCK i was on his side before how do i switch FUCK FUCK
Do you side with retards that ruin every game by going afk then AI, or the host that tries to mitigate retardness
i side with whoumstever the thread thinks is more based at the time
yeah the middle of my buttocks ;)
Anon, I'm also a domg veteran. I have contacts. I could ask Malakal himself if I needed to. I was admin of Legendary Disciples.
If we needed a sub, I'd have asked. We already arranged a temp sub for Niefel several turns ago (and back to the original player since) while he was out of town.
>I was admin of Legendary Disciples
Was there a third legendary disciples game I wasn't aware of, or do you mean the original legendary disciples game?
I don't remember which one, I just recall spending some thought on if I wanted to include the module with the prisoner's dilemma.
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StopWarhammerTime turn 12 is up
Looks like Orcs and Skaven bumped
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Okay I've made the map, 169 land provinces and 17 water provs (heavily scattered.) I'll make tweaks to starts, upload it and then we'll start shortly thereafter.
Lore-accurate Skaven losses per battle.
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And the caves.
I wanted to do a Sparks Andromania with the animal autobless god that would bless my whole army but it seems pretty underwhelming compared to something that could win battles by itself or give me some other boost.

Well maybe I could have done +10 Str instead of looking at Fire Shield and the other one.
Yeah, he's on my friend list. I guess another way to deliver password.
>We already arranged a temp sub
That's the reason I assumed the worst: if team most well-organised failed to catch stale and temp sub it, then probably it's rogue no-contact player going out.
We desperately need Legendary for dom5
Didn't author stop maintaining a while ago? So it's huge task someone has to pick up.
idk what even needs to be fixed beyond remapping spells tbqh
Everything's been uploaded and set. We'll start in 20 minutes. Good luck, everyone! Looking like a nice cozy game.
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soul slay them or spam frozen heart or something
lategame your chaff basically does nothing, you need way more mages
Man what the fuck, there's p*ggers in here?
is there a way to test your battle for next turn in MP in singleplayer?
yes with the debug mod and a whole lotta autism.
not worth it imo. especially because you dont learn to be a better player like that.
LA Sparks is active. Go go go.
im looking to test my army against a specific level 2 throne and its just time consuming to replicate in SP with the amount of throne variation and placement
there is no way to just copy the turn file and boot it?
>especially because you dont learn to be a better player like that.
not him but what?

You can't do that because you'd need everyone else's turn too
he submitted? activate it.
Then you surely will do it and upload?
what what?
how does it stop you from becoming a better player to be able to examine battles in-depth and test multiple approaches and scripts to the same battle?
Not him but I agree it's nice to test some stuff you have no clue about early on, but late game the battles can be wildly different depending on what the opponent does formation and scripting wise, so it's not going to be very accurate
It gets you in the habit of not being confident about your moves unless you test first, which gets increasingly harder as the game gets more complex. Plus with how many variables there are in the opponent's scripts, even if the sim looks great you could still lose horrifically.
That doesn't matter, it teaches you about how the game works and therefore makes you better at it
with testing you can try to figure out how to deal with monolith thrones without reading a guide
Enchanter is the most fun class in conquest of elysium.
>it teaches you about how the game works
That's his point: it does not. It let's you to try stuff outside the game until you find solution which works.
Dominions skill is ability to estimate and predict, to take a look at monolith and come up with solution, not bruteforce it.
Giants are big guys.
And once you find a solution which works, you now know the solution which works.
>Dominions skill is ability to estimate and predict, to take a look at monolith and come up with solution
No, it isn't. It's the ability to get the solutions for the problems you'll face into your hands before you need to face them. None of the problems in Dominions are hard to solve, the hard part is needing to start preparing the solution before the problem becomes a problem. Everyone knows Poison Ward and Serpent's Blessing stops Vapors, but you need to have it ready BEFORE Ctis shows up, and if you don't have N paths you need to start recruiting indies for it before Ctis is in your face.
And seeing FV stack and testing bunch of counters to it will help you to hire N indies 20 turns ago exactly how?
for you
It won't, they're two completely different things. One is just knowledge, the other is the actual skill.
Seeing FV wipe your the fuck out the first time you test against a Ctis stack won't help you with the latter, but it'll help you with the former. You start looking through the list for counters, and the testing mod lets you test for efficiency if you don't have Serpent's Blessing and figure out how many N2s you need to reliably cover 300 ulmites instead of just randomly guessing without any knowledge or experience. It's a way to rapidly get experience with the battles themselves, so you know how many dudes an Eater of the Dead can be expected to eat.
>final undying 10 Enchanted blood berserk rat survives with 1 hp
Not even close baby
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All right, get on /v/anheim.
this is gonna sound retarded but what are the chances i can get a remake
i had a great idea in mind but it just hit me i didnt upload my most recent version of my pretender and i got stuck with my placeholder build
im sorry senpai...
i'll play anyways but my plan is dogshit now
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he was in the thick of it, killed a horse, chased the rider off the field
turned around
killed 2 more horses and a full health winged lancer routing off
then solo kills the commander as the literal only two combatants left ending at -3 health

absolute fucking chud i hope i can extract him before the rest of those bears want a piece of the champ
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I'm in chat.
God I wish I was Ashdod.
Uhh, moderate. When you say placeholder how placeholdy are we talking about, is it just a less tweaked build or is it straight up a blank tendie basically.
That was faustian deal, I bet.
My entire bless is essentially useless because I picked one thing over another, and I went awake.
I could say my specific build if you want but I think people will have a laugh if they see it.
Which nation are you? I'll unstart in a second, be ready to swap builds.
I unstarted. Let me know when you're all set.
I don't mind one that much, if he still has the nidders on autorecruit, not much else to do yet at this point
I assume he is used to doing turns before bed and passed out early
To be honest, I was subbed the first half of this week, and we have nid's original password if you could put it back, something could be arranged
Let's see if he shows up first
All done.
Thank you and god bless bestmin
Wait a second, you can change your admin-given password. There been a whole game where I logged in with "dicksquid" as R'lyeh after forgetting password and asking for admin's help.
Okay, I'm starting again. Sorry for the hassle, everyone.
>and we have nid's original password if you could put it back
You can do it yourself, I contacted shady man who presented himself as Muspelheim.

Hope he gets back but you know how it is.
I still don't know what happened with Ulm: he was a little odd, like the plays and few comms he sent. Just disappeared.
My head canon is that he was that guy who comes from time to time and says he been playing SP for years but can't man up for MP. He finally gathered his courage but pressure been too much and he run away. Good job, SP guy, at least you tried!
Seems thats sorted then
Guess Ulm mains have the reputation for a reason
oh my gourd it took me from a mountain to plains u animal what a truly vicious restart this is actually a huge loss unironically
unlike the last guy i wont cry about being retarded begging for a restart and just take the hand played to me (its his fault my hand was reshuffled)
stupid nigger picoyne ur on the list
Give me a break I can't even reach the top shelf on my own
mountain start or at least having any near me was a good start now im plains in the middle of the low lands instead and ur a stupid nigger basically
hope ur expansion owns cus im coming the second i find u
oh god im restoooooorting
Oh my god, we're restarting LAmp Spark??
Another successful battle, Jotun lives for another day. Come on, kill me, get this over with already!
uhh can i get a quick restart
I love that Phaeacia talked all that good shit about how their victory was assured and now they're repeatedly eating shit
can I get uhhh big mac
I mean he's killed me, there's no recovering from this, but I won't go easily. I will fight until I lose my cap.
Hell yeah
is it too late to change my pretender before the turn fires? i picked the wrong bless which ruins my game t. utgard
excuse me sparkmin can i get a quick restart
restart lampspark or im going ai
Don't negotiate with terrorists chadmin let him AI then restart and kick him
tits out for phaeacia
uhh bro? uhm. bestmin? yeah im gonna need a quick restart im afraid. this might sound retarded but my bless is uhhh useless so basically im gonna need you to do a quick restart, thanks bestmin.
thanks in advance bestmin
Its just one samefag
how come only two of them are (You)s then? explain this liberal
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I know because it was me. I did it
what was your favourite moment during all of this?
So, how's that job search going, son?
no but for real restart
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Why can't more generals have autists like this.
we get the autists we deserve
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>pretender with 25 protection and regen
>has already been diseased AND limp
>turn 4
it is so tiresome
this is what happens when no sloop
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I don't think Phaeacia can actually threaten your cap again though?
sloop still has not fixed his mod, i think he might be dead
whats wrong with the mod I was going to host a discord game with it soon
He's busy living his real life aka Vaush
What is the n-word servant situation as of now?
boulder buff made the units broken as fuck, you cant storm any castle with boulder throwers at the walls (jotun and ma agartha)
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nigga just try it, spam hurlers as scales jotun and rush someone. they are too strong.
You can parry boulders with a shield
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I've got that cheeky 1/gold a turn income. We're so back.
let's see paul allen's income
Well, la di dah
kislev kun do your turn sweaty
>the provinces in my own dominion keep getting good misfortune 2 events
>the provinces in enemy dominion keep getting awful misfortune 2 events
I found the secret luck interaction.
That's not secret. You only benefit from positive scales if the prov's dominion is friendly. This applies to every scale.
I like how the ingame NAP proposal text is basically written to piss you off.
>after we kill you I promise to take good care of your subjects
How can I get queens in my own games to slay that hard?
You misunderstand. I have Misf 2, my neighbor has misf 2, but I keep getting good events in my own dominion and getting bad events in my neighbor's dominion. My border province in enemy misf 2 has gotten a bad event every turn whereas the misf 2 provinces in my own dominion have been giving me free gems.
Are there any good ways to streamline the purgatory of micromanaging Ermor?
mouse macros to click units fast but not really
going ai
>My hot and sexy Boyfriend, the vampire count prophet
>Prophet of the Persecutor and Destroyer of Youth, Goddess of Oaths
Hmm... What's going on in Sauromatia?
I've already lost a few thousand soldiers and yet I have 21,947 soldiers on the front lines alone and probably another 10,000 or so hiding in my borders and now I want to become a skeleton for real.
I mean if you have that many just do N->T>A
and select everything
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Hello sars, how do I get gud with MA pythium, this is my pretender, tips and tricks appreciated.
You may want to drop your paths back and go for more scales, Pythium has good mages but that's a big bless for essentially just your mages.
Unaging is neat but what if you can just afford to make more mages with more cash?
is there any mod to reduce build times for forts? This is pure cancer compared to 5.
first fort should only be 3 turns after turn 12 so that if you fail expand you dont just get rushed and auto lose
>wahhhh I need a mod for things I don't like
>next I'm going to expect you to use it too every time I join multiplayer
>going AI on turn 3
>twiceborn mages who die to old age/disease keep their disabilities
I'm about 70% mad.
Why would they not keep them?
I failed my triple expand please understand.
>going AI on turn 300

Perhaps a skeleton might have proportionally less issues with with their muscles.
I like the earth and astral paths, gives access to coins, golems, matrices, ring of wizardry, etc. E2S4 on a titan with full slots should be sufficient to get coin, cap, ring of sorcery, ring of wizardry, earth boots
PR5 is nice, many mages have died in many games from one's own poison cloud units
Far Caster and Arcane Finesse, they're good, but expensive. Some astral combat spells have range 100 already, giving communions something to do in most case without the range boost. Not sure
Unaging would work well with Recuperation, since Recuperation doesn't work on Old commanders. Gift of Health could also work with Unaging. Should be especially profitable for mind hunting and recovering from being feebleminded. But, would you be able to get Gift of Health up and running? How would your nature income compare to other nations in the lategame? Recuperation would also benefit angel and your pretender, but expensive
Scales look painful. I've heard rumors that dumping temperature scales to get Growth is a net negative on average. Turmoil and Misfortune is not a good combination, Turmoil gives more events, and you don't want more events with Misfortune, you want fewer events
Your human mages are generally squishy, and you probably will want some of them on battlefields. A lot of people like Enchanted Blood + some amount of Undying, like 4xUndying. Enchanted Blood and PR5 works well together
How does Enchanted Blood work in communions? Does it make communion slaves survive damaging fatigue in less severe cases? You could run some test games against easy AI and see how your communicants fare with and without Enchanted Blood when having too many communion masters relative to number of slaves. Also test expansion, while you're at it
Heroism might help your mages research a bit better over time

How will you expand? Hydras? How will you survive or win the first wars? Scout enemies and pick early research targets carefully, do stuff like Body Ethereal on your hydras?
I can't beieve c'tis fucking died.
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E3S5 is also for wrath of God, but yeah coins, caps, and matrices is good, might empower a lar him to become the dedicated matrices coin person though.

PR5 is for making use of Hydras, but getting the Hydras buffed has proven a real pain with the ai targeting weirdly

I think I'll drop Far Caster and Arcane Finesse yeah, the idea was maybe to communion and and evoc spam but this has proven hard to make use of, since the first round is wasted on communion the enemy gets close anyway.

Unaging + Recuperation sounds real good actually for the mind hunting, then on top of that it makes my titan less useless for more aggressive moves, might try that

Scales are pretty poor yeah, I take heat just to avoid snow mostly, maybe in d5 it was better but I always dump temp.

Theurges got 5 fortune teller, so I'll probably avoid the worst lab crashes, but yeah in practice I'll probably feel the hurt from that, but I don't wanna go luck with the heroes being as underwhelming as they are.I thin in d5 it used to be anything not +3 luck is kinda underwhelming anyway.

Squishy mages that get instakilled by an arrows, hp regen doesn't really help them when they get in those situations imo

As for communions I think that hp regen doesn't counteract exhausation above 200+, I think for every point over that you lose 1hp or so? They die fast once they get there, at least that's been my gut feeling, might test.

Generally I just use communion slaves for the path boost, theurges don't burn them out too much if it's 2-4 slaves per theurg.

Heroism is an okay bless for bless points you don't know what to do with I guess.

Generally I expand with gladiators, some meme assassins then hunker down until I can get some basic research going, pretender helps with that a lot, if I get rushed I can get up my pretender and gladiator spam, once I get to mid game it gets a lot easier I think, with the mind hunt, the wrath of God, the communion slaves, lars with matrices doing howl and such.
>E3S5 is also for wrath of God
A2 S4 Arch Theurges can cast Wrath of God natively with a ring of wizardry that you can take off afterwards
That's true but it does come in a bit late around con 7, and it's 80S
Compared to b-lining for evoc 6
Does the fucking patrol bird spell not work if you're not actively patrolling with your own troops? I have the birds literally along my entire border with asspoodle and he still managed to sneak in 5 carrion lords.
>E3S5 is also for wrath of God,
Do you mean A3S5? Wrath of God takes air path, not earth path
Yeah I meant air, mb
>Squishy mages that get instakilled by an arrows, hp regen doesn't really help them when they get in those situations imo
UndyingX4 would make a blessed 10HP unit be able to survive 17 points of damage, and Enchanted Blood would, assuming no more damage, let it regenerate back up eventually, as I understand it. Without the Enchanted Blood regeneration, they'd die at the end of combat, since they aren't undead, and living units with negative HP die at end of combat
>As for communions I think that hp regen doesn't counteract exhausation above 200+, I think for every point over that you lose 1hp or so? They die fast once they get there, at least that's been my gut feeling, might test.
The Dominions 6 manual says that a unit takes 1HP damage for every 50FP fatigue above 200FP fatigue. If a unit gets xFP, where x is less than 50FP fatigue above 200FP fatigue, it has a probability of taking 1HP damage equal to xFP/50FP. Such that a unit has 60% of taking 1HP damage if it lands at 230FP fatigue, since 30FP above 200FP is 60% of 50FP
But the manual could be wrong, there may be more to it than this, or I'm misunderstanding it
Units dying quickly might be that if the master-slave ratio is high, or paths are mismatched, fatigue just accumulates very quickly. And if the slaves don't accumulate fatigue at the same rate, one slave dying will lead to the rest of the slaves shouldering more of the burden, possibly leading to a cascade of dead slaves in some situations
For communion slaves specifically, if you have a Lar with a matrix, Personal Regeneration should work for Undying instead of Enchanted Blood. But that would only work for the communion slaves. Unless you instead get Army Regeneration up, which is late in research
One issue with Wrath of God is that it can be terrible diplomatically, even though it can be great defensively and for weakening most other players
You can do grand communions as MA Pythium, right? Wrath of God is probably even better then, more difficult to dispel if mages are used with it
Do you think Enchanted Blood tastes different? Like, would a vampire prefer blessed or original flavour? Haha just like hypothetically speaking.
For roleplay, all the non-blood and non-evil nations should generally just unite and curbstomp everyone else, before the blood nations ruin everything for everyone
*calls horrors into your UN meeting room*
die order cucks
>Horde from Hell appears in your castle when casting it on your own besieged province
Good luck, I'm behind 40 demons.
Sorry, we ensured we had drain scale 5 in the province where we held the meeting, to discourage any trickery, your horrors are relatively easy to deal with here
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New MA game, mostly vanilla (just worthy heroes and spellcasting AI)
Fuck the midgets, my new start sucks.
They have items for it iirc but it might have been DE content
will join later mayhaps unless someone steals my nation
nobody is going to steal your nation because nobody will join a shitty game called made for bbc
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Blind expanding as a vampire queen is meta and you cant convince me otherwise
What's your nation senpai?
I have joined your game with a pretender made by chatgpt.
Welcome and thanks for joining but how the fuck does chatgpt make a tendie? Do you think it's good?
chat GPT crawls everything it read the dominions manual and knows about it from that and all the forums dedicated to it
>how the fuck does chatgpt make a tendie?
Through a great deal of effort on my part.
>Do you think it's good?
It looks like fun.
I have no idea how to use chatgpt other than to ask it dumb questions and get dumb answers. How do you get it to do things like this?
Is there any particular reason to train Hinnom's Kohen unit? If there's a point, I'm missing it.
out of cap blood
sacred sabbaths, praying lemurians away
Sabbath slaves ya fuckin doofus
I still don't really get this even after it was explained earlier.
Communions, chorus, and sabbaths do multiple things but are functionally similar
There are 2 distinct types of spells strictly for communions, master and slaves.
You can have multiple masters and slaves
When a slave cast communion slave spell, they are mentally locked to being a slave, they can not act, nor they can move, they're 100% dead weight
When a master has enough slaves in powers of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 slaves) they get a boost in their known magic paths equal to the power (8 slaves means every master has a +3 to ALL of their paths. The cap is a +5)
Every time a master casts a spell, they split the fatigue cost with every single slave equally
So if you have a master cast a 100 fatigue spell with 9 slaves, everyone will take a 10 fatigue hit
When a master casts a self buffing spell (personal ironskin for example), every single slave will also get that buff
Overall, communions are an extremely powerful tool that can backfire I'd you do the math wrong, make sure yo have backup plans
Doing this with Kohens sounds outrageously expensive.
Is this usually used in battle or for rituals?
Does disease removed by stuff like blood feast leave behind lasting effects to HP?
It's not like you have any other blood mages outside of your cap onlys
it's used to surprise people in battles for a big one or for rituals
I surprised your mom with a big one.
Can I have about an hour or two extension on YUGE early age? I’m pretty busy today and won’t be home soon.
You had 24 hours you dumb nigger, fuck you.
I don't have any priest units above level 1 as Hinnom except my prophet. Does that mean my prophet is the only unit that can claim thrones?
Your god can
Me too
Hope he borders me
I think we have five players now. I'll see how we are looking when I get home tonight, probably locking the game if we are over 8. I'll generate a map and we'll start at the earliest on Tuesday.

This game needs some memes.
i'm going to stale by the time i'm done reading xibalba's novel...
true. these people dont understand that theres value in conciseness.
post it
Kislev sweaty u got like 2 hours left it's turn time hunybuns
I will NOT be doing a double because of this comment.
Is there a way to get rid of undisciplined
the tag Tight Rein is the only way, and it is on a vanishingly small number of commanders
Stealth and raiding has to be one of the least interesting mechanics in the entire game
it doesn't even make sense
how can ONE wraith lord or giant stop me from collecting taxes on an entire province? Are you telling me they're occupying the entire province by themselves?
Something a hell of a lot cheaper, who are you killing thats worth that but wont just magic you from across the bar?>>486724915
Its 1-shock res+ drn vs drn this doesn’t average to 0 because when you win you win big and stun when they win they just take 0, works best on multi attackers or ones who struggle vs prot completely useless on giants.
Fucked up how Niddies are the good version of EA Ulm while EA Ulm is stuck being EA Ulm.
would you say its good on archers?
Join up bros. https://beta.blitzserver.net/game/278#status
Flavor wise, controlling a province means you take over the local administration too. It's nonsensical this happens with just one guy and over just one month but hey.
>Something a hell of a lot cheaper, who are you killing thats worth that but wont just magic you from across the bar?
My bolas keep interrupting spellcasting. It's great.
>Spooky ghost keeps ambushing your taxmen throughout a province
>Steals all the taxes they're carrying
The only thing that doesn't make sense is how said ghost is carrying several tonnes of grain, cheese and other feudal tax goods back home
Yeah they are going to the population centers after having single handedly killed every local warrior and instituting themselves as leader and collecting what the peasants are bringing anyway
Any government is just the monopoly of violence I doubt the peasant infustructure cares to whom the tithe is paid only that the guy killing everyone doesn't kill them next
Dominions needs a LA "Ermor" faction based on all the Third Rome claims of real life, just a bunch of Italians, Balkaneers, Germans, Russians, Finns, Middle-Easterners and so on, and if you try to mix and match them they kill eachother before any battle can even start.
>he needs an official faction
Just declare yourself as the Return of Ermor the second you win a battle and then go to war against everyone who does not refer to you as Ermor.
>he thinks that after mystical undead warrior slays local loyalist lord and his province defenders in full harness local will go extra mile to deliver their life savings to him
I evade taxes and that's without bane lords bumbling around.
My knees, they're...
Wait, what?
>elves raid 20 provinces in one turn
>one turn later they've vanished from the face of the earth somehow
>shit in the middle of your territory still belongs to them until you send a dude to take it over because uhhhhhh
Forts desperately need to exert zone of control so that it stops belonging to them when they fuck off, the entire point of forts was to control surrounding territory
Outrageously based.
You now remember TEATS Ermor
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Guy was great. Just logged in and made chaos.
>traitorous province claims legacy of title not even connected to their grand duchy
I'll assault next drunked Finn I see.
Finns are retarded
>German, Austrian, and Ottoman empires don't count
>Finland, which doesn't even have an actual title, does
I mean obviously Bosnia is the only true successor not only to the Roman empire but also the Egyptian one.
What kind of and how many gems do the bosnian pyramids generate
Probably around N2.
Also gets at least D3 from the minefields.
The main battle is fought with 1 guy and the logistics cucks walk in behind him afterward
>attack rear
>if win, attack rear again
>if lose, go ai, play gooder game
it's THAT simple
If any sacred archers were good then yes that would be a use case, indie priest with bow of war would be good. >>487168840
Ok then just use the bola? Whats the cape and sword for the tavern wench? It dies to body guards either way? I think most people would say summoning items are the premier assassin items. I dont know what magic you have available but a s2 turn and ten astral (dont you “but its only 8 with a hammer at me”) is probably more expensive then a handful of acorns or skull talisman
Is blitzsever down? I can't access it.
Blitzserver is a five nines service do not slander their good name
Is the blitzserver webpage down? Did blitzmin unplug the server after losing in EAsparks?
It's just laggy. There's been a lot of shelling recently.
I can't do my turn and I'm going to sleep. If possible I want a 24hr extension for MakeMyDay.
>birtday came
>booted to make them turns and forget about them for today
>server is down
Thanks blitzmin! That's like gift of free extensions!
I want a negative 24h extension for MakeMyDay
Negatively granted.
How did you grant it if server is down...
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here u go bro
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Because I'm still amused by this concept, here was my first attempt at having chatgpt make a pretender for me. It also wanted 3 order and 3 growth but I did the best I could.
Badmin, are you going to add in the mods from before?
Is LA pangaea evil I need to know for autistic roleplay purposes STAT
Server's back up. Extensions cancelled :^)
Are you actually bamboozled by half a page of text? If you're serious that's kinda sad.
this doesn't work for raids
*tolkien would say yes
>regen BB MW growth 3 order 3
It seems ChatGPT thinks you're playing Dom5.
What kind of down was it?
The webpage stopped loading for like 30 minutes. Apparently someone had trouble submitting turns but I had no issue ingame.
they use the thug to rob a bank and the logistics guys are the getaway drivers
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I'm not sure it works any better.
>several tonnes
I get the feeling your raids return a lot more than mine
>what is PD
>what is the backing of the awakening god
nah just joking, i actually like it
I love this autist. They do that level of conversation in diplo conversations as well
>how can ONE wraith lord or giant stop me from collecting taxes on an entire province?
i'm not even getting paid a wage to collect taxes, i'm not going where i hear an undead demigod giant is rampaging
Kinda feel bad for not writing that much back
Same, but I'm in too many games right now to write walls of text for each even though I want to. They definitely get me to at least write in character though
Is rampant rape and debaucheryto the level of mindbreaking an entire gender into being on-call combo meatshields-cumdumps evil? There's less of that in LA so they're either less or more evil depending on your perspective.
>what is the backing of the awakening god
>8 hostile candles
>backing of the awakening god
That's why you get passive unrest generation for hostile dominion. Unrest reduces tax income.
New thread?

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